( ; ~ - ,~-......... - / OFFICE OF THE SS MJ AXOM SARBA SIKSHA ABHIYAN MISSION ~~~~~ ---- IDNDIRECTOR ASSAM SSA .2. O ,=,-I~ KAHILIPARA, GUWAKATI-781 019, AsSAH No. SSAfAudlVAnnual Audii Report/2791°2009/ ~(, rfl Dated lhe 14l11 January, 2019 From : Aruna Ra]orla, IAS Mission Direclor, SSA, Assam Kahillpara, Guwahatl-781019 Shri R.C. Meene Joint SecrelaJY(EE-I) lo the Govt. al India, Minisuy of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Uleracy Shastli Bhawan, New Delhi-110115 Sub: Submission of Annual Audit Report of SSA, Anam for the Financial Year 2017-18 ___.,,_. Sir, In Inviting a reference to Iha subject cited above, I am sendilg herewilh the Annual Audil Report for lhe year 2017-18 of SSA, Assam {consolidated report of 33 (Thirty Three) Dlslricts and Slate Mlss:Qn Office) atong 1•.;lh Soll copy In llie form of CO for kind needful action al your end. ~ Jss;{- I ) Ycurs Faithfully, Enclosed : As stated above. Jx~G) A(___, . Memo No. SSA/AudiVAnnual Audit Report/l79"'009/ (Aruna Ra~a,IAS) Miss!on Director \.ISSA,Assam Dated the 14th January, 2019 2'1.. \ o] Copy forwarded for kind information to : . 1L l 1. The Commssloner & Secretary lo lhe Govt of Assam, Elemenlaiy Education, Govt. of Assam, 3/ ~:._;:.:.---;;-~lspur, GuwahaU-6. 2. P.K. Rangarajan, Senior Consultant Procure:nent Untt, Technical Support Group, sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, 5" floor, Vl]aya Building, 17 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001 with a copy of lhe consolidated Annual Audi! Report-2017-18 alongwilh Soft Copy in the form of CO (PDF Format): ,. .. INDEX • SlNo. Particulars Page No. .. , I 1. Checklist 1 2. Auditor's Report 2 3. Utilization Certificate 3--5 4. Consolidated Annual Financial Statement 6-7 5. Consolidated Balance Sheet 8-9 6. Consolidated Income & Expenditure Account 10-11 7. Consolidated Receipts & Payments Account 12-17 8. Schedule Forming Part of Annual Accounts 18-47 9. IUFR-I 48 '10. IUFR-ll 49 . n: IUFR-ID 50-51 ( 12. Management Letter 52-53 I 13. Review Note on Procurement Audit 54 , . 14. Annexure A : Observation of SMO ' 55-57 15. Accounting Principles & Rules 58 c· 16. Gist. of Observations raised by District Auditors 59-61 ,' . Annexure-1: Observations to the Audit Report (Consolidated ' 17. 62-63 Accounts) for the year 2017-18 (·, .) 18. Annexure-2: Summary of Audit Compliance of Previous Years till the audit of FY 2D1.7-18 64 ; \ 19. Annexore-3 : Summary Report of Audit of SMCs 65 / 20. Annexure-4: Common Observations on SMC Audit 66 ,. c, ( (,1 <.:· C ( ... Annexure-A Cbesk list Sr. No. Yes No l. Utilization Certificate, scpara!Cly for cap head & General head expenditure El D 2. Independent Auditor Report/Cer1iticate El D 3. Slgnifica.nt Accounting Policies 0 D 4. Notes to Accounts attached with Financiol Statements . El D s. Financial Statcmenrs (I) Balance steel for (SSA+KGBV) and separately for KOBV ... (ii) Expenditure & Income Statemenr (iii) Receipt & Payment accounts 0 D Along with previous year data and supporting schedules. 6. Details of outstanding advances ot SPO and DPO/Sub DPO r ,. level with time period ofpendency 0 D 7. Management letter 0 D 8. Procurement certificate in the prescribed format ·' ' El D 9. Gist of significant observations at SPO and DPO level (to be comp:lcd by lead auditors) including eases of non-productioo '\ . of records by spending units for audit El D ,- . 10. Deralls of SMCs which received grant of Rs. 1 loli,629,716.97 ·, Mist. Rcceil!IS "-05,1,0.97 4.. 4,SOS,1(0.97 _l Reduction of Exrx,nditure: 23,227,2,Ca.50 23,227,244.50 I Other Adv1noudi11s1menl/l'und Tran,(m (Ne!) tit. 23,684,770.00 23.684:rn>.OO Govt Dedtt""'· a swn of 't' 13,19,63,53,43839 hu bttn utilised 111\der Gcncml HQd during the year 21Jt7-18 and that the balana, ol, (75,38,94,823.21) nnnanlng unutilised indudlng outstllndlng Adv,oo, under General Head or, 70,2A,9S)09.68.00 Ill the end of year and will be adjusted tow;i:ds the giant .fn,ald i,-y•blie durin11 th.e nm ycu2018--19. i,,a,.., 2..Catified that I sa~ed myself that the C()Ckfitions on wh!d\ the grMt-in-alds wassanctioned have been duly fulfillcd/uc bcing fulfillcd and that I hava exerdsed the following checks to..., that the money wu actwtlly utru.,ed for the purpo6C !or whidt it WU.!alldlcxu,d. Kinda cl d,ecks excn:lscd.~ 1 Audlb!d Statement of AfcounlS 2 Ulilislltion Ccrtiflatr of l'N!Ylou Ycor. For, AXOM SAnUA SIXSHA ABKIJAN MJSSlON {, Cl!R '1ffl§J>I~ Kati111oaJa.~i.- Aiall su.,, Sik>ho AhbiJH Mis•flllt . AUDrfORS"tl!ltnFICATB 11.~bUtpai:a, Go..-1bt1i--l 9 We Juve verified the above statement with the bookund record$ produClld before us for our vcrifiaitfon and found the same has been drawn in acconlanca ~ subject to our obocrvatlon, In the Audit Report. Signed In 1rmu of our report of oven ~- Fur, Nlrutjan & Na~ en1entof AC'COunts 2 Utilisation Certlikatc of Previous Year. Signed In ter111Jl of OW' rcpart of even date. For, Nlrllllan & Narayan CJwterl!d Account.Ult:, FRN No. po539~ \ ~- CA Sanfay Kwnar Jalewal• (Partner) MembershJp No. 307995 AX OM SAR DA SIKS HJ\ AB HJJ AN MISS IO N lffllru< BallllCc 16.49LSB 319.55 0.20 16,8103 SoutCc (n«dpll 2 . Funds rls IMI.KcUan cous Rtcl!:fpts) 45.05 . . "5.05 6 s«urity Dccasit/EMD /Net) (931i1! . . (9M8) 7 Govl Deduction !Net) (1.1)66.35" . . IL066.35) 8 Otben Fund Transfers (Netl 233.87 . . 233.87 9 ReducUoo of l!xi>eruaes 231.93 . 0.34 232.27 10 Advance Adjustment (Dist.) . . . . rroTAL Rtlk•llon (Expcndltme) AWPl EXl'l!IIDm1lE ACCOUNT FOR 111£ Yl:A& ENDED JL'IT MARCH, 20l& EXl'ENl> lTt/RE "JYl:All (t) l'llEVIOW IlAR SOi CUUE:. INCOME (t) .cl-J...el: ~"1Dhltlg lor -.-.lug olOut-ol«N>OIChildren CU.S7f,9'9.00 316,240,2005' F,..Tectllool< 315.146.193.00 20,3ll.017.00 Pnwlsl()nol 2 u:s er llnifocm 1,C9',SIS,4!15.()() . .INJHRM 11,§CUVEDEl\OM aAW; Tft>Ching loaming Equlpcntnl (IU:) N.,.T-..cha>Soluy . . lo)SlSAFID\d 8,737,14~1'.00 7A69,9l9.&~ b)kCBV ITta!nbg 167,7l5,615.00 78,;'02.197.00 ()Nl'ECa A<:ldcmlcSapport th:ough B' "RC .od< Racun:,,C,nttt/ '-' 468,9(,3,512.00 398.081,112.50 Ac.odtmk:Sappo<.Roc.ipb Comy.,tcr Alckd EdOCAtion In IJl'5 under lo,.ovoticn C2.2l0,6 Wl0 6,90U33.00 SISA Ubr.ui.. In School, . . KGBV T..chm' Grin! S.hootc..n1 . . R,ductionofF.,.pondnurc 00 2'l6,m1.l71. .A)OO.llO SSA 29$,553 !l,csalrd\ Evalus:!an, Mo. 'lllnril,g ,kSup,,vWa.~ . . KC!JV M&ln:.n.nc.Cranl lrJ.......ilonlmr CWSN . . 151,789,771.00 ,0,602,91W IMontion Had up to Rs. 50 Llkh per dulrlct l.S,m,659 .00 UIS0.000.00 ~fC/PRI TnlNat o-n WorbCONlnl4.-W,316.00 5Ul6&.S9l.OO !26.!S9=oo ,w Sl.556.ASS.llO ,500.00 2.0113.35U)O M.ajur ~pain lo, rrim>ry Sct.ool . . Major Rtp.a!r, rw Upptt Priawy School . . Oluis . . l'n,jm MIN£ffl"Anl Co, 1 412.2U.A3.47 369;/S6.232.00 Ccc:nmwul)' Mcbllls>tlon Actiffl!cs (•p IO O.Sl',) la-muoityTr.dn!r _j! 20,294"'2.C~ . 6,016,022.00 . §) C/F 12.169.C05.52l47 9.203,2De,9KOI , ... C/F .,, Oi C, • .. ~\, ~' . . . . .. ' . . B/1 12.869,405,513,0 9,203.205,914.0. Tr.ln!ngoteduaoti-i Admtn!strator 11,'1' . . SIA!< Co:npon,nr . . NPEQ:L li:09/01/2019 . ' ' AXOM SARBA SDCSBA I\BIUJAN MISSJOX . "\YA8/,TI•781019, ASSAM KAltlUP ARA. Gt.. CONSOLIDATED RF.CF.IPTS AND l'.AYMENTS ACCOU!l.'TOF SSA.KGVB kNEPGl!L l'QK nll!YEAR ENC CURRENT'YllAR PRJlVlOOS YEA.It - RECEIPTS SCH --· --· PAYMllNT S 11n-1f,.., 1) Cash at ll.anJc b) Cuh In Hand F 302.729,US.77 163,918.17 155,156,605.15 164,747.17 0 . .. ....,. F...iA?ol!itme at Dll:ttia Ancf of New Schoolo () UNdjustcd Adva,,cu l.373,24:1,,155.60 Z13Q.1134.326.60 Capl!al Expenditure Fund in Tra.nsit (SMO & District) . 1.219,771,!80.00 Revenue Ex"""dlt11Ie rc ca~ ol Residffldllurc •)SSA 12 3.SM00.000.00 8,765.2:J0,2S&.OO Rt,'t'nue Exccndllurc Raidenlial Ro&td for 1pc,cific category of S..bTot,aJ 12.358.-100.000.00 8,765,230,285.00 children £imc1< !!!••I~ t!.lZID r,m, 2'. As.um G Capita.I Expenditure •)$A 1.369,399.536.CO 1.1~699.00 Revani. - 'tun, Sub Total 1,369,39'1,536.00 J,lOf.545,699.00 Tri.Ill rtF1d!Jtv ~ Jl Caplla! Expc,ndituN! SSA I lll.5'98,102. 97 SJ ,ll90.7t 1.15 Revenue Exnencllrw-e rosv 1,Gll,614.00 3,1)10,684.00 Special Tnlnlag fot UWDSm:.unln& of Out, School Otlldrm NPEGBL Mlxd) en,ous Rca:ipc, (SSA) - 39:1.322.00 Cbpilal Bxpendltun, H 60,255,861.72 7.641,396.63 Revenue Bxpendltun, Mlsttlle\cous Rcalpl:I (l(GVIIJ H 6,0J9,572Jl(l 6Ul90.00 RliTENTION R,dw:!ion of Expenses (SSA) ff 23,192, 9-15.50 11,603,772.00 Fm: Text Boole Rtduc:tion cl~(KGBV)) H 34,3CG.00 1,1SS.l21.00 Otpibll Expendll.UN! Sub Total 19-1,132.699.19 74,987,()97.38 Revenue Ex.,...dlturc Provision of 2 sea of Uniform Cllpltd E.xpendituro Revenu e im- ditUtt Tuchln" 1-nfno, F.awomenl: nl.HI Capital Expcndltun, Revenue:- '"ture ENHANCING QUALrrY NcwTeod,c•S.wy Capital l!xpe:, dllw:o Ravom:e . --·tun: § ,~,, ~ C/F 15.603.1)67"24.73 13.-157,790,60.JO ('fl' [ * ':t ~~ ,G ~ ~ ~~A• r . . l , ', ' ·- I B/F 15,603.067,424.?l 1M57,790,643.30 '/J/f Tra!nln• C.pil&l~e lte\c'fflUO l!,r,,.,,ditnre 'Aadcmk Suppo:t through Blodr; ROOUIN Ce URC C&p!tal l!xpctdJturo ~vertue nx-..litw,, Aadanlt Support through Om~r Re,-.., Otnten Capital £,rpmclit= Revenue .. twu Compater Aided !!dun Hon In UPS under IMonllcm Capital &pondltu:N! ~enue l'!xr*,lflturc Ubnrio, In School, C..pilill Expenditure R.r,,,,,,uc, Expc:ndJturo Al\"NUAL GRAms .c.1nl Teachm C- 1 Capital F..-~ndlwn: R-u• Exllcr.ditm-e Schoolo.mt C•pll&l ~ tun RA:vcnue E>mcnditm,, C/F 15,EQ),067~.73 13.457.~.30 qp ' -· 15A03,06 7,12423 13A57.'9:l,613.30 IJRJDGJNG GENDSAANO SOOALCATEG B/F CAPS '1 lnter.'fflliona for CWS. C.p!lal Expend.ltun, R,,yu,uo l!xpendftun: lnnOVlltlon ffHd up lo Ju. 50 lalch ptt dlJlrict Caplt.11 !lxptN!itw,, !le,1'1We lixpcndltuie SMCl?RJ Tulnln• C.p!tal 11,cpe:,dltw,, Revenue E.xpe,dl twe SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTllill! Civil Wotb Con,trudion ...amtaJ rrr1'W91'V1 fturc l\tv- Emendllllrc L'l!AllNINC ENBANCEME:-ll' PROG. (Uil') f'[Jl'TO 2%! Ctj,it.a1 l!xp.lrwfa, School C.p!lal e.p,,nd!tu. -., Revenue..,_ .. Cunt Mafor R,o>it, !or Uopu Sch.ool a.pf!Al &pc:mllrw,, Ra\'W:nUC,... 11ml Otha, C.p/tal ~·= Reven,,. E,m,,idJlllre Pllv1c,.1 MANAGJ!MmT COST r.• ""' C.pllal Expondl tun, Rc'rtnu• Expc,,dilW'e C/P l~OJ.OS7,i2'.73 13,457.790.643.30 C/P' . l'tii.,V. i ,, , ' ' ' ""' IS.603.o67,12,1.73 13,457,19Q,6,l3.30 1111' Co111m\lnlt)' MobW..tlou ActMHu (up h>Q.$' CAp:tal &pcndlmn, Revc:\uc-- !:utt Commu any Tr.tlnnf!I_ C.pllal E.pcndflure Revenut &pendllmo Tr:ilnnlu or tducalional Administrator Cap!W Expcoditun, Rt:\~uc Eancoditu:c St:at, Compm,tnt C.pibl Expcndltum . lwvenue Exilffldituzo NPl!GEL c.p1 ..1 l:,q,,:ndi = ~ •• Elvisioo• (provide Mpanla cottln.4.1ht.«s foe dlttcm,t Mcclel1) Ncn-rcarrtng (or .c time gmru) lltturring REMS Ca;,it>l E.pqul(turt lln'fflw Experu1J11= ses t Prior Y...., lixpendllun: {Ycu wiH) ~ c.p!tal Expcnditwv ilffMUc &p,:ndllun ~ Capital £,cp•ndlture Revtnuc P.irpeudltw,, SubT, srmLEl!f~i ~llaMAJ M&tlll)tffl cntCost C-11 & E•olcallon Find Ar.,rng M~WI l'lyment AdYA= lo: Swacoh Vldhya!,y l'un.slllMy/Sc,cwhy Dcpmit issll/KCVB SuhToW 2.241.315.417.00 t.748.127,90UJI) Sub1 6!IXIQ!:g l'P>l~l &i;gvmt! llii!Q) ~~ lP•!!!l Bl'<'OVtn MOM A/C S,15WOO,COO.OO rar Afc l..:C'ERTRd&!Cd Adnnce 1,309,005.00 NCERT rdati,d ac!,-.nc, Gllnol:Avi>logrom 135.61)1,000.00 NUE!'AA/c Fund Cot lnlcm&I El-!~1 :ip ~--?cl> Accef.. ' ·, r Q/F 18.SM,S9U90,7J 18A98A3UOf.30 11/F I:! ~, ~ 8SSIIRII Ill! Dbmm fund B•IW=lh 0.00 0.00 433,566.00 355,903.00 77,658.00 Bongals-on $3,820.00 53.820.00 1,783,697.00 1,837,Sl&.00 's 6 c..dut Cbawdoo 43,065 .00 0.00 43,U6S.OO 0.00 2.639,0S3.00 303.69'1.0Q 2,657,632.00 3CS;697 .00 (1.00) 21,486.llO 0.00 7 Odtallg 10,110.00 10,110.00 !128,9861JO 939,096.00 0.00 8 D,.r:;,ng 201.716.00 .ol,776.00 1,9S(,,558.00 1,98tJ/ TIl1J l' 177,.157.00 9 Dbcmaji 53A56.00 S3,4M.OO 1,443,233.00 l;l60,628.00 36,061.00 10 Dbubrl 0.00 0.00 Ul'l.264.00 2,587,26«.00 0.00 11 Dibruguh (860.00) (860.00) 1,977,1·19.00 l.977,U9.00 (ll60.00) 12 DlmbHasoo 0.00 0.00 1,951.800.00 1,951,800.00 a.no 13 Goalpua 36,964.00 ~.984.00 l,986.li'6.00 2.l)Zl,Jti0.00 0.00 .. 14 Gooighat 4G.OO 4011J 2,013,250.00 2.013.24G.00 S0.00 ' 15 H&ll&lcancli (18.7SSJIO) (!11,785.00) 1.liS?,286.00 1.686,08600 (17,585.00) 16 Hojal 0.00 0.00 '5,21JUJO 0.00 45.201.00 17 ochat 6,42,U)O 6,424.00 2,285,ffi.OO 2.718.313.00 1«.060.00 18 K•tnt\lP (McllO) 8!,817.29 88.1117.29 913,730.00 902,681.00 99,866.29 19 KAmrup (RUr.11) 28,411.00 28Al1.00 2.989,sM.OO 2.915.746.00 42,549.00 20 ~glcng lwl>iA. 1,959,33Ul0 1,9.99.331.00 3,119,293.00 5,G'JS,394.00 (l6,770Jl0) 21 Korl:np:,j 327.00 927.00 2,118,84!1.00 2,ll9,17S.00 0.00 22 Koknjhu 0.00 0.00 l~.68l.00 1.826.681,00 ()j)() 23 lllkhlmpur (88,5!0.IJO) (5U61.00) 1,373,991.1)0 1.873,931.00 (S1.C61Jl0) 2A Majull 0,00 ()j)() 250A82.IJO 250,482.00 0.00 25 Mon g 0.0,J 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUBTOTAt. 1,648,785.00 l.6U.6n.oo •so.souio 425,600.00 1,676,873.00 GRANDTOTAL (1,(69,613.00 Ull,677.00 30,968.160JJO 40,336,Jlo.C0 32.06t,US.OO \ . t\ &N......_ ,. ' ' ' .. . AX0M S/JUIA SIKSlfA AllfDJAN MISSION 'i!l.lP ARA, COWAHA1T-7S1019, >.S6AM KA. SCHl!D lJU! C: l'DCEO ASS€TS FOR nu; YliAJl :Z017•U; SSA, KCIIV, Nl'!;Cfl, OPEMNC llUlllN-0 n1E 'l'1W< ADOl'l]() )lS SLNO. ~ DALA.'ICI! AS OS Ol/11Y)Gt7(.ur.r Dbldd Atodlt- C0"1l'UJ'O. " :XV8l& 5) FURNmIRE EQIJU'MJiNT VEIIICI.F/ O'IJIIRS ..,.,._ Cml wodall(GV8 Laadlo JlalldlAj STATI!MISSIO!\' A omca 57AZ7,463.DO 5'90,9S4JX) 691.'163.00 OQ.J 0.00 OJIO t Tau.IA 57AZIMJ.DO 59Q/ISUlO Q,C.J a.co OJIO -· 162.963.ro 8 DISTRICT omas l 1Jm,51UII OJI() CUlO 0.00 0.00 OJI() ( 2 ll&,ptU ~ 0.00 0.00 om Q,00 om ( 3 a,-,..,...11, 0.tll llJCll)00 .00 5(7.mLI) 49,250.l)O a.co om ( • 5 Bociv,,i,,an Q,d,a, ~-111 2:1345,].10,00 OJIO a.co O.liO 0.00 0.00 O.liO a.co 0.00 0.liO a.co ( ( 6 Chazd,o 0.00 0.00 'J57,99UO 0.00 0,00 a.co ( 7 p,irmg :6.004,t.O.OO a.co 0.liO O.liO 0.00 0.00 ( 9 • DL. ~ Dt.an,jl Sl,«l7,50U5 ~ 0.00 0.00 '5,000.GO opo 0.111 OJI! 0.00 0.00 115,6(11.00 0.00 r ( 10 Dt.ol::! 55-''7.Cl).tll Ol!O 0.111 0.00 0.0, 0.00 ( u :17~ 100 0.111 0.00 0.00 OJIO om ( 12 lltma HIOOO 31,IJl!l,906.(I) 0.00 0.00 0.00 OJIO II.CO C 13 Coolpua '5~ 0..00 sn,;io.oo 0.00 0.00 o~o C 14 Co;tcN ; 19,~l.00 o.r.o 0.00 0,00 0.00 OJ>) C 15 HlllabN!l 27,116,991.80 0,00 0.00 0,00 OJIO OL/J C 16 licjll 0.00 1211,l!1).111 315,1JOO.DO Q,00 OJIO OJ;O C 17 Jortw< 3).227,464..111 0.00 O.tll Q.(11 OJIO OD) C 18 IComvvp (Mdrv) 39.6'2.1'6.00 0.00 0.00 l).ll) o.ro OD) C 19 Kcvvp(ltwal) 919.0JSJIO 0.00 iuea.co 13,SOO.OO 0.00 OJI) C 20 Kalbltu,gloog 9'1,135,21)00 OJIO 0.00 1100 0,00 0.00 C 21 ~ 29,465,5651:0 >7.101100 24.000.00 1100 0.00 lll9.000.00 ~ 22 ~ 30.,&17,0Cl.00 OJII 0.00 1100 0.00 OJIO C ~- Zl W:1-Jmp\C ~165,<71.00 0.00 O.tll O.tll a.co OJIO C 2< M,juli 0.00 l'9-'88.00 14!.000.00 a.co o.co OJ;O C 25 h~ 36.IOl.916.CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q.00 0.00 0 26 53.- 0.00 'IIQ.000. 00 Gll0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0 27 Nllbc.d 34462.216.8) 0.00 0.00 O.tll OJlil 11.00 0 28 51!,agw Zl,8fl,I J9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OJIO 0.00 0 29 Soolly.l: 6M!!1. le.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1100 0 30 SoclhS.:..... 0.00 149.000.00 ~ 62,0()0JIO 0.00 1100 0 31 fir-- ~,3e0.0I) 1100 OJIO 11.00 1100 0.00 0 l~l0.00 OJI) O.tll 0.00 - 32 IJdal&utl 11.00 0.00 Xl Waa Karbi All•'- OJIO ,.... 900.lll 11.00 3'0.,ooJJO 0.00 0.00 Total D 10TALIAHfl ~U.st Lllt.m.so&.54 109,l!15.l.11! J ..mt!ll.00 '.406. 7211:0 3 1.~ J 0.00 ua '"'e ' AXOM SJ\RBJ\ SIJ! An,lone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOrAL1u1 562,605.00 1MS,ll90.00 ?03,125.00 177,757.00 3,038,577.00 TOTAL{A+BI I 562,60S.00 1 645,090.00 703.125.00 30,67f.,718.00 33,585,53&00 PREVIOUS Yl!AR 562,645.00 l,6U,090.01) ?113,12!.0J 1U7U1C.OO 17,383,674.00 & (_; - .- AXOM SARBA SJJ(SJ{A MlllSION I!uli <8.757.00 U22.00 5,113,196Jl0 0.00 5,163,775.00 25 Moripoa J.801.874.00 '2!:11.00 4'.459,2911.00 0.00 45,261,315.00 26 N1gt.on 6,000.164.00 0.00 1'5,9$4,462.ClO 0.00 141,984.626.00 77 N.ilbo:i 3,JS0,1'8.12 6.lA&.86 40,394,009.00 0..00 '3,1SUJ35.98 28 Sit,,apr 2A58,184.00 134.00 22,186.462.00 0.00 :H,%1,,S0.00 .. ~ Sonilpur 2,183,182.00 6.00 101,760,655.00 0.00 103,943,853.00 30 South SilJ.awa 778,370.00 0.00 4,896,058.00 0.00 S,674,42ll.00 31 uug- 1 1,973.223.0I 0.00 33,916,903.00 0.00 35,920,126.0I 3l Udalguri 1,150,506.00 0.00 30A85,486.CO 0.00 31,635,992.00 33 West la: 531,438.00 0.00 0.00 531,438.00 6 0..r,tldeo 321,48\J.OO 0.00 0.00 321AS9.00 7 Chlmng 3!13,127.00 0.00 0.00 393.127.00 8 Danang 768,cm.oo 0.00 10.260.00 m.282.00 9 Dhtm.iji 753,864.IXI 0.00 1,214.687.00 1,968,551.llO 10 Dhubt! 1,996.120.00 0.00 1,o;s,000.00 3,6'1,120.00 11 Dil>rugorh 764,990.00 0.00 0.00 764,99(1.00 12 DlmaHuoo 7U,498Jl0 0.00 0.00 748,499.00 13 eo.i,,.,.. 1,381,529.00 0.00 0.00 1.382,529.00 u Col&ghat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 .d! H,tllaJw- l,248,125JJO 0.00 0.00 1,248,125.00 16 Hep! "2.SSS.55 2, 0.JIO 0.00 2'2,SSS.55 17 JorhAt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 Kamrup(M) 0.IXI 0.00 483,26.5.00 '83,265.00 19 K.unrup (R) 2.790,86U6 OJJO 0.00 2.190.86U6 20 Karbl Anglong 92,867.00 50,530.00 0.00 !43,397.00 21 Karim ganj 724,463.00 0.00 26.3-10.00 750,803.00 22 KomJaar 2.21M16.00 0.00 Z39~60.00 :Z.+19A76.00 23 Lalcblmplll 582,610.41 0.00 0.00 .58Z640.4I 24 Maj:ill 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 Modgaon 39!1,715.00 0.00 0.00 398,715.00 ,26 Nagaon 1,SDl,639.00 OJlO 0.00 1$,689.00 27 Nalhui 277,383.00 0.00 277,'0S.CO SS.:,788.00 28 Slt,,;,g;u- 280,837.00 70.00 0.00 2Ml,907.00 29 Sonltpur 1,75f,828Jl0 0.00 75,325.00 1,830,153.00 30 South SotlinAra 216)89.00 0.00 0.00 216,789.00 'JI lu,._,, 415,527.42 0.00 0.00 415,527.42 32 Ud.,Jgurl 729,709.00 0.00 0.00 729,'lon 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Codtat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 Clwal deo 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 7 Chlrang 0.00 OJlO 0.00 0.00 8 Dunng 2il,OOO.OO 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 9 Obemoji 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 Obubrl OJJO 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 011'nlguh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 DlmtHuao 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13 Co>lpara 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 Gol>gh.lc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 Halllkandl 0.00 o.co 0.00 0.00 16 Hojol 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 ' 17 18 19 Jowl Kamnip(M) Kammp(R) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a.co 20 Ka:bl l\nglang WlO 0.00 0.00 0.00 71 ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '22 Kolcajlw 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 l.akhimpur 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 :N Majull 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 Morig;aon 0.00 OJJO 0.00 0.00 ..... 26 Nag,wn 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 'Z7 Nalbarl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 Sil,,..pr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0..00 'J!J Sonltpar 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. 90 South S,wnar:, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.ro 31 llruulcia 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 Udal3UJ! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33 WC$1 lwb! AnlllM• 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 St/BlOTAL 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 . 20,000.00 I GRAND TOTAL IQ 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 . 20,000.00 CRANDlOTAL(A+B+n 375_,,,5.,,.,.,,02 1D6.907.t7 l = f91U.'t68 33.(0Q.lOO.CO L6tnNA 7'1.111 / . AXOM SARBASOCSHA ABHJJAN l>OSSION KAfDUP ARA, CUWAHATI OPllNINC DAIANCl:S FOR THE YEAR 2017-18 SSA PLAN ST.NO. BANK FUND S IN UNADJUSTED CASH TOTAL TRAN90" ADVANCES 1 STA'l'6 MISSION OFFICE llS,87SJ,Ol.24 ll.l)'J4.0U.OO 1'6,%9,616.24 Tobi llS,875,604.2, . . 11,1)94.J)W)O 1'6,969,646.U 1 n.iw 3,494.7«.00 l,722.00 . 68,743,802.00 2 Bo.rpeto. 4,531.IU3.SO 5,06ll.OO 54930.596.00 61,466,707.50 ' 3 Bl.,-.nnaU, . . . . . 4 Bon~!g.ion 9,677,916.00 . . 34,SS4,251i.OO '4.56UOJ.OO s O>chAr 5,580.637.30 J,.'152.00 . 130,517,162.00 136,!Dl,151.30 6 Charaidro . . . . . 7 Chlrar,g !~9.677.00 . . :26;17J,A68.00 Z1,72J,145.00 8 D•rn"8 6.336,398 .32 271.00 . 52.700,114.00 59,037,511332 9 Ohcmop 3,968,269.00 . . 41,260,672.00 ,15,228,9U.OO IO Dhubrl 1 l ,2'12.88 LOO . . 80,483,54Ul0 91.,756.422.00 11 lll1mig,.rh 6,355,316.00 . . 29,607,434.00 JS,965,750.00 12 Di= HasltU 1,846,680.00 . . 7,327,321.00 9,174,001 .DO 13 eo.Jpon 3,399,682.64 . . $1.344. 743.00 51.744.4.25.6<1 14 Gol.lg!ut 4.118,695.00 . . 25,027/1-17.0() 29,1•l6,l42.DD 15 Hll.i!r.b.ndJ 6,?0t,647.01 . . 81.093,839,00 87.795,186-0! 16 Hoj.\l . . . . . 17 Jazlut 2.488,923.00 1,528.oo . 27.754.519.00 30.244.97$,Cl) 18 Kamrup(MJ 8,375,G91.87 1:2.800 .31 . 48, I 69,563.60 56.558~n 19 lwnNp(R) 4.456.860.00 2,157.00 . 46,146,449.00 ,1.oos,.:66.00 \ 20 21 Kait, Anil)ong KAtlmganJ 1.0.SS,529.% 7~.A71.00 39,slS.OO 7,6'/9,00 -. S.1,ASl,90!.00 SS,9'8.378-96 127,4Z7;2!)C;. 00 135,129,362.00 22 Kolcr~Jl:ar 3.3$5,118.(9 2,21'.0.00 . 3~,025.144.00 33,3SU 62.(9 23 Luhlmpar 5,.534,915.'8 2,1;1¼.00 . (9.()7(,610.00 24 Ma/ul: . . . . 5'-611,689.23 . 25 Morigaon 5,113,666.00 1,775.00 . 53.1120,tt(JXI 58,935,555.00 216 N•g,am 12,645,146.llO 12.'70.00 . 2.59,596,511.00 272,25-1.137.00 Z1 1-(aJbu! 3.571.350.62 18,°'9.116 . 22.038.769JXI 25,62!,!69.48 28 sn.s.P' vn.sos.oo 617.00 . 31,714,llSJXI 36.486.237.00 29 SoDitpur 8,451 ,:2(,7.00 . . 69,893,217.00 78,344,484.00 30 South Salm>m . . . . . 31 Tlnsukl.l 4,499.715.75 . . 25,731.SM.OO 30,231,299.75 32 Odalguri Z2Zl,A7I.OO . . 29.395,63'1.00 31.619,105.00 33 Wt.SI lS rN UNADJUSTED TIL\NS IT ADVANCES TOTAL :i"IATilMJSSJ ONOmCE 2.1162.0>tOO 4,715.00 '2JJ66:lf/J.DO Tobi 2.86l.()51. 00 . 4,715.00 2,866,769.00 1 llma 460,133.00 . . . 480,133.00 2 B.,,pota 2,407,431 .SO 700.00 . 160,207.00 2,569,33 S.SO 3 8isw;\n1th . . . . - . . . '· ' 5 Bongalgaon c..chat 452.0f5.00 306,436.DO . . . . 452.0IS-OO 006,436. 00 6 O=udeo . - . . 7 Oiliill& 317,805.00 . -. . 317,IIOS.OO s D.a:r.,,ng 1,120.00 . 10,260.00 11,980.00 9 Dhem,jl 796,9M.OO . 502,455.00 U9'JA39.00 10 11 Dliubd Dibn,gllrl, :l.'JSl,871.00 380,1'3.00 -. -. 836.000.00 . 3,787,87UJO SS0.223.00 12 DlmaHuao 39l.4'5.00 . . 39'3M5.00 13 Goolpan Z/l!.471.00 . 1,250.00 . -. 120))90.00 399,811.00 . 14 IS CologhAl t!AllAlcantll 827.888.00 . . - 109,BOO.DO 937,668.00 16 Hcjo! . . . . . 17 roma1 . . . - . 18 Kamrvp(M) . . . 483,265.00 483.265.00 19 -up(R) Kam. 2,961,l6l.4 6 . -. . 2,96-1,262.46 ,_ 20 Zl 22 ~,., !:Arbi Anglong Komj 'lulr UC.837.00 ~12266.00 2.643,239.00 50,530.00 . -. - - . . 5,938,61 5.00 295,367.00 612.2116.00 8.Ml.854.00 23 l.alut 9t!0,481.00 . -. 76,363.00 1.056,8".00 30 Sou1hs.Jnwa . . . . . 31 l" wuld& 334,125.42 . - 33<,125.U 32 Udalgurl 507,0S.OO - -. . SO'lA38.00 33 w..1 Katbt Angtcng . . . . Tol&l :itl,797,668.79 51.551).00 - 8,237,055.00 'J9Jm:rl3.19 G. Tolal (B) 2.3-65'.'/22.7~ 51,,550.00 - 8,2':l.,'7'/0.00 31~79 ·- -· AXOM SAR81\ SIKSHA ABIDJAN MlSSION KAHIUPARA, GUW AHATI SCHEDtJl.li F-2 : OPENJNC BALAJIICES .FOR THE YEAll2017-18 NPEC EL SLNO. DANK FUNDS IN IJNADJSU1l!D CASH TOTAL TRANSIT ADVA.'ICES STATE !1,fJSSlON omcs . ... , Total . . . . 1 &lcso . 2 B>tpda . 3 Blsw.>M!h 4 Dangolg,011 . 5 Cuhll' . 6 Clwa!d tl(l .... 7 Our.mg . 6 DAml1g 20.000.00 20,000J)0 9 DhamJl . 10 Ohubri . 11 Dibrugarh . 12 Dima HUIIQ . 13 .mlp.1t.1 C" . . 14 Golaghol . 15 Hallalmnd.i . 16 Hojo! 17 Jotl101 . 18 Kamrup(M) 19 l<.>mrup (R ) . 20 !apr . 'Z} Son!lpllr . 30 South 5.tl=ra 31 inn:kit tr . 32 lld.llguri ··--- . 33 Wcstlngaigaon 27,123.00 - . '' 5 Oidlar 15,970.00 - - 6 Oiaraldeo 2,348.00 911,383.00 - .... 1 Ounu,g 12,839.00 -. . 8 D.unng 18,0SS.OO - f ' 9 DhCSNjl 11,129.00 -. - 10 Dhabrl 77,176.00 14,800.00 11 Dlbnl ga:h 34,29,U)() - . - 12 OlmaHAno 24,556.00 - 13 Goolpan, 34,361.00 - . . 14 Golaghat . . - . 15 Hailww1dl 31,858.00 -. 10.00 16 17 Hojal forhal 3,315.00 . . - 9,DnOO 18 Kamrup (Me/to) . - . . I 19 Kmlrup (Rwal) 67,431.00 - 20 Karl,! 11.nglong 69,900.00 -. - {; -- 21 22 ln., ToW(ll) 5,128Jl0 1,(131,614.00 2..stS,500.00 - 6,()19,872.00 34,303.00 TaI'AL (A.+B) lOt.629;716.97 l 66.275.7.W.OO I 23,227,2'8.So , .~ '. (: L ''- . I \ AXOM SIJl8A $11S&AM DISTRICTS f< SMQ; AOJYDY ))JS!! CAP[TAL §< R1MiNI/E EXPENJ)ffilll£S ~·'""" Sdoool, Pl .... Wu.It.I ..._..,., 1,-.cifkc.,.._T)'ol dnbai (1) 1o1•..w "°"-ti ""' ,,..i& .......,."' dlll.l,cn l'l,.,.._ ,.,,.., C'J f7,d.,l'lnl,,J, • I« ... a1.aa1r,.,,..,. o( ~~ f'l 1 Sd, m) ~ _,q> ,_E,p - SMO e.i.. C.;ab)?q C.pol,JE.p c.i:b)&,p - (:q, C.V-"ll!>op 1,:vw.J;lll!;ap Cq,!1,1 &• .....-....&p ·- c.,... ·-c.. lbwuutll 7,319,03,00 2),ZlQ.57ll.llO - 6.925..llUlO B Cocll...- I l~l,9S9J)O 1,9116.964.lll I 11.9t9.131Jl0 o..l6oo 0u..,. Ull'J.310.00 9~101.00 I lr..5l8.(r,OJ)O DhotMH UoS'l.561.00 Dbubcl ~ Dlmallu.oo ... :U.JQ.m.oo 13.!86.169.00 U(Q..127.00 - Coal•-· IU7l,l!06Jl0 Cob•••• I I '.251,169.llO H.lllwadl I •-!~717.IXI Hald ....... ~ CM] 13,:'I0:.467.llO 6.67).76&.IE l62Ul11.00 nm.111.00 llall 1.375.318.00 1A61.37S.m I 87..wJ)O ldc=•OO I 21 "'55632 CXJ I :IU"'- 00.llO ~ 911,~. 1~00 Sacl-·· 5oeUo 5.alJlllt& V711.l'5.00 IIU5U96,00 6.IS!,7U.OO 1lucld& ~l99;;SWI! PJSTR!CTS '5 SMO • 6CTJYID'. WIS§ <:AMAL & 81MNUJi WEtfPCJYBES SMO C.pad inw.... C.pl'-'1 r- l')T........ ~(TIil r..-.. r... ... Ol:<.-.T-.Wa,y -""' ..,. C.p!III (VQ..._.. -&p '""""'--· ~ (\1) Aa4aok$on,nt c..tr.,,uac -Iq CU)"""1ol< S.p,1CI ~o---. c.~ "'- en.,,., a....-11,p -- - ILIIC-.,-A ot-'." ... ... -.. -- aw. 1!17.767.67$.00 1 ll.991.2S8Jl0 12.540.%19.00 1,167,(7(.00 t.:Dl, ..fPdl w.~l90.DO 6JS7.883.00 23.416.'2(.00 U8l.3l0.00 1)111.• lZl.n&.807.00 2.45:\,W.00 11.U'l/.25&.£0 ~ UC7t IIIOILl&luoa 191,747.00,.00 00 3.l'Q.3110. I- l'tlll$lll.OO I.SU.! Culoor 609.lle&$\1Jl0 7,!Dt.29U)O ZUJS.212Jl0 1.740.400.00 1.731; O..n14to 46.62Q.,Dll00 2.3<9,98Ull 6.llll.-17'6.IIO I LllllV QJ,rm, 10:UZl,6!0.00 -Cll!,l~Q) -uH0,311).(1) I~ UV ~ 51U6l,442.00 1,\16U!11.C,) 13..568.0 IWJ Dhra,ojl 9-4i.!IWIO IM.C 27t,,63Q.76110) "367~ llMl.857 .00 Jttl,.000 .00 LJl3,4 Dhcl,d 3'17.66!U44.CO U.35QM9JJO 211.7~117.Q) l.6EQ.mm 1,7:IU Dibn:tru'WI. 1718864"00 4.231. 489.00 l~Y/100 LIIO.OlO.OO Dina- CO&lo..., eoi.-, ;s.7f7.0CIJlO 42U60.414.00 'Zl1.4'ZJ.sN,.00 s.m.moo '-'59,llSJX) :l,ffl,C26.IIO =- 16.~ 16.G1,5311.00 ?!10,()00.00 U"-9'i1.oo 1.311402.00 1.:56«,; 881..5 l.ffiA IM,5.,4 Kall.lb.odl 1'1.()gMJ.OO f.!aU7 6.00 12.l~IG.111 l•m00Q.00 ,...,,al ....... 380.714,1,,.00 t7S.2«1A C121JO U'IIA WX> 6.117,815.(11) 44!,0QQ.0Q 1.llll,9 Xamt11111 Ml Kamn orR) 4l.417,1lQ.00 206.1129,667JJO 1774.JIWJ 1'Sl=m 5.711!.8 WD .. t6.11)9)155m 29,~.oo .00 !Al~LIIO -cJ7- 1A56A t,(l!Q.S JCut,i- · U90.000.00 1.744.9 2S2.71&5 2U'O 6.US,960.00 • 19,251,17-c.llO LSllWl.00 1.294A 311\SK tslJlO 6,4D9 JmJ)0 Ja.&!S.Cil IS.9' 1.G11.JOO,a) Kolen= UIS,<' "64.944A57 Jl0 1Q.ll57..56(.00 1U!IU OIJlO 1,;,o,s.77'-0C) Lollll- !IC&ll!IUIOJXI s.mA94«1 l.5.323"59.00 1MQ.000.ll0 1.741,f. Molali ~ ~ 4.JIIU34. 00 ~.O®.IIO t036.I: - Nill,..i '3Ull!87JJO '87,217.m.llO ~ 7.3l5Z4.00 :zr.-·- U.2117,....IJJO t.267.s:xl.llO 1.812)! =~ 2lO.lt --- 89.544,107.00 4.3!6.611JJO 14.4.57,562JJO ~ ~ -i!MS.00 -c.tm:m.oo 1~ LCDUW.00 1.566,ll -l, - lt,.J.>~ SMO ........ Ilda o.,-.ie.;. ~.w&·p IU.W,.(0100 ~ ·- - -e., ~;bl lh Co;,lbl llnv... Eq, l.lS&.191.(10 ~ -l!q, 1!67.261l)O C.pi:oll!,p -·ad! DOILl~~aoa C.,d,or ..000.00 wr ~OOlm( 6,~ t ..lVACO..o) ssn.!1&5.(10 t.319-Uio S.l!S.199.llO !.ilf«., ~ "iJUO 7l0,$17.l)I) l.9' :u: UI 51: Clual dn, 9.166,587.00 '55 ,'66.00 :z.a: t.589.000.00 1.163.Zla.OO 1.101!.28'..00 ~ ...nir.an~ uaoxu:o I t.164.lOO.OO 74U'JUQ °"'""• tJt,am,r 7.625.COO.CO 11)..JO.DOO.OO ~ 16Jl0 3.BlS.516.00 126.824.00 Uc 1.31 l)Jwbd I.USltlOOOO ~ 1.6~ otbnurl l2M6.B17.00 &'a.369.00 "< l.. 10....-.261.00 2.m.2tl]JJ.l 1.D5lOIS.OO '57,117.00 l,5J :.~ HO!a! ?80.m«I WI) 5.455.DOO.IIO UOO&!ili 00 orut 9,104.000.00 ~910.00 Ul7 4.o58,;W.OO .Ka..,.p f M) Kuw p(III 6$1.211!.CO r,m,oum ~JIO 499,lSS.CO .,, 2.12 IC,rl,IA,.......... t,&. 14.0U,000.00 7.lSlOl:'lOO r S,101.&19.00 JM'J.-00 nl.ll>!l.00 1111\3J9JlD 1J..BCO.IIO = 1,117 ·~ Karim..,... 1J..27C.0CO.OO Kolaa flN, 11.>IIJJV.OO 7-IIIM7.00 2.ol> IIUSl.000.00 7.107.569.00 2217.llll.00 2.1'1 MA,.... ,6.8511.oo dv 711 = 2.43. .-.,19.oxt..0.1 Mori~o• 502.379.00 62f.6S).OO 6T. 9,157.QlO.IIO H.&-.,aR 6.IDl!.2~J» 10,719.00 1.671 14.769.DOO.O:) NAll>ui 10.1 71n,14UIO 2.59; 7.291UJOO.OO "e_,,11251.aJ Silo 72i'.!IKOO ta 8.2S2.000.o0 ,.7YJ.m.JXJ Soa!tnr 7.01!l,OlQ.OO ~ 2.00( So.tJtS&l.,..a 4.llll3.Ul?.OO 7111.3&'5.CO 1.39< ~I~ 2.169.980.00 41o.lm.CO Dn,..U, &024.000.00 31! 1141l lbld J.1115&.moo 7'6.Mf.00 !AO! 77791/00.tJO UIQ.146.CO Watkatb l Mr..- 3.-.aJ ~ :...'1CI U27.58t.00 Tcl&J . ~00 . . . . . m.,a..moo . ~ a.ass.e,.oo 991 U.-00 SUS! \,, •. I AXOMSAQA SOOIHA ABHIJAH MISSro N KAHIUPARA.GUWAl!ATI-'811119. NiSAY. PHiIBJrn 4 SMP; ACJlYIIX WI§fi WO:c\L 6c BEVJiNY& l1Xl'l!NDITJII Pl)t<...... _,_ (21J0eu uabf (ZI),_.., - -~ - l"'C, (Ul') t-p .. .,_. .-. C:U)PnfldMtr,pee,1<."' - ...-.c-, I00311f p$)C-•"11""ola& U.atto...a (») ll"l'SG I AulnWt.ailora .... C.i,IW a..-1,;, c.,.....ie.;, -... i:.;, .... c.,a.: -l!>p ·- C,p(>ll c.rn-1 C,pi-..1, .... . SMO a.Joy -l6'1al18.ll0 """ ""' .....,.... TI,81!8,YV.OO 9'!0.160.ro . Nbw.._.th C&dw S.22J.su.DO 4.Ml,1 '6.0,1 111.61).235.01) a.m.oo 2l,617,UCWl 7.9!Cl60.DO 1Mn.m.oo .DO 10U37 ~I °'7,610.00 ll,87l.5ff..Q) 6Mll.61200 Col,,&b,11 M92,.828.DO 817.,,....., ,_.. 14563,a!.OO lf.d/&bodl ~ 11.1119.ll6.S I eouu.oo 1?1.'i'!IJ.00 14.!IOl,Df).,S ,--~t 13'7.-.00 ll.S5Ul(I.DO Xcanp,Ml -.00 9.497.9'4.00 te-.,1111 5.lllil.231.00 IUSl OO I~ ~.O) kmi~- ~.mm 2]~ aro,.m.oo -·- luhlm= ~J.l•U Mort~n 6.0l.1Sl.00 5.IJl,332.00 1,.IQ..909Jl0 61.iO'l.00 Z9'7"111l!O 17.379.6Zll.()0 21.735.st4.ll0 ·~oo 7.746.695.00 IJ:J/11~ t1) 90,Clll7.00 1,17-l.5t'O.OCI 2!».000.00 8.692.62:".00 -- 1C.413.ll$2.()0 m..stoJl0 N,...,. 35.314'/ll.JJO Nalkd ~no.co -- "225;1 10.SS.., 11.5,lOD.IXI ~03600 8,1116,UI.00 7.569.CSJ.OO 1• 816.34200 -.00 M69.4ll.00 2Sl.29tlOO Tbuall\ 5.714.715Jl0 lS,<81,M!.JJ 747.l)MQ u.w.,... ~·- ,1.1Ql.,18J.()0 ll;CSl.?116-00 IOU70.00 IYti!ICod,i ,.,.._ L77f.7SO.CIO •SMOOOO •.916.0!4.00 416.50Q.OI) Toul . 1~'-551.eo :tz.J0,'4.9.00 a.!211111347 . . . . . . . '3f.. ' . ' ( ' • I ' t AXOM SAIUIA SIXSRA ABR[JAN '-USSlON KAHILIPARA. GUWAI IATl-7810!9, ASSAM SClmOIJLS.J :5IA TEM ENr OF EtJNt) KELl!ASID TO D1S11U Cl'S AND DISTRI CT RECl!IPTS SSAPLAN 51.. ~UNlllttil.l!A SIID llECDVEO IN CASH flJND REI.EASED R/NDJI. I OISTIU CT NO. DY SMO IN CAS1I BY DISTRICTS BY SMO IN JCJND JJY 5MO AS ADVANCE B) 1 a.m 41.000.807.00 47,0CXJ,llllJ1J 236,181,377.00 16.734,807.00 2 Barpela l!6,14)l8'}.00 86,143,789.00 (i)l)SS,815.00 34,oo5.54(.()0 3 B!swim.llh 19,253;1?0.00 18.2S3,470J1J 385.4'1.>,7!6.00 17.%15,160.oo 4 Bong.ug,on -IUOl.355.00 44.ll()l,355.00 259,573,ZW.OO 8,150,8Sl()O s Cache 75,W,915J1J 75,W.'125.00 151.280,916.00 2',309,693.00 6 Chan!deo 11.438.SOOJYJ 11,08,500.00 8l,7Jl.,Sl.2.00 3,219,374.00 7 °"""" 33.638.6'1.00 33,638,641.00 148,5Zl.33U)O 6,956,196.00 8 o.ur...,s 50,S.'-607.00 50,54-4,607.00 618,757.623-00 15,308,642.00 9 Ohcmojl 38.171,36SJ1J 38,ln.365.00 341,225/lOO.OO 8,170,923.00 10 Dhubd 8&,139,145.00 Sll,139,145.00 5(0:it,9,5115,00 35.6.1-1.00 u D!brut,>th $4.229,7l3.00 54.229.733.00 2-IS,?l!S.271.00 l 4,6&1,819.00 12 Olm4 H=o 29,938 ,482.00 :z9,9'.l5,482Jl0 101,118.0, 7.00 9, 13 Goalpa,a <>l,754,154.00 61.7S1, 154.00 52-1,874,627.00 9,7'8,952.00 14 Golag!l>t 49,231,973.00 49.231,973.00 298,260,0U.OO l-1.614,370.00 15 H.all.u.m dl ,1.m,1n.oo 4U79.17l.OO 207.686,865.00 !4,820,984.00 16 licial 17.418,W9.00 17,418,~.9.00 ,165,911,307.00 8.397,225.00 17 Jcrhat 51,824,538.00 Sl.82'-53a.00 233,216.4(6.00 7,319,774.00 18 k=tup (M} ~l.80U89.00 41.!0l.859.00 89,086,671UJO 5,837,761.00 19 Kaorup(R) 71,201,835.00 71,201,BlS.OO 3?2,815,-187.00 11.977.20.00 20 Karl>! Antlni,c 107.840.616.00 \07.M0.616.00 283,912.555.00 8.197,31U)(J 2l l<.uimg >nf 55,993,319.-00 5'5,993,319.00 (22,324,383.00 17,821,616.00 22 Klllcn,jlw 68,578,%2.llO 68,578,962.00 351,21,5,585.00 13,883,245.00 23 lahi.mpur 62,148,105.00 62.148,105.00 40f.17.U93.00 15,367,262.00 24 M1Jull 19.460 ,796.00 19MQ.796..00 70,200,ssuJO 4.7113.711.00 25 Mar!goon 53,(,09,249.00 53.609~9.00 SW,741.336.00 1Z?23.B67.00 26 NAglllll t 99.149,M /.00 '19.149/W.00 959,341,192.00 29,586,0!9.00 V N.ibarl 44,857,3.'.18.00 4<1.3>"'7,3.38.00 1(2.933,657.00 22.415.013.00 28 ~gar (9,710,318.oo 49,nO,lllB.00 110,023,398.00 .;.196,857.00 29 !So,,ltpur S!,128,8.56.00 58,12ll,856.00 m,106,911.00 23,636.636.00 30 South Slllnam 10,499.'53.00 1(),1199,753.00 l.52.351.,430.00 7,764.()86.00 31 rnn.mi.i.. 44,@,?0lOO 44,6()S,70l00 383,110,349.00 14,776,736.00 32 Ucblguri 39,121,735.00 39,121.735.00 2'74, 767.231.00 13,$34.6'12.00 Wt>tKarbi " TotdCA) 29,965~ 1,659,8%;,)I.OO 29,96S,.87J!.OO l-"59.696.791.00 1, 9M,SA74,349.00 044,851.oG 337-69$.m.oo ' - . . \ '' .' ' KGBVPLAN SL FUND RELEAS !!D RECElVlID IN CASU FID1D Rl:l.EASED fUND RELEAS ED NO. DISTIUCT BY SMO IN CASB BYOISllUCl"S BY SMO IN KIND BYSMOASAOVANCE a, I a.bo ol,168,500.00 ~.168,500.00 5,10'-0~ 2 llaiplta 11Al50,16Ul0 11,460,t6t.OO 13.'18.00 3 Olswan.uh 1,W.600.00 l,433ml.00 2.553.00 C lloagaig,,cm 2.241,100.00 2,2U,IOO.CO 2.553.00 5 Qlclw 2.592,91Ul0 2.592.911.1)0 2.553.00 0 Chamldco 1.+19,299.00 1,4(9,2.99/X) l.5$3.IXJ 7 Ctut,,ns t.746.08:l.00 1,i46,083JX) 95,553.00 a DIITo\Dg 7,658,300.00 7,655,300/X) lZ!,257.00 0 Dhanaji 4,650,900.IXJ ~0,900.00 S,t04JX) to Dl\ubrl I8,290,247.00 18,l90,2A7.00 t,m,80UXJ 11 01\,ruga:h 4.791,500.00 4,791,500.00 5,10-lJX) 12 OlnYtbA:> 4,572,100.00 4,572.100.00 S,Jot.00 13 Golllp aro 5,6:/S,899.00 5,675,899.00 ,. Gobghal . . 7,tRIJ'IJ . 15 !uilalcandl 2,346.673.00 2.S46.67l.00 2.5S3.00 16 Rojli 800.76&.00 800.768.00 2.553.00 17 fo:hal . . . ,a Kamrop (M) . . . 19 lw,rup (R) 6,017,691.00 6.()17,691.00 6.SlZ.00 20 lwbl Arlgl<>ag 9,614,300.00 9,61,t300.00 7,657JX) 2! ~ 2,.081.65l.00 2.0S2,6SI.OO 2.553.00 22 Kolcnijhu 6,609,410.00 6.a09,no.oo 7,657.00 23 l.4khimpur 2.2!>7,333.00 2.297,333.00 2.553.00 2,1 M.ajClll . . . 1 \' 25 Mcigao,, 26 Tl N.poo Nallwl M82.88'7.00 8,3CV9!!. 00 2."83.733.00 3A82.88i' .00 8.348,796.00 2.483,1nOO 5,104.00 12,762.00 Z-553.00 28 . 593,200.00 593,2!]0.00 . 29 8,220,900.00 8,220,900.00 7,657.00 30 'l> SouthS.WU.. 3,$29,111.00 3.329,lll.OO 7,653JX) 31 Tuoulda 7,503,63 6.00 7,503,636.00 10.210.00 32 Udalgurl 5~65.00 5,506,765.00 7,en,00 33 West ICa,t,I Aaglong U39,7Col.00 W9.?CO.OO S,lOLOO Total(B) 142.958.162.00 142.958,162.00 ,<'~4.0U . Tolal(l\+B) l,802.854,956.00 l.802.8Sl, 9'6JJO 9,650,569,]Zl.00 387.695.?71.00 '38 I ' l •• I '•. SCHl::OULE - K: Notes on Accounts: .. 1 Capital Expenditure of Civil WoTks Construction of SMCs ls reflected in...Income & Eiq,encliture Account due lo the reason that assets, on which sucli expenditure i:; i.ncu.ned, are not owned by the District. Therefore, no Assets as such arc created in the Balance Sheet against this Capital Expe~diture. Although it is capital in nature, but due lo the above reason cited, it has been directly expensed out in the revenue account. 2. Utilization Certifkat-e: '._,' Opening balances of Utiliz ation Certificate further classified as General Category, SC Category and ST Category hosed on data certified by management For Niranjan & Narayan l_ : Chartered Accountants FRN No. 0058995 I Dated; ()()/01/2019 Pl.ace: Guwahat! ~~ CA Sanjay Kwnar Jalewala Partner (· Mem No 307995 .. , . .. ' /. I • .- .. -- I ' . . . ' . ., . , l . AXOM SARBA SD06 200&-07 2007~ SMO Balunnx (12.00) 103,802.00 44,2,(6.00 (53,325.00 6,133.00 Dbtaujl 7,120.00 60'1,366.00 2.959.00 6.168.00 98,24.5.00 Ohllbr! Dimn•..-h 6,475.00 D""'1Hauo GO&lpan 60,135.00 1.88t.OO 10.301.00 Gol•Kiw lfaflak:andl Holal Jmlw llrid It ,ub Ol.ltrlct lcvcl1tSMO Advance rola!d to FrB Gella.legory sbm Tot&! 2"8,995.60 2.,815,433.0D 1,724,SUOO U.52.'3J.OO 3,902,165,00 lt.567,791..00 ~ ' I l\XOM SARBA SIKSHA ABIDJAN MISSION KAHI UPARA, CUW AHATI-781019, ASS AM SCRl!D UU! L· STATllMENTOF IDIADJUSTllD ADVANCES YEAR WISE BREA]( UP SSA 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-U Tola! SMO 7,000.CO 1,238,516.00 312.868.00 494.800.00 9,077.835.00 8.llcs1 5,108.SOO.OO 18.683,ZlO.OO H.400,828.00 39.S67,591Ul0 B:upet& (4,\JM.oa) n,OU.QO) 3-i.167,677.00 36,(63,772.00 68,646,6'5.00 Bi.wanath 17,30JA91.00 17,301,49t00 Boruwnon SSl.000.00 1,296,CJ65Jl0 12,093,217.00 12.868,163.00 26,SlZ,359.00 Cadu.r 19.IKl.~.00 5M9,000.00 46,861,155.00 31,863.556.00 llUS0,820.00 ClwaldfO 3,Z19.374.00 3,219,374.00 Chlrnu, 7,559,934.00 7,559~.oo D.unn11 2,025,100.00 15,266,639.00 15,298,669.00 36.387/117.00 Dhem1JI 1.654,500.00 J,240,11200 17,607,985.00 9,714;l'T/.OO 37.078Z17.00 Dhubrl 6,169,350.00 1.420,350.00 37,673.460.00 I 39,215,661.00 87.812,99!.00 Dlbni gnh 125.000.00 . 14,654.965.00 7,233,319.00 22,176,273.00 Dim1Huao !01.000.00 3.769,058.00 8,918,653.00 15,1~,534..00 Go.alpua 1.157,200.00 . 19,348,899.00 19,751,572.00 40.36l,IZ1.00 Cola~at 13,769.822.00 15,415,633.00 29.696,138,00 fWJakandl 13,2?S,30D.OO 9,S'H.550.00 20,176.306.00 )9.255,062.00 63,3116.732.00 Hojai 8,504,525.00 8~,525.00 Jorha! . 139,000.00 13,948,517.00 8,732.960.00 23.309.Sll&.OO K1111111p 21,229,81~.0D 25,955,568.00 1,169,7.17.00 49,339,290.60 Kmuu p(R) 357,500.00 2,303,213.00 42.079.()36.00 9.685,555.00 54.67¼,SOUlO KubJ Ani;loflK . 8,651,950.00 20,026,161.00 36.288,185.00 Karlmga,,J 10,00.200.00 17,410,000.00 "7,605.524,00 21,641,060.00 99,501,70(.00 Koknllw 119.50 18,653,051.SS 16,216,282.00 36,950.167.0I talt IC.Jmrun lwmu p(R) lwbl.\.nglong . ~-. Kolaajhar Malull !,fnrio""II > Nag.on N.,Jbarf SlbMgu Sonllpm Sollth Sabmra 'l'.lruulda Udal""" Wat Kuhl Anglong Total . . . . 87.00 . ~- ,· . ' ) .. AXOM SARBA 61KSHA ABHJJAN MlSSlON ' lllalauull llo)al Jorhat -.,. 483,265.00 ~(R) , 1Cubl Anl'IODf' ., JColcnlhar Lakblm-w Majllll Mod....., 1'•~--n Nllb.al Sjl,,u,-• Sonltpur 537.00 18,000.00 31.321.00 21.900.00 South Sai,rw- a , llnsulda Uclllpri Wut lwbl Aag!ong .. . Total . 537.00 2&,1'73.00 ft,U6.00 U,SSS.00 511!,]6'5.00 ., . ( 1 , I ' \.: .. AXOM SAJUIA SJX!IHA ABHIJAN MJSSION KAHIL!PARA.. GUWAHATI•731019, /\$AM SCHEDULE L-5rATEMENl' OP tlNADJUSTIID ADVANCES YEAR WISE BRl!AJC UP ICGBV 201'-15 ZOU.16 ~17 2017-tll ToW NO 4.715.00 4,715.00 Bab1 . Bupcta 42,.744.00 117,463.00 427,922.00 588,129.00 Bllwanatb Bonnlnon . - Cadiar . Ch&mldco . Chiang . '-. Darnng . 10,260.00 Dhtlll&fl 298,505.00 36.600.00 553,732.00 t,?14,687.00 Dbubtl 836,000.00 - 20i,OOO.OO J.oiS,000.00 Olbrun"' - . . Olma Hano . '· Goalpua . ,~. GolUlW Billabndl . ' - Bofal - Jomat - 1<.unrup - "83.265.00 K>mrv1>(R) I Katbl Al>glm,g - I ". lwim,ianj - 216,3(0.00 26,340.00 ICOJCnlbu . - 239.460.00 739,460.00 Llkhlmpar . -· Majuli Mori.,.,,., . - -. l'fH11on , ': Nalbu! 4.8,000.00 229.4()5.00 277,.:05.00 Slbn- . son1- 3-067.00 75,325.00 South Sllmua - . -· TJ11Sulcia - UcWmrt - West Xnbl Anglong - TOQ! - uasmi.oo 207,063.00 l,9&5,a59.00 3,964,516.00 .·. .. .' . ~. ... '-· \ . • I AXOM SARBA SII-1'1 & N~ SSA.AsGam Aleo, Sa,...• Sik,h-, .-\ bbi) i&o Mil~II Kahllpara.G.."'9lllllt ~.. Plaoc: Guwwti '# * ·J& fRN:005899$ * ll.•bitip1ra. ~,..;4laUl-19 C"! GUWAHATI (,> Date: 09/01/2019 ~ ~ ~ ~ ...-~ ~'f ·~ R~o- CC'J A- ·~ ...-. ' . '· I • AXOM SARBA SIIil'frror. t\211111 S..,-.,:1 Sik,ha .\ bhi, 1n Mi.s.iH Place: Guwahati lwbih11:irq, "•'••hni-19 Dale: 09/01/2019 . , ' . TUFR.-m AXOM SARBA SU 786259959) as "Dlfference.amount against received from District and payment to CPF office as on 31.03.2018". The details of same were not provided during the course of audit. 3. Wrong booking of Expenditure/Expenditure not supported by UCs, Outstanding advances; a. There are large outstanding advances pertaining to 2013-14 and other years, this need to be adjusted at the earliest. b. An amount of Rs. 3,33,534..00 was advance of various districts, refunded directly to SMO b}'. various parties, the same is shown as liability in the books of SMO. It should be passed on to concerned district for reduction of advance. 4. Internal Audit/Internal Control System: In our opinion, the internal control procedures with respect to the transactions at SMO needs to be improved significantly like focus on cloud based computerized accounting, regular updating of various registers. The reports and suggestions of Concurrent Audit should be tuenup on timely basis for necessary correction so as to make it effective.A brief summary report mentioning systematic issues and action taken on internal audit objections should be submitted after concurrent audit of every quarter. S. Financial Irregularities, Misappropriation, Diversion of Funds: No such Irregularities were noticed during the course of audit 6. Other Issues: a. Lower Deduction of Statutory Dues: SSA/Nazarat/warehouse/109'1/2017 Assam Stale Warehousing Corporation issues bills i e t against whkh...TDS is liable to be deducted. The said party submitted a certificate under section 197 (1)/195 of the Income Tax Act, 1%1 issued by ITO. The said certificate exempts payment made by SSA .to Assam State Warehousing Corporation for the period 21/'17/17 to 31/03/18 upto a total amount of Rs. 2 lakhs. The limit shall be taken as earlier of two- completion of period or exhaust of limit of Rs. 200000, beyond which tax should be deducted as usual. However in every bill TDS is deducted on bill amount less Rs. 2 Lacs. Thus there baa been uni::ler deduction of TDS from the said party, I Niranjan& Narayan ~ . .. ' Chartered Accountants ' : .. period, from the receipt of the fund, till date, certain transfers were made to AGVB A/c and fhe remaining amount inclui:iing interest totaling to Rs. 14,78,646.00 has been ·. ' transferred to SSA Main Account on 30/11/2017. Agnln ano her amount of ..Rs. 3,29,83,500.00 was received from Assam Power Distribution Co. Ltd. Vide letter no. CGM(PP&:D)/ APOCL/Tech'39/LP&UP School/2014/170 dated 07/04/14 for electrification of LP&TJP Schools under annual ' ' plan 2012--13. The same amount was deposited by-opening a separate bank account no. 33761170926 with SBI PBB Ganeshguri Branch. No expenditure was incurred &om the said amount till date. As on 30/11/2017, llie amount aiongwith interest totaling toRs. 3,80,88,141.00 was transf erred to SSA Main Account. The said total amount of Rs. 3,95,66,787.00 should be utilized for the purpose for which it was granted or shall be refunded back to the granting authority. .... . .. ' For, Niranjan& Narayan ~~~ & 1\1~>- ' Chartered Accountants l ' ~ .:; * Fllff : 0-05899S * FRN:0058995 Date: 09/01/2019 ~¼ ~ GUWAHATI µ, ~. 1-- Place: Guwahati ~ ~ ~fDACC~ CA Sanjay Kumar Jalewala Partner Mem No. 307995 .. .- th ' 5 Floor. N~od:1.,~~~d!~f:!:Ehotribori Rood. Guwohofi- 78.1~.1 "1oblle: +91-9508183910 .- ,- ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AND RULES : The accounting principles and rules followed by the Mission on preparation of . \ . financial statements are as follows: i) The financial statements are prepared in historical cost conventions under cash system. Henc~pendilures under activities may contain prior period expenditures, andJiabilities at year.end have notbeen recognized. ii) Depreciation of fixed assets has not been provided for as per guidelines of MHRDinFMP. ... .- iii) Grants released for SMCs (Capital as well as Recurring), Teachers and others are accounted for as expenditure under the program as soon as the same are released. iv) Materials purchased under various heads other than'tixed assets are charged directly on Income and Expenditure Account and no dosing stock of \ .• . materials at year ena have been accounted for. v) Civil Works grants released to SMCs are treated as advances and has been charged to the concerned Activity-head in the Income and Expenditure Account on receipts of utilization certificate from the SMCs. vi) Apportionment of expenditure on behalf of Districts and Sub-Districts has been made by SMO on basis of allocation in AWB & P. vii) The expenditures made by SSA, Assam under the Head Project Management and Civil Works are as per PAB allocation. I ' For Niranjan & Narayan Chartered Accounlant5 FRN No. 005899S Dated: 09/01/2019 Place: Guwahati 5-k\~~ CA Sanjay Kumar Jalewala Partner Mem No 307995 GIST OF OBSERVATIONS RAISED BY THE DISTRICT AUDITORS FORMING PART OF THE AUDIT REPORT FOR 'IBE YEAR 2017-18 BAIy the districts to the users(employees). d. Moreover, in some cases, in log sheet opening and closing meter reading is not written and a lump sum amount is paid. NALABARI: a. Vouchers ha 'c-c- v~e~ n~ t-· been certified by the JE, whether the quality and quantity of o· the material was as per the specification or not, b. No completion certificate of the ACR/ Toilet/NSB/HMR of any school has been made available for our verification. ·., SONITPUR: On verification of Statement of advance, Activity wise, we observed that an amount ' of '{ 5,44,78,042/ • is lying-as unadjusted advance relating to Advance by SMO on ·. · \I\ behalf of districts which includes a carry overof ~ 6,98,78,217/ -from the years 2002- ~ ·cf' 03. ,t).., SOUTII SALMARA: The District being New have not applied for TAN registration which should be applied immediately r ANNEXURE-1: OBSERVATIONS TO THE AUDirREPORT OF '1 MISSION (CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS ) AXOM SARBASIKSHA ABHIJA, f-OR THE YEAR 2017-18 The following are our observ ations on various matters relating to the accounts and financial statements (Consolidated Accounts) for the financial yeat.2017-18 of the Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, forming part of the Audit Report. ' 1. Consolidation of Accounts of SMO and Districts: The consolidations of accounts of the SMO and District Offices have been done from the Audited Final Accounts for the year 2017-18. Consolidation of accounts is being done in Excel program and opening balances are being brought forward from previous year's Audited Balance Sheet etc. The .. accounts of 33 Districts and State Mission Office are incorporated in the Consolidated Accounts of the Mission. 2. Statutory Audit Report of SMO: The observations in Statutory Audit Report of State Mission Office for the year under audit conducted by us is appended to the State Mission Office Accounts and should be considered while considering the Consolidated Accounts for the year ended 31/03/2018. 3. Statutory Audit Reports of Districts: While considering the Consolidated Accounts of the Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, the observations made by the Statutory Auditors in the District Offices for the year under audit 2017-18 should also be considered, since these are not audited by us, but we have considered the District Audit Reports, and significant audit observations are mentioned as Consolidated Observations of the relevant Districts. 4. Summary Report of Compliance of audit observations in the Statutory Audit Reports of earlier years up to 2016-17: The SMO had entrusted Statutory Auditors of Districts Offices to look into compliance of audit observations in the Statutory Audit Reports of earlier years and accordingly prepared summary report of the same. As per the summary report, out of 17LNos. of audit observations outstanding against all the Districts & SMO, 34 Nos. have been.dropped and the balance 137 Nos. are outstanding up to the year 2016-17. The summary report is attached herewi th as per Annexure 2. The concerned units should take more efforts for , settlement of outstanding audit observations at the earliest. - ,_ I \. ./ ,. ' .. 5. Summary Report of SMC's covered under Statutory Audit during the year 2017-18: ',• The Mlssion Office has prepared a summary report of SMC audits covered .-.. .· under Statutory Audit fur the year 2017-18, which is attached as Annexure 3 herewith. As per the report, out of 4050 Nos. of SMCs targeted to be covered, audit of 4035 Nos. of SMCs have been achieved at School Level. The common . observations in SMC Audits are attached herewith as Annexnre 4• For Niranjan & Narayan Chartered Accountants · FRN: 005899S Place: Guwahati Date: 09/01/2019 ~~ CA. Sanjay Kumar Jalewala (Partner) '· Membership No. 307995 ,. ' - ,·. , ~nnexure-2 ' , Axom Sarba Slksha AbhlJan Mission ·.-·. ' --, Kahlllpara, Guwahatl-19, Assam I _, summary Report of Audit compliance of previous years tlll the audit of Financial Year 2017-18 , ·1 Nos. of I ,, ' Nos. of Nos of obsetvatlon Nos. of Au~it Total Nos. .1 observation observation dropped by the observation Outstanding District Outstanding Outstanding Auditors during outstandlng tlll the +SLNo observation till tlll Flnandal for Flnandal the audit of audit of Financial the ye;r 2016-17 ycar2015-16 year 2016-17 Financial year Year 2017-18 .... 2017-18 4~ 1 Barpeta 7 4 u 3 8 2 Baksa 6 3 9 0 9 ) 3 Bongalgaon s 2 7 2 s . ·'' 4 Oichar 4 4 8 0 8 I• 5 Ollrang 0 s s 1 4 ~ l 6 Darrang 1 2 3 0 3 7 Dhemaji 3 2 s 0 5 '. ' 8 Dhubrl 0 1 1 0 1 I j" 9 Dlbrugarh l l 2 2 0 ·-~ . 10 Olma Hasao 6 4 10 1 9 .l. 11 Goalpara 7 1 8 0 8 ·,' 12 Golaghat 4 1 s 1 4 Hallakandi 1 s 6 0 6 .,. .:· 13 14 Jorhat 1 2 3 1 2 .I. 15 Kamr,.ip ( Metro) 6 3 9 0 9 '(' 16 Kamr,.ip (Rural) 1 1 2 1 1 .• ; 17 KarblA~ong 21 1 22 5 17 I 18 KarlmganJ 2 1 3 1 2 I 19 Kokrajhar 1 1 2 0 2 ( 20 Lakhlmpur 3 2 5 2 3 ••• 21 Morlgaon 1 1 2 2 0 . .. 22 Nagaon 0 1 1 0 1 , ... 23 Nalbari 7 4 11 3 8 J. 24 Sivasagar 10 3 13 2 u I 25 Sonltpur 2 2 4 2 2 ·, ..- 26 Tlnsukla 1 4 5 4 1 . 27 Udalgurl 0 1 1 0 l ·1~- ! · 28 SMO 4 4 8 1 7 J. Total 105 66 171 34 137 , ...,,....,ola--.i_, __ ,_,.........,_..,,•-••.r'""'~" ~,~ .,port and State Mission Office for the Financial Year2017-18 'I- , 1 -~ -~ :.._. () ~· ,/ f/1 *l~ Q. S99S ~HATI * ff! Annexure-3 . ' Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission Ka.bilipan, Guwahati-19, Assam Anncxure-3 .\ ·, . Summary Report of AudJt of SMCs for the period from 2008-09 to 2017-18 during the Audit of . FinannciaJ yeac 2017-18 Balance of SMC& not .- ...• SLNo Distri cts Physical Tuget Target Achieved covered under Audit during Financial Year .. 20p-18 1 Bameta 125 124 ·1 .-· 2 3 Baksa BisWllnllth 122 122 121 122 1 0 4 Bon ·1 on 122 122 0 5 Cachar 125 125 0 6 Charaidew 122 122 0 7 Chinin g 122 122 0 .. . . 8 9 D Dhemali • 122 122 120 2 122 0 10 Dhubri 125 125 0 11 Dlbruzarh 122 122 0 ,· .,• 12 Dima Hasao 122 115 7 13 Goalpara 122 122 0 14 Golazhat 122 122 0 15 Hailakan di 122 120 2 .. . 16 17 Hoiai orhat 122 122 0 122 122 0 . , 18 Kamrup [Urban) 122 122 0 , .. 19 Kamru p Rural) 125 125 0 20 I