South Sudan Provision of Essential Health Services Project Chair Summary* February 27, 2019 Executive Directors approved an IDA grant to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) in the amount of SDR 52.8 million (US$73.4 million equivalent) and an IDA grant to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the amount of SDR 23.1 million (US$32 million equivalent) for the South Sudan Provision of Essential Health Services Project (PEHSP) on the terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. Directors supported the Bank’s continued engagement in South Sudan and the requests for waivers to allow UNICEF and ICRC to receive IDA grants to implement this project, which will fill critical gaps in health service coverage in the country, with a particular focus on the two former states of Upper Nile and Jonglei. They noted that, without the Bank’s support, the most vulnerable populations have little or no access to essential and life-saving health services. Directors recognized the rationale for the project’s innovative implementation arrangements by partnering with UNICEF and ICRC allowing for equitable access to health services in the project’s targeted areas. They noted the importance of a selective approach and encouraged the Bank to share experiences throughout the implemention of the project to inform the Bank’s FCV strategy and avoid duplication of efforts across parterners. Directors noted the Bank’s strength in promoting the humanitarian-development nexus and requested the forthcoming FCV strategy reflect on the Bank’s current policies to allow for more granular classifications of FCVs and tailored responses. They also commended the Bank’s gender- responsive approach. Directors encouraged the Bank to strengthen third-party monitoring and capacity building activities and underlined the importance of effective donor coordination among the Bank and other development partners engaged in the health sector in South Sudan.             _________________________________ *This Summary is not an approved record.