OFFICIAL Level 19, 14 Martin Place THE CML Building D-CWORLD SYDNEY NSW 2000 WO3RLD AUSTRALIA BANK Telephone (61-2) 9223 7773 Fax (61-2) 9223 9903 November 8, 2012 Hoi. Don Pomb Polye, MP V nister for Treasury D cpartment of Treasury Vi upindi Haus, 4th Floor PC Box 542 WAsigani, 131 NCD Pacua New Guinea H itorable Minister: Re: PNG Small an I Medium Enterprise Access to Finance Project 1)1 Credit No. 4928-PG (P12070 7) Nolification ofAdministrative Oversight We refer to the Financing Agreement ("the Agreement") dated June 14, 2011, for the atove-mentioned Pr.ject between the Independent State of Papua New Guinea ("the Ru.-ipient") and the International DeNelopment Association ("the Association"). We wish to notify you that due to an administrative oversight within the Agreement, th,r is a typographical error in he table on Paragraph A.2 of Section IV of Schedule 2 of the Agreement. The percentage of expenditures to be financed in Category 3 should read as "100% of amounts di;bursed" as shown in the table below: Category Amount of the Credit Percentage of Allocated (expressed in Expenditures to SDR) be Financed (inclusive of taxes) (3) Performance 970,000 100% of amounts Based Grants to PFIs disbursed At this point, we would like to clarify that notwithstanding the above change, the ag .ed cost sharing arrangement between the Department of Commerce, Trade and Industry and the Participating Financial Inte-mediaries (PFIs) under the Performance-Based Grant Agreements shall remain to be inipleriented. in. Mr. Don Pomb Polye 2 November 8, 2012 Please confirm the Recipiert's agreement to the foregoing by having an authorized official of the Recipient sign znd date this Letter of Amendment, and return a copy of the cuntersigned Letter to the Association. Sincerely yours, Ulrich Zachau Acting Country Director Timor-Leste Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands Easi. Asia and Pacific Region A(3REED INDEPENDENT STATE 0 - UA N W GUINEA A Lii horized Represent ve Ne ine Da te -Dn. Mr. Don Pomb Polye 3 November 8, 2012 c:: 1-n. Charles Abel, Minister for National Planning F n. Richard Maru, Minister f(r Commerce and Industry Nir. Peter Kora, Secretary for National Planning & Monitoring Mt. Simon Tosali, Secretary, D-partment of Treasury ri. Stephen Gibson, Secretary, Department of Finance Mi. Reichert Thanda, First Ass stant Secretary for Foreign Aid Coordination & Multilateral Relations, Departnent of Nat onal Planning & Monitoring 'i. Koney Samuel, Assistant S ecrelary for Multilateral Branch, Department of National Planning and Monitoring Ii. Martin Pomat, Senior Aid Coordinator World Bank Desk in Multilateral Branch, Department of Naiional Plant ing & Monitoring P, i. John Uware, First Assistan Secretary for Financial Management Division, Department of Treasury i. Jeffrey Walua, Assistant Sccretary for Accounts and Settlement Branch, Department of Treasury Ii. Damien Horiambe, Assistant Sccretary for Loans Execution Division, Department of . reasury