AFFECTED AFFECTED CAPITAL LOSS WORLDBANKGROUP Q GFDRR EROPE ER AND CENTRALA5IA (ECA) RI5K PROFILES BY 100-YEAR BY 250-YEAR FROM 250-YEAR FLOOD EARTHQUAKE EARTHQUAKE GDP $36.4 billion* I Serbia HUN GAR Y erbia's population and economy agriculture making a small con- Annual Average of Affected GOP are exposed to earthquakes and tribution. Serbia's per capita GDP 0 floods, with floods posing the was rn nk40r greater risk The model results for pres- m -his EARTHQUAKE ent-day risk shown in this risk profile apadno-bac are based on population and gross ince in Serbia, with greater color domestic product (GDP) estimates for saturation indicating greater GDP 0 Negligible 2015. The estimated damage caused by within a province. The blue circles znj-atc historical events is inflated to 2015 US indicate the risk of experiencing dollars. floods and the orange circles the GDP (billions of $) ri sk of earthquake s in term s o f Senk zo n Just over 55 percent of Serbia's pop- normalized annual average of Bsk ulation lives in urban environments. affected GDP The largest circles The country's GDP was approximately represent the greatest normalized US$36.4 billion in 2015, with about 60 risk The risk is estimated using percent derived from services, most flood and earthquake risk models. ojai Bracvki Thers is a high correlation of the rest generated by industry, and 0 (r=095) between ths The table displays the provinces Kolubrk BorskipolaonndGPfa A pounaidGPos at greatest normalized risk for each peril. In relative terms, as -ymdlk TOP AFFECTED PROVINCES shown in the table, the pro.- P ince at greatest risk of floods is Moraiki '4 Severno-banatski, and the one ajecarski 7~ 4 EARTHQUAKE at greatest risk of earthquakes t< Ialt i b'o