SPAAR Inlforiuatioit Systeni SAHEL ''j Speciai Program for African ARricultural Research Progrnilmme Special pour la Recherche Agricole en Afrique internationaal agrarisch centrum Q , _PAARY . W,geningen 14 September 1994 Dear reader. This s a haroopy seectin of data from the SPAAR f _ S nsemI per March 1994. The SIS-datae contains informathn regarding current agiutural research protects funded or executed by organizatons i onwo co"nves. Al te last SIS- rneeting Rorne 1994 the Intemational Agricuftwal Centre (IAC) in the Neterands was asked to distribute haicopy-prrouts on demand duung 1994J1995 This document contains a selectton of prolects concemig Sati coutrides (Burkina Faso. Chad. Mali. Niger. Senegal Makian.a, Gamnbia. Cape Verde. Gur'eaa-isssau. Gumiea) and is presented in 3 parts: an owveew of projects by ressai decipline (yel iw pages): -an overoew of proects by rortry (grey pages). - diesaiptin of proectcontent (whte pages) The Speej Progrmm r kAhia AgrCtIJbN Reseamh (SPAAR) energed as an inCia eanance agrecuftural production n Afrca by increasng donor coordination in the field of as ., SPAAR Inormtation System (SIS) was devebped to corne to grnps .itn the increasing number of actt'tiL, Ints the registration of natonal funded projects in FAOs database CARIS. At present over 4000 projcts are recorded in SIS wht,.I are nrlw avaidbb on vanous CD-ROWs (AGRISEAFCH-Siver Platter and DAJ-INDIXAIDRC) The SIS operates as a systerm n mhch focal points in donor countries or -agencies are responsble for cdlection ot donor- prxect data. Focal points are ATSAF (Germany). NAI (Unrted Kigdom), IDRC (Canada and for Japanese data). USAIO ;U4)ted State3 of Amerca). CIRAD (Fratce) and IAC (the Netherlnds) Other focal points are located in aid-agencies such as me World Bank. The SPAAR Secretanat at the World Bank Ls responsible for updating and distributing the database to SIS focal points. users in nat iial research systems and other relevant organzations. rThe sottware s Dased on CDS-ISIS in order to facilitate free diStribution. The classifcation of proects is done on the basis of AGRiS--2ARIS keywords and in additon keywords are alloted from FAO's AGROVOC-thesaurns Fre? CassifcatKn tcmns are developed by IAC to aggregate protects under mapor themes by combining AGRIS'CARIS .Aee i-res r-a a e *elcor-e . coitact the SPAAR-Secretanat. Mr F Neuman, K.Vermoo-en at IAC or your nearest SlS-focal point for Itjrths, information -egarduLng SIS or for obtair....g the database, Yours sincerely. Frans Neuman Kanrin Vemioolen The SPAAR secretaria, lr F. NeumnarVMrs K. Vermooten The World Bank IAC Wagen ngen 1818 H Street. N W P O.Box 88 Washington. D.C. 20433 6700 AB Wagenngen USA The Netherlands Phone. (202) 473-8964 Pnone (+31 -f(U)8370 90234S90676 Fax: (202) 473-8231 Fax: (+31-Hl0)8370 18552 Telex: 248 423 WORLD BANK E.nail: IN'(IAC)-FN.AGR0.NL This publicafion is madeposs1be by the hPnarca/ support of tIhe Research Programme DSTiSOo/ the Ministry cifregn Affairs, the Netherands Index ot projects by discipline Table of contents Agruirian systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4grcultural economics and policies. 1 Agricultural engineering . ..... . .... ...... . . . 2 Agrcultural machinery and equipment 2 Agncultural research . . . . . . 3 Agriculture General aspects . 7 Agro-industry Animal diseases . . .8 Animal ecology . . . 9 Anima! feeding . 9 Animal genetics and breeding. .12 Animal husbandry . . . .12 Animal phb'siology - Nutrition . . . . 16 Animal physiology and biochemistry . 1 7 Aquaculture production and managemp-t 1 7 Consumer economrcs . 1 7 Cooperatives . 18 Crop husbandry . . . . 18 Cropping patterns and systems 23 Development economics and policies . .26 Documentation and inforrnation 33 Domestic trade .. .4 Dramnage. . . . . . .40 Education 40 Energy resources and management 46 Extension. . 47 Feed compositior. 50 Feed processing and preservation 50 Feed technology 50 Fertilizing . . . . 50 Fisteries and aquacutture - General aspects . 52 Fisheries production. . . . 52 Food contamination and toxicology . . . 52 Food processing and preservation . . 53 Food science and technology . . 53 Forest injuries and protection 54 Forestry - General aspects 54 Forestry Production 55 Geograoty 58 Handiing. transoor- storage ana protection of plant products. 58 H,story 59 Home econom cs. rndustr es arn c!afs Su Human nutrtion Genera. asoects . 60 International trade 61 Investment. ?inance ana crea 61 Irrigatior 62 Labour and employrrent 64 _,t I economics and policies . . . . . . .64 Legislation . . . . .66 Mathematical and statistical methods . .66 Meteorology and climatology .66 M:-cellaneous plant disorders . . . . .. ... . . ... . 68 . * .ure conservation and land resources . . . . . . . . . . 69 Organization. administration and management of agricultural erite . 73 Pests of animals . . - 74 Pests of plan!s . . . 75 Physiology of human nutrition . . . 79 Plant diseases. . . . ... 79 Plant ecology . . . 80 Plant genettcs and breeding. . . 80 Plant pnysiology - Growth and development .84 Plant physiology - Nutrition 85. . . . . as Plant physiology - Reproauct.on. .86 Plant physiology and biochemistry 86 Plant propagation . . 87 Plant structure. . . . .8 Plant taxonomy and geography . .88 Pollution. . 88 Processing of agricultural wastes . 89 Processing of forest products . . . 89 Processing of non-food or ncn-feeo agricultural products. . 89 Productlion economics . 90 Protection of plants - General asoects 91 Renewabie energy resources 92 Research methods 92 Rural population 94 Rural sociology 95 Seed production .97 Soil biology 99 Soil chemistry and physics 100 Soil classification and genes!s . . 100 Soil cultlivation .101 Soii erosion. conservation ano reciarriation 102 Soil fertility . . . 104 Soil science and managemen! 106 Soi surveys ano mnapong t107 Surveying methods 107 Trace. marketirg ana djsiribution 108 Veternary science and hygiene 110 Waler resources and nanagement ill Weeds ano weed control 113 Index of projects by discipline Agrarian systems Developpement Bas Fonds de Rrz production Bafata. (0560l) SNV (Assiciation Neerlandais d'Assistance au Developpement). Agricultural economics and policies Agricutural SECAL. (016811 World Bank. Burkina Faso Agricultural sector adjustment investment project (01439) World Bank: Mali. Agriculture research projpct i0l 126) World Bank. Senegal Agriculture SECAL. 04366) World Bank. Senegal. Appraisal of risks in agriculture in develop:ng countries. i036265 State University of Groningen Scertific Research Institute iRUG) Appraisal of risks in Agriculture in developing countries 105509! State University of Groni.gen The Netherlands. University of Ouagadougou. Centre d Etudes de Documentatior. ae Recnerches Economique et Soc!al iCEDRES) Burkina Faso. Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and M let Col!aborative Research Network (EARSAMI (02076) U S. Agency for International Deve!ooment UL!SAlD) Sem-Arid Food Gra!n Research and Develpment (SAFGRAO Environment and development n Mal (04335j University of Osic Environment ano oeveloOmen! r Mal F-:od ara nu,rtiorn in nousencds ana tLe role of vomen rn the ranagerrent cf natvra! resources anr loOd security i04336) University of Oslo Food secur ty ana sus-a nacle aeve.oc-eni r Ma :'Jest Afr ca i04341i Universty of Osc Food security in the nornerr part of he Sareliar zore cf Mai. (05692, InStIut fuer K.t!roeo;racti e der Universitaet Freiburg Kida! 0occ ard ,ncorne secur!y c og a.nrvre Index of projects by discipline (04325) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Niger cereals research (01336) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development Public works in Atrica to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technrsche Zusammenarbeit I GTZ)_ Rainfed production of millet in Maurtania - Results ana probiems of economic analysis of agricultural projects on low-potential areas. (03T77) Institut fuer LandwrTschaftl,che Marktforschung der FAL Research programme on lood securty. strategies and policies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. SADAOC (Secunte Alimentaire durable en Afrique de lQOuest Centrale). (05662) ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy Management). Strategies Alimentaires iSTRAI [Food SIrategies Networkl. 102655) ORSTOM. Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Strengthening agricultural research. (01898) U.S. Agency for tnternaticina Development. Agricultural engineering Public works in Atrica to rnprove food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer techn:sche Zusarnmerarteft IGTZ, Soil and water resources management unit 101922) U.S. Agency for International Development. Southern zone water management. 1018321 U S. Agency for Intemratonal Development. U.S.. Israel programn for cooperative developrnent research. i0t949j U S. Agency cr Internatonal Development Agricultural machinery and equipment Appropriate merchanizaticv of field worx and transportation. i014761 Universitaet Horenheirn 2 0- M Index of projects by discipline Atelier des Forgerons Koutiala. (05635) CMDT (Compagnie Malienne pcur le Developpemer' les Textiles). Development and promotion of appropnate tools and implement for the agncultural and food processan sector' (interim phase) (ILO189/INT/M03) (05648) ILO (!ntemational Labour Office). Programme national de technotogie nzicole apres recohe. (05608) FAO. Research on mechanization for small scale agncultural production in the tropics. (05596) IMAG (Institute for Agrcultural Engineering). Agricultural research Afnican Research Network on Rural Pouthy Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agrirulture Organization. Agricultural development project 11. (01020) World Bank: Gambia. Agricultural rehabilitation project. 103458) World Bank: Chad. Agricultural research- (02783) World Bank. Chad. Agricultural research. (02784) World Bank. Mali. Agricultural research and diversification. (01881) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural research and training support. {01835t U.S. Agency for International Development. Agrcultural research II. 101174) U.S. Agency for International Development Agricultural research 11 (01889) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural research project. (03442) World Bank: Burkina Faso. 3 Irdex of projects by discipline Agriuhural research support. (03665) U.S. Agency for Interna:;onal Development. Agricultural sector adjustmentii,vestment project. (01439) Wor1d Bank: Mali Agricultural sector adjustmenVinvestment project. (02659) World Bank: Mauritania. Agncu\tural sector development. (02030) Word Bank: Guinea-Bissau. Agnculturai services. (01194) World Bank, Gambia. Agriculturai servces. (02753) World Bank. Maurtania Agricultural services. (02785) World Bank: Niger. Agricultural services itformerly Agricultural iesearch) (01 189) Word Bank. Chad. Agricunural services (formerly Second agricultural serv,ces project). (01197) World Bank: Guinea. Agriculural services project. (01205) World Bank: Senegal Agricultural services project. (01674) World Bank: Mali. AgricuRurat support services project. (03443) World Bank: Burkina Faso. Agriculture research crojec! iOt :26) World Bank: Senegal. Applied agricuitural research. 1018361 U.S Agency for Internat,onal Development Applied research programme: Network for Semi-Arid Lowlands of West Africa tSALWA-AFRENAi 02616i Intematonal Co..ncil for Research in Agroforestry. 4 Index of prowects by disciplne Appraisal of risks in agnculture in developing countnes. (03626) State University of GroningerwVScientific Research Institute (RUG). Cassava Network jReseau Maniocl. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africa;ns et Francais. Collaborative Research Support Prograrm (CRSP): Peanuts. i01341) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development IUSAD)/Univers,ty of Georgia. Crop divershication and agncultural services orofect. (01193) World Bank: Equatorial Guinea. Divison de Recherche sur les Systemes de Production Rural (05611) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). ODrat Resistance Research Network (R3S) IReseau de Recnerche sur la Resistance a la S&heressej. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agrononmique Africains et Franrats. Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachide. (02087) Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Atrcains et Fran a,s. International agncultural research centers: 09 International Livestock Center for Afrca (ILCA). 101967) U.S. Agency for lneemationa! Development. Managemen: of vertisols under semi-ard conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC! (01022) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. Mopti area development project. (03501) World Bank, Ma". National agricultural expor promotion project (Export crop. fomerly Agricultural export promotion, formerly Export crops). 401017) World Bank: Guinea. National agricuitural research project. 102097) World Bank: Niger. National research and extension project (01 139) World Bank: Guinea. National seeds project. (01678) World Bank: Guinea. Network for Improvement of Rice Cu'!valion rReseau Riz]. 5 Index of pro,ects by discipline (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afncains et Franais. Network of Sahelian SS Users INSSU). (05391) Special Program for Afrncan Agncutlural Research- Niger AppJied Agricultural Research Project (NAARP). (02049) Winrock International. Office du Niger consolidation protect. (03502) World Bank. Mali. OMVS agricutural research. (01865) U.S. Agency for International Development. Programme on supporting services: documentation. information and training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research prograrnme on phytogenetic resources. (03408) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Reseau Coton (COTONI. (02082) Frarce: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Second agricunural research prolect. (01 125) World Bank: ISRA, Senegal Semi-ard tropic research II. 101834) U.S. Agency for International Development. Social Science Interface Research Unit lSSlRU). (02779) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Strengthening agricultural research. (01898) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Strengthening maize and cassava research in eleven countries ot West ano Centrai Africa: Plan of action. (02665) Ministere de la Cooperation iFrancei Universities and national agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Afrca. (036781 Intemational Service fcr National Agricultural Research. West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network Reseau Mais;. (02156) Conference des Responsaoles de Recherche Agronomique Africains. 6 Index of projects by discipline West Afncan Farmnng Systems Research Network (WAFSRN RESPAO). (0261 9) In: rnational Fund for Agncultural Development (IFAD'Semi-And Food Grain Researc- 'Devebpment (SAFGRAD). West African Rice Information System (WARIS). (04246) International Develooment Research Centre. West and Central Afrria Millet Network (ROCAFREMI). (03675) Imernataonal Crops Research irnstitute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISATySemi-And Food Grain Research and Development ISAFGRArI. Agriculture - Gerwal aspects Agrculture sector restructunng. (03660) U.S. Agency for International Develcpment. Effects of dust deposdtes and microvanabilty on edaphical sde conditions with regard to semi-arid and sub-humid locations in West Afnca. (04657) Unrversitaet Hohenheim- Public works in Africa to imorove food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer fechn;scne Zusammenarbeit (GTZ(. West African Rice Informalton System (WARIS). (04246) International Development Research Centre. Agro-industry African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNABI. (0217C: In:emational Development Research Centre (IDRC) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). PVO development initiatwves - watershed development. (01930) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Research programme on food security. strategies and poltcies. (034171 CILSS-Sahel Institute. West Alrca Maize Collaborative Research Network [Reseau Maisl (U2156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains. 7 Index of projects by discipl -ie Animd diseas Applied research in NODama cattle n Gambia an. , egal. (02733' Commission of the European Ccmmunittes. Characenzation of iyrriohocytes and oroduction of interferon as paramezers for distinguishing trypanotolera'-ce in animal'. and Deople. (02847) Commission of the Europear. Co Dmunitoes D'aught animals for productionrfeedir g aid working strategies Icr draught anmals. (04753) Overseas Development Adr !nist, atwon INRRD. Epidemiology of bovine anaplasmosis in ieneya;. (03260) International Foundation for Scence. Evaiua:on and cemparison of two milk pr2 Juction systems in the N,ayes Region of Seneal. m03366) intemational Foundation for Scialce. Immunity against trypanosomiasis and rr echanisms of trypanotolerance in an mais. (03932) Institut fuer Parasitclogie und Trrpenvetef!naermedizir, rre e Universitaet a ~~~~Berbin. Improvitng the Diagnosis and Control of . rypalosorniasis and )!her Vector-tome Diseases of Afican Livestock, using lmrnunoassaa Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intematinal Cooperation ODGiS,;. Increase of productivity and control of diseases of smaii rumin3nts (034tO) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Livestock sector 11. (01852) U.S. Agency for Intern>ational Development. Livestock sector Phase 11. i03685) U.S. Agenc y for International Development Pathoinclie Resp;razoire des Petmrs Rurn ant3s PPRi 'Net.vorK for Research on Resp,ratory Pa;hofogy of Sl-;' Rum-:tt. 02645) Irstitut d E'evage et ce Medicine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux ,lEtfVT,. Pathology of srnall ruminants: etiology. v2ccines and prophylaxis. i034t 11 CILSS-Sahel Institute. Phenolics including tannins in multipurpose trees and browse andI their effect on ruminant nuIritlon and fiealtM. i046201 Universstaet Honenne,m 8 Index of projects by discip!:ne Regionalization of the CRTA. (02740) Commission of the European Communitfes Research. coordination. and training for improved livestock product,on in Sub-Sanaran Afrca 02732t Commission of the European Communities Research development programme on camels in the Sahel (OR 103414i CILSS-Sahel Instliute 3ero-surveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa. using immunoassay terhniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC) Social Science Intertace Research Unit (SSIRUt 102779) The International Ce-tre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network (02081) Overseas Development Administration West African Forages Network iWAFNETJ (02103l Multilateral Cooperaticn Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. Animal ecology Projet elevage optimal au Burkina Faso iProiet oaappu. au progranrr.e de recnerche production animal de l'INERA i !05664) INERA. Studies on the ecology and ett^ology of termites in Senegal. 103136) International Foundation tor Science Studies on trtn ntial and analysis of the degradation process in pastorai ecosvsterrs in tt-.r- lon t030911 Internationr, 1-fmon for Science. Animal feing Africa. ,eearch Network iot Agricultural By-Products IARNABI. t02170) Intemational Deve!opmert Research Centre (tDRCi: International Livestock Centre for Africa tILCAi App: ed research in N Dama cat!e n Gambia 3nd Senegat 9 Index of projects by dcscplne i027331 Commission of the European Communities Draught animais !or production feeding and horking s?rategies for draught animals 04753i Overseas Deve. )vmen1 Admrnis!rabion (NRRDi Drought Resistance Researcn Network iR3Si Reseau de Recherche sur 'a Resistance a a Secheresse 02610) Conference des Responsaties Ne Rechercne Agrorom:Qte Afr ca ns el Franca,s Duai purpose use of Pearl-rrm,ie! n rixed farrn,rg systems i046221 Universj;aet Hohentreim Durable landuse and toodproouction rn oeve'oping countr es deveCcrrE's' cA 1uracle production systems ;n ',he "oG'cs (055921 CABO (centre 'nr Agrob oiogica; Pesearcno Eastemn Senegal rural oeveiornmenr cPri:ec 01 123 World Bank Senegal F3ed availability on natural grazing cas!ures and methods for overcoming quai:tative and quantifalive I!mitatfons i037911 Deutsche Forscnungsgemenschat German Research Societv i DFGi Fe *ding and mnanagement strategies for draugnt animals 0'820' r. seas Develor-ren! Adrn'ristration (NRRDi Feeding systems (Senegaii 104210) Iiternat,cna, Develocriet Research Centre IntegrateC livestock production 03 natural resource management i01866! U S Agency lo, International Develcpment. Investigation of the nutritive value of agro-industrial by-products in Mai (029241 International Foundation for Scence Livestock sector 11. i0t852i U.S Agency for Internationa' Development. Lvestock sector Phase 11. i03685) U S Agency for International Development. National livestock project i034591 World Bank. Chad On-farm studies to develop recommendations for the importance of livestock feecing svstems in trne tsetse encoemic regions of West Africa 10 index of projects by discipline (01808 Overseas Development Administratien iNRRD . Protet ekevage optimal au Burkina Faso i Projet d'appu, au programme de recherche production animal de I INERAi i056641 INERA. Research and studv programme on the possibility of intensificaton of fodder and an,mal production in the ramework of an association of agriculture and FivestocK breeding in Suo-Sahelian. Sudanan ar.d Guinean zones /03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute Rese3-cn. coordination and training for ,mproved wiestock production ir, S ib-Saharan Africa (02732 Commission of the European Cormmunities Second Mali Sud rural developrnent prosect 101 130 VVorld Bank. Mal' Senegal cereals production phase 11 (018511 U S Agency for International Developmen; Soil and water resources management unit 101922) U S Agency for International Development Studies on the forage potentl-; t analysis ot the degradation process n pastora ecosystems in the Ferlo region (03091) Intemational Foundat on for Science Study of calf rearing ervironment effect of suckling regime on calf grovtin 103222) Intemational Foundation for Science The development of improved feeding systems based on crop residues !orage legume and fodder trees to strengthen the complenientarity of crop and livestock production in the Sahel 1038081 Universitaet Goettingen. The effect of strategic supplementary feeding on gfowth and reproduction of N Dama cattle i04646i Justus vor L et.g Un versitaet Giessen The effect of tannins on nutrient digestitility and animal performance n sma ruminants 1046351 Universitaet Holohenhem Utilization of ligneous piants as a complement in animal feeding in Senegal. 103258f lnernational Fouraaton for Science 11 Index of projects by discipline West African Forages Network (WAFNET) ,02103) Mu.tilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN Animal genetics and breeding Assessment of conditions for repiicating production systems in Africa s savanna areas - second stage. 102098) Centre de Cooperation internarionale en Recnercne Agroncml,que pour e Developpement (CIRAD). Immunity against trypanosomias.s and mechanfsms of trypanototerance n animals 103932) Institut fuer Parasitologie und Tropenveterinaerrrnedizin Free Universitaet Berlin. Management of Dtallonke sheep under viilage cond,tons: potentiais an cornstraintS (03317) International Foundation tor Science Second Mali Sud rural development proiect 101 130) Wcrld Bank: Mali Small Rumirants and Carnei Group (02632) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Tecnni%che Zusammenarbe;! (GTZl Gmb H Tne Livestock Trypanotolerant Network IC20811 Overseas Development Adminrstratiorn J.S Israel program tor cooperative development research !0t949i U.S Agency for International Development. Animal husbandry African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. 102624) United Nations Food ?nd Agriculture Organization Agricultural rehaoilitaticn prc,ect i03458, World Bank. Chad Agricultural research 102783) World Bank: Chad. Agricultural research i027841 World Bank. Mali 12 lndeJe of projects by discipline Agricultural research and diversilication 018811 US Agency for International Development Agricultural research project ,03442l World Bank. Burkina Faso Agricultural research support ,03665) U S Agency for International Development Agricultural SECAL 10t681 Y World Bank. Burkina Faso Asricultural sector dlevelopment l02030! Word Bank, Guinea-Bissau Agricultural services (formerly Agricultural researchi 101891 World Bank: Chad Agricultural services iformerly Second agricultural services project 011971 World Bank, Guinea Agricutural services project 1016741 World Bank. Mali Agrculture research project 101126) World Bank: Senegal Applied research n N Dama cattle in Gambia and Senegal (02733) Commission of the European Communities Cattle Research Network iCARNET) tforrneriv Cattle Mlk and Meat Network, 105358) Intemational Livestock Center for Africa Comparison between different types of bee-hives for rural adaptarion in Mal; !031161 International Foundation for Science Development of Haute Vallee 1019271 U S. Agency for International Develooment Divison de Recherche sur les Systemes de Production Rural l05611) KIT iRoyal Tropical Institutel Draugnt anmals for production feeding and working strategies for draught animals t04753) Overseas Development Administration iNNRR) Ecolog:cal Research World Bank-cattle prolect Chad 13 Index of projects by discpl,ne i05572) AR ,Researcn Institute for Agrobtilogy and Sol Fert1l,rjt Evaluation and comparison of two milk production systerns n the Ntayes Region of Senegal. i03366) Intemaational Foundation for Science Feed availaoilitj on naturat grazing castures ana rmethods for overcorr rg quainaive and quantitative limitations .037911 Deutsche Fo,scnungsgemeinscnaft Germnan Research Socxery i DFG, Hauts*Bassins agricuitura! reve:ncmeri! pro;ect 1010181 Word Bank. Burkina Faso Improving ttie Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock useg Raa o,r-runoassay ara related Techniques i02621 i Drectorate Gereral for lniernawona; Cocperation iDGISi Increase of prodLctivity and control ! diseases of srra!i rurnrar')s 1034101 CILSS-Sahe! Institute integrated i.vestock proOLctiCn 01853) U S Agency fo' Internat,onal Deveiopment Integrated iveslock crcduct!on 03 natural resource rnanagerne-! 018661 U.S Agency for Internatiorai Development. International agrcui:ura research centers 09 Internat onal Livestock Center for Africa (ILCAI. 101967) U.S. Agency fcr -Iterrational Deve!opmen' irrgation IV pro;ec! 1O3524i World Bank. Senegal Livestock sector 11 01852i U.S Agency 'of Il terna!ional Development L vestock sector P^ase Ill 103685) U.S Agency for Internat,onal Deveiopment Mopt, area oeve.opment project 1035011 Wo la Bank. Maai. National agrcuitural researcn project. 102097i World Bank. Niger National iivestock or3oect 14 Index of projects by discipline (03459) Wold Bank; Chad. Operation Haute Vallee 01 training Operation Haute Vallee management and extension personnel 101868) U.S. Agency for International Development Private agncuftural development iformer!y Irrigation sectori i02757) World Bank. Senegal Producton Soudane Sahelienne PSSI 105653t AB Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Ferlilityi Projet elevage optimal au Burkina Faso i Projet d appui au programme de recherche 'production animal de l'INERAI. (05664) INERA Research and study programme on the improved management of extensive natiorat rangelands in the Sahel 4PGENES) (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and study programme on the possibility of intensification of fodder and animal production in the framework of an association of agricuiture and livestock breeding in Sub-Sahelian. Sudanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research, coordination, and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732f Commission of the European Communities. Research/development programme on camels in the Sahel (DRI (03414) CILSS-Sahel tnstitute. Second agricultural research proleci. (01125) World Bank. ISRA, Senegai. Second Mali Sud rural development project (01130i World Bank. Mali Second small rural operations project i02031 World Bank. Senegal Small holder productivity. 101896) U.S. Agercy for International Development. Small Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. 053811 International Livestock Center for Africa. 15 Index of projects by disciDline Smailholder production (01850) U.S Agency for International Development. Sludy of calf rearing environment effect of suckling regime on calf gromtn 03222) Intematioral Foundation for Science. The development of improved feeding systems basedt cn crop resiCues. fcrace leaume and todder trees to strengthen ?rne comp!ementarity ot crop and riVest3c prok .CtiCn v Sahel. 03808) Universitaet Goett,ngern The effect of strawegic supplementary feeding on growrh ano reproltctionr of N Dama cattle. i04646i Justus von Liebi Universitaet Giessen rhe Livestock Tryparolto:erant Net:crK 02081 i Overseas Development Arminstrat ,r West Africa Animal Traction Network i036771 !nternat:cnal Livestock Certre 'o' Afrca iLCAi Sem -Ar.o Fcd Gfa'n Researcr and Deve!opment iSAFGRADI West Atricar Forages Netlwork WAFNET, 102103) MIt .aterai Coope'at!cr Dv:s cr. Ecormric Coore'a!ion 8ureaj. tAOFA JAPAN Analysis of wealth :n a pastoral sSc ety i037891 Urnvers taet Honenneirr Animal physiology - Nutrition Applied researcr !n N Dama c3ttie in Gamrpla and Senegal !02733) Commission ot tne European Ccmmunties. Development of a fieid methor topen calorimetry system) for rneasurng erergy expenciture ot draught anrrais 03793, De-uscre Fc'schunrsgsrme,nschaft German Researcn Socoey DFG Evaluatlor arst c,mnar Ser sor of %no m:,k production systems n tne N ayes Reg on ,f Senegai 033661 Interria-lona! Foundatlior for Scence Feeinrq systems Senregai 0421 0, I-e-nawonai De ,ejoment Researcn Centre 16 Index of prolects by discipline Management ot Dlailonke sheep under village conditions potentials and constraints. 103317) Intemational Foundation for Science. Oedaleus diapause studies. i0481 1) Overseas Development Administration INRRDI. On-tarm studies to develop recommendations tor the importance of livestock feeding systems in the tsetse endemic regions of West Africa i01808 Overseas Development Administration NRRD) Phenolics including tannins r multipurpcse trees and browse and the!r effect on ruminant nutrition and health 046201 Univers'taet Hohenhe.m Study of calf rearing environment effect of suckling regime on calf growth. 103222t Intemational Founcation for Science The etfect of tann:ns on nutrient digestibility and animal performance in small ruminants. l046351 Universitaet Hohenheim Animal physiolgy and biochemistry Development of a field method i open calorimetry system i for measuring energy expenditure ot draught animals (037931 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinscnaft German Research Society IDFG\ Phenolics including tannins in multipurpose trees and browse and the-r effect on ruminant nutrition and healih 104620) Universitaet Honerneirn Aquaculture production and management U.S. Israel program for cooperative development research. 101949i LI S Agency for International Development. Consumer economics Collaborative Researcrn Support Program ICRSP) Sorqhum and millet (INTSORMILI 1013441 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDI The University oa Nebraska-Lincoln Nutritional effects ot cash cropping 17 Index of projects by disCipline 01050) Internationai Fund for Agrcultural Development Research programme on flod security, strategies and policies (034171 CILSS-Sahel Institute River fisheries ISenegall. 1025121 International Development Research Centre Cooperatives Development of Haute Val ee iO19271 U S Agency for international Development Niamey Department development phase 11 iO0 173t IJ.S. Agency for International Development * Crop husbandry AGRHYMET. Phase Ill 0O55711 WMO tWorld Meteoroiogical Organiza!ion) FAO Agricuiural clevelopment prolect 11 * 01020) World Bank. Gamb(a - Agricultural rehabilitation project !03458, World Bank. Chadt Agrcultural research ,02783) Worla Bank: C-aa Agricultural research i027841 World Bank: Mal. Agricultural research project i034421 World Bank. Burkina Faso Agricultural researct supcor! 036651 U S Agency !or Internatona, Deveiopment Agrcultural SECAL 1016811 Wor!d Bank. BuKina Faso Agriculturai sector ad3justment investment project. 01439, Woro Bank. Mai, 18 Index of propects by discipline Agricultural sector developrnent. 402030) World Bank: Guinea-Bissau. Agricultural servic-s formrerly Agricultural researcti. 011890 World Banx. Chad. Aar'cul!ural services p-ojec )01674) World Bank. Mali Agrculture tesearcr project 1011261 World Bank. Senegal Agricuflure SECAL. 043664 World Bank. Senegal. Agronomic Fertilizer Research Program iAFRPi ,021474 International Fertiltzer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Africat. Applied agricultural research lOt8361 U.S Agency etr International Developnnent. Applied research in N Dama cattle in Gambia and Senegal (02733) Commission of the European Communites Collaborative Research Suppoft Program (CRSPI: Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U S. Agency International Development IUSAIDOMichigan State University. Collaborative Research Support Program ICRSPI. Peanuts. 101341) U.S. Agency fo1 International Deveiopment fUSAIDI'University of Georgia. Collaoorative Researcn Support Program ,CRSPi: Sorghum and millet (INTSORMILt 1013441 U.S. Agency tor 'nternational Developmen- dUSAIMThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln Crop diversification and agricultural services prolect 101193) World Bank. Equatorial Guinea Developmenr and promotion ot appropriate tools and implement for tne agricultura, and tood processing sector i nterim phase, ILO 89 INT M034 (056481 ILO linternaional Labour Office) Development of Haute Vallee 101 927 U.S Agency for International Development. Developpement Bas Fonds dte R,z production Bafata. 19 Index of profects by discipline (05600) SNV i Assiciation Neerlandais d'Assistance au Developpem enti Developpement du secteur maraicher au Cap Vert. (05609) FAO Divson de Recherche sur les Systemes de Production Rural. 056111 KIT ( Royal Tropical Institute). Dual purpose use of Peart-millet in mixed farning systenrs 104622t Universitaet Hchenheir. Eastern Africa Regioral Sorghum and Mii'et Collaborative Research Networx EARSAM I 1020761 U S Agency for International Development (USAIDi Sern-Ara Food Grain Researct and Develpment (SAFGRAD. Eastern Senegal rural development project. j01 123) World Bank: Senegal. Effects of different methods of weed control on seed yield and seed qualiry of different tropical fodder legumes (04600) Universitaet Giessen. Environment and development n Mali (04335) University of Osio Food crop research (01885) U.S. Agency for International Development. Forestry development. 101844) U.S. Agency for Internatioral Development Gueckedou agr;cultur3l development project. (01136) World Bank: Guinea. Hauts-Bassins agricultural deve,opment project. 1O1018) World Bank. Rurkina Faso. Increase of productiviy and control of liseases of small ruminants 1034101 CILSS-Sahei tnst,tute. Influence of different cropping systems on the productivity and reIiao;.!ty of yie!as as well as soii fertilily and efficency of water use. 0O1406) Universitaet Hohenhe,m Irrigation rehabdlta!ion prolect. 01 1281 World Bank. Niger 20 Index of projects by disciplme KiW food and income secunty programme. O43251 International Fund for Agracuhtural Development. Locust research prograrnme 102780) The Intemational Centre ot Insect Ph ysiology and Ecology Mineral nutnent uptake in millet. Effect of rnineral fertilizer and crop residue on growth and mineral nutrent uptake in millet (039601 Universitaet Hohenheim Molecular biology of SesbaniaaAzorhizobium symbiosis: Molecular bfology of ihe symbiosis between the stem-rnodilating diazotrophic microbe Azorhizobaurr caulitrodans and its host. the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata. 1039571 Max-Ptanck-lnstitut tuer Zuechtungsforschung. Moptli area develop.:ment project 1035011 World Bank. Mal. National livestock project (03459) World Bank Crad. Niamey Department development phase 11. (01173) U S. Agency for Intemational Development. Niger Applied Agricultural Research Project I NAARP) (02049) Winrock Intemational. Niger cereals researcn. (01336) U.S. Agency for International Oevelopment. Office du Niger consolidation project (03502) World Bank: Mali On-Farm Fertilizer Adoption Program (OFFAPI 1021481 Intemational Fertilizer Development Center. Africa IIFDC-Alrica. Programme for the strengthening ol research on production systems. 1034181 CILSS-Sahel Institute Programme national de technologie rizicole apres recolte. (05608) FAO. Pro)et Diversification Agricole et Renlorcement cdes Organisatons Locals iDAROL)-Balleyara 14th phase). 1056401 Netherlands Development Organization ISNVt. 21 Index of prclects by discipline Rainted production of rnillet !n kauritania - Results and protlerns o' economnc analysis of agncultural prolects on :ow-potential dreas (03777) lnstltut fuer Landwirtschaftl che Mar1r4orsci-ung der FAL Regpinal programme for the improvement of mi!et. sorghum. cow.peas. arr maize (transitional phasel 403407) CILSS-Sahel Institute Research anct study programnre on the rmprove m-3nagernent :f ex ens'.'e naliona rangelands in tle Sai-si (PGENES (034121 Cli& S.Sa)eI Institute Research and study progfer" me on the posslw ! ct rtensficalton r; 'oocer and animal product,rn -n the frame%ork o' an associaticn of a9picu;ture ana iestock oreec!rg an Sub-Sah ;!an. Sucdanan and Guir;ear zores. tO3413i CILSS-Sahei !nst.tute Research into millet at the ICRISAT Sahe; Cen; e iNigeri. i027341 Commission ot the European Cormurn!ies Reseau Coton iCOTONi (02G82! France. Contetence des Respcrsacies oe Ri--,-ercres 4A oD^co:que Africa!rs et Francais ICORAFI Rice productior !l 1018861 U.S Agency for International Deveboprnert. Second agricultural research o,ojecl. 1011251 World Bank: ISRA Senegal Second Maii Sua rural ievPe1omen! prolec 01 130i World Bank: Mali Senegal lr!CdlS productior 'ase I. ,0i351f U S Agency ftr Inte nationa! Developrnen!. Soil and water resources management unit 1019221 US Agency for Internaional DevAiocrnent Soil Fertility Restoration Project . RPi i021431 International Fertizer Developrrent Center. Afrca IFOC-Afrcai Strengthening maize and cassava research :n eleven rountries ot West and Centrai Africa Plan of action 1026651 Ministere de la Cocoeration i Francei 22 Index of projects by discipline Studies on the forage po ential and analysis of the degradation process in pastoral ecosystems in tte Ferlo !egion. o03091) Internalional Fouldation for Science Vegetation Of the AIR-MounIatns INorth N!gerl and their traditional use 101362) Universtaet Wuerzturg. VWater management Senegal river-valley iRichard Tjil. Phase 1li. (036231 AgncuOural University Wageningen Watershed and applied research developmen! (03658) U.S. Agency for International Developmnent. Wiest African Forages Network IWAFNETI. i02103) Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN "Vest and Central Africa Millet Network IROCAFREMI) (03675) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)'Sen.-And Food Grain Research and Development ISAFGRADi VVest and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network tWCASRN). 102075) U.S- Agency for International Development (USAID). Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Cropping patterns and svstems Agricultural development project I '01020) World Bank: Gambia. Aglicultural reSearch and diversific3tion. 10188t U S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agricultural research II 101 1741 U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural research 11. 1018891 U.S Agency f^r Interrationa Deveiopment Agricuitural researcn Droject /03442) World Bank. Burk,na Faso Agricuitural sector aolis!tment investm,?nt project. (0143g9 World Ban,( Mla' 23 Index of projects by discipline Agricultural sector adIustment investment project. i02659k World Bank: Mauretania. Agricultural services (formery Second agricultural services projec!, (01197) World Bank: Guinea. Agricultural services project. *01674( World Bank: Mali Agriculture research project. 101 126) World Bank: Senegal. Agrotorestry researcn for development of the drylands of Viest Afr:ca (02113) International Fund for Agricultural Development Agroforestry Research Network 103674) International Council for Research in Agroforestry ICRAF, Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRADJ. Agroforestry systems in the Tropics. (03359) Gesellschaft tuer Techn sche Zusammenarbe,t (GTZi. Alley Farming Network 'or Tropical Afr:ca. 402088) Canadian Intemational Development Agency lCIDA) lr!e"'a?.ona' Deve,correnr Research Centre IIDRC( Applied research programme. Network for Serm-Ard Lowlands ot West Africa iSALWA-AFRENA i. 1026161 International Council fcr Research in Agroforestny. Assessment of corcliti?cns for replicating production systems tn Africa s savanra areas - second stage. 020981 Cen?re de Cooperation Internationale en Rechercne Agromorrique pour le Developpement (CIRADi. Cassava Network 'Reseau Man!oc i020841 Conference des ResponsaDles de Recherche Agrcnorm,que Africains et Francais. Centre Naticral de Semences Forestieres du Senegai. 05585i FAO Coilaborative Research Support Prograr XCRSPi: Beans and co,&peas. 01345) U S. Agency Internatiora Development iUSAIDi Michigar State Urnvers !y Cuilture en coulor Mall 'Ailey cropping * Mai;. 012901 Internationai Deveiopment Researcr Centre 24 Index of projects by discipline Developpement du secteur rmaraicher au Cap Vert i056091 FAO. Divison de Recherche sur les Systemes de Production Rurat 105611 KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Drought Resistance Research Network f R3S) Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a .a Secheresse]. 102610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francais Dual purpose use of Pearl-millet in mixed farming systems i046221 Universitaet Hohenhe,rn East and Southern Africa Farming Systems Research Network (03676) Seml-And Food Grain Research and Devetopnent SAFGRADI Eastern Senegal rural development project. * (01123) World Bank: Senegal. Environment and development in Mali t04335i University of Oslo Evaluation and comparison of two milk production systems n the Niayes Region of Senegal. (03366) Intemational Foundation tor Science. Farming systems research and development (018331 U.S Agency for International Development Forestry development. 1018441 U.S Agency (or International Development Gueckedou agricultural development prolect. (01136) World Banx. Guinea Hauts-Bassins agricultural development project. i ,10161 World Bank. Burk:na Faso influence ol different c'opp,ng svstemns on tne productivity and reliaoiiity of y'eias as well as soii terlility and efficiency of waler use. 1014061 Un,versitaet Hohenrnem International Rice Testing Program 10r Africa ilRTPi. i02160i United Nations Development Program iUNDP) European Economic Commission IEECI Japan 25 Index of projects by disc'pline Irrigation IV project 103524) World Bank. Senega! Livestock sector 11. 1018521 U.S. Agency for International Development Mopti area clevelopment project. !0350tt World Bank: Mail. National agricultural research project. (020971 World Bank, Niger. National livestock project 03459) World Bank: Chad National research and extension project. tot 139) World Bank: Gufinea Natu-' -es - anagement 1018' fcr internat.'nal Development N.gerL, .. (013361 U b. rercyfo/ Irnernai:onal Cevelcorrert Nutritional effects of cash cropping. (010501 International Fund for Agricultural Deveiopment. Office du Niger conschdaton projec. 035021 World Bank. Mail Operation Haute Vallee 01 !raining Operation Haute Vallee management and extension personnel i01868) U.S. Agency for lterratora Deveiopment Plantations irriguees - Senega Irrigater plantations - Senegai iO1259 lrnternationai Deve!oprnent Research Centre. Private agricultural developmen! tormerly Irrigation sectori (02757) World Bark. Seregai. Programme for tne strengthening of researcn on pFoduction systerms i03418i CILSS-Sahel Institute Programme natlonai :e ectinoiogie rzcole apres recolte 056081 FAO 26 Index of projects by discipline Rainfed production of millet in Mauritania - Results and problems of econom c analysis of agricultural proects on iow-potential areas iO3777) institut fuer Landwirtschaftliche Marktforscrung der FAL Reconnaissance., preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drough--prone Sub-Saharan African countries. with special reference Ic Sahelian and Sudanian zones )sszt. 1020941 World Bank. Research and study programme on the possibility of intensification of odrJer and animai production in the framework of an association of agriculture and livestocK breecing in Sub-Sahelian. Sudanian and Guinean zones. i03413i CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research into millet at the ICRISAT Sahel Centre iN,geri. (02734i Commission of the European Communtties. Reseau Agricuhure Familiale Comparee (RAFACI EComparative Family Farming Network!. (02651) IAM. Reseau Coton ICOTON). (020821 France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Risk and acceptance of innovations in Niger's agriculture. 104603) Universitaet Hohenheim. Second agricuitural research project. (01125) World Bank: ISRA. Senegal. Second Mali Sud rural development project. 1011301 World Bank: Mali Semi-arid trcpic researcrr 11 101834) U.S Agency for Int-rnational Development. Senegal cereals proauclton phase 11. 01851, U.S Agency for International Development. Seregal! refcrestatlon. 101842) U S. Agency for International Development. Srmall nolcer proOuCtVilty 1018)61 U S Agency fcr Inlernatonal Development 27 .. Index of projects by aiscipine Smaliholder production. 101850) U S. Agency for lnternationa! Development Southern zone water management. -018321 U S Agency for Internaticnal Development Strengthening agricultural research. i018981 U.S Agency for International Development. The epdemiology and contro: of the sorghum foliar pathogens in the semi-aria tropics. (01813) Overseas Development Aomin:stration (NRRDi U.S. Israel program for cooperative development researcn. 101949) U S Agency for International Development West Africa Maize Col;aborative Researcn Network fReseau Ma s 102156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronoomique Afr!cairs West African Farming Systems Research Network IWAFSRN RESPAO1 (02619) International Fund for Agricultural Developmer.. 1IFADiSemi-Arid Fooa Grain Research and Development fSAFGRADI West and Central Maize Coliatorat,ve Research Networx IINECAMAN i021571 U S. Agency for International Deveopment iUSAIDL Serm-Ard Food Grajn Research and Deveilopment iSAFGRADI Development economics and policies African Center of Meteorological Applications for Deveiop"'er! IACMADP 011091 World Meteoroicgica; Orqanizat on WMOl African emergency locust Grasshopper assistance project - Mauritan'a. 0O16711 U S Agency l nerna!rona1 Deve'ocrern Afrcan emergency locus: grassncpper i01605) U S Agency for interna!,onai Developnrent. Afrcan Researcr Netwo'k for AgricQitural By-Products ARNABi i0217Q International Development Research :entre ;IDRCi. ln!era! ona L.ves,ocK Centre for Atr,ca ,ILCAi African Research NetworK on Rura! Poultry Development. 02624, Un teJ Natons Focd ano Agncuirure Organizatov. Agricultural: oeveiopmien- prcject 11 28 Index of projects by discipline O 1020) World Bank: Gambia Agricultural rehabilitation proiect. ,034581 World Bank. Chad. Agricultural research ana diversification. (018811 U S. Agency for International Development Agrcultural research It. (01889) U.S Agency for International Developmert. Agricultural research project (03442) Worldt Bank Burkina Faso. Agricultura! research support. t03665i U S. Agency for Internatioral Deve'opment Agricultural sector adjustment ,nvestment project. (01439) World Bank. Mali. Agricutural sector adtustmentlinvestment project (02659) World Bank. Mauritania. Agricultural sector development. (02030) World Bank: Guinea-Bissau. Agricultural services (formerly Second agr cultural services project) (01197) Wor!d Bank: Guinea. Agricultural support services p'oject. (034431 World Bank: Burkina Faso. Agriculture research project. (01126) World Bank. Senegal. Agroforestry research for Jevelopment of tne drylands of West Africa. 102113) ln!errational Fund for Agricultural Development Applied research programme Network for Seni-Arnd Lowlands of West Afrca iSALWA-AFRENAi. r 02616) Intemaliona! Council for Research in Agroforestry Appropriate mechamzation of field work and transportation. 101476) Universitaet Hoherheim Cassava NetWforK Reseau Manoc'. 29 Index of projects by discipline i02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et F,ancais. Collaborative Research Support Program iCRSP,: Sorghum and millet dINTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency tor International Development lUSAIDi The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Date palm deve:opment. (02750) International Fund for Agricultural Development Development of Haute Vatiee. 101927) U S. Agency for International Development. Drought Resistance Research Network i R3S; [Reseau de Rechercre sur la Resistance a ta Secheresse] (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronornique Africains et Franqa s Farming systems research and development (01833j U.S. Agency for International Development. First agricultural services project. (01137) World Bank; Guinea Groundnut Network rReseau Arachide,! (02087) Conference cles Respcnsaties Agronomiques Atricains et Franals. Gueckedou agricultural developmen! project. (01136) World Bank: Guinea. Hauts-Bassiris agricultural development project. (01018) World Bank. Burkina Faso. International agricultural research centers: 09 International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). 101967) U.S. Agency for International Developmen-. Livestock sector 11. (01852) U.S Agency for International Development. Livestock sector Phase Ill. i03685) U.S. Agency for International Development. Management of vertisols under semi-arid conditions in Afrtca IMGVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management Mopti area development project. (03501) World Bank: kta. 30 Index of projects by discipline National agricultural information system (Burkina Fasol - Phase 11 (02577) International Development Research Centre. National research and extension project. )0I1391 World Bank: Guinea. Niger cereals research. :01336) U S. Agency for International Development. Nutritional effects of cash cropping. 1010501 Intemational Fund for Agricultural Development. On-Farm Fertilizer Adoption Program (OFFAPl (02148) Intematonal Fertilizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Afrncai. On-farm seedt production project for Sub-Saharan Afrca. (02050) Winrock Intemational. Operation Haute Vallee. (01867) U.S. Agency for International Development. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock Intemational. Ford Foundation. Public works in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) PVO development initiatives - watershed development. I 01930i U.S Agency for International Development. Rainled production of millet in Mauritania - Results and problems of economic analysis of agricultural projects on low-potential areas (037771 Institut fuer Landwirtschaftliche Marktforschung der FAL. |' Reconnaissance, preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan African countries. with special reference to S2helian and Sudanian zones )SSZ) (02094) World Bank Regionalization of the CRTA. (02740' Commission of the European Communities. Research programme o.' thp Do!og-cal and cnemical control of desert locusts 1020921 CAB International Institute of Biological Control 31 ,, index of projects by disciline Reseau Coton jCOTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsatbles de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francags (CORAF) Peseau Developpement (RD D) 'Development Network'. (02653) GRET. Risk and acceptance of innovations in Niger's agriculture. I04603) Universitaet Hohenheim. River fisheries 1Senegal) 02512) International Development Research Centre. Second small rural operations project. (02031) World Bank. Senegal. Senegal cereals production phase 11. (01851) U S. Agency for International Development. Small holder productivity. (01896) U.S Agency for International Development. Smallholder production. (01850) U.S. Agency for Internationai Development. Social Science Interface Research Unit iSSIRUl. (G2779) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Special energy program. (01429) Gesellschat f uer Technische Zusarnmenarbeit IGTZ(. Strengthening agricultural research. (01898) U.S. Agency for International Development. Strengthening maize and cassava research in eleven countries of West and Central Africa: Plan of action. (02665) Mmistere de la Cooperation tFrL:rcel Transfer of technology. (03666) U.S. Agency for International Development. U.S. Israel program lOr cooperative dvvelopment research. (01949) U S. Agency !or International Development. Universities and naponal agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. 103678) Internatronal Service for National Agricultural Research. 32 Index of projects by discipline Village reforestation. (01845) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. West African program for agro-nineral research. (02146) International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Atrica). Documentation and information Afncan Center of Meteorological Applcations for Development 1ACMAD) (0;109) World Meteorolopcal Organization fWMOi. Afrcan Researcn Network for Agricuitural By-Products (ARNAB. (02170) Intemational Development Research Centre IIDRC): Intemational Livestock Centre tor Afnca (ILCA). African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) Unted Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Agncultural rehabilitation project. t03458) World Bank: Chad. Agriculture Hydrologte-Meteorologie. (02634) Centre Regional de Formation et d'Application en Agrometeorologie et Hydrologle (AGRHYMET). Agronomic Fertilizer Research Program (AFRP) (02147) International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa IIFDC-Africal. Alley Farming Network for Tropcal Africa. (02088) Canadian Intemational Development Agency (CIDA) Intemational Development Research Centre IIDRC; Analysis of causes and consequences of swarm migrations into the Atlantic from West Africa during 1988. (02682) Overseas Development Administration. Applied research in N Dama cattle in Gambia and Senegal. (027331 Commission of the European Comrnunities Applied research programme: Network for Semi-Arid Lowlands of West Africa ISALWA-AFRENA). 1026161 International Council for Research in Agrotorestry Appraisal of risks in Agriculture n developing countries. 33 Index of projects by discipline (05509) State University of Groningen. The Netherlands&University of Ouagadougou. Centre d'Etudes de Dccumentation. de Recherches Economque et Social lCEDRES). Burkina Faso. Arkres autochtones - Mali. Second Phase 'Indigenous trees - Mai,. Phase 11 (01261) Intemational Development Research Centre. Association Internationale pour lOptimisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOPI ,Intemational Association for the Optimizatiorn of Plant Nutrition!. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemalionale en Recherche Agroromique pour le Developpement lCIRADl Cassava Network Reseau Manioc'. (02084i Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Atricairs et Franca,s Central and West Afr,can Root Crops Collaoorative Research Network ICE'NARRNI 102166) Intemational Institue o0 Tropical Agriculture. CIMMYTSACCAR Maize Research Network for Southem A!rca. i0266') Semi-Arid Food Grain Pesearch and Development. C.. iYT!SAFGRAD Maize Researcn Network for Eastern Africa (02663) Semi-Arid Food Grair. Research and Development. Co-ordinated Researcr, Programme on the Applicatior. of Irradiation Tecnnique for Fooa Processimig in Africa. (02629) United Natio s Food and Agrculture Organization. Cooperative Cereals Research Network ICCRNJ. 021711) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Sem i-Arid Tropics. Cooperative Programme or the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. f02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Crop diversification and agricultural services prolect. 101 193) World Bank; Equatorial Guinea. Crop protection programme. (03409) C!LSS-Sahel Institute. Development and promotion of approoriate tools and implement for the agncu,tural ar-dt food processing sector Jmntenm phase) rILO 89'INT M031. 105648) ILO (International Labour Office) Direction Departementai le I Environnerment de Tahoua (DDE i 34 Index of pro)ects by discipline 105643) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau dJe Recherche sur la Resistance a la Secheresse3. (02610) Conlerence des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Fran3as Eastem Africa Regional Sorghum and Milet ColLaborative Research Network EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for Intemational Develorrrent IUSAID)!Semi-Anri Food Grain Research and DeveDpment (SAFGRAD). Ecoioqvcal monioring of the dynamics of cdeserification. (03415) CILSS-Sahel Institute Environmert and development in Mali (04335) University of Oslo. Fertilizer Marketing and Trade Information Program (FMTIPI. (02145) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). First agncultural services project. j01137) World Bank: Guinea. Forestry and land use planning. (01841) U.S. Agency for International Development. Greenness mapping for grasshopper and locust control. (02683) U.S. Agency for International Development Groundnut Network jReseau Arachcdej. j02087) Conference des Responsables Agronomniques Africains et Franqais. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosorniasis and ol -- Vector-borne Diseases of African ivestock. using Immunoassay Methods. 102627) D.rectorate General for Internaticnal Cooperation IDGISI. Improving tIhe Productivity of Indigenous Afr.can Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and relaled Techniqes. (02621) Directorate General for International Cooperation IDGIS). Increase of productivity and control cf diseases ot small ruminants. (03410) CILSS-Sahe! Insitute. Integrated livestock iroduction 03 natural resource management. iOl.866i U S AaencW fM International Devetooment. 35 F -- Index ot projects by disc.pi,ne International agnculturai research centers: 09 Intemational Livestock Center for Afica (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for International Development. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa IIRTP) 1021601 United Nations Develooment Program iUNDPi European Econo-,:c Commission (EEC);Japan Irrigation in the Sahe~ - An annotl-i literature review. 1014231 Gesetlschaft fuer Techn,si. Zu arnmerarbeit GTZi Management of vert,sols under semi-arid conditions in Anrica IMOVUSAC,. *01022) Intemational Boara for Soil Research ana Management. Microbiological Resources Center i M!RCENi. 102649j United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cu!lural Orgarization tUNESCOi. National agricultural information system iBurkina Faso) - Phase II. (02577) Intemational Development Research Centre. Natural resource rnanagement lformerly Environmert managementi. (012041 World Bank. Niger Na: -al resources managernent. ;: ŽY) World Bank: Mali Networt for Improvement of Rice Cultivation Reseau R'z;. 102161) Conference des Responsables ae Recherche Agronornique Africains et Fran,ais. NeIwork of Sahelian SIS Users iNSSU) 105391 , Special Program for African Agrcutiural Rejearch On-farm seed production prolect for Sub-Saharan Africa. l0O050C Winrock International. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. i026611 WVnrock lnterra. cr;aJ Fora Foundation. Participator, n nte HAPEX-I1 pro!ect HAPEX = Atrmospheric Plot Experiment). 05651i ORSTOM iNiamey; CNRM AToutousel. Pathologie Respiratoire des Petits Ruminants 1PPR) iNetwork for Research on Respiratory Patnology of Small Rurnmnantsj 1026451 Institut d Elevage et dte Medicine Veterinaire des Fays Tropicaux IIEMVTi. 36 Index of projects by dscpmhne Procurement of the Mali project 104334) University of Oslo Programme on suppor! ng ser'sces documt?ntatior. information and train ng I0341 ?) CILSS-Sahel Inslitute Proposal for a research proec r' uhe develcpment of new merhn ds in locus! ccM-rCo 020901 Gesellschaft 'uer Techn sche Zusammenarbeft 1GTZi Reconnaissance preparation study on forestry b:otechnology in the drought Sub-Saharan African countries. with special reference Sahelian and Sudantan zones iSSZi ;02094i World Bank Regional Programme for the improvement of rr*ilet sorghum. cowpeas, and maize transitional phasei iO3407i CILSS-Sahel Institute Researct' on mechanization for small scale agricultural production in the tropics i05596i IMAG lInstitute for Agricultural Engineeringi Research programme on food security. strategies and policies 1034171 CILSS-Sahel Institute Research. coordination, and training for imerovel livestock Droduc!ion in Sue-Saharan Africa 1O27321 Commission o' the Eurooean Cornmunities Research development programme on camels in the Sahel iDRi i034141 CILSS-Sahel Instilu!e Reseau Agriculture Familiale Comparee iRAFACl jComparative Family Farming Network 1026511 IIAM Reseau Coton rCOTONi 1020821 France. Conffernce des Resconsabies de Recherches AdOr-'m-ue Af,iar5s e! Francais CORAFi Reseau Developpement iR Di '>.;ei-rient Netwcr, 02653i GRET Reseau Erosion iEROSi TErosion NetworkJ 1026381 ORSTOM Institut Francais de Recherche Ssien!ifique vOur le Develcccemert en Cooperation Reseau Eurooeen d Etude des Latentes EUROLAT Eu^nea, Network cfr Ferralsois 3 index of projects by discqpi,ne Studiesj. 02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de I Enseignement Supereur. Universite of Strasbourg Reseau Femrmes er Developpement IFEM DEVi 'Womren in Deve;ocment NetNork i02652t ORSTOM InslFtut Francais de Recherche Scient,fique pour ie Develcppement en Cooperation Reseau Oasis (OASISi Oasis network t026581 Centre de Cooperation Internaticinie en Recler cle A4'rrcnmvue pour le Deveippement CIRAD; Reseau sur ia Conservation Post-Recolte des Denrees Ahlmenta res tGRENIERI 'Network for Post-Harvest Storaoe of Fooo Crops' 102647i Association des Universtes Partie,emrent ou Entirernert re Lansue Francarse IAUPELFi Sahelian Information Network iSINi 1026571 Institute of Sahel INSAH) Sero-survellance of rinderpest and othef clseases in Africa. usvng imm.un>Dssay lechniques i02628 Swedish Agency ftr Rural Ccooperaton (SARECi Small Ruminants and Came, GroJup 02632 Deutsche Gesellscn3ft fuer Techr'sche Zusamrnerarte t iGTZ, Gmb H Soil and water resources maragement uni! 101922) U S Agency 'or lnternational Develooment Strategies Alirmentaioss i STRAi Food Strategies Network' (026551 ORSTOM Institut Francais de Recnerche Scentftique cour re Developcemeni en Cooperation. Strengthening maize and cassava research in eleven countries ot West anrj Central Africa Plan of acticn (02665i Min stere ee at Cooweration iFrancei Sub-Saharar Atrira nvdrc!n.qical assessment O I1081 Wori!q Bank The Livestock Trypanotoleran! Network ,020811 Overseas Development Administration The West ans Central Africa Co.vpea Collaborative Research Network tRENACOI 02078 U S A2:ercy for ,-ferraltonal Develorment i USAID i Se,-Ari Food Grain Research 38 Index of protects by discipine and Development ISAFGRADi West Africa Collaborative Groundnut Research Networkt 02162i Intemational Crops Research Instttute for the Semi-Arid Tropics IICRISAT, Wes! Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network [Reseau Mats:. 102156j Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomirjue Africains West Africa Network on Animal Traction iWAATAI (02622) Deutsche Geselischat fluer Technische Zusammenarbeit 'GTZ) Gmb H West Alnca Regional Coopera!ive for Research on Plantain 'WARCORPi (02t67i International Institute of Tropical Agriculture West Africa Regional Pearl Millet Improvement Program 102154i Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Serni-Arld Tropics iICRISAT Sahel Center) West African Farming Systems Research Network tWAFSRN. RESPAOI (02619) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Development iIFADi Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development tSAFGRADi West African Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network IWAFMENi 1026141 Intemational Development Research Centre IIDRCI. United Nations Development Program (UNDPI West African rrigation Research Development Nehwork (WAIRDi 102612) Intemational Irrigation Maragement Institute liMlI West Atrican program or agro.m-neral research. i02146i International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa IFDC.Atricai West Atrican Rice Information System ?WARISi ,04246l Internationai Development Research Certre West and Central Afr:ca Maize Ccllabora!ive Research NetAork (WECAMANi i021571 U S Agency for Irte-eational Development (USAIDi Semi.Ar r FoodJ Gra n Research and Development iSAFGRADO Arid and Acid Soils Netw or. i02636i U S Agency f-r lnternaticnal Development 'Network on Sorghurn Milling Dehuliing 102648, International Develop-en! Research Centre 39 Index of projects by discipline Domestic trade Food security rn the noitnern part of tne Sahelian zone of Mali i05692) Instmtut fuer Kulturgeographie der Universitaet Freiburg Drainage AGRHYMET. Pilot phase iO5583i WMO (World Meteorologica' Oroinozalton,. International Prograrnme for Technoloqy Research in Irrigation ana Dranage dPTRIDi i 056231 WB lWordd Bank Education African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products fARNABi j02170) Intematonal Development Research Centre 'IUJRC): Interrational Livestock Centre for A!nrca (ILCA) Agricultural development protect 11 010201 World Bank Garnbia Agricultural rehatilitation project 103458) World Bank. Chad Agricultural research and diversitical,or 1018811 U S Agency for International Development Agricuitural researcn and training support 1018351 U S Agercy 1'r International De-veiopnent Agricultural research suprort i03665i U S Ac,encv to- Internationai Development Agricultural services i02753, World Bank. klauritani.j Agricultural services formerly Agricultural research) V1189i WorldBank Chad ArAgicultura! services fc mery Secona agricuitura; services project 101 197I Worfd Bank. Gunea Agricultural services ti 40 Inc'ex ol projects by discipline 101680) World Banu.: Burkina Faso Agricultural services 11. 02786? World Bank. Senegal Agricultural services 11 i049161 World Bank. Mali Agricultural serveies ft (049171 World Bank. Niger Agricultural services project 10i205? World Bank. Senegal Agricultural services pro,ect (01674) World Bank: Mali Agricultural support services project (034431 World Bank: Burknra Faso. Agricuhure research project i 101126) World Bank: Senegal Agriculture SECAL (043661 World Bank: Senegal Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa 102088) Canadian International Development Agency ICIDAI International Development Research Centre IIDRCI Applied research programmne Network for Semi-Arid Lowlands of West Africa (SALWA-AFRENAI. (02616) lntemat,onal Council for Research n Agrotorestry Aleiter des Forgerons Koutiala. (05635) CMOT (Compag,,ie Malienne pour le Developpement les Textiles; Biological control ol locusts andJ grasshspoers in Africa (02102) United States Oetartment of Aoriculture Cassava Network Reseau Maniocl 102084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francas Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing n Africa 402629? United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizatton 41 Index of projects by discpline Collaborative Research Supporl Program (CRSP) Sorghum and millet (INTSORMILI. (01344, U.S Agency for International Development (USAID)The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Cereals Research Network ,CCRNI. (02171i Internattonal CroPs Research Institute for the Semni-A r Tro-ics. Cooperatve Program me for the Improvement of Gene!!c Resources of Muitipurpose Woody Species 1021741 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Narions Crop diversification and agricuitural services projecr lOt 193) World Bank. Eciuatoral Guinea Crop protection prograrnme 03409? CILSS-Sahe Irst.tute Developpement Bas Foncs de Riz production Bafata t05600i SNV (Assiciation Neerlandais d Assistance au DeveloppementI Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Mi1let Coifaborat,ve Research Network EARSAMi 1020761 U.S. Agency for Internat;onal Development (USAIDi Semi-Arid Foodt Grain Researce and Develpment (SAFGRADi Eastern Senegal rural oeveiopment project i01 1231 World Bank Seneoal Ecological monitoring of the dyvnarnacs of deseren'ication t034151 CILSS-Sahel Institute Environment rnanargement (049061 World Bank. Burkina Faso Environmental manarer-ent project i01682t Worln Bark. Burkina Faso rood crop reseafch ,01885i U S A,encv 'or Intern-liona, Deve&oprent Forestry and land use plann,ng i018411 U S Agency for International Development Groundnut Network 'Reseau Arachide 02087i Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Africains et Francais 42 Index of projects hy discipline Hauts-Bassins agricultural development project. (01018) World Bank; Burkina Faso. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of Afrcan Livestock. using Immunoassay Methods. 102627) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radiotmmunoassay and related Techniques (02621t Directorate General for Irternational Cooperation IDGIS) National research and extension project (011391 World Bank: Gjinea. National seeds project. 101678) World Bank, Guinea Natural resource management Iformeriy Environment management) (01204) World Bank. Niger. Natural resources management (01200) World Bank. Mali Network tor Improvement of Rice Cultivation [Reseau Rizi (021611 Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Franca;s OMVS agricultural research (01865j U.S. Agency for Interrational Develoomen. On-Farm Fertilizer Adoption Program OFFAPi. (02148) International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa IIFDCAfrIcat Operation Haute Valiee :i 1018671 U S. Agency for International Development. CrOpeation Haute Vallee 01 trairnng Operation Haute Vallee management and extension personnel 01868) U S Agency for International Developrnent Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. 102661 i Winrock Intemational. Ford Foundation Pathology of small runinants, etiology. vaccines and prophylaxis 1034111 CILSS-Sahel Institute. Progranrme for the strengthening of research on production systems 43 I_______ Index of projects ty discipline M034I8) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Programme on supporting services documentation. inforrration and training (03419) CILSS-Sahel Instdute Projet Diversification Agncole et Renforcement des Organisations Locals IDAROLI-Balleyara i4th phase) (05640) Netherlands Devefopment Organization iSNVi Reconnaissance preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan African countries, with special reference to Saheilan and Sudanian zones (SSZ). j020941 World Bank Reforestation project Rive Droite Tera, Phase 3 IProjet Rebo.sernen!. Ryve D'o te Tera. Phase 3) 1055791 Netherlands Development Orgarization SNVi Drectorate Gerera: f^r Deveicpmen' Cooperation iDGIS& Research and study programme on the improved management of extensive national rangelands n the Sahel iPGENESi (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute Research and study programme on the Dossitilrty of ntensification of fodder and anmal production in the framework ot an association of agriculture and iivestock beed,nQ n Sub-Sahelian. Sudanian and Guinear. zores (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute Research on mechanization for smali scale agricuitural Croduc!in n'*e tr,-ics t05596) IMAG I Institute fof Agrcuiturai Engineeringi Research programme on food securtv. strategies and policies 0Q3417) CILSS-Sahel Institute Research programme on phytogenetic ^.urces 03408) CILSS-Safrel Instiute Research. cocrdination. anrd lr,i.ning f(r imprCverj livestock producio' r Sut-Saharan Africa 02732i Comnmission of Ine European Communilies Reseau Coton (COTON! i02082i France. Con!erence des Responsables de Recherches Agronomilue A'r;cafns et Francais iCORAFI Rice procuctlion 11 44 Index of projects by discipline i01886) U S Agency for Intemational Development. Risk and acceptance of innovations in Niger's agriculture. (04603) Universitaet Hohenheim. Second small rural operations project. i02031 I World Bank: Senegal Semi-arid trop:c researcn It 1018341 U S Agency for International Development Sero-surveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa. using immunoassay techniques (02628, Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation ISAREC). Small holder productivity. j01896) U S. Agency for International Development Smaltholder production (01850) U S. Agency (or International Development Social Science Interface Research Unit ISSIRU). 102779) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecoiogy Soil and water resources management unit (01922) U S. Agency for International Development Southwest region reforestation IPVOi (018431 U S Agency for International Development SV-RUG FST Ecology t056741 State Univerty of Groningen IRUGi jaUniversities and natioral agrncullural research in Sut Saharani Africa (03678) International Service for National Agricultural Research ltVillage reforestation i 101845) U S Agency for International Development West Atrican Farming Systems Research Network iWAFSRN RESPAO) (02619, International Fund fot Agricultural Development (IFADI Sem-Arid Food Grain Research and Development i SAFGRAD) West Atrican Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network IWAFMENI. 102614) International Development Research Centre ilDRCi. United Nations Development Program iUNDPi 45 Index ot projects by discipline IRaintall and agncuhural season in Soudano-Sahelian zone - training in and by research)J Pluviometrie et saison agricole en zone Soudano-Sahelienne - une formation aiet par la recherche. (03796) Ecole Inter-Etats d Ingenieurs dp l Equipement Rural (EIER) Energy resources and management African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development IACMADi (Ot 109) World Meteorological Organization IWMOI Agricuttural research and diversification. (01881 U.S Agency for International Development Agricultural support services project 103443) World Bank: Burkina Faso Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Development of a field method lopen calorimetry systerr) fcr measuring energy expenditure of draught animals i03793) Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschattGerman Research Society IDFGI. Eastern Senegal rural development project (01123) World Bank; Senegal Hauls-Bassins agricultural development project lOtO18) World Bank, Burkina Faso Irrigation rehabilitation project (01 128) World Bank. Niger Operation Haute Vallee i01867) U.S Agency for International Deveiopment Research. coordinat!on, and traring for improved livestock production in SubSaharar Africa. 102732) Commission of trie European Communities Second Mali Sud rural development project. 101 130) Wordd Bank. Mali Special energy program 46 Index cf projects by discipline t01429) Gesellschaft tuer Technische Zusammenarbeit IGTZ). Supervision of a nce glume gas generator. JO1430) Gesellschaft tuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZI West Africa Animal Traction Network. (03677) International lIvestock Centre for Africa iLCAj,Semi-And Food G,rain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West Africa Network on Animal Traction (WAATA) (02622) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Ext.nsion African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agrculture Organwzation. Agrcultural development project 11 (010201 World Bank: Gambia Agricultural research and diversification (01881) U.S. Agency for International Development Agricultural research project (03442) World Bank; Burkina Faso. Agricultural services. (01194) Wor'd Bank. Gambia Agricultural services. (02753) Wo-ld Bank; Mauritania Agricultural services. (02785) World Bank. Niger Agricultural services (formerly Agricultural researchl O1189) World Bank: Chad Agricultu al services lformerly Second agricultural services project) !OI197i Norlid Bank. Guinea. Agriulitural services )1. 101680t World Bank; Burkina Faso Agrcul(ural services 11 47 Index of projec.s by discipline 102786) World Bank. Senegal Agricultural services 11 t04916) World Bank. Mali. AgricuItural service- It. p04917) World Bank. Niger. Agricultural services project i012051 World Bank. Senegal Agricultural services prolect 101674) World Bank. Mali. Agricultural support services prolect. 103443) World Sank; Burkina Faso. Agriculture research prolect. l01126) World Bank. Senegal Applied agricultural research 101836) U S. Agency for International Development. Crop diversilfcation and agricultural services project (011931 World Bank: Equatorial Guinea. Development of Haute Vallee. 1019271 U S Agency tor International Development Eastern Senegal rural development proleci 01123) World Bank. Senegal. Farming systems research and development. 101833) U.S. Agency for International Development Hauts-Bassirs agricultural development prolect i010181 World Bank: Burkina Faso Integrated livestock Oroduction 03 natural resource management 4018661 U S Agency for International Development. National livestock project 103459) World Bank: Chad. National research and extension prolect. 101139) World Bank. Guinea. 48 Index of projects by discipline Nalural resources management. (01897) US Agency for Intematronal Development Niger Applied Agitcultural Research Project (NAARP) 1020491 Winrock International. On-Farmn Fertilizer Adoption Program fOFFAP) f02 148 International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa tIFOC-Afrtcat On-aramn seed production project for Sub-Saharan Affica M02050p Winrock International Operation Haute Vallee 01867) U S Agerccy (or 1international Development. Operation Haute Vallee 01 training Operation Haute Vallee management and extension personnel 01868M U.S Agency for International Development Programme on supporting servces documentation. information and trairiing (03419) CILSS-S3hel Institute Projecto Agro-Silvo-pastoril do Leste Batala (I + 11) (05531) SNV (Netherlands Development Cooperation Projel d'Appui a la Division de Rrecherches sur les Systemes de Production Rurale (DRSPR). Volet Fonsebougou (05613) KIT IRoyal Tropical Institutei Reseau Coton (COTONI (02082) France. Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains el Francais (CORAFi Rice production 11. (01886) U S. Agency for International Development Second Mali Sud rural development project. 101 1301 World Bank. lal i Small holder productivity 018961 U S. Agency for International Development. Village reforestation 101845) U S Agency for International Development 49 Index of projects by discipline West African Farming Systems Research Network iWAFSRN-RESPAO) j02619) Intemational Fund lor Agricutural Development fIFADI Semi-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD) Feed cornposition Investigation of the nutritive value of agro-industrial by-products in Mah. 102924) International Foundation for Scence. Feed processing and preservation Microbiological Resources Center IMIRCENI. 102649) United Nations Educational. Scientiftc and Cultural Organization iUNESCOf. Feed technology On-farm studies to develop recommendations for the importance C! livestcck feeding systems in the tsetse endemic regions of West Afrca. (018081 Overse3s Developmert Administration iNRRD Fertilizing Agricultural research project. 103442) Worfd Bank: Burk;wa Faso Agronomic Fertilizer Researrh Program iAFRPi 021471 International Fertilizer Developrrent Center. Airica itFDC-Africai Collaborative Research Support Program CRSPI Beans andtcowpeas 01345) U.S Agency International Development IUSAIDO Michigan State University Development cooperation Soil and Fertilizer 1055951 1B ilnstitute for Soli Fertility Research) Durable landuse and focdproduction in developing countries develcorwctt of durable oroduclior, systems jn the tropics 05592) CABO icentre for Aq'obiclogical Research) F euil'zer Mlarketing and Trade Information Prr gram iFMTIPI (02145) Directorate General for Interna(;onal Cooperation DGIS. U S. Agency for International Development USAID) 50 Indjex c projects b,; d,scvtj)!ne rert,ze- crojeco .0344i I Woid Br BUk F?iS- Gojrvnlnuy Net%wA eseDt2 A'archKte 02087i Confe,ence des Pescy'salese A r-n--i .ie Afvcr'ns eo FrancI.s *s Bas agc Ctu'3 deveI, mera c'IcC In Jf . O 8 , f 3 l, r.I B ent rva F5 -s e- f; 'z> d+§ere," 'e'ri'nZ r ,r .:h -' ;-?r r..let z.t -j<._ t7.1 rr J. m3e~! :jn Lronlf J' r' e"- Wev' Af"- 2r1 m.n,icS?ti tr.t.rot . nme '39Ci0 Urvers'fe! hehnhe,r rĥs 0qat ,n t,rO,e S b '035024, ;I: nd rk M e' Or^.Fath Fterl rnerl n.trJn cP,; r" OFFAPe i03060i U°-VerVatel H-hconhr m 321eC-iaf b1oing;r t Ses' ;n a Az-' De 1oce Cu-en'e ' olecular .f ec. ^f t> Svmt'CS$S5 thehSeen 'be st--ou|tzd-azot,fnc,C -icfrnih Azcrh.oiz ,,^ll- C3,ii-dInS 1nj 'I 3- I"5 ?nProc,cal leur-e See -fs!1aa ,03?;, i Max PlanCka-1^t Z-- l;A+1SnStIrC Otf4ce duj J,ge,r cnr's- JAI:3i- r-fec' 1035021 Wofrl' Barlk, Ctn PI'm, Foqdl:zer AJCCfJCn F>f:E?1_ ,OFFAP, 1'02148, lfl'erra?r!al8 Fc- ?el Oewelocrnent Cente, A§ffCJ (1FD)C A+f,,r Pes3A n; - rv ;"'' a! *hCr_ ICRISAT CJ' ne'e tN5 ger ,(14;*031 Ur ,e's.jtr wrtn t01 130,V r B-rk 5' Index of projects by Oisc pline Soil Fertility Restoraton ProjectiSFRPi 02 143i In?ernational Ferfilizer Develoc: nent Certer. Ar;ca IFDC -Afnca, West African Fert lizer Managem'ent ana Evaiuat'orn Je!wori, ,oAFPAEN, 402614) ln enay.ona' Development Research Centre IDORC, 1Ijreo N3 a!s De.encrren Program IUNDP4 West African pvoirarn Afc agrcr.mnerai researr-h r02146i l5 er"tearis'a Fer! ze' Deveos? rent Cee' 4' ca liDC-A'ri, Fisheries and aquaculture - General aspects Biology of salt toierance n Chicvs. meiaceC-a 'D,c'a Ca "j -aC 1 - ro speces of blo-.vfbes are -Ests sa !eet1.ed e1E1s t'r Caif.E pi'2 countrnes (05799i Overseai Develop-ent Adrnns?rat,:r lNRRDi Fisheries Development n Carpe Verde preperatmnq pra3e 4055861 FAO The protectior tf f,sh aqa.r - ' f es oinq Jrv rq and Lecle rfesa'a.n o,.- storage 0P10! Overseas Deve:rnment Adrnnstralor iNRRDC Fisheries production Agricultural sector development W02030i World Bank. Guinea-&ssau Fisheries Devel pr-.;on .n CAr"e Verde. preceratmnr prase t055861 FAO. Forestry and fishery managemeni iOl 1%it World Bank. Guinea River fiseries (Seneqal, i025124 Internat:onal Develcrmert Research Centre Food contamination and toxicology Colialorative Researct Support Program (CRSPi Peanuts O13414 U S Agency for Interrational Development 4USAIDi University of Georga 52 t Index of projects by discipline Groundnut Network Reseau Arachide ,02087) C.nference des Responsables Agronomrques Africains et Fran,;ais Food processing and presevration Beocogy of salt tolefance in Chrysomya megacechala Diotera Ca llphoridaei and other species of biowllies whcn are Pests oi salted-dred J5h in trocical develop nr countries iQ5799o Overseas De.eloo-en Adminstraton iNJRRD Cassava Net.ork Reseau Aa-oc' 02084 Conference des ResprrsaD;es de Rectcerche AgCnorrnque Africamns e? Franca3s Co-ordItnated Research Programnrre on lhe Appiration c' Irradialcn Techn,'Je 4or Food Processing in Africa ,02629i United Nations Food and AgricOire Organ,zation Collaborative Research Support Programr CRSPi 3eans and cowpeas t01345t US Agency Internationa' Develomrnent tUSAIDi Michigan State Universty Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachidej 020871 Conrerence des Resronsables Agronocrlues Aficains et Francats Mcrobiologtcal Resources Center iMIRCEfJi 1026491 United Nat ons Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization i UNESCOt Production of netetou. a vegetable cheese 1029381 International Foundation for Science The protection of fish against blo.svfles auring drying and beetle tnfestation dJuring storage i04710t Overseas Develorment Admnisrraltcn tNR4Di U S Israel orogram for cooperative develcpment researcl' O19491 U S Agency for International Development Network on Sorghurn Mil!ing Denullng .02648) International De. eocrment Research Centre Food science and technology Agrocultur31 servnces icrmeriv Se,-ori cultural services project) iO1 97i Wofid Bank Guinea 53 Index of projects by di3c pine Co-orcinated Research Programme on the Application of Irrn3lticr Tecnhniue for Fcod Processing in Africa /02629? United Nations Food afnd Agriculture Orqanlza,!r Forest injuries and protection Direction Departemen-tal de iEnvironnement le Tah:ua DOE i05643) SNV iNetherlands Develocpent Oqar,1zat-i Forestry and tisnery rnanaoemen! ,01196i Wrd Bark. Gu,nei Foresty - General aspects Agriculturai research 02783 World Bank. Ch-ah Agrcultural research '02784; World Bark Mali Agricultural services rrc,!ec i016741 Worio Bank. fa!l Agroforestry systems r the Tropics *038591 Gesellschah fuer Trechnische Zusamrnena.te r GTZ Centre National de Semences Fo resleres du Senegal 'O5585) FAO Comparative Lhysioloq, fiel pertofr-Irce and prfcagaticn ^' plan!s f the Prcscpis 047421 Overseas Develocmer? Adr-n stration i NRRD) Conservation. manacerrent and re;stor3on ef nature in degenera ee eco0ssterns n tne tropics and subct occ; 055981 IBN ilns?tule 1er grestnr d'' Niaure Researchi. -e D-scn rn C Ge-tion Ies Res uwces Nature !es oans e Cercse de Nlafun,e ORNi '056681 Atrcare SNV NAssoc:aiion Neerlandase dass!stance a, Deseinrcmenti Projecto Agro-SiNo-pastonr do Leste Bafata I . IIi 05631i SNV Netheria3rs De.elcpment Coceraticr Proiet d Appu a la D v si in de Recherches sur les Svsteme; le P,c',uct cn Ru'a e DRSPRi. Viet Fonzpcouqou 541 Index of prolects by discipline 1056131 KIT IRoyal Tropical Insi,tutei. Prole! Tahoua Verle Ameltoration de I evironnernent et amenazerrent integre de la commune de Tahouai 2nd phase '05638' Assocatiori Neerlandalse dAssistance au DevefoppemeW iSNVi Second forestry project 103503) World Bank. Malt Senegat Acaca tree fallows '047341 Overseas Develop-ent Admin,strati'y tNRRDi Soil and water resources frananement unit 01922! U S Agency for Intern3tional Developmnent Strengthening agricultural research 1018981 U S. Agency for International Deve;oc=nen! Forestry production Agricultural research It (01889) U S Agency for !nternat!onai Develorment Agricultural services lforrnerly Agricultural research, (011 891 World Bank. Chad Agrolorestry research for developr-ent of the crylands of West Afrca 102113) Internalional Fund for Agricultural Development Applied research prog-amne Network for Senm-Ard Lowlanos of West Africa (SALWA-AFRENAi 102616) Intemattonal Council for Research in Agroforestry Arbres autochtones - Mals. Second Phase 'Indigenous trees - Mai. Phase W (012611 International Developn,ent Research Centre Coooerative Programme fot the Imnnovernert of Genetic Resources Of MueIucurccse Wo'i; Species i02174' Fool and Agriculture Organizatior OF the Unitel Nations Culture en couloir Ma'ii Alley croccng - MaiC (012901 Internationa! Development Research Centre Development of a rnetnod !or vegetative propagation of cashew 1038781 Bundesforschungsinslart fjer Forst- und Holzvirtschatt iBFA 55 Index of projects by discipine Ecology environment programme refore-station and conservation of the forestry resources. 034161 CILSS-Sahel Institute Effect of some root endophyles on local legurnmous trees i030341 International Foundation for Scierce Environmental management croject f016821 World Bank: Burkina Faso Forestry and fishery manaqern-r (01196) World Bank. Guinea Forestry and land use vlannrwrr l01841 U S Ageicy for Inlerilatona! Fc> e ;'ree! Forestry developrrent (018441 U.S Agency for Iritcrra7 onia De. - : r'- 1 Irrigation IV prolect 1035241 World Bank Seneaa Natural resource managemer)i iJcci. ce, 'ormerrĵ Land res.o,rces rnanagement ar's consevation i04416) World Bank. Equatorial Gijirn Natural resources management 101897) U S Agency for tnternafionai Dee.e c!'rent Natural resources management (formerly Ag,icullural natura! resources and forestrI t04344; World Bank. Gunea81issau Niamey Department developrrent phase 11 )D 173i U.S Agency for International Deve;corrent Plantations rriguees - Senegal Irnrigated piantations. Senega 101259) International DevelocMent Research Centre Public works in Africa to improve food-security 104626) Deu7sche Geselischaft fuer rechnische Zusammenarbeit (GTZI Reconnaissance oreparation study on forestry ioitechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan African countrfes, with special reference 'o Sahelian and Sudanian zones ISSZ) M02094 World Bank 56 Index of projects by discipline Reforestation project. Rive Drole Tera. Phase 3 IProjet Reboisement. Rive Drote Tera. Phase 3>. 105579j Netherlands Development Organ,zatoon ISNVI Directorate General for Developrrent Cooperation iDGISi Risk and acceptance of nnovations in Niger s agriculture 04603i Universitaet Hohenheirn Rural envirorment management itormeriv Environmental proiection program. formrerly Natural *esources manaqemen!i io2096\ World Bank. Gu;nea Second forestry project 3035031 World Bank. Mali Senegal reforestation. 1018421 U S Agency for International Development Smallholder production 1018501 U S. Agencv for ;nternational Developmnent Southwest region reforestation iPVOI 1018431 U S Agency for International Developmenf S -y of Frankia :noculation and -ts combined effects with vesicular-arbuscular mycorThiza IVAM) in Casuarina eqluisetlifolia (03 '07l Intemational Foundation for Science U.S Israel program for cooperative developrrment research 101949i U S Agency for fnternational Development Vegetative propagation Phase tl ISenegal !Multiplication Vegetative Second Phase - ĥ Senegalt i01280) International Development Research Centre Village reforestation 1018451 U S Agency for International Development Water economy and the development of arabic gum trees iAcacia senegal) in the Sahel zone tn Senegal 1030331 International Foundation for Science I 57 Index of projectR by discpblne Geography Conditions for developing non-farm productive activities in ruraf areas of Africa A comparison of Yatenga Burkina Faso and Extreme-Nord Cameroun i04639i Unrverstael Frankfurt Gestion des Resources Naturelles dans le Cercle de Niafunke (GRN) t05668i Africare SNV iAs3ociation Neernandaise d assistance au Develovpmentt Integrated livestock product,on 03 natural rescurce manariernent i01866, U S Agency for international Developmeot Migration and dentrt's n Senegai 104640I Uniierstiet 3avreuth Handling, transport. stcrage and protection of plant products Agricultural researct pro)ect 403442) World Bank. Burkina Fasc Appraisal of risks in agriculture in developing countries 103626) State Unvers,iv of rjron?rrern Sc,entific Research Institute iRUG' Appraisal ot risks -n AgrIcu!ture in rieveiopina countries 105509) State University ct Gronnrgen, The Netherlands University of Ouagadougou. Centre d'Etudes de Documentation. de Recherches Economnque et Social iCEDRESi. Burkina Faso. Cassava Network Reseau Maniocj l02084) Conference des Responsables ale Recherche Agrcnomique Africans et Francais Co-ordinated Research Prcgrarmme on the Appicatton of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa 102629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Collaborative Research Support Program i CRSP) Beans and co.oeas 1013451 U S Agency Internaticnal Development (USAID Mlcnigan State Universitv Developpement du secteur maraicher au Cao Vert f056091 FAO Eastern Senegal rural development prorect lO1 123p World 3ank. Seneqal Germplasm conservatocn and improvement of Parkia bticbosa Jacqi Benth 'cr mult:purcose 58 Index of protects by discipline use 1056651 University ol Wales. Bangor. CNSF. Ouagadougou. Burina Faso. FRIN. Nigeria: SAFS. Nancy France. WAU. The Netherlands. Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachide, 1020871 Conference des Resgonsables Agronomiiques Africains et Franais Livestock sector 11 1018521 U S Agency for Internatonai Deveiopment National agricultural export promotion project iExport crop. formerly Agricultural export promotion, forrnerly Export croDsl (010171 Worid Bank. Guinea Programnme national de technolog,e nziccle apres recolte 1056081 FAO. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recolte des Den,ees Alimenlaires !GRENIERI [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops". (02647) Association des Lniversites Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPELF) Storage of cereals by pastoralists. 1047611 Overseas Development Administration INRRDI Study of biology and means of protection agairst depredators of fish products in Senegal 103336) Intemational Foundation for Science. The protection of fish against blowflies during drying and beetle infestation during storage. (04710) Overseas Development Administration INRRDI. History Holocene vegetation history in Nortih Mali 1038051 Universitaet Wuerzburg. [Limnological. sedimentological and plant-history research in Dlado and Karar. North-East Niger) Limnologische. sedimentologische und vegetationsgeschicht)iche Untersuchungen in Diado und Karar, NE-Niger. 103804) Universitaet Wuerzburg. 59 Index of projects by discipline Home economics. industries and crafts Development of Neemn research initiatives in Mali (015481 U.S. Agency for Intemational Development Pubic works in Africa to improve food-security t04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft tuer technische Zusammenarbeit iGTZI Reseau Coton iCOTONi. (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomiaue Africains ci Francais ICORAFI Human nutrition - General aspects Appraisal ot risks in Agriculture in develkClnq countres 105509) State University of Gron ngen. The Netherlancts Unvers,rj cf Ouagadougou Centre d'Etudes de Documentation de Recherches Economigue et Socai CEDRESI. Burkina Faso. Cassava Network [Reseau Mansocj (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Aaronomique Africains et Francais. Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research NetwVcfk (EARSAMI. 102076) U S Agency for International Development iUSAIDI Semi-Arid Food Gra;n Research and Develprrent iSAFGRAD) Environment and development in Mali 1043351 University of Oslo Environment and development in Mali - Food and nutrition tn households and the role of women in the management of natural resources and food secunty 104336) University of Oslo Food security andi sustainaile development in Mali. West Africa 1043411 University of Oslo Nutritional effects of cash cropp!ng 01050) International Fund f1or Agriculturai Development. Reseau Coton (COTCONI. (02082) France. Corlerence des Responsablrs de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francals (CORAF) 60 Index of projects by discipline Inlemaoi bade Agricultural sector development. (02030p World Bank: Guinea-Bissau. Assessment of conditions for replicalmg production systems in Afnca's savanna areas - second stage. 102098) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement ICIRAD). Crep diversification and agricultural servces project 101 193 World Bank; Equatorial Guinea Ferilizer Marketing and Trade Information Program (FMTIP) (021451 Directorale General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS;: U.S. Agency for Internaticnal Development IUSAID) National agricultural export promotion project (Export crop. formerly Agncuitural export promotion. formerly Export crops) OI017) World Bank. Guinea. National livestock project. (034591 World Bank: Chad. SADAOC (Securite Alimentaire durable en Afrique de l'Ouest Centralel. i05662) ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy Management). Iwestmenlt finance and credit Agricultural sector adjustmenVinveslment protect. (014391 World Bank: Mali Agricultural sector adtustmentinvestmenl project. (026591 World Bank: Mauritania. Agricultural sector development. 1020301 World Bank. Guinea-8issau Appraisal of risks in agriculture in developing countries (03626) State University of GroningeniScientific Research Inslitute (RUG) Crop diversitication and agricultural services protect. (011931 World Bank. Equatorial Guinea. Development of Haute Vallee 61 Index of projects by discipline 401927) U.S. Agrency for Intematenal Developrent. Irrigation IV projec!. 103524i World Bank: Senegal. National agncultural export promotton project (Export crop. formerly Agricultural export promotion. formerly Export crops) (01017) Workd Bank. Guinea. Projet Diversification Agricole et Renforcement des Organisations Locals (DAROL)-Balleyara O4th phasei 405640) Nether ands Development Organization I SNVi. Risk and acceptance of innovations in Niger's agriculture. (046031 Universitaet Hohenherm Soil Fertility Restoration Project iSFRPi (021431 International rertilizer Deveioorent Center. Africa iliFDC-Africai Irrigation Agriculturai research 11 1018891 U S. Agency for International Development Agricultural sector adjustrnent vwestmernt prolect 102659) World Bank: Mauritania Grourdnut Network [Reseau Araclide. 020871 Conference des Responsables Aaronomiques Africains et Francais. Gueckedoi, agricultural development project (011361 World Bank: Guinea International Network on Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rice Farming IINSULF) i05370l International Rice Research Institute International Programme for Tochnoiogy Research in Irrigation and Drainage IPTRIDi i05623) WB iWorld Bank Internattonal Rice Testing Program for Africa IIRTPI i02160i United Nations Development Program 1UNDPI European Economic Commission iEECI Japan Irrigation in the Sahel - An annoted literature review. i 0 1423) Gesellschatt tuer Technische Zusammenarbeit i GTZi 62 Index of projects by discpipine Imgation IV project 1035241 World Bank. Senegal. Irrigation promoton iformerly Irmgation sectort $01675) World Ban,. Mauritania. Irrigation promanon ltormerly Irrigation sector) (01944) World Bank. Mali. Irrigation re-ibhtation prolect lOl 1281 World Bank. Niger Ofkice du Niger consolidation project (03502) World Bank. Mali Operation Haute Vallee 1018671 U.S. Agency for International Development Operation Haute Vallee: 01 training Operation Haute Vallee management arn 0ii. ion personnel. t01868) U S. Agency for International Development Plantations irriguees - Senegal [Irrigated plantations - Senegal]. 101259g International Development Research Centre. Private agricuhural development (formerly Irrigation sectorl. (02757) World Bank. Senegal Private irrigation (formerly Irrigation sector (012031 World Bank: Niger. PVO development initiatives - watershed development (019301 U.S. Agency for International Development. Rice production 11 (01886) U S Agency for Internattonal Development Second Mali Sud rural development pro(ect (01130) World Bank: Mali Second small rural operations project 102031) World Bank: Senegal Southern zone water management (01832) U S Agencv for International Development. 63 Index of projects by dtsciDlne The impact of managerina^ oractices on the water use eNficiency of ranfed crops in the semi-and tropics. 101699) Overseas Development Ad,mnistiva'nn INRROi The potential of runoff irrigation in the Sahel region f037881 Commission of the European Communities iCEC Water mat agement in irrigated schemes (03650) Administration Generale de la Cooperation au Developoement Water Management Senegal River-valley IRchard Toli. Phase 21 105506) Agricultural University Wageningen 'Nater m-anagement Senegal river-valley RiHchard Toll Phase 1h (036231 Agriijltural Unversity Wagenirgen West Africa Maize Co! aborative Research NetNork [Reseau Maisj I02156) Conference des R-sporsabies de Recherche Agronomique Africains West Afrcan Irrigation Rcsearch DLevelopment Network (WAIRDf j02612p International Irrigation Manager,.-nt Institute IlMli Labour and employmtent A;riculture research project ICi 1261 World Bank. Senegal Nutritional elects of cash cropping. 10I0501 International Fund for Agricultural Development Public works in Africa to imDrcve food-security 404626) Deutsche Geselschaft luer technische Zusammenarbelt IGTZI Land economics and policies Agricultural sector adjustment :nvestmenft project t01439) VVorld Bank. Mali Agricultural sector adjustment investment prolect. i026591 Worla Bank. Mauritania. Agr cultura; services Ilormerly Second agricultural servIcL I prolect) iOl197t World Bank: Guinea 64 Index cl ofronects by 'tscivone AricuOlure SECAL .0436/5 WorM Bank. Seneoal Agroforestrv systerns r t'e Troprcs 4i3859' Gese;lsc'aft fue, Technmscfe Z ~ -renm3t.e! #GTZ ^chea research c^ozramnrie Ner%crk - -Artl Lo.'l!nds of 'West Af,-3 tSALWA-AFRENAi , 0261t Intemnat.onal Ci'c' f^r Researvr - -- -'-estn; Assessrren! of co-ndt;!,os ftr ec, catvnq Vrr^dCItOon S.s?errS rn Afrca S sas ar`a areas seconI stage i2'j98i Cenr!e de Cooceraton fnter-Iattale en Recharohe Aqr,onmque ccu' Ce Develccpe-ent i CIRAD; Cr,)D j,erS-fIC3!tt,n 97dr 3anvlrlulalJflsne CfrieC, 'I0 1931 W'rld Bark. Ezua3!^ ai GJ,nea Develcpment ol Haute Vallee 01927; U S Agencv fcr Inter- !t:al Deve^crne Env-7-ertal r manaoemcent crcjCt 4 VIcr-'' *'rIf Bank. Bu1nam Fa5s Forest, and la-r' use C;ar-n.n 1018411 U S AwncCw #0* I' I-e-n3a!nal De:e"n"^ Guechedou agficuitur3a Oe.e!Zcr enc O.ect 011 36' Wor!d Bar'k 3*;" ea | Aocti area IeveloVmen! cr-,ect '03501l'Norld Bank Mai Na!tua; es:urces Aa-ejIe"r ;crnaer . ail ra a4'u esc'rC ceS and 1-es!'; Wo 0 rld Bank Gx"e-aB ssau s 2i .J^ B 3^" i-^e PS;^l. .^,ns'n Ai",. 3 t, ->t^e =^se.; '046sS26' De.;scWe Gese sc'~ 1' ue: zs-c"e Zjsar-e-a,re-l GTZ, I t Index of protects by disc,p!;ne Legisatio Assessment of conditiors for reolicating prouct.on svstems in Africa s savanna areas - second stage. 0G2098) Centre de Cooperation !nteriatbonaie en Recherche Agronomrque pour ee Deveioppernenr iCIRAD, Research anc studj prorramrne on 'he mfoWeO t^ erees:ve natlinal angeandrds tn '. Sahe! iPGENES' 703412, CILSS-Sahel Institte Mathematical and statistical methods Associatior lnternationale DOLr Opt:misa!ion de a Nitrlon e,t Plantes xANIOPF 'Intemational Association for the Optimization Pica^ Nutr4iton 02641) Centre de Ccoperation interna icrale en Recherce Agronorrilque pOu te Developpement iCIRADi Bi0ogical control of grasshoppers " Cape Verde 1015471 U S Agency Oor International Development Drought Resistance Research Netmork (R3S, 'Reseau ce Reche-rc"e su !a Res,s? nrce a a Secheresse. !02610i Conference des Responsatces de Recherche AnrcrnonT;iue Aricains er Frana s First agncuiturai serv,ces vrc'ecr 07 t3 7) World Bank. G,u; nea National agricuitura, research C-*ec! ,020'97' World Banit. N,aer Nigef Appiied Agrculluirai Research Project iNAARP, (02049i) Wirrock Internatlonal The L i.estock Tr;panc-eraran Netofrk *02081. Overseas De-.ezP ment Aim' rsrgat!cn Meteorology and climatology Afr-can Center ew keteorcc!cal Applications for Development iAC?tADi .01 lo91 Worlo Mletecrc:ccai Orq3nizaticn lWMtOi AGRHYMET, Phase IlI 0;; 1, WVM! Vd: > Mereo roccal OrCanzant FAO I Index oi projects by discipline AGRHYMET. Pilot phase. (055831 WMO (World Meteorological Organizatton). Agrcuhture Hydrologhe-Meteorologie. (026341 Centre Regeonal de Fornation et d'Applicalion en Agrometeorologie et Hydrolog e tAGRHYMET). Assessment of conditions for replicating production systems in Africa s savanna areas - iecond stage (020981 Centre de Cooperation rnternationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developperrment sCIRADi Conservation, management and resioration of nature in degenerated ecosystems in the tropics and sub-tropics (0559;l IBN (lnstitute for forestry and Nature Researchi. de Dorschkamp Drought Resistance Research Network i f3S1 'Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la Secheresse'. (02610) Conference des Responsables cte Recherche Agronomique Africans et Franials German Sahel program - ccrntro of desertification' 1014201 Gesellscha't fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit iGTZt Greenness mapping for grasshopper and locust control i026831 U S Agency for International Development Identification and monitoring of African Aeather regimes - Phase I West Africa 04726i Ove(seas Development Administration iNRRDi Meteorological Data Distribution Systems IMDDi 1057741 Overseas DeveloDment Administrat:on INRROI Participation in the HAPEX-I1 project tHAPEX = Hydrologicat Atmospheric Pilot Experimenti i05651 i ORSTOM (Nameyi CNRM iToulouse, Research -nto millet at the ICR;SAT Sahel Cert e iN,geri ,02734, Ctrr'nsscr c' tre E,ccean Cc -m-u-,^ies R,ver tishernes i Senegal i 1025121 Internationa De elopnrent Research Centre Sahel,an lnforrnation Network i SIN i 02657i Institute of Sahel INSAH, 67 Index of projects by discipline Studces on the forage potential and analysis of the degradation process in pastoral ecosystems in the Ferlo region. 103091t International Foundation for Science Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. f01108) World Bank The impact of managemeni practices on the wiater use efficiency of ranted crops in the semi-arid tropics 01699) Overseas Develooment Aaminlstrat!or INRRDi 'Rainfall and agricuflural season in Soudano-Sahelian zone - training in and by research! Pluviometrie et saison agricole en zone Soudano-Sahelenne - une formation aet par la recherche 103796f Ecole Inter-Etats d Ingen eurs de Equipement Rural IEIERi Miscellaneous plant disorders Collaborative Resee-rch Support Program iCRSPif Beans and cowpeas. (013451 U S Agency International Developmen! (USAIDi Michigan Stale University Cotlaboratve Research Support Program (CRSP} Peanuts (Ot3411 U S Agency for International Development fUSAIDI University of Georgia Collaborative Research Support Program iCRSPI Sorghum and millet IINTSORMfILI (01344) U.S. Agency for International Development iUSAIDiThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln Drought Resistance Research Network R3S' Reseau de Rechercthe sur Ia Resistanc' la Secheresse (026101 Conference des Responsaoles de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Fra cas. Eastern Africa Reg;onal Sorghum and Millet Collabor:Alve Research Network iEARSAMi 102076, U S Agency ter International Developrnent (USAIDI Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpment iSAFGRADI Groundnut Network Reseau Arachide i020871 Corference aes Resvonsat;e Alronom,ques Alticains et Franca's Interriatiora Ricr- resting Prcrram to AfrMca IlRTPi ,021601 United Nation> Deveiopmert Program iUNDPi European Economic Cormission 'EEC Japan The West and Certral Afrca Cowpe.a Collitorative Research Network iRENACOi 020781 U S Agency tcF irtefnational Development iUSAIDI SemiArid Food Grain Research 68 Index of projects by discipline and Development ISAFGRAD, Water economy and Ihe development of arabic gum trees (Acacia senegal) in the Sahel zone in Senegal (03033) Intemational Foundation for Sc:ence West and Central Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network IWECAMANI 102157) U S. Agency for International Development 'USAIDi Serri-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRADM Nature conservation and land resources Afrtcan Center of Meteorological Aoplications for Development IACMADI 101109) World Meteorological Organization iWMO Afrcan emergency,locust grasshopper 101605) U.S. Agency for tnternationa! Development Agriculural rehabilitalion project. l034581 World Bank. had Agricultural research 1027831 World Bank Cnad Agncullural research (02784i World Bank. Mali Agrcultural sector adjustment investment project i026591 World Bank. Maurtania Agricuitural services O10 194t World Banx. Gambia Agricultural servic?s iformerly Agricnitural researchi (01 189s World Bank. Chad Agricultufal services cro;ect 0167,t Wofld Bank k.14 Agriculture SECAL 04366; Wond Bank Senegal Ailey Farning fJetwork fo, Trorpcal Africa. 020881 Canadian Interrational Develooment Agency (CIDAp International Development Pesearch Centre iIORCI 69 Index of projects bv discipline Conservation, management and restoration of nature in degenerated ecosystems in the tropics and sub-tropics. i05598) IBN (Institute for forestry and Nature Researcrw de Dorschtkamp Drought Resistance Research Network fR3S) Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la Secheresse iO2610) Conference des Responsables (le Recherche Agrononmque Aricains et Francafs. Durable lanouse and !owdvrocuction r leveloping countries development of durable production syslems,r lnt- i05592f CABO Icentre for Agrobtoug.cai ResearchI Ecclogical consequences of ltalian Locusts ppst control in tropical and sutlropical Atrica 0O1 603i Institut fuer B ogeographie, Universitaet des Saarlar'des Ecological monitoring of the dynamics of desertifcation 03415p CILSS-Sahel Institute Ecology environment prograrnme reforestation and conseration of the forestry resources, t03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute Ecolological side-effects of !ocust control agents 04638) Universitaet des Saarlandes Environment and development in Mal i04335) University of Oslo Environment and development in Iali- Food and nutrition in households and the role of women in the management of natural resources and food securitv 104336) University of Oslo Environment managemnen! 1049061 World Bank. Burkina Faso Environmental manageement Profect 1016821 World Bank. Burkina Faso Forestry and iand use ptanning 101841t U S Agency f,r International Development. Forestry developmert i01844t U S Agency fcr Internaltonal Development ,0 Index of projects by discipline German Sabel program - [control of deserlitication] 1014201 Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit IGTZ) Impact of resource stabilizing methods on smaliholding systems of the Central Plateau:Burkina Faso (05706) institut tuer Agraroekonomie der Universitaet Goeningen Integrated livestock production 03 natural resource management 101866 U S Agency for international Development, Methods and techniques for environmental impact assessments o' agrochemicals in the tropics 104809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDM Montoring of renewable natural resources in the Sahel i027391 Commission of the European Communities. Multi-purpose project for the development of natural resources. 104330) World Food Programme Natioral agricultural research project !02097i World Bank: Niger Natural resource management Itormerly Environment management) t01204) World Bank: Niger. Natural resource management and conservation itormerty Land resources management and conservationI. 1044161 World Bank. Equatorial Guinea. Natural resources management (012001 World Bank. Mali Natural resources management (036611 U S Agency 'or International Deve!opment Natural resources management (tzrmerly Agricultural natural resources and foresiryi i04344i World Bank. Guinea 86ssa, Natural resources management formeriy Environmental management) 102751 ) World Bank. Chac Natural resources mana.emen! iformerly Environmental management) 1027581 World Bank. Se-egal Operaticn Hat;te Vallee 0i training Operation Haute Vallee management and extension 71 ;ndex of projects by disc!plne personnel {01W68 U S Agency for International Development. Procurement of the Mali project. (04334) University of Oslo Production Soudane Sahelienne I PSS . (05653) AB (Research Institute for Agrobolooy and Soil Fertl tyl Projecto Agro-Silvo-oas!orl rdo Leste Bafala iI - II (05631) SNV iNetherlands Developmen! Ccoperation). Projet Diversification Agricoe et Rentorcement des Organsations Loca:s (DAROL)-Balleyara 14th phase) 405640) Netherlands Deveiopment Organization tSNVIV Projet Tahoua Verte iAmelioration de I environnement et amenagement integre de la commune de Tahoua, 2nd phase. 1056381 Association Neerlandaise d Assistance au Developpement (SNVl Reforestation pro1ect. R,ve Droite Te,a Phase 3 IProjet Rebo!sement. Rtve Droite Tera, Phase 3) 1055791 Netherlands Development Organization ISNV\ Directcrate General for Development Cooperation IDGISi Research and study programme on the improved management of extensive iiationat rangelands in the Sahel iPGENESi 1034121 CILSS-Sahei Inst;ute Research and study proframme on the possibuity of intensification of todder and animal production in the frame.vork of an association of agriculture and livestock breeding in Sub-Sahelitan Sudanian and Guinean zones 03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute Research into millt aa the ICRISAT Sahel Centre f Nigerl i02734 1 Commission of the European Comrmunities Reseau Oasis iOASISI Oasis netw.ork: 02658i Centre de Ccopera!.on Internaticn.ife en Recherche Agronnmlrue pou.r le Deve Dppernent iCIRADi Rurai envirornment managernent itorrremrly Ervironmental prOtection program, formerly Natural resources managemer: 1 020961 World Rank. Guinea Second aaricultural research project 72 Index of projects by discipline (01 1251 World Bank: ISRA, Senegal Senegal cereals production phase li (0851) U.S. Agency for International Development. Soil and waler resources manaqement unit. (01922i U.S. Agency for International Development Southwest region reforestalion iPVO) lO1843) U S. Agency for International Development. Support to the Soil Research Section. Sotuba. Phase 3 lAppui de la Cellule Agro-Pedologie et Laboratoire des Sols de Sotuba. phase 3 (05587) KIT ( Royal Tropical Institutel SV-RUG&FST;Ecology. (05674) State Univerity of Groningen (RUG). West African Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. West African program for agro-mineral research (021461 International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa IlFDC-Africa) Organization, administration and management of agricultural enterprises or farms Appraisal of risks in Agriculture in developing countries. (05509) State Universily of Groningen. The Netherlands/University of Ouagadougou. Centre aEtudes de Documentation de Recherches Economique et Social (CEDRESI. Burkina Faso Assessment of conditions for replicating prcduction systems in Africa s savanna areas - second stage. (020981 Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement ICIRAD) Development of Haute Vallee. .01927~ U S Agency for International Develcpmernt Dual purpose use of Pearl-millet in mixed farming systems 104622i Universtaet Hoherhemt Impact of resource stablizing methods on smallholding systerns of the Central Plateau Burkina Faso. (05706i Institut fuer Agraroekonomie der Universitaet Goettingen. 73 Index of projects by discipline Operation Haute Vallee: 01 training Operalion Haute Vallee management and extension personnel. (01868) U s. Agency for Intemational Development. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research 102661) Winrock Intemational; Ford Foundation. PVO development initiatives - watershed development 101930j U.S Agency for International Development. Second Mali Sud rural development project (01 130) World Bank: Mali Strengthening maize and cassava research in eleven countries of West and Central Africa: Plan of action. 102665) Ministere de la Cooperation (France) Water Management Senegal River-valley (Richard Toll Phase 2). (05506) Agricultural University Wageningen. Pests of animals Applied research in N'Dama cattle in Gambia and Senegal (02733) Commission of the European Communities. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of African Livestock, using Immunoassay Methods. 102627) Directorate General for international Cooperation IDGIS) Livestock sector 11 (01852) U.S Agency !or Internarional Development. On-farm studies to develop recommendations for the importance of livestock feeding systems in the tsetse endemic regions of West Africa. 101808) Overseas Development Administration INRRDO. Regionalization of the CRTA (02740) Commission of the European Communities Research. coordination. and training for improved livesiock production in Sub-Saharan Africa j02732t Commission of the European Communities. Social Science Interface Research Unit iSSIRUi. 74 Index of protects by discipline 1027791 The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (020811 Overseas Development Administration West African Forages Network (WAFNET) l02103) Multilateral Cooperatior Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN Pests of plants African emergency locust.Grassho,per assistance protect - Mauritania (01671) U.S. Agency for International Development Afocan emergency/locust grasshopper (01605) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development Agncuftural research and diversification. B01881 U.S. Agency for Intemational Development Agricultural research project (03442) World Bank: Burkina Faso Agricultural services (02753) World Bank; Mauritania. Agricultural services 11 (01680) World Bank: Burkina Faso. Agricultural services 11. (02786) World Bank. Senegal Agricultural services II. (04916j World Bank: Mali. Agricultural services 1 . (04917) World Bank. Niger Alternate formulations and or increase rates o0 pesticides to increase persistance (01824) U S Agency for International Development. An integrated research programme on the development of biological pesticides for locust and grasshopper control 1015461 U S. Agency for International Developmeat. Analysis ot causes and consequences of swarm migrations into the Atlantic from West 75 Index of projects by discipline Africa during 1988. (026821 Overseas Develovment Administration. Biological control of grasshoppers in Cape Verde. (015471 U S. Agency for International Development. Biological control of locusts and grasshoppers in Africa. f02102) Unned States Department of Agriculiure. Biological control of locusts by entomopathogens. 1038441 Federal Biological Research Centre for Agrrculture and Forestry Biological function of lectine in Psophocarpus palustns. (03100) Intemational Foundation for Science. Cassava Network IReseau Maniocj. (020841 Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains el Francais Collaborative Research Support Program iCRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (0)1345j U.S Agency International Development (USAID)IMchigan State University Collaborative Research Support Program CRSPi Peanuts 1013411 U S Agency for International Development IUSAIDI Unverstty of Georgia Collaborative Research Support Prograrn ICRSPI Sorghum and millet IINTSORMIL 01344) U.S Agency for International Development WUSAID)The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Crop protection programme 1034095 CILSS-Sahel InstMtute Development of Neem research initiatives in Mali 01548) U S Agency tor International Development Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network IEARSAMI. 102076) U.S Agency for International Development 'USAIOt Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpment iSAFGRADI Eastern Senegal rural development project (01 123! Wofid 'lank. Senegal Ecological consequences of Itatian Locusts pest control in tropical and suotropical Africa. 1016031 Institut fuer Biogeographie. Universitaet des Saarlandes Ecology environment programme reforestation ana conservation of the forestry 76 Index of projects by discipline re.curces. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute Ecolological side-effects of locust control agents. (04638) Universitaet des Saartandes Efficacy of pesticides against desert locust and grastshoppers i01822; UiS Agency tor International Devebpmert. Environmental effects of insecticides against locust and grasshoppers (04338) University of Oslo. Greenness mapping for grasshopper and locust control. (02683) U.S. Agency for International Development Influence of neem (Azadirachta indica) products on locusts and grasshopcers (03847) Justus-Liebig Universitaet Giessen. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa ilRTPI. (02160) United Nations Development Program lUNDP)iEuropean Economi Commission (EEC) Japan Locust research programme 102780) The International Centre ol Insect Physiology end Ecology Nosema locustae - Field trials (01830) Phase I Resistance of cowpea to Striga gesnerioides and Alectra yogelii Phase 11- Resistance of legumes and cereals to Striga species (01767) Overseas Development Administration INRRD) Pilot programme for eradication of new world screw worm (02748) International Fund for Agricultural Development Proposal for a research project on the development of new methods in locust control. (02090) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit IGTZ, Research programme on the biological and chemical control of desert locusts 102092, CAB International Institute of Biological Control. Reseau Coton (COTON). W0208W2 France. Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains el Francais ICORAFI. Slow release pesticides as alternatives to dieldrin. 77 Index of proects by discipline Q10823) U.S. Agency for International Development. Social Science Interface Research Unit (SSIRUI. (027791 The Intemnational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Sorghum and forage legume crop components as inhibitory factors in the establishment of the African migratory locust iLocusta migratorial in newly developed areas of the Subsaharan Sahel. 103852) Heinr,ch-Heine-Uri,versitaet Duesseldor. Studces on the ecology and ethology of termites in Senegal i03136) Intemational Foundation tor Science Sltudy of microsporidies (protozoal as agents for biological control of insect pesrs in Senegal and Gambia (03166) Intemational Foundation tor Sc,ence Study on Heliothis armiqera tLepidoptera. Noctuidae) in the crop-growing region cf Katibougou: bio-ecology and economic inmportance in tomato cultivation. j03403) Intemational Foundation for SCience The West and Central Africa Cowoea Collaborative Research Network iRENACO) 102078) U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) ';em-AriAr Foc I Grain Reseai ch and D-evelopment (SAFGRADI U S.'Israel program for coop( -atrve development ros4arch. 10)949) U.S Agency for Inter .ational Developmenr Use of Neem plant eiract as a pre-treatment in crop protection 3gainst gras3hoppers and locusts in Africa. !01826) U.S Agency for International Development. Use of the protozoan Nosema. other brocontrol agents he g , entomopox virusesI in controlling African grasshoppers and locusts 1018251 U S. Agency for International Development West and Cenlral Africa Malze Collaborative Research Network IWECAMANi M2157) U S Agency for International Development iUSAID! Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development ISAFGRADI West and Central Africa Soighurm Research Network iWCASRNI 02075) U S Agency for International Development IUSAIDI Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development ISAFGRADI 78 Index of profects cy d;scipline Physiolgy of human nutrition Coliaborative Research Suvport Program iCRSPI Beans and covvpeas. 0,t345: U S Agencv Intem3tioralC Develocment iUSAID, Michigan State lJniversity PLt diseases aorcutiviral researci c e: 03442' World Banx. S,rKfna Faso B*olog ca functOl of ecoone in PsoDhocarpus palustrs 03100 Irlnemational Founda4ion for Science. Cassa.a Networ1 Reseau, Manoc'. i02084' Conference des Responsaties de Recherche Agronomcque Africains et Franca,s Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSPI Beans and cowpeas. 'o1345' U S AoencV International Development lUSAID) Michigan State University Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network iEARSAMi 02076i U S Agencv for Interna-ional Development (USAID) Semi-Arid Food Grain Resea;ch and Devellment tSAFGRAID Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachidel 020687 Conference des Resporsables Agroromiques Afncains et Francas Intemat*onal Pear' MP'et Disease Resistance Testing Prograrm i IPMORTPI i05376' Intematlonal Cro2s Research Institute for "e Semi-Arid Tropics Intemational Rice Testing Pro--anni Or Africa 4IRTP) 1021601 Uniled Nations De;e'cvment Program (UNOPi European Economic Commission iEEC) Japan Network for Improvement of Rsce Cultivation PReseau Ruz '02161 4 Conference des Resoonsatles de Pecherche Agrorom,que Africains et Francais The epidemiNlogy and Cor fol of the sorghum toliar palhogens in the semi-arid tropics l0 813' Overseas De,elc;>nert Administration iNRRD The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collaborative r.esearch Netwcrk (RENACOi l02078l U.S. Agency for Irternational Deve opment iUSAIDI Semi-Ard Food Grain Research and Development i SAFGPADI. U S. Israel program for cooperative development research 101949) US Agency for International DevElopment 79 InOex of projects by discprne West Atnca Maize Collamorative Research Network fReseau Ma's (021561 Conference des Responsables ce Recherche AgronGmique Africarns West ana Central Maize C-llaborative Research Network IWECAMANi (02157( U.S. Aqency tor International Development tUSAIDM Serni-Arid Food Gra;, Rcsearch and Developmrent iSAFGRADi West and Cent3al fca Sorghim Researcn Nc-twork IWCASRN, 02075) U S Agency tof International Deveiopment (USAID) Semr-Ardc Foco Grarn Researcn and Development SAFGRAD; Plant ecology Hofuene vege ltion history in Norti Maal. 103805) Ur ersitaer Wuerzburg PR3jet Diversification Agncoie et Renfo'cement oes Organisations Locals iDAROL-Balleyara i4th phasel i056405 Netherlands Development Organizatic-i SNvi Study on the parasitic .jeed Striga in M31! itS tCology anr ecology and control methods l03398) International Foundat;on for Science [Limnological. stdirnentological and prant-history research in DOado and Karar. North-East Niger' Limnologische. sedirmentologische urd vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in DOado und Karar. NE-N,ger i03804) Universitaet Wuerzburg Plant genetics and breeding Agricultural research dnd diversification 101881 I U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural research project. 103442) World Bank: Burkina Faso Applied agricultural research. (01836) U.S Agency for International Development. Applied research programme: Network for Semi-Arid Lowlands of West Africa (SALWA-AFRENA. (02616) International Council for Researct in Agroforestry. 80 Index of propcts by discipline Assessment of conditions for replicating production systems in Afnca's savap. * areas - seeond stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recher.-he Agronomqu! *i .e Devefoppement (CIRADI. Cassava Network [Reseau Maniocj (02084l Conference des Respnrsables de Recherche Akro-omique Afrca s et F ancals Central anrd West Afncan Root Crops Collaborative Rssear(cn Network lCEV- ; RNx 402166) Intemational Institute of Tropcai Agriculture CfIMMYT SACCAR Ma:ze Research Network to Soulthern Alria (026641 Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development. ClMMYT SAFGRAD Maize Research Network for Easterin AM;ca. i026631 Semi-And Food Grain Research and Developmen! C. Ilaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpei s. (01345) U.S. Agenc! International Development (USAIUlI;Mich;gar S'alt6I Inive-srty Coltabcrative Research Support Prograr niCRSrp Peanuts. i013411 )l S Agency for !nternational Devel:pment iUSAIDIUnivers!tv of Georgia ColOancra'ive Research Support Prograrn (CRSPy Sorghum and d.liet fi TSORM.IL. 31,44i U.S Agency for Intemational - 'elopment lUS&sA'lTnre Ul s:ty of NeFt;'.a*Linccin. Compdrative physiology. field performance and propaga2irO -! piants of the Prosopis :0474^J Overseas Development Administraic I (NRRDi. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN) 1021711 International Crops Research Instiute for the Semi-Aric Tropics Cooperative Programme lor the Improvencr. ur ui eieflc Re ources of Multipurpose Woody Species. 102174) Food and Agriculture Organization iM the UInited Natimns. Development of a method for vegetative propagation of cashew. (038781 Bundestorschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzw, .sOhaft IB lA Drought Resistance Research Network (R3SI [Reseau dt. R'-cherche sur a Resistance a la Secheressel, (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Franca!b Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAMi. 81 Index of projects by discipline i02076) U.S. Agency for International Deve'-ment ,USAID1 Semi-Ard Food G.ain Research and Develpment iSAFGRAO). Eastrem Senegal rural development project (01123) Word Bank: Senegal. Food crop research. (01885) U.S. Agency for International Development Forestry development. (01844) U S. Agency for International Development. Gerrnplasm conservation and improvement of Parkia bilobosa lJacq) Benth for multipurpose use. (05665) University cI WVles. Bangor; CNSF. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, FRIN. Nigeria; SAFS. Nancy. France. WAU: The Netherlands Groundnut Network Reseau Arachide]. (02087) Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Africans et Franiais. Improvemeits to millet. sorghum. cowpea. and maize crops in the Sahel. 102738) Commission of the European Communities Intemational Pearl Millet Adaptation Trial ilPMAT). (05375) In emational Crops Research Institute tor the Semi-Arid Tropics. intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). 102160) United Nations Development Program UNDP) European Economic Comrnission iEECO/Japan. Jnternational Soybean Program (INTSOY) 05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Irrigation rehabititation project. , 01.1 28) World Bank . Niger. Morphogevetic va, ability in the infectton sites of the stem cf SesUania rostrata: fn vitro study of 'he ieqetative bud (03404) Inte,national Foundation for Science. National rese lich and extension project. t01 139) Woric Bank. Guinea National seeds orolect. (01678) World E ank: Guinea. 82 Index ot projects by discipl:ne Network for Improvement of Rice Cuhtivahon [Reseau Rizl. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afncains et Franrais. Niger cereals research (01336) U.S. Agency tor International Develcpment. O"ice du NKger consoldation project. (03502) World Bank: Mali. On-farm seed production project for Sub-Saharan Africa. 102050) Winrock Intemational. Operation Haute Vallee: 01 training Operation Haute Vallee management and extension personnet. (01868) U.S. Agency for Intemational Develapment. Phase 1: Resistance of cowpea to Striga gesnenoides and Alectra yogelii Phase !1: Resistance of legumes and cereals to Stnga species. (01767) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Reconnaissance ' preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan African countries. with special reference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones tSSZ) !02094i World Bank Regional programme tor the improvement of millet, sorghum. cowpeas. and maize itrans.tional phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research into millet at the ICRISAT Sahel Centre (Niger). (02734) Commission of the European Communities. Research programme on phytogenettc resources. '03408) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Reseau Colon (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recher :hes Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Semi-arid tropic research 11. (01834) U.S. Agency for International Oevelopment. Sorghum and torage legume crop components as inhibitory factors: ihe establishment of the African migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) in newly developed areas of the Subsaharan Sahel. (03852) Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf. 83 Index of pror , oy discipline The West and Central Afr:ca Cowpea Collaborative Research Network IRENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDiit"O1,.-Arid Food Grain Research and Development ISAFGRAD). U S.ilsrael program for cooperative deve,opment research. 101949' U.S Agency tor Intematonal Development. Village relorestatiori (01845) U.S Agency tor International Development. West Atrica Collaborative Groundnut Research Network- !niir !2 ,etna rmnpc Aesearch Institute tor the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISATI. West Atr;ca Maize Collaborative Research Network iReseau Mais! (02156) Conierence des Responsables de flecherche Agronomique Al;icains West Atrica Regional Cooperative for Research on Plant?,n IWARCORP). (021671 Intemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture West Afrca Regional Pearl Mille; Improvement Program (02154) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West African Forages Network iWAFNETI (02103) Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. West and Central At. ica Maize Collaborative Research Network IWFCAMANj (02157) U.S Agency for International Development IUSAID)iSemi-Ard Foodi Grain Research and DeveloPmen- ISAFGRAD) West and Central Atrica Sorghum Research Network IWCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for international Development IUSAID) Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRADI. Plant physiology - Growth and development AGRHYMET. Pilot phase. (05583) WMO (World Meleorological Organization). Biological function of lectine in Psophocarpus palustris. (03100) International Foundation for Science. Drought Resistance Research Network iR3S) 'Reseau de Rechercvc .,sistance a Ia Secheressel 84 Index of projects by disciplne 1026 10) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afncains et FranKais. Effects of dust deposites and microvanabilty on edaphial site conditions with regard to sermi-arid and sub-humid tocations in West Africa. (046571 Universitaet Hohenheim. In vitro micropropagation and nitrogen fixatin by Acacia albida (03272) Intemational Foundation fcr Science. Influence of different fertilization on growth of pearl millet and groundnut in Niger. (04629) Unrversitaet Hohenheim Mineral nutri t uptake in millet: Effect of mineral fertilizer and crop residue on growth and mineral nutrient uotake in mil:et (03960) Unrversitaet Hohenheim Morphogenetic variability in the infection sites of the stern uf Sesbania rostrata. in vitro study of the vegetative bud. (03404) Intemational Foundation for Science. Water economy and the development of arabic gum trees (Acacia senegal) in the Sahel zone in Senegal. (03033) Intemational Foundation for Science. Water Management SeneE .l River-valley (Richard Toll. Phase 2). (05506) Agricultural University Wageningen. Plant physiology - Nurition Association Intemationale pour l'Optimisation de ia Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOPI (International Association for the Opiimization of Plant Nutrtion). (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Deve )w ment (CIRAD). Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Soils management (TROPSOILSP (01346) U.S. Agency for Internatonal Development (USAID)lNorth Cirolina State University. Groundnut Network 'Reseau Arachide]. 102087) Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Africains et Fran;ais. i% ;nfluence of various organ;c fertilizers on the exploitation of soil ph sphate by millet and groundnut in semi-arid West Africa. (04662) Universitaet Hohenheim. L 85 Index of projects by discipline Morphogenetic variability in the infection sdes of the stem of Sesbania rostrata: in vitro study of the vegetative bud. (03404) International Foundation for Scence. Reconnaissance. preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sak-Saharan African countries, with special feference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ). 102094) World Bank. Utilization of ligneous plants as a complement in animal feeding in Senegal 103258) Intemational Foundation for Science Nater economy and the development of arabic gum trees (Acacia senegal) in the Sahel zone in Senegal. 103033) intemational Foundaticn for Science Plant physiology - Reproduction In vrro micropropagation and nitrogen fixation by Acacia albida. (03272) Intemational Foundation for Science. Morphogenetic variability in the infection sites of the stem of Sesbania rostrata: in vitro study of the vegetative bud. (03404) Intemational Foundation for Science. Plant physiolcgy and biochemistry Biological function of lectine in Psophocarpus palustris. (03100) International Foundation for Science. Comparative physiology, field performance and propagation of plants of the Prosopis. 104742) Overseas Developrnent Administration (NRRD(. Environment and development ;n Mali - Wild plants used for foocd medicine and handicrafts. (04337) University of Oslo. Morphogenetic variability in the intection sites of the stem of Sesbania rostrata: ir vitro study of the vegetative bud. (03404) tnternational Foundation for Science. Reseau Coton ICOTONI. (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais ICORAF). 86 Index of protects by discipline Utilization of ligneous plants as a complement in animal feeding in Senegal. 403258) Intemational Foundation lor Science. Plant propagation Agncultural services Iformeily Second agricultural services project). (Cl 197) World Bank. Guinea. Assessment of conditions for replcating production systems in Atrica's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement ICIRAD). Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc]. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronornique Africains et Francais. Co1Iaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency tor International Development (USAID)fThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Development of 3 method tor vegetative propagation ol cashew. 103878) Bundeslorschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft (BFA). Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency tor International Development (USAID)/Seni-And Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Germplasm conservation and improvement of Parkia bilobosa (Jacq) Benth tor multipurpose use. (05665) University of Wales. Bangor: CNSF. Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso: FRIN. Nigeria: SAFS. Nancy. France: WAU; The Netherlands. In vitro micropropagation and nitrogen fixation by Acacia albida. (03272) International Foundation for Science. Morphogenetic variability in the infection sites o1 the stem of Sesbania rostrata. in v;tro study of the vegetative bud. i03404) Intemational Foundation tor Science National research and extension project. (01 139, World Bank. Guinea National seeds crc ect 101678i Wor B-" . 87 Index of projects by discipline On-farm seed production project for Sub-Saharan Africa. (02050) Winrock Intemational. Regional programme for the improvement of milet. sorghum. covpeas. and maize (transitonal phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute Reseau Coton (COTONi. (02082) France. Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). West African Forages Network fWAFNETi. (02103) Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau, MOFA. JAPAN. Plant structue Morphogenetic variability in the infection sites of the stem of Sesbania rostrata: in vitro study of the vegetative bud. (03404) International Foundation for Sc:ence. Supervision of a rice glume gas generator. i01430) Gesellschaft tuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZl. Plant taxonomy and geography Comparative physiology. field performance and propagation of pi2nts of the Prosopis. (04742) Overseas !9evelopment Administration (NRRD). Environment find development in Mali - Wild plants used for food. medicine and handicrafts. (04337) University of Or', Pollution African emergency. locust grasshopper. (01605) U S Agency for International Development. Agrononmic Fertilizer Research Program (AFRP). )02147) International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa IlFOC-Atrica). An integrated research programme on the development of biological pesticides for locust and grasshopper control. 88 Index of projects by disciplie (01546) U.S. Agency for Intemational Oevskopment. Ecological consequences of Italian Locusis: pest control in tropical and subtropical Africa. 101603) Insttut fuer Biogeographie. Universitaet des Saarlandes. Ecolological side-effects Yf locust control agents. (04638) Universitaet des Saarlandes. Environmental effects of insecticides against locust and grasshoppers. (04338) Universrty of Oslo. Forestry and fishery management. 101196) Worid Bank: Guinea. Proposal for a research project on the devebpment of new methods in locust control. (02090) Gesellschaf1 fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Research programme on the biological and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Intemational Institute of Biological Control. Processing of agricuttural wastes African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC)\ Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Processing of forest produicts Ecology/environment programme: reforestation and conservation of tte forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute Second forestry project. (03503) World Bank. Mali. Vtllage reforestation. (01845) U.S. Agency for Internalional Development. Processing of non-food or non-feed agricultural products Reseau Coton ICOTON). i02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recterches Agronomique Africaiis el 89 Index of proects by discipline Francats ICORAF) Production economiics African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Agriculturai research and diversification. (01881) U.S Agency for International Development. Agricultural SECAL. (01681) Woild Bank. Burkina Faso. Agriculture SECAL. (04366) World Bank. Senegal. Assessment of conditions for replicating production systems in Afrca's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Case studies on raising agricultural productivity of wonien in Africa for increased food production (02t51) World Bank. Conditions for developing non-lanm productive activities in rural areas of Afrnca. A companson of YatengaiBurkina Faso and Extreme-Nord/Cameroun. (04639) Universitaet Frankfurt. Crop diversification and agricultural services project. (01193) World Bank: Equatorial Guinea. Culture en couloir (Malii [Al:ey cropping - Malil. (01290) International Development Research Centre. Improving the Procuc ivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (C2621) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Increase of productivity and control of diseases ol small ruminants. (03410) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Influence of different cropping systems on the productivity and reliability of yields as well as soil tertility and elficiency of water use. (01406) Universilaet Hohenheim. 90 Index ol proects by discipline Niger cereals research. (01336) U.S. Agency for Intemnational Development. Operation Haute Vallee: 01 training Operation Haute "allee management and extension personnel. (01868) U.S. Agency for International Development. Projet Femmes et Developpement dans la Zone Mali-Sud (phase 11). (05610) RTI (Royal Tropical InstduteJ. River fisewes (Senegal). (02512) International Development Research Centre. Small holder productivity. 101896) U.S. Agency for International Deveiopment. Vegetative propagation Phase 11 iSenegal) [Multiplication Vegetative Second Phase - Senegal). (01280) Intemational Development Research Centre. Water management Senegal river-valley (Richard Toll. Phase 11). (03623) Agricultural University Wageningen. West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network [Reseau Maisi. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains. Protection of plants - General aspects African emergency/locust grasshopper. (01605) U.S. Agency for International Development, Biological function of lectine in Psophocarpus palustris. (03100) Intemational Fourciation for Science Development of Neem resnarch initiatives in Mali. (01548) U.S. Agency for Irlernational Development. Phase 1: Resistance of cowpea to Striga gesnerioides and Alec.ra yogelii Phase 11 Resistance of legumes and cereals to Striga species. (C1767) Overseas Development Administration INRRD). Reseau Colon (COTON). (020821 France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF) 91 Index ot projects by discipline Use of Neemn plant extract as a pre-treatmenl in crop protection against grasshoppers and locusts in Africa. (01826) U.S. Agency for International Development. Renewable energy resources African Center of Meteorotogical Applications for Development IACMAD) (01109) World Meteorological Organization tWM .O Ecology/en,vironment programme reforest3tion and conservation of Mhe forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute Forestry devE )pment. (01844) U.S. gency for International Development. Monitonng of renewable natural resources in the Sahel (02739) Commission of Mhe European Communities. Special energy program (01429) Gesellschafttfuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Utilization ot inexhaustibie energy sources. (01431) GeseUlschaft tuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Vegetation of the AIR-Mountains (North NigerI and their traditional use. (01362) Universitael Wuerzburg. Village reforestation. (01845) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Research methods An integrated research programme on the development of biological peslicides for locust and grasshopper control. (01546) U.S. Agency for Ifirernarional Developmer.. Appraisal of risks in Agiiculture in developing countries, 105509) State University of Groningen. The Netherlands/University of Ouagadou3'eu. Centre d'Etudes de Documentation. de Recherches Economique et Social (CEDRES). Burkina Faso. 8iological control of grasshoprers in Cape Verde 92 Index of proecrts ty discipline (01547) U.S. Agency k. Interna .onal Divelopt_ni. Bio.ogical control of locusts and grasshoppers in Africa. 102102) Unned States Department of Agrculture Draught animals for production feeding and working strategies for draugrt an;rra , (04753) Overseas Developmnent Administration (NRRDj Durable landuse and foodprcduction in developing countries. developrreiL .1euac e production systems in the tropics. (05592) CABO (centre for Agrobiological Research). Feeding and management strategies for draught animals. 101i820) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of Afrcan LivestG .k. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General tor Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioirmmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) D.:.ctorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Locust research prooramme. (02780i The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecolog. Niger Applied Agnculturar Research Project INAARP). 102049) Winrock International On-farm studies to develop recommendations for the importance of livestock f g systems in the tsetse endemic regions of West Africa. (01808) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Participation in the HAPEX-II project (HAPEX = HydrologicaltAtmospheric Pilot Experiment). (056511 ORSTOM tNiameylICNRM (Toulousel, Proposal for a research project on the development of new metnods in ocuS! control. 102090) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit iGTZi Reconnaissance prepara!;on sluoy on forestry biotechnology n the drought-prone Sub-Saharan Africar, countries. with special reference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones ISSZ). (020941 World Bank. Research on mechan,zation for small scale agricultural production in the tropics 93 Index of projects by discipline (05596) IMAG (Institute for Agcultural Engineeringl. * ?°sau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et * Francais (CORAF). SADAOC (Secunte Alimentaire durable en Atrique de Q'Ouest Centrale!. 105662) ECOPM (European Centre for Development Policy Managerient). Sero-surveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa. using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation ISAREC). Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. 401 108) World Bank. The protection ot fish against blowfl!es during drying and beetle infestation during storwe. (34710) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Vegetatrve propagation Phase II (Senegal) [Multiplication Vegetative Second Phase - Senegal]. (012801 tntemational Development Research Centre. West African Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRN RESPACi. (026191 tntemationai Fund for Agrcultural Development ItFAD Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development iSAFGRADi Rural population Ateuier des Forgerons Koutiala. i05635i CMDT ICompagnie Malienne pour le Developpement des Textiles). Developpement Bas Fonds de Riz productior Bafata. :O5600i SNV (Assication Neerandais d'Assistance au Developpenrenti. Eco1og,cal Research World Bank-cattle project Chad. 105572; AB (Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility). Gestion des Resources Naturelles dans le Cercle de Nialunke (GRN). i05668) Afr,care, SNV (Association Neeriandaise dassistance au Developpmentt. Programme national de techno!ogie rizicole apres recolte. 05608i FAO. 94 Index of proJeCtS by discipline Pret Femmes et Developpement dais la Z7ne Mali-Sud (phase 11). (05610) RTI (Royal Tropical Institute). Storage of cereals by pastoralists. (04761) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Rutul sociohgy Afxcan Research Network for Agncultural By-Products (ARNAB. (02170) International Development Rese3rch Centre (IDRC): Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa /ILCA). Afncan Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agrculture Organization. Assessment of ccnditions ior replicating production systems ir Afnca's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Intemationate en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developement (CIRADi. Conditions for developing non-farm productive activities in rural areas of Africa. A companson of Yatenga,Burkina Faso and Extreme-Nord,Cameroun. (04639) Universitaet Frankfurt. Culture en couloir (Mali) [Alley cropping - Mali'. (01290) Intemational Development Research Centre. Development of Haute Vallee. (01927) U.S. Agency for International Development. Development of Neem research initiatives in Mali. (01548) U.S. Agency fcr lnterna!!onal Development. Environment and development in Mali - Wild p!ar:s used for food. medicine and handicrafts, (04337) University of Oslo Environmental management prolect. 101682) Wcrld Bank: Burkina Faso. Evaluation and comparison of two milk production systems in the Niayes Region of Senegal. (03366) Intemational Fourdation for Science. Improvemenws to millet. sorgnum. cowpea. and maize rrops in the Sanel. 95 Index of prolects by discipline (02738) Commission of the European Communities. Migrateon and identity in Senegal. (04640) Universitaet Bayreuth National argncultural information system (Burktna Faso) - Phase 11. (02577) Internationa' Deveiopment Research Centre. On-Farrr. Fertiiizer Adoption P' )gram (OFFAP) (02148) Intemational Fertilizer De-'elopment Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa) Operation Haute Vallee: 01 training Operation Haute Vallee manacr personnel. (01868) U.S. Age, 'or ntemational Development. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Scence Research. (02661) Winrock irternational. Ford Foundation. Programme for the strengthening of fesearch on production systems. '03418) CILSS-Sahel Irstitute. Projet Femmes et Developpement dans la Zone Mal-Sud (phase 11). '05610) RTI (Royal Tropical Institute). Reconnaissance preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan African countries. wift special reference to Sahelan and Sudarian zones ISSZ). (02094) World Pank Reseau Coton (COTON?. (02Ct82) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Reseau Femmes et Developpernent (FEMC'--V) '&oren in Development Network. 102652? r'- *OCMInstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement er Coop*- River fisr . mnegaii. (02512) Intprnational Development Resea-ch Centre Social Science Interface Research Unit tSSIRU). (02779) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Soil Fertility Restoration Project ISFRP) (021431 International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa iIFDC-Africal. 96 Index of proiects by discipline Vegetation of the AIR-Mountains (North Nger) and their tradiional use. i01362) Uneverstaet Wuerzburg. Villae reforestation. (01845) U.S. Agency for International Development. West Afncan Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRN/RESPAO). (02619) International Find for Agocultural Development IlFAD)/Semi-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Seed -rodton Agncultural develpment proect 11. (01020) Word Bank: Gambia. Agncuitural rehabilitation project. (03458) World Bank: Chad. Agricultural research project (03442) World Bank: Burkina Faso. Collaborative Research Support Program /CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAIDyMichigan State University. Collaborative Research Support Program GCRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID).The University of Nebraska-Lincoln- Conservation. management and restoration of nature in degenerated ecosystems in the tropics and sub-tropics. (05598) IBN (Institute for forestry and Nature Research). de Dorschkamp. Effects of different methods of weed control on seed yeld and seed quality of different tropical fodder legumes. (04600) Universitaet Giessen. Environment and development in Mali Witd plants used for food, medicine and handicrafts. 404337) University of Oslo. Germplasm conservation and improvement of Parkia bilobosa (Jacq) Benth for multipurpose use. (05665) University of Wales. Bangor: CNSF. Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso: FRIN. Nigeria: SAFS. Nancy. France: WAU: The Netherlands. 97 Index of projects by discipline Groundnut Network [Reseau ArachKide. (02087) Confererce des Responsables Agronomiques Afrtcains et Franiais. Gueckedou agricultural development project. (01136) World Bank: Guinea. Hauts-Bassins agncullural development project. (01018) Wov'd Bank. Burkina Faso. Improvements to millet, sorghum. cowpea. and maize crops in the Sahel. (02738) Comrnissio. of the European Communities. Irrigation IV project. (03524) World Bank: Senegal. Irrigation rehabilitation project, (01 128) World Bank: Niger. Lvestock sector 11. 401852) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Mopti area development project. (03501) World Bank: Mali. National seeds project. (01678) Wotld Bank: Guinea. On-farm seed production pro;ect for Sub-Saharan Africa. i02050) Winrock International. Phase 1: Resistance of cowpea to Striga gesneriodes and Alectra yogehi Phase II: Resistance of legumes and cereals to Striga species. (01757) Overseas Development Administration INRRD). PVO development initiatives - watershed development. 101930) U.S. Agency for nternational Development. Regional p,ogramne for tne Improvement of millet. sorghum. cowpeas. and maize itransitional phasei. (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Tree seeds (Burkina Fasol - Phase 11. f04187) International Development Research Centre. West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). 020 75i U.S. Agency fcr International Development IUSAID)I.SemliArid Food Grain Research 98 Index of projects by discipline and Development (SAFGRAD). SoD biokgy Agncuttural research proect. (03442) World Bank: Burkina Faso. Biological function of lectine in Psophocarpus palustns (03100) Intemational Foundation for Science. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAID)iMichigan State University. Effect of some root endophytes on local leguminous trees. (03034) Intemational Foundation for Science. In vitro micropropagation and nitrogen fixation by Acacia albda. t03272) Intemational Foundation for Science. Influence of different fertilization on growth of pearl millet and groundnut in Niger. ! 04629) Universitaet Hohenheim. Inoculation of rhizobium in groundnuts. soybeans and cowpeas in Seregal. (02991) Intematonal Foundation for Science. Mineral nutrient uptake in millet: Effect oi mineral fertilizer and crop residue on growth and mineral nutrient uptake in millet. (03960) Universitaet Hohenheim. Molecular biology of SesbaniaAzorhizobium symbiosis: Molecular biology of the symbiosis between the stem-nodulating diazotrophic microbe Azorhizoblum caulinodans and its host, the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata. (03957) Max-Planck-lnstitut fuer Zuechtungsforschung. Nitrogen Fixation by Tropical Agrcultural Legumes INifTAL). (05377) University of Hawaii. Nutrient supply. nutrient movement and nVtrogen fixation (014171 Universitaet Hohenheirm Study of Frankia inoculation and its combined effects with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza IVAM) in Casuanna equisetifolia. 103107) Intenational Foundation for Science. Water economy and Ihe development of arabic gum trees (Acacia senegal) in tne Sahel 99 Index of projects by discipline zone in Senegal. (03033) Intemational Foundation for Science. Soil cheuisy and physics Collaborative Research Suppon Program iCRSP): Soils management (TROPSOILS). 101346) U.S Agency for Intemnational Development lUSAlODyNorth Carolina State University. Influence of various organic tertilizers on the exploitation of soil phosphate by millet and groundnut in semi-and West Aftrca (046621 Universitael Hohenheim National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC 11. (05624) ISRIC (International Soil Reference and Information Centre). Participation in the HAPEX-l1 project (HAPEX = Hydrological[Atmospheric Pilot Expenment). (05651) ORSTOM lNiamey)lCNRM (Toulouse). Soil classication and genesis Conservation. managemert and restoration of nature in degenerated ecosystems in the tropics and sub-tropics (05598) !BN I Institute for forestry and Nature Research). de Dorschkamp. Holocene vegetation history in North Mall. (03805) Universitaet Wuerzburg. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa iIRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program IUNDP);European Economic Commission (EEC)/Japan. National Soil Reference Collections fNASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (International Soil Reference and information Centre). Reseau Europeen d Etude aes Laterites i EUROLATi European Network cn Ferralsols Studies!. 1026391 Ministere de la Recherche et de ; Enseignement Supereur Universite of Strasbourg. Soil and water resources management unit. (01922) U.S. Agency for Inmernational Development. 100 Index of projects by discipline [Limnological, sedimentological and plant-history research in Djado and Karar. North-East Nigerl Limnologaschie, sedimTentoloische und vegetationsgeschich"iche Untershungen tn Djado und Karar, NE-Niger. (03804) Universitaet Wuerzburg. Soil cultivation Agricultural development project 11. (01020) Word Bank: Gambia. Agricultural research prolect. (03442) World Bank: Burkina Faso. Agricultural research support. (03665) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Applied agricutural research. (01836) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Appropriate mechanization of field work and transportation. (01476) Universitaet Hohenheim. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la Secheresse]. (02610) Conference des Responsables c Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francals. Dual purpose use of Pearl-millet in mixed farming syslems. (04622) Universitaet Hohenheim Eastem Africa Regional Sorghun and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Semi-And Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Food crop research. J01885) U.S. Agency for International Development. Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachide]. 1020871 Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Afrncains et Francals. Hauls-Bassins agricultural development project. (01018) World Bank: Burkina Faso, Mopti area development project. 103501) World Bank: Mali. 101 Index of proects by discipline National ag icultural export promotion project (Export crop. formerly Agncuitural expor proe. tion, formerty Export crops). (01017) Wr d Bank: Guinea. Netork to. Improvement of Rice Cultivation [Reseau Riz]. (02161) C(.iference des Responsabies de Recherche Agronomique AfrKcains et Franqats. Research ^n, mechanization for small srale agricultural production in the tropics. 105596) IP,_AG I Instiute for Agrcultural Engineerirgl. Senegal -'reals production phase 11. (01851) *.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Soil and water resources management unit. (01922) U.S. Agency for In emational Development. Water Management Senegal River-valley (Richard Toll, Phase 21. (05506) Agrcultural University Wageningen. West Africa Regional Cooperative fcr Research on Plantain fWARCORP). (02167) Intemational Instnute of Tropicc.l Agriculture. West and Central Afnca Sorghum Research Network IWCASRNI (02075) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID) Semi-Arid Food Grain Researcn and Development (SAFGRADi. Soil erosion, conservation and reclamation Agrcultural research prolect. 1034421 World Bank: Burkina Faso. Collaborative Research Support Program iCRSPj: Soils management (TROPSOILSi. (01346) U.S. Agency for hIternat:onal Development iUSAID) North Carolina State University. Crop diversification and aoricultural services pfoject. (01 193) World Bank. Equatorial Guine3 Direction Departemental de I Environnement de Tahoua IDDE). iO56431 SNV ( Netherlands Development Organization). Divison de Recherche sur les Systemes de Production Rural. (05611) KIT i Royal Trop-cal Institutej. Ecological monitoring of tne dynamics of desertification. 102 Index of projects by discipline (03415) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Ecology/environmnent programme: reforestation and conservation of the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Hauts-Bassins agricultural development project. (01018) Woild Bank: Burkina Faso. National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC II). (05624) ISRIC (Intemat'onal Soil Reference and Information C-entre). Niamey Department development phase 11. (01173) U.S. Agency for International Development. Prograrnme support to CMDT (Programme appui de la SNV a la CMDT). (05584) SNV (Association Neerlandais d'Assistance au Developpement Nethertands Develoepment Organization). Research and study programme on the possibility of intensification of fodder and animal production in the framework of an association of agriculture and livestock breeding ir Sub-Sahelian. Sudanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (02638) ORSTOM/Institut Francais de Recherche Scientilique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Rural environment management (formerly Environmental protecton program. formerly Natural resources management (02096) World Bank: Guinea. Senegal retorestation. (01842) U.S. Agency for International Development. Soil and water resources management unit. (01922) U.S. Agency for International Development. The impact of management practices Gn the water use efficiency of rainfed crops In the semi-ard Iropcs. (01699) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Water economy and the development of arabic gum trees (Acacia senegal) in the Sahel zone in Senegal (03033) Intemational Foundation for Science. 103 Index of proiects by discipline Watershed and applied research development. (03658) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. [Central Plateau soil management projectJ Projet Amenagement de Ternirs dans le Plateau Central (PATECORE). (03780) German Agency for Technical Cooperaton (GTZ). Soii fewty Ayricultural services. (01194) World Bank; Gambia. Agncuhtural semces project. (01674) World Bank; Mali. Agronomic Fertilizer Research Program (AFRP). (02147) Intemational Fertiiizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Africa). Assessment of conditions for replicating production systems in Africa's savanna areas- second stage. (02096) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD) Collaborative Research Support Program ICRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL) (01344) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)iThe University of Nebraska-Lincoin. Culture en couloir IMali) TAIley cropping - Malij. (01290) International Development Research Centre. Divison de Recherche sur les Sys:emes de Production Rurai. (05611) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Effects of dust deposites and microvariability on edaphical site conditions with regard to semi-arid and sub-humid locations in West Africa. i04657) Universitaet Hohenheim Influence of different cropping sys!ems on the productivity and reliaoiilty of yields as well as soil fertility and efficiency of water use. 101406) Universitael Hohenheim. Inflijence of different fertilization on growth of pearl millet and groundnut in Niger. 104629) Universitaet Hohenheim. Influence of varous organc fertilizers on the exploitalion of soil phosphate by 104 Index of projects by discipline milt and aro ndut in semi-and West Africa. (04662) Universitaet Hohenheim Network on Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) --ational Rice Research Institute. Management of vertisols under sern.-and conditions in Afnca (;AOVUSAC). *01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management. National agricultural research project. (02097) Wcrld Bank; Niger. Nutnent suoply. ntitnent movement and n!!rc-,en fixat!o!* (01417) Universitaet Hohenheim Production Soudane Sahelienne (PSS). (05653) AB (Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility). Projet d'Appui a la Division de Recherches sur les Systemes de Production Rurale (ORSPR). Votet Fonsebougou. (056131 KIT (Royal Tropical Institutel. Reforestation project. Rive Droite Tera. Phase 3 (Projet Reboisement. Rive Droite I era. Phase 3). (05579) Netherlands Development Organization ( SNV) Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGIS). Second agnrcultural research project. (01125) World Bank; ISRA. Senegal. Soil and water resources management unit. (01922) U.S. Agency for International Developmrent. Soil Fertility Restoration Project (SFRP) (02143) International Fertilizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa) Studies on the forage potential and analysis of the dlegradation proc:ss in pastoral ecosystems in the Ferlo region 103091 I International Foundation for Science Support to the Sodi Research Section. Sotuba. Phase 3 (Appui de la Cellule : Agro-Pedologie et Laooratoire des Sols de Sotuba. phase 3. (05587) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute I West African Forages Nelwork (WAFNET) 1021031 Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. J.C.PAN. 105 hdex of profecI3 by discipltne Sob saence and management Agronomic Fertilizer Researcn Program (AFR. (02147) Inlernatioral Fertilize' Development C_ . r. AMrca (IFDC-AMrica. Collaborative Research Suppert Program (CRSP): Soils management TFOPSOILS 010346) J S. Agency for Interrational Development USAID) North Carolira State Jniversity. Divison dte Recherche sur les Systemes ae Production Rural. (056. 1) KIT iRoyal T'opical Instituvi. Durable landuse and foodprocuct on deva'opinq countries: developmen' of durable production systems in the trop os. (05592i CABO (cer re for Ag-cbiological Research) Effects of dust Jeposites and rrncrovanability on edaphical site conditions v. th regard to semi-arid anid sub-humid 1carions in West Afria. 404657) Universitaet Honenhe-m. tAanagement of vertisols undJer semi-arid conditions n Al,ica (MOVUSAC) 101022J Internationai Board fcr Sail Research and Management. National Soil Reference Colle tions INASREC Iti. (05624) ISRIC lIntemational Soil Reference and In ormation Centrel. On-Farm Fertilizer Adoption Program gOFFAP). (0214e) International Fertilizer Developmen! Cente-. Africa IFDC-Atr cal. Progr3amme support to CMDT i Programme aopui ce ia SNV a la CMDTt 05584) S'JV lAssociation Neerlanda!s dAssistanca au Developpernent Nether!ancis Develoeprment Organizator . Public works in Atrica to imnPove food-security. 04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft technische Zusammenarbe!t IGTZi. Soil and wa:er esources managenr-ct unit. 01922) U S A,ency for Intertat.onal Deveiopmem. Soil Fertility Restoration Project ISFRP). i021431 Internat,onal Fert lizer Development Center. Africa !FDC-Africai. The impact of managerrent practices on the water use efficiency oi ainfed crops in the semi-arid tropics. 106 Index of projects by discipline (01699j Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). [Arid and Acid Soils Networkj. (02636) U.S Agency for International Developmenl. [Central Plateau soil management project) Projet Amenagement de Terroirs dans le Plateau Central (PATECOREl . (03780) German Agency for Techncal Cooperation (GTZ). Soil surveys and mapping Anricultural support services project. 1034431 World Bank. Burkina .-aso. National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC 11). (056241 ISRIC (Intemational Soil Referenre and Information Centre). Surveying methods Environmental management prolect (016E2) World Bank: Burkina Faso. Greenness mapping for grasshopper and locust control (02683) U.S. Agency for International Developri,er. Integrated livestock production 03 natural resource man;erne'rt (0166fl U.S. Agency for International Developmnent. Meteorological Data Distribution Systems IMODi. (05774) Overseas Develcpmen! Administration NRRDi. Monitonnn c qmawable natural resources in the Sahel (02739) Con 'e European Communites National livestock i034591 World Bar J Proposal for a *eis rcje- on the development of new methods ir locust controi l02CA 3esellscnat! er r iciniscrne Zusammenarbeit GTZ,. Reseau Coten ICOTONW M02M82 France. Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomquc Africains et Francais iCORAF, 107 Index of projects by discipline The potential of runoff rngation in the Sahel region. i03788) Comrrission of the European Communities iCECI. iRatnfall and agricultural season in Soudano-Sahelian zone - trainmng 1.l and by research) Pluviometrie et saison agricole en zone Soudano-Sahelienne - une formation aet par la recherche. (037961 Ecols Inter-Etats d Ingenieurs de I Equipeinent Rural tEIER, Trade. .narketing and distribution Agriculturai deveioprnent pro;ect It (01020 World Bank. Gamb:3 Agrtcuttural rehabilitation project ,03458i World Bank. Chad Agrcultural research protect. i034421 World Bank: Burkina Faso Agricultural SECAL ,01681) World Bank. Burkina Faso Agricultural sector adjustment irvestrent prolect i0ltJ3i) World Bank. Mak! Agr;cL;uural sector adjustment investmen! proiect. 02659) World Bark: Mauritania Agriculture research proiect i01126) World Bank. Senegal Agriculture SECAL 104366) W'Vorld BanK: Senegal Agrcutture sector restructuring. i036601 U.S. Xgency for International Development. Appraisal of risks in Agriculture in developing countries. j055091 State University of Groningen. The Netherlands University ot Ouagadougou. Centre dEudes de Documenlaton de Recherches Economique et Socia ICEDRES. Burkira Faso. Assessment of conditions for replicating proluction systems in Africa s savanna areas - seco.od stage t020981 Centre de Cocperatior Internatlonate en Recherche Agronomique pour le 108 Index of projects by discipline Developpement (CIRADI ColI-boratbve Research Support Program fCRSP). Beans and cowpeas. . 01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAID);Michtgan State University Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) Sorghum and millet I!NTSORM!LL. 010344) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Crop dwversification and agricultural services pro1ect 101l931 World Bank. Equatorial Guinea. Development and promotion of appropriate tools and implement for the agricultural ana food processing sector ;!nterim phase) IILO 89 INT M03, (05648) ILO (Internationa! Labour Officei Development of Haute Vailee (019271 U.S. Agency for International Development Developpement du secteur maraicher au Cap Vert. (056091 FAO Eastem Senegal rural development project jO1 t231 World Bank: Senega Fertilizer Marketing and Trade Information Program IFMTIPI (02145) Directorate General .or Intemational Cooperation IOGIS): U.S. Agency for Intemational Developmnent iUSAIDi 'i Improvements to millet. sorghum. cowpea. and maize crops in the Sahel (02738) Commossion of the European Communities. International agricullural research centers 09 International Livestock Center for Afrca 1ILCA). 101967) U S Agency for International Development. Uvestock sector Phase 11I (03685) U S Agency for Internatronal Oevetopment. Mopti area developmrent project * 03501 j World Bank. Mali. Nutritional effects of cash cropping 101050i International Fund for Agrcultural Development. Research programme on food sacurity. strategies and policies. 109 .. I'_______________________________ Index of projects by discipline (03417( CILSS-Sahel Institute. SADAOC (Securite Alimentaire durable en Afrique de l'Ouest Centralei. (05662) ECDPM (European Centre tor Development Policy Managementi Second Mali Sud rural development project. jOl 130) World Bank: Mali. Veterinary science and hygiene Agricultural support servtces prolc? j03443) World Bank: Burkina Faso Eastem Senegal rural development project 101123) World Bank. Senegal Epidemiology of bovine anaplasmosts in Senegal i03260) Inlemational Foundation for Science Improving the Productivity of Indigenous Atrican Livestock using Radioirnmu-noassay arnd related Techniques (026211 Directorate Ger erai for international Cooperation lDGIS. Increase of productivity and control of diseases of small ruminants (03410) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Livestock sector Phase III (03685) U.S Agency for lnternationai Development. National livestock project 103459) World Bank: Chad. Pathology of small ruminants: etiology. vaccines and prophylaxis. t0341 1) CILSS-Sahel Institute Sero-survetilance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassav tecrniques. 102628) Swedtsh Agency for Rural Cooperation ISAREC). U.S..'Israel program for coopetative development research. (01949) U.S. Agency for International Development. 110 Index of projects by discipline Water resources and maragement African Center of Meteorological Applications tor Development IACMADi (011 091 World Meteorological Organization iWMOi AGRHYMET. Phase IIl i055711 WUO (World Meteorological Organizat,onl FAO Agricutural rehabilitation project - 034581 World Bank. Chad Agrcultural researct It 1018891 U S. Agency for International Developmenr Agricullural services project. 1016741 World Bank, Mali Agriculture Hydrologie-Meteorologae. (026341 Centre Regional de Formation et dt Appi;catfon en Agrometeorologie et Hydrologie (AGRHYMET). Applied agricultural research 101836) U S Agency for International Deveiopment. ^ollaborative Research Supporn Program ICRSPI Sorghum and millet iINTSORMILI. (01344) U.S. Agency for !nternational Development iUSAIDi The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Drought Resistance Research Network (FR3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la Secheressej iu2610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Atricains et Francais Ecology er.vironment programme reforestation and conservation of the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Gestion des Resources Naturelles dans le Cercle de Niafunke (GRNI (056681 Africare. SNV iAssociation Neerlandaise d'assistance au Developpnrentli Influence of different cropping systems on the productivity and reliability of y!eiss as well as soil fertility and efficiency of water use (01406) Universitaet Hohenheim Integrated livestock prod,,ction 03 natural resource management (01866) U.S. Agency for International Development 111 Index of projects Dy discipiine Mopta area development project. i03501 t World 8ank: Mali N,arney Cepartment de,eloprnent phase II. (011 73) U.S Agency for Internationa! Development Public works in Africa to improve food security t04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusammenarte t GTZ. PVO development initiatives - watershed deveiopmenr '01930) U S Agency tor Internationai Developmen1 Research and sludy programme on !he 'rnproved rnar3qgemen! of natlcna rangelands !n the Sahel 'PGENESI (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. River fisheries (Senegal) (025121 International Development Research Centre Soil and water resources management unit. (019221 U S Agency for Internatioral Development Southern zore water managemert iOt8321 U S Agency 'of International Developmert Strengthening agricultural research 401898) U.S. Agency for Interr3tional Development Sub-Saharan Atrica hydroiogical assessment. 101108) World Bank The impact of rmanagement practices cn the water use efficiercy of rainfed crops in the semi-arid tropics 0t6991 Overseas Deveiopmen! Adm,nist-ation INRROi. U.S. Asrael program for cuoperative development research i01949) U S Agency for Irternational Development. VVater management in -rgated schemes. i03650, Administration Generale de la Cooperation au Developpemenl. Water management Senegal river-valley (Richard Toll. PhasE II). '036231 Agricultural University Wageningen. Watershed and applied research development 036581 U.S Agency 'or !nternational Development. 112 Index of projects by discipline West Afncan Irrgation Research Development Network IWAIRDf 02612) International Irrigation Management Institute IIIMIj. 'Central Plateau soil management project; Projet Amenagernent de Ter-oirs dans ie Plateau Central iPATECOREt. 103780) German Agency for Technical Cooperation iGTZ) Weeds and weed contrrl Collaborative Research Support Program ICRSP) Sorghtum ana milet IINTSORMILi t01344) U S Agency tor International Development iUSAIDi.The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network iEARSAMf. (02076) U S. Agency for International Development (USAIDIvSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpment iSAFGRAD) Effects of different methods of weed control on seed yield and seed quality of differenl tropical fodder legumes. (04600) Universitaet Giessen Hauts-Bassins agricultural aevelcpment project /01018) World Bank. Burkina Faso Network for lmprovement of Rice Cultivation [Reseau RizI. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francais. Phase l: Resistance of cowpea to Striga gesner;oides and Alectra yogelii Phase Il: Resistance of legumes and cereals to Striga species 01767) Overseas Development Administration INRRD). Researcn on mechanization for small scale agricultural production tn the tropics. 1055961 IMAG (Institute for Agrcultural Engineering). Reseau Coton iCOTON' i02082) France. Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF, Study on the parasitic weea Striga in Mali: its biology and ecology and control methods 103398) International Foundation for Science The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collaborative Research Network iRENACOi. 1020781 U S Agercy for International Development IUSAIDI Semi-Arid Food Grain Research 113 Index of projects by discipline and Development (SAFGRADj West and Central Africa Maize Collaborative ReE 3rch Network iWECAMAN) f02157) U S Agency for lnternational Development iUSAIDO Sern;-Ar!d Food Grain Research and Development iSAFGRAD West and Central Africa Sorghurm Research Network (WCASRNi i 02075) UJ S Agency for International Development iUSAIDi Sem,-Arid Fco. Grain Researct and Development iSAFGRAD 114 khdex o p ods by Aka (05849) West Ahia Rioa Devek,pment Assoaabon (WARDA). (05850) WeO fica Rice Devebpmert Asocaaion (WARDA). (05851) West Afrca Raoe Develpmen Assocation (WARDA). (05852) West Alnca Rice Develpment Assocaon (WARDA). AI Cener of Meosogia Appcors for Development (ACMAD). (01 109) Worid MeImblcal Oraniao (WM). Aican ow sshopp. (01605) U.S. Age" for nenabonal Devebpment. rcw PaRsearch NewoAk for Agctrl By-Pr s (ARA). (02170) h btnaora Development Research Cere (IDRC): International Livestock Cetre for Afnca (ILCA). AicPa Reseach Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) Unied Nabons Food ad Agncufture Organizabon. Afcn Sma Rll Rwant Coabortiv Research Network (SRNET). (05812) benationa Lvestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). AG MET, Phase 11. (05571) WMO (World Meteorgica Organizabon) / FAQ. AGRHYWMET, Piblt phase. (05583) WMO (World Meeorokgical Organization). AWicullure Hydrolgie4Meeorologie. (0Q634) Cerfe Regional de Fotmation et crAplcation en Agrometeorohgie et Hydrobge (AGRHYMET). Agroforesty research for e of the dryands of West Afnca. (02113) Inteational Fund for Agricultural Devepent. Agoforestry Research Network. (03674) IntemrWil Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF,VSerni-And Food Grain Reseach and Deveorpment (SAFGRAD). Agrofoety systems in the TropeCs. (03859) Geselechat tuer Technische Zusanmenar .d (GTZ). Index of pro by couny A- fe Reser sch PRon (AFRP). (02147) lnlinaoe Fetfzer Developmt Ceer, Africa (IFDC-Alnca). Aky Farig New*ork for Tmpca Anca. (OMO8) Cankm kvieration Delopment Agency (CODAntai Deveopment RPech Cente (QDR. AJeUT bmRiaks "o rcrease rates of pesbcdes to MM 3se setwe (01824) U.S. Agec for hnteationa Dewlopment. Aninal Trbon Research Ntwork. (05613) htbeatna Lbedock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Affed esarch i NDna cattde r Gartia and Seegal. (M733) Commsm of te European Ccmmurties. AWed esearch p :gram: Netork for Semi-And Lowlands of West Aftrica (SALWAAFRENA). (02616) khtern Couni for Research in Agoorstry. Appiate mechanizat of feld work and rasportabon. (01476) Uhiversta Hohenhem. Aomwabc extacts (Guinea). (0X963) nmenatol Development Research Cantre. Assessment ot codito for replicating producion systems in Afnca's savann, areas- seotdsage' (02098) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recheche Agronomque pour le Developpemt (CIRAD). Biological control of lcusts and grasshoppers in Africa. (02102) United States Departient of Agriculture. Case studis on raising agncultural productMty of women in Afnca for increased food (02151) Word Bank. Cattle Research Network (CARNET) (formerly Cattle Mkik and Meat Network). (05358) International Livestock Center for Africa. Cenbal and West African Root Crops CoUaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Insttute of Tropical Agnculure. Charaerizaion of Iymphocytes and production od interleron as paramneters for distinguihing tyanotera in animals and people 2 4; IrneX of pqecSt by coay (02847) C aossion of lw EuMen Communries. CIIYTSACCAR Maize Research Netwoyk for Soi*im Africa. (02664) S id Food Gra Rearch d Devep. CIMMY/SAFGRAD Maze Researc Network fo Easlem Arca. (M2663) SeAMd Food Gi Rearch and Dveoet. Coodnded Researrh Proganme on the Applicabon of lrraciabon Tenque for Food PRocessing n Afica. (02629>) Led Naboms Food and A tltue Organization. Cobora,w Research S.wport Progran (CRSP): Sorghn and miet (INTSORMIL). 101344) U.S. Agency for nrnational Development (USAIDYThe University of Conditions for deebping nonarm produive activtes n rural areas of Africa. A compas of YatmigaBtr Faso and Extremr-NordaCaneroun. (04639) Lhversie Fra_inFr. Cooeatv Ceeals Research Netork (CCRN). (02171) Inkenabonal Crops Research Insitute for fe Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperaive Proanwme for the Improvement of Genetc Resources of Multpurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Aicttre Organization of the United Nations. Crop p on proramm. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Irnstute. Develpe and promobon of appropnate tools and mipe t for the 'agncultural and food pocessing sectoe (inte*n phase) (ILQINTftJO3). (05648) ILO (In ational Labour Office). Devebpment cooperation Soie and Fertilizer. (05595) 18 (Institute for Soil Fertility Research). Development of a fild method (open calorimetry system) for measuring energy expenditure of draught animals. (03793) Deuche Forschungsgemeinsdcaft/German Research Society (DFG). East and Southen Afica Farming Systems Research Network. (03676) SeniAuid Food Grain Rsearch and Devebpment (SAFGRA0). Eadern Arica Roal Sorghum and Miet Colaboralive Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/Semi-Arid Food Grah Research 3 Index of prcjec1s by county and Devel mer (SAFGRAD). Ecolgca cneqenes of blim Locusts: pest conrol in tropical and st*tropical (01603) khit fuer Bioographie. Unvesitaset des Saartmdes. Eclgcal monirong of tee dynrmics of deserfication. (03415) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Ecdogywment programme: reforestabon and conservation of the forestry resoutos. (03416) CILSS,-Sael Institute. Eoloogca side-effe of ocust conol agents. (04638) Unvesbet des Saaraxdes. Effects d dust deposies and microvariabhty on edaphical site codn with regard to sem-arid and sa-humid lbcatons in West Africa. (04657) Universilaet Hohenen. Effiacy of pesticides aganst desert bcust and gshoppes . (01822) U.S. Agency for International Development Feedi g and management stategies for draughl animnals. (01820) Overseas Development Adminsrabon (NRRD). Ferblizer Marke and T-ade Information Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Inteational Development (USAID). German Sahel prgram - [control of deseslification]. (01420) Geselschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Germpfsm conservation and inprovernent of Paeima biobosa (Jacq) Benth for mulbpurpose use. 105665) Uniwrsity of Wales, Bangor, CNSF, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; FRIN, Nigeria; SAFS, Nancy, France; WAU; The Netherlands. Greenness mapping for grasshopoer and locust control, (02683) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment. Identfication and monitoring of African weather regimes - Phase I West Afnca. (04726) Overas Development Administration (NRRD). Immunity against trypanosomiasis and mechns of trypanotolerance in animas. (03932) Insitut fuer Parasitobgie und Tropenveternaernedizin, Freie Universitaet 4 loeniMts to nlel, sor*nw, cowpea and maze alops in te Sahel (02738) Comassan of te European Cxmutes I:noroving the Dt )a and CoGtroi ol Trypanosorriasts and olher Vector-bofne Diseases od Arxcn Livesc. sing Inim noassay Methods (02627) Drocmrate Generl ior Intematonal Cooperabton (DGIS). Improrig the Prodcy of Indigenots African Lsvesock usng Radsorrmunoassay and relaed TednqWu. (02621) D#eeorate Geral for Intebational Cooperation (DGIS). inrqease dl prodctv and controf d bseases of sma ru ints. (03410) CILSS-Sahef Instiute. Wiuice of neem (Aadzata ndica) products on bcusts and grasshoppers. (03847) Justus--ebIg Universaiet Giessen. hemabonal agricutural research cenrs: 09 Internato Lvestock Center for Aica (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for nternaibonal Developrent kIematio Rice Tesbng Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nats Deveopmt Program (UNDPtEuropean Etonomic Commission (EECYJapan. Imfibon in the Sahel - An annoted literature review. (01423) Geseflcai fuer Technische Zusarnmenarbet (1TZ). Management of vdsols wuder semi-and conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) Intenatonal Board lor Soii Research and Managent. Mangrove Swamp Rice Network (MSRN). (05848) West Africa Rice Develpment Association (WARDA). Meorlol Data Distnbution Systems (MDD). (05774) Overseas Devebloment Administrahon (NRARD). Monitonng inseds pests and damage m millt. (04867) Ovsea Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Monioing of reneabbe natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Commission of the European Communities. Nabonal Soi Reference Coletions (NASREC II). 5 .. khdex of projects by ac" (05824) LSRIC (Intmrnona Soi Relerence and Inkomation Centra). Netmok of Sahen SIS Users (NSSJ). (05391) Special Pran African Agrcudura Research. Nt*oral eflects of cash cropping. (01050) Iniernabonal Fund or AgrcuRural Devebpment. OMYS agncuAural research (01865) U.S. Agency kr lnniatonal Oevemopment. O-Farm Ferblzci Adopton Progran (OFFAP). (0214p) Irmbonal Fedilizer Dopnen Center. Alrica (IFDC Afica). On-fm seed production proec o Sub-Satwan Alnca. (02050) Wmrock Irnterabonal. Pa A-nan Netwo*ks for Rural Socal Scierce Research. (0266i) Winock Inemnatinal: Ford Founsdtion. Paoogie Rrspratoi des Petits Rumikans (PPR) RNetwork for Research on Respiratory Pahoog of Small Rummantsj. (02645) histi dElevage et de Medcine Velermare des Pays Tropicaux (IEMVT). Pa.- gy of snal nniminats: etiobgy, vaccines and pophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel Inshlute. Phase l: Resiaance of cowpea to Stnga gesrinodes and Alectra yogeli Phase II: PRAnc of egumes and cereals to Strga Gpecies. (01767) Overseas Deveblpment Administration (NRRD). Phevolics including tannins in multpurpose trees and browsa and their effect on ruminant nutrition and health. (04C20) Universiaet Hohenheim. Pilot prograrme for er- cation of new world screw worm, (02748) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Prgramre for tha strengthening of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Insttue. Progmm on swpoi s.. hces: documentation, iformation and training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel InsttMute. Pmposal for a research projet on the deveoment d new methods in locust control. (02090) GeetlA kuer Tecliniache Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). 6 Index of proects by cotr Phiic worsm a to pve food-secawity. (416) DMaiudie Geseldc1=ft kmU tecdnische Zuammenarbed (GTZ). aeceivasance / preparabon study on foresby biotechnology in the droight-prone Sub,-Sa Aa outieswi specia refeence to Sahelian and SdAian zones (SSZ). (0094) WDrld Bank. RegPinal prgram for the inrvement of milie, sihur, cowpeas. and maize (03407)CLSSa lnstnAe. Pfwearh and shu progmm an the inpred managernt of extenswe nabonal FMn - in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSSSae Institue. PRsearch and study progranme on the possb;lty of itenskato ot fodder and aninal prducfion i th framework of an associaton of agncuture and livestock breeding in Sut-Sahe im, Sudarian and Guersan zones. (03413) CLSSSa Institute. Pesearch into minlt at the ICRISAT Sahel Cenlre (Niger) (02734) Commssion of the Europan Cormunities. Research pmrovme on food securty. strategies and polcies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research poramm on phytogenetic resources. (03406) CILSS-Sa Insitute. Research, coordination, and training for improved livstock prodction in Sub-Saharan * Ma. (02732) Conmission of the European Communities. ResearcWdevekpment programme on camels in te Sahel (DR). (03414) CILSS-Sahel Instihte. Reseau Developpement (RID) (Development Network]. (02M53) GRET. Peseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Networkl. 1,02638) ORSTOWrinstitut Francais de Rechetrche Scenbfnque pour le Devebppwment en CoMeration. Reseau Eurrpen dEtude des Latentes (EUROLAT) (European Network on Feralsols 7 Index of propts by on" (02639) 11iistere de ba Reche at de rEnsee Superiew. Unrversite of RPnsea Fewne et rivo l (FEMfDEV) "Women in Develpment Network]. (02652O OR'-'-'. Ist Francais de Recherce Scienbfique pour be Developpemert en Coop_,aon. Reseau Oasis (OASISl [Oasr - etwor] (02658) Centre de Cooperabon htemationale en Redhe Agonomique pour le Developpem (CIRAD). Reseau sur la Conservtion Post-Recolte des Denrees Alintes (GRENIER) fNetwork for Post-fIarvest Sorae of Food Crops]. (02647) Assocain des Unrversites Partelement oj Enberement de Langue Francause (AUPELF). R fishers (Senegal). (02512) International Develment Research Centre. SADAOC (Secuinte Aimentaire durable en Alrique de lOuest Cenrale). (05662) ECDPM (Eurpean Cente for Development Poicy Managernent). Sahelian Infrmation Network (SIN). (02657) Instute of Sahel (iNSAH). Sem-surveilance of rind and other diseases in Afnca, using immunoassay (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Slow remase pesticides as alternatives to diekkin. (01823) U.S. Agency for Internatioal Develpmnt. Small Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) Interi-sati:ral Livestock Center for Africa. Smal Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesellslhaft fuer Techniscne Z'isammenarbeid (GTZ) Gmb H. Social Science Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02719) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Soil Fenwly Reoration Project (SFRP). (02143) Internaiona Fertiizer Dwebpment Center. Africa (IFDC-A,ica). Sorm and forage bgume crop components as inhibitory factors m th establishment of 8 Index ot priects by cotinty to Afncan migxy locust (Locusta mgatona) i newty devebped areas of the Subsahr Sahe. (03852) H emeVnrass t Dosrfd. - oaged reals by paslorahsts. (04761) Overas Develpnt Administration (NRRD). t Sraee Akntaie (STRA) (Food Strates Network]- (02655) ORSTOWnstu Francais de Recherhe Sentfique pow le Developpement en Cooperalon. Stategies for the Afure of Africa. (049M) Swedish Agency for Resarch Coopeaon wih Develping Couties. Strengthenig maize and cassava reseach in eleven countries of West and Central Alic PMan of acion. (02665) Miis$ere de la Cooperation (France). StA, of nmrospondies (protozoa) as agents for biolgical control of insect pests in Servl and Gwnbi. (03166) Irnationml Foundabo for Sce. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108, Wodd Bank. Support to The Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa, COOESRIA. (04980) Swedish Aqency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countres The effect of tannins on nutnrient dgestibilty and aninal performance in small ruimnants. (04635) Univesaet Hohenheim. The epidemiology and control of he sorghum foliar pathogeris in the semi-and tropics. (01813) Overseas Deveopment Administration (NRRD). The Livestock Trjpanar*!o*.an!Network. (02061) Overseas Devebopner,; Administration. The potential of runoff irigalion in the Sahel region. (03788) Commission of the European Communities (CEC). The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collboratrve Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Intematiol Development (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research aind Devblopment (SAFGRAD). 9 Indiex ot potects by am" U.SJrael progra for cDoperate devepmnt research. 101949) U.S. Agency for lnteratona Development. Unwrs_s and rnaboni ag, c# reseach in Su-Sahar Africa. (03678) Inenationa Serv for Nabora A griA" Resarch. Use o he prokn Nosna, and other bioconrtro agents (e.g.. entropox virusess in co g Akican grassy pers and lc. (01825) U.S. Agcy for herbonal Devbpoent. Wab management Senegal nver-valey (Richard Toll Phase 11). (03623) Agncua University Wagennug. West Africa Aiwnal Traclion Netwok (03677) itaronal Liveslock Centre for Africa (ILCA)ISemAiAnd Food Grain Research aid Developnt (SAFGRAD). West Africa Colaborative Grotnxxnut Resach Network. -' -ational Crops Pesearch Institute for te Semi-Arid Tmpics (ICRISAT). - !e Colaboratve Research Network [RPseau Maisi. (ti.. G.,nce des Resposables de Pecherche Agronomique Africains. West Africa Network on Anriml Traction (WMTA). (02622) Deutsche Gesellscwaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) G(nb H. West Afnca Regonal Cooperabve for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) Intermational Instute of Tropical Agriculture. West Africa Regional Pear Millet Improvement Prgram. (02154) International Crops PRsearch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West African Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRtI.[ESPAO). (02619) International Fund for Agicultural Devebpment (IFAODSeni-Arid Food Grain Resech and Developnent (SAFGRAD). West African Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Internatonal Develpment Research Centre (IDRC); United Nations Development Program (UNDP). West Afican Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Multitwal Cooperation Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau, MOFA. JAPAN. West African Irgation Resarch Development Network (WAIRD). (02612) International lrngation Management Institute (IIMI). 10 Index of projects by country West Alic progyan ior agro-mieral research. (02146) bematonal Fedizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa). West AfRic Rice Irnmato System (WARIS). (042461 Irtenatona Develkprent Pesearch Centre. West and Central Ainca Mze Collaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research ard Deveopent (SAFGRAD). West ard Cenal Af Met Nework (ROCAFREMI). (03675) Inertonal Crops Research Insitute tor the Semi-Ard Tropics (C ATYSemi-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Intenational Develpment (USAID)SemiAnid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). [Network on Sorghumn MikVDehullingl. (02648) InternabonW Development Research Centre. African Center of Metorbgical Appiications for Develpment (ACMAD). (01 109) Wodd Mleteorological Organization (WMO). An integrated research prograrme on the development of biological pesticides for locust and grasshopper contro. (01546) U.S. Agency for International Development. Coodnaled Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Pocessing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Date palm development. (02750) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Greenness mapping for grasshopper and locust control. (02683) U.S. Agency for Inlernational Devebpment. International Programme for Technolgy Research in Irrigalion and Drainage (PTRID). (06623) WB (Wod Bank). Piot programme for eradication of new world screw worm. 11 Index of pets by country (02748) International Fund for AgiculturaJ Devdopment. PFrh programme on fe biobgical and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Ireraonal Institute of Boogical Control. PRseu AgicuIe Famiiale Comparee (RAFAC) [Comrparative Family Farming Network]. (02651) AM. Peseau Eroson (EROS) [Erosion Nctworl- (02638) ORSTOnlnstitut Francais de Redcerche Scientihque pour le Developpement en Cooperation- Reseau Europeen crEtde des Latentes (EURCLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols]. (02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de rEnseignement Superieur; Universte of Sbasbou.- Resoe Oasis (OASIS) [Oasis netwo*kj (02658) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en RePeche Agronomiue pour le Develloppement (CIRAD). Ano African Center of Meteorogical Appications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorobgical Organization (WMO). Central and West African Root Crops Colaborative Research Netwofk (CEWARRN). (02166) Intemational Institute of Tropical Agnculture. Reseau Europeen dE!ude des Laterites (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols S5-l. (02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de IlEnseignement Superneur; Universte of Strasbourg. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrdogical assessment. (01106) World Bank. Internabonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Unvriy of Ilinuos at Urbana-Champaign. Austraia1 12 Index of proets by cary International Soybean Pogm (INTSOY). (05373) Uversity of Ilns at Urbana-Chpaign. Bioogy of salt tlae m Chrysomya megacepha (Diptera: Cal,ndae) and othw of blowlies which are pests of salted-dried fish in tropcl developig Coues. (05799) Overseas Devebppmntd Admnistralwo (NRRD). Intemabornal Network oni Soil Fertlity and Sustainable Rice Famring (INSURF). (05370) Itrraonal Rice Research Instibtue. hntnationa Soybean Progrlam (INTSOY). (05373) Unversity of llir s at Urbana-Champaign. The protection of fish aganst blowffies during "g and beete infestabon during slorage. (04710) Oveseas Deveopment Administration (NRRD). Benin A tican Center ot Meteorobgical Appliations for Deepent (ACMAD). (01 109) World eteorological Organization (WMO). Aican Research Network on Rurwal Poultry Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agncufture Organization. Agroforestry research for development of the drylands of West Africa. (02113) Intnoal Fund for Agicultural Develpmnent. Aley Faming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Cana", .ntemational Devebpment Agency (ClDA)lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). An integrated research programme on the development of biological pesicides for locust and grsshopper control. (01546) U.S. Agency for International Development. Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc). (02004) Confence des Responsables de Recherche Agronornique Africains el Francais. Central ad West Afican Root Crops Cdlaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture. 13 Index of pects by country Develpment and promotion ot appropriate tools and inplment for the 'agncultural and food pocesN sector (rternm phase) (L-89AlNT/M03). (06648) LO (Interraonal Labour Office). Drught Resistance Research Network (R3S) [RPseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la S6c:heessel. (02610) Conamnce des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Atncains et Fran ajs. Effects ot dust deposies and microvariabity on edaphical site conditions with regard to semharid and st>hwid locations in West Africa. (04657) Uneritvet Honheim. Fertlizer Marketing and Trade Informabon Progarm (FM11P). (02145) Drectorate General for Intemnational Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency tor Inbenational Devebpnmnt (USAID). Influence of neern (Azadiachta irdica) products on bcusts and grasshoppers. (03847) Justus-Liebig Universitaet Giessen. Intermaonal Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)European Econoinic Commisston (EECyJapan. Management of verbsols under semi-arid conitions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) Intemational Board lor Soil Research and Management. Network for Impovement of Rice Cullivation [Reseau RizJ. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Reduch.che Agronomique Africains et Francais. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock Intemational; Ford Foundation. Phenolics induding tannins in muttipurpose trees and browse and their effect on ruminat nutriion and heafth. (04620) Universiet Hohenheim. Proposal for a research proiect on the development of new methods in locust control. (02090) Geseltschaft luer Technische Zusamrmenarbed (GTZ) Reconnaissance / preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan African countries, with special reference to Saebian and Sudanian zones (SSZ. (02094) World Bank. Reseau Coton (COTON). 14 In6ex of pojects by c "y (02082) Fianc; Confrence des Pesponsables d Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Fracais (CORAF). R,eeeu Europeen dEtude des Latentes (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols Stuiesi. (02639) Ministere de ba Recherche et de rEnseKgen'ent Superieur, Uniersite of Peseau sur ba Consenrva Post-Recolte des Denrees Alirnentaires (GRENIER) 'Network for Post-avest Slorage of Food Crops]. (02647) Assocaabon des Uneresdes Parbelement ou Enbterent de Ljngue Francase (AUPELF). Stategies Aminentires (STRA) [Food Straleges Network]. (02655) ORSTOM/Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pcur Be Developpernent en Con. Strenjhwing naze and cassava esearch m eleven countries of West and Central Aiicak Plan of action. (02666) Mnister de ba Cooperation (France). Stb-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) Workd Bank. The effect of tamins on nutrient digestibility and animal pertofmance in small rumiants. (04835) Univemsitiet Hohenheim. The Lvrestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Devepment Administration. The West and Ce,tal Atrica Cowpea Claboratie R arch Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAIDBSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Developmnut (SAFGRAD). West Abrica Collaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) Internatbnal Crops Research Insitute for the Semi-And Tropics (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Colborative Research Network [Rdseau Mais]. (02156) Conference des Responsabbs de Reciherche Agronomique Africains. West Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) Interational Institute of Tropical Agriculture. West Africa Region&l Pearl ilt Improvement Program. (02154) Intemational Crops Research Insttute for the Semi-Anid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel iS Index of pmects by couity Cen). Wea Afran Fa7img Systems Research Network (WAFSRNIRESPAO). (02619) International Fund for Agicultural Deveopment (IFAD)/Semi-Arid Food Grain Reseah and Dvelopment (SAFGRAD). Wes Afna Ferer Maagmet and Evuabon Nework (WAFMEN). (02614) Inireational Develpmen Research Cente (IDRC); United Nations Deveopment PRg (UNDP). West Ancan Frages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Muiatera Cooperaton Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau, MOFA, JAPAN. West and Central Aica Maize Collaboratiw Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Develpmnt (USAIDYSem-Arid Food Grain Research and Devepment (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Intenabonal Develpment (USAIDYSeri-And Food Grain Research and Developmet (SAFGRAD). Boame African Center d Meteorological Applications for Devebpment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorobgical Organization (WMOu. African Resarch Nework for Agicutral By-Produc:s (ARNAB). (02170) Internaton Development Research Centre (IDRC); Intemnational Livestock Centre for Afica (ILCA). Colaboratve Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghun and milet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for International Developmen (USAID)lThe University of Nebraska-Lincoin. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) International Cmps Research Institute for fe Semi-Arid T-ropics. Management ol vertisols uder semi-and conditon in Africa (MOVUSAC). (010Q) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Public works in Africa to rpm food-secuwty. (04626) Deutsche Geselcdiaft fuer technisehe Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Research programme on the biobgical and dwmical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB International Institute of Biological Control. 16 Index of poects by ont PResearch, coordnabo, and tainng fox unproved iestock producton mn Sub-Saharan AMn (02732) Comm of the Euopean Conmuntibes. Stb-Satwa Africa hydrlogicasessme. (01108) World Bar* U.SJlsrael program 'or cooperate deveopment research. (01949) U.S. Agency for Internaboeal Develpment. LeNiesm and natonal agicultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Intnationa Service for Nabonal Agncultura: Research. [Nwork on Sorghum MiingiDehung]. (0648) Ilemtionat Detelpment Research Centre. &uim Iwreaonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (0373) Universty of lUmois at Urbana-Champaign. Mcrobological Resources Center (MIr,CEN). (02649) United Naions Educabonal, Scientific and Cultural Orgaization (UNESCO). Burom Fao African Cenr of Meteooogical Applications tor Develpet (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteoroical Organization (WMO). Akian Smail Rumnrant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agriculura research and training support. (01835) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agicultural reswch projct. (03442) World Bank; Burkina Faso. Agual SECAL. (01681) World Bank; Burkina Faso. Aictral srvice II. (01680) World Bank; Burkina Faso. 17 Index of poects by conry A- spo serves projec:. (03443) Would Ban Bukuna Faso. (02634) Centre RePoxa1 de Forabon et cAplicabon en Agrometeorologie et Hydmoog (AGRY T. Agroloresy research for devebpment of the drylands of West Afnca. (02113) lreb ational Fund for Agricutural Devebpfwt. Aby Faming Network for Tropical Atn*a (02088) Canadia International Develpent Ageny CIDA)Inemational Devewent Research Cenbe (IDRC). Arilhocyar pijnenft (Burkina Faso) - Phase ll. (04954) ikenatn Devlrn Research Centre. A d reseach programme: Network for Semi-And LoWnds d West Africa (SALWA-AFRENA). 1M 516) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforeshy. Appraal of risks in agnicuture in developing countnes. (03626) State Unisity of Groigen/Scetic Research Inslitule (RUG). Appraisal of risks in Agrculture n develrping countries. (06509) State Unives of Gronrigen. The Ntedands/Unvty of Ouagadougou, Centre crExudes de Documentation, de Recherhs Ecornomque et Social (CEDRES). Burkina Faso. Appropriate medwanation of field work and transportation. (01476) Unisaet Hohenheim. Assesset of conditions for replicating producbon systems in Africa's savanna areas - secon stage. (02096) Cente de CooperatiOn Intenationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Deveoppement (CIRAD). Case studies on raising agricultural productivity of women in Africa for increased food producton. (02151) World Bank. Cassava Nework [ARseau Maniocl. (02084) ConWence des Responsables de Rechew Agrnomique Africains et Francais. Central and West African Root Crops Collaboratve Research Network (CEWARRN). 18 hidex of prooeM by country (02166) hnteanKna htAufe of Tropl Agxcture. OCadsnzion of d*wyles and poducbon of ieron as parameters for i~guinwig trypnololerance in animals and people. (o2a4) Conwlssion of the Euopean Commitbes. Colabori Research Suqport Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Ag!oy or hntmatio Development (USAID)tiversrty of Georgia. Condition or deveblpg no-fatm podcte activities in nrual areas of Atnca. A coeriso of Yaegvwuna Faso and Extrem-NodCameroun. (04639) Uuvrsia Frwrfurt. Coseni-don, managemt and restoraton of nature in degenerated ecosystems in the J-apin am ih-ftop (05596) IBN ( esfitts for forestry and Nature Research). de Dorschdamp. Cotbtion to studies on the bolog of Tapinanth' s (Loantces) parasites of karisn (Butroqxermum paradoxun) m Bur*ma Fa:o. (052w) Intrnaionrl Foundabon for Science. Coopeae Cereals Research Networt (CCRN). (02171) Intemnaional Crops Pesearch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperatbe Progrm lor the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species (02174) Food and Agnculture Organization of fe Unied Nations. Crop protection prograrnme. (03409) CfLSS-Sahel Institute. Design and use of sand filter systens for the treatment of water. (03307) IFS. Devebpmnt and promoion of appropriate t3ols and irplement for the agricultural and food prcesswg sector (interim phase) (ILO/89NT/M03). (05648) ILO (Inremational Labour Office). Develpment cooperation Soil and Fertiizer. (05595) 18 (InstRtute for Soil Feritity Research). Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [RPau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la S5-che.em] (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et FranKais. Ecoblgical monto ing of the dynamics of desertification. 19 Index of proects by cow" (03415) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Ecology/enmnment programn: relosation and conselvation of the forestry resolJces (03416) CLSSS Insiute. Envronment managment. (04906) World Bank Burkrna Faso. E diAi management p-oiect. (01682) World Bank: Buridna iso. Ferle Ib and Trade Inonabon Prgrm (FLMP). (02145) D'ectrale General for Interaonal Coopeation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for k4irnatinal Devebpmnt (USAIDI. Felizer pogect. (03441) World Bank; Burkina Faso. FLod legumes (Buina Faso) - Phase Il (04180) Irnemabonal Deeopent Researn - Centre. German Sahel program - pcontr of deseatificatoni. (01420) Geselschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbet (GTZ). Germplasm conservation and improvement of Parkla bilobosa (Jacq) Benth for multipurpose use. (05665) UnNversity of Wales, Bangor CNSF, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, FRIN. Nigeria; SAfS, Nancy. France: WAU; The Netherlands. Grundnut Network [Riseau Arachide]. (02087) Conference s Rlespensables Agronomiques Africains et FranCais. Hauts-Bssins agncultural development project. (01018) World Bank; Burkmna Faso. Immunity agairst trypanosomiasis and mechanisms of trypanotolerance ,n animals. (03932) Institut tuer Parasitologie und Tropenvetenrinaermedizin. Freie Universitaet Berln. Impact of resource stabilizing mettods on smaliholding systemns of the Central PlaludBurkina Faso. (05706) Instiut fer Agraroekonomie der Universitaet Coeningen. Improvement of Bambarra groundnuts (Voandzeia subtwrranea) in Burkina Faso and control of the main patiogens of this crop 20 Index of Ircts by cotory (05267) Inmabtonal Foundanon f e1 Science. I nprovemert of doio fermentaion: a local beer produced from millet. (03380 !ES. _hOafis io miC. srgthn. cowpea. and maze cops in the Sahel t: (02738) Com on of me E ua Co nites bvowq fe Procxbvdy of irdlgeus Afncan Livestock using Radcoinmunoassay and related Tchdus. t (a!621! Diech General for Internaonal Cooperaton (OGIS). harease o p and control of diseases of small nrmiranis. (03410) CILSS-Sa Wede vegeWb oils (Buwkna Faso) - Prece IL (0534S) Ibemational Devebpment Research Ce.tre. wluence of expenmental frypanosomasis on te sexual io-ctwons of young butb of Baoule and Zebu breeds. (03323) IFS. WInfuence of expenmental trypanosomias's on the sexual !unctions of young bu!!s of Baoule and Zebu hxeeds. (05228) Intematonal Fojndaton for Scence. Influence od the activatbon of the lactopeMoxydase syst.em on the conservation ot miik n tte nral areas in Bueina Faso. (05467) Internationai Foundation !or Science. hocuation sttdes of 'owpeas (Vigna unguiculala) in Burkina Faso. (2974) IFS. International Rice Testing Program tox Afrca IIRTP). (02160) United Nations Deveoprnent Program (UNDPyEuropean Economic Comnmission (EEC)/Japan. Investigation of the energy value of latex-containing plants and straw wastes in biogas Production. (02934) IFS. investigation ot fte energy value of latex-containing plants and straw w -'cs in biogas ,05t 11) Intemationl Foundation ror Science. Lnigation in the Sahel - An annoted literature review. 21 , Index of powt by ceunt (01423) Geseltdiaft er Technische Zusammenwie (GTZ). Margemernt of vedisols under semi-arid contron in Afnca (MOVUSAC). fOlOQ2) Irlemtoa Boad for Sod il -erch and M,aineivent. Met1ods for hydrologcal investigatons m Upper Volta. (03029) IFS. Monoring of rnewable natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Commission of the European Communities. Naionai agriaJuura irmaion system (Burkina Faso) - Phase II. (02577) I"raronal Deveoomenl RPsearch Centre. Network for Improvement of Ricc Cultivation [Reseau R!j. (02161) Coftence des 9Rsponsables de Recherct,e Agronornique Aflcains et Fran;ais. Ne-work ot Sahelan SIS Users (NSSU). (0539 1) Specal Program for Af!can Agrutural Research Paxg of sa ruminants: eiology. vaccines and prophytaxis. (03411) ClLSS-Sahrl Instiute. Phmase 1: Resiste of cowpea to Stiga gesneriodes and Aectra yogelu Phase II: Resisc of egb nes and cereals to Siga species. (01767) Overseas Devebpment Adnimirtation (NRRD). Prouction of enniched compost ard ot energy in rural areas. (02937) IFS. Programe for the strengthening of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Programme on supporting services: documentation, information and trainng. (03419) CILSS-SahbI Institute. Proist elevage optinal au Burkina Faso (Projet crLpui au programnme de recherche 'production an"al de rINERA). (05664) INERA. Plc works in Africa to improve lood-security. (04626) Deutsche Cieseflchaft fSr technische Zusammenarbet (GTZ). Paiisanc / preparatin study on foresty biotechnology in the drmot-on Su-Sharhn Alrican countrie, wih specal re hrc to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ). 22 Index of proects by county (02094) World B6 . Rgronal pgrd efr thre tpovemet o miNet. sorghum, cowpeas, and maize (trwsfnal phse). (03407) CItSS-Sahel Insmte. Regonaizam f the CRTA. (02740) Conirssion of the European Communites. Renewal of gundwater and study ot tube wells i the Sahel region. (03348) IFS. PRsearch and study programme on the inpioved rmanagement of extensive national r:ngland in fe Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institu Research and study programme on the possibity ot wnensdicabon of fodder and animal prductai in the tranework of an association of agnculhue and liestock breeding in S& Saheb,. Sudanw and Guneai zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Instit.e. Rsearch pogramme on lood security. sategies and poicies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Ressarch on phytogenetic resources. (034M) CILSS-Sahel Instiule. Riseau Colon (COTON). (02062) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Reseau Developpermet (RFD) IDevelopent Networkl. (02653) GRET. Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (02638) ORSTOM/instidut Francais de Recherche Scien:ifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Reseau Europeen d'Etude des Laterdes (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols Stu5-es]. (02639) Ministewr de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Superiour; Universtle of Strasbourg. Rseau sur Is Conseivation Post-!ecolte des Denrees Alnentaires (GRENIER) [Network bor Poot4iarvest Stwag of Food Cropsl. (02647) Assocation des Universites Parliellement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise 23 Index of projects by country (AUPELF). SADAOC (Seajrit AWnentaire crable en Afnque de rouest Centrale). (05662) ECDRP (European Centre for Develpment Policy Maagement). Sffeh Irdomation Network (SIN). (02657k hsis doSaol (INSAH). S _m-suveiance of rndepest and oter dseases in Africa. using mnumwkoassay bdw4m (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Smal Rumwant ad Camel Group Resea,ch Network. (05381) Irtermabonal LIvestock Center tor Africa. Smna Ruminwt and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsdie Geselscha fuer Technische Zusawnnnrben (GTZ) Gmb H. Srtiwest region reforestabon (PVO). (01843) U.S. Agency for International Deveopment. Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) rFood Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOMWlnsttut Francais de Recherche Scientique pour le Devebppemend en Coopwration. Studies on a rational adaptation of modem scientitic techniques for prevention and herapy of some diseases in West Ainca. (03112) IFS. Studies on grow u rust in Burkina Faso. (0301)) IFS. Studies on medical and toxic plants in Burkina Faso. (03073) IFS. Study of dynamics and management of three species of fish important for small-scale fsheries in Burkina Faso. (03358) IFS. Study of the ver oyster Etheria ellipiera. (03359) IFS. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01 106) World Bank. SV-RUGIFST/Ecology. 24 F Index of proects by cont (05674) Slae Unverity of Cronigen (RUG). The potential of n wngatlon in the Sahel region. (03788) Commission of de European Communities (CEC). The role d Rift Valey fever vwus on abortions m small nrmrants. (05251) Inrnationa Foudation for Science. The West and Cental Africa Cowpea Colbboratnve Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Inernational Development (USAIDfSemFAnd Food Grai Research and Dewlpnt (SAFGRAD). Tree seeds (Ourina Faso) Phase II. (04187) International Developrent Research Centre. Ublization of rop resixkes in tropical agnculture. (03066) IFS. Water treatrent or the Sahelian region. (03308) IFS. West Africa Colaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) Inlernational Crops Research Insttute for the Semi-And Tropics (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Colaborative Research Network [Reseau Mais]. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Rechercte Agronomiq:ue Aliicains. West Africa Network on Animal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Geselschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbet (GTZ) Gmb H. West Africa Regional Pearl Millet Improvement Program. (02154) Intematlonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West Afican Fertilizer Management and Evalualton Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Intemational Develoment Research Centre (IDRC). Unded Nations Development Program (UNDP). West African lmgation Research Development Network (WAIRD). (02612) Intemational Irrigation Management Insttute (IIMI). West and Central Africa Maize Colaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAID)Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). 25 ,__ lnex of pro*ts by country (02075) U.S. Agency kwr temnaonal Deveopment (USAID)/SeminArxd Food Grain Research and Deveopment (SAFGRAD). [Cer Pbleau sol maamen t pedl Ppet Anmnagement de Terroirs dans le Pbeau Central (PATECORE). (03780) German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). [P-20"I and aWuicultual season in Soudano-Sahelbn zone - trainng nland by researchl PkNvittne el saLson agricole en zone Soudano-Sahelienne - une fomration /et par la rcherhe. (03796) Ecole Inter-Etars dingenieurs dz I'Equ pement Rural (EIER). Afican Center Of Me logl Applicatons for Develbpmnt (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorlogical Organizalion (WMO). Ceral and West African Root Crops Collborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intemabona Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Eastem Africa Reonal Sorghum and Millet Colaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment (USAIDVSemi-And Food Grain Research and Devepment (SAFGRAD). Inrnational Rice Testing Progran for Africa 4IRTP). (02160) United Nabons Devebpment Program (UNDPyEuropean Economic Commisson (EECyJapan. RPseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Redchers Agronomique Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (02636) ORSTOW/Irstitut Francais de Recherche Scientiique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Reseau Europeen dEtude des Latertes (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols StuciesI. (02639) Ministere de Ia Recherche el de l'Ensefignement Supeneur. Universite of Slasbourg. Reseau sur La Conservation Post-Recowe des Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) [Network for PoM4avest Storage of Food Crops). (02647) Association des Unifersites Partilement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPE£). 26 Index of proects by coty Straegs Alnntaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network). (02655) ORSTOWAlnstituI Francais de Recherche Scaentifique pour le Deveboppement en Coopebn. Sub-Sahar Afnrca hydmgcal assessmten. (01 108) World Bank. Unerstes and national agicultural research in Sub-Sahaan Africa. (03678) Intemational Service for National Agncultral Research. C -oon Afhicn Ce,ner of Metorbgical Applications for Devebpment (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meteorolical Organization (WlO). Alrican Research Network on Rural Poultry Develpfent. (02624) Lhked Nations Food and Agricutture Orgarizabon. Agrotorestry research for develent of the drylands of West Africa. (02113) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Aley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)flntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Assessment of conditions for replicating production systems in Africa's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agroriomique pour le Develppement (CIRAD). Association Internationale pour lOphmisation de la Nutrdion des Plantes (ANIOP) l[nernational Associaton for the Optumization of Plant Nutrition). (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Devloppement (CIRAD). Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc]. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francais. Cattil Research Network (CARNET) (formerly Cattle Milk and Meat Network). (05358) International Liestck Center for Africa. Central and West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture. 27 Index of projects by country Coabboralive Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Inteeational Devebppment (USAID)Michigan State University. Codaborate Research SuWport Program (CRSP): Soils management (TROPSOILS). (01346) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)Nort Carolina State UrOesty. Conitons for developing non-farm productive acivdites m rural areas of Afnca. A coapenson of Yatenga/Burkina Faso and Extrene-Nord/Cameroun. (04639) Unlversitaet Frandfurt Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Instiute for the Serni-And Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Mulipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculture Orgnization of the United Nations. Dought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [teseau de Redchee sur la Resistance a la (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afriains et Franrais. Fertilzer Marketing and Trade Information Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Grouwdnut Network [Reseau Arachide]. (02087) Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Afnicains et Francais. Intemfational Network on Soil Fertiy and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) International Rice Research Institute. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDPVEuropean Economic Commission (EECYJapan. International Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Management of vertisols under semi-arid conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultivation (Reseau Riz]. (02161) Con1erence des Responsables de Recherche Agroromique Africains et Fran9ais. Public works in Africa to improve food-security. 28 Index of projects by coanlry (04626) Dwt e Geselchaft fle tedrische Zsmmenae (GTZ). R / prepardbon stdy on forestry biotedology in the drought-prone Sub-Sahara Afrian couites. wih special reference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ. (02094) Would Bank RPse Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Confamence des Responsables de Recherches Agronomoue Afncains et Fraxaus (CORAF). Reseau Developpement (R/D) [Devebpment Network]. (02653) GRET. Reseau Europeen dEtude des Laterites (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferrasols Ssdl. (02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de rEnseignement Superiew, Universite of Rsau Femmes et Devoppement (FEMDEV) [Women in evelopment Network]. (02652) ORSTOMlnstitut Francais de Redche Scientihque pour le Deveoppement en CkGoprtopn. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recole des Denrees Ajimnetailes (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops]. (02647) Associatio des Universtes Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Stengheing maize and cassava research in eleven countnes of West and Central Africa Plan of acbon. (02665) Ministere de la Cooperation (France). Sub-Saharan Afia hydrological assessment. (01 108) Word Bank. The West and Central Arkica Cowpea Collaborative Reseafch Nletwork (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Deveopmwent (USAIDySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAD). Urnersities and national agrcultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Intenalional Se Mce for National Agricultural Research. Wet Afrka Colaboratrve Groundnut Research Network. (02162) Intemnationl Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Wlest Africa Maize Colaborative Research Network [R6seau Mais]. 29 Index of proects by country (02156) Conference des Res iab s de Rece*rche Agronomique Africains. West Africa Netwrk on Ankial Tracton (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Gesellszhaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. West Ahic RegPonal Cooperate for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) Internationai Insfiute of Tropical Agriculture. West Africa Regional Pead Milet Improvement Program. (02154) International Crops Research Ihstitute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Cear). West African Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRNIRESPAO). (02619) Intematiokdl Fund for Agricultural Development (IFADySemi-Ard Food Grain Research ard Develpment (SAFGRAD). West African Ferthier Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Inernatonal Developmet Research Centre (IDRC); United Nations Develpment Program (UNDP). West Afrian Foraqes Network (WAFNET). (02103) Multatera] Cooperation Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA, JAPAN. West and Central Atrica Maize Collaboratie Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Irntemational Development (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghumn Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Zoonosis of human sleping sickness in Cameroon: cattle, sheep, goats and swine as factors. (03149) IFS. Zoonosis of human sleeping sickness in Cameroon: cattle. sheep, goats and swine as factors. (05157) Intemalional Foundation for Seience. Canada Anthocyanic pigments (Burkina Faso) Phase II. (04954) International Development Research Centre. Aromatic extrcs (Guinea). 30 Index of proects by counr (04953) Ihteabonal Development Research Centre. Interatora Soybean Pog (INTSOY). (05373) Umersiy of lioi at Urbaa-Chapaign. Red dn valorzaton (Senega). (04951) Ikrnatora Development Resarch Centre. Cap Verde Aitca Cenbr of Metgcal Applications for Development JAC-AD). (01 109) World Meeorlgica Organization rWMO). -t Hylivlogie-Meteorokgie. (02634) Cnre PRgional de Foamaton et dApplication en Agrameteorologie et Hydrologie (AGAHYMET). Bialeral esearch cooperation Cape Verde - Sweden in the field of aquaculture. (05070) Sweish Agency lor Research Cooperation wth Developng Countres. Biological conlro of grasshoppers n Cape Verde. (01547) U.S. Agency for International Develpment. Biogcal control of locusts and grasshoppers in Afnca. (02102) United States Department of Agnculture. Comparative physology, field perorrnance and propagaton ot plants of the Prosopis. (04742) Overseas Devekopment Administraton (NRRD). Cooperative Programme for the Improvemnent of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Crcp protection programme. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Develppement du secteur maraicher au Cap Vert. (05609) FAO. Drought Resistnce Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la Shre,snl. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Frangais. Ecoogical monitorig d the dynamics ol desertifcation. (03415) CILSS-Sahel Institute. 31 Index of proects by country Ecology/enworrient programme: reforestation and conservation of the forestry MOW. (03416) CILSS-Sahe; Instlute. Ecobbgical s de-efects od laocs control agents. (04638) Urrerae des Saadides. Fsheries Devepmnt in Cape Verde. preperatng phase. (05586) FAO. Food crop research. (01885) U.S. Agncy for Internabonal Devebpnment. Imoprovements to milet, sorghum, cowpea. and maize aops in te Sahel (02738) Commisn of the European Communites. Increase of productt and control of deeases of small ruminants. (03410) CIISLSahel Institute. Morn of renewable natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Commismn of the European Communities. Nosema locustae - Field trials. (01830) Pathology of small ruminants: etiolgy, vaccines and prophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel Instute. Production of seed potatoes and testing vegetable varieties (CVU87/004). (04486) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unted Nations. Prrmme for the strengthening of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Programmne on supporting services: documentation, information and training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Proposal for a research project on the development of new methods in locust control. (02090) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbest (GTZ). Regional programme for the improvement of mllet, sorghum, cowpeas, and maize (trarwitnal phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Rsearch and study programme on the improved management of extenswe national 32 Index of prolects by country langeinds n Ithe Sahel (PGENES). 103412) CILSS-ae kIstibe. Pesearch aid study prgrae on the possibilty of wtensfication of lodder and anrmal pMcktonm t tranewou of an assocaton of agncut and vestock breedng in Sub-Sahelian. Sudania and Gumean zones. (03413) CILSSSe Insitte. Research proganme on food secunty, strategies and polcies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Irstitue Pasearch pganme on phybgenetic resources. (03406) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Salwlian Inboratn Network (SIN). (02657) Instte of Sahel (INSAH). SuSahlan Afca hydrological assessment. (01 108) World Bank. The West and Central Africa Cowpea Cdaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Devebpfent (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAO). Use of the prozoan Nosema, and other biocontrol age Its (e.g.. entornopox viruses) in controig Africa"n grasshoppers and locusts. (01825) U.S. Agency for Inlernational Devebpment. Watershed and apphed research develpment. (03658) U.S. Agency for International Development. West Aincan Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRN/RESPAO). (02619) Internatiaonl Fund for Agricultural Devebpment (IFADWSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West and Central Ainca Maize Colborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Semi-Arid Food Gram Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Certral Afrian Repubic African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorobgical Organization (WMO). Asocation Internationale pour l'Optimisation de la Nutrition des Ptantes (ANIOP) 33 index of pro*ts by coury ntoirol Associatbon for the OptMinzabon o' Plnt Nt J. (O2641) Centre de Cooperaion Irtemationale en Recherche Aganornque pour le DOppenint (CRD). Cassva Netwoe Reseau Manioc'. (02084) Conrence des Responsables de Redeohe Agronomque Africavns et Fr-ancas. Central and West African Root Crops Collborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intematbonal Insite of Troprial Agncu.ure. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultnaton jRPseau Ri;. (02161) Cornrence des Responsables de Recherche Agrnmique Africains et Fraras. Pises Coton (COTON). (0208) France; Conference des Respnsables de Rechewvhes Agrorlomique Afncans et Fracams (CORAF). Reseau Europeen dEtude des Laterites (EUROLAT) (European Network or Ferrasols des. (02639) Ministere de la Recherch et de rcEnsegnet Supeneur; Unierse of Stra5-. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recofte des Denrees Ahnentaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops]. (02647) Associauon des Universites Partielleirent ou Entierewent de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Staegies Ahmentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOtMnstitu Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Devebppement en Cooperatior. Sub-Saharan Atrica hydrological assessment. (01108) Woild Bank. Tha West vnd Central Africa CowDea Collaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Wesl Africa Maize Collaborat;ve Research Network [Reseau Ma.sI. (02156) Conferei.ce des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Alrcains. West Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Plantan (WARCORP). (02167) Intemational Instdute of Tropical Agnculture. WOV and Central Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Interrational Developnent (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research 34 h"dx of protects by counitry ard Deeopment (SAFGRAD) West and Cental Anica Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDYSemiAnd Food Grain Research and !ee t (SAFGRAD). Chad Afarit Center of Meleorobgical Apphcations for Development fACMADI. (01109) World Meteorgical Organization IWMO) Agr.tu rehabili protect. (03458) World Ban: Chad. Aricultural research. (02783) World Bark; Chad. A.4umlr senves (tomwefty Agicultural research). (01189) World Bank: Chad. -u Hydrologie-Meteoroiogie. (02634) Centie Regional de Formation et crApphcation en Agraneteorologie et Hydrolope (AGRHYMET). An integrated research programre on the devebprnent of biological pestcides for locust and asopper control. (01546) U.S. Agency for International Development. Biological control of locusts and grasshoppers m Africa. (02102) United States Department of Agriculture. Cassava Netork [Rdser.u Maniocj. (02084) Conterence des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains el Franrais. Central ard West Afrcan Root Crops Collaboratrie Research Network ICEWARRN). (02166) International Instiute of Tropical Agricuiture. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Spees. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Crop protection programme. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Drought Resistnce Research Network (R3.S3 [Riseau de Recherche sur la Resstance a la 36 Index of projes by country S-. (02610) C*rence des FRSPosables de ReCherdhe Agronomique Afrcawns et Frarnars Ecologcal mon"trn of fth dynamiacs of desertification. (03415) CILSS-Sahel Inttute. Ecoogica Research World Bankcattle proect Chad- (05572) AB (Research Instiue for Agrobeolgy and Soil Feotlty). Ecolo. /enwronwerr progwamm: reforstaon and conservation of the forestry (03416) CILSShd Inshstut'e. Gewman Sae program - (cont of deser*mian]. (01420) Geselcil fuer Technusche Zusammenarbelt (GTZ). Greeroess mpng for rasshopper and locus control. (02683) U.S. Agercy for kItrnabonal Deelment. GiCuxiu Network [Peseau Aracthiel. (02087) Co*rence des Responsables Agronomques Afncains et Franriats. Identilicrt of ePKdroobgcal ma.ters of Dermatophilus congolenss strarns by elsctrrc analyses of s metabolic proteins. 103322) IFS. ImprNements to tfulef. sorghJum. cowpea, and maize crops in the Sahel. (02738) Cormmssion of the European Communrites. Increase of producivit and control of diseases of small rumnants. (03410) CILSS-Sahel Insttute. Irrigation in the Sahel - An annoted litwature review. (01423) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Locust research programme. (02780) The International Centre of Insect Physiolgy and Ecology. Monitoring of renewable natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Commiss9n of fe European Communities. Nationa Westork pro,ect. (03459) World Bank. Chad. NatM"aJ resources management (Formerly Environm, ital management). (02751) World Banlk; Chad. 36 Index of progds by cawt NuWiWon vAbe o1 crp residue and agro4idustrial wastes used in sheep feedng in OI Sahel. (03363) IFS. Plhology d small ruriinants: ebology. vaccines and prophybaxis. (0341 1) CISSSahel Irttute Pibl proarae fo eradicabon d new world scew worm. (02748) nenaio Fund for Agicultural Dvelopmert. Pnrmme for the sbern ning of research on producon systems. (03418) CLSS-Sahe IWsMe. Progamme on sipporting services: docgena,offrrnation and trainng. (03419) CILSSSe Instute. Prophycic treatmen o sonal ruminants by vacwntion against pest. des peiits nmant (PPR). (05252) Inlernatonal Foundabon for Scence. PVO devebpent nitiatives - watershed development. (01930) U.S. Agency fo Intematonal Oevewpmnent. RPgonal progrann for the mprvemt of millet, sorghum, cowpeas. and maize (traional phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and sludy programme on the improved management of extensive national rangens in the Sahel (PGENES) (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and study programme on the possibiliy of intensification of fodder and animal production in 'he fraework of an association of agriculture and livestock breeding in Sub-SaheIian Sudanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahet Instute. Research prograwm.Te on food security. strategies and poicies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Resarch progrme on phylogenetic resources. (03408) CILSS-Sael Instiute. Reeearch/dswlopm.nt progranm*- "amels in the Sahel (DR). (03414) CILSS%Sahel Institule. 37 Index of projects by Duntry Risies Colon (COTON). (C2) Fralce; Conference des Responsables de Recherdhes Agronomique Afncans et Fraii (CORAF). Saisi Inhokmabm Netwo*k (SIN). (02657) Institute of Sahel (INSAH). Smal nrwwt pest n Chad. (1) Senstit o vru m sheep and goat breeds in Chad: (2) Epidemiolgy. (03150) IFS. SuSaharw AMca hoogca assesment. (01106) World Barn Survy of fungal dseases of sorghun in Chad. (05268) Intemational Foundation for Science. The West ad Central Africa Cowpea Collaborative Research Nework (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Inbenational Develpment (USAIDySem.-Arid Food Grain Research and DeveWpnt (SAFGRAD). West Afnca Colabortve Growndut Research Nework. (02162) International Crops Research Institue fot fe Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network [Rsseau Maisj. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agonomique Afrncains. West Africa Regonal Pearl Mdlet Improvement Program. 102154) Interational Crops Research Instidute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West and Central Africa Maize CoNaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDySen*Arid Food Grain Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAD). West and Centrai Alrica Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAIDySemri-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Chie Draught aninals for producfiwofeeding and working strategies for draught animnals. (04753) Ove Dvelopment Administration (NARR). 38 (05373r Univev of ss at bandex a f - nects by cma" Inemabonal on Sod Fm." and Sustainable Rice Farmig (INSURF). (05370) Inknbrrl Rice Researc Insbtute. tematW Pmgrdwar for Techa Researrch in iffigabon and Drama ge IgPTRID ,,5M) WB (WidBank). [Internal Soybean Pfograte (iNTSOYn. (053732 UnivCe dy o Illinois at Urbaina- eenpaign. Drag marwa for pxktrbleeding and working stratege for draught anjrnals. (04753e Overes Devepen Adminira.on (NRRD). Internatoa Netwr on Soil Fen" and Sustarnabl Rice Farming JINSURF). (5370) Inrfional Rirce Research drAtgAAte. Inlernational Soybean Prgrar3 (INTSOY). (015373) Urisy of Illoi al UrbanaChampaign. Alrwa Center of Meteorological Apphcations lor Developei ACMAD), (01 109) World Meteomobgical Organizaton (WMIO). PResau Developpement (RJD, [Devebpmnent Network). (02653) GRET. Al* an Center of Meeorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01 109) World Wleeorobogical Organization (WMO). Association Internationale pour I'Optimisation de la Nutrdion des Plantes (ANIOP) llnienttional Association for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition]. (02641 ) Cenre de Cooperation intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Devlpprnt (CIRAD). Cassva Nell [Rdiu Manioc). (02064) Coirldrence des Responsablbs de Recherche Agronornique Africains et Francais. 39 j~~~~CrW n es . otCrops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) WInenaionald Instutte of Tropical Agriculture. Draugitd Resisance Reseafch Network (R3S) [RPseu de Recheche sur la Resistanc a la Sechwessel. (02610) Cont6rence des Resp'onsables de Recherche Agronomique Afrncamns et Fra9ais. Crouridnut Network (Reseau Arachide] (02067) Corif6rence des Responsables Agorornmiques Aincams et Frarxais- liltiamain Rice Testinig PrWarr, f~r Atr'ca ~lRTP). (02160) Lhted Nation Developrient Program (UNDP)'Eumopear Economic Comnmission (EECIJqanm. Network for Improvement of Rice Cuh.i 'ation [Res.-au Riz4 (02161) Conference des ;;es-,onsables de Reche rche Agrioomique Afncais et Fran9als. Resesai Erosion (EROS) [Eiosion Networkj (02638) ORSTOMdinstitu Francats de Recherche Scienitifoiqe pour le Devekoppement en Peseau Europee drEtude des Later"tes (FUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsol .~~~Su~ (02639) Ministere de la Rectwrce -,I de rElnsEgiqement Supeneur: Urnvrsate of Strasbourg. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Pecofle des Denrees Aluienwtaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops]. (02647) Association des Unrivers,tes Paritiefeient ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Stralegies Aietaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02656) ORSTOWInstitut Francais de Recherhe Saentifque pour te Developpent en Coopeation. Strengthening maize and cassava research in eleven countries of West and Central Africa: Plan of action. (02665) Ministere de la Cooperation (France). Subt-Saharan Africa hydrological assesment (011I06) World Bank. Wer Afra Maize Colaborative Research Network IF6seau Mais]A (02156) Confernce des Responsables de Recrce Agmronique Africains. West Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Plantain (WAACOAP). 40 Index of projects by cowntry (02167) Irntmonal Insttute of Tropocal Agiculture. CdRbca Nitrogen Fiation by Tropical Agncuftural Legumes (NiITAL). (05377) Un *esity of Hawai. dWor Atrican Center of M1etorgical Applcions for Develpment (ACMAD). (01 109) World eorological Organization (WMO). Anc. Reseatch Network for Agncultual By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) Internai l Delopmt Research Centre (IDRCQ; Intcmational Livestock Cefte for Africa (ILCA). Afrinca Smna Ruinant Colaborae Research Network (SRNET). (05812) Inenabmt Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Aley Famiing Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian Interrational Devebpment Agency (CIDA)/Intemational Development Pasearch Centre (IDRC). Assessment of conditions for replicating production systems in Afnca's savanna areas - seco d stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Internationarb el Redche Agronornique pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Cassava Network JReseau Maniocl. (02064) Confrence des Responsables de Redwche Agronornique Africains el Francais. Cattle Research Network (CARNET) (formerly Cattle Mik and Meat Network). (05358) Intemnational Livestock Center for Africa. Central ard West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Insitule of Tropical Agriculture. Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Prcessing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food and Agncuiture Organization. Drught Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Rseau de Recherche sur la RFsistance A la Swcheressel. (02610) Confirence des Responsabbes de Redwerche Agronomique Africains et Francais. 41 Inclex dprofecds by country Feutizer Maretg and Trade Infmnato Program (FMTIP). (02145) Oectore General for Intemabonal Cooperation (DGIS): U S. Agency for I ltonbSal Development (USAID). Groundinul Network PRiseau Aractidel. (02067) Conderence des RespsabAgrervrce AfrEamns et Fricmis Inlenational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Developmen Program (UNDPUEuropean Economic Commission (EECYJapan. lrertional Soybea Prm (INTSOY). (05373) University of Mllis at Urbana-ChwnaW. Network for Improvement of Rice Cullivation [Reseau RezJ. (02161) Conference d3s Ptsposables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Frarnais. Research, coordination, and training for mproved hlestock production in Sub-Saharan Afica. (02732) Commisson of the European Communities- Riseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronornxque Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network). (02638) ORS7OMfrnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifhque pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Reseau Europeen d'Etude des Laterhes (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols SudesJ. (02639) Ministere de la Rechercthe et de ItEnseigne tenl Superieur; Universie of Strasbourg. Reseau Femmes et Developpement (FEM/DEV) (Women in Development Network]. (02652) ORSTOWMnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recofte des Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) [Network for P'st-Harvest Storage of Food CropsJ. (02647) Association des Universdes Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). SADAOC (Securite Alimnentaire durable en Afrique de l'Ouest Centrale). (05662) ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy Management). 42 Index of pects by country S 5-suveiac of ridrt and othe. diseases in Atrica using immunoassay (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation iSAREC). Social Science Intfface Research Unt (SSIRU). (02779) The Intenatonal Cnte of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Saegies Arna (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOUJInstitut Francais de Recherche Scientd que pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Sbrenghening maize and cassava research in eleven countnes of West and Central Afhica Pln of action. (02665) Miiere de la Cooperation (France). Sub-Saharan Atnca hydrological assesment. (01108) Worid Bank. The Lesoc Trypanotoet Network. (02081) Overeas Devebpment AdTnistration. The West and Central Afnca Cowpea Colaborabve Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Develpmnent (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpmt (SAFGRAD). West Arica CoLaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) Intematonal Crops Research Institute for the SemieArid Tropics (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network [Resau Mais). (02156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afncains. West Affica Network on Animal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Gesellschafi fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. West Africa Regional Cooperahive for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) Intemational Instnute of Tropical Agnculture. West Africa Regional Pead Millet improvement Program. (02154) Intemational Crops Research Instrtute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West African Farming Systens Research Network (WAFSRN/RESPAO). (02619) tnterational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)/Serni-Arid Food Grain esarch and Developrent (SAFGRAD). 43 V Indexof proecs by country West African Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) kIemational Develot Research Centre (IDRC). Uruted Nations Development P.rm (UNOP). West Alrican Forages Network (WAFNET). - (02103) Multiateral Cooperation Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau, MOFA, JAPAN. West African Rice Informaon Syslem (WARIS). (04246) Intermational Deveoent Research Centre. West and Cental Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Develpment (USAIDySemni-Arid Food Grain Research and Devepmet (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02i75) U.S. Agency for Intemalional Development (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Deveopment (SAFGRAD). Cuba Inlemational Network on Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) Intemational Rice Research Institute. lnteretonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigrn. Denmwk Parlicipation in the HAPEX-II project (HAPEX = Hydrological/Atmospheric Pilot Experrnent). (05651) ORSTOM (Niamey)'CNRM (Toulouse). Djiboutl African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Muhipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agricutture Organization of the United Nations. Locust research programme. (02700) The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecobgy. 44 Index of priets by coutry Reseau Oasis (OASIS) [Oasis network]. (02658) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomoque pour le Developpeent (CIRAD). Sub-Saharan Africa hydrobogical assessment. (0t 108) Wodd Bank. Irternational Network on Soil Fertility and Sustaiable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) Internabonal Rice Research Insttute. Ecuador hte_ationa Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of inois at Urbana-Champaigr. African Center of Meteorolgical Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01 109) Wortd Meteorological Organization (WMO). Association Internationale pour rOptmisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) [Interational Associabtion for the Optimization of Plant NutritionJ. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Rewerche Agronomique pour le Devebppemment (CIRAD). Biological control of bcusts by entomopathogens. (03844) Federal Blogical Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Date pain development. (02750) International Fund for Agricultual Devebpment. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of TrypanoSorniasis and other Vector-bome Diseases of African Livestock using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Producivity of Indigenous Aftrican Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and 45 Index of proects by country relted Techniques. (02621) Diretorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Irenutnal Poradme for Tecnnobgy Research in Imgation and Drainage (IPTRID) (06623) WB (World Bank). hicrobologia Resources Center (MIRCEN). (02649) United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organ.zation (UNESCO). National Sod Reference Colcictns (NASREC 11). (06624) ISRIC (Intemational Soil Reference and Information Centre). Niog Fixation by Tropical Agncuitural Legumes (NifTAL). (05377) Unirsty of Hawaii. Pilo programe for eradication of new world smew worm. (02748) Internatonal Fw d for AicuItural Deveopment. Rereau Agnwihfure Famniae Comparee (RAFAC) [Comparative Family Farming Network]. (02651) AM. Sero-surveillance of nnderpest and other diseases in Africa. using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). EquaOrW Guinea Afrkan Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meleorolgical Organization (WMO). Central and West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intemational Institule of Tropical Agriculture. Crop diverification and agricultural senices project. (01193) World Bank; Equatorial Guinea. Natural resource management and conservation (formerly Land resources management and conservation). (04416) World Bank; Equatorial Gu;nea. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01 t06) World Bank. 46 Index of projects by country Ahican Certer od kesorolgical Applcatons for Devebpment (ACMADI. (01 109) World Meeorological Organization (WMO). African Research Network fr Agrir By4Products (ARNAB) (02170) Intenratior, DeveopTet Research Centre (IDRC): International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Afican Smail Ruminant Colaborative Pesearch Network (SRNET). (05812) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Aiey Famiing Network for Tropical Afica. (020f8) Canardw Inltemaional Deveopment Agency (CIDA)vlntematioal Deveipn'erint Research Centre (IDRC). A4imal Tracton Research Network. (06813) Inlematiorial Liveslock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Associatbon Inlemationale pour rOptir.wsation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) ntermational Assocabon for te Optimieation of Plant Nutritionl. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intematlonale en Recherdie Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Biobgical ccntrol of bousts and grassopers in Atnca. (02102) Unied States Department of Agicullure. Biobgical control of locusts by entomopathogens. (03844) Fedrral Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperatiw Programme for the Impmovement of Genetic Resources of Multiourpose Woody Speaies. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unded Nations. Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for Intemational Develpment (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develment (SAFGRAD). Improving the Prductivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directoate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Inerational agricultural research centers: 09 Intermnalional Livestock Center for 47 r Index of projects by country Akt (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency fw Internatonal Developmet. t resear proegr. 102780) The hinternata Centre of Insect Physiolog and Ecolgy. magement of vetisols wider semi-arid conditio in Afria (MOVUSACt (01022) Intemnational Board for Soil Research and Manageffent. Par-Aincan Netwoiks for Rwal Socsal Scierce Research. (02661) Wirock Inernational; Ford Foundaron. Paltologie Respralore des Petits Ruminants (PPR) [Network for Research on Respiratory Pathology of Smal RumtantsJ. (02645) Insitut dElevage el de Medicne Veternaire des Pays Tropicaux (IEMVT). P blic works in Africa to irnprove food-securty. (04626) Deutsche GeseNshaft fuer technsdche Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). PRsearch, coordination, and training for inproved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Akica. (02732) Commisson of the European Communities. Ressau Devebppement (RD) [Deveopment Network]. (02653) GRET. Sero-surveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Smalt Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) Internatbonal Livestock Center for Africa. Smnal Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Storage of cereals by pastoralbsts. (04761) Overseas Deveopmnent Administration (NRRD). Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOMllnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02061) Overseas Deveopm"ent Administration. 46 Index of prciects by coutry (Ntwork on S5]kn MOlmdgelngj- (02648) hmnai Dee ent Research Centre. fia Biol contr oflocusts by entc -athogens (03844) Bioogical Research Centre for Agriculture ard Forestry. Netwok vseau Maniocl. (02084) Cosrnxe des Responsables de Receche Agroriomique Afncarns et Francais. Draugt aSnals for produc eeding and worwing strategies for draught anmals. (04753) Ovse Deftlopment AAdmnnrabon (NRRD). Drugh1 Resistanc Research Net*ork (R3S) [Reseau de Rechedche sur a Resr tanoe a la Sdheressel. (02610) Coftrence des Pesponsables de Pechede Agrononque Aticans et Franqas. GroundnuA Networ [Iiseau Arachidel. (02087) Con liece des Responsables Agronorlues Aftcains et Frantais. Intenato Soybean row (INTSOY) (05373) Unersity of Illinois at Urbana Chanpaign. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultivation [Peseau Riz]. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Redherche Agronomique Africains et Franqazs. Participaion n the HAPEX-II prove (HAPEX = HydrgicaAtmosphenc Pilot Expermn). (05651) ORSTOMJ (Niamey)ICNRM (Toulouse). Reseau Colon (COTON). (0208) France: Conterence des Responsables de Rechercdes Agronomque Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Gao African Center of Meteorolgical Applications for Develpment (ACMAD). (01109) World lMeteoroo Organization (WMO) Cassava Netort (Resemu Manioc]. (02084) Corenl des Ps s de Recherhe Agronomique Afrcains et Francabs. Central and West Atmcan Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARAN). 49 + hde~~~~~~~~~Kx Of p oyw cuCM" (02166) Iherabonal nsbtMt d Tmpical AgimAn. NIbok br hpoveneft d Rice Culbvabon fRese Rizi. (02161) Corference des Responsables de Red e Agmrnorniqu Afncans et Frangas. eseau ur la Coevation Posl-Recokle d.-s Denrees Anentaa (GREMER) [Network'cr Posa-Havest Sbage of Food Crops]. 3647) Assocabn des Unaes*es Paie'eernit ou Entirement de Langue Francaise (AELXU)- S5aes A snentams (STRA) (Food Sdateryles Netwo*j. (02655) OFISTOWrIAu Frarcais de R3crhe Scentif pour le Devebppe en -. - rmaize d cassan a resaarci; elven e citnes d West and Central Afica Pln of acion. (02665)Minislei de b Cooperation (Frane). SJ-SawnAlrica l chy* ldoc assessrent. (01 108) Wodd Bak. The Liesock Traotoleail Nework. (02061) Oere Developmen Adminustrabon Wed Akrica Maize ColQborat Rarch Netwo*k [Rsesau Maisj. (02156) Conference des RPsdsables d ectiedie Agonorique Africans. West Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Pntin (WARCORP). (C2167) Irationl Instute of Tropical Aiculure. (05849) West Afnca Rice Development Association (WARDA). (OS85O) West Africa Re Developmn Association (WARDA). (05851) Wed Atnca Rice Oevelpmern Association (WARDA). (05852) Weso Afrca Rice Devepment Association (WARDAI. Afcn Cenber of Meleoroogical Applications 1 Devebpment (ACMADl. (01 109) Wodd Meteomlogical Organization (WMO). African Psearch Network br Agrictillwal By-hroduft (ARNAB). (02170) k*rabonal Deveopme Resrch Cnt (IDAC); Inteationa vestock 50 Index of pjects by axg Centre forAkcia (tCA). AGrYMET. Pnt pise. (05) WMO W Mdewrogocal Orgation). -WuW -ee nr Mpr II. (01020) Wodd Bark Gambia. Agriulkiwal research ano d6iersiticatlo. (01881) U.S. Agency for hbternational Deveilopent Arclua services. (01 194) Wodd Bank Ganbia. (02634) Cenlre Regional de Formaon et cAppkabon en Agometeomg of e Hydrooi (AG HYMET). Appled reseh in NOama cattle i Ganbia aid See. (02733) Co ssion of tle Euopean Comunwifies. Bobog of sat lolerance m Chfysomya megacephala (Dlra: CaIlae) and olw species of blls whoch are pests of salted-dried fish i ropic developing countes. (05799) Orseas Developnent Acrinistration (NRRD). Cetiral and West African Poo Crops Collborativ Resrh Netwrk (CEWARRN). (02166) Interaonal Insitute of TrOpical AorictuMre. Cooperatve Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Internatonal Crops Research Insttute for the Semi-And Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Mulbpupose Woody Speci. (02174) Food and Agnculture Organizabon of the United Nations. Crop protecton programme. (034091 CILSS-Sahel Institute. Drought Resstance Research Network fR3S) IR6seau de Recherche sur la Restau ice a la Sdcheresse] (02610) Conlerence des Responsables de Recherche Agronornioue fncains et F v. ,ais. Ecological mondonrg of he dynamics of desertilication. (03415k CILSS-Sahel Insitute. 51 Index of pnjects by l5unty Ecolog orw,ent progrm: oresaton and comervaton of th krsty (03416) aSSSahl4 nstiule. Idecaion and m rr of Afican weate remes - Phas I West Afrca. (O472F) Ovesas Deveopmet AdmnsraioNRRD). riproverme-s to mil. sorghum. cowpea. and maize crops n the Sahe. (02738) Coan of the Eumopean Com mes. ITrng fte Digos and Crol of Twpanosomiass ad oter Vector-bore Dseases of Afhic Lesdc. using Immlnoassay Met1ods (0267) Drcoate General for Inenabonal Cooperation (DGIS). Icrease of productv and control of diseases of snal nrumiants. (03410) CILSSS Irstitute. nermatonal Rice TesihN Program for Afnca (IRTP) (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDPYEuropean Economic Commision (EEC Japan. Magre Swamp Rice Network (MSRN). (0684) West Africa Rice Devebpment Association (WARDA). MeItebgcal Data Distribution Systems (MDO). (05774) Overseas Devebpmrent Administration (NRRD). Molog of renewable natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Commission of the European Comunrities. Nutrrtionat effects ef cash croppng. (01050) Intemationai Fund for Agricultural Devebpoment. On-farm seed production project for Sub-Saharan Africa. (02050) Winrockc Internabonal. On-farm studies to develop recommendations for the importance of tivestock feeding systems in the tsetse endemic regions of West Africa. (018081 Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Pathobgy of smnaN ruminants: etiology, vaccines and prophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Programme for the strengthening of research on production systems, (03418) CILSS-Sahet Institute. 52 t. Index of projects by couw Pmgrame on supporli sevices: docuwetatn, .fomnation and Wm". (03419) CILSSSel Insitle. Ratonal ulizaon of crop residues and agro-mrvAstnal by-prDoucts as dry season feed in fs Gamba. (03364) IFS. Regional prograrme for th mprovement ol mliet. sorghtun. cowpeas. and maize (trasitona phases (03407) CILSS-Sahel Insttte. Research and study pnrame on the nproved mangement of extensive national arge s isn fe Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Istitute. Research and study programme on te possbkty of irensiecatbon of fodder and aninal production in the frmwork of an associaton of agncullure ard Ivestock breeding in Sub-Sahehan. Sudaa and Guroea zones. (03413) CII-SS-Sahel Institute. Research progra-me on food secunty. stratgies and polices. (03417) CILSSS,-Shel Institute. Research progranme on phtogenetic rees. (03408) CILSS-Sahel Insbtiue. Saheian Intomation Network (SIN). (02557) Inslitute of Sahel (INSAH). Sodl and water resources managment unit. (01922) U.S. Agency for Internalional Developrnent. Study of microsporides (protozoa) as agents for biobgical control of insed pests in Senegal and Gambia. (03166) Internabonal Foundation for Science. Sub-Saharan Atnca hydrologcal assessment. (01108) Word Bank. The miteraction of work and trypanotolerance in N'Dama catte on two planes of nuriton (04691) Overseas Deveopment Administration (NRRD). The Lvestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Dovelopment Administration. 53 . kxdex of pcts by my" The Wed and Cerbal Arica Cowpea Coieobv Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for inierrnatw Deem (USAIDYSemiAnid Food Grain Research and D eopment (SAFGRAD). West Aftica Colioratkve Groun Research Network. (02162) Intenaon Crops Research Insihdte for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). West ca Regional Peari Mikt ImprOveent Progrn- (02154) hernato Crops Research Instute for the SemF-And Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Celler). West Afrian Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSFRWRESPAO). (02619) Intematioml Fuid for ATicultural Development (IFAD)Senm Arid Food Grain Research and Deveipt (SAFGRAD). West Alrican Fertizer Manmn t and Evaluatibon Nelok (WAFMEN). (02614) Intematl Developmen Research Centre (IDflC): Unded Nations Deveopmnent Plrdrn (UNDP). West and Central Afnca Maze Collboratrve Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAlD)ySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West and Central Afrca Sorghum Reseirch Netwof* (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for hrtermational Development (USAID)/Serni-Arid Food Grain Research and Developent (SAFGRAD). (Netvor* on Sorghum MillinKDehulling]. (02648) International Devebpment Research Centre. Biological control of locsts by entomopathogens. (03844) Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Participation in the HAPEX-II project (HAPEX = Hydro'ogicaUAtmospheric Pilot Experiment). (05651) ORSTOM (Niamey)/CNRM (Toulouse). Ghan Agrotorestry systems in the Tropics. (03859) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). 54 I Index of proects by mu" Aby Fmwi Netwok for Tropical Africa. (0206M) Car,am Irteatonal Development Agency (CIDA/Ineraonal Deeopme Resach Centre (IDRC). CaUs Pesearch N*tok (CARNET) (fomley CaNte Mc and Mea Network). (05358) he LNestck Cent for A.ica Cental and West African Root Crp Codaborabve Research NetwDk (CEWARRN). (02166) Intrnabon Instue of Tropca Agcuture. Coordinated Research Progranime on the Application of Iradiabon Technique for Food Proessing n Africa. (02629) Lkited Nabons Food and Agnculture Organizabon. F ir MaktN and Trade Infomation Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate Geral for Intemational Cooperaton (DGIS); U.S. Agenq for nt national Develpment (USAID). Identicabon and monitoring of African weatwer rgies- Phase I West Africa. (04726) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Irnmvng the Diaess and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-bome Diseases of Aftican Livestock. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Improvng the Productvity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). International Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDPlEuropean Economic Commission (EECVJapan. Management of vertisols under semi-arid conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) Intemational Board for Sodl Research and Management. Natonal Soil Reference Colections (NASREC II). (05624) ISRIC (Intemational Soil Reference and Information Centre). Pan-African Networks for Rura. Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock Intemational; Ford Foundation. Reconnaissance I preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub- Saharan African countries, with special reference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ). (02094) World Bank. 55 Index o' procts by couty SADAOC jSectxe A m_tie duable en Arque de rOue Centrale). (05662) ECDPM (European Centre kw Develpt Poicy UMu) .ment). SerosYveiaice of rinderpest and oew dseases in Afrca usg rnnm ay (02628) Swedish Agn for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Soi Fertify esosraton Proed (SFRP)- * (o2143) nhra&oa Ferblizer Development Center. Atica (IFDC-Alrica). Srengening maize nd cassava researrh in elven countnes of West and Central Abtca Plan of acton. (02655) Mei de la Cooperain (France) St,Sa*wn Africa hynogic assessment. (01 108) World Bank. The West and Cent Arica Cowpea Claborativw Research Network 'RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Inbrnational Deveopment (USAID)ISemi-And Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). U.SJlsrael program for cooperative deveopment research. (01949) U.S. Agency for International Developn. West Afra Collaborative Grounnut Research Nework. (02162) Intemational Crops Research Instihute for t Semi-And Tropics (ICRISAT). West Aftica Network on Aninal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deuce Geselschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. West Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) Intemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture. West Africa Regional Pearl Millet Improvement Program. (02154) Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West African Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRN/RESPAO). (02619) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Develprnent (FADySemni-Arid Food Grain Researcn and Development (SAFGRAD) West African Fertiizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Intemational Development Research Centre (IORC); United Nations Development Program (UNOP). 56 hIdexdpoXf Cs by CM" West Ahfc Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) MuAaer Coperation Dvon. Economic Cooperain Bureau, MOFA, JAPAN. West arkd Cen AIa Maize Colaboramve Research Nehwork (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agncy for bfe ora Develpmet (US'ID)3einArid Food Grai Research aid Developnent (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorgiur Research Network (wCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Inratiornal Development (USAID)ISemi-And Food Grain Researcd ard Deveopmen (SAFGRAD). G0bd An inteaed research programme on the dveobpment of biobgical pesticides for bcust and grasshopper conrol. (01546) U.S. Agency for Internatol Deveopmrent. Analysis of causes and consqu s of swarm mi,rations into the Atantic from West Atrica during 1908. (02682) Overseas Deveornent Administration. Assoiation Intemationale pour rOpbtmsahon de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) [Internationa Association for the Optimization of Plant Nutrtioni. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Redcehe Agronomique pour se Developpement (CIRAD). Biological control of locusts by entomopathogens. (03844) Federal Biological Research Centre for Agricufure and Forestry. Biology of satt lolerance in Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and other species of blowflies which are pests of safted-dried fish in tropical deveop:ing countries. (05799) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc?. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francais. Collaborative Research Support P'rogram (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemalional Development (USAID)lMichigan Sbate Universty Co1aborative Research Supporl Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDIUniversity of Georgia. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Soils management (TROPSOILS). (01346) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/North Carolina State 57 Index of poJects by cout CorpwarNj physiology, felkd perormance and ppagation of plarts of the Posopis. (04742) Oerseas Devebpren Administrabon (NRROD. Conseraon, management and restorat of natume in degenerated ecosystems in te tnrs and suk4ropics. (05596) IBN (irlute br forestry and Nature Research). de Dcrsd*carp. Date palm development. (02750) Intemational Fund for Agecuitral 0vopment. Drat animals for prodxt eeding and worki7g strateges for draught aninals. (04753) Om-seas Devlpment AdninFtration (NRRD). Dromi4t Resstae Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la Res;stance a la ichegessel. (02610) Conterence des Responsables oe Rerche Agronomque Atricains et Franais. Feeding and mangement strategies for daught aimls. (01820) Overseas Develpment Administration (NARD). Groundnut Network IR6seau Arach de]. (O207) Conference des Responsables Ag5oniques Atfncains et Frangams. International Network on Soil Fertility ard Sustaiable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) International Rice Research Instiute. .Intenabonal Pearl Milet Adaptation Trial (IPMAT). (05375) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Irnteational Pearl Miut Disease Resistance Testing Program (IPMORTP). (05376) Intemational Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Intemational Programme for Technology Research in Irrigation arnd Drainage (IPTRIO). (05623) WB (World Bank). -Intemational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Locust research programme. (02780) The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Methods and techniques for environmental impact assessments of agrochemicals in the tropics. (04809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). .- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~50 kIdex Of pojects by coufwy 1ooogic Resoure Cente (MPRCEN). (02649) Uniled Nao E Scientf and Cultural OW aabon (UNESCO). Netwoht for Inpvient of Rice CultIaton [R&seau PQ1- (02161) CoNrence des Resposables de Rechede Agrornique Africairs et Franpas. Nibogen Faation by Tropica AfiAx Legunes (NiffTAL). (05377) Universlyo Hoai". Partcation the HAPEX-I1 prject (HAPEX = Hydologica/Amospheric Pilot Expww). (05651) ORSTOM (Niamey)CNRM (Toulouse). Research pgrdmme on the bioogical and chemical control of desert bcusts. (02092) CAB Internaonal Institute od Bioogical Conrtrol. Reseau Aiculbre Farniliale CoTpae (RAFAC) [Comparative Famiy Farning Neohl. (02651) lAM. RPseau Coton (COTCJN). (02082) France; Confeence des Responsables de Recherches AgronomKiue Afticais et Fancais (CORAF). lbe inpad o managent practices on the water use efficiency of ranted crops in the semi-arid tropics. (01699) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The protection od fish against blowflies dunng drying and teetb inlestation dunng storage. (04710) Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). [Arid and Acid Sods Networki. (02636) U.S. Agencv for International Development. Grs Biological control of locusts by entomopathogens. (03844) Federal Biological Research Centre for Agricuflture and Forestry. Microbiological Resources Center (MIRCEN). (02649) United Nations Educational, Scientifk and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 59 Index of pjecIs by ury Giunsa (05849) West Africa Rioe eopmt Association (WARDA). (05850) West Afrka Rie Deepment Association (WARDA). (05851) West Atica Ric evebpn Associaton (WARDA). (05852) West Afica Rice Devebp t Association (WARDA). Amcan Center of Meteorological Applications (or Devebpm (ACMAD). (01109) World Meeolical Organization (WMO). Agiiulra sernces (fomerly Sesond agiicurural sences projed). (01197) World Bank; Guinea. Agcutmre sector restructunrg. (03660) U.S. Agency for hternational Oevebpmenl. Aromaabc extracts (Guinea). (04953) Ihernational Developrnent Research Centre. Cassava Network [Reseau Maniocl. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afrcains et Francais. Catte Reseach Network (CARNET) (formerly Cattle Milk and Meat Network). (05358) Intemational Livestock Center for Africa. Central and West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. OrouDt Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la S6cheressej. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Aftcains et Francais. Ecological and bioogical study of Cricetomys sp: evaluation of its reproductive potential in the Peninsula of Kaloum. (03179) IFS. First agncultur3i services project. (01137) World Bank; Guinea. Forestry and fishery management. (01196) World Bank; Guinea. 60 Index of poqects by couy Grndnu Networ [Rseau Araidel. 102017) Conlrene des Resnses Agenomqtes Afriaism et Frand s. Gueckedou agicltur development project. (01136) World Bank; Guinea. Inreased grounnut cutabon and seed product on Guinea. (03310) IFS. Influences of mineral and organic dressig on plantin cultivation, identification of cutvrs and production i ard zones. (03732) Intermaonl Network for te Improvement of Banana and Pbntain. Intensg cultivation of groundnut and pigeon pea, bguminous crops of potential value for snai hokiers in Guinea. (05269) Internatioral Foundation for Science. Mangrove Swamp Rice Network (MSRN). (05848) West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). Monitoring of renewable natural resources n the Sahel. (02739) Commission of the European Communities. National agricultural export promotion protct (Export cop. fonrerly Agricultural export promotion, formerly Export crops). (01017) World Bank; Guinea. National research and extension project. (01139) World Bank; Guinea. National seeds proect. (01678) World Bank: Guinea. Natural resources management. (03661) U.S. Agency for Inlemational Development. Network for Improvement of Rice Cutivation (Reseau Riz]. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Fran9ais. Nutntion and crop protection. (03737) Intemalional Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain. Rural environment management (formerly Environmental protection program formerly Natural resources management). (02096) World Bank: Guinea. Bt Index of p cts by conr Simal homew p vy. (01896) U.S. Agency for Intratonal Develpment Se prdu. (01850) U.S. Agency kow Intenuaonal envlopent. Srwiieng maize and cassava search in eleven countries of West and Central Atfca Plan of acion. (02665) Miisfere de la Cooperation (France). Sub-Sahawn Africa hydrocal assessment (01 108) World Bank. The effect of strategc splmntay leeding on growth and reproducton of NDama cattle. (04646) justu von Liebg Uneversitaet G.essen. The West ai Central Ai Cowpea Cdbbora Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency 'or International Develo t (USAID)/Semr-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpmnnt (SAFGRAD). U.SAsrael progran for cooperatv devebpment research. (01949) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment. West Africa Maize Colaborative Research Nethork [Reseau Mars]. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Rech:rche Agronomique Alricains. West Africa Regional C ioperative for Resea',' on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) International Instfute of Tropical Agricuhture. West AfFican Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC): United Nations Devebpment Program (UNDP). West and Central Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Intemalional Development (USAIDySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDy/Semi-And Food Grain Research and Develprnenl (SAFGRAD). 62 hidex of poect by cu (05849) West Africa Rice Dvelopment Asscation tWARDA). (05850) West Africa Race Devopmwt Asociato (WARDA). (06851) West Anca Rice Develment Associato CNARDA). (05852) West Africa Rice Develpmet Assocon (WARDA). Afnca Center Of 1heieoro l Applions r Development (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meterological Orgerabon (WmO). A seAra ctor development. (02030) World Bark Guiea-ssau. (05399) World Ba* Gumeaatssau. Agiulua servim. (05400) Word Ba Guinea-Bissau. A H prologie-bleologe. (02634) Cente Reona de FomCation el dcAppkabon en Agromeleologie et Hydrolop (AGMYMEr). A.ey Fanng Netwouk for Trpical Afica. (02008) Carui Inenatonal Developmert Agency (CIDA) ntemabaona Devebpment Research Centre (IOPC). Central and West African Root Crops Collborawe Research Netwod (CEWARRN) (02166) Internaional Institte of Tropical Agrictture. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of fe Unted Nations. Crop protection programme. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Developperlent Bas Fonds de Ruz production Bafata. (05600) SNV (Assication Neerlandais dAssistance au Developpement). Drougt Resistance Research Network (R3Sj [Reau de Recherche sur a Resistarce a Ia Sicteresse]. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Alricamns et Franqais. 63 idex of p ni rbycouab Eogcal mcnm" o te dynamcs of dsse,*atio. N~~~~04i)CLSSle ntue w. E e n ~ ~~~~prormn: rehresM and cnear6en of te foresf.'y -' ~~~(0341G) CILSS-Sahe Institute. kr_veents bD fifet sorghum. cowpa, and maize Crops r fe Satet. (0Z738) Coni.son of he European Commurnies. Inrease of producty and control of dseases of sa ruminat. (03410) CHLSS-S" lnsbtuAe. hA onal Rice Tesng Progam for Afrca (IRTP). (W2160, United Nations Deverot Poram (UNDPYEuropean Ecnmic Commission (EE OyJap. MIge Swnp Rie Netwo ((MSRN), (05848) West Alica Rice Deveo Assodation (PVARDA). oorIN of renewable natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Conrission of Ite European Communites. Nab"al resources mnagenat (f'ormery Agnclural natural resources and forestry). (04344) World Bank: Guinea-Bissau. Pathology of smai ruminants: etiobogy, vaccines and prophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Programme for the strengening of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Programme on supportng services: documentation, information and training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Pro Agro-Silvo-pastoril do Leste Bafata (I + ll). (05631) SNV (Netherlands Development Cooperation). Regional programme for the improvement of millet, sorghum. cowpeas, and maize (transrional phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Research and study programme on the improved management of extensive national rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. 64 r Index of dpcts by contry usaidih and sb programe on the posbdiy o e d s i* bon t ' de' ark' vnal pWofton in ihe iwnework of an associon of agrukihwl and livt k breeding in Sub-Salian Sum and Gume ones. (03413) CLSS-Sah isObAe. RPsearh pmgnme on food sectx*, and poos. (03417 CISS-Sa ktstbb. ResePc prgrvaine on phoIgeneic rescurces (0341 ) aLSS-S hkisle. ie pr II. (01886) U.S. Agency fkom naiona )E-jelopret. S.wia bonabon Netwok (SIN). (M657) Instde of Sahel (INSAH). SuSawan AWca h -ob assessment. (01108) Wo'dBa*n. The We ard Central Airica Cowpea Coxatv Peearch Newott (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agn ir kswnational Development (USAIDIS%n,And Food Gram Research anJ Development (SAFGRAf). West AfricaReona Coopera,"e for ijs, atnh onfnta.n (WAACORP). (02167) International isbtute v" -r.pical Agnculture. West and Ceni Afica Maize Colbb wrave Resoarch Natwoo (WECMN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Intematio aVevelopment (UJSA,D)/Ssni-Arid Food Grain Research an1 Development (SAFGRAD). West and Centrat AJrica Sorghum Resea:ch Netw.n' (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for International Develpment (USAIDSemi-AArid Food Grain Research and Deomnt (SAFGRAD). International Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois al Urbana-Champaign. Hondurs Intemational Soybean Program (INTSOY). 65 ,, ~~~~~~~ ~~1 'VF Irlex of prjeds by cm"y (05373) Univrs 0 llois at Uvbaha Nrog Fixaton by Tropica A uural Legugnes (NiITAL). (05377) UiWVity Of Hadi. hd. eolog of st tla-ce in CIwy y mepcephala (DVer Caiphorda) am othe"' sei of bowfbes whih ae pests of sallednied fish m topic developg couriis. (05799) Oeras D eveopmwn AdIm"trati (NRRD). C cnwVwa phySKogy. field peorr and prpagaon of pnts of the Prosopes. (04742) O0seas Devlpment Adniniration (NRFD). Inemabonal Network on Sod Ferti and Sustamable Rlce Farming (INSURF). (05370) Introna Rice Research lrtote. Intrnaiox Pearl Met Ad _abn Tral (IPMAT). (053M) Intonaio Crops Research Instute for the Semi-And Tropics. Iternatona Pearl Wet Disase Resistance Testng Pgrwam (IPMDRTP). (05376) Inermatonal Crops Research Insfite for the Sem-And Tropics. Internationa Progammre for Tedcicbgy Research in Igation and Drainage (IPTRID). (05623) WB (Wodd Bank). International Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Unirsity of Iliois at Urbana-Champaign. The at of managet practices on the water use efficy of rainfed crops in the semi-ard tropics. 01699% Overseas Develpment Administr tun " 1RPO). Ind^esl Bio&gy of salt tolerance in Chrysomya mogacephala 'fiplera: Calliphoridae) and other species of blowflies which are pests of salted-dried fih in tropical developing coumnr,es. (0579 ) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Conse vation, management and restoration of nature in degenerated ecos-ystems in the tropics and sub-tropics. (05598) IBN (Institute for forestry and Nature Research), de Dorschkarrp. 66 Index of pojects by coumty Draxgi aniena for produoieeding and wakng staeMges for draught animls. (04753) Overse De t nstration (NRRD). Feedng and ranagem nt strategies for aught annals. 101820) Owseas Devopment Adninirafion (NRRD). Interional Network on Soil Fertlity and Sustaiabe Rice Fanmng (INS4JRF). (0537-) International ;;ice Research Insttute. Intematinl Soybew Prc ram (INTSOY) (05373) Unersity Of Illios at Urbana-ChanIPa. l1rq Date pakn develmet (02750) International Fund for Agrcultural Development. Analysis of causes and cosequec of swarm migrations inb Fe Atlantic from West Afiica during 1988. (02682) Oversees Development A"inist0ation. Biological control of locusts by entomopathogens. (03844) Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) Intemational Deuelopment Research Centre (IDRC); Internationdl Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agrolorestry systems in the Tropics. (03859) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbet (GTZ). Aley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02008) Canadian Intemational Development Agrncy (CIDAyintemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). 67 Index of pf-9cis by country 'ssocubn liemationale pour rOpUf sabon de a NL*ition des Piawes (ANIOP) [huaoal Asoaton for Ie tiOizpb n of Pbd NutritonJ. (02641) Centre de Coeabton Irntaonals en Pecwfe Agonomaqte pour le Deweloppwnt (CIRAD). Case stiies on raisieg agricultrWal -cxkity of women in Africa for hreased food Pon. (02151) VWorld Btank. Co-ordiated Research Programnme on the Applcaton of Irraciabon Technique for Food Pmoeing in Africa. (02629) United Nabons Food and Agnculture Organization. Codaborate Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghtun and miet (INTSORIML). (01344) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment (USAIDYJhe University of Nebrasknx. Cooperatrve Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Internabonal Crops Research Inrsiue for fte SemiArid Tropics. Coopertive Programme for the Imprvment of Genetic Resources of Jubpurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Naotons. Eastemrn Aica Regeal Sorglum and Milet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAID)/Semi-Arid Food Gran Research and Develpnent (SAFGRAD). Immunity against trypanosomiass and mechanism of hypanotolrance in animals. (03932) lnstitut tuer Parasitologie und Tropenveterinaermedizin, Freia Univesitaet Berhn. Improving the Diagnosis and Contro' of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases ot African Uvestock, using Immunoassay Methods. 102627) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Intemational agricultural research centers: 09 Internaional Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for Intemalionai Development. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)IEuropean Economic Commission (EEC)lJapan. Management of vertisols undel semi-orid coiditions in Africa (MO' (01022) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. 68 Index of puects by camry McRoliologicall esurces Certer (IRCEN). (02649) Unied Natons Educ l, Scoific and Cultura Ornabon (UNESCO). National Sod RePrerce Coletin (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (lnabona Soi Reference and tnformalo Centre). Nitrogen Fixabon by Tropical Agncultural Legumes (NiITAL). (05377) Uniert of Hawaii. Nutrtonal effects of cash cropping. (01050) teational Fund for Agricultural Deveopment. Ablic v .1ks in Afica to improve food-security. (04626) Deu&he Geselbchat luer technische Zusamme t (GTZ). Research pogamme n the biogical and chemical coDntrol of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Intefnational Institute of Biobgical Conlrol. Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (02638) ORSTOMrlnslitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developperent en Cooperation. Reseau Femmes et Developpement (FEM/DEV) [Women in Devebpment Network). (02652) ORSTO .itut -ancats do Pecherche Scentifque pour le Developpeniet en Cooperation. Sero-surveiNance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa, using imrrunoassay (02628) Swea sh Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Small Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) International Livestock Center for Africa. '- -V Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Ge. llschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Social Science Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) Thp Itemational Centre of Insect Physiolgy and Ecology. Storage of cereals by pastoralists. (04761) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) [Food Slrategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOMWlnstitul Francais de Recherche SciAntifiqte pour le Developpement en Cooperation. 69 Index of pmies by cunmby The Lvestock Try oerat Nework. (02081) Ovas Developnet Ad abon. U.SJIsrael progran. for cooperativ develpment research. (01949) U.S. Agency for nenatoonal Deelpment. Universities and naional agicultural researdc in Sub-Saharan Ahia (03678) Intnatol Service for Nabonal Agncu Resach. Republic Kom Intmabonal Soybea Program (INTSOY). (05373) Univ of Ihis at Urana-Chpaign. Kuwai Date paln development. (02750) Internaibonal Fund for Agricultural Development. Lesoto African Center of Meteoromogical Applications for Devepment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteoroogical Organizatin (WMO). Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Institute for the SernmArid Tropics. Fertilizer Ibrkea n and Trade Informaabon Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directrate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Internabonal Devebprment (USAID). Sub-Saharan Afnca hydrologcW assessment (01106) World Bank. Liberia African Center of Meteorological Applications for Develpment (ACMAD). (01109) Word Meteorological Organization (WMO). Aley Farrning Network for Tropical Atrica. (02088) Canadian Intemational Development Agency (CIDAWIntemational Deveopment 70 Index of pojects by cotry Rmeach Cenbe (IDRC). Cer and Wes Ahca Root Crops CoNoraiv Reearch Newock (CEWARRN). (02166) Inematonal Iste of r Opical Aaicuhe. Chaaceizalo of lymp1 es and pnodurton of wiereron as parameters for dngg trypanotolerance in aimals and people. (02847) Comnmn of the Europea Communites. Immuniy againto trypariosomsiass and mechanisms of typanotolrance in aninials. (0M) InsitA luer Paasito und Trenemamedin Freie Universitaet Berin. Irnatinal Niwork on Sod Fertty and Sustaibe Rice Fanning (INSURF). (05370) Inenatonal Rice Research insttute. lnmatbonal Rice Testng Progri for Afrca (IRTP). (02160) Unted Nations Devebpmnt Prgrm (UNDP)YEuro ean Economic Commission (EECYJapan. Pan-African Networks for Rural Soca Science Research. (02661) Wmrodc Intenational; Ford Foundation. Srehning maize and cassava research in eleven countries of West and Central Adhca Plan d action. (02665) Minstere de la Cooperation (France). Su-bSaharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01106) Wortd Bank. West Afica Network on Animal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Gesellchaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbedt (GTZ) Gmb H. West Afnca Regional Cooperative for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) International Institute of Tropical Agricuure. West African Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRNIRESPAO). (02619) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFADySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Developnent (SAFGRAD). West Alrican Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) International Developmrent Research Centre (IDRC); United Nations Development Proganm (UNDP). West African Rice Information System (WARIS). (04246) International Development Research Ceotre. 71 index ot projects by cmatrry - - Arican Center d Meteomlogr 4i appkabons for Deveopment (ACUAD). (01109) World Metorological Organizabon (WlAO). Co-ordinafed Research Programme on fe Appliaon of Irradiabon Tedunique for Food Pmoceng in Africa. (02629) UrWed Nabons Food and Agcture Organization. Date pai devepent. (02750) Internatio Fund for Agiculfural Deveopient. International Soyba Program (INTSOY). (05373) Unmer of llriois at Urbana-Chmpaign. Pot programme for eradicaton of new world screw worm. (02748) International Fund for Agriculural Development African Center of Meteorobgical Applications for Devlpment (ACMAD). (01109) Wodd Meteorological Organizafion (WMO). Association Interationale pour lwOptmisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) [International Associion for the Optimization of Plant Nutition]. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Redche Agronorique pour le DeveClppement (CIRAD). Cassava Network [Reseau Maniocl. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronornique Afrkains et Francais. Central and West Afr;-an Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intematio.. ;litute of Tropical Agnculture. Fertilizer Markehng and Trade Information Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Intemational Develpment (USAID). Groundnu: Network [Reseau Arachide]. (02087) Conflrence des Responsables Agronomiques Aricains et Franais. Intemational Network on Soil Fertility and Sustainabie Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) International Rice Research Instftute. 72 Index oA prects by ountr Wsmnatiornal ce Tesing Progran fr Aca (IRTP). (02160) Unded Nabons Develot Pgrvam (UNDP)Euopean Economic Commisson (EECYJaan. Network fo Improvement of Rice Cultivaton [RPseau Rizi. (02161) Conference des Responsabbes de Redcerche Agonormique Africais et Franais. Pathko RespP atLire des Peft Runriars (PPR) [Network for Research on Respiratory Padho of Small Rumiants] (02645) hnstitut dElevage et de Mediine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux (IEMVT). Pmposal for a esearch project on the deveiopment of rw methods in bcust control. (0209() Geselihaft fuer Tecnische Zusammeasbeit (GTZ). R%seau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Resporsables de Recherches Agronomique Africans et Francai (CORAF). Reseau Developpement (RID) [De mnt Networkl. (02653) GRET. Reseau Femmes et Deveoppement (FEM/DEV) [Women in DeveOprent Network]. (02652) ORSTO1nshttut Francais doe Recherche Scientifique pour le Devebppement en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01106) World Bank. West Africa Colaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) International Crops hesearch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Coilaborative Research Network [R4seau Mai& (02156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains. West and Central Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDySemi-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Mawi African Center of Meteorological Applications for Deveopment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). African Research Network for Agncuitural By-Products (ARNAB). 73 Index of pjects by mny (02170) llemaon Devebpmet Resear&h Centre (IDRC); lnaonal Lesck Caer for Mrica (ILCA). Alsy Fam"ng Network for Topical Africa. (0206) Canian Interaonal Develpmert Agency (CIDAYinternational Development Pamm Cent (IDAC). Biology d salt blrance in Chrysowya megacephala (Dpera: Callhodae) and other speies of bbwfles which are pests of salted-died fish in trpal deveopin countries. (05799) Ovseas Developeiet Administration (NRRD). Coaborafle Research Suppor Prram (CRSP): Bears and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intenationa Develbp t (USAID)ilJMhigan State Unwersiiy. Cooperative Cereas Researc Network (CCRN). (02171) Intemabonal Crops Research !nstitute for ft Semr-And Tropics. Imprving te Pmductvity of Indigenu African Lietock using Radioammunoassay and relaed Techniques. (02621) Drectrate Generai for Intematbonal Cooperation (DGIS). Intenational Pearl Met Adap n Tria (IPMAT). (05375) Inemnal Cops Research lnsute for he SemfiAnd Tropics. Intema Rice Testing P.Dgrarn for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nabons Devebpment Program (UNDP)IEuropean Ecomi Commission (EECyJapan. Managment of verbsols under semi-arid cdtons in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock International; Ford Foundafion. Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOWnstiul Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour Ie Devppement en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrolgical assessnment. (01 108) World Bark. U.SJlsrael program for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S. Agency for Intemational DevelopmenW. 74 4 - Index of poects by awy Biology of salt ece in OCrnya egaceha (Dp*a Callhordae) and other species of bbwres whidc are pests of saled-dried fish in topical developig cowunes. (05799) Oese Devepment Administration (NRRD). Conservaiort, management and restorabon of nature in degenerated ecosysems n the tpics and sutropics. (05598) IBN (Instite for toresty and Nature Researct), de Dorschkamp. Intemational Nethrk on Soi Fertiy and Sustanable Rice Faming (INSURF). (05370) Ir tnal Rice Research Insttue. Mai Afncan Center of Meteorobgical Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) Word Meteorological Organization (WMO). Arican emerncy/ocust grasshopper. (01606) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural research. (02784) World Bank; Mali. Agricutural research support. (03665) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural sector adjustmen/investment project. (01439) Worid Bank; Mali. Agricultural services 11. (04916) World Bak; ,Mali. Agricultural services project. (01674) World Banl:; Mali. Agrculture Hydrolonie-Meteorologie. (02634) Centre R%ional de Formation et d'Applicat -n en Agrorneteorologie et Hydriogie (AGRHYMET). Agroforestry research for develobpnt of the drylands of West Africa. (02113) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Alternate formulations and/or increase rates of pesticides to increase persistance. 75 kxWx of prct by amy (01824) U.S. Agency ow Irirnatonal Develpmt An nigrbd research progim on fe devebpnm of biobgical pesicides fn kcust and grasepper contol. (01546) U.S. Agency for Interabonal Devebpment AppWd resih programme: Nework for Semi-Arid Lowbands of West Afrca (SALWA-AFRENA). (02616) h beatioa Counri for Rasearch in A`0oforestry. AW.rat mecanzbon of field work and tanspoitabon. (01476) Uniesitae heie. Arres audodtnes - Mali, Second Phase [Inbgenou ees - Mali. Phase ll. (01261) Inteniona Develpren Resech Centre. Assesment of conditons for repicabtg prduction systems m Atr'ca s savmna ares - second stage. (02096) Cenre de Cooperation Intermaonale sn Redwde Agonwmq pour le DeveoMpen (CIRAD). Ateiier des Forgerons Koutiala. (05635) CMDT (Ccnpagnie Malienne pour le Developptimert des Texies). Bolgca control of locusts and rasshoppers in Africa (02102) Unied States Departinent of Agncukture. Cassava Network (Reseau Manioc]. (02064) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afncains et Fratrcas. ,,aide Research Network (CARNET) (fomrerty Catte MiA and Meat Network). ti.5358) International Uvestock Center lor Africa. Central and West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Institute of Tropical Agricuture. Colaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDyAniversity of Georgia. Colaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Soils management (TROPSOILS). (01346) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAIO)North Carolina State University. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSPI: Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAIDOYThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 76 index o poject by com"y Companson between differen types of bee-he- , Cfr rural adaptdton in Mali. (03116) Interratonal Foundation for Science. Coevation, management and restoration of nature in degenerated ec_.- e'es in the -tpcs and su-opics. (05596) fIN (Institute for frestry and Nature Research), de Dors&.t.!ii.. Cefea Research Netwi(CCMN) 102171) Interaonal Crops Research Instintte br the Semi-Arid Topics. Cooperatv Proramme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (01t74) Food and Agrihcutre Organization of the United Nations. Crop protedion programme. (03409) C. LSS-Sahet Institute. Culture en coubir (Mali) [Aley cropping - Mahl. (01290) International Development Research Centre. Devdopment cooperation Soil and Fertilizer. (05595) IB (Institute for Soil Fertilitv Research). Deveopment of a field method (open calorimetry system) for measunng energy expenditure d draught animals. (03793) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/Germnan Research Srciety (DFG). Devebpment of Haute Vallee. (01927) U.S. Agency for Intemalional Development. Devebpment of Neem research initiatives ir. Mali. (01548) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Divison de Recherche sur les Systemes de Production Rural. (05611) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute) Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur Ia Resistance a la Swcheressel (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francais. Dual purpose use of Pearl-millet in mixed farming systems. (04622) Universitaet Hohenheim. Durable landuse and foodproduction in developing counlries: development of durable production systems in the tropics. 77 Index of proect by cotsy (05592) CABO (centre for Arobgical Researdi). Ecobgical monxing of the dyywn od dms .caho. (03415) CaLSSaSe lttue. EoIogy/emoirowntent proramnme reforestation aId conservaon of the frestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahef Instilute. Elficacy of pesbcdes agamst desert bcust and asshoppers. (018) US. Agency for InterrmationI !Devebop.i - and deelopment in Mal (04335) Universty of Oslo. Environmt and devebopent m Mal - Food and nutrit in hoseholds and the role of women in e management of natral resources and food seaurity. (04336) Uniesity of Oslo. Envronment and deeopment n Mali - Wldd plants used for food, medicire and (04337) Urnersity of Oslo. Envirnental effects of insectides against locus and grasshoe. (04338) Univesity of Oslo. Farming systms research and dwelpmnt. (01833) U.S. Agency for Intemational Developmenl. Feed availability on nalural gazing pastures and methods for overcoming quahitabve and quantitative inidations. (03791) Deusche Forschungsgemeirwscha uGema Research Society (DFG). Food security and sustainab developmt in MWi, West Africa. (04341) Unive of Oslo. Food security in the northem part of the Saheian zone of Mali. (05692) Institut fuer Kulturgeographie der Universitaet Freiburg. Forestry development. (01844) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment. German Sahel program - [control of desertification]. (01420) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Gestion des Resources Naturelles dans le Cercre de Niafunke (GRN). 78 rxexOf ectsby cm"a '5668) AhiaeNS (Assoceao Neeandaise cassaie au Deve1ope). Gmenes ma for graower and locust control. (02683) U.S. Agncy for Inhernaional De lopmt Gm= Hork As Archd. (M027) Confrence des Reponsables Agronomiques Afriains et Fr^ -. Hooce vgeto hisly r. Norh ait' (03m5) Lniversiet WLerztg. kxveament lo miIel soryhn, cowpea. and maize crps in te Sahel. (M738) Caomission of the Europen Commnibies. improvig the Diaosis and Control of Tryuiosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases fd Afic Lveiock using I mmuoassay Mhods. (02627) Direcorate Geral for interzaonal Cooperation (DGIS). _' cee of prodcvity and antrolf d ieases of smal rumnnrts. (03410) CISS-Sahel bIsiue. International agtal rearch centefs: 09 International Lvstock Center for Afica (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for Intematioal Deveopment. International Rice Testing Program for Aftica IRTP). (02160) United Nations DeveopTen Program (UNDPYEuopean Economic Commissicr (EEC)Japan. Investigaon of the nutriive value of agro-industrial by-products in Mali. (02924' Intemational Foundation for Science. Irrigation in the Sahel - A annoted literature review. (01423) Geselbchaft tuer Technische Zusammnrbeit (rTZ). Imgation promobon (formerly Imgation sector). (01944) World Bank; Mali. Kidal food and income security programme. (04325) International Fund for Agricultural Devebpment. Lr'estock sector 11. (01852) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment. Livestock sector Phase Ill. (03685) U.S. Agency for International Develpment. 79 Index of priects by country Looi research proamme. (02780) The !nteraional Centre of Insed Phyioogy and Ecoogy. ktage of DaMonke sheep wider vbge conditi: potentals and constraints. (03317) Intrnational Foundabion for Sdence Muigment of vtsols mder swarnd a3ndons m AfMca (MOVUSAC). I,01) Intee 0t-vne f B rd f- e Sog Re. - a;r ..agere.4. MediciialMo secies (Mai). (05337) Iernabon Devepop Research Centre. Monilnn isects pests and damage n milet. (04857) Oer Development Admiaslrtion (NRRO). Lim" of renewable natu resources in fe Sahel. (02739) Commission of me Eurpean Communibes. Mopi area -velp pred. (03501) 'Nold Bank; Mali. MAlp pose poject fo the development of natu resoucs. (04330) World Food Programme. National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC 11). j05624) ISRIC (Intemational Soo Reference and Information Centre). Natural rssources m. iagement. (01200) World Bank; Mali. Network for Improvement of Rice Culvation [R^seau Rizj. (02161) Conference des Respornablcs do Recherche Agronomique Akicains et Franqais. Net 'nf Sahehan SIS Users (NSSU). i :al Program for African Agricutural Research. 0 ~. 'lapause studies. (0481 . Overseas Develobpent Administration (NRRD). Office du Niger consolidation proect. (03502) World Bank; Mali. OMVS agriculural research. (01865) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. 80 Index of proects by country On-Fam Feier Adopfion Pro'n (OFFAP). (02148) Intenaonal Fert*e Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Aftrica). Opera Haute Vallee. (01867) U.S. Agency for Internabonal Devebpment. Operion Haute Valee: 01 trar ing Operabon Haute Vallee mmana ent and extension (O1868) U.S. Agercy for Interfational Devebpment Pan-Ahican Networs for Rural Socia Science Research. (0661) Wmnrock tr,tmaional; Ford Foundation. Pahology of small nimmants: eiology, vawnes and prophylaxis. (03411) CLSS-Sae Institute. Phase 1: Resnce of cowpea to Strga ges ies and Alectra yogelii Phase II: ResisWice of legnmes and cereals to S1riga speces. (01767) Oveas Development Admistration (NRRO). Prment of the Mali project. (04334) Universty of Oslo. Producion Soudane Sahelienne (PSS). (05653) AB (Research Insttute for Agrobilogy and Soil Fertilty). Pogamre the strenhennmg of research on producion systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Programme on supporhng services documentation, information and training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Pmgramre support to CMDI (Programme appw de 13 SNV a la CMDT). (06584) SNV (Association Neerlandais crAssistance au DeveloppementVNetherands DevelepC mt Organization). Programme support to CMDT: Project grainbanks as precaution in the San region If Projet greniers de prevoyance dans la Region de San II (P(;P). (05494) SNV (Netherlands Development OrganizationyCMDT (Compagnie Malienne pour le Doeveloppement des Textiles). Programme support to CMDT: Proiect management of the Shallow areas in the rvers in the Bougouni regior/Projet amenagement des petits bas-ionds dans la Region do Bougouni (PAPBF). (05495) SNV (Netherlands Development OrganizitionyCMDT jCompagnie Malienne pour to Developement des Textiles). 81 Index of proects by cofb Progxw stw to CMDT Poject maragement of the vdage are 11 (Pret anenegemd dBs W voi5 iagwis 11 (PATV), Region do Fm). (0640Ak SWN (Netherlao Development Or/atonYCMDT (Compagnie Mahenne pour le Developpernent des Texbbes). Prgamrrie support to CMDT: Project vegetables of Dioda IUrojet Maraiw do Dioia 11 (PMD). (05493) SWY (Nedse Dev mt OraaniauontCMDT (Conwpagnie Malere pjr le Dee cMe des Textiles). Proet dAApui a la Divson do Recedcs sur ls Systemes de Producon Rurale (DRSPR), Volet FnseboUgo. (05613) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Proe Femmes et Deveoppement dans la Zone MaI-Sud (phase 11). (06610) RTn (Roya Tropical Institute). PIssance / prparato study on foresty bo oo in te du e S&,Saharan Africn cotaxes, wilh special reence to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ) (02094) World Bank. Regiona programme for the ipvement of millet, sorghxn, cowpeas. and maize (tstona ptase). (03407) ClLSS-Sahel Institute. Research and stld progamme on the improved management of extensive national rangelnds in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Pesearch and study progrmme on the possbiliy of intensdication of fodder and animal production n the framework of an association of agicultue and livestock breeding in Sub-Sahelian, Sudanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Research on mechanization for small scab agncultural product in the tropics. (05596) IMAG (Inslitute for Agricultural Engineering). Researrh programme on food security, strategies and policies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Reseafch programme on phytogenetic resources. (03408) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research programme on the biological anc chemical control of desert locusts. 82 kie fplvect by counry (MM CAB hilbnational dsMLje of Biobgical Contrl. Reseal gm d' p .gme on cmeIs in ft Sahel (DR). (Mt4) ClISSSae Institue. Resm AcAie Fanihale Corparee (RAFAC) [Compaai Family Farming Netwi (a261) wM. RPseeu Cob (COTON). (02062) Fnnos; Corfeance des Responsables de Reehes Agoimique Aticain et Francais (CORAF). Ressau Ersim (EROS) (Erosion Nelwoil- (02638) ORSTOMIlnslut Fraxcais do Recherche Sentiue pour le Deeoppeet en 'Coopeaon ReeF Femmes et Dvpemt (FEWDEV) (HWo en im Desebpt Network]. (02652) ORSTOYdist Frncais dRechedwe Scientilique pour le Deeoppeet en Resea Oasis (OASIS) [Oasis network) (02658) Cenre de Cooperabon Inermationale en PRcherche Agionomique pour le Devebppement (CIRAD). Rural auco &ary (Mal). (05415) Internatonal Development Research Centre. Sahelian Informabon Network (SIN). (0657) Institue nf Sahel (INSAM). Seasonal trasission studies of Fasciola gigantica to catte in central Mali with observations on parste population dynamics. (05264) Intemational Foudtiw for Science. Second foestry disst (03503) World Bank; Mali. Second Mali Sud rural devebploent prolect. (01130) World Bank; Mali. Semi-arid tropic research 11. (01834) U.S. Agency for In:.. ^ational Development. Sero-surveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). 83 khdex od p*ecs by cm" Slow reea pescies as aleatves to din. (0183 U.S. Agency fr inenatioinal DevelpTet Sma RwnOt and Canel Gmsp Rearch Nework. (05381) rational LNeskick Center for Afnca. Sma R inoai aid Camel Gro. (06) Desgde Gesduhaft ke Tecn e Zusamnenbeft (GTZ) Gmb H. Sp energW oamn (01429) Gesha fuer Tech,he Zusamerarbeit (GTZ). Serapfy pastbrawsts. (04761) Orseas Dvelopment Aknintato (NIRD). Straleges Aertar (STRA) [Food S1aeges Ntworkj (C655) ORSTOM Onstu Franca de Rederch Scienbitq pour Ia Deveoppement en w ~~~Cooqrto. Stxy of cal rearug enwomeiet effect of suciding regw* on calf growth. (03222) In1enaiona Foundation for Scee. Study on Hebom arnigera (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) i te crop-growing region of Katougou: bo-ecology and economic inportace in tomato cultiation. (03403) Intsatonal Founxon for Science. Study on the parasic weed Strga in Mali: its bioogy and ecology and contrcl methods. (03398) Intnational Foundalion for Science. Sub-Saharan Africa hydroogical assessnent. (01106) Wodd Barnk. Supervision of a rice ghm. gas generator. (01430) Gesellschaft fuor Tednche Zusamn nm (GTZ). Support to fe Soil Research Secbon, Sotuba, Phase 3 (Appui de la Cellule AgroPedologie et Laboratoire des Sols de Sotuba, phase 3. (06587) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). The epidemiolgy ad control of te sorghum foliar pathogens in the semi-arid tropics. (01813) Overseas Deveop,ment Administration (NRRD). The potential of runofl irigation n he Sahel region. (03788) Commission of the Euroen Communites (CEC). 84 Inde xdI ob y The West and Co" Afica Co e Caborave Reearch Network (RENACO). (MM78) U.S. A"c kw k*nal Develomi (USAlDSeruAnd Food Grain Research and Deve_pen (SAFGRAD). Lbe ot Ihe probzoan Nosema. and olher boax-io agent (e.g., enomopox vruses) in co-r& Ahican gasalxppes and Iocx. (O182) U.S. AgeY tor hmaional Iebelwt (01845) U.S. Agncy for InIennationr Development. Wed Arica Cdoaboratwe Grotn Research Netwo. (02162) hibembonal Cops Resech Insbe f fe SenrA-Md Tpics (ICRISAT). Wed Africa MaLze Caborabvw Research Network sea MaLs]. (02156) Confence des Pesponsables de Recherche Agronomque Afticalns. Wed Aica Network en Arinal Traction (WAATA). 022) Deu die Gesebd It (uer Technesche Zusawenab (GTZ) Gmt H. Wed Arca Ral Peai Mi Lmpr ent P"arn. (02154) Intnatioa Crops Researci Isitute for the SemiwArid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahe Cenr). West Ahicn Feu Mame t and EvAla,n Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Internaliona Devebpmnt Research Centre (IDRC); United Nations Deveopmet Pmam UNDP). West Afcn Irrigation Research Developmet Network (WAIRD). 102612) Intemaonal Irigaton Management Instbue (IIMI). West and Central Atica Maize Colaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Inernabon Devebpent (USAID)/Semi-Aid Food Gran Research and Develpmet (SAFGRAD). West and Cent Atnca Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Ineabtional Develpm ent (USAIDYSemni-Arid Food Grain Research aid Devepment (SAFGRAD). [Ard and Acid Sos Network]. (02636) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment. as hdex of p s by county Alra Cenbr of Me1ero,logcal Apkcabom for Deopment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorologic0 Orgnizatior (WMO). Air megey bustGrauopper assstnce projed - Mauritana. (01671) U.S. Agency for hlnatanl Development. Ahi emerge"ocus gashopper- (01605) U.S. Agecy for Interationa Develpment. - rsech I1 . (01889) U.S. Agency for Intra1onal Develpment. -A seor arnenivesment pod. (069) Worid Bak; MaunuL * ~~~Agnolua m (027333) World Bank; :buritania. Agr aiuure i e4eteom.gie- (M023) Centre Regonal de Fomaiabon et dApplication en Agmmeomrkxgoe et Hydmle a ~~(AGWYME). A&rulysi of causes and consequences of swarm migrabons ino the Adtarc from West Af: ca during 1988. (0.482) Overas Delopment Acrntnstrabon. Ct,nral anJ West Afnican Root Crops Cdoboatvw Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intemational Institute of Tropica Agnwcuture. Co-eatv Programme for the Impronment o Genetc Resources of Multipurpose Woody Spoties. (021 t4) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Ctop poroection programme. (0340P: CILSS-Sahel Institute. Date p-ilm development. (0275:..) Internationai Fund for Aqicultural Develobpent. Drougr;t Resistance Research Network (R3S) [RFseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la SchesseJ. (026v1) Conference des Responsables de Rechwrche Agronomique Afrcains et Franr,s. Ecological monitoring of the dtnamics of deser.ifacato. 86 Index of pocts by au" (03415) CKLSS-S Irnstie. E _ algiune pro me: rbrestaon and coneraton f te bsty (03416) CILSS&Sa hlnstute. Field demonsbation d verticalookng radar as a cost-cve, auomatc mondtor of (05763) Oveeas Develpmer Ackninabo (NFO). Greemess mapping for grasopxw and locust control. (02683) U.S Ageicy for Inlernational Devebpment kiprovemerts lo nille. sorghun. cowpea, and maize crops n thme Sahel. (02738) Comssin of the European Communites. Increase d product and control of dieases of small ruminants. (03410) CILSSSahlnstitute. Imgation in the Sahel - An annoted lerature rview. (01423) Geselsd%M fuer Technische Zusammnenareit (GTZ). - m 1tion prom (frmerly Irrgation secor). (0675) Wodld Bank; LMauriana - resarch programme. (02780) The Inernaonal Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Monrig renewable natural resouroes in te Sahel. (02739) Conmission of the European Communites. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultivabon (Reseau Riz]. (02161) Conf6rence des Responsables de Recerch Agronomique Afcains et Franais. OMVS agricultral research. (01865) U.S. Agency for Intemational Develpment. Patholgie Respiratoire des Petits Ruminants (PPR) [Network for Research on Respiratory Patholy of Small Ruminants). (02645) Institut d'Elevage et de Medicine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux (IEMVT). Pathology of small ruminants: etiology, vaccines and prophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel Instnute. Programme for the strengfhening of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Institute. 87 kxlex of predcs by Om" PmrammeTI on saq,psln servc dDmmneriabon, M4omialion and training. (03419) aLSS-Sahel hkstibie PFai*d prodecion of mt in Mmt - PResul and probens of ecoram analysis ol agicuaur p ojed on kwpoen ar (03777) Instilu fuer LWtscIafthm11 Mlktsfri der FAL Rewrassne I praaon sw on foresty boiechrology in the ught-xrone Sui-Sahaan African counties, wih specia reernce to Sahekan and Suidean zon (SS4 (02094) Wodd BarnL PR8enal proawm for Ite iproverrent of mile, soghun, cowpeas, and maize - phse). (03407) CILSSSe histiie. Peseach and studly progiramme on tdh poved mangwem of exiensive natonal raielm in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) ClLSS-Sahel lsttuAe. * RePearch and shtdy programre on the possbilkty of d scaion of fodder and annal prduzton in fte hewoc of an associato of agc re and Wliestock breeding n SL.Sahbelian, Sudanian and Guinean zones. = (03413) CLSSSe sitnue Research programme on food securty, strategies and polices. (03417) CIISS-Sahel Insttute. Reseach progrmm on p resources. (03408) CILSS-Sahel Insttute. Research prgramm on the bioogcal and chemical control of ddese custs. (02092) CAB International Institut o Biological Control. Researcldeveopmt prograine on camels in fe Sahe (DR). (03414) CULSS-Sahel Institue. Reseau Oasis (OASIS) [Oasis network]. (02658) Centre de Cooperation Intemationaie en Rechemce Agronorique pour le Devebppement (CIRAD). Reseau sur la Consefvation Post-Recolte des Denrees Aiimentaifes (GRENIEH1 [Netwock for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops]. (02647) Association des Universites Partielbment ou Entierewent de Langue Fraraise (AUPELF). e8 h.dex do prcts by cm" R ksi- (Seneg* (02512) h 0 2a5w1 Development Reserch Centre. S- 'ei kWmabm Nework (SIN). (a2507) km&* i Sabel (MMSA). -je Ahntas (STRA) Food Sota" Net.orki (02656) ORSTOUfti Franca6 de Rederche Sienbiue pour is Devebppwrt en C- S an hAM lg - esessmt (01108) Would Bar. The West ard Certal AIca Cowpea Cdoboe RPseadf Ncwork (RENACO). (02078) US. Agenwcy for n ab ora Developrent (USAID)eri-Auid Food Grain Research an Deveopmnt (SAFORAD)- Wata' maurement Sal rw-aey (Rd'ard TollN Phase Il). (1fl623) AgiLkd UM ey Wagnie Wed AfMnca Maze CoaborA PatreRsearch Network [Rasea Mais]. (02156) Conference des Resaoles de Reherche Agrononfqk Aick . Wes Airca P,onal Pearl w et Improent Pam. (02154) lneraioa Crops Researc Insliute or te SemniArid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). Wed and Central Afica Maize Colaborative Pesearch Netwodk (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for hremational Develpment (USAJD)/Sem-Arid Food Grain Research and Developbent (AFGRAD). West and Cnhal Africa Sorghum Research Networi (WCASRN). (0205) U.S. Agency for Intemabonal Development (USAID)/SemiwAhd Food Grain Research and Developient (SAFGRAD). African Centr d Meeorological Appications for Developnwt (ACMAD). (01109) Woud Meteorological Organizabon (WMO). Reseau sur la Conseration Post-Recolte des Denreea AlNnentaes (GRENIER) [Network for PostHarvWest Storage of Food Crps]. (2647) Assoiation des Universes Partelement ou Entieremenl de Langue Fran;aisa (AUPELF). 89 bxdex Of petecft by crxuil U.S.Asrae programi for cooperative development researchi. (01949) U.S, Agency for ktmen"al Development nrmnatonal Pmrme for Teclhobgy Research in Imigaton and Dranage (IPTRID). (05623) WB (Wodd Bank). Inlernabonal Soybean Pram (INTSOY). (05373) Unkesiy of IlUinoi at 'irbana-Champaign. Afnca Cerver of Meleorogical Applicaons for Devebpent (ACMAO). (01 109) World Meleorol:geal Orgizon (WMPO). Aoabc extrats (GuCea,. (04953) htabonb Deopmewt Research Centre. Association Inreabonale our rOptimisatior de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANlOP, [terMatoa Associain for the Opbmization of Plant Nuntionl. (02641) Centre de Cooperabon Inenationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpemenr (CIRAD). Biologcal contr of locusts and grashopper in Afria (02102) Unined States Depat of Agcuu. Date palm devepnt. (02750) Irdemabonal Fund for Altural DeveoomenLt Drugt anmais for pductiaoveedng and workrg strateges for draught aninals. (04753) Oveseas Devebpent Adninistraion. (NRRD). Feodlng and management strategies for draught annmals. (01820) Oversas Developm Administration (NRRD). Greenness mapping for grasshopper and klcust control. (02683) U.S. Agency for Internatbonal Devebpment. movg th Diagnosis and Contol of Typanosomisss and oher Vector.bome Disases of A Livestock, using Immunoassay Mehods. (02627) Dwiectorea General tor Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). 90 Index of projects by contry kb vnghe FProcty of krcwlenous African Lves*d using Radioirmunoassay and related Tedcnques. (02621) Dectate General for Intemaboml cooperation (DGIS). In1riatiOnal Pgramm for Tednol Research in lmgabon and Drainage (IPTRID). (05623) WB (Word Bank). , RSac programme on the bOgca and chemia cortl of deser lbcusts. (02092) CAB International Insttue of Biological Control. R'wessau AgiculCre Famliale C e (RAFAC) [Comparative Family Farming Network]. (02651) IAM. Reseau Oasis (OASIS) [Oasis network. (02658) Centre de Coopetion Intemationale en Recherche Agronomnique pour le Devel pement (CIRAD). Africaf Center of Meteorological Appbcations for Devlpment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organuation (WMO). Ptubic wodcs in Africa to inprove food-searity. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer tedcnische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Small Rummant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) Intemational Livestock Center for Africa. Small Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Geselischaft fuer Technisohe Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Ski Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. t,' : -,,'r Bank. Myanmar Intematic two.. n Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). I05370) . , -'ittona, Rice Research Insttute. Nitrogen Fixation by Tropical Agncuntural Legumes (NifTAL). (05377) University of Hawaii. 91 kxdex of projects by country Drau,l bwnas for productior'leeding and workg staee for dratt anais. (04753) Oversas DeeoMent Ai*sabon (NRRO). Iernabonal Network on Sod Fetity and Sustainble Rloe Farming (INSURF). (05370) hermabonal Rice Research Intute. Irntrnatoal Soybean Program (IN-i SOY). (05373) Univery of Iftiois at JrbanChamae. Patlcabon in fe HAPEX-I1 project (HAPEX Hydrologica/Atnospherc Pilot Ezpernment) (05651) ORSTOM (NiameyyCNRM (Toubuse). Afncan Center ot Meteorlogical Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meteoroogical Organization (WMO). can emergencyllocust grasshopper. -u1605) U.S. Agency for International Devebpnent. African Research Network on Rural Poullry Development. (02624) United Natons Food and Agnculture Organization. AfricKn Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) Intemational Uvestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). AGRHYMET. Phase ll. (05571) WMO (World Meteorological Organization) / FAO. AGRHYMET. Pilot phase. (05583) WMO (World Meteorological Organization). Agricultural services. (02785) World Bank; Niger. Agncultural services 11. (04917) World Bank: Niger. Agricuiture Hydrologie-Meteorologle. 92 i: Index of proects by country (03) Cente Regional de Fomation et crAppcaon en Agrometeooloe et Hydooxi (AGRHFMET). Agrolorestry research for devepnt of the drylands of West Atica. (02113) International Ftnd for Agricultural Development. Agronomic Fertzr Research Program (AFRP). (02147) Internation Ferir Develop Center, Atica IFDC-Africa). An mtgraled research programme on the devebpment of biological pesbcides for bcust and grasshop control (01546) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. A-led a- reseach. (01836) U.S. Agency for International Developnt. Appied research programme: Network for Semi-Arid Lowlnds of West Africa (SALWA-AFRENA). (02616) Inernaona Counci for Research i Agioorestry. Appropriate mechanization of field work and trsptaton. (01476) Uniwsaet Hohenheim. Association InrnatKor a pour 'Optirnisation de la Nutriin des Pbantes (ANIOP) [Internafional Assock ..on for the Optimzation of Plant Nutrion]. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemnationale en Recoe Agronornique pour le Developpeme :CIRAD). Biological control of locusts and grasshoppers in Afnca. (02102) United States Department of Agriculture. Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc]. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Redcerche Agronomique Africains et Francais. Central and West African Root Crops Collborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Institute of Tropecal Agriculture. t Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agerncy for Intemational Development (USAID)'University of Georgea. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Soils management (TROPSOILS). (01346) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)North Carolina State Universdy. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)fThe University of 93 Index of proects by country NebrakaLincoln. Coeraive Cemals Reserch Network (CCRN) (02171) hlemabonal Crops Research Irnse for the Seni-Arid Tropics. Coopeive Proganwme for fte Iprovemer't of Genetc Resources of I Jipurpose Woody , ~~Spei (02174) Food and Agicultue Organization of fe United Nabons. Crop p proyanme. (03409) CILSS-Se InstVute Develpment of a field rethod (open calorimtry system) for measuring energy eperdfwe of draught anxnals. (03793) Deutsche Forschungsgemenschaft/German Research Society (DFG). Diecbon Depa Swe de rEnwomemt de Tahoua (DDE). (0543) SNV (Ntherlands Development Organiaion. Draugt animals for producborleeding and working strategres for draught anials. (04753) Ovetseas Devebppment Admuiitabon (NRRD). Drought Ressltance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Rerherche sur la RPsitance a la S5h-el. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Rechwche Agronomique Africains et Fran9als. Eoogical consequences of itatan Locusts: pest control in tropical and subtropical Afnca. (01603) Iristitut fuer Biogeographie, Universitaet des Saartandes. Ecological rmondomg of the dynamics of desertification. (03415) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Eoology/environment programme: reforestation and conservation ol the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahal Instituie. Ecolological side-effects of locust control agents. (04638) Universitaet des Saartandes. Effects of different methods of weed control on seed yield and seed quality o' diferent tropical fodder legumes. (04600) Universitast Giessen. Effects of dust deposites and microvarability on edaphical site conditions with regard to semi-arid and sub-humid locations in West Africa. 94 Index of pmojecs by cotry (04657) 7 Ur_sael Ho dhen. Feedig and nmaamernxt sta gies or drauglt annals. (01820) Oversew D%lopmert Admniustration (NRRO). Ferbtler 1ke ad Trade Infomatn Proan (FMTIP). (02145) Dwectorate General fwr liemaional Cooperaon (DGIS); U.S. Ager.y for Ilrnaboral Development (USAID). Foresty and land use panmig. (01841) U.S. Agency tor International Developnent. Gema Sahel prc am - [ono of desetfatoJ. (0!420) Ceselftchaft fier Techrishe Zusanmenarbeft (GTZ). Greene map,ing for gassopper and blust contro!. (02683) U.S. Agency for International Develpment. Gurt Netw [R6seau Aradidel. (°217) Con arenoe des Pesporsaes Agronomrnues Afncais et Frnis. lmproveets to millet, sorghum. cowpea. and maze arops in te Sahel. (02738) Conmmission of the Europ'an Communibes. Improving the Poductvty of Indigenous Afncan Uvestock using Padioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for Intermaional Cooperation (DGIS). Increase of poducty and control of diseases of smal ruminants. (03410) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Influence of different systems on the productivity and reliability of yeids as wel as sog fertiliy and efficiency of water use. (01406) Universitaet Hohenheirn. Influence of ditferent fertdization on growth of pearl millet and groundnut in Niger. 104629) Universitaet Hohenheim. Influence of neem (Azadirachta indica) products on locusts and grasshoppers. (03847) Justus-Liebig Universitael Giessen. Inftuence of vanous organic fertilizers on the exploitation of soil phosphate by millet and groundnut in semi-arid West Africa. (04662) Universdaet Hohenheim. Integrated livestock production. 95 Index of pjects by county (01853) U.S. Agency for Inemaonal Develorient. Intgrad iveskick prducion: 03 natiral resource managemn. (01866) U.S. Agency for Intemaonal Developent. Intgalion of fish and plant farming in a dosed water cuation system soar energy. (03119) IFS. Inrnatora Pead Mille Diseae Resite Testng Program (IPMORTP). (05376) International Crops Research Institute for fte Semi-And Tropics. Irrgation in the Sahel - An annoted literature review. (01423) Gesellschaft fw Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Irrigabon rehabilrtah in proet. ; (01128) Wortd Bank; Niger. Locust research programme. (02780) The International Centre of Insect Physiobgy and Ecology. Miner nutient uptake in miLet: Effect of mineral tertiizer and crop residue on growth and mineral nutnent uptake in millt. (03960) Unersitaet Hohenheim. Monitonng insects pests and damage in millet. (04867) Overseas Development Adtmintabon (NRRD). Monitoring of renewable natural resources in te Sahel. (02739) Commtssion of the European Communities. Nabonal agncultural research protect. (02097) World Bank; Niger. Natural resource management (forme Environment management). (01204) World Bank; Niger. Natural resources management. (01897) U.S. Agency for Intemational Develpment. Ne!work for Improvement of Rice Cultivation [Rdseau RizJ. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agron lue Africains el Franrais. Network of Sahelian SIS Users (NSSU). (05391 ) Special Program for African Agricutlural Research. 96 Index d ioects by au"try ,,, ami Depaer deepha s Il. (01173) U.S. Agency kwr nlremationaI Dewlpmen Wger Appied Agricuitual Research Project (NAARP). (02049) Wiridc Intermational. NWe cerea resarch. (01336) U.S. Agen for Inteffatonal Develpment. Nutient suply. nutnient movment and nitrogen fiabon. (01417) Universiaet Hohenhew. On-Farm Ferlizer Adopton Program (OFFAP). (02148) Inenlaio Fetzer Devkm Cender. AMica (IFDC-Afrta). Parcipation i the HAPEX4I project (HLPEX = Hy *og rAlrospr Pdot Expenment). (05651) ORSTOM (Nianey)CNRPM (7oukuse). Pathology of smalI rumtinnt: etiol. vaoae and prophylaxis. (03411) CULSS-Se Instiute Phenolics riklding tannins in multipurpose trees and browse and their effect on njriant nutrXion and healt. (04620) Unversta Hohenheln. Pilot programme for eradicaton of new world screw worm. (02748) Intenational Fund for Agricultural Develpment. Private iugabon (formerty lrngation sector) (01203) World Bank; Niger. Programme for the strengthening of research on production systems. (03418) CIL3S-Sahel Instibte. Programe on supporting servces: documentaion, information and training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel Insttute. Projet Diversification Agncole et Renforcement des Organisalions Locals (DAROL)-Balleyara (4th phase). (05640) Netherands Development Organization (SNV). Projet Tahoua Verte (Amelioration de renvironnenent et amenagerent integre de la comnune de Tahoua) 2nd phase. (06638) Association Neerandaise dcAssistance au Deeloppernent (SNV). 97 Iindex of prdects by catry { PLbk works in Africa b fpv lood-secuiy. * (O426) Deutshe Geselschaft fher teiscte Zsmnarbed (GTZ). PRewia sace ! preparion stuy on festy bioechndo in t droughtrone Sub-Saam Afcan countr, wih special refece to Saheian and Sudanian zones (SSz. (02094) Word Bark Rekxmse polect Rive Drte Tera, Phase 3 (Proet Reboisement, Rnve Drote rera. Phase 3). (0579) Ndhertas Devlpment Organiaion (SNV) Directote General for Deeoment Cooperabon (DGIS). Regiaonal proganmne for the iprvement of mibl, sorghum. cowpeas. and maize (trisnol phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Insttule. Resech and sudy progra e on the unproved management of extensive national -angelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sa rsite. Research and study programme on the possbkty of intensification of fodder and animal production in the ranmewo of an associabon of agnculture and Inestock breediog in Sub-Saheliar. Sudanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research programme on food securrty. strategies and picaes. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Insbtute. Research programnme on phytogenetic resources. (53408) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research programme on the biobgical and chemical control of desert locusis. (02092) CAB Intermational Institute of Biological Control. Research, coordination, and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732) Commission of the European Communities. Research/development programme on carmels in the Sahel /DR). (03414) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Reseau Developpement (R/D) [Development Network]. (02653) GRET. Reseau Femmes et Developpement (FEM/DEV) [Wornen in Development Network]. 98 f, Index of proects by Duntby (02652) ORSTOMinstitut Francas de Recherche Scetfiqe pour be Developpement en Coqwaon Reseau asis (OAZIS) [Oasis network. (02656) Centre de Cooperation Inlemationale en Rederche Agronomique pour be Developpement (CIRAD). Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recolte des Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Sorage of Food Crops]. (02647) Assoiabon des Universites Parbellement ou Entierernent de Langue Frarcas (AUPELF). Risk and acceptance of innowvatons in Nigers agiuture. (04603) Universdaet Hohenheim. Sahelian Information Network (SIN). (02657) Institute of Sahel (INSAH). Sero-surveillance of nndepest and other diseases in Africa, using mmtmoassay te wiiques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Sod Fertility Restoration Project (SFRP). (02143) Internatbonal Fertilizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa). Storage of cereals by pastoralists. (04761) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Strategies Aimentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOM/Wnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour be Developpement en Cooperation. Studies on a plant from Niger with anti-amoebic properties (Detarium microcarpurn). (05452) International Foundation for Science. Studies on a plant from Niger with anti-diabetic properties (Sclerocarya birrea). (05451) Internabonal Foundation for Science. Study of cowpea diseases (Vigna unguiculata) in Niger. (03104) IFS. Study of reproduction critena of sheep. (02912) IFS. Study on the reduction of post-harvest bsses due to coleopters bruchidae on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). 99 Index of priects by cuny (03153) IFS. SuiSaharan Africa hydological assessment. (01 108) World Bank. The development of inproved feeding systens based on crop residues, forage legume and fodder trees to strengthe the complementanty of crop and livestock prducaion m the Sahe:. (03808) Universitae Goettincen. The elfect of tannins on nutrient digestibbity and ani"al peforfmance in small nimiants. (04635) Uniersitaet Hoienheim. The inpact of management practices on the water use afficiency of rainfed crops m the semriarid tropics. (G1699) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The West and Central Africa 9,pea Collaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAID)Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Dev'elopment (SAFGRAD). Universities and natoa agncultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) International Service for National Agricultural Research. Use of Neem plmt extract as a pre-treatment m crop protecbon against grasshoppers and locusts in Africa. (01826) U.S. Agency for International Development. Use of the protozoan Nosema, and other biocontrol agents (e.g.. entomopox vinrses) in contring African grassoppers and locusts. (01825) U.S. Agsncy for International Devebpment. Utdization of inexhaustible energy sources. (01431) Geseflschaft fuer Technische Zusamnmenarbeit (GTZ). Vegetation of the AIR-Mountains (North Niger) and their traditional use. (01362) Universitaet Wuer7burg. West Afnca ColLborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ('CRISAT). West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network [Reseau Mais). (02156) Conference des Responsables de Reaherche Agrornornque Afncamns. West Africa Network on Animal Traction (WAATA). 100 ,. hdex dptofeds by ctry (02M) DeAsche Gesekoft ker Tedinsdte Zusanvienarbit (GTZ) Gmb H West Ahica RePional Peal Miet Improvemen Pramn (02154) hiematonal Ciqn Resead InstAte for the SenmiArnd Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel West Ari Fetiwer Makageent and Evaaion Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Ineatona Developmer Research Centre (IDC): United Nabons Development Progi (UMDP). West Akrica Iigabon Research De t Network (WAIRD). (02612) hernaonal Imgabion Mnagent Institute (111). West and Central Af=a Maize CAalboative Research Networt tWECAmAN). (02157) U.S. Agency fb Intea Development (USAIDYSemiArid Food Grain Research awd Devlopment (SAFGRAD). West ard Cer"al Africa Soryhun Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Internaional Deveopmet (USAID)lSemi-Ard Food Grain Research and Devlopment (SAFGRAD). [Analysis of weadh in a pastoral soetly]. (03789) Lkwersitaet Hohernhei. [Arid and Aid Sods Network]. (02636) U.S. Agency for International Developmwnt. [Lrrnolgca, sedimntobgcal and plant-history research in Djado and Karar. North-East Niger] limnoogische, sedamentologsche und vegetationsgeschactitche Uns ngen in Djado und Karar, NE-Niger. (03804) Unrsaet Wuerbrg. (05849) West Alrica Rice Development Association (WARDA). (050) West Africa Rice Devebpment Association (WARDA). (05851) West Afrca Rice Development Association (WARDA). (05852) West Africa Rice Develpernt Association (WARDA). Aficai Center d Meorologica Applications for Devepment (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meteorolgical Organization (WMO). 101 Index of p cts by cty Afha Research Network on Rural Poulry Development. (02624) Unied Ibons Food and Agrilture Organizabon. Aley Fmg Netwk for Tropical Alica (M20M8) Canailan terational Deveopment Agency (CIDA)nterabonal Development Reseindh Cene (IDRC). Assocato Inlemabonale pour rop msabon de la Nuti des Plantes (ANIOP) [hImnmw Asscian for the Opbmnabon of Plait Ninbtonj. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Irtntbmonale en Redwche Agronomique pour le Developperent (CIRAD). Case stuides on rasi agricutural productivity of women in Afrca for increased food (02151) World Bar*k Carde Resarch Nework (CANET) (foeiy CatVe Mk and Meat Netork). (05358) nonal LIvestock Centr br Afa Ce" and West Acan Root Crops Cdabo Research Nehtor (CEWARRN). (02166) Innatonal Institur of Tropical Agricuure. Coo*mbd Research Prgram on he Applicaion of Irradiabon Technique for Food Processing in Afnca. (02629) Unitsd Nabons Food and Agcutur Organization. Coaborave Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemational Development (USAIDdMicigan Slate Universty. Colaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Peauts. (01341) U.S. Agency for Internatonal Deveopme (USAJDyUniversidy of Georgia. Coopeat Cereals Research Networ (CCRN). (02171) Inteaional Crops Rsearch Instiute tor the SiniFAnd Tropics. Cooperatve Progamnme for te Irmprovement of Genetic Resources of Multiurpose Woody (02174) Food and Agriculture Organizaton of the Unded Nations. Devopment cooperation Soil and Fertilizer. (05595) 18 (Institute for Soil Ferblity Research). Draught animals for pmdxbiofeedin and wing strabgies for draught animals. (04753) Oerseas Devopmen Administrabon (NHRR). Epidemiogy of Aitenana blight of sflower (Helianthus AnnuS) in te Nigenan 102 Am )ea AIraVII iO32%i IFS Feeding and marement straiees to Jraug a.wnaLs (O 120) Overseas Jeve4opment Admnestaio (NRRD). Fetm Ma nket ad Trade hrtormaton Progam iF1A1P) (02145) DireiOrale General tor Inlenatonal Coopeo DGiS). U.S. Agency fs hiematori Dopment (USAID). Gmplatsco asevabon and trvenen of Parkca bdobosa (Jacq) Bert rru.tpurpose use. (05665) ;we Of Wales, Bangor, CNSF, OuagadouDu, 61kina ' FN, Nigeria. SAFS, Nac, France; WAU; The NeHertd. h1v e Prod y od indigenoKs African Livestock usLg Radmoimunoassay and remled Tedvdqe. (02M1) D eorat Gene or intemnaon Cooperation (DGIS). Ier_a agcAural research centers: 09 Inteaonal Lrvestock Center for Alnca (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency fwr nternafion Developnt. intro Network on SoO Fertility and Sustaiaile Rice Famiing (INSURF). (05370) Inerabtonal Rice Research Instiute. IntWrana Pear1 Wiet Adaptaion Trial (IPMAT). (05375) Intnational Crops Research InsWtute for the Semi-And Tropics. International Pearl Mle Disease Ressance Tesin Program (IPmiDRTP). (05376) Interational Crops Research Instite for the Semi-And Tropics. Intermational Rice Testing Program for Atrna (IRTP). (02160) Unitd Nations Devepnme Program (UNDPyEuropean Economic Commission (EECYJapn. Intemational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigr. Maragnt of verfisos under semi-arid conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) Intemational Board for Soi Research and Magement. Mangrow Swamp Rice Network (MSRN). (05848) West Atrca Rice Devebpmn Assoration (WARDA). Nabonal Sod Reterence Coilehons (NASREC 11). 103 Irn of priects by county (05624) ISfR (hk*maern Sod Reerenw and Information Cenre). On Fam FerAdon Pro ani (OFFAP). (02148) hnrionm Fertlze Deveopment Cerer. Anca (IFDC-Africa). PanAUrcan Networks for Rural Socal Science Research. (02661) W Dk Inabonal Ford Foundtion. Phas t: Rese d cowpea to Sga gesnerodes and AJectra yogeli Phase 11: Resistwc d egw and ceals to Snga ecies. (01767) Ovw.seas Devebopent Admlnetraon (NRRO). Phanoks ickdng tair in mulpurpose trees and browse and their effect on flInart nufibon and heaith. (04M) U Hohednhen. .Dbk works n Africa to ilw bod-secffly. (04626) Deuche Geselschalt fuer technische Zusmerbei (GTZ). RPrnnassance I prepambon study on forestry boeolo in the drought-prone Sub-Sahaw African cous, wit special reference to Sahelin and Sudanian zones (SSZ). (02094) World Bank. Reseau sur la Conservatinn Post-Recotte des Denrees Afimentaires (GRENIER) Networw for Post-Harvest Slorage of Food Crops]. (02647) Association des UniMersites Pariiement oru Entierement de Langue Francase (AUPELF). Sero-surveillance of wnderpet and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassay ted-. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SARiEC). S,ial Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. (06381) Inlernational Livestock Center for Africa. Small Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Geselschaft fuer Technische Zusamme arbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Strage of cereals by pastoralists. (04761) Overseas Developrnen: Administration (NRRD). Strent ing maize and cassava research in elven countries of West and Central Ahr*a Plan of action. (02665) Ministere de la Cooperation (France). 104 Index of cts by cotmy Study d the entric and post-embrynic development of the Iyrnphoad tissues of the hemeft towl. (03230) IFS. Sub-n ca hydloca assessment. (01lo8) World Bank. The effect of tannms on nutrient dKgesbbkiity and anmnal perfoance m small nrmirnts. (04635) ULimtM Hohtenhem. The epidoog and control of the sorghum foliar pathogens ri the semi-and tropics. (01813) Overse Devpment Administration (NRRD). The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Intemational Developnent (USAIDYSerrni-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). ULinemrbes and natonal agxcultural research in Sub-Saharan Afnca. (P?S78) Intenatin Service for National Agriultural Research. West Africa Netxork on Aninal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusa mmenarbeg (GTZ) Gmb H. West Africa Regional Cooperabve for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. West Atnca Regiona Pearl MiUet Improvement Program. (02154' Intemational Crops Research Insttute for rhe Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Centter). West Aftican Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRN/RESPAO). (02619) Internatonal Fund for Agricultural Development (IFADO)Serni-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West African Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) International Development Research Centre (IORC); United Nations Development Program (UNDP). West African Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA, JAPAN. West African Irrigation Research Devebpment Network (WAIRD). (02612) International hingation Managerment Insttute (IIMI). West and Central Atrica Maize Collaborative Resarch Network (WECAMAN). 105 Index of proects by couy (02157) U.S. Agency for Intemationai Develent (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpmet (SAFGRAD). West and Central Afnca Sorghm Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Interational Deveopmet (USAID)Semi-Arid Food Gram Research and Deveipt (SAFGRAD). Oman Conpara_e physiolgy, held perormance and propagabon of plants of the Prosopus. (04742) Oveas Devetopment Adminstrabon (NRRD). Dale palm devebpment. (02750) Irteaonal Fund for Agnicultural Development. An integrated research programnme on the develpment of biolc7jcal pesticides foIr bst and gahopper control. (01546) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment. International Network on Soil Fertlity and Sustainable Rice Farning (INSURF). (05370) International Rice Research Institute. International Pearl Millet Adaptation Trial (IPMAT). (05375) Intematonal Crops Research !nstriute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Intemational Programme for Technology Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID). (05623) WB (World Bank). Research programme on the bioogical and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB International Institute of BiogcW Control. Pans= International Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Peru Irterrational Network on Soi Fertility and Sustable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) hterntuional Rice Research Institute. 106 ,v Index of proects by country hirnatonai Soybean Progism (INTSOY). (05373) Uiversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 'iLar.i,cnal Network on Soil Fertility and Sustainable Rce Farming (;NSURF}. (05370) International Rice Research Insitute Iereabonal Soybean Poga (INTSOY). (05373) University of lnois at Urbana-Chapaign. Methods and te&cniNwes for environmental inpact assessments of agrodiemicals in the (04809) Overseas Deveopment Adrmnstration (NRRD). PUN Rico Iteratonal Sovbean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champa g . Date palm develpment. (02750) International Fund for Agricultural Devebprment. Rwanda African Center of Meteorological Applications for Devebpmeit (ACMAD1 (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Aley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian Intemational Develpment Agency (CIDA/lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Central ano West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Nelwork (CEWARAN). (02166) International Instiute of Tropical Agricultu.e. Cooperatve Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Intenabonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Eastern Atfca Regional Sorghum and Mdbilt Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). 107 Index orcts by cow" (02076) U.S. Agency for hnlemational Devebpment (USAIDSemni-And Food Grain Researc and Deveyet (SAFGRAD). Feer Mbte and Trade Infomaaon Prwn (FMTIP). (02145) Directorale Geral for International Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for Intaionl Develpet (USAID). Inrmational Rice Testng PRogrm for Afrnca (IRP). (02160) Unied Nations Devebpmert Progran (UNDP)iEuropean Economic Commission (EECyJapan. Pblic works in Africa to inprove food-security. (04626) Deutsche Geselschaft tuer tedcische Zusammenarbet (GTZ). R6seau Developp t (RID) [Development Network). (02653) GRET. Reseai sur la Conservation Post-Recole des Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) [Network for ",i- Harvst Storage of Food Crops]. I Associabio Jes Univesites Partiellent ou Entiererent de Langue Francaise baial Rimnant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) International Livestock Center for Africa. Smal Ruminants and Camnel Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesellschaft tuer Technische Zusamnmenarbed (GTZ) Gmb H. Social Sciec Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) The Intenational Centre of Insect Physiolg and Ecology. Strategies Alirnentaires (STRA) :Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOM/Wnstitut Frarcais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) World Bank. SL Piwb nd Miquelon Biobgy of salt tolrance in Chrysornya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and other species of bbowflies which are pests of salted-dried fish in tropical developing counties. (05799) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). 108 Index ot procts by country Sao TO"e NW P. ineil Afcai Center d Meeorobgcl Appbcatons for Deveopment (ACMAD). (01 109) Wold Meteorgica Orgarization (WMO)- Cntral aid West Afrari Root Crops Colaborative mesearch Net*ork (CEWARRN). (02166) Inlernwonal IrnstitAe of Tropical Agridture. Sub-Saharan Arica hydological assessrentl (01 106, Wofid Bank. Said Araia Association Ilrtionale pour l'Optimisation de la Nutibon des Plantes (ANIOP) [Inernatbona Associabon for the Optrnizaton of Plant Nutriton]. (02641) Centre de Cooperabon Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developeent (CIRAD). Date pakn devepn t. (02750) Internatioral Fund for Agricultural Developrnent. (05849) West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). (05850\ West Atrica Rice Development Association (WARDA). (05851) West Afria Rice Devebpment Association (WARDA). (05852) West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). African Center of Meteorological Appications for Devebpment (ACMAD). (01109) Wnrld Meteoro;ogical Organization (WMO). African emergency/locust grasshopper. (01605) U.S. Agency for International Deveblpmenl. Afican Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) !ntemational Develpment Research Centre (IDRC); International bvestock Cerntre for Africa (ILCA). African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) Interntional Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). 109 Index of pmects by county Agicubial esearch 11. (01174) U.S. Agency for Intnatiorn Development -gum swims II. (02786 Wodd Ban; Senegal. A sennes propd. (01206) )W4 Ban: Seaegl. A !cule H ro eteo e. (02634) Centre Re9oPal de Formation et d'App&cation en Agrometeorologie et Hydrotogie (AGRHYMET). A u re seh ppd . (01 126) Woad Bar*; Senegal. Agcukr SECAL. (04366) Word Bark Senegal. Aoorsb research for development of te drylands of West Aflica. (02113) Inlemational Fund for Agricultural Development. Agofrestry systers in the Tropics. (03859) GeseNschaft luer Techniche Zusamnmenarbeit (GTZ). Aley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian Inteffational Devetopment Agency (CIDA)flntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Anrnal Traction Research Network. (05813) Intenatiwnal Uvestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Applied research in NDama cattle in Gambia and Senegal. (02733) Commission of the European Communities. Applied research programme: Netwo4 for Semni-Arid Lowlands of West Africa (SALWA-AFRENA). (02616) International Council for Research in Agroforestry. Assessment of condgions for replicating production systems in Africa's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Balanits aegypiaca nut crusher (Senegal). (06340) International Develpment Research Centre. 110 Index of project by couby Bobgical control of lcusts and rasoppers in Africa. (02102) Lklisd States Department of Ariculb. Biolgicl cncrl of lcusts by entomopathogens. (03844) Federal Biological Research Centre for Agricuture and Forestry. Biokxycal fundion of lectine in Psophocarpus pahlstis- (03100) Intenational Foudaion for Scnce. Cassava Nework [Reseau Manioc]. (02064) Confrence des Responsables de Peche Agrononique Africains et Francais. Catie Parch NehwW (CARNET) (formerly Cattle Mik and Meal Network). (05358) nernationial Listock Center for Africa Centre National de Sermuces Forestieres du Senegal. (05685) FAO. Co-ordialed Research Programme on the Appdcabon of Iradiation Technique for Food Pmcessng in Afnca. * (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Collaboative Pesearch Supporl Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01 345) U.S. Agency Intemational Devebprnent (USAID)/Michigan State University. Colbboraie Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agency for International Deveopnrent (USAID)Universty of Georgia. Collaboratrve Reearch Support Program (CRSP): Sorghnm and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for International Devebpmnent (USAID)/The University of NebradUncosn. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetc Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Crop protection programme. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Culfivation of the mangrove oyster (Crassostrea gasar) in Casamance. Senegal. (05250) International Foundation for Science. Dehu be development (Senegal) - Phase II. (04947) Intematonal Development Research Centre. : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~111 Index of projects by country Devep of a method or vgetabve propagation of cashew. (03878) fuer Forst- und Hdzwiaft (BFA). Dmught Resstance Research Network (R3S) [Rdseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la Sechrse. (02610) Cntrence des Responables de Recherche Agronomique Afncams et Frani;aas. Easiem Swegal ur devekopmeir pro,ect. (01123) World Bark; Senegal. Eclgical monia t of fe dynaics of desertification. (03415) CILSS-Sahef Insttute. Ecology/enrroonment programme: reforestation and conservation of the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahef Institute. Eft of some root endophytes on bcal Leguminmous trees. (03034) International Foundation for Scince. Epidemilogy of bovine anaplasmosis in Senegal. (03260) Intemational Foundation for Science. Evaluation ard companison of two milk production systems in the Niayes Region of Senegal (03366) International Foundation for Science. reedng systems (Senegal). (04210) Intemnabonal Development Research Centre. Fertilizer Marketirg and Trade Information Program (FMJTIP). (02145) Directorate General for Inlernational Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for [ntemational Deveopment (USAID) Genman Sahel program - [control of desertification]. (01420) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Groundnut Network fR*seau Arachide]. (02087) Conference des Responsables Agronorniques Africains et Franros. Improvements to mSet, sorghum, cowpea, and maize crops in the Sahel. (02738) Cornmissio7 of the European Communities. Impoving the Diagnesis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-bome Diseases of African Uvestock, usng Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). 112 Index of protects by countlry krprh the Producvy of Indgenous Atcan Livestock usng Radioimmunoassay and mried TecAWLques. (02621) Dieckiate General for Inematona Cooperabon (DGIS). In vift nuropopagabon and nirogen fixation by Acacia abda. (03272) lieratuonal Foudabon for Sence. Iraease of productivity and control of diseases of snal ruminants. (03410) CLSSSe Insttute. hciatio of drhizdobxu in groundauts, soybeans and cowpeas in Senegal. (02991) Iemation Founxtaon for Saence. ltniaboronl Netwok on Sod Fert and Sustainae Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) Intenioml Rice Research Insbtute. Inhernational Pearl Mt Adaptaion Trial (IPMAT). (05375) Inenfatbona Crops Research Inshtute for te Semi-And Trpics. hntntina Pead Milet Diseae Resistance Testing Program (IPMtDRTP). (05376) Intemotal Crops Research Institue for fe Semi-Arid Tropics. ntefraial Programme for Technoogy Research in Imgabon and Drainage (IPTRID). (05623) WB (World Bank). Itwnkmbonal Rice Teshng Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Devebpment Program (UNDPyEuopean Economic Commisson (EEC)Japan. Iternatoa Soybean Progamn (INTSOY). (05373) University of IlincAis at Urbana-Champaign. Irrigabon in th Sahel - An annoted literature review. (01423) Geselschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Irrigaton IV prodet. (03524) World Bank: Senegal. igneous frud trees (Senegal). (05323) Inteatbonal Deveiopmet Research Centre. Mangrov Swamp Rice Network (MSRN). (05B48) West Africa Rice Devebpment Assoction (WARDA). Methods and techniques for environmental inpact assessments of agrochemicals in the 113 Index of proect by coy (0489) Oeas Deveopment Adminstaton (NRRD). Pasotrces Cente (AMRCEN). (02649) Urted Nabons Educaional. Scienific and Cultural Oranizatio (UNESCO). M'A'on and identity in Senegal. (04640) Un Bsyret Bayree-- WiMt Tranma (Senegal). (05843) hbtnatiora Dvelopment Research Cente Moleculair biology of Sesbnian/lAzouzoben symbiosis: Moecua biobg of the syrbosis between the stma:utng diazotrophic microbe Azorhizobium cauhrodans and its hos te t rpica gume Sesbania rostrata. (03957) Max-Planck-Institut wer Zuechtungsforschung. Moxorin of rewable natual resources i dhe Sahel. (02739) Comm of te European Communites. pop var ty in te infection sites of the stem of SesDania rostrata: in vitro study of te vegetatie bud. (03404) Intemational Foundation for Scien. Natural resources management (ormerly Environmiental maragement). (02758) Wodd Bank; Senegal. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultivation [Reseau RizJ. (02161) Confdrence des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Fransais. Network of Sahelian SIS Users (NSSU). (05391) Special Program for African Agricutiural Research. Nitrogen Fixation by Tropical Agricultural Legumes (NiITAL). (05377) University of Hawai. OMYS agrcultural research. (01865) U.S. Agency for International Development. On farm seed production pro,ect for Sub-Saharan Africa. (02050) Winrock International. Palm oi extraction (Senegal). (05328) Intemational Development Research Centre. Pattogie Respiratoire des Petits Ruminants (PPR) [Network for Research on Respiratory 114 I Index of poects by coi Palhog of sinad Rumnantl. (02645) Institut rElevage et de bbdicine Veterinaire des Pays Tropca ux (IEMVT). Pathology of sall runnrt: etiology. vaories and prophylaxis (03411) CILSSa S Institute. Platonm giees - Senegal [Irrigated planabom - Senegaql (01259) Inerntional Deelom Research Centre. Prav atericLilual development (frmerty Imgation sectr). (az757) Word Bank; Seegal. Poducbin od netetou. a vegetable cheese. (029381 Inlenational Foudtion for Scence. Programme for the strenhening of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Insbtute. Programme natinal de tedc kxye rzicole apres recolte. (06606) FAO. Programsm on supporting services: documentation, infoxmation and training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Ptklio works in Afica to inprove food-secunty. (04626) Deutsche Gesestchaft fuer technishe Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). PRconnas e / preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Sahaan African countries, with special reference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ) (02094) World Bank. Red akbae valorization (Seneqal). (04951) International Develprwtn Research Centre. Pgional programme for fe improvement of millet, sorghum, cowpeas, and maize (tansiba phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Repackagng fishees documentation in Senegal (REDMAPS) - Phase 11. (05418) International Devebpment Research Centre. Research and study programme on the improved management of extensive national rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. 115 Index of propcts by country PRsearch ard sttd progranme on the possbldy of intensification of fodder and ananal ptic4ion n the fwok of an associaton ot agnculture and INestock breeding in Sd li, Sudanian and Guiei2 zones. (03413) aLSSSe Instibfle. Reseach prgam on food secunty, stategies and polcies. (03417) CILSS-Sahl Irnstut. Pesearch proganne on phylogenetic resorces. (03408) CIS Irstitute. Plsearc,. coorditon. and rann for unproved lvestock producon in Sub-Saharan (02732) Common of the European Commurites. da developet programme on camse in the Sahel (OR). (03414) CILSS-Sahef Insitute. R.seau Colon (COTON). (020G) France; Conference des Responsables de Rechercies Agronomikue Afncains el Francais (CORAF). Resea Dewlppwwet (R/D) (Deveoment Network] (02653) GRET. Reseau Femmes et Deopment (FEM/DEV) [Women in Devnbpment Network]. (02652) ORSTOMnstitut Francaes de Recherche Scicntifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recofle des Denress Alientaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops). (02647) Associa'aon des Univesrstes Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Rice Farmers, Research, Communication, and Participation. (05844) International Develpmnent Research Centre. Rivr fisheies (Senegal). (02512) International Develprment Research Centie. Sahelian Information Network (SIN). (02657) Institute of Sahel (INSAH). Second agricutural research project. (01125) World Bank; ISRA. Senegal. 116 Index of pmects by coat Second sma nxal oeao p- - . (GMĥJ31) Woti Ba*; Senegal. Selekon aid propagaton of Khaya senegaenb resisant to shoot borer (Hypsipbla mbusta. (05490) htaioa Fouirtion for Saice Senegal :Acacia tre faIDws. (04734) Oversas De ment Adinstrabon (NRRD). Seegal ceals pmducon phase 1I. (01851) U.S. Agency for Interkational Developmen'. -,iea relliorst3on. (01842) U.S. Agency for Interational Development. Sero-sur c of mderpest and other dseases rn Afrca, using immunoassay (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperaton (SAREC). SocW Sciene Inlttace Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) The Intematioral Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecolgy. S -coromica inpact of soi sazat in Casamane: a comparat;ve study of two s (Duioum and Koubalan). (05488) Intemational Foundation for Science. Sorghum and forage legume crop components as inhibtory factors in the establishment of te African migratory bcust (Locusta migratoria) in newly developed areas of the Sutsaharan Sahed. (03852) Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldod. South znne wate mann_em',t (01832) U.S. Agency for International Developmet Strategies Alinentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies NetworJk. (02655) ORSTOWMnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientdique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Strategies for the future of Africa. (04962) Swedsh Agency for Research Cooperation with Deveoping Countries St ning agricultural research. (01898) U.S. Agency for Intemational Developmen!. St.wJies on th ecology and ethology of termites in Senegal. 117 Tk I'xe,x ot proects by contry (03136) Itrnaon Fondbbon fr Science. Sxides on he ecology and etoogy of tenmtes in Senegal. (05156) ntrnaial Foudato for Sciece. SWes on he brage poenil and analys of te degadation process in pastoral ecosystem i the Fedo regon. (03091) Intemational Foundation for Science. Study of bog ano mieans of protecbon agast depredators ot fish products in (03336) Inrational Founxation for Scence. StIdy of Fra*ia wrocuabbon and its combined effects wih vesicular-aibuscular mycontiza (VAM) in Casudam. equisetitolia. (03107) Inenabona Foundation for Science. Study o fundanmental metabolic reacbons in Zebu catfe, using fasciohasis as a -**b*w model. (05259) Intematonal Foundabo.' for Science. Study of micoslordies (protozoa) as agents for biological control nf insect pests in Senegal and Gambia. (03166) International Foundation for Science. Study on reproducin and rss-breeding of the Senegalese sheep Peulh Touabire and Caussenard in the Darha and Kaoback regins of Senegal. (05266) iniemational Foundation for Science. Sub-Sahara. Africa hydrological assessment. (01106) World Bank. SLeprol '.^ The '^w " O .'0. .4 08';IoU.mnt GJ EW^,G,, ri Nc C-U"ai 4w IIn P CODESRIA. (04980) Swedsh Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Devebpment Administration. The protection of fish against blowflies during drying and beetle infestation during storage. (04710) Overseas Developnenl Administramion (NRRD). The West and Central Africa Cowpea Colaborative Research Network (RENACO). i02078) U-3. Agwcy for intemational Develpment (USAID/Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAD). 118 Index ol projects by country Transfer of technology. (03666) U.S. Agency for Interahonal Deveopment. Unresibes and national agncltural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Iernational Service for Nahonal Agrcultural Research. Ubizabon of igieous plafts as a compement in anwal feeding i Senegal. (03258) inebonal Foundation lor Science Vegetae pmpagabon Phase It (Senegal) [Multiplcation Vegetative Second Phase - Sxj. (01280) hnenabonal Development Research Centre. Waler economy and the development of arabic gum trees (Acaca senegal) in the Sahel zone in Senegal. (03033) International Foundation for Scence. Water maagerent in irgated schemes. (03650) Adniistrat on G*rale de la Cooperation au Developpenent. Water Management Senegal Rrver-valley (Richard Toll. Phase 2). (05506) Agricultural Unesiy Wageningen. Water management Senegal rier-valley (Richard Toll. Phase 11). (03623) Agncultural University Wagenwigen. West Africa Colaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) Inenate ai Crops Research Institute for fe Semi-And Tropcs (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network [Reseau Maisi. (02i55) Conference des Responsablas de Recherche Agronomique Alfcains. West Africa Net*oik on Ariwnal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deuwshe Geseilschatt fuer Technie Zusammenarbed (GTZ) Gmb H. West Africa Regional Cooperative for Researct on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) Internationai Institute of Tropical Agriculture. West Alrica Regional Pearl Millet Improvement Program. (02154) Inter- ',zaal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-: rnd Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West African Farming Systemns Research Netw (WAFSRNIRESPAO). (02619) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)Semi-Ana Food Gran Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAD). 119 Index of proects by cowy West African Fertr Maeagent and Evaluatbn Network (WAFMEN). (02614) lnterabonal Devepopt Research Centre (IMRCI: United Nations Development Progran (UNDP). West Afrcan Forages Network (WAFNET) t02103) Mulael Cooperation Divs, Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. West Anca] Irrigation Research Devebpment Network (WAIRD). (02612) hlemational Imgation Managent Institute (IIMI). Wet Afncan program fr agro-mwnera research. (02146) Intemational Fertizer Developyent Center. Afica (IFDC-Afrca). West African Rice Informabon System (WARIS). (04246) International Devebpment Research Centre. West and Central Arica Maize Colaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Intermational Developrnen (USAIDYSemriAnd Food Grain Research and Denopt (SAFGRAD). West and Central Afnca Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment f'JSAID)/Sernm-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Women and lari '_.,e ownership (Senegal). (XAM23)!Lswernational Deveopment Research Centre. [Net' -r, on Sorghum MillixyDehuHing]. (02648) !nternational Developmt Research Centre. African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Sbrra Lee (05849) West Africa Rice Devebpment Association (WARDA). (05850) West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). (05851 ) West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). 120 Index of projects by country (05852) West Africa Rice Deveomert Assocaton (WARDA). A tca Center of Meteoroiogical Appatiom for Develoment (ACMJAD). (01 109) WosId Meeor cal Organezation (WMO). Aric Research Network for Agrictval By-Products (ARNAB). (02 i70) h*mathonal Deveopment Research Centre (IDRC): Irternational Lvestock CerEe for Ainca (ILCA). Aley Famig Neork for Tropical Africa. (020BB) Canadn International Develpment Agency (CIDA)dntema onal Devebopment Research Cenlre (IDRC). wienbm nal Rice Testng Progm for Afnca (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Deveopmt Program (UNDPVEumpean Econornic Commission (EECYJaan. Maergruve Swaiq Rice Network (MSRN). 05848) West Afica Rice Devlpment Association (WARDA). Pan-Afican Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Wnrock International. Ford Foundation. Steqghenm maize and cassava research in elven countres of West and Central Africa: Plan of acton. (02665) Ministere de la Cooperatin (France). Sib-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) Wortd Bank. The West and Central Aftca Cowpea Collboative Research Nerwork (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAIDySemimAnd Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West Africa Reginal Cooperative for Research on Pftntain (WARCORP). (02167) Intenatonal hstitute of Tropical Agrncukure. West African Fertizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (0 (02614) International Developmt Researcn Centre (IDRC): United Nations Development Program (UNDP). West Abican Ric Information System (WARIS). (04246) International Oevelopmfnt Research Centre. Woet and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAIDySemi-And Food Gram Research 121 Index of protcts by country and Devebpmet (SAFGRAD). Som Afl*an Center d Mlleteorobgical Appcatio for Deveopment (ACMAD). (01 109) Word Meteorgical Organiztion (WMO). Afica Research Network on Rural Poultry Developrent. (02624) United N;ions Food and Agncufture Organization. Coopeiatv Cereals Research Nework (CCRN). (02171) Interational Crops Research Institute for the Semn-And Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody (02174) Food and Agnculture Organization of the United Nations. Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and MiWet Coalborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for Internationai Devebpment (USAIDYSemi-And Food Grain Research ard DevOnent (SAFGRAD). Improvng the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasus and other Vector-bome Diseases of Alrican Irstock using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Drectorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). PRsearch programnme on the biological and chemical conlrol of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Intereational Institute of Biological Control. Reseau Developpement (RJD) [Development Network]. (02653) GRET. Sero-survedlarnce of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa. using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Social Science Interlace Research Und (SSIRU). (02779) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Strategies Aimentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOWMInstitut Francab de Recherche Scientdique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) World Bank. 122 N Index of projects by country Inteatioal Soyben Prgram (INTSOY). (05373) Univrsiy of lrcis at UrbanamChampaign. Sri L111*8 Interfatia Network on Sod Fertihty and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) Inrnatonal Rice Research Instiute. IrerHnational Soybea Pogramr (INTSOY). (05373) Unsrsit llimo at Urbana-Chanpaign. Nitogen Fixabon by Tropical Agncutural Legumes (NdTAL). (05377) Univrsity of Hawai. African Center of Meteoroogical Apphcations for Development (ACMAD). i (01109) World Meteorokogical Organization (WMO). African RPsearch Network on Rural Poumry Development. * (02624) Uited Nabtions Food and Agricurture Organuation. Alternals fomubtions andlor increase rates of pesticides to increase persastance. (01824) U.S. Agency for Intemational Deveiopment. An integrated research programmne on the develpment of biological pesticides for locust and grasshopper control. (01546) U.S. Agency for International Development. Association hlemationale pour l'Optimisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) (Intembational Association for the Optinization of Plant Nutrition]. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronornique pour le Deveoppenient (CIRAD). Colaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL) (01344) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). I (02171) International Crops Research Instdute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. I Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetc Resources of Mulipurpose Woody 123 j Index of projects by country (02174) Food and Agicutre Organgation of the United Nations. Dais palm &-mlpeb. (07) Inlernabonal Fund far Agricultural Deeopment. Easten Afrca Regial Sorghum ad Milt Colaboratve Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U-S. Aoency for Inlernational Devebpment (USAlDySemi-And Food Grain Research J: and DevelpMent (SAFGRAD). Ecolgca coseqLences of Itaka Locusts: pest control in tropical and subtropical Aftica. (01603) InstAi* fer Bgphie. Unvstaet des Saarlandes. Ecological side-ffects of blcust control agents. (04636) Unrersitaet des Saarandes. Efficacy of pesticides against desert locust and grasshoppers. (O1822) U.S. Agency for international Develpment. Greenness mapping for grassopper and blust control. (02683) U.S. Agency for Interational Devebopment. Impoving the Dignosis and Control of Trypanosomeasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of Atrcai Livestock. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for international Cooperation (DGIS). International Pearl Mitlet Adaptation Trial (IPMAT). (06375) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Seni-Arid Tropics. Locust research programme. (02780) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecolgy. Management of vertisols under semi-and conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (010Z) International Board for Soil Research and Management. National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC li). (05624) ISRIC (Intemational Sod Reference and Information Centre). Pan-Afncan Networks tor Rural Socia Science Research. (02661) Whrock Intemational; Ford Foundation. 124 Index of projects by couwtry Piol prxo gw e fr erdonato of new world screw worm. (02748) h _enoria Fund for Agrcural Deelop t. Pubic woncs i Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Geseldchaft fuer techische Zusanrnenarbeit (GTZ). Recon /sance / preparaton study on forestry biotedmokgy in fe droght-prone Sub-Saharan Afran countr, wih specal reference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ). (02094) Word Bank. Sero-surveilance of riderpest and other dtseases in Alrica, using immunoassay tedwiques. (02628) Swedcsh Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Slow reeas pesticdes as aftemrabves to beldrin. (01823) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Snal Rturinwt and Camel Group Research Network. (06381) Intemational iestock Center for Africa. Smal Rumnriants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutbche Geselbchaft her Technische Zusamnmenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) World Bank. Swwliand African Center of Meteorological Applications for Devebpment (ACMAD). (01'09) World Meteorobgical Organization (WMO). African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Su-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01 108) World Bank. ilateral research cooperation Cape Verde - Sweden in the field of aquaculture. (05070) Swedsh Agency for Research Cooperation with Deveoping Countries. Inbrnational Soybean Program (INTSOY). 125 Index of proects by coumt 05373) Uiversiy of llrois at Urba-Champaign. Unded Repui of Tazn Afncai Center d Meteombgical Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Ueteorgical Organization (WMO). Arican Research Nework for Agncultural By-Products (ARNAB). (021i0) Inerabonal Development Research Centre (IDRCF; International Lvestock Centre br Africa (ILGA). Aley Famig Network for Tropical Africa. (20828) Canardian International Develpment Agency (ClDA)/lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Association Inleniationale pour ropbimisation de la Nutriton des Plantes (ANIOP) prdelional Associabon for the Optimization of Plant NutXitonj. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Co-ordinated PRsearch Programme on the Appication of Irradiation TedMcique for Food Processing in Africa. (02629) Unted Nations Food and Agnculture Organization. Colhboratrve Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (0t345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAID)Michigan State Universty. Cooperate Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agricuhture Organization of the United Nations. Development and promotion of appropnate tools and implement for the a r'cultural and food processing sector (interim phase) (ILO/8911NTIM03). (05648) ILO (International Labour Office). Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Colaborative Research Netwoui (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for Intemational Develpment (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and DOvelpment (SAFGRAD). Feldizer Marketing and Trade Information Progran (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperatio' GIS); U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). 126 hndex of projects by country Inivuig the Diagoss and Contr of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of Ariu lvestock. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) DOeAxale General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Improvig te Producti of Indigenous Alrican Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and rebbtd Tednqe. (02621) Direcorate General for Jrntemaronal Cooperabon (DGIS). Inernationl Rice Testing Progran for Afnca (IRTP). (02160) United Nahtons Devebprent Prgram (UNDPyEuropean Ecaonomc Commission (EECYJapan. Ieatiorn Soybew Program (INTSOY). (05373) Uesity of Iliois at Urbana-Champaign. Mwhngent of derbsols under semi-and condition in Afnca (MOVUSAC). (01022) Internaonal Board for Soil Research and Managent. National Sod Relerence Colctio (NASREC Ilj. (06624) ISRIC (Intemational Sod Reference and Infomtation Centre). Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Wrrock Intemational; Ford Foundation. Pulbc works in Afrca lo inprove food-securty. (04626) Deutsch Gesellchaft fuer technische Zusammenarbedt (GTZ). Pesearch programme on the biological and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB International Institute of Biological Control. Reseau Deveppemeni (R/D) [Development Network]. (02653) GRET. Sero-surveitane of nnderpest and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassay lechniqes. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Sub-Saharan Alrca hydrological assessrnent. (01108) Wortd Bank. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Oveas Development Administration. Unives and national agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Interrational Service for National Agricultural Research. 127 Index of projects by crountry (Network on Sorghtun MilkigDehulingj. (02648) Inearonal Develpment Research Centre. Thulmd Boloigy of salt tolrne in Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Callihoridae) and other species of bbwihes which are pests of salted-dried fish in tropical devekipg (05799) Oeseas Deveipmwent Adminrstration (NRRD). Internabonal Network on Sol Fertiily and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) Inrnatonal Rice Research tnstitute. Inraional Soybean ntgaPma (INTSOY). (05373) Unher of tiiNois at Urbana- aign. obiological Resources Center (MFIRCEN). (02649) United Nations Edua l. Scientfi and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). ogen Fxation by Tropical Agricultural Legumes (NifTAL). (05377) Universiy of Hawaii. Togo Afncan Center of Meteombgical Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Afican Small Ruminant Colaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agrononic Fertilizer Research Program (AFRP). (02147) Inlemational Fertilizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa). Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02068) Canadian Internationr. Development Agency (CIDA)/lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Animal Traction Research Network, (05813) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Association Interationale pour rOpUmisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) [International Association br the Optmization of Ptant Nutrition]. (02641) Coetre de Cooperation Intemational. en Recherche Agronomique pour le 128 Index of projects by country De"eome (CIRAD). Cassava Netk fRJseau Maw]. (02084) CnMrence des Resposables de Recherche Agronomique Afrcains et Francais. Catle Reseach Network (CARNET) (fmerly Catte Milk and Meat Network). (05358) hemational Livestock Center for Africa. Central and West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) tntemational Instiue of Tropical Agriculture. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur a Resistance a la Shersl. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains el Fran%a's. Fizer Marketing ard Trade Informahon Program (FlM1P). (02145) Diectorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). U.S. Agency for Inrernational Devebpment (USAID). Immwity against trypanosomniasis and mechanisms of trypanotolerance in anmals. (03932) Institut fuer Parastobogie und Tropenvelerinaennedizinr Freie Universdael Berin. Intenational Rice Testng PRogram for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Devebpment Program (UNDPYEuropean Economic Commission (EEC)lJapan. Management of vertisols under semi-and condtions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultivation fReseau Riz]. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Franais. Reconnaissance / preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan Afcen countries, with special reference to Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ). (G2094) World Bank. Research, coordination. and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Aftrica. (02732) Commission of the European Communities. RFseau Coton (COTON). (02082) Frmnce; Conlerence des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francas (CORAF). 129 Indax of -w by cm" Pesa E (EROS) [Erom NetwokJ. (0263) OROUlbSti Fnrcs de Redwde S cendqu pour le Develppen en Resguj sur la Consa on Post-Reclie des Dee Alimentaires (GREIER) [Nework for Pose ,inwst Storage d Food Crops]. (02647) Assocton des Univemses Pariellemert ou Entierement de Laigue Francaise (AUPEIF). SADAOC (Secaiia Aliienle duable en Aque de rOuest Centals). (0662) ECDPM (Emopear Centre for Devopmn Policy Management). Sol Fey Retoeon Rove (SFRP). (02143) Irnational Fetizer Deebpmet Center, Arica (IFDC-Africa). Stralegoes Amenta' (STRA) (Food Strategies Nework]. (02655) ORSTOM Onsut Francai de Recherde Scienfique pour le Developp)ere en Cop-raio. S:tr e maize and cassava rserch in elee countres of West and Central Afrioa Plw o acbon. (02665) Miier de la Cooperatio (France). Sub-Saham Africa hydrlogcal assessment (011 08) World Bank. The Livestock Trypanololeran Netw*K. (02081) Oseas D omen Admministration. The Wes and Central Africa Cowpea Cdoabo Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for lina De pnt (USAID)/Semi-Arid Food Gram Research aid Developnent (SAFGRAD). West Africa Maize Colaborative Resarch Network [Ressau lMais. (02156) Conference des Responsabbs de Recherde Agronomique Africains. West Alrica Regional Cooperative for Research on Plabnain (WARCORP). (02167) Intemalional Instilute of Tropical Agricultr. West Africa Regional Pead Millet Improvement Progam. (02154) International Crops Research Institute for ihe Semi-And Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Cener). Weo African Faming Systems Research Network (WAFSRNJRESPAO). (02619) Inrnado Fund for Agiculr Devlomt (IFADYSemi-Arid Food Gramn Resarch and Delpment (SAFGRAD). 130 r Index of proects by cowity West Arican Feriher Mlagent and Evaluati Netwo* (WAFMEN). (02614) Inemabonal Devebpmernt Research Centre (IDRC); United Nations Development Prgraam (UNDP). West Afncan Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Mijijateral Cooperation Dvsion. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. West Aftric program for agro-mmeral research. (02146) Intiona Fertilizer Devebprent Center, Africa (IFDC-Atnca). West and Central Africa Maize Colaborative Research Net*crk (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Intemabonal Develop (USAIDYSenm-Anid Food Grain Research and Deveopment (SAFGRAD). West and Central Afnca Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment (USAID)/SemFAnd Food Gran Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Tunisia Aftican Center od Meteorobgical Applications for Develpment (ACMAD). (01109) World Metorbgical Organization (WMO). Date palm developrnent. (02750) Interational Fund for Agricultural Deveopmnwt. Greenness mappin for grasshopper and locust control. (02683) U.S. Agency for International Develpment. Improving the Previty of Indigenous African festock using Radloimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). National Soil Reference Colldions (NASREC II). (05624) ISRIC (Intematioral Soil Reference and lnfcrmation Centre). Pilt programmne for eradication of new world screw worm. (02748) Intemational Fund for Agricultural DevWopment. Research programme on the biological and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Intemational Institule of Biological Control. Res8au Agricullue Familbbi Cornparee (RAFAC) (Comparative Family Farming Network]. (02651) IAM. 131 Index of projects by country Pwesau Ersion (EROS) [Eosion Netork]. (02638) ORSTOM/Istitt Franca de Rechermhe Scientilxque pour Le Deveoppement en Caon. Reseau Oasis (OASIS) [Oass n1tworkj (02658f Cents de Cooopabon Interntionale en Rechrche Arworlomique pour le Dewloppement (CIRAD). Atricu Center ot Meteonrolocal Applicatons for Develpment (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meteoroloial Organiation (WMO). Alsy Fannin Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian International Dewlopment Agency (CIDAWAntemational Developrent Research Centre (IDRC). Co-ornated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Prceig in Africa. (02629) LUnded Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). 402171 rtermational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Eastem Atfca Regional Sorghum and Milet Colacorative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpent !S.FGRAD). Improving the Diagnosis and Control of 1 pnosomiasis and other Vector-bome Diseases of African Uvestcck, using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Proa 0vity of !ndigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621j Directorate General flr International Cooperation (DGIS). International Pearl Mlie1 Adaptation Trial (IPMATj. (05375) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Devebpment Program (UNDPYEuropean Economic Commission (EECyJapan International Soybean Program (INTSOY). 132 Index of proects by country (05373) University of lrinois at Urbana-ChampDaign. Sero-surveAance of rnwerst and other diseases in Atnca. using immunoassay 6 (02628) Swedtsh Agency tor Rural Cooperation (SAREC,. *1 Sub-Saharan Afxca hydrological assessment. (01 1081 Worid Bank fNetwork on Sorghum Miing0ehulig]. (026481 linenatonal Developdent Research Centre Date palm developent. (02750) Iternational Fund for Agicuhtural Developmentl. Biological control of bcusts by entomopathogens. (03844) Federal Biological Research Certre for Agnrcuture and Forestry Biology of salt tolerance in Chryso-ya megacephala tDOptera: Calliphor;dael and other species of bowfies which are pests of saltedned fish in tropical developing counties. (05799) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Conmarative physiology. held performance and propagaton of plants of the ProsoDis. (04742) Overseas Devebpment Adminisirabon (NRRD) Draught animals for production/feeding and working strategies foi draught anima's. (04753) Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). Feeding and managerment strategies for draught animals. (01820) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDk. Field demonstration of vertical-looking radar as a cost-effective. automatc monior of desert locust migratlon. (05763) Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRO). Identification and montonrmg of African weather regimes - Phase I West Africa. (04726) Overseas Develpmnent Administration (NRRD). Meteorobgical Data Distribution Systems IMDD). 133 Index of prjects by country (05774) Overseas Deveopnt Administrahon (NRRDI Melhods and techivques for envronmeital impact assessments of agrochemcals in the -cs. (04809) Oeseas Devome Admintstraton (NRRDO. 1onito irsects pests and damage m nillet. (04867) Oerseas Development Administration (NRRD). OedaWeus dipause she. (04811) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDi On-fam studies to devebp recommendatioe ,s for the inportce of lWestock feedrng systems in the tsetse endemi regions of West Afnca. (01808) Overseas Devekopmet Admintstratir (NRRD). Pwbcpation in the HAPEX-II proect (HAPEX = HydrobogicalAtmosphenc Pilot S. )~~Epewiet. (05651) ORSTOM (N,aeyYCNRM (Toulouse). Phase 1 Resistance of cowpea to Strnga gesnenoides and Alecta yogeln Phase iI Resistance of egumes and cereals to Stinga species. 101767) Overseas Development Admtnistralion (NRRD). Senegal: Acaaa tree fallows. (04734) Overseas Development Adminestraloi (NRRD). Storage of cereals by pastoralists. (04761) Overseas Developmenl Administration (NRRDf. The epidemiology and cont.ol of the sorghum foliar pathogens in the serni-and tropics. (01813) Overseas Developrent Administration (NRRD). The irnpad of managernent prac?ices on the water use efficiencf ;f rainted crops in the semi-arid tropics. (01699) Overseas Developent Admmnist;ation (NRRD). The interaction of worlk and trypanotolrance in N'Dama cattle on two planes of nutrhion. (04691) Overseas Develpment Adminisiration (NRRD). The protection of fish against blowflies during drying and beetle infectation dunng storag. (04710) Oveseas Development Administration (NRRD). 134 Index of projects by country Unibd St Intratna Soybea Prgm (INTSOY). (05373) Uniesity Of lins at Urbana-Champaign. Mhcrobolical Resources Center (MIRCEh). (02649) United Nahons Educational. Scenti and Cultural Organtzation (UNESCO). Participaton in fe HAPEX-II poect (HAPEX = HydologicalAAtmosphenc Pilot ExpeTient). (0651) ORSTOM (Niamey)CNRM (Toulouse). USSR ntXeational Soybean Progra (INTSOY) (05373) Uniesty of INlros at Urbana-Chama^. Yeneztel Wilemational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of lbinos at Urbana-Champaign. V No"am Conservation, management and restoration of nature in degenerated ecosystems in the tropcs and suttropics. (05598) IBN (Institute tor forestry and Nature Research). de Dorschkarnp. Intemnational Network on Soil Fertilty and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) Intemational Rice Pesearch Institute. Iernational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Uniisity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Yn Date palm deoment. (02750) Inmational Fund for AgricuItural Development. 135 U Index of protect by coutry Z*e African Center Of M 1to cA Apnchns for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteomlogical Organization (WMO). AY Fanriwig Network for Trpcal Afnica. (2O088) Canadian Intenaoawl DeCopment Agency (CIDAVIntematonal Develorment Research Centre (IDRC). A* oti Inremationale pour l Opbmesabon de la Nutriton des Plantes (ANIOP) (Inrnatal Assoaton for the Opbmiation of Plant NUttion] (02641) Centre de Cooperation Interratxnabe en Redherche Agrononoque pour le Developperent (CIRAD). Cerbal and West Afrian Rood Crops Coaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intefnational Instilute of Tropical Agrculture. Co,ordinaled Research Prograrnme on the Application of Irradiaton Technique for Food Processing in Atrica, (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Intenational Rice Testing Program for Afica (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDPyEuropean Economoc Commiss*on (EECyJapan. International Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Reseau Coton 1COTON). (02082) France; Conference aes Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africams et Francais (CORAF). Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (02638) ORSTOMWInstitut Francais de Recherche Scientilique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Roseau sur la Conservation Post-Recofte des Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) (Network for Post-Harvest Slorage of Food Crops] (02647) Association des Universites Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Strateges A6mentaires (STRA) (Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOWInstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. 136 Index of pmoects by county (01 108) World 8ank. The Lvestock Tfypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Devebpmert Adrnintsratmt-;. The Wesl and Central Africa Cowpea Collabaahve Research Netwoxk jRENACO) (02078) U.S. Agency foh Otrnaitional DevelDmnnl (USAIDWSemi-Ard Food Grain Research and Devpment (SAFGRAD). West Afnca Maize Colaborahve Research Network {Reseau Maisj. (02156) Cofence des Responsables de Recherche Agnmique Afrcans West Afrca ReFna Cooperative for Research on Plantamn (WARCORP) (02167) Intembaonal Insttute of Tropical Agrtculture. Ahican Cmer of Meteorobcai Appttcattorts fo Deveipment (ACMAD). (0 109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Alley Farming Network for Tropical Afria. (02088) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDAfAnternational Development Research Centre IIDRC). Case studies on raising agrncultural productnivy r; women in Africa fo' increased food prodution. (02151) Wodd Bank. Co-ordniated RFlsearch Programnme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processig in Afrca. (02629) initd Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Institute for the SemiArid Tropics. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-boome Diseases of African Livestock using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (UiGIS) International Pearl Millet Adaptation Trial (IPMAT). (06375) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Intnaional Rice Testing Program for Aflica (IRTP). (02160) Urited Nations Develpmnent Program (UN0PYEuropean Economic Commission (EEC )Japan. 137 ii Index of pcts by country In_eratil Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Universt of IlNinos at Urbana-Champaign. Naional Sod Fefrence Coections (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (herntonal Sod Reference and Informabon Centre). Nitrogen Fixation by Tropical Agicultural Legumes (NifTAL). (053T7) University of Hawa;i Pan-African Netwoms tor Rural Satial Science Research. (02661) Wwrock Inte.rmnional: Ford Foundabon. Research programme on t*e bioloical and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB hiematonal institute of 3iological Control. R6seau Coton (C1TON). (0202) France. Conference aes Responsables de Recherches Agronomtque Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Sero-surveiNla.ce of nnder,st and c her diseases in Africa. using irnmunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish tigeny to, Rurai Cooperation (SAREC). Sociai Science Interface Ras^jact Unit U SSIRU). (02779) The Intematl'fwal CS,rtre of Insect Physioy and Ecology. Sub 3aharan Afrca hydrolticL! a.3sessment. (01108) World Bank. Zimbbw African Center of Meteorob7ical Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) Unded Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-And Tropics. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases 138 Lw Index of projects by country of Aca Livestck. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Doctorate General for International Cooopeation (DGIS). Ipving Ihe Prodwctty of lrdigenous Arican Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and tebd Tedniues. (02621) Dircoate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS) Inrernabonal Rice Tes g Progn for Aica (IRTP). (02160) Ur :ad Nabons evelopme Program (UNDPYEuropean Economic Commission (EECWJapan Inbtnai Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Universiy dof Mis at Urbana-Champaigrt Management of vefisols under semi-and conditns i Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) hWnationai Board for Soil Research and Management. MeAtods and technques for emronmental irnpact assessments of agrochemicals m the (04OD9) Oerseas DivelopmenI Administralion (NRRD). Pan-African Net*woks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winuock International; Ford Foundation. Public works in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Research programmne on the biological and chweical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Intermational Institute of Biological Control. Research, coordination, and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732) Commission of the European Communilies. Small Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) International I ivestock Center for Africa. Small Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbei (GTZ) Gmb H. Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) (Food Slrategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOWlnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpemnenl en Cooperation. Sub-Sa*wan Arika hydrological assessment. (01106) Word Bank. 139 Index of projects by cournty The epKdemioogy and control of te sorghum fodiar pathogens n the sen,i-arid tropics. (01813) Overseas Devebpmrent AdwsfOation (NRRD). [Nework on Sorghm MingDe)hu"ling. (M648) International DeeOent Research Centre. 140 SPAAR ifomabon System Record number (WN): 01017 Ocial prajectd N: NAJiRL AGRICULTURAL EXPORT PROMOTION P9OJECT (EXPORT CROP, FOfREPLY AGRICULTURAL EXPORT PROMOTION, FORMERLY EXPORT CROPS). Irnplementin agency: World Ba*, Gumea. Star date: 1993-06-25. Couiry/coutriete: Guinea; Statement of betvssrct The overal obecte of te pqe is to s 1engde incntives famwork and rmove the obstacles to suply response in fe agricultural export sector. The proed would spot e ft phase of a bng-term sbiabgy offern broad pport to the prvate sector acrss agricultural expor indush. To meet fe obecties. the proect would ide fe flowng components: (a) institnal building to provide edncl swppodt and training prmariy to p sonal orguzatons; (b) support to private inve _mt in export agr-business by: (i provdn spedaized exension and adapbve resea services (through exting national proects), (i) develpng sanhod credit. (i) estalsng a pate investent coporatfon, and (fY) povdn assitac for design and management of busess operabons and (c) studies and special programs, i.e., studies of a general nature required as backgound to inprove knowledge of the export sector. and piot operations designed to test and develop new methods of production. storage, packaging and shipping of expot proucts. Contact in research organizahon: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MARA); GuineaMinistry of Planning and Finance; Guinea Record numrber (MFN): 01018 Official project title: HAUTS-BASSINS AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Impletening agency: World Bank; Burkina Faso. Start date: 1983-06-22. End date: 1990-02-01. Country/countries: Burkina Faso: Statement of ob,ectives/abstract: This five-year proect would build upon the success of the ongoing project in expanding production and in fostering vilage group responsibility. The current lechnical package, focused on manual cultivation and input use. has been successfully adopted by some 10 500 farmers (of the 40 000 farmers in the region) and still has scope for further incremental produtMion from the more receptive remaining traditional farmers, as well as contiruing to improve the techniques of those farmers SPAAR Irdorm System aleady reached. The main obeces are to: (a) encourage manual aiural tchndpqes aog taitonal farmers; (b) promote te ingraton of ivstock and agnckire. wh the an of fsernwg te use of orpi lzr to citer deceng sod feetlity, and tfle use of aninal racon to remove b bottrnek f weeding and tansport of outU and iputs; (c) poote and monitor measures which may lead m fte long term to dWeaper aNlemabves b present chemcal fertliazers incuding the use of orgamc fertilizers, of rock phoshlls, of crp rotaion, and reseach med at xidg deatr vid tertzer formulabions; (di enoae the use of iuts in" di*ng seectd seeds to alow kfth production ases by more advanced farmers; and (e) foster hNew develpmo vilage goups, and tst a small Heracy program for some of fe groups.Prolect acities would include: (1) fuI extension serices to 22 000 new brmers and conbnuation of extension services, on a reduced basis, for 18 000 oher larmers akeady readied in order to hrter miase foodcop awl cotton production; (2) an adapative research progran; (3) integraon livestock temes into te general extenson mesges; (4) production of improved seeds for sorghum. maize, grouidnuis and nce through a seed farrn to be established and through contract fames. (5) training of senior Burkinabe staff and insreasig the effectiess of monitoring; (6) cotinung the regional training center at Bobo-Dioulasso; and (7) continuing extension activites for newly settled palists in fe Samorgouan area. Contact in research organization: Ministere du Developpement Rural; Ouagadougou- Burkina Faso Record nurnber (MFN): 01020 Otficial project tite: AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT II Impreenting agency: World Bank; Gambia. Start date: 1984-11-07. End date: 1992--30. Country/countries: Gambia: Statement of objectiveslabstract: The five-year oroject has three closely linked objectives: (1) to consoldate progress made under the Rural Development Project (0644-GM) and address constraints that emnerged during its implementation; (2) to assist the Govemment with major sectoral reforms: and (3) to increase production of rainfed crops through strengthening support institutions, improved input supply, research and seed multiplication. The project components are: (i) crop deveopment: (a) increasing production of groundnuts, maize, rainfed rice, cotton, millet and sorghum through improved cultural practices and greater use of inputs; (b) developing and strengthening the research capacity at Sapu Agricultural Station and improving links with other national and intemational institutes, (c) completing the establishment of a national seed multiplication program for groundnuts. rice, cotton and maize: (ii) 2 TO~P SPAAR h*niiona Sydn sp uinsWes (a) miI wih rgenizOm do Wfty of Agricia fkeld eximujon swwis crea an inlegriad reid aop exisimon service at -fb6 W2. The Trag aid Visb' s* woLid be ftoduced, and sbff aining wotM be imct (b) sbrnglienig and suppor"i lh devIelopment of prny muuti 9Xete into mun-prpse l-fiwg tuning servcs rgamzMin mkmig ie nesbAdstnn of tdan irxA deuy, sabs ose, and crer facles; aid (c) d~nimig Ihe Pwrecd C ao~ieg Unt. and VIh reoarW br mnpoft: assing Govhenr by finarcng 63 pere ofe reAarerni dizer req _we t of th agriculural sector over a kIme year period n by June 30, 197. Contact in researd orgmwtaion: oisty of Agnculw; 8wW; Ganib Record nunbe (MFN): 010Q2 Official pmpcd bte: MANAGEMENr OF VERTISOLS UNOER SEkl-ARID CONDTIONS IN AFRICA (MOVUSAC). Impementn agency: Inteatna Board for Sod Research and Maepment. Start date: 19612-00. End date: 1990-2-00. C4unt*countries: Ahica; Burkina Faso; Botswan Elho Ghana; Kenya; Mai; Sudan; Uniled Republic of Tanzai Zinabwe Bein; Togo; Nigemr Camemon; Mawi; Stalemrent ( obveces/al,sract Countries in semF-aid edo of Africa and South Wes Asia face Wa od shortage due to drought and poor sod and water management. Vertisok repres a very high potental for agricultural prducin in these r but ame often underexploled. IBSRAM. created in 1983 in Bagkok. Thala, is estliing a sol maament nework to address fis quemstn Managemenit (A Verbsols for Impoved Agiiculural Prduction. This proposal conc the implemientation of a regional programme to coordabt and suwport work on th network n Africa and Sout West Asia (iddle East- ndia). Thirteen countries: Burkina Faso, Botswara. Burundi, Egypt, Ethkopi, Ghana. Kenya, Mali, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda. Zambia and Zimbabwe were invited to discuss er pocts on nis mater in a first regional seminar in Nairobi, December 1-6, 1986. The coordination and support adcives proposed will conetate on: (a) promoting agriculturaJ rah on the managem t of vertisols; (b) exchanging fomation on validated t dchnolxges; (c) strengtening natinal research instiutions; (d) backstoppg some pcts with equpment and its maintenarice and wMth consultancies. This projet proposal concemr m coorination and support f the African and South West Asian r Nogamn and describes the goa and ob,ectives, the rationale, te intended actiities, the organization. th quest for coordination support. a proposed sequence of eves, th prposed proct outputs and 3 SPMR Irncrmabon Systen a budgetl 1 590 000 USO for ou years. This prgam w o l ink wh the wofk of inbemal centers (ICRISAT. ASCAD, ICARDA. ILCA) and olher research organizations ard uiversibes. Coa in research organizaton: Dr. P. Ahn; Intemaoa Board for Soi Research and Marageent (IBSRAM): P.O. Box 9-109; Ban;khen. Bangkok 10900: Thailand; Tel: 579-7590; 579-4012: 579-7753; 580-5958; Telex: 21505 IBSR TH; Cabie: BSSRAM: Fax: 66-2-5611230, E-Mail: CGI134 Record nunber (MFN): 01050 Offiia pnect title: NUTRITIONAL EFFECTS OF CASH CROPPING. Implemeriting agency: International Fund for Agricultural Devebpment. Start dale: 1984-O0-00. Country/coutres: Africa: Gambia; Kenya; Statement of objecti es/abstract: To deberine how a dramatic change in the technology of food production, combined with inreased comrercialization, consequent impacts on income, employmient, food consutmption and nutntion. has affected small farmers. Contact in research organization: Mr. P. Pinstrup-Andersern; IFPRI; 1776 Massachusetts Avenue; NW; Washington D.C.; 20036; USA: Tel. (202) 862-5600: Telex: 440954; Cable: IFPRI Record nunber (MFN): 01108 Official project ttle: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA HYDROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT. Irnplmenting agency: World Bank. Start date: 1987-06-23. End date: 1991-12-00. Country/countries: Africa: Djibouti; Somalia: Sudan; Uganda; Angola: Botswana: Lesotho: Malawi; Mozambique; Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe: Benin; Burkina Faso: Cape Verde; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; Congo; CWe dIlvoire; Equatonal Guinea; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Nigeria; Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Togo; Burundi; Madagascar; Rwanda; Zaire; Statement of objectivesiabstract: The project will evaluate the status of existing hydrological data (precipitation. 4 SPAAR nfomaton Systm surfe and groundWaler). networs and colcton systems aid make iations for fe firg of dnhpoian gaps, uading ol qualty of data coection and ehcment d te capabty to measie. rer, proces Vd publs hydological data and informalion in Sb-saharan countries Recey, Algeria was added to fe ountries specid n the original pjet uder a separate UNOP un*ded proect (ALGtM)2. The uimate an is to assist couAbies in the iprvenĥen of hydromei.x work for planin g aid evaun water resouc deveblopme prgirams and Prooels. Record number (MFN): 01 109 Official proed tile: AFRICAN CENTER OF METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT (ACMAD). Implebenting agency: Word MMeoogical Organization (WMO). COutry/cuntries: Africa; Algeria: Angola, Bern; Botswaa; Burkma Faso; Burundi: Cametoon; Cape Verde; CQtral Ac Republic; Chad; Comoros; Cango; C6e divoite; Dibou; Egypt: Equalorial Guinea; Ehopia; Gabon; Gambia Guinea. Guinea-Bissau: Kenya: Lesotho; Liberia; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Madagasr; Mal-; Maawi: Maurianiar Mauritus; Morocco; Mozambique; Niger Nigeria: Rwanda: Sao Tome and Pnncipe: Senegal, Seychelbs; Siera Leone; Somalia: Sudan; Swaziand: Togo; Tunisia; Uganda; United Repubc of Tanzania: Zaire: Zambia; Znbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: In Phase !, fe project wilt establish an African Center of Meteoroogil Applications for Developement (ACMADj in order to: (1) produce adequate and reliable meteorogical and cimatoiogical data recasts and intotmation through improved ntetwOrs and data colection and analysis; (2) strenghen the capabililies of national institutions and develop manpower skiris in the use of meteorological and cimatobDgical data, by providing appropriate methodologies and techniques and training of personnel; (3) promote applied meteorological research for a better understanding of the atmospheric conditions which affect critical human activities in Africa and to use the knowledge gained from this research in agriculture, water resources, building cons!ruclicn. transport. wildie, etc.; (4) provide early waming systems (cropslivestocktforests), and assess and atllviate the effects of drought. desertification. floods, tropical cyclones. and other natural hazards; (5) improve and contribute to the use and the apphcations of meteoroiogical information and data so as to: (i) reduce risks and losses in agricultural production, costs and of energy inputs in agricultural production, and of tile and property damage caused by flooding; (ii) increase food production in quality and quantity; (iii) more efficently use water resources, particularly in the drought-prone and drought-stricken areas of Africa; (iv) promote Ihe use of renewable energy sources. SPMR Inormaten Systm as wel as te conservaon of the enviret; (v) improve human setements. pikbc headth. etc.; (6) promote fe exchange of experence between the member countes. Rord numbe (MFN): 01123 Offi0-' projed title: EASTERN SENEGAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Impementn agency: World Bank; Senegal. Starl date: 1964-10-05. End date: 1990-06-30. CountryCounties: Senegal; Statemn Ofobetesasrat The objectives of fe project are: (i) icreasing the prodjct of cotton, and cereals (maize, mile and songhm) gown in rotation wilh it; (ii) organizin and assisMng farmes in effectively assuming ireasing responsibilty for piny markefing. crecd applicabon and recovery, and undertaking collecive ismen; (iii) promoting tie developmnt of essentil nral infrastructure: (iv) improving the effiiency of Societe pour le Deve wppement des Fibres Texties (SODEFITEX); (v) pom the integration of crop and livestock acvies, especially ough the development of animal tractio and the imrvement of animal health; and (vi) cwnsoidating the achievements of the First Lhestock Project. The mapr projec components are: (a) crop devebpment. cluding promotion of animal traction and support to nural blacksmiths; (b) increase of the permanent funds of SODEFITEX; (c) improvement in crop processing and storage facilities and a study of the tdchlogy of broken maize. (d) improvement of field offices, maintenance facildties and support to management; (e) training of field staff as well as office, giwey and workshop staff; (f) monitoring and evaluation; (g) assistnce to viRag farmer groups (Associations de Base de Producteurs: ABPs) through: (i) functional literay and numeracy programs, (ii) supply of credit for collctive equipment. and (iii) management advice; (h) construction of feeder roads and maintenance; (i) village water supply: (j) primary health care: (k) applied research and foundation seeds production program. aimed at complementing the National Agricultural Research Project and devebping linkage between research and extention. Research focus will be on agronomic trials, pest control and varietal improvement of cotton as well as food crops; and (1) livestock development--improvement of animal health and nutrition for the area's 470 000 head of cattoe and 260 000 small ruminants, with special attention given to draft oxen in order to protect them against the major contagious diseases and parasitic infections. Contact in research organization: Societe pour le Developpement des Fibres Textiles (SODEFITEX); Dakar: Senegal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 SPAAR Irnkaon Systvm Peord number (MFN): 01125 Official projeci bt: SECOND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH PfROJECT. Inrnp ng agency: World B ISRA. Senegal. Strt date: 1991-01-23. End da - 1995-12-31. Countrylcouniies: Senea; Stamei d objestabstract: This prmc would support ISRA's Five-Year Research Proan iatrcs a ngoro'is analysis of geographical and themabc pr es. A rnigus mnl view of pnorites and a program of particate adapie research, in conjucon wih the deveopmeN agences and farmrs. would be nplerented uder the proec. The researd progran wouldd. trough both the estawlishrent of a special research crarn on Natr Resources Manegemet and a doser ilegrahon of resea:h or -tops, Fvestock and ag-worestry. contrbie to fe protecon of the enviro t and to fte inVmerit of sod fertility. Fanng sysems would be develped for each mapr agro-ecological zone. hicrease emphasis on researh and develprot wd hasten fe adaptation of thnical advances made during the fist proect to the needs of the farming cornuiy. Regional research pograms would be stenoxwe in zones of gratest agncultural mipoftance Adequate operig twids would be provided under ftis proect and uder the proposed exlenson prqect for programs of off-station rsearch Research p1arrng and programmiq would be framed by the 'Nouvele Polibque Agricole (NPA)- and by te technical probms confronting fames and fe envronment. Contact in research organzation: Ir. Habib Ly; Diredeur General: Insttut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA): 76. rue Mousse Diop: B P. 3120: Dakar: Senegal: Tel: 21-24-25: 22-628: Telex: 3117 ISRA SG Record nurber (MFN)7 01126 Official pro, title: AGRICULTURE RESEARCH PROJECT. lnmpementrng agency. World Bank. Senegal. Start date: 1983.0603. End date: 1990-05-22. Country/countnes: Senegal. Statement of obct*ves'abstract: The Govemment of Senegal has decided to reorient its agrcultural research effort to nprove ds effioency. so that research would contrbute to the success of Goverment s investment policies in the rural sector. Research is to be made more 7 SPAAR Iomation Sysem problemoiene d-ia s. mor repnsive and more applipabe to the real nat the ao producer-and mmncaton beween research workers and 9w development and extenso staff of ft deveopment agencoes and the My of Rural Develoment ame to be inOensfled. Decentralization will be pursued by strenhen regiona research efforts IIwou~ the estatishmrenit d f tinally coordnated mukKkxliwy research tea.s on por cmmodis and regional agicuwlual podion systems. Followrg ricatn of the IADS Msplan, il was decided to iMit a firt phase proed to e aguicuure and livesock saiselors. and w-in Uth sectors to prority oodgira and cash crop commoditie ant prorty regions kr mia systems research To reach these broad obectrves hs fist phase pmojd would: (i) strenyt.n the ogrwation and operabon of Instiut Senegalais de Recherdes Agrcors (ISRA), ntewate research and develpmert for ops ard lveslock. adid be rebosw to needs of the dilferent systm and ecogical areis of See. ) replace 9te exirg fragmented disc~ly research Mpoach by a coordnted n hdig am approach along commoty problem area likes (includin crp poducto systems), (fi) irotduce faming systems research prgrams (cuding assocaed es.efch centers and -tahons networks) for the ur piory regions: (iv) estblish kAg-term -apower plang and traliniing for prfev ional and led staff and ioe personne maniagement policies and procedures (v) etr research on productien ecoronmes. marketing. and human resotres (vil strengthen capabilities fox evaiuation and application of new technolo. wxdn more effective lnages with xllenson and (vei s8tere lirikages wih extera technixal assistance organizations. inck ing the interratial agricultural research c'.-*e (IARCs)For tie production systems and nutWiscipy commoy pnrams, bhe poecd worLd estai;h and impleenw over a six yes period: la) fve production systems prograns: at Finaye for the Srea Rer Valley; at Nioro du Rsp for fe South Gr,ou Basin: at OQbelor or the Lower Casaance Zone: at Dahra for fe Sylvo-pastoral Zone: and at Kodda tor the Upper Casamance Zone. AlN Fe produc systems programs would be mixed agriculu estock systems. Emphasis at the Fanaye Station would te on imgated ag*cute. at Nioro du Rip Station on rained agnculture. at Dpbekr Station on vanous techmques for nce production. and at the Kolda and Dahra S!atarns on livestock producton systems and lb) six nabonally coordnated multidscipfnary commodty programs on: groudnuts. cowpeas. millet. sorghum. maize and rice Contact in research organization: )h Mohamadou El-Habib Ly; Director General: Institut Senegaatis de Recherdces Agncoles (ISRA); f3.P. 3120; Dakar: Senegal; Tel: (221) 21 24 25; 22 03 74. Telex: (962) 3117 ISRA SG Record number (FN) 01128 Official proiect tbit: IRRIGATION REHABILITATION PROJECT. 8 SPAAR hInormabti e s a smen agency. Word Bank; Niger. Startdate: 1960l01. Enddate: 1991-12-31. Conrconrs: NW. Statemern d objees/abstract: The overal objectes of fi proed are to rove income and general ware of fte nxal popun in ft pjed area wough the exensve parbciion of beneficia in mt operaton and mngewe od perise, and increased cost rcvery rale and Ihe imoolvereit of th prie sctor i the maninenance of pumpin eqxrnt The spechic objectves are: (a) the reXhababon of inrfrastucture and e_uip enton 16 perinee (11 in the Niger valey and five in the Ader-DoulcNi-1agga (ADM) valley); gna zan he proiacce of nce doubble aopping on the 1I pemeters m the Nige valey; an incease in water avaiabiity o Ih dry season cops and exenson t heusfthl We oferesenon in the AD vaey; (b) crop nfica order to rase paiy yield by about 1.2 lutolarop on the 11 rice pernm i the Niger valley to be rehabilitated. and to consolidse the peoriTmarce of the Nllargoungou and Say perimeters; (c) assis_ance to cooperate, to promoe self-management and sell-reiance on 18 perimeers (te 16 to be rehabild and hose of Naiaigoungou anid Say); and Cd) strengthening of Offe Natinal des mn ement HydronAgncoes (ONAHA) and Sociele Riz du Niger (FUN). The proed compornet would ixclde. (i) rehabitation woks; (i) crop intensification including pmotion of animal tracton; (ii) assistance to cooperatives: (iv) adapive research and seed mulblizcato-izer trials on sites that am reren of the man ecologcal condoms, introduction and sareening of new nce vanibes intended for ftuhre extension actties. and produchon o foundation seed to be multiplied by coopeatives: and (v) strngtening of ONAHA and RINt. Contac in research orgnization: Office National des Arneragements Hydro-Agicotes (ONAHA), Niamey; Niger Record nwiber (MFN): 01 130 Otficial proqec title: SECOND MALI SUD RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Impleentig agency: World Bank; Mal.. Start date: 1984409. End date: 1990-09-30. County/countries: Mali; Statement of objectives/abstract: The projed would seek to buld on the experience of the firs' Mali-Sud proect and to promote integraled deveopnt in Southm Maii. The mam specific objecirves of the project are to: (iI stabilize and increase cotton production through an input and output pncing program which is consistanl with world market opportunidies. and 9 SPAAR Infonration System wotid achieve com abl evels of Governmnt reve nn fe medim and bg term at bwer tax rdtes. hiier volues and bwer average pcesg costs; ti) reowgane isona arrangement sf budgeting. taxaon. marketng and cost recovery for coton and reld activities, including a new medcanism to proec te system from temporary Mi and voue uuaton; (ia) micrease production of cotton Ott about 16 000 ha. of coarse gr9 (maze on about 31 000 ha. sorglxn and milt on about 35 000 ha each). cowpeas on about 18 000 ha, iice (partil rehabtAtion aid rvemet ofd imgated nce producton or about 1 750 ha of snai permeters and 1 000 ha in fe Kiela Scheme. consrhon of terraces and hrrovem3nt wo productlon on about 1 500 ha of rained rice), and livestock (better animal healfth coverage and hioer nutritial level o abou 630 000 head of cattle. including abou 170 000 draft oxen. beobngng to CMDT tarmers: intenstcabon of catte nution by prdue more farm-grown forage, and using more cotlonseed concentrates amd mrner3l - supplemenes; increasmg the nutwoer af dat oxen; section or heaver animas and fattenig ot oxen). al of which depend dic or indirectly on a healfthy coton sector, through speclc inpu delivery and extension programs; (iv) secure futue provements of agriculural production through applied research--test results of farming systems on a arger scale under existn conditons of extension densty and fet*ilizer research on farners' lields to update N, P and K recommendations with the use of rock phosphate (v) promote independent fammer organizations (Associahons Vftageoises) through icentives to absorb vanous tasks now undertaken by Government and Compagrei Malienne pour le Developpernt des Fibres Text es (CMDT). an' functional lefracy trairung and (vi) meet basic needs of farmers in the area hrough Wiage water supy and prnmary heafth services. Contact in research organization: Compagnie Malienne pour le Developperment des Fibres et Textiles (CMO- Bamako. Mali Record number (MFN): 01136 Official project ttl: GUECKEDOU AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implmenting agency: World Bank; Gumnea. Start date: 1986-10-27. End date: 1992-06-30. Country/countries: Guinea; Statement of objectves/abstract This prolect is a conlinuation of the pilot component of the IDA- and AFDF-financed Rice Development Project (952-GUI) The objechves are geared towards increasing the productivity of smallholders in food and cash crop production by expanding the scope and area of the first phase and introducing technical paages for coffee. grourdnuts and cassava. and by strengthening the Gueckedou Prefectoral Directorate of Rural Developmentt These obwectves would be achived through: (a) providing extension 10 SPAAR lnato System services farm fabmies iwolved in cultivation of swamp and upland nce as weN as oher rainled and pereallc aops; (b) providig train for Gurm staff and suppOt agmur research to test and introduce new tnA packages; lc) s qtrhing e rManagement and adninstration the pfeectoral service: (d) seed prcessing and distribution to farmers; (e) deveopmenT of swamp and ftrou low cost ngation works. and upgrading and maitenance of rural roads; () providing agIal wp,ts to famws thro aeit: (g) shot and meiumn t"rm fe'cWst'- for proed staff. Record number (MFNI: 01137 Ofticial proect bte: FIRST AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT. Impementing agency: World Bank: Guinea. Sart date: 196-07-31. End date: 1992-06-30. Country/countries: Guinea: Statement -A obectvs/abstract: The precl will help impve fe capabiltes of the Ministry of Rural development (MRD) , agncultural planning strategy and policy ormulation and project analysis. This objective will be achieved through the estaWblisment of a Strategy and Development Offle (BSD) to be staffed with quified Guinean and intemationally recnjred pesonnel. BD will focus on (i) defining agricultural strategy and oolicy; (w) elaboration and review of inveswent plns; (iii) moni and evauaktion of projects; Id) proed identication, preparation and analysis; and (v) data colection and analysis. BSD wil also support start-up activities of new rural development projects and elaboration of long term plan for agricutural research and irgation development in the country. Record number (MYFN): 01139 Official project title: NATIONAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION PROJECT. Implementing agency World Bank; Guinea. Starl date 1989-05-28. End date: 1994-12-31. Country/countries: Guinea; Statement of objectives/abstract: The main ohMectve of the project is to assist farmers who operate at a very low level of technology in improvng the productivity of their farming systems through: 11 SPMR khorao Sysm (a) povisio of recessary supot to plan, manage. monio and evaluate a Naional Reseafch and Extersion Program; (b) hwcg and expanding conmodiy researh consisien wih sector develment obecre; (c) ra si of locally and regionally avaible crop varieles and production technologies; (d) adequate branse and dfusion of these ftrough a system o mass exension sustainable s the bng nun by the Govemrnmrt (e) creabon and consolida of inks among research. extension and tamers; (f) develpmt of an isubtonal fework for promotng tanmer organizations; and (g) support to the aboe acions through a maor trainig pro so as to devlop the Gurear capacity for designing. managng and imn research and extension operations.The pect woud be nabonal in scope, and incude the foloing research cs'onents: (1) appiied research to suppord six research centers bcated m the maar-o regions (Koba for nte and oter fod crops; Foulya for rud trees and roottuber crops; Kilissi, Bareng and Bordo for annual food crops; Seredou for both food and perennial crops), to faciitate the identification. selection, and testing of bcal and introduoed pant materials and production technologies: (2) adaptive research to establish Research and Develpment (R&D) teams for survey and analysms of latners' constraints; and of an off-station and on-farm research network to carry out trials to test arlabildty and acceptability of crop vaneties production tedmologies and ditbren farming systems for smaliholders in the different agro-ecological regions od Guinea; (3) training to provide local (in Gueckedou, Tindo, Banban and Pita) and overseas task-onrienled training in commodity and cropping systerns research, research and exrension methodologies and management; (4) extension services to strengthen and reorganize the extension servces of the Ministere de l'Agncullure et des Ressources Aninales (MARA) to ensure proper assessment of farmers' needs and adequate deivery of messages; and (5) institutional strengthening of the capacity ot the research and extension structures for the planning and management of research and extension actvities. Contact in research organization: Ministere de l Agricufure et des Ressources Animales (MARA); Guinea Record number lMFN): 01173 Official projeci Itil NIAMEY DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT PHASE 11. Implementing agency: U.S Agency for Intemational Deveopmenl. Start date: 198 1-00-0. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/countnes: Niger: Statement of objectives/abstract Establish technical support centers with priorty on crop production and sel-managed village level cooperalives in order to increase food production and reforestation. Upgrade credt delwery by agricultural credit bank. Strengthen coop input supply 12 SPAAR Iformaton Systen centers and est,lsh capabiity to conduct micro-apphed research in project sub-zones. The loresty component ixcldes forestry extension. comma wty forest for sol and water conservaton, and estahieet and managernent of three forest rnursenes. Contact in research organizaton: Niaimey Depailmt Technical Service; Nsairey.- NqwyA v _1harPaI Cr--'t Bar.: Niamey: Niger Record number MFN): 01 t74 Offcal poect Me: AGRICUl.TURAL RESEARCH It. Imnplmentng agency: U.S. Agency for International Development. Start date: 1984-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Cury/tcounttes: Senegal: Statement of objecties/abstract: Support adaptive research and farming system research in coodination with other Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal (OMVS) institutions and train technical staff in agriculural research dtscplines. Contact in research organization: Mr. Mihamadou EI-Habib Ly; Direcleur General, Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA); 76. rue Mousse Diop; B.P. 3120; Dakar: Senegal; Tel: (221) 21 24 25; 22 03 74; 22 66 28; Telex: (962) 31 17 ISRA SG Record number (MFN): 01189 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES (FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH). Implementing agency: World Bank: Chad. Start date: 1994-00-00. Country/courtnes: Chad; Statement of oblectives/absl act: Promotion of elfect'so agqrcuftural support services pnrmarily focusng on research and extension possibly with functional literacy. To strengthen crop, livestock. forestry and natural resource management research nationwide. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agncutture: N'Djamnena: Chad: tel: 36-51 13 SPAAR Inloriiation System Record nuber (MN): 01 193 OffcWial ped title: CROP DIVERSIFICATION AND AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT. Implemerning agency: World Bank. Equatonal Guimea. Starl date: 199107-10. End date: 1996-12-31. Cotuty/coinries: Equatbial Guinea; Stalerren of obpcties/abstract: The mamn obectives d the project te lo aleate nPW poverty, improve tarniy nutntion and food secuity. rcrease fod pod-ucbon, promote bcal food marketing and rase loreign exchange eamnings by impot sito and by promotin ne export of traditna and non-tradtona crops. widuding food crops. The proect would xrase the agncullural produtiy of rural women and enrove land use and sod conserio practices. These will be achieved through a combiatbon d poicy reforms and investments. The policy rebfrms would invole: (i) inpving pnce ncentves through reforms of cocoa prcig and te taxabon system; (ii) restcn markeling and in supply syslems of the tadio export sub-sector: and (ii) prepanrg and imentg progams aiwed at removing technical contraints on higher cocoa output. incxding unrtainties over land tenure. The investments components are: (a) rnarketng. which will depend primariy on private initative. wil consolidate anw increase the protbbility o tradtional export crops. expand markets for food crops exports, and pomote ncn-tradtiornal exports to new markets. (b) agricuftural extension and applied research wifl tumish Training & Visit (T&V) based extension service to farmners supported by deman-dnven applied research. with te immediate obsective of increasing the availability of diversifed food crops for domestic consumption and export. The component w il promote benter linkages between extension and research and develop mechanisms to promote a two-way llow of information between extension. research and famers; and (c) institutional development will help sustain project accomplistments by creating incentis for private sector investment, builing national reset rch and extension management and Iraining capabiliies. and ensuring that project activities support darmer and trader organizations and address the needs of women farmers. Contact in research organization. Ministry of Agricuhure. Liveslock. Fisher: -s and Forestry (MALFF): Rio Muni: Equatorial Guinea Record numberf MFN): 01194 Official promt title AGRICULTURAL SERVICES. 14 SPAAR Informabon System 1lempemI agemcy Word Bank, Gamiba. Stad dabe: 199240 Cox&#coues: Gantg Staeenw of obpdves/abstcd: Furer development of extension research and posy crtdit, ser*s nationmide. A natual resoures magme compomt wil addbess fe issue od deeioratn soil - ethw nrot the cony Contact in researh oraniza:on Minstry of Agiculbxe; Central Banlk Bldg, Banjul; Gambia; Tel 2147 Record number (WN): 01196 Offcial proect tie: FORESTRY AND FISHERY MANAGEMENT. bentpng agency: World Bank; Guinea. Sta date: 19909-02. End date: 1994-0630. Counlrjcounlnes: Guinea: Statement of objectives/abstract: Launchig of protection and improved management ot foestry and marine fisheries resources, and environental protection measures through ir-,itutional rehabikiaton, and finances from operations. Contact in research organization: State Secreariat for Fisheries (SEP), Ministy of Agriculture and Animal Resources; Conakry, Guinea Record numnber (MFN): 01 197 Official projec tile: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES (FORMERLY SECOND AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT). Implementing agency: World Bank: Guinea. Start date: 1994000. Country/countries: Guinea: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of th project is to continue supporting the Govemmenrs efforts to facilitate the development and dissemination of appropnate agricultural technology. I5 SPAAR Inoation Sysnem This would be adwe by conting to ire the efticy e nationa sysern od extension and adaplive research. Areas of kus would be to: (a) promore coordination at field vel of al seric that inface *i e tam r, wih a view to ackkessing all mWrevn aspects of snmaliholders farnwig operaftio (bas-fonds develoment, 5vedock actvite, transfomaion of products. agro-forestry. etc.); (b) esblish speciaized sermces ta would provide 'a la cle sernces to womercia aiclu. especially export aynculwe: (c) provide tecnical sWport to cooperabves and private contractors, to otNId er capaciy to serve lames and gradualy repbce govenment services; and (d) supo4 activtes targetWd to women and youth who ply a critical role n food aops. To meel the objectve, the proect would ipment fie folowing components: (1) expansion of the extesin sevice na_owide along the basic prncls of gme Trairng and Visit (T&V) managment system, nckmu pviso of brainng and bgstics to cover incremental needs; (2) strenheing of the National Research Institute (IRAG), so fat it can respond fiexibly to specific needs and produce the genetc material required for the mulp,ication by the private sector; and (3) special actions for the devebpnent by the private sector and the cooperatives of service-onented actvities i the rural areas. Contact in research organization: Minist of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MARA); Conuy; Guinea Record number (MFN): 01200 Official project tte: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. Implementing agency: World Bank; Mali. Start date: 1992-1-15. Country/countries: Mah; Statement of obectives/abstract: Finance a wide range of multisectoral natural resource management activilies at village, departmental and national levels. To include field operations, training, data collection and analysis and institutional development. Contact in research organization: Ministere de l Environnement el du Developpemnent Rural; B.P. 1676; Bamako: Mali: Tel: 22-60-24 Record number (MFN): 01203 Official project btle: PRIVATE IRRIGATION (FORMERLY IRRIGATION SECTOR). 16 SPAAR Informabon System Irplementig agency: World Bank; Niger. Stnt dab: 1992. 0.00 Cou*yIcounbies: Niger Ste,emern d obf ealstract: Develpnt of private ingation. (a) snall-scale, by low-ift ppig from shoikw auirs; and (b) lagescale, by purg from te Niger Rivw. Co4ntac research organt: Non-Govenmental Agency Record nunber (MFN): 01204 Official profec tftl: NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (FORMERLY ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT). Implementing agencf Wodd Bank; Niger. Sart date: 19956-OD00. Country/countries: Niger, Statement of obctabstract: France a wide range of multi-sedoral natural resource management activities at viHage departmental and national evels. This wil inclde field operations, training, data colction and analsis and institutional develpment. Conact in research organizatin: Ministere de rAgiculture et de l Environment; B.P. 12091; Niamey; Niger; Tel: 73-35-41; Telex: 5386 Record number (MFN): 01205 Official proect title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank. Senegal. Star date: 1990-07.06. End date: 1994-12-31. Country/countries: Senegal; Statement of objedives/abstract: This project is the first four-year phase of a long-term program aimed at improving agricuftural support services to farmers and herders. The project would have one principal component. namely improvement of crop and livestock extension services, based on lessons teamed during pilot operations undertaken for two years. The 17 SPAAR 1omiabon System proje would have two sny copoerts: (i) strengtening of producer orgaizato ftough Waining of hei laders aMd a hftoa iieracy progam; ad (i) strengthening of e aO ayc capacty of lisere du Development Rural (MOR) ftough training The specific objeves are to rcrease famers' ad p_brahsts' ncmes aid to inpwve the lot of ral women. The proect also would seea ID harmonize gradualy the approach to exension in the county, reshape extension into a poyvalent servie addessing fames' and pastoraliss' maen' acZtes, ine the links between extenion and research, and strengthen rodwe ogzations The proect would prvde hfudin for vehices. equment and modest infrastructure, manpower devepmet and training costs, and operating costs. Contact in research organizahon: Ministry of Rural Devebpment; B.P. 3829; Dakar Senegal Record ntinber (MFN): 01259 Official projed title: P1LANTATIONS IRRIGUEES - SENEGAL [IRRIGATED PLANTATIONS - SENEGAL]. Implmenting agency: Inlernatonal Development Research Centre. Start date: 198807-01. End date: 1991-6-30. Country/countries: Senegal; Statement of objectesdabstract: Project would: (i) techniques for tree plantations in irrigated lands; (i) test the potential ror establishing such areas on marginal lands; (iii) promote agroforeslry systems by associating tree with existing irrigated cropping system. Contact in research organization: Mr. Habib Ly; Directeur General; Institut Senegalais de RePherches Agricoles (ISRAI; 76. nue Mousse Diop: B. P. 3120; Dakar; Senegal; Tel: 21 24 25: 22 66 28; Telex: 3117 ISRA SG Record number (MFN): 01261 OHicia' project title: ARBRES AUTOCHTONES - MALI, SECOND PHASE (INDIGENOUS TREES- MALI, PHASE Ill. Implementing agency: Intemational Deveopment Research Centre. Start date: 1988-07-01. End date: 1991-06.30. Country/countres Mali: 18 SPAAR Inomaton System Stalefent of obe s/abstract: To encourage the use of inwKge tree species in natonal afforstaton prograns by invesbng and providing information on: (i) the locaon of seed stands. (ii) ted*in for colleNbon, storage and treatment of seed; and (ii) techniques for raisig pl g stock in the nursery. Cna in research organization: ;NZFRH; B.P. 1704. Sotuba: Banako; Mali Record number (MFN): 01280 OfficWa; projed btb: VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION PHASE II (SENEGAL) [MULTIPLICATION VEGETATIVE SECOND PHASE - SENEGAL). Implementg agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1988-31. End date: 1991-02-28. Coulrcountes Senegal; Statement of obIectives/abstractl To increase the productrity of afforestation prograrns in the country by the section and mutpipcation of genotypes most suded to the local conditions, by means of tssue culture in the laboratory and standard techniques of vegetative propagation in the nursery. Contact in research organization: Directeur; CNRF; B.P. 2312: Dakar, Senegal Record number (MFN): 01290 Official project title: CULTURE EN COULOIR (MALI) [ALLEY CROPPING - MALII. Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Mali: Statement of objectives/abstract: To improve the productivity ot agro-pastoral systems by the introduciton of woody species by: e) surveying traditional agro-pastoral systems; ii) evaluating the effect of tree-millet aley cropping on production and soil fertility; iii) establish alley cropping Inals and forage production trials for validatior at villageicomnmundy level. 19 SPAAR Information System Contact in resach organization: CIPEA; B.P. 60; Bamako; Mali Record number (MFN): 01336 Offica project tole: NIGER CEREALS RESEARCH. Implerienling agency: U.S. Agency for Intemratil Deveopment. Start date: 1982-00. End date: 1990-00.00. CourdryIcountes: Nger StaeenW t of oblecbves/istract Contine develpment of institutional capadty fr research on cereal varietes and appropriate prduction technology packages. Establish an agncullura! economics research division: and train technical personnel in U.S. and African uuiversities in crop and agirultural economic research. Contact in research organization: Wr. Sahadou Bawa; Direceur General: Institut National de Recherches Agionomiques du Niger (INRANt; Ministere du Cevelopperrel Rurw. B.P. 429; Nimey: Niger; Tel: '227) 72 34 34: 72.27.14; 72 27 19; Telex: (982) 5201/5481 INRANI; Fax: (227) 734 956 Record number (MFN) 01341 Official pojodt title: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM (CRSP): PEANUTS. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/University of Georgia. Start date: 1982-07-01. Country/countries: Gh*al; Senegal; Burkina faso: Niger; Nigeria: Mali; Statement of obpectives/abstract: To enhance and coordinate the resources of U.S. and less-develped country institutions in a long-term research program to resolve common constraints on the production and utilization of the peanut in an environmentally sound system. The Peanut CRSP research focuses specilcally on develping altemahves to low-yield cuntivars that lack stress tolerance, ameliorating yield losses due to pests, reducing mycoloxin hazards, overcoming inadequate food supplies. and improving resource management schemes that prevent eificent production and utilization. 20 K-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPMR roxmato Systen Contac i research orgauzabon: Dr .DaW Cunvirs; Peanut CRSP Mwagert Office; Georga Station; Gr*n; GA 30212-1197; USA; Tel: (404) 228.7312; Fax: (404) 228-7270: BINET: CRSP-GRF CGNET: 157:AGS634 Record nnbee (MFN): 01344 OM,oa pr*e e COLLABORATIVE RESEARCHF SUPPORT PROGRAM (CRSP): SORGHUM AND MLLET (INSORML). Implementing agen: U.S. Agency fr lnternational Development (USAIDVThe Ur irs4y of Nebraskacino. SWi date: 1979-10-01. End date: 1995-07-01 C4uf lcoaxtnes: Ahca. Niger: Mah: Botswana: Sudan: Senegal: Kenya; St_tment cl obec.wes/absWrct: A colaboraive research program to w me. fe knowledge base and Less Devebped Counties (LDC) wnstttn caabpa es in the area o grain sorghum and pead milet (OS/PM) productDn. markebrig, and ulization. The proan is cmprsed of 28 inratedr. bng -term resea prrtects with relted training ;nd echnal Service caiuies. Research activites w be geared tward the most urgent encal needs and principal constraints n ths area. inluding: low sod ity water related concerns; pest problems: rsk-related yed stabibty and new technolg ssues: lta of seed mutljcaiabon and distiuon plans; poor comrnwucation systems amrrong scievtists, extension agents. and farmers: lack of GS/PM acceptabblty as a food substance: nadeqate pm and utilization policies; redaquate markel organization and perfoance; and bc of trained personnel. A substati potion of he research will be done n the LDC's. sinCe enchancing fe abiity of LDC scientsts to solve problems related to GSIPM producton and use is as rportarit a program component as the actual devebpment and testing of wnproved lecos. Contact n research organiabon: Dr. John M. Yohe; Sorghumnvdillet CRSP; INTSORMIL; The Uniersity of Nebraska-Lincoln; 241 Kerm Hall: Lincoln, Nebraska 6830723; USA; Tel: (402) 472-6032: Telex: 438-087 tIN INTPRG LCN: Fax (402) 472-5136: CGNET: t57:CGI025 Record number (MFN). 01-345 Offcial prolect itle: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM (CnPs): SEA"- AND COWPEAS. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency International Developent (USAIDOMichigan Slate 21 SPAAR lnformabov Syem Stat dab: 19610 01. Coutyouinties Gbobal; i: Unied Rep tk of Tani Caeroon; N'gm: Statement of oblewes/abstracħ To overcome nta tb to the producbon, bstuon. storage. uhklz . )n, and maiting of bean and cowpeas. m1po m s of dieary prote.n. Resm'ch *A addresses kidans caused by rsects and dseass, and pa response to stress such as emronental remes. e.g.. heat and droghit. Specicaly, .t wiN seek to rzaease andlor moyroe: (1) geraized disease and pest ance andor biolgical control ield and in srage; (2) yield and yield stability; (3) plad adaptation and resistance to nwo wenl stress; (4) nirgen fixabon; (5) seed sofb,ess (6) uof tradional armg systms; (7) jgume protein d.s*Wt (8) pocmn and pesenng methods: (9) data on the co nparative economiC values of new technology versus tradional practces; and (10) indigenous prohessional capacities (smaU-scaie farmers, especially women). Contact in research organzaton: Dr. Pat Barnes McConnel: 200 International Center: Miciga State University; East Lansing. Michgan; 48824; USA; Tel: (517) 355-4693; Teiex: 233 359 CRSP UR; Fax: (517) 336-1073 Record numi_. (MFN): 01346 Ofci proet tile: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM (CRSP): SOILS MANAGEMENT (TROPSOILS). Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Devebpmenet (USAID)/North Carolina State University. Stad date: 1981 -926. Country/countries: Global: Niger; Mali: Caneroon: Statement of objectives/abstract: To develop and adapt improved soil-management technologies that are aVronomically, ecologically. and economically sound for tropical developing countries. Identify and develop economically viable soil management syslems for sustained agriculture, especially in humid tropics, semi-arid tropics, and tropical ard savanna. Research activties will include investigation of acid soils, plant nutrient supply and management, a non-structural approach to erosion control, use of indigenous materials in soil management, physical conditions, and soil moisture manegement. Contact in research organization: Dr. Roger G. Hanson; P.O. Box 7113; Raleigh; NC 27695-7113; Tel: (919) 737-3922; 22 SPAAR Inomiation S.s On Fax: (919) 737-7422 Record nurber (MFN): 01362 Offic0 projed bAe: VEGETATION OF i HE. AIR-MO0UNTAINf, :fITH NIGER) AND THEIR TRAOUONAL USE. Implemenrig agncy: Unwstaet Wu. ''. Start da e: 1900-O Stement of objdcvess*rabt: Field work asws g tadtional use df jegtaon a, the -i *r, zone oc lhts CIhai a as pashe, food, energy resowurce and/or tracinal me4 c" Contact in mesearc og garumtwn: GCieaphisd. ksmi" Urwersdaet 'uerAburg; D-3700 Wuerz&tng; Federal ieptbc of CermaryOr Aboubacar Ama6. -; FacukI Letires; NiaeH Niger Record nunber (MFN): 01406 Officia project tfle: INFLUENWCE OF DIFFERENT CRCviPNG SYSTEMS ON THE PROOUCTi'ITY ANt! RELIABILITY 01 Y.ELDS AS WELL AS SOIl. FERTILITY AND EFFICIENCY OF WATER USE. Imlementing .gncy: Univeitaet Hohenheim. Stal date: 196F-00-0. End dala: i1n2-&G-0C. Country/couitnes: Niger; Contact in research organization' Institut luer Pflawzenprodukitkin in den Tropen und Subtropen; Uneivrsdtaet Hohenheirn: Kirchnerstr. ': 0-7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of Germany Record number (MFN): 01417 Official proect litle: NUTRIENT SUPPLY, N1;rRIENT MUVFMENT AirN ir`i HOGEN FIXATION. Implementing agercy: Universitaet Hohenheim. Start date: 198540-00. End date: 1990-0D-00. Country/countres: Nger: 23 ''- - SPAAR Ioraton Sysem Cont i research orgaizabon: Insbbul fuer P ;wizt U ivwerAae Hohen: Fruwxthstr. 20; 0-7000 Sh 70: Federal Repub of Germany Record number (MFN): 01420 Offial proed tle: GERMAN SAHEL PROGRAM - [CONTROL OF DESERTlFICAT1ON). Irnp bn agency: Gesellsa tuer Tec&n*sce Zusa nnmenbeu (GTZ). Start date: 1980-09-12. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/couraies: Afnca: Burkina Faso: Chad: Mak; Niger Senegal; Staen od objectivestabstact: The obpctive is the controf of dese,tication processes in the Saheian area. The kaIl popuibon paticiates in tis program as much is possb*a. Phase 1: 19D- 1964, pid proects, sbdies, tests. Phase 2: i984-1988. Support of CILSS n te areas of elborabon and Pipmentaion of straWgies for the control of deserlfataon; preparabon of new profeds. Phase 3: 1988-1992. fow-tup actrebes. Record nurmber (MFfN): 01423 Offial project lit: IRRIGATION IN THE SAHEL - AN ANNOTED LITERATURE REVIEW. Imp4ementfg agency: Gesellschaft Iuer Technrsche Zusanrmenarbeit (GTZ). Startdate: 1987-03-01. Country/countries: Africa: Burkina Fasn: Chm-1. Maii; Mauritan: Niger: Sewpgal; Statement of objectives/abstract: Literature review. R)cord number (MFN): 01429 Of; . ial project title: SPECIAL ENERGY PROGRAM. Impimenting agency: Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Stal date 1986-0702. End date: 1990-06-30. 24 SPAAR Iomation Ssem Countykuries: Ma; Stement ofbje a Vao appatuses for the uzaion of renewab energy sources are tesed: PVtpuns. bW planft. uied cooing stows, solr rewatheater, wind power p-b sic. The know-Iow and tdncal bacies to consruct and maintain fe eipe in tie coutre buit up. Contact i research organ on: Direcbon Naborale de rHydraulq et de rEnerwe; Bamako; Mali Record number (MFN): 01430 Official proect tite: SUPERVISION OF A RICE GLJME GAS GENERATOR. irmplementin agency: Geseltschaft fuer Techn&ce Zusaimea (GTZ). Star date: 196-07-02. End date: 1990-0630. Country/countries: Mat; Record nunber (MFN): 01431 Offial project titb: UTILIZATION OF INEXHAUSTIBLE ENERGY SOURCES. Implemert agency: Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusamnmenarbeit (GTZ). Startdate: 1986-023. End date: 1992-12-31. Country/countnes: Niger Statement of objectives/abstract: A cmprehensie state-of art study builds the basis on which new concepts for the utiiization of renewable energy sources such as solar energy and biogas, the decrase of fue wood consumption and other eneroy saving means are developed. Equipment for a photovoNaic solar plant is installed, a training for maintenance of the equipement is conducted. _________________ Record number (MFN): 01439 Offical project title: ACRICULTURAL SECTOR ADJUSTMENT/INVESTMENT PROJECT. 25 AR lrnfmabon System I 1neming agemy Woad B&*k Mal. Start date: 1990914. End date: 19J6-12-31. Covtui MM* Staemeri of obe9ies/astract: The broad objecve do 6i et is to support and consolidate au eving Govemnet program to ensure agwMxal grot whie desy product: io ersung he sustainal*ty of fe proxxct sysem. The paroect is desi-ged as a combired nvestment/sector adpisnt operatbon. This s to assure tat sectoral policy reform measur in the cotton and cereal subsetors *i be compented by supply responses from invesments in Mali's southern areas where alnost all of the cotton and most of cereals sod on domestic markets are grown. Specific obectves of the poicy reform program are to: (i) fprove the courtns inetive system for he cotton sedor to ncrease etficency in order to mainli wcpeiness in interratkoa markets; (ii! consoldate and refine the cereals market liberaization program to assure adequate suwpply of cereals in all areas od Mi; (iii) support the Government's prograrn of instiutional reforms for the rural developent organizations to alkow for better public servies in rural areas and to reduce the drain of these institutions on the pubc budget; (iv) assure efficiency in the public invesbtent program for the agncultural sector; and (v) icrxease transparency in the planing and pnority setting of agncmltural investments. Speciic objectives of the invesbment program are to: (i) increase agncutual prodiuction (especially of cotton ano cereals) in Southem Mlah ttrough te deveopet of a new area, the Bougouni Region, and through improved larning techniques in the tadonal Mali Sud regicn; (ii) assure sustainabditiy of agricultural production through inproved land rnanagement practiees; (iii) dversify agnulttural production in the Mali Sud area. with particular emphasis given to maize production; and (iv) improve transparency and pnority setting of Compagnie Malienne pour le Develppement des Textiles (CMDT) investment planning and to coordinate rural deveopment activities in CMDT region with national programs. Contact in research organization: Ministere de l'AgricuRture; B.P. 61: Bamako; Mali; Tel: 22-29-79Ministere des Finances: B.P. 234; Koulouba; Bamako; Mali; Tel: 22-56-87: Telex: 559 Record numbe. (MFN) 01476 Official project title: APPROPRIATE MECHANIZATION OF FIELD WORK AND TRANSPORTATION. Implementing agency: Universitaet Hohenheim. Start date: 1966-08-01. End date: 1993 00. Country/countries: Alrica: Niger: Miali; BurKina Faso; Statement of obectives/abstract: 26 SPAAR Irnomabon Systen Eopea n tdo is not appropriate for deveopkg counties. The pupose of the proec is lo improve sminali-scale agbAriutal mechaizatin by taurig account of the per cmnuro of iproved mnplents and availe &awing fr of animals for conVatiiiy. The itoducbon of the devebped ehnology to s sallholders is Contact n research or ganzation: Tropenzentun: Unrer et Hobacheim, SchWwedSr. 33; C-7000 Sfttgar; 7G; Federal Republic of Geminay; Tel: (0)711/459 32 01; Telex: 72299 unto"d ICRISAT. Centre Sahelien (ICS); P.0. Box 12 404; NiO"ey; NigerSERZ; Slaton du Sahel; B.P. 7; Niono; Mali Record number (MFN): 01554. OMfical proect title: AN INTEGRATED RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BiOLOGICAL PESTICIDES FOR LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPER CONTROL. Imple rntng agency U.S. Agency for Intenaonal Development. Start date: 19800. End date: 1992-00-0. Country/countries: Globat Niger; Mali; Chad; Algena; Sudan; Pakistan; Benin; Statenent of bjectivestabstract: A surveĞ :1 be conducted n the pemanent breeding grounds of the desert Locust for pathogens suitile for development as biological pesticides. Emphasis will be placed on hfngi (Mearhinum, Beauvena and other genera) which oan be produced readily in sirr :le growth media. A search will also be made for pathogenic strains of spL, e-forming bateria. The collction will be processed at CIBC UK and suitable candidate pathogens wil be stored by Iyophihsation. The most promising will be screened IN VITRO and also using live insects. Formulations wili be dev*ped and tested under controled conditions in collaboration with IPARC. Separate formulations will be developed for lob volwue (water-based) and ultra-low vohrne (oil-based) application. Field tests on these tormulations wiN be carried out in collaboralrr with IITA. IITA will also assist in studies on mass production of the material. Investigations will also be made on the ecological impact of friel applications, in comparison with the currently approved chemical insecticides. The projects proposal is currently under consideration by funding agencies. Contact in research organization: Dr. C. Prior: CICB; Sitwood Park; Buckhurst Road; Ascol. Berks SL5 7TA; Unied KingdornDr. H.R. Herren; Entomobogistflam Leader; Africa-wide Biological Control Program; IITA; Oyo Road: PMB 5320; Ibadan; Nigeria; TeO: 400300; 400313; Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TqOPFOUND, IKEJAOr. G. Matthews; IPARC 27 SPAAR Inaom System Record number (NFN): 01547 Official ptoject btle: BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF GRASSHOPPERS IN CAPE VERDE. Imlewmerg agecy US. Agency for InWtabonal Deveopment Start daie: 1989-00-0. End date: 1990 . Counftykounte: Cape Verde; Staemt of objectives/abstract: This is a twohase pmoect desged to evakat the effeciveness of asaaoWpeipec patges as bobgacinsecticider The first phase is intnded as a method/result demonstration as to th efficacy ot Nosema bcustae against the Segalese 9aisshopper i field tials with 500 ha plots reated aerially wih bait The second phase will invole evaluton of the inlectivity in Cape Vede grasshoppers d other microbiological agents including other mrosporis, as well as sta of hxngi, entmopor ms ad isolates of Ballus thurginsa. An ntlegra compn of this projed w# be fte twainng of Cape Verdsan tecinitaians and scetisbs r the rettdology cl microbiobga control research and to develop the cilties in Cape Verde to carry out such work on bcal crop pests. Contact nt research organeation: Dr. J. Henry; Rangelad Insects Laboratory; Montana State University; Bozeman: WJT 59717; USAMrs. M.L Lobo-Lima; Inst. Nacional de Invest. Agraria (INIA); Sao Jorge; Santiago; Cape Verde Record numnber (MFN): 01548 Official proect tl: DEVELOPMENT OF NEEM RESEARCH INITIATIVES IN MAU. Implmenting agency: U.S. Agency for International Deveopment. Stait date: 1989400. Country/countries: Mali; Statement of objectives/abstract: US entomologists, Neem researchers, sociologists and anthropologists would provide assistance to Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) staff at various field stations in Mali in developing appropriate research and demonstration projects on Neem kernel extract as a crop protectant, and on the potential of indigenous Neem as a village-based cottage industry. Project would involve a socio-economic analysis as well. Contact in research organization: Mr. El Hadj Oumar Tall: Directeur General; Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER); 28 SPAAF Irlormabon Systemn Mhiistere de rAgrcuttue; B.P. 258; Bamako; Mal; Tel: 22 26 06Uniet of Wnesota USAUS DeparTmet ol Aglcuture; USA Record number (MFN): 01603 Offul profed itite: ECOLOGICAL CONSEOUENCES OF ITAUAN LOCUSTS. PEST CONTROL IN TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL AFRICA. Implement agency: Instdut fer Biogecgraphie. Universtaet des Saarbndes. SWt dale: 1967-00-00. Country/countries: Afnca; Sudan; Niger Statement of obectves/abstract: The effects of insectcide residues (resulting from pest control measures taken agait Italian blcusts on nor-target and ecosystems have not been suffiently examnied. The poct wilN analyze fe effects of phosphorc acid esters and carbamates on the savanna ecsystems in the Sudan through the use of biotest pocedures, sidue a tics, bindicator tedwniques and biocenoo. The objective is to minimize damage to nature-bound ecosystems. Contact in research organiation: Prof. Dr. P. Muller Institut fur Biogeographie: Universitat des Saartandes; Gebaude 8; 6600 Saabruchen; Federal Repubic of Germany; Tel: (06897) 302-3331 Record number (MFN): 01605 Official proet t tle: AFRICAN EMERGENCY/LOCUST GRASSHOPPER. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Development. Starl date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1991.00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Niger; Mali: Mauntania; Senegal; Statement of objectives/abstract: The project will help Sahelian and other affected African countries to recowver from problems caused by grasshopper and locust infestations, and establish improved control mechanisms through applied research, and the training of 300 Sahelians in formal program and another 1 500 informally in pest control. Establish operating system for pest management and early waming systems. Baseline ecolgical studies wiN be used in analyzing the effects of various treatment procedures. Support wdl be given to regional organizations and national plant protection agencies to sirengthen their capacity to respond to emergency pest infestation threats. The prnject obecUive is: (1) address the recovery and rehabilitation aspecis of 29 SPAAR Wonaion Sys$em pbem genated by blcusts and asshoppers and hip to bng pest problm der acot; (2) help lo estabW insrpved manaement and con!rol mecharsm to better control hfue occmumnes d t poblern; and (3) mobiize resouws to respond quiddy b oer types .. -ergency saitaons that may arse in Africa. Contact i research organizabon: Saheln Governents Record nurber (MFN): 01671 Offcial proted titl: AFRICAN EMERGENCY LOCUSTAGRASSHOPPER ASSISTANCE PROJECT - MAURITANIA. Implmenting agency: U.S. Agency for Intematon Devebpment Countryicounties: Mauritania: Staement of obechves/abstacd: The project objctv is to fund an emergency tehnucl assistce progrem to control bcsts and grasoppers. The pogram wiN provide short-Wm tai. as weN as partial costs of tuel needs and of local spraying and relatd operations. Contact n research organzahon: Govemment ol Mauritania Record number (MFN): 01674 Official project tile: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT. !mplementing agency: World Bank; Mali. Start date: 1991-11-27. End date: 1996-00-00. Country/cour - Mali; Statement of obiectives/abstract: The project represents the first four-year timeslice of a long-term national program designed lo strengthen agricultural, livestock and forestry extension with a view to generate increased agricultural production and sustained growth of farmers and herders' incomes. The main components of the project are: (i) efficient organization of extension services, provided with adequate human and physical resources, at the farmer, regional and national bvels; (ii) regular and continuous training of responsible okicials at each level by means of a system of fortnightly, monthly and annual training sessions; (iii) strenrgthening of the inbkages between the extension services and the national and regional research services in order to fincl 30 SPMAR 1niomaton Systen soki'ns to he farmers problms. Tenicl problam such as ftose relaed to sod aid war convabon, dw;trcato of producon rouw copg sytms adapbd to patbcar ecologic zone and to e enwoment, sol fbiy. and ecdogc aed va nebes wi mceNe po wder the adapie esearch progans. To ensure cuous and effective linage wih reseach, te proet wotud assist Iristuf dEcoriomie Rurale (IER) to plan and sperv field trials. It s epec that a ful project beetaton sorme 9 field btials per reg1i will be wdeXtak3n; (iv) strengthening of reianons oetween the crop ianrmg, hestock and envirot sen so as to ensure effecbve extension support for the agicultura livestock and forestry development programs; (v) funcional literacy and numeacy traiing both for men and women. InvesbM would be in: (a) crvil works; (b) veices and equipment; (c) ncremental operating costs; (d) on-farm reseanrh; (e) trainig; and (f) technical assistane. Contact in research organization: Mnisntere de rAgriculture; B.P. 61; Bamako; Mali; Tel: 22-29-79kr. El Had; Oumar Tal; Directeuv General; Institut cdEconomie Rural (IER); Ministere de rAgriaiture; B.P. 258; Bamako; Mah; Tel: 22.66.00; 22.26.06Ministry of Livestock; Bamako; Mali Record numnber (MfN): 01675 Official project title: IRRIGATION PROMOTION (FORMERLY IRRIGATION SECTOR). Implmenting agency World Bank; Mauritania. Staut date: 1994-O0-00. Country/countries: Mauntania; Statement of objectives/abstract: Devebpment of orivato irrigation plus selected rehabilitati-^i of publicly constructed irrigation schemes. Record number (MFN): 01 678 Offcial project title: NATIONAL SEEDS PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank; Guinea. Start date: 1988-06-29. End date: 1994-06-30. Country/countries: Guinea; Statement of obectives/abstract: 31 SPAAR omvion System The ocjives of the prec are to: (a) provide fncing, asistc. and orguato necessary lo estblish a bele national seed pRxucton systm which could be privtzed; and (b) iroease prduci bough he podctin ot ipoved seed The proec d wdppos t te ideilcation of sitable nce, maze and grunrhiw variews and the esdtab em of a production system for good qiuay irpwed seed The ftree crops have been dcwsen bas of the demonstraed demand ar seed, the ready avadabdty of adapbed varieties, and the poeceded inpact on crop yelds. The prec would be national n scope and inclide five cpnens: (1) base see produconse research stations wil identify sixabe bcal and iported vaeties and produce base seed (research woul aim at ensuriig xon prcess of variel selcto to provide new materals wih better dchaaensbcs ha Itose perlangw to seed acrry used); (2) improved seed production-base seed wil be nmplied by conbact outgrowers. Six Seed Conditioning Centers (SCCs) would be establised ir. dfferent ecolgical zones of the country (Guededou, Bordo. rndo, Ben. Koba, and Ki6ssi) to condibon and store improved seed, and to ensure coordiiation of outgrow prducon at the reional bvel; (3) quality contrd-seed quality wil be controlled at the SCC bsel and in a cetral qualty control laxboray at Foulayah, as well as at ;amer le!w tle , e-gh cf fieldo resulls and acceptability; (4) training-4ocal staff of all serices inved in the project would be Wained abroad and in situ; and (5) project admhinstration-a manament unit and a consultative body wil be responsible for ad isering the proied and for coorinating seed producbon at t1w national eil. Contact in research oganizabor: M.iistry of Rural Development; Guinea Record number (MFN): 01680 Offcial proec title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES II. Implementing agency: Worid Bank; Burkina Faso. Start date: 1995400. Cour.ty/couritres: Burkina Faso; Stabt of objectives/abstract: Follow-up to Agricultural Services I, concentrating on crop prolection and agricuttural education in addition to extension anrd unctional literacy. Contact in research organuzation: Ministre de rAgriculture et de rElevage; B.P. 7005; Ouagadcugou; Burkina Faso Ministere de l'Action Cooperative Paysanne; Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso 32 SPAAR h*niato Sysasm Record number (LFN) 01681 O5cW ped ie: AGACULTUAL SECAL Implerentang agency World Bank, Burkina Faso. Stat date: 199240-00. Couridcounires: Btfina Faso; Stableento d objetivesabstract Polcy rfors i t cotton. cereals, ivestocl and hor re sbsectors, incluJding pncing restructuring of stabilization mecanims. make"in reglatons aid board. Sutanbal remoxs to mve pdbk sector efficiency and possdly some ivestioenb. Contact n research oragzaton: WAise de rAgncAtr el de rEleage; Ouagadougou; Buuca Faso Record number (MFN): 01682 Offiial proect tilb: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank; Burkina Faso. Start date: 1992-00-00. End date: 1998-00-00. Country/countries: Burkina Faso; Statement of obectves/abstract: The broad obctve of te pjet is to stop and reverse te process Of natural resources degradation in crder to secure sustiable agncultural growth, to restore b .cvest. and to manage forests and widife sustainably. This would be achieved thrugh design and in.pleimentahon of rnommunily land managemn plns, using an winovatiW particiatory and holistic approach--the integration of all agulcltural. livesbck, forestry, fhery and otr natural r u-based adivies into a sitgle system--uiat has been tested and deveped in about 20 pilot operations inMiated in the ast five years.The proect would consist of six components: (i) identfication, design and impbmentation of community land (terroir) maragement plans for 120 rural communities in Gnagna, Kouritenya and Kenedougou; (ii) design and implemelta' ion of combined forest and com inity land management plans for 47 rural commurities and three protected lorests in Houet and Bougouriba in the South-West region; (iii) technical support to existing natural *9sources management operations in 18 provinces in the form of tranirng, surveys, studies, photomaping services and environmental monitoring; (tv) establishment of national environmental and project impact monitoring systems to analyze the changes in land use over the lest 20 years, notably the rate of expansion of cropped land and the consequent reduction of silvopastoral areas. Changes in quality within the amme land LISS type will be 33 SPAAR kW abon System m#lzed lo dermm the vel d degradabon. using salee imagery, (v) dem en d hwa resoucs through staff binig pograns ana (vi) estiment of paaect mar m units ard studies. Cot in research o _gaizabon: Ministry of Agriculture and Lvestock; Ouagdjoug; Burkui tasoMnsty of Ervnwt and Tounsm; Ouagadougou1 ; Bwka FasoMnstry oo Cormunity Develpment; Ouagadougou. Burkmna Faso Recond number (MFN): 01699 Officia pmojec fide: THE IWPACT OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON THE WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF RAINFED CROPS IN THE SEMI-ARID TROPICS. Impleeting agency: Overseas Develomt Adminiistration (NRR0). Stat dae: 19810-09. End date: 1994-630. Country1countnes: United Kingdom; Gkbal; India; Niger; Statement of objec2vestabstract: The wider obee of ts prod water shoge is the majconstrait to fe procon in seni-arid areas. Reducing moisture loss by evaporabon from the soil sunace reases th anunt of nwmiture ss by evaporation from the soil for uptake by the crop.The immedate obecie of the prodct are: To develop a method for mesrg surfac evapor n the fied and wi imvesigat nosture loss at diffent Wmes of the year in relation to chmate. ground suface conditions and te rposton and structure of the crop canopy and rooting system. .To develop a theory to predct evaporation loss. To assess the potenhal to icrease water use efficiency by reducing sod evaporation. The obpces of the projecl extewsion (I October 1992 * 30 June 1994) are: To apply the apprach devebped during the strategic phase to analyse VIe inpact d the principal components of uipved cropping systems (eg. ertlsers, pant densiy, improved varieties and bilage) on evaporation from the soil. with emphasis on distinguishing between the contriution of the high cost' aid 'low cosV inputs. To extend the approach developed in the curent project to incude feed-back between evaporation from isaves and from the soil surace (eadier results indicate that the mechanism by which plants reduce evaooration from the soil surface may be evaporation from leaves and root water uptake rather than shading by leaves). To vabdate in the ield the process-based evaporation model deve"ped dunrg 'he first three years on a range of contrasting soils, including soils of heavier texture than sands and sandy loams. To ccIlaborate with tho Institute of Hydrology (IH) in combining their modelling of above-ground evaporation processes with our approach to develop a comprehensive, process-based model of evaporation from sparsely-vagetated land. which can be tested using dala collected by IH on a past ODA-funded project. To initiate collaboration with socio-economists at NRI to idsntify how process-based analysi of the impact of management practices on crop production can be integrated 34 SPAAR Infoimation System ht a soieeconomic analyss. Corad in reseach organizatjon: W. D. Jadcson; Natiral Resoures Institute; Cenbtl Avenue; Chathan Mantr'-a Chain; Kent ME4 4T8; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0631 &'1vS- Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr LP. Sinmonds; Departmt of Soil Scince; UnLvar_ v o. Readiqg Whitelight; P.O. Box 217; Reading; Berkshie; RG6 2AH;., Kingdom; Tel 0734 875123; Fax O7&314404; Tc4ex 8478 ' 3 Record number (MFN): 01767 Official projet te- PHASE I: RESISTANCE OF COWPEA TO STRIGA GESNEPIOIDES AND .ALECTRA YOGEU' 4HASE I: RESISTANCE OF LEGUMES AND CEREALS TO STRIGA SPECIES. Impmenting agency: Overseas Devekoment Administraon (NRRD). Start date: 1966-04-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Country/cou.-ies: Uniled Kingdom; Africa; Mali; Nigeria; Burkina Faso; Staemnend of objectives/abstract The woer oblepbves are of this proecd are:To improve fe economy and nutiton of nrual fam"ing omnmunites in Africa ftrough the eradicabon of losses due to Striga in mauze, mdet, sorghum, rioe and cowpea.To provide fhe Plant Breeding units of trpcal agicultural research insfitutes (CIMMYT, IITA and ICRISAT) and Africa national institutes wth data on Stia resistance.Tc improve the use of Stiga esistant aops a' farm level through knowledge of te geographic disbibubor, f viuence types of Striga.The immediate obectives are:Cowpea - SVup gesnenoides.To map the variation in pathogenicity of strains of S. gesnerioides from Burkina Faso, Mali, Benin, Niger and Nigeria in order to establish the applicabiity of existing forms of resistance for different regions of W. Ahica.'o distrbute new Striga resistant cowpeas discovered by LARS to W Africa for evaluation.Cereals - S. henmonthica, S. asiatca.Deterrnine the morphological and cytological basis of part,3l resistance of sorghum lines currently used in Africa and India to Strga spp.Characterise the nature and expression of the specificity shown Striga spp to range of cereal host and non-host plants.Determine whether cellular resistance to Striga spp. exists in cereals. Evaluate the geographic utility of current sources of resistance in sorghum and new sources of resistance in other cereals. Contact mi research organization: Dr. D.E. Padgharn; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mantime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom.; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066077; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. J.A. Lane, Dr. J.A. Bailey, Mr. J. Terry and Mr. C. Parker: AFRC Institute of Arable Crops Research; Long Ashton Research Station; Long Ashton: Bnstol; BS18 9AF; United Kingdom 35 SPAAR Information System Recordnunber(MFN): 0180 Offici Wodtide. ON-FARM STUDIES TO DEVELOP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE IMPORTANCE OF UVESTOCK FEEDING SYSTEMS IN THE TSETSE ENDEMIC REGIONS OF WEST AFRICA. lr*.wmeMning agency: Overeas Devepxent Adminisat (NRRD). Startoate:1991-11-00. Enddate:1994-03-31. Country/kontries: United Kngdom; Gambia; Statmet of objectives/alstract- The wider obctives of this proec is to miprove feed supplies and the use of existng feed resources i feedimg systems for lck v in tsetse andemic areas of West Abica.The immdite objectvs are:To assess the potenial for icas-ig the use of oaiy available feed resources in supperen feeding of lveock in tetse endemic areas.To inrove metods of feed hawvestpngpoessig and storage to preserwe he nutriive vakes of crop residue feed iesources.To identfy, wih fares, current pattems of brwse use and possible opbons for greater use of browse feew resources.To investigate the options and methods of eblishmnent and management of muti-purpose trees in smatl holder farming systems. Contact in research organization: Mr. J. Bennison; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Martke; Chatiam; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066i77; Telex 26390718 LDN GProf. G. Urquhart Internabonal Trypanotolrant Centre; PMB 14; Baijul; The GambiaDr. Omar T-ouray; Deparent of Livestock Services; Banjul; The Gambia Rncord number (MFN): 01813 Official project trite: THE EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE SORGHUM FOLIAR PATHOGENS IN THE SEMI-ARID TROPICS. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Countrylcountnes: United Kingdom; Africa; Zimbabwe; Nigeria: Mali; Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider objective of this project is to improve control of foliar pi iogens of sorghum.The immedim'te ohJ6ecfves are:To test the effects of intercropping on incidence of fungal pathogens .i sormhum.To test effects of crop morphology on 36 SPAAR normatIon System mdence of E.hinicn and C.gaminicolabTo dentify medcnim of resistance b foWar pahogens of sorghun. Cont in feswac orpnsztn: Dr. R.W. Gbson; Natural Resources Instaine; Central Avenue; Chatamn Maritm; Chalhan; Kent ME4 4TB; Unred Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GOr Angela M JuAli; Deparbrmne of AUxum; ULnei of Feading; Earley Gate; PO Box 236; Readin; Bekshwe; R36 2AT; Uried Klgdom Record number (MFN): 01820 Ocaal p*oect fle: FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR DRAUGHT ANIMALS. _ phmeg agency: Overse0s Deveopment Administion (NRRD). Sotdale: 1992-W1. Enddate: 1995-03-31. Gour"iycouries: United Kingdom; Aica Niger; Moroco; Nigena Global; lndoneska Staemern d obecbves/abstw: The wider objecie of Ihi pnoed is to provide nfornmaion requested by scents and extnsion officers in dvep cones to raise the standards of mnageent aid he,t and Ncrease the effectie use of draught aninals in rual are where the avadabity o0 power is an eflte constraind t crop production.The mindete obpcives are To provide pctical recommendains on:The feeding marngement and use of donkeys in semi-arid areas.The managemen of daught animals in diffcult, iow ipu crcurstances.(Where feed is of poor qualty and/or in short supply, annals ae smalL, or enonmental tenpeures restict the working day.)The management of draught annals to meet the requremments for work in f rable, h input arcumstances (whe supplementary feed and/or heaM care are affordable.) Contact in research organiation: Dr. 11. Gil; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritim; Chathwn; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. R. Anne Pearson; Centre for Tropical Vetery Medine tCTVM); University of Edinburgh; Easter Bush; Roslin; Midoh; EH25 9RG; Scotand; Tel 031 445 2001; Fax 031 445 50W9Dr P A Lawrence; ILCA; ICRISAT Sahelian Centre; BP 12404; Niamey; Niger Record number (MFN): 01822 Official proje title: EFFICACY OF PESTICIDES AGAINST DESERT LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPERS. Implmenting agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. 37 SPAAR Infornabon System Counrykxwnes: A;- Ma; Su Cordact n research organzaon: Plw*VCp Prtecton Sevices (CPS); MaliPPD; Sudlnyamac, Inc.CICP _________________ Rzeord numiber (LFN). 01823 Official project be: SLOW RELEASE PESTICIDES AS ALTERNATVES T- - - Implementing agency. U.S. Agency for Internaional Devebpmn. Stat dale: 19880o0. Couftkountnes: Africa; MaM; Sudan; Contact in research organizaon: Pant/Crop Protecbon Sennces (CPS); MaliPPD; SudaniDynamac. Inc.CICP I ~ ~ ~ - -- ---------_- _ __ _ Record number (MFN): 01824 Official profect title: ALTERNATE FORMULATIONS AND/OR INCREASE RATES OF PESTICIDES TO INCREASE PERSISTANCE. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Devebpmnent. Country/countries: Africa; Ma4, Sudan; Contact in esearch organization: ParntCrop Protection Services (CPS); MaliPPO; SudanDynanac, Inc.CICP Record nur ' l: 01825 Official prop !SE O. rHE PROTOZOAN NOSEMA, AND OTHER BIOCONTROL AGENTS (E.G., EN I't 'OX VIRUSES) IN CONTROLLING AFRICAN GRASSHOPPERS AND LOCUSTS. Impbmenting agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Of elop.ment. Country/countnes: Africa; Cape Verde: Niger Mali; Contact in research organization: Instituto Nacional de Irvestigacao Agraria (INIA); Ministere du Devebppement Rural; B.P. 84; PRAIA: Cap-Verl; Tel: 611570; Telex: 72 MDR CVCPS; Mali 38 SPAAR Information System _________________ Record number (MFN): 01826 Offiial projec tle: USE OF NEEM PLANT EXTRACT AS A PRE-TREATMENT IN CROP PROTECTION AGANST GRASSHOPPERS AND LOCUSTS IN AFRICA. Iplernetivg agency: U.S. Agency for International Development. Cormty/coues: Nige SIement of doectivesabstract Neemn plt exract has antFfeedant propertes and the sco-ecn ic levels could d ange if it wi resuL in control. The project will conduc a species suscqptab6y pil project Contact in researc organization: CICPAFGRO; Universi of Minnesota; USACPS; Niger Peord nunber (MFN): 01830 Offca proect te: NOSEMA LOCUSTAE - FIELD TRIALS. Country/countries: Cape Verde; Contact in research organization: Instuo Nacional de Investigacao Agrania (INIA); Mnislere du Devebppement Rural; B.P. 84; Praia; Cap-Vert; Tel: 611570; Telex: 72 MDR CV Record number (MFN): 01832 Official protect title: SOUTHERN ZONE WATER MANAGEMENT. bVpIenting agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Start date: 19894-0-00. End date: 1994-00-00. Country/countres: Senegal; Statement of objetives/abstract: Develp an integrated water management plan (ircluding ant saft-dams, wells and water harvesting dikes). Conduct applied research, adaptive research, studiec on water management, and farming systems research. Contact in research organization: 39 SPAAR Inforaibon System W. Mownadou EI-Habib Ly; Directeu General; Institut Seneglais de Rectrces Agricoles (ISRA); 76, rue Mousse Diop. B.P. 3120; Dakar- Senegal; Tel: (221) 22 03 74; 21 24 25; 22 66 28; Telex: (962) 3117 ISRA SGSOMIVAC/PIDAC Recod mw (MFN): 01833 Offica projed ie: FARMNG SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Impemenlg agency- U.S. Agency for Intematiora Development. Start date: 1905-0400. End date: 1992-00. CounWcounties: Mali; Stateen of objectiveslabstract: St he insul capabilibes lo develp apopriate techndology for food caops usrg famwn systems research Develop capable extenion and rral development agnce to pa m farming systems apprach. Tran technical staff in research and extension disciplies. Contac im reseah orgazation: Wfr. El Hadj Oumar Tail; Directeur General; Insitt crEconomie Rurale (IER); Ministee de l'Agncullwe: B.P. 258: Barnako; Mali; Tel: 22 26 06 Record number (MFN): 01834 Otficial project tite: SEMI-ARID TROPIC RESEARCH II. Impemening agency: U.S. Agency for Interational Deveopment. Starl date: 1981-00-00. End date: 19914-00. Country/countries: Mali; Statement of objectives/abstract: Conrduct adaptive research on sorghummillet variety improvement and cropping systems, and train 10 technical staff in agr.cultural research. Contact in research organization: Mr. El Hadj Oumiar Tall; Directeur General; Institut dEconomie Purale (IER); Ministere de l'Agrculture; B.P. 258; Bamako; Mali; Tel: 22.26.06; 22.66.00 40 SPAAR hmabo System PeNed ru*er (.fN): 01835 OrcW pnMjed li: AGRICVLTURAL RESEARCH AND TRAINNG SUPPORT. Imlerentirg agency: U.S. Agency for kitemtb,n Development St dae: 19800. End de: 199204-00. C.omw nturies. Bk*ma Faso; SWemmeiW of ohe/asrd Strengthen a reseach througgh mg maagemen, and equ pment. Develop saentk hman msource base. Contad in research organ :atn: JUniversite de rOuagadou1o; B-P. 7021; Ouagadouou; Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 01836 Official proecx titl: APPLIED AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. hnlemeriting agency: U.S. Agency for Internabonal Develpment. Start date: 1987-000. End date: 1991-00. Country/counties: Niger SAemoent of objectieabstract: Institorz wihn t NKger a system of applid a om research wilh strong lnages b exer"sionr -x four muidiscilinary reseah proem: crop inroveet, producl an system, on-farm rese3rch, and water management. Cotact in reseaich organization: Wr. Sahadou Bawa; Diectew Gral; Inslitut Nationl de Recherdchs Agonoriqm du Niger (INRAN); Ministem du Developpenent Rural; B.P. 429; Niarn Niger Tel: (227) 72-34-34; 72.27-14: 72 27 19; Telex: (982) 5201/5401 INRAN NM; Fax: (227) 736 956 _________________ Record number (MFN): 01841 Official project title: FORESTRY AND LAND USE PLANNING. hknpIemting agency: U.S. Agency for Intemahonal Devebpment. Start date: 1980-0-00. End date: 1990-06-00. Country/countries: Niger, 41 SPAAR h fiabon System Stnerm e obf jabsbact Esabish a edncal pln it uh Ve wwr and korstry sg vice, and 16 conlract model sites br best mge and conseron acivites. Condud a nataa msume i ia and date. Tra tehncal staff incountry and aroad in lbe. Caoac in mseaud h ogaan: W. Saldou Bawa. Deur General; Ist Nabom e es Agronomipes a d gew (INRAN); nistere du Develoe Rural; B.P. 429: Namey Mger Tet (227) 72-34-34. 72-27-14, 72 27 19; Telex: (982) 520115481 INRAN NM; Fax: (227) 734 956 Record nmber (MFN): 01842 Official proqect bile: SENEGAL REFORESTATION. ibpeering agency U.S. Agency for Inteniona Develowpent. StaA dai: 1986-00. End date: 1991-07-00. Coftyounires: Seneget Samnt objec/abstract: Nationa cam;pagr to promo tree plaiting by viages. The poect wit he4 to arrest and possitly ree the desertificaion process n Senegal by noragmg all elemet of S ale sociely to pilt and m ai trees. The prqect w" consist of a parershp between the GOS. the private sdcor, te donor community. and Senegalese orgiizabons. It is expected to plar t at east 100 000 hectares (70 mrnlon seedirgs) annualy through a vanety of forest platators, vilage odwads, woodlots. wndbreaks and oher agroforesby techniques. Contact n research oganizalhon: Minislere du Developperent Rural; 8.P. 3829; Dakar; Senegal Record number (MFN): 01843 Official proect title: SOUTHWEST REGION REFORESTATION (PVO). Inlnementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Deveopment. Start date: 1985-00-0. Ead date: 1990-00. Country/countres: Burkina Faso: Staemen obctives/abstract: Support tree plantng to reverse environmental degradation and train agents in 42 SPAAR 1onatw Syslem enw*omi skds. The foresy c empo idcdes ife estaishmnt of mnirureris aid tree-plait u to 115 000 iit k is in frnt paces Adiaes indud big of Wnstry of Traqot En* eret and Tm (MTET) agens x oa developmn and uilizao effse exensin aid _seszo tdues, aofesby. sod and Wter c rVatDn ,msures, muiHusery esWbk1ment ard maragement, as wel as othe plainhg tectwiques. Co din research norgazat - - Ministy of Transport Enionment ard Tourism; OuagadDugou; Burkia Faso __ _____________- Pecord numbe (MFN): 01844 Olfiac projed tile: FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT. lnpierer&V agency: U.S. Agency for Intrabonal Deveopment. Stt date: 1986-O0. End date: 1991 J0-0O. Countrykountles: Mal; Staweet of obectves/abestract Strenghen institutional caat;lity both of Naional Foresy Sevice and regixWa mirsery mfrastructure, for resead on species, tecnsqu to iriprove agricultural prducton, ewowne management, ard capabily of os sevice m policy daebeopent plaming, coordnto. Supporl tree nwsne, hoewood plantations, wmcbreaks, orage prodctbon and tahi staff in foresby research, economics and 9W. Contact in research organizato: Mr 8. Diakile; Direcleur General; \nstiM Nabonal de la Recherche Zootechnique, Forestie et Hydibokxgqte (INRZFH); Miser Charge des Ressources Naturele et de rEevagp; B.P. 1704; Bamako; Mai: Tel: 22.64.28 Record nunber (MFN): 01845 Official proect tile: VILLAGE REFORESTATION. Infmnb agency: U.S. Agency for Inlemational Devebpment. SW tdate: 198300. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Mal; SbWbnw of objetives/abstract: Develop and suport metods for reforestation and more efflcient use of wood. The project is deveoping a tnal program of small scal viae reforestaion and 43 SPAAR Iftin System %Wortig fe GOM Pagonl Fory Serice efforts It uVtoduce viage Anboni to hreas tewood proton and cnevabon. The poed cnssts ot (1) tw nurene (2) a lean of Peace Cofps Vodmees, one couwnwvty devebpent agt and one RFS Swveyor who wi suny vige reforestaon effot, and (3) the develprt of demosraton and epenmentaion woodlot plots. Cobtct in researci orgamzation: Drectei Gener* Insttt Naior: &- b Reche ZoAechnkue. Foresiere et Hamcko,ologqu (INZFt); Minsere Cre des Ressouces Naturelles et de rEiae ; B.P. 1704; Bamako; Mali; rel: 22.6428 f ~ ~~ -------------____ Recordnmmiber (MFN): 01850 Officel proe tide: SMALLHOLDER PRO(I CTION. Ipenig agency U.S. Agec for iternatioal Deveopnenyt. Start daie: 1983-0. End date: 1990C-040. Coutrountries: Guinea; Seenw of objecfives/astrac: Undekx e tammg systms research at Trndo Center and on small tarms. Prepa agncuum strategy. Tra agcutwe studet in-cry and overseas, maitain baiing tat. S,nb the resear capacity of the Nabonal Axicultu Resear Inrsbtute at Foulaya (INRAF). The agrofmstry research involes efects of widbreaks, btuNg, alley cropping; actvities will extend beyond PACD thrugh boal curency Uxndm Contact in research o ganeiation: Fatar*h Agnculture CollegeMuiistry of Education. B. Soare; Dffecteur; Inrfi1tt des Scences Agro-Zootechiiques; Secretarial drEtat a l'Enserement Superiewr Foulaya; B.P. 161; Kindia; Guinea; Tel: 61.01.491nstitut AgrozootecWiique Valery Giscard dEstaing; Faranah; Guinea Tel: 81.02.29 _________________ Record number (MFN): 01851 Official proec title: SENEGAL CEREALS PRODUCTION PHASE II. Implementng agency: U.S. Agency for International Developtent. Start date: 1980-00-00. End date: t990-12-O0. Country/countries: Senegal; Statement of objectives/abstract: 44 SPAAR kormaion S Stengien hinsbWnal capacity to exten iniprved cm*ral .uwab om IDarM fabi S&qpost msearch on lpved vsck feekg ad Wage utiaton. hniena akmsry aid sd c ab pi proar ns m e gmoundrt basi Tlvs wE pamil vave i Woogies to be denlified and testd, povide pu projedebled research, and prvoe shodterm overseas bawing in agohresby. Caad n research organgation: Wserm du Deweio t-Rural; B.P. 3L9; D*ar SaiegdISOOEVACerfte Nabonal de Paderdie Agronomoe de Banbey (CNRA); B.P. 53; Bambey; Senegal; Tel: 58.63.50 _________________ Pea>rd number (MFN: 01852 Offial projedt bte: UVESTOCK SECTOR II. knpleV_m agency: U.S. Agecy for Intraonal Devepment. Stat dab: 1982-"00. End date: 1991-00. Coumy*ounriUes: Mak StWeae of obe§ves/absrac: Suport anmnal he research on isect and vecor bome dieases, ncluding AAT aid fa| m ev reseach on integaon d frae poducin No opping ssems. hlprve e activadbes n cat0e feednrKj feed lot m gem et cmnroed 9azi inckg wanral heal delivery snc. Sree cred system for livesock eeders. Train lechncal personn ivestock dsciplines abroad and .-country. lncdes aorstry tz and dnrvd bf . A small-hole livesc sysms resach program focus on frage poducton, esAock management, hay storage, fdrn9 rabons, and mo(ed faring systas, and wil indude a bfage seed prodecton system. Contact in research organization: Driur Geserat, Off la Malirn du Belail et de la Vianda (OMSEVI); Ministere .Chage des Ressources Naturelfes et de rElevage; Avenue de la Lbe.te: B.P. 1382; Bamako; Mai; Tel: 22.38.58; 22.34.07; Telex: 53A OMBEVI _________________ Record number (MFN): 01853 Offcial poject tie: INTEGRATED LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION. Irplementng agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpmnt. Start date: 198300. End date: 1990.00-00. Country/countries: Nigar 45 SPAAR Ioronnabio System Catc in reseaxh rgwai: W. Sahaou Bawa, D0ecseu General; Instiu Nabonal de Recherches Ags du Niger (INRAN); Ministee du De 0loppement Rurat B.P. 429; Hney: Nijr Tel: (227) 7227.14; 72 2719; 72 34 34; Telec (982) 5201/5401 WRA N; Fax: (227) 736 956 _________________ Pacold nunbe(MFN): 01865 Off11W proed bde: OMVS AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. hpentm agency: U.S. Agency for lntemabonal Deveopment. Start dab: 194-OD-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Cowt*b ounries: Africa; Mali; Mauitania; Senegal; Sta3Met of objectives/alstract: Srenghen aciaty of istitutions in Senegal nver basin to onduc adaptive reseaich on crops. Train technical perso in agrltural research disc,n Develop and strt agrcultural research tough field trial and research maragment prgrams. Improve agricultural research coordination n fe region. Contat in research organization: Lb. Ely Ould Alat; Haut-commissare; Organisation pour Ia Mise en Valur du Fbuve Senegal (OMVS); B.P. 3152; Dakar Senegal; Tel: 22 36 79; Telex: 670 ORNIVAF SG Record number (MFN): 01866 Official pro*d titbe: INTEGRATED LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION: 0 NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Impleening agxncy U.S. Agency for Intemational Develorent. Stat dae: t9800"0. End date: 1990-000. Country/countries: Niger; Statement of objectives/abstract: Improve natural resource managemt in pastoral zone in an ecologically baanced way. Address water point distnbution and control - a critical detemiant of forage availabdity to pastoral herds. Test, develop, and extend improved range management echnu". Contact in research organization: 46 SPAAR Inrmabon System IIr. Sahadou Baw Diecteur General; InsthU Nabona de Redodhs Agnomiques du Niger (INRAN); leistr du Deveoppemert Rural; B.P. 429, Nian. -erw Tet (227) 7227.14; 72 27 19; 72 34 34; Telex: (982) 5201/5401 INRA NI. ax: (227) 736 956 Rord nww(UFN): 01867 Officil protd btde: OPERATION HAUTE VALLEE hlinmencig agency: U.S. Agency for Inteffaional DevebpTent. Start dale: 19780-00. End date: 1990400. Costylcu,rm Mali; Staene1 of ohbAdives/abstrat Grar E povided to te Gaovent of Mali to enable Operaboon Haute Valee (OHV) to p-l dW mae an Viegrdied ruwal deve1opment progranm corpoiatn both poducv ad social cmpoents. Prect conststs of two sibprolects. Sutproec one w trbr OHV manamt and extensi peromef to implement prygram to develop agnculturai entprs Subpoed two will promote healh and educabor acmtes among Haute Valse rsidet to comlement st prons omon o' agribjW enteprise. Projed activities icludes: (1) developent of techncal pans and essisnce to tamners bi manag irigation works; (2) rsearch on anirna racbon; (3) an dg technical personnel in agwony and fam mangemet n U.S. and iwcounty and (4) consbucn of 165 km dry season access roads and provision of hind for agcturl creit progam. Contat in research organization: L1r. El Had Ounr Tall; DOecteur Geerwal Insut dEconomie Rurale (IER). i ereMiise de rAgriciture. B-P. 258; Bamako; Mali: 'el: 22.26.06; 22.66.00: Record nurber (IU,Nj: G1868 Offical profect tire: OPERATION HAUTE VALLEE: 01 TRAINING OPERATION HAUTE VALLEE MANAGEMENT AND EXTENSION PERSONNEL. Iplntng agency: U.S. Agency for Intemaional Develpnent. Start date: 1978-00-0. End date: 1990-00-00. Cujiny/couJntnes Mali. Stabebent of obectves/abstract: Enable Operatin Haute Vallee (OHV) to plan and mnage an integrated wal develo nt program ncorporating both pducty and social cmponents. Train OkV 47 r SP AR oaiti System managunent arnd extension personniel to implemet prograin to develop agricukLtYa - - Contad in research oganiaton: Lr. El Hari OLma Tat Directe General; Ir;ti 1Ecnmie Rurale (IER); lhblete de rAgncuiture; B.P. 258; Bamako; Mal; Tel: 2226.06; 22.u6 00 Record number (MFN): 01881 Offciai prmjed fite: AGRICULTURAL RECFARCH AND DIVERS.FCATION. rImplemenfig agency U.S. Agency for h-temabonal Developrent. Star das: 1985- Erd date: 1992-00-00. CuWcounes: Gafba. Statbnent of olectives.akistract Establsh research m anagrw system and spopt research on crop vareies and produton practces. Ste e isutnal cpacsty to rnse new lechnology to banes, and wam reseach and extension worers, and nners. Agri-fwtai reserch incudes agroorestry. The Gambn Fossry Dep lment officials patcte in agrorestry traing, as well as in recnkisance and on-farm trials. Contact m reseach oranizatibon: Ministry of Agriculture; CenWal Bank Building; Bangu; Gambia; Tel: 2147 . ~ ~ ~ - -- ----------__ _ _ _ Record number (MFN): 01885 Ofcial proect te: FOOD CROP RESEARCH. Implee agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Deveopmer,t. Start date: 1902-00-0. End date: 19914000 Country/cories: Cape Verde; Statement of objecbves/abstract: Variety testng and develpment of crop production packages. Train 2 staff members in U.S. for M.S. in agronomy and plnt breeding, plus short term training. Contact in research organization: Mr. H.C. Silva Soares; Directeur; Insiut National de Recherche Agraire (INIA); Misterm du Devebppement Rural; B.P. 84; Praia; Cape-Verl; Tel: 611570; Telex: 72 MDR CV 48 SPAAR Infomalicn System Record nunber (MFN). 01886 Otfcal project bie: RICE PRODUCTION II. lmpenieg agency: U.S. Agency for Inteffational Development. Start date: 1190e. Erd date: 199000. Country/counties: Guinea-Bissau; Statnt of obecives/abstrac1: Reclaim 400 ha of land for imgated production of rce in fe Geba River Basin. Upgrade traninq program for extension agents including women. Increase food production and farm income o 1 200 fann families Contact in research organization: Mintstere du Devekippement Rural; B.P. 71; Bissau; Guinee 8'aasau: Tel: 212617 Deparmnt of Agricultural Research and Experiment Record number (MFN): 01889 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH II. 'mp entig agency: U.S. Agency for International Devebopment. Start date: 1984-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/countries: Mauntanma; Statemnent of objectves/abstract: Support adapive research and farming systems research in coordination with other OMVS; S-rch institutions. Train technical staff in agrctural research discipline* .. - c r-earch resources and farmers needs and establish research porrities basew Dasin needs, and National Agricultural Research Center (CNRADA3 s nor asin responsibilities. Contact in research . 3tin: Mr. M. Diarra: 0 Ct .. e National de Recherche Agronomique el de Deve copemen;,', -le iCNRADA); Ministere du Developpement Rural; B.P. 22: K^ ..Mlauritanie Tel: 2.9: Telex: CNRADA-KAEDI BP22 Record number (MFN) 01896 Cficial prolect title: SMALL HOLDER PRODUCTIVITY. 49 SPMR Infomabon Systeim Impemenbn agency: U.S. AG5y for Interational Developn. Sart date: 1986-00. End date: 1990-00. Couxroues: Guiea. Staemet of oblectivestabstract: Support farming syslems rsearch to develop techiical padcages for small farmers Explore alemaive mewhods for establ effectve exWt sion sysem for small farmers. Trair agiculture students ncountry and abroad. Contit mesearch organization Instut Agrozootechnque Valery Gscd d'Est . Faranah; Guree: Tel: 81.o22Uinistere du Develppernet Rural: Conakry; Guinee Record number (MFN): 01897 Official project tide: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. Implementg agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Start date: 1989&00-0. End date: 1994-0-00. Country.'countries: Niger: Siatement od obecties/abstract: To deveflp a suntaiabl natural resources management system whictl links local farming organizations with pohicy-rnaking, research and extension semces managed by the Govment of Niger. This project brngs logether the most successful techncal. organizaboral and policy reform componets of pilot natral resources managemt rintiatives. The fou. major components of the project wil include: (1) research and devebpment to apply appropnate technologies to integrate management of forests and other stands of perennial vegetation with agricultural production in Niger's harsh Sahelian latitudes; (2) ooliy reforms to permit Nigers farming maporty to enjoy more of the benefits accruing from their increasing participahon in the stewardship of the nation's natural resources; (3) development of bcal groups to ncrease their capability to share responsbility for management of their vegetative, soil, water and other productive resource potentials on a financially and ecologicaly sustainable basis: and (4) training, at all levels, in the lechniques and institutional procedures required to manage and extend the agronomic. institutional and policy reform measures being deveoped to maintain an ecological balance between agricultural production and use of renewable natural resources.The project will extend measures against desertification, including range management and agroforestry, which were undertaken successfully in USAID's Forest and Land Use Planning Project, and the coordinated efforts of USAID. the U.S. Peace Corps and CARE to expand villager maintenance of windbreaks and woodlots. Specfic activities will include: (a) training of focal leaders and technical personnel in land use 50 SPAAP inomati Systen ad maagent (b) deveopment of deciogy to b tgrate forest management wdh aicural prxtwon; and (c) devebplome of abildies of lal groups to share in mnagme of natlal resou on susaibie basis. Three model sites of at least 100 h eac wd be esished to dmosrae Vie tanciaL and ecological viabihly of shared. sustaed natral resource maagewnt. Contact in research orgaiiatn: 1k. Sahadou Bawa Directeur General: Institut Nahonal de Reches Agrornrpme du Niger (INRAN) Miitere du Deveoppement Rural; B.P. 429: Niaiey Niger; Tel: (227) 72-34-34: 72-27-14: 72-27-19; Telex: 1982) 5201 INRAN M; Fax: (227) 73-49-56 Record nniber (MFN): 01898 Otcsl proiecd bte: STRENGTHENING AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. - Vimn agency: U.S. Agency for Inrnational Deveopment. Start date: 199040-00. End date: 1997-0040. Cotmykunn: Senegal; Staemt obf tives/abstact This proect wil help to strengen Senegalese stutol capacity to plan. manage and coduct agnculural research and effectively dissemriate the results. The prqect wit help Instkiut Senegalais de Recheice Agrcoles (ISRA) complete its rerganization and buid the lstutora capaciy to carry out research in areas of high national priorky. Tne project will emphsize cereals, forestry/agoforestry. water managemt research, and apphed, policy-relevant economic research, and will stregt both on-station research and the dissemiaion of research fndings to farmers and to poicy maers. The projc will also be desigred to enhance the -*ages between hog generatio and tecnology dissemnaition. The project wil support rsearchthat is of high pnority to the Goverment of Senegal (GOS)s efforts to achieeth fe goals of the Cereals Plan and the New Agricultural Policy, in4*Vig traiing of agnculural researchers and technicias at vanous levels. Conact in research organization: Mr. Momadou El-Habib Ly; Directeur General; Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agncoles (ISRA); 76, rue Mousse Diop; B.P. 3210; Dakar, Senegal; Tel: (221) 21-24-25; 22-03 74; 22-628; Telex: (962) 3117 ISRA SG _________________ Record nwnber (MFN): 01922 Offi project tid: SOIL AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT UNIT. 51 SPAAR Infotmat Systern Implemig agerxcy U.S Agency for Intemabonal Developme. Start date: 1978-00-00. End date: 1991-12-31. Coru : Gambta; Statemert of objectivestabstract: The procd provides natural resources plmnng and institution bw.k"ng. develcpment of picies and prograns for iproved sod and water managenl practices. and deselno of tehnical guides and trai", nipeaaly at the village level. The forestry componen indudes on-,e-Job and academic ainrng for one forester. The proc assists in: (1) developing natonai polices and program for inproved soil and waer nwageet practices; and (2) povdi soil and water managernent spport to fte i1rsy of Aicuture and Natural Resources. Contat in research organization: Iwiistry of Agnculte and Natural Resources; Banjul: Gambia Record nher (MFN): 01927 Official projec tite: DEVELOPMENT OF HAUTE VALLEE. Imperen agency: U S. Agency for International Development. Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1993-00. Country/countnes: Mali; Statement of objectives/abstract: Continues ativitbes of Operation Haute Valle. but streamnlines to concentrate on extensin serices and resource planning. Credit input supply, and marketing functions wiN be transferred to the co-ops and private firms. Development efforts wil support expansion of agricultural marketing services, agricultural input supply delivery, and aedit by cooperatives. Project will develop capacity for planning agricultural develpmnent, and train personnel in marketing, credit, and planning. Contact in research organization: Mr. El Hadj Oumar Tall: Directeur General; Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER); Ministere de rAgricuhture; B.P. 258; Bamako; Mali; Tel: 22.66.00; 22.26.06 Record number (MFN): 01930 Oifical project title: PVO DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES . WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT. Implmenting agency: " ^ gency for Intemational Devebpment. 52 SPAAR InWmatien Systern Sbrtdale: 1905-O4. Erd date: 1992M-00. Courytcouie: Chad. Stalement of obpchvestabstraci: Projd to asstst smnall bnner food prducbon and suponive pnvte sector atibites in Sahew Chad OW have demonstriion and irmtiutibo devebpffnent effects. CARE. AFRtCARE, VITA, and possby oter PlO's wnil Mintale small projects in the areas in and aun Kafm Abeche. arxd Chan-Baguwm rrni Chad- They w;9l assist the populabon in these areas to achieve tood self-sufficiency by provdng TA and oher muts needed for construction of srnal imgat on works. To coninue." agroforestry conport. a rew proqect is beig pbnged for 1989. Conbct in researdc organzaton: Minstry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation: N'Djamena: Chad Record nurnber (WFN) 01944 Offlial proect tide: IRRIGATION PROMOTION (FORMERLY IRRIGATION SECTOR). I 1pemen agency: World Bank; Mali. Stan date: 1993-00- Coinlryloountnes: Mal; Sta-ement of objectiv/abstract: To pome prmate ingation and slected rehabilitalion of sorne publJy constructed wngation schemes. Contat in research organization: Directeur General: Inssidut d'Economie Rural (IER): nstry of Agriculture. Liveslock and Environment; B.P. 258; bainako; Tel: 22.66.00; 22.26.060ffice du Niger; B.P. 1660; Segou; Malt PRcord numnber (MFN): 01949 Official poject tide: U.S.IISRAEL PROGRAM FOR COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH. Implmening agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpnent. Start date: 1984-10 01. Country/countries: Africa; Kenya; Ghana; Botswana; Malawi; Guinea: Mauritius; Statmenw of ob*e-ves/abstract: This intiative seeks to ncrease access of Less Developed Country's to Israeli 53 SPAAR Informaltn System scieritnic. technical and deveopment expere. Program has lotaily open conieIon. but stesses areas of Israeli expertise, including: and lads aeCUt1"; biological pest control; human health engmenood soence; plant scienesiiotechiro1ogy; veeray ard ana sence; and aquacultwe/hydrology. Approx~nated 100 subprolects have been ftzded to date, averagng approximately 150 000 USO. Almos al are stil actve; tese i Africa are in: Kenya; Botswana: Ghwa; Malabwi: Gnea; and Mauritus. Forestry protects irctue: Deciduous frui trees in Kenya; rairwater harvesting systern in Kenya: and biobgical control of plant dseases in Gh,a. Contact in research organization: Various GranteesForest Products search Insttute; Unnversny of Science and Technology: P.O. Box 63; U.S.T.; Kumasi: Ghana: Tel: 5873intemational Centre of Insedt Physioogy and Ecology (ICIPE); P.O. Box 30772; Nairobi: Kenya Record number (MFN): 01967 Offial po tite: INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTERS: 09 INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK CENTER FOR AFRICA (ILCA). Implemeni agency: U.S. Agency for International Development. Start date: 1968-00G0. Couitry/couties: Alrica: Mli; Ethiopia; Kena; Nigera; Statement of objecives/abstract: Intratonal Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) is mandated to assist national efft inpmve livestock poduction and marketing systems in tropical Africa. Prioriq is given to the collection and evaluation of information about existing livestbk systems belore the development of new systems. Cooperative research projects are implernented n Mali. Ethipia, Kenya. and Nigeria. Contact in research organization: Director General; Inlemational Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689; Addis-Ababa. Ethiopia; Tel: 183 215; 183 222; 182 455; Telex: 976-21207 ILCA A0DIS; Cable: ILCAF _________________ Record number (MFN): 02030 Oficial protet title: AGRICULTURAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT. 54 SPAAR Informabon System Impeing agency: World Bank; Guinea-Bissau. Stt date: 199600. Coxtryp ns: Guineau: Statere d objectives/abstrat: To support edit, fisheres, food prouction and expoi. and hestock to establish pubk agricukural services such as extnsion, research and nmarketng. Cortad tn research organzation: Mis of Rural Developent and Fshenes; B.P. 71; Bmisau; Gunee Bissau: Tel: 212 617 _________________ RecoPd mner (UFN): 0Q031 Oraici projed bte: SECOND SMALL RURAL OPERATIONS PROJECT. brilme agen World Bank; SenegaI. Stal dale: 1990--0. End date: 199800. Countryounties: Senegal: Stalement of objectwes/abstrac: The proect is the second phase of the First Rural Operabons Project. a nabional progran supportg the development of sial nual actviies. t would intoduce ven producer groups to new tcnology and new activis and reinforce the local capacty for detiricatbon and preparaion of small rual prowets. The projet woWd fnane the fdlowing components: (a) cosoidation and rehabilitation of 12 irigated and vegeae periers deveblped uder the first Small Rural Operabons project in Ngalenka (Sant Loxis Region); consution, equpment and technical serices for (b) 10 rice and vegetable perimeters in fe zone Iying between the Ngabnka and Senegal Rivers (Saint Louis Region); (c) 4 rice and vegetable perimeters in the Maam area for our wmen's and youth goups; (d) 6 perimeters (nce, maize, sorghtun and vgeables) in the Bakal area (Tambacounda Region); (e) a 15 ha vegetable perineter and a 45 ha fuit tre operation at Sirmang (Lower Saloum Region); (f) 2 perineters of 60 ha each for nce, maize, boana and citrus fruit per penrmeter. at Fass (Kolda Region); (g) 150 traditional beekeepers in 3 villages in the Kolda Region; and (h) 2 banana permeters of 15 ha each in Diende; (i) unidentdied activities--in the small rural projects being financed, women normally do mnost of the work. Women often constitute their own groups, outside of the man male-dominated producer groups, to farm trafitiona vegetable gardens using traditional weits for irrgation. In order to support productive women-initiated activities, assurances were obtained at negoatlions that about 30 percent of the IDA credit allocated to unidentified actvities would be reserved for groups made up of women; and 0) improvement of the project management structure, including training of farner groups and staff, and operating costs. 55 SPAAR Infomabon System Contact in researdc organizabon: Mr. Habib Ly; Dieceur General; nsthn Senelais de Recherches Agncoles (ISRA); kirlere du Deve rppemen Rural; 76, rue Mousse Diop: B.P. 3120: Dakar: Senega Tel: 21 24 25; 22 66 28; Teiex: 3117 ISRA SG Record nurmber (MFN): 02049 Official pojed tit: NIGER APPLIED AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH PROJECT (NAARP). Inempnki agency: Winock International. Stabt dab: 196806-00. End date: 1992-05-0. toUrmC : Niger. Statement of o4becriestabstract: To develop the capacity of te Isrtsu National de Rechedches Agronomiques du N.ger (INRAN) Io design, inpint., manage, and adminiser applied research. Deveiop rrbisc~~lay researh prgrams to overme mo constaints to producn the prcipal food aops of Niger. Develop noning relationshps for INRAN wih e.4ension and oher agncuttwral sermes. Contact i research organization: Dr. 1. Sourmana; Directeur General; Instiut National de Recherches Agronomxques du Niger (INRAN); Minisere du Developpement Rural; B.P. 429; Niamey; Niger Tel: 72.34-34; 72-27-14; Telex: 5201 INRAN NIDr. Paul Hebert; INRAWPRAAN: B.P. 429; Nianey; Niger; Tel: 227-723 283 or 227-722 61 1; Telex: 5481Dr. W. Ray Nom an: INRAN/CNRA; B.P. 240; Marad": Niger; Tel: 410 721 Record number (MFN): 02050 Official proqect ti: ON-FARM SEED PRODUCTION PROJECT FOR SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Implementing agercy: Winrock Intemationai. Stail date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/counties: Afnca; Senega!; Gambia; Statement of objecvs/abstract: To identify and promote improved methods of selctng. producing, stonng, and distributing seeds and vegetat planting materials to small farmners. The oblectives of fe On-farm Seed Production Proect wi be achieved through assisting the plned or onw-go seed-related achvities of the PVOs aNd Peace Corps. Project actiibes are expected to accomplish for Gambia and Seneg the: (1) introductiou 56 U SPAAR Inomation System of iVwed seed prducion teog and vanebes to the lamers; (2) prson of tedmial assistance and tanrig to manners; 13) pubication and uissenmabon of hatibooks. user mnuas. and fads about on-lam seed pducton, harvest. storage. and mwigement (4) compaton of a texiogca database for on-farm seed production, hvest, and storage in develop"g countnes; (5) uVImentabm of models of on-far seed producon programs. And f otew Sub-Saharan couitnes of Africa the: (a) esnbshment of pocedures for colSbabbon aimong PVOs. urivesat Peaca Corps, and odwe private agencies to ribate agrultural develpment projts: (b) demonsratio of procedures for efectrie transer of seed producton techndoo to famners; (c) promotn of prNabation of seed nidustry by developbig on-arm seed prduzt enterrses- Contad in research organzation: Ir. Thomas Osbom; Wirock IntenAial: 1611 North Kent Steet; Adilon. vira 22209; USA; Tel: (703) 525-9430: Telex: 24589 WIOC Record nunber (MFN): (12075 Offici proec tile: WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA SORGHUM RESEARCH NETWORK (WCASRN). lentig agency U.S. Agency for Interaf3onal Deveopmt (USAIDYSemniAnd Food Grm Pasearch and Deveopenwl (SAFGRAD). Start date: 1984-0040. End date: 1996-0-00. Coutri/conies: Atnca: Benm: Burkna Faso; Carneroon; Central Afncan Repubc: Cole dioire; Gamb; Ghana: Guinea: Guinea-Bissau; Mali; Mauritania: Niger Nigeria; Seneal; Sierra Leone; Chad: Togo: Staenw of objctes/abstrad: Reseach on sorghn improvement with inital emphasis on vanetal improvement and agroromy. Con:ad in research organeation: Mr. C.M. Pattanayak; ICRISAT/SAFGRAD. B.P. 4881; Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso; Tel: 5251 UV Record number (MFN): 02076 Official poject tit: EASTERN AFRICA REGIONAL SORGHUM AND MILLET COLLABORATIVE RESE "ICH NETWORK (EARSAM). hpeffwbrm g ageny. U.S. Agency for International iJeeopmert (USAID)'Semi-Arid Food Grar! Reearch and Deveomt (SAFGRAD). 57 SPAAR Informabon System Stat dale: 198-00. End date: 1996400. Cou*bptountnes. Afica; Kenya; Etiopia; Ugand; Bunjidi; Rwanda. Sudan; Somalia: LUned Republi of Tanzania; Slamee d obe/abstract: Conduict reseach an sorguimlmiet inprvement. EARSAhfs obects are to: (1) poe thie pdton of sorghm ad millets, tereby contrbuti to stablezing food supplie in the region. eackg to inroved nvtiton and rcome for he farmers m nier ars; (2) assist and strenen national sorghumn and mnilet pogrammes in the semarwd zones. These otectives are achived by: (a) ass4sting in the deveopmend of rnproved variebes and hybtds along with agrnminc practices that wi resuk in higher and more stable economic yied in the seni-and enwonents; (b) organizirg and promoting sys c regonal testing of avadaile elite breeding materials and tchroo in all mnpoant ecological zones; (c) assisg training and mrpowr development (d) pviorg supplies and facilities neded to uxyade research capabilities; (e) orga ng regional workshops and monitoig tous in order to report research findings, to interchange ideas and breeding, and to foster coser naborwJ progrnme cooperato. EARSAs research prioties are to develop sorghum and milet cultivars with high and stable yields, wt genetic resistance to biooc and abiotic stresses. Culivas wih these traits deveopped at ICRISAT Center in IrKba and other plces have been introduced into the regional pgroame for further impvement by incorporatirg the desired traits into the bcal land racs. In Phase III. after the network is fully established. ICRtSAT headqulers wilt colaborate wit the network actNities by carrying out long-term and basic research. Contac in research organization: ICRISAT/SAFGRAD; c/t OAUWSTRC P.O. Box 30786; Nairobi; Kenya Record number (MFN): 02078 Official proct tite: THE WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA COWPEA COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (RENACO). Imprementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAIDySemi-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Start date: 1976-0000. End date: 1996-00. Country/cuntries: Africa; Burkina Faso: Benin; C6te d'lvoire; Central African Republic: Cameroon; Cape Verde; Gambia, Ghana: Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Mlah: Mauritania; Niger Nigera; Sierra Leone; Senegal; Chad. Togo; Zaire: Statement of obecWties/abstract: Pmoct ob*ctive is: (1) cowpea variety improvement for earliness. dual purpose use, irnt and dis resistance, striga resistance, and agronorny; (2) soybean 58 SPAAR foRmaion Syslen vanety mnrovement or tree noduibbon and seed bngevty and agroxony Ctact i resead organ on: Dirdco General; Intemaa histme of Tropical Agnculture (IITA); Oyo Road; PMB 5320; lbadi; Nigerna Tel: 400300; 400313; Teiex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TPFOUND; IKEJADr. J.8. Suh; Prqect Leader IITAISAFGRAD: B.P. 1783; Ouagadougou; Burkwia Faso; Tel: 306071; 306072; Telex: 5381 BF Record nber (MFN): I1 Official proect tile: ThE UVESTOCK TRYPANOTOLERANT NETWORK. hirenienting agency: Overseas Deverlo Adninistration Start date: 198300-00. Courtry/countries: Africa CWte d'lvoire; Togo; Beni; Gabon; Zaire; Gambia; Senegal; Ehiopia; United Republic of Tanzania; Kenya; Statement of objetves/abstract: Conduct research on trypanotolerance in cattle. Improve livestock producton in tsetse infested areas of Atrica by achevng a better udestandi of genetic resistar.e, acquired resistance, the environmental factors which affect susceptibility and the efficacy of present control measures, and by ensunng optimal applicaton of both existing knowledge and recent research findings. Contact m research organization: Mr. Richard Stewart; Assistant to Director General; International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689; Addis Ababa; Ethiopia; Tel: 183 215. 183 222; 182 455; 613 222; Telex: 976-21207 ILCA ADDIS; Cable: ILCAF Record nwnber (MFN): 02082 Official projet title: RESEAU COTON (COTON). Implmenting agency: France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Start date: 1946-00. Country/countries: Global: 8urkina Faso; Beni; C&o d'lvoire; Careroon; Madagascar Mali; Senegal; Chad; Zambia; Togo; Zaire; Central African Republic; Burundi; France; Slatnt of objecbves/abstract: The goals of the Network are: (a) exdcanging infomation on the natol cotton search prograrmes; (b) exchanging vegetative matenals for expenmentation, as well 59 SPAAR h homation S as sudeicFt lools and docunerts; (c) orgaum of meetngs (worshops, coenbrens tii.) and bah o researchers: (d) pbnnig ad Rnd mentation of common research proects, aid (e) facliatig contacts between scienbsts ad rescers from pailciprg conies. To adcieve these goals. te N*work would parmoe reseach on: (i) mipovng adibonal cofton vanetes wih t8dcholo9cal qualibes ad high yields, and var*bes wto gossyol for use in bood prerabon; (ii) agnAwm tecnu: adapt" ehnical methods to ecoloocal aid socie ic sihaon; (iii) codton plit proecbon: leaf dgmosis bfr evaluati mineral nutrn corxom of the cotton plan aid study of igrated weed control; (iv) phyo-sanitary probms: ifrm On entomofauna cxudg conbo mehods and shudy of boogy o coftn ravagers; (v) fiber, thread, and seed tchnolog 1cal lbWoatory sric to pro crp viebes and rsarch. establishrroent of a bank of iber samples. and aboatory apparatus and equimen and (vi) ifm serves and surw : canputer software. data-processsg, economic study of cotton professio, remote sensng services to aid gowing, and documentation and pubbiation services Cont in research orgnization: wk Ehou Kolo; Seaetary-Genral ofe Instntute of the Savannas (IDESSA); Coordnator 01 B.P. 633; Boualke 01; Cole cdvoie; Tel: (225) 63.33.26; 63.3129; Telex 69100 MorVi. idel Braud, Directeur CIRAD (IRCT); 2 nue Louis David. 75116 Paris; Franoe; Tel: 45 05 14 07Mr. Jean-Claude Folin; Asistnt to IRCT Diector: In Charge of Scientific and Techrical Affairs: 8.P. 5035; Montpellier Cedex; France; Tel: 67 61.58.76. Telex: 480762 Record number (MFN): 02064 Official proed title: CASSAVA NETWORK [RESEAU MANIOC]. Impemerting agency: Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Francais. Sal date: 1906-00-00. Coury/countnes: Global; Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; Congo; CWle d'lvoire; France; Gabon; Guinea; Madagascar; Mali; Niger: Senegal; Togo; Statement of obectvWes/abstract: The goals of the Network are: (a) exchange of scientific information; (b) coordination of research at regional level; and (c) promotion of coliboratrve research. Its actvities would include: (i) inventory characterination, and evaluao of planting materials in national colletions for use i selction of better varieties; (ii) preservation, taormation, posl-harvest tchnologies, and nutriton; (iii) management of cassava-based cropping systems to increase their prodctvt and improve methods for thwir replicatkin; (iv) crop diseases and pests 60 P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPAAR Inloabon System coni roertds; and (v) traning in research methods. Pecoai mniber (MFN): 02087 Ofiial project ille: GROUNODNT NETWORK (RESEAU ARACfiDEI. Implementing agency: Corderence des Resposables Agronoxques Afncars et Frarn St daft: 198&040. CountrGountnes, Glebal; Bur-na Faso; Caneroon; had: Congo; C6te droire; ' Gme; Ma d&agasr Ma; Higer Seneg Staleme od ofecipesiabstract: To develop relabons between researhers nd naional aorom resec sutons devoted bo g9und research in member coutones. The aim is to strenge and coordib enational p ngram and set up coilaxraitive research pmjects in fields d common inerest. The Network acbies would inckde: (i) variey iprovement fr droth resistance; (ii) adaptabon of mimral nubition arid bertization to peasant Ual paccs tfo trals; () crop proton through imrovement of vanies resisant to vral and ungal dseases, as weM as prevention of aflaoxin (Aspergiis flavus); (iv) post-havest technology for craop ukNization, seed tenogfbtial processing of graunduts as tood; (v) sludy of iemgaton tecnies (crpanson of physoogical parameters and water uptake evaoation); and (vi) trainig in selection, physiology, laf dieases, and ematok and entomcagy. RecAwd number (MFN): 02088 Offal projeci titde: ALLEY FARMING NETWORK FOR TROPICAL AFRICA. Iplementing agency: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDAyintemational Deveopment Research Centre (IDRCI. SW date: 1981-00-00. Country/countri.s. Aftica; Benin; Cameroon; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; C6te d'lvoire; Malawi: Nigeria; Senegal; Siera Leone; Rwanda: Unted Repubic of Tanzania; Togo; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Burkina Faso; Ubefra; Ethiopia; Kenya; Staent of obectvesabstract: Conduct research on alley cropping. Discipline s oriented to develop more prducve, sabl. low input and environmentally sound farming systems using alley farming. 61 SPAAR Information System Cttcad n researdc orgarnzation: Dr. LD. Stil; Drecior General; kIernational Instue of Tropal Agricuture (IrTA): Oyo Road; PMB Box 5320: Ibadan: Nigeria: Tel: 400300; 400313; Tebxe TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015): Cabie: TROPFOUND. IKEJA Paco mber (FN): 020 Offical ptojed tide: PROPOSAL FOR A RESEARCH PROJECT ON T!E DEVELOPMENT OF NEW METHODS 'N OCIJST CONTROL hVimerig agency: GeseNachalt tuer Techuche Zusarmenarbeit (GTZ). Start date: 1968-03:00 Counrptoun*ies: Africa: Cape Verde; Benn; Madagascar; Slatemenm d of ebstract Projed acMtis which have started partly inolv the OLng components of applied search on locust control: (1) fieod testng with Teflexnzuron (a growth reguaor); (2) bo -moniring of ecodoxicoobgial efed of various rsecticides used in bcust coartd: (3) nsecide tials - laboratoy screening of selected iw rccdes to Nvestge their etficacy or. det custs ardor oher Fcust seces, and delermme pofntal syergic effects of mixh resof ddifleret compounds: (4) fieid testing of pathogenic mKcoogaism (Nosema locustae) on Oedaleus senegansis or Schistocem gregana avae i Cape Verde Islanis; (5) ir-held investigations on Alkaloid-Denvates (Alkaloidbarting material) on Zonooens sp.m en rn; (6) inprovement of prospectionlremote sensring techniques (phooaphy, video-technique) on locust population develpmnt in propectrve breeding areas; (7) investgation on desert locust population dynamics in order to elucdate the mow1anisms of upsurges and plaques. and define indicators for host preferen,es in recesion areas. Contact in research organization: Mr. Mohamed Zehni; Drctor; Research & Technolgy Development DMsron; Food and Agrincrture Org. !ation (FAO): Via dells Terme di CaracaHa; OOOO Rome; Italy; Tel: 5797 5004; Telex: 610181 FAOProf. Muter Record number (MFN): 0209P Oficial proect titbe: RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON THE BiOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CONTROL OF DESERT LOCUSTS. Implementing agency: CAB International Institute of Biological Control. Country/countrues: Gklbal Pakistan; Algeria; TUniSia; Morocco; Mali; Niger; Mauntania; 62 SPAAR Infabon System Zambia, Zimbabvwe; Bonwa; United Republic of Tanzania; Kenya; Somalia; S rwme o obf elabsract The project ams tG develop an integrated locust control research programme using pathogns as subtifhes for waceptably toxic chemiral pesbcides. The obectives are to: (a) io'Ae new strains and species of fungal and bacterial pathogens in the pem t bocst breeding grnds in North, West. East, Central and Southem Africa. Red Sea Coast, and SindMakran areas of Pakistan; (b) develop newly-discovered pastgens inlo formulalable products for ground and aenal ULV applcation; (c) car y ou. field testngs of new forimulations in outbreak areas; (d) conduct ecological sludies on fte impact of chemical pestcides and new bopestcides on natural eremies and key nontaet species; (e) develop appropriate technology for mass production and kormulation bopestcdes for use m Atrica. Contact in research organizaion: Dro. T.P. O0iiat; Diredor Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE); P.O. Box 30772; Nairobi; Kenya; Telex: 22053 ICIPE Record mber (MFN): 02094 Officiai project tide: RECONNAISSANCE / PREPARATION STUDY ON FORESTRY BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE DPOUGHT-PRONE SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN COUNTRIES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SAHEUAN AND SUDANIAN ZONES (SSZ). Iniementn agency: World Bank. Couwty/counies: Atrica; Burkina Faso; Mauritania, Maii; Niger- Senegal: Sudan: Benin; Cameroon; Ghana; Nigeria; Togo; Statement of objectives/abstract: The prqect will assess te relevance and determine the feasibility of a Forestry Biotcology Prgram (FBP) that will stength and cmplmnt the ongoing forestry research orons in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones (SSZ) in Burkiia Faso. Mwitia. Mali. Niger, Senegal, Sudan. Benin, Cameroon. Ghana, Nigeria and Togo which have similar ecobgical coknitions and a simriar vegetation resource base. The objecives of FBP would be: in research: to develop clonal selcbon and vegetative nmutiplication, contrc! symbiotic systems in the lab and in the field, and utiize improved plant material in agroforestry and forestry systems; in training: to create a cadre of African scientists competent in relevant research areas, and upgrade rural developnent agents; in technology transfer: to transfer results from advanced research insttubons to national research institutions, and deveop procedures to produce improved pant material for the users' neds. To attain these objectives, possible avenues for FBP would be: (i) stengthen the capacity of National Research Instlutions in the scientifc fields relevant to the FBP; (ii) link national institutons wih Intenainal Research Institutions in Africa (i.e., ICRAF. 63 SPAAR lnation Sysemn ICRISAT, ILCA) and with more Adianced Research instuton in Euope. North Anernca. Auti.eic.. ftough newrig (iii) establish a rnew Pegional Research Capacity for fth SSZ wit a ariici ssientt mnas and adeqvate funding. Cont in ressarc oranization: Mr. Bnce Scott Dwecor Ir.temational Council for Research in Agrofores:ty (ICRAF); P O. Box 30677; Tel: 52 14 50; Telexr: G04e Record number (MFN): 02096 Officil prot tite: RJAL EAIRONMENT RAGESENT (FORMERLY ENVIRONCENTAL PROTECTION P4ROGRA, FORIIERLY NATlJRAL RES)URCES IIANAGEI/ENT). 1mprentng agency: World Bank, Guirea. Start date: 1995-00-E0. Country/countries: Gugr; Staement of objet abstract: PTgram to proudbe the nahtral enworwnent, espeof lly in be fields of fo grast. agicture and soil conseriation. Conacit n arsearch organiza h pr: Ministry of Agnd cuure and Anri Resources (op ARA) Conakryt GuineaSotedou Foresiry Crenter GuineaTindo Training Center: Guinea _________________ Record nniber (aiFN): 02097 Otficial prot till6: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH PROJECT. !! mple g agecy: Worid Bank,; Nipp 1. Stan date: 1991-07-1 1. End date: 1996-12-31. CounrEy/countries: Niger; Statement of objectiveslabstract: The prect would be Dvhe liN fiveyear phase of a longlerrn devekpnent prograrn for agrncukwa mrcsarh. Its basic objectives would be to strengfn the national capacity for agmculural research planning and impbmetation by: (i) imnproving pnority-setting and resource aNocbon metdoky takingtro account farmers~ needs anld resource oonsenrvation; (ii) irnproving coordinaton in Mehobrrnulation and execuon of nationl and inlermaioruB agricultural march prgrms; (iii) improving research programming, budgsting and tharncial managemnt; (iv) improving staf plannin traning recruitnent and career devebpmen in resesach; Iv) 64 SPAAR Inrmaton S-em sbeng1hig kil*ages between research, extension swic and famers wih on-farmn adapIime research and partcatoiy reseafch poans. In addibon, i wil cor*fte b te vroninertal protection and ini r odl terbily throuh closer nrlbotin of research on crops, livestci and agm-lorestry, as well as develop opnum faming sysems for each agro-ecoogica zone. Contact in research organiztion: W S. Bawa, Direeur General; Instsut Nabonal de RechePches Agronomiques du NiW (INRAN); Mier du Developperet Rural-; B.P. 429; Niamey; Niger Tel: 72-34-34; 72-27-14; Telex: 5201 INRAN Ni PRewrd nunmbr (MFN): 02098 OtIicgi projed if: ASSESSMENT OF CONDMONS FOR REPLICATlNG PRODUCTION SYSTEMS IN AFRICAS SAVANNA AREAS - SECOND STAGE. Implne g ageny Centre de Cooperabon Intematonab en Reheche Agrnomique pour le Developpenent (CIRAD). - Start dale: 1989-4-00. End date: 1990-4-00. Country/countries: Alnca: Senegal; Mai; Burkina Faso; CWe doire; Caneron; Stbtement of objctiveslabstract: The agiculural populabons-farmers and stocl'aisers-n the Sudano-Sahelian reons face very serous difficultes due both to urncees of cdirate and poor supply and matceling circuits, and to the agrEutural policies. These dfcultes affect the operaboim of pnrod systems, undermine the bases for replicabng agricultural systems, aid hasten migratory movement to the cities. In order to better explain the pedorrmnae gaps, and possble change of direction, the proposed study would assess and integrate three factors: (i) research ard devebpment findings--plat or anmnal mathrial, maintenance of t, land management, farmirnstodcaising integration, etc.; (ii) needs and consranfts of vanous systems of producton and strateQies of rroducers: (iii) aaricultural oolicies in the aes of organization of foduction subsectors, price equilibnium, access to credit. supply of inputs, land tenure law. Contact in research organization: Centre de Cooperabon internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpernent (CIRAD); 42, rue Schefter; 75116 Paris; France, Tel: (1) 47 04 32 15: Telex: 620 871 F INFRANCA PARIS ePaord number (MFNj: 02102 65 SPAAR Informaion System Offl project btle: PIOLOGICAL CONTROL Of LOCUSTS AND GRASSldOPPERS IN AFRICA. IMpentg agy: Urited States Departrent of AgricultAre. Start dae: 1990000. End date: 1994-00-00. Co o*Yk0whits Af*ca; Cape Verde; Mai; Niger Chad; Ethiopa; Senegal; Morocco; Staemet od objectives/absbact: The poposed pject would deveiop mcbial biobgical coni agents ior use against nrican bcusts and grasshoppers and the tainng of a cadre of tecniians and smme sciests for the inpimentation and maintenance of a pemanet locust and grssop management team. The objectives are to: (1) evaluate the laboratory and feld efficacy of kn locust and grasshopper pathogens against fe desert locust, migaty bcust, the Senegal rwasshopper and other cd species in Africa; (2) deteclt isoate, chaaerize, and evaluate pathogenic microorganisms from locusts and gasshppers in Africa as well as rom related species in other parts of the workt (3) quantify the effects of biological anatagonists, such as pathogens. parasiloids. and predators, on pouatons of bcusts and grassopper in Africa; (4) t- cniians and scientsts in Afnca in the protocols for detection, isoation, *on, and l-boratory and field evaluation of loust and grasshopper 1 selcted pa asiloids and predators. Contarwi _mh organization: Dr. J.E. Henry; Coordmnator; Montinan State Universty; Bozeman; Montana; 59717; USA; Tel: (406) 994{6401; Fax: (406) 994.6462 _________________ Record nurnber (MFN): 02103 Official proect ttle: WEST AFRICAN FORAGES NETWORK (WAFNET). Implementing agency: Multilateral Cooperation Division, Economic Cooperation 8ureau, MOFA. JAPAN. Country/countries: Africa; Ben in; Cameroon: C6te dlvoire: Ghana: Nigeria: Senegal: Togo: Statement of objecves/abstract: Lihe6sock numbers inhe aci d-soil savannas of the sub-humid belt are expanding as a resull of the settlment of pastoralists from the ard zones and could expand even further when research undertaken by ILCA and ILRAD generales solutions to animal disease problems. The settlement of pastoralists is placing strong environmental presswur on the ecosystems of the region and thus places paticular emphasis on the urgent need to commence pasture research in the region. CIAT has developed legumes (under low sol fertility conditions with resistance to pest and diseases) which have strong potental for improving forage production in the region. In this context, ILCA and CIA have agreed to promote the building of a West African Forages Network (WAFNET) in collaboration with national instnutions from Benin, Cameroon, Cote 66 SPAAR Informaton System dwixre, Ghana. Nigeria, Senegal. and Togo, wih the objectie of developtrg improved forage species. In a htst phase, the Network wik intoduce matenals slee for topical sa with acid sios. Based on ftese inbtons. in a second phase WAFNET wig develop gemplas in stu. Contact n research organizaion: Centro Intenacina de Agncutura Tropical (CIAT); Apartado Aereo 6713: Cali. Colombia; Tel: 57-3-68011 1; Telex: 06769 CIAT CG; Cable: CIHATROPWr. Rchard A Stewart; Assi61ant to DrectDor General; Intemational Lestock Centre tor Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689; Addis Abeba; Ethoa; Tel: 61 32 22: Telex: 21207 ETDr. A.R. Gray, Director; Intnati Laboratory for Research on Aninal Diseases (ILRAD); P.O. Box 30709; Nairobi; Tel: 59 23 11; Telex: 22040 ILRAD _________________ Record nunber (MFN): 02113 Offil project tile: AGROFORESTRY RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE DRYLANDS OF WEST AFRICA. ! npii°emntio agency: Inlernational Fund for Agncultural Development. St rtdate: 198900. End date: 1991-00-00. Countryicountuies: Afnca; Burkina Faso; Mali; Niger; Senegal; Benin; Cameroon: Statement of obectvebstract: The research programme would provide for strong collaboration between natonal progrmmes, remgonal and international institutions in generating suitable agrostry technologies that could lead to improved wood components and management pracices; adaptaion of prototypes to specfic agr-ecologi and socio economic conditions. Contact in research orgaization: Dr. Bruce Scott; Drector International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF); P.O. Box 30677: Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 52 14 50: Telex: }27W PRcord nurmber (MFN): 02143 Offcial projct title: SOIL FERTILITY RESTORATION PROJECT (SFRP). hV pnwting agency International Fertilizer Develpment Cenier, Africa (IFDC-Africa). Stal date: 1987-0000. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Ghana; Togo; Niger- Sttement of objeties/abstract: 67 SPAAR Inforrnation System The project seeks to idery means itrodc tiizer practices in vanous agy-ecoiogical zones of West Africa that are not tied to long-term subsidy policies. The esearc inves both agonomc and socioconomic aspects of possible invest polie with the objetw to idenbfy means of restormg bti-depleled lands, and to create an economic enwironent in which a communnt will allempt to sustain sod prodxctt without furthi goverment intervention. Record ntber (MFN): 02145 Olficial pt tite: FERlIUZER MARKETING AND TRADE INFORMATION PROGRAM (FMT1P). Implementn agency: Directorate General for Intemational Cooperan (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Inenational Deelpment (USAID). Start date: 1968-000. End date: 1991000. Courtryouries: Africa Benin; Bukcina Faso, Cameron; C6te cNoxire; Ghana; Lesotho. M ad gsc r; Niger Neria Rwanda; Senegal; United Republic of Tanzania: Togo; Statment of objcves/abstracl The lack of up to date informabon in Africa regarding the world and regional fei trade and marketig costs hanpers the African procurement istutions in their purchase of fertilizer at the best possble prie. The obective of this progarn is to establish an African Fertikzer Trade and Maiketing Information Network (AFTUN) which wil bring togethercorrespondants from vaious countries to exchange marketin and trade intfomation. Studies will be conducted to analyse fertilizer pncurement and maleting system in West African region and identity their pnncipal constraints, so as to provide sound advice on how to improve fertilizer marketing in the region. and to develop a 'Fertilizer Early-Waming System' for the region through continuous data input into a regional model. In-depth studies on production, marketing, and distributin and denand of lertilizers will also be conducted. Contst i research organization: Dr. Paul L.G. Viek; Director; IFDC-Alica; B.P. 4483: Lome; Togo; Tel: 21-79-71, Telex: 5416 CIFDC TG; Fax: 21-78-17 Record numnber (MFN): 02146 Off proect tie: WEST AFRICAN PROGRAM FOR AGRO-: :ERAL RESEARCH. Implementing agency: International Ferilizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa). Start dae: 1966-0-00. End date: 19904000. Countrycounties: Africa; Togo; SenegaJl 68 SPAAR Infatbon Systen Statement oboijedsiabstaW: The progran execute in co4aborabon with the Gemian Istitue of Geoogy and Raw Maerials (BGR) and seeks to complee an inety of the agomineral endowment of fe Voa Basm, and to conduct a s o iofdepth sub in three seieced counries where explodation ofe local resouces appears promising. The obectrve s to develop a seies ol leasib protects that can be undert by dnors wth a teasorn lle chance of success as well as establish a West African Netk for Agrone Research (WANAR). Recod nunber (MFN): 02147 Offcl protect tite: AGRONOMIC FERTI1I2ER RESEARCH PROGRAM (AFRP). Inrpntn agency International Fetiluer Develpmnt Center, Atnca (IFDC-Afrca). Start date: 198900. End date: 1994-O0-00. Co"cxunitries: Ahica; Togo; Niger Stabment d objctves/abstract: The objcte d the agmrxxaic program are to: (1) evaluate alternate ferbltzers and fenilizer managmet opbons and to encourage the use of indigenous resources to help meet the fertitizer requirements in the region in order to attain food sel-sufficiercy on a sustainable basis; (2) identify the fertilizer needs of the irnpotant foodcrops in the difterent agroecologicaf zones of West Africa; and (3) study the impact of fertilizer use on bxng-term sod producviy through the accumulabtion of mineral and organic nutrient supplies. The hub of the program is tormed by the West African Fertilizer Management Evaluation Network (WAFMEN), with 18 participating national institutions from 14 countries in the region. Research proects were formulated for all colaborating instiues and the 8th annual WAFMEN meeting held in February 1988, agreed to shift the research emphasis towards I futient fertilizers. Record number (MFN): 02148 Official protect tille: ON-FARM FERTILIZER ADOPTION PROGRAM (OFFAP). Implementing agency: Intemational Fertilizer Develpmnent Center, Africa (IFDC-Alrica). Saut date: 1967-00-00. End date: 1992-00-00. Countryicountnies: Africa; Niger Mali; Nigeria; 69 SPAM lnforrai Systm S bW o o iabsract: Wth the objedie to design a viable fetluer stategies for the pnncqpal a7o-eco1bgi:al zones of West Arica the progrm would verify tle results from the Agonomic Feddizev Research Prgram in the farmers ervivonment pxoviding an oppon to study the farmers reaction to te tedirogies proposed. The program wouid provide feilizer applicabon nstrucbom for farmers to conduct and manage on-farm fertker tials n Niger, Mali and Nigeria. Trainxig of extension personrel at vilage Leel will also be provided. Record neinber (MFN): 02151 OfficWi pect title: CASE STUDIES ON RAISING AGRICULTUPAL PRODUCTIVITY OF WOMEN IN AFRICA FOR INCREASED FOOD PRODUCTION. Implementing agency: World Bank. Start date: 1987400. End date: 1990-06-00. Country/countries: Africa; Kenya; Nigria; Burkina Faso; Zambia; Record number (MFN): 02154 Official project title: WEST AFRICA REGIONAL PEARL MILLET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Implementig agency: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). Country/countries: Africa; Burkina Faso; Benin; C6te dvlvoire; Cameroon; Ghana, Gambia; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Nigeria; Senegal; Chad; Togo; Statenent of objectives/abstract: Research and regional trials of improved varieties. Contact in research organization: ICRISAT Sahel Center; B.P. 12404; Niamey; Niger Record number(MFN): 02156 Offcial proiect titlo: WEST AFRICA MAIZE COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (RESEAU MAIS]. 70 SPAAR Inormaabon System hkpmerwi1g age(CY Conference des Responsables de Recerche Awnomique Afncains. Stab dale: 1997-004. Coylkouries A;ia OenBi; Bwkina Faso; Caieroon; Central Afncan Republic; Chad; Congo; C6e dvoire; Gabon; Guiea Madagascar Mali; Mauntania; Niger Sal; Togo; Zaire; SaTtere of oboctivesiabstract: The goals of the Network are: (a) orientng and hamonizin of research on the ommo hem de d by IARCs; (b) identifying of maize research prories and desigring of pmets for hfding by dtnors; (c) orgnzin of works and seminars r resear s and tecnians; (d) aging colboate research work to s,port genetc rurce management cataloguing_ of vartes, and use of scienbfic and tednicl inomaon. The activites of fe Network inclde: (i) evaluabon and develpet of new maize varieies for rrigated areas in humid zone dry zones as wal as hybrids fr agro-i rid users: mm; (i) edem logca study o viral diseases and biological studies d vims veclors in West and Central Africa, indudig transfer of vinrs resistance to adapted varites; (iii) intensification of producfion in smaio maize-growing systems in semimhumid and imgated zones; (iv) training, document3tion, and inabon exchange. Contact in research orgaizaton: IITA/SAFGRAD; B.P. 1783; Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso, Tel: 30-60-71; 30-60-72; 30-82-46; Telex: 5381 BF Record number (MFN): 02157 Offical poct te: WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA MAIZE COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (WECAMAN). Implmenting agency: U.S. Agency for International Developmet (USAID/Semi-And Food Grain Pesearh and Development (SAFGRAD). Start date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1996-00-00. Countrycountries: Arica; Burkna Faso; Cameroon; Niger; Madagascar; Senegal: Togo; Benin; C6te dlvoire; Central African Republic; Cape Verde; Ghana; Gambia: Guinea; Guinea-Brssau; Mali Maurtania; Chad; Nigeria; Stalament of obcves/abstract: Ths mapr thrust of the Mae Network colfborative effol will be to continue to enhare fe develomt of early and extra-ay maturing cutbiars of maize suiable to the West African Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT). AlIhough IITA and CIWMYT will continue to prvide the basic maize germplasm. the developmant of maize culbvars resistaritlterant lo drought and related streses wil continue to be a unique imvoement of the maize Network. Currently, fe Burtina Faso national programe is 71 i SPAAR Infrmtion System serMg as the tecnoblc base where the Network has developed a number of extra-early matm varieties whtc have been made avaiable to other national progmmes though the SAFGRAD Regional Umform Vanety trials. This research work would need to be further stengtened, m view of the high potential of earty-maturing maize m the Sudan zone. Contact in resear organizabon: Diedot General; Internabonal Insttute of Tropical Agrculture (IITA); Oyo Road: PMB 5320; Ibadan; Nigeria; Tel: 400300: 400313; Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TROPFOUNO; IKEJADr. J.8. Suh; Pro,ect Leader; IITA/SAFGRAD; B.P. 1783; Ouagadougou; Burkria Faso; Tel: 306071: 306072: Telex: 5381 BF Record number (MFN): 02160 Official proetide: INTERNATIONAL RICE TESTING PROGRAM FOR AFRICA (IRTP). Implerenting agency. Untied Natios Deveopmet Program (UNDPEuropean Economic Commission (EEC)iJapan. Start date: 1975-40. Coutry/couLtries: Africa; Buridna Faso; Bunrndi; Benin; C6le d'lvoire; Cameron; Congo; Ghana; Kenya; Gambia; Guinea-Bssau; Liberia, Madagascar; Mali; Malawi; Nigena; Siera Leone; Rwanda; Senegal; Togo; United Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe; S:atement of obpctves/abstract: Research on rice inprovement. The colaborative research network activities located and conducted at IITA include yields and observations nurseries testings under irrgation and rainfed conditions, and nurseries testings for specific stresses for temperature, soil, diseases, nsects, and specific environments. Contact in research organization: Dr. K. Alluri; Coordinator IRTP-Africa/llTAARRI; Liaison Scientist; Oyo Road; PMB 5320; Ibadan; Nigera; Tel: 400300; 400313; Telex: TOS IBA NG 20311 (Box I 015); Cable: TROPFOUND, IKEJA Record number (MFN): 02161 Otficial project tite: NETWORK FOR IMPROVEMENT OF RICE CULTIVATION IRESEAU RIZJ. Implmenting agency: Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et I Startdate: 1920. 72 SPAAR lnformation System CourYicouris Gbobat; Berm; Buwka Faso, Cameoon; Central African Republic: Congo: Chs dchfe; France; Gabon; Gunea: Madagascar; Mali; launtana Niger Senegal; Togo; Statenet d objectives/abstract: The goals of te Network are: (1) pombng exduige of imaton between rice researdes i order to wok out common metdobges and lormuale and carry out pt research proiects; and (2) facatng coodnation a-d concerttn wh tee lARCs, reM a msearch organiats, and unites. The ewor ac mes on ied and lexded rice activation ove short-tenn and bng-term prqects. Shoil term projects inckde: (i) seectn and develping of new variebes for resiste to diseases; (i) hi-aIihude grow9 (ii) contokig od rice pyaaria d ses, wi specific refeence to monitoring of crytogamic. viral and bacri dseases and heir evoion alorg wih selcton metdology for varetal esiAnCe to Blast and (v) inventoy and contoling of weeds, and development of contrl meods. Long term projcts include: (i) perfecting of cultNation pactcs for pemanent rainfed rice; and (ii) taining of researdhers on the job. Record ntnber (MFN): 02162 OfWal proed tite: WEST AFRICA COLLABORATIVE GROUNDNUT RESEARCH NETWORK. Implementing agency: Intermaional Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Start date: 19874)000. Country/countries: Atrica; Niger; Madagscar; Mali; Burkina Faso; Senegal; Cameroon; Gambia; C6te dIvoire; Ghana; Chad; Benin; Statement of objectveslabstract: Research on groundnut improvement. Contact in remsarch organization: ICRISAT; Patandeu P.O.; Andhra Pradesh 502 324; India Record number (MFN): 02166 Offical project itle: CENTRAL AND WEST AFRICAN ROOT CROPS COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (CEWARRN). Implementing agency: Internatona Institute of Tropical Agriculture. 73 SPAAR Infomaion Sysem SW1 dae: 19W000. Cowb*ountnes: Afri Argola Benwin; Burkina Faso; Caeroon; Central Alncan Replic; Cfte civoire: Equaonal Gumea; Gabon; Gwba; Ghana; Guinea: Gu*iaassat ; Liberia- Mariaa Mali: Niger, Niger; Madagascar Buruncd Chad; Congo; Rwada Sao Tome and P* cpe; Togo; Zaire; Staement of objctves*abstract: Regional trials on cassava and sweet potato inprovement. Contt in nreeach orgazton: Or. S.K. Hahn: Director; Root, Tuber and Plhinta Improvement Program; IITA: Oyo Road; P 5320: ibadan, Nigria: Tel: 40G300; 400313: Telex: TMS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TROPFOUNO. IKEJA _________________ .9ecord number (MFN): 02167 Ofcial pmjed te: WEST AFRICA REGIONAL COOPERAIlVE FOR RESEARCH ON PLANTAIN (WARCORP). in pleentelg agency: International Institute of Tropical Agnculture. Start date: 1987400-0. Courb*couritnes: Atrica: Cameroon; Gabon: Ghana; Guinea: Cole dIvoire; Nigeria; Zaire: Benin; Central African Republic: CGng'); Ghana; Guirn-Bissau; Lbena; Sierra Leone; Senegal: Togo; Statement of objectres/abstrat: Research on plantain breeding and agronomy. Contact in esearch organzation: Prof. Ednond A.L. De Langhe; Director International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Pbantain (INIBAP); Avenue du Val de Montferraid; P.O. Box 5035: 34032 Montpellier Cedex; France; Tel: (67) 61 13 02: Telex: 490376 F Record number (MFN): 02170 Official proect litle: AFRICAN RESEARCH NETWORK FOR AGRICULTURAL BY-PRODUCTS (ARNAB). Impementing agency: International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Inlemalional Livestocx Centre for Africa (ILCA). Start date: 1981-00-00. Coury/countries: Atrica: Kenya; United Republic of Tanzania: Malawi; Botswana: Ethiopia: C6te divoire: Gambia: Sierra Leone; Senegal: 74 SPAAR Information System S b o objstes/abstrac: AFNAws objecives are to develop and sengthe an A,ican network to support researc on crop esidue and agro4ndustrial by duct uizaibon through codaborte mesearh. Whil these obcte were partly achived m Phase I with hMg kom IDAC and ILCA, a Phase l of the proqact wil be reviewed by IDRC for paril fundig In the second Phase the proect wil test and evaluate on-farm anwiwmad l tvogloes and strengthen abonal rsearch programmes by: (1) develping sub-regional research pogrammes on agiculural by-products uilizahon; (2) imacng and evaluating by-products feeding technologies on fann; (3) assessing e ecwnomic and social impacts of the technologies introduced in the EthopiuHm Hf and odher target areas; (4) taning scienbsts and technicans fom nabon pogramfes in agreed, sandardzed, on-station metods and on-farm tesWg (51 pridrg fora for anw information among scientts trom natonal prografmes and revewin the collaborative research programmes; and (6) producng and dissemin&ig ARNAB newletters and poceedigs of ARNAB workshops. Contact in research organization: Dr. Abdulah N. Said; ARNAB Coordinator Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689; 21207; Addis Abeba; Ethiopla; Te: 61 33 22:18 32 15; Telex: 21207 ET; Cable ILCAF ADDIS ABABA Pecord nunber (MFN): 02171 Ofioial prrect tite: COOPERATIVE CEREALS RESEARCH NETWORK (CCRN). mlemetr agency: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-And Trop.cs. Coxntry/couitries: Africa Nigena; Burkina Faso; Mali: Niger; Carneroon; Gambia: Sudan: Ethiopia; Kenya; Uganda; Somalia; Rwanda; Zimbabwe; United Republic of Tanzania: Boswana, Zambia; Malawi; Lesotho; Stmen of objectvesabstract: Sorghum and pearl millet improvement. Contact in research organizaton: ICRISAT Record number (MFN): 02174 Offcial pro*et tile . COOPERAtIVE PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF GENETIC RESOURCES OF MULTIPURPOSE WOODY SPECIES. 75 SPAAR lntormaicn System Impemetng agemcy: Food and Agnculture Organization of the United Nations. Stal dete: 19882 00. Co airrykour*ies: AfihNc Burkia Faso; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Chad; Djiboub; Ethiopia: Ganba; Guinea-Bissau; Kenyz: Mali; Mauritania; Nigr Nigena; Senegal; Somaka Sudan United Reptilic of Tanzania, Staeent d obectivesiabstract: Researcn on genetic inprovement of local woody species- Contct i research organizati,., L!r. Gora Beye; FAO; Via dede Temre di Caacalla; 00100 Rome- Ialy: Tel: 5797-3037; Telex: 610181 FAOIk-. Mohamed Zehni; Director; Research & Technology Deelopmet Division; FAO; Via dele Teme di Caracalta; 00100 Romxe: Italy; Tel: 5797 5004; Telex: 610181 FAO Record nunber (MFN): 02512 Official poect te: RIVER FISHERIES (SENEGAL). Impemen agenmy: Intermational Development Research Centre. Courntry1countries: Ainca; Sen l,; Maurtania: S'L3ement of obctwes/abstract: Fishery production in te Senegal River Valley has declined considerably as a consequenc of dmught. However, hydmoagrcuftural deveopments in the region offer new possibilities. This project will lay the foundation for an expanded production in the region and recommend measures to achieve it. Specifically. it will diagnose the state of te art of fihery resources, explobition, and production; descnbe the sooeconmic environment assess the rebtaonships among physcal, chemical, and production cyces in fte egion; and recommend measures for the development and expliation of fishery resources. The prolect will be carried out jointy with Mauntania to the benefrt of fishermen, farmers, and fishery product consumers. Contact in research organization: Mr. Samba Diout, Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques; B.P. 2241; Dakar; Senegal Record number (MFN): 02577 Offici project title: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (BURKINA FASO) - PHASE I1. 76 V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPAAR Information System , Impb agency- Irtimbonal Development Research Centre SW tdate: 19W947-28. End date: 1991-07-28 Coutry/counies: Burkina Faso. Statemen of obpec/eabstacd: h its quest for self-relianoe. arwcLural resources development and production actiies are given h.wi pnonly in Burna Faso. In response to the importance of assessing and dissemiang infonnmation on the rural sector. Phase I o ths proect creabed a dumenaion cendre. This second phase will enabbe the Centre national de documento agricole (CNOA) to consoldate its achievements by automaing ds loibbographi data processing and by reinforcing fe national agicltural infornmaion network. Specifc obectrves are the creation of a biboaphic data base: the continaton of technical anJ material assistan to CNDA ard the oenralized docentation unis: reinforcement of irdormaton dissemination actvities promotion of the national agricultuwal infomaimon system: and cooperation with other agriculural intonmation systems. Coact in reseeih orgarization Pk Germaine Sawadogo.- Mnisnere de rAgculture et de rE)evage; B.P. 7005: Ouagadougou: Burk*a FasoCentre National de Documentation Agrcole. B. P. 7010. Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 326e10 Official proect title: DROUGHT RESISTANCE RESEARCH NETWORK (P35) IRESEAU DE RECHERCHE SUR LA RESISTANCE A LA SECHERESSEI Implementng anency "onterence des Responsables de Recherche Ag onu.ue Aticans et Franqais. Stari date: I9e9-00-00. End date: 1992-00. Z ountyraories: Global Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon. Cape Verde: Chad: Congo:. C6te crvoire; Garbia: Guina: Guinea-Bissau: Mali: Mauritania. Niger: Senegal. Togo: France; Statement of objtves/abstract: This multdsculinarv neNwork is concerned wth water as a factor limitng agricultural prc!uLTion in the Sudanian and Sahelian zones. The mair net#vork objective is to chad -terize water supply in order improve ds potential -rainfed crops. The components o the Network are plot, watershed managem *. wand production systems. Pbt or field tnal actvities include: (i) simulation of wate balince mi crops for dmught risk analysis: (it) impnvemn of water supply through cultivaton leiques and cultural association of food crops and woody plants: (iii) trials of food crop varieties for adaptaton to pedo-cinatic zones. induding study of 77 SPAAR Inkxnation Systern pdrsolgc mechanisms of adaptation to drougt for new vanebes, and (Iv) creaton of researh facilties and a bboratory at the Centre Ra ional de Recherches pour rAmeblioraon de lAdaptation a la Secheresse (CERAASf. Watershed managemnent acvts include: (i) water anwagement and agricultural deelopment in boflbmlds; (i) booclknatc monitoring of pastoral ecosystems: (inl watershed ran wafer m for agrical use: and (iv) assessment of rainfall v#~arv. Workshops ilU be held to help identify research pnontes and establsh pint projects on production systems. Record runber (FN): 02612 Official pro,ect title: WEST AFRICAN IRRIGATION RESEARCH4 DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (WAIRD) Ilmpnin agency: Internatonal Imgation Management Instdute (IMI). Country/coutries: Africa; Burwua Faso: Mali; Niger: Nigeria; Senegal; Staemen; od olectivesWabstract The proposed activies of the nehwork include: (a) exchange and communicaton on methods and results of imgation management research anrd (b) training on apphcation of principles. methods and techniques of management of irrigation systems. Contact in research organization: liMf Record nLmber (MFN): 02614 Official projecl title: WEST AFRICAN FERTILIZER MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION NETWORK (WAFMEN). lmpementing agency: International Development Research Centre (IORC). United Nations Develpment Program (UNDP). Country/countries: Africa; Senegal: Gambia. Mali: Guinea, Serra Leore: Liberia: C6te clvoire: Burina Faso; Ghana; Togo: Niger; Ngeria; Benin: Cameroon. Statement of objectives/abstract: Fedhlzer management and evaluation. Training courses in fertlizer research, including mondoring. documentation. Contacl in research organizaton: Dr. Paul L.G. Vlek Director: Intemational Fertihzer Devebpment Center, 78 SPAAR Inbmfaion System Africa (IFDC-AfIca). B.P. 4483: Lome; Togo: Tel: 21-79-71: TAex: 5416 CIFDC-TG; Fax: 21 78 17 Record nurrer (MwN): 02616 Offcl provct bide: APPLIED RESEARCH PROGRAMME. NEHWORK FOR SEMI-ARID LOWLANDS OF WEST AFFdCA (SALWA-AFRENA). Implemnting agerv,. International Council for Research in Agrolorestiry. Star dale: 1901-00. End date: 1991-12-00. Countryicountries: Africa: Senegal; lali: Burkma raso: Nlger. SUdement of obectiyes/abstract: This network wouid cmpmt research by ICRAF on agroforestry tough African neworks (AFRENA) for the humid bwands (West and Central Afca), the bi-modal gwed (Eastlnrica). and the urnmoal plteaux (Soutern Africa). The ob*ctives of the Network are: (1) to codaborate wih existing regional, national and intratonal prorames and instiubtons in generatrig agroorestry technobgies to meet the region's needs and potentials: and (2) strengthen the capacit of ratonal stitutions in the evaluation of extng land use systems in relation to agrotorestry potntals and implntation of agroforestry research programmes. In pursuit of hese goals prqect staff wil take a detailed survey of the dryland zone. usig the ICRAF Diagnosic and Design (D&D) methodology. Ths wil include a detiaed literature review, ield s,erys and intial pmo vsits to Niger. Burkina Faso, Mlia and Senegal. as well as regional workshops and training courses for natvil task-fore leaders m these countries in the D&D methodology. A coordiat for the planning and komulation of nahonal prolects was recruited. A regional coordinator will be recruited and based n the region. and ICRAF will station a scientist at the ICRISAT Sahehan Centre (ISC) in Niger to work specifically on ISC's agroforestry programme, concentrating on the inprovement of seleced MuNltpuepose Tree species (MPTs) for the zore. Training courses, on-the-ph traing and regional worksnops will also be conducted for national scientists. focusing on diagno3ws and design of agroforestry projects. ICRAF will support the dev0opment of agroforestry information system and documentation services within the national programmes and with regiona centres such as INSAH, SAFGRAD. and ISC.The prity land-use systems identified in each of the four countries are: (a) the agro-sihvopastoral system of the nothem Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso; (b) the parkland system of croplands with scattered trees in Mal; (c) the Niger nver valley syse ein Niger; and (d) the groundnul basin system of Senegal. Contact in research organization: Dr. Eduoard Bonkoungou; c/o SAFGRAD; Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso 79 SPAAR Irioimatbon System Record nurber (MFN): 02619 Official project bll: WEST AFRICAN FARMING SYSTEMS RESEARCH NEThORK (WAFSRWLRESPAO. ImplWmein agency: Inrnational Fund for A'utltral Development (IFADYSemi-And Food Gmn Research and Development (SAFGRADI. Start date: 1984-00-00. End date: 1996-00. Counrykountres: Africa: Benin; Cape Verde: Cameron: Gambia: Ghana; Cote civoire: Lberia; Nger: Senegal; Togo: StAemer of obectives/abstract. The 9rai objctve of WAFSRN is to promote and facilate cooperation among rsearces and among nabonal, inweatonal. and external research programnes and insutii woribng in fte held of farming systems research m West Africa. Ths colaa ouxd make it possible to sport resears and streng1hen NARS expeence n research melthoologies, compare *s.t, and povide benter access to inilomAion. The speciic obIjectis are to: (a) enhance colboration in panning and evakig FSR in West Afrca; (b) snprove research pactics twough exchangng expeiences. particulary thrwough meeOngs. monitorig tours for researhers, and any oer activity which meets the needs dl members; (c) organize. or assist in organzing, and insrutionaz g traning FSR for researchers and other rural develipment agents (d) coled, process, and disseminate relevant FSR results. In particuar, awms to encourage researchers to publish their results and make tnem avalabbe to al interested parties. e.g. researchers, researc institutions, extension services, producers and professional organizabions. policy makers; and assist nabonal researchers, pro,grammes and isttutions, when requested. in planing, implemeniig. and evaluating FSR and, possibly, in preparing funding rraquests. Conbta in research organization: Dr. Jacques Faye; Coordinator of WAFSRN: OAUISAFGRAD: B.P. 1783: Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso; Tel: 30-071; 30-60-72; 30-82-46. Telex: 5381 BF Record number (MFN): 02621 Oticial project titl: IMPROVING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF INDIGENOUS AFRICAN LIVESTOCK lISING RADIOIMMUNOASSAY AND RELATED TECHNIOUES. Impeimenting agency: Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Country/countries: Africa; Burlkina Faso: Egypt; Ethiopia; Ghana; Mabwi; Morocco: Niger: Nigeria; Senegal; Sudan: Unned Repubic of Tanzania; Tunisia; Uganda: Zimbabwe, Statement of obpctives/abstract: 80 SPAAR Informathon System Inr ruiant livoestock productiity. Training, docmentation and iformation Contactn research oganization: FAOAAEA Dvso; Rome: Italy Record nunber (MFN): 02622 Offial protect titfe: WEST AFRICA NETWORK ON ANIMAL TRACTION (WAATA). hripeerri agency: Deutsche Gesellschaft kmer Te dmche Zusaienarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H Counit/countnes: Afnca; Senegal; Nigeria; Came'oon; C6te rivoire; Ghana, Mat;: Niger. Buriwa Faso Liberia Staenent of obectives/abstract: Problsm or_ntation, exchange of problems and expeniences. Mondonng and documentation. Record number (MFN): 02624 Official ptc tMtle: AFRICAN RESEARCH NETWORK ON RURAL POULTRY DEVELOPMENT kImplwenting agency: Unded Natmns Food and Agriculture Organizaton. Country/countries: Africa; Benn: Cameroon; Niger; Nigeria; Somalia; Sudan; Zimbabwe: Staement of obpectiabstract: The retwork objectives are to: (1) review. assess and publsh current knowedge on rural poultry deelopment in Alnca for further plannirg and research actvties; (2) appraise the current approaches and strategies of rural poultry deveopment in AN=ca and (3) identify areas where furter research is required and coordinale subsequent researh activities. Leading African institutes in poultry production "wil participate in: (i) developing new strategies and technologies for rural poultry keeping; (ii) testing improved techniques in research stations and later at the farm level; and (Hi) ensuring dissemination of new technology through contacts with extension services. Contact in research organization: Prof. B.C. Sonaiya; Department of Anrmal Science; University of lle Ile-Ife; Nrgeria; Tel: 2291: 2419 81 SPAAR Information System Record nunber (MFN): 02627 Oficial project title: IMPROVING THIE DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL OF TRYPANOSOMIASIS AND OTHER VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES OF AFRICAN LIVESTOCK. USING IMMUNOASSAY METHODS. Impemenwg agency: Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Country/countres: Alfrca. Egypt: Gambia; Ghana: Kenya: Mali: borocco- Sanegal. Somalia Sudan: United Repubic of Tanzania; Uganda. Zambia: Zimbabwe: Statement of obectves/abstract: Stndardsing dagnoshc methods. Conduct training workshops for scientists and provide expert seies, including documrentation. Contact in research organization: FAOItAEA Divison; Rome: Italy Record nurnber (MFN): 02628 Offcial project title: SERO-SURVEILLANCE OF RINDERPEST AND OTHER DISEASES IN AFRICA. USING IMMUNOASSAY TECHNIQUES. Implementing agency: Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Country)counritnes: Africa; Burkina Faso: Egypt; Ethiopia; Ghana; Cote dIlvoire; Kenya: Mali; Niger Nigeria; Senegal; Somalia; Sudan; Unied Republic ol Tanzania: Uganda; Zambia: Statement of objectives/abstract: Monitoing PARC vaccination. Training workshops tor scientists and expert services. including documenlation. Contact in research organization: FAOtlAEA Division; Rome: Italy Record number (MFN): 02629 Offical proect title: CO-ORDINATED RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON THE APPLICATION OF IRRADIATION TECHNIOUE FOR FOOD PROCESSING IN AFRICA. Impebnting agency: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Country/oountnes: Africa; Algeria; Egypt: Ghana: Uganda; Zambia; United Republic ot 82 SPAAR Information System Tanzania; Zaire; Senegal: CWte d'Ivoire: Kenya. Libyan Arab Jamahinya: Nigeria. Statemet of ubjectives/ab4tract: Research programme to reduce postharvest losses of stampe food crops. Training ot scientists in food science and technology. and documentation. Recor(d nmnber (MFN): 02632 Official proect title: SMALL RUMINANTS /AND CAMEL GROUP. kiplmenting agency: Deutsche GeseNfschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Country/countries: Africa; Mali; Kenya; Nigeria; Ethiopia; Sudan: Burkina Faso. Mozamibique; Rwanda; Zimbabwe: Stabement of objectivesabstract: Researdh on inprovement of small ruminants and camels. Contact in research organization: Mr. Richard A. Stewart; Assistant to Director General; In'remational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA): P.O. Box 5689: Addis Ababa; Ethiopia- Tel: 61 33 22: Telex: 21207 ET Reoord numnber (MFN): 02634 Official project title: AGRICULTURE HYDROLOGIE-METEOROLOGIE. Impementing agency: Centre Regional de Formation et cApplication en Agrometeorologie et Hydrologi (AGRHYMET). SLtrt date: 1975400. Country/counInes: Africa; Burkna Faso. Cape Verde; Gambia; Mali: Maurtania; Niger; Senegal; Chad. Guinea-Bisau: Statement of objectives/abstract: Research on agro-meteorology. Contact in researh organization; World Meteorological Organization (WMO); Africa Diision; 41 Giuseppe-Motta; case Postale No. 5; CH - 1211 Geneve 20; Switzerland; Tel: national (022) 34 64 00; international + 45 22 34 64 00: Telex: 23 260 OMM CH; Fax: + 41 22 34 23 26: Tetejram: MEFTEtM)Nn GEFNEV3 83 SPAAR Information System Record number (tFN): 02636 Official poect tile: [ARID AND ACID SOILS NETWORKJ. Impementin agency: U.S. Agency for International Development. Start date: I tW M00. Counlry/countries: Global: Niger: Mali. Statemenl of objectivesabstract: Research on managenent of and and acid sods. Contact in research organization: Mk. F. Catun; TROPSOILS CRSP; Texas A&M University; Collge Station. Texas 77843: USA Record number (MFN) 02638 Official project title: RESEAU EROSION (EROS) [EROSION NETWORK). Implementing agency: ORSTOMWlnsttut Francais de Recherche Scienlifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Slart date: 1984-00-0. Countiy/countnes: Africa; Burkina Faso. Burundi; Congo: Cote dIlvoire. Algeria; Kenya: Mai; Togo: Tunisia; Zaire. Statement of objectives/abstract: Research on soil erosion and conservation. Contac in research organization: Mr. M. Roose; Coordinator of Reseau Erosion: ORSTOM/ENCREF; B.P. 5093. 34033 Monipellier Cedex; France Record number (MFN): 02639 Official pfoject tile: RESEAU EUROPEEN D'ETUDE DES LATERITES (EUROLAT) [EUROPEAN NETWORK ON FERRALSOLS STUDIES). Imptamenting agency: Ministere de la Recherche et de l Enseignem. uperieur; Universite of Strasbourg. Start date: 198440-00. 84 SPAAR Informabon System Country/counties: Africa. Angola; Burkina Faso: Burundi; Benin, Central Afrcan Republic: CWte ctvoire; Cameroon; Congo; Algena; Statement of objectives/abstract Inormation on latente sods. Conact in, eseard organization: W*. Tar; Coordinator of EUROLAT: 1, rue Blessig. 67084 Strasbourg Cedex: France Record nuwber (MFN): 02641 Official proec title: ASSOBIATtON INTERNATIONALE POUR LOPTIkISATION DE LA NUTRITION DES PLANTES (ANIOP) [INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATI)N FOR THE OPTMIZATION OF PLANT NUTRITIONJ. Impl ing agency: Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agroronqgue pour le Developplem vt (CIRAD). SWat date: 1983-00-00. Country/countries: Global. Central African Republic; Congo: Cameroon: Egypt: Ethiopia: Kenya; Morocco: Madagascar; Niger Nigena; Sudan: Togo: Unded Republic of Tanzanra; Saudi Arabia; Zaire; SWatement of objectives/abstract: Inmormation on optimizing nutrition in production of plants. Contact in research organization: Centre de Cooperation Intermaionale en Recherche Agronormique pour le Developpernent (CIRAD): B.P. 5035: 34032 Montpellier Cedex; France Record number (MFN): 02645 Official project title: PATHOLOGIE RESPIRATOIRE DES PETITS RUMINANTS (PPR) [NETWORK FOR RESEARCH ON RESPIRATORY PATHOLOGY OF SMALL RUMINANTS[. mpleting agency: Instiu d'Elevage et de Medicine Velennaire des Pays Tropicaux (IEM). Slut date: 1964-00. Country/countries: Africa: Ethiopia: Mauritanwa. Madagascar: Senegal; Shiement of objectives/abstract: Research on respiralory diseases of smag ruminarts in the Sahel. 85 SPAAR InforM3hion System Conact in research organization: Wr. Lefere; Coordinator ol PPR; Instiut dElevage et de Medicine Vetennaire des Pays Tropicaux (IEMVT); 10. rue Pierre Curie; 94704 Maison Altort; France Record number (MFN): 02647 Oftliial prect t.e: RESEAU SUR LA CONSERVATOtN POST-RECOLTE DES DENREES ALIMENTAIRES (GRENIERI (NETWORK FOR POST-HARVEST STORAGE OF FOOD CROPS1. implementing agency: Association des Unrversites Partielement ou Entierement de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Start date: 1979-00-00. Counrcountries: Ahrica. Burkina Faso; Benin: Buru,di: Congo, Central Afrcan Republic: Cole civoire: Cameroor, Gabon; Nigeria: Mauritania: Maunhus: Niger: Rwanda- Senegal. Togo; Zaire- Statement of obiectives/abstract: Inlormation on posti.arvest storage of food crops. Contact in research organization: Association des Universites Partiekerment ou Enterernent de Langue Francaese (AUPELF) Record nurnber (MFNj: 02648 Official project tife: [NETWORK ON SORGHUM MILLING/DEHULLING]. Implemng agency: International Development Research Centre. Stat date: 1982-00-00. Country/countries: Africa. Senegal: Gambia; Ethiopia. Uganda; United Republic of Tanzania; f ZZinbabwe; Bolswana; Statement of obecties/abstract Research on sorghum milling/dehulling. i Contact in research organization: Mr. Ozzie Schmidt; Program Ofcer; Post Production Systems; IROC. PRO Box 62084; Nairobi; Kenya; Tel: 330850: Telex: 23062; Cable: RECENTRE Nairobi 86 SPAAR Infornation System Record nmber (MFN): 02649 Offcial project tide: MICROBIOLOGICAL RESOURCES CENTER (MIRCEN ). Implementing agny: United Nations Educational. Scientiic and Cultural Organizaton (UNESCO). Start date: 1972-00. CountrylcoUtries: Global; Egypt; Kenya: Senegal: Brazil; Guatermala: Thailand: United States; Statement ol obteives/abstract: Mr gms iwohed in biobgical nitrogen hxation and fermentation (industrial, acool prducton). Bioontrol of pests. Speciic objectties incude: (a) colection and mairtenance of microbial genetic resources in relable cultute colections is a major objective; (b) microbial processes to enhance soil fet dy: (c) energy production from agroindustrial waste: (d) degrade persistent po, tants: and (e) biocontrol of agricutural pests and disease vectors.MIRCENs are organized as regionl programs. Nairobi MIRCEN covers E. Africa, Cairo MIRCEN located at Ain Shams University is concerned with linking researchers in the Middle East; Bangkok MIRCEN (Southeast Asia); MIRCEN at Porto Algre. Brazil is for Latin Amenca. MIRCENs are anticipated for Dakar, Senegal for Francophone West Africa; Guatemala COy for Central America; and for Hawaii at the Unirsity of Hawaii as weN as NITAL, Beltsvile, Marland. MIRCENs work cosely with the Wortd Data Centre on Mroogaisms at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) in Japan. MIRCENs have spawned a subnetwork entitled the International Microbial Strain Data Network (MDSN) at the Biotechnobgy Centre, Cambridge Unmversty. Unfied Kingdom. Contact in research organizaion: United Nations Environment Programme, P.O. Box 30522: Nairobi: Kenya Record number (MFN): 02651 Official project title: RESEAU AGRICULTURE FAMILIALE COMPAREE (RAFAC) [COMPARATIVE FAMILY FARMING NETWORK]. Implementing agency: IAM Start date: 1984-00-00. Country/counlnes: Glbal; Algena; Egypt; Mali, Morocco; Tunisia; Statement of objectives/abstract: Informat.on on traditional agriculture. Contact in research organization: Mr. Campagne; IAM: Montpellier; France 87 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 02652 Otfiaal proect tine: RESEAU FEMMES ET DEVELOPPEMENT (FEM/DEV) [WOMEN IN DEVELODMENT NETWORK] Implermenting agency: ORSTOWnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientiique pour le Developperent en Cooperation. Start date: 1983-00-00. Courtry/countnes: Afnca; C6te dihoire; Carneroon; Kenya; Madagascar: Mali: Niger: Senegal. Statement of objectives/abstract: Ironnation on role of women in rural development. Contat in reseach organization: Ms. Jeanne Bisuliat: (ISD-ORSTOM): 15-21, rue de l Ecole de Medicine: 75005 Pants; France Record number (MFN): 02653 Official prolect title: RESEAU DEVELOPPEPAENI 'RiD) [DEVELOPMENT NETWORK). Ilplemp thng agency: GRET. Start date: 1982-00. Country/countries: Africa; Burkiina Faso; Cameroon; Comoros; Ethiopia: Madagascar: Niger: Rwanda; Senegal; Somalia: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: Information on appropnate technology. Contact in research organization: Mr. Lefort; Coordinator of Reseau Developpement; GRET; 30. rue de Charonne; 75011 Paris; France _________________ Record number (MFN): 02655 Official ptoject title: STRATEGIES ALIMENTAIRES (STRA) [FOOD STRATEGIES NETWORK]. Implementing agency: ORSTOMIlnstitut Francais de Recherche Scienhitique pour le 88 SPAAR Informabon System Deeloppement en Cooperation. Stat date: 1902400. Counlry/couniries: Afrim; BurKzdi Benin.; Burkina Faso; Central African Republic; Congo: C60. dhoire; Ehopia; Gabron: Kenya; Mali; Maurdania; Malawi. Niger. Rwanda: Senegal; Somalia; Togo: Zaire: Zimbabwe: Staement of objediveabs-Irad: lnmatbon on food pokics. Contact in rs organization: hi. M. Mirier Coordinator of GEMDEV; 12. Avenue de la Soeur Rosalie: 75013 Pans; France Record nuiber (MFN): 02657 Ofca proiect title: SAHELIAN INFORMATION NETWORK (SIN). Impbmenting agency: Institute of Sahel (INSAH). Start date: 19790040. Country/countres: Africa; Burkina Faso; Cape Verde; Gambia; Gumea-Bissau; Mali. Mauritania; Niger Senegal; Chad: Statement of obpecds/abstract: tIonnfmation on matters of Nterest to CILSS. Contact in research organization: Mr. T. JaUow; Director General; Inslitut du Sahel (INSAH); CILSS; B.P. 1530; Bamako; Mali; Tel: (223) 22 23 37; Telex: 2432 INSAH; Fax: (223) 22-21-78 Record nutinber (MFN): 02658 Official project title: RESEAU OASIS (OASIS) [OASIS NETWORK]. mplmenting agency: Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Deeoppent (CIRAD). Start date: 1986-0040. Country/countries: Africa; Dibouti; Algena; Mauritania; Morocco; Mali: Niger; Tunisia: Satement of objecties/abstract: Information on Oasis. Contact in research organization: 89 SPAAR Information System Ur. V. Dole: CIRAD: B.P. 5035: 34032 Montpelier Cedex; France Record rtwiter (MFN): 02669 Official project tide: AGRICULTURAL SECTOR AWUSTMENT/INVESTMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Ban; Mauritania. Strt dale: 1990--27. End dale: 1995-12-31. Ckitroftones: Mauritania: Statement of objectives/abstract: This is a hybrd proc constg of a sector adjstment compow t and an nvesment compont. The prnmary objectives are to support the rnpnetation ol the Government mednim-term sector a tri (MTSA) pogram and lo povide additional foreqt exnge or puts and couterpart Iwide for public mestmen required lo maie hily ft benefits assocated wt the prograr. The impotance for the auiabn economy of the recent favorable devement of pivate imgated rice prodxbon in the delta region calls for a broader set of policy eforms. The austment componnl would support the Govenmenrs medium-term sector adjustment and specifically: (a) deepen and extend the liberalization of cereals marketing ani pnoe poicy: (b) stpport new reforms designed to prove iand tenure gistation and admitration, s-nd buiid instituional and financial capacity for agncutural cdit; and (c) stpport improved effectiveness of the public sector, by restructuring SONADER. improving tHe public investment program in aggncuiture, and increasing Ministere du Devebppement Rural (MOR)'s capacity for planning and polcy analysis. It would create an econonic framework paricul favorable to viabl irrigation. conisfin of: (1) pivately funded and manaid perimeters; and (2) publicly funded perieters to be managed by smallholders. including institutionai strengthening and staff-training to support the relorms.The investment conponent would help the Govemnt test new approaches to smalthiolder irigaton in the Senegal river valley. through an irrigation improvement operation in the Gorgol area. This would include: (a) agricutural development over the existng 2 000 ha of irrigated land in the Gorgol penmeter. and 1 500 ha of flood-recession croppig lnd around the Gorgo! reservr and (b) human and physical environment protection beneliting 15 000 farming and fishing family members. The results of the tests, together wdh those of the orgoing wv*nr plan study will provide the basis for the formulation of a viable tng-term investment program in irngation which could be supported by tte donors in the future. Contact in research organization: SONADER: Mauritania _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 90 SPAAR lfhoqnmation System Record naber (MFN): (Q26Fi Offcial protect le: PAN-AFRICAN NETWORKS FOR RURAL SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IWMent ageney: Whioc Inrema: Ford Foudatwn. Staut dae: 19 -2-0. End date. 1990-0-4 Coury/Jcowuies: Alrka: Benin: Eth.opea: Ghana. Libena. Malawi: Mali. Nigena. Sera Leone: Sudan: Unied Reptiblic of Tanzania. Zamtia: Ziibabwe. Statement of obeivesabstract Developmenr of Atin countres has been hampered by the Inadequate contribution of te rural socal sierces to rur development- Several international agencies have Wied to nprove ns situaion but haIe made orny modest accmplsswen. The Pan-Arican Networks for Rural Social Science Research rs a four year program set up to suate sub-Saharan Aricas to cduct research on niral deveopment Issues. The obrctives of the networks are to: (11 encourage Afican sdcoars to conduct researh contr g to better understanding of the socal and economic problemns faced by Afri countnes. (2) devop networks of social sentists to stmulate acussin of devebloment issues and to prcv'de peer review of research and teaching actvites; and (3) use the findinigs of the research studes in preparng relevant teacing materials and as a resource in making agrcultural policy dec6ions. Cnactd in researCh orgarnzation: Dr. Paul T. Perrault Field Office Coorrinator: Winrock International: 06 B.P 1603: Abidjan 0C: Cote d rvore; Tel: (225) 41-34-32: Telex: 26-138 RECTU-CI: Fax (225) 41-34-32. E-mail: DIALCOM. CIRES Record nunber JMFN): 02663 Official ptect tilts: CIAMYT/SAFGRAD MAIZE RESEARCH NEWRK FOR EASTERN AFRICA. brkpeme agency: Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpment. Country/countres: Africa. Contact in research organization: CIMMYT Record number (MFN): 02664 Officil proe title: CIMMYT/SACCAR MAIZE RESEARCH NETWORK FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA. Imleeting agency: Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Developnent. 91 SPAAR Infokmaon S-ysTem Couarykounnes: Alrica; ConbcI n research orgaizato: CAMYT Record nuber (WN): 02665 Officl projOd bte: STRENGTHEMNNG MAIZE AND CASSAVA RESEARCH IN ELEVEN COUNTRIES OF WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA: PLAN OF ACTION. :vbmmg agency- Mnse de la Cooperati Frarce). Start dale: 19-12-00. Cou*y/aountries: Afra: Berm: Cameroon: Congo: Gabon. Ghana: Gumnea. Libena. Nigeria. Siena Leone: Togo. CMe drivore. Staeint of obpctves/abstact: The CGIR Task Force on Sub-Saharan Afrca has underaen an wuharte to deal with te maize and cassava research needs of coastal West and Cnr Afnca. The prnnci obIective of the intave was to daw a plan ol action to stremhen, in a cosl-eftective way, the n hraswe and research caacdy of the rational acAi research system (NARS) n West and Central Afrca in order lo wicrease Oher research wnpat on maize and casva producton (the predominant crops in the egion) and to facilitate collbtoralo both behween the NARS, and between IARCs and the NARS. The ntative was plemented in Ihree phases: (1) desl study of all available doctmnentation on the NARS: (2) visits to partsicpating countries and to IITA: and (3) regional consulations. Conta m research organization. Dr. Laurence D. SOWel: Oirector General. Irternational Irtsttut of Tropical Agricture (IITA): Oy, Road, PUB 5320. Ibadan; Ngeria: Tel: 400300; 400313: Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TROPFOUND, IKEJAMr. Pierre Dubreuil, Coordinator of the Inibative; CIRAD: 42. rue Scheffer: 75116 Pars; Fr3nce: Tel: Telex: 648729; 620871 Record nt,nber (MFN): 02682 Official project ilte: ANALYSIS OF CAUSES AND CONSEOUENCES OF SWARM MIGRATIONS INTO THE ATLANTIC FROM WEST AFRICA tURING 19881 Implerri agency: Overseas Developmwnt Administration. Start date: 19B90-. End date: 1990.00-00. Country/countries: Global; llaly. Maurttania, 92 SPAAR Information System Sbabent of obpedves/abstact: Swams migrated ino te Atatc hom West Atnca on several occasons during spng surmer. and autm of 1988. The most spetular movement took locusts to the souten Cartean. As far as is known. migrations out to sea on this scale and hfeqe are unrrecedened. The study aims: (1) lo fird out what aspects of weather axio swarm fight behaviour were associated with movenent out to sea. Nonraly a sea breeze would blc such movement; and (2) what proport d the regional bcut poplaton was rneolved. The study started in June 1989. Back trajpcones are being acquired and locust informanton colated. Contact in research organization: Ph. 1. Thomas: FAOGAGP'ECLO: Via delle Temie dc CaracaHla: 00100 Rome. italy Record nmrber (MFN). 02683 Offictl prqect title: GREENNESS MAPPING FOR GRASSHOPPER AND LOCUST CONTROL. Ipemnting agency: U.S. Agency for Internaiona Devepent. Start date: 1987-00-00. Courilry/countries: Africa. Tunisia: Morocco: Algena; Mauritania: Mah: Chad: Niger. Sudan: Statement of obctiveabstract: Greenness maps are prepared at scales ol approxmately 1:2 000 000 from the Advanced Very Higi Resolt Radiorneter (AVHRR) of the National Oexanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOMA) poiar-orbiting satetite. The I-kilometre resolution data from mulliple dates w4hin a 2-week period are coomposited to present hard-copy field maps The maps are produced each two weeks throou the rainy season. depicting the complex green-up and drying patterns of seasonal vegetation. Vegetation greenness data are based on the Nofrmalized Diference Vegetation Index (NDVI). These data are merged with cartographic infomation to produce the final maps. which are shipped ia express mai to users in Africa. The maps help pest control teams plan and implement ground and aerial surveys by indicating area of potential grasshopper and locusl infesations. Contact in research organization: Dr. D.G. Moore or Dr. G.G. Tappan; EROS Data Center: U.S. Geological Survey; Skoux Falb: South Dakota 57196: USA Record number (MFN): 02732 93 SPAAR Information System Official projec tite: RESEARCH. COORDINATION. AND TRAINING FOR IMPROVED LIVESTOCK PROOUCTION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Implmen ageny Commission of the European Communities. Sta date: 1989-000. End date: 1992-00-00. lcuritry~ountnes: Aftica: Botswana- Ethiopia: Ci5e d1voore: Nfger: Togo, Senegal. Znibabwe: Statement d1 objecbvestabstract: The hternational Livestock Centre for Alnca IILCA) will work with the regional agriltwral research organizations of Bolswana. Ethiopia, Cole divoire. Niger. Togo. Senegal. and Zimbabwe on research ftco (1) draft anwnals. and (2) small runmant (mik and meat). The awn of the draft anwnal research is to: (i) deveblp a research ad data exchange nework between ILCA and four coutnes (Botswana. Ethopia. Togo. and Senegal). (Nl ntensity the use and improve the feeding of draft aninals in the semi-and and high-altude regrons and (II) dently constraints and devebp surtable tehniques for the use of draft animals in regons where the pracice is not common The small nrminant scherre would vestigate the different roducion systems whch would mckude a swzeable smal ruminant component and would improve stock management and feeding meth" to reduce the risk of diseases in the six coutes The research acmves would be backed up by inteniwve training schemes. The trarinng component would rmprove the numbers and standard ol Alrican researchers and ensure proper dissemination 01 information on draft animals and small .runats. Cont m research organization Intemnatnal Liestock Center for Africa ILCA): P.O. Box 5689: Addis Abeba. Ethopia: Tel: (251-1) 613 215. Telex: 9e0-21207 ILCA ET. Fax: (251-1) 611 892. E-mail: 157:CG1070. Cable ILCAF Record number (MFN): 02733 Off cial ptect ttle: APPLIED RESEARCH IN N'DAMA CATTLE IN GAMBIA AND SENEGAL Implerenting ag,enc Commisson of the European Communities Startdate: 1989-00-00. Enddate 1991-00- Country/countnes: Africa. Gambia: Senegal. Statement of objectives/abstract: This is the continuation 01 a project financed under the jth EDF which cost 2 500 000 XEU. took two years, and involed applied research on the production of N'Dama cattle in traditional herding conditions m Gambia and Senegal. The obectives were to determine the influence of various levels of trypaosomiasis risk and health. nutrinal and herding conrdions on the production of this breed. The project was 94 SPAAR Inbnnation System evaluted in 1988 and shbsequently it was recomnded to contnue he scherne lor a tr hree years. The objcties of the contnuaon project are the collection and analys d pooducon data supplemeted with research on pasture and herd mn _age lereding. d diseases other hn bypanosomiss. The research *ould be cooaucted ir 12 viages-eighl in Giba and our in Senegal-under the resporskil es d ILCA and ILRAD. win the framework of the general dectives of frc. ConWt in reseetch orwizabon: Intaional LiNestock Centet for Alnca (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689: Addis Abeba. Etlhiop; Tel: (251-1) 613 215; Telex: 9-21207 ILCA ET; Fax: (251-1) 611 892. E-mil: 157:CGM70 Cable: ILCAFRnterational Laboratory for Research on Aninal Diseases (ILRAD); P.O. Box 30709: Nairr%bi: Kenya; Tel: (254-2) 592 31 1: Telex 963-22040; Fax: (254-2) 593 499, E-mail: 10074: CGUO05; Cable: ILRAD Record number (MFN): 02734 OfIimaa project tbt: RESEARCH INTO MILLET AT THE ICRISAT SAHEL CENTRE (NIGER) IrpMen.n agency: Coimmission or the Eumpean Comnindies. Start dale: 1989-00-00. End date: 1990-00-0. Ccuritry/counime: Afrca: Stemt of objectives/abstract: ICRISAT Sahel Centre, set up in 1981, is at Sadore near Niamey. It is runming three programmes: (i) milets inprovement; (ii) groundnuts mprovement; and (ii) explotation of resources. This project on milet would remove the physical and biological constaits curren:ly restrcting millt production in the Sahel. The project comprises 16 research programmes on agro-meteorobgy fertilization. growing systems, and agro-lores,y. wh emphasis on drought control. Contact in research organization: ICRISAT Sahlian Center, B.P. 12404: Niamey: Niger (via Pans), Tel: (227) 722 529 Nbraey; 722 725: 722 798: Telex: ICRISAI 5406 NI; E-mail: 157 CG1504; Cable: ICRISAT. Niamey Record number (MFN): 02738 Ofticial proect tile: IMPROVEMENTS TO MILLET. SORGHUM, COWPEA. AND MAIZE CROPS IN THE SAHEL. kpWmen agency: Comrission of the European Communtes. 95 SPAAR Information System Courilry/counines: Africa; Bu*ina Faso; Cape Verde: Garnma: Guinea-Bissau. Mali: Ma ; Niger. Senegal: Chad. Staemert of obecaives/tract: This is a contiiuaon of a frst soeme fnanced under te 4th EDF from 1981-1987 3 450 000 ECU). which developed cereal strains suilable r te varous ecoogical con4i,ons of the region. The projecl was evaluated in 1968 and based on the successful results. t was envisaged ;o mass produce and distrbute seeds The present phase would cover a triso. oai pebod dunng which stpponl would be Aprwed to the national seed sevices to .ep oduce seeds identiftied durmg phase one on a modest scale, and carry Mut tost,rg ri peasant environmnent. It would also study the rneans needed to mass produce and distbute the seeds to the maxinurn number oa farmers. The research act'vites wil bo coo, dinated by INSAH. Contac in research orgawizatior.: lk. T. Jalbw, Directeur General. Institut du Sahel (INSAH): CILSS: B.P 1530. Banako; PUh; Tel: 223H 2 23 37: Telex. ?432 INSAH: Fax: (223) 22 21 78 Record number (MFN): 02739 Offiial project tite: MONITORPING (iF RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE SAHEt Impmnting agency Commisspen o. the European Communlies. Start date: 1989-00-0. Country/countres: Africa: Burkina Fasu; GCza "erde-: Gamtba. Guinea-Bissau; Mai.: Mauritnia; Niger; Senegal: Chad: Guinea. Statement of obwectives/abstract: This proposal would cover a transitional programme between Phase I of a 5th EDF methodoloy deveopment scheme and an cperational phase involving the application of the lechninques developed. The aims of Phase I was to continue theoretical and applied research, and develop a methodology to help monitor the renewable natural resources of the Sahelian countries and Guinea (primanly cereal crops). using remote sensing. An operational phase is being planned to extend the methods developed to the whole field of agncutture and to al nine counritnes of the Sahel (Burkina-Faso. Cap-Verde. Gambia. Guinea-Bissau, Mali. Mauritdnia. Niger. Senegal, and Tchad). The present funding would help continue the previous activities for a penod of one year. evaluate the results, and prepare the operational phase. Contact in research organization: Mr. Aly Cisse; Secretaire Executif; Comite peimenant Inter-Etats de Lutte contre Ia Sedewresse au Sahel (CILSS); B.P. 7049; Ouagadougou; Burkina-Faso: Tel: 33078; 342 52; 343 55; Telex: 5263 COMITER OUAGA 96 SPAAR Irnormation System ts ~~------------______ Record nunber (MFN): 02740 Offrial prot tile: REGIONAUZATION OF THE CRTA. linlerne;ifng agency: Commission of fte European Communwties. Start date: 1989-0-00. E .d date: 199000-0 Country/countries: Bur*ina Faso; StWAement of obectvesJabstract: The CRTA, which was set p i Bobo Diouasso in 1972-73 by the Insftute of Lrvestock and Veleriray Medicine i the Tropics (IEMVT - France) and the Gr.rman Agency for Techical Coopeao (GTZ - Federal Republc of Germany). together with the Goverment of Buruina Faso, untple d two mapr researcE proects on tsetse fly control (non-resdual insectcide, traps, and stenle males) ani trypanosorniasis tolerance of Baoule cattle. Their success led to the around Burkina Faso to cal for the Centre to be regionahzed and a study on this and the future of the Cetrbe was financed by the Commission and approved by several Member States (Germany. Belgium. France, and the Netherlands) at the April 13 meeting which resulted in a fundi plan for the Centre's budge for the coming years. Germany. France. and Italy have agreed to take part. Belgiu. the Netheriands. and the United Kingdom have Nidicated erest in pning. This funding of 000 000 ECU would be used to ensure partal operabon of the Centre over a period of two years, and to conduct a study on its future lgal status. Contact in research organization: Centre de Pecherches sur les Trypanosornes Animales ;RTA); Bobo-Dioulasso. Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 02748 Official project tille PILOT PROGRAMME FOR ERADICATION OF NEW WORLD SCREW WORM. Impenwting agency: International Fund for Agricultural Development. Start date: 1990-0D-00. End date: 1991-0000. Country/countries: Alrica: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Egypt; Sudan: Algeria; Tunisia. Chad; Niger; Statement of objectives/abstract: Pibl programme for the control and eradication ol new world screw worm aclually present in North Afnca. Contect in research organization: 97 F SPMR Information System Ur. Gora Beye; Senior National Agxculture Research Officer; Agnruhture Departnt; FAO: Via defe Terme di CaracaNa; 00100 Rome; Italy: Tel: (39-61 5797-3037: Telex: (843) 610 181: Fax: 5146172: 5797 3152 Record number (F): 02750 Offaal project title: DATE PALM DEVELOPMENT. Ipementing agency: International Fund for Agriculural Devebpment. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 19924-00- Country/countrnes: Global; Libyan Arab Jamaniriya; Egypt: Saudi Arabia, Iraq: Algena. Morocco; Mauritania; Kuwait; Yemen; Yemen; Tunisia; Sudan; Ornan. Oatar. United Arab Emirates; Statement of obIectivestabstract: Enhance origo,ng research acttivites in the develping countries of the Arab region on date paim devebpment and generation of new technalgy. Record number (MFN): 02751 Official project title: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (FORMERLY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGE- MENT). Implementing agency: World Bank: Chad. Start date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Chad; Statement of objectyvesiabstract: First part of a long-term program to improve natural resource management throughout the country. Record number (MFN): 02753 Official project litl: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES. Implemrenting agency: World Bank; Maurdania. Start date: 1994-00. Counwry/countries: Mauritania; 98 SPAAR Ihtormation System Stawemet of obectves/abstract: The project is tfe first five-year time shce of a bnrg-term national program lo wgrade the supply of agritAul ser s nabon-wide focusing on. and strengthening the linkages between extension research and altural training The bng-term objepbves of ftis program are to icrease agricural productivity in an enworci nentIly sustanable manrer, to ncease lamers' incomes, and to rationalize the use of public resoures in supporl of agcural sevices. The specific project obcves are to: (a) gradualy harmonize contry-wide fte approach to extension aiviies based on T & V managernent principles, and to reshape extension into a deman dren sevice addressing farmers' and agro-pastoraksts needs; and (b) strengthen linkages between research and extenson focusing on adapbve and acplied esearch actvities. To facilitate this institution building effolt, fe decentralization of te MDRE, support for agricultural training. and strengthening d producer organuations are part of the proled.The main components of the projec are: (a) consolidating and mproving agecultfral extension sevices covering crop and livestock production and natural resource management; ths will be done at the national level (DRFV) and in 9 out of the 12 regions; (b) strengthening of two agricultural training institutions; (c) strengthening the agricultural research system and improving the links wih the extension se "oes and the users. and (d) support to the reorganizatioridecentralizatwon of MDRE and policy support. Record number (MFN): 02757 Offilcal project title: PRIVATE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (FORMERLY IRRIGATION SECTORI. kmpementing agency: World Bank; Senegal. Start date; 19954000. Country/countries: Senegal. Sttemae of objectiveabstract: Devebpment of private irrigation plus selected rehabiitation of publicdy-construcled irrigation schemes. plus on-farm investments in rain-led farming/livestock. Proect preparation will start in 1991 one the Senegal River left bank water master plan is completed. Record number (MFN): 0275e Oflicial pro,ect litl: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENW (FORMERLY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGE- ANT. 99 SPMAR IniormaWn System -MWw " agenc: Word Bank Senegal Stt dai: 19954X0. Cor*otrs Sal; StahrmiWt of eveslabstradt Promobon of policy dages coduci to more susiabe WMnd use throughout the cosy, and inlemsabon of lid use plans wih viage aid herdef assocans. Co0ac in reseam orgarizatin: IIkr_e du Deveopperent Rural; B.P. 3829; Dalhw Senegal, Tel: 23- 10&8; Tebex: 3151 Minislere de la Precon de a Natue: Dakar; SenergaMrser des Pessources Anhies; Oak0 Senega RecPord mber (MFN): 02779 Oficial proecd tite: SOCIAL SCIENCE INTERFACE RESEARCH UNIT (SSIRU). Implerenting agency: The International Centre od lnsed Physology and Ecology. Start dale: 1969.00-0. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countnes: Africa; Kenya; Zambia; Somalia; Cte dvoire; Senegal; Rwa:da: StaSlt of obectves/abswad: In order for ICIPE's work to be successdul, thre is an dinous reed for an effcbve un destanding of the sococultxa and econo enirornment within which iPM packages and meatdologe ar to be nplmened. The proper appreation of te socal conrx of te resouce-poor fame is ccial in gairNg scientfic knoredge of the socio-culral milieu of targe commutes. fames resou base, pnofts and s- n constraints. The SSIRU has idenfied key areas of emphasis which will help achive t objedives: (a) deveopmt of an irate research apprach and a multidisciplinary mefodoogy which wil enable t Centre to gan th necessary undertad and a comprehensive view of the problem of pest and wector management consraints and their interaions as a means or acivn a dearer undestandg of tarmers' actions and capacity to adopt iprved pest and vector managenwt strategies, and how natural science can cnatute to innovations m this area; lb) identaion and anarlysis of farmers' ixgenos technical kno*e in agiculture, animal and humwan heafth and dcaion of technological gaps; (cf arnaysis of forces of change (historical and contemporary, e.g., drought) which shape armers' opportunities for technology adoption, inroton and rcepty to new or improved pest and vector management strategies; (d) incororating socioeconomic insights in the Centre' bobgicaJ research agenda whkich will contribute to an of the Centre's rsponsiv to its constiluency-the resource-poor famwrs; (e) achieving synergism between amnrs' poducxon priobties and scienfiic research agenda; and (t) training. 100 SPAAR hbmato Syser Contact i reseah orgnizztoi: Pnro o Thomas R. Oohwnh; Diveo; The khertbnr CaS of Insect PhysiobW and Ecology (ICIFE); P.O. Box 30772; NMabr Kenya- Tet 110501/39; Teex: 22053 KIPE 25066 DUDU; Fac 803360; Cable: IOPE NAIR Rerxxd mber (MFN): 02780 Offcal poec tie: LOCUST RESEARCH PROGRAMME. mplemenng agncy. The Inabonal Cenk of bIsed Physiology ard Ecology. Statdale: 198900. End cte: 1992-400. Country/counies: Globa Mhutaie Mak, Niger; Chad; Sudan; Elhio j Dboufi; Statemerd of objecbtes/abstact The long-term goal of the Proramme i to contribute to bcsd food productio, parcul by rsm oo sall sc?ie farmers in fte bcust-alfeclsd cwts of Aica, Mde East and West Asia, thou reducton of losses in food cops due to bcust. For this pupose, t Pr.ogramma E engaged in researh and deWpment of itegrated pest management (IPM) sbategies that would be ecologicaly sound and technically as wel as soiio-eco icaiy practil for the mag o the lof ust pbgue. The o*ctives of fe Frv-Yeu Plan period, which pc emphas on pathogens, are to: (a) estblish a solitry cony of bcusts by invegation and optimization of condions for maintenanoe of this phase; (b) survey, isoabe and caacti endemic pathogens from natural breeding habtts of busts; (c) seleci strains of pathogenic microornsms, from ICIPEFs tur clectons, Mt are potentaJ biocor"ol agents of the locust and (d) determine the patgecity (through lboratory bioas) of seected m anism and carry out eatly develpmnent and culture studies for inital field trial assessment. The focus is on three mapor species: te Desert Locust fe Afxican Migratry Locust and fe Red Locust, whch together constitute the main threat to food security for millions of people in he semi-arid ropics. Contact in research organuzation: Professor Thomas R. Odimbo; Director The International Cenhe of Insect Physiology and Ecoogy (ICIPE); P.O. Box 30772; Nairobi; Kenya; Tel: 0O2501/3/9; Telex: 22053 ICIPE 25066 OUDU; Fax: 803360; Cable: ICIPE NAIROBI Record number (MFN): 02783 Official project titb: AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. 101 SPAAR Inflmation Systern Implemrentin agency: World Bank: Chad. Start dale: 194-00- Counbyountries: Chad; Statmet of objeetives/abstract. To strente crop, vestock, forestry. and natural resource management research nainwde. Record number (MFN): 02784 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. Impleen agncy: World Bank; Mali. Start date: 1994400-00. Country/countries: Mali; Statement of objectes/abstract: The prncipal objective of the proposed project is to ensure Fat adequate technology wil become available to farmers as a means to increase agricultural grwth and to reverse the decline in the productive capacity of the natural resource base. The proposed project will therefore aim al improvrng the performance of the national agricultural research system. i.e. earlier availabilty of appropriate technology at the farm level, higher retums to investment and bwer costs. To achieve this, the project wNil focus on improving research coherence, quality, relevance and accountability for results through institutional relorms.To meet these objectives, the proposed project would: (a) transform the National Agricuftural Research Council {NARC) into an autonomous entity, through which all official finding for agriculural research well be programmed, coordinated and screened: (b) suppott research contracts with public (I ER), private and non-government institutions, both inside and if necessary outside Mali. funded or coordinated through NARC; (c) support the transformation of IER into an antonomnous institution with an independent Board of Directors, and reorganize and strengthen it to improve research efficiency and accountability for results. (d) strengthen intemal linkages (research-farmer-extension) through farmer participation in setting research objectives and evaluating its results, to ensure research relevance and to accelerate the dissemination of research results: (e} strengthen extemal linkages and support the participation of Malian institutions and scientists funded through NARC in regional and intemational collaborative research programs; (1) strengthen human resourcas development and management and provide in-country and overseas training; and (g) rehabilitate and renew research plant and equipment. Contact in research organization: 102 SPAAR Inkxmaton System Direcetur General; Instu d'Ecom Rurale (IER); B.P. 258: Bamako; Mah: Tel 22 26 06hnA*u National de la echerche Zooledin.que. Forestiere et Hy tobogq (INZFH): B.P. 262; Bamako: Mal: Tel: 22 24 49 Record tntber (MFN): 02785 Official proed cile: AGRICULTURAL SFRVICES. bnplere agency: World Bank: Ngef. Start date: 1992-09-10. Countryicounties: Niger: Statement of objectves/abstract: Promotion of effective agncultural support serces natwide. prranly focussing on extension. Conact in resea organization: Ministry of Agrialture and Livestock: B P. 12091; Nkamey: Niger Tel: 73-35-41: Telex: 5386 Record number (MFN): 02786 Official projed tile: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES I' Impnementing agency: World Bank:, Senegal. Start date: 1995-000. Country/countries: Senegal: Statement of objectiveslabstract: Follow-up to Agricultural Services I. concentrating on crop protection and agricultural education in addtion to extension and functional literacy. Record number (MFN): 02847 Offic!al project tib: CHARACTERIZATION OF LVMPHOCYTES AND PRODUCTION OF INTERFERON AS PARAMETERS FOR DISTINGUISHIN3 TRYPANOTOLERANCE IN ANIMALS AND PEOPLE. Implementing agency: Commission of the European Communities. 103 SPAAR Inomaton System Cou qScowries: Alrica; Lbena; Bujkwia Faso; Satemert of objeciveslabstract: Tryrpwiotlerance is an ididual capacity of certaun animals to develop a state of immunity wtich eabiles them to control a Tryanosom infection. Thi6 immunity is hougit to be labile and is abolished by several factors such as pegoancy and tck* of food and water. In the recent years. it has been shown that anri*.,i.e. cattle: miana. 7?bu. dtsch. SdcwarzbtK, goals and oonies) infected *th derent species cf typanosomes (T. congolense. T. via. T, brucei and T. evansi) derlop sgrcantly nsr riiwbers of nuficllke yphocytes, These cells are responsibe for the anbody dependent cell-mediated cytoxicity and are known to produce intereron (IFN). Contac in research orgaization: Prot. Dr. F. Hoerche. Freie Unrverstaet Bedin: Instiut fuer Parasitologe und Tropenveemedzizn; Fachbereich Veterireemdin; Koenigsweg 65; 1 Doo Berin 37 'Zehendoi):. D; Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: (030) 8108-1310: Telex: 018.40.19 Record number (MFN): 02912 Offical project bte: STUDY OF REPRODUCTION CRITERIA OF SHEEP Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1978-00-00. Country/countries: Niger: Statement of objectives/abstract: The 'oudah sheep is wel adapted to the hot. dry climate and to the scarce pastures in the Sahe region. Almost no research has been done on the producti"y potential of the native sheep. Dr Yenikoye will study the age and weight at maturatior, the oestrus cycle, ferlility. etc., to get a better understanding of critical factors for improved productivty. The results will be used at sheep farms in collaboration with the National Institute for Agricultural Research. Contact n research organization: Dr Alhassane Yenikoye: Faculte d'Agronomie: Universite de Niamey; B P 10 960: NIAMEY: Niger _________________ Record number (MFN): 02924 Official project title: INVESTIGATION OF THE NUTRITIVE VALUE OF AGRO-INOUSTRIAL 104 SPAAR rInormatov System BY-PRODUCTS IN MAU. Implementing agec: International Foundaton tor Science. Staf date: 119Ig6o - Countritounbes: MaWi Statement of obliectives/abstract Prodct in cattle or sgiaN ruminants in Mali is ;w and new sources of feeds are essenti to irrease the producion. Mr. Kassaffaa wiN determine the nutrtive vakue of locai,,aailble agro-iadustral byproducts wih rspect to contents of nitrogen. fats and cellubse. Votry intake and digestility wiA be recorded. and suable leed rabons tormuaed. Contact i research o.grzaton. wr. Ibrahtn Kassarribara. StatiMn cElevage et de fecherches Zootechniques du Satel. f P 12: Niono bMah Record num'ber (MFN) 02934 Official protect title: INVESTIGATION OF THE ENERGY VALUE OF LATEX-CONTAINING PLANTS AND STRAW WASTES IN BIOGAS PRODUCTION. ImpleUmenting agency IFS Sta date: 1982-0-00. Country/countbs: Burkla Faso. Statement of obsctlvesiabstract The development of alternabve sources of energy is especialy irmortant for Upper Volta. which depends heavily on oil imports. Thee is an abundarce of latex-containing plants and straw wastes. neither of whih can be used for other purposes. Dr Traore winl investigate the possibmity of using these plant matenals for bias productici He wIll t to find t optimal conditions for methane production by varyrig the composition of the substrate. pF, temperature and the character of the microbial inocuium Contact in research organization Dr S Alfred Traore. Insttut Supeneur Polytechnique: Universite de Ouagadougou. B P 7021. OUAGADOUGOU: Burkina Faso Record number (MFNi 02937 protect title. PRODUCTION OF ENRICHED COMPOST AND OF ENERGY IN RURAL AREAS. 105 SPMR blormation System Impltemeing agency: IFS. Stlat dae: 19780-0. Cou #w*ies.: Buruna Faso; Sttemert of obpechves/abstract: Severe sod deradabon and a shortage o: f 'je 3re common pobms for te Sahel coiairs. The hgh cost o tfeMizerm and oil ro4e hes problems even wase. Dr Nacro mm at establishing a simple and economic method to produce methe as uel in househclds and snal indikStes CekArssc Vasles wi be anafrobct vi e to poduc, methan the rema slstran W*; be used ir cornpost enchrent. When a suibale constxin 2echnque for a plan; has been developd. Dr Nacro wi try out the best method for raid gas producti, The compo- n of dte gas w.0 b- analyzed and transipouation and uilzatin prlms studid. Tf rewaning sbstate ai endied a"" wi be chemicaly and biodicall analysed. and baw oloca sudes wh be canied ot. ATonomical field trials w*l be made tc dMeeine the best use od the compost. Contad n researh orgzatlon: Dr Moujissine Nacro: Departement de Chnie; Instut Supeneur Poyfechrwque; lUwers4e de Ouagadougou: B P 7021: UOAGADOUGO: Ecurkana Faso Record number (MFN): 02938 Official pmosed litle: PRODUCTION OF NETETOU. A VEGETABLE CHEESE. implementing agency International Foundabon for Science. Start date: 1979-00. Country/countnes Senegal. Statemern ol obectwvesabstract: Food preparation by lementation is not common in West Anca. Neletou is a vegetable cheese produced by an uncontrolled fermentaion process of legummuous seeds and is. in spite of s bad srell. one of the few fermented products that is commonly consuned. Mr. Souane will try to improve fte netehou by isoaiWng the active microorganwsms and rnakie comparative studies on different leguinnous seeds to sewct the best substrate. When the lermentation process can be controlled, attempts wAil be made to improve the smell of the product. A suitable technique for small-scale industry will also le developed. Contact in research organization: r. Moussa Souane. Institut de Technoloie Alimentaire; B.P. 2765; Dakar-Hann; Senegal 106 SPAAR Inonriation System Record number (MFN): 02974 Officia projed bie: INOCUILATION STUDIES OF COWPEAS (VIGNA ULNGUICULATA) IN B4JRKINA FASO. Implementing agency: IFS. Srt date: 190000. Countylcouries: lBura Faso; Stalemer ofbecvabsbrct: The cowpea is a popular vegetable in Upper Volta, and is often cultivated in associahon wth mille. sowm or maize. lIprmert of its capacity to fix nrogen s necessary to ncrease the poduction. Mr Asimi will moculale pants wih ellient and comnpetive rhizobium and study the local ones ir order to selct fe bener ones. When the problems wmm rttzobsum inoculan are solved. e influence of endmycoza on the growth and production of the pants wiN be studied. ct in research organization: Mr. Salawi Asimi: Institd Voltaique de la Recherche Agronomique el Zootecn.que: 8 P 7192: OUAGADOUGOU: Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 02991 Offciat prd title: INOCULATION OF RHIZOBIUM IN GROIJNDNUTS. SOYBEANS AND COWPEAS IN SENEGAL. Implementing agency International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1976-00-0. Country/countnes: Senegal: Statement of obectiveslabsiract: Dr. Ndiaye intends to irprove the nitrogei fixing symbiosis ni groundnuts. soybeans. and cowpeas. Efficient rhizobium strains wMl be selected to replace naturahy occurnng. less active strains. In this way the symbiotic nitrogen fixation will be increased and the need for expensive nitrogen fertilizers will be reduced. An appropriale conservation method for the inoculum wil be worked out and the inoculation technique wil be improved Contact in research organization: Dr. Mamadou Ndiaye: Centre National de Recherches Agronomiues: Instdut Senegabais de Recherches Agricoies: (ISRA): S. P. 53: Bambey; Senegal 107 SPAAR Iormation Syslem Record nwnber (MFN): 03010 Offical pmjedt bde: STUDIES ON GRONDNMT RUST IN BURKINA FASO. ImpIner&n agency- IFS. Sa daie: 1981 0000. Courilrkinlre: Buia Faso; StMee of obNiesIbsta Cases d grwAt rust were observed n the souhwes rgion of Burkna Faso for fe f6st ine n 1977. Dr Sankara started his study of is *dsease in 198 n oder to have a betler knowledge of the hni". A les rstce has been develbp to idenfy variees of grouxeut resistabn to the rust. Duing he las phase of the propa Dr Sankara will study te mechdwsns of rsace in order to grve more infombm fr breedincj programm. The pecl also awns lo develop a warning sysem in relation to climatic parameters. Contct n research organzation: Dr. Philippe Sankara; Instut Supeneur Polytedmnque: Universite de Ouagadougou; B P 7021: OUAGADOUGOU: Burkna Faso Record ntmber (MFN): 03029 OfficW pre1 t ie: METHODS FOR HYDROLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN UPPER VOLTA. Implermng agency: IFS. Start dae: 1979400. Country/countries: Burkina Faso; Staterenl of objectives/abstract: As a result of the drought in recent years in the Sahel countries. Ihe nunber of weNs have irmaeased. The knowledge of the amount of available groundwater and ts renewal is very incomplte. Isotope analyses in Upper Volta have demonstrated the existence of fossil undergroundwater. Mr. Savadogo wi develop suitable methods of studying the waler infiltration and the groundwater levels wilh relation to the vanous geological and geomorphobgical features of the region. The purpose is to determine availabl groundwater resources, both renewable and fossil ones. as a basis for rational water use. Contact in research organization: Mr Nidoua Savadogo: Instdut Supeneur Polytecinique; Universi e de Ouagadougou. S P 7021: OUAGADOUGOU; Burkina Faso 106 SPAAR Ination System Record number (WFN): 03033 Offic%a proqe tbte: WATER ECONOMY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARABIC GUM TREES (ACACIA SENEGAL) IN THE SAHEL ZONE IN SENEGAL. Impiementing agency Intemational Foundaton for Science. Stat dale: 1982-0040. Countcountries: Senegal: Statement of orjectives/abstract: In addition to he fact tha gum trees produoe gum arabc and firewood. these trees a- wmprve sod Ofrt and are effective in preventing sod emsion. They are well adapled to the Saheian region and are thefo an ideal species fr re*oestation. especialy in areas threatened by deserti ation. In order to mprove the eablhm of gum e plntations i Senegal. Mr. Dione wil delenmne the water reurments for eir opm gowth and wul study the effect of different cu ion technwu on the water economy in the plantabons as wel as the resstc of the gum trees to drought. Contact m research Wgantzation: ;s. Mmadou Dione; Centre National de Recnerctes Foresieres; Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agnrices: (ISRA): B.P. 2312: Dakar: Senegal Record number (MFN): 03034 Ofcial project title: EFFECT OF SOME ROOT ENDOPHYTES ON LOCAL LEGUMINOUS TREES. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Scence. Stan date: 1982-00-00. Country/countres: Senegal. Statement of obNectives'abstract The objective of the research is to investigate the symbiotic association between root endophytes and the forest beguminosae of the Sudeno-Sahel. in pariular the speces Prosopis. which are the most often used species in Senegal. Dr. Digne wil study the endomycorrhizae of Prosopis juliflora. He will seWct strains of rhizobia and mycorrhiza that are able to associate with this species in the degraded zones of Senegal where high temperatures. acidity. and salinity are lmiting factors for the establishment of a root symbiosis. First experments will be carned out in a tree nursery in Dolyothylene bags Afterwards field trials wdl be conducted. 109 SPAAR Infrmaon System Cortact in ressard orgat zation: M. O0maie Dag; Centre Naon de Rechedes Frstere; Ino Senegais de Recherhes Agricoes; (ISRA): B.P. 2312; Dakar Senegal Record number (MFN): 03066 Offiaa prqe ttle: UTILuATION OF CROP RESIDUES IN TROPICAL AGRICLTURE. Implementig agency: IFS. Start dade: 1979-0000. Countreutries: Bu,na Faso; Stamnwd of obives/i,abstW: Sod degrad io. w*ed with weasing demograp pessure, is a serious problem in fe Sahel countres. Cemrical fertlies are expensve and fmulae for better soil maragent, usng locally-availble rmatenal to imrove soll properties, are neded. Ar Hien wil carry out experiments at two btbrent research stations on soii types repesentate of Upper Vota. Different methods of utilization of crop residues will be tIed. and tle resuing sod propertis. in patiular nitrogen avablity. will be evaluated. Maaqemet systens for dfferent soil types will then be formulated. Contact in rssearch organization: Mr Victor Hien; tirstitut Burkwnabe de Recherches Agronomiques el Zootechniques: D D 71 IOAGADOLGOU; Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 03073 Official protect itle: STUDIES ON MEDICAL AND TOXIC PLANTS IN BURKINA FASO. Implementing agency IFS. Start date: I978-00-00. Country/countries: Burkina Faso: Statement ol ob)ectives/abstract: Modem drugs are rarely available in Upper Volta, and the people depend mostly on traddiona! medicines. Or Samate will concentrate 'is work on plants used for treatment of hepatitis and parasies. The plants Sapium grahamii. S. eHipticum and Cochlospermiurn tinctorium wil be screened for alkaloids. glucosides. saponines, steroids and terpenoids The actie compounds wiN be determined and attempts wil be made to develop a suitable method to prepare the drugs on a semi-industrial scale. 110 SPAAR Ino xaton System Conact n resach orgwn4zeon: Dr. Doso Sanas: Lycee Ouezz CouMiibaly; BC 0101t SSE; Buwi Faso Record r;rber (MFN): 03091 ificial prvd tMe: STUDIES ON THE FORAGE POTENTIAL AND ANALYSIS OF THE DEGRADATION PROCESS IN PASTORAL ECOSYSTEMS IN THE FERLO REGION. plementing agency: Intenatonal Fomwdtnj for Scence. Start date: 19-0040. Country/couniies: Senegal, Stalement of obpctes/abstrad: The 'Fero' region is stuated n the Satelian pad of Senegal wtere the yearly arount of ram is 300400 mnm. The kestock in this region is mantained n a pastoral management system. Mr Dieye intends to study the Sahelian ecosystem of North Senega wth a view to obtain a beller wnesanding of the factors affectng the environment, i.e.. the cimiate-soi relationship and its inipad on productivity. Contact i research organizalion Mr. Khassoum Dieye; Laboraloire National de rElevage et de RecPwdies Vetermawes; Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles; (ISRA); B.P. 2057; Dakar; Senegal Record ntunber (MFN): 03100 Official protec tile: BIOLOGICAL FUNCTION OF LECTINE IN PSOPHOCARPUS PALUSTRIS. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1983-00-00. Country/countries: Senegal: Statement of objectives/abstract: Psophocarpus palustris is a grain legume wth seeds rich in proteins. 01 them. lechne seems to play an importaiil role in different phases of the devebpment of the plant and could have toxic efecis A proliminary study is therefore needed before further developing the cuttivalion of this plant or selecting varieties of agronomic interest. Mr. Coundoul wi;l study the role of letine during germination, the seedling stage, and the interaction roots-rhizobium. Its role in the protection of the plant against pathogenic agents and insects will also be sludied. Contact in research organization: ItI U SPAAR Inomaton System Mr. Mnadou Coudoul; Dep r de 8iologie Vegetate; FaAse des Sciences: Univsie Cheddi Anta Diop; DaWar-Fam Senega Record number (MFN): 03104 Official p,ect tite: STUDY OF COWPEA DISEASES (VIGNA UNGUICULATA) IN NIGER, Implemer&g agency: IFS. Start dafe: 1983-0040. Courtry/cotes: Niger, Statement of obfectivabstrac: The cowpea (Vgna ungulculata L. Walp) is at present the third most important food cop in Niger. and its cullivatxm is expawdg rapdy. It is vuleable to insects and dseases, resuling in considerable producton lsses. Mr Adam wil first carry out an inwentory of te pathogenic agents of te cDwpea in Niger and assess their impornce and geogaphcal distribtton. A more indepth study wiN then be made on ite most enl parasie. ts icidence and sr in differenl ecobgical zones. mder different cultvation systems. and on different cowpea cultivars wil be determiwed. A better understanding of the ecology and epidemiology of the diease would then suggest possible control measures. Contact in research organization: Mr Toudou Adam: Ecole Supeneure dAgronomie; Universte de Niarney; B P 10 960; NIAMEY; Niger Record number (MFN): 03107 Official project tile: STUDY OF FRANKIA INOCULATION AND ITS COMBINED EFFECTS WITH VESICULAR-APBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZA ('VAM) IN CASUARINA EQUISETIFOLIA. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundatiun for Science. Start date: 1983-00-00. Country/countnes: Senegal. Statement of objectives/abstract: The importance of Casuanna sp in luelwood production and in soil stabilization in the tropics has now been recognized in Senegal. Recent studies have shown great genetic varabi Ny in the plantations of C. equiseldoia. Mr. Sougoufara wil carry out a prelrnirwry selection of about ten clones of C. equisetifolia based on their ability to nodulate and fix nitrogen. A pure strain of Frankia and a VAM strain. Glomus mosseae. will be used to inoculate C. equisetdolia. 112 SPAAR Irkmaon System Conact in research organzaton: Wt. Bassirou Sougoufara; Laboratoire de Biologie des SoLb: ORSTOM - B.P. 1386; Dakar; Senel Record number (MFN): 031 12 Official prved title: STUDIES ON A RATIONAL ADAPTATICN OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC TECHNIOUES FORl PREVENTION AND THERAPY OF SOME C ,SEASES IN WEST AFRICA. Implmenting agency: IFS. Start date: 1983-00-00. Counrtry/countries: Burkina Faso; Statment of objectives/abstract: Many plants in Upper Vota are commonly used in the erapy of a number of diseases by healers praccng traditonal mfediine. The dosage and mode of preparation of these tr onal medcaments am not awys properly desgr d to ge optimal effects. Dr Zeba wants to study the use of RauwoNia vomona, Vocanga aftcana, Hobrhena forburda, Cassia abouata and Datura strannonium in traditonal mriedicine. Based on fe tradihonal use of these plants, he intends to formulate simple preparations with optinal positive effects and to find out appropriate dosages for these preparations. Contact in research organization: Dr. Boulkare Zeba; Institut de Recherche sur les Substances Naturelles; B P 7192; OUAGADOUGOU: Burkina Faso Record number lMFN): 03116 OfKcial project title: COMPARISON BETWEEN DIFFERENT TYPES OF BEE-HIVES FOR RURAL ADAPTATION IN MALI. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1983-00-00. Country/countries: Mali; Statement of obecives/abstract: Mal is one of the largest exporters of honey in West Africa and the national consumption is considerable. Presently the honey is harvested by buming Ihe bee colonies, resulting in uncontrolled fires and the irreversible destruction of the colonies. Mr. Dicko intends to develop bee-hives which are approprate to the Malian 113 SPAAR Informabon Systern rural condiions and which allow harvesting of honey iWout the use of fire and enalirg pemant bee colonies. He wiN study tee types of bee-hives in lour ecciogicaly representalive regions od ai by mearing the honey production during various peiods. Contact in research organization: tWi. Mahamadi Dicko; Division de b Flecherche Forestiere et Hydrobolque; Direction Nabonale des Eaux et Forets; B.P. 275; Bamako: Mali Record number (MFN): 03119 Ofiial project title: INTEGRATION OF FISH AND PLANT FARMING IN A CLOSED WATER CIRCULATION SYSTEM USING SOLAR ENERGY. Implerentirg agency: IFS Start date: 1983-00-00. Country/countries: Niger; Statement ol objectives/abstract: Niger has suffered badly from the Sahelian droughts with extensive losses ol livestock. It is therelore necessary to encourage altemative ways of producing protein. Dr Kane will combine agnicuhural waste water treatment in a recirculation system for fis* culture with production of algae and other water plants. Solar energy will be utilized for me circulation pumps. Contact in research organization: Dr Souleymane Kane: Ecole des Sciences; Universite de Niamey; B P 10 662; NIAMEY, Niger Record number (MFN): 03136 Official project title: STUDIES ON THE ECOLOGY AND ETHOLOGY OF TERMITES IN SENEGAL. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1984-00-00. Country/countries: Senegal. Statement of objectives/abstract: Termites cause major damage to forests, cultivated crops. and houses in Senegal. Dr. Agbogba will study, in four climatically ddferent regions of Senegal. the biology. the ecology. and the ethology of termites species which attack vegetation and dead wood and feed on humus. The aim ol the project is to develp biobgical control 114 SPMR Inomtiaon System methods usin natural predators and diemical products (pheromones). Contact in esearch organiai: Dr. Constance Agboba; /mailing address] Vlla 1213-Zone B; Dakar/Colobane; Sav Record nunber (MFN): 031$9 Offic pmect tde: ZOONOSIS OF HUMAN SLEEPING SICKNESS IN CAMEROON: CATRE. SHEEP. GOATS AND SWINE AS FACTORS. Inmpnrin agercy: IFS. Start date: 196440-00. Country/counries: Cameroon: Stateme of obecvestabstract: There are many loci of sleping sidmess in Cawwon and control teams are working on dosis and treatment of human African trypanosomiasis. The resuts of the research indiate that the domestic anrnals in the endenic areas need the same diagnosis and treatmert in order to completely control disease. Dr Asonganyi is going z iwge trypanosomes from cattle, goals, sheep and swine in human sleping sickness areas of Cameroon. Among the isoates Trypanosoaa bruoci gambiense-like hypanosaones wil be charactenzed using the blood incubation inlectnvy test and eventually is-enzyme elctophoresis on thin layer starch gels. Contact in research organization Dr Tazoacha Asonganyt; Depanment of Immunology; C U S S; University of Yaounde; YAOUNDE: Cameroon Record number (MFN): 03150 Official project title: SMALL RUMINANT PEST IN CHAD: (1) SENSITIVITY TO VIRUS IN SHEEP AND GOAT BREEDS IN CHAD; (2) EPIDEMIOLOGY. Implementing agency: IFS. Start dale: 1984-00-00. Country/countries: Chad, Statement of ob1ectives/abstract: Although the pest of small ruminants is widely spread in some countries in the Sahel and in particular in West Africa, d has not yet been confirmed in Chad. Mr ldnss will try to clanfy the epidemiology of this viral disease with serolgical tests. 115 SPMR Information System The susceptity, or possible resistance, ot i rdKenous breeds of sheep and goats to ths disease, wiN also be tested by expmennti Niocuaton. Contad in research organizatbon: Ur Ounar Alaroukh kirss; Laboralorre de Farcha; Service de Virlogie; B P 433; N'DJAMENA; Chad Record number (MFN): 03153 Offcial poect title: STUDY ON THE REDUCTION OF POST-HARVEST LOSSES DUE TO COLEOPTERS 8RUCHIDAE ON COWPEA (VIGNA UNGUICULATA). Impementirg agency: IFS. Start date: 1984-00-00. Couniry/countries: Niger; Statement of oblectoves/abstract: Losses caused by cobeopters bruchdae durng storage are a major contraint to the availabity of ran legumes for consumnption in Africa. The bructidae attaidung cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and grouridnut (Arachis hypogea) are especialy active pests in Niger. Dr Alzouma will study tie traditional storage methods in this Sahela region. with ermphasis on the use of plants with insecticide activity in order to develop better control methods. Contact in research organization: Dr lnezdan Alzouma: Ecole des Sciences; Universite de Niarney; B P 10 662; NIAMEY; Niger Record number JMFN): 03166 Official project title: STUDY OF MICROSPORIDIES (PROTOZOA) AS AGENTS FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS IN SENEGAL AND GAMBIA. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1985-00-00. Country/count-ies: Africa: Senegal; Gambia; Statement of objectives/abstract: Microspondies are parasites responsible for insect diseases and are therefore ol polential use for biological control ol pests. Some species have already been isolated from insects in Senegal and Gambia. Their biology and pathogeny towards insects will be studied with the aim of developing an integrated control method to 116 SPAAR Inforration System rdwne dage caused by w .ect. Contc i research organizabon: Mr. Bhen Sdm TogLwbaye: Departement de BioJogie Anwmale; Facte des Sciences: UrwersEe Chedt Anta Dop; Dakar Senegal Record number (MFN): 03179 Official pmo,ed t0e: ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL STUDY OF CRICETOMYS SP: EVALUATION OF ITS REPRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL IN THE PENINSULA OF KALOU1M. Imp!eentig agency: IFS. Start date: 19850-00. Country/counties: Guinea; Statement of obecovisabskact: The Kaoum pennsula in te southwest of Guinea has two species of Cricetomys. Mr Sardon wil sdy the growth. nutrion and poductivIy of this species mi cpty. The aimn s to establish manaret and nutri ion techniques which can be used to prorote te breeding of the sjeces among the rural populabtion. Contwact in research organization: Mr Ibrahirna Sakhon; Direction de Recherche Scientfique et Technque (DRST): B P 561; CONAKRY; Guinea Record number (MFN): 03222 Oflical project title: STUDY OF CALF REARING ENVIRONMENT: EFFECT OF SUCKLING REGIME ON CALF GROWTH. Implementing agency: Intematioral Fourdation for Science. Start date: 1987-00-0. Country/countries: Mali; Statement of objectives/abstract: Poor performance characterizes livestock production in most of the Sub-Saharan African countries and particularly in Mali. Slow calf growth is generally believed to be responsible for low reproductive performance, high mortality and low offtake rates. In the existing lderature there are clear idications that call management needs to be an area of concem for livestock specialists. Mr. Coulibaly will uindertake a study on the effect of sucktkigfmilking regime on calf growth to establish a system for rational management of milking potential of suckling local 117 SPAAR Inomaton Systen cows. Four sidding regmes wil be tsted, calf growt wil be orded up to 18 monfs as well as total mi prdc. cal consumed mlk and suppWeme feeding. Contact in research organization: Mr. Mamadou D. Coulibay: Station dElevage et de Recherdhs Zootechniques du Sahel; B.P. 12: Niono; Mali Record nunber (MFN): 03230 Official prot title: STUDY OF THE EMBRYONIC AND POST-EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LYMPHOiD TISSUES OF THE HELMET GUINEA FOWL. Implementng agency: IFS. Start date: 1967--00. Country/courtries: Nigeria: Statemrent of obectvs/abstract: The possbib ty a' wicreasing protein intake in Nigeria seems to lie with the poultry industry. Poultry farming to a large extent reles on imnported exotic bvs and problems with diseases a.e often encountersd. The inigenous gufrea fowls are krown to have a higher resisiance to most avian diseases. and they could serve as a pool for good parent stocks for the poultry industry. Dr Onyeanusi will study the Iymphoid system. its anatomy snd histlokgy as well a- .Jlrdstructure. The offects of antigens of infectious bursal di ease and Newcastle disease on the Iymphoid organs will also be examined. This information witl be used to selct and breed for high .. sease resistance in this species. Contact in research organization: Or Barth Onyeanusi; Department of Vetennary Anatomy; Ahmadu Bellk University; ZARIA; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03258 Oflicial profect title: UTILIZATION OF LIGNEOUS PLANTS AS A COMPLEMENT IN ANIMAL FEEDING IN SENEGAL. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1987 00-00. Country/countries: Senegal: Statement of objectives/abstract: t18 SPAAR Inralon System FoWage ees and bushes play an minortr mie for twuant n Ntaon n the Sahef area. To deeMwie dt anowMo liybgnous conen Drr Fa fi undetake chemical analyses (bromaology ad tawn conen) in vivdigestibiy yad intra-rmen (in sacco) degabfty. and leadng trials wWh sheep. The hiou1ie of Ve maurity of te paits w be stuiied. These plat are: Acia. Balaies. Combreturi. Guiea, BoSci. Azaracht. aid Adlol . The results wE rdubde tables of nutritie value, the kgneous plnts. tew secondary prodtity. aid recornmendaorns for the optimal havesting period. Cortt in research organizabon: Dr. Saeou Toure Fal; Depanermed de Recherches sur la Sante eo les Produco Anhimales: Instut Seregais de Recherees Agrco;es (ISRA); B.P. 20E7 Dakar Senegal Record nunber lMFN): 03260 Offal proect bie: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF BOVINE ANRAASMOSIS IN SENEGAL. Itmpementpig agency: Intenational Foundation for Scienoe. Start dale: 1967-00-00. Counrkountes: Senegal; Staement of otectivesabstract: The ep_dnioly of bovine anaplamsis in West Africa shl presents uncertainties due to a ack of systematic studies. The absence of good diagsic facaibes also adis to difufti in establishing exstence of cerlain dseases and Wer economic uioftlc. Dr. Gueye w- do an ep.demioogcal survey in two zones of Senegal to estabsh the existance of Anapbasma margiale by seroogical tests. The population of ticks and their role of transmissionri wil also be studied. Contact in research organization: Dr. Arona Gueye: Departement de Recherches sur la Sante et les Prodructons Anmales; Instiut Senegalais de Recherches Agnicoes (ISRA); B.P. 2057: Dakar: Swl Record number (MFN): 03272 Othcial proect title: IN VITRO MICROPROPAGATION AND NITROGEN FIXATION BY ACACIA ALBIDA. Implninrting agency: Intema:ional Foundation for Science. Stan date: 1987.00. Ccuntry/countines: Senegal: 119 SPAAR bfomabon System Saaem dc abjecivestact In the an of xmshm -Arogen iation by Acacia abda, the best p1ant-miroornrn associaan wi be identid. Ms. Gassa wil use ncre~,rpagadon tedniques from axialy buds fom nods obtined on jtvinle or adut ees Somaic embyogeras on young explars wil also be used Ic produce arge quwe of reliey unifm pnts. After iain with fe spsai: Fhzobum s*in tet best dcnes of Acacia abda wiI be determined by nitooo fiabon mesurmnents. C 'ont tn research organzation: Ms. Yaye Gassama Departrenet de Br e Vegetale: Faculle des Sciences; Ulnerse Chedch Anta Diop: Dakar; Senegal Record number (MFN): 03295 4iClual pmpe title: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ALTERNARIA BLIGHT OF SUNFLOWER (HEUANTHUS ANNUS) IN THE NIGERIAN GUINEA SAVANNA. Impleeting agency: IFS. Start date: 1908-0O. Country/coutmnes: Nigeria: Stalemert of obect,vsabstrat: In Nigeria groundut and oil paln are the two main sources of vegetable oil, but due to the dec;ine in the local prodution it has become necessary to idety afltertruve i-producing crops. Sunfiower is just beginning to gow but is already theatend by many diseases, especially fe bW leading to defolation. Ms Ok(04 wil cany out a study of 0e epidemol of the Allemrn blight of suiflwer. induding aebology, pathogen lide cycle, source and spread of the pathogen Fnd effect of envronmental condtions. Screening of culbvars mit be peuformed Lir resistance. The objective is to develop cultural and/or chenical control methods. Contact in research organization: Ms Claribell OKOLI; Department of Crop Protection; Faculty of Agnculture; Sdcol of Basic Studies; Ahmadu Bello University: ZARIA: Nigeria _________________ Record number (MFN): 03307 Otficial proJect title: DESIGN AND USE OF SAND FILTER SYSTEMS FOR THE TREATMENT OF WATER. Implementing agency: IFS. 120 SPUAR Wqmnation -1er tar : d.19884M. Cow*ykouv*is Buakina Faso; St;tment ofn ob jecs/aistrac: The d*r1g d swtace water (rvs. pords m vcs d sm anal aw /wgi, any buteiw by ftE nral popA*on is the cause ci 7&or healh prc'-..s m he Sahelian region. Or Maga's obectae i lo - low-cost and !. se te sologies using physical. biological pr by slow sad faion to "a v*f- waters. The effncy ofdfre sand mer system i be testd uL,idwSrmi condns. OuaMw aid quanbw %-?we aay (badcea mneral. ol, cndt) wSI be caried oul. The data wi be used to desaxn the appiae ftr system at fte ural poptjabion wi be adle to reahise and pbwt by thsevs. Conact in research organizatn: tk Amadou Hana MAIGA: Depavtee Genie Saibire; Ecofz s'c-Ezts d`ngenieurs de rEqunement Rural. (EIER); 8 P 7023; OUAGA"Y. 'XOU; durkina Faso Record number (1FN) 03308 Oflcia proed ttle: WATER -RFATh4ENT FOR THE SAHEUAN RFC-ION Imple ng agency: IFS. Stat date: 198 0. Country/countnes: Burkna Faso; Fta~ of obectves/abstract: Tectnoloes for treatment and reuse of was"a wate; are ompornt or fthe Sahelian region. In this region here is a lack od siprit;fic c*1a that wiil help to develp appropnate technologies. Dr Toure wi* study the ftcy of different components ol an expenmental waste water pilt plart. Techniul parailes of fe treatment processes wiJ be determined. The d0a - 11 be used to optimise the use of water treatment pilot plants. Potential ruse fom rigat"o of taed water wi be assessed. Contact in research organizabon: Mr Cheikh Sid5a TOURE. Departement de Genie SartWire; bcole Inter-Etats cingenieurs de l Equipement Rural; (EIER); B P 7023: CUArArflUGOU; Burkna Faso Record number (MFN): 03310 Official proect tite: INCREASED GROUNDNUT CULTIVATION AND SEED PRODUCTION IN GUINE/.. 121 SPAAR Iomation Systm Iniplempneii agerwc. IFS. Stat dab: 1988-00. C lrpies: Gui Saemerld d o_rtWahst:aca : Gromurwl is lte most npovtt gun legume citvated in G-.ea. mad there is an uget need ba s he yels mo ader to sats he dmmd fom the 0on5xes. The reseajrch pgrawm unwdertaken by Dr Tounkara wi inclix~lecbat var-eties ced ttvou the coxr and exoic vaijees which have been seected n otwer counries bf precoity. sistance to deases and insed pests, and high yields. The proed indudes six experiments Foubya we more tha 120 varieties w.i be tosSed dunn four sucev agrcniral cycles. Data wil be alected to cria yiedsand quality for oad ocessng or dwe human consm. Prducton of seeds wi also be sludied. Cact in research organization: Ph Nes10r TOUNKARA; instt des Saiexcs Agro-Zootechnuus de Foulaya (ISAF); 8 P 156; KINDIA; Guinea Record number (MFN): 03317 Ofol pmojd tbe: MNAGEMENT OF DJALLONKE SHEEP UNDER VILLAGE CONDITIONS: POTENTIALS AND CONSTRAINTS. Implefer agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 198-00-00. Country/countries: Mali; Stalement of objeL1ives/abstractl The producbvity of local sheep breeds wdh th'n sxisting vilage system in Mali s little known. Mr. Niare wil undertake a study o 1jal animals of the local sheep DCalonke in villge flocks. Several parar .. w.t be recorded for both in.les and females: age and weight at puberty at bNbing, litter size and maternal parity, parturnion interval, lanbing rates, mcrtP'.i, weight gains, etc. When hese usults have been analyzed, some sugstons can be made to improve the manlgement of the animals and also the productivity. Contact ii' research organization: Dr. Tk ma Niare; DER Elevage; Institut Polytechnique Rural de Katibougou; B.P. 6; Kou ikoro; Mali Record numLor (MFN): 03322 122 SPMAR Information System OffIcal project Mide: IDENliFICATION OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL MARKERS OF DERMATOPHILUS CONGOLENSIS STRAINS 8Y ELECTRO110ElTIC ANALYSES OF ITS METABOIC PROTEINS. bImpementmg agency IFS. Str date: 1900oO Carounres: Chad- StaemNt of objetes/absract: Despe Pevious studies on dermatophilose much is sil unknown about the ePdemioogy and diaractensbcs of DeImatophilus congolnsis in Chad. Dr Faira w il do a study to ideniy epidemiological markers of iMereut strains ug dfferent etrophrt tOednques. The aim is to establish methods of control through vaCCbn. Cwnta in reseach orgnabon: Dr Daniel FAIBRA 0 T; Departement de Bactenobgie; Laboratoire de Recherches Veennare et Zootechniques de Farcta; B P 43; IfNWAMENA; Chad Record number (MFN): 03323 Official project tie: INFLUENCE OF EXPERIMENTAL TRYPANOSOMIASIS ON THE SEXUAL FUNCTIONS OF YOUNG BULLS OF BAOULE AND ZEBU BREEDS. Implreenting agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-0-OO. Country/countries: Burkina Faso; Statement of objectives/abstract: Trypanosome infections in animals in tropical countries cause a decease in fertility. Previous sudies show that the infection alters the sexual functions both in male as wel as female cartle. sheep and goats. The specific effect on the reproductive organs has, however, not been studied and Dr Boly wit undertake such a study on experimentaly infeted baNs. Two breeds will be included, the trypany-tolerant 8aoule and the tnipano-sensitive Zebu and both classical as well as immunocyo-chemical techniques will be used. Contact in research organization: Or Hamidou 8OLY; Institul du Developpement Rural; Univeiite de Cuagadougou; B P 7021; OUAGADOUGOU; Burkina Faso _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __12 123 SPAAR in crmation System Recoud number (MFN) 0336 Offcial pidct tie: STUDY OF BIOLOGY AN) MEANS OF t- 4(T-CT1ON AGAINST DEPREDATORS OF FISH PRODUCTS IN SENFGAL. Impleening agency: Intermatioa Foundaibon for Scence. Stadt date: t98O00. Coiiykunm: Senegal; Stlaemet of objecves/absrad: Fish products are npotar food products in Senegal, aid of grea impo ce to the export ndsty of te cotry. Great losses a cu mad by isects and related ogaun ivading the poducts when stored. Within the frames of the pd proposed, studies wil be carried outi to identify the orgnn miod. and to rid out the predomnant organim. Furtar sludies wiNl hdude vaious possibiltes to increa the potenal shelf-le of ie producs. These studies will comprse physca means to decease the moisture content; chcdrica! mears such as increased sak concenration in fe products or the use of insectddes. Fnaliy biological means will be studied including the research of parasites of fe invadkg insects. Contct in research organization: Ms. Absa Gueye-Nd'diaye; /Imaig addressJ LNERV; B.P. 2057; Dakar-Hann; Senegal Record nwnber (MFN): 03348 Offcial proect ite: RENEWAL OF GROUNDWATER AND STUDY OF TUBE WELLS IN THE SAHEL REGION. Impmnenting agency: IFS. Srt date: 198800. Country/countries: Burkina Faso; Statement of objectives/abstract: In recent years, the drought in the Sahel region has increased pressure on grotndwater usage for smal-scale imgation and village consumption. Assessmnnt of the amount of available groundwater and its renewal is critical. Dr Dieng's objective is to invesigate experimentally the hydrological conditions that affect underground water reserves. Infiltation and evaporation models will be developed in Burkina Faso. These models will be validated loally and they will be used to design better methods for monitoring of wells and rational use of available gioundwater. Contact in research organization: Mr Babacar DIENG; Ecole Inter-Etats d'ingenieurs de l'Equipeme;,t. B P 7023: OUAGADGUGOU; Burkina Faso 124 SPAAR Information SWem Record nunber (MFN): 03358 Ofticial pmoje tie: STUDY OF DYNAMICS AN) MANAGEMENT OF THREE SPECIES OF FISH !MPORTANT FOR SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES IN BIJRKINA FASO. Implemet agency: IFS. Startdate: 1989-12-01. Country/coutries: Budka Faso; Contact n reseafch organizabin: 1k T Anke KABRE; Departement des Eaux et Fore's; Institu des Sciees de Ia Nature et du Deveoppmt (ISN/IDR); Unrvers-Ae de Ouagadougou; 02 BP 7021; OUAGADOUGOU 02; Burkina Faso Pecord nunber (MFN): 03359 Official project ttle: STUDY OF THE RIVER OYSTER ETHERIA ELLIPIERA. Imprnenting agency: ' 3. Start date: 1989.12-01. Country/counties: Burkina Faso; Statement of ooj.ctbves/abstract: Increased diversifcion and the drying out of nvers in Burkina Faso as well as increased human consumption has led to the akost total disappearance of the nve.- oyster Ethera egiptera from the nver beds. This is a cnrcial ecoogical problem but also from the nutritional point of view a study is needed to save the species '-- extinton. Dr Poda will make an inventory of all exisig oysler beds in turkina Faso and chdr iteze thewn by doing physico-cheimical water analyses. Contact in research organization: Dr. Jean Noel PODA: Departement de Zoologie; Institut de Recherche en Bioogie c' Ecologie opical (IRBET); 03 8 P 7047; OUAGADOUGOU; Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 03363 Official project title: NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF CROP R_ 3'Dt: AND AGRO-INDUSTRIAL WASTES USED IN SHEEP FEEDING IN THE 3/1EL 125 SPAR 1omion System bMsring agenry IFS. Statdaie: 1919401. Coun~co Chad.- Staemen d obpcves/abstract: Dr Gognet wi study te gsiby and nutitive value f aicutural residues and al-irdustrial by-pgducs. The study wil be done usighe rnyln-bag method on runen 4isuiaed Sahel sheep. Straw from noe, sorghum and maize wi be sup~plernered with different legumes (g9undnAs and cowpea) and cakes of cotton or bran. The degradabon of the different nutn will be studced as a fcmion ol te type of raon, irubat time (12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 hos) and quantiy o feed (1,5 g; 2,5 g; 3,5g and 4,5gkg P 0,75 ). The best raton will be idenffied and demeloped- Contact n research organization: Dr Gbeukoh Palou GONGNET; Laboratoue de Recherches Veterinarres et Zootednies de Fardca; 8 P 433; N'DJAMENA; Chad Record number (MFN): 03364 Offial projec ttle: RATIONAL UTILIZATION OF CROP RESIDUES AND AGRO-INDUSTRIAL BY-PRODUCTS AS DRY SEASON FEED IN THE GAMBIA. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1989-06-01. Country/countries: Gambia; Staterent of objectives/abstract: Cereal crop residues and agro-industnal by-products are important feed resources in the Gambia Mr Njie will study the quantity and nutritie vakle of crop residues and agro-industrial by-products available in villages for feeding Tabaski sheep. A digestion and metabolism study using the nylon bag technique will be done with groundnut hay, cereal crop residues and locally-available by-poducts (milet bran and sesame cake). The results from the laboratory analyses and quantWication of feeds will be used to develop strategies for feeding Tabaski sheep in villages through ratins based on available feeds and better management and allocation of feed resources. Contact in research organization: Mr Matarr NJIE; Deptartment of Livestock Services; ABUKO Via Banjul; Gambia Record number (MFN): 03366 126 SPMR In1omation sm Official proed te: EVALUATlON AND COMPARISON OF TWVO MULK PO CT1ON SYSTEMS IN THE NIAYES REGION OF SENEGAL iplerenting agency: Intemaibonal Fowdton for Sience. Start dale: 1989-001. Country/counties Senegal; Stateent Of obedKestract To solvhe m poblen of mik shortage n Senegal, a progradme of ntensified milk prducion by introduction of exoic breeds has been iniated. Dr. Diao wil undeulke a study corn tradntioal systerm using bcal breeds wih modem systems using exotic breeds. For the research 30 trada and 30 modem farms wil be sWued regurl. Parameters to be recorded are dseases, repmor, mdk production and the soiia-economic factors of each system. The results will show how the imported breeds adapt and tie productivity fars as cowmpared to lte bcal breeds. An attempt to fid the optmum produchon systems for the Niayes Region will be made. Contact n research o'iganation: Mee.(Dr.) Maty Pa Diao; Deparlement de Redierches sur les Productbons et la Sante Anmnales; Insttut Senegatais de Recherches Agricotes; B.P. 2057; Dakar-Hann; Senegal Record number (MFN): 03380 Official project tile: IMPROVEMENT OF DOLO FERMENTATION: A LOCAL BEER PRODUCED FROM MIILLET. Implmenting agency: IFS. Start date: 1989-06-01. Country/countries: Burkina Faso; Statement of objectives/abstract: Dolo is a lermenled beverage produced from millet which is well known in all parts of Africa where milet is grown. The production is essentially rwal and requires large quantities of fire wood, which contributes to desertifcation. Mr Yameogo will characterize the biochemistry of the fermentation process and try to optimize rural production with the aim of reducing energy use and improving quality of the product. Contact in research organization: Mr Tiga Rigovert YAMEOGO; Departement de Eiomasse: Institut Burkinabe de rEnergie; 9 P 7047; OUAGADOUGOU: Burkina Faso 127 SPAAR Irmatbon Systm FRecod number (MFN): 03398 Offcial pfe tide STUDY ON THE PARASITIC WEED STRIGA IN MALi: ITS BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY AND CONTROL METHODS. Implemert agency: Intemabonal Foundaion for Sciince- Start date: 1989-06-01. Coy/counbies: Mali; Statemfft of objecties/abstac: The parasitic weed S1riga spp. has a mapor npact on cereal copping m semi-and reeism. Dr. Denbele wil survey fte stribut different Strigawieties n Mai. This study wil also invohle research on cultiation methods to control the weeds, such as fertilization, litage or other sod preparaton techniques, and use of herbicides. The aim of the research is to reduce the impact of Singa henm )nthca an the yied of milet in Mali. Contact in research organization: Dr. Bourema Dembeke; Secton des Recherches sur les Cultures Vivneres et Oleagneuses, Institut d'Economie Rural; B.P> 258; Bamako; Mali Record number (MFN): 03403 Offical proj2ct title: STUDY ON HELIOTHIS ARMIGERA (LEPIDOPTERA, NWCTUIDAE) IN THE CROP-GROWING REGION OF KATlSOUJGOU: 8!C-ECOLOGY AND ECONOMIC IMPO .TANCE IN TOMATO CULTIVAllON. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation lor Science. Start date: 1989 12-01. Country/countries: -. Statement of oblectives/abstract: Research carried out by Dr. Couliboly at 'the Katibougou station, situated in the Sudano-Sahelien region of Mali, aims at a better knowledge of the insect pest Heliothis ar,nigera (lepidoptera, noctuidae): its bia-ecology, sexual behaviour, iscundity and longevity of females, number of generations per years, diu.nal activity, density of population, spatial distribution, host plants, natural enemes. evaluation of losses on tomato. Studies will be perfomned both in the field and cages. Contact in research organization: Mr. Amoro Coulibaly; Unne de Protection des Vegelaux: institut Polytechnique 128 SPMR Inormation Syste Rural de Katbigou; B.P. 6; KouWon; Mal Record number (MFN): 03404 Offical pr,ejlds: MOFPHOGENETIC VARIABIU1Y IN THE INFECTION SITES OF THE STEM OF SES8AA ROS1F.ATA IN VITRO STUDf OF THE VEGEI AITVE BJUD. kmpemeting agency: Intefafbonal Foudation for Scence. Stat date: 198912C1. Country/countries: Senegal; Stemert of oboctie/abstract Dr. Spe -Baneb wi study the cytophysiology of #ecton sis alng the stem of Sesbania rostata, a tropical legume with nodubes fnrmed n its stem, frquently wmg in Senel. The Wection sdes where Ahzobiun caunodans penetrate are n lact root apex situated on te stem, which evaluae difrenty according to the codions, eiwer as: nitogen fixrg noduls, or. the aeial part of fe stem; adventnce roots when the stem is kiods vegetate buds ftom a mewstem when wtivated in vitr. The contions for fte omiabon of vegetabve buds hrm the root apex (pant nurtion, age of the plnt, situation of the plant) as well as the histobgical, hisochemical and cytobgical aspects of the transformation of root meistefns to stem meristems wil be studied. Contact in research organization: Dr. Marie-Madeleine Spencer Barreto; Departement de Biobgie Vegetate; Faculte des Sciences; Universite de Dakar; Dakar; Senegal Record number (MFN): 03407 Official project btle: REGIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MILLET, SORGHUM, COWPEAS, AND MAIZE (TRANSITIONAL PHASE). Implementing agency: CILSS-Sahel Institute. Start date: 19814-0-00. Country/countries: Africa; Burkina Faso; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the programme is to put seeds of improved variet es at the diposal of Sahelian farmers. T he implemenlation of Phase I from 1981 to 198t, alowed the identification of a restricted group of varieties of millet, sorghum, cowpeas, and maize adapted to the various ecological zones. The present phase would consolidate 129 SPAA,R omation System thes resuLts and bansfe th resuls obtaied to fatners' fields. Al the regional evel ti research activies would ivoelv: (a) trials m Ie famers fields of the aelies idenlifed at the end of the opave tbiahs bndducd between 1981 and 1984; (b) survey d bamers to evaluae e results and detemime vaietes suiled for dMusion; (c) spporp the production of prese and base seeds lo meet the needs ot Vie tils large-scale multplicatbon and Isin, includ seed tecWhoiogy and (d) develpment of kionlmabon in order to: (i) facAle informabon exdwc ge; (i) dissemiate researh rsuts through ft-sieets on var,ides and (iii) promote te ptiikaton d sciernific work. At Vie nalional Lovel, te progarme woud tiae cowncaon involving decision-akers aid chnians for the edboration and cost esbmation of a prograrrne for the mtutpcaton ard diffion of the variebes retained. Upon complebt, the pgamme is expected to: (1) provide varieties and technologies suibbe to the condbors of the environment, and a sbsu sW increase in produion; and (2) permit acual mulkcabon and diffusion of varebes through nabonal muhllication and diffusion pogrammes. Coniact in researh organizaton: Nabonal Research Insitutions Record nbe (WFN): 0308 Official prtect tte: RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON PHY-TOGENElIC RESOURCES. Implerenirig agency: CILSS-Sahel Instiute. Start date: 1990400. End date: 19944000. Countrykcountiles: Afnca; Burkina Faso; Mali; Maurtania; Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde; Gambia Guinea-Bissau; Statement of obectives/abstract: The objechwes of the proposed programme are to: (a) establish national phytogenetic resources units--each responsble for colbetig, assessing and conrrvig crop resources; and (b) a regonal phytogenetic resources data bank in the long-term. The poramme consists of five components: (1) national research insttutes-provision of equpTnent for the conservation of collections under adequate conditions; (2) inventory of extetiN colbetions and exchange of malerials with ICRISAT. IITA, ORSTOM and others; (3) evaluation, of the accessions cclr .ed on the basis of undorm types cf observation, using the descriptors of IBPGR as reference; (4) establistiment of a reg-onal data-bank on the basis of the results of the evauation in (3); and (5) training or improvement courses for national researchers and technicians, in collaboration with institutions specialized in phytogenetic resources. At country level, a national unit for phytogenetic resources will be responsible for the management of the genotypes and at regina level, a Coordination Team will be responsble for the animation, the coordination and the control of the on-leld activities.Upon completion, the programme would allow the: (i) safeguarding of the 130 SPMR tnomaion System Sahehan cropajerolypes; (ii) esKhsnetd of a distribbom system whch would make i possble tar resarces to have easy acm to e stored avp-maeriakls; (ii) ofhe efficy of varietal selction prwm_es; and (iv) es~istin'en od a phylogenetic resours datban Contact. rnesearcd onwization: ab-d Research lnos. . . Racord number (MFN): 03409 Offlo proed Ni: CROP PROTECTION PROGRAMME bpenpb agey CILSSSahel lnshAe. Stat date: 19901o4Q. End date: 1994-00.00. Countrykounties: Arica; Burkina Faso; Mali; Mauran Niger Senegal; Chact Cape Verde; GCmbia Gurea-Bissau; SWem of obecivestabstract: The objectvs d the pposed pramvne are to: (1) icrease crop pducton thrugh the reduction in kosses causd by crop pests; (2) consoidate the achievements of the Projecl on Re:earch on Inleoated Control, by pursuing ancd strengteg the research aready underken for fe development of integrated contrd systems for pests of food crops; (3) strengthen national crop protction semces eely thrugh the strengthen d fthe monrn ntwork, the phtosanitary control, and the training d famwnrs; and (4) stengthe inter-Sahelian colaborabon in crop protection, already establshed by te Sahel Institute. The programme wil consist of three components: (a) research in integrated control; (b) sren ing of national crop-protection sevimces; and (c) regional techical coordination. Upon completion, the programrm would provide: (i) integrated control methods for the nah food crop pests that will not be harnful to the nvmet and are appicable by Sah'lian farmers: (i) a functional monitoring network to provide wray warnig on the benavior of pests and treamrents to be used when the need arises; (iii) phytosaritary control at entry ports, sea-ports and airports; (iv) a better trained and better inormed producers who wiN participate actively in the protection of their crops and of their environment; (v) stronger inlter-Sahelian collaboration for rncre effiieknt control of crop-pests, 'di) a reduction in the utilization of pesticides; and (vii) a reduction in crop-losses. Contact in research organization: National Research Institutions Record number (MFN): 03410 131 SPMR lomaton Syslem Ofioal pmed tie: INCREASE OF PRODUCTIVIlY AND CONTROL OF DISEASES OF SMALL RUMIUNANTS. Implemnting agency CILSS-Sahel ktdte. Staft dals: 1990-00-00. End dade: 1994-00. Cowurfcourien: Afnca; Burkria Faso, Mali; Mauntarwa Niger Senegal: Chad. Cape Verde; Gam; Gurea-Bissau: Stalieme of oblectivesabstract Under fe ReseanDeveomet Programme on Smai Rumnants (SR) in the CILSS Couts he d obpc fe proposed project are the: (1) assessment ard eflecive exploitation of te avadable wledg on the mwagemt of pasturelahds n Saheliar coutbies; (2) evaluaki of th impact of a methdical healt coverage (vaccrato and arntiheim treatment) on the pro*jct o so a ruminants; (3) analysis of costbonefit rabo and socico-econorruc icidence; and (4) demintabon of Ithe nec of increased sinall nimiants populabon on the Sahelieki ecoogy. The mapr rsearch actrviis would initv0e: (a) standardized identficabon ol hes and locabzation of sie ard i _neraes of obsevatm-zones of transhumac, of sedenty liveslock-breeding: (b) development of a uniform systen for multidisciplary intervention on fe selcled animal material-penods. types of vacle used. nature of antihemninthics used, rate of intervetions, types of blood taking and aboratory wnlyses; (c) testing of apid, eicient and cheap screening methods, nduding bboo-taking for analysis and diagnosis of dkeases i goats and shee,; (d) pemaet control of the quality of vaccnes and monitonng ol the rate of inmunization of the animals Ireated; (a) data rollction--composition and evution of herds, rproduction (fertilty. abortons, mortaliy of young animals), marketng at famiy and village le.els and local consumption; (f) evaluation of the irpact of the prodect on the developmeni of small ruminants breeding and the evolution of the ecology in te zones involved; and (g) utlization of the results in naional and regional policies for the development of small ruminants breeding in the Saher.Upon cm"pletion, the project would provide: (i) a Res arch/Devebpment Netwok on the breeding of small ruminants (pathology. productivct' and equitibrium of the agro-sylvo-pastoral cosystlem); (i) knowidge of the risks of overstocking of arnimals; (iii) reliab and comparative data for strategies for the control of d;seases of smnal ruminants at national and regional lvels, and efficient plans for vaccination and anwihelminthic trealment campaigns; (iv) knowldge on the behaviour of agro-cattle breeders vis-a-vis the methodical introduction of a system for the improvement of small ruminants through health coverage (vaccination and anthelminthic Ireatment): and (v) increase in the productivity of small livestock, in the income of the pastoral families. and in the consumption of animal products. Contact in research organization: National Institutes. Centres, and Laboratories 132 SPAAR Infotio System Record nvrber (MFN): 03411 Official projed tide: PATHOLOGY OF SMALL RUMINANTS: ETIOI OG'. V. IES AND P9OPHYL-XIS. Ibvleref agency: CILSS-Sahel hsute. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1§2--00. Counrykounties: Afica; Burkina Faso; Mali; Mauiaia; Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde; Ganbia; Guiiea4-sau; Statement of objectivesMabstract: Under the Researc/eepment Progamme on Small Ruminants (SR) in CILSS Counties, the objees ot the proposed p-otec are to: (a) assert the etiology of te pneumor c dise3ses syrome (one of the main causes of morlity in sheep and goats) in imal n#ruiants wih a view to produce apropriale vacanes; (b) trai;; researhers in acive immunization agaist te pseudorndepest of small rumnts wih a view lo produce a heterdogous anti-rinderpest vaccine which is better Vneated by fe breeds of sheerp nd goats in the guffeand sulao-sahela zones; H (c) pocsed ID an eidogical a oweebering of 'pox' (poxviruses) in sheep and goats for the esabhmnt of a rabcoal prophyxis. The research activili. would involve viogy-serobgical suney. diagnosis mefods and tesing o vacc -a; strs; baclondcogy-cleterninabton of precise period of intervention of germs ano expermt diagnosis; and mycoplasmal studies-identificabon of fe action of mycoplam. Upon completion the pro,ect would permit: (i) the identffication of the main pathogenic agents of the 'pneumonc diseases- of small ruminants; (ii) the evaluatio of their level of pathogenicity; (iii) the creitK-. nf simple and/or combined efficient ard innocuous vaccines; and (ivj the recommendatfrns )I appropriate prophylaxis measures. Contact in research organization Central Veterinary Laboratory: Bamako; MaliNational Lzboratory for Uvestock and Veterinary Research; Farcha; Ndjamena); Chad Record number (MFN): 03412 Official pro,ect title: RESEARCH AND STUDY PROGRAMME ON THE IMPROVED MANAGEMENT OF EXTENSIVE NATIONAL RANGELANDS IN THE SAHEL (PGENES). Implemnting agency: CILSS-Sahel institute. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date. 1994-00-. Country/countries: Africa; Burkina Faso; Mali; Mauntania; Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde: Gambia: Guinea-Bissau: 133 SPAAR Infmaton Systern Sttenert of objectmvs1abdract The obpctve of Om pposed prom is to inrve the stwKtard of living of livestock-breeders by: (i) securing, in te Sahel. pracies d extesive veskic-brediig, correlv wth a better m gemn of pastoal resources; (ii) rasing th potentialities of Vimy production with ft heBp of the Asiaaon ot Pasoraists-restoraboin of range ,nds, bush-fire control; (i) incasig the avalaity of and accessiky to resoures by oplmizig the uihztion of pasboa water supply infrasbudcue; and (iv) saleguw&f the ecozystem by WgV more rspnsbdiies to its users and by organng the sysem. The pojecd would elborat a nrral Code fo enacting a line dt conduct ding tashmnce and tran tedhcal staff as wet as lieodc-breeders m the techniques for better manageent of natural rangelands. Contact in research organzation: Nabonal Instbtes. Cetres, and Laboratones Record number (MFN): 03413 Otficial projed Otle: RESEARCH AND STUDY PROGRAMME ON THE POSSIBIUlY OF INTENSIFICATION OF FODDER AND ANIMAL PRODUCTION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF AN ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURE AND UVESTOCK BREEDING IN SU3-SAHELIAN, SUDANIAN AND GUINEAN ZONES. Implrmeing agency: CILSS-Sahel Instite. Start date: 1990400-0. End date: 1994-00-00. Co;iiLyAcountries: Africa; Burkina Faso; Ma;i Mauritania; Niger; Serneal; Chad; Cape Verde; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau; Statement of objectives/abstract: Deep changes-increased culbvabon and fellws, increased livestock populabon in the cotton zone. systerndtc utilizabon of crp-residues, integration of lvestock-breeding into agricutural practc-which occured in the farming systems of the Sudanian. Guinean and Sahelian zones during tr twenty years have led the tradiional extensive livestock-breeders to adopt sedentary livestock-breeding. The proposed programme would offer sedentary new livestock-breeders' the possibility to rationally organize their style of expoitation so as to ensure the ertlity of their Lands and the intensification of the livestock-breeding through th utilization of cultivated pastures and agro-industrial by-products. To achieve these objectives, the programme would: (a) promote the development of fodder crops in Sub-Sahehan (irrigated zones), Sudanian and Guinean zones through the devepment of appropriate and more productive farming techniques: and (b) organize. and sensitize 'livestock-breeders farmers' for iritiation and trainn ir the te_. niques for the conduct of anima's co patible wih crops grown in the zones. The programme would aevelop models of exploilatun a'ted to the various ecological situations of the 134 SPAAR romaRhon Syslem Sub-egion l oimize the aninal and agricultural pductio of the secto vn hamn"y wilhe o ncepts of pesevaon of the awomenr and of dat on wion, and esbish a e NetwoA at would inegrate agn re and ivsok-breeg for sod erosion cont and impvment of wni Contact in researc organzatn: MaIn~t-riA IUSar~ Ce'i'es t- Re=carJ or J-krial Protacħ3n Sysħems Record number (MFN): 03414 Offical protec de: RESEARC+iDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON CAMELS IN THE SAHEL (DR). lalhenentig ageny CIL.S-Sahe Iniute Start dais: 199O-00. End date: 1994-00. Co&ounkies: AM Makh; Maun; NWer Senegal; Chad; Semnerit o obfedwesJabsract The domiart patholog in camels-p'neron diseases' syndrome, digese and blood psiss, 'pox', 'mdgesbons syndrome-are he myor causes of mortaiy and mobictyyn m tspec and togeter win food deFic s they conue the mam constraint to the development of prduc . The rech hemes proposed for this fus phase woud deal wth: (a) the productmty of dromedary camels =4 te rsutig ncdence on th a'osytvostoral ecosysems; and (b) the domit pathooi wih specific reference to 'pneumon dseas' syrom, digesie and bbood paisdoses, dim diseaes. and indgestn sydrmeetolg and dwelop t of appriate treatments (eonomical and adapted to the Westock-breeing codtin). The research activites would inolve: (i) review of leraur on research carried out on the dromedaly in Afican countries and in th Middle East; (ii) furtng of te eboogical kowledg on ft diant pathologies; (iii) study and research on fte poducion system of the dromedary; and (iv) study on the improvemt of te probducvy of the dromeday and its impact on the Sahelian ecosystem. The programme would set up a data-bank on dromedaries in the Sahel. Contact in research organization: National Instutes, Centres and Laboratones for PRsearch on Animal Healfth and Production _________________ Reoord number (MFN): 03415 Ofikial polect title: ECOLOGICAL MONITORING OF THE DYNAMICS OF DESERTlFICATION. 135 SPAAR nrmaton System Iniplementig agency CILSS-Sahel Institte. Start de: 1990-00. End date: 1994-00D0. Cour*dountn .Africa;, Bukima Faso; Mal,; Maauitania, Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde; Gamb, Guinea-8Raisau Stlatmed on oabecvebstract The objcdves d fe proposed pfopanme are to: (1) deveiop an effecbve metodology br moniOr dyrics of desertcation and establish a data-baik to provide ifc.mation servces to the polical authntes of Sahelian - - develpment insiui as wel as to the coopera parers; (2' h in Sahielian couties for nirovg contnuously the quality of thc- desertcatr.; (3) suppoxt research istitions for icreasffg th- to he inp ntao of Natonal Plans for desetkaton cotr - ., dtuniormation and traning, to a gmaer diusion of elficient deserht cabon conol tnqes deveped in the vaous parts of the Sahel and in other parts of ard and semi-and zmnes of te world and (5) eaborate acdions for cotrolling some aspects of the degradaton of the environent. Contact in research organization: Nabonal Instubons and EnviromentxEcobgy CentersRegional Remote Sensing Center; Ouagadougou; Burluna FasoUNEP; Mali Record number (MFN): 03416 Offcial projed tite: ECOLC&Y/ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME: REFORESTATION AND CONSERVATION OF .HE FORESTRY RESOURCES. Impemeing agency: CILSS-Sahel Institute. Start date: 1990-000. End date: 1994-00. Country/counties: Africa; Burkina Faso; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verl- -ia; Guinea-Bissau; Statem. ctwivees/:sract: Refore .n the Sahel is associated with fe rational management of natural foests. The Sahelian countnes have raadusted thr policies toward: (1) the silviculture of local species which are of prime i r tance to the rural populations--gum-trees and shea-trees are a to, prio;ity in most of the States; (2) the siviculture of species which could increase substantially the exports of products (more specifically, cashew-tree); and (3) the devebpment of natural stands for their restoration through rational exploitation. The major focus of the research programme would be on Gum-trees, Shea-trees and Cashew-trees. 'The research activities would involve: (i) inventory of research and assessment of the achievements for each of the three crops, as wel as evaluation and redynamization of 136 SPAAR Iformation System research wherever necessary in order to meet the regiona Pocuan of better dfbeny n lie utilion of resources; (i) adoess the problm of dweriiiai control, ,mply d huelWod, hner, huids and medical prducts as we as soil ad waeer onseian and crop pecton; and (ii) stimulate sub-regional oxxbtaton, coordnate the acios undertaken or to be undertk, and ensure the bfluon of research resulls. Contaet in res= oraniain: Natonal Insfitutiois and EnvronmentEcology Centers Record nunber (IFN): 03417 Official projetd We: RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON FOOD SECURITY, STRATEGIES AND POUCIES. kiriemenfitV agency: CILSS-Sahel Institute. SWt date: 1990400. End date: 1994-00-00. Counrry/ountrries: Africa; Bu*ka Faso; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde; Gambe; Gunea-1issau; Staemn of ob*dives1Ax#tact The o&ectives of the proposed programme are to: (1) prmote and develop the capabiiy of CILSS coune to cany out prospecv sudbes and research, in the fol-up and evaiuabon of the efforts of heir o-g or panned policies on the pducto (avabahty), the disibution (accesstbly) and the consufion (ulilizabon) of products essential for attaining food security for the populaton: (2) provide reliable and opportune scienti infomaon to decision makers of he Sahelian countries and Donors to guide tw n the fornulation and adpusents required in policy making to impmve the food security siuabon of the population; (3) stimulate concertation, coPaboration and exchange between Sahelan and non-Sahelian researchers on tederating reseafch themes reltng to the harmenization of macro-economic polices for better sub-regional and regional agro-industnal integration; and (4) ensure, through the inter-active process of the conertatian, collaboration and exchanges in (3), efficient and operational vocational training of competent experienced Sahelian researchers in the field of agicultural and food poicies analysis. Contact in research organization: National Institutions _________________ Record number (MFN): 03418 Offcal project tle: PROGRAMME FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF RESEARCH ON PRODUCTION 137 SPAAR Inomaton Syslem SYSTEMS. mertmg agenT CJLSS-Sahel Ititte. Start dab: 199040-00. End date: 1994-00-00. Ccuntry*cunties, Africa Burkina Faso; Mali; Mauritania Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde; Gambia. Guea-Bi ssau; Steet of obtectiveslabstact. The d*ecves of the proposed prgamme are to: (1) strengthen the ability of researrs t ident the real pblms which hinder the inaease of agncutuiral, pastoral ard silvicuutal prodin and to develop and test pcal solons alaptble b the soco-cutural and economic conions of fe target-populations; (2) bster field-trials od the resuls of o-station research for evakiting their efects aid acceplabity in the nrral evrment and (3) stnulate, ftrough regular exdianes of expens and resulis among researcers of the vanous counties, practcal vocabonal training in operational appraach to mcease the efficien of the young teams involved in systems approach to research. Contac mi researc organiabon: Naionals Iuns Record number (MFN): 03419 Official prect tbe: PRCGRAMME ON SUPPORTING SERVICES: DOCUMENTAllON, INFORMATION AND TRAINING. Implmentirg agency: CILSS-Sahel Insttute. Stat date: 199D-00-00. End date: 1994-O0-00. Coutrty/countes: AJrica; Bukina Faso: Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Chad; Cape Verde, Gambia; Guinea-Bissau; Stament of objectiveslabstract: One of the objectives assigned to the InstiMte of Sahel (INSAH) by the CILSS Member States is the collection, analysis and diffusion of scientific and technical information of relevance to Sahetian development. INSAH is supported by three service divisions: (a) Documentation Division--which operates the Sahelian Scientflc and Technical Documentation and Information Network (RESADOC) and its unit, the INSAH Documentation Centre. The division operates a computerized database on research and development in the Sahel and conducts information networking activities through RESADOC. The objectives of the Documentation Division during the rive year period would be focused on the stening of the RESADOC Network and the INSAH Documentation Center for qualitative, quantative and etficient services; (b) Information Division-the objectivs of the Information Division during the five year penod would be focused on the strengthening of information support to research 138 SPAAR kgmnato System wodss, exmsion works ard bmes through the Otusion of resch results, brnng, auc-sua aide. nzal radio po'amme, video-eporting and fliis, as we as the senszation of fe poplAto to the prblems of dought and d eaion and (c) Trw Tiin-ft obectves of the rTra Division drtig Ihe ft e year period would be kocused on the coachrig ot (a) imprvemt tkw of rescahd aes and technici (ap esead, research manage and aukmdra_ion); (b) reglar training asisan for mmber states (sWort and durain sduslps, refresher courses); and acxrtoriend ta hr''ou' ' teicl wk . Cornb in research organization: INSAH; Baako; Mali Record nurber (WFN): 03441 Olfcal poect tide: FERTlILIZER PROJECT. mp emtin agercy World Bank Burin Faso. Start dale: 1985-11-04. End date: 1992-06-30. Coubry/cauties Burkina Faso; Stament of otigeesiabsta: The prqed woud seek to improve feftilizer subsector policies and the structure of fertlizer use by rmovg subsidies and oer distorons, idern and prviding better and heaper fertiizers, and eliminatig supply iad . The psn system and patter of fertlizer use for cereals s not sustainable in the ong nin and does not ler itself to furter expansion. Through pocy reforms, the system would be foaised increasingly on domestc sources of supply (aninal manure and other organic matter, roc phosptate) and, where economically jstified, on dceaper kinds of irported c al fertilizers. In the process, the prqect would create a pattern of ferbi2er use for food crops whereby farmers use the type best suited to their partcular crop and land. To achieve the objetves the prqect woudd inance: (a) part d the cost of importing dwnical fertilizers for cereal culivation over a four-year period during which fertilizer subsidies would be efiminated; (b) a five-year program of field trials to identify more suitable tertizers for cereal cultivation; (c) a feasibility study for a small fertilizer production unit and, if found technically and economicalf justified, its construction; (d) the promotion of domestic rock phophate use; (e) a five-year credi component to finance fertizer diribu and heip farmers tinance tertilzer prchases; (f a unit to coordinate, mcnitor and evaluate the project; (9) a component for the training of Organisme Reionag de Devebppement (ORD) staff; and (h) studies on population and miqratbon, agncultural lnd reform, fertilizer use, agricultural statistics, and project preparation. 139 SPAF lromation Sysle Contac i research oraization: lmnoy of AgicAe aid Arinal Husbar*y Ouagadouwgou; Bula Faso Record numbe (MFN): 03442 Official.pied tite AGRICCUITURAL RESEARCH P ECT. Implernemg agency- World Bankc Burna Faso. Slat dai. 1968-12-29. End date: 1994--31. Countrycounribs: Burna Faso; SWtment of obctives/abstrac The pred repmesers a first fie-year ranche of a bong-enn nabonal program. The dobves of the fis-year pthse are to: (i) strenghe and cnsoiate fe cap"* of natonal agricultu research (mickxkg lestock and forestry) to plan. execuie and aauate researh progras that are in hie with Goverme a AEal polies, reon to lamers's needs, and aleto rer lea rsearch mconduted m neijbodn countries ardor by intenatoa iutes; (i) irpove at babro and lionges between individual resea pram, by placing greater emps on mubisinawy, systms-oriented esearch. as opposed to the cnodity-oierted research that has prvaed in Oe pest and (ii) strengthen links between research and extension senices. The projed would seek to achieve these objecte by hunding: (a) strengthenig of nstiht drEtudes et de Recherches Agricoes (INERA) and Insrtut de Pecherl en Biologie et Ecoogie Tropical (IRBET) researcn baites; (b) technical assisance and training; (c) eqjxment and operating costs; and (d) initial vesbnets in suwpport of adapive research progrms, incdudig exploratory suveys wihn t Program de Recedie six las Sysemes de Producton (RSP) and Recherde stir rEau. be Sol, la Fertiliaton, riigation et le Machinisme Agicole (ESFIAA) program,s varetal testing, ad inpved seed poducton at Kouare, Di, and Katchad.The prqect would also support research programs on: production systems (farming syslems, livestock poduction, agromresy syslems, and devebpment awd testig of new technologies); wa1er/solIerbkibonfgatotmechdizabon (erosion control, soil and water conseation ferizer tnals. tillage methods and agricultural mechanization, and animal tracton); tivestock producbon (cattle and srnal stock); cereals (mantaining of sorghuwn, millet. and maize genetc potential); odseeds (groundnut, cowpea, and sesame plant breeding. protection and harvest/grain storage problems; vegetable and hun crops (agro-econoric and marketing); rice (applied and adaptire research on owland rice production); cotton (breeding, quality seed, peWst and disease control); and forestry research (traditional agroforestry systems and inpact of nitrogen-fixing woody species--Acacia albida--on crop yields). Contact in research organizaiion: Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et dre a Recherche Scientifique (MESRS); 140 SPAAR Inlordation System Ouagad( bjou; Bwldna Faso Reacrd nume (MFN): 03443 Offic0a prioe tde: AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT SERVICES PROJECT. hirnentmg agec Wold Ban Bwkina Faso. Starl dale: 198905-26. End dale: 1994-12-31. Countrptoun*ies: Budia Faso; Stamen ed obfedives/absbac The pre cnstutes te firsi tranche d a long-m nabxaw pogram aimed at seng w*ig agricultural services. It has hee man objeoves: (a) o iprve the e_etves and inpact f agiculW and iestoc exWswon svcs n brd" bdrxoog to btmne; (b) to senghn aa healh srMces and adapv research pogram. In order to stenen te adapte research proam. the prject w proide hn for the reh abon of he Adapbie Research Sbion (Poir crApup de reulaisato oe cE nwirwion (PAPEM)) netk hough opogaphx ad reconnaissarce sod suws; cii works cosucton and the paraaon d 20 ha d land at nue PAPEM; draf anats for 12 PAPEM; agricultural equiment ard operating costs; and (c) to provide uncional lteracy raining to amers. ereby enhancing teir ability to parbqte more directly in tectviolo geneaon and dssemination. Cntact in research organizaion: kisy of Agriculture and Liestock (MAE); Ouagadougou; Burka FasoMsb of Rural Cooperatve Acbon (ACP); Ouagadougou; Burddna Faso Record nxnber (MFN): 03458 Offial proet tide: AGRICULTURAL REHABIUTATION ROJECT. Impementig agency: World Bank; Chad. Start date: 1988-01-12. End date: 1991-12-31. Country/countnes: Chad. Statement of objecives/abstract: The project has two dsnc objets: (a) to impov cordnaon rough the development d key rural institutions and the emergency rehabiabon of productv faciities n the rural sector and (b) to enhace ft Govemmnrs abilty to guide agricultural planning and dewbpmet by implemenling pilot actions to estblish opbnm appoahs in rwal deveopntwn and by caryng out key sb-setor sudies. 141 SPAAR Inrmation Sslem To aitIhese aobpeciwes, de precd would consit of the folIo components: (1) ufim dewelopment-provesi of (i) bU resident expert in th fields of appied agrcul rnseesemd adrnrn_ , sceoK productio. agic*iral bVaig, and exion b rview cdien poiis and opeatos and help dewise and wbm I es through the *relwat departnerts br te phased inprvemert of acp pucon w te meir-ang-erm and coffespom proposas for reorgaizing lisere de rAgrute et du DevelppemerV Rural (MADR) se ms; (u) V*fn (iii) vie ard men! form&i&V ard- 7; I o _p nsf d key senices in the MAD. aid the lMare de Elevage el de !Hfhaiqe Pasorale (MEHP), as wel as the Bureau Interrninislerel des Etudes et de b Pmranabon (BIEP), ard t* Rural Procts Fund Mangment Ulit (MU); (2) mgenc ehalion of producive and deeoping bdcibes wbi tast rate oolpA n the nal sector, both for prbic seclor enterprises (sudc as lhe Farcha Laboratory for Livestoi Vacie Poducton and Veb*riy and Zoolgica Research, fe Faca Abatoi, seed farms, and farm inplern manufacte) and for key nal developmen sei (such as rsearch, ta*g extnsion and na constructo); (3) piol acbons for tednial develpmerts-tocs on testing and dgopnumn zaion and tecoogies for expanding food acop production and waer resoure mainenance; and (4) sedo planning-t reestast rit of data colcton semces ad key sbsector studies focusg on (i) comam es-soum, groundkuts. died vegebles, spices, rice. od palm, and oiseeds-wl h high potential for economic development (i) liWestock production, aocessing d mwketig (iii) forest prodton and resource conservation; ard (iv) ruraedit analys. Cornct in research organizabon: Mnistre de rIAiculture et du Developpement Rural (MADR): N)jaenax Chad monste de rElevage et de rHydaule Pastorale (MEHP); N'Djamena; Chad Ministere du Tourisme et de rEnvinement (MTE); N'Djarmena Chad Record rnuber (MFN): 03459 Officia pect litle: NATIONAL UVESTOCK PROJECT. Impenrtng agency World Bank; Chad. Startdate: 198901-27. Enddate: 1995-12-31. Country/countries: Chad; Statent of objeclivesiabstract: The proect would represert the first five-year stage of a long-term program to strengthen Chads livestock sector. The projecrs main objectives are to invease national livestock producti, poducr icoe and Governent revenue on a sustae basis. This would be achieved through a combinaon of policy reforms and investments leading initially to improved access by producers to livestock healfth 142 SPAAR halobo System uec aid xiension s and by merwat b export matets. A sttsequurt ebvetve is bo mnrove ranelard utizaion ad resouce wagwwt The projec wotld sheiui fe privale and pblic seIto,s in fe areas of thw respecive c amrate advantages. The pojecd would urtw instie poicy dges aimed at export p aid ieqoioadd crdost revery .Pmed acdi*es dnwoudiuxe: (i) dsvelopnmr d bt of trar iomrel gruirgs kW pasoa assocaiom, and redti d er pois in ft kamework f these associatons; (i) stenhaning of rpA m~Supply SYC M (iii) oMgoftraig i Ot Mq~;W4 Ua0Ckd c raseaSh-in '*, raied esearh, ini wok wod coaentate on inpvn available inlortao on ee resotrmc aid tow use It would conti remote sensig techniqIues with fil oervatio of t fe behavior and perhnmn of migaoy aid sedentary herds. Ater fe initial two yers aid ion completion he resoue managemen research wod s lo t identilcation of rdnge i er nt aid odder production teciiniq This Tesearch wouW be oanied out win franework d te pastoral associiom and focus on simple aing management aid reseedng techrnqu. In the more hMd aeas, it would cncentate on the possbity of itoducing hir h quaity brage h the prducton system wih sinple technique Ike odder banks and aley bmng (iv) intoducion of moe efficient extension mneOd i hlstre de rEapge et de ft1yraulique Palorale (MEHP)'s field services, and rehabltan of ir faciies and (v) strenghenmg of MEHP capabiiy for planning and coordinatio. Conlact in research organization: Mistere de rEWvage et de Hyikraiiique Pastorale (MEHP); D'Oaena; Chad Record number (MFN): 03501 Offtl ptc tite: MOPTI AREA DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. krplmentin ageny: Worid Bank; Mali. Stat dabe 1965-15-11. Enddate: 1992-09-30. Countylcoutres: Mali; Sblaement of objectivesabstract: The projet would build on the experience of fe previous two prjects in the area, Mopti Rice II and Livestock 1. Its' central goal is to protect and develop the podcton potential of the Inner Delta through an array of mutually supportrve acvtes in crop and animal production, recogning their close inerrearion. The project specically aims to: (a) increase rice producn thrwogh imoroved water manageent and the provsi of clean rice seed, thereby boostng seail fames' incomes; promot dryland crop culbiation inside and around te pokders on the non-inundated and; (b) increase the off-take from fte livesock hefds, theby increasing heders' incomes, and proteclin3 pasture lans by redtcig overgazng; (c) strengten the nstitutional hamework for agriculural deveopment at the local 143 SPAR kfnaton *Sy Wevil liwouge creaton d new prducer goups, the redorcemert of existng pxsr. and Ihe rescirg o egional development agencies; (d) sbt m appied and adaphve MSnari and seed prion for Ihe Mop aea; (e) hfher decrilol and fainbaze the paddy and rce priig and marketing system; (f awe ger bnwedge of ld use pattms de Deka. wth a vnew to reducing c a i the thure. Cotat in re!earch omainzabtDn- Opeabion Fz Mo (ORF; Mopi; MaliOperation De pment de rlevage Moph (OOEII); Sewe; MaliBanue Natonale de Developpement Agricoie (BNDA); ali Record mber (MFN): 32 Official projed te: OFFICE DU NIGER CONSOLIDATION PROJECT. Implementing agency: Word Bank, Mai. Start dale: 1989-03-03. End date: 1997-630. *Coou nres: Mali; Sttmernt of objecties/abstract: The prect constue the first phase of a long-twm rehabtaflon and develpment program for the Oflice diu Niger (ON). The broad obecie of the project is to restructure the ON in order to iwcrease agncultural produActw and, in fe bong-em esablish a sustabl production system. The proect has four main shortt-trm objectves: (a) to strenghten ON's maaeria capacity; (b) to restune its finances; (c) to improve the maintenance and productivity of the exing physical infrastrudure and perimeters; and (d) to rehabiliate part of the nrework and some penrmeters. In agreement with te Instic drEconormie Rurale (IER), applied research will be carmed out on short-cycle/short-straw nce varieties, fertlintion, cultural pacts and ipernents, crop driation, imgatbon technologi, and pasture regeneraton and devebpment. The results would be used in the extension program and to design the subsequent phases of the rehabilitation progarn. Contact in research organization: Mnstere de r'Agriculture: Bamako; Mali Record number (MFN): 03503 Offcial proec title: SECOND FORESTRY PROJECT. Impementing agency: World Bank: Mali. 144 SPMR Wdnamon Sy-er Sut dat: 198607-02. Enelae: 1991-12-31. Saer- 'f oetdjaes/airact The prqed wuld be a onai ol d te first IDAfACKCCE proaed (Crede 88U34AJ). and wotld buid on the eperiene d s Fist phis. I the gitl d the sdgrio te sedos pbims, the scond phs wotd b: (a) peverd kuw ar V Vhsru*on (A the endagered nar a brest coer d the second to n Ihmuuwhn_i i ofp sdem or m gmento te useved re cover (incbxg busdtDs aid fbres parks). as wea as assistacloe been tlbbusah _la n 'a r e rndur ars and sp to goe 8kucie du Baotie Nalicnal Pak area (b) e dxjges m the poicy ew wm pacady price . poky (c) shrghen tie naroal foret departmerW s ab*y lo idertfy. design, plb 3 eret ard monior is devebpmt and con*ol adivibes; (d) ovs es of bcal wood poducts lor Bamiao tu* lOe ehansi of state-anage Oem.-isr ee paptaons aid nwagement of the forest resees i lie 18ala; ane and (e) iprov tie bwledge of te sector uwo a senes of nabonal s%dw Pmed woud prdes bu to cany oul, win Operabon Amenw_gn et tProdcons Foeres (OAPF), apied resach spefically oiend to idenbying and developing belbr plning socf br exotc and kxca species, wag ready proedn*. Contazt in research organiation: Ikeslee dre des Pessurces Natrelbs et de rElevage (MRNE); Banako; Mai Recowd mnber (MFN: 03524 (Wfcu priect tMe: IRRIGATION IV PROJECT. _ylmerlwg agency: World Bank; Senea. Start date: 198-11-30. End date: 1994-0-30. Coxtrykounves: Senegal; Stment of objectivesl*stract: The broad obc of the project is to pave the way for su e ingation development n the Senegal valley. The speciic objectves are to: (i) improve the peiformance and maintenance of the exsting perimeters desiwed for sgaitidw fa1mg (u) reduce de scope of Societ dIAmenagement et dExpbodabon des Terres du Delb du Fbewe Seneg t des Valtses du Flew S gl et de la Faiwe (SAED)'s . actites, parly to reduce SAEDs costs and to enabb poenta private supes of such adities to enter the narkst (iii) explore te scope for divers0ying cropping patms and forms of irrigated fanning and (iv) strenghen SAEOs planm ig and managerial capacibes. The project would achieve its objecves through Ie folbwg pnncipal components: (a) modenizaion of thre perim (7000 Wa): 145 SPAAR Irormatio Sys (b) aiig of SAED s personnel and trner% (c) devopeiet of cedit netork tor 1nm (d) finc on a deauaq basi of pat of SAED's opeWA2g es (inculd in cm n with is p,odudior -d actie; (e) prvsaon of maim equipmen and spae pa . . - .D; (1) sbuces on ihersitVg yigain deelpment in te Senel vat./, (g) sregheig of SAED's Plann. and Devdopmen Accounig. and rRang Depwtmints; and (h) receah ad rellwlesloiApied and adapbw rsearc proWans wih are concened wh the dvak;4:int do *ioepir of rice crop diersdication on '1bo-MW- tw" soils. seed prodct ion. modenzaio of agxui, ma&iey, hWSbDc dewelpmu~and organc b on. woId epke tc poss es dred by yer-rouiod .gab tor rducng pr costs and cxre o Conract n research organizabon: Sooste crAmr"n ernt et dExpotattion des tres du Dela du Fbeuve Sea et des Valbes i Feuve Senegal et de la Faleme (SAED); Dabr; Senegal Recod number (MFN): 03623 Offlial pqec bfis: WATER MANAGEMENT SENEGAL RIVER-VALLEY (RICHARD TOLL. PHAS': 11). Implementig agency: Aocultu Urniesity Viagm Startce: 1985-00-. Enddae: 1991-00-00. Countryk*untnes: Africa; Senegal. Maurtana: Staement d obpiesIbsact The bng trm goal would be to nu i food avadabity in he Senegal-valley. The short term goal would be to iniprove dt poduv ad sAiabiY o rs poducton in areas wih small-scale wiig n the Senegal-vally. Rese.archpaNatmiidg actites would invoe mesarh on water requireet of aops, io teniques and or ganisaho, aspects of sa scale irmgaon systm of te Senegal-river-vafley. Contact in research organization: NP. F. Kupers: Dept. of lmgation and Rural Engireeng; Agric. University Wagenimgen; Niuwe Kanaal I 1; 6709 PA Wagenigen; The Neterlands; Tel: (31 )(0)8370-84190 Record number (MFN): 03626 Oflicial pmoect toe: APPRAISAL OF RISKS IN AGRICOLTURE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. 146 SPAAR Inlormtion System ijieer agency State Universy of GrnmgenS entifc Research Instiute (RUG). Stat date: 197-0D-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Cotnry/couties: Bwna Faso; Stemewt of obcweslabs/drad: The bng term goal would be to incease aaabity of sorghun and miibl n semi-ard zones of Afrca South of the Sahara. and stenr nabonal research capacty. The shcxi t: goal =kd be h dued'up g%i:B- far fooa6 policy and food secuity in 8urkna Faso, and stxnth research capacity of Btkia Faso. ResearcnIcapacity-buing activibes wcaild msohe the: (a) deveopmnt of a model for forecasting pnuctn of millet and sorghum n semi-and zone of Burlkina Faso; and (b) y,wt of food storage at local, egional and national level. Contact in msearch organizaton: kk C. Sdhw ; Economic Instbue; State Unesity Grn ; P.O. 90A 72: 9700 AB Groningen; The Nethetards; Tel: (0)50-63911 lUniersity of Ouagadougou, Centre dEtudes de Documentati. de Recherches Economiqe et Socia (CEDRES); Ouagadougou; Burina Faso Record number (MFN): 03650 Official prqect bte: WATER MANAGEMENT IN IRRIGATED SCHEMES. Inp ing agency. Admnstration Geerale de la Cooperation au Dveoppenent. Starl date: 1989-09-00. End date: 1994-00. Country/countines: Senegal: Sbaement oi obectvesiabstract: Ootimization of water management in imgated areas. Contact,,..; .----anization: Kil Univ. : ven; Tel: 016/22 09 31 Record numberC 03b , oe- ,nroect tite: WATLRSHED AND APPLIED RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT. Imolementing agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1994-00-00. Country/counlres: Cape Verde: Statement of obctives/abstract: 147 SPAAR lomabon Syslem The pojed woud comnbre te sccessl xvbes presenty caaned out under the Food Crop Research anrk Walershed veopment proets, empuizn develpmnt of tree pangs. stures and cops to enhance sod and wae comevaion aid ed food and forage poducbon. The project wifi be managed by a neMiNaa~w" gzabion. Conbad h research organization NGO Record nuber (MFN): 3660 Official project title: AGRICULTURE SECTOR RESTRUCTURING. IpemeFnn agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpmtent. SWt date: 1990-00. End date: 19950-00. Country/contitnes: Guinea; Statement of objectives/abstract: Provide support to development of agricultural related markets. Record nwnfer (MFN): 03661 Official proecd title: NATURAL RESCURCES MANAGEMENT. Impementing agency: U.S. Agency for Inlernat-onal Devebpment. Start date: 1990X00H0. End date: 1991-000. Country/countnes: Guinea; Record number (MFN): 03665 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SUPPORT. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Start date: 1991400-00. End date: 20004000. Country/countnes: Mali: s1 Statement of objectives/abstract: The purpose ol the project is to strengthen the capacity of Mali's national 148 _ _ .__ ..__. .___ __ . SPPAR iatn System agriluaxl resarch system to develop sustainble iproductnie and ncme geneatNg choobef skai l bmwr use. A ge is a dommt e m seckor in Mali. A major csi ID agricultural eelop et ishe low level of adapive and enironmety sogid tcolgies. Budu on sucesses and ssons leamed from fe SemiArid Trpics Crp Reseach and Faig System Rearch pret, fFt projctwil strengifert the MLiban agnuural resarch system to enable it to better generate bch gies needed to bnree produdy and rcomes. The projed wi hel th Gov"e me of M. a (GRM) orgamz and coasolidate agricul.6-al reseach eemets int a sitgle system. Emphasis wil be placed on mprovig agronomic and vstock research, cont research on foodgrams and value-added tpcnobges, and buildg local capacty to plan, admnster, arid manage a national r smarch syste. Technical and adrrnistratve support wil help te GRM to formulate and inplent a nabonal research stre, manage a nabonal search system. and strthen scientific codaboramon anong African and intemational research institutions and donors. The proed wil hep develop Maan institutional capacay by providing ag ural isubo wh partant training, research equpwent, technical asstc, and Wgraded facitibes. Record nunber (MFN): 036Wf Offcial proiect tite: TRANSF .R OF TECHNOLOGY. Olementing agency: L.S. Agency tar International Devebpment. Start date: 1985400-0. End date: 1991-00-00. Co4.ntry/countres: Senegal: Record nurber (MFN): 03674 Official poect title: AGROFORESTRY RESEARCH NETWORK. Implementing agency: International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)tSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Country/counitnes: Africa: Record number (MFN): 03675 Official proiect ttle: WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA MILLET NETWORK (ROCAFREMI). 149 SPMR hwonmbt sysber liplnenting agency: Inernaionail Ctops Researc InsMa for Ihe Semi-Arid Tropics (IT SATYSeA-Ad Food Gra Researh and De4Opment (SAFGRAD). SW dale: 1992-000. Endat: 1996-00. Cafoiudis Ah;m Reod nrber (FN): 03676 Of lck prject te: EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA FARMING SYSTEMS RESEARCH NETWORK. _ tnenWN agency: SenwAnd Food Gram Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAD). Coukountnes: n Co-dad in research organizatio;: SAFGRAD: Naiobi; Kenya Recofd nunber (MFN): 03677 Official poet tie: WEST AFRICA ANIMA TRACTION NETWORK. Implementing agency: lntermational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCAYSerniAnd Food Grain Research and Devebpment (SAFGRAD). Countrykmintries: Afica: Record number (MFN): 03678 Offcial pet btt: UNIVERSITIES AND NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Implementing agency: International Service for atonal Agricullural Research. Country/countries: Afca; Careroon: Kenya; Burundi: Nigeria; Senegal: Botswana; Niger, United Republic of Tanzania; Statemend of objectves/abstract: The main objective is to develop principles and gudelines for strengthening the capacity of sub-Saharan African universities to contrbute more effectively to development-responsive research. This wil be done by anazing current sitatbons and opportunities, and by identifying approaches and mechanisms that would help 150 atole i s' ah~ S k0ormatrWW Syse.T raoil is da o dmbW rsues are aea or can bemo*li9d bfo tes mearch in s-SUiaran Alrica. and Iat i is IhatIese rsources be ublized as effectively as possdE as sbgic contriutions b solvg problem of agicultural development. This im*we te needlo design models fof bw efcbte cooperdo beeen nabon resach nsnitor ad hahw agrincultal education i rstt in Africa Such models should become part of a ==ccsefr for sstaiable NARS in AOrc. X ~ ~ --------------____ Record number (MFN): 03685 Offical pro!ec title: LIVESTOCK SECTOR PHASE Ill. Impementn agency: U.S. Agency for Intemabonad Development. Slart date: 1991-00-O. End date: 1999-00-00. County/countries: Mali- Statemet of obtectivesabstract: The purpose d the proec is to Inprove productivity of Malis Ivestock sector. Alhough Mali's livestock secor prides approxinalely 40 pernt of export earnings and employs 30 percent of the naional work frce. Mali has not yet been able to fuly explot domestic and overseas markets for livestock products. This project wl adbess this problem. both at the prdion and marketng evels. It wil build on earlier actvites which helped pve the irstutbonal capacity of govement animal healfth and producbon agencies, assisted in pnvatzing veterinary functbons, and conducted adaptive forage research. The proxect would help establish a natonal liestock producion program integrating smaal and medium producers into both the domestic and foreign marketng system by (a) inprovg the Ministry of Livestock s management and ouireach, through better program planning, implementation and evaluation procedures; (b) mncreasing livestock production by develpng and disseminating animal health techndogies and nutritional packages; (c) promoting exoorts, through the elimination of trade barriers on livestock and livestock pro" cis; and (d) facilitatng eff icent, pnvate sector livesock and lrvestock product development. trnrugh policy reforns.Technical assistance and adminstratnve support will help improve and expand market potential, disease diagnostic capacity, vaccine quality control, applied research, and cost effective deivery of animal health and extension services. Local instilutional capacity will be upgraded through participant training. research and diagnostic equpnenl. inter-ministerial programming. and improved facidities. ________________5 151 SPAAR inoaton System Record numbe (MFN): 03732 Offics poec bte: INFLUENCES OF MINERAL AND ORGANIC DRESSING ON PLANTAIN CULTIVATION, IDENTIFICATION OF CULTIVARS AND PRODUCTION IN ARID ZONES. Impleberiing agency: International Network for the Improvefent of Banana and Plantamn Start dale: 19640-00. End dale: 1994-00-1. Coutrykosunbies: Guinea; Statement of objetisabstract: To help smal hoDs to incease their plantain production. Contact in research organization: Conde. L. Il; Secretanat d'Etat a la Recherche Scientifique; Programme Plantain: Guinea Record number (WFN): 03737 Official protect title: NUTRITION AND CROP PROTECTION. Impementing agency: Intemational Network for tht- nprovement of Banana and Plantain. Start date: 1989-06-00. End date: 1994-00. Country/countries: Guinea; Statenet of obJectives/abstract: Answering to small farmers need, Contact in research organization: Camara. K.; Centre de Recherche Agronomique de FoJaya; Guinea Record number (MFN): 03777 Official project title: RAINFED PRODUCTION OF MILLET IN MAURITANIA - RESULTS AND PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS ON LOW-POTENTIAL AREAS. Implementing agency: Institut fuer LanrJwirtschaftliche Marktfors. der FAL. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Mauritania: Statement of objectives/abstract: 152 SPAAR b*rmabon System hu _ta OIere s a great unter of s caled bIwpoen areas which hae to be acvaled n order to sekle people d o cope wih the bowg ood demand. The research ppecd deals wih tie problems of ecomc analyss d such a dewelMe actvity. A German spportd agWicNal devlopwt proed senves as exaVwe. Conc in research orguarion: Dr'. A. Basler histu um Laridc% a e W shung, FAL Bunesae 50; 3300 Brauschweig; Federal Republic of Gemmy; Tel: 05311596579 Record number (MFN): 03780 Official progec tibe: [CENTRAL PLATEAU SOIL MANAGEMENT PROJECTi PRO JET AMENAGEMENT DE TEFIOIRS DANS LE PLATEAU CENTRAL (PATECORE). hrie r agency: Genman Agency or Tednial Coopeation (GTZ). Stardate: 198-01-01. End date: 1991-12-31. CountrVcountres: Bukmia Faso: Stabement of objectves/abstract: The proposed research is nended to be executed us paW of Land Resource Management Proed of the Ministry od AgncAlre. The research area is de Cenbal Plateau of Butma Faso. Wihin the dwov1x of the applcabon of standard soi and water cosrvaton measures, new tednques like runoff agncunure schemes, will be niodjced. The research on these new technques is geared towards the analysis of thew appropraness concernng te bcal enwvomental and social conditions, their technical effieny and Vhe econornic and social effects of iewr introduction into smalliolder farmirug systems. Contat in research organizabon: Dr. H. Eger German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ); Senrice crAdmwustration des Projets; B.P. 1485; Ouagadougou: Burkna FasoCIRAD; Institut Supeneur Polytechnique; Ougadougou; Burkiina Faso _________________ Record number (MFN): 03788 Otficial project titl: THE POTENTIAL OF RUNOFF IRRIGATION IN THE SAHEL REGION. Implemenling agency: Commission of the European Communibes (CEC). Start date: 19801-01. End date: 1990-06-30. Country/courtries: Africa; Burkina Faso: Mali 153 F> SPAAR Inlormaion System Cotac i msearc crganuzabon: Diem Goner istt* ke Wasserbau ig Kulbuuechwi; Kaerstr. 12; 7500 KarsnAh; Fedeal Republic of Gemanry Record number (MFN): 03789 OfficWi pre bfe: [A.ALYSJS OF WEALTH .N A PASTORAL SOCIETY]. Implenieng agency: Unhverset Hoherhetm. Sat dale: 1989-OD-00. End date: 1991400. Couvuykotnes: Niger Stement od oblectiesiabstract Dilerns of wealh n a pastoral soety caused by livestock ownership iffuence management decisons ard prducion strategies. This assumpton wil be examined by analzing especially te relatiors btween ivestock wealth, household sucture and p strategies- Contac in research organization: Prof. Dr. C. Gall; fts!tul f uer Tierproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen (480); Universitaet Hohenhem; Posttach 700662; 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Repdic ol Germany; Tel: 0711/45931701EMVT: Pars; France Record number (MFN): 03791 Official project tite: FEED AVAILABILITY ON NATURAL GRAZING PASTURES AND METHODS FOR OVERCOMING QUALITATIVE AND OUANTITATIVE LIMTATIONS. Implementing agency: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschat1German Research Society (DFG). Start date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Countrykountries: Mali; Statement of objectwes/2bstract: This project aims at: (1) finding out how productive natural pastures are during their yeary cycle; and (2) testing methods for finding a better balance !or pastues by means of temporary supplement feeding followed by their evaluation in terms of boosting production. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. K. Becker; institut fuer Tierproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen: Garbenstr. 17: 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of GermanyStation du Sahel: Niono; MaiilLCA; Addis Abeba; Ethiopia 154 SPMAR bvombon System Recrd nwber (N): 03793 Oflos pod giede: DEVELOPMENT OF A FIELD METHOD (OPEN CALORIMETRY SYSTEM) FOR WASURING ENERFGY EXPENDITURE OF DRAUGHT ANIMALS. Implmn agmicy- Deut ste Research Society q)FG). Sta daie: 198-01-01. Counry/counres: A - N* Ma; StOemerd of obIjecteesabstract: Renewable enrwgy resources wi become more lipotant for develoing counbies m fe hfte. mne usage ot arnimal baction may become conacurrt to t her producton sysm Iske mdk or meal for fte mied nutrion resou#es. Objectie meaurable paranelers for the usage of fodder kf aninal aciy are to be eabordted, n order lo male direcd com n between aninal tacion and meat or mdk poduction. The prpose ot hs projed is to dermie Vm efficency d e work pereomim of draugN armals wder farm cmdbon. Goas indude: (1) developng a field method for measur ry exenditure (open caiomet sysm) of working cttle; (2) adaWg fe meaurement equipmen to cattbe under standard coKions i Hohenheim and (3) usng and lesting te equimet under field condibons at fe ICRISAT-Stabon Sadore near Noney, Niger. Conact in esearch orgaizabon: Pro#. Dr. K. Becker InstM fwr T p rukin den Tropen und Subtropen (480); Unevrsta Holeenhem; Postfach 7005 62; Garbenstr. 17; 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Repuhlc GenmanylCRISAT Station; Sadore; Niamey: NigerDr. Peter Lawrence; ILCA; Kano; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03796 Otfcial protect Wte: [RAINFALL AND AGRICULTURAL SEASON IN SOUDANO-SAHEUAN ZONE - TRAINING INIAND BY RESEARCHI PLUVIOMETRIE ET SAISON AGRICOLE EN ZONE SOUDANO-SAHELIENNE - UNE FORMATION AIET PAR LA RECHERCHE. Implemenling agency: Ecole Inter-Etats dIngeneurs de l'Equipement Rural (EIER). Sta date: 198900-00. End date: 1992-O0-00. Country/countries: Butkina Faso; Statement of obtjeptves/abstract: (Part University of Hohenheim) the obgectivws of the project are: (I) use of ongterrn climate records on ground (50 years) and of aerologic data 155 SPAAR Iriborman ln (r)iomiings) (20 yeaws) and of saele daba (Dlnm) (IR and vible range) kr qribelaw or esdntian ot water balnoe; (2) vabes (manly data on day- and even hourly- (wale ero ) bams and (3) loreasts of amsa perO,bon: (a) a)ouS, and (b) derAy. based on sateWb and aeolgca m~fomiawo. Contact in esach organzabon: W Dieng Ecole Inber-Elats cringnieurs de lEqupen Rural (EIERI: B.P. 7023; Ot(gadougou; Buukina Faso; Telex: 5266 BF Record ntnber (MFN): 03804 Offiaal pred tie: [UINOLOGICAL SEDIMENTOLOGICAL AND PLANT4HISTORY RESEARCH IN WADO AND KARAR. K)Ni-EAST NIGER] UMNOLOGISCHE. SEDIMENTOLOGISCHE UND VEGETAT)ONSGESCHICHTUCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN IN DlADO UND KARAR, NE-NIGER. rnplemenlg agency Unwersitaet Wuenzburg- Stt dab: 199-0200. Courtry/counries: Niger. Contact n research organizabon: Dr. Schuiz; Geographsches Institt der UJn,ersatel Wueburg; Am Hubland; 8700 Wuerzbug Federal Republic of Germany; Tel: 0931/888.5555 Record nuber (MFN): 03805 Official prject title: HOLOCENE VEGETATION HISTORY IN NORTH MALI. Inplementrg agency: Unnersilaet Wuerzburg. Start date: 1988-02-00. Country/countries: Mali; Contact in research or3anzatlion: Dr. Schulz; Geographtscnes Institul der Universataet Wuerzburg; Am Hubland; 8700 Wuerzburg; Federal Republc of Germany: Tel: 0931/888-5555 Record number (MFN): 03B08 Official project tile: THE DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED FEEDING SYSTEMS BASED ON CROP 156 SPAAR Womahoh Syste n RESDUES. FORAGE LEGUME AND FODDER TREES TO STRENGTHEN THE COMPLENTARrTY OF CROP AND UVESTOCK PRODUCTION IN THE SAikEI - ag Uxy Goelb -G. Start dae: 1966.1O 00. End dae: 1991-0O.00. (omte: Nw Staen of ob4es/vst*-act Conduct and deugn beedig tnak on the uizaton brage bgwnes, dder bees and crop reskdues by sheep wih rlanoe to fe deveopet of prducton systems for fe sheep. Conc in researh or _:uzaon. Prof. Dr. K J. Pe9ef; Inst1u fuer wzct udn A.rdit-Thaer-Weg 1; 3400 Goeti ; Federa epublic of Genmary Record nunber (MFN): 03844 OfficsW proec1 tie: BIOLOGICkAL CONTROL OF LOCUSTS BY ENTOMOPATHOGENS. 'mplrent agency: Federal Bogcal Research Centre for AgncuRture and Forestry. Sta date: 1990-01-00. End date: 1992-12-00. Country4cou:tues: GloW; Gemiany; France; United Kindom; Greece; Italy; Egypt; Ethiop; Senegal; Statent of obectveabstract: Prograrnne d the colaborative research. The objcive of te pro,ect would be directed towards surveys of indigeno enmopathogens in fte beeding areas of fe Desert Locusl to identify pmin cwddates to be used as biocontol agents for Deser Locust control. The aims of Ite project are: (1) sampig of dead ard diseaed lousts and grassppers of different spei and develpmental stages as wel as sampkig of soil from beeding areas for getting new pafogens or new strains of known-pathogens; (2) diagnostic investigations in the boory. Isolaticn, detmination and characterization of enomopathogens; (3) pathogenicity and vwulence tests of isolated pathogens alone or in combmation with insecticides; (4) investigations on the infmuence of di/ferent environmental factors; and (5) mass-production, forrnulation studies and field tests. Contact in research organization: Dr. Zimmernann; Institute lor Bioogical Pest Control; Federal Biobgical Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry; Heinrichstr. 243; 0-6100 Darmstadt; Federal Republic ot GermrianyOr. G. Briolini; University of Bobgna; Institute of Entomology; 1-40126 Bologna; ItalyProf. S. Abol Ela; University of Caro: Agriculture Research Center, Antilocust Lab.; Giza; EgyptDr. Nureirn; 157 SPMR khnnabon Syslem Desert Locust Cnlrol Orga0saon for Easlem Africa (DLCO-EA); Addes Ababa, EIuopisziU Sereg_as de Rechdrces Ahcoles (ISRA); Centre Nalinal de PRcherdws Aw am.ques (CNRA); Bambey: Senegalr J. Fargues: INRA Sbtion de Prdws de Lutle biologique; F-782 Guyancot-a Mnoe; Fr .ceProf M. Bergoi; ORSTOM; F432 Mtpell Cedex: FranceOr. C. Prio CAB: lInste of Bicbogical Control; Asot Beres SL5 7TA; EnglardDr. A. Legabs: Unwsty o! Crede; Departmert of Bio. G-71 110 IOralion; Greece Record nrAw (MFN): 03847 Official pmoe tide: INQUENCE OF NEEM (AZADIRACHTA INDICA) PRODUCTS ON LOCUSTS AND GRASSHOPPERS. I np t agency: Justus-Liebg Uneversitaet Gessen. Start date: 1989-04-00. End date: 1993-07-00. Cot(iycountnes: Arica; Bean: Niger: Stement od obctives/abstrat: Erwonmety sound locust and grasshope control by meams of botanicals avalable in Africa. Conat in reseach organization: Prof. Dr. H. Scwmutterer Instl fuer Phtopathoogie und Angewadle Zooogie; Jistus-Liebtg Universtael Giessen; Ludwgs. 23: D-300 Giessen; Federal RPptbic of Geffnanyintemabona IrRilue of Tropc Agncuhure (IITA), Cotonou: BenmCrop Protecton Service; Niamey: NigerMax-Plank-Instute of Boches*y:; Matnsried; Federal Republic of Germanyinsttu Nabonal de AgricLure: Pars-Gngnon; France Record number (MFN): 03852 Oficial project btle: SORGHUM AND FORAGE LEGUME CROP COMPONENTS AS !NHIBITORY FACTORS IN THE ESTA8LISHMENT OF THE AFRICAN MIGRATORY LOCUST (LOCUSTA MIGRATORIA) IN NEWLY DEVELOPED AREAS OF THE SUBSAHARAN SAHEL. Imptementing agency: Heinrich-Hen-Universit Duesseldod. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1993-04-00. Countryloountnes: Africa; Senegal; Statement of obtectives/abstract: To isoate protease inhibitors from sorghum and luceme and to determine their inhibitory effects on digestive enzymes of locusts. To quantify the content of 158 SPAAR h brkaio '- inhtors n dfeet variesies aid nlly to caribube ID the dsion prs of hmg apppr* crop vaeies. Conlact in reseach orgaiation: Prot. Dr. Kaus Diew Spve LhvsU kuer Homron- und Entwidchzigsplnysaolog; kistu fuur Zooo; Hei_ncd-HeineAkiverulaet Duesseldort Un1verstassstr 1; D-4000 Duesseldo Federal Reptbhic of Gerr.viyFacuty c; Agricultue; Hebrew Lnuversty PehovoIsrael Record nue (MFN): -59 Offical proect tie: AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS IN THE TROPICS. hnpement agency Geselschaft hfer Technscte ZusammenarbM (GTZ). Stat de: 1977-00-00. C*intr untres A , Ghana Kenya Senejal Sta.emen d obtecfivesabstract: Agrosty polential br rgn developtent (ecology, enomy, soc mpact) is assessed ad citena for evauaibon of land use systems are developed in order to nprove sustainable land use m tropical regions, especially on mr3rgmal Lad and for un_ernilegd rural people. Methodology: feedack between (basic) - sbategic - appied and adaptive research and desk work The pec deveops agraestry system models for dfient ecobgica and socoec coxeti. Contact in research organization: Inst fuer Wetorswirtschalt urnd Oekobg*e; BundesiorschurgAnstait kw Forst - und Howrtscaft: Leuschrwstr. 91; 0-2050 Harnburg 80; Fedefal Reputihc of Geknany: Tel: (0) 4U739 621ICRAF; P.O. Box 30 677; Nairobi; Kenya Record number (MFN): 03878 Offcial pro,ect tiftl: DEVELOPMENT OF A METHOD FOR VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION OF CASHEW. Implementing agency: Burndesforschungsanstaft fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschalt (BFA). Start date: 1987-09-00. End date: 1990-12-00. Country/countries: Senegal: Statement of objectives/abstract: The variation ol nut yield between cashew trees is subs'antial. Selcted high-yielding trees are lo be propagated vegetatively lo increase the supply of cashew nuts Vegetative propagaton of cashew trees by cuttings have not been 159 SPAAR horabo Sysler simcessful on a lg scale. A meitod for popagbn by iAngs is b be deseoped. ODwrse metds used for vge propagabon d forest "ees *ll be appMd. Cont n residch orwiszat: Pd Dr. IkI; B 1is 1rscuiswsa hler Forsi- und Hozwirtscdaft (BFAj, hnstuii iuer Fors_gnefik trd Forstpr_enedituig; Sier Lands. 2; D 2070 Gros fsdad 2; FederW Repiic d Gemny; Tel: 04102J6, 09Prc4'. Birbar- The Boyko Istue for AnA*e and Bi010W Beer Sheva saelDr. U. Ohmmudt Projet Anacardew SwngaoAlerand. Sokone; Snega Revd ber (MFN): 03932 Offia pnrod tie: IMMJNrTY AGAINST TRYPANOSO.ASIS AND MECHANISMS OF TRYPANOTOLERANCE IN ANIMALS. Implhementig agency: InsbM htur Paiasitologae und Tropenveterwiaemedm, Freie wtae Bef. Start date: 1978-00-00. Country/countres: Afnca; Togo: Buirna Faso; Liberia; Kenya; Statement of objpcves/abstract: Tryparnsomasis cause loss of more than 5 000 000 000 USD in A/ncan livestock amualy. Mecwhns of tryanotoeance and parameers to seba resistant animals. Reaearch of humoral and cell-dependent rinmunity and testng fe paramnmune factors. *eeding of tolrant anunais. Contact in research organeaton: Prof. Dr. F. Hoerchr: Institut tuer Parasrioiogie und Tropenvetennaerniedizin; Freie Ur.iversdaet Betin:; Koenigsweg 65: 1000 Berlin 31; Federal Reuic of Cenma"y; Tel (030) 81 SO31OILRAD: Naircbi: Kernalnsttut fur Veterinaerbiochemie: FU Rerlin; Federal Republic of Germany Bemhard-Nocht-lnstitut; Hamburg; Fe*eral Republic of Germany Record number fMFN) 03957 Official projet title: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF SESBANIA1AZORHIZOBIUM SYMSIOSIS: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF Ti i SYMBIOSIS BETWEEN THE STEM.NODULATING DIAZOTROPHIC MICROBE AZOflHIZOB!UM CAULINODANS AND ITS HOST, THE TROPICAL LEGUME SESBANIA ROSTRATA. Implementing agency: Max*Planck-inslitut tuet Zuechtungsfrwschung. 160 V SPMR Inomation System SW daie: 1983900. Co(uny/oues: Seegal; Stalement of objecsatbstract: Basic studies are being camed out on the pcess of nihgen fixaton and asstniaon by Azorhzobium caulodans. The regulaoexpression of nitrogen fixaion and assimiaon genes are behg examined. Sesbania stata genes nvoled ins rbo4i nitrogen fiaon are beiinganalysed. Agrobactenum mdialed gcne tanster to Sesbara is being attempted. Goals of the research are the impvement of bacderi and plant symbbtic parbters to optimize use of nodulated Sesbania plat as green manure for nce production. Contactin research orgarizaton: Dr. J. de Bni; Max-Planck-lnstitut tuer Zuechtungsforschung; Egelspad. D-5000 Koein 30; Federal Repubc of Gemany: Tei: OQ21-506-2315; Telex: 8882 mnpz d Fax: 0221-506-2413Dr. B. Dreyfus: Laboratory for Microbioloy ORSTO9J; B.P> 1386; Dakar Senegal Record nurnber (MFN): 03960 Officiat proect tite: MINERAL NUJ. RIENT UPTAKE IN MILLET: EFFECT OF MINERAL FERTIUZER AND CROP RESIDUE ON GROWTH AND MINERAL NUIRIENT UPTAKE IN MILLET. uolenentng agency Unversnaet Hoherneim. Start Wtate: 1906-03-00. End date: 1992-00-00. Countryty,eties: Niger; Staternenl of ociectives.'bstract: The rilationship between plant growth, nutrient concentration tn te plants, nutrient uptake and root astribubon in relation to water and iutnriet uotake, including VA mycorrhizas, biological N2-fixation and their possibl co uon to the uptake of Phosphorus and nitrogen. Nitrogen imprmves millet yields only in the presence of adequate Pearl Milet straw (crop residues) inGmased millet yields as much as mineral fertizer. Highest yields were obtairied whe. crop residues were supptemented with mineral feitilizer. The maximum dry imatter production, and thus nutrient demand occurred between 40 and 80 days after planOing. The P-concentrations in leaves were low in all treatments throughout the growing season In contrast N-concentrations were high. The P-uptake by millet was very low (1,S krba)The P-use efficierny was 10 percent for treatments with mineral fertilizer only and 30 p'rerit for treatments with crop residues and mineral fertilizer. For nitrogen the maxiomum untake by millet (60 kg NWha) exceeds the supply of fertilizer (39 kg N/ha) considerably. The N-use efficiency was above 100 percent. Roots of millet plants were infected with VAM fungi 40 days after planting, but the degree of infection remained at 10 - 20 percent. At maturity about 20 - 25 percent of the roots were 161 SPAAR Infomiaton System iieded DThe low miecton ves duig te period of hiest P tke and the late cseo in wecto sutgest a mnor rode of mycrhiza m P-rutition of mileL For nitrogen a nuter.t babc was calclaed far a frie year period. The tot rmoval (200 kg N/ha) exceeds Fte rpA by N-felzer (100 kg WM)a considerably. The nitrogen balance and the extrmely low cont of organic matter n the soil (02 pernt) indicate hat N2 fixabon byfree k ving anrdor assoaabve bacteri considerably contributes to the N-supply of millet.Met tdology: field tials wih different evels of mweral fertkzer and crop residues are being coducted in Sadore Expirimnenti Station of ICRISAT, Sahelian Center in Niger. Seqeta havests for mearuremert of shoot dry weiht, root gowth and VA infecton and plant analysis of macro- ad micro-nurients (N, P, K, Ca, Cu, Zn, lMn, 8) are being performed. Contact in research organization: Prof. Or. H. Marscner Instut luer Pflanzeeneaehnri; Unierste Hohen; Postfach 70 05 62; D 7000 Stutta; Federal Republic of Gennany; Tel: 0711-459-2344: Telex: 722959 uniho d; Fax: 0711-459-278S'CRISAT Sahelian C*enter (Sadore Experimental Station); B.P. 17 -04: Niamey; Niger Record number (MFN): 04180 Official project title: FOOD LEGUMES (BURKINA FASO) - PHASE IV. Impkementing agency: Intematicnal Devebpment Research Centre. Startdate: 1990-05-15. End date: 1993-06-15. Country/countries: Burkina Faso; Statement of objectives/abstract: Begun in 1977, this proect has sought to make available to farmers in Burkina Faso cowpea varieties that are high in yield; better suited to semiarid zones; resistant to disease, insect pests, and Striga; and acceptable to growers. Ebven years of research have made i possible to put at the disposal of extension workers and farmers varieties that are high in yield and resistant to ine mast common insect pests, as well as to disease, drought, and Stnga, in each of the three agroclimatic zones of the country. Average yields from these varieties are at last double those of traddional average yields. However, the new varieties are still greatly influenced by climatic factors (erratic rains, high temperatures), insects, disease, and Strga infestations; furthermore. they cannot be used in mixedirotation cropping with cereals, which is the most comrronly practised method of cultivation. Phase IV will involve a multidisciplinary approach designed to ensure he transfer of the resistance of certain local varieties to drought, Strga, and high temperatures, to newly selWcted vaneties aid their screening for mixed/rotation cropping. Contact in research organization: 162 SPAM Inormation System Mr. Celestin Belem: Mnster de rEnsqegme S ew et de b Recherce Scientilique; Ouagadougeu; Buduna Faso Record number (MFN): 04187 Offica proic tie: TREE SEEDS (BURKINA FASO) - PHASE II. lmpmeninm agency: Interabonal Development Research Centre. Stad date: 1990409-18. End dae: 19954-09-18. Couty/countries: Burkina Faso; Stn of objecves/absract: In arder to produce wood, proted the sod, and inprove te enwoment te goverment at Burkina Faso enbaried on a prgram dof eforeaoion and agroforesby plton . However, a study undertaken ecently by the Centre Nabonal des Semences Forestieres (CNSV) has established tat fte scess rate of te seeds utlized does not eEeed 60 percenL This traates into inreased costs and a waste of seeds. In an earlier phase ot this proped, the CNSF gavied corsderable expeise in the technology of seeds and co-sequently is able now to supply dose to 70 percent of be countys grain needs. This second phase wil povide CNSF wih addtional equipent and personnel training to corsolidate its structure. and to achieve its research and development goals. CNSFs expertise and facilities wil enable t to play an active role within the new reyional seed network or the Sahel. Conact i research organization: Mr. Some MAagloire; Ministere de rEnvironnement et du Tounsme; Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 04210 Officiaa project tile: FEEDING SYSTEMS (SENEGAL). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Sta-t date: 1991-06-17. End date: 1993-12-31. Country/countries: Senegal. Statement of objectves/abstract: Senegal's livestock coui! satisfy the countr/'s demand for meat. However, because of mediocre productivity per animal. the country has to import meat to satisy as r.eeds. Introducing a better feeding system for animals destined for consumption, would be one strategy to remedy this situafion. This proect will develop, in three agro-ecological zones, feeding systems tbased on the efficient utilzation of harvest 163 SPAAR iromiation System residues and agmidusial by-roducts to raease meat producton. Researhers wi define approprae raions per anmal and provide hem to producers. The resuis WiN be broadcast through the nabonal radio and telvision retworks, and teir adopbon wil help the country become food sell-suficient. Con in research organiuaLon.: Mme. Safitou Fall; ISRA; rue de Thiong probngde ange Valmy; B.P. 3120; Dakar. Se Record nmiber (MFN): 04246 Oificia prot title: WEST AFRICAN RICE INFORMATION SYSTEM (WARIS). Impentg agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990--1. End date: 1993-07-31. Countrycountres: Africa; CWte divoire; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Liberia; objecives/ab.-t: trica Rice Development Associatbon (WARDA) was recentty irduded among the -Is vw;ch folm th3 Consuitative Group on International Agncultural He: ai (CGIAR). This decision was made dJe to the importance of rice as a staple co among countries of West Arica a,d the problems associated wih its production in the region. In its medium-term plan fr the period 1990-1994, WARDA idenhfied as a high pnonty the setbng up of an integrated iniofmation service to suppor the research and devebprment activities of rice producers in the region. This project will help Iay the groundwork for this funrction by upgrading existing infornation actvities. The progect wil assist WARDA to establish a sotid base for the titrary servces at the headquarters at Bouake, C6te d'lvoire; set up intial links with national rce research organizations in member-states; bring together ahl documents on rce research performed in the region; decentralize basic information resources and servces to its three stations in Senegal, Sierra Leone. and Liberia; and improve WARDA's ability to provide information services to its scimtists and to the regional rice development community. Contact in research organiz3tion. Mr. Alassane Diallo: WARDA; 01 BP 2551: Bouake; CWte dIlvoire _________________ Record number (MFNf: 04325 Official project itle: KIDAL FOOD AND INCOME SECURITY PROGRAMME. Implementing agency: Intemational Fund for Agriultural Devebpment. 164 SPAAR Information System Cozx/countnes: fMli; Recod nunber (MFN): 04330 Offlia pmotctle: MULTI-PURPOSE PROJECT FOR THE DEVELOPUENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Impmntng agency: World Food Programrme. Start date: 19860040. End date- 1991 -0(-00. Country/countes: Mali; Record number (MFN): 04334 Official proct titbe: PROCUREMENT OF THE MALI PROJECT. trnpleentrig agency: University o1 Oslo. Start date: 1988-4-00. End date: 1993-12-00. Country/counties: Mali; Statement of obecteabstract: To give infomaon on the Mali project several video films have been made. Video fim 1: *Environment and development in Mal - a research colabomtion'. About how researhers can plan an interdisciplinary and crosscultural recearch project on environment and development with the basis in a sustainable devebrpment for the local population. Video firm 2: 'People's participation in research - a collabcxabon between researchers and bcal communities in MaliF. On how researchers may, from a common theoretcal platform, meet the local pcpulation in preparation, data collection and analysis. and on how this can be carried out with regard to food secunty, resources geography and expfoitation of wild plants. Video film 3: Research on environment and devebpment - a basis for action'. On how research can be used in the work to succeed in getting sustainabie developrent in the bng run; how local authorities and organizations can use research results in teir plans of action, and how research and educational institutions may increase their competence within development research. Contact in research organization: University ol Oslo; Audio Visual Center: (AV-senteret); P.O. Box 1092; Blindem; N-0317 Oslo 3 Norway 165 SPAAR Infownabon System Record number (MFN): OU35 Offcia pod tide: ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MAU. Impement agency: University of Osbo Stalt e: 1989-00. End date: 1991-12-0. Coutr/coumbies: Mali; Staeet of objectivestabstract: The proect foms part of the SSE-Pogrmm, a development and research programme for conies in the Sudano-Sahelian belt (Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia) financed by he Norwegan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Project preparation started in 1987 and the i*nplementation peiod for the project is from 1989-1991. The projecls overall goal is to provide research refevant to the use and management of natural resources and rood security. The general objectives of the proWect are to: (a) describe ancd aase the processes whicJ influence use and management of natural resources and food security: (b) upgrade Malian and Norwegian research expertise through research activites; (c) communicate insights gained through research back to local com inunities and autorities m Mali and tereby assist in improvng local food production; (d) present analytical data and infonmaton which can be used as a basis for planning sustainable development in Mali. Research activibes are organized within tne following sub-prol&cts: (1) Pastoralism and utilization of resources; (2) Use of *wid plants for food, medicine, and handicrafts; and (3) Food security and nutrition at household-level, and the role of women in the management of naturai resources and food secunty. Contact in research organization: University of Oslo; Centre for Development and Environrment; Division of North-Soutt University Cooperation (Senrer for utvik!ing og miljo, avd. for Nord-Sor universitetssamarbeid); P.O. Box 1106; Blindein; N-0316 Oslo 3; Norway _________________ Record number (MFN): 04336 Official project title: ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MALI - FOOD AND NUTRITION IN HOUSEHOLDS AND THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FOOD SECURITY. Implementir,g agency: University of Oslo. Start date: 1989-05-00. End date: 1991-12-00. Country/countries: Mali: Statement of objectives/abstract: The project aims at the following results: Characterzation of the food and nutrition situation for the population of Mali related to their socioeconomic and 166 SPAAR Information System ' culural staUs. The proed wil also ideny surwal straegies in stons di dmue mw and uwba . rd describe women's role n poduction and reproducn. It wI analyse fe poirn of itrecbon belwe juediaal, acinialie and publc measures on the one hand, and the ocal form for nata resourmes expitaion by women on fe other side. The proe s par of the SSE-poe Enviroment and development in Mali'. Contact in research orgarizato: Univey of Oslo; hIstitul for Nulntion Research (instA for emaering) ;eskning) P.O. Box 1046; Blidem; N-0316 Oslo 3; Norway Record nimnber (MFN): 04337 Offiial pnject tile: ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IN MALI - WILD PLANTS USED FOR FOOO. MEDICINE AND HANDICRAFTS. Impeeneng agency: Unaversity of Oslo. Stat date: 199-500. End date: 1991-12-00. Country/counties: Mat; Slatenent of oblectives/abstract The objectves o te prct are to: (i) Kdentify wild useful plants in Gournia. Mah and persons who are specialized m using these plants for food, mediine and handicrafts; (ii) decide the toxical contents and nutriton value of wild plants; (iii) establsh a seed bank and put forward a plan to support te cultural and artistc iheritance attached to the use of wild plants; (iv) map the soc-economic signficance of wild plants for te populaton. The promect is part of the SSE-project Environment and Development in Mafi. Con act in research organizaaion: i Iniversity of Oslo; Centre for Develpment and Environment (Senter for utvikling og mi'o); Blindem; P.O. Box 1106; N-0316 Oslo 3; Norway Record number (MFN): 04338 Official project title: ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF INSECTICIDES AGAINST LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPERS. Imprleenting agency: University of Oslo. Star date: 1987-01-00. End date: 1990-12-00. Country/countfes: Mali: 167 SPAAR 1dnto Ssn Stat ot dobjvestabstractd Shis on the elect d nsecdes agaimst lcs aid grasoppr on non-target orgis werecamed o n 1987-1969. The projed has been connecbd to the ool operaions against these insed pests sppofled by e Norwmgian Mwsby of Deveopment Cooperation in fe Kayes and Yelmane areas of Mak. Saniples f imsects and ohe tnesta artwopods were colected by ptal taps and sweep-nets to esmnase te popuatim size of vanous groups bekfre and after ULV appcbon of the sCtcKes nrtion. h ra and Wflubenzson - Shortly after sraying high morbtes were recorded anong nor.- tget ses, spKdes and mies, but reain oeated areas wil gralually taake place. The effect of rdced doses of inscticides an the Senegal grassopp and oer grasshoppras were studied i the sane expernena pbts. Under the ecobgicl coo of the test areas, and by use of te ULV techniqUe, a appears that doses nay be reducd to haf of thse nomnaly commewded. Reduced doses are expected to have less evronmental unpacts, and may reduce fte expernses of spraywg operations. The project cooperates with Protecbon Vgegaux du Mali. Bamako. Contact in research organizabon: |Uhnersity of Oslo; Deparlrtet of Biogy (Biogosk institutt): P.O. Box 1066: Blindem; N-0316 Oslo 3; Norway Record number (MFN): 04341 Official pect tie: FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN MALI, WEST AFRICA. Implementing agency: University of Oslo. Stat date: 1989-00. End date: 1990-12-00. Coun!ry/countries: Mali: Statemert of objectives/abstract: The project deals with the interaction between ecological and economical determinants related to access to food and the cultural determined conceptons about and preferences for food in the devebopment of dietary pattems and habits in Mali. The project results will be applicable for Mali's food secunty strategy. Contact in research organization: University of Oslo; Institute fcr Nutrtion Research (Institutt for emaeringsforskning): P.O. Box 1046; Blindem: N-0316 Oslo 3: Norway Record number (MFN): 04344 Official project title: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL NATURAL 168 SPAAR Inkormation System RESOURCES AND FORESTRY). Implermtnhg agency World Bank; Guira-8issau. Start date: 1994-00400. Counby/courts: Gurea-Bissau; Statement of objecve/abstract Pret would lay foudo for unpmved mnagenment of natural resores to pmote s_ie aghculltme. Component would be: (a) policy reform in land tenure; (b) ituional s tmni hng; (c) a ptot program of community-based resource managent and (d) establishmet and management of btmber resources. Contct in research organization: Miniiy of Rura Develo:ment and Agncutture; Bissau; Gulea-Bissau Record number (MFN): 04366 Ofi projed tide: AGRICULTURE SECAL kn eg agency: World Bank; Snega:. Stat date: 1992-00-00. Counby/counties: Senegal; Staement of objecbves/abstract: Deepen structu adjustrent throug furter reformrs in pricing policy, markebng and inpuA distribution, credit, natural Resources management and tenure, staff training and career de pment. Contact in research organization: Mhniry of Rural Delopmet; Dakar. SeweaISONACOS Record number (MFN): 04416 Official project tle: NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION fFORMERLY LAND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION). Impemting agency: World Bank; Eqtuatorial Guinea. Start date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Equatorial Gumea; St3aement of objpctves/abstract: 169 SPAAR lnonabo System To s*trnn the coniricbioin ofe forestry socbr to fe economy and to cormene meases to proed the Halmkid fbres. Proje U oid assist Governmenti vromentkig a natural esource m agw dpan to assue both an optma pducon vei from fte rest and cosvabon of thoe environent. Contad n research organizbon: inistry of Agniculwe and Forestry; Equabrial Gune3 Peord nnber (MFN): 04486 Official pre tde: PRODUCTO4 OF SEED POTATOES AND TESTING VEGETABLE VARIETIES (CV1187/004). lmpemntn agency: Food and Agnculture Organization of the Unded Nations. Sat Cate: 1987-00-0. End dale: 199000-00. Couwtry/counties: Cape Verde; Record number (MFN): 04600 Official project tite: EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF WEED CONTROL ON SEED YIELD AND SEED QUAUTY OF DIFFERENT TROPICAL FODDER LEGUMES. Impementn agency: Unirstaet Gessen. Slan date: 1990 -00. End dale: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Niger Statement of obecliveabstract The objctves of the project are to: (1) determine mechand weed control management systems for seed pvoduction of tropical fodder lgumes; and (2) determine suitable herbicide appication pattems for seed production of tropical fodder legumes. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. J. Alkaemper, WZ Tropeninstitut, Abi. Pflanzenbau und Pftanzenzuechtung; Universitael Giessen; Schoftstr. 2; 6300 Giessen; Federal Republic of Germany; Tel.: 0621/702841 lSubhumid Zone Program of ILCA; PMB 2248; Kaduna; Nigeria _________________ Record number (MFN): 04603 170 SPAAR Iifmon System Ofcial pecd btle: RISK AND ACCEPTANCE OF INNOVATIONS IN NIGEFrS AGRICULTURE. hvmek agamy: lkvws Hohnhd. Sthvt dab: 19920000. End date: 1993-00-0. Stemet ot obje;*iact The pmposed proect ans at ex-ane evaa exng miet-copea basedo sstems Ner with the specic ob4ctive of exbnabng the tblser asbdity aMd te podential needs for dfrsbuctua develoent when ma rinvabon such as widbeahs is nrokiced. A whole farm model widt be developed to sinulate the exisling farm types n Wessen Nijer, ad sbmseqy to de4eine the potW for lechnology adopi. The analyss penrmts to identify existng ano pokenW saeconoc consraints and to measure potential inpact on income, ouWu and nsk, when wwKdraks and addional technical cmponents such as anm racton, artilizers, sod inrvement wih byprducts or intercropping, are intoduced. Contact in research organation: Prof. Dr. M. von Oppen; Universitaet Holeihm; Instit hkm Agrar- und Sozialoekonomie in den Tropen und Stopen (490); Postach 700562; 7000 Stuttgat 70; Federal Republic of GermanylCRISAT; Centre Saheden; B.P 12404; NMaey; NigerUniversite de Niamey; B.P. 10814; Niamey; Niger Record number (MFN): 04620 Official prqct itle: PHENOUCS INCLUDING TANNINS IN ULTI1PiURPOSE TREES AND BROWSE AND THEIR EFFECT ON RUMINANT NUTRITION AND HEALTH. kinpmentM agency, Universitaet Hohenheim. Staul date: 198500-. Country/countries: Afica, Benin; Niger; Nigeria; Saeent of obIectivesiabstract: Tenacity reducing effects of tannin containing plants on pathogeic bacteria, esp. Cbstridium perfrngens, in vitro and in vivo. Possibility of realizing and adequate prophylaxis against enterotoxaenia. in tropical countries by feeding certain plants as supplement. Contact in research organization. Prof. Dr. W. Mueller, Dr. M. Younan, M. Baumann; AbteiJung er Tierhygiene; lnstitut fuer Tierptoduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen (480); Universitaet Hohweheim: Garbenstr. 17; 7000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic of Gernany; Tel: 0711/45013170: Telex: 722959 uniho-dlnstitut fuer Tirenmashrung; Universitaet 171 SPAAR Informatin System Hdoheme 7000 Shtgart 70; Federal Repubbc od Genany Pecord nber (MFN): 046 Offical pdject title: DUAL PURPOSE USE OF PEARL-MILLET IN MIXED FARMING SYSTEMS. bratng agency: Urw nrsa Hohenheihm. SWalte: 1990-041. Enddate: 1993-03-31. Countrykotntnes: Mait; Sta.emei of objecives/abstract: Aalvs of effects of early season removal frorn a miet stand ot whole plants, tilers and leaves for lodder on gain and staw yield and alsis of nutrtivei value of fodder obtained; companson of costs and benefits; assessment of the ments of the method for reducrg the risk mvolved in growing mit in a maqrnal site. Contact in researdc onanization: Prof. Dr. Chr. Gall Institut her F iep tion in den Tropen und Subiropen (480). Unirsaet Hdoenheim; Garbenstr. 17: 7000 Stuttgat 70; Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: 0711/45013170; Telex: 722959 undi-d Record nuniber (MFN): 04626 Offcial protet title: PUBLIC WORKS IN AFRICA TO IMPROVE FOOD-SECURITY. Implmenting agency: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Start date: 199001-01. End date: 1992-12-31. Couritrlycountries: Atrica: Botswana; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Ethiopia; Kenya, Mozambique; Niger Nigejna: Rwanda; Senegal: Sudan: Unded Republic ol Tanzania: Zwnbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: Documentation of experiences with public works-programmes; comprehensive strategy for food security and nutritional improvement; identification of needs and potentials for labour intensive development programmes; indentitication ei prionties specific types of public works programmes: impact of public works programmes. Phase I of the protect will provide a detailed review of public works initiatives in 13 Afncan countries: Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya. Mozamb-que, Niger, Nigena, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Experience with public works programs such as food-for-work programs in other counlries and regions (for example. China, Bangladesh, India. and Central America) is also considered in the review. The review will synthesize the expenence of ongoing or terminated programs accoriing to the type of program. Programs considered in the review and impact analyss include 172 SPAAR Iomaion System a tnshi mj wfastncze ,water woef (pon. water h-es, -gnulua msotrce censevaton (tWracing). refrestation, aid cwnatiy d eelpment (dinkig wate suppyI).In Phs U. an 98epth sU,dy of the poteial for, and urpct of, pubic wadm pmrds fr proved hosdod food security is pd ed in o coums: Niger. Btswana, Twza and Zimbwe. Thi phase vi inwe data colecton and anai at the houseld to ae t net-eflects of plc works proTais (includ9ig bod4orwork) on emptyment mid c om . The resuig anas will proide guidar- prorn prioibes in iffererd settings, gven locebcspea development am tooa setoy goa/s. The country studies wi be follbwed by a comarare analysis tat brngs together broader ree fdngs aid lads to polic conduswons aid suggesbo for strategy fonmAtion. Contact in research organwzaton: Dr Joadwn von Braun: Director of Food Cosuro and Nutlnon Divmon; Int rnaonal Food Polc Research Institute; 1776 Massachusets Avenue N.W.; 2C36-1998; USA)k Patnck Weeb; Research Fellow; IFPRIMr Tesfaye Teklu; Research Fellow; IFPRI Record number (MFN): 04629 Official project te: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION ON GROWTH OF PEARL MILLET AND GROUNDNUT IN NIGER. impen.ting agency: Univetaet Hdenheim. Start date: 1989-4-00. End date: 1991-12-00. Courtry/countries: Niger, Statment of obIectiveslabstract: Pearl milbl producy in rainfe. agriculture of the Sahel region (Niger) is tirnted by bw sod fertiity, especialiy by the low avadbibty of phosphus. The obpetive of this rese arh is to investigate tie possbir 4s to wicrease the mobilizalion of soil P and the utllizatior, of fertilizer P by application of organc substances (crop residues of millet). For improvement of P efficiency seedpelleting or foliar aplicat on of P. and VAM ij.oculation are tested. In groundnut the possbilities are studied for increasing symbiotic N2-fixation and dry matter yield by applicaton of crop residues imillet straw) and micronutrients. espectaily molybdenum. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. H. Marschner: Institut fuer Pflanzeneraehrung; Unrversitaet Hohenhein: Postfach 700562: 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of Germany: ret: 071 1/4.5a2344 173 SPAAR Infonnabon Systern Record mber (MFN): 04635 Offaca proqed bde: THE EFFECT OF TANNNS ON NJTRIENT DIGESJ1BILfTY AND ANIMAL PERFORMANCE IN SMALL RUANANTS. InpWn g agency: Uniesiel Hheem. Slat dabe: 1991.00"00. Coun( :countues: Afc., benin; Niger Nigena, Stiamert of obedbves/bstract: The aim dhe intended s5hs !s to q--a'tv4 the effec of tannins on the digstiblity d the nutrients of the feed, on the feed ntake and on the animal Contat in research organizato: Prof. Dr. H.-M. Mueller, Prnv. Doz. Dr. A. Suserbeth. Dr. H. Steingass; Instu fuer Trmaewng; Unmvese Hohenheim; Posliach 700562 (450); 7000 St.,an 70; Federal Republic of Gem any Record number (MFN): 04633 Offial proect title: ECOLOLOGICAL SIDE-EFFECTS OF LOCUST CONTROL AGENTS. Implerenting agency: Universitaet des Saatndes. Start date: 1990-01-01. End date: 1993.12-31. Country/countries: Africa: Cape Verde: Niger Sudan; Slatement of obetives/abstraW: The aim of the project is to safeguard and hep inprove the efficiency, target specifity, and eobgical soundness of future bcust control operations. Target- and non-target effects of biological and chemical locust control agents are tested under lboratory conditions. Their ecotoxicological behavour is field tested in small-scale field trials. Emphasis is laid on the effect on beneficial arthropods (biodiversity analysis). Biological and abiotic matrices are sampled for residue analysis. A colony of Schistocerca gregana and Locusta migratoria migratoides is kept for laboratory Inals at the *Instiut fuier Biogeographie'. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. Drs.h.c. P.Mueller, Dr. R. Peveling; Institut fuer Biogeogiaphie; Zentrum fuer Umwelttorschurg; Oekotechnogische Task-Force; Universitaet des Saarindes; 6600 Saarbruacken; Federal Republic of Germany; Tei: 068971798-100(143,144); Fax: 068971798155; I elex 6817533 unis 174 SPAAR Informahtm, Systern Record nurber (WN): 04639 Ofla prect tide: CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPING NON-FARM PROODUCTIVE ACTiVITIES IN RURAL AREAS OF AFRICA. A COMPARISON OF YATENGA/BURKINA FASO AND EXTEMME-NOROCAMEROUN. Impinnentung agency: Unwvers.taet Frankfurt Start date: 1990-02-00. End date: 1992-07-00. Coutbycounties: Afica: Bwkna Faso. Carmeroon: S'aement of obtvesabstractad: The proed analysis both the rpact of economic poicy and isitutions on te nation state level and of social organisahion on the kxalregona state level i dferent regenal and economic envwonmerts (Burklna Faso. Cameroun). Conact n research organizathon. Prof. Dr. E.W. Schamp: Institu fuer Wwtschatts- urid Sozialgecgraphie. Universdael Franikfurt: Dantestr. 9. 6000 Frankfurllin 1; Federal Republic of Germany. Tel: 06917982325 Record numnber (MFN): 04640 Otfical proect title MIGRATION AND IDENTITY IN SENEGAL Implemening agency. Universtaet Bayreuth. Starn date: 1967-05-1. End dale: t991-09-30. Country/countnes: Senegal: Statement of object;ves/abstract: The process of relum migration can be explained by the interrelationships betwen personal motivation. family situation and general economic conditions. Contact in research organization Dr. M. Weicker: Instidut fuer Geowissenschaften: Un:versiaet Bayreuth- PosIach 101251: 8580 Bayreuth Fel!eral Republoc of Germany; Tel 0921'552288ENDA. P B. 3367: Dakar; Seoege4FONGS. P.B. 269: Thies: Senegal Record number IMFN) 04646 175 SPAAR Inloim Syslem Offical pvred bile: THE EFFECT OF STRATEGIC SUPPLEMENTARY FEEDING ON GROWTH AND REPROOUCTION OF NDAMA CATTLE. fmpIemeniting agency: Justus von Lebig Un'vrstaet Gessen. Start date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1992-O0-00. Couty/coatmies: Guinea; StathvAn o4 ob,ectwesiabstract: Supp-- ta feedig of cap res&-;s and poultr manure during the dry or rainy seasons to different dasses of stock (cows. caNes. heders and bulls) was evalk.ated or. a station in Central Guinea over a penod of two years. The results are currtfly analsed. Contact in research orgaization. Prof. Dr. J. Sleinbach; Dept. of LUestock Ecology: Ludwgstr. 21; 6300 Giessen; Federal Republic GermanyAk. Alseny Diaby. Mr. Jacques Souma: Diion Natbonale de 'Elevage: Conakry Guinea Record number (MFN, 04657 Official project titl: EFFECTS OF DUST DEPOSITES AND MICROVARIABILITY ON EDAPHICAL SITE CONDITIONS WITH REC^ARD TO SEMI-ARID AND SUB-HUMID LOCATIONS IN WEST AFRICA. Implementing agency: Universtaet Hohenheim. Start date: 1985-00-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Africa: Benin: Niger: Statement of objectives/abstract: The obectives of te project are Vo: (1) assess the regional distrbution of dust deposites in SW-Niger and Bemn and feir influence on soil fertility; (2) find out the interrelations between soil propelies and pearl millet growth: and (3) monior soil chemical changes in soil during a mainy season. Contact in research organization: Tropenzentrum: Universitaet Hohenhei-n: Schwert4sir. 33: 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Repubic Germany: Tel: 0711/4593201: Telex: 722959 uniho-dIITA; Benn Station: P.O Box 06-2523: Cotonou: People's Republic of BenmniCRISAT: Centre Sahelien: B.P 12 404. Niamey; Niger Record number IMFN: 04662 176 SPAAR Information System Offcia projed Mfie: INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS ORGNIC FERTILIZERS ON THE EXPLOITATION OF SOIL PHOSPHATE BY AILLET AND GROUNDKfT IN SELA-ARID WEST AFRICA. 1enpW ig agency: Unes4ata Hohenheir. Start date: 1992-0. End date: 1993400. Countrycountnies: Niger Staemen dof objeiveabstrab : The avallbty of sodi phosphate may be influenced by the dynam of sod organic mater. Therefore, field expermnrt will be caed out with varous fertization resKa pant aerial). The 3vaiabdiky of phosphate i estmated by plant analyses and sorpton experwments. Contact in research organization: Unwesataet Hohenhewn; Tropenzentrum: Schwertrstr. 33; 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republc of Gemtany; Tel: 0711/4593201; Telex 722959 unito-dICRISAT; Centre Sahelien; B.P. 12 404: Niamey: Niger ReoDrd nunber (MFN): 04691 Official project te: THE INTERACTION OF WORK AND TRYPANOTOLERANCE IN NDAMA CATTLE ON TWO PLANES OF NUTRmON. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Startdate: 1993-04-01. Enddate: 1994403-31. Country/countries: Urnited Kingdom: Gan,r. Statement of objectives/abstract: The aim of this proiect is to examine the interacons between plane of nutrtion. disease and work in trypanotolerarnt NDama catte. Any reduction in the work output of indvdual animals caused by dsease means that more animals must be kept to accomplsh the same task, or dternatively human abour, often provided by women and chidren, must be substituted, it crop yields are not to suffer. Conversety work and under-nutrition (common at the end of the dry season when cultivation work starts) have been suggested as factors that increase the suscepttbility of draught animals to disease.The project will investigate whether trypanosome infections cause a signficant reduction In the work output of trypanotolerant cattle and whether that tolerance breaks down under the stress of work and/or poor nutrition, requiring such animals to be better fed and/or protected with drugs during the working season it work output is to be maximised. The pnmary objective of the project is to enable recommendations to be drawn up foi farmers. on keeping and working trypanotelrant catte is areas where the Isetse fly is endemic. The secondary obectives are to complement on-going studies. at CTVM. on the effect of disease on the work"ng abilities of draught animals worldwide, and as pan of a pint ITC/NRI programme to 177 SPAAR Infriomaon System develop sbaegic supplementary feeding regmes for dierent dasses of N'Darna catlJ uder panrosomiasis chalenge. Cona in researdi oaxnizaton: 1f. C.G.D. Brwn; Progranme Manager: Centre for Trpical Veteriwary Medicine; Unim* of Edibugh; Easter Bush: Rosll; Mdohan. EH25 9RG: Unrted Kngdom; Tel 031 445 2001. Fax 031 445 5099: Telex 727442 (UNIVED G) Record nuuber (MFN): 04710 Offical proed tibe: THE PROTECTION OF FISH AGAINST BLOWFLIES DURING DRYING AND BEETLE INFESTATION DURING STORAGE. Implementti g agency: Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Startdate: 1991 04-01. Enddate: 1994403-31 Country/countries: United Kingdomr, Global: BEnglades0: Senegal: Statement of objctves/abstract: The objectives o the project are: To identify appropriate insecticides. forrrulaborns and application rates for the protection of dried fish against beetle niestation: To dien"y and assess the effectiveness of traditional non-chemical methods of preserving fish curing drying and of dried fish during storage: To produce guidelines for extension agents and procedures for the use of non-chemical control procedures for postharvest fish preservation. Contact in research organization: Dr. P. Godobo Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime; Chatharn; Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 88006677: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record numbef (MFN): 04726 Official project tile: IDENTIFICATION AND MONITORING OF AFRICAN WEATHER REGiMES - PHASE I WEST AFRICA. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration INRRD), Start date: 1993-10-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdorn: Africa: Ghana; Gambia; Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider objectives of the project are:To develop a methodoogy that can be used to improve short to long-term forecastng of weather/climate regines that have a 178 SPMR Inrmabt System sagnfsct efed on agcture m Aftica. wih the amn of hering tamws mcrease agnicultural productrdy To develop an effient and effecve means of diutying and n4 g weather rle wd be developed us satte-denved data. sa4wp ented by surace data and bage-scale model outpuAs;To disesminate resu*s to erd-users vough nabional meeorlogical deparhnns and more wdely thwu pbicaborrs m te scienbhc literatue.The immediat oectives are:To develop methods for identif and maonitorg synop4c and reoonal scale weaher regions over Aftrica and assess how they can be applied L+ca!iy r Africa To invesbgate syropbc-and larger-scaie movemrets of te ITC2 over sub-Saharan Wesl Afrca and thr ineacions wih surface and upper level synopbc disturbances-To identify chdages of the ITC2 characteritic of wet and dry seasons to improve understanding of diference between such seasons. Cont in research organization: Mr. M.R. Tucker Natural Resources institue: Central Avenue; Chatharnt IMartime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdorn: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LN G * ~ ~ ~ --------------___ Record number (MFN): 04734 Official proect tide: SENEGAL: ACACIA TREE FA!.LOWS. Implementing agency: Overseas Deveoprnent Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1991-04-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Countiy/countries: Undred Kingdom: Senegal: Statement of objectives/abstract: The obpectives of the project are- To determine the rate of improvement in soil fertdity under a nitrogen fixing Acacia tree fallow, and the rate of soil deterioration wih contiruous cropping; To determine the approxirnate values for the nitrogen budget of Acacia fallows. particularly the rate of nitrogen fixation; To dentily the factors that limit the rate of ncrease in soil fertilty under Acacia (eg P-status, rthizobium supply etc.) and that limd the rate of soil degradation under cereal cropping (eg leaving crop residue, no buming tree stumps). Contact in research organization: Mr. H.L. Wright: Programme Manager: Forestry Research Programme: University of Oxford: Halifax House: 6 South Parks Road: Oxford: OX1 3UB; United Kingdor: Tel 0865 2710367: Fax 0865 271035: Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXMr. O.K. Li idley, Institute of Terresinal Ecology: Merdewood Experimental Station; Abbots Ripton; Huntingdon: Cambndgeshire; PE17 2LS _______________17 179 SPAAR Infomatbon Systen Record number (MFN): 04742 Offical prc tite: COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. FIELD PERFORMANCE AND PROPAGATION OF PLANTS OF THE PROSOPIS. Impleenbng agency: Overseas Deveoent Adninistration (NRRD). Startdate: 1991-D9-01. End date: 1994-12-31. Country/counties: Urnted Kingdom, Global. Cape Verde: Oman, India; StatemerV of objedtves/abstract: The objecives of the project are: To colect a wide range of Prosopis germplasm. To compare the abily of Prcsopis accessions to withstand water stress. To determne the adaptations of photosynthesis and water relations to drought stress. To make recommendations on the selection and use of Prosopes species. To delop opirnumn methods for vegetative propagation ol Prosopis species. To support scientific research and training in Omnan and Cape Verde. In view of recent develpments vegetative propagation' is now interpreted to include grafting techniques as well as the rooing of shoot cuttings. Contact in research organization: Mr. H.L. Wright; Progra mnme Manager; Forestry Research Prograrnme; University of Oxford; Halifax House; 6 South Parks Road; Oxford; OXI 3U3; United Kingdom; Tel 0865 2710367; Fax 0865 271035; Teex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXDr P.J.C. Hams; Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA); Natural Centre for Organic Gardening; Ryton on Dunsrnore; Coventry CV8 3LG; Tel 0203 303517; Fax 0203 639229 Record number (MFNf: 04753 Official project title: DRAUGHT ANIMALS FOR PRODUCTION/FEEDING AND WORKING STRATEGiES FOR DRAUGHT ANIMALS. Inplementing agency: Overseas Development AdIrnistration (NRRD). Statt date: 1991-04-01. End date: 1993-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Global; Nepal; Colombia; Niger; Nigeria; Indonesia; France; Morocco. Chile; Statement of objectivesiabstract: The objectives of the project are to provide information to assist researchers and extension agents to provide appropriate advice to tanners. -he aim is to help people make decisions on the type of animals which are best suited to their particular needs, and the most approprldte way of feeding and workinq them, given the local feed resources and implements available, the climatic conditions prevading and the tilage and transport requirements needed. 180 SPAAR informabon Systern Contact in research organization: Dr. R. Anne Pearson; Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine; University of Edirburgh: Easter Bush: Rosin; idodian; EH25 9RG; United KiKgdom; Tel 031 445 2001; Fax 031 445 5099; Telex 727442 (UNIVED G) _________________ Record nunber (MFN): 04761 Official proect titte: STORAGE OF CEREALS BY PASTORALISTS. hImplemnt agency: Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Start dale: 1992-04-01. End date: 1994-11 -00. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Alfca: Niger Mali; Kenya; Ethiopia; Nigeria; Statement of objedrves/abstract: The wider obecive of this ptect is to improve the qualiy of seed availble to sina; scale famrers at plating time. The immediate objectves are: To identify fe distr o metods, selection conditioning and storage paces of seed used by simai-scale famers. To dentiy three faner grmups where seed qual.ty problems ocou. Al last two cimatcaly different situations wil be addressed. To set up three pilot prolects to test improved seed qualiy from harvest to planting. To disseminale results and prncples of seed storage to protects working in this field. Conact in research organizaton: W. T. Donadson; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unied Kingdom; Tel 0634 88008; Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/80r. D. Seddon; Sdcool of Devebpment Studies; Uniry of East Angita; Norwich; NR4 7TJ; United KingdomDr. J. Swift; Institute of Development Studies; Unrvey of Sussex; Brighton; BN1 9RE; United Kingdom Record number (MFN): 04809 Official project title: METHODS AND TECHNIOUES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTS OF AGROCHEMICALS IN THE TROPICS. Implementing agency: Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Start dale: 1988-04-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Global; Zimbabwe; Senegal; Philippines; Statement of objectives/abstracl: The wider objecive of this project is to develop methods and procedures for ecoloycal monitonng which expedite the assessment of environmental impact from agricultural developmnent.The immediate objectives are:To develop and test qualitative 181 SPAAR Infomabon System and quabtaive method to montor population stiucture of teesnal and aquabc oiansms.fevlop techiques and eqqpwr for fe deterinatbon of ecological fulon. degradation of agrochmicals and biochemcaltns ations of compouhis affecng soi fertibty.Research suita:le bio-indicalor speceslassoaahons for rapd assessmnl of ecobgcal stresses from natural and antropogeic perturbatons. Contact in research organizahon: Dr. I.F. Grant; Natural Resources Institute; Conr" A-vie; Chathn Mantine:. Chahamn: Kent; ME4 4T8; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 8F0C66177; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record nunber (MFN) 04811 Official ped titbe. OEDALEUS DIAPAUSE STUDIES. ImVementing agency: Overseas Devebpment Admninistration (NRRD). Startdate: 1990.04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/counies: United Kingdom; Mali; Statement of objectives/abstract The wider obective of this project is to assess the importance of abiotic cues affecting diapause induction, duration and termination. The immediate objectives are to: Determine the effect of a constant short photoperiod on diapause induction; Determine the effect of a decreasing photopenod on diapause induction; Determine the importance of temperature in diapause iwductin; Determine the sensitive stage to diapause inducing cues; Identify any phenotypic traits associated with diapausing egg pods.CoMine that both diapausing and non-diapausing eggs can be laid in the srnie pod and determine the duration of diapause in emd-colcted egg pods.lnvestigate the importance of soil moisture for hatching ol diapausing and quiescent eggs.Field work to colect fresh insect material and to conduct simulated rainfall experiments. Contact in research organization Dr. J. Cotvin: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chatham Martime; Chatharn; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kngdorn; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 88006i77; Telex 263907/8 LON G Record number (MFN): 04867 Official project title: MONITORING INSECTS PESTS AND DAMAGE IN MILLET. implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (N, ). Start date: 1990-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. 182 SPAAR in*ormation Syssem Cont/counties: Unwed Kingdom. Atrica, Niger Mali: Staemet o objfsbves/*stract The wider obe of tn pect is to develop staiable soconomically accepble sbalegies to control insect pests of milet. The immediae objcte are: An rinesigaon ol the phenology and Wfe cycle of melod pests of millet in the genus Psalydolytta. To rebte popuabor's of Psalydotta in ligh taps to developmntal stgas of millet. To etabbsh economijy hrsholds fto Psalydolt The deveopmnt of pheromon based systems for monitN and contro; of the milled head borer. Conesta ignefusahs. Contact in research organizabon: Dr. N. Jago; Natural Resources Insttute; Central Avenue; Chatham Marhme: Chatham; Kent- ME4 4TB: lJnited Kingdorn: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 2639071 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04906 Official project title: ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT. rImpbem agency: World Bank: Burkina Faso. Country/countnes: Burkina Faso: Statement of objetves/abstract: Training and instiutional management for managing the rural and urban environments. Record number (MFN): 04916 Official project titl: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES II. Implementing agency: World Bank: Mali. Star date: 1996-00. Country/countnes: Mali; Statement of oblectives/abstract: FoNow up to Agncultural services 1, concentrating on pest management and agricultural education in additon to extension and functioa literacy. 183 1 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04917 Official project btle: AGRICULTURAi SERVICES 11. Imp1eent agency: World Bank; Nigef Start date: 19964-00 County/coitres: Niger Statement of obectves/abstract: Folow up to Agncuatural serves , concentrating on pest management and agrcultural education in addition to extension and kucioa hteracy. Record number (MFN): 04947 Official prgect title: DEHULLER DEVELOPMENT (SENEGAL) - PHASE It. Implementing agency Intematonal Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991 37-23. End date: 1994-630. Country/countries: Senegal: Statement of objectiveslabstract: In Senegal. sorghum and millet are tradtionai staples of a wide cross-section of the populabtin in both rural and urban areas. However. drehulling and griding has been identid by women as a constraint to the use of these grains. The first phase of ths proect devebped two dehullers (the MINI-CIS I and 11) for rural and urban grain processing. AIthough technically viable in many villges, field testing indicated that the villge dehuller was not economicaly viable in many vuages. The relatively high cost ot dehulling, due to the high cost of the equipwent, made it unaffordable to women. This second phase project will involve the develpment of techndogigral packages for rural. semiurban. and urban loations appropnate for mills using the MINI CIS I and 11 dehullers. These will be tested to determine the conditons of their viable and sustainable operation. Specifically, it will design and lest in the laboratory an improved dehuller; develop the methodology to start a production tine for the manufacture of a number of dehulers; lield lest the dehullers; and evaluate their appropriateness with respect to people's needs and acceptance. Contct n research organization: Hyacinfth Modou Mbengue; Institut senegaais de recherches agricoles (ISRA); B.P. 3120: Dakar; SenegalMr. Ibra Seck; Societe industnelle sahelienne de mecaniques. de matenels agricoles et de representations (SISMAR): 20 rue Dr These: B. P 3214: Dakar: SUnigal 184 SPAAR Inforiaton System Record numbe (MFN): 04951 Offial pro,ect tie: RED ALGAE VALORIZATION (SENEGAL) hiipenbm age: !ertiborW Denelpment Pesearch Cenfe Start date: 1992-02-21. End date: 1995-04-0t. Country/counbies: Senegal: Canada: Statement of obectives/3abstract: Senegal has an Aanbc coastline of 600 km. The secbon naned 'Pebte te has condtm f rable to the growth of algae, which are in abundance here. Among the different krxts the red algae may becone economcally iporat. sm they are the onry known source of carrageena. use in vanous industries as a thicker and gelkng agent 1t has been estimaed ta Senegal has fe necessary natural resources to take a sgefcant porton of fe market, which m tuhm i create erobyment and generate revenue for the coastal fishing populabon. This proed wdiNriprove harvestig and pocessig methods of Hypneatype alae for producon of semrwefled kapa-carrageenin. Specifically, it wi sample and evaluate the red algae-stocks wth respect to thir abundance. popubtion stuncture. ditbui. and reproduction; develop harvesting, selction, cleaning, and drying stategies: develop a tecwxnoy for the pilot Laboratory prdction of semirehned kappa-carrageenin; and carry out market studies. The results wiN be transfered to the productwive sector. Contact in research organizahon: Dr. Glyn Sharp: Department of Fisheries and Oceans; 200 Kent Street; 15th fkoor Ottawa; Ortario: Canada KIA OE6Mr. Abdourahmane Tamba: SOS-En.Vironentm Compexe denseignement Maurice Delatosse; B.P. 4004; Dakar; Sen gaiProf. Thieny ChoSn; Uwersity of New Brunswick Dep. of Biology; P.O. Box 505: Saint John, New Brunswick: Canada E2L 4L5Mr. AbdDuWy Sow; Ecole nationale supeneure universitaire de techrnogie; Universite Cheikh Anta Diop; Dakar, Sen6gal Record number (MFN): 04953 Offial proiect title: AROMATIC EXTRACTS (GUINEA). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-11-05. End date: 1996-01-31. Country/countries: Africa; Canada; Morocco; Guinea; 185 SPAAR Inicrmiaton System S ealn od objcti s/atisra Gwna is a coasl state n Wes Alc cons g ot tu nah ralgo win a dive" of cdinac and ecobgical cmndbom that has 7ven it a nch and vaned flra The poleir" for rducirN essential olls wih omerul potenial is. tewuloe, sgifcat and dig preiminary studes, a list of 35 plars at are acurertly tho most inleresting from Is pesectve was conied. TIis poec wi*l study bxr psof dte Ociwnn genus chosen r their sciertfic interest and cowucl potenbal. H will demineth opbt a conditions fr ie vegetabtie developmt d these plants and fte producti essential ois from them. An mexpensre stil w be developed ocaly as pt of this profect. The aAatn o thse plnts wl provide t rural poplato it an additional source of income. while the dstlabion of essental ofl will creale new job ° W °nties. Contact in research organization: 1k. Sylvain Savard; Centre de rcherdhe mdkstir le du Ou6bec; 333 rue Franquet Case postale 9038; SaineFoy (Ou6bec); Canada GIV 4C7Mr. Bachir Benfial; hstitut agronomique el vWteriaire Hassan Il; B.P. 6202; Rabat4nsnuts; MarocMr. Malb Nianga; Unversi de Conakry; B.P. 1147; Conakry; Guinee Record number (MFN) 04954 Offcial proect title: ANTHOCYANIC PIGMENTS (BUJRKINA FASO) - PoASE II. Implemnting agency: International Develpment Research Centre. Startdate: 1991-06-19. End date: 1993-06-19. Country/countries: Canada: Burkina Faso: Statement of objectiveslabstract: In Burkina Faso and neighbounng countries, a red dye extracted from sorghum is used to colour leather, wickerwork. and gourd. Sorghum is the only plant known to contain significant quantities of desoxy-3-anthocyanins, which are important in the dyeing irdustry. The first phase of this project established the exceptionally high content of the chemical in the plant and developed an extracbon procedure at the aboratory level. This second phase will isolate and characterize minor anthocyanins present in the mixture; build a pilot unit to perfect the process of extracting a superior product; and carry out market studies. Contact in research organization: Mr. A.C. Oehischlager; Dept. ol Chemistry; Simon Fraser University; 8umaby; Bntish Columbia; Canada V5A 1 S6Mr. Mouhoussine Nacro. DGpartement de chimie; Universile de Ouagadougou: B.P. 7021; Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso 186 SPAAR borration System Record number (MFN): 04980 Oftaal proped tie: SUPPORT TO THE COUNCIL FOR THE DEVELOMENT OF ECONOMC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH IN AFRICA. CODESRtA. Ilementg agency: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperaton with Develn Countnes. Country/countries: Afnca Senegal. Sttemt od otgectiveslabs"01c CODESRIA supports research wihn the fbwing pnonty are: ural devebpment and food producon m Atrna economi cooperato and inegration; educabon. skil nration and development m Atrica industalizabon. meral develpent id energy: populabton pobcy. mgration and urbaizaton: scec, tehnoy and developmen; social sciences ard develpment; the state and forweq powers in Atnca. Contact in research oiganzabon: Dr. Thardxca Mce;dawre. Councl Ior the Development of Social Research i Al nca (CODESRIA); Dakar Pecord numnber (MFN): 04982 Official project tile: STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE OF AFRICA. pimneeriting agency: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Develpng Countries. Country/countrs: Africa. Seegal; Statement of objctvesabstract: The orogramre which is currently under the umbrella of three organizations (UNRISD. UNU and the Third World Forum) has gone through successive stages of expaon. A network of more than 200 researchers throughout Africa has been establh. The programme focuses on long airn strategies beyond adjustment arid includes rural change. Aftrca in the international divison of Labour. South-South cooperation, Southern African Studies. the struggle for democracy. Contact in research organization Prof. Samir Amin; Third Word Forum (TWF): Dakar; United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISO): Dakar Record number (MFN): 0507C Official project title. BILATERAL RESEARCH COOPERATION CAPE VERDE - SWEDEN IN THE FIELD OF 187 SPAAR Inbomation System AOUACULTUIRE. Implemeerbng agency: Sweish Agency for Research Coopeation w Deveping Cou*ies. Enddate: 199106-31. Countykountries: Cape Verde; Sweden; SiaenOt of otbJtves/abstract: A held saion for aquaculure has been buil at Calheta de S. Maulrn. MIacroalge. hninps, mussels, oysters and fish are sludied regancig 9owth rates, feedig straegies, stoch density ec, in oder to build up a competenoe and capacity or Muure comrial culture. Expemietal culture of oste:s as well as dfferent pollenW uses ot macroalwae are tested. Hydrograpil measurements such as terferadure. pH. salinity. oxyger. and nutrient content are made at sea. Bogas prodLchon through fementahon o macroalgae is investigated. Widn the project a number df Cape Vedian rsearts ceve aditional train at the University of Lund. Contat in research organizzaon: Dr. Jorge Ouendo; Cape Verde: Instituo Nacional de Investigaca Tecnokgca (INIT); PraiaDr. Torgrny von Wacherfeldt: Lund University; Department of Marine Ecology; S-221 00 Lund Record number (MFN): 05111 Official proqect te: INVESTIGATION OF THE ENERGY VALUE OF LATEX-CONTAINING PLANTS AND STRAW WASTES IN BIOuAS PRODUCTION. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1982-00-00. Country/countries: Buukina Faso; Statement of obecbtives/abstract: Since 1983. Dr Traore has been conducting a stuy in Burkina Faso on the energy value of the latex plant Calotropis procera. With a C/N ratio ol 17 this plant produced 2 900 cubic centimeters d biogas'day/l of fermented liquid with 59 per cent of methane with a charge rate of 4 per cent. A buffer system based on clacinated vegetable allows for the correction of the very acid fermentation of C. procera. The next phfise of research wltl be to increase the digester from I to two liters. and then to 30 liters. Biogas produced from a mixture of C. procera and animal droppings from our farm may permit heating for 1 000 to 1 500 chicks a year at our station. This will also save the use of the rnuch more expensive petroleum lamp. The adapted bumers can use buogas. Contact in research organization: 188 SPAAR hkInoration Sytem Dr S Alfred Traore. nstinut Supeeu Polyechi:que: Ur*sit de Ouagadougou: B P 7021. OUAGADOUGOU P eod n9ti i (MFN): 05156 Offici proed tiMeW STUDIES ON THE ECOLOGY AND ETHOLOGY OF TERtlTES iN SENEGAL hkTeng agency: International Foundation for Sc ance Start date: 1914 0 Country'counties. Senegal. Statemet of obfectiveslabstract~ Oximg fte use of prevous eseah. Dr A˘ogba dcaractenzed the termies attacking thre forest tree species used fkr reilorestation and one fruit tree species- Ths study was canied out in thegre of Dakar. Thiesand the Seal River Valley Emphasis was put on the pdation of tenrmes by the ants of the Ponennae genus. Now Dr Agbogba wr't study te repulsng effect of the chemicals produced by one species of ants against termites. amd also ident epulng compouds produced by plants which migt be used to control the ternnites. Contact in research oranizaton Dr C anstn Agboba. 'mailng adbess. Villa 120-Zone B: DAi(APIFANN Record nmynber IMFN): 05157 Official protect title: ZOONOSIS O1 HUMAN SLEEPING SICK(NESS IN CAMEROON: CATTLE. SHEEP. GOATS AND SWINE AS FACTORS. Implemrnent agency. International Foundation for Science. Sta' date: 1964-00-00 Country/counitres: Cameroon, Statemert of objectrves'abstract: Dr Asonganyi will examine the dornestc animal population in the sleeping sickness endemic zones in Cameroon for possible infection with T gambuense-like trypanosomes Since Drevious studies failed to identify such organisms mn domestic animals in Carneroon using the thck stained film the present study will include the dentification of circulating trypanosome antigens in the animal serum using monocbonal antibodies specific for the different Irypanosore sub-speices. Blood from infected anwmals w n be ineced into laboratory animals for isolation and characterisation of the trypanosome species. 189 SPAAR l 'tion Sysem Contact n research orgarizaton Dr Tazoacha Asoganyi: Deparment of Immunology: C U S S; University of Yaounde: YAOUNDE Record number (MFN): 05228 Officl proD tide: INFLUENCE OF EXPERIMENTAL TRYPANOSO.UASIS ON THE SEXUAL FUNCTiONS OF YOUNG BULLS OF BAOULE AND ZEBt BREEDS lmpemeni agency: Intemabonal Foundation for Scenex SWar date: l9fl8-Ott. Country/counries Burkwia Faso. Slalement of objectives/abstract: The ibranosomes a"fecting anwials in Africa cause alIeration in seer components of the sexual huion (sexual btvu. g and hom system) in most domesti animals in the tropical zone. A study of Ihe hormo* profles suggests that Ihe specfc action of the ryparosomes is Ithe genl ogans. Dr Boly wi st tlis Itough an inmunocytological approach with klorscen and electron mi y using the trypano-resislant Baoule breed and the hypano-sensitive Zebu Ths study on fte specfic action mechanisms of the trypanosomes on the sexual hfnction wll allow the proposal ol specic schemes fr optimal performance of the animas workbng the tropical zones suitable for kvestock bul for the infestaton o trypanosome y vectors. Contact in research organization: Dr Hamnidou BOLY. Inshtut du Developpemenl Rural: Universite de Ouagadougou. B P 7021: OUAGADOUGOJ Record number (MFN): 05250 Official prWet tite: CtULrIVATION OF THE MANGROVE OYSTER (CRASSOSTREA GASAR) IN CASAMANCE. SENEGAL. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Stan date: 1990-12-15 Country/countries: Senegal: Statement of objectives/abstract: Mr Dadhiou will study the feasiility of rasing the mangrove oyster (Crassostrea gasar) in Casamance. Senegal. For this he will need to identify the appropiate cultunng environments and techniques. The environments to be tested are estuaries 190 SPAAR Inobmi System and rivenne depresso. Samping and experent stations will be at Carabane and Panre Saint-George. and ODvent and Ourn at a latr sage. Co i resei organiaton: Ur Hae O0AOHO: Centre de Recterches Oceanor%ques de Dal*ar-Tbiaroye. Wisru Seregala de Recdes Agricoles. B P 2241; DA.(AR Record number IMNF? 05251 Offal prope tlle: THE ROLE OF RIFT VALLEY FEVER VIRUS ON ABORTIONS IN SMALL RUMP4ANTS. Imerew agency: Inational Foundtion foe Scence. SW date: 1990-0601 Countryacountnes: Burkina Faso; Staement of obectves/abstrad: Dr Bessin wil study th roe of Rf Valley verwus aboin ons wi small nant in Burkina Faso The obective is to establish it the vrs is responsible toe ab*oeons in sheep and goats. The work wE be done in a production area where a hih number of abosto and a h,gh mortaliy in young anirals te 1und during te wwter of 1990. After the rainy season serum samples wilt be coecteo from females which aborted. Two dierenl tests will be used: ELISA test to capture specific IGM and a plaque neut iat test in cel cultures. The anays"s of the samples *- take inwo constdeaton the collection area. variations beween females and the meH used. Contact in research organization: Mr Rern BESSIN: Service de Virologie; Laboratoire National d'Elevage: B P 7026: OUAGADOUGOU Record number (MFN): 05252 Official project title PROPHYLACTIC TREATMENT OF SMALL RUMINANTS BY VACCINATION AGAINST PESTE DES PETITS RUMINANTS (PPR). Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation tor Science. Stal date: 1990-06-01. Country/countnes: Chau. Statement of objectives/abstract: Preliminary work has established t*e sensitiity of small ruminants in Chad to the t91 SPAAP Infrmto SysWn vwus associaed wih peste des pet i rumints and Oe existenoe d m e Larec e. Ur n_rbilil no nalional campin to combat the diser has been eslablished. Large bsses of anals due .o IhS vwus diseae are registered each year. Dr de*h will wilh is study slart a prophylaci treatw ih hfe ain to eradicate PPf in smaN runiramts e in rNrtly. Conat in research o z Dr Kebkba BIDJEH: Laboratowe de Recth e h ete*raes et Zooclnques de Fardha: B P 433 N'DJAMENA Record nurrtr (MFN): 05259 Official pWect btle: STUDY OF FUNDAMENTAL METABOLIC REACT,ONS IN ZEBU CATTLE. USING FASCIOLASIS AS A PATHOLOGICAL MODEL Implfemni agency: Inlernational Foundabon for Science. SIMt dale: 1990-06-O1. Cours :counts: Senegal: Statement of obctsabstract: Dr Sawadogo will do a study of hndamental metaboic reactions. such as biotnskormation, in the Iver of Zeou catte. using tasioasis as a pathoogWal model. The methodology used wl be biochemical studies of the liver (serological and tissue bioheistry) well-known from oher anmial species. The results wil grie a better unerstaning of ths parasitosis in Zebu cattle of West Africa (Senegal). The resulls will also show the interaction of the disease with animal production factors such as growth. reproducion, geslation and actation. The expected results are a better knowledge about fascioliasis as well as diseases of the Ivoer and their efect on animal production. Contact in research organization: Dr Germain Jerome SAWADOGO: Departement de Physique et Chimie Biolobques et Medicales: Ecole Inter-Etats des Sciences et Medicine Veterinaires; (EISMV):; DAKAR Record number (MFNI 05264 Official projed title: SEASONAL TRANSMISSION STUDIES OF FASCIOLA GIGANTICA TO CATTLE IN CENTRAL MALI WITH OBSERVATIONS ON PARASITE POPULATION DYNAMICS. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15. 192 SPMAR Informaton System Couxylcountres: Ma: Stamet of obebvestradt: Dr Tembeley wl sd ihe seasonal rnissmon of Fasciola gigarica to catle n Maih wih obserations on paraste population dynamics. Over a three-year period evaluabon of ver Ilukes and the gastro-inesinal nemalode bwden micding nhibiled 14-stage in the abomasm wI be assessed uBn 24 seninel calves. Faecal canpbs will be oaned from 15 ra l selected adull cattle herds for -ld Drevaleie and mean egg per gram count each 90 days. The snail popion wiN be mon0ored every 30 days usng a standard scoop or 30 mntes. wncfuk a quadrant evaluation O e core. Aquatc plrd it ecies. water pH. and temperature *iN be recorded at fe experinental sde and snal infection rate for;:. ggatca will be dpemied. Cora in research organization: Dr Saedou TEMBELY: Laboratoire Central Vetenrnare: B P 2295. BAMAKO Record nunber (MFN) 05266 Official prot title- STUDY ON REPRODUCTION AND CROSS-BREEDING OF THE SENEGALESE SHEEP PEULH TOUAIARE AND CAUSSENARD IN THE DARHA AND KAOLACK REGIONS OF SENEGAL. Iprleenr agency: International Foundation for Sc.-nce. Start date: 1990-01 Country!counthies: Senegal; Statement of obect,ves/abstract: A study on reproduction in Senegalese sheep breeds will permd a better underslarding of the apttudes and potential of diferent reproduce parameters. Dr Seck wil study puberty, testicular circumference. sperm production. and testicular histology in order to arrive at a betler estimnate of the onset of puberty in male sheep (rams). The study wil alo incude the dynanics of LH, FSH. and testosteone from the post-natal peniro onwards. The following breeds will be studied: Peulh. Touabire, the Toabwire x Caussenard. The impact of nutrtional status and the effect of the season on the onset of the pubertywill be studied. Contacl in research organization: Mr Matar SECK; Faculte des Sciences; Universne Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar: DAKAR Record number (MFN): 05267 193 SPAAR Information System Offici proed tAe: IMROVEMENT OF BAMBARRA GROUNDNUTo (VOANDZEIA SUBTERRANEA) IN BURKIfAA FASO AND CONTROL OF THE MAIN PATHOGENS OF THIS CROP Iperenting agey: Inteffatonal Foundation for Science. StartdaMs: 1990-01. Counry/cuntnes-: Burkina Faso: Stakemet of o3ecbvesiastract: Dr Sereme widl survey the marx tungal diseases attackig voandzou (Voandzeia subbffanea) in Burkmna Faso. Vsing ncculum of te padxogei fungi produced on sebleiv meka, the symp.oms ol he e oferernt diseases will be studied on the plant at difYerel vegetative stages. Tha aim of the study is to develop screeninm crteria for the dentficati of sources of resistance to the 'seases. Contact in research organization Dr Paco SERE. Institut d'Etudes et de Recherdies Agndoles (INERA): B P 7192: OUAGADOUGOU Record numrber (MFN): C5268 Official pro,ect title: SURVEY Cr FUNGAL. DISEASES OF SORGHUM IN CHAD. Implmenting agency: Intematml oFlf ouadaion for Science. Start date: 1990-&01. Country/countries: Chad; Statement of objectives/abstract: Mr Nekouami Noomian intends to identidy the ujngal diseases attacking sorghum in Chad and evauate their economic impact. Expernments wiN also be camed out in the field in two different ecokgical zones, usMg the Fisher experimental desig. Ten vanieis of sorghum will be studied, with four replicates. The symptoms wiII be recorded weeWkly using the Horstal and Barratt scale. The folowing paraneters wIll also be recorded: yield Kgita. density of grais and weight of 1 000 grains. The survey wi be carried out in farmers' fields, Contact in research organization: Mr Ndomian NEKOUAM: Bureau de la Recherche Agronomique; M'nistere de l'Agriculture: B P 441. N'DJAMENA Record number (MFN): 05269 Official project title: INTENSIFYING CULTIVATION OF GROUNDftUT AND PIGEON PEA. LEGUMINOUS 194 SPAAR Infonmabon System CROPS OF POTENTnAL VALUE FOR SMALL HOLDERS IN GUINEA. I nplnting agency: International Foundatio for Science. Start date: 19904"1. County/ es: Guinea: Stalement of ob,ecbves/abstract W ibckd SGU7a wA :tud the inteanstficb of at grodnci. cuture in &SA naar - - fe Kdissi Agronomical Research Station. Local and orted vaneties wil be eompared both n pure culture and udetrpped wih maize and sryghum. The oblectwve is to icrease the yield per hectare wch is now at a low level, around 700 kg?ha. Contad n research orgaizaton: Mr Malick SOJMAH; MARAM A A G; Centre de Recheie Agronomique de Kikssi: B P 163; KINOIA Record number (MFI): 05282 Official projed tite CONTARIBUTION TO STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGY OF TAPINANTHUS (LORANHACEES) PARASITES OF KARITE (BUTYROSPERMUM PARADOXUM) IN BURKINA FASO. kipleme agency: Intenational Foundation for Science. Str date: 1990-12-15. Countr/countnes: Burkina Faso: Statement of objectves/abstract: Butyrospermum paradoxum (karite, sheabutler) is a common tree species of great socio-eccnonic importance in the Sudano-Sahel region. In Burkina Faso the kante stands are severely attacked by Tapinanthus (Lorandiacee). an epiphtic parasite. Covering all Burtinabe stands of karite. Mr Boussim wil survey the degree of attack and inventory the Tapinanthus species. The different phenological stages of the parasites will be studied and the disseminating agents and predators of the Tapinanthus seeds wN be identified. Artrticial infestation of the karite will give information 3bout the age at which karite is infested, the growth rale of the parasites. and the mechanisms implicated in the penetration. Control methods wll be developed. Contact in research organization: Mr Issaka BOUSSIM: Centre National de Semences Forestieres; 01 B P 2682: OUAGADOUGOU 01 195 SPAAR Information System Record number (WN): 05323 Offx*al proed title: UGNEOUS FRUIT TREES ISENEGAL). Implntin agency: Intemational Develop t Research Centre. Start date: 1992-02-14. End date: 1997-02-14. Counrwcourties: Senegal. SlatMent of obyectvesdabstract: The tral area of norhern Senegal was especially hard hl by the lerrbe droughts that have affected the countties of the Suet durmg the ast twenty years. The decline i the manual amount od precpiation ead, among others. to the serious deiora.ton of the plant cover and the enronment. To restore the environment and slop the desefafl.on the authortes plan to pant trees on three and half millon hectares, durng the 1965-2015 period. Inuded in the plan is the vilaebased planting of bcal varieties of fruit trees, such as jujube and taarid. variettes now groi wid in nature parks and extensively exploited for wooda fruit, and medicinal purposes. This project wil develop jujbe and tanarind tree vareties tha will obtain a fruit production supenor in quality and quantity to the production of wild trees. Contact in research organization: Mr. Pascal Danthu: ISRA: B.P. 2312: Hann - Dakar; Senegai Record number (MFN): 05328 Official project title: PALM OIL EXTRACTION (SENEGAL). Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-12-23. End date: 1994-11-30. Country/countries: Senegal; Statement of obctives/abstract: Palm oil, extracted from palm nuts, is a basic component in the nutrition of the population in Casamrance. Senegal, and is also a cash income source for the area. The oil is now produced with traditional. lcw productivity. painful, and slow methods, mostly by women, employing expensive dnd outdated equipment. This project will develop a heat-based. iproved oil press for palm oil. which will increase productivity as well as ease the work effort of women. It will also add to and strengthen activities in the field of designing production equipment adaptable to the needs of the rural population. Also, the project will test in practice the new equipment from a technical as well as an economic point of view; evaluate ds impact on users: and. disseminate the findings. 196 SPAAR Information Syslem Contact i research or:anzation M Mousta Diagee URPATA SAHEL; 8.P. 10423; Dalar Libefle Sdr*gal Record number (MFN): 05337 Officil project tie: MEDICINAL PLAHT SPECIES (MAL'. kpenting agency: Inteabonal Develo'ert Research Centre. Start date: 1993-07-24. End date: 1996-07-24. Countconties: Mak; Stbbemer of obledrvestabstract: One of the cmponents of prinaiy healh care policy in Mali is te epoikation of the resoures of radbonal medicine, stressing phtohrapy (pland teapy) and the sys4ematc lborato study of fte main phamaceutics used by taditional healers. Thrs prqed w study ti ways and means to reconcile te expbla of mediina plnt resources wih the prote of the envirewt. It will also research te leasibiity o medinal pln culWabon at a scale reued for a cornti product of iroved radtn dus. Specifically, t will study fe *.ntorl distribution o'3 medicine species much in demand; the management of natural pbnt populations and plantations; fte channellg of traditnal drugs (colcton. marketing. etc.); and populabtion partucipation. The improvement of pant research management wil be develop in consideration of the needs of the young Mahn pharmaceubcal ndistry. Contact i research organization M. Saidou Ouattara: Institul dcronomie rurale; B.P. 258; Bamako; Mali Record number (M.N): 05340 Official proect title: BALANITES AEGYPTIACA NUT CRUSHER (SENEGAL). Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-05-27. End date: 1993-05-26. Country/countries: Senegal; Statement ol objectives/abstract: Balaniles aegyptiaca is a tree widely spread in northern Senegal and other Sahehan countries. Its fruit serves as food, feed, and pharmaceuticals, while is oil is used for cooking and soap production. Its traditional extracton procedure by crushing the very hard shell that envelops the oily nuts, is very slow and wearisome. This project will help intensify the use of the frut of Bsalanites aegyptiaca by 197 SPAAR Imation System deveiopng appropnate processing equpnend. Specificay, il wil sludy the production. Iner. and markeing of the frul .n a typic regon od Senegal' design a cusher, and test itin a rural environment. The research will determmne le sbhy d usig fte frui for oil poducon in sa mmercial enterpises. The prolect wih paticulay benefit women. who ml generate ine by coAecft selling, and processng t nut witi the newly develped crusher. Cotad in esearch organization: M. C6cile Brutin: ENDA-Tiers Monde: 7 rue Kiober; B.P. 3370; Dakar: Ripublique du Si1p Record number (MFN): 05345 Official proiect titbe: INEDIBLE VEGETABLE OILS (BURKINA FASO) - PHASE 11. Impementing agency International Deveoment Research Centre. Start date: 1992-04-07. End date: 1995-04-07. Country/countries: Burkina F3so: Statement of objectives/abstract: Burkina Faso is a land-locked country in the southern part of the Sahara. where rain falls about three months a year. Approximately 90% ol the population are farmers. Income-producing activities are scarce and vegetable products are generally their onty source of income. The extracton, marketing, and processing of vegetable Ois of varying quality is the main activty. However, extraction and development techniques are rudirnentary and do not bring profits. This prmoct wiN improve these techniques by mechanizing some operations thus reducing the effort and increase the extraction yieid. The project will also study certain oil processing techniques. such as the production of soap and other household products. Specifically. it will carry out market studies: develop appropriate oil-extracting technologies: classify the oil; develop new nonedible vegetable oil-based products; and carry out an economic analysis of the activities. Contact in research organization: Ms. Suzanne Coulombe: CRIO: 333 rue Franquet; Case Postal. 9038; Ste-Foy (Ouebec): Canada G1V 4C7Mr. Yameogo Rigobert; Ministere des enseignements secondaire, superieur et de la recherche scientifique; Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso _________________ Record number (MFN): 05358 Official project title: CATTLE RESEARCH NETWORK (CARNET) (FORMERLY CATTLE MILK AND MEAT NETWORK). 198 SPAAR hnaton System Implementig aguc: Ineeatemonal LNestock terfor Afca. Stat d3le: 1989-00. Couny/cournes: .inca, Canewroon; C6le dIvowre; Ghau; GuiMea h; NigeiNa; Senegal; Togo; Statement of objetvabstract: The ea cb of tc r:*o is to gas ta rn3t;c a&icultwi research system (NAFrSs) in Slb-Saharan Africa in devebpirg and implementing research progrxmmes aimed at .nceasing s able mik and meat producti, particularly by smaltokler atle proEers. Specfic objecti are to: (i) encourage and stimniale catte rnik and mneat (CUM) research by assiing NARSs in developing the reqr itsthAiora infastre; (i) help NARSs develop thei researh capabithes though traning, exange of expetise, workshops and coperato with international agricultural research centres; (mi) ecouage co to research pgrammes within and between NARSs and regionaly; (iv) facitate iformation excag through workshs, visits by scientists to colaborating irstituons, newsleters. jouns, proceedig of natioral sociebes and publication of famers' newslters; (v) develp research-extension-user linkages; (vi) assist NARSs in data colcbon, analysis, interpretation and reporting; (vi) maintain a regtOar and up-to-date dict of NARS scientsts and thei programmes in catWt mik and meat research; and (vii) assist NARSs obtain donor funds for the impleentation of coNaboratnve research prograrrmes. Contact in research organization: Dr. E.A. Obloku; Coordinator; CARNET, ILCA; P.O. Box 5689; Addis Ababa; Eth.opiaSteerng Commitee Chairmnen:(i) East & Southern Africa: Dr. S. Sibt&a; Univ. of Zimbwe; P.O. Box MP 167; Mount Pleasant Harare; Zmtbabwe: Tel: (263) 4-303211; Fax: (263) 4-732828(i)West & Central Africa: Prof. E.O. Oyedipe; NAPRI: PMB 1096: Shika; Zaria; Nigena; Tel: (234) 69-51018: Fax: (234) 62-230526 Pecord number (MFN): 05370 Official project title: INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON SOIL FERTILITY AND SUSTAINABLE RICE FARMING (INSURF). Implementing agenrcy International Rice Research Institule. Start date: 1976-00-00. Country/countries: Global; Cameroon; Liberia; Madagascar; Nigeria; Senegal; Bangadesh: Myanmar; China; Colombia; Cuba; Dominican Republic; India; Indonesia; Malaysia; Nepal: Pakistan; Peru; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Viet Namn; Statement of obetives/abstract: 199 SPAAR 1nformaon System Integrated nutritmanage and long-tern fetiy studies in wmgated. raried kid and upland rice envin ; aina e/ of soil lert for sstainb rice production. Contact in research orgaization: Dr. Cezw P. Manwi Agonromist; Intemabonai Sice Research instihtue (IRRI); P.O. Box 933; Mania; Philippines; Telex: 40890 RICE PM: Cable: RICEFOUND. MAWLA Record .-nber (MFN): 05373 Official project title: INTERNATIONAL SOYBEAN PROGRAM (INTSOY). Implementing agency: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Start date: 1973-00-0. Country/counties: Global; Cameroon; CWle d'lvoire; Lbyan Arab Jamahiriya; Nigeria; Senegal; United Reptblic of Tanzania; Uganda Zaire; Zambia; Znbabwe; Argentina; Australia; Bangadesh; Brazil; Canada; China; Cobmbia; Cuba; Ecuador France; Guyana; Honduras; India; Indonesia; Republic of Korea; Mexico; Nepal; Panama; Peru; Piilippmnes; Puerto Rico; Spain. Sn Lanka; Sweden: Thagand; United States; USSR: Venezuela; Viet Nam: Statement of obectives/abstract: INTSOY is a multipurpose commodity network. INTSOY once served as a clearinghouse for a worldwide system for soybean germpasm. The international nursery part of INTSOY is caled ISVEX (Intemational Soybean Variety Experimrenl) and was started at the i"ception of INTSOY in 1973. It was terminated in 1985 with 132 countries having participaled in ISVEX. By 1986. INTSOY had completely shifted the focus of its work to finding new ways to process and use soybeans as human and livestock food. INTSOY is now concentrating on a three-phase soybean utilization effort for the period 1985-1991 as follows: Phase l: Intensified research to develop new soy products and processes: Phase II: Development of simple 'how to manuals and equipment lists for less developed countries and entrepreneurs interested in production of soy foods on a smagl or large commercial scale; Phase Ill: On-site technical assistance in soybean utilization for govemments and private firms in less developed countries. The primary goal is to improve human nutition through increased use of whole soybeans. Some specitic programs/projects include: {a) collaboration with the Department of Food Science at the University of Illinois lo develop new ways to process and use whole soybeans for human food; (b) combined soybean/grain. soybearnvegetable. and soybeantfruit foods produced by extrusion cooking; (c) a simple low-cost process to produce a high-quality soymilk with no patent restricVions; (d) immature green soybeans as a commercially viable high-protein green vegetable; (e) simple processes for converting soybean residues into animal feed: and (f) home- and vilage-level procedures for preparing soybean products for home consumption. 200 SPAAR h*omioi S Conact ' resaid oganizabon: lb. Harld E Kaulb mi; Dircor, WTSOY; Cobge of Agricuture. .rveusiv of rmios at UrbaOChnpuig 113 3mfod Ha 1301 W. Gregory LMe; Urbana. Iiois 61801; Tel: (217) 3334422; Te_L 206957 Record nb (FN): 05375 OfcWal progect tde: INTERNATIONAL PERL MILET ADAPTATION TAL (IPMAT1). lnplemtng agecy. hIrernational Chps Research tnslule kor the Semi-Aed Tropic Str dale 19750. Co*Wcmnes: Global Malaw; Nigeri; Sene. Sudan; Upida; Za;nbi Ir; Pakistan; Sta.ement of obectiveslabstract Evaluation of yed ponr d ecogeogi*wal adaptation od &ese genrdpes. Cotct in research organizato: J.R. Wcme; Cereals Progn; !nlernaional Crops Reseavch knteuts for the SemriArid Tropcs (ICRISAT; Patamheru; P.O.; Ana Pradesh 502 324: Inia. Tel: 224.016; Texei: 422203 ICRI IN; Cable: CRISAT, Hyderabad; E-Mail 157:CG1505 Record numit (MFN): 05376 Offica projectt: INTERNATIONAL PEARL MILLET DISEASE RESISTANCE TESTING PROGRAM (IPMORTP). Implererting agency: Inlernabonal Crops PRsearch Institute for the SemiArid Trpi. Start date: 1976-00-00. Cowutcountr: GbW; Senel: Niger Nigeria Indi; Slatement of objectives/abstact: The objectives are to: (a) test fr resistaonce; (b) monilor varaios in paoge populabons; ar:d (c) provide resstant wurces to cooperating scitists. There are fou disease nureries i IPMDRTP: (i Interaiona Pead MiOt Downy Mildew Nusery (IPMOMN) was established in 1974, in fur countries (India. Senregl. Niger, Nigoea), in up to twentvy atiore; (n) Intemabonal Parl MiSt Rust Nursery (IPMRN) was establishe in 1978. in sei lca:tions within Indix: (iii) Intmational Peadl Millet Smut Nursery (IFMSM) was estsblishd sei n locations in tee countrines (Ilndia, Senegai. Nigr); (iv) International Parl Milet Ergot Nursery 201 SPAAR Informatin System (IPMEN) was establshed in ive bcabons in two counies (India, Senegal). Contad in researdc organizaon: Pesl 1U11 Praam; Inteabiona Crops Resarch lnsiule for the Semi-And Tropics (ICRISAT); Patrnch P.O.; Andhra Pradesh 50 324; Indiak Tel: 224016: Telex: 42203 ICFR IN; Cable: CRISAT. Hyderaba; E- Mail: 1 57:CGI505 Record number (MFN): 053T7 Officiel proect tile: NITROGEN FIXATION BY TROPICAL AGRICULTURAL LEGUMES (NIFTAL). Impleri agency: UnLsvrsity od Hawaii. Start date: 1975-00-00. Country/ounties: Gbbal: Senegal: Kenya- Zambia: Egypt, Myarmnar: Sri Lanka: Thailand: Costa bm Honduras; Satment of obIctives/abstract: Goal is to reduce dependence of snali farmers on costly nitogen fertilizers. NifTAL seeks to reinorce bolgcal nitrogen fixahron research in developing nations by fling gaps not covered by inraonal and regional agncultural reseah centers. NIITAL has a service, research, and tranin fudinon. NIfTAL operates the IntWrnaoal Network of Legume inoculabtion Trials (INLT). Researh activies will ildude seeking biotectwogcal soltions tc prblems that have bbcked fuN utizabon of biolgical nitrogen hxaio b-, smN farmers in develping nations. In 1987. NifTAL also spawned a subetwork. WREN (World-wide Rhizobial Ecology Network), which has been set up to better understa the ecogical daics of Rhizobium whten t is a free-living soil microoganism and when in symbiotic association wdh legures. WREN is planning to aid small businesses and private entrepreneurs in developing nations to establish inoculum production and marketing capabilities for biological nitrogen fixation technolgies. A mapr project at NifTAL is microbial ecology in tropical soils which seeks to learn more about tue effect of tropical soil conritions on the fate of intoduced organisms (NSF grant). The major project proposal for 1987-1992 is Agrculural Biotechnologies for Sustained Food and Fuelwood Production in the TrOpics. Contact in research organization: Dr. Ben Bohlool: Director: Ni1TAL Prolect; College of Tropical Agncullure and Human Resources: Depariment of Agronomy and Soil Science; University of Hawaii; 1000 Holomua Avenue: Paia: Hawaii 96779: Tel: (80) 579-9568; Telex NifTAL 7430315; BITNET Record number (MFN): 05381 202 SPAAR I romaou System Olial prajed te: SMALL RUMNA AND CAMEL GROUP RESEARCH NETMW. lbn,mentig agency- International LUstock Center for Afbica. CoiuviryAcounties: Afvica lth. k va: Nigera; EthipiaS Sudan tu*ia Faso: Moznbiop; Rwanda, Zmibac e. Statement Of objectivesitstract: Wfoma cooperabon aready exsts between ILCA scienbsts and ratonal programs in the area of smin njnwwt research. The otpecives of tie proposed netork are to: (a) cary oul fudnnat and appied research: (b) coordnate ILCA's oher research on snl rumrwts and to assist and advie on analysis and publication: (c) coNed prducibon data already analyzed e e and sugges solutons to prluction constjf m the hght of avaable rsuls: (d) coNed and analyze urubished data on reproducton Wwth and deasen the vow ecogical zones of Sub-Salaran AJrca and relate these to prevaili nutitnal and maragmen condns: (e) assess and to diagose specfr causes of mortality. particularly at the preweamg stage: (f) develp a mnual of survey fechnkques (inck*qg sampling procedures. sanple sies. and dignoic metbods) for use in smnal rirant product%* in Afica: tg) study the soaal and managemert facors contribute to pqoducty dferences: (h) encourage research on the potential fr ĥrovig pro by selective breeding wtin and anong ndgenous breeds: (if help o6inze regioa or nahonal trairing req6werents: and (j) pLish a newsleftt to dissemiate results or development experience and to maintain contact between researhers and deept officias Contat in rsearch orgmn0zaton Dr A T. Wilson: Head'Pncat Annat Scientist: Small Ruminant and Camel Group; International Liestock Cente for Afica (ILCA): PO. Box 5689: Addks Ababa: Ehiopia. Tel- 183215-25. Telex: 976-21207 ILCA ET Reccd number (W:N). 05391 Official pmtec tile: NETWORK OF SAHELIAN SIS USERS (NSSUJ)- Implementig agency Special Program for Alrican Agincutlural Research Start date: 1993-00-00 Country/countries Afrca. Burkina Faso. Mah. Niger. Senegal: Statemet of obectrvesabstract. Provide networkn training. and information and database ser s support br the piot itnnateon of the Sahehan Framework for Action (FFA) in four regional research pols of the Sahel sorghum m Maah. Grundnut and smal runiiats in Senegal. rms in Niger and natural resources mnageet m BEuhma Faso 203 SPAAR Inomabon Syslem Cont in research organization: W. SonpO Cessay. Dircx Gerdl: INSAH; B.P. 1530. BaIako: Ml. Te: (223) 22 21 48: Fax: (223) 22 23 37W. Chec Da. Chet; Bueau Documentalhon-Inormatim-Fornnaation InsV.ut dEconome Rurale (IER); B.P. 258: Banako; Mal: Tel (223) 22 26 06; Fax: (.23, 22 24 43122 29 79Dr. Mos Bakhayokho; CoordowraW PxWal; UVUsALASPA B.P. 3120; Dalar Senegal: Tel: (221) 32 82 31'32 53 03: Fax: (221)22 34 13Madnye Therese Hien: Resonsb du Service de Documentation INERA: G3 B.P. 7192: Ouagadougou C3: BOurik Faso: Tel: (226) 34-M-MM70: Fax. (2261 34-02-7lMadarmc Adawnu Hadiza Gabey: Responsable de Centre: INRAI P P. 429: N'a.y: Niger: Tel: (227) 72 20 70; Fax: (227) 72 34 34 Record number (MFN): 05399 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES. Imlwementig agency: World Bank. Gunea-8.sau. Courtry/countnes: Guinea.essau. Record nuwber (wFN): 05400 Official pojed ftile: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES. Implmentg agency: World Bank: Guriea-Bissau. Start date: 1988-0628 End date: 1993-12-31. Country/countres: Gunea-B.ssau. Record number IMFNI 05415 Official project ttle: RURAL AUDIO LIBRARY (MALI). Implemerntng agency- International Developmen; Aeearch Centre. Start dale: 1990-01-26. End date: 1992-01-26 Country/countnes: Mali. Statement of objectrvesabstract: 204 SPAAR Ior_aion System Mi. lire ow drought stikn coua*nes of tIe Sahel area, pes pnority to #eeloMent of its nral secr to achee food sel-u e and to imrvft ig andio df ils usnrpred populton. This proect wil consoiae ad exnd an oriial espnnce by which nrl ppabop have been ivolved in develo activitesins to a mechinis, NW bdales dieir nrmnatior and edicaon whth help of auio-caosee. f will enablle Ihe exension f lbs eere beyond Ite 95 villges ahw ady covered by te wo o ban additional fty co _i inibeslocated r . dIr socao-guist areas oi Ihe cm", rcledi. among oll. pasral and nomad popons.and hghand setilement. Specifil the prolecd w dentiy tie new bcabons and fomaton needs of fe people: aestc new audo centers Wd tramn wiagers to hardle iem; produce cassetes; bt and prilsh. in paib fofm. dhe best opcs hidherto tarasmfted by oral tradition: and reinorce the centra audio-cassette ira. Contact m researh orgnzaon: Ymtib Bagayoko; Mhitire des Sports. des Ads el de la Culture: DOection nationle des arts el de la culite; B.P. 291: Banako; Mali Record nunber (FN): 05418 Officiai protect tille: REPACKAGING FISHERIES DOCUIENTATION IN SENEGAL (REDMAPS) - PHASE II. Ipemep t agency: Intemaonal Development Research Centre. Staridate: 1992-01-M. Enddate: 1995-01-08. Coutvycountnes: Senga: Stemen d olectmvs/abstrad: The ishing rKiusty is an essentsal sector of Senegrs economy employnng 150000 people m artsanl (smnall scale) fising and 15000 n industrial fishing. and conrbitg 2.3%e to dhe nation' GOP. In th view of is function as a policymaker in matters of Hshing die Crrikon de l'c*ainographe et des p6ches maimes (OOMP) detook n 1985 wih IDRC sLppot. a prec to rorganize the documenlaton data base or fe fisheries sector. Duing the first phase prmect a documentahon sysem was developed contaiing tet hnical literature in lb field as wel as ofHal documents of lgal and technical nature. This second phase proect will comptAenze the aleady existing documentation system and wil furher decentrahze the dissemination of information towards regional DOMP agencies aid artisan: henes centres. Further. it will strengthen the regional and nlernatio cooperation network of DOMP. Contct i research organization: Abdoul Hamid Diop; Ministere de 1 6quipement, des transports et de la mer: BuIlding adrninsiratif; Dakar. Sn^gal 205 SPMR oaon System Record number MFN): 05423 Offal piqed tle: WOMEN AND LAND TENURE OWNERSHIP (SENEGAL). hnptere agency: 1nteaboina Developri* Research Centre. Stait dae: 1990-12-14. End date: 1992-4614. Connr/cuntnles: Senegal; Staeme of obpcwesiabstrad: Ths poecd wi exanwe the complex and cnicl issue of ld tnure n Senegal. The suy wi focus on the pocess of social reLatris that defines h lI;d bnure stnjcure and whicdis to pace wmen m an imicl posbion. The researh wi explre fe extert to afich the 1964 land legsaion. by whch aN ronegiserid laid beca state land, and the 1972 adrkrsratw reform ta create t nrual comm^uty councis, are in confict wih the trad6onal sstm. It w- also look at the abuse of adniimnstrative power at the state and commnty ve to favou personal inerests; and its reflecion on women's social position and iemr nght to access and use of land. This research is padl of ie 'Women and Natural Resourc'- Management Network in Alrica- (3-P4W200O. Conact in research organzaton: Fatou So*. Universit Cheikh Anta DOop: B.P. 206; Dakar; Senegal Record nunber (MFN): 05451 Official propct itle: STUUIES ON A PLANT FROM NIGER WITH ANTI-DIABE. IC PROPERTIES (SCLEROCARYA BIRREA). Impleent agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1991-05-28. Country/countries: Niger: Statement of obgectivesdabstract: Extracts from Sclerwocarya bwrrea are used in traditional medicine for treatment of diabetes. Dr Diarra will try to isolate and charactenze the active pnnciple(s) responsible for the hypoglpcaemic effects. He wil monitor the activity m rats wih induced diabetes. Contact in research o-ganization: Mr Boureima DIARRA; Departement de ChNnie: Faculte des Sciences; Universde de Niamey: B P 10 662; NIAMEY. Niger 206 SPAAR Imato Syste Record n (MFN): 05452 Of0 projed be: SllJOIES ON A PLANT FROM NIGER WITH ANn-AMOEBIC PROPERTIES (DETAR*JM MEROCARPUM bmpntn agenc: Irternational Foudaton for Scence. Saidate: 1991-06-28. Couay/cDwnes: Nier Statement of objectives/abstiradt: Detaw n*rcapm is known inNiger w its ani-amoebic properties. Dr lbgouna wE study wat exacts tm ths pi in order to d and daacize fe acbve principle(s) responsible fr ie antrimoebc activity. Vanous daacal metxods wil be used in the d ical work (e.g. NMR, IR, GC/IS), and pharmacologcal tests to MOIor the actvitis. The aim of fe research is to develop a patdeived aiamonbic product. Contact in r he organizabon: Mr Amadou rT*, ILAGOUMA; Depaement de Chinmi; Fcculte des Saences: Unisite de Niamey: B P 10 662 MAMEY; NWr Record nunber MFN) :05467 Official project tite: INFLUENCE OF THE ACTIVATION OF THE LACTOPEROXYDASE SYSTEM ON THE CONSERVATION OF MILK IN THE RURAL AREAS IN BfURKINA FASO. Irpbnmenting agency: International Foundaton for Science. Star date: 1991-12.03. Country/countries: Burina Faso: Statemrent of objectives/abstract: The actvation of the latoperoxidase systen ni milk and the treatment with approved chemical preservatives seems to be an interesting atemative for developing countries Dr Oualtara will deterrnine in milk from ocal cows the content of elments of the bctoperoxidaso system, in particular thiocyanate. He will study the time-span alowed before preservation is needed for raw milk to which hydrogenic peroxide and/or thiocyanate was added. The effect of the added products on the aptitudeof this milk for transformation (production of yoghurt, cheese) will be studied. It is expected that this project wil confirm the effiency of this preservation system and thal the amounts of preservatives to be used will be determined. 207 U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPAAR IrEnam Sysbrn Conlt in research orgization: IDr fise OlUATTARA; kIstituA du Developpenent Rural: Institut des Sciencs de la Nalue; S P 7021; OUAGADOUGOt; Btzkina Faso Record ber MFN): 05488 Offici proed bte: SOCK)-ECONOMICAL IMPACT OF SOIL SAIJNIZATION IN CASAMANCE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TWO VALLEYS (DJIGUINOUM AND KOUBALAN) Implmenig agency: Intemational Foundation for Scence. SIa dae: t99-12-09. Countrycounres: Senegl; Statement of objectives/abstract: Salization of sods is a maW problem for the farmers in he blwer Casamance region of Seiegal.The salirizabon pocess is caused by manne water ivadhng more and more the Casawce rivw, due to fe dicrease of plmtr. Mr Ely Sy will study the effect of saration on famies economy aid social organization. The aim of the study is to evaluate the fiporta of $e prblem as well as to propose solions based on quanttatrie data. Contact in research organization: Mr Ely SY; Institute des Sciences de rEnvironnement; Faculte des Sciences et Techniques; Universite Cheikh Anta Diop; DAKAR: Senegal Record number (MFN): 05490 Official projedt te: SELECTION AND PROPAGATION OF KHAYA SENEGALENSIS RESISTANT TO SHOOT BORER (HYPSIPYLA ROBUSTA. Impementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1992-12-09. Country/countnes: Senegal: Statement of objectives/abstract Khaya senegalensis is an economically important tree in the Sudano-Guinean savanna. It is severely attacked by Hypsipyla robusta whose larvae destroy the terminal buds of the young plants. This makes it difhcult to establish homogenoous plantations. In order to ameliorate and maintain the tree species it is advocated to selWct and utilize trees that are resistant to the attaks of the borer. Mr Gaye will identify and investigate the populations in the West-African region. Provenance trials will be set up m areas heavily infested with the borer. Resistant rndvduals wiN be 208 SPAAR I nfrmation System repenasdid andcoed usig ehniqus of vegetav and in vitr mulplication. Contact in resel organizto: Mk Abbou GAYE; URCI; Direcon des Fecherches stxi ls Productons Forestie; ISRA B P 2312 DAKAR; S6rn*g Record nruw (LFN): 05492 Oicia pnod ide: PROGRAMME SUPPORT TO OC T: PROJECT MANAGEWENT OF THE VILLAGE AREAS II (PROJET AMENEGEMENT DES TERROIRS VILLAGEOIS II (PATV). REGION DE FANA). Implementing ageny: SNV (Netherlands Developmert OrganizainyCMDT (Conpagnie Maenne pour Ie Devebppement des Texties). Stat dale:1992-3O0. End date: 1995-02-00. Cowubcountes: Ma; Statemer of obdctivesiabstract: This prject is part f th Programme to support fte Com g Ma6ienne poto le Develppemt des Textiles (CMOT) (Programme Apui de la SNV a la CMDT). This programme is part of the 5-yearly Devebpment Programme Maii-Sud l1l, whch is part o fte agncultral restructunng programme sponsored by the World Bank, Mali, F'ance, Germany. Swikzedand and The Netherlnds. CMDT carries out its ativities at WIlage level with Associations Villageoises. The obectves of the prograrnme are the oing: (a) reduce environmental degradabon; (b) improve food security and diversty of the diet of te populaon in the area: (c) strengtlhen organization capacity of the rural community; and (d) diversify the sources of income f the rural commutnity.This project aims at reducing the ecological degradation in the Fana region and to ensure the agricultural production poteniatl. The project focuses on the introduction of erosion management measures and the consucton of smal dams in existing river-beds, in order to slop wind ard water erosion and to enable optimal use of the rainwater for agricultural and animal husbanrry.The construction of dams and anti-erosive actvities are carried out in cbse cooperation with the local population. The populalion is involved in all stadia of the kientification and execution, and contrbutes both financially and physicaly to the construction of the dams antt-erosive activities and has the use (by mutual agreement) of the devebloed rainwater reservoirs in the bas-fonds (river-beds) and marigois (marsh-lands). The cooperation is coordinated through the Association Villageoises. The Netherlands Deveopment Organization (SNV) provides 2 employees n the hfnction of Chef de Projet and Amenagis'e and three Malian project members. Activities in this project are the followng: (aM carry out socio-econormic research, regarding socio-economic, sanitary and technical implications of new utilizations of the 'bas-fonds' and 'marigots': lb) deveop training programmes; (c) continue the construction of dykes and dams; and (d) support to the development of the bas-fonds and marigots, for rice cultivation, 209 SPAAR Infornabon System horbtcut and the use of ctte. Contat ressarh organizaton: Compagrue Mahenne pour le Developpernenl des Texties (CMDT); BP 01; Koutala M~4gmetrandas Developneme Organizaloin (SNV); Bezudenhoutseweg 161; 2594 AG The Hague; The Nefer*Wans; Tre: +31-70-3440244 Record mber (MFN): 05493 Ofic proptt ie: PROGRAMME SUPPORT TO CMDT: PROJECT VEGETABLES OF DIOILA IVPROJET MARAICHER OE DIOILA II (PMD). Implemenrng agency: SNV (Netelnds Devekopment Org izationyCMDT (Compagnie Malienne pour le Deveoppemert des Textiles). Star date: 1992-0. Erd dale: 1995-02-00. Coutrfykountries: Mali; Staemern of obaectves/abstract: This prqect is pat of the Programme to suppor the Compagnie Malienne pour le Developpement des Textiles (CMOT) (Programme Appul de la SNV a la CMDT). This prcgramme is part of the 5-yearly Devebpment Programme Mak-Sud 111, which is part of the agricultural restructunng programme sponsored by fe World Bank, Mai, France, Gemway, Switzerand and The Nethands. CMDT cames out its activities at vilage bvel with Associations Vilageorses. The objectives of the progranme are the fog: (a) reduce environmental degradation; (b) improve food security and diversity o the diet of the popuation in the area; (c) strengthen organization capacity of the rurai community; and (d) diversify the souroes of income of the rural community.This project in the Dioita region aims at revitalizing horticulture, which has suffered from drought, problems with the marketng of vegetables and the competition of the cashcrop cotton. The main objectives of this prject are to diesiy food consumption, to improve public health situation and to create additional incomes. This project is a pilot project which serves as a test case for further activities in the field of vegetable production. Initial problems identitied in Phase I were a.o. draught cultivaton techniques, apparent positive effects we;e found on te nutritional status of children. In this phase, attention will be paid to reduce technicaVmanagement constraints, strenglhening of the organizational structure and promote the sales of vegetable products.This proiect carries out the following specific activities: (a) specific market studies on demand lor horticultural products; (b) start supply systems for seeds, phyto-sanitary means. manure; (c) training of the local population in horticultural technique; and (d) initiate a credit system for farmers. The SNV provides a horticultural expert and 5 extensionists and a trainer in the area of horticultural techniques and extension. The CMDT provides the salaries of the Malian personnel. 210 SPAAR fhimatry Syslem Conact in resewch oranizaton: Compagrie Malienne pour le )evelopperenu des Texbies (CMDT); BP 01; Koutaa; hllikillberlands Development Organization (SNV); Bezrxdseweg 161; 2594 AG The Hague; The Netherlands; Tel: +31-70-344C244 Record numer (FN): 05494 Official proc de: PROGRAMME SUPPORT TO CMDT: PROJECT GRAINBANKS AS PRECAUTION IN THE SAN REGION IUPROJET GRENIERS DE PREVOYA;JCE DANS LA REGION DE SAN 11 (PGC). Impmeneing agency: SNV (Netherlands Development OrganumlionyCMDT (Compagnie Malwe pour le Deve Fppeet des Textbles). Stat date: 1992-00. End date: 1995%2-00. Couny/counies: Mal; St-temerl of objedvesiabstract: Thprect is part of lt Programme to sppor the Compagrie Malenne pou le Developpemenrl des Textiles (CMDT) (Pogramme Appui de la SNW a la CMDT). This prograwme is pat of fte 5-yearty Develpmn Pr grame Mai-Sud Ill whic is padl od the agriculural restructuring pogramme sponsored by the World Bank, Mali, France, Germany. Sw izedand and The letherlands. CMDT carries out its activiies at vilage el wth Associations Vilageooses. The objectives of the programme are the following: (a) reduce environmental degradation; (b) mprove food securiy and diverty of the diet of the population in the area; (c) strergen oraization capacty of the rural community; and (d) diversify the soures of inme of the rural communay.The projeels objctive is to wnprove food securiy in th San rgi by spporg the installation and managet of tie willge graiwbanks of the villgers. The project focuses on the hoowing: (a) research and evaluation on revolving funds; and (b) research and evaluation on the functioning of the grain market, possblities of grain storage. The project is carried out by CMDT in conjunction with SECAMA in the San region. In Phase 1, the prodect assisted 64 SECAMA-;natiated grainbanks and started 37 new ones. A village can apoly for a 4-year loan in k:nd (grain) or in cash. This credit in cash or in kind is baned lo vilagers wih interest to repay the initial loan. This project includes ample attentijon for education 3nd training at village level. The management of the project (e.g. selecbtioi crteria for 'new' villages, incidental low-repayment of intemal credds) as well as more strategic issues (identification of grain production, functionina of the grain-market, role of women in grain storage) will be topic of research. Contact in researh organazaticn: Comnpagnie Malienne pour le Devewloppement des Textes (CMDT); BP 01: Kou:iala; MaliNetherlands Development Organization (SNV); Bezuidenhoutseweg 161; 2594 A3 211 SPAAR Iomabon System The Hague; The Netherbds; Tel: +31-70-3440244 Record ntUbe (MFN): 05495 Oficial proged ie: PROGRAMME SUPPORT TO CMDT: PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF THE SHALLOW AREAS IN THE RIVERS IN THE BOUGOUNI REGKIO JET AMENAGEMENT DES PEnTS BAS-FONDS DANS LA REGION DE BO9GOUM (PAPBF). 1.,lementang agency: SNW (Netelands Development Orizatin)MDT (Compagnie Maienne pou le Deve0ppeme des Textiles). SWn date: l99Q-03-00. End date: 1995-02QQ0. Courbykoubies: Mai: Staemen d obcves/abstact: This pmped is parl of the Prograrme to swport the Compagnie Maenn pour le Develbppeet des Texties (CMOT) (Progmme App?i de la SN ala CMDT). This programnie is part of the 5-yearly Develbpme Prgramm Mali-Sud 111, which rs pait of he agriral restructurng pregr e sponsored by the World Bark, Mali, France. Germany. Switzerland and The Neteius. CMDT cm out t adtivies at Wiage bvel wih Associations Vilagooes. The objpcves of the program are the Iolowing (a) reduce environmental degradation; (b) imnpe food security and diversity of the cet of the populabtion in the area; (c) strenghen organizablon capacity ol he rural commundy: and (d) divew the sources of icom of the rural comnmunity.This protect is carried out in he Bougouni regon. Tradtionaly women use fe nver-beds for rice cuftivation whereas men produce vgetables in the dry season. The project aims at ensuring the prokin possibilites and reducing erosion in a number of small river-beds by construction of small dams and oher water management activities. Furthermore, the project wil introduce several erosion control measures, especially a"ng the river-beds and at sites where the cattle cross rivers. The activities of this project are the following: (a) construction of dykes and dams and anti-erosive measures in 26 locatons; (b) socio-economic and technical research on the riplications of the reo.ganization of he small river-basins in the Yanfohia sector in the Bougouni region, especially on users-ri,ght and gender issues; (c) support to the development of the bas-londs' and 'marigots'. or rice cuhivation, horticuture and cattle drinking.; and (d) training of CMDT-staff and local population in management of dams and anti-erosive measures. Th6 SNV provides a project leader, an agronomisl. an extensionist and a topograh. Contact in research organization: Comp3gnie Malienne pour le Developpement des Textiles (CMOT); BP 01; Kouiala; MaliNetherands Development Organization (SNV): Bezuidenhoutseweg 161; 2594 AG The Hague; The Netherlands; Tel: +31-70-3440244 212 SPMR Ir1ormation System RPcord mber (MFN): 05506 OfficiWal proed tide: WATER MANAGEMENT SENEGAL RIVER-VALLEY (R0ICARD TOLL PHASE 2). hpmn agency: Agncultural Un rs Wageinge. Star date: 196-00-. End dale: 1993-00-0. Countcountuies: Senegal; Stement of obIe,ves/abstract: The objctie is o inpmv the productivity and ssbrnabiy of rice procicbon in aeas w small-scale irrigabon n the Senegal-valy. The proed executes mesearch on water requrements of aops, irngation tdmique and organizabonal aspects of small scale imgation systems of the Senegal-valley. Contact m research organization: Mr F. Kusers; Dept. of Irgation and Rural Engineerng Agric. University Wagenigen; Nieue Kiaal 11; 6709 PA Wageningen; The Netherlands; telphon: (0)8370-84190 Record ntxnber (MFN): 055t09 OffHial pmoject tie: APPRAISAL OF RISKS IN AGRICULTURE IN DEVELOPING COUJNlRIES. Implementing agency: Stale University of Groningen. The Netherlardsniversity of Ouapgdou, Centre dEtudes de Documentation, de Recherches Ecoromiqe et Sr.cial (CEDRES). Burkina Faso. Start date: 1987-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Burkina Faso; Statement of objectives/abstract: The project is aimed at the development of guidelines for food polcy and food security in Burkina Faso and strengthening of the research capacity of Burkana Faso. The proect focuses on: (1) Devebpment of a model for forecasting production of millt and sorghum in the semi-arid zone of Burkina Faso, and (2) Make inventories of food storage at local. regional and national levels. Contact in research organization: Mr C. Schwengman; Economic Institute; State University Groningen; P.O. Box 72; 9700 AB Groningen; The Netherlands; teWphone: (0)50-639111 Record number (MFN): 05571 213 SPAAR Ifmation System Officbl proect tide: AGRHYMET, PHASE IlIl. komrnting agenmy: WMO (World Meeorolgical Orgizabto) / FAo. Stat dae: 1975-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Countri*ouiries: Africa: Niger; Stienment d objectiesIistract: The oecd has the bIoing objetives: (1) D eepnt md appiication of obsoevaon mertds and methods to coed areo al aid hyological data for fonlrg weathr condbo,ns crops, pastues and sxface watas andys ard sora of these data nto the databark of fe Centre and to make ese data avlble to fe users: (2) To contibie to settng up an Eaty Wuiing System on nabonal, regional and globa levels; (3) To "crease of agiculural poducton by means of ving weather adices to ih rural popuabion; aid (4) Enhanoe the capacity of te Region AGRHYM Centre in Ney, Niger.The projc cames out the lowig adcites: (a) identification of trget gps and information needs regarnkg the condihion of surface waters, weaher conditons and crops; (b) selection and testng of pracbca ageorobe g infom (weahe-charts. desiptlon of the codKhon of the Crops the use of saelites (Nke METEOSAT ard NOAA, etc.); (c) introduction of methods for fe ptesenation of die information; (d) dissemination of information; (e) assessment of tedical and economic benefits of the infrmation provded; and (f) training and education. Contact in research organization: Mr. Suarez; Regional Agrhymet Centre; Niamey; Niger Record number (MFN): 05572 Ofcial proect tit: ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH WORLD BANK-CArrLE PROJECT CHAD. Implementing agency: AB (Research Instiute for Agrobiobgy and SW Fertility). Start date: 1989-00-. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Chad; Statement of objectives'abstract: The project objective is to increase animal production in a sustainable way. The research is aimed at preparng an inventory of the carrying capacity of the paslures in Cl-ad. The results can be extrapolated to areas elsewhere in the Sahel. This resoarch is aimed at identifying: (a) fe consequences of an increase of the cate per hed; (b) the effects of greater mobifity of the stock farmer: (c) the carrying-capacity of the pastures; (d) possibilities to improve the (odder situation. and (e) rehabilitathn of the laboratory of Facha. 214 SPAAR 1omat Syonem Contct n rsearch orgarizaoi: r H. Erent A-ODLO (Pesearch hnsttt for Agrobology and Sod Fertity) lormerly CAO-OLO; P.O. Box 14; 6700 M Wageningn; The Netherlands; Tel.: (31)-0)8370-75700 Telex:75209 CABO NL Pecord number (*N): 05579 Offial pjet bde: REFORESTAllON PROJECT, RIVE DRO;TE TERA. PHASE 3 (PROJET REBOISEMENT, RIVE DFOITE TERA, PHASE 3). Impfment ageny Nethertads Develpe Orgizaion (SNV) Direcorate General for Developmert Cooperation (DGIS)- Slarldale: 19611-01. Enddate: 1992-11-01. Couritry/ountes: Nigr S.amnerd of obecbvesabstract: The projects objecte is to deveop a bcal Wvel me&anism for sustainable management of natural resources. The project is caried out by the regional department of fe Minisby for Environment togeter wih SNV. Activites idude research on soil qualty. strucutre and organuing training progranmes in sustainable soil management and tree planting for te local popubtion. Conat in research organization: SNV; 8ezuidenio&seweg 161; 2594 AG THe Hague; The Nefterlands; tel: +31- 70.34402UMinastere de l'Agcuure; Direction Departementale de rEnvironnement; Tidlaben; Niger Record number (MFN): 05583 Offical protect ftl: AGRHYMET, PILOT PHASE. Implementing agency: WMO (World Meteorological Organization). Slaut date: 1992.6-00. End date: 1996-0500. Country/counties: Africa; Niger; Gambia; Statement of oblectives/abstract: AGRHYMET is a multi-donor project to assist the 'Agrometeorological and Hydrological Program' of the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in th Sahel (CILSS) to develop a regiowal system to gather weather and dinate data ard disseminate the data to farmers. pastoralists as well as agriculture and land-use planners. AGRHYMET colects analyses and disseminates weather and clinate data linking upgraded national data-recording centers in CILSS States wth a regional centre for data 215 SPAAR inlormilion Systm ocend Wraiing niNney, Niger. Phase 11 oIhs projed wig ct rd mtegrale t system's basic eleme, IWading to hfl operabonk ~ n Phase Ill. This pecd wi sbenge and modere al cnte. cotnue o develop Sahehan capacity to opera the system. and identiy and develop pacai daa Contac in research organiato: Wodd 166eteorologcal Organzoatn (WMO); Gende; Sw4 ,-,=t' C' Wfa,er Resources; AMsery of Natural Rerces and Environm; Ganmia ReCord rwber (MFN): 05584 Orher provd btle: PROGRAMME SUPPORT TO CMDT (PROGRAMME APPUI DE LA SNV A LA CMDT). Implmentg ageny: SNV (Assocon Neetandars dAssce au DoWbmwnwOMNftxls Devecoepaient Organizabon). Start date: 1992-03-00. End date: 1995-02a00. Coutk s: Mal: Statement of objectiabstract: This programne conss of a number ot sub>projects focused on the rural farming comrnunity in vanous areas of operation uf the Cor pagnie Malienne pour l6 Deveoppement des Textiles (VMDT) in Mali. The topics that are addressed range from sustann and enhancing agncultural prvutlton, t nprovln access to a more varied diet.The sp 'aic objecives of the. -ogramnme are te fowing (a) reduce envronmental de1radatbon, (b) inprove *%d security and diversity of the diet of the populabon m the area. (c) strngthen organization capacity of fe tanners commundy. ard (d) divrsiy fe sources of income of the farmer cornmuniy. The pogramme consists of 4 sub-projects: (1) Proved management oi the vilage terraces (second phase)/Projet Aningement des Terroirs Villageois (PATV). Region de Fana). The actives in this project are to: (i) carry out socio-ecoromic research (;i) develop training programmes, and (iii) continue the constriction of dykes and dams: (2) Project Vegetables of Diola/Projet Maraicher de Dioib (PMD). The activities carried out under this oropet are: (i) advance the sale of horticultural products and continuing market studies for hoticutural products, (6i) start a credit system for seeds. phyto-sanitary means, manure, and (iii) demonstrations for the population adbout horticultural techniques; (3) Project Cornm s tis Precaution in the San Region (second Phase)/Projet Greniers de Prevoyance dans la region de San (PGP). This project focuses on research and evaluation on revolving funds: and (4) Project Management of the Small Shallow areas in the rivers in the Bougouni region (new projct)/Projet Amenagement des Petds Bas-Fonds dans la region de Bougouni (PAPBF). The activites of this project are the following: 1r) activities to reduce erosion by construction of dykes and dams. and (b) socio-economic and technical research on the implementation ol the reorganization of the smnall river basins in the Yanfolila 216 SPAAR Inlmabon System sedor i Ihe Bougouri regio.ReWonal m amgmet commnee of CMDT ae responsibe for Ihe exeumbon of te progravwn. The reyons are divided rb 'Zones crAnirwaon et Exnsion Rura (ZAER)'. The ZAER-managers are responsi for Ihe daly exemou of the aivtes. The Ne _iedaids Deveopnt Organz (SNV) prvies technical and fiwa suppoht. Contadt in;esea' organization. Corpagne Mabrve pcutr le DeOceppmf des Tei4es fCWT); BP 01, Koutaa. ; SNV (Associaion NeerSbdaus dAsslxe au Devebpei Organization (SNV): Bezirnhounsweg 161: 2594 AG The Hague: The Netherands, Tel: +31- 70-3440244 Pe'd number (MFN): 055s5 Offical proed tie: CENTRE NATIOAL DE SEMENCES FORESTIERES DU SENEGAL. hnpleerti agercy FAQ. St-rt date: 1992-4600. End date: 1997-0600. CoxunwiMntes: Senegal Statement ot odpvea Iabstrad The objacve of the proec is to inprove plant and seed prodiction in Senegal and 7Vrove the research capacity. This research ains at pant (and seed) proectlon. Contat riesearch organtzaton: Field Proan Development Divson; FAO: Via dole Terme di Caracalla. 00100 Rome: W;: TeI. 57971: Telex: 61C181/5793152 Record nunber (MFN): 05586 Official proect tdle: FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT IN CAPE VERDE. PREPERATING PHASE. Impemnt agency: FAQ. Startdate: 1992-11-01. End date: 1993-11-01. Country/countnes: Cape Verde: Slalement of objectveslabstract: The objecve of thrs project is to increase 6sh cates and stimulate commar-mization of the fishe"y sector. The proect carries out research regarding the effiries of various methods of fishing (coastal fishing and deep-sea fishing). Also research is camed out on methods of stonng fish, e.g.. installation of freezers on boats and on docks). 217 SPMR Imrba Systn Cont in reearch orgaintaton: FAO; Via dek Terme b Caracad; 00100 Rome: Tel: 57971: Tlex: 610181i5793152 Record number (FN): 05587 Offiei prqed ide: SUPPORT TO THE SOIL RESEARCH SECTION, SCTrBA, PHASE 3 (APPUI DE LA CELLULE AGRO-PEDOLOGIE ET LABORATOIRE DES SOLS DE SOTUBA, PHASE 3. Ilfmnenmg agecy KIT (Royal Trpical PstnUe. Statdae: 1991-10-01. Enddate: 199O-30. CouoWcues: Mali %ailemen of obectwes/absra: The opcbes o e proo3ct are te Ibowi (1) nVove tie quahty cl research of di soil-research section (2) uproa de senve fundion od AGP; and (3) execuie several concree research acti%ies. for isbance. research on ssinaibon n fth OFc du& Nier'and acdimcaton in SouAher.i ".'.The Soluba R .searcn Statio is a parof dte nabona Insal dcEconomie Rurale (IER). The section Celule AWofdolic (AGP) at Sotuba cames out sod mesearcn. Assessment o nub ent dexciencies in he sod and moeonng of soI degraamon are of mapor imporaice for saisirg food producto. Prbem identfed in de area are bss of 1y due to ero and nutrient mnng in agcuural pnxctuc. In the irngated areas of fe Office du Niger salmsabon is appaent. In this projed several oher subdmiso of the lER az iolved. These are he Dvsion de Redede des Sysemes de Production Rwale (ORSPR) for fair ng sysems research and the research station Riz Kogone for the ige rnce culture. The Royal Tropical Iistie (KIT) assists the IER with experte and training The Research Institute for Agrobioog and Sod Fertiity (AB provides backlsoppng.Atites of the proled are fte folbi: (a) mnprove the faciles for soii analyses. (b; cntue research on salmaation and alkalisatbon in the area of the Office du Niger. (c) identity and charactenze the lopographical sequences in Southern Mali, and (d) develop a method to ideniy detenoration of sod fenility which is caused by a.o. erosion and acidification. uontact ;i research organization: KIT (Royale Tropical Institute). Mauntskade 63; Amsterdam; The Netherlands Instiute d'Economique Rurale (IER); BP 258; Bamako; Maii; tel: 222606AB-DLO (Research Instiute for Agrobology and SoI Fetility) formerly IB-OLO; P.O. Box 30003; 9750 RA Haren (Gr.); The NetherWands; tel: +31(0)fi337777; Fdx:+31-(0)50-337291 218 SPAAR h*wabon SyArr Record ber (N): 0 2 Ofici proed Me: OURABLE LANIDUSE A !N FOODPRO()Y - I IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: DEEL N OF DURA.E'.PCOCTON S't ' iil sHE TROPiCS. lem m agsny- CAWO (cer*e for: .' ,oi Resifr' Stal dae: 1991-00-0. End date: 1991-%4W. Coin r es: Mai; S4almert of seab6: GoalCAB atm at resg the tlicency of mellods t assess sut*iliqy of -a3ruW produbo-syslens. i 3 ceem reg axer - saix ku" condltions.Short lSnr goais 1. Opriz- o e use of exenal ivuts Uvoug a nmnum expbibion of the nawt envoerrrnen.71; rt-sarch focusses o. he surpkis vaiue of bguminu pbnts. perinoa grasses .r i caody 0a;* kx deie feed producin and optimaizaW, of the use of f . Bre: arc aboo afatr (basd on rce based system in South East Asia) red to crops, witvaton and sod managereet are re ched.2 Wa4asng to c> y of naiona a" research istit s (NARS) in vans SE-,saso. conunes and toe Sahel (especially Lub%) throuh combined reseu ,,hroti inroduction of quanlita system rfY'c *rhods and throrjh adcises.3. Developig, tesLog and dmnsng menixs for vJenw" l-Jse systems, w*hh are avubcogic and so-enomica respectoely durale and economsc 6asu'M Appoach and procdure:Expervaedal research on vanous blcalics in Ismfeed crops are tested on thi po4eiral Use for ma',g arificial fe ti flnaicu, adP4tve.This proqe is the second fase 5 Research Prodiezt Sysiem Mop,s '. Contact in msearch gnatnn. Dr H Breeman & Dr. F.W.T. Pennrg do; C.8O; po box 14; 6700 AA Wageningen; The Nethertancis tol: +31 -K70 75700; fax: +31-8370 23110 Record number (MFN 055O6 Official projet title: DEVELOPMENT COOPERAT!ON SOIL AND FERTILIZER. Implmnting agency: 18 (Institute for Soul Fertlity Researl). Start date: 1987-0"0. End date: 1 9954-00. Country/countnes: Aftrica; Nigena: Mali; Burkind Fas:, Statement of objectWivesabstract: Background of the project:One of the major problems in the devel,',pTn rn'ul't. es in the next decades will be to sustain food producion for fe (increasing) population. Maintaining adequate levels of soil nutrients is an important condition.Goal:This programme focusses on nutrent balances of representatve farming systems and on 219 SPAAR Iimiabon Syse nutienl fws n vos regmes in ime. SpeoCal alention s pad to the icrease of to efficied use of nr*oge Ierles, biological nigen fiaaon by mnroor~s in msiisis with Imguo and te role ot ogi malerW in disnfre twfmig sysiems.The research is aimed at a belb widrstridi of the low efficicy of nurient use. which has both aaleconmal and eobgic impkatois. The theical krowld wi be used to hW* praccl ways to crease the offcicncy.h 1993 the pr i consist of three parts: I The break-doeu of wegetaton remnants: In coveration *: IfTA (N;,...) a to prq-;t Tropical Sod 1oogy and Ferbky (TSBF) research is caed out on the break-down of vgtti rmwat and tmdo toees. This pro sted in t992 and continues unbl 1994. (The research i cosey reled to th proed on r*ogen rrmaname on acd grounds i te humid-tropics n Lanpung (ndonesa). This was execuled with the Brawqa nivversty, MLand lished n 1992). On fe poss?Ae contiruation of Ih prec is pWeration with Wye Coee (England) ad C F (Naoibi)2 Develbpmet of ferting d2ia fertilug birescah and the daft of fertilizing ueoainntieidwos takes pce in Mali (SOTUBM4ah) ad in Burkina Faso (Support Bureau National oes Sols (BUNASOL)). Scientific support to soil-vegea laboratones for the pracdcal use of models for ntrogen dynamcs in sod vegeWn for tee use-valke d sunvey ot gounds aid lerz advises. In he SO Apred e KIT (Royal Inrute kr the Tmpics) coordinates ft Ditch ass_ianoe and B gives Tedchical support. In te BUNASOL-proect lB coordnates e activilies.3. Devebpment of an u . This proect is already seperately indicated in SIS as: Urea injector testApproach and procedure:Field and laboratory experiments ano modelstudies. Contact in research organization: 18-DLO; PO Box 30003: 9750 RA Hlaren; Netherlands. tel: +31-50 337777; telex 53990 ibhm ni Rerd nurber (MFN): 05596 Oflicial proect title: RESEAPCH ON MECH.. iTION FOR SMALL SCALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN THE TROPICS. lementing agency: IMAG (Instiute for Agrncuswea; Engineering). Star, dale: 1993-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Ciuntry/c&untries: Mali; Slatement of objectves/abstract: ihechanizaton is an integral component of many agricultural programmes. Experience tI as proved that the type and scale of technobgy determines the suitability of apnplication in a particular production system. The projet focuses on the use of ar imal iraction and small-scale motorised appliances for soil cultivation as well as on harvesting and post-harvesting techniques.The proiect consists of the following 220 SPAAR Wormon Syslem ccmpoerw_s: (A) Cononeril 1: Transer knowledge ad edidca supot for loca pmduon d agicWuLk i _str r. INAG prnvides tdsical supW and adrmn of fl ar dasseAibg df Ih e ARPON Prosd m Niono This project coers an area of ca. 50 000 hede (equals ca. 123 550 acres). Wmin fe ARPON aea Ihe prjed conc oitrales an bcal poduio of a kw of agcira applices (wnder which Twan dewers, swai noe peebrs ad puddlers) for te wet nce ovabon in Mak. The Ateier cas b also proides the organi strnce for_ d aIne,naoco, f d0e ma` ierY. t'ain ti the ine&,, cs, bainig and equpmt of several smilhs, as we as courses corningtuse and mainnice d several tools:; and (B) Componn 2: Prolotype dnebppnt aid i btrWuction. hI coopeaon wih ayuiaJ eq r produces ideas for protype dev_opment aue developed and tesed cocrng vos harvesng and post-arvesting equime k ice heshers, nos peeers in Africa aid soi caA ion equtren. The proect coiaborates wi the Euro-Aftican Associton of Agicultural Erigineern Centres (ACEMA) and fe Aninal Traction Network for Eastern aid Soule Africa (ATNESA). Contact in research organzation: Ir. P.J.M. Hilegers; IMAG-DLO; PO Box 43; 6700 AAA Wageningen; Netherlands; tel +31-8370 76300; fax +31-8370 25670 Record ntxnber (MFN): 05598 Offial project tibe: CONSERVATION, MANAGEMENT AND RESTORATION OF NATURE IN DEGENERATED ECOSYSTEMS IN THE TROPICS AND SUB-TROPICS. mplbeme agency: IBN (Instibtue fr forestry and Nature Research), de Dorschkamp. Start date: 1993-00. End date: 1996-00-00. Country/countries: Gbbal; Burkiina Faso; Magi; Malaysia; Viet Nam: Indonesia; Statement of objctives/abstract: The hnctio integrty of ecosystems m aNt tropical and sub-tropical regons is affected by a complex of actors in which th population and deveopment play a large rol. This causes problems with the conservatior. (protection) and sustainable management of both the biological diversity and the prduction potential. The research is primarly aimed at assessing the value of ecosystems and rehabilitation of degraded systems. Forest development and economic management are approached by using models. Transfer of knowledge by counterpart system, by PhD and MSc education and by shor-term training in the developing countries or in the Netherlands.The rnain thems consists of two parts: (1) Research on conservation and management: (a) qualitative and quantiative assessment of te value of ecosystems through rapid assessment methods (seective inventory of indicator species and remote sensing, coupled with GIS). The value is assessed on criteria such as biological diversity and the structural 'build' or cohesion of forests and wetlands, (b) analysis of the 221 CF.AR Inlormation System hfnctrcional rlion of prnay an scndasy bs by maor bgocal anmn (cartio, watvr ninet), onw a aspects (dAue), fte nio of biooc pas (rwsu of pathological ogim) aid prt Icto uint or smkig factors, (c) assessig crieria for p ning and ma r. kn f sutanale prduc 1 forests and w,inas, and (d) assessirg socoeconomic Wibng condions aid for celwon buffr zones surrounding nature osvato r i;s and for possibe rehabilaon of derdded forest and weland areas; and (2) The rhabiliator cmponert (a)l e$eaich an terokmLes to smulae preceses of natual rgeeaton and succession, (b) seeon and ncrease o ofwrj tree specie an tega l arach by paying aetion to eco-hsiology,, orest and sed physiology, bbssom smrulating and bootf niology. (c) msearch conrng Istad estabshmen especialy on Issues such as the ecobog rebon between trees ad sod fni (mycorfhiza) aid the use od pionee vegeto for the develot of plantatis, (d) research on fte role of faua diversity in rehabitatng osystm Attention is paid to sod fauna, sod reconstructors, preors, seed spreaders and the re-introduction of aninals, (e) soil, stand and vegetabon classification for natural and artificial rejuinabon of ecosystems, (I) rowth and yield analysis and forest developrent models for planning and develpnwt of durable vegetation systems, (g) development of agoforesby lechniques for use in buffer zones, and (h) devekpmnt of ecomical models for conservation and management of eco-systems. Contact in research organization: IBN-D LO po box 23; 6700 AA Wageningen; Netherlands; tel: +31-8370 951 11; telex:45055 dorsk rICentre National des Semences Foreshtkes; Burkina Faso Record number (MFN): 05600 Otfciial prect title: DEVELOPPEMENT BAS FONDS DE RIZ PRODUCTION BAFATA. Implenenting agency: SNV (Association Neerlandais dAssistance au Developpement). Start date: 1992-02-00. End date: 1995-12-00. Country/countries: Guinea-Bissau; Statement of objet ves/abstract: Agncullure is the most important productive sector in Guinea-Bissau. It provides 90 percent of employment and 50 percent of the gross national product. It also provides the most important sources of foreign exchange. Biophysical condiions such as rainfall, soil quahty offers prospects for improving the food availability in Guinea-Bissau. However, rice is regularly imported in order to ensure food security. Constraints for increased production are s.o. disatianta-r r s orce polic1,, poor infrastructure and insufficient comrmunication facitities. Ti 'food between surplus and deficiency regions is poor. Women play an ln. -ole in food production and they are responsible for ensuring food availabiiiry .o, the household. 222 SPAAR Inrnama Sysben Since n may projcts twe role has been underved, ftis proect foses on won producers.The obees of the project are the Jokw0mg (1) develop a lechnogy to inpove rce podin h the wedands by female poducers; (2) mcrem incomes of the female prducers; (3) inprove the educaional level of the wmen conrned; (4) nprove te sociocwan situaion of ie women; and (5) hpe t regional difsucu to stiniate the reona deve pmn The Regional P s dt e Mistere du Deveoppement Rura is the rerponsibe or tnai. A (emale) naton decocoonaws d* wetads acttes in accordwce wih th Nabonal Programme for Land Orgasn and Devemnlt of wefands-Atrydies of ftis poject are e bwing: Ouing the fis year, the mai ativty Is soioeconomic rsearch concentrated on te female populaon. In -UV wilh fte tge group, pot activies for te second phase are selcted. Po;nt activiies idude n vement of wat eonomy in the wetLands. dstAutan of seeds, application of arbficial fertilizers, plant prtecton. iniproved cutabon technique, introducton of agrcultJra equpment, introducton of new techiq and ntroducion of moderm post-harvest technology. Contact i research organizaton: SNV; Bezuudenhoutseweg 161; 2594 AG The Hague; The Nethertands; tel +31-70 3440244Ministere dcu Develppemert Rurale et del' Aifulture (MORA); Representani Regional de la Provne Est; GuineBissau Record numnber (MFN): 05608 Offcial nroed title: PROGRAMME NATIONAL DE TECHNOLOGIE RIZICOLE APRES RECOLTE. Implementn agency. FAO. Start date: 1988-11-03. End date: 1994.04-01. Country/countres: Senegal; Statement of objectves/abstract: The ob*etvl of the project is to enhance rice preduction in Senegal and increase efficiency of i earvestag and post-harvest operations. Specific activilies are: (1) lesting and disseminating appropriate harvest techniques in the amwers community; (2) identifying the appropriate technologies for cleaning and processing of at iltural products; (3) evahlating the feasibility of rice steaming in Senegal and testing simple methods tor nce steaming for the farmers' families; (4) promoting local production of the developed equipment: (5) preparing a programme for the introduction of identiied equipment and technique; and (6) developing a systematic and continued assistance structure for the research and development activities. Contact in research organization: SAED (Societe d'Amenag 'r-t et d'Exploitawoi ues Terres du Delta); 18. rue Raffanal x A. Goux; Dak,.r; Senegall AU: Via delle Terme di Caracalla; 00100 Rome; 223 SPAAR Inoation System Italy; lel: 57971; telex: 610181/5793152 Record rumber (MFN): 05609 Official pvied ite: DEVELOPPEMENT DU SECTEUR MARAICHER AU CAP VERT. Implementin agency. FAO. Startdie: 1990-11-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Coauntykountes: Cape Verde: Stemen of objepves/abstract: This proect is ained a( mnprovig national food security by stimulaing parwial sbstion f he obcal producton of mauze by potato by lam in e itiggMed aesandsad bydiersfaton dofthe diet. The obctive of fe proed is to stgnen me echnical capacty of national institules and estabish a s-pport systmn lr the producton of vegetables, n pautctar poao and onions. h is intended to initiate effecbve colaboration been Cape Verde and oher African coutites, associated in a Regional Cooperation fo N develpment of te vegetable pducton -n West Afnca. The proect addresses issues of applied research. the post-avest sector and the production itsell.The short term objecves (penod of 3 years) are: (A) assist INIA with e naibonal programme mf applied research on vegetables, oncentrating on te cuftivation and conseaion lechnique. vanety testing and production of seeds; (B) consolidation of the organzation and management of the muf icabon and annual distribubon of 400 kg legume seeds, 200 000 onion bulbs and 60 t of potato seeds; and (C) imprvce the production in 1993 of onions by 20 percent, of potatoes by 15 percent. and other lgumes by 25 percent and introduce the post-harvest systems. Project actviies are the followirg: (i) testng of varieties, (ii) selection of lines for multiplication and production, (W) identification of u-nstraints in th production and establish prroity research, (iv) idenifiration of me prncipal parasites, and (v) testing and assessing t effectiwness of proection methods. Contact in rsearch organization: FAO; Via delle Terme di Caracalla; 00100 Rome; Italy; tel: 57951; telex: 610181i579315421NIA, Cape Verde Record number (MFN): 05610 Official project title: PROJET FEMMES ET DEVELOPPEMENT DANS LA ZONE MALI-SUD (PHAS Implementing agency: RTI (Royal Tropical Institute). Start date: 1991-01 -00. End date: 1994-09-00. 224 SPAAR Inbomation Systen Courry/ounris: Mah; Stmeme f ofbjec ves/bact: This prped hcuses on the positu of women in the nfal areas n Ithe area of the Cnpagre Maliena pour le Dever_ppemet des Textiles (CMDT) in Sotewn Mali. Women play an ion rode in food p&odadin M Mai. They are also responsible for esurig food avaiabity for the household. In the past many proects have nerced the rcle of woe in fte house* w-d in te agricuMual stem. ThN obpee of the proed is to enhame the social and economic posibon of lemai poduwce.The projec i cany out Oe blowing acdwies: (A) enhancing awareness m CMDT for gender issues by-. (i) deveopug an extension method adapted to fWnale problems and integated to fe problems o women in te gbbal contxf o rural devebpmen and (i) developing a method to assess the iTpote of women actes ; (B) executing specfic actvites for he target gmups based on the socal and ecnomic situabor. on culture and aried at the magm_ ent of actvites at village level; and (C) carrying out research on: (i) appopriate technology and methodologies for operation, and (ml specific constra its at acivity level. Contact in research organiation: Royal Tropical Irstitute (KrT); Mauritskade 63; 1092 AD Amsterdam; The Nethrands; tel +31{0)20 568871 1CMDT (Compagnle Malienne pour le Devebppemert des Textiesj; BP 01; Kotiaaa; Mali Record nunber (MFN): 0561 1 Oficial prodt tite: DIVISON DE RECHERCHE SUR LES SYSTEMES DE PRODUCTION RURAL. Impleenting agency: KIT (Royal Trpical Institute). Startdate: 1979-00-. End date: 1994-05-01. Counby/counbies: Mai; Statement of objectives/abstract: To idenbfy and work out ways, means and methods which permit the rural population to develop their production systems into systems that are both sustainable and remunerative. ContacM in research organization: Baktary Sanogo (coordinateur); DRSPR; CMDT (Compagnie Maliene de Devel. de Textiles)lnstitute Economie Rurale; B.P. 186; Siasso; Mali; (09)223-620346 Record number (MFN): 05613 225 SPAAR Iormation System Officil pect bde: P1OJET D'APPU A LA DMSION DE RECtIERCHES SUR LES SYSTEMES DE PRODUCTION RURALE (DRSPR), VOLET FONSEBOUGOU. Inplementirg agency: KIT ,i,vyal Tropc Intitute). StaWl date: 19790501. End date: 1995-05-01. Countykountres: Ma*: Staemert of objcves/abstract: Assistance to the Divsion de Recherches sur les Systemes de Pmducton Rurale (DRSPR) in the area of Fonsebotgou started in 1979. The constat idenbfied were: (i) stgnabon of agricullural poduction in certain zones in the area, (ii) increase of socoononcal differnces, and (iii) decease of fte soil euikty and virease ot emsion, caused by amc g oths te buden of a high catle densty on the ecosystn. The objedives of le present plase are: (a) development of measres nques and approaches tt reduce Oe burden on te ecosystem and inse.if aiutural and animal husbarxy productio in a susainable way. (b) determine possble agricult, ecnmical and social measures lo improve the mangemt and durable landuse, and (c) cany out experiments and testing of exension methods for application at a larger scale.The projed focuses on the boowing topics: (a) eosion control-ao. regeneraion of degraded sols, (b) agrfomesiy-iegration ( woody rmps in the agricultural system to improve soil fertiliy and erosion control. (c) intensification of agriculture-highw production wit detenoraton of the sod fertility, (d) intensifcation of animal husbandry--more sustainable use of catte, (e! develop extension methodDlogies, and (1) training in Farming Systers Research. Institutional setting: The DRSPR cooperates with CMDT (Compagnie Malienne pour le Develppement des Texties) in the development and testing of research programmes and extension padages of this project. The centre o( the project activities is in Sikassu. From this centre the actvitles in the regions ol San, Koutiala and Sikasso are coordcnated. A number of organiations participate in this project: (i) Laboratoire du Sol ('Lab Sotuba) is executing the soii and organic matter analyses, (ii) Direction de Ia Recherche Agronomique (DRA) executes the agricultural research, (iii) INRZFH (Institut National de la Recherche Agronornique. Forestiere et Hyrobiogiu), and LCV (Laboratoire Central Vet-. -ire) exe.ute thematical research on feed-crops and animal healfth, and (iv) Direction ou .bchanisme Agricoe (DMA) researches the devekpment of agricultural equiipment.The project is carmed out by a team with expertise in agro-economny land-use planning, animal tracltion. Zootechnology. and sociology (gender-issues). Dutch expertise is provided by RTI (Royal Tropical Insbtute) and SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Direct linkages exists with Dutch-supported projects 'Projet Lutte Anti-Erosive' (PLAE) and 'Projet Appui a l'Animation Feminine (PAAF). Contact in research organization: Jager B.; Royal Tropical Institute; mauritskade 63; 1092 AD Amsterdam; The NetherlandsH. Breman; AS-DLO (research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility) formerly CABO-DLO; P.O. Box 14; 6700 AA Wageningen; The Netherlands 226 SPAAR Infomati System INPZ4; BP 1704; Banako; MalER; BP 258; Bamako; Mai Record number (MFN): 05623 Offlcal projed tie: INTERNATI " PPROGRAMME FCR TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH IN IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE (IPTRID). Ilemenbng agency WB WNorld Bank). Startdate: 1991-09-01. Enddate: 1994-09-01. Counry/countnes: Gbbal; Akjera China; Egypt India; tMexco; Mrocco; Pakistan; Senegal; Statement of obiedes/abstract In 1989, a meet of 20 counties affirmed the need fr research on wnigation and draage wh* fte larger context of te developmt strteg aied al roducing poverty and developwng incrne poW imt. Two ob*ecies were dsrgihe (1) mpovement of the eficiscy of ingaion systems, and (2) ensure the sustainabl use ot irgiabon water. This has led to the formulion of the Inlemalon Programm for Technology Reseach in Irigation d Dainage' (IPTRID). The ojectives of the programme are dhe bowing: (1) establh an adequate esearch capacity in devel countries where coordinated rsearch is executed aimed at the proriy prblems of rlgaed agriculture; and (2) apply the research results in inigated agutue. The Dutch contribuon ams manly at the salmabon problems hat occur in the rigated agricuiture.The World Bank wi be fe facilbting agency for the IPTRID Secrelariat. The overall manageen and tho frianal control wi be fe responsibity of the costatve Grwp of IPtRID, which cosists of UNDP, Wodd Bank. ICID and representatives of the supporting donor countries (France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Spain, Carada. USA and the Netherlards). The acivities are mashy ained at suppoting nationat reseahAclivibes: (1) ideniy potential aruas for cooperation between the country and IF '1ID to establih research plas and formulating research proposals, (2) develop and actualize inventories on the sub-therres of the general hemes of IPTRID, to compose review missions; (3) keep dose work relations with other (inter)national institutions cnocerned with imgabon and drainage research for th proper interpretation of problems for research and the proper action to execute the research and to avoid dup cation of research; (4) colect and spread training experience and research results; and (5) carry out research in cooperation and on request of the country invotved. Contact in research organization: World Bank; 1818 H Street NW; Washington DC 20433; tel: (202)477-1234; fax: (202) 477-2979 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __22 227 SPMR frmation Sstem Record number (WFN): 05624 Offcl prwMec s: NATiONAL SOIL REFERFNCE COLLECGIOHS (NASFEC II). Implementg agenmy ISRIC (hnernatora Sod Reference and Inmabon Centre). Sbt dale: 19900O. End date: 19930O. CoWcurtnes AIa, Egypt Ghana. Kenyar Mali; Nigeria Twa; Unitd Republic of Trzaia Sudan; Zamrba; St bt of obpetives/abstaf: In many develping countries sois are insufficiently isse rgar ig Vw geog_hical distribution, dch reiscs pdenbal and ctnsuit for a use water management and ecologizlcal W*i regarding erosn and rck.bon. hI view of te urgent need to reae agncuua production in many ebvelig countries. his infonnation sod be rgaded as a necessay Ye-requisit. ISFIC has been w to ealize a world collecton of soils sic 1966. Recenly ISRIC has been requested by sodl institutes in neady 20 couimes (ue wtch Vie 9 cuntnes in Africa where is record refers to) to suppot Ve estpalishment d National Sod PRerence cecons (NASRECs).The ogctives of the p,-gt are as folows: (1) aing of student in sod sciece at unvraty and .,ep levels; (2) gdc of stf of atwional iiom for soil survey, sodl dasskcin and lnd evaklatbon in sod classification; (3) demontatin the dfiernces in sod charil scs and their imntaons and polentia as an inpd .or planing; (4) demonstrating famers on the ipornce of sod pes amd et on lad use; and (5) promotan d awae among fte gneral public, icuding town poplAtn on the loca soils as a defints nationa resoum rh me careful cnrvato and man ment The proed officer at ISRIC wil opate in dose , w ih staff of other soil nstiues in the Netherlands, wth sctic staff of UN oruzabon, especialy UNEP. ad wth officers of Vie participating instihi in the developing counties.The proj8d actibves can be divided among the bfwing phases: (1) Data-llechon phase-The collecton of infoatbon is from prwry and secondary sowes. The inbon to be colcted is related to the sod, e ronment and land use. Envirornt data norma w enbrace site inmaton on clmate, landorm, geology, vegeion, nd-use, hydrology, et. The collection of information is done in a staddized way accoing to intenatonal aaepted guidelines of F-.J. County speckic intrests and probems shouki be gien due dtenton; (2) The preparation phase-The preparain (analyses) of soii mnodit sanvs and information is normaly executed in the NSI (Natintal Soil Institute) or instiuibon which houses the colchtion. The con&L. Maoon and preparat of soils in the form of monoliths is part of the progect. Routine chemical and physical analyses wigl be executed by the soil laboraory of the coutry. Specal analyses such as mineralgv and miromorphology, depending on the type of soil and interest of the participating institutes, wiH be carried out by ISRIC; and (3) Dissemination of information--The display of the soils in the form of monoliths and a seected part of Me information is realized in an easy accessible exhibition hall in associatirn wifth a soi insttute, an univerity department. or a natural history mpuseum. 228 SPMR h bormation System Hard" at dwe coaected infoman invokes storing and reineal; both aspects beirg of eqa inortare for tie hu users 11ilmimu rarwnemets kwr fe users oftecoled dnim is the avadaiiyot (i)la c k set of so and sie desas and aralyicl dabta (ii) a sinfied set of sod data, and (i) da sets on te btion, dassifiaon, Wdoem and bnd-s cnected to ifh dsbyed maolhs, i an illustratine w., Conta in research organizaton: Irnrnabonal Si Peference and Infomation Centre (ISRIC); P.O Box 353; 6700 AJ Wageringen; The !ethrkva tel: +31-8370-19063; fax: +31-8370-24460; telex: via tAC: 45U8 uttas ni Record nmber (MFN): 05631 OffcW provd tie: PROJECTO AGRO-SILVO-PASTORIL DO LESTE BAFATA (I + 11). ImWpmet agency: SNV (Netherlad Deweipt Cooperauon). Sttadate: 1991-07-01. Enddate: 1997-07-01. Courhry/counties: Guinea-8issau; Stabment of objecabslract: The projecd bcs on two regiom of the Eastem pmvnce of Gumea-ssau, Bafala and Gabu. In the Region of Balata the profect operates en Contboel and Cosse: in the Gabu Region in PP.eda and Pihe. The Easten Province is fthe dis part d t.te cowby wth nual rainfall varying betwen 1100 mm in Pirada up to 1400mm in Cosse. In the ast decennia rall figures have shown an alarming decrease. The Mnosto de Deservolvemento Rural e Agiculura (MDRA) carries out the Integrated Vi.age Land Management (IVIM)-programme. Wthi this framework the Forest Departwent conentres on villge forest management. The oetve of the project s to rece enironmental degradation in te project area through hngrated and sustaiab management of village bmtoi including natural vilage forests and rangelands. A trovincial level, a multi disciplinary Technical Commitin which the SNV are represented) wil work out proposals, carry out preliminary Mudies at viage lvel and organize workshops and training seminmars on IVLM. At regiolal level, the pro,ect will continue to stimulate and organize multindisciplirary collaboratico in village extension work.SpeciP, prqed activities are: (a) Acquire knowldge and experence about forest rnanagement; (b) Transfer knowle*, means and respons'bieety for forest management to the rural population; and (c) Strengther the capacity of the forest service in extension methods, especially the GRAAP-methodokogy. The project consists of 5 subpogrammes: (1) Development of integrated vil land management (IVIM); (2) Oevelopment of Extension Methodology; (3) The village programme: (a) village forest and rangeland management (fire com-.rol) activities, (b) Tree plqnting, agroforestry plantations and nursery production (frun trees), and (c) Support to women group actvitis espocially 229 SPAAR Inlration System ocad production; (4) Istutioni deelopmert (tawin m aage and publiy); ad (5) Applied research on Nt trees, che nuits anma husbandy. Contact in reseah organiaion: SNV Guteeassau; rua Dr Severno de P-na (Rua 10) nor 33; Apartado 68; 1031 Bissau Coder tslex 224 coop hol bl; el.: 201154Mk*fem de Deservolvneto Rural e Agn (MDRA); Dia Genr dos Servc Forest e Caca apalado 71/1001 Besau Coder Guinee-aissau Recor number (MFN) 05635 Official proect hue: ATEUER DES FORGERONS KOUTIALA. lmpiemerug agency: CMDT (Compagrue Maliene pour le Developpement des Textiles). Staut dae: 1990-00. End date: 1994-0O-00. Cou ay/courtrie& Mali; statement of oblectives/abstract. South4Mali has the argest altual potenti in Mali. The rural deveopent orgaization and cotton producer CMDT (Compagnie Malienne pour le Devekippemet des Textiles) is responibie for fe development of the ron. The objectrves of the proect are to stmuulate the develot oi managerial and financial activties of bWal blacsmi in the area of operation of the CMDT in the South of Mali. The CMJDT is the execubng agency and is the driving lorc behind the organization and quai i nVmert of the smilhs. The Dutch persorel spprt is contrbuted by a specialt for the start phase and a specialsl for the prduction of agrultural equipment.Specific project activibes are to: (a) facilitate links between village blcksmniths (b) incease the quality of agncultural equtimt, (c) establsh a management system for blacksmihs; (d) train pers-ei and staff of the atelier; (e) carry out research on new products; and (1) improve the quality of the village woekshops. Contact in research organzation: Compagnie Maiienne pour le Doveoppement des Textiles (CMDT); Bamako: Mali; Tel: 22 24621225097; teiegr4h amatex bamako; telex n554SNV (Netherlands Develpment Organization); BP 2220: Banmako; mali; tel: 224327/227024; fax: 229413 Record number (MFN): 0563a Ofcial projecl trltk PROJET TAHOUA VERTE (AMEUORATION DE L ENVIRONNEMENT ET AMENAGEMENT INTEGRE DE LA COMMUNE DE TAHOUA) 2ND PHASE. 230 -~~~~~ SPAAR lnbnian System Implementing i ency: A-ciation Neerandaise d A&stanci au Deveoppemert (SNV). SI ddale: 1989-0701. End date: 1993-12-31. Coutykounres: NW,~ Stat t of edes/abs: The Directon Deparemetale de rEnvonnernt (DDE) s the execl ijency of the pojed. A frstry advisor of the SNtVas secorded to fte proy:l ri-,s chargedwithi*xmiaton diseniinatiPm tvhe lges. h1rt cvs (1)develop an drtgraenwonmentalmanaemetplan forL;- ;)cu s.ea;f(2 develop a p catoy extesmon proramme agro- storal systems; -3) caffy out inegraed reafforestao activines and aund t town in cooperaoon with the populaion; (4) carry oul research on needs and local knwld ad perceptions of eevionm t mangemert, th special attention to women; (5) develop a prograrme of appled research for an integrated management plan and fte extension programw e; and (6) sOnwh the capacity of the Nier Forestry Serce on all levels and suWo the reafforestation acivities of the Environental Deparlrrent.The speciw actvies are: (a) recovery of 200 ha forest of the green ring (forest surrong Taboua which was planted in Phase 1); (b) plantbng of 200 ha or new forest in the green nng; (c) planting of 200 ha of new forest in the viage; (d) mragement of tre nurseries; (e) colle infomaion on possbiies to reduce fuelood use; (fl research on the needs of the agro-sylvo pastoral population; and _3) assess opions for sustainable land-use. Contact in research organization SNV (Netherlands Devebpment Organization); Tahoua; NigerDirection Departmentale de renvironnement; Tahoua; Niger _________________ Record number (MFtI): 05640 Offiiaa prott MMe: PROJET DIVERSIFICATION AGRICOLE ET RENFORCEMENT DES ORGANISATIONS LOCALS (DAROL)BALLEYARA (4TH PHASE). Implmenting agency: Netherlands Development Organization (SNV). Start date: 1991 -091. End date: 1994-830. Country/countries: Niger Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of te proiect are: (1) establish and support autonomous fS 'mers groups (male and female); (2) support local organizations in management of credit-systems, provison of production means and sales of agncultural products; (3) raise production of rain-dependent agncultural and horticullure crops by ireasing input-use and providing extension on improved cultivation methods; (4) protect the environment by planting and maintaining living hedges and planbing of fruit trees; and (5) stimulate diversdication of agricultural production. The Deparlment of 231 SPAAR Iifonabtin System Agrcuaxal Sennoe s responsie or te execution of the proied. At duict level, siubn support is gEw by: (1) die Aginactunl Service for Rairdependent Agricultural and Horticlur Actives; (2) the Einmerta Sevice for Lvmg Hedges; (3) fte Mkty of Plnn for the overal coodinao of fe acivties and (4) the SRC (union Sous-Peinale des Coopeativ), tough the Union Locale, di coopes and the GomeNt lisles for the Supply of ipts and to market agnactral prcduct.The proe activities are the fowing: (a) esblish a maemeN information system; (b) pvde inaton about agriAire, horficulture and foresty; (c) tria tanners goups, (d) istal and enstre mantenance of water supply for small scaled wngaion; (e) suWpor mnagement of agncukel credit systems; () pvide asstc for nut. supply and markting of agncukural proucts wdh prelernce for women; and (g) execule socoecorn research focused on vanous economic acvtes in the area and the possbdites of vanous groups in the canton of Tagazar. Contact in research organizaton: SNV (Netherlands Deveopment Organization); B.P. 10110; Niamey; Niger tel: 72363722052; fax: 733506; telex: 5449 ONPBThe Department of Agncultural I ~~~Service Record rinwber (MFN): 05643 Officia poect title: DIRECTION DEPARTEMENTAL DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT DE TAHOUA (DDE). Impementi g agency: SNV (Netherlands Devebpment Organization). Start date: 1967-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/counties: Niger Statement of objectives/abstract: The oective of the project is to reduce soil and water erosion and inprove ttae potential for agriculture, aninal husbandry and agroforestry. The DDE (Direction Depawtmentale de l'Environnement) is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Envimnment in Niger. This pro,ect intends to support DOE in the executon of dthe policy for prevention of erosion and improving of die soils. SN provides lechnical assstance and equipment. To achieve the above mentioned objecives the activities are started: afforestation, dune fixation, wind shields (Wing), wind girdles, CESADRS banquettes, bank protection, plantation of Acacia abida, protection of natural rejuvenation, (small) nurseries, improve pastures, fre girdles, managemfent plans and extension. Also activities like horticulture and sedentary transhumance animal husbandry are executed. Contact in research organization: Direction Departementale de l'Environnement de TahouaSNV (Nethetrands Development Organization); B.P. 10110; Niamey; ;Jiger. tel: 723633722052: fax: 232 SPAAR iomiaon System 733506; tl: 5449 ONPB RPaod number (N): 05648 Offlc proved tWe: DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF APPROPRIATE TOOLS AND IMPLEMENT FOR THE 'AGRICLILT.JRAL AND FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR (NTERM PASE) (ILOMINM3). kImplementing agency ILO (Wtntnaboane Labour Office). Sari dale: 1992-10-01. End date: 1993-03-01. Countrykotnes: Afrca; Benin, Buxkina Faso; Unied Reput,c of Tanizan; Stlemect of bjewes/absat The ojecbves d the proved are: (1) to ste the ntonal capacity in selecied ncan countes for bmijatng, inViIm g and evaluating of pograrnmes and proIecis m the area of prdution and distbuon of agriltral toos and eaWment for undI food roessn cmfpnes, (2) la wVnro th teMcal *mnatn Now for small-scale mel processing ktuies; and (3) to rease t R&D capacity for smal meta pcessing ristes.Specific proed acties are (a) develop a cancepa famwork for the stat f 'ouiry sbategy papers'; (b) seebon d two countris where the mewoi wi be test (c) dentify revWat acvies and skuxes in tese two counties; (d) assess the colected informat3n and develop a worlpan; (e) assess the technical, social, and economc (marltn) esbity of cashew nuts and od proce equipment in Benin, a wateump in Burkhina Faso, agricultal tools in Mbulu Istrict in Tanzan; and (f tdenc assistanc to the Moshi Common Facily Centre in Tanzania for the prodtidion of agicuIbural machrwy and food processng equipment. Contact in research organization: ILO; Enterprneurship and Management Development Branch (ENT/MAN); 4 Route des Moriln; G41211 Geneva; 22 Switzerland; tel: (+22) 79961 11; fax (+22) 79"68 Record numnber (MFN): 05651 Oflicial prect tide: PARTICIPATION IN THE HAPEX-I1 PROJECT (HAPEX HYDROLOGICAUATMOSPHERIC PILOT EXPERIMENT). hionenflng agency ORSTOM (Nnamey)CNRM (Touluse). SWt date: 1991-0-00. End date. 1993-6-00. Country/cour: Global: Niger France; United Kindm; Netherlands; Unied States; Germany; Denmark 233 SPA.AR Infownabon System Statemt of objeies/abstract lb. pmojed s bfused on the coledoc of complete data sets an hydrological, atros2wc and vegetational prcesses in a typical Sahelian area This in oaler to be able bD sintale the processes and their neractions in these clinatic ae. These type of experimerds are carried out in the context ot cinatic dwnge shtdies. Study aea has an area srface f1100 x 100 sq bn for remote sswg uposes. Proesses suies hae been done ona sca lOx IOsq kr on tyical vegebbon-type sufaces. The pect will carry out the fbowing acbvibes: (a) sod physical investigations; (b) surtace hydmoogy iestigations; (c) water bak7co monik3ring (a) srface energy balaone monitoring in the surface 'iyer (e) mixed byer montoring by balloot/aiplanes; (fl airborne anr sensirg (g) vgetiona studies (long term); and (h) land u. exper*nent was medried out by oier 25 isitions du*ng th - ation Peried (SOP) Aug -Oct 1992. During this SOP approx. 20_ . technical assisans were particiating. Record number (MFN): 05653 Official project tidle: PRODLCTION SOUDANE SAHELIENNE (PSS). Implenentng agency: AB (search Inslitute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertibty). Start date: 1991-02-01 End date: 1995-02-01. Country/counbes: Mali; Statement of objectmJabstract: Fond securty of large parts of Sub-Saharan Atnca is threatened especially by the inceasing popuation whie agriculural produchon in the rgion stageates. The production lve is mainly determined by ao-ecg l factors (soi frity. water supply, temperature and day 61t) which determine the maxrntum agncultural output that can be sustained in a particular area. This is caled the 'carrying cw-- W. In addiromn, socio-economic factors (rights of land-use, availabiiqy ot I * chnical aids, credit, artificial ferzer) as well as cultual values and conditi.ns play a role in determining actual agricultural output. An ! - ; element of sustaining agricultural production i ensuring adequate nutrient appwtdbon to counterbalance nutrient losses by transfer of crops, emsion. Artificial ferilizers are costly and its availability often problematic. Therefora, optimum use should be made of avaiable organic nutient sources which need to be supplemented by artdicial fertdizer.The objective of the project is to identify sustainabb and economiLa#ly feasible systems to increase catue production in the semi-arid areas of Sub-Saharmn Africa. The semi-arid area in Mall repreentats a larger area in the West African region. This research project wi assess sustainability and output of animal production with various bvels of external 234 SPMR Inforation System wqxs. The base wdl be organrc ferbtlizers such as organic manure, egumos plts, peennial rasses and woody plants. Artficial fertdizer is supplmented in order to mainbin sustainabitty of the production system. Input and output of these systems are assessed in finarcial terms. The resut will be ued to develop policy options for sustainable land-use.IER cames out fte pmjed with CABO who prvides techWical eSxperbse. The Research Intute for Agrobioo and Sol Fertlity (AB) * wil be inmved in the research on soi nubtiens. The WAU Departrent of Nature Consewaion partcites in the research on feed crops. Project activities include field research, bboratory research and feed tests on catte to detrine the effects of several systems of pasture or crop marnagemt on sod fertiity and effectiveness of cattle farming. On-teJob trawing is provided. Contact in research oranization: Dr H. Breeman; AB-DLO (Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soi Fertilty), formerly CABO0 LO; P.O. Box 14; 6700 AA Wageningen; The Netherlands; tel: +31-8370-75700; fax: +31-(0)8370-231 10; telex:75209cabonliER (Instit cfrEconomie Rurale); B.P. 258; Mali; tel: 222606 Record nunber (MFN): 05662 Olfis project tite: SADAOC (SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE DURABLE EN AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST CENTRALE). *iwnentir agency: ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy Management). St date: 1992-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Countrylcountries: Africa; Burkina Faso; Ghana; C6te dilvoire; Togo; Statement of objectves/abstract: The project consists of 5 research pro,ects in the held of food security on macro, meso as well as micro levels. The objectives of the project are: (1) to enhance interaction between policy, research and users in the area of food security in the participanting African countries, in order to enable policy makers to formulate a food security polky based on facts and figures; and (2) to strengthen the (existing) research capacity in fthe participating African countries. The acbities are executed by research instiutions in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Cote crlvoire, Togo and The Netherlands, organized in three networks. In each country, a task force is established of researchers and policy makers. The managers of fhe three networks are responsible lor the overall management of the programme. The ECDPM care of the secretanal tasks of the three networks.The following arp specific topics of the esearch programme: (1) decision making processes within production system at farmers level; (2) grain trade and marketing with special attention to the influence of the border betweer. Ghana and Burkina Faso; (3) influence of the current ikastructrure on the production as well as on l;ade; (4) macro-economic changes and the influence on consumption pattems; and (5) the relations between research and 235 SPAAR tnomiation System policy. Specfic proect acvities are as follows: (a) expand and stre the parbtiatng networlks and organize the exdhge between te networks; and (b) organe policy dialogues on food security at regional, provical. natonai and at intemnabonal levels. Contact in research orfganeation: European Centre for Deveopment Poicy tmangement (ECDPM); O.L Vrouweplein 21: 6211 HE Maasbicht tel: +3143 255121 Record number (MFN): 05664 Officil proect tde: PROJET ELEVAGE OPTIMAL AU BURKINA FASO (PfROJET DAPPUI AU PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE PRODUCTION ANIMAL DE LINERA). Implementing agency: INERA. Start dale: 1992C0000. End date: 1996-00-00. CCoudnrykountries: Burkona Faso; Statemaet of objctives/abstract The project concentrates on the generalgmnic siuatbon of Bfuriia Faso, breeding and the rural research progmmes. Analysis of the siuaton of agnuttria research in Burkina Faso before 1982 sowed a multtude of instituions and research priects. The research activies were not concenated on appbcabon in the nation agrultral developmnt process. The nabonal resources are relatvely weak, often there is a back of means to facilitate the research acbvities. The prCt obectves are: (a) to develop sstainable animal pdun systems wih optmal use o natural resources whle mriimg ecobgical risks; (b) to enhance the research capacty in Burkna Faso by traing of researchers and by dissemination o, inhfmabon; (c) to enhance productity by breeding and applying sociocoxnomic and techical measures; and (d) to strengthen the programme Recherche Production Annale (RPA) especially in the field of applying models and evaluate these models n collaboration with the structures and programmes concemed.The programme RPA is operated by 3 groups: one at the Norhern zone (based at Don) and 2 groups based in the Cntral zone (based at Sore-est and Sauia). The programme is coordinated by a precd manager whG is assisted by a Dutch expariate and an associated expert. The prote actfities are the folowing: (a) study on breeding systems; (b) characterinze the situation of animal feed; (c) assess productivity of various herds (i) the composition (age. sexe), (ii) the speed of cmssing of the yeadlngs, and (iii) the fertiity (number of young animals per year, in relation to the femnale adults); (d) compare the productiviy with the estimates of the potential production. and (e) research regarding the nutritional situation of the catle. Contact in research organization: Centre de Rectherches sur les Trypanosomoses Animafes (CRTA); 01 BP 454: 236 SPAAR hnomaton System Bobo,-ioulsso; 01 Buia Faso; bl: 98-21-129827-24; fax (226) 98-28-24 BF; teiex 8227 BF (Pubic) P' nuer (FN): 05665 Oflial 6roled Gde: GEMA CONSERVATION AND iVPROV.EXT GF ARIA BL-aOSK JJACQ) BENTH FOR MULTIPURPOSE USE. hipementing agency Uuversity of Wales, Bangor CNSF, Ouagadougou, BuEina Faso; FRIN, Nigeria; SAFS, Nancy, Frmce; WAU; The Nethelands. Stal die: t993 02-00. End date: 1996-00400. Courfcounhies: Attic; Btfkina Faso; Nigeria; Sttmet of objcivesdabslrad: Pakia Boboa is a legnu bee that ows as semi-arid ar in West Airica. The pods are very ntous, because hey contaim proen and sugas and are used kor babylood. The bast is medicaly purposes. The obectves d the piojed are: (1) to coe and prserve geimn of Parli bigobsa, to oain furt basic Wledg Vough shxly of gene-fow (2) to sudy wegebve propagation, nitogen fixalion and mycohiza n Paia biglobasa, to assess soco-ecoroic ssqinifirance. The speciic project actvite are as folows: (a) seed colecbon in fe region and mprovenent o cold storage, establhment of gene coservabon sites n proteced areas; (b) evaluabon and conservation studies; (c) study of population genetcs d Parlca ao. e dctoowetal (d) study of vegetabve propagain a.o. gaftng; (e) populabon status; and (fl root retwork sthdies to investgate niogen fixation stab- and mycofhizal assoction. Contac in research organization: Prof. dr L.J.G. van der Maesen; Dept. of Plant Taxonomy, Agwcuttural University, P.O. Box 8010; 6700 ED Wageningen; The Netherlands; tel: +31-8370-83170; fax: +31-8370-84917Field Strategy and Management (FSMT) headed by Dr Zwege Tekletiainanot; University of Wales; BangorM. Abdou-Salanw Ouedraogo; cto FAO.Rome; Italy Xfromn February 1993)CNSF; Ouagadougou; Burkina FasoFRIN NigenaSAFS; Nancy; France Record nunber (MFN>): 05668 Ofial project title: GESTION DES RESOURCES NATURELLES DANS LE CERCLE DE NIAFUNKE (GRN). khlwwtenling agency: Afncare/SNV (Association Neerandaise d'assistance a;. Deveioppment). Starl date: 199049-00. End date: 1994-000. Courtry/countuies: Mali; 237 SPAAR bdoion stem Stlemerd d objiersabsdra: Th popct s shiaed i the sixth mgion of Ai, which ha an anrsemanid ctwe . Deaeam natinl resuim s is a maor her n the regon for esui fi*e bod securi. The objee of fe proec is to pmote te effcient use, mafneiV and reab**i f the naal resoumes. The speciE objecves are: (1) b enlarge fe procton and the effiency of fe used resou in te vlaW and (2) l rehbillt natual resou in fiiV c;pec:-- :a. The project has 4 mresearhd ortabons: (a) nagement of water resources; (b) forestry, a ombey awd thie batr e do d forestry management (c) woen develpme adie and (d) itial s1ren$ ng of th Wbcqag MaliaNGOs (Non Goverinew Orgaiszaons).NGOs and SNV are partqit in the projed. A Councl s ronsibe fOr e cordnaon of the prqecL Execuon of te 4 sobprjects S &Ad9d beWeen te paricipatIg gnizatons Adtivies: (A) Manage_, of wafer resouws. (i) consbtnon of dams and dykes, (i) topographical studies of the viage pbns (with GIS), and (iii) aornoicW studbes of the agrtictual syste; (B) Forstry: (i) sty in dep of fe prosected villages, (i) study of the ress in the argel viges; (ii) su d used forestry te cni ; and (iv) disser_iale tie resultsesbish an abou tre in e viilbges; (C) Women and develpment acivites: (i) survey on problm and priones of women, (ii) tainin alphabetizaion ard aritte; and (iii) canry out prioty actvities; (D) Instiuta strengtheningsupport the acmdiniistratve structure and manageme of the NGOs. Contact in eseah organization: Afrnare; B.P. 1792; Bamrako; Mali; tel: 223703SNV Mali; B.P. 2220; Bamako; MaKl; tel: 224327/227024; fax: 229413 Record number (MFN): 05674 Official proect tile: SV-RUGWFST/ECOLOGY. Impnting agency State Univeri of Groningen (RUG). Strtdate: 1992-01-01. End date: 1995-09-30. Country/countries: Burkina Faso. Statemert of objectives/abstract: Since 1981 a cooperation between the State University of Groningen (RUG) and the University of Ouagadougou exists. This cooperation concems among ohrs, curriculum development, economy, ecology and cattie fodder. The poect objectie is to contribute to improved maagemg t of natural resources in Burkina Faso by training of quafied personnel and execute practical and relevant research. The activities of the projecl are: (a) establish an operational aboratory infatucbre of the ecoog laboratory; (b) training of 2 staff members of FST (Faculte des Sciences et 238 SPAAR Iroration Sysem Tedmiques) d the Unierisy of aop geu (c) wo abon and siqpor o anrent researc an poabion ar_I ptoction and managen aspects; (c bmiiion decoog mseah pocy; and (f) edcation in ecology for sdents. Cotad n researc organization: Stab Universiy d Gr*g (RUG); P.O. Box 72; 9700 AB Grong; The Nedelands; 1t +31 -50639111; ebx: 53410 rugro; tax- +31-50635300 Record nuber (N): 05692 OlFcaa protec tie: FOOD SECURITY IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE SAHEUAN ZONE OF MAU. knpientmg agency: Insb fuer KmKugeogaphie der Universitaet Frebixg. Stlidate: 1991-01-01. Enddate: 1993-12-31. County0ounries: Mai; _emeot of ob*edies/abstract Arelysi d podu on. dntruto, makeling and comption of fwod mops - te roe of fte kcal shqpg tWanspoui systen on Ihe Niger Rrvr between te aty of Mopt and fte Lke Debo (Niger-Inland Dela). Contat n mesearch oranzaton: K*ngs, T. Racoxd number (MFN): 05706 Offical protec tite: IMPACT OF RESOURCE STABILIZNG METHODS ON SMALLOLDING SYSTEAS OF THE CENRAL PLATEAU/BURKINA FASO. kpmentn agency: Institut kwer Agraroekonomie derW Uwersitaet Goettingen. Star date: 1992-01-01. End date: 1995-12-31. Country/courtries: Buridna Faso; Stbemiet of objectives/abstract: Anayss of lng-term effects of traditinal methods against resource degradation whch are as wel offered by development agencies in regard of the impact on the fam,-o ovel. Contact n research organization: Wabel, H. 239 SPAAR Irbormalion Systen Recocd nunber (FN): 06763 Offc poed tie: FIELD DEmONSTRATiON OF VERTICAL-LOOKiNG RADAR AS A COST-EFFECTIVE. AUTOMATIC MOMTOR OF DESERT LOCUIST MIGRATION. Im penI'g agency O sas Development Adiistration (NRRD). Stat daie: 199210.1. End ħae: i9954(Z-33 . Cour*Vounres: Ured Kigdom; Maurdaa; Statemert d obedvestabstract The wbr obee do tho s prject is to nftduce VLR as a practca method of _ ie accuacy and rkaty o xecn desert locust popuAos.The mmediate obpedves are:To secure agrmect wih Mu autrtes to cay od field sky.To prepare adars r socad equpme fr field use.To deploy eWne d cand y out intse feld study. compaig VLR data wih scamnng radar dat.To modiy apment and ceate sottwa to alow use by nonspeciaists.To npeme and _evi a longerm operaonal ti of VIR by bcal scientists. Contact in reseach ogzabo: Dr. J.R. Ryle, NPA Radar Unit Leigo Sinton Road; Great Maver; Wonhester WR14 11i1 United Krigdom; Tel 0684 892781 Extn 2193; Fax 0684 840; Telex 337478 Record number (MFN): 05774 Official piqect bte: METEOROLOGICAL DATA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (MDD). Implemernt ageny: Overas Develomt Acnistration (NRRD). Stat dale: 1992-09-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Country/counti: Unied Kingdom; Arica; Gambia: Statement of obsctvestabstract: The wier objectives of the projects are: To incease the range and coverage of data ipA ava to cal weater forecast offties in Africa; To improve Arca Meteorological SeNice outputs to a wide range of cients; To improve weather forecasts in Africa and vabdate model forecasts, which onginate in Europe; To work with WMO, UKMO and local Met Services in defining MOD upgrade paths and future integrated systems. The immediate oblectives are: To (alpha-and beta-) test MOD system in Chaan. suggestng improvements and changes and write a user-friendly applications manual with demonstration disk, for use in country; To instaU and test MOD systems in country and to train local staff in their use. Initially in Ethiopia. Ghana, Zimbabwe and Kenya in 1992-1993. In liaison with oal staff, to set up data capture and product usage that can: a) be monitored locally by NAI. WHO and UKMO; and 240 SPAMR Irnormation Syskem b) be whiced aid ftlopmeW by bcai sta lo met tIhe specic r :enment To monir use d MOO:; To generae an evohirg re t _temere pl br 1MD and Sitegrated sys wih WMO and UIWD and system manuikn Conl in researc orgzabon Dr. C.B. SealDr. R. Bon: Nab"al Resouces Institue; Central Avenue; Ch wm2; Chztam; Ke; 'W4 4TB3Lk;a U -can; .i G63: &6dG ; rak 0634 880066(77; Telex 26390718 LDN G PRed number (WN): 05799 | Ofical protect tie: BIOLOGY OF SALT TOLERACE IN CHRYSOMYA MEGACEPHA (DIPTERA: CALWLPHORIDAE) AND OTHER SPECIES OF BLOWFUES WHICH ARE PESTS OF SALTED-DRIED FISH IN TROPICAL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. hrplmw'g agmy Overs Develpmen Administration (NRRD). Sbl dale: 1993-0I01. End date: 199640-31. Country'couarrIes: Unmbd Kingdom; Global: Malawi; Gabia India, Ba 5desh; Thaiand; Mubysaa Irdonesia St. Piefre aid Mtuein; Stmernt of ob*ecvesl&stract The obves of fe project areDetenrinabon of geographical dsrbubon of salt-lolerwt dvysomya megacephala erntification d odher sat-tolerant blwfly specsUndestidn d physiolog of sal tobec m eggs and larvae of C. megacephalahU:derstaridii of the genecs of salt tolrance. Conct h research organization: Dr. J. Ryder Natual Resources Institut; Central Avenue; Chat Maritime; Chaha; Kent ME4 4TB; Unted Kigdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066/77 Telex 263 907/8 LDN GDr J. Esser School of Food, Fies and Envonmental Studies; University of Humberside; Humber Lodge; 61 Burgate; Grimsby DN34 SMA; United Kingdom; _________________ Recod number (MFN): 05812 Official project title: AFRICAtN SMALL RUMINANT COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (SRNET). hklementing agency: International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Stet date: 1988-07-00. End date: 1993-12-00. Country/countries: Africa; Niger; Senegal; Ethiopia; Swaziland; Togo; Cdte d ivoire; Zimbabwe; Burkina Faso; 241 SPMR hnGonation Systm Swemenl d objeveslabsract The netwok has tree brad operaonal goals; nanely to (a) ass NARSs pnoize lheirsm arnina msearchand devlpment prames; (b) craee a e cal mass of NAISs sdieniss b enioe cakaboraon wilh ILCA and ower stehtdes; and (C) slvili NAPSs si rdinarft poduco researh capacy. The speciic obpcies are: (i i)prwig gerWal aw_enessd gf e onance cn smal ruminants a a baic 'esire lor Wge nmbers oc - d4er awers aid agopas&mabsts uWv i Nnca. (i) ing constrants to iceased prdcvy and pmoducton eicien () defg nswch priories and researc straegies asu9 from csdant idetfcatio; (ri) ercrageg national, renal and Aernalioralsupport and hdng for research and devebpnent (v) strengthening * nInal cap"e throuh tranmg and rsearch suport (vi) codinat essarch actvities lo avoid rWebeion and dkuplicaorn and thus asn efficlent rsr uLtzato; (vi) ftag trsfer of tecnolgy t potena users; and (v.1 advsn nabonal and regional orgsabons on btest research rests aid on Viei utUabon. Cont in research crganizabon: Pid. S.H.B. Lebbie; Coorntor; African Smal Rtninant Collaborative esearch Netfk; Ineratonal ivestock Centre for Anca (ILCA); P.O. Box 46847; Naimb; Kenya; Tel: (254-2) 632-066; Telex: 25747 ILCA KE; Fax: (254-2) 631-481)See*g Committee Chairman: Prot. Yenikoye Aihassane; Universite Abdou ioumouni; B.P. 237/10.896; Nianey; Niger; Tel: (227) 73-27-13Y14; Fax: (227) 73-36-62 _________________ Record numbe (MFN): 05813 Offcial proxtd te: ANIMAL TRACTION RESEARCH NETWORK. Impleenting agency: Intemational Lvesock Centre for Afrca (ILCA). Stardate: 19901 -00. Country/countnes: Atrica; Ethopia; Senegal; Togo; Staemet of objectveabstract: The objecves of the Network are to: (a) provide technial support to national animal action research projects for planning experimt, providing appropiate inumentation, setting up Lboratories and computers, training personnel and helping prepare reports; (b) promote interest in the adoption and potential of animal tracbon; and (c) seek funding fo animal tracton research.Impleinented work and rewlts: Three research projects have been activated with support Irom in-trust funds provided by the European Commission. In Ethiopia, scientists at the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR) are conducting research to study the utilization of draught oxen for different farm activities in relation to feeding pattem, work 242 SPAAR Iromaton System cldu a-nd c*naSe. hI Senegal, soerniss at tie bk A senegalas de redrhes a9rimob IS}A) are conc*di resrh ti stdy the idence of sase -%V wog and nonwodrig NVane- oxen; quwg tihe eficts ot bypancmass and gastro-inlestiniral worm buden (Srngyldes sp) an wok outxu of draught oxen; ard mniorin fhe heal, work ospA, catia ard rep qcW perfmance o bcal draxtd cows an fae. In Togo, rsearch at ti Projet pow la prmoton de la bacSon anale (PROPTA) is nbnded to: prvide quaiate and qUatve informatio on fti agriculurail and indijal byproducts avaitable lu feeding dbrait aimab in he regon; irove metods of slomg agncAural byproduct; ddine adqua ts for draugt oxen based on bcaNy avalable bypnxuctsA dwap a ronust ebctroic instruent for measun tie major pardmers connieced wih work oupu of draoght b Tnals has been desg The instrurent wodks in Iur modes and has ir*eal drgea bale bries which st for 40 h on one dcarge. The fW daft ot an kution ard mantea manual has bee wntten. Cortat in reseamh orgiizabon: P. Lawrence; Network Coordiator -________________ Feo tbci (MFN): 05843 - Of1 projeed tie: .ALLET TRANSFORMAT)ON (SENEGAL). bypWnetn agency: Iterartial revelopment Research Centre. Countryicoitries Seegal; Senit of objectiveslastract Lus ir the n bcaly Tom cerl n Senegal and is eaen by fte dm of te popuaion in nura areas. Its cosumption in uiioar area has declined, party dee to adve dmatc condrons, ard dw mot of work needed to tansform it manally, after dehuiing and rriing, into a popWAr poduo caled 'arraw. The mar stapl d urban populton .s row ric, and brew fom wheat Iour. As a resk of te low demand, farmers now grow milet only for hoe corsumption. To ncreas the demard for milt in wban areas, this proet wi devel-op a bdcn do and s emm padcage hat wil descnbe the corditions needed for settng up viable enterpnses for tranrming millelt gnr nto 'arraw. The research w*i be carned out in dose collaboration wih entepreurs who wil be manag the pdot enterprwes, and manufacturers of equpment. The media wik be nwolved in the execution of the maketng stategy for protroting the mechanically produced arraw. Contact in research organiation: Dr. Ababaw Ndoye: Insttut de technologie amentfkire (ITA); Route de Pores Maristes; B.P. 2765: Hann-Dakar; S n gal 243 .1'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPAAR Iiormaon Syslern Recod n (MFN): 0544 OffIa pject tide: RICE FARMERS. RESEARCH. COMMU/ATION. ANO P'ARTGICPATION. krplemer*ng agency hnlernationrr DeveloM Reseamch Centre. SOaemeN of obieves/abssract Conbucton d the Diana amc Manwea rDs ofes .*w pos es b fr le oaNabvan od rice in the S"a, w'ir. prfeseny inpomt 400 000 boes of nce a bea. Develpmnt of a specalized coftage inustry n poslptucton rne processing ts envisioed. This proect wil crea* a pilo commncato net*ork hat wi bnig tgethe producers, artsans reseaters. and the scues of develpmert wiY a view to organizi an exchange of inromkia on nwe prdcton. pocssig, and rasketing The projed wil involve ta;mg ten in partioipative mehocxs of economc ad ecWhrogc dkagnosis and Idlow-u; tramng poducers and users in use d processig tols and qaity contr; taiing atsans in Nt made of ioved Engerg de s; and taiing research at in agriulgal commncaton. Researchers wit develp and test a sateg for d mat N results of ag ulral researc hrOmgh cal radbo. tvellg audisual shos, and populx theatre. Contat in researrh organizabon: Dr. Ibrahima Dia: Instbtut Seriegaais de echerches agrieos (ISRA); B.P. 240 St. Louis; Sen6gal Record numter (MFN): 05848 Official project tite MANGROVE SWAMP RICE NETWORK (MSRN). hnplbmenting agency West Africa Rice Develoet Associato (WARDA). Start date: 1990-00. Country/countries: Aica: Gamba; Guinea Guinea-issau; Nigefia; Siera Leone; Senegal; Statement of objectiveslabstract: WARDA s magrove swamp nce research programn made a signdicant contnbution to the dselbpment of impoved vanebes for smaller farmers in mangrove swamp nwor# nt. To csole tmese ga and enhance N capacty of Ne gio's NARSs to meet the need for a sustaabe incre in mangrove swamp ce production. a network funded by USAID was estabWhd in 1990.Network acivites hclude env m charactenzation to faclitale more efbft tareing of improved nce tedcobgies, and the deveopment of well-adapd high yeding culbvars from 244 SPMR Inaton System seragag progee. Seeds of pnomsng variees and breeder seeds are purified and mntoed by WARDA for cistiibution to NARSs, exnsion agcies NGOs and farmers and varietal bb are conducted by It six couties i he network. Contact n research arganzabon: Dr MarIb Agyen-Sarnpong; Network CoordinaJ and Enbmnolost West Afnem Rice Develpment Associabon (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote divoire; rel: 225) 96-23-93-324213-414: Fa=: (225) 63-47-14; E-ail: 157:CGI125: Telex: 69138 AORAO Cl. BOIJAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl Record nunber (MFN): 05849 Implemienibno agency: West Alrica Rce Deveopet Associaton (WARDA). Corwkounries: Africa; Gambia; Guirea; Guinea{Bssau; Nigena; Sera Leone; Senegai; Contat i research organiation: Dr. Maftin Agyen-Sampong; etwork Coordao and Entmolgis West Afric Rice Devebpmcrt Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cole davoie; Tel: (225) 63-2396/63-32-42o3-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-!ail: 157 CG1125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl, BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE CIDr. Rotert Guei; West Arica Rice Development Associabon (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote cIvoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-96/63-32-4216345-14; Fax: (225) 6347-14; F-Mail: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl. BOUAK'; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl Record number (MFN): 05850 Imp.--. --qncy: West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). Country, . Africa; Gambia; Gurnea; Gumnea-Bissau; Nigera; Sierra Leone; Senegdl; Contact in .a organization: Dr. Ma en-Samoong; Network Coordinator and Entomologist; West Africa Rice Devekc Ass &ation (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Souake 01; Cote cIvoire; Tel: (225) , .:/J 32-42/63-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 AuRAO Cl. BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE ClDr.Robert Guei; Wesl Africa Rice DevelpmWent Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cot. dIvoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-96/a332-42/63-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CG1125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl. BOUAKE: Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl 245 SPAAR Iormaton System Pecord nube (MFN): 05851 lmplxnertm agen: West Afica Rice C -eopment Associabotn (WARDA). . Co1#r!co*-:ies: Ainca; Gambia: Gurnea; Gutma-Bau, N a Siera Leane; Senegal-, Contact n research organizabon: Dr. Marbn Agyen-Sanporg N *lork CoordOiuaor and Entomgost West Africa Rice Developmen Associaon (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; CGte dtvoire; Tel: (225) 63-2396W3242/6-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-ail: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl, BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE CIDr. Robert Guei; West Afnca Rice Develpnt Associatn (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote crlvoire; Tel: (225) 63-2396J63-32-42/63-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CGI 125; relex: 69133 ADRAO Cl, BOUJAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl Record number (MFN): 05852 -,iementing agency: West Africa Rice Devekpment Association (WARDA). wuntry/countnes: Afnca: Gambia; Gumea; Gunea-Bissau; Nigeria; Sierra Leone; Senegal; Contae n research organuzaton: Dr. Maitin Agyen-Sampong; Networ* Coordinator and Entomdologst; West Afnca Rice Devebpnwnt Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote ctvoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-96/63-3242/63-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl, BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE CIDr. Robert Guei; West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote divoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-96/63-32-42/63-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14: E-Mail: 157:CGI125: Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl. BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl 246