176 93 Dec. 1996 Agricultural Research and Development: The Need for Public-Private Sector Partnerships Issues in Agriculture 9 CLIVE JAMES 1JNSUL1TAI1\'1v GROUP ON IN IERNATIONAI AGRIC L I'LIRAI RESIARCH 00; f 0L:iSE Q SS : fi ff\ ;f?\ \=DS; 2 S V SE:r=00vff ;R:;eS 000g ff: \ jESE 0 ;; ;:::: ;:X000 i $ffiS X: t f 00 Dd ;07 r 0 f S f:A! X Me: } W Z2 ftV tt\t 05 f a SS 0 Tt o 07 Di C0 - dX W ft ffu \ f f 0 X E 0 f E 0 f f . '0 ' 0 f 2 : ? ': 0 0 0 0 0 S ' S " :: f t: 0 4 : :2 ' ; ' ' < : t f f ; 0 i 0 0 - t f f f f; 0 f f S - C :r: i; . 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' 0> 0 '0 0 00 ? 0 jif 0 0 000 S t 0 0 ; < 0 0 0 0 0 f t t00 f V f 00 f DX 0 0 X 0 0 .. . . 0 \ \ . 0 ....................... i . X i X * 0 0 0 0 tf 0 00 0 0 , 0 :. ? 0 ' - ? X ' . t - - > R . S n . , 52 million acres), soybean (1.5 million acres), maize (0.5 million acres), canola (>0.2 million acres), and the balance in tomato, potato, and squash James and Krattiger 1996). In summary, the reported total global acreage of transgenic crops grown by industrial and developing countries in 1996 was known to be at least 6.5 million acres, with probably close to 10 million acres actually planted. There are numerous potential opportunities for applying biotechnology in developing countries, but for commercial reasons many of these will not be pursued by the private sector. These opportunities often exist for what are termed orphan commodities (Persley 1989); for example, low-value, vegetatively propagated crops such as cassava and sweet potatoes, which are important primarily as staples for poor people in the developing world. Similarly, crops grown over a relatively small area would not be attractive to the pri- vate sector, even though these crops may make a vital contribution to the diet of poor people in a specific country or region. Given that basic biotechnology knowledge is broadly applicable to diverse prob- lems, however, industry often has a comparative advantage in devel- oping the most cost-effective solutions to many of the problems in the developing world. This situation represents a challenge to both developing countries and to international development agencies James and Persley 1990). 26 Assuming equal research competence in the private industrial and public sectors, and acknowledging that industry's principal objective is product delivery, it is reasonable to suggest that the pri- vate sector will emerge as the principal, although not the only, gen- erator of biotechnology products for agriculture. The comparative advantage of industry lies in several areas: * Large R&D resources for funding long-term and sometimes high-return, but speculative, agricultural projects. * Diversity, from small, dedicated biotechnology com- panies to large transnational corporations that have extensive and increasingly collaborative research links with the public sector, particularly universities. * Critical mass of scientific research resources, which is of paramount importance in biotechnology. These resources often are consolidated within a core research group in the private sector (e.g., in a life sci- ences department), which is a cost-effective way to provide common research support for two signifi- cant product development markets-medicine and agriculture. * Knowledge of and expertise in marketing and distri- bution systems. * Access to global markets and the associated advan- tages of economies of scale, which allow develop- ment costs to be amortized over long periods in large markets. The advent of biotechnology has resulted in a significant change in the relative investments of the public and private sec- tors in agriculture, with the private sector now investing signifi- cantly more than the public sector in biotechnology R&D. As the 27 adoption of biotechnology-based products in agriculture becomes more widespread, this gap between public and private sector investments is expected to increase. This trend will be accentuat- ed by current government policies, in both industrial and devel- oping countries, that encourage participation by the private sector in areas where it has comparative advantages over the public sec- tor. Estimates of future markets for agricultural biotechnology products vary widely; industry sources suggest that a realistic esti- mate is $3 billion to $5 billion for total sales at the farm level by the year 2000. Of this, seeds are predicted to comprise approxi- mately $2 billion to $3 billion, with the balance in veterinary products and microbiology-based products. The increased market for agricultural biotechnology products is expected to be at the expense of existing markets, with some restructuring of those markets, rather than by major expansion of current markets (Persley 1990). Summary of Private Sector Activities in Agricultural R&D In summary, the private sector plays a major global role in agricultural R&D. The importance of its role is evident from the data presented in this section and in the appendix, even though these data do not include all the activities of the private sector; for example, the subsectors of postharvest/food processing and agri- cultural machinery, which are not featured, represent significant investments that are dominated by the private sector. In the future, private sector investments in agriculture and food are expected to increase faster than investments by the public sector, in both industrial and developing countries. Anderson and others (1994) noted that, as farmers use more purchased inputs and as the value-added in agriculture increasingly moves off the farm to the marketing and processing subsectors, it is likely that the incen- tives for private sector investments in agricultural research will grow. With current private sector global revenues in fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, and animal health alone estimated conservatively at approximately $70 billion per year, the private sector is an essential partner for the global public sector engaged in agricultur- al research. 28 The Need for Collaboration Between the Public and Private Sectors There is no greater incentive for collaboration between the public and private sectors in agricultural research than the enor- mous challenge posed by global food security, which will require that limited global resources be used in the most effective way to develop sustainable systems that also conserve natural resources. The urgency of this challenge cannot be overstated. Knowledgeable observers judge that the current joint investments of the public and private sectors in agricultural research are inadequate to double (or preferably triple) agricultural production in the next fifty years. Furthermore, this is occurring at the same time external aid to agri- cultural research, which is viewed by many to be the catalyst that will stimulate economic growth in developing countries and as the best antidote for poverty, is declining. There is, and will continue to be, a critical and essential role for governments in developing countries to address policy issues in agriculture and to implement technical programs that optimize social welfare for the public good. Governments should not view for-profit private sector activities as detrimental to the public good because these private sector activities often are the most effective way-in seed production and distribution-to achieve national goals set by the governments. The collective goal must be to build partnerships that use the comparative advantages of the public and private sectors to achieve mutual goals. Governments can use poli- cy instruments to encourage and stimulate private sector invest- ments in joint venture programs, and donors can facilitate imple- mentation of such collaborative programs (Anderson et al. 1994). In the last decade there has been a strong trend for govern- ments of donor countries to encourage, and in some cases require, increased participation by the private sector in agricultural research. Many of the more advanced developing countries have emulated this trend and established policies that encourage increased partici- 29 pation by the private sector in areas where it has comparative advantage. Whereas in the past policymakers in developing cour- tries did not recognize the private sector as an important resource for carrying out national programs, there has been a marked and progressive change in which the private sector is now generally acknowledged to be a key player in development. This view is endorsed by the international development and finance communi- ty, which recognizes the private sectors in the North and the South as increasingly important national and international resources James and Persley 1990). The significant investment of the private sector in biotechnolo- gy, perhaps more than any other single factor, has clearly demon- strated the need for and significant advantages associated with col- laboration between the public and private sectors in agricultural research and development. Indeed, the requirement for a minimum critical mass in R&D, particularly in biotechnology, has been the major stimulus for most of the mergers and acquisitions in the pri- vate sector. The development of biotechnology applications is capi- tal intensive, requiring substantial long-term investments, which often can be mobilized only by the private sector. Thus, most investments in biotechnology are made by the private sector. A major challenge for both the private sector and the public sector is to find ways to collaborate in sharing and transferring appropriate new and superior technologies, which often are proprietary, from the private sector to the public sector. Collaboration between the public and private sectors is esseri- tial in planning future research strategies that are global in cover- age, and requires cooperation by all the major entities in agricultur- al research in industrial and developing countries. This cooperation should ensure that limited global resources in agricultural research are used in the most effective way to strategically address the issue of food security in the developing world by optimizing the compar- ative advantages of the public and private sectors. Assuming that the data from selected industrial and developing countries are rep- resentative, current private sector investments in agricultural and 30 food R&D are conservatively estimated to be about $11 billion In the industrial countries and $2 billion in the developing countries; this compares with $8.5 billion and $8.8 billion, respectively, by the public sector. The issue here is not the precision of the esti- mates; rather, it is that both the public and private sectors are spending, independently, about $30 billion on agricultural R&D. This $30 billion investment is inadequate to meet current global agricultural R&D needs. In addition, it does not benefit from the considerable efficiencies that could accrue if the same amount were invested in a more coordinated manner by the public and private sectors. It is, therefore, vital that the two major players, the public and private sectors, involved in agricultural R&D on the global scene collaborate to address the important and impending chal- lenge of global food security. Governments of developing couIn- tries, the donor community, and the private sector must take the necessary and urgent steps to initiate the building of partnerships. It is encouraging to note that there are several initiatives alreacdy underway to build new partnerships between the public and private sectors. Two of these initiatives are the founding of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) in 1991 and the establishment of the Privatce Sector Committee of the CGIAR in 1995. These two initiatives, quite different in character, are described below. Founding of the International Service for the Acquisition ofAgri-Biotech Applications The Mission The mission of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications is to help alleviate poverty by increasing crop productivity and income generation, particularly for resource-poor farmers, and to create a safer environment and pro- mote more sustainable agricultural development. ISAAA's objec- tive is the transfer and delivery of appropriate biotechnology prod- ucts, particularly proprietary technology from the private sector in the North, to developing countries in the South by building part- 31 nerships between institutions in the South and the private sector in the North. The Need In the past, developing countries, and the organizations that assisted them with agricultural research, have had free access to non- proprietary traditional technology from the public sector in industrial countries. With the advent of new biotechnology applications, how- ever, this situation is changing. The new applications are increasingly proprietary, and are owned primarily by private sector corporations in industrial countries, which account for the majority of the investment in biotechnology R&D on a global basis. The greatest need for agribiotechnology, however, is in the developing countries. The bene- fits of biotechnology generally are not accessible to developing counI- tries due to institutional, political, and infrastructural constraints and to a lack of financial resources. The applications of agribiotechnology offer promising means to a more sustainable agriculture and a safer environment; for example, by providing alternatives to the use of toxic conventional pesticides. Conventional technology alone can rno longer increase food, feed, and fiber productivity at a growth rate fast enough to keep up with population growth and still respond to envi- ronmental and sustainability pressures. There is consensus in the sci- entific community that biotechnology is an essential element for increasing food, feed, and fiber productivity in the future. The Institutional Response A new institutional mechanism, ISAAA, sponsored by public and private sector institutions, was created to transfer agribiotechnol- ogy applications from industrial countries in the North, particularly proprietary technology from the private sector, to developing cowu- tries James 1991; Krattiger and James 1993). ISAAA's role and comparative advantage as an honest broker is to bring together insti- tutions from national programs in the South and from the private sector in the North into partnerships to transfer biotechnology appli- cations. Thus, ISAAA is not an executor, but a facilitator. ISAAA's organizational structure permits both the public and private sectors to work together as true partners in an international biotechnology 32 program for the benefit of the developing world. Acknowledging that technology adoption by resource-poor farmers is, and probably always will be, challenging and difficult emphasizes the importance of ISAAA's mission in its quest for equity in technology transfer. In the absence of organizations such as ISAAA, developing countries may be denied the opportunity to access the full potential that cur- rent and future superior biotechnology applications offer. To assist developing countries in the acquisition and application of proprietary biotechnology applications, ISAAA was founded as a not-for-profit international organization. It is cosponsored by philan- thropic foundations, bilateral organizations, and corporations from the private sector that provide financial support and share biotechnology applications. ISAAA is a small, responsive, nonbureaucratic, interna- tional network. There are three centers established in the North-the AmeriCenter, at Cornell University in the United States; the EuroCenter at the John Innes Centre in the United Kingdom; and the precursor liaison office for the AsiaCenter in Japan-to monitor and evaluate the availability of biotechnology for transfer to the developing world. There will be three centers in the South-the AfriCenter, SEAsiaCenter, and LatiCenter-to help national programs identify priority needs for biotechnology applications. The AfriCenter was established in 1994, the other two are planned for the near-term. Programmatic, organizational, and policy guidance is provided by an international board of prominent individuals representing developing and industrial countries, public and private sectors, and professional interest groups, particularly those in environmental protection. ISAAA is funded by fixed-term commitments through a donor support group that includes a balanced representation of public and private sector institutions. No core funding is being mobilized, allow- ing full flexibility for changes in future directions without encumber- ing donors with long-term and less flexible core commitments. The fixed-term funding strategy exposes the program to regular peer review when accessing competitive international funding. Early tangi- ble expressions of support from the public and private sectors were the significant grants awarded to ISAAA by eighteen donors. 33 The Program ISAAA has initiated a pilot program that uses a five-step strate- gy to provide the following services: * assist developing countries in identifying biotech- nology needs and priorities and in assessing poten- tial socioeconomic impacts in a demand-driven program; * monitor and evaluate the availability of appropriate biotechnology applications, particularly proprietary technologies, from the private sector in industrial- ized countries; * provide "honest broker" services by matching needs with appropriate proprietary technologies; • mobilize funding from donor agencies for client countries to implement projects; and * counsel developing countries on the safe and responsible testing of biotechnology products, and provide targeted assistance for implementation of biosafety and food safety regulatory procedures, socioeconomic analysis, management of resistance genes, and intellectual property rights. The Strategy The strategy is to focus on the safe and effective introduction of near-term biotechnology applications that already have been tested in industrial countries, particularly to: X emphasize applications to increase the productivity of food crops, particularly orphan commodities grown by resource-poor farmers; contribute to sus- tainable agriculture and a safer environment through the development of alternative technologies 34 to conventional toxic pesticides; and assign high pri- ority to horticulture and forestry; * concentrate on three classes of plant biotechnology applications: tissue culture, diagnostics, and trans- genic crops; and * assign priority to the assessment of benefits and con- straints of biotechnology in developing countries, including biosafety and food safety considerations, and the responsible deployment of resistance genes to optimize durability. An example of such an application of biotechnology would be in forestry. Some of the tropical species that contribute to biodiver- sity in natural and commercial forests in developing countries do not lend themselves to easy seed propagation. Biodiversity will be threatened and genetic erosion will occur if biotechnology cannot be applied to offset these disadvantages. ISAAA implements a demand-driven program that responds to the priority needs of twelve target national programs in Africa (Egypt, Kenya, and Zimbabwe), Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam), and Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Mexico). These target countries were selected because they are developing nations that have some capability in agribiotechnology and the political will to play a lead- ership role in biotechnology transfer. Establishment of ISAAA cen- ters in the South will encourage the diffusion of technology, at mar- ginal cost, to neighboring countries with similar needs. Program Achievement Twelve ISAAA projects have been developed, brokered, and implemented or are under development. The most advanced model project involves Monsanto's donation of coat protein genes to Mexico for the control of potato viruses (PVX/PVY), which is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and features technology transfer and training 35 of Mexican scientists. The first generation of transgenic potatoes, developed by Mexican scientists, has been field-tested in Mexico and is promising. Monsanto also has agreed to a South-South transfer of the PVX/PVY technology that will allow Mexico to share this technology with Kenya. A companion project assisted Mexico in developing the infrastructure and regulatory biosafety and food safety procedures for testing and introducing recombinant products. Discussions between Mexico and Monsanto are currently being held about technology transfer that involves use of a gene that confers resistance to potato leaf virus (PLRV), aimed specifically at varieties, such as Rosita, that are grown exclusively by resource-poor farmers. Monsanto also has agreed to a further donation of PLRV resistance to enhance the benefits for resource-poor farmers growing potatoes in other developing countries. Other ISAAA projects include: * Diagnostic for black rot of crucifers, one of the most important diseases of cabbage in Asia (Washington State University/Asian Research and Development Center-AVRDC). * Development and transfer of several diagnostics for maize diseases in Brazil (Pioneer Hi-Bred International/EMBRAPA). * Network for the development and testing of papaya that is resistant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus (PRSV) (Cornell University/Brazil/Thailand). * Insect-resistant cotton (Monsanto/Brazil/Argentina). * Transfer of a selectable marker gene in cassava (Sandoz/CIAT). * Tissue culture-based pilot production facility for more productive, virus-free banana seedlings (South Africa/Costa Rica/Kenya/Uganda). 3 V6- * Improved and healthier fruit trees with the applica- tion of diagnostics (South Africa/Zimbabwe). * Breeding for maize streak virus resistance in maize (ohn Innes Centre, United Kingdom/Kenya/Pan Africa). * Micropropagation and distribution of multipurpose trees (Mondi Corporation, South Africa/Kenya). Projects under development indude: * Transgenic sweet potatoes resistant to one of the most devastating virus diseases of sweet potatoes (Monsanto/Kenya/Rwanda/Tanzania/Uganda). * Cryopreservation technology for the conservation of plant genetic resources. Project Support Activities ISAAA initiated a series of activities to support project implementa- tion. These include an initiative on biosafety and food safety regulatory development, socioeconomic analysis, intellectual property rights, issues related to biodiversity, and deployment and management of crops resis- tant to insects (Bt). A series of five biosafety workshops were completed in Argentina, Costa Rica, and Indonesia, and two were completed in Kenya. Investment in Human Capital, ISAAA's Fellowship Program Recognizing that human capital and training are the most impor- tant factors for sustainable and successful projects, ISAAA has a strong fellowship program. Training, an element in all ISAAA projects, is essential to build capacity and sustainability vis-t3-vis biotechnology in national programs and to predude dependence of developing courn- tries on industrial countries for the new technologies. To date, ISAAA has arranged mid-career training for twenty scientists from eight countries in transformation, regeneration, diagnostics, and molecular biology. Unlike traditional training programs, which usually have 37 - involved the public sector in industrial countries, a noteworthy feature of the ISAAA Fellowship Program is that most of the project-specific, hands-on training has been undertaken with private sector corpora- tions rather than with the public sector. Four regional biosafety workshops organized in Latin America (2), Asia, and Africa have provided training for approximately 250 regulatory officials and scientists from developing countries in tlhe promulgation and implementation of biosafety guidelines. In the workshops, representatives from industrial country public sector regu- latory agencies and from private sector corporations, which are the major users of biosafery regulations, have shared their experience with colleagues from the developing countries. The thrust of the biosafety activities is to build capacity in regulatory oversight in national pro- grams. For projects that involve genetically engineered plants, ISAAA ensures that products are tested and introduced in a safe and effective way, and preferably in harmony with existing biosafety regulations of industrial countries. A similar series of training activities is being developed for food safety, and future plans include activities in intel- lectual property rights and socioeconomic studies, which are incorpo- rated in all projects that deal with recombinant technology. Summary In summary, the ISAAA experience has already demonstrated that partnerships can be built between the public and private sectors to their mutual advantage, and that win-win options can be negotiat- ed. These options include a partnership between the public sector in a developing country and a private sector corporation in an industrial country that involves outright donation of a biotechnology applica- tion by the private sector corporation; a joint venture that involves a contribution of technology from the two partners (for example, adapted germplasm from the developing country and a gene that con- fers added value from the private sector corporation), with an arrange- ment for development costs and return on investments to be shared by both parties; and a partnership between two private sector corpora- tions, one from the North and one from the South, to commercialize a product by optimizing the comparative advantages of the partners. 38 Establishment of the Private Sector Committee of the CGIAR Proposal to Establish the Committee At the CGIAR Ministerial-Level Meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland, February 9-10, 1995, ministers, heads of organiza- tions, and delegates representing the membership of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research recom- mended that the CGIAR broaden its partnership within the global agricultural research system. More specifically, as part of their Declaration and Action Program, the Ministerial-Level Meeting encouraged the CGIAR to convene a committee of the private sec- tor as a means to improve the dialogue among the CGIAR, the pri- vate sector, and members of the civil society interested in the same issues as the CGIAR. Interaction between the committee and the CGIAR was envisioned to be collaborative and of a consultative nature. The CGIAR was urged to work in closer partnership and collaboration with the private sectors in the North and in the South to design and conduct joint research programs and to ensure that the CGIAR's research agenda reflects the views and goals of global and regional partners in agricultural research. Under the leadership of the Chairman of the CGIAR, Mr. Ismail Serageldin, a proposal was developed, discussed, and agreed to by the CGIAR, to establish the committee, which first met in December 1995. Terms of Reference of the Committee The committee interacts with the CGIAR to provide a private sector perspective on the current status of global agricultural research and future needs. It serves as a link between the CGIAR and the agricultural private sector organizations at large, in the North and the South, and facilitates the liaison between the agricultural private sec- tor and the CGIAR. Through rotation of membership, over time the committee will incorporate representative views of a broad cross sec- tion of the private sector in relation to policies, strategies, research priorities, and program activities in agricultural research and develop- ment in the North and in the South. 39 The CGIAR initiative to form the committee aims at encour- aging the private sector to foster and develop new programmatic partnerships that exploit fully the respective strengths, network of relationships, and comparative advantages of the CGIAR and the private sector. The committee brings to the CGIAR its perspectives on issues such as the following: * current and future needs and priorities for agricultural research and development in developing countries; * current and future strategies of the private sector, especially in the South, to respond to those needs; * private sector views on CGIAR policies, strategies, and activities, including views on recent private sec- tor research breakthroughs or cutting-edge tech- nologies that the private sector would be willing to share with the CGIAR; * identification of program thrusts that represent an opportunity for the private sector and the CGIAR to collaborate and to optimize the comparative advantages of the partners to achieve mutual goals and objectives; and * evolution of a new partnership between the pri- vate sector and the CGIAR that will represent a holistic and all-encompassing global approach to food security. The committee expects to carry out its work by: * meeting two times per year, for approximately two days, at locations in the North and in the South (these meetings may or may not coincide with the 40 Mid-Term Meeting and International Centers Week of the CGIAR); * interacting with the various elements of the CGIAR system and the dients that it serves in the develop- ing countries; * consulting with the CGIAR and its Chairman, as necessary; * organizing meetings, workshops, and consultations to broaden interactions between the CGIAR and private sector institutions; and * presenting to the CGIAR views and proposals emerging from the committee's deliberations. The committee is represented at CGIAR meetings through attendance by the Co-Chairs. Composition and Membership of the Committee The committee has ten private sector members, induding two Co-Chairs, one from the North and one from the South. Half of the members are from the private sector in the North, the other half from the private sector in the South. Members were selected from small, medium, and large companies and represent the major activi- ties of the private sectors in the North and South, focusing on the particular areas where the CGIAR is active (for example, genetic improvement and management of crops, livestock, forest, and fish- eries; soil fertility; conservation and use of genetic resources; formula- tion of government food policies; and conservation and management of natural resources). The committee has reasonable geographic cov- erage, and is a manageable size. Members are senior executives who are leaders in their respective fields, have experience in strategic plan- ning and policy decisions, and have a broad range of professional backgrounds in the principal areas where the private sector and the CGIAR are active. 41- Initial Areas of Interest Identified by the Committee The committee has identified the following four topics for exploration and dialogue with the CGIAR: * biotechnology; * intellectual property rights, genetic resources, and biodiversity policy; * mechanisms of interaction between the CGIAR, NARS, and the private sector; and * international centers and private sector practices in research and research management. Summary In summary, the establishment of the Private Sector Committee of the CGIAR represents an important development that should pro- vide mutual benefits. The CGIAR, with a current annual budget of approximately $300 million (equivalent to 4 percent of public sector spending on agricultural research in developing countries), is the single largest public sector investor in international agricultural R&D. The significant impact of the international centers of the CGIAR on pro- ductivity and production of staples, such as wheat and rice, is well doc- umented and internationally recognized, as shown by Dr. Norman Borlaug being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his pioneer- ing work on semidwarf wheats. More recent objectives of the CGIAR focus on food self-reliance rather than food self-sufficiency, acknowvl- edging both that agricultural and economic growth can alleviate pover- ty and the need for an eco-regional perspective to develop sustainable systems that conserve natural resources and protect the environment. The private sector faces the same challenges. These challenges demand more resources than the public and private sectors can marshal inde- pendently, and, thus, it is both logical and desirable for the public and private sectors to collaborate in the pursuit of a goal that is vital for the survival of the global community-food security. 42 References Alston, Julian M., and Philip G. Pardey. 1996. Making Science Pay: The Economics ofAgricukural R&D Policy. Washington, DC: AEI Press. Anderson, J. R 1996. (Personal Communication). Anderson, J. R., P. G. Pardey, and J. Roseboom. 1994. "Sustaining Growth in Agriculture. A Quantitative Review of Agricultural Research Investments." AgriculturalEconomics 10:107-123. Anonymous. 1995. "Volume Flat, Spending Up." Ag Chemicals (February):46-47. Anonymous. 1996. "Seed and Ag Chem Enterprises.' Cultivar (May):48-56. Brown, L., and L. Haddad. 1994. Agricultural Growth as a Key to Poverty Alleviation. Brief 7, 2020 Vision of IFPRI. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. Falconi, C. A. 1992. "Public and Private-sector Interactions in Agricultural Research in Less-developed Countries: The case of Ecuador." ISNAR Discussion Paper 92-13. International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands. 46 pp. . 1993. "Public and Private-sector Interactions in Agricultural Research in Less-developed Countries: The Case of Colombia." ISNAR Discussion Paper 93-14. International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands. 96 pp. James, C. 1991. "The Transfer of Proprietary Biotechnology Applications from the Industrial Countries to the Developing Ones: the International Biotechnology Collaboration Program." Rivsci di Agricoltura Subtropicale e Tropicale (1):5-24. Istituto Agronomico per L'Oltremare, Florence Italy. James, C., and A. F. Krattiger. 1996. "Global Review of the Field Testing and Commercialization of Transgenic Plants, 1986 to 1995: The First Decade of Crop Biotechnology." ISAAA Briefs No. 1. 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(Personal Communication) 1994 Data on Pesticides and Animal Health Products. Edinburgh, United Kingdom. World BankL 1994. Technical Report 252. World Bank, Washington, DC. 43 Appendix Table A-1. Principal Fertilizer Companies (listed alphabetically) COMPANY COUNTRY Nitrogen/Ammonia (N) Arcadian United States CF Industries United States DSM Agro BV Netherlands Farmland Industries Inc. United States ICI Fertilizer United Kingdom Kemira Oy Finland National Ferdlizer Ltd. India Norak Hydro As. Norway Pemex Mexico Pupuk Kaltim Indonesia Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. India Phosphate (P20) CF Industries United States Freeport McMoran Resource Partners United States ICW/SIAPE/SAEPA Tunisia IMC Fertilizer Group Inc. United States Occidental Chemical Corp. Ag. Products United States OCP Morocco Texas Gulf Inc. United States Potash (K20) Arab Potash Company Jordan Entreprise Miniere et Chimique France Dead Sea Works Israel IMC Fertilizer Group Inc. United States Kali and Salz Germany Kallum Chemicals Canada Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Canada *List excludes producers in China, the former Soviet Union, and Central Europe. Source: Communication from International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFIA), Paris, France. . 44 Table A-2. Major Plant Protection Companies (based on esti- mated 1994 global sales of crop protection products) RANK NAME COUNTRY APPROXIMATE SALES ($ MILLIONS) 1 Novartis Switzerland 4,126 2 AgroEvo Germany 2,140 2 DuPont United States 2,140 4 Monsanto United States 2,123 5 Zeneca United Kingdom 2,120 6 Bayer Germany 2,041 7 Rhone-Poulenc France 1,866 8 DowElanco United States 1,737 9 Cyanamid United States 1,618 10 BASF Germany 1,316 11 Sumitomo Japan 603 12 FMC United States 504 13 Kumiai Japan 500 14 Sankyo Japan 459 15 Ishihara Japan 455 15 Nihon Nohyaku Japan 455 17 Rohm & Haas United States 439 18 Hokko Japan 380 19 Takeda Japan 363 20 Nissan Japan 356 21 Sipcam Oxon Italy 351 22 Makhteshim Israel 320 23 Uniroyal United States 268 24 Atochem France 240 25 Nippon Soda Japan 210 Total 27,130 Source: Wood Mackenzie (1996), with adjustment for mergers that have taken place subsequent to 1994. Table A-3. Major International Seed Companies (ranked by worldwide sales in 1994) RANK NAME COUNTRY APPROXIMATE SALES ($ MILLIONS) 1 Pioneer United States 1,500 2 Novartis Switzerland 907 3 Limagrain France 820 4 ELM (Pulsar) Mexico 500 5 Vander Have/Zeneca Netherlands/ 460 United Kingdom 6 Takii Japan 450 7 Dekalb Plant Genetics United States 320 8 KWS Germany 315 9 Cargill United States 250 10 Pau Euralis France 170 11 Sigma Semences France 160 de France 12 RAGT France 150 13 Rhone-Poulenc France 140 14 Cebeco Netherlands 125 15 Barenbrug Netherlands 120 Total 6,387 Source: Cultivar,Anonymous(1996). 46 Table A-4. Major Animal Health Companies (based on estimated 1994 global sales of animal health and nutrition products) RANK NAME COUNTRY SALES ($ MILLIONS) 1 Hoffiman-La Roche Switzerland 1,293 2 Pfizer United States 1,251 3 Rhone-Poulenc France 1,158 4 Merck United States 815 5 Bayer Germany 663 6 BASF Germany 629 7 Novartis Switzerland 485 8 Hoechst Germany 464 8 Eli Lilly United States 464 10 Mallinckrodt United States 448 11 American Home United States 374 Products 12 Upjohn United States 346 13 Degussa Germany 288 14 Solvay Belgium 232 15 Novus United States 220 16 Akzo Netherlands 216 17 Boehringer Ingelheim Germany 204 18 Virbac France 199 19 Schering-Plough United States 167 20 Sanofi France 162 21 Takeda Japan 153 22 Alpharma United States 141 23 Nippon Zenyaku Japan 136 24 Janssen Belgium 132 25 Tortuga Brazil 110 Total 10,750 Sorace: Wood Mackenzie (1996), with adjustment for mergers that have taken place since 1994. 47 Acknowledgments I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Donald Duvick and Mr. R. N. Dryden for comments on the manuscript; to Dr. J. R. Anderson, Dr. Jasper van Zanten, Dr. Robert Fraley, Wood Mackenzie Consultants Ltd., the International Fertilizer Industry Association, the International Fertilizer Development Center, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for providing data; and to my wife Glenys James and Ms. Pat Brand for formatting my original manuscript. C.J. About the Author Clive James is Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, a not-for-profit organization he assisted in founding in 1990. ISAAA was established to facilitate the acquisition and transfer of agricultural biotechnology applications from industrial countries, particularly pro- prietary technologies from the private sector, for the benefit of the developing world. Prior to his association with ISAAA, Mr. James was Deputy Director General for Research at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo-CIMMYT), a CGIAR center headquartered in Mexico. Mr. James has served as Senior Agricultural Adviser to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and has con- sulted for many international development agencies, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank, and for the Hitachi, McKnight, and Rockefeller Foundations. An agricultural scientist by training, Mr. James holds a Ph.D. from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. 48 -G 1