* "NIISLEL-AUDIT" LLC AUDITOR'S REPORT Improving Primary Education Outcomes For The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project No.TF012100 Financial statements as of December 31, 2016 Ulaanbaatar 2017 "NIISLEL AUDIT" LLC Certified audit, appraisal and accounting consultancy company INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To: Mr. Mitsuaki Toyoda Country Director Improving Primary Education Outcomes for The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project "Save the children" Non-Governmental Organization Grant No: TF012100 We have audited the Financial Management Reports comprising the balance sheet, project source and uses of funds by project activity, disbursement report and the designated account statement of Improving Primary Education Outcomes for The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project Grant No: TF012100 for the year ended December 31, 2016. The management of Improving Primary Education Outcomes for The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project is to prepare the Financial Management Reports on the cash receipts and payments basis in conformity with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). On this basis, cash receipts are recognized when received and cash expenditures are recognized when paid rather than when incurred. Our responsibility is to express an opinion thereon based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board of the International Federation of Accountants. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the interim financial reports are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining on test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the interim financial reports. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall statement presentation. We believe our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the Financial Management Reports have been prepared in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standard issued by the Public Sector Committee of the Federation of Accountants, presented fairly the cash receipts and payments of the project during the year ended December 31, 2016 and furthermore in all material respected, expenditure have applied to the purpose intended in the Grant Agreement, Grant No: TFO 12100. Utaanbaalar city, Sukhbaatar district, Saga toiruu-44 Phone/Fax: 31-89-18, 70120095 E-mail: info@nfistelaudit.mn UJ I1 Japan Social Development Fund -TF012100 "IMPROVING PRIMARY EDUCATION OUTCOMES FOR THE MOST VULNERABLE CHILDREN IN RURAL MONGOLIA PROJECT-130760 AUDITED BALANCE SHEET (as of 31 December 2016) (USD) 2015.12.31 2016.12.31 ASSET Cash Small fund /MNT/ . . Designated account /USD/ 198,325.80 157,509.00 Total cash 198,325.80 157.509.00 NON-CURRENT ASSET Goods 539,811.65 643,433.95 Consultant's services 236,936.30 276,147.08 Training 808,016.25 1,005,166.97 Civilworks 27,202.46 27,202.46 Community Block Grants 72,488.49 99,618.39 Operating costs 121,232.81 146,077.40 Non-financed funds 209.65 0.01 Total 1,805,978.61 2,197,686.26 TOTAL ASSET 2,004,304.41 2,355,195.26 LIABILITIES AND SOURCES Sources Grant Fund from Japan Social Development Fund 2,000,579.00 2,349,909.00 "Save the Children" Non-governmental Organization Fund Total sources 2,000,579.00 2,349,909.00 Bank net interest income Designated account net interest income 3,725.41 5,286.26 Total net interest income 3,725.41 5,286.26 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SOURCES 2,004,304.41 2,355,195.26 Mitsuaki Toyoda Gereltuya Ts. Country Director C Project Manager Bulgan B.K n Finance Manager d L) LH .. .......... "NIISLEL AUDIT" LLC -1 Certified audit, appraisal and accounting consultancy company INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To: Mr. Mitsuaki Toyoda Country Director Improving Primary Education Outcomes for The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project "Save the children" Non-Governmental Organization Grant No: TF012100 We have audited the accompanying statement Sources and Uses of Funds of Improving Primary Education Outcomes for The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project submitted to the World Bank during the year ended December 31, 2016 in support of credit withdrawals under the Grant Agreement, Grant No: TFO 12100. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards that accordingly included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the statement of Sources and User of Funds. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall statement presentation. We believe our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the statement of Sources and Uses of Funds submitted together with the internal controls and procedures involved in their preparation can be relied upon to support the application for credit withdrawals. "Niie t"&LC L I Ulaanbaatar city, Sukhbaatar district, Baga toiruu-44 Phone/Fax: 31-89-18, 70120095 E-mail: info@niisfelaudit.mn U .. .. Japan Social Development Fund -TF012100 "IMPROVING PRIMARY EDUCATION OUTCOMES FOR THE MOST VULNERABLE CHILDREN IN RURAL MONGOLIA PROJECT-130760 AUDITED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS (as at 31 December 2016) (USD) EJi Accumulated as Accumulated as of 31.12.2015 of 31.12.2016 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Beginning balance of monetary asset Grant Fund from Japan Social Development Fund 2,000,579.00 349,330.00 2,349,909.00 "Save the Children" Non-governmental Organization Fund Non-financed source Total sources 2,000,579.00 349,330.00 2,349,909.00 Bank net interest income 3,725.41 1,560.85 5,286.26 Total other sources 3,725.41 1,560.85 5,286.26 TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS 2,004,304.41 350,890.85 2,355,195.26 USES OF FUNDS Goods 539,811.65 103,662.30 643,433.95 Consultants' services 236,936.30 39,210.78 276,147.08 Training 808,016.25 197,150.72 1,005,166.97 Civil works 27,202.46 - 27,202.46 Community Block Grants 72,488.49 27,129.90 99,618.39 Operating costs 121,232.81 24,844.59 146,077.40 Amount withdrawn and not yet claimed 290.65 (290.64) 0.01 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT 1,805,978.61 391,707.65 2,197,686.26 Financing balance 198,325.80 (40,816.80) 157,509.00 Designated account 198,325.80 (40,816.80) 157,509.00 Operating account TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 198,325.80 (40,816.80) 157,509.00 Mitsuaki Toyoda Gereltuya Ts. Country Director Project Manager Ru Finance Manager Ui U "NIISLEL AUDIT" LLC Certified audit, appraisal and accounting consultancy company INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To: Mr. Mitsuaki Toyoda Country Director Improving Primary Education Outcomes for The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project "Save the children" Non-Governmental Organization Grant No: TF012100 f r1 We have audited the accompanying the Statement of Expenditures (SOEs) of Improving Primary Education Outcomes for The Most Vulnerable Children in Rural Mongolia Project submitted to the World Bank during the year ended December 31, 2016 in support of credit withdrawals under the Grant Agreement, Grant No: TFO 12100. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards that accordingly included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the Statement of Expenditures. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall statement presentation. We believe our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the Statement of Expenditures submitted together with the internal controls and procedures involved in their preparation can be relied upon to support the application for credit withdrawals. LJ U "Nii dit'LC Ulaanbaatar city, Sukhbaafar district, Baga toiruu-44 Phone/Fax 31-89-18, 70120095 E-mail: info@niislelaudit.mn U .. .. Japan Social Development Fund -TF012100 "IMPROVING PRIMARY EDUCATION OUTCOMES FOR THE MOST VULNERABLE CHILDREN IN RURAL MONGOLIA PROJECT-130760 AUDITED SUMMARY OF APPLICATION FOR WITHDRAWAL (as at 31 December 2016) (US1 Claimed Financing Number Note date Amount date Amount Cumulative as of 31 December 2015 1,805,730.86 22000,579.00 Reference 1 2 3 4 WA-12 4 21-Apr-2016 70,135.25 22-Apr-2016 120,000.00 WA-13 4 22-Sep-2016 108,404.54 27-Sep-2016 109,330.00 WA-14 4 02-Dec-2016 121,012.22 02-Dec-2016 120,000.00 WA-15 4 20-Apr-2017 31,896.21 20-Apr-2017 - 4 20-Apr-2017 60,550.07 20-Apr-2017 - Total as of 31 December 2016 391,998.29 3493o0.00 Total 2,197 729.15 2-349,909.00 Note: 1. These applications for withdrawals disbursed in reporting year and financed by World bank. 2. These applications for withdrawals were not transferred to Designated account, but paid directly from World bank. 3. These applications for withdrawals disbursed in previous year and received financing from World bank in reporting year. 4. These applications for withdrawals disbursed in reporting year, but not claimed from World bank. Mitsuaki Toyoda Gereltuya Ts. Country Director Project Manager Bulgan B. Finance Manager rr Geool K%Q 4n n -oO n 0 <'4conoc nmn.o0mo 0 f8 = c> -P4 eoc= r50000v 00 CNc " " = =c Ø ø " - .- * o u r i- r EJCO tj C> % DflaIr- - aCN r-