HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE FROM: The Committee Secretary Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 11:05 a.m. in the Board Room Present: Committees Mr. Alkhalaf (Alternate) Mr. Kachur (Alternate) Mr. Kinder (Alternate) Mr. Klemola (Alternate) Mr. Nyamadzabo (Alternate) Mr. Odey (Temporary Alternate) Mr. Pagano Mr. Panov (Alternate) Mr. Pierini (Alternate) Mr. Schoenleitner Ms. Tantitemit Mr. Tarar Mr. Tchatchouang Mr. Yang Other Executive Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Abdul Ghaffar, Bleiber, Chotard, Malaspina Hernandez, Morris, Suzuki, Thoppil, Zajdel-Kurowska Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Bassani, Biswas, Bonzano, Diagana, Esmail, Lucas, Mahurkar, Sellen, Muleri (Budget Committee Secretary), Fernandez Ordonez (Human Resources Committee Secretary) 2019 Review of Staff Compensation for the World Bank Group and Awards Allocations 1. The Committee considered the document entitled “2019 Review of Staff Compensation for the World Bank Group and Awards Allocations� (R2019-0045 [IDA/R2019-0049; IFC2019- 0052; MIGA2019-0021] ;/1). A report from the Committee to the Board will be prepared. Adjournment 2. The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.