E1212 Vol.8 Report On Conduction of Project Implementation Plan Discussion Workshop Forest Protection and Reforestation Project The workshop was conducted on May 21 2005 in Kyzylorda city in conference-hall of Aiganym hotel. Twenty six persons took part in the workshop, including representatives of regional working groups, officials of local executive bodies, independent experts on forestation on the DAS and pastoral management (the list of participants is enclosed). The structure of the workshop can be represented in the following way: - Hearing of the reports of the representative of Kyzylorda regional territorial department for forestry and hunting, Project Coordinator (Workshop Moderator), Specialist of the IBRD Representative Office in the RK, environmental assessment expert, experts on forestation on the DAS and pastoral management expert in the first half of the day; and - Conduction of two working groups in the second half of the day according to the following topics: 1) Forestation on the DAS (Moderator - Mr. Kaverin) 2) Improvement of Pasture Management in Kyzylorda oblast (Moderator - Mr. Kussayev) The agenda is also attached. The fundamental report in the workshop was report disclosing the environmental assessment matters. Specifically Mr. K. Nurymgereyev - expert of consulting group on environmental assessment made a presentation of the following reports: - Fundamental Environmental Assessment Report; - Report on the DAS environmental assessment; - Report on Biodiversity. The afore-mentioned reports were discussed and scheduled activities under the component supported by the workshop participants. The brief summary of the discussions on the environmental assessment can be presented in the following way: - Plantations on the DAS will have significant positive impact on the ecology of the region with regard to the restraining of desertification processes, land degradation and biodiversity conservation; - Only the planting itself will cause considerable rehabilitation of vegetation cover in rather a short period of time. Once the planting is established a favorable microclimate for the natural vegetation of the Dry Aral Sea bed will be created; - It is necessary to conduct accurate environmental monitoring at all stages of the amelioration works: from the site planning phase to the stage of control over conservation of planted areas. On the whole the environmental assessment report was assumed as a high-quality paper and seconded by the participants. In general the workshop was held effectively; all the workshop participants expressed their support of the significance and need for conduction of activities of Environmental Amelioration in Kyzylorda oblast component. It has to be marked that members of working groups are well familiar with project preparation process and its main components. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides, members of working groups assented from their part to inform local communities living in the vicinity and in the project area about the project objectives and tasks as well as scheduled timings of its implementation. In addition the workshop participants demonstrated great interest to the Competitive Grant System. During the workshop the participants expressed the following requests: - In order to perform field work under the project it is necessary to involve first of all only local population and local contractors, as they know actual situation in the area better as well as they have experience in executing similar tasks in the field; - It is necessary to procure planting machinery for Leskhozy under the project rather than rent it; - There is a need to conduct research on sale/market of livestock production to ensure farmers' interest in participating in pastoral management subcomponent; - It is essential to envision procurement of Seed Pelleting Equipment under Kyzylorda component; - In view of the fact that planting operations will start in 2007, provided there appear some problems with procurement of planting material, Syrboiy Ormany LLP will have the capacity of approximately I million seedlings for sale by the time of actual project planting. Project Coordinator, Zhan Muratbekov The Forestry and Hunting Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Forest Protection and Reforestation Project Grant TF051351 for project preparation Project Implementation Plan Discussion Workshop Kyzylorda city, May 21 2005 Agenda 9:00 Participants' registration 9:40 Welcoming word, introduction of participants The importance of the project implementation for forestry sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Mr. M. Zhunusov, Deputy Head of Kyzylorda regional territorial department for forestry and hunting 9:50 Current status of project preparation process Mr. Muratbekov, Project Coordinator (Workshop Moderator) Questions and comments 10:00 Access Restriction Framework Mr.Urazov, Specialist of the IBRD Representative Office in the RK 10:10 Presentation of the report on the outputs of the Environmental Assessment Component * Principles and examples of the environmental assessment * Objectives, arrangements, outputs The Dry Aral Sea bed (DAS) Environmental Situation Mr. Nurymgereyev, environmentalist Questions and comments 10:40 Coffee-break 11:10 Project impact upon rangelands condition improvement in the region Mr. Kussayev, pastoral management expert Questions and comments I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11:30 Environmental amelioration on the DAS and its role in environmental condition improvement in Aralsk region Mr. Kaverin, saxaul rehabilitation expert Questions and comments 11:50 National Institutional Development under the Project Mr. Zh.Muratbekov, Project Coordinator 12:00 Summary of results, introduction of tasks of the working groups, assignment of the participants according to the following working groups: * Forestation on the DAS (Moderator - Mr. Kaverin) * Improvement of the Pasture Management in Kyzylorda (Moderator - Mr. Kussayev) 12:20 General questions and answers 12:40-14:00 Lunch 14:00 Subject-matter group work 15:30 Coffee-break 15.45 Presentation of groups 16:15 Conclusion and prospects Mr. Zhunusov, Deputy Head of Kyzylorda regional territorial department for forestry and hunting The Forestry and Hunting Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Forest Protection and Reforestation Project Grant TF051351 for project preparation Project Implementation Plan Discussion Workshop Kyzylorda city, May 21 2005 List of Participants Chief Specialist of Kyzylorda Regional Territorial Department 1. M r. Zhokenov for Environmental Protection 2. Mr. Shokbarov Chief Inspector of Kyzylorda Oblast Akim Machinery Head of Division on Forest and Wildlife Protection of Kyzylorda 3. Mr. Akhmetov Regional Department IpHpOqHbIX peCypCOB H __pHpOAOHOJ1b30BaHHA Chief Specialist of Kyzylorda Regional Territorial Department 4. Ms. Aralbayeva for Forestry and hunting 5. Ms. Zhidebayeva Chief Specialist of Kyzylorda Regional Department for Statistics 6. Mr. Almatov Director of Kyzylorda Regional Weather Monitoring Institution Head of Kyzylorda o6nacTHoro Regional Territorial Department 7. Mr. Nugayev for Environmental Protection 8. Mr. Issmailov Director of SYR TABIGATY LLP Head of Division of AgroPhytoAmelioration and Soil Fertility, 9. Mr. Djamantikov Institute for Agroecology and Agricultural Researches of Aral'sk region lo. Ms. Djuginissova Specialist ZHENSCHINY ARALA (Aral Women) NGO Director of Aral'sk State Institution on Forest and Wildlife 11. Mr. Zholakhanov Protection 12. Mr. Erdykalykov Head of Division of Aral'sk Rayon Department of Economics 13. Mr. Bolekov Chief Specialist of Agricultural Division of Aral'sk Rayon 14. Mr. Shalbayev Akim of Zhanakurylys Rural Distnrct of Aral'sk Rayon 15. Mr. Zhienbayev. Akim of Karateren Rural District of Aral'sk Rayon 16. Ms. Pirkauova Chairperson of Resource Center of Aral'sk Rayon 17. Mr. Tursinbai Director of Barsakelmes State Natural Reserve 18. Ms. Alimbetova. Deputy Head of Barsakelmes State Natural Reserve Deputy Head of Production Division of Almaty Forest Selection 19. Mr. Borzov Center 20. Mr. Zuyev Almaty Forest Selection Center Specialist 21. Mr. Urazov Specialist of the IBRD Representative Office in the RK 22. Mr. Muratbekov Project Coordinator, Saty-Invest LLP 23. Mr. Tolegenov Kyzylorda Regional Coordinator, Saty-Invest LLP 24. Mr. Kussayev Pastoral Management Expert 25. Mr. Kaverin Forestation Expert 26. Mr. Nurymgereyev Environmental Assessment Expert wbO1001 P:\KAZAKHST\RURENV\GENERAL\Kazakhstan Forestry Project (P078301)\Enivronmental Assessment Report Vol 1-8\Kyzyl Orda workshop.doc 03.08.2005 14:19:00