75996 APCBTMP- 2012-13 Jo' Y - Procurement Plan for Goods Estimat Bids Contra preparat Banks No Ocsign/ln v e ct No of Llnit Cost ( Estimated !\1ethod of ion of objec tion Complet Phase s. Packa Description of Co ntra Rs.in Lakhs Cost ( Rs.in Procureme Review estignti on prepara Bid to award ion No ge ~o. Goods by Bank completed tion and decide CIS ) lakhs) Ill Docume bidding lnvitat Openi period (Date) snnc lion d nt document ion ng (date) (Date) (Dnte) (Date) A B c D E F G II I J K L !\1 N 0 p Component II: Tank System Improvement Participatorv Groundwa ter l\1ana2ement Water Distribution pipe I system (200 1+15 J+ l5 K+ l5 M+4l5 N+30 0+30 I tanks) 13 1.00 200.00 Shopping Post 1-Mav-12 days days days days days days Digital Water Level Recorders 1+15 J+JQ-15 .J<.L+ I5 M+45 N+30 O+J20 I Component Ill: 2 (60 numbers) I 1.20 72.00 ICB P~•st!'-1:[9~ 1-May- 12 days days K+7 day~ days days days days Livelihood Support Services SRI Paddy As and where required implements (Marker and I weeder) 320 0025 8.00 Shopping Post WUA Level As and where required Equ ipment (Farm machinary & 2 equipment) 430 0.4 172.00 Shopping Post Agribusiness As and where required 3 Equipment 467 0.596 278.33 Shopping Post 21 Fingerlings to districts FCS (650 tanks with covering an 174 I effective area of Lakh 1+15 J+IS K+l5 M+4l5 ~+30 0~45 4 20,400 Ha) FL 0.0000 15 261.00 Shopping Post 1-Apr-12 davs days daYS days daYS days Component IV: Project Management 991.33 Total Cost I. Value of Each contract under shopping procedure wil l not exceed US $ 50,000 2. The requirement is demand driven. Number of contracts above are only indicative II: Earlier Procured and supplied by Fisheries Department and now proposed for deccntralised procurement by each DPU 3: Fingcrlin!s are procured at different point of time and at tltif*'*lldlfTcrcnl districts and each contract not exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs APCBT\1P- 2012-13 f\' - Procurement Plan for Works ~ Banks :-.;o Co ntra Estimate lin it Esti mated Method Dcsign/inv objection Te nd er Bid ct preparation preparario Destina tion Description No of Cost ( Cost of Review estigation to invitati open in award Completio S.No and n of Bid of works of Works Contracts Rs.in Rs.in l'rocurc by Bank completed bidding on gon decide n period sanc.tion Document lakhs ) lakhs) mcnt (date) documen t (date) (Date) d (date) (Date) (Date) A B c D E F G H I J K L M ~ 0 I I Component 2: Tank system Improvement Completed I I Component Ill: Livelihood Support Services 1 Vermi 1000 0.0 125 12.5 cc As and where required Comoost Total Cost I uni<- 10 kg Verms, Ikg of Verm= Rs. 125/- CC-Communitv Contractine. bv usinu the Di rect contracting (W-6) document Note:AIItank civil works above $50 000 will be NCB Value of each contract indicated under shoooing oroccdure will not exceed $ 50000 WUA execution of works will be within the limi t ofRs 51akhs per Tank ---·-·-·-·-··- -- ----- AI'CBTMP- 2012-13 FV - Procurement l' lan for Consultancy Services £,•aluntion No Objcc- to be tion by the :'\o Pa Proposals to Finalised Bank l"nit Estima Revi Advertisi RFP Final Objection ck l\teth Shortlist be Received (TechnicaV (Technical/ No of Cost ( ted ew ng for Draft to bf from Bank RFP Sl. ag Descri ption of od of to be by the Combined/ #Combined/ Phase Contra Rs.in Cost ( by Short fom·ardcd to for TORI Iss ued :"'io e Services Select Finalised Project Draft Draft cts lakhs Rs.in Ban listing the Bank Shortlist/ (Date) ~ ion (Date) Authorities Co ntract/ Cont ract/ ) lakhs) k (Date) (Date)** FinaiRFP 0. (Date) Final Final (Date)** Cont.-act) Co ntract) (Date) (Oatc)** A B c D £ F G H I J K L M N 0 p Component Ill: Li\·elihood Support Serv1ces NI L Component IV: l'roject !\1anagement Thematic study of L+IO 1+15 Days J+l5 days K+ l5 days M+15 days N+30 days Impact on PG ~ days I I 10.00 Post 1-May-12 0+ 30 days lllematic study of . 2 Impact on Fisheries Development I 10.00 CQ Post 1-May-12 1+15 Days J+IS days K+ l5 days L+ IO days M+ IS days N+30 days 0+ 30 days Thematic study of L+ IO 3 Impact on l 10.00 I+ IS Days J+ !S days K+ IS days M+l S days N+30 days days Capacity Building Post 1-May- 12 0 + 30 days Study on Water Management L+ IO 4 practices and I 9.00 !+ IS Days J+ l5 days K+ IS days M+ IS days N+30 days days Water usc efficiency Post 1-May-1 2 0 + 30 days Total 39.00 Total Cost I. CQ- Consultant Qualification 2. QCBS- Quality & Cost Based Selection Annexure-1A APCBTMP- 2012-13 FY- Procurement Plan for Works Banks No Unit Design/inv Estimate Contract No of Estimated preparation objection Tender Bid s. Destination Description of Contract Cost ( Cost Rs.in Method of Review estigation preparation of Bid to bidding invitation opening award Completio No of works Works Rs.in Procurement by Bank completed and sanction decided n period s lakhs} Document document (date} on (Date) lakhs} (date) (date) (Date} (Date) A B c D E F G H I J K L M N 0 Component 2: Tank svstem Improvement H Completed Component Ill: Llvollhood Support Services 1 Vermi Compost 1000 0.0125 12.5 cc As and where required Total Cost = Rs. 125/- 1 unit= 10 kg Verms 1kg ofVerm· CC-Commumtv Contractinq by usinq the Direct contractJOQ CW-61 document Note:AII tank civil works above $50 000 will be NCB Value of each contract indicated under shopping procedure will not exceed S 50000 WUA execution of works will be within the limit of Rs 5 lakhs Qer Tank Annexure-1 B APCBTMP- 2012-13 FY - Procurement Plan for Goods Design/Invest Estimate Banks No Bids Unit Cost ( preparation CQflt~~t Packag No of Estimated Cost Method of Review igation preparation obj~tion Completion Phase S. No Description of Goods Rs.in of Bid award eNo. Contracts ( Rs.in lakhs 1 Procurement by Bank completed and sanction to bidding period Lakhs 1 (Date) (date) Document document Invitati on Opeining decided (Date) (Date) (Date) A B c D E F G H I K L M N 0 p Component II: Tank System Improvement I I I I I I Partlci atorv Grou ndwater Mana!lement Water Distribution pipe system 1 200 tanks) 13 1.00 200.00 Shoooino Post 1-Mav-12 1+15 davs J+15 davs K+ 15 days M+45days N+30 days 0+30 days Digital Water Level Recorders . 2 60 numbers) 1 1.20 72.00 ICB Post 1-Mav-12 1+15 davs J+30 davs K+15 days M+45 days N+30 days 0+30 days Component Ill: Livelihood Support SeiVices SRI Paddy implements (Marker As and where required 1 and weeder) 320 0 .025 8 .00 Shopping Post WUA Level Equipment (Farm As and where required ! 2 machinarv & equipment) 430 0.4 172.00 ShoppinQ Post 3 Aoribusiness Eouipment 467 0.596 278.33 Shopping Post As and where required Fmge~~ngs to FCS (650 tanks 21 dist ricts covering an effective area of with 174 4 20 400 Ha) Lakh FL 0.0000 15 261 .00 Shopping Post 1-Apr-12 1+15 days J+15 days K+15 days M+45days N+30days 0+45 days Component IV: Project Management I I Total Cost 1. Value of Each contract under shopping procedure will not exceed US S 50,000 2. The requirement IS demand driven. Number of contracts above are only 1 nd1cative #: Earlier Procured and supplied by Fisheries Department and noN proposed for ~ntralised procurement by each DPU ' fferent point of time and at di1f~ent dJstr1cts and each~~ct not exceE!ding_~~S_Iakh$_ _ _______ 3: Fingerlings are procured at d1 - --·---- -------·---·--·--·-·-- i Annexure.1C APCBTMP- 2012-13 FY - Procure ment Plan for Consultancy Services No Objection Evaluation to be No Objec-tion by Advertlsln RFP Final Proposals to Estimate Shortlist from Bank for Finalised the Bank Pack No of Unit Cost( Review g for Draft to be RFP be Received Sl. dCost( Method of to be TORI (Technical/ (Technical/ Phase age Description of Services Contra Rs.in lakhs by Short forwarded to Issued by the Project No Rs.ln Selection Finalised Shortlist/ Combined/ Draft #Combined/ Draft 11'10. cts ) Bank listing the Bank (Date) Authorities lakhs) (Date) Final RFP Contract/ Final Contract/ Final (Date) (Datet• (Date) (Date)•• Contract) (Date) Contract) (Date).. A B c D E F G H I J K L M N 0 p Component Ill: Livelihood Support Services I NIL I I Component IV: Project Management Thematic study of Impact on 1+15 Days J+15 days K+15 days L+10 days M+15 days N+30days 1 PGM 1 10.00 Post 1-Mav-12 0 + 30davs Thematic study of Impact on 2 1 10.00 CQ 1+15 Days J+15 days K+15 days L+10 days M+15days N+30days Fisheries Development Post 1-Mav-12 0+ 30davs Thematic study of Impact on 3 1 10.00 1+15 Days J+15 days K+1 5days L+10 days M+1 5 days N+30 days Capacity Building Post 1-Mav-12 0+ 30 davs Study on Water Management 4 practices and Water use 1 9.00 1+15 Days J+15 days K+15 days L+10 days M+15days N+30 days efficiency Post 1-May-12 0+ 30days Total 39.00 Total Cost 1' co~ Consuhant Quatification 2. OCBS ·Quality & Cost Based Selection