Republic of the Union of Myanmar Maternal and Child Cash Transfers for Improved Nutrition Project September 26, 2019 Chair Summary* Executive Directors approved a credit to Myanmar in the amount of SDR 72 million (US$100 million equivalent) for the Maternal and Child Cash Transfers for Improved Nutrition Project on the terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. Directors welcomed the Bank’s first social protection project in Myanmar and the gender aspect embedded in the project. They noted the importance of investing in nutrition in the early years for longer term human capital development and the need to focus on the most vulnerable in areas with high rates of poverty, malnutrition and vulnerability to risks. Directors also commended the innovative technology used in the project to deliver messages, monitor progress, and help promote behavioral change, but also advised the Bank to closely monitor the use of ICT to avoid downside risks on beneficiaries’ privacy. Directors acknowledged the challenges related to working in fragile and conflict-affected contexts and noted the importance of enhanced monitoring and evaluation measures to ensure the inclusiveness of the interventions. They also stressed the importance of close coordination with development partners and relevant government agencies as the situation remains fragile. Acknowledging the overall substantial risk of the operation, Directors underscored the need to tailor approaches, engage with stakeholders, and put in place strong risk mitigation measures. _____________________________ *This Summary is not an approved record.