The World Bank 1818 H Street NW. (202) 473-1000 INTERNAIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVEL )FMENT Washington, DC. 20433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD IN HI RNA FIIONA I \ VII 011'\11 N I W0\S X I ON tj.S.A. Cahle Addre',: INDEVAS I OFFCIAL'July 12,2013 Her Excellency Ms. Viviana Caro -CnM Minister Ministry of Devel pment Plai.nil [g La PazW Bolivia Rc: IDA Credit o.5168-B13,1IA: Additional Financing for Urban Infrastructure Project Additional IrstruCtions: AMENDED Disbursement Letter Excellency: I refer td the Finai~cc A ,reemnent (-Agree ment ") between the International Deaopment Association (t]e -WoId Bank"). and the Plurinational State of Bolivia (the 'Rcipent).forlthe above- ret -ren 2ed project, dated March 21, 2013. The Agreement provides that the Vodld Bank miay ssue additional instructions regarding the withdrawal of ilie proceeds o.f IA Cre-lit No. 5168-BO lFinancing"). This letter ("Disbursement Lettc-r"), as revis d from tini, toi tinl c, constitutes the additional instructions. This letter Ii te First Rostatmient of the Disbursement Letter dated March 21. 2013. rfor the abthve referen ed prcect restating (i) Section b (ii) to update the address whlre withdrawa applicaticn hou d be sent (ii) updating Section S (iii with the latest pRecisions for el(ctroiic de very e icluding the related attachments: and 3 T ) clarifying the oesignated 4CCOUnt areaminonts for GAMLP and GAMEA. All other provisions and attachments of the DISiUburrsemn Letter dated March 21. 2013. shall remain in force and effect. The Word Bank Lishurstinent Guidelines for Projects, dated May 1, 2006. (-Disbursement uidelines ) ar an integral part of the Disbursement Letter. The manner in whichithe provis on; in he Disbursement Guidelines apply to the Financing is spe-ified below. Sections an J sL hsections in parentheses below refer to the relevant sec ions and sub ect ons in he Dis )ursement Guidelines and, unless otherwise defined in thi letter, the -apitalized te -ms Used have the meanings ascribed to them in the Disbursement G idelines. I. Disburs!b ent Arriingeime nts (i) Disbursemen Methods (sectiou 2). The following Disbursement Methods may be us.-d under the F,nancing: * Reimbursement * Advances * Direct P4yment (ii) Disburwsement Deadliie Date (subsectioni 3.7). The Di shursement Deadline Date is 4 months after the Closing Date specified in the Financing Agrecment. Any changes to this date will be notified by the World Baik. (iii) Disbursementi Conditins (sibsection 3.8). Please refer to the Withdrawal Condition(s) in Schedule 2, Section IV (B) of the Financing Agreeient. II. Withdrawal of Credit Proceeds (i) A uthorized Signatures (subsectioi 3.1). A letter in the form attached (Attachiment i should he furnished to the World Bank at the address indicated below providing the mnanes and specilmen signatuires of the officials authorized to sign A pplications: The World Bank 1818 Fl Street. N.W. Washington. DC 20433 Ujnited States of America Attention: C. Felipe Jaramillo. Director (ii) Applications (ubsections 3.2 - 3.3). Please piroide completed and signed applications fr o ithdraw al together o ith supporting (locmlients, to the address indicated below: Banco Mundial Setor Comercial Norte Quadra ()2. L.ote A lEdificio Corporate Finance Center 7" andar 707 i 2-9() Brasilia. 1).F. Braril Attention: 1 -mn Department (iii) Electronic Dlelii,eiy (subsetion 3.4) The Association nay permit the Recipient to elect ron ically delixer to the Association Applications (x itlh supporting documents) thrmgh the Association's Client Connection. web-based portal. The option to deli\er AppIlications to the Association by electronic means may be effected if: (a) the Recipient has designated in writing. pursuanlt to (ie termns of suparagraph (i) of this Section. its officiars who are authorized to siten and deli\er Applications and to receive secure identiification credentials ("Sl(ID") froni the Association for the puposc of delixering slich Applications by electron ic eans: and (h) all such officials designated by the Recipient haxc registered as uscrs of Client Connection. If the Association agrces. the Association w ill prox ide the Recipient with SIDC for the designated officials. Follox ing xxhich, the designatcd officials may delier Applications electnnicaly by comnpleting Form 2380. hich is accessible through Cl ient Connection ) . The Recipient may continue to exercise the opiion of preparing and delix ering Applications in paper frn. Tlie Association rescres Ilie right and may. in iIs sole discreton. imporaril or pcrmanetly disallo tlie clectronic delix ery of lpplications b> the Recipient. (iv) Terms and Conditions 9f Use of SIDC to Process Applications. By designating offi.ials to use SIIDC and by :hocsing to deliver the Applications electronically, the Recipient confirnis through 1he autf orized signatory letter its agreement to: (a) abide by the Terms and C< ulihions of U e ol Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electron c Means to Pr cess Applications and Supporting Documentation ("Terms and Cofditions o L se )f Secure Identification Credentials") provided in Attahment 2: and (b to cau ;e such official to abide by those terms and conditions. (v) Minimum falue of Applicaions (subsection 3.5). The Minimum Value of Applications is U$S 200,000 fo:- Diiect Payment and Reimbursement. (vi) Advances (se tions 5 and 6) (1) For Catego I (Part oA'the project) Account D- La Paz Municipality(GAMLP) (2) For Categoy 2 (Part J oj the project) Account E- El Alto Municipality(GAMEA) * Type of Pesignated A 7cot nt (subsection 5.3). Pooled - compatible with the manner in Which the re:ipi nt is applying Supreme Decree No. 29236 which establishes 4 single treas -y aatric ia Iloy es Snor Filnance Officer World Bank Loan Departiment Attachments I.Form for Authorized Signatures 2.Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials (SIDC) in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation, dated March 1, 2013 Attachment I ILetterhead I N linistry of Finance [Street address I JCityl [CountryJ IDATE The We.rld Bank I address Dear I Country Director i: Ee: IDA Credit No. (Project Name) I refer to the Financing Agieemrnt ("Agreement") between Inamel (the "'Recipient") and the Int.rnational Development -As,ocil tion (the *World Bank") , dated _. providing the above Financing. Fr tle purpose; of Section 2.03 of the General Conditions, as defined in the Agreement. any I onpl ( the p rsons vhose authenticated specimen signatures appear below is author Zed on behalf f the Reciptent to sign applications for withdrawal under this Financing. For the purpose of del vc--ing Applications to the Association. leachi of the persons whose authenticated Ipeimen igr atut as appears below is authorized on behalf of the Recipient. acting Iindividually ljointlyl to del ver Applications, and evidence in support thereof on the terms and conditions specified by the A ssociation. :IThis confirpis that th( R cip ent is authorizing such persons to accept Tokens and to deliver the Applicadons and si pp rtir g documents to the Association by electronic means. In full recognition tha the Associatior shall rely upon such representations and warranties, including without limitation, the repiesentations and warranties contained in the Ternis and instruction to the Recipient Stipulale it mor , than one person needs to sign Applications, and hol many or which position, and if any threkholis apply Phase lelete this footnote in inal letter that is sent to the Association InstRuCtion to the Recioieni: Stipula e it mor than one person needs to jaoitlv sign Applications. if so. please indicate the actual numb r. I lease de ele tli ) )ornote inl finial letter that is sent to the Assoiojatiol. Instruction to the Recipien : Use th racke if any one of the authorized persons may sign: if this is not applicable. please delete Pl ase delt re tmis to >more in final letter that is e/t to the Aso iation. Instrii:tion to the Recipient: Use th s hiacke only if several individuals must jointly sign each Application: if this is not applicable. please delete. Plea e d lete his foot/lote ini fiial letter that is sent to tle Associltion. Instril,tion to the Reci pient: Add titus I larag aph if the Recipient wishes to authorize the listed persons to accept Troken,, and to deliker Applications hs el ctro iic means: if this is not applicable. please delete the paragraph. Please delcte ls footilot inl fitial l,etter that is s lt to the Associationi. Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Devices in connectioi with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Docunentation ("Terms and Conditions of Use of Tokens"), the Recipient represents and warrants to the Association that it will deliver to each such person a copy of the Terms and Conditions of Use of Tokens and will cause such persons to abide by those terms and conditions. This Authorization replaces and supersedes any Authorization currently in the Association records with respect to this Agreement. INamel. Iposition Specimen Signature: INanel, Ipositioni Specimen Signature: I Name, I position I Specimen Signature: Yours truly. / sined / (Position I Attachnient 2 Ternjs and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Devices in conndction with Ue of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation March 1. 2013 Th Wkorld Bank Bank)" wk ill irok ide secure identification credentials (SIDC to permit the Borrom er to deliver jpplications for w thdrawal and applications for special commitinents under the Agreement(s) and supporting .1ocu lentation (such applications and supporting documiiiniation togetler referred ti in ti ese Terims and Conditions of ise as Applications) to the Bank electronically. fn t e terms and o nditions of use specified herein SIDC can be either: (a Iiardwar (baser (Physical Token). or (b) software-based (Soft Token). The Bank reserves th_ rijght to d: te mii e which type of SIDC is most appropriate. A. Identificatioh ot Users. l. The Borrow er will be requh ed m ik entiy in a completed Authori/ed Signatory Letter (ASL) dulY delivered to and recis ed t y the Bank each person who will be authoried to deliver Applicationsi Th: Bank m i I provide SIDC to cach person identified in the ASL (Signatory ), as provided he o. The Borrow er shall also immediately notiff the Bank if a Signatory ij no longer a horied by the Borrower to act as a Signatory. 2. Lach Signatory 11s1t registc r a, a user on the Bank Client Connection (CC website iu_ c in micum .. LW MIIu\ ,1) prior to receipt of hi/her SIDC. Registration on CC will reltire that the Sinat ry establish a CC password (CC Password). The S ignatory sh 1l n ot reve d 1 is/h1 :r CC Passs ord to anyone or store or record the CC Password in ritten or (thr to in. Upon registration as a CC user, the Signatory will be assigned a unique identifyi 1- a:count name. B. Initializatiog of SIDC. 1. Piior to initi ili/atio of SIDC by a Signatory. the Signatory will acknow ledge having read. kn erstoot av d a, reed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Lse. 2. Where a Ph,,ial T ken is to be used. promptly upon receipt of the Physical Foken. the Signatory s .1 acce ,s CC tsing his/her account nane and CC Password and anh imcludes LBRt u Ll t o.\ Bo .a er~ icludes d ii ross\er ii tttu tB I) lemn ID) \ credji. Ir Pr,¡ect PrIeparanonI l'ailit ad\ anIce aind thie le I i i a i plan register his/her Phy,sical Token and set a personal ident iftication ininiber (PIN) to be used in connection u ith the use of his/her Physical Token, aier which the Physical Token k\ iii be initialized or use by the Signatory cxclusi \ el'y or puirposes of delivering Applications. Where a Soft Token is to be used. the Signatory witt access CC tsing his/her account name and CC Password and set a personal identiftication nniber (PIN) to be used in connection with the use of his/her Sot Token. alter uhich the Soft Token will be Mitialied or use b\ the Signatory excinsively for purposes of delivering Applications. Upon initializ,ation o the SIDC. the Signatory will be a "SIDC User~. The Bank will maintaiin in its database a user accont (Accotint) for each SIDC User for purposes ef nanaging the SiL)C of the SIDC User. Neither the Borrewer nor the SIDC User will have any, access to the Accoint. 3. Prior to first tse of the SIDC by the SIDC User, the Borrower shall ensure that the SIDC User has received training materials prov ided by the Bank in use of the SIDC. C. Use of SIDC. Use ot the SIDC is strictily limited to use in the delikery et Applications by the SIDC UNer in the imanner preseribed by the Bank in the Agreeient(s) and these Terms and Conditions. Any other lise o the SIDC is prohibited. 3. The Bank assnies no responsibilit er liability wh atsee er fr any- misuse of the SIDC by the SIDC ser, other representatis es of the Borrov er. er third parties. 3. The Borroes r undertakes to ensure. and represent-s and u arrants to the Bank (such representation and w arranty beng expressly relied upon by the Bank in granting SiDC) that cach S DC User understands and u i abide by, these Terms and Condition'. tf Use, including without limilation the follow ing: 4. Security 4.1. The SIDC ser shl not re\ eal his/her PIN to anyone or store or record the PIN in written or otlher form. 4.2. The SIDC User shall not allow anyione else to utilie his/her SIDC te deliver an A pplication to the Bank. 4.3. The SIDC User shll always logout rmn CC when nt usi ng the system. Failure to logoutt properly can create a ronte into the s\sten that is uinprotected. 4.4. if tlie SIDC tser believes a third party has learned his/her PIN or has lost his/her Physical Token he/sli sliall iimmivtediatel' notit\ l. on\ i 1 ok 4.. The Borro er shl iimMediatelv notity the Bank at ofet an ,st. stolen or coimpromtisedc SIDC. and take other reasonable steps lo ensuie such SIDC are di sabled imiinedliately. 5. Revervation ofRight to Di,ab'e S DC 5.1. The Borrower sha I reser, e the right to revoke the authorization of a SIDC User to use a SIDC for any reast n. 5.2. The Bapk reserves th- rielht, in its sole discretion, to temporarily or permanently disable a SIDC. ce-activAte a SIDC User's Account or both. 6. Cre of Physical Tokens 6.1. Physica:l Tokens ill rem ain the property of the Bank. 6.2. The Bank will ally deliver a Physical Token to each Signatory designated to receive one it) a manner to e d termined by and satisfactory to the Bank. 6.3. Physic;ll Tokens con ain ielicate and sophisticated instrumentation and therefore should be haildled with IuC car and should not be immersed in liquids, exposed to extreme tempera.ures, c-us led )r bent. Also, Physical Tokens should be kept more than five (5) cm fliom device!, that enerate electromagnetic radiation (EMR). such as mobile phones, phore-enabled PD%s, mart phones and other similar devices. Physical Tokens should be caitriec and store I separate from any EMR device. At close range (less than 5 cm). these devices can c ut[ ut h Igh levels of EMR that can interfere with the proper operation of electronic (qu pm nt, including the Physical Token. 6.4. Withopt derogatini fron these Terms and Conditions of Use. other technical instructions On the prop 'r L se a lid care of Physical Tokens are available at 7. Replacement 7.1. Lost. Canaged. coin romised (in terms of 4.5, above) or destroyed Physical Tokens will be r-placed at the ixpense of the Borrower. 7.2. The Bank rcservc s the ri zht. in its sole discretion, not to replace any Physical Token in the' case of mi4Lsus, o not to reactivate a SIDC User's Account. N 2' '-4