64503 July 2011 · Number 87 YEMEN/CHINA SOUTH-SOUTH EXCHANGE: SYSTEMATIC MANAGEMENT OF COASTAL AND MARINE AREAS Banu Setlur and Ayala Peled Ben Ari1 which currently provides livelihoods to around 2 million coastal dwellers in Yemen. Generally, Introduction: In March 2010, a delegation of fishing is the only income generating activity for a Yemeni decision makers and practitioners visited Yemeni fisherman’s family. However, fisheries five cities in China: Fuzhou, Xiamen City, production nowadays accounts for less than 2 Xiangshan, Qingdao and Beijing. The Yemeni percent of the county’s GDP, and according to delegation was headed by Mr. Salem Ahmed Al- government statistics, fishing production in Yemen Khambashi, Governor of the coastal governorate of has been declining since 2006.2 If properly Hadramout, and comprised representatives from managed, fisheries can become a major source of relevant central and local authorities, the Fisheries employment and income for poor coastal Cooperative Union and the private sector. The communities. Two main initiatives are currently in delegation’s aim was to study the country’s place to support Yemen’s fisheries and coastal institutional arrangements for coastal zone sectors, the IDA/European Commission-financed management:, to examine integrated coastal zone Fisheries Resource Management and Conservation management (ICZM) arrangements, and the local Project (FRMCP, ongoing) and the Least economics of sustainable fishing. In view of Developed Countries Fund/Climate Investment applying the National ICZM Decree (2009), the Funds-financed Climate-Resilient ICZM Project delegation also sought to better understand the (planned). modalities, roles, policies and practices applied towards effective management of coastal zones China as the Knowledge Provider: China has been and the fisheries sector in China. identified by Yemen and the World Bank as a partner country due to its successful practices in The program was designed based on a needs sustainable coastal resources management, assessment proposed by Chinese experts who including fishers’ income generation and targeted visited Yemen in May 2009 to learn about the research capacity. For example, Xiamen in country’s coastal system. The visit was a key Southwest China has been recognized by the component of the Yemen and China Knowledge Global Environment Facility as a role model for Sharing on Systematic Management of Coastal and applying ICZM through a zoning system that aims Marine Areas in Yemen, funded through a to make the city’s development sustainable. China US$150,000 Grant from a Multi Donor Trust Fund, has established practical and functioning coastal the South-South Experience Exchange (SEETF). management systems based on strong marine and coastal research. Finally, China benefited from the Background: Yemen’s 2,250 km coastline is IBRD-financed China Sustainable Coastal Resource stretched along the Red Sea on the west and the Development Project (closed in December 2007), Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea on the south. which resulted in a strengthened commitment of Fisheries are an important and promising sector, central and local government to the sustainable development of China’s coastal resources, and a radical change in the perception of local 1 The team that worked on this SSEETF from the World Bank included Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Naji Abu Hatim, Song Li, Luis Constantino and Banu Setlur (all from MNSEN). This Fast Brief 2 There are three possible explanations to this data: 1. the rapid is based in part on a Consolidated Visit Report prepared by increase in the number of artisanal fishing; 2. normal fluctuation Gamal Al-Harrani, World Bank Consultant. The Brief was in conjunction with possible effects of climate change; 3. cleared by Acting Sector Manager, Environment Francis Ato Underreporting caused by the 2006 enactment of the Fishery Brown. Law which stipulates a government tax on fish sales. governments of the value and importance of of Fishing Villages (Xiangshan): Located to the coastal zone management. This has had an north of Fuzhou, the focus of Xiangshan is on important impact on seafood production, fishermen and the fishing economy through biodiversity and the restoration of livelihoods in sustainable fisheries using traditional practices and China.3 focusing on income-source diversification. The Yemeni delegation learned about the county’s key Objectives of the Study Tour: The purpose of the CZM principles: (i) using zoning which balances Yemeni visit was to exchange knowledge between conservation with natural resource use, (ii) the two countries in the area of fishery and coastal strategic management of fisheries and industrial zone management. The visit was designed around processing, including tax exemption to fishers as a four key models for coastal zone and fisheries measure to encourage sustainable fishing practices, management: 1.) Sustainable management of and (iii) promotion of tourism and fishery culture resources at the province level; 2.) ICZM in coastal with strong local ownership (currently 60% of urban setting; 3.) Integrated coastal economies in fishermen do not practice fishing). fishing villages; and 4.) Application of science and research in decision making. Thematic Lesson 4: Science Should Receive a Central Place in Decision Making and Business Thematic Lesson 1: Importance of Development (Qingdao Yellow Sea Fisheries Decentralization in Fisheries Management Research Institute): The Institute employs 200 (Fuzhou): Located in Fujian province along the scientists who conduct research on coastal and East China Sea, Fuzhou is famous for its fisheries marine resources and on mariculture. In addition resources and aquaculture production, producing to the scientific input it provides to policy makers, more than 5 million tons of fish and significant fishermen, and the business community, it also amounts of aquaculture products annually, most of offers training and academic education for which is consumed locally. In Fuzhou, the Yemeni postgraduate students and practical training to delegation learned from the local Department of fishermen. The Yemeni team visited a number of Ocean and Fisheries (DOF) about its decentralized laboratories and held discussions with researchers. and wide mandate across the entire province’s The lesson learned during a visit to prawn and fish coastal zone as it relates to development, farms was on the importance of applying high environmental protection, law enforcement, environmental standards. scientific dissemination, disaster management and resources utilization management. The delegation Additional Lessons Learned: Feedback from the noted the importance of a well equipped local Yemeni delegates highlighted a number of government in performing these functions (labs, additional important lessons learned from the visit coastal zone control center, surveillance and to China: monitoring vessels).  Tax exemption to fishermen, set by law Thematic Lesson 2: ICZM as a Driver for a Strong and enforced by government, can reduce income Urban Economy (Xiamen City): Located south of loss without depleting fishery resources; Fuzhou, Xiamen is an example of a strong urban economy that is based on the sustainable  Registration and licensing for fishermen, management of coastal resources. What in the past boat owners and traders is useful to regulate and was a polluted city living off traditional fisheries sustain fish catch; and aquaculture is now a touristic site known as the second best city for living in China. In Xiamen,  The importance of sound and effective the delegation learned about the city’s key ICZM surveillance and monitoring system through principles: (i) zoning planning enforced by law, (ii) government and research institutions in resource conservation and restoration of natural assets, management; including mangroves and wildlife, (iii) coastal zone planning and management supported by strong  Using fish stock assessments to determine scientific research, and (iv) public participation. fishing seasons, combined with a compensation Thematic Lesson 3: Integrated Coastal Economies system for fishermen is effective in enhancing fish and Local Ownership are Essential for the Success stock, especially commercially important species 3Source: Implementation Completion and Results Report, IBRD-43220 July 2011 · Number 87 · 2 Next Steps: The delegation members and their Chinese counterparts made the following key Contact MNA K&L: Director, MNACS: Emmanuel Mbi suggestions to further enhance the relationship between China and Yemen with respect to Regional Knowledge and Learning Team: Omer Karasapan, Roby Fields, and Hafed Al-Ghwell sustainable fisheries and coastal zone Tel #: (202) 473 8177 management: MNA K&L Fast Briefs: http://go.worldbank.org/OXADZV71I0  Establish a realistic and effective bilateral relationship through a framework/memorandum The MNA Fast Briefs are intended to summarize of understanding; lessons learned from MNA and other Bank Knowledge and Learning activities. The briefs do not necessarily  Open Chinese and Yemeni markets to fish reflect the views of the World Bank, its board or its member countries. products coming from both countries;  The Ministry of Agriculture of China will help and encourage Chinese fish processing companies to establish direct relationship with Yemeni companies;  China to provide long- and short-term training to Yemeni specialists and workers in the field of fish wealth. July 2011 · Number 87 · 3