OFFICIAL Hql13-kX IDOCUMENTS RECOMMENDATION OF STATUTORt COMMITTEE TO: The President, International Development Association Recommendation of the Committee under Section 1 (d) of Article V of the Articles of Agreement on the proposed Financingfor the Corridor Highway Project to the Republic of Yemen. The undersigned Committee constituted under Section 1 (d) of Article V of the Articles of Agreement of the International Development Association (the Association) hereby submits its recommendation pursuant to said Section in respect of the proposal that the Association extends to the Republic of Yemen a grant in an amount equivalent to SDR 86,300,000. The purpose of said grant is improved transport connectivity and safety in the targeted section of the transport corridor between Aden and Taiz in the territory of the Recipient. 1. The Committee has carefully studied the merits of the proposal to extend such a financing, and of the purpose to which the proceeds of the financing are to be applied. 2. The Committee is of the opinion that the project toward the financing of which the proceeds of such financing are to be applied comes within the purposes of the Association as set forth in Article I of said Articles of Agreement, and that said project is designed to promote the economic development of the Republic of Yemen and is of high developmental priority in the light of the needs of the Republic of Yemen. 3. Accordingly, the Committee finds that said project merits financial assistance from the Association, and hereby recommends said project for such assistance. Republic of Yemen -2 - Corridor Highway Project COMMITTEE Senior Vice President and Grou4 General Nbunsel N ne elected by the Governor for the Republic of Yemen RegidalW'gce President M die Ea tkan orth Africa Dated at Washington, D.C.