75064 Republic of the Union of Myanmar: Reengagement and Reform Support Credit SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors January 22, 2013 The Executive Directors approved the credit to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar for the Myanmar Reengagement and Reform Support Program in the amount of SDR 287.75 million (US$440 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2012-0300). Directors welcomed the project’s objectives to support Myanmar’s critical reform program to strengthen macroeconomic stability, improve public financial management and improve the investment climate, which will in turn help accelerate growth, generate employment, and reduce poverty. In particular, they emphasized that improved public financial management, together with enhanced fiscal transparency, will be critical to improve public service delivery. They also underscored the importance of both the Government’s commitment for these nascent reforms at this critical stage of development, as well as the role of the international community in supporting these reforms in a well sequenced way. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of a clear communication strategy around the program’s objectives, as well as complementary technical capacity building, including human resources, to address limited implementation capacity. Directors also noted the significance of this program to the Bank’s re-engagement with Myanmar through its role in facilitating the clearance of arrears. Looking ahead, the Directors emphasized the need for continued close coordination with other donors, particularly with the IMF, as well as consultations with stakeholders outside Government.  This summary is not an approved record.