FINAXN(IAL1 AIIEST Al DIT REPORT ON TIlV ACCON TS OF SINDII AGRI(Tl-, VI RAIL GRO\-1TH PROJE"CT, IYD)RABAID, TlE \WORL) BANK ASSISTE) IDA CREI)IT # 5494-PAK, GV lRN\IENT OF SINH)1-1 FOR TIHE FiN ANCIAl Y EAR 2014-15 AUDITOR4U NVi AL () P\KISTAN ISLANMA1AD) l&\―似l「《)―·《’《)、IL\-k !&:I轔。\.j. -:、1。、l\I、l、l文·\l&1 11。、I,、()亡 -&tcl、Lc。。l、 l&\I之l’一l -’戶.―、、―&J,、!`一‘l-t \〔L、,1 10.]、l之、,,。‘1-l`、.1―、【\I`、。―&L}·cl不1、l〕1、\IL&1:l()!、,[11。,!1)-J久 】∥―Ll―、―、―;、!、―i、·―.、:.1-。,1、 l&\I之―一―- ×―\、、×(-―×11\l〔l―【―-〈二口 Ik-(【l―×―k―×―、【\―之、f} }【!1 IL、,&}1}必11。.:l旦斗 二\L ILL Ik目1,1 od;、、卜、旦艮 森\11、]!―、、。,l,c之」11&!\―、!11、1、1&&l。、g、二久 斗\11)重11:I\l》l\唆.&\\1)l之I·■(&()入I\11、l)\11()\k!〕 哺;-;.、、、`lL―、…、州夕、 斗亡―&-―己11引11..1―■LI.司``·1Ll隊區―\1&111`』g、111引”卹· ―疋×、i×l-`化、―·、·―1,州} ,,!·;■l&::-_&:;-&d L.、以―,-.訕! 4妝。,\、LI、。1-\、、、`、11」必1。―濺。. 叔(()\〔l―、}&)×鳥k \《―、×喊,×、―-l)(1―×1―、、―恥』 - l』!SJ!&()I·,\!孓!斗―之I■:\,!\&I&I()\S ―。―口、.、州.田。llx 1&101&111、1”、【1&L\、l.以ILIL―、以11.-111―、「q、`、川 [I)\lllt口‘-‘。陳,l:、.-1)。、防卿限·叩\、、`〕、‘山。,11 、×,』―‘州::、i:、一―&:.-:、;口白斗·111化川―&111-&d 尖.、.卜h二、、;11;。·{、il-11 州’、×`lllld;、;·―、、―-&-il&.中ll’×、111」×、。.1 .Lllillg刈川祇ItL―、 (.-’、、.二.:織,州11&‘。―&,111.;11―二〝引州!. 刈觀’州.―、以:-―。、!!‘、.、11-. ;\l)\ ll;L\&.:.ll茅\;l。·\\、川以1).111、丫」`·\\ .Lll&C ―口h 11111`際口甲【llj―八111。’11 、l)I'×、以1&.11)lL由111州如幼卜 -,\L-!&l.ll、‘d、1.口.‘件、l1&l`·l;I-l&.lI .1疲1、`、1,l!,二11-1、、l:、、·,1、LI,l&L 1 1.1 ×―×以111、―:-111、州L .311&111。11 ―、.-\1以、·口、‘.1、`】k.、.`。、il1;n-\l印111;氏:ll、Ll 〝川只〝。、IJLI\付叫.1,1州、卡甌· -\l【―;、;…、、―\1&L:l…11引.; 。(&l\-〈二;、、!、;一l.i■:11&.‘×州口LIL[l1川汰‘、。既h 、川尖`·―;.川:、―建、么:嘆』―lil- \L(、×.!!■!―、―.、.―〔;:k:`、,、l.!、.隊 ,.)、×―》`戶.以.-`、、以、;l&ll& -,1口;勺二til!、·m-,州1..0.&1lld-.l.州c -`川―口占·ill。―`。:[田州。; ]&\l-11州1.11 .111、111入`。―引.―×―、1J1&l?’引n、11111川w\\L叫、 ―〝!-&111…:.-―」引,―人`Id&L×!:-:&,;--&c111引叫’-&L11 \―劉×閑.山·111-g、ljL&―、lL[,川、、11 ×11、\1 LollLL拱`&]:l、,l-l;l;、,l!11【11】、。l〕、》、l:,111 \1口.×111.、}’州,l.―、、·口.…Lll, ×b口m&―一戶’、引11t li&ll1“甲、l1i―八111,&11 l&Ll&-’印引11:1:1;、―■州`;Il`、二{&―。11 ,,:l!'二h二:&.,、.-!.;-.―■、111、:.`、、·―) -&:〕’!_!、、口‘ -’、―-&i、、、!‘、一,::l:-lli& -’、(-’二―、。―\l。』:!.’。·111 .111-;、、 l&I-&―。一■、、、•二―&;、―&,l -&)』之―·111;、、.1―徒、―、·―;_州人 】’1り」-1■’×く’1に 111、\L.、IH。.トく.引1、・J&1―、。.!。、―:.、巨。,【.。目.、、11。. \l11、:、―・.&’、111、!IA多.、1111ぐ(.、11引ILIJLI。.-1。.- 111.巨l.Lllll、R叩油hい・1]‘【い1-:、、:、’,-.-aい・―1・5、Lll-―三.白hk\Ll、LIL、’l.(』d)引、11・ 。1、11.d―、」J]~..【’、,\\、白。Illd 1、1.』【;。ll&!・。.::、・1;1。.-.、、―5、・1\―。、1目1.1111、111じcタ川―. 1【―%ゴ、ILI、11【、,1 り.、H、×」dホ脇L-h「・Hl-&,し‘’、ーム,h・-杯・’-‘、k・、、1・云1111、、巨L]L。にい.曲―19\ Lllに’)LIじぐ1。.!こILk・(1り]1じJ、11\、L、111 sllL・IJL\、・11、1.ltlじ、1。【11、111 .・1111く・ペ1.1、1]1』\9]1じL]1見t.1之.1く..,八×IJI 1&1・。1、Ltl 1!)\吃1じ‘111「「54’ンー1・1&\―×、1【11111ドくタkl・.1・klこ【)L又1、,!【11じ×し、11,kll、1じtl、IL]】1じ3&),ろ’)1又\×1111 。.・,ご××1.&Lし11、’].L].19%1ド[.111、、Llli Li:1、ILllリ・・1、1・1。LI、L]1、’1。1ぐE-\L.、111じ×111】.1llc、’Lllぐじゼ・,11,、11」\ 川1.1いに×、LLI、IJ氏IL\G.いーい―1八ト.llll.cNル111×男1良111、Ll;1l(.田\\LLllj[.リにJHタ×く民:llL :り・’→―&\l\111、1、1。111いに.\Ll・nl、。巨...‘・、、%%c、旨、―11、1\に―1、、‘;-1.巨―、\\l目―1じ11-1引―.1自Fmd:- al:ill&llc、1\Hlll。11\1,li、。Llrsl己.××1 m巨.生―昭」nl4lll、111 m;Ll1:1?]l19山ぐ柿訓1×グい111ばd い.、川1い:1-&JILj×いい・「・‘j・‘‘・. 1. い、ドilJ中・・「n原に、旧一医い康.元臣・争・11:11 l:Jに11・\山11.-1 11.×・」..:;:!……己. ・・―山しhllLLLI×割」、油1.;1. D、・、1,.1&111、1111&111-a目D×い、.ll【%・巨[-&.J×k l::Hこ、か11、、.11%・―\t、,・L:\・・i&llI.-&,l&―、・111.1:1-n&laIU\、l&.i6\.\Ll、m.1『、R叩.・l[(\Ll、目 目ix:11田11}、IJld 1111・.l]&l;L!H「.に.旧11・1‘・1「ト11い・111、Llll巨・a&111×ぐ8LLllll比11}\]・Lll・]い‘111引11 !、コ、・。Lll。1 ×,L、111【111、―;L.こへ 111、Icl’、、1111こ,SllLじ]11「.引・。11に【、1 1ミ’1・111&1111××.。.11 1。・1llc、1、’11、\1こ19ぐ11ゼト1llEclll七11‘、’11亡11 1)ぐ\叫1・.1&11L父11! \.…引.111。ILI 111旧m、。.:い・。.1:\ダdl1&lLl’ぐma!111)×&い・,×Jml引l1(&-h阪比 毛シー 1ンこ,に。』(1:うp,11-2長,15 (511■主tLIへ1115荏:名t■ふ1 .jljl、111喝,) !&1.以じ!にll;w!n り』「八1。IH』Gl&lill\l.tlllりn:111 l&1之().1】(!()\―二l疋\-l,\、 &:隊11-.、1’印卜`;\:、―、.!;.m-(.l一叫;-&l,l―以! ×:j,―、口―.;―、×――、、、{、.、`:-l.―、.;!以絨. 妝,。·州一。·111甲\Lllll,·111&;×。引`.隊\-、llt帥111、氏,.叩―各‘又!&11`。l).向111 11&J:l L·、‘髡、:l.尚`111、,:klll:【.1 、l:、二州、、×11、11、向、·)、―,&Llllll州1,h、、,Jl]Il化111 0.- k .11`【―- 文〝。.劍、【l斗、lE1―、。【【)\』)、J1。,口 ―、(llm口\LLLll.,ELl×―\叩以1llLLlt刈門!、AI&l1’·。―州州l1r取·mh〕、開111―州.`·】 、11、11-11」,、LI中1 11&\l-\、:l:[。l亂,I[。(。,1111,.,l〕c.hl-l、、!、]■`11、`I&L IL]l\c一―.:1、入11、I〕`11`、,)。l,.,]&11];cl〕1.(;、,\cl]〕tl、。]11&,]k;11、11; 1 1 11【.Lg}、―&\1!11、;·、1.、l入11、11:l,c卜(、,11〕1,&,,101〕〔 l&:、,1、。1 1.111,l:11-:111:LLI&,11\!。·;`」l。·;&L:}11.卜l-&11、、、1111,:。、1:.1、1.、]l。、1 h.」“陣■`:、’&L.5\]li1州111冷、.州――「.111入臘川引閑 ―、.:L-”向叫`、.,·―,沙.―×卜. -&!、―以:(一L:、、‘:、、l、!;!、;.;.―·―\、,『、―\1111-―二l織 尖―、、目、、`-_夕、\l;.…―.」門.引、’州Lil口 -.」.…―.、`、―二ch I)l、1111 .tlll二‘.、甲‘,I‘川」”&&fll mIIL&Il1 0.111門JJL·111 l、`-’】\i邊―S卜1&-&-( .:·絞二凡二'夾、以合近一、―·_。--.… i一―l一目.…州:、 {二―;.-(.二.、騙一(.1‘騙.鬥一S以、‘、馴一1』(.州J一111- ])·。l、·、‘t\l,],1&,\、11-IJ&)一1。。l! 州:1l111望`、―×中丫,&l11`·111旦界一―以一夕J-4 口、、、、,-11;`·引―、、.-:&&;ll―、',,…― 州、.`、。、―(-,、、]lL也文、一。一,, !:-.目iLi卹llL…―&&“、…、、―俗糾.磚一1一界磚(×卜露濺.1鄴.丸,) 卜.11引.刈刈L1L卜Llll、一h (,.11111二l毛、11萬\\i、:l》`■、;11、《」i、;`望,&&L〔辭l、‘.、、·l,,&l、l二1.& &&11111.,ll& lllh,,]ll&&,以·111 -]、I〔、`I&h楓tk、―&-,I《I、、 吃;:』.、ll\∥二11111口.lI1lILl&lIlLJI卜湘‘―、·二,咸 抑。、`11州11、川 ILI\、·、m.州I-i二―、中―以llLLI二l}&.11·、、111 。.11、、.山以《1]:111-;二h、州「川〔J-l二11―、‘,_行.、l口 IJl.·ILLI\賺以么11曰川;ll141―、·、卜一!·、1、州卜。;lllB甲邵抽‘。×’、 \l111[lJl&―望:,ri`口、由二田… 卜以―h“州卜L`一―’中平州×一祈、一斗一二一刈中‘扣州‘`一”&,4一上一鴻必淌丫弘 :\え1)1,1()1く’5!く11’く)6く11()1111\1\\\(1遥こXll,[X&1& n.、;1、、。・:11山11\1119111..llLH;×n日・,引:・11り.・1-1\F.、:l.:.、.-(ll、,x\1-1印―八1,II\Lb。山、目 LI.、ぐ目llid―い」1りll&lll1.、・旨・:..ILI、・・‘%・、.【、1;1、Lll・・け、、L...・1,、.阪11,LI}[11口11. h、れ山M.1..! 交、1;1-1.LIL×、、ll&,1llLI、19&&L、Lll、―×d、―。【n・星、・11&引:\ld. LllG.・・1い臣1111111目し]1 111引G。]1Llll医w。LI ぐ1」、1、L、11tLll、Lら1). ZIJI又 \1ユ111こ1にし【Jllt$1蓬1七じ‘11..1.sllblll生% 11 1×1-IL 1じ×11、ン11511&1111シ・,]1!1、11t、11‘、1:11。111。.9、111しLllt ILI、51。LI「115&1。J,1心1 1lliL][11七11.1、1へ×引に11:。・1 1111、・:l.、』―い’111田【。ILI、日“k・い。旧。川、11’巨、田山父り、ホ111、・llt。・日にじぐ引1&t\開、目’。1\111、Lll\m い・田、1[Jl川×\\llllLll引ム則た11;引1巨1―し巨:lfl。い・い11&8×5,111日瓶―、.―は【円l[lngLLI目、・1111,く;1―」 1ち。.、巨:.-\、‘、,Lll山1肥M。Lll、―、’;L.-5 \Ll叱1土て,,.L&&1くじ511叱タ11511ン11.t、 11=、に1。..いll,illI’、・目11.。田:田・’111・・中「いへ。・;・医.・』..…1『。dll)、m引刻、L;ILい)『111\-A、ト、.\1 、、―111、、tLI、【11、、.11、n,、1、、【\\..。.、・、ヒ1、.111.11、1-1.。、。..、h,。じ、\\1111 111、・sm、-l-..』1.、.【.:.- ソ.・、―、;引→・―h世引1・k い、り,津『.1・―旨・・…111目、::・1引hillllし111ポ\\じが.Ll’、1淑りldll.IJi. 11」、、、。、LI目.、、.n、llJ目いL、、.11。llx:、L」、:mli.、、。,ト.ILil××L.d-1、H-1、―]』1、111、―、1―、mに111引IL-、11ぐ11α。J- :llパGLL-llllL、、1。Ildll&&[ll ]llし。Lll、―1日’tL.じ、・・m&l.L点・\:-ty、.111111111ジ,。田a .G目「あ―、OH棚LL \L叩・・1;111ダ】1、【、mL4lLllド\・113、口―×小.・Lllいm山ぐ康LIL阪!L.‘・―。.-&ll1引あ][。山、’1lldLlt―い。いい、111ご 山ぐ【にa・\Ll111昭111田dがい.Lへd。l[IG、1:ljl編GLll!い11111。.―い・m、目H&Hklll姿引11げL,、:、八J。―・ %\。.111、.11119 Lll、.、’\cl、111 81、11、11.じ111 1&1に×しiLI【Lll、.11\\にL 1’しLllLL×c、\Lll、LLI\LIL .11、.\1、―じ5七1 1じLLろL&11。,-&1し い…1..目’田、’い山、’11 0111111..-, -.、、Li、..・1:1―。.L- -;、1,1、1:・%:.:1・1、.・…:・.!1 1、・\―ンLtl、【―1%・し、L、1】―kk、:1“【。:%- 1”・1・1-―×:11・―&-L-―に1・―…に1―、:;×,:、;・・―にLl-..…‘・-&&1べ―11、Lだビ。.ILIしュ11し資×\-1-1 k、1・1. ―ち。.、―へ―-&5××J:...-1.---1し.……:-.」:・1、―・―.叱、―・―・―1. .へ・.1×、L;’しLl七L]L―ソ51、11-:―、1-%」 --.L、,×―4%11、111【―IL 11【1【・ごし,1--.、…にkLL―・―。:、t、・―、―-―」、、,\:11―【―-c 1じ%-L--]ビ1llktll、・・―1じジ、1【 、1ピJじり1llCI[【× 稽ジ, く51.,:11ル1モlst:11&:. .1。,15111.,) IJLLcじ1、、1、(,引1じT.11\LI、1,1 51]1:111 1):1長、【受1:ろ0-1%ーユ,1.5 1,'liiziikk-iitl State Bale ii b si [1 At ii x,, r ic ii i t u jud G ro iý i h P ro i s ry mA eredit NO. 5494 PAK ('oijskjiiiiiatcd Slättemellt of Cash Revcipts & For the Year Endeti June 30,2015 .(-tjikitliýltiýC- 20 14-2141 f5 20 113-2014 (PKR) R cce l i 1 1 åk 11 om s I i YA 1)csl,-,iialed Accouisi 3 1 7 k, I b I , S i i i d I i I annv Cs coli i i- l h 11 t i Total Reeciljls 007,993,200 60 1ý93. 21p0 6, k 10 t 1, (l 0 t) (i u Pay ILICI11-, (By Hullefing and I)C\Cli-I)il]Clll 6 111[ J 11 C l l I f'0 I- A glit- LJ I ILI l-a I ILJ 7 V a lue (11a11 - j '4- ILI,,..;99, l -1 l k CC i.N I i i i age iii e i i [ u i id M ii t't k i i l b HICI hAKIL10111 8 411- 9-95b Totåll Payllielits 84,472,734 4. -4 7 2, ý3 4 8 3 3. l 5 Y ý_0 k:dsb balanct:s iiM I AceL)uiii 0. 1-1 1; 1-4 ( en i iller] i of, S inkill f cojiis-lbij[itýii Closing halafice -523.320,4cu 5, l 116.ý, l 4,4 4 v11 :i[ Ilie beg Iming, 1)1 (lic ýCLLI 1),-cj,ciisc in Cas11 Cas11 M file elld of, lime 3 ear -3,5520.46(1 t N1 F- D PROJ1ECT DIRIECTOM .JANJ SiND W AGRU ILTURAL GROffl PROJ ECI Audit Otficer Di rector Gene' lat Au C51 Ssndh AGNCULTURE DEPARTMEK Karachi GO~ MENT OF SINDH Sih Agr ic ultura] (;row th PropjecI Sindh Agricultural CmollnDent IlDA Credit No. 5494 PAK Sidlelment f Cash Receipts & Payimeits For the Yeur Ended June 30,2015 2014-2015 2013-2014 <1 K.L Dollars -1teCefipiil/Iilows [)A Designated Accouii -I ( i1(\cilmeit OfSindli 1 -arnier's conuribution_ Total Receipts 302,04,3.0 >aymills ( Coulipnenis) capacit IBilding and lnstituLionul Dmvelpmn t 7 Ii1\ esLi.lciil r1 Agri~ nituell U ci f di P>olcct MalilugCIECdL Und Lnikg A17, 6S .3 17i/- Total Payments 37 94,- 4 1 > _4 _ _,;. - t.losu cash balulices ID} Lesignaicd ACCIulit 70 . w). (- '. -.2' (Io\e1'11meit o11 Sndh larmet's cuLtributi.ll Chosing blanUIcC _265LOJ5- Ž IS i. Ž _2 i( ali tilLl bilnniing 3f t0 c2-3604300 IiirLIas i )ecrcase in Casli - Cash at (he end of the year 265,409,615 Notes: - Ilie notes from 3-8 1(rni aun HinL ral purl ot 11is ca hli 1lkI5i ,ta 1iL icii L t, i >i i L . PI OJECT Dikl,A le >P siDd A.I Ic:I .l "1. GR(ffi i jM.i1. AGRRil E(MaPOM.Nili Atudil Otfi,er Directcr General Acuad Sndh Karachi Sindh Agricuhiural Growth1 Projec Sindh Agriculture Department IDA Credil No. 5494-PAIk Statement ofI Comparison of Budget and Actual Accouits For the Year Ended June 30,2015 2014-15 2013-14 Cuiulative Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Notes Budget Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount RECEIS 1S [DA Designated Account 3 302.604,300 302,604,300 - - 302,604,300 302,604.300 Government of Sindh 4 1arier's contribution 5 44,925,000 - - 44,925,U00 - Total Receipts 347,.529300 302604,300 - 347,529,300 362,604,300 PAYMENTS (BY COM PONENTS) Capacity building of producers 6 95,499,000 1 9.726.350 - - 95,499,k00 19,726,350 Investment for Agricultural Growth 7 149,750,000 - 149,750,000 - Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation 8 102,280.300 17.4,8.335 - - _102,28u300 17,468,33_ Total Paynients 347,529,300 37,194,685 ___ _ 347,529,300 37,194,685 The accompanying noLes from an inegral part of these financial statements and are to be read therewith. P OJ J IDtCTORI SINUitiRCULU AL GROWT'IIi'IROJEC. 1 (AGRICULTURE CONIPONENT) 7 Sindlh AgricuHural n lm h irojeel Livestock & Fisheries Component IDA Credit No. 5494 PAK Siate ment of Cash Receipts & Payin ei For the Year Ended June 30,2015 Cumuaiin e 2014-2015 2013-2014 (PKIR) (PKR) IDA D)signated Giovernmnt of Sindhi 4-- jarmers co>ntribuiition 5- TFotal Receipts 58 , _______I305,388,91O - itiyiments (By Cunnpouicils) A- (apaciI\ BuIlding and IinsiittiinatL 4"1 111 <4i>'; 1 Dexelo,pment 0 B- )ai- V\alue .1iail 7 2-.lÉ. i- I>mojed Nianucemell and MIoniloring amd 271o3~7 i3 21e82 Tm al Pay ments 47 ,278,049 _____ _472__-49 7 (Ing balances DiDA D)ignated (:\c ullIeIt 25aSindl j.l'.Ž i_ -1 , u-i cr's colli ri t ioil· (lIsing b. iance 258, l ____ __1_25 1310.51 u sh at the heginii11g af the )eal __953X. lneaŽre Decrease in Cash - (ash ;J the end of the year 258,110$51 Ni Is: - I h notes firom 3 -8 l0 ri an i iLL, i I part [ dhis cash lon s elleni it l de I' r 1_ PROILCT DIRUCIAk 'NIMM AGRICTIA l RAI,RONk 1.(m ilA (1, lV ESTýio9> - >I Total Receipts 553,947,0011 305,388.900 -553.987,00 305.388900 PAY MIENTS (iN CON PON LNTS) ILlCa s bui,di-g 5 401 41u (}L Daiir\ \iilue Chaiii 202 9 >u 24. [Dö39(1 - , JL - Of lrojici MaiIagcmllt Ud 74,47-,) 277 7 u* 7 S Nif toalu on - - Total Pay menits 553,987,0u0 47,2718,049 - 553.1M0MOO 47.278,.09 ,s Cll lil I AL . %nliis . perce inxt and dates (about 50 percent-and milk produietion because thes ha\ e a sili Lirmer I,ocus, . a\ e signlicant involveiment of worneri in produci lon and processig i, id- ml a n1,lat l oi oal perspective, Sindh enjoy s the greatest competitive advantage in ithese pro-pAr produtint valucelhains. 3. liorticulture is largely IuinreguIated. includes more private sector actOrs than the major crop-. and [tas received lIule donor aatention in the past, When donors ha\c inested. the) have Kocused largely on mangos and bananas-the iwo most profitable hirtIiclitC erops which are often gronn by Jarge landowners. 4. Investing in borticulture is scen to offer the best pkotenial [lr inereti,sd small pt'duccr icoIes, new employmei opporitiies in produetion and processingL, ip cd reskource producti,vity., and enhanced icr Iniiric.ii availabilits in the markel. I hbe one exeption to this strategy is lie planned itervention in the ric aluic caian . n hIi h will target a cluster of small and medium sized producers 1o leip [hein redice tle post- harvest damage and loss from poor practices. ' %ib-component is objctives ofithis componeli are as fotl\ s: Component A - Cupacity Buildiåg and lustitutional I)eveloipmeni: Ilhe iiii cc( wi ll linance capaeiiy building of producers through tecinology dcvelopien[ lchnolog dissenination, training and Cxposre. Ihe projeet \otuld also prilde istitutiknal developnment for the implerenling agencies and support strategic planning lr Sindh Agricultural sector. (Coimponeni B - InN eslmntt for Agricultural GrowtHw: Iiis coIpInct liances specllie invesments in Ilie iorticuliure and dairy valuc clains and a taructed irii estiC to rieduice post-harvesi loss anong siall-holder rice grocwers. The coinilfllellt \oLl Id alst., 1imaincC tt demand driven innovation IUmd to support fariers and produceis w iih tchilEog innovations ii the seleetei value ehailns. Selection eriteria tor farmers und pr oducer groups to receive projeet intervenoins and detailed procedures for funds traasr und imanaging contributions. Com jmnent C - Projec aitnage enitet and mu oitring and es lua( ion: I liis 1on11 iell i Nould finance coss for: (1) ProJectl Management Uniis (PNIUs), Pr ledl oordinator fflice and priject implementation Units (PIUVs); (ii) third pariy monlikiring: Ofi iiplemlentation of Environmet and Social Manatemii Frameork (LISNIL and Pest Management Plan (P%1iP) and development of tSocial :XSt2SSiiiiiand i1 ritpacl I aluation to attribute cauisality io projeet intervelltiins. The oprational costs ould akl inelude costs financing of communications strategy and awarcness eampaigns ulhrough pri ....1 (1 alld electroniic Idm¯ gr ctc redessal inechannì N icidililciVc \0i4Ä response and comnplaint tracking syslem: and manaemLct f nintimaion0 sI t elIo (MIS l tLa.sii,cW CtnpwNien . u improve the milk producion and organizc tie proper inlk oLICCILm ei h iudalling 153 in-LIk chillers i various villages of 8 targeled disiricls Ti, improve the SoCIO-eConomio status of the linertrigli impr'sed and c5iim markeling systeHi- Livestock sector institunkinat deve lopinent by ruhabilhtation o l 2 l I, ra li tctCed buildings of various instituions of public secvor. 4- lIi, improve and inerease tie irained mianpowker of 3-075 Ibancrs i is est k \lnmacee and 760 trainees in artifiial insmcinaiol through Cstablishmnl1 o Al I rainiiiy Centre ail LandoJam during the projeci period. Iii increase the milk production by leetic iiprovement ef dair e hird Lhrivui atiliieal iii,cininfationui service in proJ cc area as ve l advanced pregiaiq diagnsis ser i ccs through Ullirasounid iachines. 1¯> ensure the delivery oftijalitL preventive & cLIIuiIse veterinar maniml a Jlt s rces 1o tc registered farmers fer approximutely 30,600 animals in Ihe larpeted areias. 7. fu deliver the door step animal nutriiin advisory servicsM in targeted diri or i piim tal LISC e iCeed and fodder that enlhances the imilk produetion. IS Sub-Comaponent wise objectives of tis c,fmpoletL are as t-tlJon s: Component A - Capacity Building a nd lnstitutional De% elopnenI: Com ponent Al - Capacity Bluilding of Producers: The projeel wkill 11 i inmi i o Ilihi and capacity building for farmers, whicli will be based ona ltraiiiing iced, ws,, eimi carried kui t the department and iis techical assistance previders. Ihis s\ ilI he doe i roigli a ni ixture of public in formation caim paigns, face--to- face iraini ng, and täiOIe ri- -lamer st ud> tours, and exposire visits to other arejs w ithin prov ince or elsewlieii ini tlie eo ut try as nel 1l 'as in other countries in the region as appropriate. For eaich valuc lChain. tie department -n iil sponsor stakeholder fortuiiis to Vacilitate dialogue with and among value chain Iactors that NN ill inerease Ilie market krientation okfdeparimental activities. Componen A2 - Techical assistance and capacity b uildi ii,: te pi) jc Il linCe lte extended presence of a technical assistaic C0ISLltan/tirm wk lo s\ ill (a) ai us iii te design and implementation of invesmIelts in Componei l3 t b) gcncral Wtraeic pannint and management. and (e) designing and delivering efj-etive capacity building cimpvnents he ccnsultant/firn w i ll have a resiis-based conrac t tha wil lspeciffY tbc delisr okf ile 3 activities listed above as well as building the capacity of staf in tbe Department tio continue implenenting new approaches and procedures aier te projcec iten entiln Additional teehnical assistance and Iraining will be soughi[rugh mining armiiguieents swith international ageneies (such as, the Intemnational Livesaoek Reserch lisitute) and national institutions. Training metlkids may inelude. Off-site rcsidcmial trinin programs. In-service training fOr departmentat staff and national il eriiat)iofnal sitidy t(iurs Comin ponent A3 - Node ni ization of programs and facilities: I ie 1 is cki i k, li pamiai c Sindh has EaCilities that were affec.Aed by ilie 210 ZWI 21111luds land the prOJeCt \i1 provide a modest aniount of financing to [acilitate Iheir relbilitationi. lIi addition. It s ilI provide support to esiablish and/or rehabilitate ,aeilitic's Critical Lo lullili the retiiremlients of the proiec-inelutding an artilicial inseinination trainini enmer at Sind' Agnricuure UJniversii [andk Juni and a serien production unit at Klrachi (cssv 'and Rohri (buffalo). Rehabilitaion of additoinal faelLitates iL sun tareted di,stricts. u. Ibrough establishent of Artieial nsejiiiation laining Lva-ailue 1 1ut only to provide lUcilities of Training Lo tehn icat / Para teciiilcal stilff u1 publi seetor but also private sectors dairy tärmers wil be trained. Ihis k 1ll full [il1 the gap ofirained main power, this will continuc in ftiure and also mect ie demand of future %ith Ihe help of this trainiig program. b. At present the gocrnmie ni operates two semen prod Li nii 1l [t biul i these i Lts are oundated and need strengihening, the projeet will assist in de\ clpmient l the necessary structures ror hofh at Karachi and Rohri. c. Rehabilitation ui 121 instites of DAH DCVDL DAB iii the Rain lkd affeeted areas: A. Rehabilita,tiiin: i # Offices Numtier Veterinar\ 11lo1pitals;1)ispensariesk Ceiires;Sivre 1 Ui CVDL Su1 Cenres Ob iii Livestock Production Offices 13 v.o Strengthenin 1o SPJ Karachi and BlC Rohn i2 - ____ ___ __ __ ___ fi tal 121- B. Establishimefnt: Si. # Offices _ i umber Artificial scm inati on rainin Centre >1 Sr. No Expwnditure incurred Parkicular mount l Civil Work Consultant Contractual Stall f.U < ('omiponenit B - Dairy \alue Chail: Component Bl - Formation of miåk jproducers grouis (IM'G: Ilhk priuI \ iI inance formlation of approximatel> 153 milk producers groLIps ( in 8 disinas I ik iIl larget small and medium mlk-roducing households, but since NN,cm11e1l are involved iii at least 80 percent of produetion management, Ilie project t iii also prov de sciviceS exelusively targeting wumen (e.g.. extensioln messages. female extensin agit etc.y I he number of MPGs per district will varv according to the aninal popuiaiion and market likage- Fssentially, each MP G- would have a prodtietion capacity of 1.000 liter- caeh dia initial targeting will Rceus on iden illed 'mik pocketS- in tC 8 district-. Tug meetings in these targeled areas, producers will be informed of the prect and 4i en te rles tor forming an MPG. Criteria tor acceptance ino thet projic t m ill be otlined in th1e peationiil manual. The mbilization of NIPGS will be done bN the private scetor millk picessors the district projeet management unit, and the Department PMI aL the prosIncial kel. Arrangeteilnts for producers to access markets will vary based on ihe exisienc of a competit;ve ield of private sector aetors. They could inelude. direuli-ips uNi tritciers or processors. or cumnity chilling units that allow the MPG to neg%iate w ii differcin actors on a competitive basis. Il ie MPGs vould be able tu access servies ielIuding: (i) information and traininu on market oricied diJi IAii bllacetmd_i appropriate hreediing praetices and disease control tor pitdiiiiiadailiew~idb 4 11i~~proided tlhrouigh mainiig granits wiih å cashi or in- kind ecinmrbutuun toin ieXIitiI 7<1/;0 cost shiaring basis. .Sr Expenditure IPa~rticularAmoii No incurreud i i eiicles Services providrs IA - () .2.04! Miotoireyes Ser iee Providers Direelorale etAninal I lisbnds 7,4(3.00W 3 i; lrasoud -I MtaLhines for \etLrinar i lispilal 7,862A400< Miach9ines Insemnition I adI anlC I ttal 24, l06,3 ) ('oiimnitii C - Projc lainageieint and Vi g and 1 u IhIe pioject wil be implemilend tliriglh cIlaoaIti wlli three Directui-leS I >\ I. D(\)DL. and A) lnd by tle establisling PrIjeet Managelt liit (WI I iplemient Ie projeet at taieted distriets. 4 ProjeeL Implenmentin t ns t e [e fi1 tie s i øl ible I.!ii~~tha ihiscl eoTpiel iliti sI>>1I ]7 U} Total . 22,771,653 [I1., 1 ianciL :, Ilýt l le I-11 .i( e l[ý ot lIL i.iled. I he tti elie iSistde ilì die tilv'rellIietiSLd!L Worl JS Haik tenri ith 11 aI miiaiiuN nf 2ffYears. lie agreIiitiiibLi (Ci 159I 'k Kjeg ril uit il -i- (ivelc0e lir Axilultiuri 1o, (' l-i(l ltitl 1 [r c's N-i ii le e l till /3 L-I Ml N: Growah -fi- l) e \ te iLue b M etM mie e t - d3- Munnono1 Eal udoI -1 --1 -- [ -- V-N ¯¯ ¯ ¯ c1111110111~~~ +?S unislltIin l(C)ll)llUie Huu Ixc¯¯¯¯¯¯¯~33i ¯¯.1341 1111 25 7.9)0 -____ 18.81 ItiltiO 71) 10)0.00 age81_9_ _ - _-- ---- - - - - --.8- -- - - - - - - 1. Re 0sp1nsie Agen1 - A piii5i> espjlsihli) u <\ k] 1 rigies idIiiI dFUlil i ol thIe Siidh :½iriclIural jroth lreii Nas beeneire i n -rjetMnaenei li Xr tl ad L>uect Mlanaemei pudic aMesick). I ertificalion by Proii eet Mn emlnII oni \pIiI1C " I" 0- [e r Managenmei n 1 each ceiipune :ertLes t itile tads lha e been s dc Ä6 dtir 1has ee q, ffi Nrcd [r ened Innoes i0, ten2d0 te1i5, na ucii 2. SIGNFICAN I ACCO[VN 'I(iK 2. A.~ Cco1iutig con vention und satemet ni of ecompn1hancee - Sli \eCounting puhiees :md miethiods iii e eIIILltdtlf LI 111>c Itu ile lr cllii li e 0 e ijuanicial siatemntls are mi conisisteiil in eln N[n \\iCiaCel1dC~ ilid 0ii S \(i< i Ljnacial Sttements lr be ear ende [ieI li M au statemiems hia\ e beeni preparled iiaen di ci iii eqiiflie]i ~1ii Litemiatiioiial Public Seetni \ecutict Stai'daid ISÅ-dl ai iii saplcbel Vuiid lanik ' immieed 1>ii>eet Forin Currenc1 ranllioi- (ash reccipts and paymieits arsilhig lruii) t liiilli CiiIliCie, 1s J'l COIutIcd in PA Rup-e bI tppiog tI lie Ii urel en ca rI ai n3 CieNClIe ate bet eilpec a ie 1,oreIn ( urriiec att II- n fir ielie Lsapid äl aes r I seffleicill1 t.l e 1transacli s are iecoI U ed h Ilie st rateci pis aLlI p11NIleCiiis. 1-li 1l - eufei. ~ii i en iiens arc eOII`NIU e Cema d vectonjed ul Ilie spul) I-aite pei'C II-ILI ågat Ilie ela L ite i t1a111sactIntii as per applcable rules fu State Bank ot L1kiltin. 2.3. R por ting Currene \ nf Acouents:- \ll amu f in ile ialleail statemien1ts are in Pak Lipe 2.4. Revenue RvcolilI - Re'\ enle Is recogiied on IlIe duo Ct receip lt II loie\ bm LI11. il. itILLC 1 celgi ed til gloss basis an an el ed csts arfc recorded separtl - 2.5. IZoee i of 11peiid"ntuit l-.spendituire is reeunlliied directly frerpi. or ga1in conrol of thc bank accounts or similar [ciliL\ established Lur its benei by Ile tiirdi parties if anv, are diselesed in (he Pomm byhird parties eoluin en Ilie laec l StemienICt OfCash Receipts and Payments and notes to the Vilnillcial Stateenict[. 2.8. Fixed Assels xd A ssets Suppi les 1nid Cons nu LIIL iles are iued a( c, 1s1. lihe 1fr nher details L l eles Ii pl¯eoeet Geordinati Umt (il. [li VY 2Ü114 -20] 1 å us Lnder: - 20114-15 2013-14 CuMmulIfile A.miiiiuits in Pal Rupees s . 1 000 - 54 I 1 .000 llilitlii; and H,\11ul , ( HI.Ce -.Lliplit l- ik E;quipmeiit 5,45 0110 - 5,451M00I l l1c flirher de[ails k ehiiles L.r Iarleel okirdiintio Uni1 (Ariclite ) kor ie FY 2014 -2 411§ are as unCI 2014-15 2013-14 (umtukitive Amouns in I k Ruipees J [ci els e jw ,o 31 1>) i - 1.0(08.0<1<) \ll 1-lli11lCs MuntradI-l.\1:(illurel 1(>iice h:tµuipiient Field l-quipenLl)9.. 10 101,;9(5 41,417 ,39o 1 I7.390 3. IDA FUINDS Il.A lunds reccived in the el) ru 1 l e \IeC 1i1 OlC \heWld Iiullk Uliil .luIIcieilkI de 2-o8-2 1 l bclueCII the World KAnk "nd G1verm0et ef Pakis1,t ([ ler tb prp 1 n *\ ricuburl Grwth Project. li l llew i lit aiunt weas cei cd b te project 1roml t DA - D)iunaled Acc.uni during tbc ear 2014-l5. 2014-15 j1uh13-14 C LII110Iivc Notes us S R1u1pees I s Pak I1ip' s IL Rupucs Le,illwek 3.3 3.000.000 30 -38VERJ 9\l 1 "I e i puet. projeet's desigrated ibreigi ctrreney revlviig ace m m umber 12784-5 by th World Baiik on te basis of witbdranial applicaien submied by elie pioject 4. COINTEZPART UNDS Ilie re,eip[sunds 1o111 GoS relcits kuierpart Iundin' f pruIcel ctLivities. l here are no C POnlemils and categories bincig cliianed from4 Go\ermiiiient 41 Sindh1 in ow Coipkenls. 15 5. IAtIVRS! SIIARL iibis IiningIWfl \would ielude "erieurltI impI~lYitsLJidCeLiiniei aekages lor thie ilvei ai ýlLl-CLI[ll-ks 1pa l ri 10i,30[il e VCI1 t chain based on ie needs assessm o the ltinersla ier grp s l h g 3op5 bk 4ume and 70%~ b\ project 6 ( CAPA\CITYV I 1 ' )li N G AN 1 1NS1 11l0 ,1) VT:T11`11 -1)P11VN Under 11his eompolel several aetNiics weLe ttiiued tr tarmercs (trainin awaeNeC reglrding agric ture iiplemett(s and equlipnentL breakup ot expenidiiri s s f0llok Agriculturc Component 20114-15 2013-14 C um1 tilittikC (AmuntiIIS in I>ak Rtupecs) Stakeheier Orkhps I92, 1 00 raitg Nla iauål (bags, stauiert) t1 etc. 217.450 3 14 540 [oi]19,762,3501 19,7 62,3510 L ivestock ('omp>oneni 2014-15 2013-14 i utnb tivt I ~AmunIS in Pak 1it>cus) m a \ ork( ompnent00,00 400 00040_-_ 0__ lu ta l -1 --- - -t- -----)---0- IN\VESN NI A( 11 1: RA,L iii disvictw i ll[ tange s1a11 änd medilM itIilkIproducimg 1 househiolds. but since nmelln are inVlved in al least 80 perceni el produittin mnatgeeint. tile proJeCt milN]1 als1 Previde sen lces CxciSNI\el targeling wileln ( extensioll messages. leiale exteisi11 aients. etc.Y lie riomber o[ MP6Si per ilstoriet wNill \ ary accor d tig to the ainiin11 populatint and market liilkage. lentiali M1, kotid iave a eer( udtiohe tapak:it\ e 1,000 liters Cach day ,ailal targCIIItL NI CIes 011 d ist iets. l ro ug tgh ieet ings ii tiese targete areas. piroducers iII be inermnied el te proiect ad given ihe ruILes fl r form-i g an M1p( Criteria f0r accepitaneL miie tli proicet will be [utie ine Operativil mnatnual Te mIbi /-tl in (lf MNi is wiIl be din le h tle pr nae seVHr Se ik prcess rs hfe district projecI tfmanlgctieem uiL and hile )cparmlmcl P:M l at tbc prOviIiaI l el, \rrniis for producers te acCess nmrke s \k w vary based on lie exisleCie o, u compe it iN \i eUldd of privale sector acers. Ihey culd iieude dreet tie-Lips with traders or processo eomlilinity chliling units that allwn the MIti to ncieontie wiitih dillerent aciors on a compelie basis. lhe Mic is weu be abk to a m e i and tro)Iiniun on imiirket krieied dair larmint, balaneed Ueng apprepriate brdcilg praeees and disease 0ontiO: (i) 1.0DO liler unik chCileis and ,perating knoMedc. (iii) milk qualliy testimg et4rietlt and trninM mahiuainltttttl \Iifiable records al quaLatut)i elllllk C0eulleeteIL and sold, as weil as reCords el celiom and expeniditLtre. TIhe D)eparliment wiR pro¾de haind-Iholing suipper te a 1>itvlaae t en hiller C istaltion, t elsILe luig-teril slstillabilit ol Ilie asse> ... dAiiri nulrtlulImSt uuokll be a val able as part of estensiin SCV ies lo ad Nise least eost ereritrate mltres. the qua l I) Cluati l peured leedrptiurns and tile deNelepument 1 aun äpprupriate tedigiii strLegW 167 \\ien ULrnpr1neurs n\Ld be idewinlLI1ed S \1,0111dlbctin nlt"itnit \\iLll >b tI11]l m1 iml læ sbadry and ex tension0 pILees Litnd tLhese walno ten "ou¼ L d be pk VI d \Viisil equipment and gOOdS (milk testn iks concenitrate mi ture) whih the acquire on culam LU flom the prOject and use as incone geneti LIs part of Ilier CA ten1st1 dl\ . AnY investmleIs in equipmei or other technlogy for prdiitinLmd iOrage u.d hc proriude [lhroLgIhi maitching grants with a caslh or in-kind contribution from the 11MPG in a 70/30 cost shlIling basis Sr ,Vkpeunditure a rtieular A ,i(ii) No | incurred as> i VeCtieCCS 'Sen ices providers i l )A l L. M Notoreve[s Service Providers )irCCttmte k AIiinilL1J 7.-9 3 tiU 1 1 ILISbaIdr[ 3 raiLstiundii M\aelhims 14 Niclines [ti VeIe nI\1Lsjii 4 Artificial Inseination Iirectrte of ni reeding l (I -4.9 imobiliztion advance Tultal 24,106,39% ). PRJ VCT MANAGENI3 L AND NION -ORING AN 1) U\ A IJON Ag>riculture Componlient: The Procet M'anigeimellt lnils ( It ) establishied[ in Ilyderabad u1ndUr l epalrtlent ol, A PUCCS & Prices and Department leaded y IProject Directors who are appoliled by (ile Glvrnment 1l he position of a Project ioordatior wN ill be estLAhIished lo elIsLire hal jliol nolitoing,t reporting and poriutoin kiplce wýiffli e heip ol t\o LDepartmenits. lie 11Ni would be responsile ot ov:eril projeel i-IaiagIelIle. mil -inl g aId stipcIi1. LIS \wCIl as tidUCIJarYV and sa[egurds implemIeiitation Lind a llnce. llie 1I :s wl have oeci mIllnkgeemill and iplleit 11ni stal! with deg2LIiL1te elLalificLtioli and expertlse. Ih M1, 5 Lind whele iceded. oumld be pro\ ded \ ith additionlLl techiell sLupport thriouigh consi1taIts. * tooreliii:ttepvo Lid > L I I CU11ee 1iiiAI allt3 jiel itiiiii-t-i cilit SIJII)01tti lt ie fIKLd implemeltaIOl teams at lte respecu i \e Pojet hp letLt l I [11 AInd IluIdh \n '11Il he traunsferred. . Implement unanodmiltor pIo cc ri,sk iianiagemen1 mesures and IccoumaiiiiLibi ily and iiioriaton shLirin- neiiiIi 1.i%C'ock Componen.liclt [ he p1 LJe will be imlltciieented Lltroul1 hlrmjt.t1 ColklhomlAln de lICC L n )H l> milW DA) aind by the establisiniig i>roje\t ManiitgemleiL I iii(M\Il: ) o milelill Ilie pavjCCL It tiieted districts, 4 Project imiplenuienii-li n lits (II1 Is) ia tLLrpeed distnets kC] aisi be tiiider this colponlent. a IhiliL lor dissein On t innnu t> it ki ha1s 1iS been made avaiLible. Iis iII be uitilized by the De.partlm il i estotk tor the Klt o lie ir .et '1r 1 bpenditure incurred Pairticulair :iin 1 Sa IILetieS \it Statt - 054 01> ehileles PMWt Vhic0 1 iotorcyCles PMI & DPU - 4 incremient Operanne -sI operatinig 1' x , [oal 22,771 ,653 17 9.1. Operatinlg (w 1i-ucult ure (.'o[iIlonric Ibhe iL1ei1ental _mperalilig cUi eL [L C Lill t 1til) l I>roject [1managemlentii InìpClflCiiIUh dLliiiLiIUilLVLLhtiIliCCLIIIIJILCSlj1LC älnd consL les, uiliies, baTk charges. COmniMa I l ~ til\ cliele rll lperul mamt enaLIc and IIISuice. Oli1ce spac rentaL lIdgiL and subisteice lL nCs alld sålarics and salark supplemel)tS. -I be total opellratng CpN iclie f)l - Y 2014-11 - l 7,3 1. ilie ilemcitienal operatLinu cosus o[ tIe 1,ivocchil ieoiied Lr 1lc Proic[ Lilileiiieiii[iig mmli1> loc Proteet 11mgceorL[i aUplloi t1tiull- 1 ilC cnsuIMNables. uLilities, bank clarges, c%uiaiun eije|e renaL operation. maintelice and insiance. office space rental. lodging and subsistence allo nIeCs and al 1aiies and s11axN ipplemets. The operatinig expenditure is Rs 737,-4 l 10. CASIL AND BANK Agricullure oiumoneimol eve sI.tock ( C m pltniI 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 ( ab i H Ind Sutal 2i 1 265,4(19,615 258,110,851 - 11. \tIIOlI/AION tolk ISSI.I naffic Praijnnt hare biecen o11rze f00W1r 12. G1NIVAAl_ euii'11c._. iaNc el eeoiunded 'l, lw Ilie IICLLI'CSL ilipc. ( ein qiai LJLIeý IL.111iec, atIý eeniirariee >Iierc licces"arV tbc (ic purpese el ct)ilsL>I 1111 WCA1 -i '.(1 PROJFIT1 DIRZVCTOR ,I\iM M_~Cifl el (Ko\N I1 I>UPoJl-C l hiIl SCIRK(A LiEt R 1, CRtOM 1 11