THE WORLD BANK BAO nCtAL LN eol2l- 1o) 10ocum Letter 1'o. CD-234/WINRIP/VIII/2012 August 8, 2012 Mr. Robert Pakpahan Expert Staff of Minister of Finance on State Revenue With F..] I Mandate as Director General of Debt Management Ministiy of Finance Gedung Frans Seda Jalan Dr. Wahidin No. 1 Jakarta 10710 Indone:; ia Dear N Pakpahan: Re: Indonesia: Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project - Loan No. 9043-ID; Amendment No. 1 refer to the loan agreement ("Loan Agreement"), dated December 14, 2011, between the Republic of Indonesia (the "Borrower") and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Develo-1-ment (the "Bank") for the Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (the "Project"). As agreed during our discussionE with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Public Works, the name of Category (1) in the table in paragraph 2 of Section IV.A of Schedule 2 to the Loan Agreement is hereby corrected to remove an extraneous reference to "WP- 1" and now reads as follows: "(1) Civil Works under Part 1 of the Project". There are no changes to Categories (2) - (5). For ease of reference, the complete table is restated below. Amount of the Percentage of Category Loan Expenditures to be Allocated financed ______________________(expressed in USD) (inclusive of Taxes) (1) Ci ii Works under Part I of the Project 220,400,000 70% (2) Gcods, Non-consulting Services, Consultants 16,000,000 100% Services and Incremental Operating Costs* under Part 2 of the Project (3) Goods, Non-consulting services and 1,000,000 100% Consultants' Services under Part 3 of the Prolect (4) Works, Goods, Non-Consulting Services, 0 100% Consultants' Services and Incremental Operating Costs* under Part 4 of the Project (5) UnEAllocated 12,600,000 TOTAL AMOUNT 250,000,000 ISEE T -)wer 2, J. Jend. Sudirman Kay. 52-53. Jakar a 12190 * Telephone: (62-21) 5299 3000 * Facsimle: (62-21) 5299 3110 = O Box 1324,/JKT Jakarta 10013 * Telex: IBRDIA 60086 * Headquarters: The World Bank, Washington DC, USA Mr. Robert Pakpahan 2 of 2 August 8, 2012 Ministry of Finance Except as specifically set out in this letter, all terms and conditions in the Loan Agreement remain unchanged. Please confirm your agreement 10 the foregoing by signing and dating both enclosed copies of this 1-tter in the space provided and returning one signed copy to us. The above amendment will become effective as of the date of the later date of countersignature of this letter by the Borrower. Sincerely yours, Shubham Chaudhuri Acting Country Director, Indonesia CONF RMED: REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA By: Name: Robert Pakpahan Expert Staff of Minister of Finance on State Revenue Title: Vith Full Mandate as Uirector General of DEbt Management Date: SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 JSF lower 2. JI Jend. Sudirman Kay. 52-53. Jaka,ta 12190 * Telephone: (62-21) 5299 3000 * Facsimile: (62-21) 5299 3111 1 0 Rox 1324.JKT, Jakarta 10013 * Telex: IBRDIA 60086 * Headquarters: The World Bank, Washington DC, USA