90406 UPDATED PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR COMPONENT II OF SCHOOL READINESS PROMOTION PROJECT (SRPP - P117393) Dated: August, 2014 Selection Review by Method Contract Cost Estimate Unit Cost Package Funding Type of WB Issuance Issuance Proposal Contract Contract Ref. Description (QCBS, duration Notes incl. VAT (USD) (USD) No. Source Contract (Prior or of REOI of RFP Submission Signing Start CQS, ICS (months) Post) and etc.) I CONSULTANT SERVICES 1,703,500 A INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT International consultant to develop 1 advanced ECE professional 60,000 10,000 IC1 IDA ICS Time-based Post 6/2014 6/2014 7/2014 8/2014 8/2014 6 development modules International consultant to develop e- 2 60,000 10,000 IC2 IDA ICS Time-based Post 6/2014 6/2014 7/2014 8/2014 8/2014 6 learning for ECE training modules International consultant to develop 3 40,000 10,000 IC3 IDA ICS Time-based Post 6/2014 6/2014 7/2014 8/2014 8/2014 4 community-based ECD Service model EDI data processing services (EDI- 4 Offord Centre for Child Studies, 27,000 13,500 IC4 IDA SSS Lump-sum Pior 9/2014 9/2014 10/2014 11/2014 11/2014 2 Additional package McMaster University, Canada) B NATIONAL CONSULTANT Divided from the bidding package "National consultant to develop 06 National consultant to develop 2.5 advanced modules for ECE teachers + 1 advanced modules 1 and 2 for ECE 7,500 1,500 NC4 (a) IDA ICS Lump-sum Post 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 (for each 04 advance modules for ECE teachers (02 consultants) consultant) managers" (NC4) in the 1st revised procurement plan Divided from the bidding package "National consultant to develop 06 National consultant to develop 2.5 advanced modules for ECE teachers + 2 advanced modules 3 and 4 for ECE 7,500 1,500 NC4 (b) IDA ICS Lump-sum Post 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 (for each 04 advance modules for ECE teachers (02 consultants) consultant) managers" (NC4) in the procurement plan Selection Review by Method Contract Cost Estimate Unit Cost Package Funding Type of WB Issuance Issuance Proposal Contract Contract Ref. Description (QCBS, duration Notes incl. VAT (USD) (USD) No. Source Contract (Prior or of REOI of RFP Submission Signing Start CQS, ICS (months) Post) and etc.) Divided from the bidding package "National consultant to develop 06 National consultant to develop 2.5 advanced modules for ECE teachers + 3 advanced modules 5 and 6 for ECE 7,500 1,500 NC4 (c) IDA ICS Lump-sum Post 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 (for each 04 advance modules for ECE teachers (02 consultants) consultant) managers" (NC4) in the procurement plan Divided from the bidding package "National consultant to develop 06 National consultant to develop 2.5 advanced modules for ECE teachers + 4 advanced modules 1 and 2 for ECE 7,500 1,500 NC4 (d) IDA ICS Lump-sum Post 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 (for each 04 advance modules for ECE managers (02 consultants) consultant) managers" (NC4) iin the procurement plan Divided from the bidding package "National consultant to develop 06 National consultant to develop 03 and 2.5 advanced modules for ECE teachers + 5 04 advanced modules for ECE 7,500 1,500 NC4 (e) IDA ICS Lump-sum Post 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 (for each 04 advance modules for ECE managers (02 consultants) consultant) managers" (NC4) in the procurement plan National consultant to support and format priority and advanced modules Adjust the unit cost and contract 6 10,500 1,500 NC5 IDA ICS Time-based Post 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 7 for ECE teachers and managers duration of the bidding package professional development (e-learning) National consultants for training on 7 Preschool Accreditation Level 1 36,000 1,500 NC6 IDA ICS Time-based Post 4/2014 4/2014 4/2014 6/2014 6/2014 30 (External Evaluation) (6 consultants) National consultant for developing e- 8 learning modules- self-Accreditation 18,000 NC7 IDA ICS Time-based Post 7/2014 7/2014 9/2014 10/2014 10/2014 3 and external evaluation (3 consultants) National consultant to develop module 9 3,000 1,500 NC38 IDA ICS Time-based Post 9/2014 9/2014 10/2014 11/2014 11/2014 2 of trainers' training guide National consultant to develop 10 27,000 1,500 NC39 IDA ICS Time-based Post 7/2014 7/2014 8/2014 9/2014 9/2014 18 community-based ECD Service model National consultant on ICT for 11 converting PD modules into e-learning 36,000 1,500 NC40 IDA ICS Time-based Post 9/2014 9/2014 10/2014 11/2014 11/2014 24 modules National consultants to train and prepare Survey report on school 12 15,000 1,500 NC41 IDA ICS Time-based Post 3/2014 3/2014 3/2014 4/2014 4/2014 10 readiness (EDI mid-term) (4 consultants) National consultants to train and prepare Survey report on school 13 15,000 1,500 NC42 IDA ICS Time-based Post 7/2016 7/2016 7/2016 8/2016 8/2016 10 readiness (EDI last-term) (4 consultants) Selection Review by Method Contract Cost Estimate Unit Cost Package Funding Type of WB Issuance Issuance Proposal Contract Contract Ref. Description (QCBS, duration Notes incl. VAT (USD) (USD) No. Source Contract (Prior or of REOI of RFP Submission Signing Start CQS, ICS (months) Post) and etc.) Maintain using and upgrading software Adjust name, the cost estimate and 14 for accreditation database 61,000 NC43 IDA SSS Lump Sum Prior 8/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 9/2014 36 selection method management (VIETEC Corp) Adjust the cost estimate of the bidding 15 Project website design 5,000 NC44 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 7/2014 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 9/2014 3 package, from 10,000USD to 5,000USD 16 EDI data entry services 24,000 12,000 NC45 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 7/2014 8/2014 9/2014 10/2014 10/2014 2 Developing the econo-technical report 17 21,000 NC8 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 2/2015 2/2015 3/2015 4/2015 4/2015 2 Additional package for renovation 04 ECD centres Appraisal the technical design and cost 18 7,500 NC9 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 6/2015 6/2015 7/2015 8/2015 8/2015 1 Additional package estimate for 04 ECD centres Supervision of work construction and 19 5,000 NC10 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 Additional package project management for ECD centre 1 Supervision of work construction and 20 5,000 NC11 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 Additional package project management for ECD centre 2 Supervision of work construction and 21 5,000 NC12 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 Additional package project management for ECD centre 3 Supervision of work construction and 22 5,000 NC13 IDA CQS Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 Additional package project management for ECD centre 4 Selection Review by Method Contract Cost Estimate Unit Cost Package Funding Type of WB Issuance Issuance Proposal Contract Contract Ref. Description (QCBS, duration Notes incl. VAT (USD) (USD) No. Source Contract (Prior or of REOI of RFP Submission Signing Start CQS, ICS (months) Post) and etc.) C PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 Project Coordinator 60,000 1,500 PM46 IDA ICS Time-based Post 7/2014 7/2014 8/2014 9/2014 9/2014 40 2 Training Coordinator 60,000 1,500 PM47 IDA ICS Time-based Post 5/2014 5/2014 5/2014 7/2014 7/2014 40 3 Procurement Officer - Services 27,000 1,500 PM48 IDA ICS Time-based Prior 12/2013 12/2013 12/2013 4/2014 4/2014 18 Procurement Officer - Goods & Civil 4 36,000 1,500 PM49 IDA ICS Time-based Prior 5/2014 5/2014 5/2014 7/2014 7/2014 24 Works 5 Interpreter 1 40,000 1,000 PM50 IDA ICS Time-based Post 12/2013 12/2013 12/2013 4/2014 4/2014 40 6 Interpreter 2 32,000 800 PM51 IDA ICS Time-based Post 6/2014 6/2014 6/2014 7/2014 7/2014 40 7 Accountant 1 40,000 1,000 PM52 IDA ICS Time-based Prior 4/2014 4/2014 6/2014 7/2014 7/2014 40 8 Accountant 2 32,000 800 PM53 IDA ICS Time-based Post 12/2013 12/2013 4/2014 6/2014 6/2014 40 9 Project Administrator 32,000 800 PM54 IDA ICS Time-based Post 12/2013 12/2013 12/2013 4/2014 4/2014 40 10 Aministrative Assistant 1 20,000 500 PM55 IDA ICS Time-based Post 3/2014 3/2014 3/2014 4/2014 4/2014 40 11 Aministrative Assistant 2 20,000 500 PM56 IDA ICS Time-based Post 4/2014 4/2014 5/2014 7/2014 7/2014 40 12 Aministrative Assistant 3-logistic 20,000 500 PM57 IDA ICS Time-based Post 6/2014 6/2014 6/2014 7/2014 7/2014 40 13 ICT technician 40,000 1,000 PM58 IDA ICS Time-based Post 4/2014 4/2014 4/2014 6/2014 6/2014 40 14 M&E national consultant 36,000 1,500 PM59 IDA ICS Time-based Post 5/2014 5/2014 6/2014 7/2014 7/2014 24 24 15 Internal auditor 36,000 1,500 PM60 IDA ICS Time-based Prior 6/2014 6/2014 6/2014 8/2014 8/2014 (for 3 years) Selection Review by Method Contract Cost Estimate Unit Cost Package Funding Type of WB Issuance Issuance Proposal Contract Contract Ref. Description (QCBS, duration Notes incl. VAT (USD) (USD) No. Source Contract (Prior or of REOI of RFP Submission Signing Start CQS, ICS (months) Post) and etc.) Divided from the bidding package Independent financial auditor for 16 "Independent financial auditor for 16 Component 1 and Component 2 (for 03 299,000 PM61(a) IDA QCBS Lump Sum Prior 6/2014 7/2014 8/2014 11/2014 11/2014 (for 3 years) Component 1 and Component 2" financial years 2013, 2014 and 2015) (PM61) in the procurement plan Divided from the bidding package Independent financial auditor for 5 "Independent financial auditor for 17 Component 1 and Component 2 (for 02 100,000 PM61(b) IDA CQS Lump Sum Prior 10/2016 10/2016 10/2016 2/2017 2/2017 (for 2 years) Component 1 and Component 2" financial years 2016 and 2017) (PM61) in the procurement plan DLI independent verification firm 18 18 250,000 PM62 IDA SSS Lump Sum Prior 12/2013 12/2013 1/2014 3/2014 3/2014 (NIES) (for 3 years) Selection Review by Method Contract Cost Estimate Unit Cost Package Funding Type of WB Issuance Issuance Proposal Contract Contract Ref. Description (QCBS, duration Notes incl. VAT (USD) (USD) No. Source Contract (Prior or of REOI of RFP Submission Signing Start CQS, ICS (months) Post) and etc.) II GOODS 522,000 Supplemental Office Equipment for 1 65,000 TTB63 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 4/2014 4/2014 7/2014 7/2014 1 PMU office Renting the servers and location for setting the servers to maintain using 2 45,000 TTB64 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 8/2014 8/2014 9/2014 9/2014 1 Adjust name and the cost estimate and upgrading the ECE Quality accreditation softwares Print and distribute training materials 3 120,000 IN65 IDA NCB Lump Sum Prior 8/2014 9/2014 10/2014 10/2014 2 for ECE teachers and managers Equipment and facility for 4 integrated 4 240,000 TTB66 IDA NCB Lump Sum Post 10/2015 11/2015 12/2015 12/2015 2 ECD Centres Lot 1: Equipment and facility for 4.a 60,000 TTB66 IDA NCB Lump Sum Post 10/2015 11/2015 12/2015 12/2015 2 integrated ECD Centre 1 Lot 2: Equipment and facility for 4.b 60,000 TTB66 IDA NCB Lump Sum Post 10/2015 11/2015 12/2015 12/2015 2 integrated ECD Centre 2 Lot 3: Equipment and facility for 4.c 60,000 TTB66 IDA NCB Lump Sum Post 10/2015 11/2015 12/2015 12/2015 2 integrated ECD Centre 3 Lot 4: Equipment and facility for 4.d 60,000 TTB66 IDA NCB Lump Sum Post 10/2015 11/2015 12/2015 12/2015 2 integrated ECD Centre 4 Printing of EDI questionnaires and 5 30,000 IN67 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 4/2014 5/2014 5/2014 5/2014 2 guides Printing and distributing CDs of PD Adjust the progress of the bidding 6 modules for ECE teachers and 22,000 IN68 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 8/2014 9/2014 10/2014 10/2014 2 package managers in disadvantaged areas III WORKS 320,000 Upgrading or renovation of integrated Adjust the progress of the bidding 1 80,000 XL69 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 ECD Centre 1 package Upgrading or renovation of integrated Adjust the progress of the bidding 2 80,000 XL70 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 ECD Centre 2 package Upgrading or renovation of integrated Adjust the progress of the bidding 3 80,000 XL71 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 ECD Centre 3 package Upgrading or renovation of integrated Adjust the progress of the bidding 4 80,000 XL72 IDA Shopping Lump Sum Post 8/2015 8/2015 8/2015 9/2015 9/2015 4 ECD Centre 4 package TOTAL (I) + (II) + (III) 2,545,500 Selection Review by Method Contract Cost Estimate Unit Cost Package Funding Type of WB Issuance Issuance Proposal Contract Contract Ref. Description (QCBS, duration Notes incl. VAT (USD) (USD) No. Source Contract (Prior or of REOI of RFP Submission Signing Start CQS, ICS (months) Post) and etc.)