86818 Reviewed and Approved by: ·1~ J,(- --.... - zqfasnam State Secretary Task Team Leader for Governance Assistance Project Ministry of Finance The World Bank Mongolia: Governance Assistance Project Updated Procurement Plan 2014 December 24, 2013 Part I. Thresholds of Procurement Methods and Prior Review Abbreviations : ICB International Competitive Bidding Procurement method as specified in articles 3.3 and 3.4 of the Bank 's National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Procurement Guidelines Procurement method as specified in article 3.5 of the Bank ' s Procurement Shopp ing Guidelines Procurement method as specified in articles 3.6 and 3.7 of the Bank's Direct Contracting (DC) Procurement G uide!ines QCBS Quality- and Cost-Based Se lection QBS Quality-B ased Selection CQS Selection Based on the Consu ltants ' Qualifications sss Single-So urce Selection LCS Least-Cost Selection IC Selection of Individual Consultants Procurement Method Threshold Prior Review Threshold ICB ~ US$100,000 a/ First three contracts for goods awa rded fol lowing Nat ional NC B ction Method Procurement Proces~ {'on tract# Description of Con tract Plan Re,·ised PP 2014 commit1ed (as of Ol; bursement (as Dec 31. 2013) o Oec 31.2013) 1-- - - ---.------1------,- - - -----,r-- - - ---i C ompletion of Cont racto r's n ame Contract Plan Actual A1.1 Strengthening Debt Ma nagement a n d Public lm•f'Stmen t Program is completed •\ I 1 I P ub he D ebt M anagement (Rcv1ew of legal !1 amework of debt m ~mag. ernl:'nt. development ofpu b!tc debt management St!ategy·, re\1t'w of on- lendmg portfo!Jo and development of pohcy Jan HO\vard and regulations_ and rev1ew of adequac\ . ,r $10' 080 00 $1 0'.080 00 S I0 5.080 00 $ 105 .080 00 IC IC 12-Apr -07 30-Apr-07 19-Jun -08 STORKEY. :\ew staffmg and development of trammg plan for Zealand debt manag~ment d1v1sion) AI I 2 Local Cons ultant for rev1ew of on-lend ing J Zolbayar: Y $14 .30000 $ 14.300 00 $14 ,300. 00 $14.300 00 IC IC 21-feb-0 7 ~- Mar- 07 1 I· Oct-07 31-Jul-09 portfolio Amarbat, A1 1 3 Estabhshmg an eff~cttve debt management m 1 1J chael Lod\Attg l\.· hne with mtemat1onal best pract1ces S' 1.900 00 $' 1.900 00 $51 .900 00 $51 .900 00 sss' sss 1-Aug.-09 I "i-Aug-09 15·0ct-09 1-Nov-09 W1lhams. UK Al J 4 \V orkshops on debt reportin,g Di sb ursed agamst reasonab le actual D omestic Traming $ 18 .168 01 $18.059 95 s18.0'9 95 $18.059 95 cost~ 2007-2012 mUB city AI I ~ De\·e lopment of debt sustamabiht) analvS1S so 00 so 00 so 00 IC 1-Jul-i I I ~ -J ul-11 I·Aug-1 1 1-0ct·ll AI J6 Workshops on debt management 5traregv Dis bur sed against reasonable actual $1 0 452 II $ 10.4~2 11 $10.452 II $10.4521 1 2009-20 II costs AI I 7 Overseas trammg of debt manage ment d J\1Sion D1s burscd against reasonable actual Ph thppme. France. 83Q 0\ $"1 _ $<3.839 0 1 $'1 8.'~Q 01 $53 ,839 0 1 200 7-20 12 staff costs U~A . l 1K, Holland ~ ~dH>Ud"" · A1 18 Rev1ew of debt market deve lopment L Tsolmonbayar · N Sl781lll $16.869 11 Sl 6.86CJ 4 1 $16.869 41 IC IC !-:\'(l\·09 I ~-!\'ov-09 I ~ - Feb-10 30-Jun-12 Odmaa. B A 1 J_ 9 Tra1mng for capacity development ( ove J ~e~ Thru land . lndonesi a, stud) •ours ~Uld workshops) Di -;bur!ied agamst ll'a5onable actual USA. S""'1tzerland. $21 6.9 18 10 $216.918 10 $216,918 10 $216.918 10 2008 -20 II cost s M acedoma. Turkev. France. Fmland A 1 I 10 l lpgrade ofDMFAS to VerSIOns<:. 3 and 6 0 $ 1<0088 43 $138.681\ 10 $1 18.686 10 $138.686 10 sss' sss' l -."1a\ tO 1 '-~av-10 1-Sep- 10 3 1-0 cc- 11 I.JNCTAD A I 1 II Upgrade the platform for hnk_jng DMF AS to GF:'\415 (m ult 1ple contracts ) so 000 00 $6.900 00 $6.900 00 $6 900 00 IC IC 4-Jul-08 18-J ul-08 18-Jul-08 2008 -2012 N Gantulga A I 1 12 Local Consultanl fm OMF AS team o c.nereu. o Mandkhru. M 'S~ 1 Rlti 66 S24 627 20 $2 -1..6 27 20 $24.627 20 IC IC 21 F~b -07 ' -\1 ar-07 l -Jul -07 2007-20 11 ~\1 ungunt s e t-;eg . L Chmbat 1 D. ~..Supph lf Lo.:al \r{'a Nr1 work olher office ---------r-------r-------,-------,-------~ anaum LL~ . Summit Computer LqUI[_'lf"!")t'fl• .r•1d Mh•~l pr nt n • Technology Co $fi'i_\4fl 311 $6" f.< I Q( Shopp m~· Shoppmg 15-Sf"p-08 30-Sep-08 15-0..-r-OR 2008-20 II ltd MCS Electromc.., ( o l td Ten!!t'f Alta1lrade Eledromcs KDK $17,0 1799 $ 17,01 70 $1 70 !7 99 $170l7gg Shoppmt: Shopping 20-M ar-08 5- Apr-08 I c; _<\pr 0 8 2008- 2009 Co Ltd. Global Electromcs ~omm ~----~--~~~~----~---r----~~~----~~~· Sub-Tota!A l l 17'49800 S744l l~ll ~~~~r-~~~~----~~--------~------~--------~--------~--------L-T 17401 018 174 0 301 8, $000 ~ · · --~ Bud e-t Adj usted o· b Pronm .'llll'l\1 / Selrction \1 t't hod I mplement ation Schedu ln2: ::'1 tJ ntlln'·ear ) C ont r·act # IJ t>~('t"ifli iO n of ( on tntc-1 co m mitted (a s o IS urse ment ( a::_I _ _.;I::,Q',;~<.:l..:.:, ;'i:: '>a,..Lo t:=:;;;;'.&...ll~,;;;;;;;, ;'·- · ., J·..-~als _l A•••d CeJnild C o ntra ct : ~1-2 : Strengthening tht' P u blic Investment Program: Status is com pleted ~I 2I ro peratiOnaf!LallOn of the e'(I<;IJn,!! PTP rn:uoua"l mternatJonal) S214.532 00 S];--i_:'\3:. Uv S23-l 3.313) J(' !(' l -Mar-10 15-~ov-09 15-Jan- 10 2010-2011 Galbadrakh. B AI 2 ~ Studv tours for pub he tm·e-,:tmem programs m Dtsbursed ag31nst reasonable actual ~ther countnes :separatE" 2 tnpsl $39,983 94 $39,983 9 $39,983 94 S39 983 9< costs 2008-2009 UK AI~~ Local Consultants for Pub!tc btvestment Gantulga, I lJ>mgrammm!! (MOF Aid Coordmahon $44.050 oc $43 .888 21 $43.888 2 $43 888 2 IC I(' 7-Jun-07 20- Jun-07 23-Jul-07 2007-2 0 12 Batkhuu, D t'o e~~~&t1ment -multt • !e gJntron'' ( """' ltant as a Budget L146.792 $1467920 o· $1467921)1 $ 146 79 2 OJ Sl407q20"\ SI -l o 792 o· sss $0 00 sss' I 7-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 23-J ul-07 2007-2009 L:SA '~J Sl,m.;4Z1.1 28 7 428. 7 00 $0 _ l'otaLAJ SJ .33.1. I $ 1 287 ,428, 76 ' t:iJ. CoQ!Ponent A2: llecent raliLin2 Finant"ia l Man ai!:ement: Status i ~ complf'tcd Budge-t lrnp lt>rnentat ion Sc hl'dulin g (Mo nt hA -t• a r ) Adjuslt>d Oisburst'mt>n t (as P1·ocu rement/ St>lec tion \ l t'thod Contnu·t t: Descriptio n of <'on tr a l' l ('Otnmitt<'d (as o P t·oc ttt" l' llt t'nl Pnu:E"SS Com pletion o f Contracto r 's name Pl;m Re,·istd PP 2014 o fDe c31.2013) Der 31.201J) Cont rac t Plan Actual Inv ite Pr opos<~ l s f:' Pro posal .; RE"ct'i'" Awa r d Contract -~'("""''' Jl ,-.![ out GFMIS to Large Budget Enttttes and MlS Electromcs ' tltlrll" (Hardware and conne~OR '7 1 00 S8US '71 00 SSOR '71 00 $~08' 7 1 00 I(B l(B 17-Apr-07 I '-Jun-07 12-0ct-07 1-Apr-08 I, ~ :-::1 LL( . Mon~oha ~ ~~ "'' -hware & hcencmg fee s F reeBalance Inc .. $360 000 00 $160.000 00 $3 60.000 00 $360.000 00 DC' D<' 9-Apr- 07 30- Apr-0 7 1-May-07 4-Jun-07 Canada '.~~~;~ •1 :nting of reports Tod Khevlel Co $).~742) $5.974 .25 $) .974 25 $5 ,974.25 Shopptn£ Shopping 2007-2010 Ltd Admon LLC n ~,..-=~ and office eqmpments M CS Electromcs $6 025 60 $6.02' 60 S6.025.60 $6 ,025.60 Shopping Shoppmg 11-0ct-07 14-J\'ov-07 22-Nov-07 11 -Dec-07 Office Max Toptca ' l • ' (oLtd A:- l.x.tp!oyment of Local Ind!v!dual C onsultants T Enkhbaa!ar, B EnkhtuuL 0 $293)0 00 $29.27 5 61 $21.).27<; 61 $29.275 61 \( IC I 7-i'.!ov-06 17·1'-'0\-06 15-Dec-06 2006-2012 Javkhlan, Sh SanzaJdorJ , Ch Altanba •ana A2 3 Trainmg W orkshops of about I 5 per vear for Disbursed agamst reasonable actual DomestiC Trammg P4 '03 19 $74503 39 574.501 39 $74,503 .39 2006-20 10 U se~ of GFMlS costs m UB c1ty A2 4 0 \·erseas T raming D1sbursed agamst reasonable actual S1~~~ore. $2 38 _6 96 (!7 $21 8.6% .97 $21 8 696 97 $238,696.97 2006-2010 Malays1a. l 'SA. costs T urkey, Thailand , A2' International consultant fo r data entrv F reeBalance Inc. mformat1on on dtsdosure S2& no oo $28.<)20 00 $28.920 00 $28.920 00 IC 1-0ct-10 1-?-Jov-10 15-0ec- 10 1-Feb- 11 Canada A2 6 Upgradmg Crystal! Reports to Internet-based Anar Soluuons Reportmg SeT vJce $5 .000 oo $5.000 00 s' ooo oo $5,000 00 sss sss. 15<\'<-w-07 5- Dec-07 17-Dec·07 15-Mru--08 LLC . Moneoba f o ra! A2 SI55 7.U.L2 1 S 1. ~S6 ,966 . 8 2 s 1,5;.6,966.82 $ 1,5!'6,966.82 $0.00 ta n Resou r cr Exprn d ihn·f" Vb.nagenun t: S t <~ l u5 is com plt'tt'd A3: Improving Hu rT Rudgf:'t l mplf.'"mentation Sct-u~rl • •l i ng (1\lonth/Yea r ) Adj nstt•d Procurement! Selection Me-thod D isbursf.'"m e n t {a~ P t·o r u rem e-nt P roress Con tract # Description o f Cont r:t r t r om m itir-d (as of Co m p letion of Cont rartor's namt> Pl an Rf'\ 'iSt'tl p p 2014 o f Der 31.2013) I)(' (" 3 \. 2013) C on tract Plan .-\ ctua l lm ·itt· P .-o ,,o ~a b RN·t>i\f• Pmposa ls Awa rd Con tral't A.l. J : Oevt'ln rnent of a waft bill modellin e toni \10 1-" & esc : StHtUS is ('OJn Jlcted AlI I Dr Robert E Development of effective wage tool SJ3 0 R-,: 00 S! 3'-n02 oo 5 11Q.P2UO ~i 'I) 872 uo cos (QS ]::.Ju::-t:""' < Jul-0 7 1-Aug-07 8-Apr-08 F1restme. 1'\~,pe tJ tv e U 0( !. Au-;tna A1 I 2 Employment of local cono;:uh ants for L K ht s htf!Sur~n and de\'dopment of effect1ve wage tooltmulttplt' $ 7 2()<) 66 'S7.2'JfJ 66 S7 2<.19 66 S7.299 66 lC I( 7- Se-p -07 21 -')ep-07 2-0ct- 07 8-Apr-08 D llangal contJactsl Al l 'I ( o.,._uhancv S€"n.1cf's ffH D<'v,.lopmg pit\ PDP ~ustral1a ~ grao1P~ m<"thh actual T ra.mm~ Wmbhop on wage- tool and wage- Domesttc Trammg $1,971 26 $1, 97 1 26 $1.971 26 $1471 26 2009 201 0 research outcomes cos t ~ m UB c ity A3 I 6 " UtgonJarga . u Nat10nal Cons ultants for Wage Research Unrt $66,680 00 $5 4.620 00 $j 4 .620 00 $5 -l .620 00 IC IC 1-Jul -08 I .<:; -Jul-08 J 1-Jui- OS 20rl8 -2010 AmarJargal. B (multtple contracts) Te rh Sub-Total A3 I $410,11091 $398 .050 91 $198 .0'0 91 so 00 A3.2: Establishment of T raining, Research and Adlisorv Senrice- Center: Status is co mpleted AJ 2 I lntematJonal consultant fo1 Ass JStmg Ill B1d l:valuauon for ~upply and lns(allatJon of KPMG A dvisory $20.200 00 $20,200 00 S20_100 oo $10. 200 00 IC IC I ~-J'\ov-09 15-J an-10 'oh"are and Hard" are for HR. MIS at the Services, Smgapore ~~\~mment Serv1ce Counc1\ of Mongoha CVHHaC<> ..,_, •...:u1·ement of Office equ1pments, IT goods PDMS Co .Ltd. - ~others for establishment ofTrammg. $89.'61 09 $80.378 14 Shoppmg Shoppmg 2010-2011 Office System Co , }b.:, c~arch and .\d\'1$01\ SerVICe C-enter ltd. Demt Co .. Su b- Total A3" $109.76 109 SiOCJ.:"78 ]..; $0 00 \ 1.3:-·Formulate a mffho doiQif\' for condu<"tiol! f'ffective civil st-n:ie-e census: Status is t:omoleted A l J Ia Dcs1gn and mcthodolo!!\ of <;urvey forms for c1vd serYICiav-Og 0 Undraa_ D (nauonal) Ovunbtle • J Munkhdulam. Suppo11 stafh fo1 CJvJI ServiCe Folio" l"p Sl,SOO 00 $150000 S I.'OOOO Sl ) 00 00 IC IC 16-A ug-08 29-Aug-OR 7-0ct -OF. I. Advasuren, G ( -t'nsus Da•va. A3 12 Lo!CJqtc" to a.<:stsl m dJ ssem tnatJOn of surve\' Disbursed against reasonable actual $83.474 70 $83.474 70 $83.474 70 583 47-l 70 1-0ec-07 fi.lllll'· costs B Batchuluun. A. Otgonlkham. A Dt'n~lopment and Comp1hng of Jnformat1on $] 000 00 $3 .00000 Sl ooo oo $3 tlOO 00 I( IC 6-Feb -08 20-Feb-08 29-Feb-08 2:" - Apr-OR Selenge, U related to Ct\11 ServiCe Census Bavarsa1 khan and 8 Qr:rd AJ 3 4 0Yer--eas tra.Jmng fOI MO} ' NSO and esc D1sbursed against reasonab le actual Phrl!ppme. $35.358 98 $3' .1'i8 qg S35.358 98 2007-1008 staff costs Cambod1a A3 3_5 Trammg oftramer' and t ra m~e ~ 0n C1\1l D1.,bursed against reasonable actual DomestiC Training 565.132 09 So< 13209 soc; 132 09 ~65 \ 32 QQ 2007-2008 setYJces censuo; costs m UB city cumnt's S74 2_..:1 70 $ 74. 244 70 $74 244 70 $74.244 70 I(' t(' 1- Apr-08 ! "i- '\pr-08 1"-May- 08 14-0ct-08 40 nat1onal t:m ~t ble and mtang1ble asset' conc;ultants Sub-Total Ad I $3i 7 rf'\ 76 'S.\..l 7 375 76 SJ4 7 !7< 76 $34 7)75 76 su 00 BudJ!;tf lmpltmentation S(:hed uli n~ (Month/\ t"ou·t Adju-.tt>d Pro(Urf'mt-nt. ~t>lt-chon '\1f'thod Di<;;bur;l'mf'nl (as Procurtmt>nt Proc~ss ( ontract u rlf"<;;Cription of ( ontnH'I committf'd (a-. o Plan ReviSf'd PP 20 14 D.c 31.2013) ofDed1.201') 1-------,;------+------,------- ,-------l romplf'tion of Contractor's namf' Con tract Plan Actual lnviff" Propoo;als Rectn-'e Proposals A"'ard Contra"' A4.2: •:Stablish Qualitv Assurance System Nott-: All below stattd activities of thi-s compone-nt • ..,. t.om ltft"d A4 2! Intemattonal consultant for preparat1 on nf $43.657 00 ) .h DO ~43,6<7 OP ~p 1,6" 0(1 )( IC 20-Dec-06 JO-Jan-1!7 4-Mar-0 S u<;an 1 hetford, methodolop and manuals for aud1t quaht\ (l~A assurance (smgle contract) " '::"" Printing of gutdeline" and manual~ of audiT ss [() 00 $R I 0 00 $810 00 $810 00 Shoppmg Shoppmg 5-\.of ay-08 t4-\1av-08 26-Mav-08 2008-2009 Khukh Sudar ualny assurance Pnntm • LLC, A4 2 J Employment of Local Consultant for audit s17,000 00 $17.000 00 $17,000 00 $17,000 00 IC IC 14-Dec-06 29-Jan-07 7-Mar-07 2008-2009 G Altans ukh and J quahty assurance Jar •alsuren A4 24 Trrumng/workshops for consultatiOn and S46AOJ 9\ $46.403 9< $46.403 95 $J6.403 9'\ Otsbursed agamst reasonable actual 2006-2008 Domest1c Training d1sseminanon of the manuals and methodoiOb"'- l'OStS m UB c1ty ( mcludes per dtem and all workshop rd:mxi costs) A4 2 \ Overseas trammg fo r e1ght persons $16,99713 Slo.99 7 1J Slo.907 ll q ~2 6 971 3 <; D 1~hmsed agamst reasonable actual :woq-1 nrr publtc awareness and dissemtnatron COS!<; T otal Bl $743 ,832 .97 $757,6 16.53 S757.6 16.53 $0 .00 ( omponent 83. ( apacJfJ Buddme for Da ta l'ra n'\ 1an-nc and Data AC'ce~' for PoHm \1onatonne Bu dgf't l mplemf'ntat ion Schedul mg (Mortth/\'ear) Procurement/ ~f'lf'ction Method Adjusted Di«burst'ment (as Procun>men l Prou~~s Contrac t # Df'"Cri ptlon of Contract committed (as o ('ont racto•·'s na mf' of Oec 31.2013) ( o mplf'tion of Plan H.e\'i'\ed PP 20 14 Oec3 1.2013) ( "o ntntcr Pla n Actua l Invi te PI'Opo,al..: 8 3. 1: OtJ'I ltCi Buildin!: • t ~ SO Note: All belct·in· Pr oposa b :\wan l Co ntract 8 3.2 : Disrlosu 1-r of pon11v dat~ : Sta tus is co m ph•tcrl c. B_ i~ ! Fc::.hh<>r. mforn 1 2 2b l£v;·;)l\ ofTT equtpment (Co mputers. Pnnte rs S"l -"8~ 00 'b" L""' no '{; '\ 1,585 00 $5 1. 58 5 00 NCB N\B 25 -Apr-OR q-lun 08 •-" Sep-08 3 1-Dec-08 MCS Electromc<> r.I~ Jla...: he~ ) . LL\. Momwha JB.~ .:.L ~~Ji~ p!v of(onfNen ce Room Audto. Vtdeo and 6 32 00 $34 _ S1-l J, ,.: 00 $34.6 3200 $34.611 00 ~ CB NCB 16-Apr-0 8 ~ 0 - ~1 :w -08 I ~ Sep- OR ll- Dec-0 8 Bod! Fl ectromcs •rr.) ultaneou..: Interpretation Fqu tpments Co. Ltd. 'vtongolta B3 2 2d ' .. pply o f IT eqUJpmenl for \ISO 8:. Supplv o f S6 .'32 7c, $6.532 75 $6 H2 75 $6.5327'\ Shoppmg Shoppmg I-N1av-08 15 Jun -08 1-AU!!-08 1-Scp-OM G eruge Plus LLC ; ,,~!sllcal soft ware and hcences for :\'SO staff \ 1ongoha ' \mantee Norton Ant1v1rus Sof1ware) 83.2 ~- I \upp ly of IT equip ment fo r NSO & Supply of S2.60c, 00 $2.605 00 $2 nos oo $1.nO'i 00 DC ~ DC X J-Mav-08 l "-Jun-08 1- Aug-08 1-Sep -08 Alt-N Technologies .'U! l'>lical software and hcences for NSO staff Lt d USA . c\ lda.:=mon Software products) 83 2 2f ,'.}.upply of IT equ1pmen1 fo r NSO & S upplv of SJ 15~ 38 $3.252 38 $1.2:'238 $3.252 38 Shoppmg S hopping 1-Ma,·-08 1"-Jun -08 1-AU!;;-08 1-Sep-og Geruge Plus LLC . ...:!l~tlcal software and lrcences for NSO staff Mongolia \IJ ~·rosoft MSDN Software) 8 :1..!.2~ E't. ;>piy of Data Center's equipment for NSO ! S2 J 827 00 $23 .827 00 $23.8 27 00 $21.827 00 Shoppmg Shoppmg 16-Ap•-08 30-May-08 I 5-Sep-08 31 -D ec-08 Bodt Electrom cs Co Ltd. Mon <>olia Il l : ' \\ \ !J kshops on dis!>emmat ron o f s urvev data for $ 17 683 24 s17.68 3.24 $17.683 2-l $17.683 24 D isbursed aga mst reasonable actual 2007-2009 Domestic Trainmg )."iQ IT s taff costs tn UB City 8 12 4 Overseas Trammg of three NS O staff on $46_253 ~() Si4b.253 59 $46.2~3 )<) S-l6 253 59 Drsb ursed against reasonable actua.l 2007-2008 lndta. S\.\'ltzerland information dtsdosure costs r~~- Procurement o f P nntlng Machme. S50_677 50 $ 50.677 50 S'i0.677 50 $50 677 50 Shoppmg i-Oct-09 15-0 ct-09 15-Dec-OQ 3 1-Dec- 10 6 contracts (Master A.trcondttioners and others (multiple cont racts) Pnnt C CI Ltd. S mus Dochr C'o Ltd. Bambar Inj Co. ,) • 2 t \\'orkshops on gwdehnes for drsdosure S l 74 1 4o $ 1.741 46 $ 1 74 1 46 $ 1.7-l l 46 Disbursed agamst reasonable actual 2009- 2010 Domestic T ratmng 'kl"\'tces costs m t 'B ctty 8 3: , ~~·curity C am era Equip ments $6 713 00 $6 7 13 00 S6 71.1 00 $67 1100 Shoppmg S hopping 2Q -Oct-07 12~No .. -07 20-Nt d B~ 2 S-l74 n<>J.l 'S.l74_786 ,~ SJ74 _7S6 3J S47<78o J4 so t)(J Tot a l HJ S878 .6 1 1.38 $8 78.6 11.38 S8 78.t,\ 1.38 $8 78.61 1.38 ${; 00 84 : lJ Di?.rad in MOF website to a 0¥namir Portal: Status is completed Bucl gl' t ImplenJt-nlation ~che-d u l ing (Month f\'rar) AdjuS!t'd Procun' m l'nl/ Srirc tion \1 e!hod Disbur~ me:n t (as Pr·oru•·e mcnt i>ro cess Co n traet # De-scri pti on of C oni r:.J ct com milled {as o Comp letion of Contrac101·'s name P la n Rl'viSC"d pp 2014 of Dec3 1.2013) Dec 31.20 13) Contract Pla n Actual In' ill" P r op o"als Rect-iw P roposa ls Award Con t ract B4 I Design o f MOF websne f('.r d1sclosure and ~ -n 7R.l n $.13,67" RJ ~41675 84 S"l.675 84 Management of MO F dvnam1c ponal websne GFf\US Oracle mamtenance and web maste1 J r nkhbaatar. IC I( l-Ja:1- U7 l ~-Jan -07 24-Jan-07 2008-201 1 A7.tushi g, B Gerelt. for MOF portal web site {national con ~u ltant s - multiple cDntracts) J Ser_1myadag 1341 ~.upp!y of office eqwpment and network S- ..:" oqo n1 )! 45.0900 3 $!-1'>.090 03 $!4"' 0900) Shoppinl! ';hopping 22-Jan-07 o- Feh-07 13-l·cb-O i 2007-2009 17 contracts (T opica I;.&. ilmes and u-. connect I\ u, costs (multip l~ Co Ltd. MCS Pri!racts.) Electromcs . ~ormn [l~ctromcs, Summ1 t Compute: B4 3 ( m"uhtltlon workc;hopc; m { IB to get feedback ) (, -; "{ 14 lll<:hur.;;;t-d a~>;lm'>t rea-.onab!e actual O n1 lE'"'>IIC Trainin t' du~m 1 • the :rr, lh.t• anC tram:ng on use of ml 'R c1h· w~~~·te B4 ·1 S"8 r "' 00 '!;'\, fPO h7 D1c;b ursed aga.tn"'l rea.<>onah!e actual ::!00~ - /.0l? :'v1 alavs 1a cost• ~ mgapo re_ Ind ~a Total B4 $279,576.80 $280 ,1 86.98 'S2~0.180. 98 5280.186.98 $0.00 Cl: St~nethenm~ Tax Admini~tration: Status is on1!:oin2 Rudge-t lmplern t>nt:uion ~cheduhng ( '\1onth!\ t>ment/ ~t!lf'tlion Method Disbur<;e-mt"nl (a~ Conl r:tc t # D~..-riph on of<. on tract committed (as o Procurem t'n l Proct>ss Contractor's name Plan Revised PP 2014 Dec31.20 13) ofDer 31.2013) 1------;r------+------,--------r-------i CompletiOn of Contr·act Plan Actual lnvit( Proposals Receive Proposals AY.ard Contract CI Ia T A for tax admm!Strat!On refo rm $89[983 80 $891.983 80 $891 983 80 $891 98] 80 QBS QBS 18-Ju l-07 28-Aug-07 5- Nov·07 2009 SIPU lntemat1onal (I l b International Consu ltant for reviev-.-ofBidding $30.270 00 $30,270 00 $30.270 00 SJO 270 00 IC 28-Feb- 10 31-Ma~-10 30-Apr-1 0 2010' Malcolm Lane. Documents l'SA ( l 2 Impro\ing ICT capaci!Y at GDNT (multiple $279 _000 00 $303.440 00 $303.4 40 00 $2 88 440 00 IC ISSS IC/SSS 28-Mar-07 16-Apr-07 2007-2013 S Uyanga, U contracts) Esbold. Yo ( l 3a Domeshc T rammg fo1 ( fi)"\l J.. ~vfOF staffs $172.000 00 $90.83 I 98 SQ0.831 98 D1sbur sed agamst 1easonable actual 2007-2013 Domes tic T rammg costs tn UB cit) C I lb Stud\ Tour<; $39 011 )9 $39.01 I <9 $19,01 1 '\ () D1sbursed agam c;t reasonable actual 2006-2010 USA Denmark. coste; Turkey Cl 3c IT Trammg Abroad (mu !t1 p le v1s 1ts) $131 088 41 $107,512 25 $107.512 2' ) 107 " 12 2'i Disbursed agatnst reasonable actual 2006-2013 Thailand. Ind1a ~.;OSIS C!.! ( h ~r<.! I $104,375 82 $104.37\82 5104_17, 82 S I 04.37~ 82 Shopp1 n~ Shoppmg 2-l -Aug-06 6-Sep-06 29-Sep -06 2006-2010 14 contracts (Anun Co Ltd MCS Elcctromcs. M1gm a E lt:ctromcs_ T op1ca CO Ltd. BSB Se"'1ce. Tndum ·- .. CJ_..7 .. , l'1·mmg cmts of b rOI.'hUJe<; eh: outreach $20.000 00 $6.643 08 ~6.64 J 08 Shoppm!! ~hopptng 2009-20 13 :V1 aster Pn m C o , ::: : 1 'aum matenal ~ Ltd t ~ ~, ( ,,r,..,ultants fm Busmess Development Unn $129_000 00 $11 7.001 64 $11700164 $1 1700 1 o4 IC IC 28-Mar·07 11-Jun -07 2007-2013 B Garid. Ts ( ll ~ldt 1ple contract ~) EnkhJavkhlan. B Enl...hjargaL Ch ('j'l !' 'ko..urement ofF-S ecurity Software (password S34 .200 00 $34.200 00 $3 4 200 00 $34.200 00 Shoppmg Shopprng 2Q-May-08 12-Jun-08 16-Jun-08 31-Jul-08 T ndum LLC. l --.:;.~111\ soft"'are) l\1ongoha / C liO ~\ utemenl of E-Sccurity H ardv;are $27.000 00 $2 7.000 00 $27 .000 00 S~7 . 000 00 Shoppm£ Shopping 3-Apr-08 17-Apr-08 24-Apr-08 20-Jun-08 Tndum LLC 1 ·~ ~ . -.word s ecun~ equtp ment) Mongoha CUI lj.ji! a r·) Adjusted Pr·ocure men t/ Selec ti on '1eth od Disbursemt'nt (a s Procu rement Proce':'s C ontract# Desc ription of C on tract com mittt'd (as o C o ntractor's nam e Plan ReviS('d PP 20 14 of Dr.-31.20 13) 1-- -- ---,r------ 1-------,r-- - - - - - , - - - - ----1 C ompletion of Der31 .2013 ) Co ntract Plan Actu al Invite Pro posa ls Receh e Pt'O fl Osa ls Awar d Contr·ac t C2 : 1: Canac i · Development at Pmcureme nt Polic Caoacih De 1a rtmen t PP (' O ('2 I I Employment of local consultants for $3)9 100 2) 1297.1> 29 90 S297.629 90 ICISS S ](' sss 6-Jul-06 6-Jul-06 6-A ug -06 20 06- 2013 L. Sansaraa. D instJtutJonal capaCity bw!dmg for PPCD Erdenebalsuren, G . (muluple contracts) Sergelenbat, B 1\" arangarav. 8 BolorchJmeg. D Otgonsuren_ D Ganbayar_ 0 Batzava, Ts C2 I 2 Work..o;;hops and seminars for consultation and S7" .000 00 $ 76.629 06 ) 76 629 06 To be disbursed agamst reasonable 2007-201 J Dom~,.-><;.tic Traming dJ..;o;:emmauon of standard btddmg document" acwal cost:-. mU R c1rv and good proc uremenl pract1ces C211 ~u p p lv of IT equ1pment and software for 5"'" .000 00 S4-l 9 'iO 0 3 $-l4 Q'iO 03 $4..+() )0 03 Shoppmg 21-Aug-Ol, q -\1 av-06 1-0n-06 2006-2013 16 contracts {Anun 1' \'CD (multipl e contract:. I Co Ltd: MCS Electromcs. Migma Flectronics. Top1c a CO Ltd, BSB Serv1ce. Tndum (" _· I .": tr::unmg for PPCD staff on < l\ C"Jsea<; )..+OO .O()'i .!7 $401,R95 I 0 $401.89" 10 To be d1shursed aga 111st reasonable 2007-2 013 Indonesia. Korea, w:J.nagenwnt of pubhc procu rement actual costs Ph1ltppme, Tanzama t ' AE . Thatland Denmark., Sub -Total ( 2 I S84\i .71J-l oq $&2 3 104 oq C2.2: Sustainable lone-tet m procurement development proeram ( ' Strategtc p!annm~ for ec;tabltshmem of long S6" :-oo oo $6'i.500 00 $6'1}00 00 S6" "00 oo ll I( ran-0~ l-Jan-08 "-Mar-08 1-Jul-08 Manmohan Ruprat. term ~ustamab!e tramin~ program on publtc l anada proc ·ement (multiple contracts) ('2? 1 \\ mkshops on ,trategy ofsust<>mahle $20 000 00 $4.35Q 53 $4.359 53 $4_359 5.1 To be disbursed agatnst reasonable 201 I 2013 Ja~_:Jrement trammg actual costs C2 2.1 -- :_:mtcal asststance for procurement $20.000 00 $4,433 73 $4.433 73 $4.433 7J Shoppmg Shopping 1-0ct-08 1-Nov-08 1-Jan-09 1-Mav-1 1 TOP!\ A Co Ltd . .:lopment mstJtuttons (multtple contracts) ,-- ::1bllshment of traimng - of- tramers $40 000 00 $0 00 $0 00 IC 1-Jul-11 15-Jul-1 I 1-Aug-11 1-Nov-12 pmgram and student courses in universities (multiple contracts) ('2 2 5 Assistance to procurement profess tonal unions $25.000 00 $7,500 00 $7,500 00 S7."00 00 IC 1-Feb-11 15-Feb-11 1-Mar-12 1-Jun- L\ and other professiOnal umons Sub-Total C2 2 $170.'00 00 $8 1,793 26 $81793 26 $8!.793 26 C2.3: lm provine evaluation a nd monitoring functio ns of the natio nal procurements •stem C2 3 I Des1gn of procurement management $9 1 741 DO $91.74 1 00 $9174 1 00 $91741 00 IC IC 8-Jan-07 24- Jan-07 9-Mar-07 3 1~Dec~08 Manmohan Ruprai. mformat!On svstem (PM.MlS) Canada. Rodo!fo Reyes Mascarenas Phdtppmes and E C2 _1 2 ! ),· \ dopment of procurement management $336.658 75 L I} · -.-~ .... ••::; $327 .108 76 $127 108 76 ICB ICB 3-A. ug-07 20 -Sep-07 24 -Dec-07 30-Sep-08 MCS Electromcs hti, ·matiOn svstem (Pt-.1l\1IS)_ mcludmg LLC. \1ongoha ·,.--,-;;rrent costs dunng pertod of post-warranty I\ ( ~ '' Jmp1ovement of reportmg and momtonng of peri{)rmance ofpubhc procurement system $3.987 63 $3 .987 63 $3.987 63 $3 987 (:->) sss ll sss 30- Sep-08 l5-0ct- 08 I :" -Dec-08 1-J un-09 Infinite Solutions Co Ltd \1ongoha C2 34 \Vorks hops and semmars on use of PM..\115 $9 046 90 Sll , I 37 81 $11 ,137 81 S ll. L\ 18! f o be d1 sbursed agamst reasonable 2008-2009 Domestic Trammg and procurement reportmg and momtonng actual costs ml"B Clt\ Sub-Total C2 3 $441.434 28 $44 3.52' 19 $431,97:" 20 SJ33,9 7" 20 0.4 : Esta blishi m!: !Jrocurement cornnllli nt a nd rf'view ~m d llurliti nt!. me<'ha ni sm C241 Establishment of pwcurement audnmg $20,000 00 so00 $0 00 IC 1-Aug-12 15 -Aug-12 1-Sep- 12 1-Sep- JJ mechamsm and lmplementat!On procedures (multtple contracts) C244 D1 ssemmat10n war kshop s for agencte~ under S IO OOOO O $0 00 $0 DO To be dtsbursed agamst reasonable 2011 -2013 audit actual costs Suh-T ot al ('2.4 S30 000 00 $0 00 so 00 Su b-T otal \2 $1,538,000.00 s1,366,0 22 .54 $1 ,338,872.55 $ 1,338,8 72.55 TOTA L U S I ,36ti ,022 .54 $1 ,338,87 255 S I ,33R,872.55 S27 14\l qg 0 : Mioin (.ad astre and Ret!.istrv Svstem: Status is completed Budg:<'l lmplemenla tion Sched u ling ( \1 onlhA Par) Pr·ocurement/ St'ler lion \ ·1ct h od Adju ~ t c d Disbursement (as Pr·o r u rc rne nt Pr·ocess Co n tra ct# Desc ri ption of C on tract commilll'd (as o C ont r·ac tor's na mE- of D« 3 1.2013) Completion of Plan Rt'vised pp 2014 Dec 3 1.20 13) Cont ract P hm Art ua l Invite Propo.,;ll s Receive P r o1>osals A~ a r·d ("ont r act C"l 1 a lmematJonal C'onsuhant for te..:.hn ical $20 1 ".:!2 1)\) $20 I ,522 00 S20 1."12 oo $:!0 1.~22 00 I( IC 12-:'\lm.-06 30-0ct-06 2-Jan-07 2007 -200Q Fnnque Onega. superviSion, regulator) Je\.'le v. and defimt10n nf Spam cadastral rules and procedures ('3 I b >Jational Consultant for techmcal s uperviSion $76 000 oo $76.000 00 $76.000 00 S76 000 oo IC' IC 14-Dec-06 27-Dec-06 17-Jan-07 2007-20\0 Bntsuun Davaa, regulatol) re1.1ew and defimt 1on of cadast ral Mongolia ru les and procedure~ Cl I c National Consultant for regulatory review and >noo oo $7.500 00 S7.5 00 oo $7.<00 00 IC IC 3-D ec-07 18- Dec-07 4-Feh-08 31-Dec-08 Jargalant definition of cadastral rules and procedures Elbegsa1khan ~km •olta C3 I d International Consu ltancy Sen1ces for ~ 10.000 00 $10.000 00 s 10.000 00 $ 10.000 00 lC IC 11-Jun-07 25-Jun-07 2-Aug-08 14-Dec-08 Juan Pneto ~1onn Venficat1on of the GeothedK \'etwork and Spam CakulatJon of the Transforma!J0!1 r\lgonthm C1 I e 1\Jauonal Cons ult ancv Services fDr Venficatton $87. 161 10 $87 161 10 $87 . 16 1 10 $87. 161 10 (lBS QBS 5-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 ]Q.Jun-07 2007- 2008 \.-1o nmet of the Geothed1c Network and Caku lalion of Engmeenng Co the T ransformauon Algonthm ltd of i\1ong.oh.J CJ 2 lntematJOnal Study Tour ~ $134 .688 '2 $143 '22 3 < $143.)22 35 $143.'22 l' D i~burse d agamst reasonab le actual 2006-20 10 Ch1 le. Peru. costs :'\1ad agascar, (3 \ F n~al!.emcnt ofFo ret gn Tour fal. lltOr S7 400 00 $7.4 00 00 $7.400 00 S7.-100 oo IC IC 19- Aug-07 3 1-A ug-07 13-Sep-07 2007-2008 Cto<:ar Bermeo ( 3 4a lntemationa1 ('tms ultam.\ Sen1ce for Des•gn $859 372 78 $769.993 95 $769 .9Ql qc; S76CI .tre SV"tem and tn:llmng. of O G'VtC p1ofe.,-..onal s tafl (mdudmg. soft,~ are llccncmr fees) CJ 4b Nattonal Con ~ultant tOt Des!gn cqutrring and $'4.000 llO $5~.000 00 $<4 .000 00 S"-4 000 oo IC I( 5-Sep-08 12-Sep-08 22~Sep-08 2008-20 r:: \1· Ts Odkhm: establishment of an automated mtnm!:' regJStl\ and cadastre svstem and t1a.mmg ('J 5 Publrc dtssemmatton of mmmg cadastre Sl\.0~0 12 $ 1184844 s 11.848 44 Sl l 848 ~J Dl'>hut<:cr. agams: tl•ac:;onable actual 2006-2012 llome<;tK T rammg :r.fNmatJOn ~\~or bhop<:) n l ' B ut"\ '"'.b " d;1plvofGI~ sofh.. art' and tr~!H11ll ~ $ <4.6 19 88 $54 619 88 )'i4 .(J! Q 88 $54.6! 988 rx·i DC lh 9-Jul-08 10-Jul-08 14-Jul -08 J c; .'\U !-1--0F; 1nn \1ap LLt r-.. - Monc:ol!a C~7 :)plv (lf office equ1pmert ft.ml'tll'\' am! lT s2 q_qqo oo $29.990 00 $2Q .QQO 00 $2() 990 00 Sh()pPl!l_!.'. Shoppmg 3-Jun-08 I 8-Jun-08 26 ·Jun-08 I J-Aug-08 Top1ut ( o L1d •" .iliij)ffil"nl . C l..8 knp!v and lmta!!:mor of (ioods liT pmCuct' S! 87.01 q 26 $18 70192(, S!X70JQ 2o ~ 1870!'1 ~() <.. . hoppt:J,_ Shoppmg 1-0ct-Oq l " -D t>c~09 1" rei·- to 2()0\")-21' If> (l)ntracto; ,( J'rice equipment-. and dl l !S ummll Co mputer~ ·1 el.hno!Og\ Sam lr.tematJonal lll)1l(('p: ( ·o Ltd S u b-·1 ot •tl ( "3 $ 1,730,323.66 S I .M 0-576.98 S I ,6 ~ 0,5 '"~ 6.98 S I.G -l0 ,~ 76. 98 sn.oo Component 0 : Pro·ed Coordination and Evaluation: 'itatu~ i~ an onf!oin2: Rudget lmplt-mt>ntatio n ~chedu l in~ ('\tlonth/\ ear) Procurement; Selection Method Adj u~tt'd Disbur;ement (as Pr ocure ment Process Contr act# Desrriptwn ofContrarr com mittt>d (as o Contractor'<> name of De< 3J.l01 3) Complenon of P lan Revised PP 2014 Dec 31.2013) Contract Plan Actual Invite Pro p osal~ Recrivf' P ro pos.als Award Con tract 01 Emplovmem of uxe staff of the PCl' (multiple $d PP 014 allocatmn Agr ...e mcnt dated COtl\T n ed to t_ 'SO Dtffe rence No Category 20 1.:1 (cum ulau ve) ::tme nded on Dec Del:cmher 2 ~ . (l SD R~ I 52 1 12. 2011 2()1 ' USD) US D US D SDR S DR I '[) Goods 5,702,48619 5,6 72 ,798 80 3,6 17,000 00 3,742 800 00 \6 92 79 8.80 5,672,798 80 20.000 00 ConsuhanC\ Ser.1c es 6,749, 708 97 6,1 92.143 10 4 ,230,000 00 4 ,07 1,10000 6 .192,143 10 6.192, 143 10 000 T ra mnH.! and W ork.sh ops 2,7 5 1.881 69 2,626.18 1 06 1,7 10.000 00 1,73 6,50 0 00 2.04 1,2 ! 6 50 2 ,6 26, !81.06 15,035 44 I11' Costs l m.:t emcnw ! O perat 1 320 193 99 2SJ.81 8 60 180,000 00 186 600 00 28 3.818 60 28 3,818 60 000 Total Amount 1~.524,2'1.04 14,774,941.56 9,737.000.00 9,737,000.00 14,809,977.00 14 774 94 1.56 35.0J5.44 PPian 2014 (cumu lat i\ e ] Componen ts Con sult ancy T raining IOC Total Con!~!_Onf-n t A $ 1,404,857.72 Sl,785,056.42 S I ,026 , 123.08 s 120, 193.99 $4.336,231.21 AI $87,4 74 14 SS.\7 .688 56 $3 52 ,265 ~ (, !. 1.287 428 76 S63_l95 61 £3 13. 1 0(; 36 AJ Sl:2 2. 57J 26 $ 645, 099 ..\b S! 40 98 1 18 $ 110 ,936 89 $ 1.0 :9,:'':1179 AJ Sl 4. 23l:l 27 $::::: 9 on79 $21 9.675 68 Component B 772 870..\9 645 957.13 497.587.27 1.916.4 14.89 B: S2 22.51 7 37 $280 _6 11 ::9 $254 ,.\8 7 87 so 00 HJ $40 5263 09 $321.670 00 $ 15 167829 S87 8 611 38 84 >43.6 75 84 $9 1 4 2 1 I I Co mponentC 3 455,366.59 3,043,137.02 996,474 .21 7,494,977.82 S1 34 7.6Cl l 4 4 $3-.1 3 081 92 SJH I 9)1:: :'i~ $4 98 0~; "O ::.. 1.2 13_':..7 7 () ) S;, J 5':.. OP IJ 7<"1 \omponfnt [) ~39 . 704.0 0 $7 17.992.;3 s10!'.996.50 S l63.624 .61 $1,0 27,317.64 GRAl'\1) TOTAL $5.672,798.80 $(l, )Q 2.1-'3.10 $2.62{>.181.06 $283,8 18.60 $14.774,941.56 ~--------------------~----------~------------~------~----------~-------~ Reviewed by G .OyungereL Project manager. GAP ~ nd M STAP Prepat t::d b\' D.Otgonha tgal, Procurement specta!Jst MST AP "The original is a PDF file with no Text. We were not able to OCR and extract the Text. Error:PDF01"