STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL •1111 Il'l'BIU,ATIOJIAL BAJIK FOR RBCOBSTRUCTIOI AID DEVELOPMEl'l' --- TWO HUlfDRBD A1ID IID'l'BD'l'H REGULAR .NEE'!'ING ot EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS - -- Conference Rooa, International Bank Building Waahington, D. c. Thurada7, June 1,, 1951. The meeting vaa convened at 10:00 a.a., llr. Eugene R. lllact, President, pree141ng. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 2 C O 1' T E If T S I'l'EM PAGE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Before I do it, I want to tell the Board that we have recently sold an additional small amount of bonds out of our portfolio, 140,000 Chilean bonds, due July 1952, and 102,000 due JanuarJ 1953. These bonds were sold with our guarantee to the National City Bank. This is a similar tranaaction to the one we had previously. The reason that they were sold with our guarantee 1a that the National City Bank is unable to buy the bonds without our guarantee because the Chilean Government bonds were in default and they don't STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 77 have a auff1cient11 high rating which would make them legal for the bank to buJ them. In other words, theJ have got to buy them with our guarantee. The reason that they want to buy Chilean bonds is the ruling made in Chile to allow banks there to invest a certain percentage ot their capital and surplus in Chilean bonds, so that there ia no way that they could take advantage of that ruling except to buy Chilean bonds, and the only way they can buy Chilean bonds ia with the Bank's guarantee. Now, we have sold those bonds. They are 2 3/4 percent bonds and we have &Qld them at a premium so that the Bank bought them at a price to yield 2 percent. I haven't got the exact premium, but it was the premium over par that we got for the bonds. I say we have sold the bonds. The Board gave the management the right to sell bonds up to $1,000,000. I just didn't vant you to think I had done this without proper authority.