1 3q;5 SPAAR Inforniatioii Syste, WEST & + CENTRAL AFRICA Special Program for Africam Agricultural Research -rugranuo e Speca pour la RechercheAcde en Afr:q. e internationaal agransch C _. SP'xAR - , >- Wageninge 14 SepMnter 1994 Dear reader, Tlis s a 1hadxp seecwn of data from the SPAAR kh aion Sysm (SS per March 1994. The SfI5databas contains rilrTaton remgading anerit aulural research prjects ided or executed by organiaon in donor cotmri j te lst 5S1- meetin Roae 1994 flte ationa Agicula: Centre (IAC) ii te Netherands *as asked to dishtbute hardcop cntouts on demand during 19941995. 'This docimnent contiais a sebction of proects conceonig West & Ceo" Afrka (Ben. Camneo. Congo. C6te dhcire. Eqor Gunea. Gabon. Ghana. Guie GuineaZGsau, Leria, Nigeri Sao Tone and Pripe. Sierra Leone. Togo. Za"e) and is pesented i 3 pals - ar overview o pojects by red discipine (yellow pages): -an ovev of prets by com (grey pages); -desadons of prcject-cortent (white pages), The Specid Progrzue for Akrm Agicufural Research (SPAAR) emerged as an ir'bawe in the nm1-eig1ies to ence agiculkral prodction in Ainca by rcreasing donor c aDruiabon ihe lle of agricttual research. The SPAAR khirmaim System (SIS) was developed o oxne to grs with the mreasig nunber of acrites. nt oompleents the registration of naronal wdxed projects o FAOFs databs CAFRS- At present over 4000 proects are ecorded n S;S wliich are now avalable on varDtus CD-ROMs (AGRRISEARCSilver Patter and DAI-R4DWIDRC) The SS operates as a system in which la point donor coouines or agecies are responsible o co4eton of donor- olect data. Foal points are ATSAF (Gennarr). NRI (Jnited Kigdom). iDRC (Carada ad for Japanese data). USAID (United States od AMec). CIRAD (France) and IAC (tle Netherland). Oew ocal poIns ame bcated in aid-agerrcis such as the WViod Bank The SPAAR Sereu iat at the Word Bak s r e for updatig and dbtig the cdtabase to SiS focal orits. uisers n ieonal research sysrs aid oter relevant ovgwizabons. The software is based on CDS-ISE P order to acktate free dstribubon. The ciass6cataan of projects is done on the bais of ASFE-CAS keywords ard in adcbon keywords ae alted from FACYs AGAOCOC-thea ns. Free cassicaton terns are developed by tAC to aggreate proects axier major themes by contibm AGFUSICARIS categoris You are welcom to contaz the SPAAR-SecretaiL Mr F. Neumnai K.Vernnooten at tAC or your nearest SL--focal pont for hirther wiomnatioregardig SIS or for obtaiing the database Yours si "re, Frans Nernnan Karin Verrnooten The SPAAR scretaiat Ir. F. Neuarrhs- K. Vernooten Ihe Wod Bark IAC Wagewgen 1818 H Sreet. N-W. P.OBox 88 WwJV DC 2433 6700 AS Wageigi USA The Nedobeds Phone: (202) 473-8964 Phore:- (+31-XO)8370 9C234190676 Fax: M) 473-8231 Faxc i+31.-X0)8370 18552 Telex 248 423 WOPLD BANK N\ (IAC @ FNAGRO.I Tht s p b awas na te poss ie ty The b wasksrVxeto(die kesearch. Prograre DSTve dST ffhe M' eiayo(Fcw Aa,s he NeAertands IL - ----- -- - - s-s - e e- - - - - t I jS 69- - ------ ..............................................-. ... 4........ ...... -NX)(W 609- ------------------------- ----- - - - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - wq6w 69 .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .Xanq pup- soeux jw qsa&u p 69 \ ---- -- --- - --- - -- - --O L9 . w zw<. (02103) Multiateral Cooperation Drvision. Economic Cooperation Bureau, MOFA. JAPAN- Zou Provirce rural development project. 01001) 'World Bank: Beninm Animal physioogy - Reproduction Develpment of breehrg methods for iproved utbzabon of local gene resources in po!*y for .nprovvig he productivwy of ristock and production of animal protein in Cameroon. (04642) Institute of Animal Research: Cameroon. Evaluation of proauctivity of loca' hair sheep populabions and introduction of high yieWding genetic material through crossbreeding. (04641) Institute of Animal Research. Camneroon. Investigabon in biological parameters of Achat-a achata (03806) Lkiersitaet Goettugen. hivsaifion in pochon and repoducton records and ther nterrelatiship with enwonmental factors in DiaLbonke sheep in Ghana (01443) Dettsche Forschurfgsgemersctaft (DFG). Ibestijations on significance of maor genes for breedig of layers and brotiers m tropical bcaions (Caneroon)- (04643) InsSittA of Anin Research: Canieroon. tigatins on the interation between typaosom chlege and nutritiora status of DjaIlore sheep in the suxihmid savanna of West Afxa (04621) i-taet H d"enhemn. Lnkesod (onrmy Livestock sevicesV (03421) Wod Bank; Ghana 17 rIdex of projects by discipine Manaqement of the West Afncan Dwarf Goat in the humid trop;cs ,Phase li an-d II1. (03625) Agricultrl University Wageningen. Management of the West African Dwvarf Goat in the Humid Tropics (Phases !i and ilI. (055081 Agricuitural University Wageningen. The Netherlands fDept. Animal Husbard.'v: Dept- Agncunurai EconornicsrObafemi Awolowo University. (Dept of Animal Science,, Hle-e, Nigeria. Phenoics including tarnins in multipurpose trees and browse anrd their ef"ect oc ruinaant nutrition and health. (04620) Universitaet Hohenherm. Productivity of authochlones cattle breeds in the humid and subhumid zone of West ASnca (04628) Geselschaft fuer tedcnische Zusanrrmenarbedt (GTZ). Significance of rotationai crossbreeding for inproving productive adaptabiity of pigs at tropical kcations (Cameroon;, (04644) Institute of Aninal Research: Care-roon. Study on reproduction criteria of the Grasscu,ter. (04623) Univershaet Hohienfeirn. The effect of tannris on nutrient digesfibdit1 and armral perforrance in smafl rurrinants. (04635) Unwversitaet Hrhenheim. Animal physiolgy and bioch-meristry Developnent ot breeding methods for improved utiizat!on of bocal gene resources in poultty for improvng the productMty of hvestock and production of animnal protein :n Cameroon. (04642) nstirte of Animla Research: Carnerorn. Evaluation of productiity of oca! hasr sheep populations and introduction of hig yielding gerelic material through crssbreeding. (04641) Institute of Animal Research. Cameroon. Phenoics including tariins !n multpwpose trees and browse and their effect on xrutf nuion and health. (04620) Uninersitaet Hohenm. Signifance of rotatioai cmssbreedpg for improving productive adaptability of pigs at tropicai bcaos (Cameioon). (04644) Institute of Anr"r Research-; Caneroon. 18 Index of projects by discpkne Animal structure Development of breeding rnethods for improved utilization of local gene resources in poultry for improvng the productrvity of livestock and production of animal prolein in Cameroon- (04642) institute of Animal Research: Cameroon. Evaluation of productivity of local hair sheep populations and introduction of high yielding genetic material through crossbreeding. (04641) Institute o0 Anirral Research. Cameroon. Identification of Bactena through analysis of mretabolic products and celi components by mears of Gas Liquid Chromnatography (GLC). (03786) Institute for Tropical Anima: Health. Universty Goettngen. investigations on signiticance ot major genes for breeding of layers arid broilers in tropica locations (Cameroon) (04643) Institut of Aninal Research. Carneroon Significance of rotational crossbreeding for .Mi.proving productive adaptablity of pis at tropical locations (Cameron). (04644) insttue of Anknal Research Cameroon. Animal taxonorny and geogriphy Congo wdIdiands protection ard management (04482) Global Environmental Facdity; Congo. Ecoiogical protection (fornerly For-estry and environment). (01178) World Bank: Caireroon. Environmental action pograrn. (04412) World Bank; Benin. National resot%cesmnar-gefment support. (01 185) U.S. Agency for Intemrational Development Natural resouroe management project. (01186) Word Bark- Central African Republic. Aquftu prokucbon and maagmen Esh cuitire expansion. (01887) U.S. Ageny for Intemrational Dvelopment Oprial ranagement of aquaculture of pond systems n devekoping countr es. (01464) LUnesiaet Kid. Pond cutlxe (Ghana). 19 Index oi proiects by discplne (02501) International Development Research Centre. US,'lsrael program for cooperabve development research. (01949) U.S Agency for .ntemational Development Aquatc ecology Optmal rmanagement of aquaculture of pond systems in develoPing counjrjes. (0 *4 `) Universibet Kiel. Consumer economics Agroecoronic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Afnca (01222) Rockefeller Foundation. tUIPSSET: Afrcan agriculture - year 2000 program. (02071) Nigera lnsttue of Plant Science and Solar Energy!Technobgy. Pen-urban vegetable procuctiGn and consurnplion in Sub-saharan Africa ,(4905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Develoorent Center (AVRDCi. Pond ciaiture (Ghana). (02501) [nternational Deveoprnent Research Centre. Research prograrnr.;e on food security. strategies and policies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel InstitLte. Cooperatives Agncultural services rehabditation. (01207) 'Norld Bak Togo. Center West agicultWat development project (01004) World Bank Cote dhtvoire National agricutural servi;es. (02095) World Bark; Cote dlvoire. Palm od extraction (Cameroon). (02426) Iniemational Developmernt Research Certre. Rural organizations and pariicipation (Sierra Leone) (04259) International DevelopmTt Researh Centre. Second Western Province niral development. (01 135) World Bank, Cameroon. 20 Index of projects by discipline Crop husbandry African Small Rurniant CoDaboratrve Research Network (02620) Interational Fund for Acricuhural Developmen. Agncuttural diversifcation project. (02026) Word Bank: Ghana Agncutiral price pohtics of the Benin and the effect on produiction. dissemination of income, budget and balance of payments. (01412) Universitaet Hohenheim. Agcutitual privatization and snaifholder devioment (formerly AgnicuiAtral sector developmerith- (03746) World Bank, Sao Tome & Prircipe Agcultural restructuing and diversification (fonneriy Export promotion/diversification. formerly PriNate export crops). (01104) World Bank: Carneroon. Agrwaihfai sector deve3opment (02030) YWord Bank- Gwnea-Bssau. AgultAral seraices restructuring profect, (01117) World Bank, Benin. Agroecorxnic study of cassava in Sub-Sahi-aran Africa (01222) Rockefefer Fouidation- Ag-onmnic Fertiizer Research Program (AFRP). (02147) Internaonal Fertilizer Development Center. Afrnca (IFDC-Africa). Agroonioc Network for East and Southem Afria. (02611) United Nations Development Program (UNDP): World Bank. Appied researdc progarnne: Network for Hui Lowbnds of West Afica (HULWA-AFRENA). (02618) Inteaional Cot for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). CAR - Rura] development (01894) U.S. Agec for InternLational Developrent. Ce.ter West agticuraI devermen project (01004) Wold Bank Cote dtvoire Cenr AViculx Research Irstitute (0108) Food and Agriuure Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Cocoa reh*abion pnject (01010) World Bank Ghana 21 Index of projecs by disc-Dlre Collaborative Researaen Suppo- Pmoarnm fCRSPi: Beans and cowpeas- (0'345) U S. Agency nternatonai Deveioprment (USAiD>;Michigan State Univers;-% Collaborative Research Support Programr (CRSPI: Peanuts (01341) U.S. Agency for Internmatoal Development (USAlDWItire-srty of Geo-oa. Co'ton area rural develol: men! oroject. (01132) World Bank: Central African Repub4c. Crop diversificalton and agrcutw a! serv!ces pro,ect (01 193) W;orld Bankr: Eauatona! G !nea Development and prorretin of approorate tools arnd rnplement for tte agricu!turaq an foud processirng sectors (interrm phase) (ILO.!89;INTM03). ,05648) -0 (hItemattinal Labots Office- Developpement Bas Fonds de Riz production Bafata- (056W0) SNV (Assiciation Neeianldais d'Assistance au Deveioppement). Devreopperrent des recherches merees en zone de foret dense burnlie darts le oomane de ragroforesterie Development af agroforestry research carried out -n the toptcal ran forest zone. (04654) Urn.'eislaet Bayreuth. Egus shelers (Cameroor,)- (02429) Internatonal Development Researcn Centre. Evaluahon of tropical lowland forage kˇgurnes for sub-nurnid Wiest Afnca at ILCA (03779) Unversdaet Giessen. Fifh oil pali development proiect. (01006) World Bank: Cote dlvorre. Food secuity (04411) WMorld Bank. Benin. Food secraty proect. (04160) World Baank Cameroon. Fo-jth rubber project (004W) Wo4ld Bank: Cote crdvoire- Global 2000 - Sas*awa Afnca itibatrve a4ulture projecL (01291) Giubal 2000 Fowd Guekedou agi ll d6velopmert project. (01 136) Woiod Baink Guinrea. Icease of pro vy and control of diseases of mia ruminants. (03410) CILSS-Sahel lkt^ute. 22 Index of projects by discipine Industria crops. (01208) World Bank: Zaire. INIBAP/Taxonoinc Linguistic Study of Plantain Cult-vars in Africa. (05649) INIBAP. International Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRDB). (01 212) International Rubber Research and Development Board. Livestock (fornerly Livestock servces). (03421) World Bark: Ghana. Maize lULulua agricultura; development Droject. (01162) Wodd Bank: Zaire. Meatish processing (NWena). (02428) Internabonal Deveblpment Research Cen.re. Nationai agricultura extension and adaptive research project. (01191) World Bank: Conco. National agricultural research (01134) World Bank: Carneroor. Nabonal agricultural rsearch project. (0121 1) World Barn: Zaire. NationlW agnctrNurai research project (01332) World Bank: Ghana Nationa agricultural rsearch project (01673) World Bank Nigena Natnal hestock developmert il (04415) World Bank: Cer African Republic. National livestock project (01131) World Bank: Centr African Repubic. Nanpaia agxcural e Nxp t staton. Tamale (01425) Gesefsc t fuer Tednische Zusa menabet (GTZ) On-Farm Fertilizer Adoption Program (OFFAP). (02148) kntraonal Fertizer DevelopreO Center, Ahca (IFOCAftica). Paim o3 processing (Ssera Leone). (02365) 1ma;onal Develom Research Centre. Pksban vegeta prodoction and conmsuTo in Sud6s*an Africa 23 Index of projects by discidpine (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Developmrent Center (AVRDC!. Programrme for Improvement of Potatoes in Central Afna f Prograrnme Regional pcur I'Amelioration de la Culture de la Pomme de Terre en Africue Centrale' (PRAPAC). (02079) U.S. Agency for International Development. Programme for the strengthening of research on production sys.ems. (03418) CILSS-Sahe Irnsttute. Rainfed xce development project. (04356) African Development Bank. Rechercie Appiiouee en MF*eu Reel (RAMR). (05612) KIT (Royal Tropical Institutel Regional cooperation on cotton research and developmrent. (01116) World Bank. Reional programme for the improvement of millet, sorghum. cow eas. and maize (oansitional phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and study progarmme on the improved manager,ent of extenstve national rangelands i the Sahel (POGENES). (03412) CiLSS-Sahel Irsti.te Research and study programme on the possibility of ir;tens"icabon ot fodder and anriaa production in he framework of an association of agriculture and livestock breeding in Sub-Sahelian. Sudanian ard Guinri zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute Research on small ruminants in the humid and sub-humid zones of 'Nest At inca. (02110) International Fund tor Agricuftural Deveiopment. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference oes ResDonsabJes de Recherches Agronomiue Africars et Francais (CORAF). Rice production It. (01886) U.S. Agenicy tor International Development. Rioot ad tube crops research. (01878) U.S. Agency for International Develpment Rural Land maragemet project (fomerly Land tenure). (04419) World Bank. Cote cvoire Second Wes:em ProvEoce .rurlevebmwit (01135) World Banc Caroon. 24 Index of projects by discpline Sidarno/Gamo Gofa peasant agrcuftural development project (011 13) African Developm, ent Bank. Soil Fertility Restoration Project (SFRP). (02143) International Feftilizer Development Center. Afrtca (IFDC-Afinca. Soybean rhreshers (Nigeria). (02519) Interrational Developmnent Research Centre. Strergthening African agricultural research: 01 CIAT bean research in East Africa (CDA) (01872) U.S. Agency for Internabonal Development. Strerngtenimg maize and cassava research in eleven countries of WVest and Centrai Africa Plan of action. (02665) Ministere de ia Cooperation (France) Technology of rmicrocatchment water harvesting for irmgation in semi-arid zones (01472) Universitaet Goettugen. The East and Southrem Afnca Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN!. (02080) U.S. Agency for internatiorna Development (USAIDilntemational Developmrent Research Centre (IDRC)>1nternationaJ Institute of Tropical Agncutture (IITA). The role of organic substance in maitaiin soil fertility of different sites in South Berin. (04661 ) Universitaet Hohenheirn. Third coffee and cocoa devebpoment project. (01008) World Bank. Togo- Third multi-state agricultural development rolect. (02754) Worid Bank: Nigena. Tree crops (Oiakim. Rubber)- (02756) World Bank: Nigeria. University envirornmental linkage: Range developrent and Camel stucies (04648) Justus von Liebig Universitaet Giessen West African Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Multaera1 Cooperation Divison. Ecmnomrc Cooperabon Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. West and Central Africa Sorghun Research Netwrk (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for hntemaabonal Devebpment (USAIDYSem-Arid Food Grain Research and Devebopment (SAFGRAD). West Kerya ranted rice development pro,ect. (01115) A,ric: Devebpment Bank. 25 Ind&r of projects by discip5me Zou Province rural development project. (01001) World Bank: Benin. Cropping patterns and systems A Feasibility study on establishing an African Centre for Fertilizer reveioprnern. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Geseilschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit). Adaptive crop research and extension. (01334) U.S. Agency for Inteemationai Development. Adoptiorn of agroforestry systems in developing countries. (01791) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) International Fund for Agiculural Development. Agnitultural credit for development [n the Upoer West Reaion of Ghana. (04607) Unversitaet Giessen. Agricultural diversification project. (02026) World Bank: Ghana Agricultural export promotion- (04418) World Bank: Cote ctvoire. Agricultural extension (formerly National agricultural extension porject. (03429) World Bank: Ghara. Agricultural restructuring and diversification (formerly Export promot'xVdiversrfication. formerly PrTvate export crops). (01104) World Bank: Carneroon. Agricultural services (formerly Second agrcultural services project). (01197) World Bank: Guinea. Agroforestry research for development of the crylands of West Arnca (02113) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Agroforestry systems in the Tropics. (03859) Geselschaft fuer Tec Zusamnnarbeit (GTZ). Agroslvicultre en zone hunide - Congo [Hutnid zone agrosilvopastoral systemrs - Cngo}] (01289) Inteaionl Development Research Centre. Alley Fanrmg Netnmxk for Tropical Africa- (02088) Canadra Interabonal Development Agency (CIDA)/Interrsationai Developmrent Research Centre (IDFRC). 26 Index of projects by discipline Animal health. (04409) Word Bank: Zaire. Applied research programme: Eastern and Central Africai Agroforestry Network for Africa (ECA-AFRENA) - The birmodal highainds. (02615) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry. Applied research prograrnme: Network for Humid Lowlands of West Africa (HULWA-AFRENA). (02618) Internattonal Councill for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) Applng science and technology to developmert. (01947) U.S. Agency for Intermational Development. Aspects of vegetation management in tallow systems in West Afnca (05714) Institu fuer Pflanzenbau in den Tropen und Subtropen der Unrversdaet Hchenheim. Fadcgebiet Agraroekologie der Tropen und Subtropen. Assessment of conditiorns for replicating production systems in Africa's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Cassava and household food secunty in rural area of Makent'Segbwema in Sierra Leone. (01787) Overseas Develpment Adrninistration (NRRD). Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc]. (02084) Conference des Resporsables de Recherche Agronorniqkue Africains et Francais. Cocoa rehAion prc,ect (01010) World Bank; Gharna- Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemational Development (USAIDiMichigan State Unrvers-ty. Communatn, Docunentation. and Training Program (CDTP). (02142) Inrernatbnal Ferfilzer Development Center. Afria (IFDC-Afnca). Cotnm.unity reforestation (CARE). (01919) U.S. Agency for International Development. Conservation of soi fertifity by peasant farmers in Atlartic Provwice. Benin. (02890) Comnmssw of the European Commenties. Develpment of adapted fanrig systems on the basis of draught ?nima! utization in the No,tvestProvince of Cameroon. (03885) Urwter Goettinen Deeppemert des redcerches menees en zone de tV dense hutmide dars le domare de ragroforesterie I Developxert of agroforestry research caried ot in the tropical rain forest zone. 27 Index of orojects bv discvsine (04654) Universitaet Bayreuth. 9)reugt P.es~sce Research Net-.ok 'R3 .seau die R cherche sur la R,s dn 2 S6cheresse;. (02610) Confrence des Responsabies de Recherche Agronornique Afrocains et Fran-a!s. Dynamics of intensif.icahon on traditional farms and efficien cy of inncvatvons concerning farmnung systems at sub-humid sites. iO4604? Universitaet Hohenheirr, Environment project 'former!y P :c. orest and environ-rent vroect~. (02787) World Bank: Zaire. Fourth rubber proiect. (01003) Wodd Bank: Cote d1xre. Ghana grains development project - Phase 111. i02104) Canacian InternaDonal Deveoorment Agency Gueckedou agricuhural cev'-iopenet Doiect (01136) WordJ Bank. Guinea. Human food value of Australian acacia seeds. (05389) Austral'ain Centre for tnternational Agrcultural Reseach. Irnpact of the most irmnrant trees for ailey-croooiri on soil fertility prooerttes in the Ivory CoastWest Africa. (04669) Universitaet Bareuth- Importance of spontaneous vegetation and biotic limitation factors in tradtionai cropping systerns at a sub-humid site. (04660) Univers,4aet Hohenheim. Industrial croos. (01208) World Bank: Zaire. Intemartio,na Rice Testmin Program for Africa (IRTP)l (02160) Unmted Nations Development Program (UNDP);European Economic Commss&, (EEC)Japan_ rivestigatio,s and deveiopTnent of s4ie adaptive agrcforestry svsterrs. (04665) Uni;verstaet Bayreuth. Investgaons in differen formis of soii erosion under different croppmg systems in (01377) Gesesdchaft fw T }ec Zusamnarbet (GTZ). Malze Cropng Systems Improvement Network [eseau de Redeches sur rAmeforation de la Culhtre dr Maisi. (02173) Conference des Responsables de Rechelrche Agronorique Africains. 28 Index of projects by discipiine Management of the West Afincan Dwarf Goat in the hurnid tropics (Phase II and l.l). (03625) Agricultural Universdy Wageningen. Micro-economic potentials and limits to the introduction of Alley cropping systems in traditional .arminc systems in South Benin, (04f05) Unversitaet Hohenheirn. Multi-state agricultural development project (01015) World Bank: Ntgena. National agrcultral extension and adaptve research projiect. (01191) World Bank. Congo. National agncultw-al research project. (0121 1) World Bank. Zaire. National agnculturai research project. (01332) World Bank: Ghana. National cereals research and extension I. (01877) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment National research and extenson project. (01139) Word Bark Guinea Natural resource management project (01186) World Bank: Central Africai Repubic. Natural resources management project. (0436?) Vlorld Bank; Congo. Network on management of acid soils in humid Africa (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (01021) International Board for Soil Research and Management NIPSSET: African agriculture - year 2000 program. (02071) Nigeria Institute of Plant Science and Solar Energy/Technology. Nutient and water-use efficiency of crops grown on highly weathered soils in the Hunid Tropics. (03890) lndw il Forschungsanstalt Buentehof. Nuhient budgets in relation to the sstaiabily of indigenous farming systems in Norwern Nigera. (05755) Overseas Developrent Admnvist&i (NRRO) 1yanlq)ala agricutural experiment station. Tanale (01425) Geselischaft fuer Techische Zusarmenarbeit (GTZ) 29 index of projects by dzswpipne Oil palm development project - Phase II. f03474) World Bank: Ghana Private rural enterpnse and diversification (formerly Export crop deveicpment-. (01184) World Bank: Central Afncar Republic. Programme for Improvernent of Potatoes in Central Africa tProgramme Regiona pour iAmeloratin de la Culture de La Pomme de T erre en Afnque Centrale) (PRAPAC i. (02079) U.S. Agency .or Intemational Development. Programme for the strengthenirng of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Reconnaissance I preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Saharan Afrcan countries. witn special reference .o Saheiian and Sodanian zones (SSZ). (02094) World Bank. Regional cooperaticn on cotton research and development. (01116) World Bank. Research and study programnme on the possibilty of intensification of fodder and anmal production in the frarnework of an association of agnrculture and livestock breedinrg in Sub-Sahelian. Sudanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel InstituLe. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francas (CORAF). Root and tuber crops research. (01878) U.S. Agency for International Development Rural financing systems and agricultural price policy in support cf innovatons. F2.1: The rural household financiai requirernenus and formal and informtal financial institut analysed m the province Ouerne in the Peoples Republic of Benin. F22: Agriculural price policy and its effects on production. income and employrent. (04658) Universitaet Hohenheirn. Second forestry project. (04351) World Banik Nigeria. SidawGamo Gota peasant agricual development project (01113) African Developrent Bank. Small holder producvity. K (01896) U.S. Agency for Intewnational Devebpment Smailoder production. (01850) U.S. Agency for Interfrional Developr,.3rt 30 Index of projects by discipline Strengthening African argncuftural research: 01 CIAT bean research i0 East Africa (CDA). (01872) U.S. Agency for International Developmentt The characterization of rice growing agro-ecosystems ;n West Africa (initial phase). (05601) WSC (Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land. Soil and Water Research). The East and Southen Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). 10206) U.S. Agency for International Developmert (USAIDylntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC)iinternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITAt. The epideriology and oontrol of the sorghum foliar pathogens in the semi-and tropics. (01813) Overseas Development Adminisration (NRRD). The role of organic substance in maintaining soil tertility of different sites in South Benin. (04661) Universitaet Hohenhein. Third multi-state agricultural development project (02754) World Bank; Niciena. Tmnn-budget-ubhzation of rural househoulds in South-Benin. (04633) Uiverstaet Karise. U.SJlsraet program for cooperative deveopment research. (01949) U.S. Agency for International Development West Africa Maize Collaboratre Research Network [Reseau Ma;sl. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains. West African Farrnug Systems Research Network (WAFSRNtRESPA0). (02619) itemaabonal Fund for Agriculuiral Development (IFADgSemi-And Food Grain Research and Developrent (SAFGRAD). West and Central Afica Maize Collaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)Semi-Arid Food Gran Research and Devebpmnent (SAFGRAD). West Kernya radifed rice devlobpment projecL (01115) Afric Development Bank [Sois and ecologcal stxJies of the Kazaboua agforesty system in the Central Regi of Togo] Etudes pedogqes et ecDgKiqes dans le systeme agroforestier de Kazaboua- %gion Centale Togo. (03813) Uriventaet Bayreuth. 31 Index of projects by dcsciphne Development economics and policies A Feasibility study on estabishfng an African Centre for Fertilizer Development. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit). Adaptive crop research and extension. (01334) U.S. Agerny for Internatonal Development African Genter of Meteorological Appabcations for Development (ACMADi. (01109) World Meeorological Organization (WMO). African Research Network for AgicuIturaf By-Products (ARNAE3). (02170) Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC): Intema-ional luvestock Centre ior Africa (ILCA). Afncan Researrh Network on Rural Poultry Deveopment. (02624) United Nations Food and Agnctuwe Organization. Aincan Smali Rumnant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) International Fund for Agricultural Development. AgrturaJ educabon. (01918) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricuftral exsion (formerly Natioral agricultural extension project). (03429) World Bank; Ghana Agncultural privatizaton and smallholder development (fformerly Agricultural cector development)- (03746) World Banrk: Sao Tome & Principe. Agricultural research and extension Il. (01849) U.S- Agesry for International Devebpment Agricu sector development. (02030) World Bank; Gunea-Bissau. Agricutal services (formerly Agriculture and natural resources managemenft). (05394) World Bank: S.erra Leonie. Agicultural services (formerly Second agncultural services project). (01197) World Banic Gurnea. Agiculh services resrcturng project (01117) World Banrk Benin. (04413) Wodd Bark Be,,. Agroforestry research for development of the dylnds of West Afnca 32 Index of proects by discipine f02113) Intemabonal Fund for Agricultural Deielopment. Apphed research and extension. (01888; U1S1 Agency for Intenational Devebpment. Applied research programme: Eastern and Central Afican Agroforestry Netnork or Africa (ECA-AFRENA) - The bimodal highlands. (02615) ntematioral Coucil for Research in Agroforestrv_ Applied research programme: Network for Humfd Lowlands of Wiest Afnca (HULWA-AFRENA *. (02618) intenational Cotncil for Research in Agroforestrv (ICRAF) Appiying science and technology to development. (01947) U.S. Agency for Internationa; Development CAR - real oevelopmrent (01894) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment. Cassava Network fR&seau Maniec3. (02084) Conference des Rsponsables de Recherche Agronomique Africans et Francais Center West agriultural development project (01004) World Bank. Cote d .re Cental Shaba agriultural devebopent (03667) U.S. Agency for International Developmn Commrunicabon. Documentatio and Training Prorm (CDTP). (02142) International Fertihzer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Afnca). Conservation of sod fertiliy by peasant farm ers in Atiantic Province. Bemn. (02890) Commisson of the European Commurities. Cotton area nxual development projeot (01132) World Bank: Central Africar; Republic. Develoing gaduate trairnig in agrictural economics. (02041) Winroc Intenational. Develpment and current stuation of land tenure in Erngsh-peakrg West Africa: fte case of Siera Leone- (01500) Univetaet Bonrn. Droat Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sUr 1 Resistance a La S6cheresseJ (02610) Confeence des Resnabbes de Reclierthe Agrnomke Afrncains et Franaias. \ Dynamxs of kiens4cation on tradbtal farms and effic icy of mrovaon axxerw,g farming systems at sai-twid sites. (04604) Umveraet Hdohern. 33 Index of proects by discplirne First agricultural services project. (01137) World Bank; Gu.nea Fish culture expanson. (01887) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Food technoiogy policy (Nigeria). (02586) International Developmnent Research Centre. Ghana grains development project - Phase lill (02104) Canadian International Develorent Agency. Global 2000 - Sasakavwa Afnca ntiatIve agriculture project. (01291) Global 2000 Found G(undkut Network [Reseau Aracddel. (02087) Conference des Responsa5bes Agronomnues Aficains et Frarcais Gueckedou agricultural develoPment Doroect (01136) World Bank: Guinea. International agic&rai research centers: 09 Intemational ivestock Centr for Africa (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for Internaionalf Development Intemational Benchmark Soils Network ror Agro-technoloy Tra'rsfer (IBSNA ). (02635) U.S Agency for International Development. Kadunaatsina agricultural development project (formerly Kaduna State integrated agncuftural development project). (01014) World Bank: Nigeria. Managemet of vertisdls under semri-arid condit in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Methodoogy for agncultural miarketng systems policy and practise. and its application to current reforms. (01721) Overseas Develo nt.Admnkistration (NRRD). Muti-state agncultural deveiopment project (01015) World Bank; Nigeria. Nabonal agicurzaf extension and adaptive research project. (01191) World Bank; Congo. Natona agricultural research project (01211) Word Bark; Zaie. National agricLt services. 34 Index of oroects by disiwpe (02095) World BanK Cote dw'lrowa National agicultural tecnology suppoRt. (034201 World Bank: Nigeria National cereals research and extension IL (01877) U.S. Agency for international Developrent. National extension project (03435) World Bank: Zaire. National research and extensio,r project. (01139) World Bank: Gumiea. Network on land development for sustainable agrxculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land devetpmert). (02109) International Board for Soi Research and Management Netvork on managetnernt of acid soils in htnid Africa (AFRICALAND - Managerment of acid sods). (01021) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. NIPSSET: African agrulture - yea 2000 program. (02071) Nigeria Institute of Plant Science and Solar EnergvtTechrioko-y. Nyaripala agricaulual experiment station. Tamria'e. (01425) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). On-Farm Ferbizer Adoption Program (OFFAP). (02148) Irnterriatiora Fertizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Africa). Optnal management of aquacultu.e of pond systems in developing countries. (01464) Universitaet Kiel. Oranizahon and marnagrent of agncutual extension services in integrated rural d p.cts. (03870) Iisttt fuer Agrarsozlogie. Landwvwtsdiaft Beratwg und Angewandte Psyho&gie der LAersitaef Hoheheim. Pan-Africa Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Wnrock International: Ford Fodaton. PSnare of Suport to Pmrmote Grassroots Pcatory Rural Developet in KarqeN,dsic (056611 SNV (Netrlas Development Orgarizatr). Pxitc works in Africa to irnprove food-security. (04626) Deulsche Geseaft fer te s Z an bet (GTZ) Remmsac I preparation study on fore biotechnology in the drought-prone 35 Index of projects by dsciphne Sub-Saharan Affican courtries. with special reference to Sahelian and S;danian zones (SSZ) (02094) World Bank. Regional cooperation on cotton research and development (01116) WorWi Bank. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronorm4que Atricairs et Francais iCORAF). Reseau Developpement (RFD) Developmenr Networki. (02653) GRET. Root and tuber crops research. (01878; U.S. Agency for Intenational Deve;oprnent Rurai fnancfig systems and agricuftural pfce pobcy in support of irof-onS. F2.1: Tne rural households fiancial requwernents and formal and if'omal financial istittons anaysed in tre province Oueme in the Peoples Republic of Benin. F2.2: Agricultural price po7icy and its effects orn production. incorne and employment. (04658) Unrversaet Hohenheim. Second Westem Province rural development (01135) World Barn. Cameroon. Small holder productivity. (01896) U.S. Agency for Internatcnal Development. Smalhilder productio. (01850) U.S. Agency for International Developen't. Social Science Interface Research Unit SSIR(U). (02779) T-he Interiabonal Centre of Insect Physioogy and Eologvy. Strenrhening African agricultural research: 01 CIAT bean research in East Africa (CDA). (01872) U.S. Agency for International Developmet. Sfrerhenig maize and cassava research in eleven countnes of West and Central Africa. Plm of acton. (02665) Ifrfistere de la Cooperation (France)- Tediolci change and tansfornatJon of land tenure systems in Subsaharan Africa. (01510) Unrsivet Goettrren. Technology of microca±inrrent waier havestng fo irrigation in semiarid zonesa (01472) Unhiver,aet Goettingen. The East and Southem Afrca Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). 36 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q -0 t ttW.Si.1Wt *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/. 00 OUi 4 . l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l CD m CD II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0-~~~~~W index of projects by disc-imne (01918) U.S. Agency for Internatiowal Development. Agricultural education 11. (01920) U.S. Agency for Internationa' Devebprrment. Agriculture Hvdrogie-Meteorologe (02634) Centre Regional de Formation st d Ampication ern Aqrometeoroioage et Hydrologie (AGRHYMET). Agronornic Fertizer Research Program IAFRP). '02147) Inernatonal Fertilizer Deveboprnent Center. Africa (IFD{C-Af.-ca. Agronornic Network for East and Southern Africa. (02611) Unted Nations Development Procrarn fUNDP,I: Word Bark Alley Farmnwg Network for Trooical Africa. (02088) Canadian Internatonal Development Agercy (CIDAWIntematonal Devek;Ox .ent Research Centre (IORCi. Applied research programme: Eastem ard Central African A(oforestry Network a-f Africa (ECA-AFRENAi - The brnodai highiands (02615) Intemationa Counci for Research in Agrotorestry. Applec7 research prograTrne: Network for Humid Lowlands of West Afnca (HULWA-AFRENAI. (02618) Intemational Councd for Research in Agroforestry (CRAF). Association Fntematior'ate pour rOptirnisation de la Nutrtion des Piantes (ANIOP) rInternational Association for the Opirnization of Plant Nutritionl. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agrnie pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Cassava Neworil Reseau Manioci (02084) Conference des Responsabies ae Recherche Agronomriqtpe Africains et Francais. Central and West African Root Crops Codaboratrve Research Network (GEUJARRN!. (Cr2166) Iiemrona Instite of Tropial Agicture. Co-cdiated Research Prograrnme on tie App3ication of Irradeation Technique for Food Processrg in AMrica (0262-9) United Naions Food and Agrnculture Organization. CoGrnication. Documentation. and Tra. R Programn (CDTPO7. (02t42) Internatonal Fertizer Develpment Center. Afica (IFDC-Afnca; Coopeatve Cer Research Nework (CCRN). (02171) kIternainal Crops Research Isrute for the Semi-And Trops Coopet Proawe for the Imprveent of Genetic Re0ources of ulo9p2se Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculue Organization orf the United Natons. 38 index of projects by discipive Crop diversification and agnciturai senrices project. f01 193) World Bank. Equatonal Guinea. Crop protecton prograrnrie. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Institute- Development and promotion of appropnate tools and imp*ement for the agricufturai and food processing sector' (interim phase)j (ILO'89, NT M03). (05648) [LO (Inteat ional Labour Office). Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) fReseau dle Reccherct'.e sur La Resistance a !a S6cheressel. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomnique Af. ncains et Frarnais East Afrca Regional Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE (02168) International Network for the Irsprovemrent of Banana and PtantaE. Ecological monitoring of the dynamics ef desert;ficavion. (03415) ClLSS-Sahe Institute. Fertilizer Marketng and Trade lnfomaron Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS): US. Agency for International Devlopment (USAID). Fist agricltrat services project. (01137) World Bank: Guinea. Food securty project (04160) World Bank: Cameroon. Groundiut Network TReseau Arachide.-. (02087) Conference des Responsables Agroriomnues Africains et Francars. Identi of Bacteria rough anayss of metabolic products and cell components by means of Gas LiqW Chromatography (GLC). (03786) Irnsitute for Tropical Animal Health. U nversity Goet1Kgen. trrvrovwig the Dragosis and Control of Trypariosom :sa and other Vector-bofne Diseases of African Livestoc, usng tkmurnassay 1ethods. 02627) Directorate General for htemaDriaba Cooperation (DGIS). ktp g the ProdiWty of nhgeous African Livestock usrng Rad.ornna arid related Tedywqus (02621) Directorate General for tro Cooperation (DGIS). Icrease of productivity and cof of diseases of srmll rumnants. (03410) CGLSSSahel hntue. Iernatioral agxuiural research centers: 09 Intermational Livestock Center for 39 index of projects by d,sc:Giire Africa (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency' for International Develoment. intemationai BenchmarK Soils Network for Agro-technofogy Transfer (1ISNAlY (02635) U.S Aaency 'for Internationai 5evelpcment International Rice Testing Programr for Africa (IRTPI. 102160) United Nations Development Prograrrm 1UNDPl'European Economric Cormrission (EECI,Japan. Internationaf Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRDBi (01212) International Rubber Research and Development Board. inventorv of environment3 research and development actmv'ies (Nrtiena (02548) inttematonal Deveiopmrient Research Centre Maize Croppxig Systems Improvernent Network 'R6seau de Recherches sur I'Amnehoration tie la Curture du Ma(sl. i02173) Conf.erence des Respoonsables dte Recherche Agronomicue Afrca;ns- Maniagement of vertisols under serni-and codrtWons in Aca (MOVUSACi (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Manarent. Meat'fish processing (Nigeria). (024281 Inter.ational Develoomrent Research, Centre. National agncuttural research. (01134) Wordd Bank: Camerooon National acturai research oroject. (01211) Wornd Bank: Zaire. National agricuitural research project (01332) World Bank. Ghana. Nabonal agrcuturai research p-roect (01673) World Bank. Noeria. Natioal agxcittral sewvices. (02095) Workd Bank: Cote cflvoire. Network for lrnprovenex-it of Rice Cultrvation [IR6seau Riz]. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche AgroTomique Afcains et Frarmais. Network on management of acid soiis in humid Africa (AFRICALAND - Management of acid \ sotds). (01021) Intenabonal Board for Sofl Research and Managemnt. Nyaipala agnutural expemnent station. Tamrake- (01425) Geselschaft tuer Techlisdle Zusa ea (GTZ). 't0 kidex of projects by discipiwie Pan-African Networks .or Rural Socal Science Research. (02661) Winrock International: Ford Foundation Programme for Improvement of Potatoes in Central Africa [Programme Regional pour rAmelioraion de ia Culture de la Pomme de Terre en Afrique Central&e' PRAPAC (02079) U.S. Agency for International Development. Programme on supporting services: docurcentattn. ;nformatbon and training. (034193 CILSS-Sahel Insbtute. Proposal for a research project on the development of new methods :n locust contrl. (02090) Gesel)schaft fter Techrusche Zusarnrenarbeit iGTZ). Recornassance I preparation study on forestry biotechnology i the drougnt-prore Sub-Saharan Afnican countries. vith special reference to Sahelian and Sudanan zones (SSZ). (02094) World Bank. Regioral programme for the improvement of millet. sorghutm. cowpeas. and maize (transitional phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel institute. PRgioal Tropical Leafy Trees Improvement Program [Prorarrame Regional d'Amek-ration des Feuilis Tropicaux (PRAFT)]. (02169) European Economic Commission IEEC! Research program e on food security. strategies and polcies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research. coordination, and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa (02732) Conrnission of the European Communrties. Reseau Coton (GOTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Auronom"que Afrcanrs et Francats (CORAF). Reseau Devebppement (RID) [Development Network]. (02653) GRET. Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (02638) ORSTOMnnsatut Francais de Recherche Scentifique pour le Developerent en Cooperation. Reseau Europeen dEhude des Laterites (EUROLAT) [European Network on FerraJsols S'tkesl. (02639) istere de la Rercherche et de rEnseqemt Supe'eun Universte of Sbasbou. , 41 I Inc'ex oi projects by disciplne Reseau Femmes et Deveioppernent (FE£iDEV) Women :n Development Nerwork; (02652) ORST OWlnstitu; Francais de Recnerche Scientfque pour le Deveoppemernt er Cooperation. Reseau Intermatianal de Traitement des Donnees Sols (RIOTS} ,nternationai Network fcr Soils Data ProcessingL (02640) Aaence de Cooperation Culturelle et T echnique (ACCTI Reseatu sir la Conservation Pcst-Recol.e des Denrees AIirenta:res iGRENIER) Neti-ri 3 Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops1 (02647) Association des Universrtes Partielemerrnt ou; Entierement de Lanaue Francaise (AUPELF) Rural enterprise development, (03659) U. S Agency tor International DevelopmnentVAfricare Sahelian Information Network (SIN). (02657) Institute of Sahel (INSAHL Sero-surveilance of rinderpest and other dseases in Afnca. using irrmmuncoassay techniques (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Sinall Rurnnants and Camel Group (02632) Deutsche Geseilschaft fuer Technrs,cr Zusamrnenarbeit (GTZ1 Gmb H. Soc-o-econcmri assessment of biotechnologies for small farmers. (04707) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDi. Start-up crants - [International Fertifizer DevelopMren Center-A,rica, (02141) International Fertilizen Development Center. Africa (F'C-Afnica). Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) ',Food Strategies Networkl. (02655) ORSTOLilnstiut Francais de Redcerche Scientifique pour le Devepoopnert en Ccoperation. StrengtreniPg African aarculttural research: 01 CIAT bean research in East A rra CGDA). (01872) U.S. Agercy for International Developient. Strengtheni rnaize and cassava research in eleven couritres of West arnd Central Africa Plan ot action. (02665) Miistere de la Cooperation (France) Sd->Saharan Africa hydrological assessm-rent. (0C1108) World Bank. The Developmewit of Practices for Area-wide Tsetse Eradicatbon with ernphasis on the Sterile Insect Tedhniue. (02626) Unied Naions Food and Agricuture Organization. 42 Index of projects by discipine The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRNI. (02080) U.S_ Agency for Intemational Development (USAIDYInternationa; Development Research Cerntre (IDRC)Intemational Institute of Tropical Agricuture (IITA). mne Geological Network for Agrorninerals n East and Southem Africa. (02613) United Nations Development Program fUNDP); World Bank. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network (02081) Overseas Development Administration. The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Interraional Development (USAID).iSemi-Arid Food Grain Researcr and Development (SAF-GRAD). West Afrna Ccllaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) hnternational C-rops Research InstLute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (iCRISAT) West Afnca Maize Colabrative Research Network 'Reseau .Maisl. (02156) Conference des Responsables cfe Recherche Agronomique Africains. West Afnca Network on Aninal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. West Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) InternatKio>lal Insttute of Tropical Agrculture. West Africa Regioal Pead Millet Imp.ovement Program. (02154) lnternational Crops Research ins'itute for the Semi-And Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West African Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSRNIRESPAO). (02619) Internationl Fund for Agricultural Development (IFADy,Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West Africarn Ferthizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Irnernational Development Researeh Centre (IDRC): United Nations Development Program (UNDP). West Afrcan lmgation Research Development Network (WAIRD). (02612) International Irrigation Mana Institute (IIMI). VWYest African program for agro-.m'eral research. (02146) International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Aftnca). West African Rice Iforcmaion. System (WARIS). (04246) nterrafioalk Development Research Centre. West and Central Africa Maze Colaborative Reseerch Network (WECAMAIN). (02157) U.S. Agency for benational Development (USAW)/Sem-Arid Food Grain Research 4,3 Index of projects by discipline and Development (SAFGRAD). Domestic trade WAVes Atrica Pos. harvest losses of rice. (04675) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Education A Feasibility study on establishing an African Centre for Fertilizer Development (01684) GTZ (Deutscne Gesefcaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit) Adaptive crop research and extension (01334) U.S. Agency for International Development. African FReser rch Network for Agrcultural By-Products (ARNAB!. (02170) Intemational Development Researche Centre (lDRC); International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agncultural education (01918) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricutural education 11. (01920) U.S. Agency for International Develop.ent Agricuitural extension (formerly National agricultural extension project). (03429) World Bank: Ghana. Agricultural services (formerlv Agriculture and natural resources managementi. (05394) Wortd Bank: Sierra Leone. Agricultural services (formerly Second agricutural services proiect). (01197) World Bank: Guinea Agricultural services rehablitatior proiect. (01 105) World Bank: Ghana. Agricultural services restructuriig projet. (0 1 117) World Bank: Benin. Agiculture services. (01 119) Wortd Bank: Central African Republic. Agronomic Network for East and Sountm AfncaV (0261 1) United Nations Davelopment Program (UNDP): World Bank. Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa (02088) Canadi International Development Agency (CIDAYIlrnterrational Devebpment 44 Index of projects by drscpline Research Centre (IDRC). Applied research programme: Eastemn and Central African Agrofores' v Network for Africa (ECA-AFRENA) - The binodal highlands. (02615) International Councg for Research in Agroforestry. Cassava Network %Reseau Maniocl. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recnerche Agrorornique Afrcains et Francais. Centre d'Etude de l'Environnement et de Develo-ppement au Cameroun. (05654) State Untversity Leiden. Centre for Environmenta; Scaence. Co-ordinated Research Prograrumme on the Appi cation of Irradiaz cn Technique 'or Food Processing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Commuriicalion. Documentation, and Training Program (CDTP). (02142) International Fertilizer Developrnent Center. Africa (IFDC-Afrtca). Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN)- (02171) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-And Trooics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvernent of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agrctlture Organiation of te United Nations. Crop diversrfication and agrcultural services project. (01 193) World Bank: Equatornal Guinea. Crop protection programrne. (03409) CiLSS-Sahel Institute. Developig graduate tranitng 9r agrncuutural economics. (02041) Winrock International. Delolent Bas Fonds de Riz produAcon Bafata. (05600) SNV (Assication Neerlarndais cAssis!ance au Developpement). Ecological amonitorng of the dynamics of desertiication. (03415) CILSS-Sahel Insttute. BEironment project (formerly Piot forest and envirornment project(. (02787) World Bank; Zaire. Envronmental action program. (04412) World Bank. Benin- Food secr projecL (04160) Wodd Bar*c C-ameroop. 45 Index of projects by discipline Forest ecology and training in Careroon (02840) Commission of the Europeaw Communities Forest management project. (04402) World Bank: Zaire. Forest resource management project. (01195) World Bank: Ghara. Forestry/envn'onment. (04343) World Bank: Gabon. Global 2000 - Sasakawa Afrca init;atve agrcuitlure project. (01291) G!oba' 2000 Found. Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachidel. (02067) Conference des Responsables Agronomiqes Afncains et Frarnats. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosorniasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of African Livestock. using lmmunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate CGeeral for Internatioral Coocerator (IDGISj. Improving the Productivity of indigenous Af rcan Livestock using Radioimrunoassay and related Techniquies- (02621) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGS). Maize 1IULulua agrncuttural devesoprnen: project (01162) World Bank: Zaire. Management of the West Africa Dwarf Goat in the husnd tropics (Phase II and tll(. (03625) Agricultural University Wageningen. National agricultural extension and traur,nn. (01180) World Bank: Cameroon. National agncultural research project. (01211) World Bank. Zaire. National agricultural research project. (01332) 'Norld Bank: Ghana. National extension project. (03435) World Bank: Zaire. National research and extension project (01139) World Barn Guea. Naonal res"cesrmanagerne spport. (01185) U.S. Agency for Intential DeNvelopment 46 Index of projects by discipline National seeds proect. (01678) World Banlc Guinea. Natural resourres management prcject. (04367) World Bank: Congo. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultivation [Reseau Rizi. (02161) Conference des Responsabes de Recherche Agronomque Africains et Francais NIPSSET: A.rican agriculture - year 2090 program. 102071) Nigera Insmute of Plant Science and Solar Energy'Technology Nyankpala agrtcuftural experiment station. Tamale. (01425) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Oil palim devebpnent projet - Phase Ii. (03474) World Bank; Ghana, On-Farm Fertlizer Adoption Program (OFFAPi. (02148) Interrational Fertilizer Development Center. Afhca (IFDC-Afnca). Organizabion and rnanag -ment of agricultural extension services in integrated rurai development projects. (03870) knslitut fuer Agrarsoziologie. Landwtschaftlsde Beratung und Angewandte Psychologie der LUnversitae# Hohenbeimn. Pan-African Networks for Rura! Social Science Pesearch. (02661) Winrock Interrational: Ford Foundation. Pathology of small ruminats: etiology. vaccines arnd prophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Programnme tor imWrovement of Potatoes in Central Africa 'Programme ReWionai pour l'Amelioration dJe a Culture ie la Pomme doe Terre en Afrique Centrale] (PRAPAC). (02079) U.S. Agency for International Development. Programme for the strengthening of research on production systems. (03418) CILSS&Sahel Irntitute Prograrme of Support t(@ Promote Grassroots Partipatory Rural Developm ent in Kadjbstict. (05661) SNV (Nethertans: Developmnwt Oroanizabon). Progranme on supporting services: documentation. information and trairing. (03419) CILSS-SaheW Institute. Rarfed rice deveoprment project. (04356) African Developmert Bank. Reconnaissace I preparation study on foresry biotechnology in the drought-prone 47 Index cf proJeCIS by discipiire Sub-Saharan African countres,. with specia reterence to Sahelian and Sudanman zones ISS4) (02094) World Bank. Research and sturdy programme on the irnpoved management of extensive national rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and stud, programme on the possibiltv of intensification of fodder arnd anrnai productior in the framework of an association of agncut ure and liestock breeding inr Sub-Saheiian. Sutdanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Saihel Institute Research. programme on tood securty. strategies and poicies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research programme on phytogenetic iesources. (03408) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research. coordination. and trairing for wnproved ivestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa (02732) Commissorn of the European Comnmunities. Reseau Coton (COTON)- (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recleces Agronornicue Afrtcains et Francais (CORAF). Rice production i)I (01886) U.S. Agency for International Development. Root and tiber crops reseaxch. (01878) U.S. Agency for International Development. Second forestiy project. (04351) World Bank: NKgera. Seeds project (01163) World Bank: Zaire. Sero-survesliance of rnderpest and other diseases in Afica. using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Sman holder prodctivty. (01896) U.S. Agency for Internaional DevW opment. SrnaJllolder production. (01850) U.S. Agency for Internationai Deveopment. Social Science Interface Research Unit (SSIJRU) 48 Index of projects by discsipne (02779) The Internationa; Centre of Insect Physiolbgy and Ecology. Stenghening African agricultural research: 01 CIAT bean research in East Africa (CDA). (01872) U.S. Agency for intemational Development. Strengthening African agrncultural research- 13 West Afnica Rice Deveiopment Association (WARDAi) - Mangrove ard associated swamnp rice research. (01857) U-S. Agency for Intemational Development. The East and Southem Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)lntemationai Development Research Centre (IGRC)lnternational Institute of Tropcal Agricuiture OIlTA~. The Geobgical Network for Agrornnerals in East and Southem Atnca. (02613) lkited Nations Development Program (UNDP): Worid Bank Traditinal Techniques ot Micro Clrriate Improvement (TTMI). phase Ii. (05658) WAU (Wageningen Agrculturai University). Iniversities and national agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) International Service for Natonal Agricultural Research. Lkwersity envionrnental Iikage: Range developmrent and Canmel stLdies. (04648) Justus von Liebtg Universtaet Giessen. West African Farmi"g Svstems Research Network (WAFSRNiRESPAO)- (02619) International Fund for Agricultural Developenit (IFAD)iSerni-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West African Fertilizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) International Development Research Centre (IDRC): United Nations Developnent Program (UNDP). Enrgy resoum and maragement African Center of Meteorological Applications for Developnent (ACMAD). (Of 109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Co-ordinated Research Programne on te Applicatio of Irradkiabon Technique for Food Proces in Afrca. (02629) Unked Nations Food and Agncuiture Organization. Cotton area rual devebpmnerd proect (01132) World Bank; Central Afric PRepuA2lc Devebpmen of adapted faming systems on the basis of draught animal utilization in the Norh-west Province of Cameon. (038eS) Uiiversitaet Goetnen. 49 G t~~( z - g ~ C ~~~P~~' ll~~~~1 ~~ 0- M C _n3 - U -~~~~~~~~9 ;~~~~~~- ~ C 6 3 ~~~ ~~~~C~ o I'ndex sf vtqjects by discucitne Agicullural sermices ,iomerlv Secona aor'cu.ral servces roect). Q1f 97) 'Wcrld Bark: Guinea. Aacutkral sevices r,e&ab,i4c prc-ecT X01 1051 Wo-d Ba*: Gh-na. Awcukural services rest-uetunno :coev . :01 1 7? W o/ d Bark: Ben'-r- Aarvuhure services. iO11?91 Wcrid Bank. Cera Ar aFn Recst'wc. A4*d r!esard a d ex e.sr- :01888) U.. AcencU for Mternatfcnaj Deve'crier . Cer West a ituv3 aveIccrt DrNe-c i0'004 Wlold Rank. Cocˇe -TIvc:re Cer-a Shata a-ic6tih- .JeveJcv ers !Qv3;66- U.BS. Acercv ^~ 1-iaticrai Dser C'coa re0abi4ator. o-rct. 101010w WorMd Bank: Ghara Coanunato. Den tabol- arvd Tramnec Pmgram ICDTP). f021421 rterretCnta Ferkzer uy.' Ce-ter. Africa (IOFC.Africa. Canserat" o soS ferh.tv bv peesart fame- - Atlamc P!owice. 9Bern- i028901 Commis--sic of' tie Eutooean Cer un-tes Co"oo aea rura2 je'. cbrent mrrect. '01 132, World Bank. Cenrha Afican RepxVi Crocp diverskaten and assscrLtura4 servces crceec (O, 193! World B k. Equatorea Gejinea Ghana a-ris cdelot prcec! - Phase llf 'Q21'4) Canadiar kr.xer oraI Develocrent Arv. GbW 2000- Saskawa Af4'ica Nitratwe awcu`f'je croet. (01291) G!oba 2000 Fxnud Ka rKsna arcuNial de Fep prtmed {f'oiv Kadxm State ~nte a u pro ectd (01014) Wortl Barn Nipna LNes*ock 1- (42) Word Ba* N a Mie Mdn aqriwa devopTent pMod. 51 I-nde,x ,-rogecs bv dlcre<. (01 162! World Bank: Zaire. W.eathfrsh vrocesstr`n (Nioeraw. (024281 Intermatione Developmnerit Research Centre. Methodolooies for better terhnotcw transfer. f047831 Overseas DevelopDmen Adrnin4straton iNRRO,. National aancuttu ai extepsion and acame es=arc& protect f01191) Word Bank: C2n0. National auncu!turai extersk- and tra-. (01180i World Bank: Camercor Nationa! aarsnikural resear& (O1134i VVorid Bank: Cameronr. National a ciujituraf research cr-ect. (01332! World Ba-k. Gha-a. National auricu.u¶al research rrorect. (01673) World Bark. Niaena National agxcitural sevres. (02095) World Ban: Cete dlvc-re. Nationai cereak- research acnd extenis;on I. (0187T U.S. Aoeccv fcr internatc-al Deve6rDmenet National extensin prciect. (03A35) World Bar*. Zaire National research and exlension project (011391 World Bank: Guwea Natural rescurce r.aaernent croject. (011861 Wodid Bank: Ceral AfrncaP Reoblic MPSSET: Afican acryifture - war 2000 orogram- (02071) Nigeria Instite of Plant Scierc ard Solar EnerwqvTec&nooy. On-Farm Fertilzer AdDtion Progarn (OFFAPJ. ((21481 International FertALer Deveopment Center. Afnica (IFDC-Africa). Orgization and rnftgemen of aticultural exteisb servces in mtectedrural dcevemt p4ects. (03870)) kistik tuer Ararso*o. LadwirdschafJidhe Beatung Luid Angew;ancdte PsWhobg.eer Lf. asdaet Hoheren Pit exkenso. 52 index of projects by scipline (02761) World Bank: Zaire. Pond culture (Ghanai. (02501) International Development Research Centre- Programme on supporting services: dorcumentation. information and frain;s (03419) CILSS-Sahe4 Institte. Projecto Awro-SOvc-pastoril do Leste Baiata (I ili (05631 SNV (Nehiertands Dev.eioomn. Cooperationi Rainted rice developwent Droiect. (04356i African Developmrret Bark. Reseau Colon (COTON). (02082) France: Cooference des lResDorsables re Recherches Aqmnorntue A ricans e, Francais (CORAF). R;ce proc;uction It. (01886M U.S. Aaencv or International Deveioprrent Seeds proiect. (01163) Wond Bank; Zaire Sidarr cGano Gofa peasant ac'icultural development pro(ect. (01113) African Deveoprnent Bark Snal ho1lder productiviltv. t01896) U.S. Agerc for InternationaJ Devekˇvment. Taroet group oriented management cf national arrcu!tural research 104608) Zentrum fuler Regie Entw "skuncsto-5schng der Urivers0aet Gisse,. Thwd rrmui-state arultual developrent oio(ect (02754) World Barkc Ngen West Afrcan Farm"ig Systems Research Network (WAFSRWRESPAOl. f02619) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Develoement fIFA Semi-Arid Food Grair Research and Developnnt (SAFGRA4D. Feed contanuaion and toxicoio kmprovements to rural ciseed processaxg in Afica. (04699) Overseas Deve bpent AdmnMistration (NRRD). A Feasibiy sudy on estabsh an Afca7 Centre for Fertaler Deveopment 53 Index of pDrotects bv dtsc;piine I01684o GTZ 0Deutsche Geseilschaft fLuer Technisshe Zusamrnmerarbet,. African Smag Ruminant Coilaborative Research Netw.ork, 02620) Internatiotai Fund for Arxulturai Development. Acpronomic Fertilizer Research Program t APRPi. (02147) International Fertilizer Deveioprnent Center. Africa ilIFD-Afnca . Agro:ornic Network far East and Southernl Africa. (0261 t! Unrted Nations Development Pro-rarr !UNDP. Wor'd Banl. Collaborative Research Sucport Proararnm !CRSP;: Beans -and cowpeas. (01345) U.S- Agency htematbortaf Devewoorient (USAID v¶ichnarn State Urnvers;,. C(murcation. Docurrentatforn anr Traan Progra iCDTPi. (02142) Intemational Fertlizer Developinern Center. Afrrca 0IFDC-Atnca. Deveiopmnent cooperatiorn Soid ard Ferrt:zer 055-05) 1B linstrtute for Soil Fertil;tv Researcri Fertilizer Marketing and Trade Infcrm7alorn Prooram I FMTIP). (02145, Directorate General or InterraticnaJ Cooperation iDGIS: U.S. Azencvf or International Deve-orpent (USAIDi. Ferfizer Pehcv Research Project (FPRP,. (02144) intemrnatcnal Pert:bzer Develowent Center. Africa dIFDC-Afncal Fertp'zer SECAL. ,04441 : World Bank. Niaeria. Groundrut Network !R&seau Arachide. 02087) CGonfrence des Resconsabies A=rvrnomtues Africains et Frarma s Maze ILLulua aricuttural develomrent project. (01162) W'orld Bark- Zaire. Network on manaoemen.t of acid soils in humid Africa (AFRICALAND - Manageent of acid soils). (01021) International Board for Soi Research and Management. NIPSSET: African agricutture - vear 2000 program. (02071) Niaeria Institute of Plant Science and Solar EnreigvTechnoloqy Nutrent and water-use ffiiency of crops grown on h4gmy weathered soils in the HumiJd Tropics. (03890) Ladwtschaftiche Fosunjsanstait Buentehof. On-fatrn Fertihzer Adoption Program (OFFAP). (02148) Intemnational Fertiiizer Developt Center. Africa (IFDC-Africa). 54 Index of prozects by discipline Soil Fertility Restoratern Project (SFRP). (02143) 5ntermational Fertiizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Aftncat. Start-up gramts - fInernational FPer44zer Development Cen'ter-Africal. (02141) International Fertilizer Deveioprnent Center. AFica (IFDC-Africai. The Geological Network lor Acrominera!s in East and Southern Africa iO2613) United Nations Deveiopmen! Proararn (UNDP): World Bank. The role of organic substance in rnatntainng sott fertilty of d!fferent sites In Souih Benin. (046611) Unrversrtaet Hohenheim. The role of plant residues in soil rnanaeement for food prnxuctin in tne humrid tropics. 105626) AB (Pesearch Institule tor Agrcogy and Sodi Ferftiltv). Third multi-state agr"cutural development project (02754) World Bank: Npoena. Urea injector test. (04143) Researcah Insttute for Agrobxoboy and Soil Ferfility (ABI). West African Fertilizer Marnaoement and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) International Developret Research Centre (IDRC): United Nations Development fPrgram WUOP). West Africn prooram for awro-mineral research (02146) international Fertilizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Afrlcai. Fisheries and aquacufture - General aspects SmnaN darns (CGte dcivore). (04176? International Devekopmnent Research Centre Fisheries fpodtion Agricultral sector develpmernt. (02030) World Bank: Guwiea-Bissau. CAR - niral development (01894) U.S. Agency for Intemational Developmt. Fac*ties of Nigerian Instbtte for Oceanography and Marie Research. (04449 Mlisty of Foreign Affars. Foresry and fishey managerent:. (01196) World Bank: Guirea. 55 ;rndex of propects by discrlhne Optimal management of aquacutture of oondsysTems in develorina countries. iO464) Unwersitaet Ktei. Third multi-state agricultural develospent proiect. (02754 Wllorid Bank: N;aena Food composition Cassava cyanrde: timroved techniques ;r e5strratron and i'iuense oe rr'eronrnent on corcentration. i04904i Australian Centre for Internai,ona: Azntcultural Research. E9usi shelers tCarnerooni. (024291 Intemnational Deve#ro'ient Research Centre. Human food value of Australian acac!a seeds. (053891 AustraIiain Centre for Internati,na! Asncruljtral Researcr. Mea-t4sti piocessing (Nigena). (02428) Internatioral Develoment Research Centre, Food contamination and toxicology Biodeterioratpon of west Afrcan rnce. (C0477) Overseas Devebmpment Adrinistraton (NRRD?. Collaborative Research Support Progarr (CRSPl: Pearuts. (01341) U.S. Agency' for Internatonal Development (USAID)ViJUuversiNv of Geotrrca. Decontamination of mvcotoxin-contairtno foo&ds and feeds vait bacterra or w!th bacterial metabolites. (05735) Institut fuer Hygiene und Toxtkoioge der Burdesforschungsanstalt Emaehrung. Kartsruhe. Effects of processing on distribution and destruction of rrwotcxxrs. (04737) Overseas Development Adrneistrationi (NRRD). Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachide,. (02087) ConfWrerce des Respvnsables Agronorntques Africairs et Franrais. Human food value of Australian acacia seeds. (05389) Austraain Centre for International Agricuffural Research- Improvements to rural oilseed pocessina in Africa. (04699) Overseas Deveopment Adrrlnnisration (NRRC). eatfish pocessing (Nigeria) (02428) fnternational Development Research Centre. 56 tndex of projects by disciphine Food processing and preservation Agricuitural diversification project. (02026) World Bank: Ghana. Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc]. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Franca's Causes. effects and control of biodeterioration. f04739) Overseas Develooment Administratic.-i (NRRD). Co-ordinated Research Programrne on the Apohcatiom of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Afrca. (02629) United Nabons Food and Agricutture Orga,iization. CSolaborative Research Support Proaram (CRSPI: Beans and cowDeas. (01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAiDYMichioan State Universitv Effects of processing on distribution and destruction o mycotoxins. (04737) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRDI. Egusi shellers (Cameroon). (02429) Intemational Development Research Centre. Food secuntv. (04411) World Bank: Benin. Groundnut Network [R6seau ArachKiel. (02087) Contfrence des Responsables Agronornques Atricains et Francats. Improvements to rural oilseed processing in Africa (04699) Oveseas Development Administration (NRRDL Investigations of requwemnets for a rew technique of large scale cocoa feTentation adapted to loal conditions in Ghana. (02884) Cornmisson of the European Communities. Livestock. (04420) World Bank. Cote d lvoire. Meatlfish processing (Nigera). (02428) Iternatioal Developent Research Centre. NIPSSET: African agrcuture - year 2000 programn. (02071) Niaeria Institte of Plant Science and Solar Energy/Technology. ptial of riaturl-circlation solar-energy tropical crop dIyers (02879) Comm ission of the EUfopean ComrrnIties. 57 index o: rrorects by disc-cine Pak;l od extracton iCarnerooni. (02426) International Developrnent Research Cerntre. Palm oil orocessino 1 Siecra Leone). (02365j lntermationai Develowment Research Centre. Plantain conservation livori Coast). (02520) Internationai Devefoprmlent Research Centre. Post-harvest assessrment of root and ruber crsp storase. (04834) Overseas Developmernt Adrn rssration (NRRD). Second Western Provtnce rural development. (01 135) Worid BanI. Carneroon. The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRNI. (02080) U.S. Sgency for Interational Deveixrent fUSAIDYInternatonal Develo-entt Research Centre 0lDRCtOliternational Institute of Tropical Agicuitwe (IITAl. Traditional and Industr21 fermentation of Maize. (05671) WAU (Wage:ningen Agrtultural Unrversy). Tree crops (Oitpaim. Rubber). (02756) World Bank Nigeria. U.S lsrael proaram for cooperative deveiomnent researct. (01949) U.S- Agency fcr International Deveoprent. West Kenya rainted ice devebprnent projct (O 1 15) African Development Bank. Food science and technology Agiiultural services (formerly Second agrcultuTal services projecti. (01197) Word Bark: Guinea. Causes. effects and control of bWodetenoratfon. (04739) Overseas Development Admistraion (NRRD). Co-ordiated Research Proararme on the ADpiication of irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food and AaNriuture Orgnization. Effects of processirg on distrbution and destruon of mycotoxins. (0-4737) Overseas Deveopment Adnitati*n (NRRD). Human food value of Austrakian acacia seeds. (05389) Australain Centre f,or Intwnato Agpctitul Research. 58 Index of projects by displpine National agricuitural research project. (01673) World &ank. Nigena Tradtional and Industrial termentaton of Maize. 05671) WAU (Wageninge-n Agncultural Unversitv). West Atrtca: Post harvest losses ot rice l04575) Overseas Development Administration iNRRD,. Forest injuries and protection Tropenbos' Foundatton- (05507) Tropenbos Foundaton. Forest resource management project (O 1195) VWorld Bank: Ghana. Forestry and fishery management. (01196) World Bank: Guinea. Local Application of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for forestry managemtent. (04845) Overseas Developenrt Aomiristration (NRRD). Natural resource management Drect. (l0 186) World Bank: Central African Republic. Forestry - Ge.-erl aspects Africa Regional: A comparahve studv of the productivity of traditional treearops and introduced multpurpose trees with special reference to the effects on associated crocs - A case study. (04720) Overseas Devewoment Admninistration (NRFBD. Agria*ffe. (04414) World Bank: Cameroon. Agroforestry systems in the Tropics. (03859) Geselschaft fuer Tecriscte Zusammrenarbeit (GTZ). Aplying science and technology to development. (I1947) U.S. Agency for Interna.ional Development. Control of so acxkity in agrotoresty. (04743) Overseas Deveopment Ainristration (N1RD). Deeppement des recherches menees en zone de foret dense humide dans le domaine de ragrofvesterie I Development of agroforestv research cranied o in te ttropical 59 Index of proiects by discVire rain forest zone. (04654) UJrversitaet Bayreuth Dynamics of the economically import'ant Meliaceae after explortation ;n the moist forest of the People's Republic of Congo- (r03799) Univsrsitaet Goettingen. Evaluation of pianting spaced trees il cultivated f,elds on ve-tsolic soils under ow rainfall. with special reference to soil cond;tKons and crcp veie. (04701) Overseas Development Adrnimstration (NRRDI Forestry sector project. (01192) W,orld Bank: Cote dIlvoire. Forestry envonment. (04343) World Banr: Gabon. Ghana: Effect OT ciknate and soil on distibuton and reaeneratiorr of tmber trees (04727) Overseas Develrwrnent Admrinistration (NRRDL impact of the most important trees 'or ailey-cropoing on soil fertilty prcverties in the Ivory CoastiWest Africa. (04669) Universaet BayrelWh Local Aplication of Remrote Sensing Techniques iLARST) for forestry manaGement. (04845) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD!. National agricultural research project (01673) World Bank: Nigera. Projecto Agro-Silvo-rastoril do Leste Bafata (I - il). (05631) SNV (Nethertands Development Cooperatfoni. Rebtionshps between tree growth. tree nutintion and site in Tectona arandis plantation in West Africa (04653) Universitaet Bayreutlh Second forestry project. (04351) World Bank. Nioeria. Shi,cLtwe (Togo). (04189) Internationa Deve'opment Research Centre. Fresry pro" Agriuiture. (04414) World Bank; Cameroon. Agroforestry research for develpment of the diylands of West Africa 60 index of protects by discipiine (02113) Intematiora Fund for Agricultwral Development Agrosiiculture en zone hnmide - Congo [Humrd zone agrosivopastoral svstems - Congo; (01289) International Developrnent Research Centre. Applied research program. e: Netwvork for Humid Lowlands of West Aftca tHULWA-AFRENA,. (02618) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestrv (!CRAF. Applying science and technology to development. (01947) U.S. Agency for !nternational Development. Appul en recherches agroforestieres. (05627) SNV (Association Neerlandaise dAssistance au Developpement). Corrmmunity reforestation (CARE. (01919) UI.S. Agency for International Development. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement. cf Genetic Resources of Muttipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agricultre Organization o- the United Nations. Dyrnamics of the economically important Mehaceae after exploitation in the mnoist ,orest of the People's Republic of Conoo. (03799) Un3versitaet Goeftingen. Ecdogical protection (foamerly Forestry and environmentj. (01178) World Bank: Camneroon. Ecolocig,environment programme: reforestation and conservation of the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Environment Droject (formerly Pilot forest and environment projecl). (02787) World Bank: Zaire. Enrornental maragement (fornmefly Environment formerty Adjustmtent Loan - Envirorinen'). (04352) World Barw. Nigeria. Ffth oil pam development project (01006) World Barn: Cote clvoire. Forest ecology and train,g in Careroon. (02840) Corin of the European Commnrwities. Forest mranageent project (04402) World Bank; Zaire. Fo-est resouice management protect. (01195) Word Bank; Ghana. 61 Index of projects by discipline Forestry. (04364) World Bank: Ghana. Forestry and fishery management. (011I 96) World Bank. Guinea. Forestry Ill- (04301) World Bank: Nigeria. Forestr sector project. JOI 192.) World Bank: Cote d'lvoire. Foresthy!Envwroinment. (02759.) Worl Bankc Tooo. Human food value of Australian acacia seeds, (05389.) Auistraliain, Centre for Intermational Agr-icultural Ressearch. lnvestioation-s and devekopmrent of site adjaptive agroforestrv systems. (N465) Universitaet Bayreuth. Investigations on succession and dynamics of regeneration of commercial treees in h larma state forest[Ben:n in the natural range of raingrc-en forests. (05708) Institu fuer Waldtbau der Ujniversifaet Goettinoen. AMty II: Watdbau deer Tropen und Natur4yaldforscf-ung. ManLagement of natural resources. (04157) Worid Bank: Benin. Natural resource manaciernent and conservatircn (formnvlv Land resources manaoement and consnawtion). (044156) World Bank: Equatorial Guinea. Natural resource rmanagemnent protect 101 186) Worl B3ank: Central African Republic. Natual resources manacemnent (formerly Aoncutturai natural resources and forestryi. (04344) World Bank:, Gurnea-B4ssau. t4atural resources_ mnanagerment project. (04367) World Bank. Congo. PuLicr works in Africa to miprove food-security (04626) Deutschie Gesellchft fue techni~* Zusamrnenarbeit (GTZ). Reconnaisance I preparation study on foresr biotechnology in th-a drought-prone Sub-Saharan African countries. wilt special refemento Sahielian and Sudanian zones (SS_Z) (02094) Worl Bank. 62 Index of projects by dscipliie Regional Tropical Leafy Trees Improvement Program IProgramrne Regional cdAmelioration des Feuillus Tropicaux (PRAFTi. (02169) European Economic Comm. ission (EEC). Relationships between tree growth. tree nutitibon and site in Tectona arandis plantatii- in West Afnca. (04653) Universitaet Bayreuth. Rural environment management iftormertv Environmental protection prograrn tormerilv Natural resources management) (02096) World B3ank: Guinea. Rural land managem?ent project (fimTerrv Land tenurei (04419) Wc rId Bank: Cote d'lvoire. Second forestry project (04351) World Bank: Nigeria Site evaluation in the rain fores' of East Libenia (03811) Universitaet Bayreuth. Srnal"ioker production. (01850) U-S. Agency for Intematioral Development. Structure. growth response and svstem dvnamics or vicn and selectively logged rainforest to sivicultural treatnents: L:beria. the Philipines. Borneo and south China. (03858) Bundesarstaht fuer Forst-und Holzwirtschaft (BFH). U.S./lsrael program for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S. Agency for lntemational Development. Gegaphj Contions for deve.oping non-farm productve actMties n rural areas of Africa. A corparison of Yater-ga/Burkma Faso and Extreme-Noi4'Cameroun. (04639) Universitaet Frankfurt. The characterization of rce growing agro-ecosystems in Wes. Africa (initial phase). (05601 ) WSC (W.aand Stanng Centre for Integrated Land. Soil and Water Research). Handli ansport storage ad rtecti of plant products B*cdeterioration of west African rice- (04777) Overseas Developnmt Administration (NRRD). Biobgical integrated control of the larger grain borer. Prostephanus truncatus Horn. 63 Index of proects by discipfine /03907) Institut fuer Phytopathoio"e. Arbeitsgrupoe Vorrat. Universitaeft Kiel. Cassava and household food security in rurai area of kMakeni,Seob%,nia in Sier-a Leone. (01787) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Cassava Network IPeseau Manioc. (02084) Contfrence des Responsables de Recherche Agronomipue Afrians et F'anca!s Central Agnrcultural Research Inst:tute. (01085) Food and Agcu.'tue Organization of the United Nations tFAO). Co-ordiriatedc Research Programme on *he ApplicaPon of Irradiation Technique fo. Food Processing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Cocoa ref"ailitation project. (01010) World Bank: Ghana. Colfaborative Research Support Prog.arn (CRSP): Beans and cowDeas. (01345) U.S- Agency international Development (USAIDiMvichigan State University. Cooking bananas and plantains. (04773) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD.O Cotton area rural development project. (01 132) World Bank: Central AfHGan Repubiic. Economics of post harvest loss reducino measures. (03772) University of Hohenheim. Food securty project. (04160) Worlid Bank: Ca.meroon. Gerrnplasm corservation and irnprovernent of Parkia buklbosa (Jacq) Benth tor muhpurpose use. (05665, University of Wales. Bangor CNSF. Ouaqadougou. Burkina Faso: FRIN. Nigeria: SAFS. Nancy. France: WAU: The Netherlands. Global 2000 - Sasakawa Africa initiatve agnculture project. (01291) Globai 2C00 Found. Grourokut Network [rReseau Arachidel3 (02087) Coaverence des Resables Agronorniques Africains et Francais. Improvements to ruraJ okseed processing in Africa. (04699) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Investigabons on sbckbn in sub-Saharan Africa (04688) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). 64 Ih'ex ef -roiects bv J!sC,cl4-e Lc;.. cost cassava root stor2ae !ec'ircc - aJarol;e l&ao-sfer 4rcr- La!ri- r-e-ca a^^ i testw .n Sub-Saha-an Afra. 57,67) Oversmeas De :ei prner*4 Adr-.r s.:-z '- '4RPD. Na1or'a aTm'u!!_rat e,cc~ x oo, r. otio -oec:' t Exor ccoc. for~e. v Aorn--,. ra: expc1 oromotaol. 'c--'e6r Ex-.v^. crws! 401017) Wc'ld Bar-*: 5Gu-ea. N!PSSETI Ailican aquc-3ze - vea 2vear' -re-an 02,07't NPa -sIute ^.ant Sc!er.ze a-d Sc!a! ETeCh-2;o-, oSt-ianies' assess-'er, cf rt ardj tutber cm-c sto-3-e ig'83.1) Cve-seas Deve&-oent A ins-;tm,n .NRRDt ReSeau sur ia CoiWse tn Post-Rec-.e oes De'rees (AJentawes {GRENIEPi 'Net.k or Post-Harvest Sto'aoe f' Food Crovs.i A4264A's Assocac des Ur.iersites Pafefe ot E reer1et de Larue F-ancatse (AUPELF). R3ot and .;ter crcS 'esearc'i" ,0'1878, US Acencv 'cL i-lera-a; EDe'ere'. Sx-ccor"mec inDacts of cassava ocst1'a-vest tect'.o&-es on maSha3dhwus - SCut' East W)wla O57 259 hitiltu f Je-ra- ur- uozj m r don TrX-tzd S ,So.eken de' Lkis-qitaet ' n cN-ete- La-etb sRetr etre r df T-- er. und S!oras ci ce'eeaJs ' . oasto^alss '_47 5I O ve'seas E'?:e'ccr-et r-s::r NRRID 1 West .Fca . P,st hest kzsses At -c i04675i Oeseas Ve zoe>- .X.r7n'rst'a3To iN;?ROi Hsoe ecorar rries and c MSe21stfn rocssa' N'er kleaJ 28s mkes saic a Ne4c.-~eis~c'Cr (02428! lfcl Cert e Putd uorks i Afra !o ove feosecu' ty (0466) De scheGeseltuer tecfdisi ae Z arnrneo iC-TZ}. Fiese Cotcn fCOTOM (0206 } France: C Jes P respoates de PRecherches AgTonwie Afncawns et sfaincais (CDRAF)6 .,~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ir.-ex o' protects py discipline Human nutrition - General aspects Cassava and household food secunt. in rurai area of Makent'Seob.*er-a Sierra Leone (01 787) Overseas Developm; ent A rninistrai.on (NRFDi. Cassava Neworrk TReseau Maniocl 02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronorn:aue Afcains e. Fframra;s Human food vakje of Australian acac'a seeds M053891 Australain Certre ft Internao.ral Aor'cufturai Research. NIPSSET: Afnrcan agriculture - year 2000 -rogram. ;207 1 Nsgena Instiue of ?'ant Scene and Solar EnergvTechrcloca Reseau Coton (COTON. 102082) Fiance: Conference des Resronsab!es de Recherches Aa orn,oue Afnicans et Francaos (CORAFI. Internabonal trade Aaoculturaf deRsiflcaf, proec. (020261 'World Bank: Ghana. Agncural export Drrr%tioon. (04418) World Bark. GCte d'lvore. Agicutur1 restructuring and diversaficar'. (forrne0y Export promokwvbdwrsificatior. fermne+; Prvate evor! crosi. (01 04) Word Bark: Carmeroor Ag-iultural sector deve-kornenr (02030) Wodd Bank: Gunea-Brssai. Assessmet of ccondhons for ephcat:g production systems in Africa's savanra areas - second stage. 102098) Centre de Coope-aton Internationale en Redherohe Aorormanue Dour le Devekoppernent IGIRAD) CDop divetsificaton and agrnicthural se-mces project (01193) ..a1id Bankl Equatornl Guinea Fertiz r PAI*etm and Trade nfoaton Prolan (FATIP). (02145) 9dwate Geeral for tntenationia1 Cooperatio (DGtS): U S. Aoency for herniir,na Developnent (USAID), NaticE.! i tal expot pm*tion rocect (Export croo. frmerly AgWcultura expor r .mot nforrryExiortcrops). (01Or'i- orktBank Guinea 66 kidex of projects by dscipsrle Nafional livestock project. (O1131) World Bank: Central Afrcan Republic. Pnvate rural enterpnse and diversification Iformerly Export crop development). (01 184) World Bank: Central African Republic. SADAOC (Secunte Alrmentaire durable en Afnque de 0lOuest Centraie!- (05662) ECDPM (European Centre for Development Poi,cy MAanaaernent. Investmenet finance and credit Agricultural credit for development in the Upper West Region of Ghana. (04607) Universrtaet Giessen Agricultural pnce politics of fte Benin and the efiect on production. dissemination of incomne. budget and batance of pavments. (01412) tniversitaet Hohenheim. Agncultural restrjctunrng and diversificahon (formerly Export promotiorVniversrfication. formerlv Private export crops). (01104) World Bank. Carneroon Agrultural sector development. (02030) World Bank: Guinea-Bssau. Crop diversification and agricultural services proiect. (01193) World Bank; Equatorial Guinea. Eoobgical protecton (formerly Forestry and environment). (01178) Wodd Bank: Cameroon. Fnanciag needs of farrmhouseholds ard formal and informal rural financial markets: a case stud of Benin. (03866, ULn"erszaetl Hohenheim. lindustri crops. (01208) World Bank: Zaire. Imestnent and survival strategies of women (04831) Overseas Developnent Administration (NRRD). Labour wwestment in perennial crop producto. (04830) Overseas Development Adaminstratien (NRRD). Nabonal agrilral export p ir pect (Export cop. formrley Aiutural export po(olon. formerly Export crops). (01017) World B3ar Gwnea Rural fimarcg systerns and agrcuria pnr poicy in support of iruNato. F2. 1: 67 ,. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Index of prote-ts bv discipline The rural households financial requtrements and forrnaJ and nfermai financl nstfitutions analysed n the provice Ouerne P. the Peop!es Republic of Beri#'. F2,2: Agriultural price policv and nts effects on production. income and emcrievnent. (04658) Universrtaet Hoenheirm. Soil Fertility Restoration Project (SFRPR. 102143) International Fertilizer Development Center Afnca (IFDC-Afr.cai. Start-up grants - rInternational Ferilizer Development Center-Afr'ca. (021471 International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa (FDC-Afrcai irriqatiOn Amculfural services rehabiitation proect. (01 105) 'World Bank: Ghana Fadama development (formerly National Fadama developrment) (043461 World Bank: Nigeria Groundr.ut Network iReseau Arachide.. (02087) Conference des ResponsabJes Aqronomsques Aincains et Franca2s. Gueckedou agricultural development project. (01136) Worff Bank: Gunea. Internationai Network on Soil Ferility and Sustainable Rice Farming (0NSURF1. (05370) international Rice Research Institute. International Rice Testna Proiram -or Aftna IIRTP) (02160) United Nateins Development Proa-am (UNDPI European Econornr Commission (EEC);Japan. irrigation develoDment (04302) World Bank: Nieria. NIPSSET: Arrican agncuiftre - year 2000 program. (02071) N#-.a Institute of Plant Science ard Solar Enercv;Technoiogy. Rice prodtion 11 (01886) U.S. Agency 'or International Development. Smal scale wrigation. (04363) World Bark. Ghana. S&pplental inigation in the humid trooics (03661 ) Admrsation GCnale dela boo aon au Deve .ppwTw#- Tectnobgy of mcrocatdinent water harvesig fo irrgation in sem-arid zones. (01472) Unversitaet Gotngen. 68 index of projects by discipline Thrird multi-state agrictural developmnent project. s0275d) World Banh: Nigena. West Afrnca Miaize Co!laborative Researcth Network Reseau Mais. (02156) Conference des Respcnsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains. West African Irrigation Research Development Network ('WAtRD). (02612) Internatiorna Imrrition Manacqrment Insatute (liMI. Labour and employment Changes in labour allocation of 'arm n, lusehods in WNest Africa. (05726) histut fuer Agrar- und Sozialoekonoorie rn den Tropen und Subtropen der Universftaet Hohenheium Fachgebset Landw,rtschatttcbe Betnebslehre in den fropen und Sutbtropen- Food security project. (04160) World Bank- Cameroon. Labour ivesbtent in perennial crop production. (04830) Overseas Devebpment Administration 'NRRD). Public works in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer tec&nische Zusamrnenarbeit (GTZi. Tsne-budget-utilzation oi rural househoulds in South-8enin. (04633) Unwersitaet Karisruhe Land economics and polnies Agrcultural privatization and smallholder deveopment (formerly Agrcultural secto- developmrent). (03746) 'World Bank. Sao Tome & Pricipe. Agicutural services (fomnerly Second agncultural services proectl). (01197) Worl Bank: Guriea. Agroforestry system,s n the Tropics. (0859) Gesellscaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Apolied research pxogranime: Easten and Central Arn Agroforestrv Network for Arca (ECA-AFRENA) - The bwnoatI h.U*arids (02615) !nternational Council for Research in Agoforoesty. Appied reseanrh programme: Network for Humid Lowlrads of West Afica (HULWA-AFRENA). (02618) rnaonal Coaxc for Researvh in Agrotomestry (ICRAF). 69 Irdex of projects by discolirne Assessment of conditions for replicatiri production systems in Ainca s savanna areas - second stage- (02098) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Rech erche Aqrorom,!fue Dour e Developpement (CIRADi. Crop diversification and agricultural services proJect. (01 193) World Bank: Eouatorial Guinea. Development and current situation of land tenure n Enolish-speakino West Africa: th'e case of Sierra Leone. (01500) Universtaet Bonn. Ecological poiection ,formeriv Forestrv and enwonrnent). (01178) WorWd Bank: Caneroon. Ecological side-e'fects of tsetse control in central andneorthern Ivav Goast (04637) Universitaet des Saarlandes. Environmentai managenent iformerly Envtrronmevnt formern Adjus-ment Loar - Environment). (04352) World Bank: Nigeria. Environmental resource management (flormerly Envirornent). (04362) World Bank: Ghana. Gueckedou agricultural development protect. (01136) World Bank: Guinea. Management of natural resources, (04157) World Bank. Ben!n. Natural resource management project. (01186) Wortj Bank: Central Afncan Republic Natural resources management (tformesy Agrncultural naturel resources and forestry). (04344) World Bankk: Guznea-Bissau. NetwK on land developmrent for sustanabJe agnculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land deveblpment). (02109) internatiwal Board for Soii Research ari Management. Ptibc works in Africa to improve food-securitv. (04626) Deutscie Geseilschaft fuer technisdhe Zusammenarbeft (GTZ. Rural land managment project (formerly Land tenure). (04419) World Bank- Cote dilvoire. Second Western Province rural development. (01 135) World Banic Cameroon. 70 Index of projects by disxplEe Soc.-economc impacts of cassava postharvest technoogies on smrallholdns in South East Nigeria. (05725) Institut fuer Agrar- und Sozfaloekonomie in den Tropen und Subtroven der Unrversitaet Hohenheim. Fachoebiet Landwntschaftiiche Betnebsiehre in den Tropen und Subtropen. Technological change and transformation of ,and tenure systems in Subsaharan Africa. (01510) Universitaet Goettingen Legisiation Assessment of conditions for replicatina p.oduction systems in Africa s savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronornique pour le Developpemert (CIRAD) Management of natu ii resources. (04157) Workd Banrk: Benin. Research and study programrne on the improved managempent of extensive national rargelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-5ahel institute. Mhathematical and staistical metods Associatirn Interrationale Dour i'Optinlsaton de la Nutritbon des Plantes (ANIOP) [International Association for the Optinization of Plant Nutritioil. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intermationale en Recherche Agronom4que pour te Developpement (CIRAD)- Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [R6seau de Recherche sur la Resistance a la Secheressel. (02610) Conference des Respables de Recherchie Agronorique Africains et Franeais. Fwst agricultural services pro*et. (01137) World Barn: Guinea. Optimisabon of natural-circulation solar-energy tropical crop drvers. (02879) Cormission of the European Co-r,munities. The Livestock Trypanotolerart Network. (02081) Overseas Deveblpment Admrinst- ion. Meeordo and cliogMy Afrwan Center of Meteorological Appications for Development (ACMAD). (01 I09) Wodd Meteorobgical Organimaion WMOW) 71 index of projects bv r'scine Agriculture Hydrologqe-Meteorologie. (02634) Centre Regional de Formation et d'Application en Agrometeorologie et Hydroloie (AGRHYMET). Assessment of conditions for replicating production systems tn Africa's savanna areas - second stage. f02098) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronornciue pour t' Developpement (CIRADI. Drought Resistance Research Network IR3S [Reseau de Recherche sur la Rests tance a ba Secheressel- !02610) Conference des Resoonsables de Rechercre Agronomiwue Aftncans et Franca;s. Estimation of monthly runoff dtata on the basis of multispectral satellite imagery. (03795) Universitaet Bochum. 1,dentificaibon and monilonng of Afncan weather regffmes - Phase I West Africa. (04726) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD)- IrNestigatons in procl-tion and reproduction records and their interrelationshfip with envirorwrnental factors in Diallonke sheep in Ghana. (01443) Deutsche Forsahungsoernernschaft (DFG). Sahehan Informathon Netwok (SIN). (02657) Institue of Sahel (INSAH). Sub-Saharan Africa hydroiog:cal assessmnent. (01108) Worid Bank. Traditional Techniques of Micro Clinate Improvement (TTMI). phase II. (05658) WAU fWageningen Agrcultural Unrversity). Misceflaneous plant disorders An examination of Dioscorea spp (yam) for nrematode resistance. (04782) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Cocoa rehabilhation project. (01010) World Bank: Ghana. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Inteffatonal Development (USAID)iMiciigan State Lniversity. Colo e Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agency for Intermaonal Developrment (USAIDY.University of Georgia Drought Resstamnce Research Network MR3S) [R%seau de Pecherche sur la Resistance a la Suc'eresse]. 72 Index of prolects by disctpline (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agromomique Afrncamns et Francais. Groundnut Netvork fResaau Arachidej; (02037) Conference des Responsabies Agronorniques Afncains et Francais. International Rice Testing Prograrn for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)iEuropean Economic Commission (EEC)IJapan. The WHest and Central Afrira Cowpea Collaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Development (USA!DVSemi-Arid Food Grain Researr,c and Developmernt (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Maize Collaborative Research Nervwork (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agenev for intemational Development (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food G-ain Research and Development (SAFGPAD). Nature conservation and land resources 'Tropenbos' Foundation. (05507) Tropenbos Foundation. Acquiition and distribution of cornprehens:ve Landsat TM satellite imnaciery. (04483) Global Environment Facility: Central African Repubiic. Adophon of agroforestry systems in developing countries. (01791) Overseas Development Admintstration (NRRD). African Center of Meteorological Applicatons for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Agrcultre. (04414) World Bank: Carneroon. Afiey Farming Network for Tropical Af.ica. (02088) Canadian Intermational Developmnent Agency (CIDA)/lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC) Centre dEtude de rEnvironnement et de Developpement au Cameroun. (05654) State University Leiden. Centre for Envirormental Science. Common Pperty Resource Networ k. (06360) University of Minnesota at Minneapolis Ct. Paul. Commnriy refoiestation (CARE). (01919) U.S. Agency for Irtemational Deveopment. Congo wkdnds protecton and ma eent (04482) Global Environmental Facility Congo. 73 Index of projects by discipline Drought Resistance Research Netvork I R3S) . Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a ba S6cheressel, (02610) Confeferrce des Responsabbes de Recherche Agronornique Africains et Franr;a;s Ecological monitoring of the dynamics ef desertiuication. (034t5) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Ecological proectJon 4formerKv Forestry and env;ronment). (01178) World Bank: Cameroon. Ecological side-effects of tsetse controi n central and northern ivory Coast (04637) Unrverstaet des Saarlandes. Ecology/environment programme: reforestatin and conservation of the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Environment project (formerly P!bt torest and environment pro.ect. (02787) World Bank: ZaTe. Environmentai action proaram. (04412) World Bank: Benin. Environmental action program. (04423) World Bank: Togo. Environmentai management (formerty Environrment. formerdy Adjustment Loan - Environment). (04352) World Bank: Nigea. Environmental resource management (formerly Environment). (04362) Woild Bank: Ghana. Estimation of monthly runoff data on the bas;s of muitispectral satellite imagery. (03795) Universitaet Bochur. Forestry!'Envrronment. (02759) World Bark: Togo. Forestry/environmtent (04343) World Bank, Gabon. Inventory of environmental research and development act vities (Nigeria). (02548) Intemaioal Develprment Research Centre. Investgations on the diver of rain and cloud forests in Rwand a.rd Zaire. (05688) Botaisches InstiAut der Universaet Bonn, Abt. Systernati ud Morphologie. Monitoring of renewable natural resources in the Sahel. 74 Index of projects by discipline (02739) Commission of the European Commuraties. National agricultural research project. (01211) World Bank: Zaire. National agricultural research project. '01673) WVorld Bank; Nigeria. Nabonal environment program- (01002) World Bank: Cote d'lvoire. National environment program (formerly Agriculture). (04421) World Bank: Cote dlvoire. National resources/management suppot. 101185) U.S. Agency for International Development. Natw-al resource management and conservation IforTnerty Land resources management and conservation). (04416) World Bank. Equatorial Guinea. Natural resouce management project. (01186) World Bank: CenTral African Repub Ic. Natural resources management. (03661) U.S. Agency for International Development. Natural resources managemnent (formerly Agricultural natural resources and forestry). (04344) World Bank: Guirea-Bissau- Natural resources management project. (04367) U;orld Bank- Congo. NIPSSET: African agrcufture - year 2000 program. (02071) Nigeria Institute of Plant Science and Soar Energy/Technoogy. Proiecto Agro-Sivo-pastoi do Leste Bafata (I -ff ll). (05631) SNV (Netherlands Development Cooperation). Projet poursuite des etudes en milieu reel (PEMR). (05666) SNV (Associain Neerxndaise crAssistance au Developpernent). Research and study prograwe on the unproved managers.ant at extensive national rangeands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and study programme on the possbiiy of intensifon of fodder a-id aninal prod7uctIon in the fRaxneork - an assocation of agricuture and livestock breeding in Sub-Sahean. Sudainan and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute. 75 index of prolects by discipline Rural environment management lformerty Environmental protection prograrr forrretv Natural resources management). (02096) World Bank: Guinea Tne Geological Network for Agrominerals in East and Southern Africa. (02613) United Nations Development Program iUNDP): World Bank. Universqy envirorrnental linkage: Range development and Camel studies. (04648) Justus von Lieb:g Universitaet Giessen. WVest African Forages Network (WAFNET' (02103) Multilateral Cooperation Divison. Econoric Cooperation Bureau. MOFA JAPAN. West African procram for agro-mrinerai research. (02146) Intemational Fertihzer Develioprent Center. Africa (IFDC-Africat. Nutfition programmes Food security project. (04160) World Bank: Cameroon. Occupational diseases and hazards Assesswng operator exposure. (04881) Overseas Deveiopment Administration. Organization. administration and management of agricuttiral enterprises or farms Assessment of conditions for replicating productbion systems in Afr;ca's savanna areas - second stage. (02096) Centre de Cooperation Intemnationale en Recherche Agrorornique pour le Developpemeni (CIRAD). Cotton area rural development projec, (01132) World Bank: Certral African Republic. Global 2000 - Sasakawa Afrca initiative agicutture project. (01291) Globa 2000 Found. Kaduna/latsina agricutural development project (formerly Kaduna Staie integrated agricultral deveopmert project). (01014} World Bank. Nigeria. Maize Wl/Lulua agricutural devebpmet proiect. (01162) World Bank: Zaire. 76 J Index of projects by discipline Methoology for agncultural markefing systems policy and practise. and its application to current reforms. (01721) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Micro-economic potenhals and limits to the introduction of Alley cropring systems in traditional farming systems in South Benin. (04605) Universitaet Hohenheim National livestock project. (01 131) Worid Bankk: Central African Republic. Par-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock In;ernational: Ford Foundation. Private rural enterprise and diversification 'formerly Export crop development). (01184) World Bank: Central African Republic. Private voiuntary and nongovemmental organ;zation support (PVOe'NGO). (03662) U.S. Agency for International Developrent. Rural enterDrise development. (03659) U.S Agency for International Development/Africare. Rural financing systems and agricultural price policy n support of irnnovations. F2. 1: The mral households finarnial requirements and formal and informal fnanciai instbtutions analysed in the province Oueme in the Peoples Republic of Benin. F2.2: Agricultural price policy and its effects on producton. incorme and employment (04658) Unrmversitaet Honenheim. Second rural develprment project in cotton areas. (01007) World Bank: Togo- Strengening maize and cassava research in eleven countries of West and Central Africa: Plan of action. (02665) Ministere de la Cooperaton (France). Sustainable use of natural resources? Case study on the dynamics of iand use in Norther Ghana. (05705) Institut luer Agraroekoriomie der Universitaet Goettingen. PWLk*V NIPSSET. African agriculture - year 2000 program. (02071) Nigeria Institute of Plant Science and Solar Energy/Technology. Pests of arials riprovig the Diagnosis and Control of Trypaosomnasis and other Vector-borne Diseases 77 Indcx of r3roiects bv iisciDline oi African Livestock. using immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directora-te General or lntemaion aiCooperation (DGIS). NIPSSET: Afr-car: acncutture - year 2000 2rog.rarn. '02071 Nrceria Instrtute of Plant Science and Sclar ET1nercy;TechrnoicV. Research. coordination. and training for :mcroved ivestock Droduction in Sub-Saharar Africa 02732) Ccmmission of The European Communities. Social Sc:erce interface Research Unit (SSiRU). (02779) The Inmemationai Centre of Insec Physaoiogv and Ecoloov. The Deveoxmnent of Practices for Area-wice Tse.se Eradicaton wvith ernphasis on the Sterile Insect Technque. (02626) Unrted Nations Food and Ainculture Organmzatinon. The Livestock Trypano-olerant NefvorX. (02081) Overseas Deveiopneni Admnistration. West African Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Mutiateral Cooperation Division. Economic Goope-ation Bureau. MOFA. jAPAN. Pests of plarts Africa-wide bioiogical control progrramme for cassava c.es-s. (01828) Internatior21 Fund for Agncvlturai DeveoLmment. An integrated research programme rYi the develooment of biologicai oesticides for iocust and grasshopper control. (01546) U.S. Agency for International Deveiorment. Bio6og;lal integrated con-.ol cf the !arger grain borer. Prostecni .us truncatus Horn. (03907) Institut fuef Phytopathoiogie. Arbeitsgruppe Vorrat. Unversrtaet Kiel. Cassava Network rReseau Martoc. (02084) Conf6rence des ResDonsables de Rechercrie Agronoique Africains et Francais. Collaborative Research StWport Program (CRSPl: Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agercy Interrational Development IUSAID)iMichigan State University. Collaborative Research Support Proaran, (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agency for International Develc-rrent (USAIODVUniversty of Georgia Conol of Zonocerus variegatus (03825 Uvsaet Frefurg. Coordinaton of blcst and grasshopper control. (01527) Food and Agiclture Orgwzabtio of the United Natorns. 78 4noex or :roiecs by disculre Cr=O rottectoiorograrn1rie e034O91 CILS-Sar;el lnstle. EcoIlccai side-eiecs oi tsetse control cenral -xd aloen, ivorv Caas-. i046371 Unrverstaet des Saartandes. FccOtefoewror.rnen, programme: es.anc4 arc conservaicn of the tcresr': resources (03dI6) CILSS-Sanes kiste. F-cof- secu-ity porect tC4160) World Bank Carroero. Infkence of neemn tAzxkadta wica) products on ocasts and grasshopoers iO3847) Justus-Uebg Urwaseaet Gessert lnterrebonai Rice Test"gPnram for Ainca IRTPI {02160) United Natios Devekcoment P arnam WNNDPYEorean Econoric Commission (EECVJaDan. LocLst and rasshper cwtrc by acpiuaton o neern prixodul i03S48) kustus-Lebig Univet Gessen. Maize ilJLulua agrxukwa deve4vmerf oowa. 01t162) VAdd Bani: Zaire. Na1iora ac3cutual res.- 13h protec1. !01211) Wodd Balvk: Zae. Natona awultura -esearch Dofoect (01332) Worid B3ar'K Ghala. Od paln devedornernt project - Phase 11. (03474) WoJd Barx: Ghaa. Phase l: Resstane ol cowiea to S,ruga gesneis and Aectra yogeli Phase II: Reststarce of leawnes and cereals to Slnga sec.es. 101767) Ovese Devemert Admwwstaom INRD)- Propcsal for a resea projed on te deeokneri d new meUiods n bcust corroi. (l109O) Geselshat tuer Ted%rsdh Zsamnarbegt (aTZI. Reche-he Appkee en 1ieu Reel (RAMR,. (056t2) KIT ("Oya Troica kisJt*ie). RPseai Cotn (COTON). (MMO~ Fninc Coulenece des PRespmsibes de PRedvudes ATwononiq Africas et Fraa (CORAF), 79 Index of projects by discipline Second rural developnent project in cotton areas. (01007) World Bankt Togo- Social Science Interface Research Unit tSSiRUi. (02779) The international Centre of insect Physiology and Ecology. Survey. biology and control of grasshoppers. (01 526) institute for AgricuJtural Research. Tne East and Southem Afnca Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN,. (02080) U.S. Agency for international Development (USAID,VInternationai Deveiopment Research Centre (lDRCYtnternational Institute of Tropical Aanculture (IITA). The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collaborative Research Network iRENACOC. (02078) U.S. Agency for Interratiorkl Deveiopment (USAIDySemr-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRADI). Thad coffee ana cocoa development project. (01008) WoIrd Bank: Togo. U.Sjlsael prograrn for cooperative developnent research. (01949) U.S. Agency ior International Development. fest and Central Afnca Aaize Collaborative Research Network (WECAMAAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Developrent (USAIDVSemi-Arid Food Grair Research and Development (SAFGRAD). NVest and Central Afnca Sorghom Research Network (WCASRN). §C,2075) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDYSerni-Arid Food Grain Research agd Development (SAFGRAD). Pfr,t siogy of hunan nutrition toflaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. -345) U.S. Agency Intemational Development (USAID)Mclohigan State University Pta I -1 seases (al NAecular bioogy of the leracion{s) between yam (Dioscorea spec.) and the fta ,g.s Colletichu g1beosporiooiles (b) Isoaton of fxnga defence genes from yams. (c; C" A f4geprrg of the yam genoe. t(-0 European Economic Commissior (EECYJapan- Litho and pedogenese of so:l catenas in the humnid tropics. (04656) Universitaet Kiel. Natonal Sod Reference Collections (NASREC li). (05624) ISRIC (International Soil Reference and Information Centre). Reseau Europeen crEtude des Latentes (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols Shtiesi (02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de rEnse&ewn Superieur Universite of Strasbourg. Sod genesis in the humid tropicai lowlands. (04606) Uiermiaet Kiel. The characterization of rice grow agragecosysm in West Africa (int phase). (0561) WSC (Wnad Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research)- 103 Irdex of projects by discipline Soil cultivation Agricultural diversitication project (02026) Wcrld Bank: Ghana Agricuitural research and extension II (01849) U.S. Agency for Internationai Development. Agnicultural servtces rehabilitation project (01105) World Bank: Ghana. Agroforestry systems (Can-eroon) - Phase I. (04172) 1nternational Deveiopment Research Centre. Applied research and extension. (01188) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development CAR - rural developlent 101894) U.S. Agency for International Development. Conservation of soi fertility by peasant farrmers in Atlantic Province. Benin. (02890) Commission of the European Communities. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S), Reseau de Recherche sur la R6sistarce a b Secheresse]. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Acronownique Afncains et Francars. East Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ensette) (EARCORBE). (02168) International Network for the Irnorovement of Banana and Ptantain. GrounKnut Network JR6seau Arachidej. (02087) Conference des Responsables Agronomques Afrcains et Fran,ais- Invesfigtios and dewelopment of s.te adaptive agroforestry systems. (04665) Universitaet Bayreuth, Natioral agricuttural export promtion project (Export crop, formerly Agnouttral export pronotion, formerly Export crops). (01017) World Bankl Guinea Nalonal agricultural research projecL (01332) World Bank: Ghana Nabural resource marnageent pmpe. (01 t86) World Bank; Central African Repulic. Network for Improvaenet of Rice Culiaton [1Reseau Riz] (02161) Cont&rence des Resporsables de Recherche Agrononique Afnicains et Franais- Network on land development for susable agricure in Africa (AFRICALANJD - Land 104 index of projects by discipline development). (02109) International Board ior Soil Research and Management NIPSSET: African agriculture - year 2000 program. (02071) Nigeria Institute of Plant Science and Solar Energy.Technology. Oil palrn development project - Phase It. (03474) 'orld Bank: Ghana. Rainfed rice development project. (04356) African Devebpment Bank. Strengthenuig African agricultural research: 13 West Afnica Rice Development Association (WARDA) - Mangrove and associated swamp mce research. (01857) U.S. Agen,cy for International Development Tne East and Southern Afinca Root os Research Netirk (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for lrtemnabonal Development (USAIDpIntemional Deveopmnent Research Centre (ODRClrnternational Institute of Tropical Agricultwue (IITA). The role of plant ras;dues in soil managermient for food production in the humid tropics. (05626) AB (Research Institute for Agrobio*gy and Sod Fertbity)- T ree crops (Oilpain. Rubber). (02756) World Bank Nineria. Urea inector test- (04143) Research Insttute for Agrobiology and Sod Feitity (AB). Wast Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Plantai- (WARCORP). (02167) International Institute of Tropical Agnculture. West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075i U.S. Agency for Internaticnal Deveiopmenit (USAJlDOSemfi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). erosin, conservation and reciamation Centl Shaba agculural development. (03667) U.D. Agency ,;or hnterrioal Devebpment. CoPeborative Research S&4port Program (CRSP): Sods manageme (TROPSOILS). (01346) U-S. Agency for International Developmnent (USAiD)Narth Caroina State Crop esificln and agicual services pm)eU (01193) Worid Barnk Equaoria Guirea Ecologcal mniori of the dyramc- of deserficabon. 105 index os projeors by discipiine (03415) CILSS-Sahe& InstitrIe. Eccioavienvironmen; urograrmve: reforesration anc conservation o the rorestav resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel lnstri'..e. Environment project (formery Piot fc-est arnd environment Droiecz) (02787) 'World Bank: Za:re. Improving water maragement :n the semni-ard region i'f Canrnoon. (03802) Bu,desminister'Um -uef Wirrs&aftffiche ZusamrrenabetFedera" Ministr. fhr Economic cxaperation {BMZ). Improving water rnanagment in the serr.iarid region of Cameroon. (03928) Insttut fLef Pflanzerbau Lnd Tierhgrene den Troper uri S:Dtropen. Unversitaet Coettingen Investigatons in dtiferenrt fo,1s of soil erosior uncer dFfferent cropping sys'ems ir Nigeria (013ThI C-eseuscIhaft fuer Technische Zusarnmenarbeit (GTZV. National agriculturai researcri pro;ezt. (01211) World Bank: Zaire. Nationa' Soi Reierence CoE&-n .-NASREC t1). (05624) ISRIC (lnterrationei Soi Reference and kAorrnanoo Centre,. Research and study prograrrime on the possibhii;f of intensification cf fodoer and amraf production sn the framework of ar assocoation of ancuture and livestock breedi in Sub-Saheian. Sudanian and Gu nean zones (03413) CILSS-Sahe insttute. Reseau Erosbon (EROS) Erosicn Ne.Nwcrk]. (02638) ORSTOWIlnstiiut Frarrais de Recherche 3cienoque pour e Deve.lopoe_ t en Cooperation. Rural environment manaoer'ent lformeriv Enviroimenta! protection proram. forrmeriv Natural resources manaoernern). (02096) Word Bank: Guinea. The role of pLat residues ;n sal manageent for food production in the hiinid tropics. (05626; AB (Paesearcih Insute for Agrobiobgy and Soi Fertility). Sad til A Feasibilty study on estabk&"i an Afca Centre for Fertilizer Develpment (016&4) GTZ (Deu e Gesellschaft fuer Techn Zusanrbeit. Aican SiNa Rurninant CoUlaborative Research Network. 1i06 Index of projects bv discipline (02620) International Fund for Auricuitural Deveboment Agronomic Fertiizer Research Program (AFRP). (02147) International Fertilizer Develop ment Center. Afica (IFDC-Afnca; Agrosilviculture en zone humide - Congo [Humid zone agrosilvopastoral systems - Conso:. (01289) International Development Research Centre. Applied research programme: Eastem and Central African Agroforestry Network -or Africa (ECA-AFRENAk - Th-e brnodai highlands. (02615) International Councd for Research ;n Aaroforestry. Applied research progranme Network tor Humid Lo;.ands of West Afrra (HUt WA-AFRENA,. (02618) International Councl for Research in Acrojorestry (ICRAFb Assessrment of conditions for replicating production systerns In Africa 's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperation Internatior-ae ern Secherche Agrono nmque ooJr le Ceveloppement (CIRAD1. Central Shaba a aricultua development. (03667) U.S Agency for hternational Deveomprnert. Commwication. Docurnentaticn. and Traar'g Pro-amn (CDOP). (02142) Intemationa3 Fertiizer DevebpMent Center. Africa (FDC-Afrnca). Conservation of soi tertitivy by peasant farmers ii Atlantic Proivce. Bern (02890) Commission of the European Cmrmunities. Efrects of dujst depostes and ricrovanbirty on edaphical site conditons with reeard to seirn-an and sub-humid locattns in West Africa. (04657) Universitaet Hohenheirn. inpact of the most %rpod1ant trees for ailey-cropping on sod fertility prooees the Ivoty CoastiWest Africa (04669) Umwrstaet Bayre"it Interatona Network on Soil Fertikrv and Sustaiable Rice Fanning (INSURF). (05370) International Rice Research Insetute. Maagement of veulisols uLder sern-and condits in Arica (MO VSAC) (01C22) oitational Board for Soil Research and Managerent Nato aicultural extensin and adaptve research proiecL (01191) Wodd Ba*- Congoa Netwr on managmnt of acid sods ni turd a (AFRICALAND - Maagmnt of acid sods). (01021) bntrnational Board for Soi Resear and Managemet 107 Index of rciects by discipirne NIPSSET: African agnculture - year 2000 prograrn. (02071) Nioeria Institute of Plant Science and Solar Enerr,nyTechnologv. Recherche Appliquee en Milieu Reel (RAMR). (05612) KIT (Royal Tropical institute?. Soil Fertility Restoration Project (SFRP). (02143) Intemation,al Fertihzer Development Center. Afrca (IFiDC-Airica) The role of organic substance in maintaining soil fertiityt of different sares in Sout- Benrn. (0456 J.niversitact Hohen .heini The role of plant residues .n soii ranagement for food production :n ;ne hum;d ;rcocs (05626) AB jResearch Insmute for Agrobicoloy and Soil Fertilit)i West African Forages Netwvrk (WAFNET?. (02103) Multilateral Cooperatior. Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MlOFA. JAPAN. Soil science and managernent Agronomic Fertiizef Research Program (AFRP?. (02147) International Fertilizer Deevelopment Center. Africa iFDC-Africa). Agronromic Network for East and Southern Alrica. (0261 1j Unitad Natons Developnern Program (UNDP): Worid Bank. ColrabGaive Research Support Program (CRSP): Soils management (TROPSOiLSL (01346) U.S. Agency 'or Internatoral Development (USAIDVNort, Carolia State University. Control of soil acKiity in agroforeswry. (04743) Overseas Devebornent Adm.iristration !NRRID Denveppement des recherches menees en zone de foret dense nurm.de dans le doraine de ilagroforesterie! Develolrent of agroforestry research carried out n the tropica, rain forest zone (04654) Ul.iversitaet Bavreuth- Effects of dust deposrtes and mcrovariability on edaphical site condotsns with regard to serni-and and sub-humid locations in West Africa (04657) Uvrsitae Holenhen. Impact of fine most oriiCotan! tree- for alley-cropping on sod ferbty propertes in the hoy CoastWest Africa. (04669) Unvwsaet Bayreuth Irrpvg waler mangment in the sermarid region of Camerooin (03802) Bxndesterimn fuer Wfctz ZsramenartlFederal Mnsty or 108 Index of projects by discipline Economic Cooperation (BMZ). lnvesligations and development of site adaptive acroforestry sys.ems (04665) Unrversitaet Bayreuth Management of vertisols under semi-and conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC. (01022) International Boa.d for Soil Research and Management National agricultural research prole-t 101211) VWortd Bank: Zaire. Nationai agiculturat research project. (01332) VYork Bank: Ghana Nationa Sod Reference Collections (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRtC (Internatioral Soil Reference and Information Centre)- Network on Land devebomnent tor sustale agriculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land development). (02109) International Board for Soil Research and Management Network on management of acid soils in hurnid Afrca (AFRICALAND - Maiagement of acad soils). (1O021) Irternation Board for Sodl Research ard Managent. Nigera Access to auban waste markets by near-urban faimers (04896) Overseas Oevebpment Administration (NRRD) On-Farm Fertilizer Acloption Program (OFFAP) (02148) International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa (IFDC-Africa). Public works in Africa to inrprove food-securty. (04626) Deutsche Geseffschaft fuer technrsdie Zusmmnenarbeit (GTZ). Recherche Appkqee en Milieu Reel (RAMR). (05612) KIr (Royal Tropical Institute) Relaborishl*s between tree growth. tree nutrition and site in Tectona grandis plantation in West Afria (04653) Universitaet Bayreuth. Reseau Intemational de Traitement des Donnees Sols (RiDTS) [International Network for Sods Data Processrng]. (02640}) knce de Cooperation Cuiturege et Technique (ACCT). Sod Fetity Restoration Projet (SFrqP) (02143) Interaonal Ferthzer Development Center. Africa (IF-Africa). The role of organic s starc n mitam sod feity of different sites in South Beritp. 109 index of projects by disciine (04661) Universitaet Hohenhe'.m. [SoiFs and ecological studies of the Kazaboua agro-orestrv syse m r.nte Centr. ai Reson of Togoj Etudes p6dologiques et ecogiques dans le sys:erne agrofo,ses:ef se Kazabsua. Region Centrale Togo- (03813) Univeritaet Bavreuth. Soil surveys and mapping National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC lIi. (05624) ISRIC (lnternazionai So4 Reference and Informatton Centre. Surveying methods Estimation of monthly runoef data on te basis of multispect-al satellite irmager;. (03795) Unnversitaet Boch;rn. Local Appkcation of Remote Sensing Technicues (LARST) for forestry m-anagerrment. (04845) Overseas DeveloDment AdIrnmstration (NRRD). Monitonng of renewable natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Commission of the European Communities. National resources/, nanagement support. (01185) U.S. Agency for International Devebopim*rlt Naturai resource management proe,6t. (01186) World Bank, Central Af ncan Republic. Natural resou.ces management project. (04367) World Bank: Congo. Proposal for a research proect on the develofprent of new methods r locust control. (02090) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit! (GTZi. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsabies de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). .Rural land maragenent project (formerly Land tenure). (04419) World Bank: Cote divoire. Trade, mnket and distr A Feasibity study on estabig an Afcan Centre for Fertilzer Development. (01684) GTZ (esche Geselischaft fuer TechniscIe Zsamnarbeft). 110 Ind-x oprojects by discivlne Agricultural diversification project. (02026) WVorld BanK- Ghana Agricultural marketing. (04426) MlMd Bank: Ghana Agriculturai price politics of the i3Benm and the effect on proaucton. dLsseminatoi cr incorne. budget and balance of paymernts i01412) Universitaet Hohenheim. Aaricuitural sector adjustment (forTnerty Agricultural SECALi. (04424) World Bank: Ghana. Agriculture sector restructuring. (03660) U.S. Agency br International Development. Agroeconormic stuy of cassava m Sub-Saharan Africa. (01222) Rockefeller Foundation. Assessment of conditons for repicating production systets in Africas savanna areas - second stage (02098) Centre de Coopemtw. Imematbonale en Rechercte Agrononque pour te Devebppement (CIRAD) Cocoa rehabiftabion project (01010) World Barnk: Ghana. Collaborative Research St4port Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency international Development (USAIDYMachgan State Unersty. Crop dversfication and agncultbral services prclWet. (01193) World Bank: Equatorial Guinea. Develoment and promotion of appropriate tools and irnplernent for the 'agricultural and food pcessig sector (interim phase) (ILOS19-iNT.NM03). (05648) iO (tehonal Labour Office). Egusi shellers (Cameroon). (02429) InternationaJ Development Research Centre Fetbizer tlarlteing and Trade Infornabon Program (FMTIP). (02145) irrectorate General for Interatonal Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for Inrnational Devel (USAID). Feftizer Policy Reseag:h Project (FPRP). (02144) kteatia Fertiizer Deveopment Center, Afica (IFDC-Africa). Fertiizer SECAL (04441) Wodld farnk Nigera 111 Index of rrojecLs by disco'line Food security. (04411j Worid Bank: Benin. Food security project. (04 60) World Bank: Cameroon. improvements to millet. sorghum. cowpea. and maize crops in the Sahei. (02738) Commassion of the Europear. Communities. International agricultural research centers- 09 nterrnamat:oa L vestock Center ?o, Africa (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for Interna;onal Development Livestock. (04420) Word Banic Cote davoire. Maize lL'Lulua agricural development oro*ct. (01162) WVofd Bank: Zaire. MeaVITsh processing (Nigeriai (02428) Intemationai Development Researcr Centre. Methodology for agricultural marketing systems policy and practise. and its application to current reforns. (01721) Overseas Development Adr.r!istraton lNRRD). Multi-state agricultural deveicprnen project. (01015) World Bank: Nigeria. National agrcultural services. (02095) World Bank: Cote d'lvoire. NIPSSET: African agriculture - year 2000 program. (0207 1) Nigena Institute of Pla A Sc;ence and Solar EnergyiTechnclogy. Pen-iuban vegetable production and consumpton in Sub-saharan Afnca (04905) The Askan VegetabJe Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Research programme on food secunty. strategies and policies. (034IT) CLSS-Sahe Institute. Rurfa enrei development. (03659) U.S Agency for Intemrnanal DeveloprmrnVAfricare. SADAOC (Securite Aimnentare durable en Aftque de rOuest Centrale). (05662) ECDPM (European Centre for Developrnet Policy Managment). Second Westem Province rural development. (01135) Word Bankc Cameroon- 112 Irndex of projects by discohne Seeds proet. (01163) World Bank: Zaire. Third coYfee and cocoa development prolect. (01008) Wordd Bank: Togo. Veterinary science and hygiene Agricultural services rehabittation project (01105) World Bank: Ghana Anfnal health. (04409) World Bank: Zaire. Development of equiprent and methods for continuous produc-ion of bacterial antens within a closed beoreator system. (03938) Institut Iuer Pflanzenbau und Terhygiene in den Tropen und Subtroper. Universitaet Gcettingen. Improving the Productrty of Indigenous Afrcan Livestock using Radtotm-nouoassay and related Technioues (0221 t Directorate General for irternatioral Cooperation (DGIS) Increase of productvrity and control of diseases of srnal ruminants. (03410) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Livestock (formnerly Livestock servies). (03421) World Bank: Ghana Livestock Ill. (03422) World Bank: Nigeria. Management of the West Aincwa Dwarf Goat ir e humid tropics (Phase II and ll). (03625) Agricutural Univerwsiy Wagenrigen Nabonal extension protect (03435) World Bank: Zaire. National livestock development II. (C4415) World Bani: Certral African Republic. NIPSSET: African agricuture - year 2000 program. (02071) Nmgeria Isiute of Plant Science and Solar Energy/Technology. Pahology ofs na rumnts etiokogy vaes and prophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel hIstitute. Reduction of costdosis relabtig to productive livestock thruog suppl ntary feedig of forage plants cortaining tan . 113 J. index ot pro,ects by discipimne (04659) Universitaet Hohenheim. Sero-suveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa. usng, immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SARECV. U.S/Itsrael program for coooerative development research- (01949) U.S. Agency for International Development. Veterinary pro otion of the 'Grasscutter Proiecd. (03943) Institut fuer Tiermedizin und Tierhyoiene. Universitaet Hohenietr.. Water resources and management African Ce-ter of Meteorolgical Applicatins 'or Develooment (ACMAD)- (01 109) World Meteorological Organszation (WMO). Agriculture Hydrologie-Meteorologe- (02634) Centre Regionai de Formation et dApp(ication en Aarometeoroiog:e et Hydrologie (AGRHYMET1. Droutxl Resistarce Research Network (R3S) ,Reseau de Recherche sur la Resstance a ia (02610) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Aaronor ique Africa2ns at Franirais. Ecology/environrment programme: reforestation and conservation of the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahet Institute. Environmental management iformerly Environment. formerly Adiustmen! Loan - Envronment). (04352) World Bank: Nigeria. Improvig water managment in the semi-and region of Carmeroon. (03802) Bjndesrternr fuer lWrrtschathe ZsartnedFederal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ). Improving water managient in roe seiand reg of Cameroon. (03928) Irstitut fuer Pflarzenbau und Terhygiene in den Tropern und Subtfroen. Universtaet Goetingn. Intratonal Bendwark Scis Network for Agro-tedwclogy Transfer (IBSNAT). (02635) U.S. Agefcy for Interr-itional Developnent. Management of na&a resource (04157) World Barc Benin. multi-state grtural de&e-opment proect. (01015) World Bank: Nigeria 114 Index of projects bv disciplne NIPSSET: African agriculture - year 2000 program. (02071) Nigerla Institute of Plant Science and Solar Energy;Technology Prolet Puits Artisanaux. (05672) SNV (Association Neerlandaise d'Assistance au Develope nent). Pub!ic works in Afnca to imnprove food-secunty. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fier technische Zusarnmenarbeit (GTZ). Research and study programme on the improved managemnent of extensrwe natbonai rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahei Institute- Sub-Saharan Africa hyrological assessment (01 108) World Bank- Technlogy of m;crocatchmnert water harvesting for irmgation in semi-arid zores. (01472) Universitaet Goettingen. U.S,israe ,Drogram for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S Agency for Internatinal Deveprpment. West Afican Irraon Research Devepment Network (WAIRD) *02612) hIterratio Irmqation Maknagement Ititute (IIMf). Weeds and weed controq Importance of spontaneous vegetation and biotic iinitation factors in t,raddtional cropping systems at a sub-hunid ste- (04660) Uniwestaet Hohnn. Network for improvemrent of Rice Cbtvation [Reseau Riz3 (02161) Conference des Responsables de Redhrche Agronimkue Africains et FranKais. lWtrogen and the contro; cf Striga. (05804) Overseas DevebpMrent Adninistration (NRRD). PIhse 1: Resistance of cowpea to Striga gesrenoides and Alectra yogeti Phase II: Resistance of legumes and cereals to Striga species. (01767) Overseas Dewelpment Administration 'NRRD). Reseau Coton (COTON) (02082) France: Conference des de Rechches Agronomique Afnca et Francais (CORAF). The West and Central Arica Cowpea Collabotive Pesach Network (RENACO) (02078) U.S. Agency for interaol Developent (USAIDySemrnArid Food Grain Research and Delopmt (SAFGRAD). 115 Index of projects by discipline Weed problems and weed management in cropping systems. (03897) Universitaet Hohenheim. West and Central Africa Maize Collaborative Resear-r. Ne~twork (WECAMAN). (32157) U.S. Agency for Internabonal Developmen' ' 'SAI{J,vSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Deveopment (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorgtium Research Network (W.'CASRN). (02075) U.& Agency for Intemational Develomment (USAID ,Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). 1N 116 Index of prjects by cow"tr Africa (05849) West Ainca Rice Deveo t Asocion (NA.9DA). (05850) West Afrca Rice Diee ent Associon (WARDA) (05851) West Africa Rice Deve pmet Associabon (WARDA). (05852) West Africa Rice Deveopment Assocon (WARDA). A Feas:ity study on esobshng an African Cenre for Fertize Devopment. (01684) GTZ (Deulsce Gesedt fuer Technise Zusnmenarbeit). Adopo of agrooresiy systems in developing countri (01791) Oveseas DeveloTnet Ainistra (NRRD) Aicn Center of MeteoMobgIcal Apcaons for Develop A (AMAD) (01109) Wod Meteiogical Or0naahon (W.MO) ASican Reseach Nework for Agtural By-P s (ARNA8) (02170) Internatinal Develpment Researci Cente (IDRC) InternaliOnal Lvestock Caete fbr A*ica (ILCA). Aftican Research NetcwFk on Ruxal Pourly Devekpment (02624) Uried Nabons Food and Agiuluri e O,mai Afrca Small RwnatJ Coilaba Research Nextw (02620% Ierationa Fund for Agriultal DeeopTet Africn Small RLiinat Colboati Research Network (SRNET)- (05812) teronal Livesock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agture Hyclor 4eorokbsgie. (02634) Centre Reginal de Formaon et dAppicato en et Hydrooi (AGRHYMET) Agoecononic std of cassava in Sub-Saharan A&ica (01222) Rockefell Foundaon. Agooresy reseaTch for develo of the ads d d West Afhca (021 13 bflmnaional Furmd for Aoirwkxl Development Agrok,esty sysems in fhe Tropic (03859) GeseWlschkwrTecnische Zrsamearbri (GTZ). Agrancirr Fizr Research Progan (AFF ) (02147) Iteralimal Fertiaw Deveopmer Ce*r. Akia (DCAkica)., Aguc Network fo East and SaMemn AXica' (02611) Unied NaMxos t Pveioet Pro)rm Off Wca1d Bart -i . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Index of projects by country Aley Farmnng Necr for Tropical Akica (02088) Canadian hntefaeiona Development Agerwcy (CIDAYInterational Development ReseaCh Centre (IDRC). An examinaNtn of Dioscorea spp (yarn) for nemafode resstance (04782) Overseas Deveepment Administratjon (NRRD). Animal Tracn Research Network. (05813) Intemat Livestock Centre for Arica (ItLCA). Appwed research programme: Eastern and Central Afran Agroforestry Neitork for Akica (ECA-AFRENAI - The bmodal hidla.( (02615) Internafional Council for Research in Agroforesty Appied researdc progaramme Network for Humid Lowlands of *Vest Afnca (HULWA-AFRENA). (02618) lntematona Counci for Research in Agroforestq (ICRAF). Arommatc extracts (Guinea (04953) lntemabonal Deveopmeft Research Centre Assessme of condaos fo repicatling prodtion systems in Afnca's savanna areas - second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooperato Irdemartonale en Recherhe Agronowmkie pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Case sWces on rasig agriculal productivity of women in Africa for increased food productioni (02151) Worid Bank. Cassava and household tood security in rura area of MakekSegwema in Sierra Leone. (01787) Oveseas Development Acninistratior. (,RRO). Catte Research Nework (CARNET) (fomery Catle MiW and Meat Network). (0538 Internai LieKsock Center for Afra Cenital and West Afrin Root Crops Coftabw Researh Nework (CEWARRN). (02166) ienaoa Insitute of Tropical Pricult Chaatsabon of dversiy for disease sance of Phaseokus bean mixture in East Afric (012) Overseas Develpnt Admisato (NfRPD). Chaaeion of tocyles and pnodticti of itedern z oaneters for clisthig kypaobterm in aumai and peopip (02847) Caimission of thie Ewpean Conmnbe& Charachazatiom evat aid estation of the nages due to retodes, phyIoj~asN of bananas (03736) kinenaborial Nework for fte lpmert of 1&nara aId PbffL 2 Index of projects by country Co-oiated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing i Afra (02629) United Natbons Food and Agrnilttre Organiaton. Communication. Documentation, and Training Program (CDTP). (02142) International Fertifizer Devebpmernt Center. Africa (IFOC-Africa). Condtons for devepwing non4arm prodrwtive actvites i nral areas of Afrca. A comparison of YalengaJBurkina Faso ar:d Extreme-NordlCameromru (04639) U..iversaet Franifurt Control of soi acidity in agroforestry. (04743) Oveseas Developraent Ackiinisra (NRRD). Coopeaative Cereals Researh NehbDk (CCRN). (02171) Irnernational Crops Research kIstite for the Semri-And Tropics. Cooperaive Progsanrre for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of lhlufpurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agrcuture Organ on of the United Naons. Crop protecfion progrqJnni (03409) CILSS-Sahei hshute- Devekpment and prmotion of appropiate tools and implement for the 'agricAual anc food p9cessig seo (stierim phase) (QL89tOIW MM. (0568 I10 (htemational Labour Office). Develpment cooperation Sod ard Ferblizer (05595) tB (sfite for Sod Fertiky Research). Development of rapid tests for identication and d ot yam vuuses. (04900 Overseas Development AMniskation (NFO). East Ahica RePonal Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ersete) (EARCORSE (02168) Internationl Network for lIe rrpromernent of Barna and Pblaain. Ecobgical monitorig of the dynamrcs of desertifkartion. (03415) CILZ-Sahel InstMe. Ecolcgenvirenet progamme refoin and conservation of te forestry resous (03416) CILS-S Insfitue. Effects ot dust deposies and mcrovAty on edaphical site cownitios nilh regard to semi-aid ad sb bcaos in West Africa. (04657) Unisibiet Hoherm Ekcts d processing on distribution and destuction of mycotorxis. 3 Index of projects by cournb (04737) Ovc-rseas Devkpmer Ackistrawn (NRRD). Estimaton oF nonthly runoff data on te basis of mut4ispecl satellie imagery. (03795) Uwiersitaet rochurm Evaluabon of tvopical kwwid forage ;egumes for sub-humid West A, nca at ILCA. (03779) Universitaet Gissen Feeding arid management strategies for Iraught arnials (31820) Oveneas Deveblonent Admnn-iraion (NWD). Ferbiler Marketng and Trade Information Program (FMTIP). (02145)j2 recorate General tor hnternatonal Cooperahon (DGOS). US Agency ,or Wernabonal Developmer4t (USAII). Fetlier Polcy Research Pnject (FPRP). (02144) Intebtional Fertizer Developnent Center. Afica (iFDC-Africm). Grnptasm corsenrtoDn a-id improvemnent of Parda bilobosa (Jbcq) Bef..t for mrutipurpose use. (05665) Uniersi of Wales Bmgor. CNSF. Oua ou, Burkina Faso; FRIN. Niea SAFS, Nancy, Frarnc: WA:U; The Neterands. Gkbbal 2000 - Sa kawa Avc eaa,v agrcftue prqect (01291) G1o,a 2000 Found. Identification and mondorng of African *ea#rer regaes - Fnase I West Africa. (04726) Ovewseas Developmert Administrho (MR). Identification of Bactei through analysi of metalic products and cei components by mean of Gas Liquid ChroRagrahy (GLCj. (03786) Instrtue for Tropcal Anma Healn, liversi Goetijen- idenfying #* constraints on hestock prockztvty and land use in Africa brougit abo4t by hestok inckiding te tsetse Trans Tynosomiass (%57 Ovmeas Devebpmel Adr r (NFRRD InwMnudy aganst ypnosorniasis and mechims of tryanotoler.-xe in anmals- (03932) kisti fuer Pwa o und Trop neetiarmediu FReie Unwersaaet BerhrL Lnprovements to ri, soxh, cowpea. and maize caps in te Sahiel (02738) Couamiss of the Eumpean Ccurr ities. Itirvemenis to nial odseed pcssing in Ahca. (W4"9) Ovesea Deevekpwiistiraon" \ I kapiVi fte Diaprosi and Contr of Trypaooirsis and o#we Vector-Ixxne t'-eases od Akia Livesbok, usang hsoasay Metthods. (0M27) Direcbrae General for kternaton Coupeation (DGIS) 4 n dex of projects by country ' ubwvrig te Productivt of Indgenous African LivestocK using Racdoimmunoassay and related Techniques (02621) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Increase of productvity and control of diseases of small rminants. (03410) CILSS-Sahel Instituti- Influence of neem (Azadirachta indica) products on locusts and grasshoppers. (03847) Justus-Liebig Unversitaet Giessen. INMBAP(Taxonomic Lingrisfic Study of Plantain Cultisars in Africa (05649) INIBAP. 1ns 1ubonlsng the irdigenous capacity in West Africa (05336) International Deveopent Research Centre. Intenafional agricultural research centers: 09 Internato Livestock Center for Afica (ILCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for Lfrtemational Devepment International Rce TesIg Proan for Africa (IRTP). (02160) Urited Natons Devebpmert Program (UNDPEuropean Economic Commsion (EECyJa Iresigabon in biolgical parameters of Achatia adhatiia ((386) Universiaet Goeftigen inveshgaon of the causate agents of grundnut rosette disease in AkFica. (02821) Cornmission of the European Com ie lnesoon in difent foarm of soi erosion tnder cifferert copping svstems in Nwra (01377) Geseftlsh fuer Technisde Zuarmenarbei (GTZ)- khvestigouns on ft diersy ot .a aid cid frests in Rwanda ard Zaie (05688) BokheS Instl da Lki t BonrS Abti Syt un d boxoe. rwvsImeNt and survzro stamteg of women. iC^31) Ovemseas Deetpnt Adrari (NR). Locms tn* and veW *e drying 7or sm-scale nar enterise devopmeit :£i745) Overseas Dev*krxet Ariri ONI1) Maize Ciopping Syse(% k9rovuern Nefta* [Rsean de Redies su rAm6boration de lCua e du M4 P13) Corence des ResponsL s de Re *che Agrx*W Africains- Uiagera of ve&sos wder sem-arid cdtions in Africa (MO&SACJ (pMM &tionilr Board fr Sod Research and Maneet 5 Index of projects by country Wangrove Swamp Rice Network (MSAN) (05848) West Africa Rice Devewnent Association (WARDA)- Methoddogies for better technology tanfer (04783) Overseas Deveiopment Adrnistation (NRRD). Methodology for agicultural marketing system policy and pracbise, and ts application to current reforms. (01721) Overses Development Administration (NRRD). Mibial control ot root knot nrenatodes- (04864) Overseas Devebpment Admiristration (NRPD). Microbial cornho of root-knot nermaodes. (01814) Ovsea Development Adminisaon (NRRD) Monitrig of renewable nah-ai resources in te Sahel. (02739) Canmisso of the European Communities. Natiora resources/managerent support t01 185) U.S Agewcy for Intemronal Developrent Nabional Sod Reference Colbecos (NASREC H). (05624) ISRIC (International Sol Reeence and information Ce*e)- Network on land development for sustainable agrciture i Africa (AFRJCALAND - Land developrner4 (02109) hternatin Board for Sod Research and Mnagent Network on rmnanagene of acid soils in r.nid Afria (AFRICALAND - Management of acid Sol)- (01 021) Irrernatona Board for Sod Research and Maragement. Nitrogen and the control of Slriga (05804") 0seas D0WoMer4 Admatao (NAR))- On-Farm Fertier Adopion Progam (OFFAP). (02148) Intenaiona Fertizer Deeprt Center, A*ica (IFDC-Africa). Par-A Networks for Rural Socd Scince Reseanch. 0661) Wiwock lntnaa Ford Fourator Paffg of snal nmnits: eiol, vames and p*qlav,- (03411) CLSS-Sahel insti%e- Periba ege pnaidction ad cz in S -sahba AfTica. (04905) The Asi Yeget Rseach and Deveroprent Center (AVRDC Phase t Pesitance of cowpea to Stiga gesnerioides and Alecra yogei Phase II: 6 Index of projects by country Reistace of leguqes and cerears to Striga speces. (01767) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Phenofics inluin tannins in multpurpose tees and browse and er effect on niant nurtion and health. (04620) Universitael Hoherheinn. Phytosanitary conrols for African Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV). (o5778) Oserseas Developmet Administration (NRRD). Producti of bacterial vaccises ma contmnous boreactDr w'it subsequent purification of anbgen through ultrafltration. (03785) Instiue for Tropical Animal H.ealth, Universiy Goetigen. Produciw of authochtore catte breeds in the humid and subhumid zone of West Africa (04628) Gesellscaft fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ Prograrme 28: Onfarm researic - Analysis of interactons and mnpact of agroforestry (03700) lnternatioa Coul for Research in Ardorestry. Programn 5: Training - Training for researdcers and development planners. (03710) Inkm a Czci W Research in Agroarestry- Pogramme for Imp'vemert of Potatoes in Cenbal Africa [Program RePgona pour TAmneoration de ta Culure de la Pomne de Terre en Afrique Cenmalel (PRAPAC). (02079) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment Programe for te strerhning of research on producton systems. (03418) CtLSS-Sahel Instiute. Programrne on supporting services: documentain, inormation and training (03419) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Proposal for a research md on te develomrit od new methods in lcust controL (02090) Geseshft fuer Teduirsche nZuaan best (GTZ). Pubkic lrks in Africa to nprove foodecity (04626) Deusche Geselsodft fuer tecritsche Zusamerbeit (GTZ). FebnkIssce / prepaaton study on foestry biot yioo in the drought-pne suk-satiar Afrm coutrie, wih special refrence to Sahelan and Sudar zones (SS.! RePnal coopemdlon on cotorn research and devekbn ert (01116) Wodd Bark' Regional progamune for he i n frvemes ndlm songeum, CoMpss and maae 7 Index of projects by conr (transitional phase. (03407) CILSS-Sahel Instie. Relatiorships between tree grow. te nu lt and site mn Tectona grands plantation in West Africa (04653) Universtaet Bayreuth. Research and study programme on the improved management of extensive nahonal rangelards in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CI-SS-Sahel Institute. Research ana study programme on the possibility of intersification of fodder and anirrmal producfion m the tamework of an assocition of agricuftle and livestock breeding in SubSaheian Sudanim and Guiean zones. (03413) C-SSahel Instue. Research on siea rumriants in the hunid and sub-htnid zones of West Afica (02110) Iternaonal Fund for Agricultural Developrent. Research proganrme on food sei, strategies and policies (03417) CHLSS-Sahei Instute. Research programme on phyogec resources. (03408) CILSS-Sahel InsMute. PRearch, CODrdination, and baing for inproved Wivestock production in Sub-Saharan Mica. (02732) Commission of the European Communities. Reseau DeveoppemeNt (RFD) pevelopment Neork. (02653) GRET. Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (028) CRSTOMI1istitut FB Ecais de Rechesche Scentfqe pour le Devebppemert en ClooPeratiork. Reseau Euiopeen dEtude des Latenites (EUROLAT) fEuropean Network on Ferralsols (02639) Mkistere de la Rchehe et de rEnseW;eement Ss U iterie of Sfasbourg- Reseau Femrrnes et DemW xt (FEAWEV) [omen in Dwevebw !awo 652) ORST OU Framis de Recherche ScitIique pour le Develppment en CociPaon. Resew htemahn de TraAement des Dnnees Sols (RIDTS) Vernahonal Nework for Sods Data Processing (02640) Agence de Cooeraton Tzed et Triqu eCT Resew sur la Consrvata Post-Recode des Denrees Akierwares (GRENMR [Network or 8 ridex of poiects by county Post-farvest Storage of Food Cropst (02647) Ass iaion des t,e.,ites Parfielleae.it au- Es tiefiamwt, de Langue Frarca-se (AUPELF). SAOAOC (Secunte Almientare durable en Afrique de rOuest Centale). (05662) ECDPM (Euen Centre for Development Policy Management). Sahellan Information Network (SIN) (02657) Irsttute of Sahel (INSAH). Serwvearce of riKnerpest and other diseases in ASrica, usng immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for RuiaW Cooperaton (SAREC). Small grans (WARDA). (05339) hemaoal Devoet Research Centre. Sinai Rungint and Camel Group Research Nehwork (05381) kiteaiora Livestock Center for Afnca Smiai Rumnants and CaeQ Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesecha fuer Tecrhische Zusam ae (GTZ) Gmb H. Socal Science Inderace Research LkW (SSW"3. (02779) The InteraJional Centre of 1 Physl and Eolo. Soi Fedity Restoration Project (SFRP)- (0(Y43) International Ferfiter Devemt Center, Afnca (IFDC-Africa)- Soybean utization (iTA) - Phase il. (04182) Intanl Develpmert Researd& Centre. Star-&q gants - Fer Devl ent Center-Africal. (02141) ntemnaonal Feftier Devebpnent Center, Akica (FDC-Africa). Stage 3u cereals by pastAora (04751) Oveseas Devlpment Adrinstiation (NRPDM Saaes Anentals (STRA) [Food Shawtges Nework. (02655) ORSTOfMsir#u Francas de Recherche Scienti&ue pour le Deweoppenerf en C,ooperatior Strernghenw African agricultual research: 01 CIAT bean researdc in East Afr= {CDA). (01872) U S Agency for Iternaonal Develpment Stenghening Afri an Aural reseactr 13 West Afica Fbce Deeopmet Associaon (WARDA) - hbijow aid assocLed swat rice rsearei (01857) U.S. Agency for kihebain Developmert 9 Index of projects by country kt Strengtwheig imaze and cassma research ii eleven couitries of West and Central Afric Pbri of acton. (02665) Mitstere de la Cooperabon (Frarice) Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assesent. (01 108) World Bark Technological change and transfomt of land tenure systems in Subsahaan Africa. (01510) Universitaet Goetbngen. The dcacteriatio of rice grwng agro-ecosystesms in West Africa (in phase). (05601) WSC (Wmand Staring Centre for Integrated Land. Soi and Water Research). The Develpmernet of Practies for Area-wide Tsetse Eradication with emphais on the &ieile b!sect Tewrique. (02626) Jniied Nabons Food and Ature Organization. The East and Soutern Africa Root Crops Research Nehturk (ESAMRN). (02080) U S. Agency for Intereiorial Developmnt (USAID)rlnternational Development Research Centre (IDRCikternational Inste of Tropical Agriculure (tIIA). The effect of tanis on nutrer diogestiblity and animaf perfmance in snalI ruminants. (04636) Unive et Hotwheir. The epdmiolg ard control of tie socghiu foiiar pathogens n the semi-arid tropics. (01813) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The feeding behaviour of Cicadufina, vector of maize streak virus disease on resitant and susceptble maze gewotypes (04858) Overseas Dveoe Acn"sation (NRED). The Geological Network for Agrom as in East and Southern Africa (02613) Unted Nabors Development Program (UNDP); World Bank Tbe bvslock Tryaiololenmt Nelh"k (02061) Oeseas vp misr The role of the rerewable raural resources sector in the genration of sustwiable heW ds in developrig cotries (05792) Overseas Devpment Adiraton (NRPADDY The West and Cereal Aica Cowpew Cobove Research Ntwork (FE ). 02078) U.. Agency for hInternafnal Developent USAlD'Sei-Aaid Food Gra Research and Devlopmnt (SAFGRAD). Traional Tecniques of Aro Cirk HroTment tThd), phase H. (5658) WAU (Wagne Agrbi&ra Uri"sily}. ULSJasral pgMn for coopewve deopmeit reseadch. to U g! 6t it>{t {t Xt ! lt-m!!t t i Si !Xs 7x* Ii |t .t j i | t w iw ,} ' § j t T Index of pfojects by coutry West and Central Afica Mie Collaborative Researcn Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Interaional Development (USAID)/SemnArid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West and Central Afrca Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (0207-5) U.S. Agency for Intermtional Development (USAJOySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Ageda Afdcan Center of Meteorological Appicaions for Deveopmet (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meteokological Orgizaion (WMO) An Fitegated resea:h proaimne on the devepoet of boogical pestiodes for ocust and grasshopper controL (01546) U.S. Agency for Intrional Develpnment. Cooirdated Research Progra,mne on the Appcation of Irradation Technique for Food Processin ir Afica (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizmoa. Pese Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Network]. (02638) ORSTOMstut Francars de Recherche Scielftlwe pour le Deve-peWnent en Cooperation. Reseau Europeen dcEhtde des Laterites (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferfals,l Studesj (02639) Mlnistere de la Recherche et de rEnseiaeent Superieur Univere of S4rasbou Angl Akacan Center of Meorologia catpp s for [Dveopment (ACWAD). (01109) Word Meteorological Organion CWWO)- Cal" and West Afrin Root Crops Colaboate Research Nework (CEWARRN). (02166) Inhmaona kInstede of Tropical AT;culture. Resem Euopeen dEaxL des Latesiles (EUROLAT) [Ewvpean Network on FerrAlS Sbxlies; (O639) Kristere de la Recherce et de nseent Soperie Ur versie of Strasbourg Su>Sn Aloca hyolookl~ assessmestL (011M) Word Bar..k 12 Index of proxects by courty Argenina International Soybeaw Program (IN YSO) (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Chapaign. Austh ia Genoe analysis of banina and plantain (Musa spp ) and the black Sigxtoka funigus Myopaella f4ienis- (05691) I:iut tuer Pflanzche Molekularbioogie, Fachbereich Bioloe der Unvesgaet Frankdurt International Networ for te Improvemrent of Bananas and Plantains (INIBAP). (05369) Internatial Network for the Improvement of Bananas and Plantamns. Intern-tional Soybean Program (fTSOY) (05373) Uirit of iffkois at Urba-Chpagn. Banghde 'lematioal Network on Sod Fertitly and Sustinabl Rioe Farming (INSURF). (05370) tmaoal Rice Reseawth IsMe. IrAerrabtonal Soybean Progran (INTSOY)- (05373) Univers of llio at Urba-Chmpai- No dmpiwg here: Cotrol of pestcides in developing coie. (05422) ltertl Devpmer PRseanch CeniS Post4hvest assesment of root and tuber crop storage. (04834) Ovras Development (NFRD) Urea iecor test (04143) Resach Ishtute for Agbio and Sod Fertity (AB). Bei A sO*y of melllierous plants in the Ataoa dstxiit (0470) International%ondatiOn tar ScMe Adoom of agroos syems n deViopng couri (1791) Overseas DeveieRner Aclira (F D). A*an Center ot 1oroo*_ d Apica&= for Dev e (ACMAD) (01109) Wodd deworolgcal Og ins (*W) Aiim Researc Netwok on Rual Po&y Deveopment 13 hndex of projects by country (02624) United Nations Food and Agrculture Organization- Agricultrax price politics of te Benin and he effect on prodction. dissemirabion of income, budge and balance of payments. (01412) Universitet Hohenheim. A9 icultural serv ces restuunng project. (01117) World Bank Benin. Agiculture. (04413) World Banic Benin. Agroforestry resch for develop of the drylands of 'Nest Arica (02113) Intematioral Fund for Agcuiural Development Alley Fafm*g Network for Tropical Africa (02088) Canadian Devebpment Agency (CIDA) /Intematonal Deeoent Research Certre (IDRC). An integrated research progamnme on the aevelopnent of biobgical pestades for locust and grasshopper contrc (01546) U.S. Agency for Onternational DevebpnmenL Arbfic I spawning of prawns (Penaeus rjorum and producti of post-laae. (03220) IFS. Asects of vegetaon management i falow systems n West Africa (05714) Insitut fuef Pftazenbau in den Tropen und Subtropen der Universilaet Hohenheini, Fadgebiet Agraioekologe ier Tropen und Subbopen. Bochest and techolDgy of the preparation of a fermented paste from maze in Benin (03338) IFS. Bopgou ral devebpmnt 11. (3439) Wod Bak Beim C,saa Network [i'eseau M-aroc]. (02084) Cocterence des R bbs de Recherche Agronomique Afris et Francats. Ceral and West Akran Root Crops Cobabor Research Nework (CEWAPRN) (02166) ktnafo Inrtiue of Tropical Artuke. Changes in bboxs aoxaton Gf fain eho in West Africa (05726) kistlht fuer Agrar- und Sozekooi in den Tropen urid Subbopen der U _vsat Hdeieim, Fagebiet' L Betriebsehre in den Tropen utdc C*culabon ot scierc ifotion. (04933) k tioa Deveopmet Research Ce- 14 Index of projects by cowntry Conservation of sol fetity by peasant farmers in Atantic Province. Benri (02890) Commission of te European Communiies Control of Zonocerus variegatus (038,5) Uniersit Freiburg. Deveopmet and prorotion of apprpriate tools and imolement for the 'agncultural and food processing sectoe (interim phase) (ILOI891NT,UM3). (05648) ILO (intemaional Labour Offe) Drwght Resistance rFeseardc Network (R3S) [Reseau de Re1herdre sur la Resistance a la Scheressel. (02610) Conference des Responsabies de Recherthe Agronomique Abicas et Franqais DMw-- of lensifirbon on ta2oS farms and effiecy of irmovans concerning farming systems at sub-htmid sites. (04604) Uniersitae Hohnhdm. Ecoobgy of the maize stem borers in Benn. (03292) IFS. Effects of dust deposites and mrcrovaraby on edaphical sie con-tons wth regard to ser-naid and sub-hurnid ocabons in West AMica (04657) Uversteo Hohenheiff Envionment action progrertm (04412) World Bak Benin. Evaation of the carrying capacity of natural grazing lands in te Kalale-Niiki-Sebana ron, Nortast Benin. (03291) IFS Fertifizer Mark and Trade Inf nT Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for International Cooperaton (DGS): U.S. Agency for Inte al Develpment (USAID) Finacig reeds of farSmvuseholds and formal and i al nata fiarcil markets: a case study of Benin. (03866) Ur*niesltaet Hoheeirne. Food secity. (04411) VWord Ba*; Benin. Foresty. (03438) World Oan sBn Gaetic irpovan_n of Triplodon scdwxylon (S 9ca* e in BenirL (03248) FS. 15 Index of projects by country Importarce of sponteous vegetation and biofic lfutation factors in tracitional croppirg systems at a sub-hwnid site. (04660) Unwersiaet Hohehei. Indigus pig prducion (Benin). (0M353) International Developmert Research Centre. Influence of neemn (Azadiachta hdica) products on locusts and grasshoppers. (03847) Justus4Uebig Universitaet Gessen. interrtonal Rice Testlg Program for Affica (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Devebpn:ent Program (UNDP)iEuropean Economic Commission (EECyJapan. rIvestigaton in bioogcal parameters of Ahatna adiatbia f3806) Untesiae Goetingen. In'estigations succession and dynamics or regenration of commercial trees in the bma state foresb3enmn in the nahral range of rangreen forests (05708) ttt uker Waidbau der UniSesitaet Goetbrgen, Abt. II: Wakibau der Tropen und Nabaoschung Locust and grasshopper oDrtrol by apprcaon of nem producs. (03848) Jus e Unrvesitaet Gessen- Management of naural resources. (04157) World Bank; Benin. Management of verisols under semi-arid condbons in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soi Research and M rtagent Momicrconomt potents and lirits to the intrdu of Aley cropping systm in traditional farming systems in South Benin. (04605) Universiaet Hohenheint Network fo Impovmert of Rice GCuba [Rseau Ri4 (02161) Conrence des Respob de Recerche Agronnqu Aicins et Frans Nutrient reqirerments of the Grasscutter. (03790) German Agency for Tecdc Coopeatn (GZ) NutrAe vakie ad aninal heakt (01405) Univer,aet Hohenheirm O izatin and mmagemnt of aW a exeion sMVKces in ntegred nrxal cvelopin prjects. (03870) kht fueras Aga=ao L1_dMts ttche Beag urd A rwancte PsycdoDge der U %skaet Ho deriim. Pan-Akricn Networks for Rural Socia Scence Researdi. 16 Index of projects by country (02661) W.nrock Intemational Ford FoLndtion. Phenoics including tanns in multurpose tees and browse and their effect on rumiiait nurition and heallh. (04620) Unveitaet Hohenherm Probleorinted analysis of sock-cultural factors: analyss of farmers' situation n tm vilages ii South Benin. (05729) ,nstiu fuer Agrarsoziobk3ie. Landwfftschaftiche Beratung uid Angewandtt: Psychologie der runvesitaet Hohenheim. Produdivity of autvchtones cattle breeds in the htimd and subiuronid zone of West Afrc (04628) Geseflsihaff fuer tinesche Zusammenarrbeit (GTZ). Projet poUSUite des eludes en rniieu reel (PEMR) (05666) SNV (Associtn Neeanaise cfAssistance au Deveoppement). Projet Puits Artanai (05672) SNV (Associaion Needmie cAssitance au Developpement) Proposal for a research project on the devbprrent of new methods in locust controL (02090) Gesellschaft fuer Tedmische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Rederche Appiquee er; Miieu Reel (RAMR). (05612) IOT (Royal Tropica Institute). Recossance / preparation study on forestry biotechnokgy in the dro9ghtprone Sub-Saharan Afrian coues, wih special reference to Sahehsn and Sudan zoes (SSZ). (02094) Woid Bank. Reduction of dostdios relating to productive Wvestock through supple tr feeding of forage piants corinig tannrns (04659) UrIJw at Hoherdem- Peaionships between tree growth, tree rKtion and site in Tedona grandis pintaton in West Africa (04653) Universkaet 3ayreuth. Research on sinal rumants in the ho7id and subxxrwid zones of West Afc (,02110) Internaihnal FRnd for Agriciltral De dlpet RPseat Colon (COTON). (0202) Frace; Coierenc des PFspnables de PRecies Agrniiqe Aicas et frai (CORAF). Reseau Eurpeen dEbude des Latles (EUROLAT) 1Eurcpean Btefik an Fewalsols (0269) nste de la Recrce et de r1neqemW SWerietz Uriverse of t7 Index of projects by ;ozurty Strasborg- Reseau Intemational de Traitement des Donnees Sols (RIDTS) rintemnatioal Network for Soids Data Processing]. (02640) Agence de Cooperation Cu!turelle et Technique (ACCT). Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recolte oes Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) ,Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Cropsi (02647) Association des Universites Partiellerient ou Entierement de Larne Francaise (AUPELF). Rwa: development and nutiton (Benin) - Phase I. (04178) nternational Development Research Oentre. Rural ffnaog systems and agrclural price po&:y in support of i .vaos F21: The rural househoils financial requirements and formal and infornal financil nstitutions anelysed in tte province Oueme in the Peoples Repubfi of Benin. FZ2: Agricultural pnce policy and ns effects on production. income and emplymnent (04658) Universitaet Hohenhem. Selection of a rice variety resistant to Pyricuttaria oeyzae ; Benin. (03330) IFS. Strateges A sentai (STRA) [Food Strateges Networli. (02655) ORSTOMiUstitu Francals de Recherche Saiernie pour le Deveoppemert en Cooperation- Srengthening maie and . assava research n eleven counties of West and Cent Africa: Pbn of action. (02665) MNiistere de la Cooperation (France). Study on reproducton criteria of the G'asscutter. (04623) Universitaet Hohe.nh Study on the regeneraton of efficient woody species of the nahtual sm-decd.ou forest of Pobe. (03377) FS. Sub-Saharan Africa hyrological assessment (01108) Worid Bank. Target group oriented raragemnt of rntn agrcual reseaid. (04608) Zerrm Fuer FReode EnnWackz su n der _ke t Giessen The d terizafior of rice "wing in West Arica Cri.Y phase). (05601) WSC (Wmid Stalr Cene For Itegraed Land, Sod and Watsr Research). The effect of tviis on ntrient cgestlty an)d arnal perfomoce in sina (04635) UrvrAe HohteiheL 18 .Idex of projects by country The Livesbcx Trypaote-ar Netwok J-'I%81) O-cvseas Develope Adinistrati.o The rob of organic suitarce in rnaintainng soi1 fertihty of different sites in South Benin. (04661) Unrersitaet Hohenheirn. The West and Central Africa Cowpea Cotbbora9ve Research Network (RENACO). ((Q2078) U-S Agency for Internaronai Devekoment (USAIDYSemni-Afd Food Grain Research and Devebpent (SAFGRAD). Tm*te-bude ftization of rural .hosehoulds in SoutfqBenin. (04633) Universie Kaiisrube. Tolenmxe of tipia in the bays of Benin to vayig degrees of saniy. (03315) IFS. Tra ei and Industrial feTnentabon of Maize. (05671) WAJ (WVageningen Aluurai Lkiwerity)- Vetemy prmion of the -Grasscuter Prect-. (03943) kist fuer T rmeclzin und Tierhgiee Lkiwversitaet Hohenheff. W'ed problems and weed mana r in cpping sms. (03897) Univasiaet Hofheim. West Africa Colraive Goundnt* PResearch Network. (021621 Inemaional Crops Pesearch Inst"ite for the Semi-Ad Tropc (CRiSAT). West Africa Maize Collaloraive Resear Network [Reseu Mais]. (02156) Conference des Responiswlbs de RePerche AgronDmie Ahtocas. West Aia Regional Cooperate for Pesearch on Plantin (WARCORP). (02167) hrdernational Instibee of TropicaW A.cuflue West Arica ReWjal Pearl Wdlet lrnprovwe Pran (U2154) Internatonal Crops Researh Itbitte for te SemrArid Tropics (ICRAT Sahel Cenmer West Afriw( Famng System Research Newrk (WAFSOESPAOV (0619) k,terna Fund lot Agric*l OevepMer (IFADXSemi-Arid Food Grai Research and Dee rt (SAFGRAD) West AMc %elizer Mbagnerw and Etduabn Net (WAFIW4. MWY~14) kfh aoio al Develorert RMesewd Clefte (URC l.hed Nabis Dvelcpen st Akican Forages Nebwork (WAFNEF). ,;Zm Mu Coopation Diio Eoomoc Cooperaqon Beau MOFA. JPAN 19 Index of projects by country West and Cenral Africa wize Collaboratve Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for International Deveopet (USAiD)(Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U S. Agency for Interrnabonal Development (USAIDYSemiArid Food Grain Research and Developmern (SAFGRAD). Zou Province rural development project. (0 1001) Wor'd Bank: Benin. Botswana Afian Center of Meteoro1 oi Applications for Devebpmnent (ACMAD). (01109) World Meeoroogic Organization (VMQ) Africn Research Network for Agicltuiral By-Products (ARNAB)- (02170) International Development Research Centre (IDRC): Intemnational livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). African Smil Ruminmt Coliaboratie Research Network. (02620) Intrnatona Fund for Agncuiual Dev Cooperaive Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Iternatonal Crops Research Institue fr the Semi-And Tropics Managemet of vertisols uder serni-arid condiins in Africa (MYVUSAC)- (01022) International Board for Sot Research and Maageent. PubFc works in Afca to iprove food-secu (04626) Deutsche Gesellsca fuer tcnsch Zusame"beit (GTZ). Regnal cooperato on cotton msearch ard deveopment (01116) World BaF*. Research coordabon, and training for uinproved Wvestock prdcton in Sub-Saharan Afica (02732) Commisson of the European Comnrruties, Stb Salhan Arica hydlbgical assessme* (01 108) World Barc UI.Ssrasl pramn for cooperm.e deveopment researchL (01949) U.S Agencyg kr k\,alru Dveloin.- Llrss and ncaal agnmull5al rseah in SibSatmw Akxia (03-78) kienaiora Svioe for Nationr Ageukmal RaseardL 20 Index of projects by country Brazil Irnernational Network ,or te Improvement of Bawaas and Plantains (INIBAP). (05369) Interao Network for the Improvemer-t of Bananas and Plantains. International Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRDB)- (01212) Inteational Rubber Research and Development Bord. Internaibona Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Universty of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Phosphorus avaifity (SlPlGhariBrazil) - Phase Il. (04209) Intenational Development Research Centre. Bua Faso Atfrica Center of Meteorokgi Appabions for Development (ACIMAD). (01 109) World Meteorological Orgaiztin (WMO). African Siral Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET)- (05812) Irnamtonal lvestock Centre for Aria (ILCA). -gnroulFe oHyd4oloee r (02634) Cetre Pegional de Formation et dAppcation en Agrometeorobgie et Hydroogi (AGFHYMET)- Agroloresty research for development of the dryinds of West Afria (02113) hlenabonal Fund for AkiCu#ral Developmn ABey Faming Network for Tropical Ahica (02088) Caran inteational Devepnt Aoency (CIDA)Antematl Development Research Centre (IDRC). Assessmt of cotions for replcating prodiucbon systems in Africa's savanna areas - second stage. (02096) Centre de Cooperabon Interationale en Recherche Agronque pour be Devek,ppernent (CIRAD). Case stdes on raising agricultural productivity women ri Afica tor increased food (02151) World Bank, Cassava Nehork lseau Manioc3. (02084) Coofrce des Resobles de Recherche AWrooq Mias et Frarnaisa Central and West AfIcan Root Crops Collabora0e Reseh Nework (CEWAR4). (02166) Inernatonal kmML#e of Trpical Aeiuzuwe. Chamctmtmfkn of tyrapoctes and prduction of 1eroein as parmeers for 21 Index of projets by country distinguishing trypanotolerance in anirals and people. (02847) Cornission of the European Communities. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts (01341) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)lUniversity of Georgia Condiions for developing non-farm produchve activifies in rural areas of Africa A cmpars oT Yatenga/Burkina Faso and Extreme-NordfCameroun. (04639) Universitaet Frankfurt Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Internationai Crops Research Insttute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody specae- (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Crop protection prcgrarnme. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Develpmen and promotion of appropnate tools and impement for the 'agricullurnA and lood pMcessg sector' (tenm phase) (iLO89lNT/IM03). (05648) 110 (Inernia Labotx Office). Develpment cooperation Sod and Fertlizer. (05595)18 i(nstitute for Sod Fertiity Research). Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Reche,che sur la Resistance a la Secheressel (02610) Coriderence des Responsables de Recherche Agronornique Aftricains et Frangais Ecological monitor7g of the dynarnics of deserificaton (03415) CILSS-Sahel Institute. E coegyfrewonent prograem: refoestaion and coservaon of the forestry resoues. (03416) CSSSahel Instiute. Fertizer Markeng and Trade InformatiTon Frogram (FMTIP)- (02145) Directoate General for Intermaonal Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for k hemabra Devepmert (WSAID). Gerplasin coserwvahm and mprovmnt of Pakia bdobosa (Jacq) Berth for mApffpose usL (05665) LkJni of Wales, Bagor CNSF, ()agac , Bxkima Faso; FRIN, .;geria SAFS, Nac, France; WAU; The Neferlands. GfdmA NNrk Psee Arad,idel (020S7) CoMrence des Resisables Anomkes Akfias et FRa s 22 Indlex of projects by cowt Immunity against trypanosnrniasis and mechanisms of trypanotolerance tn animals. (03932) Institut fuer Parasologie und Tropenveterinaermedizin, Freie Universttaet Berlin. Improvements to millet. sorghum. cowpea. and maize crops in the SaheL (02738) Comnission of the European Communrbes. Improving the Productiity of Indigenous Afrkcn Livestock using Radioirwnunoassay and related Techn.ques. (02621) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Increase of productivit and control of diseases of small ruminants. (03410) CIISS-Sahel Inst'tte. International Rice Testing Program tr Afnca (IRMP). (02160) United Nations Delomeynt Progran (UNDPy opea Economic Cormission (EEC)Japam. Manage of vertisols uder ser-arnd condions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) Interrional Board for So3 Research and Management. Monitoring oF renewable nattral resources in the SaWel. (02739) Comsn of the European Communities. Network for Inprovemert of Rice Coftivaton [Reseau RizJ. (02161) Conference des Responsabies de Recherc-e Agronomique Africains et Francais- Pathology of smal njrnirts: etiogy, va es and prophylaxs. (03411) CILSS-Sahel iste. Phase 1: Resistance of cowpea to SPr _a gesnericides and Aectra yogeli Phase !1: Resistance of legumes and cwrc to StrW species. (01767) Overseas Devebprrtent Akn raion (NRRD). Programme for the strengthening of research on production stems. (03418) CLSS&Sahistkie. Prog-mme on supporting services: docurentation. information and traing (03419) CILSS-Sahel Institute. PRkC works in Africa to ip-ove food-secur. (04626) Deultsce Geselscha fuer tectmische Zsm nateit (GTZ). RPwmrasance prepardtion study on oestry biology in the dkuglt-prone St -Sahae Afrxa cories, with special referene to Sahelm and Sudian zones (SZ- (02094) WoMd Ba3L PRWnal progerme for the irovement of inlet sorlym cowpeas. and maie (Ummftna; phwe2 23 index of projects by country (03407) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and study programme on the inproved management of extensive nabonal rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CLSS-Sahel Institute. Research and study programe on the possibility of intensification of fodder and aninal producto in Ihe framework of an association of agriculture and livestock breecdng in Sub-Sahelian. Sudan;an and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research proaramme on food securily, strategies and pofcies (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research programrne on phytogenetic resources. (03408) CILSS-Safel institte R.seat Coton (COTON). (0208) France: Conerence des Responsables de Recherches Agronornique Atricais et Francais (CORAF). Reseau Deve, nemer (RID) [Dev eomt Networkl (02653) GRET. Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion Netwrk]. (02638) ORSTOM Institut Francaas de Recbrce Scientifique pour le Deveepement en Cooperation- Reseau Europeeni dEtude des Laterites (EUROL-AT) [European Network on Ferralsols Studiesi (02639) ikAstere de la Recherche et de FEnseir Supeneur; Universite of Strasbourg. Reseau sur la Corservation Post-Recooe des Dererees Alimentaires (GR&IWER) [Network for Postarvest Storage of Food Ciopsj. (02647) Association des Lkiversites Partiemet ou Entbereint de Lne Francase (AUPELF). SAD.AOC (Securite Alikentaire durable en Afnque de r3uest Centrale). (05662) E-CDPM (Eumpean Centre for Development Policy Management). Sahela bnato Network (SIN). (M0657) Irstlbite of Sahel (INSAH). Ser5-sui c of ridepst and oter diseases in Africa, usMg xrwass (02628) Swedish Agency for Rtwal Cooperaon (SARE) Smna Ruant and Camel Group ResearcF Netwd (0538t) h4emational ivessock Cerner for Afxa 24 ;'t ^: lr ~~~~~~~Idex of projects by cDuntry Small Rurinants ana Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesellschaft er Technische Zusammenarbett (GTZ) Gmb H. Strategies Alnnentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Networkj- (02655) ORSTOM/Instit Francais de Recherche Scientffique pour fe Developpement en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessmient (01108) World Bank. The West and Cetral Africa Cowpea Colaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for- intrerat Development (USAIDySemi-Azid Food Grain Research and Deveiopment (SAFGRAD). West Afica Collaborative Grotdnut Research Network. (02162) Interbational Crops Research Institute for the SeffiFAnd Tropics (ICRISAT) West Africa Maze Collborve Research Network [Reseau Maisr. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Redcherche Agronomlque Africans. West Africa Network on Animal Tracron (WAATA). (026Z) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Techniste Zammenarbeit (GTZ) Gnmi H. West Afica Regional Pear Mie knhprovenent Progran. (02154) International Crops Research Insttue for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West Afrian Ferle Manageret and Evalnktion Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Interationrd Developmert Research Centre (IDRC) LUnted Nations Development Program (UNDP). West Atrican Irrigation Research Development Network IWAIRD). (02612) International Irrigation Managment Institute (UMIMl West ad Cr Ahica Maize Colabeoa Research Netw&rk (WECAMAN) (02157) U.S. Agency for inte ratn Devebplment (l!SAID/Swer Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). -West and Central Africa Sorgtn PResearch Network (WCASRN). (02075) US. Agency for International Developierit (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Resear and Defbpmert (SAFGRAD). Bur8i Aicam Center of Meleorclogical Appicatons for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meeo gocal Organizaio (WMO). Agrnomic Network for East aid Somthern Africa. 25 ol, j.1. _ Index of projects by country (02611) United Nations Development Program (UNDP): World da'k Applied research pogramme: Eastem and Central African Agroforestry Network for Afica (ECA-AFRENA) - The bimodal highbrnds. (02615) Intematioral Council for Research in Agroforestry. Ascochyta blight research. (03629) Centro interacional de Agrcultura Tropical (CIAT)/National Agricuitural Resnarch institutes. Central and West African Root Crops Collaboratve Research Network (CEWARRN)- (02166) Intematienal Insitute of Tropical Agriculture. Control of soi acidity in agofrtry. (04743) Overseas Development Admkinistration (NRRI)). East Alrica Regional Cooperative for Research on Banams (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) tnternational NetNork for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain. INIBAP/Taxonoric Linoistic Study of Platain Cuttivars in Afrca (05649) iNIBAP. International Benhmark Soils NetNork for Agro-lechinology Transfer (IBSNAT). (02635) U.S. Agency for Internatiortal Development International Network for the Improvement of Baranas and Plantans (INIBAP). (05369) International Network for te Improvemnent G Bananas and Plantairs. Internationla Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Deveopmet Program (UNDPYEuropean Econamic Commission (EEC)Japan. Network on managemend of acid sods in hunid Africa (AFRICALAND - anagement of acid soils). (01021) Itena Board for Soi Research ard Managent Progre for Improvement of Potatoes in Ceatral Africa [Progranmre Regional pour fAmeioration de Ia Culture de la Pomrne de Terre en Afiqwe Centralej (PRAPAC). (02079) U.S. Agecy for Intemational DevelopnenLt R6sew Coton (GOTON). (02082) Frmnce; Cornce des Peposables de Rech*ntes Ag ue Afncains et Fmncais (CORAF)- Reseau Erosi (EROS) [Erosion NewrkJ. (02638) ORSTOMitnsWA Francas de Recherche Sciente pour le Develppemt en Cooperation Reseat Europeen dEtude des Latenites (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferrals Stuciesi2 26 Index of projects by cowtry (02639) hhsere de ia Recherche et de rEnseignement Supeneur Universite of Strasbourg, Reseau Sur la Coseation Post-Recotte des Denrees Aflmentaires (GRENIER) [Network for PostHarvest Storage of Food Crops] (02647) Assocsation des Unrversites Partielement ou Enterernent de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Strategies Abmentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Net"rk]. (02655) ORSTOM/Insttut Francais de Pecherche Scientitique pour le DevebDperm ent en Cooperationr Sub Saharau Alrica hydrological assessmnent (01108) World Bank. The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Netwerk (ESARAN). (02080) UIS. Agency for Interraonal Deveopment (ULSAIDYIntrational Deveopment Resech Centre (IRC)Ienational Institute Of Tropical Atur e (OiTA)- The Geologica Netwowk for Agromneras in East and Southr Afnca. (02613) United Nations Development Program (UNDP); World Bank. Uniersities and nabonal agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Iner Service for Natonl Agricutural Research. Cameron Tropenbos' FoUrKLabon (05507) Tropenbos FmdatDon Ceop angolensis, a disease of citrus: studies on the pathogwen and interacons of CFra.ek oparasite in Yaounde. (05283) International Foundation for Science. Adatpkty and selecion sudies of potato (Sodaun tuowo6un) in the westen highland region of Cameroon (03244) FS. Adrptio of agroforestry system in developng countris. (01791) Overseas Deelprmnt Adrniistration (NRRD) Africa Regionat A cmaraive study of Ihe pro&ztrdky of tratonal treecrops aid itoduced rmitupose trees with specrai reference to the effects on assoiated crps - A case stidy. (04720) Oversoas Development Adrrwvstro (NRA) Africa Center ot MeteocolOgal A Fi for Developxet (AGMAD). (01109) World Meleorokosal Organizain (WMO). 27 Index of projects by country African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development (02624) United Nabtons Food and Agriculture Organization. Agricultural education. (01918) U.S. Agency for International Dev-elopment Agricuftural educabon 11 (01920) U.S. Agency for Internabonal Development Agricultural research 11. (01206) World Bank: Cameroon. Agricu.-ural restructhrig and dveication (formery Export promotior/diversification, forrerly Private export crops). (01104) World Bank: Caneroon. Agiculht (04414) World Bank: Cameroon. Agroforestry research for development of the drylands of West Africa (02113) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Agroforestry systems (Cameroon) - Phase Il (04172) Inteational Devlpme Research Centre. Agrorestry systems (Cameroon) - Phase Il (05327) Interntbonal Develpmnent Researc Certe. Aley Farmuig Network for Tropical Africa (0208) Canadian Intemabonal Development Agency (CIDA)lntemabton Development Research Centre (IDRC). An evakiation of traditord fermentation mehods and fieir effects on the chemical cmposition of cassava-based products. (05449) Intematrinal Foundao for Scce. An inentory and evakation of maor diseases on vegetble crops in Cameroon. (03293) IFS. Appied research pgranme Network for HNnid Lowlands of West Africa (HULWA-AFRENL). (02618) ntematona CondI for ReseaTrc in Agroforestiy (IGFW)| Appti en recherches agrokxesteres. (05627) SNV (Association Neerlandaise d'Assistance au Deyeoppement) Assesment of cndtons for repliatg prducton systems in Alica s savasa areas - second sge. (02098) Centre de Cooperaion en RecFherce Agroomque poux le De~loppement (CIRAO)2 28 Index oFptoject by counry Associaton Intemationale pour rOptrnisabon oe la Nution des Plantes (ANIOP) (ntematora Association for te Opfimization of Plant Nutibon). (02641) Centre cze Cooperation Intemaronale en Redeche Agronornique pour le Developpernent (CORAD. Cameroon banana produtn and trade. (03738) Irnterational Network for the Improvemert of Banana and Plantain. Cassava Network [Reseau Maniocb- (02084) Conlerence des Responsabes de Recherche Agronornique Afncarins et Frncais. Cattle Rearch Network (CARNEr) (fcrmerty Cattle Mik and Meat Network). (05358) internatora Livestock Center for Africa Central and West AFiican Root Crops Coliaboratve Researh Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Inenational Irnstite of Tropical Agicuft-e. Centre dcEtude de rEnvironnement et de Deveppment au Carreroun. (05654) State University Leiden. Centre for ErMronmenta. Science. Cnemical studies of the Erythnna of Cameroon. (03306) FS- CImabc adapatm of Iaywig hen1 (03325) IFS. Cocoa rehabikatioiL (03456) Wod Bank; Careroon. CoFaboratpwe Research Sopport Prog-am (CRSP): Beams ard cowpeas (01345) U.S. Agency International Deveipniet (LISAJOchigan State Universty. Colbobatdve Resewh Support Prora (CMSP): Sols management TROPSOILS) (01346) U.S. Agency for International Deveiopmet (USAID)North Carolwna State Unim*-y ConW icatiDn andormation aied at the nral people of Cameron - Phase Ifl. (05416) Intratonal Developt Research Cere. Comaxs* rexorestaton (CAFE). (01919) U.S. Agency for bnerna!toral Development Cendiaw for devebping rnonbarm produdive acbtiies inral areas of Africa A copason of Yalenga&k Faso and Extremeftrd er (046 Uvesaet Ranru Control of sod ackity in agroorestry. (04743) Oeseas Deveoment Admiriistation (NW Coopefve Cereals Research Network (CCR- 29 Index of projects by courtry (02171) International Crops Research Institte for te SemiArid Tropics. Cooperabve Prograrmne for te Irmprovement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Speces (02174) Food and Agiculure Organization of the United Nations. Coordination of lcust and grasshopper control. (01527) Food and Agnriulture Organization of the Unded Nations. Development of adapted arming systems on the basis of draught arimal utilzation in the Northwest Province of Carneroon. (03885) Universitaet Goettingen. Deveiopment of breedcirg methods for improved utilization of ocal gene resources in poulty for improving the producvy of hvstock and producton of aial protein in Caneroon- (04642) nstitute of Anina" Research: Cameroon. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la esistance a b S6cheressel (02610) Conference des Responsables de Redche Agrononiique Africains et Francais. Ecoogica potection (forrerly Forestry ard environment). (0178) World Bank; Caneroon. Egus: shelers (Cameroon)- (02429) Intemnat Deveopmert Research Centre- Epidemiology of cemosponosis caused by Mycospiierefla sp.on banana in Cameroon. and evaluation of the varietal susepibity to the disease. (05447) Intematiorna Foundation for Science. Establishment of an agricultral laboratory (04549) Intemation Atomic Energy Agency. Evalation of prodct of oal hair sheep popato and itricio of figh yelding genetc maerd trough crossbreedig- (04641) isttute of An"a Research, Careroon. Evaon of tropai lowland forage legumes for sub-humid West Africa at ILCA. (03779) Lkihe;'sitaet Giessen Examiaon of Teclea canVest and Vepris bouiiL, endemic Cameroornan Putaceae spp with ed medbcinal propertes. (03030) IFS. Fertize Makeng awd Trade Ino l Progran (FTIP). (02145) Diectrate Gene for Itematonal Cooperaion (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Inerratroal Developmet (USAID). 30 Index of projects by country Food secur4 project. (04160) Wodd Bank Cameroon Forest ecology and training in Cameroon. (02840) Commission of the European Communities. Forest regewration: germinaton and growth of forest speces in South Cameroon. (05284) International Foundation for Science. Genetic improvernent of safou (Dacyodes edufis). (05461) In ternaonal Foundaon for Science. Groundnut Network [Reseau Arachidel. (02087) Conference des Resonsables Agronxniques Aficains et Frang. Hevecam nbber. (03454) World Bank, Caeroon. kdenfication of management factrs linmikg maize yields in peasant FamEs n the hwnid part of Caneroon by quanttaive land evaluato (05474) Intenationa Foundation for Science. Inprovnemnt of cowpea culftivation (Vigna unguiailata). (03003) IFS. Inprovement of mixed cropping i traibonal farming systems in Cameroon. (03019) IFS ;mprnoVg water management in the semrind region of Cameroon. (03802) Bnidesrninistenum fuer Wwl chaftlche ZuanmebeifFederal Ministry for Ecoremic Coperaion (BMZ). Improving water managment in te semarid region of Cameron (03928) Insti fuer Pf!anzenbau und Terhygiene in den Tropen uid Subtropen. Unit Goeige NIAPfrnoi Lus4ic Stdy of Plantain Culivars in Africa (09W) MAP Intenaional Benrichr Sods Network for Aqroehrology Transfer (IBSN4T). (02635) U.S. Agenc gor fk*emationa Develop:rei IntemnationA Neltw on So3 Fert and Sustaie Rce Farmg RM%). (70) InemaoM Rice Pesearch Instit khemati Pie Testng Prog for rica (IRITP). (02160) United Nations Developrit Pran (JNDPEuropean Ecnomir Cormiss.m InteratiiRdber Resarch andcDBdvMoWxer Boiard MtRFM 31 Index of projects ry country (01212) !ntemational Rubber Research and Developmer Board. internabonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of fliinois at Urbana-Champaige. Investigations in different formns of soil erosion under different cropping systems in Nigera (01377) Geselsdscaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GT2) !nvestigations on sigtcance of major genes for breedinrg of leyers and broiers in tropical locatorns (Cameroonj. (04643) Institut of Arimal Research: Cameroon. hwestmnsnt and sunrival strategies of women. (04831) Oeseas Developrrent Admnistrafion (NRRD) lUestock sector development (03455) World Bank; Cameroon. Maragemieo of vertisols under seni-arid conditions in Africa (MO VUSAC). (01022) Intenaional Board for Sod Research and Manageent Methodology for agxvuttural marketing systemrs polcy and practise, and is application to curnt refo;r s. (01721) Oveeas Development Adnmisfrat (NRRD). Methods of cobniato of tv.o coleopters Piezotachekus sp. and Calosobruchus rhodesanus n the pods of cowpeas. (03331) IFS. National agricturai extens;on and trainig. (01180) World Bank; Cameroon. Natonal agniultural research. (01 134) World Bank; Cameroon. National cereals research and extesion fl. (01877) U.S- Agency for Internaonal De Netwiok tor Improvment of Rice Curivabon fReseau Riz3. (02161) Con1ierece des Besponsables de Recherche Agronomique Ahicains et Fr&*s. Ne~ork on land develpmet for sustauble agricuxe in Aftica (AFRICALAND - Land develolOmemt) (02109) hlernion Board for Sod Reseatc,and Mangment Netwkr on managmert of acid sods in humid Africa AFRICALAND - Maagemet of acid (01021) Inr4etronai Board for Sod Researh and M 1ngeenL 32_ Index of projects by country Palm od extaction (Cameroon) (04264 Irnematlonal Devent PResearch Cetre. Phyto&arcal studies on two pblats with reputed insect ard phanrmalgucal properties: Pacyp dtuim sp and Thornae au lbfra (03173) IFS. P".ytceMical. dcernicotaxonomical and biouical studies of Cameroonian speces of the fanily Cecroviaceae. (03387) IFS- Post-harvest tecoloay of roct ard tuber crops: cassava fermentation. (,QW9() IFS. Prearabton and preservation of Vemonia caoana (-Ndole' and Amararous spp. (03335) IFS. Processg o the trrate yam (Dioscorea durelom) ui flbur wth lw sweg capacity for the pparation of weal,g oe ((285) wneat FRxlabon for Saence. Programme 28: 0n-1arm resear;c - Ainahsis of interactions and nipact of agroforestry (037W Internaforial Counci r Resear Agirobresby. PMrane 5: Tra4* - Tr,ig for researchers and develpmnet plaers. 03710) Irenao Cunci for Reseanch in Aroforesb-y. Putk wors in Afica to imrove food-security. (04626) Ndesche GesestC ft tecdnsche Zusarnmmewbett (GTZ). Remasarce / preparation study on faestFy biotei g in the drorfiprone Sub-Saha African c tries, wi special eere to Sahelian amd Sudani zones (SSZ) (02094) Wol Banki Region Tonical Leafy Trees InpRovent Progam [ogw mn RegiDra crAmeoatorn ces Peui,s Tropwcax (PRAFT)l (0216 European Econnc Co'rission (EEC). Reqg3#on of tie me(aliom in Ondoerca velykjs. (03187) FS- RPsew Coon (COTON". FJ2W Fraxic Conkrnce des PRVepsatdes de Re fheice Agronom Aricains et Frcais (GORAF) PAea D QpDvm peewbmTr NeOaorkl '' fGGET. 33 Index of projects by countr Reseau Eumpeen crEtude des Laterites (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferrasols Sude4 (02639) Ministere de ia Recherche et de rEnseignement Supeneur: Unrverste of Strasboug Reseau Femirnes et Devebppment (FEIWDEV) [Women in Development Networkl (G2652) ORSTOM/Insttut Francais de Recherche Scientiue pour le Developpement en Cooperatioo- Reseau fntemationai de Traitement des Donnees Sols (R!DTS) Pntemational Network for Soils Data Prcessing4 (02640) Agence de Cooperation Cumurelle et Technique (ACCT). Reseau sur b Conservation Pos teco4e des Derrees Arwnentures (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops,l (02647) Association des UniversOes Partieltlerent ou Enteement re Langue Francase (AUPELF). Root and tber crops reseaAch. (01878) U.S. Agency for InternarOa Development. SewdtFor chernothemapeutc ppo aas tropical diseases from the genus EnWa&q*wagma (Mebaceae). 05478) Interneialnal Fomdation for Sance. Scond Westem Province nr" development (01135) Wodd Bank: Cameroon. Significamce of rotational crossbreew rg for improng productroe adaptabiry of pigs at tropical locations (Caneroon). (04644) instiAte of Anwnal Research: Cameroon. Silviculha stkdies in the Sudanese savmah plant-soi relbons. (03106) IFS. SiMukre of.Manso altissima and Trnpldcon scieroxylon in reklon to isect pests in dMeMt ecogical reos of Camieroon- (03249) IFS. Sod acidi*y P4oMs, Piaion and correlation i selected sod pWetr of Oxisol and Ulbsol in Cameroon. (0337) FS. Shena$iiig maize aid cassava reseach in elevn ouunli of West and Catba Aimca Pla ofacbo (665) Miiste de la Coopa (Fance). .goifbdiaftegobjdyhpofhoneydwf ad co*ol mehods of this pest of cotton in Nor Cnex 34 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~_ __ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~. \.. .. Index of poe by couty (03328) IFS. Studis on bcal varinties of Bambara aroundni (Voandzeia Subeteranea) in the littoral and west provinces of Cameroon. (03294) IFS. Study of Busseob fusca a lepidopter atacking maize. (03009) IFS. Study on chemical constiuents of Lopira lanceolata. a medicnal plant of Cameroon- 103305) IFS Study on the impact of the vanety and the maturity at harvest on #ve effect of chibronre packagwg and curwing of cooDyam in storage. (03381) IFS. Sub-Saharan Akca hy'krolgical assessmenl (01 108) World Banr Support of Zootechnical Research istInute (IRC) (01426) Gesellschat fuer Technische Zusaenarbent (GTZ) Tabersan (Cameroon). (04952) Iteaonal Deepment Research Cenre Technobogad chaige and tarasforation of bnd tenue systems in Subsharaw Afria (01510) Uwestaet Goetngn. Technology of microcaOwcernt water harvestglo r irrigation in sem.-arid zones. (01472) Universitaet Goefttign. The dcracterzaton of nce growIg aro-ecosystems in West Akica (initial phase). (05601) 'NSC (Wiard Stasig Centre for Ingrated Lad Sod and Water Research) The ublisation of sweet potato and cassava root meal in poutry diets. (05757) Overs Develpmt Adoirstralin (RM)- The West and Central Alrica Cowpea Colabote Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Development USAIDiSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Developent (SAFGRD). Uwieses and national ag w research in Sub-Sahar Africa (03678) k herabona Service for Naion Agricur Research. \iEzation of aqafic pbts for the puricari of wast er ( puriflcation). W0335) FS. Yes Akc Cok Grou* Research Newor (02162) kfmertio Crops Research hntiue for #e SemAnd Tropics (CSAT). 35 Index of projects by country West Africa Maize Colborative Research Network [Reseau Maisi. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afncans West Africa Neiwork on Aninal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deusche Gesellschaft fuer Technrsche Zusammnenarbeit (GTZ) Grnb H. West Africa Rgional Cooperative for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. West Africa Regiowna Pearl Millet hIprovement Program. (02154) Internaiorn Crops Research Institute for the Semi.-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sabel Center). West African Faming Syslems Reseach Network (WAFRNESPAO%. (02619) Internai Fund for Agcultral Devebpent (IFAD,VSenFArid Food Gram Research and Developent (S.AFGRAD). West African Fertizer Management and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (Cr614) Internatiod Development Research Centre (IDRC): Urited Naborns Development Program (UNDp). 'West African Faages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Multilateral Cooperaio Division. Economic Cooperation Bthrei, MOFA. JAPAN. West and Cer Aica Maze ColAborative Rearch Network (NECAMAN). (0215n U.S. Agec for Internatonal Developmen (USAIDySeni-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghun Research Network (VOCASRN). (02075) U-S Agern for Lnftemabonal Devebpmernt (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Gran Research and Develop SAFGRAD) Zoonosis of hmn sleeping sickness in Caeron: cattle. sheep. goats and swine as f.ctocs (03149) IFS. Zoonosis of hmn sleeping sicess in Cmeroon: cattle, sheep, goats and swwe as bactors. (06157) Inte rinal Fotiidaton for Science. Canf Aromatc extracts (Guea). (04953) Wkebonal Development Researich Cenr0e. hIrenatioral Soean Progran (INTSGY). (05373) Uki~rAa* ot irois at Urana-Chiarpaign-. RPbber seed ot Fihxig uses for a vae product (Nigeria 36 Index of projects by country (05414) Intermtonal Deveioprnent Research Centre. Sustainble agroforestry (Braon/GhanPhifippines). (04948) Intenational Development Research Centre. Tabersonine (Cameroon)- (04952) Intenational Deveopment Research Centre. Cape Verde African Center of Meteoroogica Appicatbns for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorolgical Organization (WMO) Agricultre Hydrologieeteorologie (0264) Ctre PRegnl de Fomain et dAppkabon en Agrometeorologie et Hydroblge (AGRHYE)- Coopeative Progamme for the Iprveet of Genetc Resouces of Multipupose Woody Specios (02174) Food and Agncture Organtzation of the United Nations. Crop poection programme. (0340 CILSS-Sahel Iste. Drought Resistance Research Netmrk (R3S) flRseu de Recierche sur la Rsistance a la Sac ssel. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Redierclie Agrononique Africains et Frangais. Ecoogical monitoning of the dynarrics of desericato. (03415) CILSS-Sahel Istitte. Ecoog/envroniient programme: reforestabon and conservatin of the forestry resources. ,03416) CiLSS-Sahel stitute. hrprvements to mrref sorghm, cowpea, and maze crops in the Sahel. (02738) Commission of the European Conmuniuties. hcrease of product and corrol of diseases of smiall runrns. (03410) CISS-Sahel Institule. Mboring of renewable ratta resources in fe SaheL (02739) Com rissi of ie Eurpean Cown_es. PaoIogy Of sMal r uv etisy4. vaesames aid ptrpyia (0341 1) CLSSSahel lnsl Pnaune for the s ing of reseac hno pokctn systems. (03418 CILSS-Sab hstiMjte. 37 Index of projects by country Programme on supporting services: documentation. information and training- (03419) CILSS-Sahel Insbiute. Proposal for a research project on the development of new methods in locust control. (02090) Gesellschaft luer Technische Zusammenarbet (GTZl. Regional programme for the improvement of millet. sorghum. cowpeas. and maize (transitonal phase). (03407) CtLSS-Sahel Institute. Research and sudy prooramme on tne improved maragement of extensive national rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-SaheI lnstitute Research and st programme on thfe possibity of intensificabon of fodder and animal prodctn in the framework of an association of agricultre and Westock breeding in Sub-Sahelan. Sudanian and Guinean zones. (03413) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research programme on food security. strategies and porlces. (03417) CILSS-Sahe! Irstitute. Research prograe on pliytogenetic resouwces. (03408) CLSS-Sahel Insltute. Sahehan Infonmation Nework (SIN). (02657) Institute of Sahei (INSAH). Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment (01108) World Bank. The West and Central Afnca Cowpea Collaboratv Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Age for international De_elmt (USAID)Seri-Adid Food Grl Research and Develpmnent (SAFGRADM West African Farming Systems Research Network (WAFSPNJRESPAO). (02619) Interaonal Fuld for Agrclural Development (IFADYSemi-Arid Food Grain Reseach and Devepment (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Maize CoBaborative Research Netwok (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Interna Developrent (USADySem r Food Grain Research and Dere toprit (SAFGRAD). Cestra Akican Reptubi Acquisitin aid diskiuion d comprehensive Lidsa# TM satele inagery. (04483) Glob E om ent Fa, Cer*al Afca PqxR 38 Lndex of pwuets by country Africa-wide biological control programme for cassava pests. (01828) Intematiora Furd for Agicultral Devebpmen. African Center of Meteorological Applications for Deveopment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorobgical Ornization (WMO). Agriculure servces- (01119) World Bank. Central African Republic. Association Intemabonale pour l'Op misation de la Nutriton des Plantes (ANIOP) [International Association for the Opfirmzation of Plant Nutrition. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemnationale en Recherche Agror.omique pour le Devebpperiet (CIRAD). CAR - rual developnent. (01894) U.S. Agency for InternatioA Development. Cassava :twork [Reseau Manioc]. (,02084) Conr des Responsabbes de Recherche Agronornique Africairs et Francais. Central and West Aican Root Crops Colaboratwe Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Institute of Tropica Agiltre. Chmical and pamacological studies of #hee meniual plants from the Central African Reublic (05479 itetionl Foundation for Scence. Cotton area nNal dewelopment project. (01 132) World Bank: Central African Republic. Naticnal Esestock deve4ment 11 (04415) World Bank; Centrai African Republc. National iestock proiect (01131) World 8ar*, Central African Pepublicr Natiaat resoe mn project (01 i86) World Bark- Central African Republc. Netwo* o Impvement of Rice Cuibvat [Reseau RizW. (02161) Conf6rence des ResPobles de Redrche Agronomique Aficaiins et Fran)ais. Prre Pal entepise and b on( e Export crop development). ()1 184) Work Bank Central African Republic. Flseau Colon (COTON). (020) Fce Co naeence des Resosables de Reches Agnomqe Afr,cas et RficalaCUoRF). Peum European cfEhde des Latei4es (EUROLAT) [Exopean Nofrk on Ferralsols 39 Index of projects by coLs-try Sudesi- (02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de r'Enseignement Superieur: Universite of Sbasboug Reseau International de Traitement des Donnees Sots (RIDTS) [International Network for Soils Data Processingi. (02640) Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique (ACCT). Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recote des Denrees Ahmnentaires (GRENIER) Network for Post-Harvest Storage ot Food Crops]. (02647) Association des Unrversites Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue Francaisee (AUPELF)Q Rural enterpnse development (03659) U.S. Agency for International Devel pnentAfncare. Strategies Alientaires (STRA) [Food SUrategies Neiworkj. (02655) ORSTOM'Insttut Francais de Recherche Scientitique pour le Developpernent en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydWoogical assessment. (01 108) World Bank. The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collborative Researc Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAlDySerri-Arid Food Grain Research and D eeoen (SAFGRAD). West AfMca Maize Collaborative Research Network [Reseau Mais]. (02156) Conference des Responsables de Pecheche Agoronoriqe AfnTcans. West Africa Regional Cooperatrve for Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) international tnstitute of Tropical Agricte. West and Centa Alrica Maize Collaboratie Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agc for hemnational Development (USAIDYSemiArid Food Grain Research and Den bpen (SAFGRAD). West arxd Central Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Ageny or International Developet (USAIDYSeni-Arid Food Grain Research and Develfopmet (SAFGRAD)- Afri Cerdr of Meeorc1 al Appicats for Devekopet {ACrD). (01109) World LUteorocal grgaizatior (WMO). Ag3sekooMnedoogie' (02634) Cee Reonao de Fomiton et dAppkicton en Ag et e (AGRH\UET4 40 Index of projects by country An integrated research programme on the development of biological pesticides f-or loCuSt and grasshopper control (01546) U.S. Agency for International Development Cassava Network {RPseau Manioci- (02084) Conference des Responsables de Rederche AgronomKlue Afnrcar,s et Francais Central and West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN) (02166) intemnahonal Inrstitue of Tropical Agriculture. Cooperave Programme for the Irmproveriment of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriecikure Organization of the Urded Nations. Crop protectio eogwne. (03409) CILSS-Sahel l.nstitute. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la Resistance a ia S60eresse, (02610) Coference des Resosables de Redcerche Agronomique Africains et Francais Ecogica: mniorng of the dynamics of desertification. (03415) CLSS-Sahel Istitte. Ecology/envirnmert programme: refoestation and conservaticn of the forstry resources (03416) CiLSS-Sahel Insute- Groundiut Network [FRseau -achidej. (02087) Confdrence des ResPnsables Agronoomques Aficains et Frangais. Improvements to miIet, sorgtm, cowpea. and rnaize crops in the SaheL (02738) Commission of the European Coinmxiies. kIrease of productity and control of diseases of si mlnnts. (03410) CGISS-Sahel Institute. Monitrg of renewabile natral esotrces in the SaheL (02739) Corarssson of the Euopean Conmunies. Pathology of smak rumwants: eDlogy, vaccies and propryixis. (0341.) CSahlC trEtintse. Proane for the strenghenhg of researci on production sysem& (03418) CRLSS-Sahel kistilte- Pmgamme on sppotng secs dDaNTation, romation and bkbaig" (03419) CILSS-Sahel WistUte 41 Index of projects by country Regional prog:amme for the improvement of millet. sorghum. cowpeas. and maize (tansitional phlase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Insttute. Resea,ch and study programme on the improved managunert of extensive rationa! rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CILSS-Sahel Insttute. Research and study programrnme on the possibility of .ntensrfication of fodder and animal production in the framework of an association of agricultuie and livestock breeding in Sub-Saherian, Sjdan and Guinean zones. (02413) OILSS-Sahei Institute. Research programme on food secriy stateges ard po!lcies (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Pesearch programme on phytogenetic resources (03408; CILSS-Sahel Instiue Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France. Coference des Responsables de Recherhes Agronomique Africans et Francais (CORAF). Sahelan Infortation Network (SIN) (02657) Instiute of Sahel (INSAH) Sut-bSaharan Afria hydrobgical assessment (01108) World Bank. The West and Central Africa Cowpea Colaborative Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for bIentional Development (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Developent (SAFGRAD)- West Akica Collborative Grourxkit Research Network. (02162) kitefatieaora Crops Research histute for the Semir-Atd Tropics (ICRISAT). West AMrica Maize Collab v Research Network [PRseau Mars] (02156) Conference des Resposabies de Recherche Agronomique Africains. West Afica Regional Pearl MeIprovw ent Program. (02154) International Crops Research Instiute for te Sermi-And Tropics (ICRISAT Se Center). West and Cendral Aiea Maize Coioraive Researh Network (WECAMA. (02157) U-S Agency for hlernational DeWvopment (USAD)r*fifAnd Food Graui Reset and Devepmert (SAFGRAD). West and Cetal Arica Sormn Resea=hi Nework (WASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Inltenional De topnet (USAID:YSerri-Ard Food Grain Research and Developert (SAFGRAD). 42 t ti ~~I U i 3 i 3 3 i tD II I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J Index of projects by country (04834) Overseas Development Admintstraaon (NRRD). Conioros Afncan Center of Meteorological Appliations for Develprent (ACMAD) (01109) World Meteoroiogical Orgaizaton (WMO). Reseau Devebppement (R/D) (Development Network]. (02653) GRET. Afica-wide biological conrol prognme for cassav pests. (01&8) frterreaional Fund for Agxuftal Development. A.ricn Center of Meteoiological Applications for Deveiopment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorolgical Organization (WMO). Agrosivcture en zone humlide - Congo (Humid zone agrosipastoral systems - Congo]. (01289) Internatioal Development Research Centre. Apply*g science and technology to devepment. (01947) U.S Agey for Interational DevelopmenL Associabon hntemationale pour rOptnrsabon de la Nutrition des Plates (ANIOP) lnternational Associafon for te Optirnization of Plant Nuttionj. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Interrationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpemente (CIRAD). Cassava improvement by reduction of the rate of cyvanydric acid (03002) IFS. Cassava Network 1R6seau Mbocl. (02084) Con$trence des Resporises de Reche Agronomiq Africaies et Francs. Genral and West African Root Crops Colaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Internabonal Insttute of Trpical Agiculture. Compan of idgeo and AuslrakanVIV for coto ryorrhz of Euaptus in the Congo. (03378) IFS. Congo) wildands rwoeclio anid maaeWmenit (0448 GloD Erwbnmw nt FaciW Congo. Drought resistance of soybean i the Ngai valley. ff~38) 4FS. 44 Index of projects by coun'try Drought Resistace Research Network (R3S) fReseau de Rectierche sar la Resistance a la Sccherssel (02610) Conference des Responsables de Rechrche Agronornique Africains et Frangais. Dynamics of the economically important Meliaceae after exploitation in the mnoist forest of the People's Repubrc of Congo. (03799) Universitaet Goettingen. Ecobgical ircidence of afforestation in Eucalyptus in the savannah in the region surrounding Brazzaville. (03379) IFS. Ecological study of the BRxhidae attacking legurins plants n the Congo. (03015) IFS. Effect of integafed poutry-aquacure systems in the rural areas of Congo. (03255) IFS. GrouwdrnA Network FfRseau Aacide]. (02087) Confrence des Responsables Agronorniques Africains et Francais. Improvement of production fror local aquaculftu stations. (03125) IFS. Improverm of sof ferlity wKder different cultivation systems. (03063) IFS. International Rice Testing Prograrn for Africa (IRTP). (02160).LUnded Nations Development Pom (UNDPVEuropean Economic Commission (EEC)fJapan. Local pig hubndry (Congo) (04206) interational Development Research Centre. Iroompagaion arid in vitro rejuvenatior, of Terminalia svrba (06173) International Foudion for Science. Mioprpagti,n and in vitro reuination of Temtinaia superba. (03195) IFS. Nabioal agiltural extension and adaptive research projecL (01191) World Bak; Congo. ;al resDwi management pmjed (04367) Wod Bar ConWg. Nework for hutro'ere of Rice Ctivation [Rseau Riz. (02t61) Corl6rarnc des ReqPnsd*s de Reched Aqon"ioqe Akicas et Fran es. Network on management of acid sois in htNid Aftica (AFR#CALAND - Mnagemen of acid 45 Index of pro:ects by country soils. (01021) Internatonal Board for Soil Research and Managernent. Population dynamics and ecology of the grasshopper Zonocerus vanegatus in the Mayombe region, Ctongo. (05486) Intematioral Foundation Tar Science Regeneration of the humid forest in Mayombe. Congo- (03247) IFS. Reioonal Tropical Leafy Trees Improvement Programr [Programme Regional dAmnefiorabon des Feuil:us Tropicaux (PRAFT)] (02169) European Economic Commission (EEC). Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion NetrkJ. (02638) ORSTOMWnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientiiique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Reseau Europeen dEtude des Lateriles (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsois Studrfesj. (02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de l'Enseigoemernt Superieur Ulniversite of Stasbourg Reseau sur la Coservaion Post-Recolte des Denrees Ahnoentawes (GRENiER) [Network for Post-hrvest Strage of Food Crops). (02647) Associaton des Univeisdes Partielbernt ou Enierenent de Langue Francaise (AUPEL. Strategies Aiimenares (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOWirsitU Francais de Recherche Scientique pour le DeveMopement en Cooperation. Strerngthenng maze and cassava research in eleven couries of West ard Central Africa Plan of achon. (02665) Mioistere de la Cooperation (France). Study of anthracrose and pulrefactio of cassava in Congo. (03052) IFS. Study of the microbilogy and bimisty of pakl wne. (03198) IFS. Study on te p ltocmsry and mirobio of syzym brazzavillense. (033M) IFS. SuSaran Africa hroldogio assessment (01 108) World Bark' Use of maize resicues for biogs producton. (03275) IFS. 46 ii E fjllI tt II! [i !I! qitii!iSE*iS t~ ~f 3|u 0E. | i, F'f- £jgi ih I* ..~~~ ~~~ .jl kIdex of piojects by country AgqiCtiral Machry Tr ig Proect for rigated Rioe Culiyvabon. (05846) Japaintea a Coperon Agecy. Agiclture, (044) World 3Bank; Cote dIvoie. Agroeconornic su of cassava n Sub-hr Afrca (01222) Rockefeller Fndaton. Alley Farmring NewoArk for Topical Arxa (02088) Canadian Intemational Deveipmt Aoency (CIDAYIntemational Development Researcl Centre (IDR)C) An exammafion of Dioscorea spp (yam) for rnatode restare (047824 Oeseas Deeopment Adr4gstraton (NR) Appied research prograrrire: Netwk for Humid Lowands of West A,ica (HUIWA-AFRENA). (02618) Internatial Couna for Resah in Agrofoesy (ICRAF)- Assessment of concitms for replicatig prxodction systems in Africa's savanna areas - seod stage. (028) Centre de Cooperation heremale en Reierche Agronomique poi le DeveloppenetR (CIRAD Bioiewsa markers associaed to Fusaioss of od pai tree: ther use in tbe breedn prograwne (05448) Interational Forudato for Sacene Biological control of stem-borers of cereals by use of plant eta&s found n the Norai ain aoe (03391) FS. Cassava Ni Rsean O (02084) Cord&ence des ResponSableS de PRecherche AgroTosm Airrs et Frariais Calte Rsearch Nei*k rA9NET) per Ca1e- Mi and Meo Nework) (05358) InIenPonal Listocke CGen for Aica Center West ageceFal developrit prcec (0iG04) Wb ld Bar. Cotie ifwe. Ceral and Wsi iQm Boot Crops Cobbeate Peseahi Niwork (CEWAf? 166) Irdeta2a4 Irstilute of Trpical AgicLku". aaksA ani ebw ofthedamagesdLietDneoeodes. (08376 IrnX r al Network :h te hprvemeit of Bi a and PIni-. Co-mied F-imaarch Pr_wane an the Appkaondot kraon Tedywite for Food PrFcessir .r-ia 48 Index of proects by country (02629) United Nations Food and Agrcutue Orgnzabw CoiectionL evaluation and genetic improvement of cocoyams. (03180) IFS. Deveoping graduate trainng in agrcutural economics. (02041) Winrock IntemratonaL Deveoppenert des rechedes neees en zone de fordt dense humide dans le domaire ae ragroforesterie / Deveopmert of agnforestry research carried out in the tropical rain forest zone. (04654) Unierstaet Layreuth DoctDral progam in Rxal Econonic at CIRES (Cdte dfvo,ret (04921) Internatbonal Developent Researh Centre. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Rsea de Rechende sur la Resistance a !a Scdieresse4 (0261 0) Conference des RePnbles de Rederhe Agronomique Aaris et Franus. Ecolgca side-effects of tselse control in central ard othern lvy Coast (04637) Uiestat des Siare Evalhtion of the technoloM chaacerstics of uxderutiized tee species in Cote dlvire. (05146) kternatorl Founion for Scce. Evakicr. of te tedhoogical chaatesics of underulzed tree species in Ivory Coast. (031 15' IFS. Evakaion of topica bwlrd forage leg sm for b-huid West Africa at ILCA. (03779) Unieritaet Giessen. Evakuation of varbdity i coectorrs of C. canhora with regards to a prograwme for crop mp_vment (05272 hilratonal Foundaron fr Sence. Ftizer arketing and Trade lomrrrn Progrwam (TIP) (02145) Died ate Genefal for Inebratoona Cooprn (DGIS); US. Agency for k heronal Dev mnt (AD). FMt oil pakn drevelpriet pmtoct (01006) WorkI 8a1 Cole dIve~e Forstry N. (03463) Wed Bark Cole ^ore. Fxresy setor pr (01 179 Word Bank; Cole dhoie. 49 Index of "Prects by co-a"r Fourth ubber prolecL (01003) World Bawk: Cote eNvoire. Geneic stdy of the aubergffe cubvars Solanrim aethiop and S. rnaccarpon and thei relation widh thevid pces Solarum angum and (03193) IFS Grounnit Network [R6seau Arachidel. (02087) Coneence des Responsaqles Agrnomiaues Atcan et Franias. lmpacd of the most portant tees for ailey-op on sod fertilit preres in tve Wvory CoasUWest AkEa (04669) Univert Bayeutht impveit of the rpcci pfomance of ypactobra cattle and sheen (05542) FAO/IAEA. Impvemerts of the tradlional potuty breeding. (03093) IFS Influence of soil fauna on sod fertLiy and crops n the Savana region of Cote dlvoire. (03329) IFS. Interational Rice Testfig Program for Aica (RTP). (02160) Urited Nabons Developma Program (UNDPYE Fpean Ecoomic Commission (EECYJape. Inenationa Ruber Research and Develpn Board (IRROB). (01212) International Rubtw PRsearch and Deveopment Board International Soybean PWam (IMrSOY). (05373) Unvrs of l[ios at Urbarn-Champaign. kesugation n biogc p _dem Aclhati adcha (03806) Urnws*aet Goe&en. Ibesigatons on the vtracton between trposomias chlenge and nutional status of Djalonke sheep in te subhm sand na of West Aficai (0461) Unwesiad HwherI (04420) Wored Ba* Cote di*. Local ApMafn of Remote Ssnug Tedu (LASI) b& reshy nianmnent (04845a) Ove'e Devepmerit A& salio (WMD). 1iarba car" of root knot renuaodes. (04864) O sas Devetpmem Ad mriska (iv i)). 50 Index of projects by cowitry Microbial control of root-knot nematodes. (01814) Overseas Devenpt Adminislration (NRRD) Natonai agricultal services. (02095) World Bank; Cote divoire- National environment programr (01002) World Eank: Cote dcIvoire National enviwnent programn (foneriy Agriculture). (04421) World Bank: Cote dlvoire Nabonal resourcesmanagenen: support (01185) U.S. Agency for Intermatioa Development Netwerk for Improvemert of Rice Cultivation [Reseau Ri4z (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronacnique Africains et Frangais. Network on lard devebpmert for sustainable agrcuture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land development). (02109) Intermational Board for Soil Reseach and Mnraoement Network on management of acid soils in humid Africa (AFRCALAND - Managemt of acid soilsk. (01021) Interaonal Board for Sod Research and Management ONG ingwes (C&e divorre). (05318) Inteaonal Developmnt Reseach Centre. Optial management of aquaculture of pond systems in devekopi countries. (01464) Universitaet Wind. Peri-uban vegetabl producton and onsmpt in Sub an Arica (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Plstai cornservation (Ivory Coast). (0520) her nal Deveitent Research Centre. Planl physoge: Maaion aid stockage. (03728) lte Network for tie hoprovemerit of Bana ad Pi*tan Regiorn Tropical Le* Trees kIprvement Pogroan PRegional d'Amelai des Fer*,s Twpax (PPAFT)I (02169) Eurqpean Economic CoGffission (EEC)- Re1 7nshs between bee growt, tee rton and sUe in Tectena grs 's pkaon in WestAtka'""5 (046M) Urivasiad Bayret1 Index of prioects bv cotntry Research. coordination. and training for improved hvestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa (02732) Comm=isson of the European Communities. Reseaut Coton (COTON). (02082) France, Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Reseau Erosion (EROS) [Erosion NetworkJ. (02638) ORSTOM/Wstiut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Deveoppement en Cooperation. Reseau Europeen d'Etude des Laterites (EUROIAT) [European Net"ork on Ferralsos Studiesi. (0263) Miostere de la Recherche et de rEnseigenemrw Supeneuw Unersite of Skasboerg. Reseau Fernmes et Devebppement (FEM?DEV) [Women in Devebpment Network. (02652) ORSTOMnstistut Francais de Red che ScientiFque pour le Developpernent en Coopea Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recolte des Denees Aldnentaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops]. (02647) Associon des Uniersifes Partellement ou Entierment de Langue Francase (ALFELF). Resistance rechanisrns to AntrUaciose in yams. (04804) Overseas Devebpment Acftisration (NRRD). Rubber V. (03464) World Bank, Cote dlveire Rural economics research (CGte divoire). (0532) Iternaional Deopet Research Centre. Rural land manaet pect (formerty Land tenure). (04419) Wodd Bark Cote dvotre. SADAOC (Securite Afimentabe durable en Afrique de rOuest Centrale). (05662) ECDPM (EiiDean Certre for Development Pokcy Management) Se 5-suiice of rixerpest and other diseases in Africa, using InlliEassay (0262) Swecis Agency for Rual Cooperatio (SAREC). Smal dams (C61e dlvem). (04176) hffaole Dev*oprt Research CCer" Srrai ats WAFRA (05339) Wier~ Develoment R9searc Ceutm 52 Index of rofw-ts by country Smai3 rural business management (6te divoire). (05335) Ierntfional Development Research Centre. Social Sciernce Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) The International Centre of Insect Physiolgy and Ecology. Sbrategies Afiarentaires (STRA) rFood Strategies Networkl. (02655) ORSTOWMnstitut Francais de Reche -he Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Strengtheng maize and cassava research in eleven countries of West and Central Afnca: Plan of actin. (02665) lUiistere de la Cooperation (France). Stnga resistance in ce. (0405) Overseas Develop!' -td Administration (NRPD). Striga resistance in rice. (05748) Oeseas Developmernt Adnrani (NRRD). Studies on Chysichtys spp. in relation to productvty. (02949) IFS. Studies on c)dciy of idigeos cattle and sheep on the research stalion. (04550) Interenaioal Atomcr Energy Agency. Sudies on the feeiig of tlapia. (03090) IFS. Study of the prurW production in the 'acadjax'os system. (03360) IFS. Study on dhe nutrkive valie of some tradito gras in the vOy Coast (03197) IFS. Sdu-Sarn Akica hy*klogical assessmet. (01108) World Bank The caactmezaon of nce gr aro-ecoyms in West Afrca (maha piase). (05601) WSC (Wenad Staring Centre for Integred Land, Sod and Water Research). The inpact of weed manageni on reguor of rce wisect pests by naral enermes n West Aica (O4696) Overseas D evoment Akrid stf (NRRti- The Livstock Trypai rt Networ* (MI081) Ofsas Defopnert Aision The West and Ca" Abca Cowpea Coll oive Reserch Nelwrk (WACO). 53 idex of projects by country (02078) U.S. Agency for Internahonal Development (USAIDySemi-And Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Trypanosorniasis and trypanotolerance in small ruminants in the Ouest-Forestiere region of the Ivory CoasL (03192) IFS. Urea injector test (04143) Research Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fetility (AB). Water needs of plantain in Cole dlvoire. (0S459) International Foundation for Science. Weed management in upLd rice in West Africa. (04866) Overseas Development Admnifstraton (NRRD). West Africa Colaboa Groundnut Research Networ (02162) Internatiora Crops Research Instibtte for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network IReseau Mais). (021 56) Conference des Respnsables de Recherche Agronomnkue Africains. West Africa Netwo* on Anirral Tracion (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Gesoia fuer Technische Zusammenarbeft (GTZ) Gnib H. West Africa Regionai Cooperafive for Research on Plarin (WARCORP). (02167) Intemational Institute of Tropical Agiculture. West Africa Regional Pead Milet improvement Prograrn. (02154) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West Abrican Faming Systems Research Netwrk (WAFSFRRESPAO). (02619) Internaonal Fund for Ag rcitual Development (IFADYSemiA Food Grain Research and Developet (SAFGRAD). West African Fermr egwwn and Evlatmion Netwrk (WAFMEN). (02614) Interatonal Deveoent Researc Certre (IDRC)I Unded Nations Deveiopment Program (UNDP). West Aran Foges Network (WAFNET) (02103) Mueral Co qeaion Division, Eionmic Coopaon Bureau. MOFA, .APAK West can Rice P bo.m-on System (WARtS). (04246) htemaoial Develpnt Pesearch Centre. West and Cerral Airica Maize Codaboe Reseh Network (WECAMAN). (02157) US. Agncy r hk rnkt ioal Deeopme (USAVDYSea-Arid Food GCai Resea ard DevomentA Index of projects by counby WJest and Central Afica Sorghurn Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for hnteniafioral Devebpment (USAID)Seemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Developmert (SAFGRAD). Women and access to bnd in rural areas (Cote dcivoire). (04946) International Development Research Centre. Women and cassava (C6te d'lvoire). (05321) Intemational Devebpment Research Centre. Cuba Iternational Network on Sod Fertility and Sustai Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) Intenrational Rice Research Insitute. !nterarional Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Unrsi of lliois at Urbana-Champaign. Ojibouti Nricax Center of Meteorological Appications for Developmen (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organzation (WMO). Coope aie Proranme o the Irn,provenent of Genetic Resouces of Multiputpose Woody Speaes (02174) Food and AgncuRure Organizaiorn of the United Natios. Sub-Saharan Afica hydrobgical assse (01108) World Bank. Dominican Republic Inrntioal Network on Sod Fertity and Sustamable Rice Farnig (INSURF). (05370) national Rice Research Istute. InhtOi Soybew Pogm (ITSDY) (M573) Url* of M1oi at Uk f b Egyp A Feasi*y sluxy on esbis*u an Aica Cerdbe for Ferilizr Developmt (01684) GTZ (Dedsche Geselchaft fuer Tectirscte Z.mmweit). 55 Index of projects by country African Center of Meteorobgical Applications for Deveblpment (ACMAD) (01109) Worid Meteorological Organization (WMO) Associato internationale pour rOptimsation de la Nuti des Plantes (A.41OP) Interraion Association fof the Optimization oi Plant Nutriion. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour l Developperrnt (CIRAD). Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Applicahon of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa (02629) United Nations Food and Agricultu.e Organization. knproving the Diagnoss and Control of TrypanosomEass and other Vector-bore Diseases of Arican Lvestock, using rnmunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Irrproving the Productiviy of Indigenous Afncan Livestock usig Radioimmunoassay and related Tedniques (02621) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Nafional Soi Reference Colections (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (Irternational Sod Reference and Infornaabon Centre). Ser-suveilance of rwdepest and other diseases in Afria, using immunossay techniques (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Equatoril Guinea Africa Center of Meteoobgical Applications t;r eveopmen (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WM0). Central and West Afca Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) intemational Insite of Tropical Agriculte. Crop diversification and agricultural servie prjct (01193) World Bankc Equatorial GuiJea Natial resoure management and conservation (fMmery Land resources managemert and conservation). (04416) World Bards Eqatl Guinea Stb-Sahan Arica hymk assl ss~ (01I08) Wo>d Bark Akfic Center of MetIvDiCal Appcabo for De elop t (ACMAD). 56 Index of projcts by cowtmy (01109) World Meteorological Orgarnization (WMO). African Research Network for Agriculttual By-Products (ARNAB). (02170j International Development Research Centre (IDRC): International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA)- African Smail Ruminant Collaboaftive Research Network. (02620) International Fund for Agricuural Devebpment. African Smal Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agronornic Network for East and Southem Africa (02611) United Nabons Development Program (UNDP): World Bankt Alley Faeng Network for Tropical Afnca (O088) Canaian International Developmntr Agency (CIDAglnternatonal Devebpment Research Ceatre (1DRC). Aimal Tracton Research Network (05813) Intemational Livesock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Appied research programnie: Eastern and Central Afrcan Agroforestry Network for Africa (ECA-AFRENA) - The bmod hi*pands- (02615) International Counci for Research m Agoforestry. Associatin tternahonale poux rOptntisa2t de la Nutrition des Plbntes (ANIOP) [Intermational Association for the Optimization of Pant Nutrition]. (02641) Centre de Cooperaor nternationale en Recherche Agroriomique pour le Devebpper-a-i (CIRAD). Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCR). (02171) Interational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperaive Prograrne for the lmproverent of Genetic Pesowuces of Multipurpose Woody Speci (02174) Food and Agiculture Oraniization of the United Natios. East Africa Regl Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) ntermaional Netwok for the knprovement of Bna and Pantain- Impoving the Producivity of bndigeno Afcan Livestock using RI _omo and related Techiques. (02621) Diectorate Genera for Internal Cooperation (DGIS). Inreaftial agrct*ai research centers: 09 hiterniDnal Liveso Center for Afica (ILCA). (019677 U.S. Agency for itrnanal ..evl t- Moagemet of verios uder sm-ad corios in Africa (MOVUSACG) 57 Index of projects by country (010o2) International Board for Soid Research and Management. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Scence Research. (02661) Winrock Irtemaatroaa; Forii Foundaion. Programme 5: Training - Training for researchers and development planners. (03710) International Courxil for Research in Agroforestry. Pubic works in Africa to improve food-securily. (04626) Deutche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusainmenarbeit (GTZ). Research. coordiation. anrd training for irmproved livestock pr-oduction in Sub-Saharan Africa (02732) Comffission of the Euroen Communibes. Reseau Deeo erit (R,D) [Devebpment Networkj- (02653) GRET. Sero-surveillance ol rndelpest and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Sidaino/Gano Goba peasant agrictural devopment project (01113) Afican Devebpmet Bank. Small Ruwnat and Camel Group Researdi Network (05381) International Livestock Center for Africa Smal Rumnants and Camel Group. (02632) DeWutsce Geselschat fer Technische Zusanenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Storage of cereals by pastoratists. (04761) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Strategies Arnntres (STRA) [Food Strategies Network. (02656) ORSTOMbsU Fraca de Rehembe Sciet pour le Developpement en Cooper4on. The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for kiteafrional Development (USAIDYlnterational Devebpment Resea-ch Centre (IDRCQCtn gaional lhstte of Tropical Agricfutre (IITA). The Geoboia Netwak for Agroneras in East and Southern MAfrica (02613) Unitd Nations Development Pram (UNDP Wc-' Barnk The Listock TrnfoA Networkc (02081) Ovewseas ID eveo t A&*"- btion. Weed prbl and weed maagmt in crping systei (387) Universitaet Hohrieim. 58 /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_, 1-~ iuin I[IF> I SoD~I .i W.S °:i~ W i !,El X X!Wi t' XX ~~ |t gX |tttft7>31f} _ -~~~~ -~~11111_1* Index of projects by countly Agicuftural services (formerty Agicufture). (04417) World Bank. Gabon. Bioecological study of Phenacoccus manihoti, an insect attacking cassava i Gabon. (03155) IFS Bioecobgical study of Phenacoccus manihoti, an insect attackni cassava in Gabon. (05161) Intemational Foundation for Science. Cassava Network [Reseau lanioc;. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronornique Africains e, Francais. Central and West Afrcan Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARFN) (02166) International institute of Tropical Agricuture. Forestry/envonment. (04343) Worid Bank: Gabon. INI8APtTaxonomic Lincuistic Study of Plantain Cultivars in Afrnca (05649) INIBAP Network for Improvement of Rice Cutivafion [Reseau Rize (02161) Conference des Resporsables de Recherche Agronomique Africais et Franrai. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recolte des Denrees Ainenrtares (GREN4ER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Crops,. (02647) Association des Lniversites Partie!ement ou Enberernert de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). SLrategies Aliner4aires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOWAnstitut Francais de Recherche Screntfiue pour le Developpement en Cooperation Stethewn maize and cassava research i eeven counties of West and Central Afic Plan of action. (02665) Mkrstede la k Cooperation (France). Sut.-Saharan Africa hvdrobgical asseswment (01108) Worid Bank The Uvestok Trypanoterant Network (02081) Oversews Deveter Adr in. Vegetate reproducion tedu4es for Okoume (AucosIe klaireana): cuatngs and (03273) IFS. West Africa MAize Coliaborative Research Nework [Reseau Mats]. (02156) Conference des RPspnabies de RePache Agronoique Aficains. 60 - - -_.: __ __ ilt .''_. . .i . . ! ' - 1. '' Irndex of protcts by cowtiry VWest Arica RegioAl Cooperare for Research on Pantain (WARCOMP). Z. 'nternaional nsitute of Topical Agicute. G0 We r c R f(05849) West Africa Rice Deve;opmene Asscai (WARDAi- (05850) West Afrnca Rwie Development Assocabon (WARDA). (05851) West Africa Rice Devep Association (WARDA). (05852) West Afiica Rice Developrrn Association (WARDA). African Center of Meteorlgia Ap,plications for Develpment (ACMAD). (01109) WorW Meteorogcal Oriabon VWMO- Airian Researh Network for Ariculti BvPrii (ARFNAB. (0217' Intenational Devebpment Research Centre (IDRC): Internafional Lvestock Centre fr Africa (ILCA). AgiuNr Hydrb* ko_loi- (02634) Cent Re Ple de Fomatio el cAppllon en Agrometeoooget Hydroog (A.GRHYThE) Cordal ad West Akian Root Cops Colabma Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Ir ro Insaliute of Trpical AgrFuure. Cooperative Cerals Research Network (CCRM- (02171) Inteatiora Crops Resear insbte for ft Serit-Aid Tropics. Cooperative PRogamm for the Improvement of Genetic Resuces of Mlkpufpose Woody Spem (02174) Food and Agicuh Organzabon of fle Unted Naios Crep pm Rc pogamme. r3409) CAS&Sahel lnsth Dn7agN Resis e Research Ntwork (t) [,seau de Recherche sur la Rsisance a ia (0261 Con%ence des Pesxmsabies de Redeshe Aponique Akcains et Fo. BYitWd muItnngm of Vie d~nmmcs ofdeigO (03415) CiSSSahiel hi* M"Bun0 poroga mn tee aid criaebm of te oe :eooes. (03416) CLSSSahe kistdp 61 hndex of projects by country h . tification and monitodng of Af*ican weater regimes - Phase I West Africa. 93)2 r 95Overseas Develot Administrion (NRRD). Irmp ' .nents to miilLo sorghun. cowpea. and maize crops in the Sahel. (02 -' Commission of te European Comnmunities. Imp, -sng Me Dacosis and Gont of Trypanosomass and other Vector-borne Diseases of t. an Livestock, using Imrwnunoassay Met;ods. (0' . 7, Drtorate General for intermaional Cooperation (DGIS). rh i e of productivt and control of diseases of snall rumirants. (034 OC;SS-Sahel Institute. Irterr, tional Rice Testng Progran for Africa (IRTP). (021r. United Nabons Devebpment PrograM (UNDP/Euopean Economic Commisson (EE ;roan_ Maw, .e Swamp Rice Nek (MSRN). (05W Vest Afica Rice DevebpTent Association (WARIDA). M.itoK q of reneviable natural resources in te SaheL (02739 commissw of the European Cormundities. PaWq,. g of swna ru it etiology. vacies and prophyxs. (0341 1' . "LSS-Sahe lrnshtuie. Prograr- for te stengtning of research on production systems. (03418) (. SS-Sahel Insitte. Progran v r e on supporing services: docmetation. i rfomtion and trainin (03419) C: .S;-Salel InstituteL Regiona p, gamme for te i vmert of miffeL sorghsn, covas and maize (ft;ansit;ona'base)_ (03407) CL.t TSahel lnstItrA Besearhd 3 u pVoamme on the ipoved rnegwet of exteiw nonal rangeands ir tae Sahel (PGENES). (0342 cn A-3- WM isMute. Researc am)i - 1dy programn on fe possirily of i of lodder ad aninal produion in , kamework ot an associaton of agriwure and iestDck breedtg in SubSahei,, -an and G zones. (03413) CLS& -hcInsgWe- PReseach pW*amme on bod seuty, skaeges ad podie& (03417) CLSS-S7rei k,Ae. PRsaFh pogme on phylgnebc resotfces. 403) CLSS- anel histie 62 Index of projects by county Sahelian lInfmaion Network (SIN). (02657) Institute of Sahel (INSAH) Sub-Saharan Africa hydrobgical assessment. (01 108) World Bank- The Lvestock Trypanololerant Network. (02081) Overseas Devebppment Administration. The West and Central Africa Cowpea Collaboratve Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for international Development (USAIDySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGPAD). West Afica Collaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) lintef Crops Research Inshtie for the Semi-And Tropics (iCRSAT). West Africa Regonal Pearl Milet Irprovermer Program. (02154) internaional Crops Research institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CRISAT Sahel Cener). West African Famirg Systems Research Network (WAFSRMESPAO). (02619) Irermational Furd for Agriculmal Devlopent (IFAD/SemiAnd Food Grain Research and Developnent (SAFGRAD). W.est Afrin Fertler Management and Evbation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Ir n Developet Research Centre (IDRC). United Nabons Deveoet Progra (UNDRP). West and Centra rica Maize Coaaborative Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Internabonal Development (USAID/Serri-AAid Food Grain Research and Devepnt (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorgiurn Research Network WASRN). (02075) US Agency for hk ateonal Devepnt (USAID,VSefi-Arid Food Gran Reearch and D eepmt (SARD). Ge= Ca"ro of Zwonocni wiegalus (0385 Unversbet Frebug. h-vvhng water managmet n he semiard region of Caneroon (03802) hlb unew briu mWrWmfce Aisnxavobiee WnSlror Economc Coopwraton PC4 Lonast ad yshoper oonrol by appceai of neern priwck (038) &sk4ebg Unsbaet Giessen. 63 Index of projects by coUntry Ghana Attica-wide biolgical control programmrre for cassava pests. (01828) Intematon Fund for Agricultural Developmnt Agicultural cred-ri for development in the Upper West Region of Ghana. (04607) Universiaet Giessen. Agncuural dcrersification project. (02026) World BawK Ghana. Agiculural extension (formerly Natonal agriacural extension project). (03429) World 8ank; Ghana. Agricultural marketfng (04426) Wodd Bark; Ghana Agrcutural sector (04425) World Baric Ghana Agricutural sector adjustment (forrnery Agiculral SECAL)- (04424) World Bank; Ghana Agr7cultural servicos rehabiltabion project (01105) World Bank; Ghana AgroeconoFic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan .frica (01222) Rodcefeller Founation. Agmsry system in te Topics. (03859) Geselschft fuer Techaiscke Zusan narbert (GTZ). Alley Farming Network for Tropical AfFca (02088) Canarian lInerational Deelopment Agency (CLDA*termaional Developrent Resear Centre (IDRC). M.tiabeJc tadonal medicial ants metabolic effects. (02953) IFS. Antmicrobial ac of fermWed Ghanai maize dougn- (05466) kean Fo for Sciee. Appied research p :ogr3 Nehtork for nid Lowbnds of West Africa (HtWA-AFFE14A). (68) Irnatonal Couc for Research in A nore (CAF). A6essil opw e4mure (04881) Oveizeas DeioebpTmt Acmnfat Byjpo&icts (Ghcan (04929) lr*rnatknal Developmernt Researrh Centre 64 Index of proects by country Cage feeding to study cfKgestbihity and conversion rate of some formulated feeds for Tiapia dsoolor in Lake Busurntw (02968) IFS. Cage feedirna to study digestibility and conversion rate of sore formulated ,eeds for Tilapia discolor in Lake Busuntwi. (05115) International Foundation for Sience- Cattle Reseasch Network (CARNEr) (formerly Cattle Milk and Meat Network). (0535i) Intemational Lvestock Center for Africa. Causes, effects and control of bodetenortion. (04739) Overseas Development Adminion (NRRD). Central and West Africm Root Crops Collaboratve Research Netwok (CEWARRN). (02166) International Institute of Tropical Agrcuture Co-ordinaed Researh Proamm on the Application of lradiation Technque for Food Processing in Airica. (02629) Iknited Natons Food and Agnculture Organ¢ation. Cocoa rehabitation project (01010) WorldBan Ghana. Corn dough fermentation to prodc kenkey, porridge and other Ghanaian dsh (02940) IFS- Decontamnrsaion of mycotoxp-contaijing foods and feeds with bacteria or with bacteral metAxoltes. (05735) Ist fuer Hygine und Toxikobgie der Bu Emaehngsg. Karlsn"h. Degradation of sawdust and the potenial of the degraded product for growing vegetables- (05286) hIternational Foundaion for Sciernce. Devepmen and lisation of pla derived insectides with specal referwe to corwponts n the Neem tree and Jafpha specaes. (03199) IFS. Devebopmert aid ufisabon of or# derived isetcies nih special refwwce to compoaets from the Neem tree and Jatro specaes (05174) jroernalional Foxiabm frr Sdence. Develpet Oi eqpmert and m*hds for co otis prduction of baenia anies wilhin a cosed bioreor system. a03) k u ker Pftiem urid T rehye in den Trpn uLd Suhropen, LI*eretGoettirgen. 65 Index of projects by country Effects of processing on distribution and destrcfion of mycotoxins (04737) Oversea Developmient Adrianistration (NRRD). Effects of solar radiation on cyanobactena: Effects of increased UV-B solar radiation (ozone destruction) on cyanobacteria whk± are important for nitrogen fixation for hiotr plants (03958) Universitaet Ed1angen- Enviromental resource management (formerty Envirornnent). (04362) World Bank; Ghana. Epdmioog of gastrointestinal parasites of Iambs. (05482) Inte-abonal Foun&ation for Science. Esrknahton of monthly rmnoff data on the bass ot murspectral satellite imagery. (03795) Universitaet Bodium. Etiobotaic investigaion of plants used by the Ghanaian traditional healers in cunag diseases. (02943) IFS. Extaclion of fungal toxicarts from tnree Ghana plants and utiization of such in controlng fodiar plant pathogens. (03388) iFS. Fertlizer Marketing and Trade !nformation Progan (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate Geneal for Intemational Cooperaton (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Irntematna Devebpment (USAID)j Food pocessing (McGi&Ghana). (05347) Intermatioral Developient Research Gentra Forest resotrce management proaect (01 195) World Bank, Ghanal Foresiry. (04364) World Ba*; ^'haria. Gtana: Eet of clinate and soi on dsrixbuon and regeneraton of ti--ber trees. (04727) Overseas Deveomert Adrtiinisfn (NRRD). Ghana Sustsabity of ecoomic actibves based on non4-ibe frest pfroLucts- (0483) Overmea Dew4opnnt Achnirst4on (NRD Giwia gams deveipxent project - Phase IU (02t104) Chacia k*wma&iW DevbpmetAgen.cy Gb 200 - Sask Akica ira ag p " (01291) GbW 2000 FowA 66 Isndex of projects by country Idenificabon and monitong of Akican weater reg-mes - Phase I West Africa (04726) Owseas Develpmnent Admniistratior tNRRD). kienti5caton of Batera ftough analys of metabolic products ands cell components by mears of Gas Liqui Chromatgraphy (GLC). (93786) Instite for Tropical Animal Healh, University Goettingen Identifying the constraints or. 'tvestok productvity and land use in Arica brought about by ivestock inxiuding the tsetse transmitted Trypanosoiasis (05798) OverSeas Development Admnistraton iNRRD). Improvements to rural oiisee prooessw in Afnca (04699) Overseas Development Adrnmistation (NRRD) ropDvinwg the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and oher Vector-bore Diseases of AMican Livesock. using mrnmuoassay Methods. (02627) Digectorate General for Interaio Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Producvy of ncigenous Afrcan Livestock using RadioDmnuossay and related Techniques (02621) Directorate General for Internatinal Cooperation (DGIS). Inemational Rice Tesing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Natons Deveopment Program (UNDP >Euopean Economic CoG misso (EEC)/Japan. krvestigafing the suiabirity of solid state fermentatior (tempe) of varous lgrues and legumie cereal mixhies in Ghana. (03339) IFS. lnestiga- of the susceptbiliy to infestation of some newly Witdjced Ghanian maize vawees to Sitophilus zeamais. (03241) IFS. kwesbsations in production and reproducto records and their interioship with amwmU as in DiallZesslx irs Ghana (ODtI443) Deulsch* F (1>FG inves ions of requkerents for a new technique of large scale cooce fermntation Etapted to lcal contons Gn hana. ,02884) Coturissio of te Etxepean Commuties Invstigaton on stacludri in sr, -Saha S Arica. (04688) Over-eas DeebpmentiAratio (NRRD). Isonalin and Lzati of es tial oi. (02955) IFS. La i wes I i permcrop production. (0480) Oveeas Devepnment Admi 0Ri)) 67 index of projects by country Livesto* (orrmerly Livestock services). (03421) World BanK; Ghana Low cost cassava root storage tehology - adaptwe transfer from Latin Ameria and field testing in Sub-Saharan Africa (05767) Overseas Development Admirastratio, (NRRD) Low-cost fruit and vegetabe drying for small-scale rural enterprise development. (05745) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Management of vertisols under semi-arid conditions in Arica (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soi Research and Management. Managing the African honey bee. (03368) IFS Methodologies for better technology transfer. (04783) Ovrseas Development Adoanisratio.n (NRRD). National agnrcutual research project (01332) World Bank, Ghana National Soi Reference Colections (NASREC II). (05624) ISR;C (hIertional Sod Reference and InArmiation Centre). Netwowk on Land development for sstainable agiui ir Akla (AFRIGALAND - Lanrd devebpnent). (C2109) lntemaonal Board for Soil Research and Mnagement Network on management of acid soils in hurnid Afrka (AFRICALAND - Magemert of acid sods). (01021) Internonal Board for Soi Research and Managenent. Nrogen and the control of SKria W0584) Overseas Devoe Adrnrts_ (NRREv Nitrogen fDxato utlizabon and Bradyrtlbrn uerstrain cmpet in intercroppig systerm. (03401) FS. No dupnghere: Control of peskcides in devepigcotafr s. (05422) liea Developmnet Pearch Caet ?&clAiclr Centre. (04552ernalional Me Eng Ageycy. ?"#lqala aWAioAal eiq,erleei station Twiale, (01425) Gesechat1uer Technische Zsawixwbet (G1Z) 68 Index of projects by country 0 palm development projet - Phase II. (03474) World Bank, Ghana. Optimal management of aquaculture of pond systems n developing countries. (01464) Universitaet Kiel. Pan-Afrian Networks for Rural Socdal Science Research. (02661) Winrock Intemational; Ford Foundation. Pharmacological and toxicological studies of the alkaloid crytolepipe and its modificat in animal modelsK (03111) IFS. Phosphou availabit (SIPIGhamBrazil) - Phase II. (Q04209) Intemational Development Research Centre. Plantain (Ghana)- (04192) Intemational Development Researh Centre. Pond culture (Ghana) (02501) International Developtent Research Centre. Post-harvest assessment of root and tber crop storage. (04834) Overe0as Develxnert Adniiratim (NRRD). ProduRAon of bacterial vaccnes in a continous bioreactor wM subsequent purfication of antigen ftough utrafiltrbl. (03785) hstitste for Trpical Aninal Health. Unwersity Goettingen. Prgame 213: On-fam research - Analysis of interactions and inpact of agrefokestry practices- (03700) Intenaomal Council for Research in Agroforestry. Progamme of Support to Promote Grassroots Parbcipatory Rural Development in (05661) SNV (Neterands Develom OreanOzaion). econalssance I preparation sd on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Suljb-Saran Afcn counties, wid speca reference to Saheban and Sudailan zones (SSZ) (02094) World Bank. oRe l Tropical Leafy Trees hroenen Progrm IPrograe Reinal clAmoA des Fedus Trocam (PRAFM) (0169) Ehpea Ecaxm Conumasi (EEC). SADAOC (Securile AimWafe &xatie en ArKqme de rOuest Cerrae) (0566) ECPWM (Etsopem Cene kir Deoet Poky 9migmert) Sero- _e of ri7d and othe dises in Aftica, using hiwmoassay 69 hidex of projecs by coutry techniques (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperton (SAREC). Small scale imgation. (04363) World Bank; Ghana. Sod Fertirity Restorabon Project (SFRP). (02143) International Fertlizer Developmnent Center. Africa (IFDC-Africa). Soybean utlization (IITA) - Phase il. (04182) bternational Development Research C-entre. Strenghening maize and cassava research in eleven countries of West and Central Aica Plan of action. (02665) Miisere de ia Cooperatio (Frarce). Sub-Saarsan Africa hydrological assesment (01108) World Bank- Sustairable agrotorestry (BradortfGhonI dippines). (04948) Interatial Devebopment Research Centre. Sustainable use of naniral resources? Case study on the dnanios of Land use in Norerm Ghana (05M) Institut fuer AWaroekonamie der Liniversiaet Goe#ftl9 The Deveopment of Pmctices for Area-wide Tsetse Eradication with emphasis on the Sterilect Technique. (02626) Unlted Nations Food and Agnculture Organizahon. The role of fte renewable reral resouces sector in he geneation of sustainable Weiods in develing wtres. (05792) Overseas Development Adrinistrabon (NRPAD)- The West and Centrai Atrica Cowpea Collabora Research Network (RENACO). (020T8) U-S Agency for Iernbn Delopet (USAID( -erdi Food Grami Reseach and Devek?ment (SAFGR4D). U.SJlsrael program for cooperatie deveblprent reseach (01949) U.S. Agency for hitemai Depen Vegetable sWovement poca nd fresh mfarket tomato breen (02970) IFS. Viaye se-h* p*eds (Gh. (05320) frenbra Do reeadiCen Wes Akia CoLborative Gmu Pesearch Newo& (02162) kiwntonal Crops Research fiste Ibr the SMid Trpcs (ICRISAT). 70 lndex of projects by country West Africa Network on Animal Traction (WAATA). (0262) Deutsdce Geselbcaft fuer Tehrste Zusamnmearbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. West Africa Regional Cooperative or Research on Planin (WARCORP). (02167) International Irstute of Tropical Agriculture. West Africa Regional Pearl Millet Improvement Program. (02154) International Crops Research institute 'ar the SemiFArid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West Arican Farmng Systems Research Network (WAFSRWRESPAO)0 (02619) Interatonal Fund for Agricultural Development (IFADySerr:-Arid Food Grain Research and Developmn-t (SAFGRAD). West African Fertlizer Mana nt ad Evaluabion Network (WAMEN). (02614) Interrational Development Research Centre (IDRC); L'nited Nations Development Prograrn (UNDP). West African Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Muitleral Cooperation Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. West and Central Africa Maize Cdlaoorabve Research Network (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Itnationaf Devebpment (USAIDY'SeniiAnd Food Grain Research and Developmet (SAFGfRAD), West and Central Af*:a Sorghum Research Network (WCASN). (02075) U.S. Agency for International Development USAIDYSerrcArid Food Grain Reseac and Developrent (SAFGRAD). Women's knowe ge, management and conrol of seed geneiic resources. (04261) Inter Developnent Research Centre. Global Tropeiro Fezdatio. (05507) Tropenbro Fourdatio. (a) Mobleular biolg of te interactio(s) between yan (Dioscoree spec.) and the fgus CO*Eihu geo spormle-s (b) Isolation of fngal defence genes from yams: (c) DNA finerpdti of tie yam genome (056689) lnst tuer Plnzche Moleuabioloe Fadaeeich Biologie der Unheske FarkL kxade biological c pDgranme for cassava pesW (01828) lremanal Furid for ATicuur Devel et\ An r*eed research pDarawe on te developmer ot bioogiical pesticides for bcust and gpasOpper controL (01546) U.S. Agy for hematnal Development 71 Irndex of projects by country Appltyi science and technology to deveopment (01947) U.S. Agency for International Development. Ascochyta blight research. (03629) Centro Internacional de Agncultura Tropical (ClAT)INafional Agricuttural Research Insitutes. Assocition Intemationale pour rOptimisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) rIntemational Associabon ior the Optimi2ation of P1ant Nutritionj. (02641) Centre de Cooperafion Intenaionale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Deveioppernent (CiRAD) Bioogical irnegrated con'ti of the larger grain borer. Prostephanus truncatus Horn. t03907) Institut fuer Phytopathologie, Arbesuppe Vorrat UnwersIaet K Cassava NetwDrk [R6seau Manioc]. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Ag ique Afriains et Francat. Causes, effects and control of biodeterioration. (04739) Overseas Development Administation (NRRD). Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U-S. Agency ternational Deve ent (USAID)icIigan State UnL ersit. Coabratve Research Suppoct Program (CRSP)c Pets. (01341) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDpUrniversity of Georgia. Colboatve Pesearch Support Program (CRSP): Soils nmagement (TROPSOItS). (01346) U.S. Agency for Inlernation Devebpment (USAIDYNoth Caroina State University. Comrnon Property Resouce Network. (05360) Universiy of Snnesota at Minneapolis St Paul. Co g bananas and plantam (04773) Overseas Devetpmwn Adm*Kskathrn (NRFD). Devebpnt of eq tner and methods for contru productuc of bacterial antgen9s wiltin a closed bioreactor system. (03938) kstu fuer Pftanzeribu d Toe"" in den Tropen rd Subtropen, Ureversitaet Goettingen. Devebpmen of rapid tests for ienbficatn and ciffereriaion of yarn vruses (0490) Oveseas Deveomn Adminktlaon (NRRD) Draught anmisrs for Mduccir and wog sbegies for draugh anils. (04753) Overseas Develoernet Adm~iniWation (MMY Drught Resistance Research NetWk (F3S) JF>eseu de Redeche sur b Resistnce a la 72 Index of projects by cotmtry Sdcheessel. (02610) Conference des Responsables de Rechefche Agrononique Africaies et Fran9ais. Effects of solar radiaion on cyanobacteria Effects of increased WV-B solar radiation (ozone destuction) on cyanobctea wich are important for nitrogen fixation for higher plants. (03958) Universitaet Elangen- Feeding and management strategies for draught animals. (01820) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Genome analysws of Doana and plantain (Musa spp.) and the black Sigatoka fungus Mycospraerella fijiensis. (05691) shttt tuer Pflanzfche Molekulabioboie. Fachbereich Biologie der Universitaet Franlwu Groundxut Network [FRseau Arachidej (02087) Conrence des Resposables Agrornx Africain et Frangais. irteriational Benchmafk Soils Network for Agro-technology Transfer (IBSNAT). (02635) U.S. Agency for lnemationai Devebplpent. Interaional Network for the Improvement of Bananas and Plntains (INIBAP). (05369) Inernional Nework for the improvemer,t of Bananas and Plantais. fnternational Network on Soil Fertility and Sustaable Rice Fafming (ISURF). (05370) internatiorna Rice Research Institute. Interatonal Network on the (ienetic Enhancement of Rice (INGER). (05368) nternatonal Rice Research Institute. Irtenational Pearl Millet Adaptaon Trial (PMAT,. (05375) Internatio Crops Research Institute for the Seni-Arid Tropics. International Pearl Miled Disease Resitne Testng Program (IPMDRTP). (05376) Intarion Crops Research IstI or te Sen-id Tropics. ntemaron Rubber Reseah and Developmend Board (IRRDB)- (01212) k.ernkational Rubber Research and Devebpment Board Interational Soybean Prga (INTSOY). (05373) Uevrsiv of ilinois at Urbia-Champaign. Ivstigatons on stadcdrn in sub-Saharan Afrca (04688) Omerseas De,eopTt ANRRD) Labour investmet in p vial crop procutc (0480) Ovseas Deve lpm A d MNkiaho R*MD) Local Appcaton of rote SansiN Tqchniq AtR) for festry mmaement 73 Index of projects by courntry (04845) Overseas Deveblpnent Admmistration (NRRO)' Low-cost f u and vegetable drying tor small-scale rural enterpise develpment (05745) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Mirobial control of root-knot nematodes. (01814) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Network for Improvement of Rice Cultivation [Reseau Riz]. (02161) Conf6rence des Responsables de Recherche Agronornique Africains et FranSais. No dunping here: Control of pesticides in developing countries. (05422) Internaional Developmker Research Centre. Optnai marnaegeent of aquactire of pond systems in developig countres. (01464) Universitaet Kiel. Phosphorus avalabitily (SIP/GhalwBrazil) - Phase II. (04209) International Development Research Centre. Post-harvest a3sessment of root and tuber crop storage. (04834) Overseas Development Adminstrai (NRRD)- Regil Tropical Leafy Trees Improvement Progam fProgranme Regiona d`Arneioraion *es Feullus Tropicaux (FPAF1N (02169) European Economic Commission (EEC). R1seau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Arcains et Francas (CORAF. S9co-economic assessmesit of biotechnologies for small farmers. (04707) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Strateges for the contro of yam antacnose. (05797) Oeseas Deveopet Admirmtration (NRRD)- Sture, growth rsponse and system dynamics of virgin and selectively bgged rainorest to sicuural treabnmts: Lberia, the P ines, Boneo and south China. (03858) ludatt -uer Forst-und Holztaft (BFH). Sustiablbe aWoforestry (BrarArGa&P* *)- (04948) bVernatonal Develprment Research Cere. Urea iqieor test (04143) Resear nstitute for Acjobioo and Sol Feitility (AB). Weed poblers and wed r e in cropphg systes.m (08897) Uwavsa Hohlweinx 74 - .,; . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I , ,.,,,.,=..___ ..I ..,,.,... J. iex of projects by country Guadeloupe Inteainal Netork for the Improvement of 5iaaas and Plantains (INIBAP). (05369) Intemafional Network for the Improvement of Bananas and Pantains. Guinea (05849) West Ainica Rice Devebopmer Association (WARDA) (05850) West Africa Rice Developmt Association (WARDA)- (06651) West Africa Rice Neveiopment Association (WARDA). (05852) West Afica Pice Deveoperet Assoction (WARDA). Afican CenW of Meteorologica! Applicaions for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteomrocal Organization (WMO). Agicutural services (formerly Second agncutual services project) (01197) World Bank: Guinea Agrick sector ostrUchg (03660) U-S. Agency for Intermaional Development Aomatic exacts (Guirea). (04953) Intrn Development Reseat" Centre. Cassava Network FReu Manioc]. (02084) Conf6rence des Responsables de Redcerche Agronormque Africains et Francaus. Catte Resaarh Network (CARNET) (for ery Cattle lk and Meat Network). (05358) Internatioral Lvestock Center forAfrica Central and West African Root Crops Col tiw Reseach ietwok (CEWARF). (02166, nternational lnstitule of Trpical Acirculture. Droxjt Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Rechrche sur la Resistance a la s6cheessej. (02610) Conrence des ResponsabIes de RePhere A grooqu Africakrs et Fraiqais. Ecob*ai aid biogcal sth* of Crcomnys sp: evakution o its reodectie por in the Penirsula of Kabu. (03179) FE Fist a truc servkes pr t (01137) World Ba* Guinea 75 Index of projects by country Forestry and fishery management (01196) World Bank; Guinea Groundnut Network [RPseau Arachidel. (02087) Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Africains et Francar. Gueckedou agncultural development project (01 136) World Bank; Guinea ncreased groundnut cultivation and seed prduction in Guinea (03310) IFS. ifluences of mmeral and orgaric dresstg on plantain cuftivation, lentcn of cultivars and production in arid zones- ,03732) Irtebtional Netwvork for the tinprovermnt of Banana and Plantain. kitensi yi cultvabton of groundnut and pigeon pea, ;eguinous crops of potental value for small ol-ders in Guinea. (05269) Irnernationx Foundation for Science. Mangrove Sernp Rice Networx (MSRN). (05848) West Africa Rice Devee Associabon (WARDA). M.orimnng of rersoable natural resources in the Sahel (02739) Commiss of the European Communities. Natoral agrl export pombon project (Export crop, formerly Agrkwultural expoit promoton. formerly Expot crops). (91017) World Bank- Guinea National research and extension project. (01139) World Bank; Guinea Natal seeds project (01678) World Bank; Guinea NakMa resoures niangmet (03661) U.S. Agency for International Development Netork for mprovment of Ri Culbtvabon [FRseau Riz (02161) Confarerce des Respoqsabies de Recherche AgrZnomque Afnics et Franoa,s NutIion and crop protecbonr (03737) kieanarial Neo tor the knprovner of Baaa and Pltan RrAi enert mtarngerert fomerly Ewirurental protecon pro9an, formerly Nal resuces mwgernar). (020) Wod Bank Gunea hoker poductWyt 76 0~~~ EL Index of proec by country (05852) West Africa Rice Developrent Assocation (WARDA) African Center of Meteorobgicai Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorlgical Organization (WMO) Agncutural sector development (02030) World Bank- Guinea-Bissau. Agriculhjral services (05399) World Bank, Guinea-Bissau- Agriculural services. (05400) Wold Barnk Gu uea-3issam Agriculhze HFiroogMeteroIo*e. (02634) Centre Regiona de Fomion et dApplication en Agrometeorlogie e. Hydrologie (AGRHYMET. Alley Farming Network for Trpical Africa. (02088) Caladian Internationi Develpmnent Agency (CIDAY/lntermabona Development Research Centre (IDRC). Central and West Afrian Root Crops Coilaboratwe Researe .1etwork (CEWARRN). (02166) Internaioal istute of Tropicai Aginwlture. Cooperative Programme for the Improvemert of Generic Resources of M se Woody Species (02174) Food and Agriculture Orgniation of Ute ntIited Nations. Crop potection programme. (03409) CILSS-Sahe Inrstitute. Develpmenr Bas Fonds de Riz prco Bafata. (05600) SNV (Asstaton Nee a crAssistanoe au Developpemeet, EDolt Resistxe Resea, Wework (R3S) PRoseau de RiePche sr Ia Rdsistance a S&heressej. (02610) Conf6rence des i-ssponsabIes de Reerche Agonomique Afrais et Frans Ecoboa! rmonig of the dy4 is of desertcaon. (03415) CILSS-Sahel iubtde. ecesin pona reo nstatio aid conseratim of the forestry rresoune (03416) ULSS-Sae kisgu2 krt s bvemesto ms, sOM cwpea, and me crops in tie Sall. (02738) Co(nrssim of fte Eopean Conxwuiies, Icease of productny and cdroi of diseases ot sma r_mwars 78 IP!i II | hI DK iji ,I Ii gii I~~~~~- }E Ei g. X .~ ~~ii ._ T; Index of projects by nuntry (02657) Inste of Sahel (INSAH). Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment (011 08) World Bank. The West and Central Airica Cowpea Collaborate Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Interaional Devebprnent (USAID)/Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and DeveloDient (SAFGRAD). West Akica Regional Cooperatie efor Research on Plantain (WARCORP). (02167) International kbsitute of Tropical Agcture. West and Central Africa Maize Colaborative Research Network (WECAMAN)- (02157) U.S. Agency for Internatonal Levelopment (USAID'SerniArid Food Grain Research and Devebpmeft (SAFGRAD). West and Central Africa Sorghun Reseach Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Internatiorl Development (USAIDySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Developmernt (SAFC-RAD). Troperbos' Fouxnation. (05507) Tropera Fouw4ato International Soybean Progam (ONTSOY). (05373) University of llinois at Urbana-Champaign. Hondas Causes, effects and control of biodeteroraion. (04739) Overseas DevelokpWent Admustration (NRRD). CoolUg banas and plantin. (04773) Ovewseas Developen Adrinistration ,NRRD). Introtorel Network for the knproverenr of Barmas and Pntans (INIBAP). (05369) International Nework for the Implroverret of Bas and Pbtar VmAtonal Soybeai Pron (NTrSOY). (05373) Unies of 1I1 at Urbana-harrpaign. hxia Causes, ects and cntrol of bodeenorff (04739) Overseas Develpen A&iinstration (ND). 80 Index of projects by cou."r Irerrahonal Network on Sod Fertility and Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF) (05370) International Rice Research Institute. Interrational Pearl Mlet Adaptaton Trial OPMAT) (05375) Inremnabonal Crops Research Institute for the SermAri-d Tropics- Intemational Peal Millet Disease Resistance Testbng Program (IPMDRTP) (05376) Intemabonal Crops Research Institute for te Seri-And Tropics. Intemaonal Rubber Researci and Development Board (IRRDB). (01212) Intraional Rubber Research and Development Board Inteional Soybean Program (INTSOY) (05373) Univrsy of Illinois at Ubana-Charipaign- Indonesi Tpenbos Foundaion (05507) Tropenbos Fonatin. Draught animals for producorWfeeding and workig strateges for draug anirals. (04753) Overses Development Admnstration (NRRD). Feedirg and mm nt satees for draught anrnals (01820) Overseas Deveprment Ad"stration (NRRD). intenaticnal Network on Soi Fertlity and Sustaable Rice Farmning (INSURF). (05370) litematn Rice Research Irstitute. Intematnal Rubber Research and De.eopment Board (IRRDB). (01212) Irternaonal Rubber Research and Develpment Board. Inteatioral Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) USvefsity of lilinois at UrbanadChaaign- Labour Nvwsment in peren crop production. (04830) Ooerseas Developnent Adcinisratio (NRRD) Local Appizabion of Remote Sensig Techniques (LARST) for fofestry mmanaeren (04845) Ovreas Developmet Admnsri (ND) Urea ir*edor test (04143) Rsearch Institute for Aarc-ology and Sod Fertiy (AB). IC ; kprovi water mragemert in the sem-arid regn of CanmeoorL P3802 )1B_Wesowuskxm fuer Y hedmW* ZuswnmenobeMderal lrNsty for 81 Index of projects by coumtry Economic Coorati PZ Optinal mangent of aquacfture of pond systems i developmng countries (01464) Unvrsiet Kiel Jamaica (a) Molecular biobgy of the nteraction(s) between yam (Dioscorea spec-) and the fungus Colleotrichum gbeosporiodes, (b) Isolaion of fungal defence genes from yams. (c) DNA fingerpriig of the yam genome. (05689) Institut fuer Pfianzbche Molehlrbicbgie, Facibereich Biologe der Universtaet Frankfut Ineaionl Network fr th Wrovment of Baanas and Plantas (INIBAP). (05369) Itrnationa Netwrk for the Improverent of Baanras and Pbatains. African Center of Meteorolbgc Applicabons for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World M Aeeoogical Organzation (WMO). African Research Network for AgnFultral By-Products (ARNABY (02170) Intetonal Dement Research Centre (IGRO): International Lvestock Centre for Ainca (iLCA). Aican Smnal Runnant Collaborative Research Nework (02620) International Fund for Agriaultu Develomnt Agroforestry systems in the Tropics. (03859) Gesellscta fuer Tedmische Zusarnmerarert (GTZ) Agrononic Netork for East and Southern Africa (02611) Urited Naions Devebnat Prm (NDFP World Bank Alley Faning Network for Tropical A*rica (02088) Cania Inernational DevelpmerA Agency (CIDAVIrtemaonal Developbent Reseach Centre (IDRFC). App-ed researl proramme Eastern and Cental Acan Agofrestry Network for Aca (ECA-AFRNA) -The ,nod glad (02615) btrtiora Cotuivci or Research ir Agqrest;y. AppWlg scien and lechnoog to dewelopment M1Ot947 U.s Agency for hnenainal Develoet Assocaton htrTeonaie pour rtknisato de bl Nhlion des Plarges (ANIOP) [nrnionl Asscia for the Optmnization of Plat Nutriion]. (02641) Cerie le Coope'aton hlnan e en Recherche A rm pour Ie 82 Index of projects by coUtry DeveJoppesent (CIRAD). Case stuches on raising agficuftlr producMty of women in Africa for incraased fcod productiDr (02151) Word Bank. Chaacterisation of diversity for disease resistarce of Phaseolus bean mixture in East Africa. (01821) Overseas Deveilpment Adrinistration (NRRD). Co-ordinaled Research Progranme on tfie Application of Irradiatio Technique for Food Processing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food ard Agriuture Organizabon. Coopeatve Cereals Research Netwr (CCFRN (02171) kternatiDna Crops Researh hIstute for the Semi-Arid Tropis Cooperative Prograne for the Improvemen of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species- (02174) Food and Aicul«te O rearation of te United Nations. East Africa Regiona( Cooperative for Research on B ars (ard Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) Inteafional Network for the Imrvement of Banana and Plantain Immuaity aganst trypanosomias and mecrasms of bypanotoeance in animals. (03932) Insttut fuer Paasitolgie uid Trpnoeterinaetrmedizkr, Frese Uwvraet Berfir mprng he Diagnosis and Conrol of Tryposornasi and ohe Vector-bore Diseases of African Livestock, usig Immunoassay Methods. (2627) Direc General for Interaona Cooperalion (DGIS). ;nernatorgl agncutturai research centers: 09 ntematibonal Livestock Center for Africa (LCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for Internatonal Development l rfte l Netie for the Improveent of Baas ard Pntams (NBAP. (05369) lnter Netw*k for the Iroewa of Bannas and Platains. Intrational Rice Testing Proam for Afica (RTP). (02160) Unted Nas Dewbpmet PRogrn (UND P Econouc Cnission (EECYaaL M AasW ci vebsols unc rseouawid "km in AJnca (M4OWJSAC). PM kft2) ional Bcwd frSod Rseach and Mmangemeri Nat~Sod RfsceCodeos (SIC I) (05624) GMC Ia Sod Rernce and kb&rnamn Cew&e). Netwok on _nogemet d acid sofs in twid Akica (AFWAAND - Manget of acd 83 Index of projects by country soils) (01021) Interational Board for SOd Research and Management Nitgen and the contrdo of Striga (05804) Overseas Development Adrninistrton (NRRD). No dsnpng here: Control of pesticides in developing countries. (05422) International Development Research Centre. Phybsanay controls for Afcan Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV). (05778) Oveseas Development Administration (NRRD). Programme 2B: On-farm research - Arnysis of Eiteracbons and unpact of agroforestry pac6ces. (03700) Interational Counci for Research in Agroforestry. Programe 5: Traking - Training for researdhes and devebpTent planners. (03710) International Counci for Research in Agrotorestry. Pubic works in Africa to wivproe food-secity. (04626) Deutsche Geseischatt fuer tediische Zsa nnefabet (GTZ). Regiona cooperation on cotton research and devebpment. (01116) World Bank Fteseau Eosaon (EROS) 1Eroso Networkt (02638) ORSTOMrlntut Francis de Recherche Scientifique pour le Deveoppemit en Coopeain. Reseau Feme et Develop (FEM/DEV) [Wornen in Developmern NetworkI (02652) ORSTOMUnsishut Francais de Rechecte Scienique pour le Developpeent en CoopWafm Sero-surveillance of rinderpest ard other diseases in Afrca, usng in-wnunoassay techr*em (0228 Sqwedish Ae- for Rural Cooperatio (SAREC Sinai Rwnunat and Camel Group Research Netwok (05381) lemu a Livestock Certer for Africa Smar Runs and Camel Grow. (02632) Detswhe Gesc tIuer Technisrhe Zionerrbeit (GTZ) Gnb 1t Socd Sience eterace Research Unt (SSIRJ). (02779) The krambal Cerne of hsed Physiology ard Ecolog Socio-ecomic ssessment of for ss fWaers. MUM) Owreas - P`*~ont(N6D). S&krage of cereals by porais8 84 rIndex of projects by cowty (04761) Overseas Development Admrnnistri (NRRD)- Slategies Alientai STRA) [ Food Stategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOM /bisu Francais de Recherche Scienlfique pour le Developpement en Cooperation- The Developm,ent of Pracices for Area-wide Tsetse Eradication wih emphasis on te Sterile Insect Technique. (02626) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizabion. The East and Southern A*ica Root Crops Resear Nei*ork (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for International Development USAIDInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)lrmational Institute of Tropical Agricuture (IETA). The Geological Network for Agromierals in East and Southern Afnca. (W2613) United Natis Deveopment Pram (UNDP) Would Bank. The Livestock Trypanoole Network. (0201) Oveeas Development Adm ,traton Traditona Techniques of Micro Climate Improvement (MlMt), pl-se I1. (05658) WAU (Wagenfgen Agncutal Unrmservs U-SAael program for cooperative devepoe resear-c. (01949) U.S. Agency for rot onal Devetpment UnieJries and national agicultual research in Sub-Sahsan Africa. (03678) Inte tonal Service for Naonal Agrcutural Research. West Kenya rainfed rice develpmet project. (01115) Afica Developinent Bankc Repbric of Korea ktraToaonal So)bean Prograr (W4TSY). (05373) Universily of U1bios at Urbana-Ch an Afrim Cnter of etologgcal Appcatons for Develpe (ACO). (01109) Word m orolgc Orgito (WO Cmpwa*e Cerals Reseach Netok (CCRt (02171) Cwter n Cops Research InsUtr for the Semi-Arid Tropics. FerlTor Mskdg and Trade hInbmebm Prqoan (mUIP). ( D2145) DIcbale General for nernatiorii Cwpat (DGtS); US. Agency for hfubonal Development JAD). 85 Index of projects by cow"ly Vr Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment (01108) World Bank Liberia Arican Center of Meteorological Applicatons for Deveopment (ACMAD). (01109) VWorld Meteorological Organization (WMC). Agcitw extension needs assessment survey. (04461) Food and Agfoulture Organization of the United Nations. AgWtu research and extension 11- (01849) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development AJey Fannung Network for Tropical Atfnca (02088) Canadiantemaional Development Agcy (CIDAWlntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC) Central Agitral Research Institute. (01085' Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FA0) Cerai and West Afican Root Crops Colratw Research Netwofk (CEWARRN). (02166) lestonal Insstute of Tropical Agriclure. Caacterization of lymphocytes and production of interferon as parametes for disfingish trypanotoerance n aninals and people. (02847) Comrission of the European Communbies. Immunty agarist tranosomsis and mechanisms of trypaotolerance in animals. (03932) kustt fker Parastobgie d Troperreterinaerme, Freie Univestaet Berlin. Intematonal Network on Sod Fertlty and Sustainabie Pice Farming (INSURF). (05370) lrnTional Pice Pesearch stAe- Intefational Rice Testing Program for Afri (IRTP). (02160) Urited Natios Deveopment Program (UNDP/European Economic Commissio (EECYJapan. PainAr Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Wfrock kWwmat Ford Foudationx Phosphos reqtkeme of q*iad rice in Lbena (03154) 1-S Pr*&e voenay and nongove Maofflaizn support (PV "O). (036) U.S. Agency for Inrnatoal Deven m 86 Index of projects by country Regional Tropical Leafy Trees Improvemient Programn Proganme Regional cAmelioraton des Feuitus TroDicaux (PPLAFT). (02169) European Economic Cor-ission (EEC). Relationships between tree growth, tree nutriton and site in Tectona grandis planaton n West Africa (04653) Univenitaet Bayreath. Site evaluation in the rain forest of East Liberia. (0381 1) Univertaet Bayreuth. Sola drynng of timber in Ghana - development of low-cost tedhnology for rural and agricultufr constrcton. (0344) IFS. Strenhening maize and casswa research in eleven couties of West and Central Africa Plan of acton (02665) Mwistere de la Cooperation (France)- Stucture, growth response and system dynarnics of virgin and seet Jogged r-adforest to silvicltural treatments Libewa, the Philrirnes, BoITe and south China (03858) IunJesanstalt fuer Forst-urd Hotwirtschaft (BFH) Sub-Sahamn Afica hydrological assessment (01108) World Bark Support to the West Afica Rice Deveioprnent Assoriato, WARDA (05050) Swesh Agency for Research Cooperatio -ith Devebping Cotr. West Afrca Network on Animai Tracton (WAATA). (0262) Deusche Geselchaft fuer Technische Zsmeabeit (GTZ) Gnmb H. West Africa Region Cooperatv fr Reseach on Plnttain (WARCORP)- (02167) ntemnarial hisbtite of Tropical Agrictwe. West Afican Farming Systems Reseach Network {VAFRNESPAO). (02619) htewmatio Fend for Agricuitural Developmne (IFAD)/Sern-Arxi Food Grain Research and Development (SGRAD). West Afian Fezer M_anaget ard Eva Nektwork NAFMEN). (02614) teratbronal Deveopmernt Research Certre (iDRC); Unted Natis Deveopet ProiaF (UKDP) 'West Acn Rice hrlogat Sysem (WAfAS) (04246) \,,onal Dveopment 1esearch Cente. 87 4 l' nex of projects by country Lbyan Arab Jamahiriya Afnca Cemzer of Meteorlogcal Applica,"m 'or DevelomenT (ACGMAD,. (01 t09) 'World Meteorobgical Orgnizatn:on (WMO). Co-ordinated Research Pronamme on the Appication of Irradiation Technkue for Fcod Processng in Africa (02629) Unted atLiDns Food and Agrictuiore Organization. Interatirnal Soybeae Program (INTSOY). (05373) Universmi of lirnris at Urbana-Champpign. MWdgascar Afian Cen6er oi Meteorooical Appscatons for Developmt (ACMAD; (01109) World U eorologic Orgaizatim (WOO). Associaton hIeraionale pour r 1ptmmation de la Nutrion ces Plantes (ANI OP) [IrAerationsassciation for the Optnzatn of Plant Nutrtcnl. (02641) Cere de Cooperato Intemationale en Recherct.3 A gronrormq pour le Deveoppemert (CiRAD). Cassava Neh [PRsew M ci*. (0)2084 Conference des fesponsables de Recherche Agror miq. Anins et Francas Cera3 and West Axcn Root Crops Collaborbve Research NetNork (CEWARRN. (02166 Internasnal Inslite of Tropical Agriculltie. Deveopment of equprn.t and methods for corxuous producin of bacterial antiaers withi a cosed bioreactor syste:n. (03938) hstiUt fuer Pftnzenbau ud Tieahygene in den Tropen isd Subtropen, Universitaet Goettingen. FertIizer Marketng and Trade Infomaon Pro5ri (FMTIP). (02145) DOectorate Geoeral for Irernaf Coope (DGIS) U-S. Agency lor b'tetiora Deweopment flSAID). Gou)dmu Network iReseau A.achidel. (020M7) Conrfence des Resporsables Agrme Airias et Franas. ienrtcaton o Bactena tt4 aays of met olic prodcts and cel components by mears of Gas LkWd Chimalogay (GLGC (03786) isikite fo- Tropical Mmal Heh, 'Jersiv Goettlog-e kiw~amboral Network on Scwl Fertiliy axd Sustwbable Rice Famnog (INSU1) (05370) kiemioal Rice Research IrsWuie. kIrmaai Rice Tesig Progran tor AMca (ITP) (02160) Uined Nabxios DevlMp Progar (M Pyooe Eonomic Comrrissio 88 Index o' projects by country (EEC)/Japan. Network for Improvement of Rice CuOvation rRseau Rizl (02161 ) CoW1rence des Responsables de Recherthe Agronomi4ue Afrcains et Francats Network on management of acid soils in nurrid Africa (AFRICALANI) - Management of acid sods). (01021) International Boamd for Sod Research and Management. Prduction of batenal vaccines in a contnous bioreactor with subsequent purifcaticon of anttgen thfough uttrafiftrauon. (03785) kIstue for Tropical Anrmal Health. Unrvers:ty Goettingen- Proposal fo a research project on the development of new methods in locust control, (02090) Geseschaft fuer Technsdie Zusarnrmertet (GTZ). Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Resxonsables de Recherches Agronomique Atricairs et Francais (CORAF)- Reseau Develppemeft (RID) [Development Network (02653) GRET Reseau Femmes et Developmr (FEMOEV) [Women in Devefcprnent Network]. (02652) ORSTOMkstuVt Frncars de Redeche Sceid potw le Developpernent en Goopwaron Sub-Sahara Africa hydrological assessmenL (01 108) World Bank. The East and Southen Afnca Root Crops Reseanch Network (ESARRN). (02080) U S, Agency for InWriational Devebpont (USADyrntermationai Geveioprmernt Reseach Centre (ORC'intemaUonWa Insmute of Tropical APgcue (IITA)- West Africa Colaboraw GrouxW Research Network (02162) hkeinai Crops Research InstittAe for the Sef-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). West Afria Maize Collaborative Resear Netfork Reseau Maisl (02156) Conference des lesporsables de Pedeh ; .onoruque Afncaius. West and Cedral Akica Maize Co bor Researh Networ (ECAMAN). M02157I U S Agac f knemiabonal Devefoprent (SAIDYSerrwAnd Food Grawn Reearch and Deneimen (SAFGRAD) Alda Centereft Meorologcal AA kapp ns for Deenent (ACMAD) (01 09) WDld Me1eovuklical Orgzatn 0(01) 89 Index of projects by cowntry African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB) (02170) Internaborna Development Research Centre (IDRC): International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agronornic Network ',or East and Sr hen Africa (0261 1) United Nations Development Prograrn (UNDP); WJorld Bank- Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa (02088) Canadian Intemational Development Agency (CIDA)/Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Appling science and technology to development. (01947) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas (01345) U.S. Agency hIternatorrl De%eloplent (USAMIDMichign State Unversity. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) In emational Crops Research Instfie for the Semi-Arid Tropics. improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Pdonrrimunoassay and related TechnKiqes. (02621) Direorate General for tntemational Cooperation (DGIS). interanal Pear Millet Adaptat Trial (IPMAT). (05375) Interational Crops Research Instute for the Seni-Arid Tropics. Intemational Rice T est-g Pgroam for Africa (IRTP)- (02160) Unied Natoons Development Program fUNDPYEuropean Econic Commnsso (EECyJapan Management of vertisols ur der sem-iand nditions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) Intemaonal Board for Soil Research and Maafement. Meodbbgies for better technology transfer. (04783) Oves Devlopment Adrniisrs (NRE? Mehodolo for agricultural marketng systems poicy and practise. and its application to acrrent reforms (01721) Overseas Developent Administration (NRRD). Mcroia control of root knot nmao . (04864) Overseas Development Adm on (WM)) k4croba cortrl of root nernatodes. (01814) OYeseaDeve4parit AiJrmistrato (NRR D). Oplirl mnagwat ofarEac e of pond sysems in daepingpq cmuies. (01464) Unves5t Kiel \ 90 index of projects by country Par-Afican Neworks fos Rural Social Sc;ence Research. (02661) Winrock Intematiornel: Ford Foundation. Stategies Abmentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTO9Jlnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientfique poor le Devalopoernent en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) Worid Bank. The East and Southem Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN) (02080) U.S. Agency hr inter-ational Development (USAID)Ilnternational Devebopment Research Centre (IDRC)llnternational knstitute of Tropical Agrculture (I!TA). The Geological Network for Agrominerals ri East and So n Afnica. (02613) United Nations Develpmert Proam (UNDP); Wbrkd Bank. U.SJlsrael program for cooperative devebpmt research. (01949) U.S. Agency for hlmtiinal Deveopment. Malaysia Internaional Network on Sol Fertikty ard Sustainable Rice Faming (I11SURF). (05370) kIten.aloa Rice Research Institute. kternatioal Rubber Pesearch and Developrent Board (IRRD8). (01212) Internationai Rubber Research and Devment Board 'Weed problem and weed mangemen in croppwig systems. (03897) Unritaet Hohenhemn. Aficn Center of Meteorological Appcaos for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World )Meeoroa Orgrnizaoi (WvVO). Agiicture Ryddogie4geeorobg1e. (02634) Centre Regnal de Farmaton et doAppicaton en Ag rnetrologie et Hydrobe (GRHYMET)- Agrokrestry research for development of the drds of West Africa (021 ;3) hternrnal Ftzd for Agiiual Deveopment An inoxgraied research programie on th&developnmt of biolgical pestides bor bcust and glasspper conrot (01546) U.S Agency for kiherrationat Develpmet Assessent of conrdions for repkiatng p con systems in Aricas savanna arew - 91 Index of pronects by country second stage. (02098) Centre de Cooeration itemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Deveboppeent (CIRAD). Cassava Network [Reseau Manioci. (02084) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronornmique Afrcains et F-ancais Cattle Research Network (CARNET) (formerly Cattle Milk and Meat Newrork). (05358) Interational Livestock Center for Africa Central and West African Root Crops Ciborlave Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Internation3a Institute of Tropical Agnrcukure. ColLaborafive Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agency for Irternational Deveopment (USAID)lUniversity of Georgia. CoIlbobw Research Support Program (CRSP,: Sois mangemnent (TROPSOILS). (01346) U.S. Agency for Internaional Devepr (USAe DNor Carolna State Unnhri". Cooperatv Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Instite for !he SemiArid Tropics. Cooperative Prograrrrme for the hIprovement of Genec Resources of Mipose Woody Speis (02174) Food and Agnicultue Orgnzanion of the United Naticn Crop protection progamre. (0409) CILSS-Sahel sitte. Deveopert cooperation Sod and Ferizer (05595) IB (Institue for Soi Fertily Research). Drought Resstance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur la Rdsstance a la S6cheresse3. (02610) Cord6rence des Respnsables de Recheche Agrominue Africains et Franis. Ecobgcal mortn of Ihe dynamics of desi t (03415) CLSS-Sahl Institute. Ecologykromrent poarnme: reforestaton and consevo of te foresty resoces. (03416) CLSS-Sah Institute. Ground Network [Rsea AradeJi (02087) C annc des Resporwbles Agmi e Afric: et FRais- ovements toiD sord.zii, cowpea, ano maroa crps in the SaheL (02738) Conwsso of dthe Euopen Com aiis 92 rKdex r'f -OjzS by countIy Improving fte Diaosis and Contrc of Trypar.7 - -rniasis and oter Vector-borne Dlseases of Afrian LivestocL using Immuassay Met-ods (02627) Direc1e General for International Coopaon (DGIS). Increase of produvity and control of diseases of small nurrinants. (03410) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Intermaional agricultural research centers: 09 lnternational Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) (01967) U-S. Agency for Internatioorn Deveopment Intemationai Rice Testing Progran for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Devebpment Program (UNDP)lEuropean Economic Commission (EECYWapaft Miargmert of vesols nder semi,and codtons in a (MOVUJSAC). (01022) Internatial Board for Sod Research and Management Moin of renewable natutal resources in the Sahel. (OZ739) Com rnssron of the European Comnunities. Natioal Soil Refrence Collecions (NASREC H). (05624) ISRIC (Inteln3tional Sol Reference and Inowmatn Centre). Network krr Imprvernent of Rice Cultivatio fRPseau R. (02161) Conl*ence des Responsables de Recherche Agronorrie Africairs et Franvais. On-Farm Fertlizer Adpt PrograM (OFFAP). (02148) ,ireational Ferlilzer Devepe Center, Afica (IFDC-Africa). P-Afkican Networks for Rural Social Scice Research. (02661) Winrock Infemati Ford Fotai*o Paoffogy of smal numiants: etology vacxies and propytax (,03411) GILSS-Sahel Instite- Phase 1 Resstac of cowpea to Singa gesnerioides and Alecta yogefi Phase II: Resistarc of legumes and cereals to Stnga secies. (01767) Oveas Devepent Admnt=raon (WMD'f Progrname for te strenghening of research or production systems. Progme or ^ppt serwes documntatDn, jfnTaton and kaiimx. (03419) CILSSSael k1Ae. PReco as e prepa study on forestry teylo4 nf in the dought-prone Stk-Satwa Afca couries. wih special relerence to Salie and Sudai zones (SSZ), a094) Wodd Bank 93 index of projects by ountry Regional programme for the improvement oilt sorgihtu. cowpeas. and maize (basional phase). (03407) CILSS-Sahel Instiutae PIesearch and study programme on the i Tproved management of extensive natonal rangelands in the Sahel (PGENES) (03412) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research and shdy prograrmme on fe possbity of inrensfication of fodder and anima" producton in e framework of an associahon of agna=lture and livestock breedng i Sub-Saheian. Sudanian and Gumnean zones. (03413) CLSS-Sahe! Institute. Research programme on food securty, strategies and polices (03417) CILSS-Sahel sftitute. Research prograrwne on phytogenetc resources. (03408) CLSS-Sahel isbtute. R6seau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agrtnomique Afrcans et rancs (CORAF) Peseaw EBo," (EROS) froon Nefk} (02638) ORSTOMWbsltht Francais de Recherche ScienFKWe pour le Developpernret en Cooperatox Reseau Fenires et Deverpent (FEMWDEV) [Wnm ur Deve lopmenf Network] (02652) ORSTOAftstitut Francais de Recherche ScienTfique pour le Developpement en Cooperationa Saheian hinxmtion Network (SIN). (02657) Institute of Sahel (INSAH). SMD-s Cea of rdapest and otr dseases i Arica Lsi snmrm say technicItes (02628) Swedlsh Agency for Rural Coopeatn (SARE). Srra R uwrt and arne Grp Research Nework. (058) bteraon Livestock Center for AM a Sima RPAMwrts and Camel Goup. (0263) )euksce Gesellsolt fuer Tec e Zsmne,tet (GTZ) Gmb HR Scxage of ceres by paslor . i (04761) Ovwseas Deveboert Adr4istri'aon R(fD). Sgies Alnrti_rs (STRA) [Food Ses Net]orkI (02655) ORSTO OfnsMiA Francas de Recherche Scienrfe pour le Deveo erf en 94 Index of projects by cDultry Cooperation- StdbSaharan Afraa hydrobgical assessment (01108) Wold Bank. The epidemiology and conrd of fie sorghum fofar pathogens in the semi-and tropics. (01813) Overseas Development Adminitraion (NRRD) The West and Central a Cowpea Col borathve Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for nternabonal Development (USAIDySemi-Arid Food Gran Research and Developent (SAFGRAD). West Africa Colaboraive Grout Research Network. (02162) International Crops Research Insttute for the Semi-And Tropics (ICRISAT;. West Axica Matze Coi above Research NeWork [Reseau Mais3. (02156) Conference des Responsabs de Redcerche Agrorronmque Afrans. West Africa Network on Arknal Tracton {WAA)l A. (02522) Deutsd Geselcft fuer Tecrhnisdie Zusarmenarbeit (G1Z) Gab H. West Africa Region" Pearl Mi Improvement Pr-.gram. (02154) intertonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Cente0; West African Fertiz Mana wet and Evaluation Netrk (WAFMEN). (02614) International Devecpmnert Research Centre (IDRC): United Nations Deveopmet Prograrn (UNOP). West African Irrigation Reseach Devepnt Network (WAIRD). (02612) International krigaion Mgement Instikute ([IMI). West and Central Africa Maize Colaborative Research Network (WECANAN). (02157) U.S Agency for Itemnator Developmnt (USAID)lSemi&Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SQAFGRA). West and Central Arica Sorghn Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S Agency for International Development (USAID)YSerni Arid Food Grami Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Atom Center of Mowrolpcal App4 bons for Deveopmet (ACMD). (01109) Word Meteorological Or°tza (VW ). (02634 Cae Regio de Fomtion et Appicaon en Ameewrob et eHyroboe (AG4*ME1) 95 Index of projets by country Central and Wlest African Root Crops Collaboratbve Researl Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Internatonal Instip'te of Tropical Agriculture Cooperahve Promme for the Improvement of Genetc Resources of Multipurpose Woody Specie. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Crop protection programme. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Instte. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Ritseau de Recherche sur ta Resstance a la Scheressel. (02610) Cone des Resporsable de Recherche Agronomique Africains et Fraricas Eco. gcal montoig of the dynamics of deserhfication. (03415) CILSS-Sahe; histitute. Ecoogy/environment prgmrae reoestaton and conservation of te forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel stitute. Improvements to millet sorghum. cowpea. and mafze cops in the Sahel. (02738) Commisscn ot fe European Commnies Inrease of producty and cori of diseases of smai runllians (03410) CILSS-Sahl Ilnstue. Moni of renewable natural resources in the Sahel. (02739) Commission of the European Commurnties Netwrk fOr bpvement of Rice OuAfvaton (RPseat Fz. (02161) Cord6rence des Responsables de Rehee Agrgonomque Abicaas et Franr. Patoogy of srTa nmiants: etiology. vaccines and prophy4axis (0341 1) CILSSSahel nsbtte Progamme for the s*engtning of research on producton systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Progmmnme on supportin sevices: docurwetation. itormation and trakiing. (03419) CILSS-Sahei kue PRonrinaisce / peparon std on frestry lotedeciogy i the drK,ght-prone SubSla African cixrn ins. wil speca referce t Saheabn and Sudman zones (02094) World Ba,*. Preonal pro.anwor the rrpoveret of mel,et sorghtun cwpeas, ad maize (trans~iona ptiasey. MA47 ClSS-Sahel Institute. 96 Index of prjects by country Research and sdy programme on the improved anagement of extens naDtonal rangelards in te Sahel (PGENES) (03412) CILSS-Sahel Insfitue. Research and study programme on the possibility of intersflabon of fodder and anmal produchton in the famework of an association of agiculure and livestock breeding in Sub-Saheln, Sudanian and Ginean zones (03413) CILSS-Sahel tnstitute. Research prooranun on food security. stategis and policies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel institute. Research progreamm on phytogenetc resources (03408) CILSS-Sahe Institute. Reseaw sur la Coservation Post-Recolte des Denees Arwnentaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post-larvest Storage of Food Cm (M647) Association des Uni9stes Partiellemerit ou Enteremet de Ltngue Francawse (AUPELF). Sahelan tnformation Network (SIN). (02657) Instiue of Sahei (INSAH). Straegies Aimetaue (STRA) [Food Strateges Network; (02655) ORSTOWnatsu FRa de Recherche Scientiue pour le Deveppermt en Cooperatio Sub-Saharn Miica hydological assessmenL (01 108) World Bank. The West and Centra Akica Co%pea Collabora%e Reseach Network (RENACO). (Y2078) U.S. APecy for Ie;tional Develo SAYSemiAnd Food Gau Research and Dveloent (SAFGRADY West Ali Mize Codoatbo Pawarch Network peseaw M1 (02156) Conference des ResP bles de Recedwce Aor=Vlue Afticais West Afnca Regional Pearl Miet Improvenent ProgranL (02154) Iternational Crops PReearch kistiutAe for te Semi-Ard Tropics (5CPSAT Sahel C- I West ad Cen Africa Mze Collabove Researh NetWCk (WECALAN) i 5., " ; Agernc fior,ea; eveop (UsAOySemp-AM Food (rm Researh and De-icipment (SAFGRAD). West and Cenlral Atica Sorgih Resech Netrk (WCASMJ (15) U.S. Agenq for hbtTonto even pment (USADenir Food Gra0 Reseah ,, ad DeveAFGt (SAFGRAD). 97 Index of procts by country Matwitus African Cer of Meteorolcal Applaions for Deveoprmert (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteoroogical Orsantn (WMO)- Reseau sur la Conservaton Post-Recolte des Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) [Network for PosIH%est Storage of Food Cropsi- (02647) Associaton des Unive s Partellement ou Enterenment de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). U.Jlsrael proo for coope*ale deve4mpment research. (01949) U.S. Agency for Internatio DeveiopmTent Biobgicl stegr ontrol of the Wl grai borer Prstlus tricats Horn. (a3907) strhtt fuer Phyatgie. Artspe VorraL Universtaet Kiel. Develpent of equipmert and methods for contiuous production of bactenal asens witin a cbsed bioreactor system. (0398 instit fuer Plianenba und erhygiene n den Tropen umd Sfbopen. Unietet Goetigen. kitemonal Rubber Research and Develownet Board (bDB). (01212) :tentonal Rubber Research and Develpment Board Feratial Soybean PWam (INTSOY) (05373) Unrsiv of Ifins at UrbanaCanpaign. African Center of Meteoroogoal Applicatxons for Deveop (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meteorological Orjanzatn (WO). Aronmc exracts (iiea). (04953) kteratonal Devebpmnent Research Centre. A%Ocbw Inteironale pour roptnsatio de ba Ntrt des Plabnes (ANIOP) [kmera Associ for the Opuization of Pli Nutton (02L41) Cer*e de Cooperaion Wnteaionk en Reche Ag rmiqu pour ie Devekpoppnerd (CHRAD). Drau arimals for p ronieCki and wrkkg strategies fr baught manil (04753) Overseas Development Adriristalion (NF)) Feecki and malagerert strxepes for draugt arninals. (01820) Oese Deveiopt Admhstrabo (NR F).' 98 Index of projects by courtry Impoving the Dagns and Control of Trypanosomasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of African Livestodck using Immmnoassay Methods (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperaon (DGIS). Improvig the Productvity of indigerous African Liverock using Radioinmuassay and related Techniques. (02621) Diectorate General for Intemational Coopeation (DGIS). Mozmbique Afncan Center of Meeorologiic Applications for Development (ACMAD) (011C9) Worfd Meteorological Organization (WVMO). Afncan Small Runminant Cobolaie Pesearch Network (026 Ireai Fund for Agrmitural Deveopment twork on mnagment of acid soils in humid Akica (AFRICALAND - Managerent of aad (01021) Intmional Board for Soi Research and Maragment. PFb6c works in Africa to improwe food-secunty. (04626) Deushe Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Snmal Rumirant arnd Carm Group Research Netook (06381) kInernatoal Livestock Center for Arica. Sina Rurriants and Carnel Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Tecse Zsm eabeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Sb-Saham Africa hydrological assessrent (01 108) Word Bank. The East and Southn Alica Root Crops Research Network ',ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency fr International Developmft (USAIJD'lntecr al Developent Research Centre ( ltematIo lrnsge of Tropial Agiculr (ITA). Interratal Network on Soi Ferty and Sustainable Rice Faffuig (SRF). (O5.370) Pientea ice Re-saarch. MtstiAe- Nepa I Da# nans kor Voutoed%and 9Dt sb4egies for drau#t animais (04753) Ov se Develpmert Ad&*iistram (WV). kternaOona Netawok on SoM Ferly and Sustalia FRice FamTwig (;NSUF). 99 Index of projects by ooutry (05370) International Rice Research hstitte Intenational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Ili1ois at Urbana-Champaqn Post-harvest assessmet of root and tuber crop storage. (0484) Oveseas Develoment Adminnistran (NRRD). Sociconornic assessment of bioteclokgies for small fanners. (04707) Oveas Development Acministramon (NRRD). egH Afncan Center of 1eteoroiogical Appfications for De pment (ACMAD). (01 109) World eeorobgical Organization (WMO). Africa Research Network on Rural Poulty Development (02624) United Na;ions Food and Agrncuftre Organization. African Sia Ruminant Collaborabtve Resea Network (SRNET). (05812) Intebratona Livestock Cerre for Af*ica (OLCA). Agrutim-e Hydrdologiee ie. (02634) Cente Regicnal de Formaticm et dApplicatori en Agrometeorologie et Hy*oigie (AGRHYM~E1j. Agroforestry research for development of the drylands of West Afrnca (02113) Interratioral Ftud for Agricultural Development Agroo Feilimr Research Program (AFRP). (02147, lntemational Ferllizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa). An integrated research pograrnme on the deveopmnt of biogical pesbcides for bcust and grashop control (01546) U.S Agerc- for hitem nal Development Ascion hitemnaonaL poor rOpitsabon ds la Nuririn des Plantes (ANIOP) pnteTaxioal Assoidaon for he Optimization of Pant N.rittn. (02641) Centre de Cooperation -wemonale en Redche Agrormique poor le Developpaet (CRMAD Ca Nework Rseau lioq (0204) Cor* des Reponsables dePo RehR e Agromique Afcams et Frarcais. Cenl and West Akian Root Crps Cooate Reearch Nework (CEWARFW (02166) Intefalional Istitte of Trpica Agricuiu Colbbleve Rsearch u Program Fasp Pear (01341) U.S. Agency Sor khemana Deveopnt (JSAID&K**w d Georgia 100 Index of proects by countt Colabotative Research Support Progam (CRSP): Soils management (rOPSOILS) (01346) US Agency for Intermational Development (USAID)North Carolia State U-. Cooperatve Cereals Research Netwo* (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Inrsttute for te Semi-And Tropics. Cooperatve Prnammne for the Irproveent of Genetc Resources of Muatipurpose Woody Speces (02174) Food and Agriculture Organrzabon of the Urited Nations. Crop protetn programme- (03409) CILSS-Sahel Institute Draught aials for prodictifoeechg aid odcig sbtategies for Uht armias- (04753) Overseas Deve pment Administration (NRRD). Drought Resistance Research Nethk (R3S) [Rdseau de Recherche sur Ia Pesitare a Ia S6chefessej- (02610) ConfWence des Responsables de Recherche Agronomkqe Africa~ns et Frangat. EcoIgical moritoring of ffe dyramics of dserWiicato (03415) CllSS-Sahel Institute. EoogyleIiVorImit progrmnme: reforestation and conservation of e forestry resources (03416) C:LSS-Sahel institute. Effects of dust deposites and miovarabiity on edaphical site conditionr with regard to sem-arid and sub-humid locatiors in West Africa (04657) Ursiaet Hohednein- Feedng and management stIrategies for daught amials. (01820) Overseas Development Adiistration (NRRD). Fertlizer Marke and Trade Iwnatbon Progam (FMTIP). (C2145) Dwe ta General for Irternational Cooperaion (DGlS) U.S. Agency for hiternF.oral Development (USAID) Grundhtu Network [Reseaw Arachide] 007)r, de RespoisAes Agiques Aica eat Frxiqas. hrpesnents to rdet, soraxn cowpea, and maze crops in fte Sa*be (WA738) Commissin of the Eurpean Cownmit hnprovig te Procdcy o Inof igenous Ariza Livestodc using d reblad Tedwuqes. (021) DrecWte General for beaioca Coopeation (GIS) 101 Index of projects by country Inrease of orductiviy and control of ds- sas of smal ruminants. (03410) CILSS-Sathe Institute. InPsrxnce of rteen (Aadlrachta indica, produc.s on locusts and grasshoppers. j0fY384T JLst-sLebig Ur.iversiraet Giesser.. International Peari IMW Disease Resistance Tesb,g Programz (IPMDRTP). (05376) lniemarional Crops Pesearch nstiue for the SemiAnd Trooics. Monitormg o' 'enewable natural resourres in tite SaheU (02739) Commission of the European Comrmzities. Network for Improvement of Rice Cultrva [R6seau Pi (02161) Conference des ResInsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains el Frarcas. On-Farm Frtiizer Adoption Prgrn (OFFAP) (O2148) *nternabtonal Fertilrzer Devecment Cenfer, Africa (FDC-Africa)- Paog of smai. urr-aiJs ethovgy. vacones and prophylaxis. (03411) CILSS-Sahel Irstitute. Phenohcs inclux tannms in muibpurpose trees anl broawse a;d thwr e,'ec on nimrat nutritim and healtfL (04620) Univis,taet Hdoeiein Programrne for te strengthening of researmi on product systems. (03418) CILSS-Sahel Instiaue. Prograrnme on supporting services: docum4.l, ittonation and raining (03419) CLSS-Sahed Institute. Pubic works in Afrca to irnprove foo ci. (04626) Deutsche Gese;bhft fuer tecie Z amtenari (GTlZ). Rcomaiss / ppaton study on fcrestry ieciogn te droughtprone Sut-S4wan African ors, with special reernce to Salea and Sudaan zones (SSZ4 (02094) Word Bank. Regional proganme tor the ninrvement of me. sorghum. cowpeas. and maize (trasWnl as (03407) CILSSS Instete. Research and study programnime on the iwproved fmanagemen of extere na.iora angeld ir the Sabel (PGENES) (03412) CtSS-Sahl hltitu4 Besearch and stuxy pograe on the possofy of reriicabon of fodder and aninal puchon in the franework of an associn of agcute and hestock breedg in Sub-Saheli Sudaa and Ghean zones, 102 Index of projwcts by coutry (03413) CILSS-Sahe lnsfttitte Research programme on food security, stategies and policies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Research programme on pfrytogenetic resoures. (03408) CALSS-Sahel Institue. Research, coordintion. and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan AkiL (02732) Commission of te European Corrmunities. Reseau Deveobppemet (PJD) (Deveiopment Netwod4 (02653) GRET- Peseai Feinmes et Deeoppement (FE V) [Women in Devepnt Networkj (02652) ORSTOWMrsut Frafs de Reherdice Scieqe pour le Developperent en Copeaton. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recolte des Denrees Areates (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Havest Strage of Food Cropsj. (02647) Assocaion des Unirwestes Paiellemenit ou Enriement de Langue Frarcaise (AUPEHF). S an*km omiatx Network (SIN). (0657) Itbite of Sahel (INSAH). Sero-survelalnce of rnderpest and other diseases in Africa. using rimumnoassay techne s. (0262) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperan (SAREC, Sod Ferty Res$oron Project (SFRP). (02143) nematiora Fertilizer Deveopmert Cenr. Afica (IFDCrAfica). Stoage of cereals- by pastoaits (04761) Oveeas Develepment Adrnion (RRD) Staties Aknentares (STRA) [Food Staegies Netok. (02655) ORSTOWVnstitut Francais de Peche ScisfikRe pour le Deelopperrent en Su -ahr Afica bhdrlga ssessrr (01108) Wodd Barkd The t of amgnis on ndrient digestbty aid arna perimce in smnal ru nits (04635) Unikesdat H .en The West and CehrAfrica Cowpea Cctaho Research Network (RNACO (02f7M U-S Agency b *rniatoral Developirenit (USAWD)Sevni-rd Food Gram Research 103 Index of projects by country and Development (SAFGRAI). Universities and national agncultural rsean in Sub-Sahaa Aica. (03678) Internaonal Service for Nationai Agricultural Research. West Afri Coiaborative Groundnut Research Network. (02162) Intemabonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-And Tropics QiCRISAT). West Atrica Maize Colaborative Research Network [Reseae Maist (02156) CoDnference des Responsables de Recherche Agonorique Afrcans. West Africa Network on Anfmal Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Geselischaft fuer Technische Zus ammewbeit (G61) Gfib H. West AJrica Regional Pead ,mlet Irnprovemert Pogram. (02154) Interational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). West Afria Fertihzer Maragement and Evaluation NetworK (WAFIMEN). (02614) Internatioral Development Rese3rch Centre (IDRC); United Ntons Development Program (UNDP). West African Irrigation Research Devebpmet Network (WA!RD). (02612) International krnabton Managerent Institute (IIMI). West and Central Al nca Maize CAaive Research Net#rk (WECAMAN). (02157) U.S. Agency for Irational Development (USAIDYSemiArid Food Grain Research and Developrent (SAFGRAD). West and Central AfWra Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for Inkeatioral Developrent (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Resea-ch and Devomrat (SAFGRAD). (05849) West Africa Rice DeelpmtAsociaton (WNARDA). (05850) West A&ica Rice Devebopnet Associton (WVARDA). (05851) West Afnca Rice Develp Assocaton (WARDA). (05852) West Ainca PRce Dee ent Assoon (WARDA). (a) Mokiaar b ogy ot Tie teiraction(s) betveen yarn (Dioscorea spec.) and tie fixjus ColoDnn r*eoVoo (b) Isollaion of fugal defence genes from yaMs (c) DNA fxerpnrg of the yan genome. (05689) ibntatAwP&e oeleai Facthemich ftob*e der IJnveraaet Frari*kt 104 Index of projects by country A ral spawning of the catfish Chrysichrthys nigrodigitatus and determination of some nutrient requirements of the fry (327 [FS. Acid soils (Nigera). (04193) Internabonal Development Research Centre. Adoption of agroforestry systems in develping countres. (01791) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Adoptin of aninal tractin as farm power source in Souten Nigera soc-economlc and instituional analysis (05258) Irterational Foundation for Science. Afrca-wide biological control progrwme for cassava pests. (01828) Irntenatioa Fomd for Aricutual Depment. African Center of leteorological Appications for Develpment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development (02624) United Nations Food and Agiculture Organzato. Afran Smral Rininart CdaboA ve Research Network (02620) nteat Furd for Agqictut Devlpment Agroecomomic study of cassva in Sub-Saharan Africa (01222) Rockefeler Foudation. Alley Farning Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadia Internatioral Dveopmet Agency (CIDA)/nteemational Dev ent PRearch Centre (IDRC). An examiai of Diosoorea spp (yam) for nemnatode resistance. (04782) Overseas Develment Administration (NRRDy Anaerobic digeson of ikstial waste at ambient tropical te*erafues. (03283) IFS. Analysis of soi forming processes under hurni; tropical conations, (04655) Uruersdat Kiet Anti-h4perlensive actions of some Ninerian natural prducts. (03393) IFS. Arwq p',otaoexms from Diocorea spp. (03277) IFS. Anrnalarial, antimicrobial, anti- rrirmatory and cytoloxic activity of extacts from *wee Mgerin medcnal pb. - 105 Incdex of projects by country (03341) IFS. Applied research progarnme: MIet4work for Humid Lowlands of West Africa (HULWA-AFRENA) (02618) Iternatonal Councd for Research in Agroforestrv (ICRAF). Aspects of the reproductive biology of Irvingia gabonensis in Sotrs-.em Nia (05280) International Foundation for Scence- Assistance to, te National Water Resources Institute - PFase II. (04530) United Nations Educabonal. Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Association Intemafionale pour rOptirnisation de la Nutrffion des Plantes (ANIOP) [Intemaonal Association for the Optirzation of Plant Nutrition. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronornique pour le Devepperment (CIRAD). Bioassay-directed ietification and isoation of pesticides from plants. (05480) Internationa Foundabon for Science. Biodeterioration of west African rice. (047T7) Overseas Developernt Acninisonati (NRRD). Biobgical activity of herbicide residues ir rhe oil Dai growng ecoogies of Nigena (03274) IFS. Biology od ydr arnhracnose (Colountum). (04887) Owerseas Devebopment Administration (NRRD). Breed and seasonal inences on the reproducve potential of the cDck in a humid tropical envonmenmL (03370) IFS. Case studies on rasij agilsal productvity of wanen in Africa for increased fooc productio (02151) Wor'd Bark Cassava cyanide: inpoved techniue for esknation and ikuence of envonrt on concentratio. (04904) Ausbtan Centre for kIerabion Agxcfxa Research. Catle Reseach Netok (CARNET) (fmerly Cattle Mik and Meat Network). (05358) hetemonal Livestock Cert for Africa Cetral and West Afican Root Crops Claote Reseac Network (CEWARRN). (02166) kItenaonr Inttute of Tropical Agriae. Chemca and bioogcal studies on gam toxciy syndrome wih p&rbtcar reference to the free and boued hydrocyarvc acid conert (0335) IFS. 106 Index of p ojects by cow" Child nuition and agricilture (Nigeria). (04232) Interational Develmt Research Cernre. Co-o d Research Programme on the A.ppfation of Irradabon Technique for Food Processing in Africa (02629) United Nabons Food and Agriculture Organization. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intermational Development (USAIDYMichigan Statte University. Codaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts. (01341) U.S. Agency for hntemnational Developent- (USAID)!UnOersity of Georgia. Compaative st of ressance or suscep*iltty of indigenous Nigerian and exotic chickrns to -4ectious bursal disease. (05484) Intemational Fowibtion for Science. Control of Calosobruchus maculatus wv twe insecticida plants and idedifcation of their biacive components'. (03201) [FS. Control at Calosobruchus macatus with two insectcidal pbnts and identification of the bioacbve components. (05175) itermabonal Fodaftim for Sciene. Cortd ct black cecosponosis on piantain by resistant cautiv.rs. (03742) hntraia Netsxk fo,r the Inprovement of Banana and Pantain. CoAtrol oi yamn aNthacnose and ot.er yam pests. (05782) Oeseas Development Administration (NRRD). Cookg baas and planains. (04773) Ovseas Development Administration (NR!ID). Cooetive Cereals Resech Ne.k (CCRN). (02171) k eratia Crops Research stitet for the Semri-Aid Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the knprovement of Genetic Resourcrs of Multipurpose Woody Speis (02174) Food and Agctur e Organiz of the Uted Naions Corrin i tropica agite-Corrosion and mets/materals degraation in cassava root processing inks., ((335t) IFS. Cutbat*ion ot fe reek seed and fte isolation and qantiation of its sterioidal (03110) IFS Develpmert and engieering economic assessmet ao nor-alcoholic beveragesrm some 107 , v _ _ , r , , , . . ,. _, _I LLI . i L l l: J _ _ _ *- J & .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . .. . . .. . . Index of projects by cotry topical crops: (05477) Intermational Foundation for Science. Deveooment oooperat.on Soi and Fertifizer. (05595)18 (Insthte for Soil Fertilty Research). Developwent of rapid tests for identification and diferenbation of yam viruses. (04900) Overseas Developent Administation (NRRD). Devebpmfient of simple methods and techniques for the detection, quantifEatio and idenfification of pectolybc Erwinia species on or n (latent infection) potato tubers. (05703) Institut fuer Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzaeshutz der Unversiaet Goetingen. Developrent of soybased evaporated cow mik analog (03382) IFS. Development of starter cutures for the produchon of ndi'enousfermented food condents. (02939) IFS. Development of wearig food frorn loca fermented food. (03157) IFS. Digestbilty and bio-availability of agricLtural bypducts in Nger for use as feed for Cbrias sp. aid Heterobranchus sp (03190) IFS. Draught anirals for prodectionfeeding and worldg stWategies for draugh anknaris (04753) Oveseas Development Admistration (NRRD). Ecokogy of some medical woody ptants in Nigeria genus Zathoxvkim (05464) International Foundation for Science. Ectoc role of women in the cocoa inrd (Pigeria (0426) hmational Deveiopen Research Centre. Effects of chemoherapy, on reprodctive lesions in Nienan (Yankassa) sheep experimentay infected with bypnosomes. (03266) iFS. Efects of processig on dstribton and destuction of mynoloxiis. (04737) Ovsas Dveopmert Adirisvo (R4 Effcts of season on testicar devebpmet, smen Lay and senm3 biochemistry of UMial boam (03372 WFS Ewnena mmagmert -fe EnvonmeM lormery A*nert Loan - Em*moeerd4 108 ___________ .____....__________._______. .t.1;, i+.4 t l.a 16. S.JJ..., -l , SjX,t s..,s Ihdex of proecs by count (04352) World Bank; Nigerna Epidemiology and control of anthacriose diease of yam n Nigena (05749) Overseas Development Admnistraon (NRRD). Epdemoioogy and control of CManephora blights and deback of aiaranth (Amaranthus spp.) in the Nigerian rain fo:est and savanna zones. (05275) Intemational Foundation for Science. Epidemiofogy of Altemaria bight of sunflower (Helianthus Annus) in the Nigenan Guinea savannpa (03295) IFS. Epidemiobgy of viral gastroenteritis in Nigenan ruminants and pigs. (05257) Intemabonal Foundabon for Scence. Ethnoveteiary pracces (Nigeria). (05326) Inlernation DeveopMnt Researh Centre. Etiology, epidemiology and control of some vinrs diseases of vegetables in Souhen Nigeria (03309) IFS. Evakkation and selection o AzoDla spp. suitable for Festock teed formulation. (05442) Internatioral Foundation for Science. Ekallon of Dracaena berries for the contol of schistosomiass in Nigef (03253) IFS. Evakaion of feather meat and fish silage blends as alesnative sources of animal protein in e intensive culture of fish in Nigeria. (0455) International Fowudabon for Science. Evaluaion of gelatin spheres-in-oiin-water emulsions as controfled release drug deliey systems in malai chemotherpy (03394) IFS. Evautin of nonconveniona poultry feed ingredients and tradion managm of Nigeia cal chickens. (03320) IFS. Evalukton of pntig spaced trees in culvated fields on veftisolic soils under low ranifal wlh specal reference to sod coicomns ad crop yield. (04701) Oveseas Developent Admnustration (NRRD). Evaon of the perform of sheep and goats fed crop resices dw*caly treated wth orgarc waste ashe (208) IFS. Evaliution of topical kwd forage a gues for suib4xmid West Afnca at ILCA. 109 _ ' ' ' > - ' _ v _ _ _ 1. . | } t 1. . . u k . . . : . _ I ' t * * 1. * 1 . t . /, I-, . . - - I Index of projects by country (03779) Universitaet Giessen. Faclities of Nigerian Institte for Oceanography and Marine Research. (04449) MKnishy of Foreign Affairs. Factors ifluencing the occunence of yam tuber rots in West Afnrca (05739) Overseas Development Administation (NRRD). Fadara development (formerly National Fadama development). (04346) 'Norld Bank; Ngeria Feeding and management strategies for draught animals. (01820) Ovseas Develoent Adminsration (NRRD)- Fertilzer Makeng and Trade hfnaom Program (FMllP). (02145) Directorate General for Intematonal Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Intematinal Deveopmert (USAID). Fertilzer SECAL (04441) World Bank Nigeria Food techniogy polcy (Nigeria). (02586) Intenational Development Research Centre. Fostry !fN. (04301) World Bank; Nigeria. Genetic improvement of egg proauction potential of Nigenan indigenous chickens usLig migrant genes (03319) IFS. Genetic studies on bctobacilUus species isotated from some Nigeian fermented fods. (05289) Internonal Founaabon for ScienCe. Geneic vaiabity in growth and nitrogen f$ation of some fa-owg tree species in low phosphaie sod. (03183) IFS. Genome arnlys of banana and planain (Musa spp.) and the black Sigatoka fuwgus Myicosl)haneIa f0ensis. (05691) kistili fuer Pflzce MoeAabg FadberectiDg der Unkrsiaet Fradut Genorc vaability of Striga and Cyodon species. (048) Overse Devefomen Ain*tion )- Genow dbfferences in mangane toleWance of opea (Ygna uxiulata). (04625) 1iersa Hamnover. GerOsm conservabon and i :rovet of Paria biososa (Jacq) Benth for muIIxpose 110 Index of projects by country use (05665) University of Waes Bangor; CNSF. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: FRIN- Nigena; SAFS, Nancy. France; WAU; The Nettlands. Guily erosion (Nigeria). (05351) International Development Research Centre. Human food value of Austrarian acacia seeds. (05389) Australiain Centre for intemational AgricuthLral Research. identification and purifcation of owdigeostic antigens of Fascixa gigantica for the specific serodagnosis of fasciolisis n ruminants. (05473) Interrational Foundation for Science. Identiic,aton of ifeciouz bursa! disease (Gumboro) vrus serotypes in Nigena (039) IFS. denifg the constrzants on livestock productivity and land use in Africa broucht about by letoc including the tsetse tranimtted Tr vpaioso s. (05798) Overseas Development Adnusrin (NRRO). Imnact of improved technology on plantai producton in Bnd State of Nigena (03743) Inrl Network for te Improement of Banaa aid Plantrin. kixovirr the Prductvy of Indigenous Arcn Lvestock usng Rad/im unoassay and related Te&d*cWues. (02621) Diectorate Generl ftr International Cooperation (DGIS). Induction and control of oestrus in Nigerian zebu cows with progesterone releasing tra-vagAir devices (prids). (03365) IFS. NIBAP/Taxonomic Lmiguistic Study of Plantain Cdtwars in Afica. (05649) 1NIBAP. kisse of Water rPsoures. (04529) United Nations Educational, S tfic aM Cultural O rgzaton (UNESCO). Institutionalzig the geno capacity in West Africa (05336) intrnao Deveopment Research Centre. Ineated control of Oryctes monoceros on pakns in Nigeria. (05462) Foudation for Science nerrnatial agiiz*a research ceters: 05 Iteraional Lietock Center for Afica (LCA). (01967) U.S. Agency for lernan Dee n kfmwina Network for the lprvemen of Banaras ad Pitar (MBP). (05369) Inte i Nework for the bWrovemet of Bnas aid Prsat. 111 Index of protects by country internatonal Network on Sol Ferftilt and Sustainable- Rice- Farming (INSURF)- (0537) Inyternatioral Rice Research Insfitute. Intemnatonal Network on the Genetic Enhancemfent of Rice (INGER). (05368) Internatinal Rice Rese-arch Institute. Intemnational Pearl Mikie Adaptation Trial (IPMATI). (05375) Intematiowaj Crops Research Institute for fthe Sermi-And Trooics. International Pearl Millet Disease Resistance Testing Program (IPMDRTP). (05376) International Crops Research Institute for fth Sempi-Arid Tropios. Inteffnational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRT). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDPyEuropean Economc Corrusso (EEC)/Japan- Internafional Rubber Research and Developmerit Board (IRRDB). (01212) Intemnational Rubber Research and Developmnent Broard. International Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Lnivers:ity of Illinois at Urbana-Champign Irwenro of ewuomnental researc and development activties (Nigeria). (02548) inerntinal Developent Research Centre. knvestigation ito the effects of clworic and subckrical flanosomkias on reproductiv perfrmance of mate pigs -n tsetse infested zone of Nigeria. (03232) IFS. Investijation of the cauisative agernts of groundnut rosette disease in Africa- (02821) Commissio of fth Eurc.ean Communities. Inrestigations in differet forms; of soil erosin under differenit cropping systems in (013Th) Geselschaft fue Technisohe ZuswawnenA*it (GTZ). Investigtions into the parasii infestation and healt problems of the Altican giant snai krchachatxia ragrnata. (05265) ItraonlFoundationi for Scienice- Iron nutrntion and avakbiiy from some tropkoal foods. (03340) IFS. ktionm (04302) Worl Ba* Nigera. Isolaton cd,aractria& of fth biclic9calIy activ substaices from two species of -W mecmicia p-t Nackea spp anid Bahla spp (MM34) [FS. 112 Ti X iFt }| i11 i1g u-vi¢- Index of projects by country Mutl-State agricultal developmet projec 11. (03517) Wodd Bank: Ngeria- Nahona agicutural research projecL (01673) World Bank: Nigeria Nabonal agricultural technogy support (03420) World Bank. Nigeria. Nabonal seed and quarantine project (02755) WorW Bank Nigeria National Soil Referece Coliections (NASREC il). (05624) ISRIC (Intemational Sod Reference and Information Centre). Natural products from some wnporant agricultural pest isects of Nigeria. (03186) IFS. Naturally-occurring products modeled as micropoar fluids (03284) IFS. Network on land development for sstwbe agricuture in Arica (AFRICALAND - Land development). (02109) International Board fbr Sod Research and Ament Network on management of acid soids n hutid Afinca (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (01021) International Board for Sod Resea and Management Nigeria Access to urban waste markets by neaf-urban fammers. (04896) Overseas Development Admnstini (NRRD). NIPSSET: African agriculue - year 2000 prognrm (02071) Nigeria Irnstute of Plant Science and Solar Energyrecmnology. Nutnent and water-se efficec of cops gow on tfgIy weatered sods in the Hwiid Tropics. (03890) Landwvtschaftliche Fmshugsaslt Buentehof. Nutrint budgets r relabon to the sustaidt of idxgenous farming systems in .ordwhr Nigena (0575.5 O0vseas Deveoment Aesbapnt (NRR)- Olva Mask vs (03642) Aftinistration Gdn~r* de la 3oop~rton au Develppemenit Or-Farm Fertzer Adoption PWman (OFFAP). (02148) Ilnemaonal Fewtizer Development Cenber, Arica (IFDCAica). Optbnisation of natural-circulalion solar-eny tropical crop &yers. 114 .Irxex of pjo*t by cotitry (02879) Commission of the Euopean Communites. Opbmization of a solr powered solid absorpbon refrigeration system for rural agrcullural aplications. (03350) IFS Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Wbnrock hternational: Ford Foundation. Pathgens and diseases of culhtured fish i the soutern. states of Nigeria (03191) IFS. PharmacolgxcL toxicoogcial and phytochemical inrestijations of three medcinal prants of Eastern Nigena. (03304) IFS. Phase l: Resistance of cowpea to Sta gesner:oides and A;ectra yoge:ii Phase ;I: Resistance of legunes and cereals to Striga species (01767) Overseas Deveopkmen Adninistratl& (NRRD) Phenoics icuckig tamins in multurpose "ees and browse and thei effect on ruminant nutribon and health. (04620) Unversaet Hohernieim, Phyocxheikd and pharmaco noca evaluation ot some inportant Nigerian medicinal plants- (03276) IFS. Phtohemical and pharmacological iwestigabon into fte leaves of Alconea cordikoa as used in traditnal medicine. (03346) IFS. Post-havest assessment of root and tuber crop storage. (04834) Ovwerseas Development Adirfistrabon (NRRD) Pmcesswxg nuinonal and sesowy evaliaon of the Aican yam bean (Spherostyts steTmcarpa) in Nijeria. (05288) Inaernatio Foundation for Science. Production of single cel protein frorn md.zstrial wastes. (03156) IFS. Prwooo and f ic of ricro-nistries, especia in fte iormal sector of )462) RoltytrsBochzn. Protein and vtar*-o aon studies of fermented and udemeted maize and cassava foo (0=16) IFS- 115 Index of projects by country Pubertal development in indigenous tropical cattle: N dama and Mutur (03259) IFS. Public works in Africa to tnprove food-security. (04626) Deutsche Geselschaft fuer technische Zusarnmenarbea (GTZ). Cuality and stabdity of solar dned cured meat (03250) IFS. Reconnaissance / preparation study on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sub-Sahara, African counties. wfith specil referenr to Sahewan and Sudanian zones (02094) World Bank Regional coopera&ion on cotton research and development (011 6) 'orld Bank Regional Tropical Leafy Trees Improverient Program [Programrme Regionar crAmelioration des Feujius Tropicaux fPRAFT)j. (02169) European Economic Conmission (EEC). Relationship between water quality and Aeomxonas hydrophila infections in Dond-reared species of tilapia in Neri. (03286) IFS. Relationship between water quality and Aercrronas hydrophia irifectons in pordreared species of tilapia in Nigeria (05214) Inteemational Foundation for Saence. Reproductive endocrinol of tie red Sokoto goat (Maraca). (03324) IFS. Research and development of waste water treatrrent tedhnolgy for igtibon in rural Mgeria. (03352) IFS. Research on smai rumias in the humd and sub-ramid zones c;t West Afnica (02110) International Furd for Agicuitural Devebpment Reseau sur la Consvafo Post-Recolte des Denrees AJirrentaires (GRE3DER) Netwok for Post4lrvest StDrage of Food Crops). (02647) Associaton des Univrses Partielement ou Entiereent de Langue Francaise (AUPEF,. Root arcitecre o' sorgiuzn in relation to avoKiance of a Striga hamIwrnha (05805) OvOas Dvelpe Ad fato NRa)). Rukber seed oi: Fiindg uses for a waste product (fMgeria) (05414) hternational Develupnert Research Centre. 116 X a i A 'If t 'i-, *' X,~ i l,IX| .. tit B - l %,~~~~ -~IU Index of projects by country Soil geresis in the hurnl; trooical lomands- (04606) Universitaet Kiel Sokoto State agricultural developmenL (03514) World Bank. Nigeria Solid substrate fermentation of Bambara groundnut (Vignea subterranea). (03384) IFS. Soutihem ormo agmcultural development project (03516) World Bar*: Nigena. Soybea teshe (Nkgena)- (02519) International Development Research Centre. Soybear ufilization (IITA) - Phase 11. (04182) Intemational Development Research Centre Spoilage and preservaion of ugba' (Pentacletta macrophylta). a local snack. (03300) IFS. Storage of cereals by pastorakists. (04761) Ovseas Develpment Admioistation (NRRD). Strategies for the contro of yam anthracrose. (05797) Overseas Development Ad.ms4 brin (NRRD). Strengthening arurai extension. (04510) Food and Agriaure Orgaization of th United Nations (FAO). Strengrteing maize and cassava research in eleven countries of WYest and Centrai Atica- Plan of acton. (02665) Minstere de la Cooeeraton (France)- Stuies on biogical control of the black cowpea aphid. Aphis cracivora. by two indlgenous coccine species in Nigeria (03243) IFS. Studies on biological control of the black cowpea aplhiL Apt-s cracixvora. by two idgenos cocce species in Nigeria (05195) lrtea Fo=do for Science. Stdies on gwth and aspects of prfnay metaoriis of Lanbt escijer (cassava) seecngs. The effect of water stress (03240) IFS Stubes on kinam breaWo iqg prcessing of cassava ino gay (05290) In4moaional Fuaxbon for Science SueKes on spoige and sheilife exension of kwoka. a Nigeriam tradibion l mazm 118 Index of projects by country dish. (03386) IFS. Studies on te biobgy of Calbsobruchus subinnotatus (Coleoptera: bruchidae) an insect pest of stored Bambara groundnruts (03213) IFS Studies on the fermentation producton of lafn and fufu from c2 .-.va and ter storage. (03215) IFS. Studies on the improvement of some locally fermented p6ait products as fcod supplerents. (03171) IFS- Studies on the leaf spot diseases of Teffaina occidentalis Vgut in Ifigeria (03237) IFS. Studies on the physco-rnecharucal properties and moisttxe relations of cocoa beans. (03349) IFS. Study of caprine puknonary myoplasioses in N1ei wih Daricular reference to cntagiscacpnne pleu benoa (CCPP)- (03371) IFS. Study of inwectious bursal disease in Ngeria Role of anigec differences and imrnuriosuppression in vacintion. (03288) IFS. Stdy of the emnbryonic and post-e y develpmrent of the Iyrphoid tissues of the helmt guirea fowl (03230) IFS. Sub,-Saharn Africa hyckologica assesmrent (01108) World Bark Supplemental gationii the h0tiid tropics. (03651) Adnministration Gdn&rale de La Coopkahon au Dtveoppemet. Support to he kIfermabonal lnstilute of Tropical Aiw"e, M.A. (05047) Swecish .gency for Research Coop with Deveoi COcU. Suvey. bioiogy and cor*ol of asshprs (01526) kisfie for A9ictral Researh. The chaiaceraton of rice growing agro-estrns in West Africa (inial phase). (05601) WSC wdM Staing Centre for itegated LardK Soil and Water Reseah). The developwent and evakbon of a new picess le for gami p;duco (03252) [FS. 119 index of protects by counrtry The development and evaluation of a new process line for garn production. (05197) htemationai Foundatbon for Science. The development of practical diets from local feedstuffs and industrial wastes for the culture of tlapia (Oreochrorris niloticus)- (03356) IFS. The Development of Practices for Area-wide T setse Eradication with emphasis on the Sterile Insect Technique. (02626) United Nations Food and Agrculhtre Organization. The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Ageny for ,ntenational Development (USAiDY1nterrnational Developrent Research Centre (ilDRC)/lntemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). The effect of somie live mulches on the growth and yield of intercropped oil pakm. maze and cassava, and on soil condibons. (03298) IFS. Tne effect of some live mulches on the growth and yik of intercropped oil palm. maize and cassava. and on soid conditions. (052231 Internatio Fourdatinn for Science. The effect of tannins on nutrent dKgestdibty and ananal perfomance in small ruiriants. (04635) Unhsiaet Hohenheirn. The epidemiogy and control of the sorrhm foriar patogens in the semi-and tropics. (01813) Overseas Developmert Adeiinisration (NRRD). The feeding behavour of CGcadulina. vector of rmaize streak virus disease on resistant and susceptible maize genotypes. (04858) Overseas Development Administratioi (NRED). The prorkcxoi and marrketing requiernents of soar dried meat for the hund tropics. (05789) Overseas Development Adminiittation (NRRD). The rate of adopton of n*iisett yan multplicaton tedmique arrong farmers of Irro State. Nigeria (032) IFS. The rde of para-vfinza type 3 (PI-3) vrus in relabon to other respiratory paloge in te etiogy of caprie xnenua n Nigeria. 05440) Irtenmaiona Fwdafn for Science. . The rde, of plant resickes in sod rmanage for food rodut in mthe hIiid btopics. 0t5626) AB (Wesearch ise for Agrogr and So Feurfty, The West and Central Akica Cowpea CoItorati Research Network (iENACO). 120 - ~ ~~~~~.. . . . ..... Irdex of projects by count (02078) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDYSeff-And Food Grair Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Thin-layer drying arnd rewethng characteristis of cocoa beans. (05437) International Foundation for Scence. Third multi-state agricultural development project. (02754) World Bank, Nigeria Toxic and potential toxic factoss and anti-mrttinal factors in livestock feeds and their implicatians for rtvestox* productivity. (03257) IFS. Traditional Technkues of Micro Climate Inprovernent (TTMI). phase 11. (05658) WAU (Wa Agricultural University). Tree crops (Oioalm, Rubber). (076) World Bank; Nigeria Tree regeneaton. recruitment and mortality in Nwn tropical moist forests. (03333) IFS. Uniiesibes ard national agricuitral research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Interatinl Service for National Agricultural Research. Unisity ernvonmental linkage: Raige devebopment ard Canel studies. (04648) Justus von Lbig Unrversitet Giessen. Ublization of cocoa-pod husks in low-cost diet and nutrion of the dwarf African catfish, Cbrias iseris. (03357) IFS Vector cmpetec of Culex antennatus for the transmission of RHt Valley Fever vwus. (03326) IFS. West Akic: Post harvest losses of rice. (04675) O seas ent Adistratic (NRRD). West Afrca Networ on Anm"al Traction (WAATA). (02622) Deutsche Geselschaft wer Techinische Zusa vmarbed (GIZ) Grnb H. West Africa Peo CooDabve for Research on Ptritain (WARCORP). (02167) ntematonal histite o .Tropical Agrictre. West ica PeonaI Pearl MAWt mjirovemern Prograrn. (02154) iftrnatonal Crops Research Institue for te Se-Arid Tropcs (ICRISAT Saiel Center). , West Arican Farig Systam Research Network (WAFS%WFIRESPAO). (02619) inlernational Fund for AWiultural Develofrent (FADI)e-Ai Food Gran 121 Index cf projects by country Research and Development (SAFGRAD)- West African Fertilizer Managemenit and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) International Developent Research Centre (IDRC). United Nations Development Program (UNDP). West African Forages Network (WAFNET). (02103) Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Burfeau. MOFA. JAPAN. West African irrigation -Research Development Network (WAIRD)- (02612), InternationailmIrgation Management Institute (JIAMI) West and Central Africa Maize Collabrative Researcr Network (WECAMAN)- (32157) U.S. Agency for International Developmernt (USAID.VSem.-Arid Food Grain Research and Development! (SAFGRAD)- West and Centia Africa Sorghum Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)fSemrni-rd Food Grain Resea-.h and Developmrent ('SAFGRAD). Pakista An integated research programme on. th developmen of biological Desticdes for locust and grasshpe control. (01-546) U-S- Ager.cy for International Development. Development of equipmenit and methods for contvuoujs production of bacterral antigens withio a closed bioreactor system.- (03938.) Irst*tu fue Pflanzenbau und T*?rhyiyene in den Tropen und Subtropen. Unkversitjaet Goettrigen. Irtemiatonal Network on Sodl Fertility and Sustainale Rice Fanming (INSURF)- (06370) Interatonal Rice Research Institute. ntrainlPeat Milet Adaptation Trial (IPMAT). (05375) Intenational Crops Research kInstiute for the Semri-Anpd Tropics. Low-cost fruit and vegetabe drying for snial.scale rural enterprise development (05745) Om-rseas Developent Adminiistration (NRRD). P~anag Inernational bd4o*lr the Irriprmoere of Baranas and Plantaim (INWA). (05369) k*rntonlNetwvork for the hiwvenerit of Bmanas and Pbritairns krtemarional Soytean PWora (INTSOY). (05373) Uniekit of HKwios at Urbana-ChmpIn-. 122 incdex of projcts by country Peru Intemational Network on Sod Fertility and Sustanable Rice Fam7ing (INSURF). (05370) International Rice Researdc Instue. Interational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Uniers of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Post-haivest assessmerit of root and tuber crop storage. (04834) Overseas Developmert Administation (NRRD). Philippines kntermnaoal Network for the Improvement of Bananas and Pbrtains (INIBAP). (05369) Itrationa Network for the Inprovement of Bananas and Plantais. internaticnal Network on SOl Fert and Sustainable Rice Farmrnng (INSURF). (05370) International Rice Resardh lnstute Interrational Rubber Research and Develpment Board (IRRDB). (01212) Interational Rubber Research and Ceveopment Board. Intemational Soybean Progran (INTSOY). (05373) University of illinois at UrbdCma Optimal managemernt of aquaculure of pcnd systems in developing countries. (01464) Uriversitaet Kiel. Structure, growth response and system dyrnics of vrgin and seiectively logged rainofoest to sivicultural treatrnents: Lberia the Phialpines. Borneo and south China (03858) Bundesasa fuer Forst-nd luoHwtschaft (BFH) Sustaae agroforestry (arxkxVGhana1Phlippines). (04948) Inrational Deve nopt Rese Cetre. Urea injoctor test (04143) Research IrsbUte for Agrobioogy and Soil Fertiity (AB)' Porluga krvestgatkn on stadcbn in sub-Sabann Akic (046W Overeas Devel e Arinnison ROM)- Puerto RFcw hOea Soybeen Prgrr (INTSOY) 123 ...~ .,,* , ......,j.. qq,. s,... .,,.'.**,* . Index of projects by counry (05373) Universty of llrnois at UrtaraChampaign. Rwanda African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organzation (WM0). African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) Intemational Fund for Agricultwral Developrnent. Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa (02088) Canadian International Deveopmert Agency (CIDAIltearnaDnal Development Research Centre (IDRC). Appfied research progranne: Eastem and Cen-tral Afncan Agroforestry Network for Africa (ECAAFRENA) - The bimodai higlands. (02615) International Counil for Researd, ... 4Ao:oforestry. Ascochyta blight rescarch. (0629) Centro Intemacnal de Agricutura Trop*.\ (CIATVNatonal Agncultural Reseaich Irnsttutes. Central and West African Root Crops CoNabotve sa Network (CEWARRN). (02166) trnational krst#Ae of Tropicai Agriculture. Cooperative Cereals Reseach Network (CCRN). (02171) International Crops Research Institute for the S-mi-Arid Tropics. East Africa Regional Cooperatbve fo Research on Bananas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) International Network for the lrroret of Baeana and Plbaain Fertifz Marketin and Trade Information Program (FMTIP) (02145) Diectoe General for Internatonal Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for lrnaboral Development (USAID). Iernational Rice Test Progam for Afnca (IRiP). (02160) United Nabons Development Progran (UNDP'European Economic Commission (EECVJapan hvesigaoinso the diversAy of rain and coud forests in Rwarda and Za'e. (05688) Botasc Istii der Uwrstaet Bonn, Abt Systerrati ud Mo gie. Network on maragement of acid sols Tinid Afica (AFRICALAND - Management of acid sodsj.\j (01021) ki4emaional Board for Sod Reseac aid Managemen; Rogrne for irvemert of Potatoes in Central Arica [Progrann ReWlal pow rAmkiDn de la Culue de la Ponme de Tce- en Arqe CDmk (PRAPAC) (02079) U.S. Ax-y for Ine onal Development 124 Index of projects by coujntry Publc woks in Afica to improve food-security (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusanmenarbeit (GTZ) Reseau Devesppemert (R/D) [Deveoprnent Network). (0653) GRET Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recolte des Denrees Alrnentaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Cropsi. (02647) Association des Universites Partiellement ou Entieremrent de Langue Francaise (AUPELF). Small Ruminant and Camel Group Research Nework. (05381) kenational Livestock Center tor Africa. Small Ruirernts and Camel Group. (02632) Dutsche Ges ft fuer Technische Zus nkrbe (GTZ) Grnb H Social Sciene Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) The Intenafonal Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Stategies Aenwtaares ISTRA) [Food Strategies Network) (02655) ORSTOM/inshtut Francais de Recherche Scitfique pour le Deveoppeffent en coopera~ft Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment (01108) World Bank. The East and Southem Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (12080) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) rternationrd Devebpment Research Certre (IDRCynernational sfitite of Tropical Agricuite (IITA). sao Tome and PAncipe Acan Center of Meeorological Applcahons for Dvelopmt (ACMAD). (01109) World Metorgicl Orgation (WMO). AgAural pvalizabon ard smalder deopent (forerly Agiu#ural sector (03746) World Bank. Sao Tome & Pnxcpe. Casal and West Afican Root Crps Colaboe Reseach erk (CEWARM) (M166) kiermnal Instte of Tropical AJicute. Sd)Sah"S Africa tydrological assesent (01108) Woi Bar. 125 ,,, . , ^S1. .. . ...... .... ........ ... ..... ............... ,*... . , _... .. ... .. .. Index of projec by country Saudi Arabia Association Intehationale pour IOptitmisaton de la Nut"tion des Plantes (ANIOP) [Internabonal Association for the Optrnization of Plant Nutrition3. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Interathonale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Devebppernent (CIRAD). Senegal (05849) West Afrca Rice Development Association (WARDA). (05850) West Alrica Rice Devepment Assocition (WARDA). (05851) West Afica Rice De%elopnent Association (WARDA). (05852) West Africa Rice Development Assockiai (WARDA). Afrcan Center of Meteorological Applications for Devebpment (AGMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organzaon (WMO). Afican Research Network for Agicuum By-Prodcts (ARNAB). (02170) lntern Deveopment Research Cetrde (IDRC); International Liveslock Cetre for Africa (ILCA). Arcan Smnal Rumiant CoilaboratWe Reseach Network (SRNET). (05812) International Lnvestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Agicuture Hydrolie-Meteorologie. (02634) Centre Regional de Formation et dAppcation en Agrometeorologie et Hydrologie (AGRHYMET) Aoforestry research for develofnent of the drylnds of West Africa. (02113) f4tenational Fu:d for Agricu&ua Devebpren Agrooresiry systems in the Tropics (03859) Ges t fuer Teche Zusamreb (GTZ)1 Aley Faimtr Network for Tropical Africa (02068) Canai Internton Development Agency (CIDA)International Devebpment Research Cete ODRC). Anrnal Trcion Research Netwod (05813) ntnaton vestock Centre for Afia (ILCA)- Assess of conions for repicatg production systems in Aa's savmna areas - second stage. (02098) Certre de Cooperation Inernaliorale en Recherche Agronomique pour le D _eoppeet (CIRAD). 126 * ; bIdex of pro;ects by comtry Cassava Network [Reseau Manioc4 (02064) Gonference des Rsponsables de Recherche Agrononique Africans et Francais. Catte Research Network (CARNET) (formerlv Cattle Milk and Meat Network). (05358) Intematioral Livestock Center for Afrca Coordinated Research Programnme on Me Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in AfrJca (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizato Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP: eans and cowoeas- (01345) U.S. Agency Intemnational Devebopment (USAIDY)Michigan State University. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Peanuts (01341) U.S. Agency for Intemafional Deveioprnent (USADulJnivsiy of Georgia Cooperative Programne for the Improvement of Genetic Resoces of Multiprpose Woody Specis 02174) Food and A ultuOrganizaon of the United Nations. Crop protection programrnme. (03409) CILSS-Sahel Insiute Drought Resisance Research Network (R3S) [Reseau de Recherche sur !a Rdsistance a la S6cheressej. (02610) Conference des Resosables de Rechercie Agronomique Africains et Franiats. Ecological monitorng of the dynanics of deserifcabon (03415) CILSS-Sahel Instittae. Ecology/enrvroneit proWrar reforestation and conservaton of the forestry resources. (03416) CILSS-Sahel Institute. Fertizer Marketing and Trade Iraon Prorn (FTIP) (02145) Drectrate General for knematonW Cooperain (DGIS): U.S. Agency for matonal DevdpvneW (USAIL)) Grounut Network [R6seau Arachidej. (02087) Corfrence des RespoAAr iqs Aficains et Frangais. provents to mirlet, sorghum, cawpea, and n2eze crops in the SaheL (02738) Comnmsson of the E opean Co*nmzniies. prvlo the Diageosis and Conrl of Traosomasas and dher Vector-borne Diseas of Afca LN,esod using lmnunoassay Metods (02627) DiecIrae General for Irnerriatonal Cooperation (DGIS), h7xovI the Proifty of hnigenous Afia Livstock usig Raomm assay anid reWd Tedcrnques. 127 -- - -: -1 - - -:__.. - -: -':!' -1.* -! . *#F*..1'_ Inde-x of projects by cotny" (02621) Directorate Gen-eral for !nternafional Cooperation (DGIS). Increase of productvity and controt of diseases~ of small rumwents. (03410) CILSS-Sahe linstitute. International Network on Sod Fertlity and Sustain'able Rice Fanming (INSURFl- (05370) International Rice Research lnstiute- International Pearl Millet Adaptation Thial (PMAT). (05375) Intemational Crops Research Instrtue for fle Serni-And Trop.cs International Pearl Milleet Disease Resistance Testin Program (IPMDRTP). (05376) internhratioa Crops Researchi istitute for fte Semi*-And Tropics. Internatoa Rice Testrig Programn for AfrE (IR-P). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP/Effropean Econmic Commission (EE-C)/.apan. Intermatona Scyb~ean Programn (INTSOY). (0537) University of Iiois at Urbna-Charnpaign Mangrove Swamrp Rice Network (MSRN) (05848) West Africa Rice Devloment Associato (WARBA). Monitoring of renewable natural resources in ft he Sl.e (02739) Commision of the Euiropean Communiies. Network fo Improvement of Rice Cuthvation jRedseat. Ri4 (02161) Conforence des Responsables de Recherche Agronorniue Aincains et Frarlgais. Palhok) of sinal Rrumrats: etiology. vaccines and prophylaas. (0341 1) CILSS-Sah~el kInstitute. Programme for the strengtheing of research on proxkbton systerms. (0341 8) CILSS-Sahe Institue. Programine on supoortNg servics doaunentatcri x iiiratDn a-id training. (03419) CILSS-Sahel InstiftWe Pticl works in Africa to wnprove food-seczity. Reconnatssaince I prep~ation stud on forestiy bioteclrloiogy in te drought-pro Subi-Saharan Afrcan comxties, with specia refeence to Saheiian and Sudmw zones (Ssz). (02094) World Bank Fe9onal programnu for the mnprovenent of md1K sorgxun. cowpeas, and maize (03407) CL S-S" kMle 128 ndex of projects by country ReseaFEh and stuy programme on the miproved management of extensive national rangeands in the Sahel (PGENES). (03412) CJLSSSael InstitUe. Research and study programme on the possibiiv of intensification of fodder and animnal production in the framework of an association of aaricuiture and livestock breedng in Sub-Sahelian, Sudanian and Guinean zones (03413) CILSS-Sahel Insttute. Research programme on food security. strategies and policies. (03417) CILSS-Sahel tnstitute. Research programme on phytogeetic resources. (03408) CILSS-Sahel Instdute. Research, coordinator, and traing for improved ivestock produc:ion i Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732) Commission of the European Communinies. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsabaes de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Frmncais (CORAF). Reseau Developpement (P4)) [Developrnent Net"wrkJ. (02653) GRET. Reseau Ferrnes et Developpemenl (FEWDEPV) tWomen in Developmnent Network,l (02652) ORSTOMWnsbtut Francais de Recherche SQue pour le Devebppenent en Coprto. Reseau sur la Corservation Post-Recohte des Denrees Aliinentaires (GRENIER) [Network for Post.+avest Storage of Food Cropsj. (02647) Association des Universies Parbelert ou Entlerement de Langue Franai AUPELF). SaheLan fmiiomn Net"wrk (SIN). (02657) Insttute of Sshel (INSAH) Sero-surveice of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa, using irnmunoassay tedwOues. (02628) Swesh Agency for Rua Cooperalo (SAREC). Social Science kef Research Urit (SSPRU). (o2779) The ernatioal Centre of fnsec Phyoogy and Ecoogy . Sraegies Akner*aes (STRA) Food Strateges NeWAkI (02656) O9STOMhistitut FRa de ReFdiedh Scinlue po le i bDeveloppemant en Cooper. on 129 ..,. .,,,.. Index of projecs by country Sub-Saharan Afca hydrological assessment. (01108) Worid Bank. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Development Adninistration. Tle West and Central Africa Cowpea Collaboratve Research Ne:work (RENACO). (02078) U.S. Agency for Interrational Devlopment (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Universities and national agrtcuitural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) International Service for Natiora Agricultural Research. West Africa Collaboraive Groundnut Research Networki (02162) Irternationat Crops Research Inrstitue for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). West Africa Maize Collaborative Research Netwok [Reseau Masi. (02156) Confeence des Responsabte de Recherche Agronomqe Afnicains. VWest Africa Netork on Animal Traction (WAATA, (02622) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Tecinische Zusamirenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. 'West Africa Y4ional Cooperaive for Research on Platarin CYVARCO9P). (02167) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. West Africa Regio Per Mlet Improvement Program. (02154) International Crops Reseh Institute for the SernmArid Tropics (ICRISAT Sahe Cer). West African Faming Systems Research Network (WAFSPRNESPAO). (02619) Internatonal Fuid for Agicuttural Development (IFADYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Deveopmert (SAFGRAD). West Afican Fetilizer Mtnet and Evaluation Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Intemiabonal Developnent Research Cerre (KR); United Nations Develpment PrID (UNMP). West Aica Foages Netirk (WAFNET). (02103) Mulateral Cooperation Dision, Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. West African rrgatiorn Research Deve t Network (WAIRD) (02612) h*Krnational Irriaton Maagment Instite (ITII. West African program for agromueral researdi. (02146) Inemaxial Fertiizer Devope Center, (rica (FDC-Africa). West Afia Po Inroabon System (WARtS) (04246) iternational Develomt Resavh CetrFe. West aid Centrbl Africa Aaize Coaborative Resach Network (WECAMAN 130 _ a, . _ ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... ,i.,.... , . t . . ,, , . .I. . .. I . . . . . . Index of projecs by country (02157) U.S. Agencv for International Development (USAID)ySen-Arrd Food Grain Researcth and Deve ent (SAFGRAD). West and Central Arica Sorabum Research Netwok (WCASRN)- (02075) U.S Agency for International Develo de (USAIDpSerni-Arid Food Grarn Research and Devekopent (SAFGRAD). Seychbees African Center d Meteorological ApplicationS 'or Devebpment (ACMAD). (01109) Worid Meteorologic Organzatior rMOO). Siefra Leone (05849) West Afica Rice Devopment Association (WARDA)- (0550) WVest Akca Rice Deveomwrt Assoceion (WARDA). (05851) West Africa Rice DeveloT1ent Assecation (WJARDA). (05854 West Aftica Rice Develcmert AssOCjat (WARDA) Ad.e cip reseach and ext3on. (01334) US.-Agenc kw lnt .-a-ona Deveiopnert- Afriw Ce*rk of Mefvleo c Applcations for Devekpment (ACMAD). (01 109) Wold Meteorological Orgzation MWlM Afrk Pesearc:h Nehwk for Agncultuwal Bv-PTrors (ARNAB;. (02170) lntenaX Devetpment Reseach Ca nke IIDRC): kvIernatona Lvestock Centre or Africa (ILCA). Aqncu wal sevaces omnery Agrcuxe and natisa, resocues n4a1.ent. (05394) Wo:ld Bank Sera Leone Ag:cukr se3vices ation (01138) Wodd Barlk Siera Leone. Agrc e seor. (05402) WorVd Bank. Sia Leone. AMy Famirg e bir Tpicl Afrima M2 (mca *aa £1ere e Agency (COAOM br DevabpTx Pesedm Com*e (IJiK An iirwesl_igab inb 1he a*ombrial pr% t cf sone wood and woody pUs of Siera Lerm 172) IFS- 131 Index of projects by coutr Artimicrbial prperties of selected k)oaI plant species. (03141) IFS. Applied research programme: Network for Humid Lowlands of West Africa (HULIWA-AFRENA).~ (02618) International Council for Research in Agroforestrv (ICRAF). Biologicalniftrgen fixation studies in fast-growwng tree legumes in Sierra Leone. (03105) IFS- Biclogr,al nitrogen fixation s'tudies in fast-yrowing free le-gumes in Sierra' Leone. (05143) International Foundation for Science. Caissava and household food security in rural area of MakenVSegbwe-na in Sierra Leone. (01787) Overseas Deveopmnent Adrrwntr~ation (NRRD.) Development and cureret sMitatio of lard tenure ii Engitsh-speakin West AJria: the case of Siera Leone. (01500) Univesitaet Bomn. Drying, dry-poduct processing and study of4 the nutritional status of 'the weaning fe~eds fromn Artocarpus Commntums. (05291) Internatinal Foundafion for Scince. Eovraimcaly optirxmn rate of povsplioru tertiWzation of upland-ie on aravelly. swndy-cday loam soils in S;erra Leone. (03242)IfF5. friterrtona Rice Testiog Progrm for Arinca (IRTP). (02160) Urited Natoios Development Programn (UtM3PYEubopean Econormi Commission (EEC)/JaarL Mangjrove Swawp Rice Network (MSRN). (0584) West Afnca Rice Developnent Assoiaio (WARDA). Palm o process ig Sierr Leone) (CM36) Inernational Developmert Research Centre- Pan-Aftan~ Networks for Rural Social Science Reseetch. (02661) Wwirock WilebrnatnL Ford Foundaton. Pradia viage lechroiog for biogor anverio of agrcutxal wastes- (03143) WS. BeWona Tropcal Leafy Trees haWovment Program FPioWan BegonaI crMiekratim des FeiA" Trcpcaux WRFAFT)J. (021169) Euwopean Economic Comimissior (EEC) Rural oirqwia3b"6a and pticqitwi (Siera Leone). (DM25) kierona&M Mvewlmert Pesearch Cerie- 132 Index of projects by country Secondary metabolites of useful plats of Sierra Leone. A comnpilation of a pharnacopoea of useful plats of Siera Leone. (03200) iFS. Strengthening Afncan agncultural research: 13 West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA) - Mangove and assocated swamp rice research. (01857) U.S. Agency for intematioal Deve;opLent Strengthening maize and cassava research in eleven countnes of West and Central Africrai Pa. of action. (02665) Minstere de ia Cooperation (Francel. Studies on fig contaminatn of ogin (ferwented sesame seed) ard possber -ycotoxin productoL (02935) IFS. Sub-Sahan Afica hydrokical assessment (01108) World Bank The dcaactrzabon of rce growing aoIs n 'fest Africa (iniai phase)- (05601) WSC (Winand Staring Centre for negrated Landi Soi and Water Research). The West aid Ceta Akica Coqpea Co dbouv Research Network (RENACO). (02078) U S Agenc for knerratial Dewelpnw (WSAPDSerrArid Food Grain Research and Deve4ypert (SAFGRAD). West Africa RegKinal Cooperatie for Research on Plartain (WARCORP). (02167) hei. kistue of Tropical Agriculture. West African Ftizer Manage and Evaltaton Network (WAFMEN). (02614) Intematioral Deveopent Research Centre (IDRC( United Nations Developent Program (UMP)- West Arican Rice Inurtia Systen (WAPtS). (04246) kiematmoia Deelpment Reseacti Centre. West and Central Africa Sargtxr Research Network (WCASRN). (02075) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAlDySemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development (SAFGRAD). Somara Auca Ceruer of Mete logic atDpi om Io Devement (ACMAD). (0 109) Workd MI S0olocal (Irgiion (WJO) Akic PRsearch Netwlrk on Rwal Poury Developent. (02624) Uited NabKm Food aid AgrJilite Organizao 133 ,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ , U ... ,.,f, .. ,U,l.. i. ...., , . 5 I4L. -. ,, -. .. .-..... Index of projcts by countr Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Coope.ralive Programme for fth Imnprovement of Genetic Resources Of MulEioUrpOse WoodY Speaes (02174) Food and Agriculture Organizationi of the United Nationis. East Africa Rtegioa Cooperativ for Research on Banantas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) International Network for the Improvement of Banana arnd Plantain. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosormiasis and ofthr Vector-borne Diseases of African Livestock, using Immunoassay Melthods. (02627) Directorate Genkeral for Internationial Coope-ration (DG;S)- Reseau Dneveloppemeent (RID) [Developmient Netwvorki. (02653) GRET. Sero-surveillance of rinderpest and othe diseases in Africa. uswng emrnunoassay technkpue. (0262) S*edish Agenc for Rivfal Cooertion (SAPEC). Sockal Sciernce Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02T79) The Interaioal" Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Strateies Aknentakes (STIAi [Food Strteies Networki. (02655) ORSTOKtstifu Francais de Reccherche Scietifique pour le Developpement en Cooperadtion. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessrnent. (01 108) World Banlk. Spain Inftenational Sovbean Program (INTSOY)- ((%37) Univer*f of Ikioxs at UrbaaChrpag. Sri Lanka Development of rapid t;ests for adediaficabon and diffeentiation of yam wruses. (04900) Overseas Devielopmenit AdrniniistrAtJon (NRRD). krdernat,or Networ on Sod FerUtiy and Sustainbl P ~ Farmeing (INSlJRF)- (05370) hitem"o Race Pesenach Insithee. In1wvMriaial Rubber Research arxd Developmert Board (IRRDB). (01212) hitnaabonial Rube PResearch and evelopmnt Board friernationial Soybean Progim (INTSOY). 134 Index of projects by country (05373) University of ltrinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sudan African Center of MeteorologicaJ Apprcations for Development (ACMAD) (01109) Word Meteorological Organzatio (WMOI. Aftican Research Network on Rural Poulty Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. African Smag Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620 Interreational Fund for Agriculttral Development. An integrated research programme on the development of biological pes.cides for locust and grasshpper control. (01546) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development Association Intemafionale pour FOptimisation de a Nuiriton des Pantes (AN;OP) [lntemational Associahoa for the Otimzat of Ptart N&itionj. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internatirale en PFcherche Agronomrque pour le Develppeent (CIRAD). Coopeative Cereals Research Network (CCRNj. (02171) International Cops Research Institute for the Smi-Arid Tropics. Cooperative Programre for the Improvement of Genetc Resources of Mutpurpose Woody Species (02174) Food and Agriculture Orgarniaton of the United Nabons. Devebpment of equpment and methods for contintuos production or bacternal antigens within a cosed bioreactor system. (03938) instit fuer P;Janzenbau und Tierhygene in den Tropen und Subtropen. U nrit Goetf en. Global 2000 - Sasakawa Africa natie agricultue project (01291) Glb 2000 Found. krpovwq the Diagnosis and Control of Ttrpanosomiass and other Vector-borne Dseases of African Livesomc, using mmunoassay Methos. (2627) Diectorate General for hItera"oW Coeration (CGIS). kn i te fProdctvity of ndgo Aican Live0sock using Radioirnmunoassay and neaed Tehrqs. (02621) Diretorate General for kerational Cooperat (DGIS} Teratnal Pearl Mlet Adaptaion Tril (IPMAT)X (05375) hnemaioa Crops Pesearch kstbbe for te SeniAMd Tropic5- jient ot esoris der sem-daconditions rn Afc (MOVUSAC). 135 Index of projects by country (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management. National Sod Reference Collections (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (Irternational Soil Reference and Information Centre). Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock Intenational: Ford Foundation. Pubbic works in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellsciaft fuer techrische Zusarrenarbe4t (GTZ). Reconraissance / preparation studv on forestry biotechnobgy in the drought-prora Suh-Saharan Arican countnes. w,th special reference to Sahelian and Smidan zones (SSZ) (02094) Word BarV Sero-surveflance of mderpest and other diseases in Africa. using ffnrnroassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Small Runinant and Cawel Group Research Network- (05381) International Livestock Center for Afrca. Srral Rwnniants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Geseltaft tuer Tech'nsche Zusan enit (GTZ) Gritb H Sub-Saharan Africa hydrobocal assessment. (01108) World Bank. The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Intemational DevelDpment (USAID)fnemational Developrrent Research Centre (R:)RC)bnternationaJ Institute of Tropical Agrcte iliTA). Traditional Techripues of Mro Cinate Iproveent (Tf). phase 11. (05658) WAU (Wagerjen Agncuttial University). Swazland African Center of Meteobgocal Appaions for Develop rnt (ACMAD). (01109) World Meleorologcal OrgIzation (WMO). Aficr Smal Rumiant CoNaborative Research Network (SRiNET). i05812) emratonal Livestock Centre for Afica (ILCA). Sub,Saha Africa dlogA assessment (01108) World Bar*. 136 . , .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... kidex of projects by country Sweden Internationial Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of lffirois at Urbana-Cha MnPaign. Taiwant. Province of China intemnational Network for the Improvement of Bananas and Plantains (INIBAP). (05369) International Network for the Improvemfent of Bwanaas and Plantains. United Republic of Tanzania A Feasibility study on establisiw-g an Ak'can Centre for Fetllier Devekpmnwt (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Geselschiaft fuer TechnisChe Zusamnenarbet). Afican Center of Meteorological Applications for Developmnent (ACMADI). (01 109) World Meteorological Organization (AWMO) Afncan Resear-c: Network for Agncuttural By-Prodiucts (ARNAB). (02170) Internatioa Deveinpinet Research Centre (IDRC). International LiVeStock Centre for Africa (ILCA). African Smnal Rurninant Collaborativ Research Network. (02620) International Funa for Agiculttwai Development. Agroeconomic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Africa. (01222) Rockefeller Fowndation. Agronomic Network for- East and Southern Africa. (0261 1) United Nations Develoment Program (UNDP); Worl Bank. Afiey Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (0208) Canacian International Develomen Agency (CIDA)/lntemaiona Development Pesearch Cente (IDRC)- A;Ssociation Internatminae pour 'optimwstion de ia Nutriio des Plantes (ANIOP) [International Association for the Optimzaio of Plant Nuitritionj. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agroroiique pouw le Developpement (CIRAD). Biologca iIegr~a#ed crol of the larger g-an borer PRostepharus ttucatus Horn. (0307 instihtt kwie Pytopathologie. Abetipsape Vorrat, Lunversat KeL. Cawacteisatio of &ivrsit for diease resistance of Phaeokis bean mdudte in East Akk&o (01821) Overseas DevelopmentAdiftnisrafo NRffRD) Co-ordr~-ae Research Progairue on the Appcation of Irradito Tectuvqu for Food 137 ,,,~ttt.4!fl~flJ!I~-IIhJD - U , ,, Index of projets by country Processing in Afica. (02629) United Nations Food and Agiculture Organization. Cogaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemational Develoent (USAID)Michigan State University. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Intemational Crops Reseafch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Speces- (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of th-e United Nations. Development and promotion of appropriate tools and implernent for the 'agncuttural and food processig sectore (interim piase) (1LO_ INT/M03). (648) 1LO (Internaia:al Labors Office). East Africa RegionaJ Cooperative for Research on Barnnas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) International Network for the Improvernent of Banana and Plantain. Fertilizer Marketirg and Trade nTformation Progran (FMTIP). (02145) Drectorate General for Internatioal Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for kIterrnaional DeveloMent (USAID). Improving the Dagnosis and Control of TryDanosomes and other Vector-bore Diseases of Arican Livestock using Irnrunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for international Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Productivty of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmuroassay and related Tecthiques. (02621) DireMrate Gereral for Intemabonal Cooperabon (DGIS). Interatonal Rice Testng Progran for Africa (IRTP). (02160) Uniter Nations Developenet Progrdm (UNDP8Eu-ropean Economic Connission (EECYJapari Inreaional Soybea Program (INTsoY) (05373) iJriversity of Illinois at Urbara-Chiaign. Mbagemert of vertisols wuder semnarid condition in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) hIterna l Board for Soi Research and M .agemt. Methodology for agrculta marketing systems policy and practse, aMd s applicaton to curent reforms. (01721) Ovmeas Dvelmt Admnistration (NFM). National Sod Reference Colecbons (NASREC ll). (05624) ISRIC (Inteational Sol Reerc and bionaton Centre). Network on bnd develpment for suslialae agricutre in Aftica (AFRICALAND - Land 138 Index of projects by county developmen.'. (02109) International Board for Soi; Research and Management Network on management of acid soils in humid Afnca (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (01021) Internatioral Board for Soil Research and Management Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock International; Ford Foundation. Pen-urban vegetable producton and consumption in Sub-saharan Africa i04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Developert Center (AVRDC). Phytosanitary cotols for African Cassava Mosaic V-wus (ACMV). (05778) Overseas Development Admnirstration (NRRD). Progranmme 2B: On-farr research - Arnysis of interactions and impact of agroforestry ,rces. (03700) International Couw for Research in Agroforestry. Programme 5: Training - Training for researchers and deveiopmert planners. (03710) International Council for Research in Agroforestry. urAbc works in Afxica to inprove food-secuy. (04626) Deutse Geselschaft fuer tedcmische Zusammrenarbel (GTZ)- Raifed rice development project (04356) AMca Deveiopret Bank Regonal cooperation on cotton research and devebpment. (01116) World Bank Reseaw Developperent (R/D) [Develpeot Network). (02653) GRET. Sero-srvekance of rndrpest and other diseases in Afica using uimrinoassay ted1ues. (2) Swedsth Agency for Fr.ral Cooperation (SAREC). Sub-Saharan Afria hydroagical assessnenL (01 '108) Word Bank. The East anid Southern Afnca Root Crops Resef NeWDrk (ESAFI). (020C ) U.S. Agncy for lntenatiar Development USAIDftematJoral Developnt Researc: Centre (IDRCIemaho nsakiste of Tropical AgIAre (lTA). The Geobal Netwk for Aomnerals in East and Soun Arica (02613) UrfJ Nions Deve3opmeret ogm ODP World Bari The Livestock Tryparololerart Network 139 Index of projects by country (02081) Overseas Development Admninistration. Traditional Techniques of Micro Climate Improvement (TTMI). phase 11I (05658) WAU (Wageningern Agricultural University). Universities and nationai agncultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa (03678) International Service for National Agricultural Research Thailand Intemational Network on Soi Ferilty a-id Sustainable Rice Farming (INSURF). (05370) intemational Rice Researh Irnsbtute Itermational Rubber Research and Detment Board (IRRDB). (01212) International Rubber Research and Development Board. International Soybean Progra (INTSOY). (05373) University of llioiis at Urbana-Champaign. Togo A Feasibiity st on establishing an African Centre for Fertilzer Development (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Techniscbe Zusamenarbeit) Afican Center of Meteoilobgca Applikabons for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Afican Smali Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (02620) Intemational Fund for Aricuftural Development. African SiaN Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (SRNET). (05812) iternational Livestock Centre for Afnica (ILCA). Araicuki: extensin. (03549) World Bank: Togo Aenculural services rehabton. (01207) World Bank; Togo. AgronoTnic Fetiizer ReseaFdC Progran (AFRP). (02147) Intrntia Fertlizer Devel t Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa). Ally Famng Nework for rropic Africa (0208) Canardim trnmabo DeveWopent Agenc (CODA emational Development PReseach Centre (IDRC)j Anunal Traction Research NetwDrk (05813) Inrnatonal Livstock Centre for Africa (ILCA4 140 4a. - Index of projects by cot"y Applied research prograrme: Network for Humid Lowlands of West Africa (hULWA-AFRENA). (02618) International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). AssocIation Irnternationale pour rlOptimisation de ia Nutriton des Plantes (ANIOP) irntemabonal Association for the Optimization of Plant Nutitonl] (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le LDeveloppen.ent (CIRAD). Biological integrated controi of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus Hcm. (03907) Institut fuer Phytopathologie, Arbefisgnuppe Vorrat, Universitaet IGel. Cassava Network [R&seau Manmoc. (02084) Conf6rence des Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Afincais et Frarcais Catte Research Network (CARNET) (formerly Cattle Milk and Meat Network). (05358) lntermatonal Liveslock Center for Africa. Cenft! and West Afican Root Crops Collaborative Research NetworK (CEWARRN). (02166) Internatinal Institute of Tropical Agriculture. ChWterizabon of semi-permae waler-bearnng zones and association with culture during the dry season. (05271) 1nenatnal Fouidaion for Science. Gomparison of the productivt of trypanololerant rumixnas. (02848) Comnission of the European Cornunies. Cotton sector developrnent. (03550) World Bank; Togo Develpment of simple methods to identify potyvius nfecting yams (Dioscorea alata and D. rondata) for the producton of vrus-free plitiets. (03268) IFS. Develpnert of sie meiods to iden potyius etig yams (Miss a and D. rotmdata) for the producton of virus-free pnets. (05206) Intemational Foundation for Scence. Drought Resistance Research Network (R3S) [Peseau de Recherche sur la Resistaice ~ la S6cheresse1- (02610) Conference des Responsa de Rechere Aooue Africis et FranVs. Eorxions of post havest bss r ducing rneares. (03772) Uiversiy of Hoeheim E rionfena action prograr. (04423) Word Ba* Togo. Exzaction of Morida kicia and Cassia na Cheircal and phanaoga studies of 141 Index of projects by country extracts. (03343) IFS. Fertirizer Marketing and Trade Information Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Forestry/Environment. (02759) World Bank: Togo. Identifying the constraints on livestoxk produtrvity and .bnd use in Anica brought aDout by livestock inciuding the tsetse transrntted Trypanosomiasis. (05798) Overseas Develooment Administration (NRRD) Immunity against trypanosDiasas and medisms of trypanotolerance irn iwnals. i°3932) Insrt fier Parasologe urid Tropenveteinaecmizin. Freie Univsitaet Beflin. Internatial Rice Testing Prograrn for Afrca (IRTP)- (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDPPYEuropean Economic Cormission (EEC)/Japan. Irvestigations Wand development of site adaptive agroforestry systems. (04665) Unrirsitaet Bayreu#h. Manaoement of verfisols under semi-arid condiLons in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soi Research and Managemnent. Network for Improvernent of Rice Cultivadon [Reseau Rizi. (02161) Conference des Responsables de Recherche Agronomnique Africains et Franiais. Productivity and protabdity of cassava and maize intercropping systems. (03182) IFS. Productivity of authocltones cattbe breeds in te hunmd and subhunid zone of West Afica. (0468) Geselschat fuer tecfhnsche Zusam enarbeit (GTZ). Prospecbng on root acops and plantains, collction maintenance. (03730) nternational Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plrtain. PRconnaissance I preparation stxdy on forestry biotechnology in the drought-prone Sc&Saharan African c rs, wit specil reterence to Sahetian and Stca zones (SS2). (02094) World Baic Reaionshps between tree growth, tree nuition and site in Tecto gancis pWori in West Afiica. (04653) LhirsAaet Bayreih. 142 , , . . J ... . . .~~~~~.. ..... ....,,,,,,,,,,,, rIndex of projects by country Research on smag rumiants in the humid ancf sub-humid zones of West Africa (02110) Irtemational Fund for Aaricuwtural Development Researh, coordiiation. ard training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa (09732) Commission of the European Com.munities. F1iseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Resoonsables de Recherches Agronomnique Africans et Francais (CORAF)- Reseau Erosion (EROS) tErosk n Network]. (02638) ORSTO r/lnsttut Frarcais de Rdcherche Scientifique pour le Developement en Coopeaton. Reseau International de Traitn des Dmnees Sols (RIDTS) jintemati"nal Network for Sods Data Processing] (02640) Agence de Cooperabon Cutuirelle et Technique (ACCT. Reseau sur la Conservation Post-Recoite des Denrees Alimentaires (GRENIER) INetvork for Post-Harvest Storage of Food Cropsj. (02647) Assocation des Universites Partielement ou Enterment de Langue Francawe (AUPELF) SADAOC (Securie Alimentaire dutable en AfMque de rOuest Centrale). (05662) ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy Managent). Second nrval devebpment project in cotton areas. (01007) World BarJg Togo Siuvicie (Togo;) (04189) International Develmt" Research Centre. Sod Fertit Restoin Project (SFRP). (02 143) Iternational Fertiiizer Develpment Center. Africa (IFDC-AfricaV Strategies Anentatres (STRA) [Food Strategos Netwonkl (02655) ORSTOMAnstitut Francais de Recherche Scientique pour le Developper-nt en Cooperation StrengherwV maze and cassava research h eleven countnes of West and Central Africa. Plan of action. (02665) Aniisere de la Cooperation (France). Study of a th y and atmar effcs in extracts from Morinda kucida and Cassia sianea (03344) IFS- Sub,Saharan AMica hydwigical assessTen_L (01 108) d Bain 143 ____________~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ,,_,, ,, :22 t ll.±I3U.JIFTCA TON FORMERLY EXPORkT 7 SPAAR Ifrkrmatmo System PROMOT1ONIDIVERSIFICATION. FORMERLY PRIVATE EXPORT CROPS). Implementing agency: World Bank-, Cameroon. Start date: 1993-00-0. Cocrntry/countries: Cameroon; Staterment of objectives/abstract: To promote export divers ifilcation crops. and promote new export crops by pnvate sector, anpd improve fth regulatory envrironment for new investments. Contact in research organization: Minstere de l'Agriculture: YaoundJe; C.--.eroon: Tel: (237) 22-37-35; Telex: 8503 Record number (MFN):. 01 105 Official projec title: AGRKOATURAL SERVICES REHABILITATION PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank- Ghana. Start date: 1987-12-18. End date: 1993-06-30. Country/countries: Ghana;, Statement of objectives/abstract The objectives of fte projec are to: (I) strengtheni Miisty of Agricuure's (MOA) instiutional capacity to formulate and wnplnemr agricutural pohicies and programs: arid (iP) r-a4mionze and improv efficiency in the deiveey of public sec-tor services to agricullture. The project would h* pxepare aid implferen action plans and inveslrrent programrs to strengthen agricultura support services in the field of research, extension, input supply, veterinay, irrgation and credit The project includes six main components: (a.) the recrganization arid, strergthening of MOAXs work in policy formulatJon, planning. monitoring and evakuatior (b) thie preparation of a national master plan for research arnd funding of research on cotton and rice (irrgated and valle bottomn). The proec would pFOVI&e for cotton research at tne Crops Research Insttute s Nyankpala Station (Northern Region) and resewch on irn*~Wed rice at the Univesity of Ghana's Kpong Station (Eastem Region); (c) fth reorganization of JJAs agriculluaf extension services in 3 regions on a pilo basis, as a forerunner to a national extenion pr*ojc, relate trainrwg and logistical support to the maize-oowpeai progrm assisted by the Canadia interational DeWqxomen Agency (CIDA); (d) fth stregthei*e of the Ghana Irrigaition Development AAioit throug a twirnelng warragemet, the fftroducho of improvedJ agronorr*_ practices on existirg schemes and investmerd m six snruAl scale plo irrigatin schmes: (e) kcigisticail support for veterinary smces; aid (f) stuices of the agricultual acrd system and of food security. C-onac in rseemh orqanizain hirtstry of Agricultxe; Accra. Ghana SPMR Information Systern Record number (MFN): 01108 Official prnet tide: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA HYDROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT. Implementing agency: World Bank. Start date: 1987-06-23. End date: 1991-12-00. Country/countries: Africa; Djibout; Somaria: Sudan, Uganda; Angola; Botswana: Lesotho: Malawr, Mozambique; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwve: Benin: Burkina Faso; Cape Verde; Camneroon: Central African Republic; Chad: Congo: C6te dlvoire; Equatonal Guinea: Gabon; Gambia: Ghana: Guinea: Guiea-Bissau; Liberia; Mali Maurtarnia: Niger. Nigena Sao Tome and Pnnce: Senegat Sierra Leone: Togo: Burundi; Madagasar Rwanda; Zaire; Staternen' of objectives/abstract The project iill evaluate the status of existrig hydrological data (precipitation. suface and grourdwater), neworks and colecion systems and make recommendations for the filing of fnportant gaps, upgracing of quality of data odUection and enhanceent of the capability to measure, retrieve, process and publish hydrological data and informnation in Sub-saharan counties. Recently, Algena was added to the countries specified in the original project under a separate UNDP funded project (ALGJ8/021). The ultiuate aim is to assist countries in the improvement of hydrometric work for planning and evakiating water resource development programs and proecs. Record nunber (MFN): ll109 Officia project title: AFRICAN CENTER OF METEOROLOGICAL APPUCATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT (ACMAD). Implrrentig agency: World Meteoroloical Organizaion (WMO) Coun'cot Africa; Algeria; Angia; Bern; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Bundi; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Caritr African Repulblic; Chact Comoros Congo; CWte dfvoire; Djbxout Egypt Equatoi Guinea; Ethpia; Gabon: Ganbi Guinea; G(ufa-Bs; Kenya; Lesotho; xiteri; Llyan Arab Jaatna Madagac, Mal; Malawi; Mariani Mau;is; Morocco: Mozambique; Ifger Nigeria:- Rwanda, Sao Tome and Prinwpe: Senegl Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Somaia; Sudan, Swaziarx Togo; Turnsia: Uganda; United PRepubic of Tanzania Zaire; Zambi; Zimbabwe: Stat of objbctiiveslal In Phase I, tie pect wil esablish an African Center of Meeorological Appkabons for D Fe opemert (AC ) in order to: (1) produce adequate and reiable mneleorolioal and chmogical data frecasts and i ron twouh irved netwoh aind data coleton and analysisc (2) stenren he capabilies of rtional institutiohs and develop npwer skills i the use of me#obgocaJ and Cknudolal data, by provkdir apnpte mediodologes and techr*dies and tva*g of perswmet (3) omote apied nmeorolo ieseach for a better 9 SPAAR biformation System undemranding of the atmospheric conditions which affect critcal human activities in Africa and to use the knowledge gained from this research n agnculture, water resources, building construction, transport wldlife. etc.: (4) provide early warning systems (cropslivestockiforests). and assess and alleviate the effects of drought, desertification, floods, tropical cyclones, and other natural hazards (5) improve and conritbute to the use ard the appicato of meteorological inrmation and data so as to: (i) reduce risks and losses in agricultural productfion, costs and cf energy inputs in agricultural prodwtion, and of rife and property damage caused by flooding; (ii) increase food production in gLW4 and quartity (iii) more efficiently use water resources. particularly in the drought-prone and drought-stricken areas of Afrca (iv) promote the use of renewable energy sources. as weli as the conservation of the environment; (v) improve human settinents. public health, etc.; (6) promote the exchange of experience betweern the member counties. Record number (MFN): 01113 Official project tiJe: SIDAMOIGAMO GOFA PEASANT AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency African Development Bank. Start date: 1985-00 End date: 1990-00. Counaykounties: Ethiopia; Staterent of objectives(abstract: To support production of crops and livestocks thwough strenghing crop and lvestock fafming systems research and extension. Record nunber (MFN): 01 114 Official prOJect title: AGR1CLLTJRAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION PROJECT. tpimng agency African Dveivoent Ban Start date- 1986-00-00 End date: 1990-00-0. ContryWcountries Zambia; Statement of objecbves/abstract: The main objectires are: (a) assst in sbengtening the tedical capabiiity aid effiency of aer roseacn aid exension ser (b) incease tihe producty and utiion oi resources in agxuls research and etension (c) spen the focus c.. agricultua research and extension services and streng cri;al linkages beween the two vcs; (d) spport uistt bWic in agnci*al research and esion sib-sects. 10 SPAAR Informathon System Record number (MFN): 01115 Official project title: WEST KENYA RAINFED RICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. 1mplementing agency- African Development Bank. Start date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00 Country/countries: Kenya; Statement of objectives/abstract: The main aims are to assist in bu g facilities and services in West Kenya to increase rice productim. Project components include credit, research and extension supporL seed multipfication, rural roads, rice mills. To complement the work on basic research, a progrm of adaptive rice research wil be initated. Trials will be conducted throughout the project area- Research station findkins will be adapted to local agro-ecolgical conditiori Record number (MFN): 01116 Official proect title: REGIONAL COOPERATION ON COTTON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency World Bank. Coury/countries: Afnrca Zmibabwe; Kenya Uganda, United Repibic of Tanzaria, Botswana; 11gedia, Statement of objectives/abstract In the countries visited, he corsultant miswon was nucted to ascertain (a) the current state of cotton research and development, including fundig from natonal sources; (b) future funding itentions by natonal aovernments and the tkeiood that they wiN expand research activites in line with the findings of the Nairobi workshop; (c) additonal external resource reeds to expand and iprove activites in cotton research and developmed especially maagenerf KW(avemerts needed to mprove R&D; (d) specific research targets within the range of technical opions. Record ntnber (MFN): 01117 Ofca prect title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES RESTRUCTURING PROJECT. krpleinorig agency Worid Bak; Benin. Sart dale: 1992-07-31. End date: 1996-00-0. Cowtydcounties: Berim- Sement of o*ecives/abWtct The ne objec of the project is to give fte G veret of Bern better 1t SPAAR hIformation System contrl over rural develpment activities. More specifically, the project would define rual service programs frum the bottom up: and improve the quality and suitability of the services provided to farmers ana herders by restructuring the courVWs agricultural institutions. induding the central services of lMnistere du Devehppement Rural et de !Action Cooperative (MDRAC), research and development (R-D) and seed production statains, and six Centre cdAction Regionale pour le Developpement Rura UFei Action and Rural Development Centers (CARDER). It would iead the agricultural services to pay more attention to food crops and livestock. and to training staff to meet the specific technology needs of women and the most disadvantaged rural cournmunities. The project would reorganize research to prevent duplcation and link applied research with R-D more efficientty. The Research and DeveloDment would be performied through a collaboration between applied researchers. extension agents and farmers, and would be organized to ensure that farmers' problems are heard and their knowledge utilzed to adjust the topics of applied research. The project would increase the proportion of current research activities taking into accoui climarc and ecological changes, and adjust the research progrars in each Departnent to the prircal local onstants, such as the nsk of desertification and shortage of bbor in the north and low sod ferbty in the south. The Government of Benin intends to have applied agricultural research performed through an autonomous institute. whose restructunng and research programs would be fuided frorn other sources. The ins:itute would plan te strategy and supervise the implementation of al agricultral research in Benin beside conducting research on its ow. The project would finance this applied research reorganization study. Contact in research organizatior: Juintere du Deveoppemet Rural et de rAction Cooperative (MDRAC): Cotonou: Benin Record nurnber (MFN): 0t 1 119 Official project title: AGRICULTJRE SERVICES Imrpneeing agency: World Bank Central African Republic. Sart date: 19910-31. Countrkcountries: Cenrkal African Repubic; Staterent of objectives/absact The objeitves of the project are to: (i) develop an institutional framework for strentgherg tte cownts capacity for agricua policy formulation and investment plannig, for inprovig the delivery of acultural research and exion senices and for hamonng vaous donor approaches; (-) adopt a publc expenditure progran in agcture at reflects national prortes and insttonal straies; and (ii) provide adequate hfucg in support of this pub exp ttre progra.n Contact in research organiaion: Mhisby of Rural Deykment Bang Ceral African Republic 12 SPMR Information System Record number (MFN): 01131 Official project title: NATIONAL UVESTOCK PROJECT. Implementng agency: World Bank; Central African Republic. Start date: 1986-08-12. End date: 1992-06-30- Countrylcountries: Central African Republic: Statement of objectwes/abstract: The mami objective of the project is to develop a viable instituional framework for the countys Irvestock subsector to ensure the efficient delivery of necessary inputs and extension to 6vestock producers, thus reducing diseaes and pasture degradation, Kcreasing livestock production and exports and :nproving the standard of Ivng of herders. The project awud: (a) strengten the National Federation of Central African Livestock Producers (FNEC) to huther deveop ist input delivery and pastoral orgarwzation and to increase the number of herder associations: (b) assst the Livestock Service (LS) in its vaccination campagjns against the main epidemric diseases, in the reorganization and strengthening of its extension. research and pastoral settlement ac;iMvties: and (c) reinforce management capabilities dunng project implmentation Record number (MFN): 011.32 Official project title: COTTON AREA RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. implmenbing agency. World Bank Central African Repubic. Start date: 1984-01-31. End date: 1990-02-02. Country/countries: Central African Reptblc: Statement of objeclives/abstadW: The project pims to rehabitate cotton producton and increase fDod cp producton and wi assit SOCADA, the ourts major nrual developrent instItutior to become more effective and financially sound. T O acheve tfhs, t project amfns to (i) strenghen agricultural extesion service; (ii) provide production iputs (fertilizer. insecticides) and agritual imlWents; (iii) support appied research and seed muitiplcakicn progams; (iv) promote aial taction: (v) rnprove the country s five coctt gtneres, (vi) provide workshops and equperrt to imrove the main ne capacily for SOCA's agritural port fleet and (viii establish a project moatorrg tii Contact in research organizaton: SOCADA 13 SPAAR Information Systern Record number (MFN): 01134 Official project title: NATiONAL AGRICULTUPAL RESEARCH- Implementing agency: World Bank; Camer-o . Start date: 1988-03-18. Ernd date: 1993-06-30. Country/countries: Cameroon-, Statement oi objectivestabstract: The project arms at reonenting agricultural res6ardc towards solving problems of food crops and investock production to enhance nts effectiveness and relevance to needs of smnail farmers. The mnain objectives of the project would be to: (a) construct and upgrade the ONsial infrastructure and strenghten technical, operabonal and rpanagerial capabiriies of the Institute of Agrooromic Researcn (IRA) and the Insiitute of Aninal Research (IRZ); (b) create central documentation and analytic unit to support ' ie research system; and (c) iwroduce systematic procedures for the review and programming of rese and for ensuring dissemination to the extension systern Record number (MFN): 01135 Official project tide: SECOND WESTERN PROVINCE RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency: World Bank, Cameroon. Start dale: 1985-09-0 Erid date: 1991-12-31. County/ountries: Cameroon: Statement of objecves/abstract This Five-year project would extend and consolidate operatiors on-going uxder the Western Highlands Rural Develoment Project (0784-CM) to tne whole Western Province, while irnprovng the relevance of the tecthnicN package to farmers' needs. The focus would be on increased food crop producion and irprovements in coffee yields and qua&ly. The objectives inckide: (a) expansion and streamlng of UCCAO's services, strengithening of cooperatves, moderniaton of coffee processing and marketing fackibtes (b) provision of ncrenentaf iputs; and (c) supporbing actir."es. inckiig applied research, village water supply, feeder roads. sol cor. arvatoon, reafforestation, bottomlards devebpmen morioring and evaluation. The project would also assist thwe Govermnmet of Cameroon to raise smalloder producbvty and inprove rural vig cordborrs, atti narmal food eff-sutficiency, and decene and strengthe reional iostihons. Contt in research organization. UCCAO Record nuber (MFN): 01136 14 SPAAR Information Systern Official project tide: GUECKEDOU AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implemening agency: World Bank; Guinea. Start date: 1986-10-27. End date: 1992-06-30Q Countryloouries: Guinea; Statement of objectives/abstract This project is a continuation of the pilot component of the IDA- and AFDF-financed Rice Development Proet (952-GUI). The objectives are geared towards increasing the productivity of srnallholders in food and cash crop production by expanding the scope and area of the first phase and introducing techrncal packages for coffee, groundnuts and cassava, and by strengthening the Gueckedou Prefectoral Directorate of Rural Development. These objectives would be achieved through: (a) providing extersion services for farm famiries involved in cultivabion of swamp and upland rice as well as other rainfed aid pererrmal crops: (b) prvding training for Guinean staff and supportig agmcuituraI research to test and ntroduce new techal packages; (c) strengthening the managerner and adminitran of he prefectoral service; (d) seed processing and dislribution to farmers; (e) development of swamp land hrough low cost igaon works, and upgrading and maintenarce of rural roads; (f) providrng agricultural nputs to farners through credit (g) short and nediun term fellowships for proiect staff. Record nunber (MFN): 01137 Official project title: FIRST AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT. Implementing agency World Bank, Guirea Start date: 1986-07-31. End date: 1992-06-30. Country/countries: Guinea; Statment of objectiveslabstract The project wil help imnprove the capabilities of the Minst-; of Rural deveopmnent (MID) in agricultural prmig stategy and polcy formubton and project analysi. This objective wil be achieved trough the esta t of a Srategy and Development Office (BSD) to be sWalled with quafled Guinean and intrationa recruited pesanel. BSD wil focus on (i) definirg agiclural strategy and policy: (ii) elaborato ard review of rnvestmet plas; (ii) moniorirg and evalution of prjects; (d) proect identifcato preparion "d analyWss and (v) data colection ad analyss BSD wi also sutort strt-W activities of rew rural devrelopr-t popects and elaboration of bng term plan for agrial researc aSd irrigation debpmert in the com*y Record rnmber (1N) 01138 15 SPAAR Information System Officia project title: AGRICULTURAL SERV!CES REHABILfTATION. Implementing agency: World BanK Sierra Leone. Countryicountries: Sierra Leone; Staterment of obiectives/abstract Rehabilitation of general agricultural support services, including input. supply. seed production, appried research and cooDerative development Record nunber (MFN): 01 139 Official project tite: NATIONAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION PROJECT. ImplemerMng agency: World Bank; Guinea. Start date: 1989-05-28. End date: 1994-12-31. Country/countries: Gurea; Statement of objectives/abstract The ma-n objective of the proiect is to assist farmers who operate at a very low level of technology in improving the producvy of their farming systems through: (a) provision of necessary support to plan, mnarge, monitor and evaluate a National Research and Extension Program; (b) fundig and expanrig commodity research consistent with sector devebopmen.t objectives; 1c) rapid testing of bocally and regionally available crop varieties and produchon technobgies; (d) adequate tansfer and aWfumsion of these through a system of mass extension sustainable in the bng run by the Government; (e) creation and consolKaion of inks among research, extension and farmers; (f) devebpment of an institutional framework for promoting farmer organizations; and (9) support to the above actions through a major training program so as to develop the Guinean capacity for desiginsg, managing and rnplenentuig research ard extension operations.The project would be naional i scope, and indude the folowing research components: (1) applied research to support SiX research centers bcated in the rman agro-ecogical regyons (Koba for rice and other food crops; FoeLaya for fruit trees and rootrer aops Kiissi. Barein and Bordo for annual food crops; Seredou for both food and perennsal crops), to facildate the identification, selection, and tesig of local and introduced plant maerials and producton technobgies; (2) adaptive research to estabish Research and Development (R&D) teams for survey and analysis of farmers' constaints; and of an off-staton and on-farm research network to carry out trials to test adatbity and acceptab/ity of crop vanees.protion tectmole and different aming systems for sm aiolers in the dlifent ago- l regions of Gukre; (3) r9kg to provide bcal Cin Guecedou, Trido, Babr and Pita) and ave'seas task-oriented taifg in conodiy and croppng systems research, research and extension mehodobgies and managemert (4) exWsion senices to strengthen and reogaize the extesion semvices of the histe de rAgih,e et des Ressources Ar*res (MARA) to ensue proper assesent of fanens needs and adequate delivery of messages and (5) istutional stregthnig of the capac of the esearch aid 16 SPAAR Inforrnation System extension structures for the planning and management of research and extension activities. Contact in research organization: Ministere cie lAgriculture et des Ressources Animales (MARA); Guinea Record numnber (MFN): 01162 Official project title: MAIZE ilULUUA AGRICULTI,RAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. bnplementino agency: World Bank; Zaire. Start date: 1986-02-04. End date: 1992-030. Country/countries: Zaire. Statement of objectes/abstract: The project wil increase food crop production in the Lulua and Knariga su-egions of Kasai Occidental Province. Project activities include: (i) strengthening extension servces; (ii) raining {ii) field trials; (iv) provKding inputs including improved seeds,. tools. fertiEzers and insecticides; (v) support marketirg acbves of private traders; and (vi) selective maintenance of transport infrastructure. Record nunber (MFN): 01163 OfficWa project le: SEEDS PROJECT. Implementing agenc. VWorld Bank Zaire. Start date: 1986-04-30. End date: 1992-06-30 Countiy/countties. Zaire; Statemert of objecti.eslabstract The project woukd be the iniial time-ce of a 'Ong term effort to assist Government of Zare (GOZ) in de,,ei* oo a aeitsustainirg and coreially vie seed industry. It responds to the Governmert of Zaire's request in 1982 for assistance to increase improve seed production in Zare. The project des wih the produon oi seeds for the mraj foodcrops (maize, rice. groundruts and other edible lgumes) and cassava cutngs in Bas-Zaire, Bandkidu, Kasai Orental Shaba, and Haut Zaie, ii accordance wilh the Govemmenes stategy to achieve food self-sofficiency. It ocuses on techal, .anagenal and instFriora aspects of seed prodcton and ais to maiintahf e neressary fleity te adjet its powacs to experences gained urig irrpienwAtion and to adapt to kocal conrtior it is desiged to deal not only with seed r rlticafo and qaity contol isus6, btA abso to adess the Wsream -,oblem of the siply of base seeds. aid the do _istrearr qesto of seed produton and distbiuo The poect wE be irnpla ed by the rece*y cornstithAed Nation Seed B&w (UNASEM) which wouid piay an acte 17 SPAAR Inforrmation System role during this First phase of the rntional seed prograrm,The projedc components are: (i) support for the operation of a Nationa Seed Bureau; (ii) development and operational support for fve central seed farms induding devebprnent of seed marketing and support to extension service in -he area of influence of each seed farn; (iii) development of seed qual'ty control capacity. including establish.-nent and operation of seed testing laboratories; (iv) assistance to secondary seed farms; (v) improvement of the prction capacity of base seeds al major agricuitural research stations; (vi) a training program, both overseas and in Zaire; (vii) special studies and pilot projects related to the develpm ent of the seed industry; ar. (viii) t.echnical assistnce to support the management of tflc National Seed Bureau and of the seed famns, and to develop the training proganL Contact in research o.yanization: Bureau National de Sernences (BUNASEMI*; Zaire Record nurnber (MFN): 01 178 Off,ial Droject title: ECOLOGICAL PROTECTION (FORMERLY FORESTRY AND ENVIRONMENT). !mplementing agency: World Bank; Cameroon Start date: 1992-00. Country/countnes: Cameroon; Statement of objectvesabstract To inpove insutions in charge of forest management, conservaton and environmental protecton for biodiversity parks and reserves: (a) reforms of policies regarding (i) land use planninq, (ii) regeneration of forest resources, and (iii) forestry fiscal system: (b) devebpment of a system of protected areas for wiidlife and biodiversity conservabon; (c) development of sustained mranagement of forest reserves in the dense forest zone; and (d) institubornal support for (a). (b), and (c) and reseasrc in forestry and biodiversity onservatiorL Contact in research organization: hinisty of Agricnure; Yaounde; Cameroon; TeL 2340-85; Telex: 8325 Record nuiber {MFN): 01180 Officia project tite: NATIONAL AGRICLILTURAL EXF ' N AND TRAINING- ImpRlmting agency World Bank; Careroon. Start date: 1991-01-22 End date. 1995-12-31. Countrykirbes Camenoo \, State t objectibes/*rstract The pority objective is tD increase f7armer productivity by seghei operaioa insrtitu and estabishn systems fr anag ftie extension senices i8 SPMR Information System and by providing b-aining to faciiiiate improved derivery of the services& Special attention would be given to meeting the needs of women fanrers under the projecL By integrating extension services to incorporate food crops as well as cash crops. women farrners would be more ikely to receive extension advioe. The project's aims would be achieved through: (a) enhancing the implementing agencies capacty to plan. mnanage, monitor. and evahiate a national extension training program; (b) ensuring adequate transfer and diffusion of produchon techniques through the expansion of a mne-botind rianagement and raining system for front-line extension agents (c) supporting the above actions through a major training program to deveJop local capacity for designing, rmanaging, and implementing extension operations; (d) improving the relevance of production techniques throcti increased verification trials and inproved research-extension linkages-adaptive research; and (e) ircreasing the availability of improved seed-see multipication. Contact in research organization: Minstere de rAgricture; Yaounde; Cameroun; Tel: 23-40-85; Telex: 8325 Record number (MFN): 01184 Official project title: PRIVATE RURA.L ENTERPRISE AND DIVERSIFICATION (FORMERLY EXPORT CROP DE'/QOPMENT). Inplementing agency: World Bank; CerWal African Repul0ic. Start date: 1993-00-00. Courtry/countries: Central African Repub4c; Statement of objectives/abstract To estabiish medium size coffee plantations, and to promote diversification of export crops. Contact in researcn organiation: NIzistry of Rural D revoert Bangu, Cenr Aican Republic Record number (MFN): 01 185 Offici project tle: NATONAL RESLRICESUAWNGCT SUPPORT. .Inplemeriting agency: US Agency for Inteumatnal Deveiopmert. Start date: 1987-00-00. End date: 19-W00-00. Co m # Akica; C d`ire The pXect is designed as &e Axica Bftes wle for syswmabc support to AI- lissioW s and PsOb to hel ga, sngiin r* Naga Reswces iagerrMt (If" progams and pojedcts kakual Fr Suport ( S) is a service prot and d lice a broal range d support ades inclu&g 19 SPAAR Irforrnation System selected biological diversity activities anid remote sensing equipment to Cote dlvoire for NRM-related purposes. NRMS wil function as both catalyst and response agent and vill: (1) respond to service requests; (2) help coordinate the response of S&T senice projects to Missions needs; (3) foster awareness and training programs in NRMS; (4) strengthen PVOs through technical assistance and trainirg; and (5) sponsor studies and research to enhance the design and inpact of field projects. Record nunber (MFN): 01186 Offcl project trte: NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT. Implmentng agency: World Bank; Central African Republic. Start date: 1990-08-20. End date: 1997-06-30. Countr,vcountnes: Central African Republic; Statement of objecbves/abstract: The mnain objective of the project is to reinforce the capabiities of the Central African Republic (CAR) to protect and manage its forest aid wildlife resources on a sustainable basis ttrough: (a) support to further mprovement in the legisative famework and fiscaVricentive system for the forestry aned widlife sector; (b) restting of the sector's institians and strengthening of their capaciy to effecbvely impleiment field controls and promote environrneeal protection: (c) development of an improved knowledge of exiting forest resources, as a basis for sound plnnaig and (d) development of irnprved agro-forestry systems in the forest zone, and support to the protection and rnanagement of a dense forest reserve. The credit would support a htybnd operation consisting in a quick disburig sector acustrent program and an investment project.Under the investrent project (1) a nabona forest inventory would be carried out. This inventory would cover alf species and iwnude wildkife data collection to determine areas of abmane and getation types particularly important to wildlife species. The size distribution of the varius forest types in different parts of the forest zone would be determined. A master plan of the forest vould be prepared foflowing the inventory so as to delineate areas to be marnained and added as protected forests and widle reserves, and areas which can corninue to be used by te industry or for firewood supply to urban areas. Spot satelite wnagery wotId also be used on a regular basis atter cornplebon of the invtory for monitoring the evokion of CAR s dense forest and (2) a pilot agro-forestry and land management component would be implemented in Bani, to define and test the most approprate tec&xi9cal padcages and intventior methods for fosterig pmved forest managem nt and te adopton of sustainable and use systwes by rural populations. A program of research and deveopmert acbions would be deined based on agro-socio-ecoonic surveys ad imrplented in subsequent yeas; it wold incde the testng of tzeco ies and organizional measures to promote: (i) iromved mnnagmert ot the remng natta foest fhx ratonl expoiatin of exisbng trees, tecrWmques to foster reothof the mnost valuable seie eablwnert of firebras, extecsion of rnpwoved cabnizato techniques br chac productoD, etc, (li pitng of tees on agrcftr land for vanrous uses (aenaFce of sod estitty, erosion cosol, sustiable procduicon 20 SPAAR Informatin System of fire and consDrcton wood, fnjt prodution. etc.); and (iii) development and extension of improved cultivatn systems less destrucbve to the forest and soils. Contact in research organizatiorr Ministy of Forests; Bangui: Centrai African Republic Record number (MFN): 01191 Official project tife: NATIONAL AGPICULTURAL EXTENSION AND ADAPTIVE RESEARCH PROJECT. Implementing agency. World Bank, Congo- Startdate: 1991-12-31. End date- 1996-06-30. Countrylcountes: Congo; Statement of obj*ectvesabstract- The pnrnarY objective of the prqect is to support the Governmenrs efforts to increase the production efficiency and ricomes of smnaI farners by faalitatNg the development and dissemination of relevarn technology. This would be achieved through the estabfishment and sobsequert strengftening of an appropiate national systenm of extension and adaptive research. The specific objetves are to: (a) promote coordirabion at fiel bevel of al tedunca services that interface wkh the farmer, with a view to addessing in an inraed fashion al relevant aspects of smaiholder famig operatiors; (b) ensure close liaison with upstream research and other technical sermices, so that extenson and research actvibes can buid fuly on al existing tadencal support (c) esteb&slh an esenion and research system responsive to famnnes needs, predomiiany thse of te two target groups of women and youths that play a crixia role in agricultural producion; and (d) she plamnng capabiities in th agricuturw sector, so that project operations and those of other agicultral projects are consistent with poicies and actions set forth under the national Public Investenet Program (PIP).The adapfive research wouid be performed both on farmers' fields and usng a .twork of Techr i-a1 Support Centers (Centres d'AppLu Technkiue-CATs). The research actvies in the C. Ts would focus on the testing od (a) a colction of varietes of the main cops and (b) fertty management 'edcques with a view to lengthening copping cycles under smatlholder farming codiion e.g., cove crops and legune falow incuded in rotations, applcation of mnirri amounts of crtical inpts such as line or phosphate. mulchig techniques from covef crops or pereniials, and aley croppig techiques. Contact in research orgarizaton: nistere de la Jeunsse et du Developperert RuraF Brazzvlie; Congo Research-e t, Traig and Etension Dvecate; Congo Record nunber (MFN) D 192 Offici l ;oect tie FORESTRY SECTOR PROJECT 21 SPAAR Inforriation System Implementing agency: Wortd Bank; Cote divoire Start date: 1991-03-01. End date: 1995-06-30. Country/countries: Cote dlvoire; Statement of objectiveabstract The project wil basicafty undertakre al activities included in the Government's Emergency Action Program to: (a) stop the destruction of the rain forest (b) ensure a sustainable production of industrial timber through the improved management of nabonal forests, and fte development and better husbandry of industial plantations: (c) imnprove the efficiency of the domresbc wood processing industy (d) protect the couwrmfs natonal parks; and (e) promote a better management of the interface between agriculture and forestry. The project will include components on forestry training schools research and studbes: institutiornl strengthening and monitorng and evaluation Contact in research orgnization: Winistry of Agriure. Water and Fc;estry Resources; B. P V8Z Abidjan; Cote d'lvre; Telex: 23612 Record number (MFN): 01193 Offical project titde: CROP DfVERSIFCAllON AND AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT. Implementing agency World Bank: Equatorial Guinea. Start date: 1991-07-10. End date: 1996-12-31. Country/counlries: Equatoral Guinea; Statement of objectivesab The main oDjechves of the pect are to alleviate nrral poverty, improve famiy nutriion and food security, inrease food production promote local food marketing and raise foreign exchange earnings by import substitution and by promoting the export of traditional and non-adional crps including food crops. The poject would increase the agricultural produti of rural wonen and inprove land use and sod conseivan praclices. These wil be adceved through a cobinaton of poicy rforns and investments. The poficy reforms would involve: (1) iinproving price incentives throgh refors of cocoa picing and the taxation syslem; (i) restuturing marketing and input supply systems of the tradtional export sub-sector- and (iii) prepanng and impetibg pgams amed at remm g technical constrains on higher cocoa oulput, inckidg ucertites over land tenure The investnents componets are: (a) mnarkew hh wd depend prTrwly on private in#iave. WI consoate ard incease the profiability of traditaW export aops, exad markets for food crops expots and promote nontraditional exports to rew markets; (b) aguural exensio and aplied resedc i fwrksh Tramug & Vsa (T&V) based extewsion serice to amers spported by dmandriven applied \ resea, WI5 the imnediate obc of iasg the a biy of tesled food crops for domestic consram and expoit The component wI promoe better Wrages between extension and reseach and develop medwism to prmote a two-y flow of r ton between exteion researdh and farmers; and (e) insijional 22 SPAAR Information Systern development wdl hel sustain project accompFishments by creating incentves for prvate sector investmnt, buikldg niabonal research and extension manragement and training capabilities, and ersuring that project activities support farmer and trader organizabons and address the rneeds of women farmers. Contact n research organization: Mnisty of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishenes and Forestry (MALFF): Rio Muni: Equa1orial Guinea Record nunber(MFN): 01195 Official project tite: FOREST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT. Implemerting agency World Bank; Ghana. Start date: 1989-11-30. End datWe 1995-06-30 Countrycountes Gharna Statement od objctvesabstract: The objecive of the project is to sharpen the focus of poricy programs through: (a) mangn industial forestry production and export earnigss in accordance with sustained yield pofiyc (b) prornoti conservation and tree plantfig on farms to couteract fuelwood shtage and ecolgical deteratiom and (c) strengthening the sruchtr base of the sector and its instuions to eiable tien to carry out the neessar policy refonns. increase revenue generain, improve protection and ,aragmerrt of the forest and wikllife resoes and lay the fonatons for deveoping a meftlodology tD quanlify envionmental and ecological benefits.The adaptive research corrponent would include the rehabiltation of the Forest Products Research Institute (FPRI) in order to strengthen its capacity to determine priorities and implIeent a research program relevant to Ghana's forestry research needs. FPRI would cary out research focussig orn (1) rmanagelert the natual frest resources; (2) foresty for rual develpment ith special ernphasis on pnority areas in the savanna zones including Upper East, Upper West, Norhern, Greater Accra. Easten ad Volta Regos; and (3) utilizton of foest pducts inclding the use of secodary species Research would be directed twas regenaion technIues, vwith partcular emphasis orr (i) sieudkue and regeration of Tropical Kghi Forest (THF) incding enrihment planting techniques which are less expensive ard ensure that preferred species are planted ard tnded (i-) rwN frestry including appopriale agroforestry technical packages for loal farming comrmnes, and research to ensure that soils are erihed by pbang of so i tnpovet species rike Aca, other legnos species and Caswuaa and (if) awSn species trils to ensure fte growg of speciic pats for sper end-uses, nwsery tecniques, fe i and prolection from kaigi and insec h s would be caried oiA on girris, resis, lnin, dyes, ois, and otw minor forest products wih a vew to ris the income of the nral peopbl The frestry edcation and trang component would buid up the capacities and capabides of the main foresy e&can and traig insAons, tle hlsie of RP wbl Naeh.ual Resours (IRN) aid the Sunr F:o.sy Sshol (SFS)' 23 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Mnisty of Land and Natural Resources: Acaa; Ghana Record nurnber (MPN): 01196 Official project tile: FORESTRY AND FISHERY MANAGEMENT. Implementbng agencT. World Bank; Guinea Start date: 1990-02-02. End date: 1994-06-30. Country/countries: Guinea; Statement of objectvesiabstract Launching of protection and inproved management of forestry and marine fisheries resours, and envionmental protection measures through institutional rehabilitation, and finances from operation& Contac in research organation: State Secretarat for Fisheries (SEP). Ministry of Agriculture and Aninal Resources; Conakry: Guinea Record nunber (MFN): 01197 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES (FORMERLY SECOND AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PROJECT). Implementing agency: Word Bank: Guinea. Start date: 1994-00-00. Country/countries: Guinea; Statement of objectives/abstract The objective of the project is to continue supporing the Govemments efforts to face the development and diemairi of a aproprte a ufal tedniology. This woud be acheve by cortinuing to inprove the eH5ciency of the nafional system of extension and adaptve research. Areas of focus woldd be to: (a) promote coordinabon at field lewl of al services hat interace wih the fanner, with a view to addressing all relevant aspects of smalhodeir fasta g operaons (bas-fonds devebpment, Wvestock achtviies, brsomntw of products, agr,eoresq. etc.); (b) establish speciazed services that woLdd provide 'a la cate seriices to coamer aTiukwe, especi* export aicture; (c) providectinial sWport to cooperabves ard private coneaclors, to buld theircapacy to serve farmers and graduay replace governnet sevcs and (d) s%poet acMies tagetted to wom.- - and yvu who play a crtical roie in food cops. To meet the octe, lthe prcje would inplement the folowing componets (1) eVqarsm of the exAsion service natioie aking te basic prioces of the Traing aid VrS (T&V) mrgemt system. inckming provtin of traVg and bgSics to cDe Ireemener needs; (2) strengthenig of the NIabona Research Isitue (IRAG). sD that t can respond 24 SPAAR inforrnaton System fleibly to specific needs and produce the genetc materiai requred for the muliplication by the private sector, and (3) special actons for the development by the private sector and wee cooperatives of serice-oriented actvities in the rural areas. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MARA); Conakry; Guinea Record number (MFN): 01206 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Ii. Implemening agencyr: World Bank; Camneroon Stat date 1994-00-00. Country/countries: Careroon; Statement of objcbves/abslact Follow up effort emphasizing support to frnplernentation of an agreed national agrculoal research program, and instituona reform. Restrctun of national agriclutural research. Contact in research organization: Miistry of Agriculture; Yaounde; Cameroon; Tet (237) 22-37-35; Telex 8503 Minstry of Technical and Scientfic Research; Yaounde; Cameroun Record number (MFN): 012D7 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES REHABIUTATION Implementing agency World Bark; Togo Start date: 199-0O-00. Countylcountries: Togo; Staterent of objectiveslabstract Reorganzation of General Agricultural Support Senrices inchuding inpt supply, seed prducto, appried research and cooperahve develpment Contat in research organizaton mistry of Rural Develoet ave de Sarakawa, Lome; Togo; Tet 21-56-71 Record nuiber (U . 01208 Oficial prqect tie: NUSTRDAL aROPS. 25 SPAAR Information Sys;em Impiementing agency- World Bank, Zaire- Country/countries Zaire; Statement of objectives/abstract Financing to tree-crops estate companies to support teir rehabilitation and assistance in developing smalPholder production of tree-crops. Investment support component will provide assistance in training estate managers and tecfnicians: in dealing with estate management problems; and possibly in redeve,oping research on tree-crops. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agiculture: Kinshasa: Zaire Record number (MFN): 01211 Officia pro,ect ttle: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH PROJECT Implemrenting agency: World Bank; Zaire. Start date: 1992-09-09. End date: 1997-06-30. Country/counties: Zaire; Statement of objctiveabstract The Nabonal Agricultural Research Project constitues the first five-year phase of implementation of the Agricutural Research Master Plan. It would provide a means to integrafe all ongoing research activities, and support Govemrnernts policy of food securiy and increased cash crop producmn. It wDuld focus prinariy on aoaptive and, appbed research, ard aive prioity to smal farmers needs. The specific oabecti,vs c4 the project are to: (a) develop mnul disciplit'y research programs capable of delivering early retums; (b) develop and dsseminate technologies that contrdbute to increased farmer income and respco-d to real farmer cosrsbats; (c) develop sustainable agricultural produchon systens, supported by on-farm research and effective interaction with extension and farmers-, (d) iwcrease research efficiency through quaity eirprovemert, strengthening of Itltut Nana pour rEtude et la Recherche Agronomques (INERA), ratonalzation of the staion network and its oeatons. irovement of the research iifmation systera. and huna resources devebpmet through traning, scholarsips and irnruvement of co adhtns of service; and (e) ensure continued action of resea2h funding, tm*roug the establishment of inteminirsterial ccertato and donor coordsation mechanisms.The projects mnam target would be to get the fowing twelve research programs fully operaonal whi fulilling the above obectives (a) five food crop research -ogrs: cassava, rraze, grm leirnes, rioe and potato; (b) one indsri crop research pram: coltbn (c) two pereia crop research programs: od pabn and cotfee (d) a livestock researc proin, ind cattle and sinal ninmnts and (e) three thenac research pogrars a natural resorces program, inckdr g the sb-rogams of sol managerner, erosion control, agroforesy and itegrated pest m _aiaerit ang systems researh progra and gerMbsn corvation pwgra COtt in researh organia 26 SPAAR Irdormation System Dr. Masimargo Ndainabo: P0G3 nlutU National p1ur l'Etude et la Recerche Agronorniques (INERA); P.O. Box 2037; Kinshasa I; Zasfe, 31294: 32332 Record number (MFN): 01212 Official project tite: INTERNATIONAL RUBBER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD (IRRDB). Implementing agency: Irterational Rubber Research and Development Board. Countrykounties: Global; Nigeria; C6te d'lvoire; Carneroon; Brazilt China; France: India; Indonesia; Malaysia Mexco; Philipri"e,s Sri Lanka; Thailand, 'fie Nam; Statement of objectives/abstract The IRRDB is an association of national insbtutes concerned with research and deveopmert on natural rbber (NR). fts aims are to foster -operat betweer the member instutes in respect of technical activies relevant to the producbon. processng and usage of NR, to provide a forumn tDr concerted action cn ratters of mutual interest, and to arange for tundmg, supervision and c rdnafon of activifies camied out on a cooperative basis. The policies of the IRRDB are determined by a Board comprising representatives of the member is;tihites, and the Board receives advice ar4 suSgeshons from the Commimtee of Directors and Chief Executves of the membef irstitues. MemberstW of the IRRDB3 nces te rubber research insthittes in: Brazil, Carnoon, Cote odvoire, Chma, France, India, Indonesia, Maysia Mexico, igeria, Philippines. Sdi Lanka, Thailand Vietnam. Record number (MFN): 01222 Official project title. AGROECONOMIC STUDY OF CASSA'JA IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRJCA. Implerreting agency. Reckefeler Foundabort St date: 1988-01-01. End date: 1990-12-31. Countrykountries: AfHica C6e dlvoire; Nigeia United Repubic of Tanzana, Zaire: Ug an a; Statewent of obiectres/abstract: To assist .eseacers in six Africn countres t study produ, consumpbon, and markeing systems for cassava and thus build a soid analytical basis for research and developrient to iwpvwe the wobeirg of farmrs and constmers who depend on cassava Contac n reseawdhi oganz Dr- Laue ce D. Sel, Direcd General or Dr Feix - wke; Ariculial Lonomst U TA, Oyo Road; PMB 530 Ibada Iigera Tet 40000; 400313; Telex TDS E3A 20311 (Box 015); Cabbe: TROPFOU(D, IEJA 27 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 01Z3 Offciai project title: SOCIOECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF VACCINES FOR ANIMAL DISEASES IN AFRICA. implementing agency: Rockefeller Foundation. Startdate: 1986-07-0. Enddate: 1989-19-31. Country1countnes: Nigeria: Statement of objectives/abstract: To identty and develop the methodology for predictng the possble ef.ects of such vacanes on Irvestock productiiy under different management conditios. on the socioeconomic status of segments of the population, and on the environment Contct il lesearch organrzation: Dr. AR. Gray. Ditor General: Intera Labortory fo Research on Ansrat Diseases (ILRAD): P.0. Bex 30709: Nairobi: Kenya: Tel: Nairobi 5923'1: Telex: 22040 ILRAD: Cable: ILRAD Nairobi. Kerya Re-ord nunber (MFN): 0t289 Official project title: AGROSILVCULTURE EN ZONE HUMIDE - CONGO [HUMID ZONE AGROSiLVOPASTORAkL SYSTEMS - CONGO]. Implement agency: Interrntional Development Research Centre Start date: 1988-00-00. Country.'countres: Congo; Statement of objeces/abst-act: Poject would: (i) develop silvicultural techniques 'or the production of buding poles from wody nitrogen-fcrg species (ii) test the effect on sod fertity of growing nitr-fixNg species in aey croppig systems: (ii) ienbty species sited for use in live heding for protection of food crops and thne prction of ,orage. Contart in research organization: Rsponsable Progrnmee Especes Fcxat;n crAzote; CIFT; Pointe Noire: Congo Record nurmber (IFN): 01291 Ofical prect tile: GLOBAL 2000 - SASAKAWA AFRICA IN(MATVE AGFICTLIRE PROJECT. hpW r agey: Gk* 2000 Fo ., Stat dae- 1986-000. 28 SPAAR Informaton System Country/countries: Africa; Sudan: Ghana: Statemerit of objectives/abstract To establish action programs in agricultural production focused primarily on the major African food crops: maize, sorghum and millet. Project staff will (i) organize and conduct on-farm trials to identify the adaptaion zones within which improved variebes are cdearly superor to the ones presently in use: ii) determine as quickly as possible farmer constraints and needs. such as fertilizer supply. annal traction, seeds. practcal traiing. credit market availability and prces: iii) develop seed production organizations capable of producing and distributing superior varieties: iv) improve seed and grain storage facilities at the farm-level and v) train national extension workers in technology transfer procedures. The on-farrn and extension approach folowed in two Global 2000 projects one in Ghana and the other in Sudan, offers the potent for researchers extension agents and producc- to work togetther from the start Contact in research. organization: Mr. C.W. Honig Gbbal 2000 - Sasakawa Africa Initiative: Acuaa: Ghana Record number (MFN): 01332 Officiai project title: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH PROJECT. Implementing agency: Word Bank Ghana Start date: 1991-10-10. End date: 1997-03-31 Country/countries: Ghana: Staement of objectives/abstract The project wo4d initbate a bng-term process to strengthen Ghana's agricultural research system, in order to generate inproved technologies, thus contributn to nabonal development obMectives and growth in the agicutural sector. Emphasis would be given to tne development of processes and institutional arrangemnts bo ensure that researih prioribes acoDrd with national develoe piorities, the needs of farmers and the sustale use ofCi Gana's nahrsal resource base. kpotart objechves of the project indude the fo4m;aon of a long4erb Nabtiona Agrcultral Resear;c Plan (NARP). sapht for its impmtato and the inprovment of fthe research management system and research-extension linkages-The project woid indclude five main components: (i) research management development-the estabishment of a Natonal Agrculural Research Committee to set research priorities. and of its Techical Secretarat he developrent of a National Agclb Research Pfan; an the imqpoverri a r gii rtyte at sa iit4e ard p(li)raf human resurce m and foreigr poda erade and technicai tainwig, wi2h an emphasis on twmn g arangemnIs wih forwe insttions to ensure rele%ce to Gharaw condibon (i) rehato of researh facibes loghi reha ti of existig bkidngs, and the sply of vehes and eJqumert to provide irstirhtes with a core capabilty to undetake researchz (iv) irruveent of ibry and rniation systems-t es sheriit of the Ghana Agnicultl Ironm System in research ir ituie, uivesity and Mlrstry of 29 SPAAR Information Systern Agricuture hbraries: and (v) research program support for national research programs identified as part of the National Agricultural Research Plan throuah provsion of adequate research facilities and operational funding. Additional funding would be provided for five field-orinted research programs: pineable (on-field research programs to unprove both yield and quality of fruit), plantain (selection of approprate cutfivars. and the developmnent of technology for propagation. husbandry, pest control and land managerrent for different production areas), soya beans (development. through testing and selection, of varieties adapted to the different agro-ecological zones and husbandry recommendations suited to variots farming systerms), cotton and rice (recurrent funding for on-going programs).The establishmrent of a Research Grants Scheme, for use by the universities and other competent public and private sector agencies: and the development or research/extension linkages through on-iarm adaptive research progrars. The improvements ervisaged wki with the assistance of the Specil Progarn for African Agricuitural Research (SPAAR). enable future support from donors and the enternabonal Agrctural Research Centers (LARCsj to be focused in an effective way. Contact in research. organizaon: Ministry of Agriculture: Accra GhanaCourncl for Scientific and Indusial Research: Ghana Record number (MFN): 01334 Official proeW bte: ADAPTIVE CROP RESEARCH AND EXTENSION. Implementrig agency U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment Start date: 1979-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/counts: Siera Leone: Statement of objectives/abstract: Develop institubonal capacity to conduct adaptive crop research on approprtate agncultural tehnology, devebop extension service to be responsive to swa farners. and tran research extersion perso in-c and abroad. Contact in research orgarnzation: Ministry of Agricuture and Natural Resorces. Freetowrr Siera LeoneN;ala Unrversiy Colege: P!AI3: Ntala Sierra Leone, Tel: 08 Record number (MF9): 01341 Official prject title: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT PlOGRAM (CRSP): PEANUTS. hkiemei agency U.S. Agency for I rtemaonal Developmot WSAJDAkrs of Geo jia Start date: 1982-07-01. 30 SPAAR lnformaton System Country/countries: Global: Senegal; Burkina Faso: Nrger: Nigeria: Mali. Statement of objectives/abstract To enhance and coordinate the resources of U.S. and less-developed country nstitutions in a long-term research program to resolve common constraints on the production and utiization of the peanut ini an environmentally sound system. Tne Peanut CRSP research focses specifically on developing altemafives to low-yield cultivbrs that lack sress tolerance. ameliorating yield lsses due to pests. reducing mycotoxin hazards, overcoming irndequate food supplies. and improing resource management schemes that prevent efficent production ar.d utilization. Contact in research organization: Dr. David Cumminrs; Peanut CRSP Managemrent Office, Georgia Station: Griffin: GA 30212-1797: USA. Tel: (404) 228-7312: Fax: (404) 228-7270: BINET: CRSP-GRF: CGNET.: 157:AGS634 Record nunber (MFN): 01345 Official project title: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPOFRT PRCGRAM (CRSP): BEANS AND COWPEAS Implementg agency: U.S. Agency International Development (USAJD>Nbchigan State Universty. Start date: 1980-10-01. Country/countries: Global: Malawi: United Repubic of Tanzarma Cameroon: Nigeria: Seneoal Statement of objectives/abstract To overcome constraints to the producbon. daisibubon. storane, utilzation. and marketing of bean and cowpeas. nportant souces of (Sam protein. Research wil addresses kFlitations caused by insects and diseases, and plant response to stress such as environmental extremes. e.g., heat and dought Specifica . t will seek to increase and/or improve: (1) generalized disease and pest resistance and/or biological control in field and in storage: (2) yield and yield stability; (3) plat adaptabon and resistance to envinrnental stress: (4) nitrogen frxaton; (5) seed softness; (6) understanding of traditional faming systems; (7) legue proteir digestbillty; (8) processirg and presevug metds; (9) data on the comparaive economic vakues of new teology versus traditional pracces; and (10) indigenous professional capacities (srnall-scale farmers. especialy women). Contact in research organization: Dr. Pat Fames McConnet 200 Intewaton Center; Michigan State Unersit East Lans1g, Adigan; 48824; USA, Te!: (517) 355;4693 Teex: 263 359 CPSP UPc Fax: (517) 336-1073 Record nuuber (MFN): 01346 31 SPA AR Irnformation System Official project ttle: COLLABORAT. RESEZ._-h SUPPORT PROGRAM (CRSP): SOILS MANAGEMENT (TROPSOILS). Implementing agency: U.S. Agenc, for Intemational Development (USAID):North Carolina State Unfvemity Start date: 1981-09-26. Country/countnes: Global: Niger: Mali: Cameroon: Statemernt of objectives/abstract To develop and adapt improved soil-management technologies that are agronomcally. ecolgiclly. and economically sound for tropical developwng countties Identify and develop economicaly viable sod i managemnent systems for sustained agnculture especially in hunid topics. semi-arid tropics. and tropical arid savanna Research actr.ities wil icde investigaton of acid sols, plant nutnent supply and management a non-strctural approach to erosion control, use of indigenous matenals in sod management piysical conddions and sod moisture management Contact in researdc oganrzaabon: Dr. Roger. Harson: P.O. Box 7113: Raleighl NC 27695-7113: Tel: (919)737-3922: Fax: (919) 737-7422 Recod ntzber (MFN): 01377 Official project titlec INVESTIGATIONS IN DIFFERENT FORMS OF SOIL EROSION UNDER DIFFERENT CPOPPING SYSTEMS IN NGERIA. Implerenting agency: Gesellschaft fuer Techntsche Zusmneranteit (GTZ). Start date: 1985-04-01. End date: 1991-0830. Counatrvcountries: Africa: Nigena Cameroon: Statement of objectives/abstract Project wit (1) conduct in-field research in Nigera and Cameroon at sites varying in soi type: (2) carry out on-farm measurements; ard (3) recommend cropping pattems to reduoe leaching by eroson. Contact in research orgaization: Prof. Dr. U. Schwertrann; Institut fuer Bodenkunde; Lehsuhl fuer Bodenkunde: Technische Universiaet Muenchen; Hohenbachernr.; D-8050 Freisang- Weiherstephan; Federal Republic of GemanMr Marc Bat IITA; Oyo Road: P,O. Box 5320; tadan: Nigeria: Tet 400300: 400313: Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TROPFOKD. IKEJADieter Milt lITA Yaoide: Cameroon Record rinber (MN) 01405 Officil project titl- MJTRTIVE VALUE AND AN.MAL HEALTH :32 SPAAR Information System Jmplementing agency: Universitaet Hohenheim. Start date: 1987-00-00. Countrylcounties: Benin; Statement of objectiveslabstract: Laboratory tnals. Contact r -esearch organization: Inst,tul fuer Tiermedizin: Universitaet Hohenhein: Fruwirthstr. 35: 0-7000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic of Germany Record nunber (MFN): 01412 Officil project tide: AGRICULTURAL PRICE POLMCS OF THE BENIN AND THE EFFECT ON PRODUCTION, DISSEMINAIlON OF INCOME, BUDGET AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS. Inplemnenting agency: Universitaet HohenhewrL Start date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countnes: Benin: Contact in research organzation: Tropenzerturrm der Universitaet Hohenheim: Postfach 70 05 62: D-7000 Stuttgart 7GC Federal Republic of Germany Record nunber (MFN): 01425 Official project title NYANKPALA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. TAMALE. ImpLerren1ing agency: GeselLdiralt fuer Technische Zuswamrabeit (GTZ). Stait date: 1977-02-15. End date: 1991-12-31. Courztrycoutries Ghana; Statement of objectives/abstract: knprovemrent of the produrtiDn technoogies (seeds, cropping systems) which are ecok,gicaly and soio-ecooonaly soend. Colection do irmon provdg a basis for plainng and exlefson instio Phase 1: 1977-1979, ivestments. ir*tuctxe- Phase 2: 1980-1982, e ment and vehicbls es kon of the sociD-on enwovnent piot experiments on agronomic issues. Phase 3: 1983-1989, r phase, coxAcon of al relevat research and developent acbvies incn on-farm epe *ri t An edcabon ard taming p ain s associted. Cotac inresearch organizatio' Nyakpata Agecti Expeint SWtio; P O. Box 483; Tamale; Ghan 33 SPAAR Infoxmation System ecord rumnber (MFN): 01426 Official project ttle: SUPPORT OF ZOOTECHNICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE (IRC). Implementing agency Geseilscohaft fuer Technische Zusamrnenarbeit (GTZ). Start date: 1977-02-15. End date: 1990-02-28. Country/countnes: Cameroon: Statement of ob,ectivestabstract: To investgate producti systems in order to identify the research needs in animal production in Cameroon. C,ontact in research organization: Ministere de rEnseigKenier Supeneur et de la Recherche Scer:tifique: Yaourid* Camerouxlnstitut de Recherhe Zootechnique: Cameroun Record nuxnber (MFN): 01443 Ofcal project itle: INVESTIGATIONS IN PRODUCTION AND REPRODUCTION RECORDS AND THEIR INTERRELATKIONHIP WITH ENVIRGNMENTAL FACTORS IN DIALLONKE SHEEP IN GHANA Implementing agency: Detsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Start date: t987-01, End date: 1990-031. Country/countres: Ghana: Statenent of objectves/abstract The purpose of the project is to intensify sheep production under lirriting environrnental condbms contraints. The project wil take account of the interrlationships between socio-economic, biologcal and climatobgical tactors. The research results are expected tc contrbte to tie improvement of sheep produton and farmn incoe. Mehodoloc approach Fed research at village level. Contact in research organization: Instrkt fuerT edtidon TU Berin; Lentzalee 75; D-1000 Berlin 33: Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: (0)3314 71 10ODepaqment of Animal Science: Facully of Agxicuture; University of Sciece aid Tedinoogy Private Mai Bag; Kumasir Ghana Record number (MFN): 01464 Offici poect tde: OFML M GEWNT OF AQUACULLJRE OF POND SYSTEMS HN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. 34 SPAAR Information System Implementing agerncy: LJniversitaef KieL Start date: 1986-1 1-i 1. End date: ,90-00-00. Countrcomuntries: Glbbal; Philippines: israe. Malawi-; Ghana: C6te crIvoire: Statement of objectivestabstract: Appropriate aquaculture technologies can contribute to the animal protein supply n developing countries. The purpose of the project therefore is to inrease the understandino of processes in organically maanured fishpond ecosystems and to identify major variables govermng fish and quantify their effects. The result wil be a robust flexible prodction model for location-specific design of aquacullure systems in developing countries. Contact in research organization: lnstrtt ther Meereskunde: AbL Fischerebiologie; Universitaet Kiel: Duestembrooker Weg 20 D-2300 Kiel 1; Federal Repubbc of Geffany Tel: (0)431/597 3910 Record number (MFN): 01472 Official project tite: TECHNOLOGY OF MICROCATCHMENT WATER HARVESTING FOR IRRIGATION iN SEMI-ARID ZONES. lmplnenting agency: Universtaet Goetfingen. Start date: 1987-08-01. End date: 1990-00-. Countloun-es Caneroon. Staterent of objectives/abstract Under West Arrican conditions rainfed agncuture in regions with 300-600 mm annual precrpaton is suLbect to a high crop risk. In areas witfi less than 300 mm ranfed agrcultur e ts not feasible in general. The project tests water concentrabon techniques- The project wiN result in mrocatchment desigrs suidable kr the vanous local conditions in Nothem CaTeroon to sustaii and secure agxulual raaed prokcmn. Contat in research organiaton: InstitUt fler Pfi3nzenbau und Tierhygiene in den Trop6n und Subtropen; Universitaet Goettingen; Grisebacstr 6: D-3400 Goettingen: Federa Repubtc of Gemanw Tei:(0)551/39 37 Record number (MFN): 01500 Official pwoect tle: DEVELOPMENT AND C RRENT SITUATION OF LAND TEMIiE IN ENGUSI--SPEA WNG WEST AFRX '- THE CASE OF SIERRA LEOK) I mbri ageny Ulersitaet Born. SPAAR Infomnation Systern Start date: 1984-01 -00. End date: 1987-12-00. Country/countnes- Siera Leone: Statement of objectves/abstract: The project analyses customary law and its constraints with regard overall rural development and works out recommendatiorns for changes ;n customary law. Contact rP research organization: institut fuer Agrarpolitik. Marktforschung und Wirtschaftssoziologie: Universtaet Bonn: Nussallee 21: [-5300 Bonn 1; Federal Republic of Germany. Tel: (0)228173 2333Dr. Agr. Ctaudia Nippold Record number (MFN): 01510 Official pioject tite: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND TRANSFORMATION OF LAND TENURE SYSTEMS IN SUBSAHARAN AFRICA. inplementing agency: Unierstaet Goettingen. Start date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1990-00-_ Country/couraies: Africa; Togo; Cameroon: Statement of objectiveslabstact The project assesses relato of productivity. increasing rinovabons and land tenure in order to tind land tenure arrangements sutable for sustainable agr production increase under ecologically suitable oondibons. Contact in reseach organization: Instilut fuer Rurale Entwicklung; Universitaet Goettlge, Buesgenweg 2; D-3400 Goettingen; Federal Republic of Germany Tel: (0)5511393902 Record nurnber (MFN): 01526 Official proet tie: SURVEY. BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF GRASSHOPPERS. Implementng agency: Ititue for Agncultural Research. Start date: 1987-0000. Coutrtiy/cotities: Niged; Stement of objeives/abtract TheprojectwIW (a) investigae the oiubeaks of economicaly ipotant species and delermrne te most effective chefias for conto them; (b) to study the ife-cyte of Ptihateus cintu fas; (c! to study the fe-cycle of te cdy seasor. race of Zonocerus vaweus L 36 SPAAR Wnformation System Record number (MFN): 01527 Official projWt ttle: COORDINATION OF LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPER CONTROL Implementing agency: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Startdate: 1986-10-00. Enddate: 1987-01-00. Country/countries Cameroon-; Record nufrber (MFN): 01546 Official projed title: AN INTEGRATED RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGICAL PESTICIDES FOR LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPER CONTROL. Implementing agency- U.S. Agency for Intemational Developmnent Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1992-00. Cou'trycountnes: Global Niger Mai; Chat Algeria: Sudan; Pakistan: Benin. Statement of objectsiabst-act A survey wiHl be conducted in the permanent breeding grounds of the desen Locust for pathogens suitable for development as biological pesbckes Emphass wig be placed on furg (Metharhizium. Beauveia and other genera) wtlich can be produced readil in snmple growth meeia- A search wiH also be nade ior palhogenic strains of sporefonning bactena The collection wil be processed at CIBC Ul( and suitable canddate pathogens will be stored by Iyophilisatior. The most pmng will be screened IN VITRO and also using live msects. Fomuaions wiH be deveoped and tested under controlled conciton in cotaboiation with IPARC. Separate formuations wil be developed ior bow volume (water-based) and ulta-ow volurne (oil-based) apprication. Field tests on tese fomvulations vill be camed out in coliaboration with liTA. IITA will also assist in studies on mass production of the ma1erna. Invesbgabons wi also be made on tne eologiA mipact of field applicatiaos, in compaisn withthhe cuietly approved dwc ical risecticides. The projects proposal is currently under consideration by furding agencies. Contact in research organization: Dr. C. Prior; CIC8: Sihlood Park; Bucks Road; Ascot, Berks SL5 rA; United KigdomDr. H.R. Herren: Entomolok eam Leader Akia-wide Biolgical Cortrol Program; IITA; Oyo Road- PMB 5320; Madan, Nigeria Tel: 400300: 400313; Telex: TDS IBA NG 203t I (Box 015) Cabie: TROPFOL4D, IKEJADr. G. Matthews: IPARC Record number (MFN): 01673 Official proect tid: NATMIAL AGRICULTURAL R£SEARCH PROJECT. eWWnti agency World Ba* gei 37 Sr~AAR Irformabon System Start date- 1992-06-03. End date: 1998-00-00. Country/courn: Nigena; Statemrrent of objctives/abs:trt The project would have two major thrusts: (1) Research Systems Development Thrust which would irclude: (a) operating the National Advisory Cormmttee for Agriculhtral Research (NACAR) as an independet advisory body to the Federal Ministry of Science and Technologf (FMST); (b) st;regthening of the Agr cultural Scrences Department of FMST. to provide a Secretariat supportnig NACAR and to improve reseaxch information. coordination. planning and management systems; (C) preparation of a National Researdc Strategy Ptan (NRSP); (d) establishment of a Research Grant Scheme to fund priority research and support regional and intematioral collaborative research wit instues under the Consultative Group for International Agicultural Research (CGIAR) system and programs initiated by Special Program for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR); (e) establishnent of a systematic human resource development program, and (f) provision of techdia asstace to upgrade research and financial management systers and to develop the NRSP: and (2) Strengthening the National Agicultural Irsties Thrust which od indcude: (a) rehabilitatbon of infrastructte and repafr or purchase of equipment and machinery consirdered essential for inplennting agreed prionly prams (b) uxrd for priornty research programs (food and fiber crops, tree crops, livestock, fsheries forestry and envmoircent. stored products, and agro-processing): and (c) research-extension linkage prograrn. Contact in research organization: Director Agricultural Sciences Departmet Federal Ministry of Scence and Technology 9. Kofo Abayomi Street 0idoria Island: Lagos: Nigeria: Tel: 61 14 67 Record number (MFN): 01678 Offcial project title: NATIONAL SEEDS PROJECT. Imnelementing agrncy World Bank: Guinea. Sta date: 1988-06-29. End date: 199406-30. Countrycounloes: Gutnea. Statemert of objecives/abstract The objecbves of the project are to: (a) provide financirg. assistance, and organization necessary to estabish a refiable natboal seed production system which could be privWazed and (b) increase prduvt thruh the production of imr seed The pro,ect would support the ienficaton of sute rice. maze and grounduuts variebes and the estabishmest of a productio syteem for good quaKy unproved seed The three aops have been chosen because of the dersated demad for seedc te ready avaW;abity of adapted vaieties, and the projected impact on crop yields. The projc would be nabonal fn scpe and irode fve cwponerts: (1) base seed r e search siations w i des ssailabe oa and inpoted variees and produce base seed (reseach would airn at ersurin cortajos process of v lset ecbon to provide new matenals with better chdraensics 38 SPAAR Intormation System than tose pertaining to seed currently used): (2) inproved seed production-base seed wil be multiplied by contract outgrowers. Six Seed Conditioning Centers (SCCs) would be establshed in different ecological zones of the country (Gueckedou. Bordo. Tmdo. Bareng. Koba. and Kilissi) to condibon and store irproved seed, and to ensure coordnation of outgrower production a: the regional level; (3) quaity control-seed quality will be controlled at the SCC level and in a central quality control laboratory 3t Foulayah, as well as at farmer level through te montoring of field results an*i acceptabliyT. (4) -amng--kbcal staff of all services involved in the project would be taied abroad and in situ; and (5) project administration-a management unt and a consuttative body will be responsible for administering the project and for coodinabng seed production at the nabonal level. Contact in research organiabon: tiy of Ruwal Devel rt Guinea Record nurnber (MFN): 01684 Official project title: A FEASIBILITY STtUDY ON ESTABLISHING AN AFRICAN CENTRE FOR FERTILIZER DEVELOPMENT mlementin agenoy: GTZ (Deutsche Geselschaft tuer Technishe Zusammenarbeft). Counriy/countries: Africa: Zimbabwe; Togo; Egypt Unted Republic of Tanzania. Zarnbio Statement of objectives(abstract Taki acount of all resent develobpents. the study should corsider the proper role of the proposed centre in rebaion to ongoing research and develpment in Afnca Special attention will be given to: (a) IFDCs 'Nest Africa brand in Togo: (b) the proposed Egyptian Fertlizer Devebpment Centre; (c) Zambia's facilities to evaate ores, in pafrtilar phosphatic ores: (d) possible training facifites in Tanzania: (e) oher national or intemational ertites that could service national progranmmes: () how these regional and national facilities could be coordinated to the advantage of Africa as a whole. The study should advise on the reationships between the proposed ACFD and other Afcn centres cocned with agnrciure or agroforestry. ft should also identify eronomic constraints encountered n the use of fertdizers, inluding transportati and marketng costs, the use of indigenous raw materials: and the potentib role to be played by the ACFD. A review should also be made of the role played by the private sector in fertizer research. dmonstat and training. Possible relationships betwen these actives and traiing needs should be idenufied, and a strategy for the development of human resouces specalzed in fertizer use and sod fertify ssues devebped. Record i:nuber (MFN): 01721 Of ficel pujec2 title: MTHOOOGY FOR AG LTURAL MIUETG SYSTEMS POUCY AND PRACTISE AND ITS APPLICATION TO CtENT REFOEW& 39 SPMR Information System implementing agency: Overseas Devebpment Adminwrabtion (NRRD)) Start date: 1987-10-01. End date: 1991-03-31. Country/countries United Kingdom: Africa: Malawi: United Republic of Tanzania Cameroon: Statement of objectives/abstract The objectives of the project are: To carry out research on methodology for policy assessment and advice. operational p,ograrnmes, and monitoring and evaluation in agcultural rnarketing To improve the performance of less developed countnes' agrLaultural marke?ting systems in ameetng producer and consumer needs- Contact in research organization: M.r. M.J Hebblethwaite: Naturai Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chatham Martine: Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Xingdom: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 88006677; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. J.G. Kyi:t Departnent of Agricuftural Econoxics: Wye College: University of London: Ashford Kent TN25 5AHf United Kingdom Record number (MFN): 01767 Official project title: PHASE 1: RESISTANCE OF COWPEA TO STRIGA GESNERIGIDES AND ALECTRA YOGELII PHASE II: RESISTANsCE OF LEGUMES AND CERfALS TO STRIGA SPECIES. Lmplernr- agency Overseas Development Administation (NRRO). Start date: 1986-04-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Countrylcountties: United Kingdom: Africa; Mali Nigeria; Burkina Faso; Statement of objectivesabstract The wider objectives are of this project are:To nprove the economy and nutition of rural faaring communibes n Afnca through the eradion of bsses due to Striga in raize, millet, sorghurn, ce and cowpea-To provide the Plnt Breeding units of tropical agriculual .esearch nstitutes (CIMMYT. IITA and ICRISAT) and Ahica national istittes wit data on Stnrga reststarce.Te mprove te use of Striga resistant crops at farm level ttrou xwedge cf we geographi distribu of virulce types of Stinga.The immediate obje ares Cowpea - Stiga gesnenoides.To map the variaion in patogenicity of strains of S. gesneriodes from Burkikna Faso. MaL Benin, Niger and Ngeria in order to est the applicabilty of existing bms of resistance for different regions of W. AfricaTo distrute new Striga resistant cowpeas discovered by LARS to W Arica for etion-CereaIs - S. hermorita, S. asia Determire the M ologcal and cylogical basis of partal resisnce of sorghn twes currently used in Arica aMd lina to Striga spp.Chaacaerse the nature and expresson of the specirAy shown Stiga spp to range of cereal host and nor-host plants)etermiine wt aer ceuar resistance to Striga spp exists n cereas Evaluate the geographic utity of curert so.mces of resistance in sorghzn and new sources of resistance in oher cereals. Contact in reserch organizabon: 40 SPMR Information System Dr. D.E Padgham; k3atura Resources 'rstitue; Central Avenue: Chatharn Maritime: Chattam; Kent ME4 4TB: United Kingoonm Tel 0634 880068: Fax 0634 88006677: Telex 26390718 LDN GDrJ .IA Linm. Dr. J.A Baiey, Mr. J. Terry and M. C. Parker AFRC Institute of Arable Crops Research; Long Astiton Research Station: Long Ashton, Bristot BS: 3 9AF; United Kingdon Record nunrber (MFN). 01787 Official prcoect title. CASSAVA AND HOUSEHOiD FOOD SECU9ITY IN RURAL AREA OF MAKEN1SEGBWMA iN SIERRA LEONE. Implementing agercy: 0-)wseas D)evel"pcnent AdmnistratiWn (NPRD Startdate: 199D-10-01 Endcdate: 1994-(-31. Country/counies: Unie KinKdom Africa: Siera Lecne: Statemert cf objectve/bstract: Tne woder obectives of this project are:To wnprove the focus and direction of research and deve!cpment programmes on root and tuber crcps-To reduce qualitative and quantitabve post-ha,vest bsses of ftesh and processed roots and tubers.To improve the w4fare o farmers and the roral r or inclxding root crop processors and consuers .To enrance the health status of rural poor througe increased quanbty and quality of root focsTo expand market outlets for fresh roots.The immeciate objectives are:Review of the status of cassava production, processing an-d marketing and GoSL polcies towards root crops and nce.To charact!se the urban narkets for cassava foods and to develop a sampling plan for sun ey.To evaluate fe nutritional and qualty attributes of marketed cassava foods.To detemrine the -irtibons necessa:y to mantan the food qualibes of cassava fPods dunng disrb and marketing. Contact in research organiation: Dr. N.H. Pouter: Natural Rescurces Irntitute; Central Aver. e; Chaiham antrine: Caham: Kent IME4 4TB. United Kingdom; Tei 0634 88Xs8; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8Dr. M_ Dahya; instiute of Agricultural ResearPA Ministy of Agricultze, Nalad Resources and Foresty; PMB 540 Freetown Sierra Leone; West AfrcaDr. A. Taybr Depati of Food Scien Universty of Nottinbiar: Sutton Boorwfx,on: Louglboug; Leicestershi- LE12 5RD: Unlted Kingdom Recrd number (MFN): 01791 Officia projet tibe ADION OF 'kGROFOPESTRY SYSTEMS IN DEVELOPtNG COUNTRIES. IrWen ageny Overseas teva1opinerit Ad trri (NRRD) Slrtdale: 199012-01. Enddate: 1993-11-30. Cour-dq res: nited Kxn; Afnca; f6gena Caneroon; Beran; Staterneun of objedives/abstrakt 41 SPAAR Infornmation System The project aims to establish frorn field data what ecological. social and economic condtions encourage or hinder the adoption of alLey cropping as a sustainable agroforestry technique in West Africa This assessment will be based on a thorough review of farner experence to date. and an analysis of future intentions to pronote the technology on the part of the varous relevant institutions. The data from this review will be used to construct two databases for (1 ) alley cropoing projects. and (2) farmers involved in ahley cropping projects in Nigeria Benin and Cameroon. The project is aiming to describe. and if possible to explain. the circurnstances in which alley farming is adopted by small farmers, and the circumstances in which it is rejected. The recommendabon domain(s) will be defined accorc ng to bie-physical and sow-economic parameters. based on (1) the above mentioned review: (2) a detailed study of a project in a high adoption potentiar area: and (3) cumulative experience from on-station trialsK Contact in research organization: Wr D Jackson. Naural Resotrces Institute: Central Avenue: Chatharn Maritime: Chat;ani Kent ME4 4TB; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 88006677. Telex 263907tWr T. Bayiis-Smish: Department of Geography: University of CambrKdge. Dowiwg Place: Caribrdge 082 3EN- United Kingdom Record number (MFN): 01813 Officia project title: THE EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE SORGHUM FOUAR PATHOGENS IN THE SElARID 7ROPICS. Implementing agenc: Overseas Development Adrinistration (NRRD) Start date: 1992041 - End date: 1995-03-31. Countrycounties: Unied Kingdom: Africa: Zimbabwe,; Nigeria Mak Statement of obectivestabstract The wider objective of fthS project is to irnprove control of fohar pa:hogens of sorghurnThe -rnediate objectives are:To test the eflects of intercropping on nidence ot fumgal pathogens of sorghunmTo test effects of crop morphology on incidnce of E.tircicumn and C irucoba-To identify mechanirs of resistance to fohar pathogens of sorghum. Contact in research organizalion: Dr. RW. Gibson; Natur Resowres Institute; Central Avenue; Chatn Maritime; Chalam; Kent ME4 4TB UrLted Kingdorn Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr Agela M Julian; Deparirerg of Agncuture: lUnvwsity of ReadiP Eaiey Gate; PO Box 236: Reading Berkshie, RG6 2AT: Ued Kngdom Record aurnber (R): 01814 Offici pect tiW MCROBIAL CONTROL OF ROOT-KNOT NEMATODES- 42 SPAAR Informnation System Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: United Kigdom: Africa- Malawi: Zimbabwe: C6te dlvoire: Global: Costa Rica; Statement of objectiveslabstract The wider objectives of the project are to reduce damage to vegetabie croos in developing countries caused by root-knot nemnatodes below economic thresholds by environmentally-acceptable. approprate technobgies based on combination of biological control agents (BCAs) with improved oultural practies The immediate objctives of the project are: To assess potential of Vertcllium cha1tamydosporium (Vc) and Pasteuna Penetrans (Pp) applied together as BCAs for root-knot nemratodes in laboratory arid field To determine correct timing for BCAs in typial crop rotations and assess effects of host crop and organic soil amendrrents on these. To devise management systerns for root-knot nematodes in vegetable crops suited to subsistence farmers Contact in research organization: Dr. S-R. Gowern Natual Resources Institute; Cental Avenue; Chatiham Maritime: Chalarn Kent; ME4 4TB; Unied Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0643 88006677: Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. B.R Kerry AFRC Institute of Arable Crops Research: Rothamnsted Experimental Statiba Harpenden; Herts; AL5 2JO; United Kingdom; Tele 0682 763133-. Fax 0582 760981; Telex 825726 REXPST G 1 Department of Agiculftre; University of Reading; 2 Earley Gate; Reading Unted Kingdom Record runber (MFN): 01820 Officiel project title: FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR DRAUGHT ANIMALS. Implementing agency: Overseas De'elopment Adkninistration (NPRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995!03-31. Cowitrytounties United Klwgdon; Africa; Niger Morocco; Nigera Gbbal; tndonesa; Statement of objectwes/abstract The wider objectve of this project is to provide i'formation requested by scientists and exwteion officers in developing cowtres to ratse the standards of nageent and heaih and icrease the effective use of draugt# anials n nr areas were the avadabity of power is an effece constraint to aup production.The inmediate objectves are:To provide practcal rrrTheS feeding management and use of donkeys n sem-arid areas.The management of draugh nimals n difficuiL low i cirmnstances.( wre feed is of poor qual arndor n short supply, animals are sTNAI or en*wnerdal temperatures restrit the worng day )The maKarget of dIa4gt animals tD meet the requeirnenws for wock in faourbie, hih input cwcumsances (were supplemerday feed anVra heati care are afab.) Corat in research organiza Dr IL Gt Natural Res a es kIstkute Cenbal Avenuer Chathamn Marilm- Chatian Kert ME4 4TB; Unred Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77: 43 SPAAR Information System Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. R. Anne Pearson: Centre for Tropical Vetefinary Medicine (CTVM); University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush; Roshn; Midlothian: EH25 9RG: Scotland; Tel 031 445 2001: Fax 031 445 5099Dr P R Lawrence: ILCA: ICRISAT Salelian Centre, BP 12404: Niamey; Niger Record number (MFN) 01821 Official project ttle: CHARACTERISATION OF DIVERSITY FOR DISEASE RESISTANCE OF P-IASEOLUS BEAN MIXTURE IN EAST AFRICA Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Countycowntries: United Kingdom: Africa: United Republic of Tanzania: Uganda: Kenya: Zaie; Statement of objectivesiabstract The wider objectives of the projec are: To increase bean producton of resource-poor famers in traditional Phaseols bean mixture famiig systems in East Africa throuah the devlopment of improved straregies for management of diseases while maintang varietal diversity. The immediate objectives are: to generate basic knowledge of iu*erent levels of disease reaction to iJrant pathogens at the component and sub-rcone level in Phaseoius bean mixture in traditonal production systems in East Africa: To develop improved methodology for characterisation of pathogens under gashouse conditions where thts is lacking. Contact in research orgarization: Dr. J. Lerme; Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chaltw Martime: Chalham; Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdon: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066T77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. j. Taylor Horicultual Research International: Wellesbourne: Warwick: CV35 9EF: United Kingdom: Tele (0789) 470382; Fax (0789) 470552 Record nmber (WN): 01828 Official project tite: AFRICA-WIDE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL PROGRAMME FOR CASSAVA PESTS. kfprmernig agency international Fund for Agdcutural Development. Slartdate 1980-00400. Enddate: 1991-00400. Couretyn/cntries Global Central Afican Repqibi Congo; Ghana . 6geia: Zaire; Zambia: Staernent of objectivestabstract To search for and study naual eneimies od the cassava mealyug (CM) and geen spider nrdes (CGM) in Lain A]mi mass produce them in isectaries stuated m Africa ad provide toing in bigical corirol tec dlqe for technial nd research 44 SPAAR Information Systern Contact in research organizatwm: International Insfitute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); Oyo Roact PMB 5320; Ibadan; Nigeria; Tel: 400300: 400313; Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TROPFOUND, IKEJAlnternark&al Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE): P.O. Box 30772; Nairobi. Kenya Record numnber (MFN): 01849 Official project title: AGRICIiTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION il. Implementing agency US. Agency for International Development Start date: 1984-00-0. End date: 1992-00-001 Courtry/counties: Libena Statement of objctves/abstract Strengthen insbtional capabiity to conduc research and Jevelop appropriate production technoogy for farm& Train technical staff in 12 discokipnes. Contact in reseafch organization: Agricultural Research Institue - Extension Service Record number (MFN): 01850 Ofkica project title: SMALLHOLDER PRODUCTION. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Development Start date: 1983-0 . End date: 1990-00-00. Coury/countries: Guinea: Statement of objectives/abstrt Undertake farmimn systems resear,i at Tmndo Certer and on snal farnms. Prepare agnculbsa strategy. Tran agricture students in-coxy and overseas, marrtam traming faiies. Stengthe the research capaciy of the Natona Agicultural Research Institute at Foubya (INRAf). The agroforesiry research invv effects of windbreaKs, burndxn, aley roppffx, activiies wD extend beyond PACD through local currency funding. Contact in researh organizabon: Fararah Agricuure ColegeMnistry of Educafionrk. B. Soare; Dieceu; kistihtt des Sciences Agro-Zootechr4aes; Secreaiat cEtat a rEr*e.V ene Superiew, Foulaya; B-P. 161; Kiai; Guinea; Tel: 61.01.49krstiu Agozoote u Valery Giscard dEsai-g Ffrah,; Gna; Tet 81 02.29 Record nber (tN): 01857 45 SPAAR Inforrnation System Official project bt1e: STRENGTHENING AFRICAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: 13 WEST AFRICA RICE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (WARDA) - MAANGROVE AND ASSOCIATED SWAMP RICE RESEARCH. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for lntemational Development. Start date: 1987-09-28. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/counties: Africa Sierra Leone: Statement of objectives/abstract: Qtengten capacity of WARDA to duct rice research and disseminate research results and production packages. Train technical staff :n rce research. extension and production. Assist the rnangrove and associated swamp rice research work being carried out at the Rokupr Research Station in Sterra Leone during WARDA's trasition to a fuDl membership in CGIAR. Rokupr's mangrove rice research progran has demonstrated successes in vanetal inprovement as wel as devebpig appropriate packages of cultural pracices. WARDA has linkages wdth the nabonal rice research Drograms in Sierra Leone anrd other West Afican counbies where mangre r ce ecoogies exist Contact in research organization: Mr. ELKgene Teny; Directeur General; Associaaon pour le Developpenment de la Riziculture en Afrique de rOuestiWest Africa Rice Devepmerrt Assoaaton (ADRAO/WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01: Cote d'lvoire; Tel: 63 45 14: 63 32 41; 63 23 96; Telex: 69138 ADRAFO Cl Record ntunber (MFN): 01872 OfficiaJ project ttle: STRENGTHENING AFRICAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. 01 CIAT BEAN RESEARCH IN EAST AFRICA (CDA). Irnplent agency: U.S. Agcy for International Development. Start date: 1984-07-27. End date: 1991 -O0-00. Coure*countries Afnca, Zaire: Statement of objectives/absta Develop components of new bean production technoogy for tradiional and improved cropping systems in coPlboration wift natonal prograrms Strergen nabonal research capacibihty thugh tainig and provicde workshops for networking bean reseacers in East Africa. Contact in resear orh iizati Mr Pene4NxAu President Delgue GeneraL stirbut Nabonal pour rEide et la PRdemche Aqnomkue (fNERA); lhistere cti Developpement Ruat RP. 2037; K.ishasa l; Zaie Tel: 32332 46 SPAAR Infomiation Systern Record number (MFN1: 01877 Offidal projec tte: NATIONAL CEREALS RESEARCH AND EXTENSION II. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Devebprment. Start date: 19854-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries Cameroon; Statement of objectves/abstract Develop instituonal capabilities to conduct applied research for smal farmers and extend research results to farners. Train research and extensiun ^'ff (U.S.. in-country, and IARCs). Conduct research on maize. rice. sorghurn.. and millet and transm,i results to farmers. Includes agroforestry research. Contact in research organizabon: Wr. Ayuk- Takem; D'ecteur Agriutural Research Instite (IRA); B.P. 2123: Yaounde; Cameroun; Tel: 23-35-38; Telex: 1140 KN 8512 KNNational Office of Science and Techrology Record number (MFN): 01878 Officil project title: ROOT AND TUBER CROPS RESEARCH. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for Intemnabonal Devebpment Startdate: 1986-00- Enddate: 1991-00-00. Country/counties: Cameroon; Statement of objectiveslabstact- Develop new vaneties yam, cassava. and cocoyarn and new metods of posthvest hand"in. Train 6 partipants for advanced degrees in USA and 6 short tern programs. Contact in research orgabion: Mr Ayuk-Takem; Directo Agricultural Research Inttute (IRA); B.P. 2123: YaourKde: Camerou; Tel: 23-35-38; Telexc 1140 KM. 8512 KN Record number (MFN): 01886 Official proect tite RICE PRODUCTiON U. kiplemntlog agency U.S. Agency for Iternational Develpment StW date: 1980-00-00. End de. 1990-00-00. Counes:GuineaBissw Sla t of obevesa/bsact Recia 400 ha of and for wnigaed pducton o rie in the Geba Rier Basin. 47 SPAAR Information System Upgrade taining progarn for extension agents including women Increase food producion and farm income of 1 200 farm families. Contact in research organization: Ministere du Developpement Rural; B.P. 71: Bissau: Guinee Biaasau; Tel: 212617 Departmnt of Agricultural Research and Experiment Record numnber (MFN): 01887 Official proect tide: RSH CULTURE EXPANSION. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Developmnent Start date: 1978-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00G Countrycountres: Zaire; Statement of objectivesiabstract Provide fish production tecinobqy. Conact in research organization: Mr. Pene-Mbutu; President Delegue General; Institut Natinal pour I'Etude et a Recherche Agronomique (INERA): Miistere du Developpernent Rural; B.P. 2037; Kinsa l: Zaire: T et 32332 Record nunber (MFN): 01888 Offical project tide: APPUED RESEARCH AND EXTENSION. Impnementng agency: U.S. Agency for International Development Stlmt date: 1983-00-. End dale: 1990-00-00. Courtry/courties: Zaire: Statement of objctiveabstract DevWep podction technology on field testing on farms. Strengthen capacity to extend techrwal production packages to farmers. Train technical personnel in agncultural research and extenson disciplines. Contact n research orgiazation: Wk. Pene-btu. President Delege General: Iristitut Nabonal pour rEtude et ia Recherdh Agroroniu (INERA); l*isere du Developperent Rural; B.P. 2037; Kifsasa I; Zaire; Tet- 32332 Record ruber (WN) 01894 1 pect tle CAR RURAL DEVELOPMENT. 48 SPAAR Information System lTplermenfing agency: U.S. Agency for International Developmert. Stat date: 1982-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Coont ycountnes: Central African Republic; Statement of objetiveslabstract Expand inland iisheries program of intensive production in 6 regions and establish honey and beeswax program to increase market in 3 regions. Extend nce cultivation at the Bozoun Rice Center. Contact in research organization: Mniistere du Devetoppemert Rural; B.P. 997 Bangui; Republique Centrafricaine: Tek 23661.30.33; 61.49.22: Telex: (0971) 5201 RC Record number (MFN): 01896 Ofrical proect tile: SMALL HOLDER PRODUCTNl\lTY Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for lnternational DevelopmenL Start date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Courtrykcounlies: Guinea; Statement of objectives/absract SLqpport farmig systemns research to develop tedhical packages for smai farmers. Explore altweative methods for est s efective extension system for small famers Tram agnculture students in-cout ard abroad. Contact in research organizaton: Institut Agrozootechnique Va!ery Giscard cEstarig; Faranah; Guinee, Tet 81t02.29Ministere du Deveoppement RuraL Conakry; Guinee Record number (MFN): 01918 Ofc project title AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION hnplementing agency. U.S. Agency for International Development Str date: 1982-00-00. End date 1991-00-00. County/coties: Caneroorr talemnent of obpeibes1astract Mur-dor prject to enable the Uriversiy Center at Dschang (UCD), a Cameroon avnAwal s, b train sfiiert managers, plaes, and teachers to staf agncria support stiuions. The preed, which v provde UCD wih a modem curcium, traied facuiy and sliaf, and mpoved bciEbes and research and exrsn linkages wil be,impenwited by UCO with fte msta of Rida Slate Universiy (FSU). LCD crncria wi be expanded aid revised, wih more 49 SPAAR Information System emnphasis placed on praticaL fied-oriented instruction and a Department of Rural Technology vii be created Wit FSU assistance, the faculty and staff will also develop an interdisciplinary research and developmert (R&D; program. closely linked to the instruchonal program. To support UCD's instructional and R&D programs. three demonstrabon farms. ndLuding a 190 ha farm at the crampus containing student practice plots and livestock production units. will be established. Contact in research organization: Mr. Ayuk-Takem; Directeur General; IRA: B.P. 2123: Yaounde: Cameroun; Tel: 23-35-38; Telex: 1140 KN; 8512 KNUniversity Center at Dschangr CameroonMiistry of Educaton; Cazrkeroon Record number (MFN): 01919 Officiai project title: COMMUNITY REFORESTATION (CARE). lmplentilir.g agerxy. U.S. Agency for Internabonal Develpment Start date: 1986-07-00. End date: 1990-06-00. Country/countries: Cameroon; Statement of objectisiabstract This 39 month pro,ect aims to build on te success achieved in CARE's currenrt community reforestation protect to improve natural resource managemet practices in 100 or more villages located in the Mayo Tsanaga and Mayo-Sava dists of the exreme north provmce. The protect wi focus on the dissemitiation of agrotorestry techWiques to 4 000 snall farriers and their fanires as the most vible means to preserve and protect the fragie Sahelian environm ent from which they drive their subsistence. Emphasis wil be on intecropping, hle fenc*g, windbaks and fruit tree cultivation. Contact in research organization: Mr. Ayuk-Takem: Directeur General: IRA; 8.P. 2123: Yaounde; Canerun: Tel: 23-35-38; Telex: 1140 KN, 8512 KN Reoord number (MFN): 01920 Offieial protect title: AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION II. Impiemerting agency U.S. Agency for lntemational Devebpment Stat date- 1989-00-00- End date: 199 2M-0-. Countrotnes Cameroon; Sttmei of objecfi abstr4c To corweu ceveloplrg the Westy Center at Dschang (UCD) into a regional unversity, modeled on te U.S lnd grat systern, for tra1ng agricultural elanrs, rraiages teaders, reseachers, and eeionists in both the pubic and 50 SPAAR Information System private sectors. In Phase I. the Agricultural Education project. USAID provided techical assistance, infrastrcure, aining in the U.S. on the Ph.D.. and Masters levels, and Imited commodities. In the second phase, USAID wil; provide addifional technical assistance to complete currculum reform and administratie restructuing. the infrastructure itemfs required to support ti-se changes. training of adrinistrativ_ and teaching personnel, and some commodnies. Particular attention wil be paid to the land grant tenents of research and extension. ConWt in research organizaticn: Mr. Ayuk-Takem: Directeur General; IRA, B-P. 2123; Yaounde; Cameroun: Tel: 23-35-38; Telex- 1140 KN: 8512 KNUniversity Center at Dschang: CameroonMinistry of Educator Camneroon Record ntunber (MFN): 01947 Offici project title: APPLYING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TO DEVELOPMENT Implemenbng agercy: U.S- Agency for International Developmernt Start date: 1981-10-19. End date: 1990-03-15. CountryIcountries: Gbbalt Congo; Malawi Kenya: Statement of objcies/abstract The project is stirriating and supporting research and development on specific Less Devebped Country (LDC) development probems to strenhen LDC sc;entific and technological insts It is impemented by the Nalonal Research CoundIs Board on Science and Techioiogy for lenatonal Devekopraert (BOSTID). The project has funded 110 research subprojests which average West over 100 000 USD each. A cmster oi these deals with grain amaranth a second with fast-ring trees, and a third with biological nitrogen fixation. Several in each duster are located in Ahican institubons Current forestry research inrcludes severa grants researching nitrogen fixing trees in the Congo, Malawi, and Kenya. Proect also funds A.I.D. participation in the Internatioral Foundation for Science grants program. Conact in research organization: Mr. John Hurfey Director Board on Science and Technology for Intematonal DeveopTnt (BOSTID); Nabonal Research Counci; 2101 ConstIhtion Ave., N.W; Washington, D.C.; 20418; USA Reoord number (MFN): 01949 Officia prect trie U.SJISRAEL PROGRAM FOR COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH. IrmpIenfing agency. U.S. Agency for lntenatmia Development Stat da- 19840-11. Coueountris Africa; Kenya; Ghana; Boswaa Malay; Guinea; Maur1fs; 51 SPAAR infomiain System Statement of objectives/abstract This initiative seeks to increase access of Less Developed Country's to Israeii scientifc, technical and development expetise. Program has totally open competiton. but stresses areas of israel expertise. incud arid lands agriculture; biological pest control hutnan healbl; encineeriRngood scence: plant sciences/biotechnoogy: veterinary and animal scence; and aquacuture/hydrology- Approximately 100 subprojects have been funded to date, averaging approximately 150 000 USD. Almost all are still active: these in Africa are in: Kenya; Botswarna Ghana; Malawi, Guinea: ard Mauribus. Forestry projects inclde: Deciduous f ruit trees in Kenya: rainwater harvesting system in Kenya; and biological control of plant diseases in Ghana Contact in research organzation: Vanous GrarteesForest Products Research Institute; Univer or Scence and ;echnoiogy. P.O. Box 63: U.S.T.; Kumasi; Ghana; Tel: 5873lntemational Centre of Inrsect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE); P.O Box 30772; Nairobc Kenya Record number (MFN): 01967 Official project title: INTER\AlTiONAL AGRICULTUPAL RESEARCH CENTERS: 09 INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK CENTER FOR AFRiCA (tLCA). limplemenltig agency: U.S. Agencv .', internatemal Development. Start date: 1968-00-00. Courtrkcuntries: Africa: Mah; Ethiopia; Kenya, Ngeria; Statement of objctes/abstract intekational Livestock Center for A.rica (ILCA) is mandated lo assist naional efforts to imorove lvestock production and marketing systemfs in tropical Africa Pnority is given to the collecton and evaluation of information about existing livestock systems before the deveblpment of new systems Cooperative researti projects are inplermented in Mali. Ethipia, Kenya. and Nigena Contact in research organization: Diector General; litenationeal Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 568S, Adtls-Ababa, Ethiopia; Tet 183 215: 183 222; 182 455; Telex: 976-21207 ILCA ADDIS, Cable: ILCAF Record nunber (W4Y 02026 Of1ca proect title: AGRICULTURAL DIVERSIFICATK)N PROJECT. Imp3lenrientirig agency- Eord Bar-I9Ghan-31 SWr daie: 199 Qt3 End dat- 1998 12-31. - Coutrccunies Gha 52 SPAAR Information System Statement of objectives/abstract The major objective of the project would be to revitalze and expand the cuivation of no_-cocoa tree crops and hortcultral crops, which can be efficiently and competitively cultivated in Ghana for e-port and import susbstitution. wvfnin the hramewoek of an agricultural diversification strategy ained at diluting the importance of cocoa in the icral sector, and tterefore, the econmny. The project would exp-nd the area of high-yielding private small-scale oil palm farms and rcrease the number of improved technology artisanal small-scale privately owned miils, in coffee the goai wouLdd be to rehabilitate existing private srnaliOhkdngs and replace, to only a limited extent small private coffee farms destroyed &dnng the bush fires of 1983 in order to sustain exports at pre-1980 levels through higher yields which vfould provide a buffer against future low export prces. High-yielding small-scale outgrower farming of rubber would be introduced to initiate a longer term resporse in inproved prmvate sniagiolder cutivabn largely aimed at exPort. In horticulture the project targets at icreased production and exports by imprownng tectnical support arnd marketing and export faciliies for pineapples, in partcular but generically relevant to most horbcultura! exports.Specfic cormponent are: (a) old palm developme ovide extension and irputs for 3 500 ha or outgwer oil palm planting; (b) coffee development-srengthen and research for the rehabilitation of I 500 ha and the panting of 3 000 ha of coffee; lcj rubber development-develop extension and provide miputs for 1 200 ha of outgrower rubber planting: (a) hoicultal developrent,provide technical. marketN and ifrastrcre support for the expot of hortulural produce, esoeciady pineaples, and (e) support a tes-provide technical assistance, tat and studies. Contact in research organization: Ur. Ibrahin Adam; Secretarrt for Agrcultixe (Miniy of Agriculre); P.B.E. M37; Aca Ghana- Tet 665 421 Project 1nplementaoio Commiltee; Ghana Export Promoton Council; Accra; GhanaDffector Cocoa Research Insthute of Ghana (CRIG); Ghana Record nunber (MFN): 02030 Official poect tie- AGRtCULTURAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency' Word Bank, GineaBsau. Start date: 1996-00-00. Cotzry/courries: Guwa-Bissea. Stateet of objecfivesabstact To suppottaebt, fisheties, food pro and expori. and iWesto to estbash pLtc agricai swvices such as extension, research and marketg. Contt m eseah organizan: lisby of Rura Devopment and fR ries B.P. 71; Bissau: Gtinee 3isbau; Tet 212 617 53 SPAAR Infonmation System Record number (MFN): 02041 Official project title: DEVELOPING GRADUATE TRAINING IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. implementing agency, Winrock Intermational. Start cate: 1984-00-00. End date: 1988-00-00. Countrylcotntiies: CWte d'1voire: Staterent of objectives/abstract: Project wil: (1) strengthen the training and research of agricultural economics in West Africa by developing a doctoral-degree program at the Centre Ivoiner, de Recherches Econoriques (CIRES): (2) secure funds for felkowships for students in the armduate program, for endownert of professiorna chairs in agrcultural economics at CIRES, and for grants for postdoctoral studies in oter countries: (3) conduct ecoomics researdc for planning units of West Africar govrments, notably ministries responsibe for a2gcutture. rural development. and p!annx% Contact in researth organization: Dr. Paul T. Perrfaut Centre Ivoirien de Recherches Econormiues (CIRES): Universite Nationale de Cote divoire; 08 BP 1603; Abdan 08: Cote dlvoire: Tel: 44 09 53.44 28 47: Telex: 26138 RECTU Cf Recoro number (MFN): 02071 Official project title: NPSSET: AFRICAN AGRICULTURE - YEAR 2000 PROGRAM. !mplementing agency: Nigeina hItse of Plant Science and SoLar Znergy/Technoigy. Stait date: 1984-00-00. End date: 2000-00-. Country/countries: Nigeria: Statement or objectives/abstract Program would cortbute to therorecal and practcal advancements in agricauure. bioscience, biomedicine, polution (ecosystem). biotecdics. and energy and wwui disserinate ioanaicn on these twough education and extenson. Research actvities would invdve: (1) bo-kinsfty--utilizaton of bioical raw materials ardor biobgica processng methods, induding momitoring of envrorwnental impacts of these activities; (2) biotechrics, computer applications, and measurement wd control technics-appied to feed and frage distribiion systems, climate corbol in staRs, storage aweas and greerhouses, sgte based analyses of optcal fertilizer dosages, sow depth, preison sowing and sod cuovatn depth, management of sre fabiies and ingaior.stsi (3) b foecal resach on cost effecve, energ effident and envistanmertaly salef allernWies to current production methods in the agtre sector-ained to develop fucionly ahd ecmically cpeve srrf enegy reazes for agihe. nsal energywply and ruxal deve d,per paticarl on new and reneable sou:es of enerW, (4) iroemert of aninal heal through develpment of rew vaccanes and rproved genetic resouce base-conxoct inlraiinay research in arinW heakh and epidemiooy 54 SPAAR Information System with specific reference to udcer inflammation (niasTitis) in cattle, and build a competent base in bioiogical ertgineesing ot plant and animal cells (5) environmental protection-focusing on the problens of acidiication and its long-term ettects on soi and water. (6) holistic food research in consurner defaiand %or higher quauity food products, nutrition. and dietefcs; and (7) marketig research. processing. drying. tansportation, and packaging ot raw rnaterals. Contact in research organization: University of Science & Technology (Rivers State); PMB 5323: Port Harcourt: Niqeria; Tel: 33 52 18 Record number (M:N): 02075 Official prcect ttle: WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA SORGHUM RESEARCH NETWORK (WCASRN). Implementing agency- U.S. Agency for Intermational Developnent (USAID9Semi-And Food Grain Research and Deveopmenzt (SAFGRAD)_ Slart date: 1984-00-00. End datec 1996-00-00. Countrn4counes: Africa Benin; Burkwn Faso: Cameroon: Central African Republic: C6te divoire: Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Maii: Mauritania; Niger Nigena; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Chad, Togo; State ent of objecives/abstract Research on sorghum improvement wih initial emphasis on arietal imp;cverrient and agroromy. Contact in research organization: hr. C.M. Pattanayk ICRISAT/SAFGRAD; B.P. 4881; Ouagadougou; Burkina Faso; Tet 5251 UV Record number (MFN): 02078 Official proIec tite: THE WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA COWPEA COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK lmpiemenlng agency: U.S. Agency tor IntematEnal Develprment (USAID Ser-Arid Fsod Grain Research and Develpent (SAFGRAD). Sart date: 1976-00-00. End date: 1996-00-00. CouzVrykounrimes: Afrca Bukia Faso- Benin C6te doIie; Central Afian Republic Cameroon; Cape Verde; Gbia, Ghai-x Gtmea, Ge 'ssau; Mal Maurita; Niger; Ngeria; Siera Leone; Senegak Cad- Togo; Zake; Statement cf obves/abs ra PFfct ubjeove is: (1) cowpea variehimprovee for eariness, dual purpose use, insect and disease resistnce, singa resiste, and agonmy (2) soybea variety inmovenmt for free nodation and seed lokgxiy and agonmy X 55 SPAAR information Svstem Contat in research organization: Director General: International Institute of Tropical Agnculture (IITA): Oyo Road: PMB 5320: ibadan: Nigeria Tel: 400300: 400313: Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 0151: Cable: TROPFOUND: IKEJADr. J.B Suh: Project Leader: IITA-SAFGRAD: B.P. 1783: OuaaadouWou: Burkrna Faso: Tel: 306071: 306072: Telex: 5381 BF Record number (MFNI: 02079 Official project title: PROGRAMME FOR IMPROVEMENT OF POTATOES IN CENTRAL AFRICA [PROGRAMME REGIONAL POUR L'AMELIORATION DE LA CULTURE DE LA POMME DE TERRE EN AFRIOUE CENTRALEN (PRAPAC). Irnplernerlting agency: U.S. Agency for htemnatvraI Development. Staz date: 198-00-00. Country'countnes: Afnca: Burundi: Rwanda: Zaire. Uaanda: Statement of objectives,abstract: Research on potato imnprovement. Contact in research organization: Centro kitenaoarel de la Papa (CIPt Aartado Postal 5969: Lina: Peru. Tel: 354354: 366..20: Telex: 25672 PE: Cables: CIPAPA-LIMA Record number (MFN): 2M80 Official project tiele THE EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA ROOT CROPS RESEARCH NETWORK fESARRN) nrplmentn agenc: U.S. Aqecc V International Developrent (USAiDr trnSTational Develcpmerrt Research Centre (lDRC~kntematirnal lnstIite of Tropic Agnculte (UtTAi. Stat dat 1198-00 End date. 1990-00-00- CoDunlrycoumtres: Africa Sudan: Etopa Kenya: Ugmvda: Rwanda: Brdic United Repubic of Tanzania: Malawi: Zarnbah Mozaribiee: Madagascar: N.oena. Zaire: Staterent of objectives/absract: Evsae root crop 9ermplasm resources of vao agr-ecologcal zones Im the Reion- kpove varety of cassava and sweet potato for Nig stable yelds. dsease arid isect resistance riaMy. and aipovn of other agowmc practes Ceveiop. evaksaemcte. and here vh pcable iroducc househti produon anc processing te*Wogies for root crops. The netwerk s specibc objectves are to: (1) encourage rizLw cborlme pbtnng aid evaltiabon of root crops researh in the regen. Root crops researchers in the region crbute to plarwlg retated lo sWe resead problem and become iwnled in setbng research riores (2) incease tlie geriec base of he pu roxt crops ard enhance Ihi use in regioral riprvewrt gramnies: (3) facie dprvemeht of root 56 SPAAR Irformation System crops-based cropping systems through surveys and methodology development; (4) develop improved techniques for drying. processing. and utilizing cassava: (5) foster the establishement ot effective systems to exchange information and to deliver improved technobgyto farners: and offer training at Ph-D and htSc level. Contact in research organization: Dr. M.N Alverez Plant Breeder IITAIESARRN: PMB 5320: Ibadan: Nigena: Tel: 400300:400313: Telex: TDS iBA NG 20311 (Box 015): Cabe: TROPFOUND. IKEJA Record number (MFN): 02081 Oftla project title: THE LIVESTOCK TRYPANOTOLERANT NETWORK. Inplementing agency: Overseas Devebkpmern Administrafion. Start date: 1983-00-00. Cou"l/rb/ountroes: Airica: Cte dcoire: Togo: Berrin: Gabon: Zaire: Gambia: Senegat Ethiopei United Repubic of Tanzania Kenya: Statement of objectives/abstract: Conduct research on trypanotolerance ; catile. Improve livestock producton in tsetse infested areas of Akica by acherving a better ur9erstandhng of genebc .esistance. acquired resistance. the envrwomenti factors inFich affect susceptib,iM and the efficacy of presenr contDol measures, and by ensurng optimal applicaion of both existing knowledce and recent research fndings. Contact in research organization: Mr. Pihard Stewart: Assistmt to Ditor General: Internaional Livestock Center for Africa (LCA): P.O. Box 5689 Addis Ababa: Etiopia: Tel: 183 215: 183 222: 182 455: 613 222: Telex: 976-21207 iLCA ADDIS: Cable: ILCAF Record number (MFN}: 02082 Offici pecd title: RESEAU COTON (COTON). Implementing agency: Frace: Conference des Resporsables de Recherches Agronomque Africans et Francars (CORAF). Start date: 1946-00-00Q Counl~cot,ties: GbbaL Bukna Faso: Bemn: Cite dlvome Camreroon: Madagascar Mali: Senegav Chad: Zbia; Togo: Zare: Cental Afican epblic Burunci: France; StmeN of ob0cvesPstact The goals of the Network are: (a) echar§ infornmiaom on the naonal cotton reseaich programmes; (b) excwimg vegetai mateaias for petritabfon. as wel as scentrc boo and documnens (c) organ zng of mxetIig (workshops. ax&rences, etck and traing of reseahen (d) plann and irnpeation of cxonmn research proecs and (e) facilitg cortacts between scientists and 57 BL ID~~-I I. ) qi~~~ I z~~~~~~~~~~~~~a SPAAR Information System Official project title: GROUNDNUT NETIVVORK i-RESEAU ARACHIDQ. Implementing agency: Conference des Responsables Agronomiques Africairs et Franca.s. Start date: 1986-00-00. CountryWcountries: Global: Burkina Faso: Cameroon: Chad: Congo: C6te divoire: France: Guinea: Madagascar Mali: Niger. Senegal: Statement of objectives/abstract: To develop relabons between researchers and national agronomic research institutions devoted to groudnut research in member countries. The aim is to strengen and coordinate national programmes and set up collaborative research projects in fields of common interest The Network activities wouk miclude: (i) vanety improvement for drought resistance: (i) adaptation of mineral nutrition and fertilization to peasarnt cultural practices through trials: (i!) crop protecton through improvement of varieties resistant to viral and fungal diseases. as weli as prevention of aftoxin (Aspeross flavus): (iv) post-harvest technology for crop ulation. seed technokigy[rKustria process"ng of groundruts as food (v) study o irrigation techniques (comparison of physiological parameters and water uptake evaluation): and (vi) trairng in selection. physiog. ;eaf diseases. and nernatobgy and entomology. Record nunber (MFN): 02088 Official project title: ALLEY FARMING NEThYORK FOR TROPICAL AFRICA. Imnplementing agency: Canadian kiterrTational Devebpment Agency (CIDA)lntematonal Development Research Centre (IDRC). Start date: 1961-00-00. County iomtes Africa: Benin: Camreroon: Ghana: Gusnea-Bissau: Cote d1voire: Malawi: Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone: Rwanda. United Republic of Tanzania. Togo: Uganda: Zare; Zambsa: Burkina Faso: Lbena: Ethiopia: Kenya: Statement of objectives/abstract Conduct rc-search on aley cropping. Discipline is oriented o develop more productie stable. low input and envmrovnentaly sound fam ing systems using alley farmning- Cortact in research organation: Dr. LD. SWel, Director Gener*t Internatonal brstitute of Tropical Agricure (PITA): Oyo Road; PUB Box 5320; ibadan: Nigeria: Tet 40030: 400313; Telex TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015): Cable: TrFDOUND. IKEJA _________________ Record runber (hlNi: 02090 Official projec le: PROPOSf FOR A RESEARCH PRFOECT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW METHODS IN LOCUST CONTROL 59 SPAAR Information System Implementing agency: Geselischaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Start date: 1988-0300. Country/countries: Africa: Cape Verde: Benin: Madagascar: Statemert of objectiveslabstract: Project activities which have started partly nvolve the foilowing components of appled research on locust contmlot: (1) feld testing wth Teflubenzuron (a growth regulator): (2) bio-monitonng of ecotoxicologial effect of various nsecticides used rn locust control: (3) insecticide tnals - laboratory screening of selected insecticides to investigate their efficacy on desert locusts and/or other locust species, and determine potental syneryishc effects of mixtures of different compounds. (4) field testing of pathogenic microorganisms (Noserna locustae) on Oedaleus senegatensis or Schistocerca gregana bavae in Cape Verde Islands: (5) n-field investigations on .Alkaloid-Dernvates (Alkalod-ba:ting material) on Zonocerus sp. in Benin: (6) improvement of prospectoxVrenote sensing techrixues (photogaphy. video4echntque) on locust population development in propective breeding areas: (7) investigatn on deseil lcust populaon dynamics in order to elucidate the mecnms of upsurges and plagues. and define indicators for host preferences in recession areas Contact in research organization: ,r. Mohaned Zehri: Director Research & Technobgy Development Division: Food and Agxcuture Orgaization (FAO): Via delle Terme ci Caracalla, 00100 Rome: Italy: Tel: 5797 5004: Telex: 610181 FAOProf. Muger Record number (MFN): 02094 Official project title: RECONNAISSANCE I PFREPARATION STUDY ON FORESTRY BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE DROUGHT-PRONE SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN COUNTRIES. WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SAHELIAN AND SUDANIAN ZONES (SSZ- lrnplementing agency: World Bank. Country,ountries: Alrica; Burkna Faso-, Mauritania: Mali: Niger- Senegal: Sudan: Benin; Cameroon: Ghana: Nigeria: Togo: Statemert of objectivesiabstract: The project will assess the relevace anrd determine the feasibilty of a Foresty Biotechnology Prograrm (FBP) that wilr strengthen and complerient the ongoing forestry research proams in the Sahekan and Sudania zones (SSZ) in Burkina Faso. Maurit, Pai. Niger. Senegal. Sudan, Benn. Caineroon. Ghana. Ngeri and Togo which have simia ecolgpcal corKions and a sirnA&r *-etabion resource base. The otbectives of FBP would be: in research: to develop conal section and vegetaVe rrutipcation, cont1rol syrbxtc systems in the bb and in the fiekl and utife npmoved plant materal in agroforesry and forestry systems; in trag to create a cake of Afican scienss cownete in revant research areas. and Lpgade rura developent agents; in technology transer to transer resuks trom advanced researh istWtions to natKoa resead irstitu and develop proced;res to 60 SPAAP. Irformation System produce improved plant material for the users needs. To attain these objectives. possible avenues for FBP would be: (i) strengthen the capacity of Na ional Research Institutions in the scientfic fields relevant to the FrB (n) link national institutions with International Research Institutions wn Africa (i.e.. ICRAF. ICRISAT. ILCA) and with more Advanced Research Institutions in Europe. Noth Amenrca. Australia etc.. through networking: (iii) establsh a new Regional Research Capacity for the SSZ with a critical scientifc mass and adequate funding. Contact in research organization: Mr. Bruce Scott: Director. internaticna! Council for Research in Agroforestrv (ICRAF); P.O. Box 30677; Tel: 5214 50: Telex: 22048 Record number (MFN): 02095 Offcial project titde: NATIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICES. Implementing agency: Word Bank Cote clvoire. Start date: 1994-00-00. Country/countries: Cote dcivoire; Staterent of objectives;abstract The National Agricultural Services Project would build mmon the achievements of the recently completed Agncutural Research Project (Ln 27654 VC) and focus on (i) establishing streamrined externson services through the merger of several existing extension services into one decentraized and cost-effectve national institution: (ii) strengmening research-extension hlriagas and promoting the svstematic use of the fairming system approach to take into account all t facets of the farm econorrmy and enWonmente (ii) suppobng the development of farmers' associations to promote farmers' effective partipatlon in the definition. delivery and financing of support seriices: and (iv) streamlining the serices of the Minestry of Agriculture vwhe strengthening its capacities in key areas (poficy making. monitoring, statistics). The project would incude the followrig components (a) EstabbsMnerit of a National Agncultural Services Agency (NASA) through the mnerger of the four existfng extension agencies (moistly organized abng aop-specif lines) into a sin-$e. decentrabzed ins.Iution with mranagement autonomrn (b) Institutional strengthening at Mirnstry lvel trough a support to (i) the kMisty of Agiculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRA) for strengthening its capabitities in policy making and planning. monitoring and evalution. human resorces and financial managerrent (a major effort would be made to strearline MINAGRA's Regional Dketrates and iprove their effectNeness in key areas such as the plaing and ooordiration of regional programs awnal heath. bnd sed isues agricural stabstics. etc.): and (ii) the listiy of Higher Eduation and Scieific Research (M4ESRS) in the field of adWawe agriculural research through spport to its a,pied research depatent and to the Savannah and Foixst Research Insttutes for inplrnetig a national adaptive research program focusso g on the develpnent, wilhf farmes parpticqkon. of erWr Tai sound techMologe r the prOMotion of agncural stabization and intensification; and (c) sipPort to the restuctuig Pocess. 61 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture and Animat Resources: Abidjan: Cote dlvoireMinistere de la Recherche Scienbfique et de rEnseignement Technique et Professionnel: BP. V151; Abidjan: Cote dlvoire: Tet: 320688 Record number (MFN): 02096 OfficLaJ project title: RURAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT (FORMERLY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PROGRAM. FORMERLY NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT). Implementing agency: Wor.d Bank: Guinea. Start date: 1995-00-00. Counlry/countnes: Guwiea: Statement of objectives/abstract Program to protect the natural enmaronment. especially n the felds of forestry. agiculture and soil conservation. Contact in research organization: Miistry of Agricuiture and Animal Resoures (MARA) Conakry: GuineaSeredou Forestry Center: GuineaTndo Training Center: Guinea Record ntmiber (MFN): 02098 Official project titie: ASSESSMENT OF CONDITIONS FOR REPUCATING PRODUCTION SYSTEMS IN AFRICA'S SAVANNA AREAS - SECOND STAGE. Implemerning agency: Centre de Cooperation Interakionale en Pecherche Agronomique pour le Developpernent (CIRAD). Sta.t date: 1989-04-00. End date: 1990-04-0G. Countrylcountries: Africa, Senegal: Mali: Budtdn Faso: CGate d'tvoire: Cameroon: Statenent of objectiveslabstract The agcutral poputlations--farmers and stockrarsers-in te Sudano-Sahehan regions face very senous difficuties due bsth to unceWtaintes of cbimate and poor supply and marketing circuits, and to the agcultural poicies. These difficutites affect the operaton of produwon systems. umderrnine the bases for replicatng agriculural systems, and hasten mratory movemt to the cities. In order to better expla the pefomarce gaps, and posstue change of dcectin. the proposed study would assess ad ntegate three factors: () research and developrent frKli7s-pl or aninal malteal, maintenance of fertiSy. ld m anagmen farmwKstocckraisrg integraton, etc; (a) needs and consains of various systers of production and stateges of prodwcer; (iA) agicultu pokies in the areas of orgaation ot proncto subsecors. price equilxim, access to credil supply of rqAs. lbnd tenure law. i 62 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Devebppement (CIRAD), 42. rue Scheffer: 75116 Paris: France. Tel: (1) 47 04 32 15; Telex: 620 871 F INFRANCA PARIS Record number (MFN): 02103 Official project itle: WEST AFRICAN FORAGES NET1WORK (WAFNET). Implementing agency: Multilateral Cooperation Division. Economic Cooperation Bureau. MOFA. JAPAN. Country/countnes: Africa Benin: Cameroon: Cote d-lvoire: Ghana: Ngeriaa: Senegal: Togo: S.ment of objectivestabsract Livestock numbers in the acid-soi savannas of the sub-humid beit are expanding as a result of the settlement of pastora!ists from the and zones and couid expand ever, furtier when research undertaken by iLCA and ILRAD geerates solutios to animal disease problems. The settlement of pastoralsts s placing strong environmental pressure on the ecosystems of the region and thus places particar emphasis on te urgent need to comwnence pasture research in the region. CIAT has developed legumes (under low sod fertility conditions with resistance to pest and diseases) which have strong potential for improving forage produkction ir. the region. in this context ILCA and CIAT have ageei to promote the building of a West African Forages Network (WAFNE1) in collaboration wh national inst=utions from Benin. Cameroon. Cote dlvoire. Ghana. Nigeria. Senegal. and Togo. with the objective of developing unproved forage species, In a first phase. the Netwk w;i inToduce materials selected for tropical savannas with acid soils. Based on these intductions in a second phase WAFNET wifl develop gerrnplasm in situ Contact in research organition: Centro internacional de Agricultura Tropica (CIAT): Apartado Aereo 6713: Cali: Colombia; Tet 57-3-680111 : Telex: 05769 CIAT Co: Cable: CINATROPI richardi A. Stewart Assistant to Director Generat International Livestock Centre for Aiica (ILCA); P.O Box 5689: Addis Abeba Ehiopia; TeL 61 32 22; Telex: 21207 ErUr. AR. Gray; Dtrector; International Laboratory for Research on Aninal Diseases (ILRAD); P.O. Box 30709: Nairobi: Tel: 59 23 1 1; Telex 22040 ILRAD Record nrwber (MFN): 02104 Ofacina pDoect tile: GHANA GAS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE ill. Wiplemendng agency Cacrd Irutarnalr Developrmrt Agency. Stai date: 1989-1040. End date: 1994-10-00. C outrle~ Ghara'- SWEtneV ot obje abstract r 63 SPAAR friformation System Awlied and adaptive research on maize. cowpea. and cropping systems will continue. There wil; be increased emphasis placed on research and extension linkages and the strengthening ot national research capacity in Phase Ill. Contact in research organization: Mr. Ron Cantrell: CIMMY7: Londres 40; Apartado Postal 6-641: 06600 Mexico: D.F.: Mexico Record number (MFN): 02109 Official project title: NETWORK ON LAND DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA (AFRICALAND - LAND DEVELOPMENT). Implementing agency- Internatial Board for Soil Research and M .agemet. Start date: 1988-01-00. End date: 1993-12-00. Countrhykountries: Africa; C6te dIvoire: Ghana: Nigeria: Carneroon: United Republc of Tanzana: Uganda: Statemrent of objectives/abstract: Project would: (1) develop appropnate land ceain and viable improved post-clearing sod managefent technologies in order to sustain and nprove food production in htunid and sub-humd tropical Africa: (2) test arnd validate appropriate technofogies on post.dearm soil managemen t which are economic and acceptable to farmers: (3) strengten the capabilty of the nabonal agncuittral institions in undertaking soil management research (icuding support of sore projects with equipments ard consultances). Contact rn research organization: Dr. B. Hintze: International Board for Soid Research and Management (IBSRAM): P.O. Box 9-109: Bangkhen: Bangok 10900: Thailand: Tel: 579-7590: 579-4012: 579-7753: 580-5958: Telex: 21505 IBSRAM TH: Cable: IBSRAM: Fax: 66-2-5611230: E-Mad: CG1134 Record numnber (MFN): 02110 Official project title: RESEARCH ON SMALL RUMINANTS IN THE HUMID AND SUB-HUWD ZONES OF WEST AFRICA. kipieig agency- kermabonal Fund for Agici Development Startdate: 1989-00-0 Endcdate: 1991-00-00- C :Anryourtries. Africa Beni; Nligeria Toga; Satmert of objc:esabstact The proxme would uickide both on-stabon and on-farin reseach aid trials to iroe feedig sstems for snvrU rumwiats fuoth irroved foage and browse 64 SPAAR Iriformation System Contact n research organization: Mr. Richard A. Stewart Assistant to Director General: Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA): P.O. Box 5689: Addis Ababa: Ethiopia: Tel: 613322; Telex: 21207 ET Record number (MFN): 02113 Officiai project btle: AGROFORESTRY RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE DRYLANDS OF WEST AFRICA. Implfenenting agency: International Fund for Agricultural Development. Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00 Counhycountes: Afnca; Burkina Faso: Mal: Niger: Senegal: Beni: Carneroon: Statemrent of objectives/abstract: The research programrne would provide for strong colaboration between national prograwmmes. regial and international institutorns in generatrig suitable agroforestry technologies that could lead to improved wood components and management practices: adaptation of prototypes to specific agro-ecoogica and socio ecnomic corditions. Contact in research organization: Dr. On"e Scott Director. Intenationa Counci for Research n Agroorestry (IRAF): P.O. Box 30677: Nairobi: Kenya Tel: 5214 50 Telex: 22048 Record nunber (MFN): 02141 Official project btile: START-UP GRANTS - [iNTERNAT1ONAL FERTILIZER DEVELOPMENT CENTER-AFRICA]. Implemerting agency: Intemationa Fertilizer Deveoment Centr, Africa (IFDC-Africa). Slta date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1988-00-00. Country/coutitnes: Afica: Statemerit of objectivesiabstract Grants are povided to support the stat-up costs associated with the establishrrent of FDC-Afnca Certw in Lome as wel as the constuction of a research complex composed of braries: research lboratories; ard experimental stafions in Lonme (Davie), Armoutchou, Tchitchwo, Kokonbo. Kawboe. ard Kpeme. Record runber(HFF?): 02142 65 SPAAR InformabonW Systern Official project title: COMMUNICATION. DOCUMENTATION. AND TRAINING PROGRAM (CDTP). Implementing agency: International Fertilzer Development Center. Afnca (IFDC-Afnca) Start date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/countries: Africa: Statement of objectives/abstract: The program would establish a documentation center to store and make accessible fertiltzer sector nformation for Africa. Tne objective is to overcome the lack of information available to the fertifizer sector and to the various agents active in the sector. and fnprove fertilizer information flow in sub-Saharan Africa. Effective means of technology such as radio and TV clips. brochures and demonstration matenais wifi be produced and training of regional cadre of fertilizer sector personnel responsible for transferring technology to the ultinate users wi be provided. The programr would help identify the role IFDC-Africa could play in strengthenrig the process of ferilizer techn y transfer. parbicularly to the African farmer. leading to the development of training programs. A video project will highliht the problems of soil fertility degradation in West Africa and improve the awareness and comprehension of Afncan farrners in reiation to cropping practices that help consrve soii resources and restore fertiity. Record nwuber (MFN): 02143 Offiial project title: SOIL FERTLIUTY RESTORATION PROJECT (SFRP). Implementing agency: International Fertilizer Develooment Center. Afrca (IFDC-Africa). Stait date: 1987-0G-00. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countnes: Afnca: Ghana: Togo: Nirer Statement of objectves/abstract: The project seeks to identify means of introducing fertilizer practices in various agro-ecokocal zones of West Afria that are not tied to kog-term subsidy policies. The research irvolves both agronornic and socioeconoirc aspects of possb/e investment pohiaes with the objective to identify means of restoring fertiliy-depieted lands. ard to create an econrmic environment in which a community will attempt to sustdin sod productivity without flrther government intervetion. Record number (MFN): 02144 Offical project title: FERTLIZER POUCY RESEARCH PROJECT (FPRP). Irmeet agency Itemational Fertizer Develipment Center, Africa (IFOC-Akica). Strt date: 1987-00- End date. "992-00-OD. Counrylri Akrica 66 SPAAR Inforrnation System Statement of objectives/abstract: This project is a joint effort between IFPRI and IFDC. and was designed to remedy the lack of clear set of fertilizers policies in Africa. Wih the ernergerne of a fertilzer sector in Africa there is a need to establish clear policies that will facilitate the adoption and proper use of fertilizers to better attain the goal of food security. The objective is to assist the sub-Saharan African countnes identify the key variables affecting the supply and demand of fertiizers. and design and evaluate various fertilizer policies to stimulate the sector development. Pecord number (MFN): 02145 Official project title. FERTIlIZER MARICETING AND TRADE INFORFIAAION PROGRAM (FMTIP). Ilmplermnting agency: Directorate General for lnlermatioral Cooperation (DGIS): U.S. Agency for kIternabonal Development (USAID). Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Africa Benin: Burkina Faso: Cameroon: Cote d'Ivore: Ghana: Lesotho: Madagascar; Niger. Nigena: Rwanda: Senegal: United Republic of Tanzania: Togo: Statefmert of objectives/abstract The lack of up to date information in Africa regarding the workd and regional fertilizer trade s:d rmarketing costs hampers fte African procurement institutions in ther purchase of ertizer at the best possible pnre The obiective of this program is to es.ablsh an African Fertilizer Trade and Marketing Waomnation Network (ArTMiN) which will bring togeter correspondants from various countries to exchange marketing and trade information. Studies wi be conducted to analyse fertilzer procurement and marketng system in West Afrcan region and Kiertifiy their principal constrants, so as to provide sound advice on how to irrprove fertilzer marketing in the region. and to develop a *Fertihzer Eariy-Waining System' for the region through continuous data input into a regional model. In-depth studies on production. marketig. and distribution and demand of fert bzers ieil also be conducted. Contact in research organization: Dr. Paul LG. Viek Director IFDC-Africa B.P. 4483; Lome: Togo; Tel: 21-79-71: Telex: 5416 CIFDC TG: Fax: 21-78-17 Record number (MFN): 02146 Offic prea tile: WEST AFRICAN PROGRAM FOR AGRO-MNERAL RESEARCH. Inplementg agency International Fertizer Development Ceter. Afnca (FDC-Africa). StEt date: 1988400-0. End date. 1990-0D-00. Coutcouties: Africa; Togo; Seneal 67 SPAAR Inforration System Statement of obJectiveslabstract Tbs progtfrn is executed in collaboration wth the German Institute of Geology and Raw Materials (BGFt! and Seeks to cOmPlete an inventory of the agrornineral endowment of the Volta 5n, and to conduct a series of in-depth studies in three selected countrnes Xwere exploitation of the local resources appears promising. The objective is to feveloP a series of feasile projecs that can be undertaken by donors with a reasonable chance of success as Well as establish a West African Network for Agromineral Research (WANARY Record number (MFN): 02147 Official project tide AGRONOMICI FERT!LIZER RESEARCH PROGRAM (AFRP). Implementing agency: International Fertilizer Development Center. Africa (I FDC-Africa) Stan date: 1 89a-000 End date: 1994-00-0 Country,countries: Afkica: Tgo: rJger Statement of Obje/abstract: The objectves of the agonoMic Program are to: (1) evaluate alternate fertizers and fertifZer rr anagement options and to encotwage the use of indigenous resources to help meet t1e fertizer requirements in the region m order to attain food self sufficiericY on a susaxae bass; (2) idenify the ferizer needs of the important fOoderops in the diWent agro-ecological zones of West Africa and (3) study the OiPact of fertilizer use On blng-term soil producti through the .acumulatfn rof mineral and orgaic nutient supplies. The hub of the progra is formed by the West Afncarn Fertilizer Management Evauation Network (WAFMEN,. with 18 parficipaW9 ratioal institiboS fror 14 countries in the regiDn. Reseafch projects wBre formtjlated for al Collaborabing insti and the 6th anneal WAFMEN meeting helI -1 February 186. agreed to shift the research emphasis towards multiniutent fert !zers Record nurnber (MFN): 02148 Offiial project btie: ON-FARM FERMLIZER ADOPTION PROGRAM (OFFAP). Implementing aency: Interational Fenbizer Develcpment Center, Afnca (IFDC-Africa). Start date: 1i87-00. End date: 1992-00-0 Couintrycoun0s: Africa Niger. Malr: Nigeda Statement of obiectves(stract With tre owt to design a viable fertizer strategies for the pa! agro-ecolob9 zones of West Afrxca. th prom woud vy th reslts from the AgonO(TiC ;l2er ReseardI Progarn in t farmers enworwit provding an orpp h* to sedy the faWners reacion to the tadcoier s proposed The program 68 SPAAR Inforrmatio System would provide ferti!izer appiicato n instnxctions for !anners to conduct and manage on-amr fertifizer tnals in Niger. Mali and Niceria Trarning of extension personnel at v level will alse be provided Record number (MFN): 02151 Official project title: CASE STUDIES ON RAiSING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY OF WOMEN !N AFRICA FOR INCREASED FOOD PRODUCTION. implementing agency: Workd Baak. Start date: 1987103-00. End date: 1990-06-00. Country/countries: Afica: Kenya: Nigeria: Burklra Faso: Zamtia: Record nurmber (MFN): 02154 Official project ttle: WEST AFRICA REGIONAL PEARL MILLET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM- Irrmementing agency, Ineraetabonal Crops Research Institute for the SermFAnd Tropics (ICRISAT Sahel Center). Counitrycountries: Afnica: Burkira Faso: Benin; C6te dIvoire: Cameroon: Ghana. Gambria; Maki: Mauritanr; Niger Nieia, Senegl: Chad: Togo: Staterrent of objectives/abstract Research and regional trials of improved vaneties Contact in research organizatton: ICRISAT Sahel Center 8. P. 12404: Nianmey: Niger Record number (MFN): 02156 Offca1 project trte: WEST AFRICA MAIZE COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK [RESEAU MAIS]. Irnpimenting agency. Conference des Resporsabies de Recherche AgronToque Aficains Start date: 1987-00-00. Countrylcounras: Africa Benio Burina Faso: Camrmoon; Cetr African Replic: Chad Congo; CZte dWt*e; Gabon; Gt*ea; Madagasc Mali; Maurtart; Nier Senegal Togo: Zaire: Stlmert of o*deves/abstract The goals of the Network are: (a) oratg ad harmn of research on the comnon tem es ied by lARCs; (b) idtying of maze research priortes and 69 SPAAR Information System desirnsnq of Proects fcr fundins by dorwors: 4c? oruanizon cF woRshocs and sernars for researchers ar.d tec&niccians-. (d encouraoina collaborative research work to support oenetic rescurec maraaement cataoousig cf varieties. ard use of scie-Mc ard techical information. The acmrtes of the Network !ndude: I o evaluatiro and devoet of new mai'e varieties fcr ir. aated areas in h;nid zone dr; zes as wel as hybrids for agro-kidustrial users: (ii eoidemrnioc-a study of vira! diseases and biological studies of virus vectors ;n West and Centrat Afnca. incfudifg transfer of vrus resistance to adapted raieeies: (iii) jrtensification of Production in srnr xAllders maize-rowina systems in semi-hunic and :maated zones: Mvi trainimnc documentation, and mnformation exct'ance. Contact in research aizatio': !ITA.SA.FGRAD. B.P. 1783. OD£agadcuocu: BUrkina Fa2o: Te4: 30-60-71: 30-_50-72: 30-82-46: Telex: 5381 BF Reornu-ber1 IMFN: 02157 Offca Protect t-te: WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA MAIZE CCCLABORAT!VE RESEARCJ4 NETWC$IJK .WECAMANI. rrnovlerr tna ao.cy U.S. Aoercv hor Wtern'atinal Develocmert IUSAIDi Ser"-Ard Food Grain RFee afd Deveklovent (SAFGRADi Start date: 187-00-00. Erd date: 1996-00-0. Colrvicotries: Africa: Jrkir Faso: Carrercon: NigeK Madaascar Senrega Thou: Geninc Cete dlv.re. Centra 4ricn Remu0c: Cave Verde: G&hna Ganbe: Guinea Ckmea-Bm ection Generale de la Rechercthe Scientifique; B P 2499: BRAZAVILLE; Congc Record ntrnber (MFN): 030.9 Official project title: IMPROVEMERT OF MIXED CROPPING IN TRAiDMONAL FARMING SYSTEMS IN CAMEROON Implementing agency iFS. Start date: 1982-00-00. Country/counties: Cameroon; Statement of okjectivestabstract- Mixed cropping accounts for 95 per cent of food crop produchon in Cameroon. Dr Tetio-Kagho eims to colect detaled iformabon on the potential constraints of tihs system, and tis study wi be carried out near DshaS which is located wi the west part of Carreroon. A survey estklshing data on the envirornental conitons, fe coAtion practices used bv k;al farmers, and the varous assciaons beween crops wig be con6icted Dr Teti4-aho wi then evaLue the ciMererd constrats in relation to plantung density, geomelac aran-geert of crops, and date of sowing- The associas to be studied are thoe betwen different iebW e als and coffee-leurres-cereals. The ab&y of these arops to cwplmert and tolerate one anter wd be shidied ith the u ate goal of cptig the use of aable sodl Cotact in research organization: 111 ____________,_____.,_______.____.--.--------. .~-~-~-. ,_____ SPAAR information Systemn Mr Fidele Tetio-Kagho: Departerment d'Agricuiture; Centre Universitaire de Dschang; B P 96; DSCHANG: Cameroon Record number (MFN). 03030 Official project title: EXAMINATION OF TECLEA CAMPESTRIS AND VEPRIS LOUISiL. ENDEMIC CAMEROONIAN RUTACEAE SPP. WITH REPUTED MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1980-00. Country/countries: Cameroon: Statement of objectrves/abstract iittle general phytochemical work has be3n done in Cameroon considering the rich variet; of plants. At the same time it is estimated that 80%/ of the population relies on traditional medicina plats for their health care. Dr Foyere Ayat'or wiNl do phytodiemica work on two p!ants used in traditional medicine, namely T campestns and V. louisi Phytochemnical work on T. canpestris may also help to clarify the botanical position of this pLant. Contact in research organizaton: Dr Johison Fhyere Ayafer Departeriwt de Chime Organique: Faculte des Sciences: Universite de Yaounde: B P 812: YAOUNDE: Cameroon ReoDrd nurnber (MFN): 03044 Officia pioject title: SOLAR DRYING OF TIMBER IN GHANA - DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-COST TECHNOLOGY FOR RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL CONSTRUCTION. Implementirg agency IFS. Start date: 1979-00. Cou nes: Libena; Satement of obiectves/abstract A roblem for wood utilzation in Ghana is the kick of efficient limber drying facftes. Awr drying is inexpensive but takes mruch tme; kih dryers are efficien but expensive to instI and operate. Dr Okoh wd avestigate the fea-sabiy of usnq solar enr for kirber dryng T'e effect of dMtereet materials on the ficy Ot the solbr dryer W be dermined as weE as alsorl%on and neat losses. The crying caacity of the choser dryer model i be detr in tems of ctiyg ate and cost The resufs wi be apred wh those obfained by the drying metds used at present such as steamn heated kis and air &#yin Contact in research orgarization: Dr Isaac Okoh Colege of Auiauwe and Foesty; ok y of Libeina MONROVLA, Lberia 112 SPAAR Informabon System Record number (MFN): 03052 Official project tile: STUDY OF ANTHRACNOSE AND PUTREFACTION OF CASSAVA IN CONGO- Irrplementing agency- IFS. Start date: 1979-00-00 Courtry/countnes: Congo, Statement of objectives/abstract Cassava is the most common tuber crop in Congo ard is important as a staple food. Large bsses are caused by anthracnose and putrefaction- Mr Makambila wil study the epidemiology of te disease as well as the relabon between parasite-host plant, and clinaiac factos The mode of transissio of anftraose wi also be ivesigated. A selection of cultvars wil be nade to obtain disease-resistant stock. Contact i research organizatlon: Il Casimir Makambila,- Departerrent de Biologe et Physioxgie Vegetale: Facuite des Sciences; Universite Manen NGouati: B P 69; BRAZZAVILLE Congo Record nunber (MFN): 03063 Official project tile: IMPROVEMENr OF SOIL FERTILITY UNDER DIFFERENT CULTIVATION SYSTEMS. Implementing agency- IFS. StarW date: 1979-0-00 COMrt nes: Cong9: Statement of objectives/abstract: The Cngo is heavily dependent on ag-ecutural producticn and improvent of cuaion pracbces is a rional research priority. Mr Dzaba wil determie e pesent and poer carug capacity of the soils by m3tng bboray and field studies of sod deficiencies. Nutrition requirements of difterent crops wil be investigaed under diffeent cultivation systems, and suitable fertiization formulas wil be devekoed. Contact n research orgar*zation: Lvr Desire Dzaba; Centre de Recherches Agronomiques; B P 28; LOUDIA Congo PRecord number (MFN): 03090 Off0c p"?ed tiE- SMXDIES ON THE FEEING OF TPLWI kiiplerigw" agency: IFS. 1.3 SPAAR Information Systemr Start date: 1983-00-00. Countyacountries: Cote dlvoire; Statement of objctivesabstract: The importance of aquaculture in the Ivory Coast is increasing. Mr Cisse is going to investigate the poss;bilities of using bocagy available agroindustrial wastes as food for Tilapia He wil also try to establish suitable feed. which has lit-e animal protein as possible and is adapted to local economic conditions. This feed can then be produced and used in other aquaculture systems in the country. Contact in research organization: Mr Adou Cisse; Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques: B P V 18: ABIDJAN: Cote divoire Record number (MFN): 03092 Official project title: CATTLE BREEDING IN THE ITURI PROVINCE IN NORTHEAST ZAIRE. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1983-00-00. Country/countries: Zaire; Staterner of objectives/abstract Cattle breeding is only partiaDly recognized as a rntonal asset for Zaire, inasmuch as ownership of catte is a mark of affilence for the owners- As a consequence there has been ltle interest in developing cattle breedmng and improving cattle production. Mr Bamahuga is going to make a socio-econormic study of the catte breeding in the province of ituri in Norteastern Zaire. This survey will provide backgrund information for plans to improve cattle breeding in Zalre and for pointing out the economic importance and possibilities of cattle in Zaire. Contact in research organization: Mr Lorx Buga Bav.uiga; InstituL Supereur Pedagogique; B P 106: BUTA: Zaire Record number (WfN): 03093 Official proect tie: IMPROVEMENTS OF THE TRADIONAL POULTRY BREEDING. knplanxwv* agency. IFS. Stat date: 1983-00-00. Court*couVries: Cile d1voire; The need to nse and iop ove bcal pokry breeds in Afica is great So far, the po*Jry iuitsry is larqely based on sind famg ubizing expensive liporteed d . Momiet irtends to study the pos of both arnas and 114 SPAAR Inforrnation Systern feed-stuff He will analyse hcal agriftural by-products and their effects on the animals. He wDi also do genetic studies on such characteaistics as heat resistence and feed-conversion. Contact in research organization: Mr Leon Monnet; Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique; (ENSA): B P 35: ABIDJAN 08; Cote d'lvoire Record number (MFN): 03094 Official project title: RUMEN DEGRADABILITY OF TROPICAL FORAGES, BROWSE PLANTS AND AGRO-INDUSTRIAL BY-PRODUCTS. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1983-00-00. Countrykcountries: Nigeria; Statement of objectives/abstract: The majority of rumiants in Nigera has, so far. been fed on forages. The potentba nutrialon value of Drowse piants and agro-idustrial by-products has recently been recognized. Dr Smith's study will use a nylon bag technique on fistulated animals for evahjabng these feeds. The study will mnolve cattle, sheep and goats of cal breeds. Contact in reseach organization: Dr O'anrewaju Smth; Department of Anmal Science: Obaiemi Awolowo University; ILE-iFE; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03105 Official project title: Bk)LOGICAL NITROGEN FIXAT .ON STiUDIES IN FAST-GROWING TREE LEGUMES IN SIERRA LEONE Implerenting agency: IFS Start date: 1983-00-00 Countrycountries: Sierra Leone; Statement of objectives'absbact Local and exoc species of Leucaea aid Giicida wig be propagated n represenv upland sods of Siera Leo-. Thei rtiaion wil be assessed. rizobia isoble and ofcns tested accordig to estalished rhizobioogic tech esL Stulies wi also be conducted to detemrie the effect of viaom l factors on selected strai - 3 under condhons charactens of Sierra Leone sois. Skam which demonste the best synbioss and abiy ID swive in mte sods wil be used to ioclate tree legwnes whh wE be infroced into the agoostry systems of Sierra Leone. 115 SPAAR Infomration Syster. Cotact in research organization: Dr Denis Amara; Department of Agronomry; Njala University College: University of Sierra Leone; Private Mail Bag; FREETOWN; Siera Leone Record number (MFN): 03106 Otficial project title: S!LVICULTURAL STUDIES IN THE SUDANESE SAVANNAH PLANT-SOIL RELATIONS impiementing agency: IFS- Stt date: 1983-O0-00. Countrykounrites: Cameroon; Stateinent of objectives/abstract: The fuelwood shortage in the Sahel zone has led to the sysamatic pilage of the few remaining orests. One way of reversing this situation is to plant tree species that are both tast ggwing and adapted to the enronment. Prelimbiary tnals of exotic species such as Eucalyptus camaldensis, Acacia hobsericea and Cassia siamea have snown t#at performance varies according to sod propties and the depth of the water table. Dr Eyog Mabg wil study the sod properbes, water dynamics anid root penetrawi of the trees ir experient plots. The ultiate objective is to provide recommendations on which tree species are best adapted to the sods in the Sudanese savanmiah of Cameroor. Contact in research orgaiization: Dr Oscar Eyog Matig; Centre de Recherches Forestieres; B P 2102: YAOUNDE: Cameroon RecoDd numober (MFN): 03110 Official proiect tite: CULTIVATION OF FENUGREEK SEED AND THE ISOLATION AND QUANTiFICATION OF ITS STERIOIDAL SAPOGENINS. Irilementirg agency: IFS. SWt date: 1983-00-00. Coroes: Mgena S banert of obje-tives/aract Fqek Trigonela benr= "um (Farm Fabac is a bgune traditionaly gn\ as a pea5sant crop in Med_enareat, Midde anrd Far E&Astem courites t is also used for flavouring purposes and its seeds have been shown to cntam ciosgeni w is used as a stig maternal for steroid producton. Dr Ekjoba iMends to cay out a ciiation trial on kaigret* vrich is not indgenous to Niger ia At a later stage. 116 SPAAR Inforrnation System he intends to analyze quali*vely and quantitatively thte sterokdW sapogenins produced by the plant under various cutirvation conditions. The ultimate oblective is to start diosgenin production in Nigeria. Contact in research organization: Dr Anthony Elujoba; Department of Pharmacognosy; Obafemni Awolowo. University; iLE-IFE; Nigena Recod number (MFN): 03111 Official project title: PHARMACOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE ALKALOID CRYTOIEPINE AND ITS MODIFICATIONS IN ANIMAL MODELS. Imp reentiN agency: IFS. Start date: 1983-000. Countiy/counties: Ghana, Statement of objectivesiabstract Cryptolepine, an akaloid of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta, possesses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic properties- The anti-inflanvnatory potency is enhanced when sub-threshold coincentrations are combined with sub-da concentrations of ower non-steroidal anti-ir0lawrnmoty agent& The plant aqueo extract is used in Ghamian taditional mecloe to treat malari and veneral dseas Dr Noarnesi will study the acute and dcrnic toxiciy of cryptolepine and other anti-inflamnaory drug combinations Bood chemistry anaical mertds wdi be used to investigate the effect of cryptolepwie and its conbwiations on chroniicaly treated laboratory animal blood to determine effects on limer, kidriey, lug, and heast funcbtons Blood gluose, hematocrit, ery ye effects wi also be investigated. The results of the study would prode idatons of safety in the long term therapeutc use of this compound and its possible development as a drug. Contact in research organizabon: Dr Benjmin Noamei Department of Pharmacy: Kurnasi Unirsity; KUMASI; Ghana Record number (MFN): 03115 Of ficial proIect title- EVALLUATION OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTEFISTICS OF UOERUTIUED TREE SPECIES IN IVORY COAST. Iiplemni&g agency: IFS. Stat date: 1983-00-00. Couur*ycxxw*s_ C6te diveke; Stawneet ot objectives/abts:r Ivory coast has almot 4 rlion hectares o forests represning about 120 milion 117 SPAAR Information System m3 wood, counting only trees with a diameter more than 60 cm In these forests there are about 30 tree species which are not well known and which constitute a substartial economical potental. Mr Kouasse Achi inrtends to study the technologcal properties of some of the less known tree species in Ivory Coast. This involves measurement of technical parameters like bendng charactenstirs. elasticity of the wood. axial compression, suitability for nailing etc. The results of ihis project will indicate the possible use of the various tree products. Contact in research organization: Mr Kouassi Achi Edi; /until 1990-04:Forest Products Laboratory; One Gifford Pinchot Drive; MADISON; Wisconsin 53705-2398: U S Record nuLmber (MFN): 03125 Official protect title: IMPROVEMENT OF PRODUCTION FROM LOCAL AQUACULTURE STAT'ONS. Implementing agency: .FS. Starz date: 1984-00-00- Country/cointnes: Conoo; Statement of objectives/abstract Support for aquacture i Congo mostly goes to stations whirh produce fish for csumtion and alevwns for fish farmers. The present prdxtiDn level is not suffcient for the demarnd ad Ms Koubakouenda wants to direct her research towards practical solutions. She will try to improve reproducion by mass prodution of Titapia nilobtica alevins She wil also try to ivprove producton with sirmle techniques and prepare new feed with lcal agriuural by-products. Contact n research organizahon: Ms Heriette Koubakouenda; Centre Piscicole National de Djo.nouna; B P 98: BRAZZAVILLE; Congo Record rnmber (MFN): 03135 Officdi project tile: COLIECTION ANW EVALUATION OF VtGNA VEXILLATA- I rplementg agency: IFS. Stat date 1984-00-00. Coutryfco :es- Zaire; Zeme of objecs/abstracl Vigna exisata t a legumiosae which produces ga as wel as edb tubers. Jrr Kembofa wi coect culbwas wi the ceury and inrodce exoic aiars. The nabal variay betmeen cuivs wi be eWaued o cha'r,eisics such as flowering tuber bxmlion, and nurwve vae. krooved cu0vars wi then be prcduced tluht ge rmrovement studies. 118 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organizabon: Mr Kejuni Kembola: Centre Regional d'Etudes Nucleaires de Kinshasa: B P 868: KINSHASA X1: Zaire Record nunber (MFN): 03138 Official project title: SCREENING CASSAVA (MANIHOT ESCULENTA) FOR LOW CYANIDE (HCN) IN TUBEROUS ROOTS AND LEAVES Implementng agency: IFS. Start date: 1984-00-00. Country'countries: Zaire: Statement of objectives/abstract Cassava, which is an imporlat staple food n Zaire. contains cyanogenic glucosdes which release HCN by hyrlysis. This poses a heaMl hazard and some reports have indicated the role of cassava in the etology of efoeinc goitre and cretinism in Zatre. Dr Mahungu will screen a large cassava germplasm collection for low HCN content in tuberous roots and in leaves. These characteristics wil then be nicorporated in high-yiek*g cassava vaneties resistant to pests and diseases Conact in research organizatiorr Dr Nzola-Meso MahungL Programe National MarKoc (PRONAM); B P 11635; KINSHASA 1: Zaire Record number (MFN): 03141 Official project tite: ANTiMICROBIAL PROPERTIES OF SELECTED L &§_. PLANT SPECIES. Irnplementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1984-00-00. Cowiykounries Sierra Leone; Staterent of objectes/abstract In Sierra Leone se-rag plant species are used in tadbonal medicine to cure hum diseases and in agrzutfre to cure plant diseases. Dr MacFoy wil study the antibaterai and antifurgal properbes of the flowiig plants: Ageratum convzoides. Fcus exasperata, Lantana canara, Colocasse escuerna, Hyptis suaveoks, Selagrlla myosurs, DKospyns elot Mgfefa rdca, Mareya rnicrara With the help of basays the actRie princles wi be iated an d ct y ch aed Contat in research organizaton: Dr Cyrus Madoy Depa e of Bolany Fourab Bay Coleg Unversity of Sierra Leone; FREETOWN; Siera Leone 119 SPAAR Informaton System Record nurnber (MFN): 03143 Official project tite: PRACTICAL VILLAGE TECHNOLOGY FOR BIOLOGICAL CONVERSION OF AGRICULTURAL WASTES. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1984-00-00. Country/counties: Sierra L eone; Statement of objectives/abstract: Various types of agncutturaJ wastes (nce straw and husk, peanur shells) are left to deteriorate The wastes constue a potential source of energy, especially in rural areas. Dr Massaquoi will study the bioconversion of these wastes to boga& The fenrmetation process in vaios mtwures of agrcultural wastes and manure witt be invesigated. These studies should resuSt in the design of feenentors which could be used in rural areas. Contact i research organizaon: Dr Joseph Massaquo Department of Mechanicai Engxneerwg Fourah Bay College: University of Sierra Leone: FREETOWN: Sierra Leone Record number (MFN, 03149 Official project trtle: ZOONOStS OF HUMAN SLEEPING SICKNESS IN CAMEROON: CATTLE. SHEEP. GOATS AND SWINE AS FACTORS. Irplenti agency !FS. Start date: 1984-00-00. Country/couttries: Camneroon; Statement of objectives/absUact There are many toi of seep sicTess in Cameroon and control teamn ae working on daWiosis and treatrMet of hutan Afican twyposma. The results of the research indcate that the domestic arinals in the ederimic areas need the same egnosis and treatment in order to completely contol dsease Dr Asonganyi is going to isolae typanosomes from catle, goats. steep and swne in human seepng sidness areas of CameroorL Armong the isolates Trypanos brucct gwnbi e4ike bypansmes wil be dcaacteized usng the blood icubation rtectiity test and evenlual so-e elec esis on thin layer starch gels. Contact in research orgarn:zario Dr Tazoadha Asonyi; Deparht rid of IrreunobWg C U S S; Unkersty of Yaounde: YAOUNDE Cameroon 120 SPAAR Inforrnation System Record nunber (MFN): 03154 Offical project tide: PHOSPHORUS REQUIREMENTS OF UPLAND RICE IN LIBERIA. Implementig agency. IFS Start date: 1984-00-0. Counryicounties: Liberia: Statement of objectivestabstract: P`iosphorus (P) deficiency is a rnaor problem in upland hunid tropicai soils. Frve sources of P (ircludng rock phosphates, partially acidulated rock pnosphates. commercial grade superplosphates) and five doses of P will be L1zed in a field experiment arranged in a randomized block design Data on dry matter yieWd, grain yiekl. and nuriet concentration at two growth stages wil be takerL Soil analyses for mapr nuttnents before and after planting wii also be done. The ulimate aim is to deternme tie dose at wl*h the best sowuce of P wil resul in optmir yeld of uplnd nce. Contact in reseafch organization: Dr James Kiazolu; Colege of Agricultre and Forestry: Urwyersit of Libena; P 0 Box 9020: MONROVIA; Lberia Record number (MFt): 03155 Official project title: BIOECOLOGJCAL STdDY OF PHENACOCCUS MANIHOTI. AN INSECT ATTACKING CASSAVA IN GABONJ Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1984-00-00. Countrycour*ies: Gabon: Statement of objectivesabstract Cassava is a staple food in Gabon. It is attacked by P mfarhioti, a meaJybug which was observed for the fist me in Gabon m 1975. W Boussienguet wA study the infhuence of abio&c factors (tempeature, hygromietry, pluvwmty, host plant) on the mealybu's sporadic appeance and growth. He win aso iwentory the idigenous ral enemies of P. manihoti in Gabon and study fiei bio-ecology and interrelons before introducing exotic raual enremies. Cont in aesearch orgait W Jstelie Bousstguet DepateWment de Bioogie; FactAe des Sciences; UWiv e 0 Bongo; B P 1886; LIEREVIE Gabon Record nuwer (AN) 03156 O5c prect itle: CPROLCT014 OF SINGLE CEL PROTEIN FROM INCUSRL WASTES 121 SPAAR Information System Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1984-00. Country/counties: Nigeria Statement of oblectivesabstract There is an acute shortage of protein in Nigera The accelerated inclustrial developrmnent in the country produces huge amounts of industrial and agricultural wastes which may be uti&zed with limited er irgy inputs. Dr Oguntirnein will investigate the conditions for the production of single-cell protein from industrial and agricultural wastes. The wastes to be studied ickde those from fruit canmnrng factories and breweries. The microbial protein is prirmaily intended for use as animal feed. Contact in research organization: Dr Gbekebkuwa Ogntune: Department of Food Technology Faculty of Technoogy University of Ibadan; IBADAN; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03157 Official project title: DEVELOPMENT OF WEANING FOOD FROM LOCAL FEPMENTED FOOD. Implerenting agency- IFS. Start date: 1984-00-00. Country/counties: Nigeria; Statement of objeaives/abstact: MalnUrition is a rmajor cause of mortahty in children under 5 years in Nigeria Locally-avaiable, low-priced staple foods could be used as weaning food after being improved by fermentation. Dr AchinewSu will ry to develp an acceptable product by femienting the seeds of melons. oil beans and pumpkls These products will be used to supplement corn which is crwnonly used. The resultig products will be subjcted to nutritional evaluations and toxicokgicaJ tests. Contact in research organization: Dr Simeon Achinewhu; Rivers State University of Science and Technolgy; P M B 5080 PORT HARCOURT; Nigeria Record nurnber (MFN): 03162 Officiai proje Utife SEASONAL INFLUENCE ON THE RENOIDI.CTIE EFFKIENCY OF THE WEST AFRICA DWARF (WAD) GOAT: THE HORMOA PROFRLE DURING THE REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE. knplementklg agency: IFS- Start dale: 198000. 122 SPAAR Informaton System Country/countries: Nigeria Statement of objectives/abstract Seasonal high terperatures in tropical areas affect reproduction adversely in cattle. Data regarding the effect of high temperatures on goats are lacking. Dr Akusu wil! study the profile of reproduction hormones in the West African Dwarf goat to obtain basic data Oestrus will be synchronized with PGF2a and animals in heat will be bred naiurally. Blood collection will be done through pregnancy, parturition and until the first postpartum oestrus. Progesteron, Estradiol 17. and Hydrocortisone wiN be measured using radloimmunoassay. Contact in research organization: Dr Mathew Akusu; Veterinary Surgery and Reproduction; Universi y of ibadan; IBADAN; Nigena Record nrunber (MFN): 03171 Official project title: STLJES ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF SOME LOCALLY FERMENTED PLANT PRODUCTS AS FOOD SUPPIEMENTS- lnplementing agency, IFS. Start date: 11985-00-00 Country/countries: Nigenae Statement of obectives/abstract Locust beans, melon seeds, and soybeans are plnt products which are often fermented and used as food supplemets in Nigea. Dr Abiose intends to study the tddtonal ways of processig these beans and seeds iin order to assess the nutritive value of the resulting food products. She wil infroduce moderr tedniques to scale up and hinprove the traditional processes to prepare fermented foods The resuts wil be communicated to lca food technologists and processors with the aim to improve food quarity in rural areas. Contact in research organizatbon: Dr Sunbo Abiose; Deparrunent of Food Scences and Technology Obaferi Awo!owo Unrwersty ILE-IFE; Nigeria Recod number (WNj: 03172 OicWal poject title: AN INVESTIGATiON UYTO THE ANTIMALARIAL PROPERTIES OF SOME WOOD AND WOODY PLANTS OF SIERRA LEOE. knplemartig agency: IFS. SQ4& date 1985-00-OC. Countrykounlres: Sierra Leone; 123 SPAAR Information System Statement of objectives/abstract A fair nurnber of local medicinal plants are used in Sierra Leone by healers -o treat malaria. Following a screening, nine plants with considerable antmnalarial use were selected for detailed slidies- Dr Robert wig make extracts from these plants testing the extracts for anti-malarial activities. He will also carry o;A tests for anb-viral, anti-bacterial and antiprotozoal effects. The extracts showing pos,tive effects wil be subjected to separation procedures in order to pLuy and identfy the active constLituents. Contact in research organization: Dr Gregory Robert: Njala Unwersity College: University of Sierra Leone: Private Mail Bag; FREETOWN: Sierra Leone Record number (MFN): 03173 Offici ixoject title: PHYTOCHEMCAL STUDIES ON TWO PLANTS WlTri REPtrTED INSECTICIDAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES: PACHYPODANTHUIM SP. AND THOMANDESiA LAURIFLORA. Irplementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1985-00. Country/countries: Cameroon: Saterrent of objectivesabstract: Thoinadersia laurif'ora is used in Cameroon tradoiio medicine for multpurpose m-iedicinal purposes. Padcypodanthium sp. is traditionalty used to treat coughs. asthia, tumors, and also as an insecticide to preserve grain. Dr Ngadjui wil extract dried plant materials from the two plarvs and then try to isolate constituents with pharmacological and insecticidal effects usne classical and rmodemn chromatograpc methods. The resultirg actie preparabons wi;` be standardised for bcal use. Contact in research organization: Mr Tchaleu Ngadjw Faculty of Science: University of Yaounde; Box 812: YAOUNDE. Cameroon Record number (MFN): 03177 1icia proect tle: STUDY ON THE MlUNOLOGICAL VALUE OF COLOSTROM FROM TROPiCAL CArTLE. kementing agency iFS_ StaW date: 1985-O0-00. Cowrykountis: Zaire: Saeetdoct~eives/alstract K ledge about te iboogxal composion of the colostrtin from tropical cattle 124 SPAAR Infornmation System will help to define the immunologicai conditions for calves .n tropical counties Th_s can help planning fior anin"al management and breeding in these countries. Dr Tshibangu will collect milk sarnples from calved cows and study the imrnuno!iObuline content The calves will alss be studied ard certain parameters wil be recorded. sudc as weight before and after sucking and irnmtnogioouline content in bbod and specific antibodies. Contact in research organrzation: Dr Mpumbua Luvuenoe T shibangu: Faculte de Medecine Veterinaire: Universite de Lubumbashi, B P 1325: LUBUMBASHI; Zaire Record number (MFN): 03179 Officia project title: ECOLOGICAL AND BiOLOG.CCAL STUDY OF CRICETOMYS SP: EIALUATIOl' OF ITS REPRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL IN THE PEN.NSULA OF KALOUM. lmplementinq agerny: IFS SWt date: 1985-00-00. Countrydcountries: Guinea: Statement of objectives/abstract: Th e Kakon penilsula in the southwest of Guinea has two specias of Cncetomys. Mr Sankhon wil study the rowth, nutron an.d producivity of this species in captiWty. The aim is to estabish managient axi nutrition techreus whtch can be used to promote the breedig of the species among the .rual population. Contact in research oraarnzaion: Mr Ibrahima Sankhonr Dcection de Recherche Scientthque et Techniue (DRST': B P 561: CONAKRY; Guinea Record number (MFN): 03180 Offic project tite: CC!iICTION. EVALUATION AND GENETiC MPROVEMENT OF COCOYAAS. ImpJamer ng agencl: IFS. Start date- 1985-0000 Cooxtry/coutries. C6te clivoire, staterert of ob0estastradb The biolgical ard rish lal charac iic of ten cocoyan (X&nthoscira spp. and Cobcasia escuenta) from Cole drvore have been desaibed i an earier phse of #as proiect Dr Grarxbe row ams to evake the agDnomic potenti and nurtve vakie of the loc cutars. The fis experient w be perowmed in forest region in the southern par of the cotsry and wE compare te yis of the culias "gm raidorrzed Fischer plots The c0tivars wi be selected aocowr*g to te y-et oblaied wder bntensrvs cultivaion cuil os Biochemical w*rss of the 125 SPAAR Information System amino acid content total proteins. minerals. vitamins, and calcium oxalate in tubers and leaves will be performed to characterize each cuftivar. New accessions from regions not yet explored and foreign cuttrvars will aiso be added to the locai collection. Contact in research organization: Dr Felix Gnangbe: Laboratoire de Genetique: Facufte des Sciences: Universitr dAbidjan: 228B P 582: ASiDJAN 22: Ccte dlvoire Record ntmbef (MFN): 03182 Official project title: PRODUCTiVITY AND PROFITABtiJ1:Y OF CASSAVA AND MAiZE INTERCROPPING SYSTEMS. Inplementirng agernc IFS Start date: 1985-00-00 Countyicountres: Togo: Statement of objectives'abstract Cassava and maize. the two most irnporait .od crops in soutiem Togo. are frequently intercroppedi Mr Adni wil study the tradbonal cultivatin systems used The influence of piart date. pait densities, and mromen pattem and feuizatiorn on yieds wil be evakialed Specia" attention wil be given to the lboti requirements of the differert systems- The experiments wig be prormed both n expenmentaW stations and in farmers' fields. Contact in research organization: Lk Kwamz Adrr Direction de la Recherche Arionomque: B P 2318: LOME; Togo Record nunrber (MFN): 03183 Ofiiol p ct tDIe- GEET VARIAB5UTY IN GROWTH AND NITROGEN FIXATION OF SOME FAST-GROWING TREE SPECIES IN LOW PHOSPHATE SOiL implmneretirg agency: IFS. Sta date: 1985-00-00. Staht of obd jes rasa Dr Sangmga wi westigate the gerebc vaabiy in a nunber o fast-gowing trees, Leicaena and Gicxia. associaed wih the aJey-faing system for teir poterti to grow and to fx atmospherc rfogen in low ptospiae soils. Aboti 25 prienares of each species wv be fir scemed br heir tleraace to w pniQsaI Seected pmvenances vi be th tested overvario lvels of phosphate in the field and exawied for tw abily to fac nitgen. This research wi det$enme I the effdct of phosphate opeaes vpant p owt poeri or pnaily 126 SPAAR Information Systern on factors affectng growth of Rhizobium in the rhizosphere. infection process. nodule formation and development on nitrogen fixing processes themselves. Contact in research organization: Mr Nteranya Sanginga: IITA: Private Mail Bag: 5320: Oyo Road; IBADAN: Nigeria Record numrber (MFN): 03186 Offical proect title: NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM SOME IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL PEST INSECTS OF NIGERIA. Inpleement.:Ig agency: IFS. Start date: 1985-00-00- Countbyounties: Nigeria: Statement of objectives/abstract Biogca pest co-trol :s becoming nicreasingly attractive for Nigeria Various chemical attractants/repellents such as phetomones have been successfully used to control some insects. Prof Otagbern;ro in'tends to identiy. isolate. and charactenze cherical compounds of ecolgica interest from a selection of insect pests in Nigeria The eco fnal sigicn of the isolated products wi be investigated by both field and laboratory bioassays. The insects cWsen for thiese studies are Messor gaila. Trmervitermes gemratus. Odontotemmes smeathmank Odontoternes magdalenae. Mirndae spp. and Mylabris spp. Contact in research organization: Prof T Olagbemaro: Abubakar Tafawa Balewa College: Ahnadu Belo Unrvers. P M B 0248: BAUCHI, Nigeria Record nunber (MFN): 03187 Official project tite: REGULATION OF THE METABOLISM IN ONCHOCERCA VOLVULUS. imple menting agercyM IFS. Start date: 1985-00-00. Cooirie: Cameroon: Stement of obwcivsabsra Chocerciasis or rvr b&xIness, caused by the renatode Oncoerca volvulus. affects at least 17 aAiom people in trepical cclries There are crrently no safe drugs om compklte e iation of aduk woi. M*h can fie for up to 15 years in humn beings. Dr __tair am to cier and stu new cdaicte dugs from mecnal plaits. Anong the plarn ftilaides recently discovered by Dr Trla and othrs at the Uirssty of Yaounde are oeime and caAomike A from Pactiylbodn staucU and Caapa pMocera, *vch wi be evaluated ptwnmacobKjica in the rouse flaial models. In oter studies phosoprots 127 SP.AAR Information Systernm will be examined as new filarial drug targets. Contact in research organizatio: Dr V P K 1Tanir Biochemistry Service: Faculty of Science: University of Yaounde: Box 812: YAOUNDE: Cameroon Record number (MFN): 03190 Official project tite: DIGESTIBILITY AND BI0-AVAILABILITY OF AGRICULTUtRAL BY-PRODUCTS wN NIGERIA FOR USE AS FEED FOR CLARIAS SP. AND HETEROBRANCHUS SP. Implementing agency: IFS, Start date: 1986-00-00. Cour*countnes: Nigri Staterment of objectives'abstract The demand for fish and fish products is high in Nigena. Fish farmers face a competitive demand from pouitry an livestoak producers for traditial feed. Alternative inredier.ts must therefore. be used to produce fish feed. but reliable inforfnation on digestbity and bo-availability of the lcal products is not avaiable. Dr Mgbenka will study the potential of some bcal agricultural by-products !n different diets for Clarias and Heterobrandiu& The estifility of the diets wiN be determined by the inirect chromic oxide method and protein, energy. rnoisture, and aslh contents wiN also be recorded. Contact in research organization: Dr Bemard Obialo Mgbenka: Departmert cf Zooblgy. Uriversity of Nigeria: NSUKKA: Anambra State: Nigeria Record number (MFNk 03191 Official prect tite: PATHOGENS AND DISEASES OF CULTURED FISH IN THE SOUTHERN STATES OF NIGERIA. Imnpimeting agrcy: IFS. Staft date: 1986-00-00. Couriry/countries: Nigeria S_atement of objec es/abstract In spite of the existence of several hac s i igernp inadequate supply of catfish (Helbrahus. Caias) flgerigs rem-is a factor *hich hxiders expas of thei aquac . PreFriary sti ces have shown that subsrial bsses of cafish fry are due to patoec bacteria, poozoa, and moogewtic bte.iatodes. Dr Obiekeze wig std in greate deW the patogenic causes of catfish fry7irn orality in fve prm e and gowernt wned hahei in Souh NMgerna E xperent wesbgati in aqur and hathery raceys wil 128 SPAAR lnfomnato System determine the influence of environmental and host factors in the development anid patology of the identified patogenic diseases. Effective prophylactc and chemotherapeutic regines will be developed during drug trials to minimise the patogenic factor in catfish. Contact m research organizahon: Dr Augustine Obiekez;e: Instiute o' Oceanography; University of Calabar: P M B 1115: CALABAR: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03192 Official projecf ttle: TRYPANOSOMIASIS AND TRYPANOTOLERANCE IN SMALL RUMINANTS IN THE OUEST-FORESTIERE REGION OF THE IVORY COAST. Implemn agency: IFS. Start date: 1986-00-00. Countrykountries: CWte d'Ivoire: Statemert of objectiveslastract: One of the main constraints for iniprovement of animal produchon in the Ivory Coast is triypanosomiass. Its incidence among smal rurinants is not well known. and Ilk Douati will undertake a study on this problem in one region of the couitry. The presence and ecology of the Glossina fly. as welg as the iection rale in the smal ruminants. will be recorded- Contact in research organuzation: Mr Alphonse Douati: Region Ouest-Forestiere de Ia Cote cflvo. e: Ministere du Deveipomerit Rural: B P 45: KORHOGO: Cote d'lvoire Record ntimber (MFN): 03193 Ofkicial proiect title: GENETIC STUDY OF TH-E AUBERGINE CULTIVAFtS SOLANUM AETHIOPIUM AND S. iACROCARPON AND THEIR RELATION WITH THE WILD SPECIES SOLANUM ANGUIVI AND. hlmplerie agency: IFS. Start date: 1986-00-00. Countr;!co&unries: Cote dlvoire: Stalenent of ojectives/abstract The man nre of geetic dvity for Ahican egpWrits (or auberges) s the Ivey Coas2 where hey are nut l iiiportart Hower, iltie work has tien dDne to trh-em fxmeutr Kouassi wi colect cullivas of abergmes (Solawnn aeopin and S. wicroapo) and rmed wAd spces (Solarmu angwvi and S. dasypy*n) PIenotype vaabity wd be descaed in relabon to ernzyinac varwuily. A tNirizaton progamne wi be ndertaken to search for gene taeams 129 SPOR . iformation System of the morphological and enzyrrntic charac1, 's. Contact in research organization- Mr Auguste Kouassi: Faculte des S - e.,ces et echniques: Universite d'Abidpn. 04 BP 322: ABIDJAN: Cote dcrvowre Record number (MFN): 03195 Official protect title: MICROPROPAGATION AND IN VITRO REJUVINATION OF TERMINAUA SUPERBA. Implementuig agency IFS. Start date: t186-00-00. Country/countries: Congo: Statement of objectives/abstract- Terminalia superba is a tree species used m afforestation programmes in the Congo. Methods of ropagation by cuttngs of selected maeial tave been developed in order to mass produce plants of high quality for an indusUtal plantatin projt of 25 000 hectares. As the level of rejuvenation reached is not satisfactory. Mr Miateo wili use instead an in vitro culture techmque. Methods wil be deveoped to disinfect the vegetative material before st is used The composition of a culttire rmedium wiil be determined Dderent in vitro cutre merth wi be caied out usg buds. nodes. and principally meristemns. Methods which entrd less risk for genetc deviaton wiHl be camied ouL The methods wS be compared in temrs of the risk for genetic deviation Root formation and root penetration stuihes will be performed before the In vitro plants are transferred to the fields. Contact in research organization: Dr Sebasbi Mia!eo: Centre Techrque Forestier Tropical: B P 764: POINTE-NOiCRE: Congo Record number (MFN): 03197 Official project tLtle: STUDY ON THE NUTRMVE VALUE OF SOME TRADITtONAL GRAINS IN rT-fE IVORY COAST. implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1986-00400. Couirticounlres: CWte dvoire: Saemet of objectives/abstract Few of the ams tracilionaly con ined the tvory Coast hare been analysed for their nutritive value. Some such as 'Nere' (Parka bfiokosa). Visache' (Cm psis eduis) and Akpi (Rinodendon kendelo) have prvtemi conents approading those of peanut or even soybean- Dr Kouane wi anase these gains for lewr contents of oro. nitogen, ipds. glucids. energy mierals anrd vitarris as 130 SPAAR Information System well as for the presence of anti-nutritive substarces. The effects of traditional cooking methods on the nutritive value will be studied. Growth studies on rats fed different grain products wiN also be perlorrned Contact in research organization: Dr K Kouame: Departernent de Biologie et Physiologie Animale: Universte Nationale de Cote d'lvoire: 04 BP 322 ABIDJAN 04: Cote d'ivoire Record number (MFN): 03198 Official prject title: STUDY OF THE M!CROBIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF PALM WINE. implementing agency: IFS. Sat date: 1986-00-00. Countrvicountries- Congo. Statement of objecves/absbact The quality of paik-wine produced in Congo and other tropical countries is vable. Dr Louembe wifl study the microbiology and biochemistry of the fermenton process to be able to standardize and optmize palm-wfne production. Contact in research organizaton Dr D Louembe: Faciute des Scierces: tiniversite Manen NGouabi: B P 69: BRAZZAVILLE Congo Record number (MFN): 03199 Official project tite: DEVELOPMENT AND UTIUSATION OF PLANT DERPIED INSECTiCIDES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COMPONENTS FROM THE NEEM TREE AND JATROPHA SPECIES. Implementig agency: IFS. Start date: 1986-00-00. Countycountries: Ghana: Staterrent of obcives/abstract Large anrnounts of expensive synthetic pesticides are curently inported to Ghana. Dr Cobbir"h wil develop a tecfW for eing the nisecwcfil potenial of indigenou pr sstances. The study wil ine isolafion charactez . and utizaibo of puriied and seni-p ed active suitces The sensory and behaioal responses of irsects exposed to thie substances wil be tested. The ubrale goal is to develop cheap. biodab insecticides. Contact in reseandi org:ization Dr J Cobbina; Demrknerp of Ernology: Forest Prcds Research Institute; University of Kumasr P 0 Box 63; KUMASI; Ghana 131 SPAAR Intorm.ation System Record number (MFN): 03200 Offirial project title: SECONDARY METABOLITES OF USEFUL PLANTS OF SIERRA LEONE. A COMPILATION OF A PHARMACOPOEA OF USEFUL PLANTS OF SIERRA LEONE. Implernenting agency: IFS. Start dlate: 198600 Country/countries: Sierra Leone: Statemrent of ob;ectives/abstact A maprnty of the people in Sierra Leone corisult tradtiona! healers for rmedical care. Dr Faulkner wilg identify and perforrr. pharmrncoogicai screening of plant material used in tradtonal medicine or i aqcutre as bobgcal controls for pests, Isolation. characterization, and testnag of actie compounds wil be performed in order to evaluate scientifically their properties. C-ontact in research crganrzation: Dr D Faulkner: Deparnment of Chemistry: Fourah Bay College: Unrversity of Sierra Leone: FREETOWN: Sierra Leone Record number (MFN): 03201 Official project title: CONTROL OF CALLOSOBRUChUS MACULATUS WITH TWO INSECTICIDAL PLANTS AND IDENTIFICATION OF THEIR Bl¢A5TIVE COMPONENTS'. Implernenting agency: !FS. Start date: 198-00,-0. Countryicountnes Nigeria: Statement of objectins/abskact Vgna t Anquicta (cowpea) is the cheapest soure d protei in Africa Wude production is increasing. ss due to insect pests in storage is high. In prelimay studies. two Nigenan plants. Petiveria al&acea and PFier quieense have been shown to exhibit toxicity to the laval ard adult stages respecve of the seed beetle Callosobrucds fnaculats. The boactive components i be dentfied and tested for toxicity in order to develop an effective formrlati;a for pest control. Contact in research organizaion: Dr. 0ia1 Department of Plant Science: Cbaferm Awob Uriiversity: lLE4FE: igeria Record number (MFN): 03208 132 SPAAR Informaton System Official project itle: EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF SHEEP AND GOAT S FED CROP RESIDUES CHEMICALLY TREATED WITH ORGANIC WASTE ASHES. Implemenbing agency: IFS. Start date: 1986-00-00. Country/countries: Nigeria. Statement of obectivesiabstract: Most of the literature on chemical treatment of poor quality forages and crop residues advise the use of either sodium hydroxide, urea or related chemicals. In a country like Nigeria these chemicals must be impoited and are not easiy available to rurai farmers. Dr Adebowale will study the performance of sheep and goats fed crop residues treated with organic waste ashes. Both wet and dry treatmrent will be studied and parameters to be recorded include volLitary dry matter intake. digestibility. metabolizable energy and nitrogen retention and anirra productviy Contact in research organization: Dr Ebenezer Adebowale: Institute of Agecultural Research and Training: Obaferni Awolowo University: P M B 5029: Moor Plantatior IBADAN: Nigea Record nunber (MFN): 03213 OffIcial project title: STUDIES ON THE 3SOLOGY OF CALLOSOBRUCHUS SUBINNOTATUS (COLEOPTERA: BRUCHIDAE) AN INSECT PEST OF STORED BAMBARA GROUNONUTS. Implrmerting agenrcy IFS Start date: 1986-00-00. Countrylcountres: hgeria: Statement of objectives/abstract Dr Ubata intends to investigate the lie history of the bruchd Callosobruchus subinnotatus and carry ou; studies on the biochmcal bsses and reductior. in five grmination potentals following ifestation of te vareties of Banbara growx*uts. The rkstars are to be determed by disectig out Larvae at ntervals and measuring ffteir prnotrn. fested seeds of vious varieties wA be planted in germnaan trays to deter. aine the effect of infestation on seed vility. The biocmucal changes associated wit the infestaton of the seeds are to be determined by examninig dianges in the lpd portions. These studies wil reveal var-eities that can remain biochemically stle and viable even after ifestation. Contact in research or-ganzabon: Dr G N *bata Imo State Universiy: P M B 2000 OK(IGWE: hmo State: Nigeria Record nurber (MN): 03215 Ofic t tile: STUDIES ON THE FERMENTATION PRODUCTION OF LAFJN AND RJFU FROM 133 SPAAR Irformaion System CASSAVA AND THEIR STORAGE. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1986-00-00. Country/countres: Nigena: Statement of obebves/abstract Lafun and tufu are fermented products of cassava which are consumed in West Africa Dr Oyewole will study the enzymatc activites of the ma,ior microorganisms previously isolated from feffnenting cassava during lafun and futfu production. Further invesbgation will be carried out on the conditions for optursng the fermentation process. The microbiological quality. the post-processing and shelf-life stability of the products wil be studied and the development of a suitable processng methed for dried rufu wil be investi,ated. Contact in research organizatiorr Dr 0 Oyewole: Department of Food Techrolog. University of Agnculture Abeokuta: P M B 2240: ABEOKUTA: OgLn State. Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03216 Offical project title: PROTEIN AND VITAlIN-FORTIFICATION STUDIES OF FERMENTED AND LNFERMENTED MAIZE AND CASSAVA FOODS. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 19OC-00. Counhry/countries: Nigeria Statement of objectves/abstract: Ogi and ga3n are carbohydrate-rch fernented products from maize and cassava respectively. They contrbute a substantial proporton of the regular diet of nrrhons of Africans. ridL.dEigh weaned inants and chldren. Dr Sokari will atternpt to increase protein and vilanin contents of ogi and gai by adding seeds and leaves of winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonob. The stucies wi also include the efiects of vrianons in proessig and fermenaon tectrhKes an the cyanide content of 'gari' as wel as flavours, and acceptabuity of the products. Contact ii research organization: Dr T Sokan: Departme of Biolgca Sciences: Rivers State Unvery of Science and Technoro P M B 5080 PORT HARCCURT: Nigeria fecord nrbrer AFN): 03218 Offici predt tile: STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERAL OIL PLANTS OF ZAIRE. Implemn ageny IFS. 134 SPAAR lnfomiabon Syste Start date: 1986-00-00- Countrylcountres: Zaire:, Staterrent of objecties/abstract Little ts known about the plants of forests and savannas in Zaire and their corrmmercal potential. Mr MAalumba will investigate potential oil plants in Zai,re. study the composition of their seeds, and develop srnall scale technokies for oil extraction and use of fth waste products. The king-term objective is to encourage the cultivation of interesting species useful for food and food-related industries. Contac in research organization: Mr M Malumba. Faculte des Sciences: Univer-site de Ki'nshasa: B P 190:- KINSHASA XI: Zai;re RecoDrd ntanber (.MFN): 03220 Official pro}ect title: ARTlRFCIAL SPAWN'ING OF PRAWNS (PENAEUS DUJORARUM AND PRODUC-i1ON OF POST-LARVAE_ Impleretig agency: IFS. Stait dtate: 1987-0000 Courfry/coLntr'es: Benin: Statement of objectives/abstract: The prawn species Penaeus cduorarum exists in modest numibers in Benin btiA are not much exploited because t is not econmic. Mr Akainci wdl establisti a laboratory to study tie reproduction of this species and the optimurn proxduction corditons with the aim to introduce prawn farming- Contact in research organization: Mr Liandi Akambr Service des Peches Maritirnes: Direton Ndihonale des Peches: 8 P 383: COTONOU: Benen - - - -- - - - Record rKni.ber (MFN): 03229 Officia projec:t tide: IDENTIFRCATION OF INFECTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE -,GUMBOPO) VIRLUS SEROTYPE-S IN NIGERIA. linplemnentki agerry- IFS. Stait date: 1987-00-00. Cour*y/cour.Ies: Ngeria; Statmert of oboectives/abstraclt kIrectous bursal disease (113D) is a highy Tfectious disease of chcens and twkeys acid is stil cifilcu to conro in Nigai dlespi widepread vacinalim with inpored vaccuins Antigenic variations betvwee fiek and tacei 189D viruses have 135 SPAARf Information System been suspected to be resoonsibla for vaccination failures. To date IBD-virus serotypes existing m Nigena are unknown. Dr Abdu will isolate and Kdentify IBD-virus in poultry in Nigera. adapt these serotypes to grow in cell culture and attenuate them to reduce virulence as a step towards endigenous vaccine production. Contact m research organization: Dr Paul Abdu; Department of Veteriarv Surgery and Medicine: Ahrnadu Bello University SAMARU-ZARIA: N.gena Record number (MFh): 03230 Official pro!ect file: STUDY OF THE EMBRYONIC AND POST-EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LYMPHOID TISSUES OF THE HELMET GUINEA FOWL. Implementn agency: IFS Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countries: Nigena: Statement of objectives/abstract: The possibity of inaeasing protein intae in Nigeria seems to le with the poulfy indstry. Poultrv fanning to a brge extent relies on fipported exotic birds and problems with diseases are often er counlered. The inoigenous gutrea fowls are known to have a higher resistnce to rriost avian diseases. and they could serve as a pool for good parent stocks for the poultr, irnustry. Dr Orneausi wDi study the lymphoid sysem, its aatorny and histoloy as wel as uitrastructure. The effects of antigens of irnfectous bursal disease and Newcastle disease on the vpipoid organs wil also be examried. This information will be used to select and breed for high disease resistance in this speces. Contact in researd: organization: Dr Barth Onyeanusi, Department of Veterinary Anatcmy Ahmadu Belg University: ZARIA: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03232 Official project title: INVEST1GATKAN INTO THE EFFECTS OF CHRONIC AND SUBCLINICAL TRYPANOSOMIASS ON REPROD(ICilVE PEPFORMANCE OF MALE PIGS IN TSETSE INFESTED ZONE OF NlGERiA Impemenbsr agency: FS. Stat date: 1987400 00- Coun#bixxiries.~,4rqaaI Statemlent of objectriesabstract The modern pig industry s rapidy uioeasng in the tropicsm Ore of the maijor consta its is dsease and in soDe parts od geria porcine typanosomiasis serousy 136 SPAAR Information System affects productivity Dr Orneke wiil undertake a study on the effects of chronic and subcnical trypanosorniasis on the reproductive performance of male p.gs. The characteristic clinical symptorms and pa enesis wiU be deteamined- Boars wdil also be experriental.ly infected with Trypanosora brcei and the semnen characteristcs. histopathoogy of testes, and mabng behaviour wilg be studied. Contact ir research organization: Dr Benjamin Omeke. Department of Veternary Physiology and Pharmacology: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: University cf Nigeria: NSUKKA: Anambra State: Nioeria Record number (MFN): 03237 Official project title: STUDIES ON THE LEAF SPOT DISEASES OF TELFAIRIA OCCIDENTAUS 'UGU' IN NIGERIA. Implementing agency: IFS Start date: 1987-00-00 Countrycotutries: Ngeria Statent of ob'ectsves/absfact The cucurbit Tefairia occidentals is grown in Souteast Nieria for its edible fruits and young shoots which are used as vegetabes. The leaves of Telfaina occidentais are also rich in proteins and vitanins. However, very little is known on tbe ongm, distiutitn and agonoomy of the plant. An investigaton wil be undertaken firstly to carry ot a survey of the leaf spot dseases of T. occxientahs in Nigerra, and seconrdy to study the host-pag relatbnhps and control of the diseases. Dr Nwufo wri evaiuate the inidence of the leaf spot diseases in the fieid isolate ard idKentiy microorganisms from coleed planrt. examine the leaf spot lesions under microscope and perform patgenet tests using spore- ncelial sspensions Contact in research organization: Dr Martin Nwufo; School of Agricuwure and Agrictural Techno:ogy, Federal Universit of Technokogy OWERFI; lrro State: Nigera Record number (MFNj: 03238 Officiai project te: DROUGHT RESISTANCE OF SOYBEAN IN THE NIAR VALLEY. Impiereng agency: IFS. Sart date: 1987-00-00. Counycontnies Congo; Sta ltemee of oecveabsact The Nian valley is car by an errabc pkNnetry wilh fctuatris up to 70 per cent arund the mea. The second culvaon cyde {MarbMe) is especialy 137 SPAAS Inforrahon System affected by irregular and sometimes insufficient rainfall Hogever. this second cultivation cycle is necessary to obtain viable seeds for somre soybean varieties. Mr Mavoungou-Zaou wilt identify drought resistant vareties fromf ield tnats. amd expefiment on a second cultivation cycle wffi some of the cultivars. The mechanisms of resistance to specific conditions of water shortage will be deterriined. A breeding programme could be devebped according to the experimental resufHs. Contact in research organization: Mr Celestbn &!avoungou-Zaou: Laboratoire des LegurineusesG Centre de Recherches Agronomiques: B P 28: LOUDIMA. Congo Record number (MFN): 03240 Offkia projec title: STUDtES C-N GROWTH WND ASPECTS OF PRIMARY WETABO3JSM OF MANIHOT ESCULENTA (CASSAVA) SEEDLINGS THE EFFECT OF WATER STRESS. Implemerntig agency IFS. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countnes: Nigena: Satement of objectiveabsaract There is Ofe information avaiabie on the pnrvawy metabchism of cassava; most of the work has deaR wih d rnattff acmnuation. growth rate. leaf areas ana photoperiodiciy. However. data on estabistrrterlt of cassava seedlings durng water stress are scanty. although the seedigs are sukjeced to water stress in thi southern part of Nigeria dimng the months o January to mid-May. Ms Nwosu vwll undertake a detailed study of the inflbence of water stress on difterent parameters such as the relative growth rate. leaf area ratio. net assimiation rate and dry matter accuiulaon. The lels of pignent formaton wivl be determined. as well as the activiies of different enzymes and mietaboutes The data obtawned could give vaiuable informiation on the establishmet of cassava seedings dwig periods of water stress. Contact in research organizaion: Ms Akaja Love Nwosu; Department of Botany: Urwer of Port Harcourt P M 6 5323; PORT HARCOURT; Nigeria Record ntmber (MFN): 03241 Oflicia project title: INVESTIGATON OF THE SSCEPTR LITY TO INFESTATION OF SOWE NEWLY ITRODUCED GHANAN MAlZE VARIETIES TO SITOPHILUS ZEAMAIS. Imodemerir agency IFS. Start dale: 1967-00-0( Couwcons Ghana, N 138 SPAAR Information S,vsem Staterrent of objectivesiabstract: Maize is a staple tood for more than 40 per cenAt of the poputation Co Ghana. The-e have been increased efforts to Improve production by introducing high yielding. improved varieties to the srndasca'e iarmners. who produce over 70 per cent o' ma;ze requiremnents However. a lot of these varieties are darnaged by during storage. Mr Kwame Akori -vill investigate somne ne-!y-introduced varieties for thei susceptibiity .o the man storage pest. Sitophilus zeanaes Improvements -1.if be mads on the post-harv,es technology of .hose varieties with good agronornic characteristics that are highly susceptible to intestation. Contact in research orgarv-aton: Mr Kwame Vowotcr: Department of Analysis: Food Research Institute: P 0 Box M 20. ACCRA: Ghana Record number !MFN): 03242 Ot&iai project title: KCONOMICALLY OPTIMUM RATE OF PHOSPHORUS FERTRLUZATlON OF UPLAND-PYCE ON GRAVELY. SANDY-CLAY LOAM SOrLS IN SIERRA LEONE_ Inplementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-O0-00. Cou;ryIcoutnes: Sierra Leone; Statement of objectives/abstract: Ovwer 80 per cent of the upland soiis on which nce is grown m Sierra Leone are gravelly. sax,-lay loam soids. highly-weathered acid with low organic ma'ter content and gh phoshorus, fixing capacity. Phosphorus fetilzbon has been arbitrary in the absence of sod tests and field exper~nents. Mr ConleGh wift study tVe phosphorus status of the sods and experment different levels of phosphw4s fertiizabt in the fiekl Frmn the response acrve a graphicI tecnique wil be developed to determine the econormica opt evel of ie.Oldizaton The experiments wil be conducted in the five ag-ecoogical zones. Contact in research oization: Mr Mohared Conteh: Departmrent of Soil Soence: Njala University College: Unves of Sierra Leone; Private Mail Bag FRTE7OWN Sierra Leone Record nunber (MFN}: 03243 Official proec tile: STUfDIES ON BIOLOGiCAL CONTROL OF THE BLACK COWPEA APHIf. APHIS CRACCIVORA, BY TWO lNlGEOb COCCINlEJIJO SPECIES IN NIGERIA. Irn enting agency, IFS. SWtdate: 19871-00-W Co,yk~e~ NIger1 139 SPAAR Information System Statement of objectives/abstract The btack cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora. is a widespread pest on cowpeas and causes significant damnage in the trpics and subtropics. Up to now. Iittle attention has been given to control by natural enemies. such as coccinellids. The project presented by Dr OfLqya is airmed at deterrining the response of the coccinet7id predators to prey availability in the field and evaluate their efficiency using the mechanical exdusion techniKue. Contact ii research organization- Dr Thomas Ofuya: Department of Crop Production: The Federal University of Technology P M B 704: AKURE: Nigeria Record nuxber (WN): 03244 Officil project tite: ADAPTABILITY AND SELECiON STUDIES OF POTATO (SOLANUM T1JBEROSUM) IN THE WESTERN HIGHLAND REGION OF CAMEROON. Implemrenting agency- IFS. Start date: 1987-00-0. CountryJcountries: Cameroon: Statement of obje/tvesabstact: The potato has great potential to iprov te tenutixol status of the Cameroon people. but yields are very low and Cameroon is foced to imnpot potatoes despite the fact that the western highlands are weJ suited for potato producti. The present low yields of adapted vaneties are due to high disease inidence and poor agrornmic knmoledge. poor storage. and markeking arrangemnents. The mam objective of Ms Aighewi is to collect test, and select potato varzeties on the basis of adaptabiliy. high stable ylelds. disease resistance, and consrner acceptabi6ty. Contact in research organization: Ms Beatrice AighewK Department of Agr-uiture; Universitv Centre of Dschantg P 096: DSCHANG: Camneroor Record nunber (MFN): 03247 ONffiial project tide REGENERATION OF THE HUkID FOREST iN MAYOMBE CONGO. g aemeng agIey iFS. Sta date: 197-00-00 Couw&ykmns. Congo; Statement of obectrveslabist Dr Pagou wil stu* the role which seeds a:d sedrings play in lhe dcs of the ntixa regerton of the topical hund frest i ayornte, Congo. The investigaions vE be made on te seeds aid seerkgs of some speoes of the pmnny 140 SPAAR InforTnation System forest. Their morphology and anatomy .ill be studied and the factors influercing the conservation of the seeds and the develkppment of the seedlings will be determnined Contact in research organization: Dr Valentin Pangou: C E R V E Ministere de la Recherche Scientifique et de rEnvironeriment B P 1249: BRAZZAVILLE: Congo Record number IMFN): 03248 Officiai project btJe: GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF TRIPLOCHITON SCLEROXYLON (STERCULIACEAE) iN BENIN. Imrplementinc agency- 1FS Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countres: Benin: Statement of objectveabstract Trphochdton scieroxyblo or samba s a wid tree species in Benin. used for wood-peeling. veneerng or constuction of pirogues for fishng. Due to shortage of seeds, Ihis species has not been used in reforestation projects or selection progammes. Mr Dah-Dovnon wil identify the best prenotypes and create selected clones by graftings and cutngs. The projct also ains to protect the samba, which is now endangered due to intensive deforestabon and bush fires- Conact in research orgaization Mr Jean Dah-Dovonon; Unite de Recherche Foreser; Direction de la Recherche Agroniomique: B P 06-707: COTONOU; Berm Record nunber (MFN): 03249 Oficial proect title: SILVICULTURE OF MANS0f4MA ALlISSIMA AND TRIPLOCHfTON SCLEROXYLON !N RELATION TO INSECT PESTS IN DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL REGIONS OF CAMEROON. IVlementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-0-00. Coycourie Cameroon: Stat of obojebes/1stract Maoroia abssina and Trpkdcitc 1 'eeroxyln are ipt timber tree species in Cameroor During te course of a preiry smvey, two iret pests (Godasa sida F, a d ,iaMc, anrxa cossid wood feeder) have been idtiied as potrta canstants to the dewelpne ri the no'tn rea o nestaor proamne usuig these tree species 1k Foaom w7 study the morioh aid b.ogy of the insacts and evluate hw disfr ion i Cane The ecolgical factors fhlenrig t popiaton dynamics and regiaon in 3 dferen areas wI be reicded. 141 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Mr Bernard Foah orn: Centre de Recherches Forestieres de Douala: B P 223: EDEA: Cameroon Record number (MFN): 03250 Official proiect trtle: QUALITY AND STABILITY OF SOLAR DRiED CURED MEAT. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-00-00- Country/countries: Nigena; Statement of obectvesabstact Traditionally. meat in Nigeria is heavily smoked after cooking. which renders a product of poor nutrional qualty that is susceptible to fungal and insect spoilage. Mr Okonkwo wDi improve solar d;ying technigues to obtain an acceptable prcIJuct that is self-stable writout refrgeration or sophisticated packagng. Traditional techrnques will be improved through curing with acceptable ingredients and through control of the dryig process Analysis of physical chemnical, organoleptic and nutritve quarty wil be performed and shelf-ife and spolage characteristics of the product wil be evaluatecL Contact in research organizato Mr Thomnas Okonkwo: Department of Food Science and Technokogy: Uniersity of Nigeria; NSUKKA: Anambra State. Nigeri Record number (MFN): 03252 Oficial project tits TtiE DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUAllON OF A NEW PROCESS UNE FOR GARRI PRODUCTION. Implemenng agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-OG-00- Country/counties: Nigena; Statement of objectveslabstact Gadri is a very popular fermented product in West Africa. At present the equoaent used in the gan plat cauwiQI be used to process oler food crops. Dr Aibd$a wil develop and evalae a new process sitna to that used in processing oier localy-available food crops, such as yarn and rice. Effects of dicing size. fe tabon time, sazring time and drying terperfte on the qualiy, sweling dcactwistics and cyaride content of ga produced by stearn geatizio wi be iNestgakL and opinw processing conions n tems of enrgy use and costs wil be detemiied. 142 SPAAR irformation System Contact in research organization: Dr Obafemi Ajbola; Department of AgrEuftuai Egineeng: Obafemi Awolowo University; ILE-FE, Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03253 Official project title: EVALUATION OF DRACAENA BERRIES FOR THE CONTROL OF SCHISTOSOMIASIS IN NIGERIA. Implementing agency: !FS. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/counbies: Nigena: Statement of oplectivesabstract Extacts and isolated saponins from Dracaena manni and D. arborea berries have been found to be mo cidal at very low Dcncmtation- Dr OkurV will evaklate the use of Dracaena benmes for the control of schistosorniasis in Nigeria as a potential low-cost alterative to synthetic molluscicides. Bioassays on both target and non-target organisms as well as isolation and charactenzation of the active compounds will be performed. Contact in research organization: Dr hrkphei OkuLri Phy.oherapv Research Laboratory: Departmnef of Phfarmaoognosy, University of Nigeria NSUKKA- Anambra State; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03255 Official project title: EFFECT OF INTEGRATED POULTRY-AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS IN THE RUW-L AREAS OF CONGO. Implemet agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-0040. Country/countns- Congo: Statement of objectivesfabstract Devebpment of aquacultre in fte rural sector of the Congo has been slow A major conslait has been a kick of feed for fish and adeqate ferSizers for the ponds. Mr Kai-Tchskati wi do a study of an inegrated system usnig Tiapia nrotica and "l poultry breeds The bids *0 be con*d in cages sitaed above the ponds and dffert stocing densibes of fih aid birds wi be tried. The bids wil be fed waste poducts Cotact in reseanh organizatmon- k Edouad KI-Tchlai Projet de Dvoppernet de la Pijstiare Rwale; Centre Piscicodle Naiordl de Djouno B P 98; BRAZZAVILLE; Congo 143 -~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . - … ------. .. . ..- SPAAR Information System Record nrumber (MFN): 03257 Official project title: TOXIC AND POTENTIAL TOXIC FACTGRS AND ANTI-NUTRITIONAL FACTORS IN UVESTOCK FEEDS AND THEIR IMPLICATiONS FOR LIVESTOCK PRODUCTIVITY. Implementing agency: IFS_ Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countnes: Nigena: Statement of objechves/abstract: A major constraint to poultry production in Nigeria is the unavailability of feed components. A arge numnber of promising feeds exist in the country. but very little Es known about their nutritional value. Dr Ologhobo wdU study sorme legume crops and concentrate on toxic and ant-ntnflonal factors and their influence on performwice. mnetabolism. and pathology of pouitry. Methods to reduce the levels of these toxic factors by various processng techques wil also be studied- Contact in research organization: Dr Anthony Ologhobo: Deparment of Animal Science: lkiversity of Ibadan: IBADAN: Nigerea Record number (MFN): 03259 Offici project title: PUBERTAL DEVELOPMENT Il INPoD'GENOUS TROPiCAL CATTLE: N' DAMA AND WUTURU. Implemeng agency: IFS_ Stat date: 1987-00-00. Country!coirities: Nigeria Statement of objectives/abstract Ndama and lluturu are uniiproved breeds of tropcal cattle natie to the rain forest zone of West Africa They have a high toerance to trypanosomiasis which is enemic in this sturegion. This gives them an inportan. economic potential in Nigeria. but improvement of their productivy is much needed. Mr Ezekwe will stdy the pubertal development in buils of these two breeds. The study will be performed both dui"g te rainy and dry season to evaluate the iffluence of birh at te onset of pMefty. Besides growt and Dody measnxenes, recorcigs of testcir de ent and colecton and evaation of semen wiN also be incuded in the sttdy Contact in research orgizatin Mr Arinze Ezekwe; Department of ArinTa Stce; Unwoes of Nigera NSUKKA, Anamsbra State; Nigeria 14, 144 SP.AR tnfcrmation System Record number (MFN): 03263 Official project title: BREEDING OF GIANT RAT (CRICETOMYS EMINI): A WAY TO DEVELOP MEAT PRODUCTION AND TO SOLVE PROTEIN DEFICIENCY FOR RURAL POPULATIONS IN ZAIRE. Implementing agency IFS. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countries: Zaire: Statement of objecties/abstracts The giant rat is a nocturnal animal living in the degraded forests and farmiand of Zaire It has a good growth rate and a high reproduction rate and is popular for consumption duing the huntng season. It i easy to catch. If it can be domesticated and bred in caivity.it has a good potential for improving meat production. Dr Palata wi study the reproductive paraneters as wel as nltton aid pathology of this species wth a view to promoing its use in arinal prodton. Contact in research organization: Dr Kabuci Paata; Depanemert de Biologie et Gestion de rErimronnement. Universite de Kwihasa; B P 190: KINSHASA Xi: Zaire Record nunber (MFN): 03265 Officil project titb STUDY OF FACTORS TO IMPROVE THE REPRODUCON OF THE RODENT CRICETOMYS IN CAPTIVITY. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countries: Zaire; Staterent of objeves/abstract Mr Malekani wEi work with the doTestcation of the wid rodernt Cnretonyces at the University ot Kinase in Zaire. The aim of te st is to find a new source of animal proten to fight maition and straton in deveping countries. The reoducti of the animals wil be inproved through the ctrol of dffern factors like health, feed, sexual physioo, and eco-ethoo. Simple management tectniques wdi be devebped and spread to the nral population. Co;ntact in research organizaton: W Mbaukahi Maekani Departerent de Bioogie; Faculte des Sciences; Universite de Kkihsa, B P 190; KISHASA Xl: Zaire Recod mzober (&FN). 03266 Oficial project title EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY ON FEPROOICTNE LESIO IN NWEIAN 145 SPAAR Jnformation System (YANKASSA) SHEEP EXPERIMENTALLY INFECTED WrTH TRYPANOSOMES. Implementia agency: IFS. Start date: 198700. Country/countnes: Nigeria: Staterment of objectives/abkract: ReDroductive abnormalities such as infertdity. sterility. and abortions have been recorded in ruminants folobing trypanosome infections. Dr Edeahere wil study the effects of chemotherapy on reproductive iesions in Nigerian sheep experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. T. Congolense and T. Vivax. At various intervals after treatment semen quality and ouantity will be assessed Histopathobgical studies on the testes wvill also be made. Contact in research organization: Mr Henry Edeghere; Nigenan situte for Trypaniososis Research; P M B 2077: KADUNA: Nigeria Record nrinber (MFN): 03268 Officiai project title: DEVELOPMENT OF SIMPLE METHODS TO IDENTIFY POTYVIRUS INFECTING YAIAS (DIOSCOREA ALATA AND D. ROTUNDATA) FOR THE PRODUCTION OF VIRUS-FREE PLANTLETS. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-0. Countryicountries: Togo; Statement of obtectesabstract Yams (Dioscorea alata and D. rotundata) are vulwerable to attacks by virus which are difficult to identify, especialy for potyvirus, as it exists in low concentration in the plant Dr Gumedzoe wil develop different methods in order to detect disease-free plants from Wich microsetts could be prepared for planting. An inuno-enzyntic assay wdi be used to kientiy the poyvvus in yarns friom cferent bcations in ITogo. Contact in research organization: Dr Mawuena Gumedzoe; Ecole Supeneure dAgraoomie: Uriversite du Benin: B P 1515; LOME, Togo ReoDrd nunber (MFN): 03273 Official project title: VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION TECHNIQUES FOR OKOUMJE (AUCOUMEA KLANE CUTTIGS AND GRAFTING. lmplemetn agency: n- 146 SPAAR Information Systemn Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countnes: Gabon: Statement of objectives/abstract: Okoun is the main commercialized timber tree in Gabon. The remaining breeding stock is largely of poor quality. it appears that the Okoum tree regenerates weil from cuttirgs, and Mr Koumba-Zaou will experiment with different rnethods such as hormone treatments to produce cuttings. The influence of the substrate and of the origin of the cuttings on the tree will also be studied to develop a suitable method to produce selected trees. Contact in research organization: Mr Paul Koumba-Zaou; Division Sylvicuttre et Amelioration Genetiques des Arbres; stibUt de Recherches Agronomiques et Forestieres B P 2246; LIBREVILLE; Gabon Record number (MFN): 03274 Offcial project title: BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF HERBICIDE RESIDUES IN THE OIL PALM GROWING ECOLOGIES OF NIGERIA. Implemnenting agency IFS. Start date: 1987-00-00. Countrycountries: Nigeria: StaleMfent of objectives/abstract Use of herbcides is increasing rapidly m Njgeria and it is necessary to invesfigate herbicide persistence to ensure that sensitive crops are not injured by the herbicides. Dr Utulu will determine when senibve crops itenrropped with the oil pakn can be planted and not injured by the herecides used on the oa paln. Nonnal and double doses of different herbicides wiE be applied in order to establish the effects on okra, pepper, tomato, maize, cassava. and egusa melon. Crop biometic observation wil determine when to plant after herbicile apphcato. Data wilt be coleded on paln growth and b;nch yield Contact in research organizanon: Dr Stephen tuLiu; Departmert of Agrornony Nigerian Institute for Oil Paln Research; P M B 1030: BENIN CiTY; N4aia Record number QMFN): 03275 Offical pect tite: USE OF MAIE RESIDJES FOR BIOGAS PPlDOUCTION. hinplem agency- IFS. Star date: 1987-O0-00. Countrxcies: Congo; 147 SPAMR Infmation System Statement of objectives/abstract Maize is mainly used for grain production in Congo. At harvest residues that *ronsttute more than 50 per cent c' the total biomass are left to detenorate. Dr Miambi will study the bioconversion of the maize residue to biogas. The influence of the nature of the inoculum, the rate of seeding and dilution, and the pretreatment of maize residues wig be investigated The study wii attempt to determine optimum conditions for biogas production. Cont^t in research orcianization: Dr Edouard Miarnbi: Direction Generale de la Recherche Scientifique. B P 2499: BRAZZAVILLE: Congo Record nEunber (.MFN): 03276 Offlaal protect title: PHYTOCHEM)CAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL EVALUATiON OF SOME IMPORTANT NIGERIAN MEDICINAL PLANrTS, Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-00-00. Couryicountoies: Nigena: Statement of objectivesiabstract: A variety of medicirai plants are traditonaly used in NKgern Dr lgboechi wiHl collect plants of Piper guweense, Vitex tynsfaora Maesopsis emcm. kaunia picta and Combretum racer-osurn to be extracted aid subjected to preliiinary pharmacolo screening- Coomponents responsible for observed bioloical activiies wi be isolated and charactensedc Contact in research organization: Dr Chike kboechi; Departnt of Pharmacogmosy: Faculty of Pharmacy: Unversity of Benin; BENIN CIlY: Nioedia Pecord number (MFN): 03277 Official project title: ANTIRJNGAL PHYTOALEXINS FFtOM DiSCOFREA SPP mpWemeng agency: IFS Start date: 1987-00-00. Coountrykountries: Nigeria; Statemt of objectivestabstiact Yamrs, partiarly the Dioscorea spp., corstitute a maapr staple fwd in West Africa, Asia and the West ndies. Inh Ne over 50 per cent of fe hwest is bst dkg*, storage due to crobial atack. Resistmce in arps has been ond to be corelated wnh hgi Wvels of phytoal D Adesanya wil exaa chaaderze. and 148 SPAAR Lnformation System synthesize phytoa!ex-ns from different Dioscorea spp. ao d test them for antfungal and anti-bacterial activity. Contact in research organization: Dr Sabun Adejimi Adesanya; Departnern of Pharmacognosy; Faculty of Phaimacy: Obafemi Awowo Unntersity; ILE-IFE: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03282 Official project title: THE RATE OF ADOPTION OF MINISETT YAM MULTIPLICATION TECHNIQUE AMONG FARMERS OF IMO STATE. NIGERIA Implemenring agency- IFS. Start date: 1987-000. Country/countries: Nigeria. Statement of objectives/abstract Yamr is a staple food in Nigeria One of the probieis facing bcal arrmers has been procurrng seeds for the next planbg season. The National Root Crop Research Insbitute deveioped a yam seed multiplication techraque caled the minisett technique. This package of technoogy has been introduced to farmers. Dr Asiabaka will study the degree of compatibility ot minisett to te existirg agrorornic pactces, ts degree of complexity, and its socio-economic aspects. The extent of adwotion of this irovation and the factors limiting its rate of adoption wil be detamined The results can provide a basis for the bansfer and adaptabon of this technology to bcal conditions. Contact in research oraunzation: Dr Chigozie Asiabaka: School of Agricultural Technolog Federal Uniersity of Technology OWERRI, Imo State; Nigeria ecrd onumber (MFN): 03283 Official project title: ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE AT AMBIENT TROPfCAL TEMPERATURES. Implementing agency IFS. Start date: 197-O00. Co oty itaes: Nger Stamet of otjectvesofatract There is a need to study anaerobic treatment of mdustrial waste in develping countries. The man advantges of such a system over an aenobci system are that no energy input s required and i is cheap ad easy to mairra.L Or Odwmsu wil 'veate a robc dgesion of 'ndstrial was using packed bed reactoms. KOgestl per fomw wil be assessed usug syrnthti waste. A ase shudy wi be 149 SPMAR Info imation System carTied out using industrial wastes at various organic loading rates in order to determine optimtLum conditions for treating such wastes at arbient troptcal conditions. Contact in research organization: Dr A 0 Odurmosu; Gvil Engineering Department Unfversity of Lagos: Akoka Yaba: LAGOS; Nigeria Record nunber (MFN): 03284 Official project tite: NATUPALLY-OCCURRING PRODUCTS MODELLED AS MICROPOLAR FLUIDS Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1987-00)00 Countrylouiries: likefia; Sbttement of objectives/abstrac The theory of micropolar fi-ds is considered a satisfactory model to describe the flow of naura- occurring fhuids such as poymeric fulids. real fiuids arid col:oidal fljids especially patn and other kernel oils However, very ritte is known about the flow and mechanics of such fluids over verbcal planes and through channels. Dr Oyediran wil investigate the rmedanics and heal traers, using theoretical as wel as expearmental methods of such flds. The behawur of these fihds under vanous temperature ranges wiN be exarmned. This is of interest to researchers in the tropics where oils are stored in containers that are exposed to sunshine. The data could be usef to prevent leakage durrig storage of these fluids- Contact in research organizatwxn. Mr Abraham Ovedfran; Mechanical Engineering Departnmt Lagos State University: Badagry ExpressW. P M B 1087: APAPA: Nioeria Record number (MFN): 03286 Official project title RE_ATa4OSJHP BEPTEEN WATER QUALITY AND AEROMONAS HYDROPHiLA INFECTIONS iN FOND-REARED SPECiES OF TILAPIA iN NIGERiA. Implem agenWy IFS. Start date: 198&-00 Couhkout N~ea Statement of objesabszrac: Tiaia has become the mrost widey used fish n xrwAue systers in the tropc Paond-soci raies are often higi, which cr lead to water quaey problems and mnake conditions suitable for deease outbe Aeromonas hydephia is cormon in freshater and has been kxxd to produce a nrunber of dwases in cdtiated fish. Dr Okpokas wi stuy the relshnsi* between waer ury and Aeonxnas' hydrophia infections in pondreared species of tiapia in Ngwia. 150 * :.. 1t. .. 2 . ... ..f. * ' ' . .!'.'-: 'U . SPAAR Information Systemn Contact n research oraanization: Dr Gideon Chijio-e OKPOKW.ASIU;- Department of Micobiology: University of Port Harcout P M 8 5323; PORT HARCOURT: Nigri RecoDrd number (MFN): 0327 Off icia projectftille: A TRIAL SPAWNING OF THE CATFISH CHRYSICHTHYS NIGRODIGITATUS AND DETERMINATION OF SOME NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE FRY- Implemrenting agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Nigeria: Statement of objetives/abstract Ftsh famiung in Nigeri has been hindered by the lack of fry of suitable cuiture species as well as by the lack of adequate feed for #-,e fish. Informatbon is lackng on reproductio and on riuhutonal requirements of somne local fish species. Mr Ekarnem will do a stuy on the kical species of catfish Chirys5chthy n~odigitatus. The stud will include a tnal spawning usinig pititr and synthetic hormones and a study on the nutbritoa re-quirerents of the bry. Contac in research organizatbon: Mr Sunday Ben EKANEMt Departmen of Biologica Scienes; University of Calabar, P M 811 15: CALABAR-Nigeria Record numnber (MFNf): 03288 Officiai project title: STUDY OF INFECTIOUS BUJRSAL DISEASE IN NIGERIA: ROLE OF ANTIGENIC DIFFERENCES AND III#)INOSUPPRESSION IN VACCINATION. Implementing agenc-y: [FS. Start date- 1988-00-00 Counflty,counrites: Nigeia. Statemrierit of objectives/abstrac The poulty industry in Nigri has nwn rapdy dxring fth past two decades. Thie pouitry popuiabon is estimrated to be- over 290 rrvlhn anid poultry products contribute over a thid of fthre ntin arikna protein fintae. Diseases have, however, been a major mNito fator in production and infectoDs btrsal cisease (MD0, Gisnboo isease) is a major probem. Vaccinabion does not seem to be effecfiw sinc outbreaks occur frequentfl in vaccriated Plocks. Dr Nwosuh wd invesiat fth cause of 1130vaccination failre and artigens of wikWype 113) vuwz wisoaed from vaitu pagts of the cowitx wil be compared with the vaccinie vius Contact in research organizalmior: SPAAR Information System Dr Chika NWOSUH: Virology Division: Narional Vetennary Research Institute: Vo.,; via Jos: Plateau State: Nigena Record number iMFN): 03291 Official project ttle: EVALUATION OF THE CARRYING CAPACITY CF NATURAL GRAZING LANDS IN THE KALALE-NIKKI-SEBANA REGION. NORTHEAST BENIN. Implementing agencv: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00- Country/countres: Benin: Staterent of objectives/abstract Land is shaed between agulture. anrial reanng ano forest in the north of Benin Projects have been developed for livestock breeamig but basic knowledge of the carryrng capacity of a lot is scarce. The goal of Mr Sirsin is to cotlect data in order to evaluate the potential carrying capacty of The soi in North Ben*, using different approaches. The evaaetion of the biomass and the mieral stock of veoetation will be studied in companson with a protected area (control). The data wiN be used to draw tne grazing and carrying capac.tv map of the area Contact in research organization: Mr Auguslir SINSIN; miow ati Laboratowe de Botanique Systernatique at de Phytosociologie; IJtB: CP 169: Avenue Paul Heger 28; B-10500; Bruxelles: 8ekyum Record number (MFN): 03292 Offical project tte: ECOLOGY OF THE MAIZE STEM BORERS IN BENIN. Implementing agency: IFS. Start dae- 1988-00-00. C,ouny/counties Berm; Statement of objectiveslabstract: Wr Arodokoun will study he relalionsf* between the environment conctions and the host-pest (maize-stemn borers) reAaboship in Benin. Despite the extension work akeady done, the control methods proposed to the peasants ds not reduce sigriicarlly te bsses A better oledg of the nsect's biology and ecology is therefore needed to devebop an integated method for insect pest control. Contact in research ogariza- Mr David ARODOKOUN; Labtoate de Detense des Cuitres; Direcwion de Ia Recterche Agronoq; B P 884; COTONOiJ; Benin 152 !.,'I_:1,.L ,I'1S',i d!...4. ... ..'.. .. *. 1..... SPAAR Infonrnation System Record nrumber (MFN): 03293 Official projec title: AN INVJENTORY AND EVALUAT ION OF KAJOR DISEASES ON VEGtETABL E CROPS IN CAMEROON. Implemernting agency: IFS. Start date: 1 988-00-00- Country/countries: Cameroon'. Statemrent of objectives/abstract: Unlike disases of cash crops and cereals. whc~h have receive-d some considerable by goverrnmet and research institutions io Cameroon, diseases of vegetable crops have been overlooked by research in tecoiztry- A lot of vegetables are damaged due to pests andf diseases in the field and at storage. The objective of this stud is to survey the diseases causirng toss of -vegetable crops and t(, evaluate the disease incidence and seveint E n cfifferert regons of Cameroon. Contac ir research organization: Wk Dorminic Ajong FONTEk, Crop Protection Departmrent University Centre of Dschang; P 0 Box 1 10; DSCHANG; Cameroon Record nuxnber (MFN): 03294 Officia project title: STUDIES ON LOCAL VARIETIES OF BAMBARA GROUNDNUT (VOANDZELA SUBETERRANEA) IN THE UITFORAL AND WEST PROVINCES OF CAMEROON. Implerenin agency- IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/couritres: Carmeroorn; State iient of objWetivsabstract- The Bambara groundhut is considered a pulse of litte importance. Thus. very little research has beeni done on the crop. Howevef, the plant rias many advantages (resistanc to drough and pests, ong airvest perod) and is pronisv4g The objectives of Ms Nguy are to rehabiliae the p-rodckitin of Bambara groundnut and investigate thee feasibility of its commercial production. Various ciltvars wig be colelectd identified and characterzedL In the second phase the best cultvr"s will be screened for yieWdg abdity and nutritonal vaue. Contactin resea:ch organiation: Ms Frawcois NCAUY; Deparremenrt crAgnctiture; Centre Universiaie de Dschang; B P 96: DSCHANG; Cameroon - - - - - - Record mmber (MFN) 03295 Ofliaal project title: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ALTERN4ARIA BUGHT OF SUNFLOWER (HEUANTHUS ANNUS) 153 SPAAR Information Svstem IN THE NIGERIAN GUINEA SAVANNA. Implemrenting agency: IFS. Start date: 198800-00. Country/countnes: Nigeria: Statemert of objectrves.abstract in Nigena groundnut and oil palm are the two main sources of vegetable ol. but due to the declire in the local production i' has beconme necessary to identity alternative oi'-producing crops. Surnfbwer is just beginning to grow but is alreadv threatened bv many diseases. esweciafly the blight leadina to defoliation. Ms Okoli will carrv out a study of the epidemiology of the Altemnana blight of sunflower. including aetrolocy- patFgen life cycle. source and spread of the pathoaen and effect of environmental conditions. Screen na of cuF-vars will be performed for resistaince. The oqective is to develop cuttural ardor chnecrcal contro4 methods. Contact in research organization: Ms Claribell OKOLI: Department of Crop Protection: Faculty of Agrcuiture: Schood of Basic Stucdes: Ahmadu Bello Unfversily ZAR:A: Nioena Record number (MFN): 03298 Officii project ttle: THE EFFECT OF SOME LiVE MUJCHES ON THE GROWTH ANM YIELD OF INTERCROPPED OIL PALM. MAIZE AND CASSAVA. AND ON SOIL CONOmONS. Irrplementing agency IFS. Stat date: 198-00-0. Coontry/coun#res: Nigeria: Statement of cbpectives'abstract- Intercropp"ng the oi paln with arable crops in being emphszed to optrnize utilzation of anpd by famiers. Although researc! has advarced in this area. some salient problesr hawe remained utisolved such as weed cortrol. sod fertlty. and Nti The obpjves of Mr Okpala Jose are to develop ke muches #hat can be ublized to enlance crop production cornpatible vrh oil pakn The le mulch shouid be effectve for weed control. water coservation. mawienance or improvement of soil fer,*y Contact in research orgazatio: Ur A ri OKPALA JOSE, Agromy Drnsion: NKienai lnstbtute for Oi Pakn Reseaicit P M S 1030: BUMJ CITY: Bendel State; Nigeria Record nubrr (IIFN 03300 Off ici proect tide: SPOILAE AND PRESERVATION OF 1J3A' (PENTACLErHRA MACROPYLLA). A \ LOCAL SNACK 154 SPAAR Information System Implementing agency: IFS Start date: 1988-00-00 Countrylcountries: Nigeria: Statement of objectves/abstract Ugba is a popular delicacy consumed wide*y in Southen Nigeria. It is prepared by the fermentation of the African oil bean seed (Pentaclethra macrophylla) and has considerabie value as a source of low cost palatable vegetable protein. A constraint for the production of 'ugha' on a large scale is the short shelf-life of the product. Dr Njoku will study the shef-life and acceptabdlt of the product after using smple low-cost preservation rnethods like salt, spices. sorbic and benzoic acids. parabens. steaming. smoking or drying Organoleptic. chemical assessments and microbe! load of the products at different stages wil be studied. Cact in research organization: Dr Her Obiyo NJOKU: Department of Microbiobgy. University of Polt Harcourt: P M B 5323: PORT HARCOURT: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03302 Offit33 project tile: STUDY ON TriE PYTOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY OF SYZYGIUM BRAZZAVILLENSE. implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00- CountrWountines Congo: Statement of objectives/abstract Syzygiumn brazzavilense is a reativey rare plant is used in tradiional medic;ne in Congo. It has been shown to have anti-bactenal effects. Dr O0uabonzi wili rmake a phytochemicai study of the lant. attemtng to isolate and deterrine the structure of its anti-maobW constituents. He wi fmoitor the an4nicrobiaJ acibves usig a range of bacteria pathogers. The study wil also include atmpt to cuivate the pnt. Contact in research organration: Dr Artoe OUABONZI: Laboratoire de Phytodcumie: Centre dEtudes des Ressources Vegetates; (CERVEE) B P 1249, BRAZZAVRIE: Cong Record nuTber : 03304 Officw prote e PHARMAtC OLOGCAL TOXICOLOGICAL AID PHYTOOHECAL INESTIGATIONS OF THFEE L.EDEW4PL PLANTS OF EASTERN NMGERIk hpernierig agency IFS. '55 SPMR infoanation System Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countnes: Nigeria: Statement of objectives/abstract The leaves of Cornbretumr dolichopetalum are used to treat stomacn utcers. The tubers of tcacina tricantha have a use as a purgative. and the bark of Pilostigrna thonningit is an anti-hetmintic. Dr Asuzu wiN test extracts fromk these pi -..s. which are alt useCd n Nigerian tradtixal medicine. 'or various phamiacobgira activities. He also intends io pufity art characterize the active principles from the plant extracts. Conact din research organizaton: Dr Isaac ASUZU: Department of Vetennary Physology and Pharmacoogy: University of Nigena: NSUKKA: Anarmbra State: Nigeria Record number {MFN)- 03305 Gfficial project title: STUDY ON CHEMICAL CONSTITIUENTS OF LOPiRA LANCEOLATA A !MEDtCINAL PLANT OF CAMEROON. Irmlementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. C-ontry/courires: Cameroon. Statement of objectives'abstract: The bark of the tree Lophira lanceolata is use, in Afncan traditional medscire and its crude extract has been found to suppress the growth of viruses affecting the immunity systeni Dr Ghogornu will fractionate extracts of the bark airning at solating and deterrn-ing the structures of component cunpounds leading to the idlentification of the active principles responsible ior noted anti-vral action. Other anti-microbial effects wO, be studied. Conttact in research organatbon: Dr Rphael (GHOGOMU TIH: Departeret de Chmiie OrgaWque Faculte des Sciences: Universite de Yaouide: B P 812: YAOUNDE Cameroon Record nunber (MFN): 03306 Offxcial projed tite: CHEMICAL STUDIES OF THE ERYTH-RINA OF CAMEROON. lmpl nti agency: IFS. Sart date 1988-00-00. Countykotnt:es Cameroon: StWerie(t of obpcteastral t Ther are several endemic species of Erythia m Carronw some of which are used in 156 SPAAR Information System the traditional medicire. Dr Nkengfack wiUl exftr plant materials from Erythrina sp,op. wit the aim to isolate alkaloids and other bilogically active constituents. The structure of the isolted compounds will be determined. Contact in research organization: Dr Augustir, NKENGFACK: Departrrent of Organic Chemistry: Facuity of Science. University of Yaounde: P 0 Box 812: YAOUNDEE: Carneroon Record number (MFN)- 03309 Offical proect title: ETIOLOGY. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF SOME VIRUS DISEASES OF VEGETABLES IN SOUTHERN NIGERIA. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Cotntry/countries: Nigeria: Statemern of obectives/abstract: Plant virus diseases are important constrants to high yieids for vegetable crops in Nigeria Dr Atiri will undertake a survey of plant virus diseases of vegetables and study the interrelationships behween viruses, vectors. host plants and the env:ronrrent Based on the above, the weakest link in tre biology and ecogy of the specific viruses wil be idenbtfied and appropriate control measures for each virus wil be developed. Contact in research organization: Dr Gabriel ATIRI: Department of Agricultural Bioogy: University of Ibadan: IBADAN: Nigeria Recod nuri!er (MFN): 03310 Offial proj,ect tWe: INCREASED GROUNDNUT CULTIVATION AND SEED PRODUCTION IN GUINEA. implemntig agency: IFS. SWat date: 1988-00-00. Couitry/couitries: Guinea: Skaternent of objectiveslabstract Gojut is the most important gram begurre cvated in Guinea, and there is an ugert need to increase the yiek 's in order to satisfy e cdenand from the consumers. The research progrmwme wudtaken by Dr Tounkara wiY inclde local varieties calected oumiott the country aid exotic warieties which have Doeen selcied in otler countries for precociy, resistance to diseases and isect pests. and high yieks. The prt includes sex erients in Fouaya *iere more th 120 varietes wi be tested duiring four successive agriltl cycles. Data wil be collected to compare yields and qualty for od processng or direct human consunpto Producto 157 SPAAR Information Systemn of seeds wiln also be studied. Contact in research organization: Mr Nestof TOUNKARA; Institut des Sciences Agro-Zootechniques de Foulaya (lSAF):. B P 156: KINDIA- Guinea - - - - - - - - Record number (MFN): 03315 Official project title:TOLERANCE OF '1ILAPfA IN THE BAYS OF BEN,NTO VARYING DEGREES OF SALINITY. Implementing agency: IFS. Star dale: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Benin: Statement of objectives/abstract: Tifapia (0. niloticus) is being cultured in the bays of Benin. The variations in sahrit of these waters has been an obstacle to this culture sinice Itiapia have shovwi Ilitaed tolerance. Mr Laleye will do a studty in aquaria to establish t-he levels of salinity tolerated by the different species of tdapia being us-ed. He wdil also afttmpt the possibility of inreasing fthse level by feedwing fth fish with salted feed in cocrvete tanks. Contact in research organization: Mr Adedjobi Philipe LALEYE: Faculte des Scienices Agronorniques: Ukirversite Na'tioale du Benin: B P 526: COTONOU: Benin Record number (MAFNV: 0331 8 Official project title: SAFETY. EFFICACY AND POTENCY TESTS ON A PPR VIRAL VACCINE- kimplementing agercy. IFS. Rtrtdate: 1988-00-00. Counrtry/countries: Nigeria Statemert of objectives/abstract: PPR (Peste dJes pelits runiwiats) is a disease which causes great economic loss in Afican cotitje. A vaccine hasr receri*t been develiopied against tgi disease. Dr Danep wi dD a study of thi vaccine unde field conditons ard evakuate its safety in pregrwi sheep and goats. The dzrtion of fth linmimuty in areas where thpe disease is erKdelm wi also be estabished. Contact in research orgarnzation: Dr Aam i Ibr*min DANEAI; Depaurtert of Vetewliazy Medckire; Usirean Danlodiyo Unwversit P M B 2346; SOKOTO, WKjsa 158 SPAAR Informnation System Record numnber (MFN): 03319 Official projec title: GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF EGG PRODUCTION POTENTIAL OF NIGERIAN INDIGVENOUS CHICKENS USING MIGRANT GENES. Implementing agency: I'S. Start date: 1988-00-00. Ccuntry/6countries: Nigeria- Statement of objectives/abstract: T'here is an increased need to provide protein at low cost for thv- %pulation -in Nijeria. One reason for the lack oi animal protein is the low prockicion of mneat. milk and eggs from indigenous aninals. Dr Ibe wdil try to establish a broadly based genetic poDulation of egg-type chickens usinig unirnproved Nigna and inproved exotic gene resources and by selection and crossaig of inres tos produce a population with desirable egg productlon potentias. Contact in research organization: Dr Sylvester Nzebunwa [BE. Department of Animal Science:- University of Nkgeria;- NSUJKKA. Anrarrbra State;- Nrjeea Record number (fvN): 03320 Official projec tite: EVALUATPON OF NON-CONVENTIONAL ?OULTRY FEED INGREDIENTS AND TRADMTONAL MANAGEMENT OF NIGERIAN LOCAL CHICKENS- kmnpWlernenin agency IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countines: Nigenia. Statemner it of objectwes/abstract: Rtiral poA"r productiorn must be impoved if th anima prtein needs of the rural populatio in Nigera are to be met. Inadequate feed quantity and quality is an obstacle, since commerial feeds are too expensive for rural poultry procedures. Dr Sona!ya vmli carry out a study of rural potiby management practices and of available feed ingrediients in 20 villages. Feed ingredient sampes wiff be analyzed to determki the best corrbbnationS to meet the nutritional requeremets of the local dckedn. Contact in research organization: Dr Emnaxue Babaiuiis SONAIYA; Department of Aninal Science: Faculty of AgrcufIuxe: Obafermi Awowo~ University LEtFE. Nijeria Pecord nurnber- (MFN): 03324 159 SPAAR Information System Official project btle: REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY OF THE RED SOKOTO GOAT (MARADI)! Implementing agency: IFS Start date: 1986-00-00- Countrylcountnes: Nigeria Statement of objectves/abstract: Small rumnmants constitute the primary source of meat in many Afrcan courtries. The Red Sokoto goat now constiutes the largest nurnber of goats in the Nigerian market. AtthouSh under favorable nutritional conditions animals will mate at almost anv time of the year. seasonal variaticns in breeding have been noted for some species. Dr Nduka will study the reproductive endocriogy of the Red Sokoto goat and establish homonal profiles for a whole year and during pregnancy to provide some baseline data and information on Ots reproductrve biology. Contact in research organiation: Dr Ebere Uzoma Oboha NDUKA: Postgraduate Institute for Medical Research and Training; College of Medicine: University of Ibadan: IBADAN: Nigeria Record nunber (MFN): 03325 Official project title: CLIMAT1C ADAPTATiON OF LAYING HENS. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00- Countr/icountnes: Cameroon: Statement of oblectives/abstract. The poultry industry is imporant for the consumption of aninal protein n Camneroon The production of the poultry is influenced by the environment and the feedig and dieing cimratic zones. Studies on the effect of ambient ternperature on pouftiy has only been made n cimatic chambers. Mr Njoya wi; do a stu'y on the nukional requirefents of ro4uftry in tropical conditons in three different chimatic zones. Feed consumption as wel as producbon parameters will be recorded. Contact in research orgizatibn: Mr Jean NJOYA: lIstitut de Recherches Zootechiques (IRZ): B P t457: YAOUNDE: Cameroon Record nurber (M:FN) 03326 Officia project title: VECTOR COMPETENCE OF CULEX ANTENNATUS FOR THE TANSMSSION OF RIFT VALLEY FEVER VIRUS. aren ecy tFS. 160 SPAAR Information Systera Start date: 1988-00-00. Courtry/countnes: Nigeria: Statement of objectivesiabstract: Rift Varey Fever can cause great reduction on livestock populations and the virus has been isolated Nigeria Despite the preserce of all factors responsible for the transmssion of the virus there is no epKidenic in Nigefia. Mr Adeniji wil study the vector competence of one of the arthropods Cilex antemnatus. responsible for the transmission and also detefrmine the population dynarnics and host choice of the mosquito. Contact in research organization: Mr Johnson Adekunle ADENUIJ: Coilege of Medicine: Virology Department University of Ibadan: !SADAN: Nigeria Record nurmber (MFN): 03328 Official proqect title: STUDIES OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE BIOLOGY OF APHFS GOSSYPII. [TS PRODUCTION OF H-%YDEW AND CONTROL METHODS OF T1HIS PEST OF COTTON IN NORTH CAMEROON. irnplernentig agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Cameroon: Statement of objecives/abstract For the past fie years heavy infestaton of Aphis gossypu have been observed in North Cameroon, particularly towards the end of the cotton crop season. This causes serious problems as A. gossypi has been shown to be responsible for 'sticky cotton'. Honeydew contamination can greatly reduce foreign exchange eamings. as cotton ranks thid as a cash crop of Cameroon. Mr EkukoJe wiN undertake studces on the bioogy and population dynamics of tte nisect vith the aim of findig appropriate coaoJ methods. The survey of host p13Ws. the study of the fe cycle in relatbon with enviomn factors wil also be part of the research programmm. Contact in research organizaion: Mr George EKUKOLE: Department of Cotton Entornolgy: I R A. B P 33: MAROUA: Crmneroon Record number (MFN): 03329 Official pro,et tide: INFLUENCE OF SOIL FAUNA ON SOtL FERTILITY AND CROPS IN THE SAVANNA REGION OF COTE D'IVOIRE. Iriplemeting agency. IFS. Start date: 198B-0.- 161 SPAAR Inforrnation System Country/countries: CWte d'1voire; Statement of objectives/abstract: The aim of the oroiect is 'o improve our knowledge of natural ecosystems and food crop production in the savanna region of Ivory Coast. focusing on the role of insects (termites). Mr Tano will study the relationships between insect and crops and the action of term,ites in the soil characteristics and fertility. An inventory of termite species will be made. and the spacial distribution of termite mounds will be investigated. Relations between termiies and other components of the soil fauna (myriapods. earthworrns) will also be studied. Coniact in research organization: Mr Yao TANO: Laboratoire de Zoobgie: Faculte des Sciences el Techniques: Universite d'Abidan: 22 B P 582: ABIDJAN 22: Cote d'Ivoire: Cote divotre Record nunbber (MFN): 03330 Oftfcial project title: SELECTION OF A RICE VARiETY RESISTANT TO PYRICULTARIA ORYZAE IN BENtN Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Benin. Statement cf objectves/abstract: The major drawback of nce culture in Benin is the disease caused by Pynculania oryzae. and rair-fed rice is more affected than irrigated rice. Due to the great variability of the Dathogenrity of P. oryzae. no resistant rice vanety has been found stable in the conditions of Berin. The project of Dr Vodouhe aims a! a better knowledge of the pathogen's variability withni the different cultivation conditions in Benin. in order to select high-yielding varieties with durable resisace. The fLgaIl strains collected will be iroculated to different rice varieties. and hybridization wig be performned between resistant and higN yielding varieties Contact in research organizaton: Dr Raymond Sognon VODOUHE: Programme de Recherche Rizcole: Direction de La Recherche Agronoique: B P 884: COTONOU: Benin Record number (MFN): 03331 Of fia poject tite: METHODS OF COLONZATION OF TWO COLEOPTERS PIEZOTRACHELUS SP. AND CALLOSOBRUCI RHODESIANUS IN THE PODS OF COWPEAS. rpWentN agency: IS. St-ar date: 1988-00-00 Countrykou:ries Caneom; 162 SPAAR Information System Statement of objectives/abstract Cowpea (Vignta unguiculata) is the major grain legume in some regions of Canmeroon. arnd yield losses dlue to the coleopters Piezotrachelus sp. and Callosobruchus rhodesianris are very important Mr Baptubusa will study how the twvo insects colonize the pods in order to develop a control method. T he biology of the insects will be studied in the conxditos of Cameroon. in relation to cultivation techniques or occurrence of parasitoids. The piant-insect relationship will also be stuidied to evidence the contamination process and fth insect population durig the cultivation cyclee. Contact in research organization: Mr Benot BAPFUBUSA: Laboratoire dje Zoologie: Faculte des Sciences: Unrversite de Yaounde: B P 812: YAOUNDE: Cameroon R9ecord number (MFN): 021333 Official projec title: TREE REGENERATION. FRECRUITMENT AND MORTALITY IN NIGERIAN TROPfCAL MOIST FORESTS. lmolemrenitwign age-ncy- IFS. Start, date: 1988-00-00. Couritry/counries: Nigena:, Statement of obtectrves/abstract: The objectiv of fth research is to provide the forester with a better understanding of how to manipulate forests- by creating gap conditios favorable to the regeneration of one species or another. Mr Dike will study tree regwerieation in differeent sizes of gans and under fth entwre forest canpy. The dynamics of gap phase- wii be investigated by looking at fth cisisbuton. sizes and colonization of gaps. Mr Dike wigl observe fth populaion changjes in seecings withi gap and unde the forest canopy. The recruitment, survial and mortality of trees in Nigeia tropical rracst forests will also be investigated. Contact in research organization: Mir Mchae Chtikxiioba DIKE2 Department of Forest Resource Managerrent Unriversity of Ib-adan: IBADAN: Nigeria.. . . . . . . . Record number (MFN): 03335 Official project tite: PFtEPARATION AND PRESERVATION OF VERNONIA CAL VOAV4' ('NDOLE) AND AMARANTHUS SPP. (AMARANTHS). Implemntn agerxy. IFS- Start date: 1988-00-00. Couts*ykounitries:- Camrwn 163 SPAAR inforrratiGn System Statementt of objectives/abstiact: Ndole' and the amaranth are importan and nutrtive vegetables consumed in large quantities in Carrmeroon. Losses after harvest are substantlal and the availability vary. Tne production is high during the rainy season but the products are frequently rare owing the dry period. The present project compnses studies to diminish losses after harvest. and to find means to achieve a regular supply to urban markets. Studies will include traditional methods of preparation and r-eservation of the vegetables. followed by investigations of the best means for their process"ng and preservation including drying and heating oi the products. Also rcluded w11 be trials to prepare a protein concentrate o- the leaves from the amnaranths Bacterological and nutritive studies will be carried out and finally organoleptic tests will be performed. Contact in research organtzation: Mr Jean TCHANGO TCHANGO: Instiut de ia Recherche Agronomique: (IRAY: Section Technoboge Alimentare: B P 13: NJOMSE: Cameroon Record nunber (MFN): 03338 Offical project title: BIOCHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE PREPARATION OF A FERMENTED PASTE FROM MAIZE IN BENIN. Implementisg agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countres: Benin: Statement of objectives/abstract: This projecr constttutes a conhnuatiKn of a project with the object to establsh an rtventory and evaluation of technologies for the preparation of traditonal foods in Beim. The proposed research wil comprise such studies of the preparation of a fermented paste from mfaize. caled 'mawe.' and products derved from this taste. WIentification of nutrients. amno acids, volatle acids and other parameters of rnportance to the quakty of the product wdl be canied out. Appropate analytic tectwiqwes wiv be developed and established. Physical and chemical paranxeers will be studied and further efforts wil include kinetic studies of degradation or formration of starch sugars. acids and flavouring compounds. Contact in research organization: Mr D Joseph HOF(JHO' IGAN: Secion Nutiton et Scices Agro-Aimnentawres: Faclue des Sciences Agronoaques: Universite Natonale du Berin: B P 526: COTONOU: Bena Record mrumber (MFN): 03339 Offc poe tite INVESTIGATiNG THE SUITABlUTY OF SOUD STATE FERMENTATION (TEMPE) OF VARIOUS LEGUMES AND LEGUME CEREAL IXTUFRES IN GHANA. 164 SPAAR Informration System Implementing agency- IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Ghana. Statement of objectives/abstract In Ghana protein malnutrition is frequent and o ten scvere, due to low :ncomes in large groups of the population. These groups cannot afford expensive meat and milk prDducts. hence there is a need to supplement their cereal diets with comparatriely cheap protein sources. The objective of this project is to study the feasibility of supplementing cereals wrth legunes. having a high protein content. However. the consumption of legumes frequently results in digestion problems wit concurrent flatulence. Therefore studies of methods decreasing the flatulence factors. the oligosaccharides. will be carried out. Mixtures of severaJ locally-available cereals and egumres available cereals will be fermented using the noid Rhizopus olgosporus. . th the awn to create a food product readily digestible and high in protern and vitamins. Contact in research organwzation: Ws Alice HAYFORD: Department of Analysis: Food Research Institute: The Council for Scientfic and Industria! Research (CSIR): P 0 Box 20: ACCRA: Ghana Record mntjber (MFN): 03340 Official project title: IRON NUTRITION AND AVAILABILFTY FROM SOME TROPICAL FOODS. Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Countrylcountres: Nigeria. Statement of objectsveabstract: Anaemrc conditions associated with iron deficiency are common and widespread in many devebping countries, in contrast to the sitation in devebped countries. The present project wil study the iron status of chien and pregent women in the Ogun State in Nigerm Haernatobgical evahiation wA be included as wel as analyses of several foods. Tne study wil compnse legunes, cereals and meat and total souble. ioned complexed. fefrous and femnc compoents wil be aralyzed. Fially tfe total available iror content wi be determined and related to the ritional status of investigated Woups. Contact in research organizaton: Dr Gladys LATUNDE-DADA; Department of B%heristrye Ogun State Univers, P M B 2002, AGO-INVOYE, Ogun State, Ngena Recoidnunmber (MFN) 03341 165 SPAAR Informpation System Official project title: ANTIMALARIAL. ANTI! I!CROBIAL. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF EXTRACT S FROM THREE NIGERIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS. Implementing agency- IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: N.geria: Statement of objectives/abstract: Malaria is an immense problem. in Nigeria and in many other parts o. the World- A significant proportior of Nigerians depend on herbal decoctions for the treatment ot malaria and other diseases. The object of the proposed research is to investigate the medicinal potency of extracts from some tropcal plarns used n traditonal medicine in Nigeria Three tropical plants wiU be includedt Naudea latifolia. Combretudendron africana and Baphia nitbda. Crude extracts and isolated compounds will be studied. and screened for potential antirmalarial. cytotoxic and antimcrobria activty. The work is camied otw in cooperation with Dr Ifeadike (F/1484-1). who wdi carry out chemical studies and chemical characterzation of the actrve compounds- Contact in research organization: Dr Vincent OTOKUNEFOR: Department of Microbiokxy University of Port Harcourt P M B 5323: PORT HARCOURT: Nigeria Record number (UFN): 03342 Official project title: ISOLATION. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE BIOLOCICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES FROM TWO SPECIES OF NIGERIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS: NAUCLEA SPP. AND BAPHIA SPP. Implemenhng agency: IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/coutritnes: Nigena- Statement of objectives/absract: The proposed research is based on screening for nrca potrency of different parts of three tropical plants growing in Nigera: NaucLea labfoia Baphia nticta and Corrbretudendron africana Condibons such as malar and microba infecons are poblems of great severy,. and large groups of the popdation depend on the use of herbal rermedies to treat these diseases. Extracts traxn the plants will be screened to idtfy antiaral antibacterial and antiunga activity. Tre chemca components of the active fractons will then be isolated andKteically characterzed and salequentty tested for desirable activity. The work is per.. med in coooerabon with Dr Otokunefor (F/1483-1) who w perform pharmacology and boocal atvity Contt in research organization: Dr Patience NGOZI IFEADIKE; Deparbtrent of ChemnisWy, U rsit of Port Hafcout P M B 5323; PORT HARCOURT; Nigeria 166 SPAAR Information System Record nurnber (MFN): (13343 Official project title: EXTRACTION OF MORINDA LUCIDA AND CASSIA SIAMEA. CHEMiCAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL STUDIES OF EXTRACTS. Implemenig agency- IFS. Start date: 1988400-00 Country/countries: Togo: Statement of objectives/abstract: Herbal remredies are frequently of great sgnificance in many developing countries. Two plarns used in Togo wn traditional mredicine have effects on hypertension and rmaaria The objects of this project compnse extraction of different parts of Monnda lucida and Cassia Siaamea in order to chemically isolate and craractenze cornponents carrying pharmacological actMty. From DreVious studies the plants are knewn to contain several groups of pharmacologically active substances such as quinones. sterols ard polysacchafades. Parallel to and in cooperathro with this proect. Dr Gbeassor of Universite d: S~n&n (F'1486-1) wil carry out pharmacological studies of ag fractions and isolates produced through extraction and other procedures used. Conact in research organLzati- Dr Kossi KOUMAGL(: Copartement de Chimie: Ecole des Sciences: Universite du Benin: E P 1515: LOME: Togo Record rtinber (MFN): 03344 Official project title: STUDY OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AND ANTIMALARIAL EFFECTS IN EXTRACTS FROM MORINDA LUCIDA AND CASSIA SIAMEA. 1rWie n agency IFS& Start date: 198800-0. Coiuntrylcounries: Togo- Staemer of objetves/abstract In Afnca and in particar in Togo. ainost eiyty per cent ot the population depends on herbal mediine to treat diseases of different origin. The focus of this project is to study the pharrnacologcal achvty of extracts drerved from Morida xcida and Cassia siknea They are widely used in traditornl medicine to treat essential hypetension an ina . two diseases officially cassiied as diseases of high priority. Previostulies have revealed amtihyperterise, trw*izing and dietic effects in extracts from Moinda kcKda. wnereas Cassia siamnea exerts antitumor acvity. Para*l to and n opeaton with tis proect Dr KoTneao of the Unierte de Beein witperorm cewnical stxdies and chaaezaon of CmpoIeTs of extracts. (F/1485- 1) 167 SPAARWfrmation Sys8te- Contace in research -cmanizatV)n: Mr Messanvi GBEASSOR: Ece des Scier'ces: Uri-iersre du Benin: B P 15': LOWE: Theeo Record n kj.nb- IMFN 03346 Officiel ferec1:tle PHYTOCHEMlICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL INVESTG,ATiON !NTO TH4E LEAVES OF .ALCHORNEA CORDFOLIA AS USED IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE impIeme-nt aoenc'- IFS. Start dale: I 98800-00. Couitvt 9 zoL"-es: Ntcera Statemnot of c es'at>st'ct: The o4a-t Alchormea codroIia aorws trouct- tro,cal Africa. where it S used exte-riei to treat a farce vare3ty o diseases- Ara the clawmed effecs te irrcrobial act2y and a refaxaticn actv o smooth muscdes. In soite ef ts extensive use v ery itte is actually known as to what carfiat4ar sLbstances car be isolated. and the ceelmstrv and pharmaolcoy r'vohied Therefore this project w;ll be devoted to a stuXd nf extracts kom leaves of the Doarn and a study of different fract"ons of the extracts nill fw. Hiftherto t has been shon that a marked antrmicrobactiav resides i te acidic hction of te extact whereas a -uscle relaxatpzr acrivitt has bee5 shom to be lie to akalids. The proposed research a*rws for a fur*the fractition of the extacts. and chemical dracarczation of isoated comoonds. n orde to rprove fhe use of the L'ant Cortact in research oroaniza-ioe: Dr Francis 0mosevin OGUNGBAM1LA: Departnent of Pharmaceutical Chernstry: Fac;ty of PhamTacv: Obafemp Awokawo Uriersitv- ILE-iFE: Noera Record nuibex (MN): 03349 Off rwaeD t title: STUDIES ON THE PHYSICO-MECRANCAL PROPERTIES AND MOISTU-RE RELATIONS OF COCOA BEANS. hperier&V agencyr tFSI Stat date: 198B-00-00. Coxyo Nitres: wa:i S bemero obietd,essract In spite of te soc*-ecoriotw wrparlice of cocoa producion. a stages of fls maiageqm and especily post h1vest processg remai bgety ufedoued Dr Fa*owde s overal ojebve is to devlelop medhica aid up-awed M aerne for cocoa post-havest prmary processig This research wd ateW to hi basic miderstaxi of fe behaviour of tie cocoa pod coniposile. Plhysc properbes of 168 SPAAR Information System cocoa pods. deformation behaviour under crushing. frictional characteristics moisture effects on physico-rechanical properties will be evaluated. This data will provide a basis to design appropnate machines for pod breaking and bean separation. These nachines will reduce the drudgery and hard labour and improve the added value of cocoa production. Contact in research organization: Dr Michael Oladmej! FABORODE: Department of Agricultural Engineenna: Obafernm Awolowo University: ILE-IFE: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03350 Officiall pro;ect title: OPTiMIZAIION OF A SOLAR POWERED SOLID ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM FOR RURAL AGRICUTURAL APPLICATIONS. Implemcntimg agency: IFS. Start date. 1988-00-00. Country/countries NKgera: Staterent of cbiectives'abstract: The geat advantage of using solar energy in refrigerabon and coolinn applications is that the maxirurn aniount of soar energy s avadable when the demand is also at a maximm. Mr Er ibe intends to further test and optimize a solar powered soid absorption refrigeration svstern that has been coasnced at Nsukka by his group. The syste,n uses CaC12 as absorbent and NH3 as rere aaticaJ sim lation models wil be devebped for the generation and absorption processes as wel as for each major camponent of the reftrigeration systemn. incdig the collectorlabsotberigenerator. the evaporator and the conderser. Resuts of these stdies and local crfmabc data wiil be apphed in the design of prototypes of the rerigerator for two major applications: food preservahon. storage of vaccines/drugs for medical purposes. and cooing of rural bsildings. Contact in research organition: Mr Samuel Ogora ENIBE; Deparment of Mechanical EnrKneeg UnrVersity of Nigeria: NSUKKA: Anambra State; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03351 Offical prqect tiee: COOSIN O TOPICAL AGRICIJTU1RE-CORROSN AND METALSIMATERFALS DEGRADATION IN CASSAVA ROOT PROCESSING iNDUSTRIES. hqAelementiiy agency [FS. Stat date: 1988SX-00. C%x*)*urmt_ N: ig&a; S batem of objfectkmesdabstract 169 SPAAR Information System In many tropical countries. cassava tubers are a scurce of major s,aple foods. Tney are also used in tle manufacture of ethyl alcohol and the production of starch used as a birder in tablet makina and as an animal feed and are being proposed for use as an addition to wheat flour for bread makinc Corrosion of mild steel rachinery. storage facilities and agricultural implements used in cassav. oeer processirn has beenwidely reporled. Dr Loto's objective 's to monitor the corrosion behaviour of a range of a#loys in the extracted cassava juice environment by electrochemical and eiectro-optical technieues. Mechanisms and mode of corros*on will be deterrnined The best corrosion resistant allovs for -ak,nm machineries and storage faci;ities will be identfied. Matenals that can provde effective surface coat-ng protecrton to the metallic parts of the machiney apd storage facilitifes wil also be tested Contact n research oroanization: Dr Cleophas Akirtove LOTO: Department of Metailuraical and Materials Engineeorig: Obafemi Aulowo Un-versty: ILE-IFE. Nigeria Record number (MFN) 03352 Official proect title: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY FOR IRRIGATION IN RURAL NIGERIA Implerenting agency IFS. Start date: 1988-00-00 Country/couritnes: Ngeria: Statement of ob,ectves/abstract- Waste water constitutes about 72 per cert of the water usage in Nigera and rts harvestin for reuse is not popular This resource. although identified as a source of envrwmental pollution, can be used gainfully in agricuture- However. before waste water can be popularzed for imgation- aopnpriate low technobgy treatment is required Dr Okereke wiJ investigate the periomiance of multi-ompartment septic tank as an alternative low cost technlogy. The efficiency of this technology for adequate treatment of waste waters wil be svestigated- In a second stage. using the treated ettluet supple a irngation experiments wil be conduxed in the fiekd on soya beans and appFopriate ranagenerit practices wiN be developed for farmers. Contact in research organizatiDn: Mr Chid OKEREKE: Sciool of Engneerig and Engineering Tectvlogy: Federal Unver of Technology: P M B 1526. OWERRI: Nigeria Record number (*-N): 03356 Offica projec tiMe: THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRACTiCAL DIETS FROM LOCAL FEEDSTUFFS AND ttlUSTRLAL WASTES FOR THE CULTURE OF TLAPIA (OREOCHRCMS NILOTICUS)_ 170 SPAAR Informnation Systern Implementing agercy- IFS_ Start date: 1989-06-01. Country/countries: Nigeria: Statement of objectivesiabstract: Dr Adikwu will study the development of prdctical diets from focal f-eed stuffs and industrial wastes for the culture of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Nigeria. Wastes fromn food and drink industries in Kano will be used to substitute the macro nutnents in a reference diet containing fish meal protein and other nutrients. Nutnient subs itution will range from partial to complete in t est diets. using in the first,i-stance. wastes frorn vegetable oil milln and brewing industries. Small fish (approximately 3-5.0 g mnean initial weight) will be used in the dietary tnals. each of which will be in tripricate. Fish holding facilities will be circulair 10 liter capacity polyproyleiem tanks constituted finto a warm. water r-cittuating sysem in thte aquanlum. Contact in research organization: Dr Innocent Agbo ADIKWIJ: Department of Biologfical Sciences:- Bayero University: P M B301 1: KANO: NKjeria Record number (MFN): 03357 Officia proect title: UTILIZATION OF COCOA-POD HUISKS IN LOW-COST DIET AND NUTRITION OF T HE DWARF AFRICAN CATFISH. CLARIAS ISHERIENSIS. implemnenin agency IFS. Start date: 1989'-06-01. CountTyicou.trtnes: Nkjera~ Statement of objectrves!abstract: Cocoa-pod husks (CPH) will be incorporated as carbohydrate- component to replace maize at 0. 15. 30 and 45 per cenit substitutio levels in the bformuaion of a low-cost diet for raising Ciaria shrlensis from fingerlings to food fish size. Mr Fagbenro wiil then test the most effectiv CPH- dietary level treatmrentL based on Feed Cornersion Ratio (FCR) values, at a variable feedwig regime (two to five per cent of body weig* per day) to determivie the eff ects on fth survival. growth and yield of the experimental fish stocked in small concrete tanks. The capabdliy of C. isheriensis to digs the CPH diets wigl also be investigated by Mr Fagbenro. using chemical analysis methods on taeces collected from tie experimerntal fWises dunng the nutition ex;periments descatbed above- CP1H is then evaluated as a cheap source of caitbohydrate in tW#.cost fish diets and tleirefore as a replacemerit for expenswve cerea gr4s (maize) in fish diets. The duration of each feedirg (nutrntio) expernment wil be 150 days. Contact in research orguzation: Mr Oyedapo FAGBENRO; DepaMitet of Fisheres an-d Wildlfe: Federal Lkwivrsity of Techriokogy P M B 704: AKUFE Ondo State: Nigeria 171 SPAAR Information Svstem Record number (MN): 03360 Oficial project tle: STUDY OF THE PRWMARY PRODUCTiON IN THE ACADJA-ENCLOS' SYSTEM. implementing agency- IFS_ Start date: 1989-12-01 Country/countries: Cote dIvoire: Statement of objectives/abstract: Th e 'acadja-ekcs' systern consists of bamboo planted in shallow water to provide an artifical habitat for ftsh. Ms Konan Amoin witl study the pnmary productivity in this system. Tne work wig be done n the Ebne lagoon at the aquacutture station at Layo The study wig include: (1) estiniation ol the chlorophyfic biomass anrd identification of algae sDecies and (2) evaluataon of the Drnaiv productmty (oxygen method) and the control parameters by a survey of the atiotic envwronmrental parameters: temperature. salnty. oxygen. lisht. pH. nutritive salts. It is hoped that the study wiP lead to a better Mderstanding of the phenoenta behind the rncreased productiity in these systerns. Contact n research organization: Ms Amnoin KONAN; Laborato4re d'Ecolgie BenthiqueiAquacukture: Centre de Recl'erchies Oceanograph:ques: B P V 18: ABIDiAN: Cote dlvotre Record number (MFN): 03362 Officia protect title: INDUCED REPRODUCTION OF CLARIAS GARIEPINUS USING ARTiFICAL HORMONES: NUTRITIONAL STUDY OF LOCAL BY-PRODUCTS INPOND CULTURE OF FINGERLINGS. Implementng agency: IFS. Start date: 1989-12-01. Country/countries: Zaire: Statement of objectives'abstract: Mr Ulyel wigl do a study on cultivation aifd stocking of fry of Clarias ganepinus. The methodology contains four wrmortant ponts to estabish: (1) Artificta! reproduction indkuced by iwection of either artificial reproductiDon romones: LRHa and Dopanie antagonists. or by ijection of susvenio of piudary extracts from the sarne species or from carp (commercial): (2) Estlishrrent of hatheries and fry manaement techniques; Improvng survivai rate of fry by the use of mproved Ical products and by-products for feedng; Control of environ cortiions (hysiico-cherical water factors, diseases. irrorty causes etc); (3) Fry culture in mmooculture systems in ponds Selection of sites and corstruction of experital ponds for ctftw;i Fertlization of ponds and sipipmentaiy feeding of fish: 'Control of cture acows Dissemnibon of irormation to Dal popuCOb Suppiy of fry to fish culturists; PRecommdatons coce g improved techiques to t72 SPAAR Information Svstem increase production per surface unt. Contact in research organization: Mr A!i-Patto ULYEL: Universite de Kisangani: Faculte des Sciences: B P 1353: KISANGANI: Zaire Record number (MFN): 03365 Official project title INDUCTION AND CONTROL OF OESTRUS IN NtGERIAN ZEBU COWS WITH PROGESTERONE RELEASING INTRA-VAGINAL DEVICES (PRIDS). Implementffg agency- IFS Start date: 1989-06-01 Country/couries: Nige;a: Statemert of obwectives/abstract Dr Voh wil study the ,easitblity of a corrbined Progesterone Releasing Intervagnal Device (PRID)- Prostagiancin F2 alpha (PGF2&) treatrrmet in nducing and controlng oestrus in post-partum suckled zebu cows in Nigeria. Suckled cows 60-90 days post-partum balanced for panty and post-partum interval will be aJlocated to two groups: (1) contro- no treabTrent and (2) treated- PRID for seven days and PGF2& injection on the day of PRID withdrawal (PRID- 7 + PGF- 7). All the anionals wil be observed and inseminated at detected oests over a study period of three months. Progesterore profiles wil be determined by radio-immunoassay and used to conparative evaluate reproductive efEiency. It is expected that PRID-PGF2& treatment wi effectiely shorten fte post-parturn anoestrus peiod arid cortroi oestrus and thereby widen the scope o7 Al and irnprove the reproductive pertormance of cattle i Nigena. Contac in research organization: Dr Arrbrose A VOH: National Anrnal Production Research Institute: Ahmadu Bello Un!versity: P M 8 1096: ZARIA: Nigeria Record ntrmber (MFN): 03368 Offici projet title: MANAGING THE AFRICAN HONEY BEE. keelieE agency IFS. Staitdale: 1989-12-01- CmWcw~.Ghana S eT of objecsabstract N Aiare wi conduct several trials to estab~sh mehods for mragrig the agressive Aican hony bee Apis meWera var adanson He wig also study 173 SPAAR Information System different available and cheap materials 'or the construction of appropriate beehives for the different geographical regions such as the forest and the savannah within Ghana. This work is expected to Drovide documented management practices for use by beekeepers in West Afca. Contact in research organization: Mr Stephen Cpoku ADJARE: Apiculture Promotion Unit. Technology Consuttancy Centre: University of Science and Technology: KUMASI: Ghana Record number (MFN): 03370 Official project tite: BREED AND SEASONAL INFLUENCES ON THE REPRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL OF THE COCK IN A HUMID TROPICAL ENVIRONMENT Implementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1989-12-01. Country/couritnes: Nigeria: Statement of obiectivesiabstract With increasing population in Nigeria. demand for anmalI products is also increasing and po6try meat and eggs constwie the cheapest rmeans of meeting the dady animal protein requirement. For effective production of chicks for the bcal poultry farners. a tfhoough understandig of the reproductive physiology of the cock is invaluable. Ms Nkanga wil ealuate the sperm production and reServe potenbals in two weeds of the male domestic fowl (barred Plymth Rock and Nigerian igenous breeds) by: (1) histologf, (2) enumeraton of matubre spermatid and spermatozoa in testicular homogenates: and (3) assesswent of the dailv sperm- otput with the exhaustion technique. The effect of season on sperm production. physical and biochemical characteristics of ejaculated semen wil be evaluated. The assessment of ferity will be made by natural mating and by artificial insemination. Fertikzed eggs colleced will be hatched and the perfcrmance of the chicks monitored for eight weeks. Contact in research organization: Ms EfloanwanEme NKANGA Department of Biological Scieces: University of Caiabar P M B 11 15:CALABAR: Nigeria Record nurnber (EN): 03371 Officia' project title: STUDY OF CAPRINE PULMONRY MYGOPLASMOSES IN NIGEFRiA WaTH PARTKCJLAR REFEFRENCE TO CONTAGIOUS CAPRtNE PLEILROPNEUMONIA (CCPP). lmpler7 agency. IF. Srt date: 1989-12-01. C Fozitiy~4cores: Nigeria. ' 174 SPAAR Information Systern Statement of objectNes/abstract: This study is intended to re-assess the status of caprine pneumonia w:th a view to determine whether classical contagious capnne ple-iropne-umronia (CCPP) exists n Nigeria It wiii involve serological screening of goats all over Nigeria: and the isolation and identifcation of mycoplasma species involved in caprine pleuropneumonia. Dr Shoyinka will subject pure colcnies of mycoplasma isolates to different biochemiral tests while the more reliable serological methods of identification wig be carried out at IEMVT-CIRAD in France. The results wig confirm the presence or absence of mycoplas.ma 'biotype F38' in Nigeria and so affirm the status of classical CCPP. Contact in research organization: Dr Vincent Olurnuyiwa SHOYINKA: Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology University of Nigeria NSUKKA: Nigeria Record number (MFN)I 03372 Cffici proiect title: EFFECTS OF SEASON ON TESTICULAR DEVELOPMENT. SEMEN QUALITY AND SEMINAL BIOCHEMISTRY OF TROPICAL BOARS. Implementing agency: IFS. Stark date: 1989-12-01. Countrylcourtres: Nigeria: Statement of objectbveslabstract: This study wil be undertaken by Mr Ugwu at Atakadci Campus. Anambra Slate University of Tedmholoy. Nigeria. using '5 weaner boars (25 from each population of ocal. laroe whte ptgs. and local x large white pigs). These will be subjected to routine studies for testicular development. lbido and ejaculation characteristics wih dunmy and artificial vagias: and basic semen quality tests includng acrosome morphology. Some biochernical constiuents of whole semen. seminal plasma and sperm wil be determned to fuher assess quality of ejaculated semner, and accessory competence. The investigation wil cov four seasons of the year for three years uswg convenional methods. Results wil eucidate interactin effects of season. breed. and genotype/environment or parameters studied. Cotact in research organization: Mr Sineon UGWU: Department of Arnal Production; Anambra State University of Technobgy: Abakai Campus; P M B 01660: ENUGU: Ngeia Record nunber (WN): 03377 O0if project tiWe: STUDY ON THE REGENERATION OF EFFICIENT WOODY SPECtES OF THE NATURAL SEMI-DECIDUOUS FOREST Of POBE. 175 SPAAR Information Systern lmplemnbnng agency: IFS Start date: 1989-12-01. Country/countnes: Benin: Statemnent of objectuves/abstract: The natural forest of Pobe. one oMflhe rare natural resources of South Benin. constttes a reserve of seeds and genetic matenal regarding botanical compositon and variety in economically impor'tant species. Mr Sokpon wiMl characterize the different miro-dimatic conditions existing im the forest. He wit also study the phenolegical rhythmr of those species that are most important frorn the silvicultural point of view. These are Terminalia superba. Triplochiton seleroxylon. Autians aincana. ittoloptelea crandis. and Sterculia lragacantha The quantity and quality of seeds produced by these species as wet as the growth conditions for the seedlirgs widi be investigated. Observations and trizis on the natural regeneration are part of the project Contact in research organization: Mr Nestor SOKPON: Departen7ert Productio Vegetale: Faculte des Sciences Agrovorniques: Universte Nationale du Benin: B P 526: COTONOU: Ber.n Record number (MFN): 03378 Official project itle: COMPARISON OF INDIGENOUS AND AUSTRALIAN FUNGI FOR CONTROLLED MYCORRHIZA OF EUCALYPTUS IN THE CONGO. Winplemertrig agency: IFS Staft date: 1989-12-1. Country/countries: Congo. Statement of objectivestabstract: !n his investigations in the humid tropical zone Dr NYZala wi inventory and describe the natural ectomycorrhiza assocrations present in the forests of Congo. After isolation of the respective fung. Eucayptus wiN be inoctated with these different indoenous isolates in tree ntwsenes. The obtaed rycorrhiza' infecaons will be evakbated and after transpiti the effectiveness and competitively of the !ndigenous fun" wii oe cormpared to that of the introduced Austraian fu This study wif enable the selecn ot efftct and competitive strais of irndgenous mycothNza fungi compatite with the Eucalyptus mtroduced to Congo. Contact in research organzatior: Dr DornA NZALA; Lkwversite awen Nguah; histitut de Devebppeet Rural: B P 69; BRAZZAVILLE, Congo Record mturber (MFN): 03379 176 SPAAR Information System Official project title: ECOLOGICAL INC;DENCE OF AFFORESTATION IN EUCALYPTUS iN THE SAVANNAH IN THE REGION SURROUNDING BRAZZAVILLE. Implementing agency: IFS. Start dale: 1989-12-01. Country/countries: Congo: Statement of objectives/abstract: Dr Loumeto wil study different ecological parameters for a better understanding of the changes caused by Eucalyptus on spontaneous vegetation and on soil in Congo and especiallIy in the region off Brazzavilie. Four experimental plts wiN be installed: savannah Loudetia. savannah Hyparrhenia- Eucalyptus of around 15 years of age and Eucalyptus of between six to seven years. The follwing obserations and measurements wAIl be made: botanical inventory. the annual productivity of the herbaceous layer. the effect of the organic matter on the sod, the liter decomposition and a fertiliy test. The comparative study will give infornnation about the development of the vegetation and 'the soil. Contac in research organization: Dr Jean Joel LCUMETO: Departement de Biologie et Physiologi Vegetales: Facufte des Sciences; B P 69: BRAZZAVILLE: Congo Record numnber fMFN): 03381 Official projec tite: STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF THE VARIETY AND THE MATURITY AT HARVEST ON THE EFFECT OF CHLORINATION. PACKAGING AND CURING OF COCOYAM IN STORAGE. Jmplemetng acancv: I FS. Start date. 19089-06-01. Country/,coutntres: Cameroon:- Statement of objectives/abstract: In an atep to control the heav post-harvest losses of cocyanm, a staple food in Cameroon, lW BNikrno w*11 test fte efficiency of dhlorination, with one per cenit sodium hypochlorfte. follwed by packaging withi polyethnyleene bags and curing at 35 degrees Centigrade and 1.00 per cent relatie humidity for seven days. Treatment application on cocoyarm fromn different varieties arnd at different stages of maturity wiN be orgarnzed in a randorrized complete block design. The storage of treated cocoyam will be under arrmbient conditon. Oualty evaluation on stored corn wik consider discoloration decay, weKfit loss, xgmosue coritent, dry maltfE""ry weigh content. coolding properties and taste- Post-harvest loss redhictioin. storage quality Fnpovement and shel-life extension are expected. Contact in esearch orgaiztin vRk Rerpa BIKOMO MBONOMO, Univerit Centre of Dschangz P 0 Box 96;, OSCHANG; Camermon 177 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 03382 Official project title: DEVELOPMENT OF SOY-BASED EVAPORATED COW MILK ANALOG. Imrplementing agency: IFS. Start date: 1989-06-01 Country'countnes: Nigeria: Statement of ob;ectivesiabstract Dairy products are essential food commodities imported to Nigeria. and thwei widespread consumption is hmited by exorbitant pnces. Dr Nsofor will develop an ;nexpensve anaiog of evaporated cow ; -*k. a popular dairy product in Nigeria. from ultrafiftered'diafiltered soy mik with addled vegetable od. sucrose. corn svrup solids and lecithin. The milk anabg wil be chemically analyzed for per cent protein. fat. carbohydrate. minerats and moisture. and its consumer acceptance evaluated to irnsure elinination of objectionable odour and flavour of soy products. Contact in research organization Dr Leslie M NSOFOR: Department of Food Science and Technology: Imo State University: P M B 2000: OKIGWE: Irno State: Nigeria Record nurrber (MFNY: 03384 Official project title: SOLID SUBSTRATE FERMENTATION OF BAMBARA GROUNDNUT (VIGNEA SUBTERRANEA). Implementing agency: IFS Start date: 1989-12-01 Countrv/countes: NK?ena. Statement of objectves/abstract: Mk Barrnalaa will study the soed substrate fermentation of Rambxa o' 'xknut by simulating a dawadawa-type prodact. Ma focus of the study is the - iton of differer t conditions such as tine. temperature and relative humridty a fermentation process. The indices of the evaluation wia be aroma develcpment total aerobic couwt. pH. lotal solub;e amino acids and moistre conwent of product. Changes in proximate compostion wi be evakuated by AOAC methods. or nuftional components ike phytate, raffose. olwc des. saorun and oolyplwols as well as trypsin ilbory acvtiies wil be detemied using standaard metods. Speclation of miroornism wil be done accodlirg to Bergeys Mual of Detemnat Bactenology. The research wil be carried out at the FMrs State Urversity of Science and Tedcmogy, Port Harmcut, Nigeria. Cotact in research organization: Mk Inmabo Samuel BARIMALAA Department of FooG Scince and Tecmhnogy Rivers I78 SPAAR Information System State University of Science and Technology: P M B 5080: Nkpolu: PORT HARCOURT: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03385 Official project tetle: CHEMICAL AND BIOLOOGICAL STUDIES ON GARRi TOXICITY SYNDROME WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE FREE AND BOUND HY5ROCYANtC ACID CONTENT. Implementing agency: IFS. Sta,t date: 1989-12-01 Ccountryl/countnes: Nigeria: Staternent of objectiveslabstract Garr, will randomy sampled for the free and bound HCN content This would be followed by an evaluation of the effect of femrentation time on the concentration of these parameters in gami produced from each of the swveet. bitter and a mixture of sweet ard bitter cassava vaneties in sinubation of the clrrent local production methods. The carri produced from varyirn fermentation times wil be used in rat assay stdies to evaluate the nutritonal and biochemical irnplications using performance. nutnent utilization. organ rreasuremernts. urinary thiocyanate and tissue rhodanese actvty as the response criteria- Based on the results. Dr Aletor wil make suggestions that can be ncorporated into an edtcational programre for improved garri produc6on. Contact in research organization: Dr Valentine Ayobore ALETOR: Deparment of Animal Production and Health; Federal University of Technology: P M B 704: AKURE: Nigeria Record nimnber (MFN): 03386 Officia project title: STUDIES ON SPOILAGE AND SHELF-LIFE EXTENSION OF KVWOKA. A NIGERIAN TRADITIONAL MAIZE DISH imp.ernenting agency IFS. Start date: 1989-12-01 Country/ountries: Nigeria Statemfient of objectves/absta- Stucies on spoilge and shelfie extension of kwoka (a popufa but highJy perihable traditional maize meal in Soutern Nigeria) wil be caied out Dr Efuwevwere wil study the effects of vaious coiosio formulations; maize: ripe plantaisugar pakn nut mA extract corKkTents: preseivatwes and processing pa-ameters (stenn duratbons and packagng) on quaiity a.trhutes and dnorage-stab Ow. Cher mc b bgncal and physical irclcatorddc g organoptic assesment wil be used to evaluate qualty clWges. Suplerentatf cf 179 SPAAR information System maize with soybean will also be evaluated. The work is therefore ained at establshing optiral comroosition formulations and processing pararneters with a view to improving whoiesormeness and shelf-We stability. Contact in research organization- Dr Bernard J 0 EFIUVWEVWERE: Department of Mcrobioogy: University of Port Harcourt: P M B 5323: PORT HARCOURT: Nigeria Record nurnber (MFN): 03387 Offickil project title: PHYTOCHEMICAL. CHEMICOTAXONOMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF CAMEROONIAN SPECIES OF THE FAMILY CECROPIACEAE. Implemerting agency: IFS. Start date: 1989-0-01. Country/countries: Carrieroon: Staterment of objectives/abstract: iD Lontsi will study the phytocherneistry. cherniotaxonomy and bioactivities of certain members of the famriy Cecropiaceae. The first aspect of the study will consist of a fieid trip for sarndle co1lechion. organic solvents extraction of resulting powders of the different sampies. purification of resulig extracts by plate and column chromatography and structure elucidation of the different compotnds by spectroscopic methods. The second aspect wil consist of testing the purided compounds or derivatives for antiungal. herbKcidal. anticancer and antibactenal activities. The third aspect wil dealwith chemiotaxonomy of the family using the results found in the chewmical literature and those obtained from the first part of our study. Contact in research organization: Dr David LONTSI: Department of Organic Chemistry: Faculty of Science. Universitv of Yaoun)de: B P 812: YAOUNDE: Came.-oon Record number (MFN): 03388 Officia project tite: EXTRACTION OF FUNGAL TOXICANTS FROM THREE GHANIAN PLANTS AND UTLIZATION OF SUCH IN CONTROLLING FOLIAR PLANT PATHOGENS. Implementing agency IFS. Start date: 1989-06-01. Cct"Icounties: Ghana Statement of objectives/abstracl The objective of the study ts to identify West African plants with fungitoxic propetes to serve as canlidates in the developmet of botical fung;ide. The woks wiN be conducted at tte Crop Scine Department of the Uversity of Science and Technology in Kumasi Dr Awuah will study, on cuture meia, the xfungxtxic 180 .4 .. ~. I_ .f. _. _. . _. _ _ U. ...)..,. ,, _*U.4f.a . , ..... SPAAR Information System spec-trum of stea-ri distilates from leaves of Ocimum gratissimum. Crmbopogon citratus and fruits of Xylcp.a ae-thieia using furgi from different taxonomnic groups. Effective extracts will f urther be teste-d fo~r controt of seleced foliar/aernal fungal pathogens in a screenhouse pot experiment- Inhibition of fungai g.owth and in vivo con'trol of diseases with extracts from some of fth plants is anticipated. Contact in research organization: Dr Richard Tuyee AWUAH: University of Science and Techno.og: Department of Crop Science-, KUMASI: Ghana Record number (MFN): 03391 Official project titie: BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF STEM-BORERS OF CEREALS BY USE- OF PLANT EXTiRACTS FOUND) IN TI-IE IVORIAN PHARMAC'OPEIA_ Implementing agency: IFS. Stait date: 10989-06-01- Country/countries: C6le dltvoire:. Statement of objectives/abstract: Cereals such as rice, maize and sorghurn constrtute imoortant and basic food in the lvoxy C-oast In spite of ercouragement from the governent, production of cereais is far below needs. The- harvest of cereals also suffer-s from great lossdue to attack~ from insects. The proposed protect is devoted to the stud of particular insects namely Chillo paitellus. Eklana sacchannia and Spodoptera exemnpta The research. will comnprise -an electrophysiological stu-dy of the alimentary behaviour of the larvae of fth insects in comnbination with a stud of the chemistry of resistant and susceptible piants of cereals. Natural ins-ecticides wiNl te screered± based on extracts definied in the Ivorian pharmacopeia. Contact in research organization: Dr Ehouani Etienne EHILE;- Facufte des Sciences et Techniques: Universife Nationale de Cote dIlvoire: 22 B P 582: ABiDJAN 22: Cote crlvoire Record numbe-r (MFN): 03393 Official projec title: ANTI-HYPERTENSIVE AC-TIONS OF SOME NIGERiAN NATURAL PRODUCTS. trmipiwner agency:- IFS. Star date: 1989-12-01 Couritry/counrities Nigena. Contact in research organization: Dr Olaewaju OlusegNi ADENEKAN Department of PhRmacology Obafem Awolowo Colege of Health Smrcice; Ogun State Lnivrsiy- P M B 2001; SAGAL4U; Nige_i SPAAR Information Systern Record nurmber iMFN): 0339d Official project t;tle: EVALUATION OF GELATIN SPHERES-IN-OIL4N-WATER EMlULSIONS AS CONTROLLED RELEASE DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS IN MALARIAL CHEMOTHERAPY Implemerntlrn aaencyr IFS. Startdate: 1989-12-01 Coy.countnes: Noeria: Staterenet of ob,eetives, abstract: The devebpment of rentstrt strains to antimalanal aQents offers a fresh challenge in malaria chernomaerapv. In the past. efforts have been directed toward structural ndcti of the drug molecue aind screenrim of plrts for new anfirnalaval aaents. A useful akternabvre appoach wou!d be the devebprrent of drug delive systerns which could inprove the cherapeuc effectiveness of Itiese agents by coflfrolikn their rates of release. The project wil be camed out at Obafems Awolowo Universitv. lie-Ife. Ni3eria. Dr Omotosho wvr stidv formation characteuizatior and stabvit of Ga`W systemrs. In order to etucidate the competence of this svstem as controlled dehvery systerns. both n vitro and in vivo release exDerrients are planed Contact in researh oranieatn: Dr J A OMOTOSW-. Deprment of Phamaceutics: Facultv of Pharmacv: Obafe"r Avwolowo -roewsry ILPE-FE: Nioera Record number tMFNl: 03395 Official projeot title: UTILIZATION OF AQUATIC PLANTS FOR THE PURIFICATION OF WASTE WATER ~PHIYTOPiJRIFICAT1ON'I I pleier1mg agency FS. stWdate: 1 l89Ql1 Cour*counies: Cameroon: Statement of ode bs1&sact Mr Agcxa i wudetake to selec test ar'd dwaeize aqtc plnsuitable i p tificatin PRas seec$ed wi be those sthovg regr and rapd gowth- ard easy cuvako and harves in wase wa. PbIts wl be tesled ough cu#4vabon in wa ter wa bef&st and cfwaEcler by gwoi ard producln*y measuremns (irass PXX* ).). Po&Iat remal ad plxos%1 dc-ty Spe5cl (* methods wilt be use rt arss and posyntec acdy wu be ewaite by geoe scct e..A pl species be considred as tav* a poer i 01ytpabonw 4 *t slow hiqi poIi*vf., iolsyr*etc reosper and is diclert in t;e efmiiahon df poftarts ine wasle waer. 182 "~~~'' F'' 'I'"I .' ' ''--'t11...' t1.. SPAAR Information System Contact in research organizatio: Mr Philip Lekeany4 AGENDIA: Department of Pilan Biolog and Physiologv; University of Yaounde: B P 812: YAOUNDE:- Cameroc~.; Record number (MFN): 03397 Official project title: SOIL ACIDITY. P-FORIM,S. P-FIXATION AND CORRELATION WITH SELECTED SOIL PROPERTIES OF OXISOL AND ULTISOL IN CAMEROON. Im,plementing agerncy- IFS. Start date: 1 989-06-01. Country/countries: Cameroon: StatemeNt of objectves/abstract: Demographic pressures and expkotation of th winheren~tly poor Oxisol anid Ufttiof-dominated western h,ghland savanna region of Carneroon (mean annual rainfall is 2a000 milklmeters: mean annuaO temperature is 20 degrees centigradle) have led to consistently, low crop y.elds. Dr Yerma wil stud soil abckty. P-forms, and P-fixation in these sods and correlate therm with seleced soil physico-ctlemcal properties to better understand the ineractive mechanisms and derive appropriate sod managemient practices. Contact in research organization: Dr Bemnard Palmer Kfuban YERMIMA. Soil Science DeparMtment Ukiversity Centre of Dschiang: P 0 Box 222: DSCHANG:- Cameroon RecDrd znumber (MFN): 03401 Of5cicr project title: NITROGEN FRXATION. UTILIZATION AND BRADYRHIZOBIUM INTERSTRAIN COMPETION IN INTERUROPPING SYSTEMS. kimplemeritiig agency: IFS. Start date: 198912-01. Coyfco~~tes: Ghana: Statement of objectiveslabst ict: ~kr AbaKiDoo wdi stud arc estAabbsh tIe su4abity of some aCAIiv of maize and sorlitm grow In Ghar & s reference acprs in the assessmet of txobxcal nr*ogen fixaton uswg fth 15N-dil J on rneth Ths mediod wI be used to meastse bioogEcal ndrogen fixab 'i .in uinltercr-opping systes of Vigna unrKjcuIata and Aradils hy'pogea as t~-ie~s arid Zea mays and Sor*itm sp as cereal cwomprerits. The aig5sotir resistance s 9*sfebmo erwiqu wi be used k~demelop BNadyrhizobian stara' evAakti of the s1Wbily of iiers&ajn comptiton pattere under ~~'w iroec-riIngnsagemrnet systems. Beriefs of bioloia nitogen fxaaori in wderrw_ ,4yten to slksequesf no41bgxje cubvabon wil also be 183 SPAAR Infornmation System Contact in research organization: Mr Robert Clement ABAIDOO: Department of Biological Sciences: UnNversity o! Scientce and Technology. Pnvate Miail, Bag: KUMASI: Ghana Record number (MFN: 03407 Official projec title: REGIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MILLET. SORGHUM. COWPEAS. AND MAIZE (TRANSITIONAL PHASE). Imnplementing agency: CILSS-Sahel Institte. Start date: 1981 -00-00. CountiWycountries: Africa:, Burkiria Faso: MJai:- Maurntania: Niger Senegal: Chact Cape Verde: Gambia: Gumnea-Bissatuj Sta tement of objectwvesfabstracr Th obet 'eo he prograrnwreis to put seeds of impoved varieties atthe diposal of Saheliar faniers T he wniplemntatKon of Phase I from 1981 to 1984. allowed the identification of a restricted group of varietes of millet. sorghum. cowpeas. arid maize adapted to the various ecological zones. The present ilase would consckdate these resufts arid transfer the results obtained to farmers' fields. At the regional lee,the research activiies would wivotve: (a) tials in fth farmers'fields of the varieties identified at the end of the cooperatie tnials conduicted belween 1 981 and 1984: (b) survey of farmers to evaluate fth results arid deterrrite varieties suited for diffsio. (c) support the producton of prebase arid base seeds to meet fth needs of the traias, large-scale multplcation and diffusion. including seed technolog: arid (d) development of infonnation in order to: (i) facite infoirmation exchage: (ii) disse,imnate research, results through fact-shees on varieties: and (4) promote the publication of scientfic work. At the national level. the programwe would initiate concertatiorn inolvn deciio-makers and technicians for thie elaboation and cost estimatio of a programme fo the mtit4licalion and diffusion of the varieties retained. Upon contpletion the programmie is expected to: (1) provide vaeies and technologies suiable to the conditions of the envoiroment- and a sutbstantial mncease in production: anid (2) permit actual multpkcabon and diffsio of varietes througi national multiplicatwo and diffusion prograrnmes. Contact in research organtzation: Natoiona Research institutions.. . . . . . . . Record znuber (MFN): 03408 Officia project title: RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON PHYTOGENWT1C FRESOURCES. knplementing agency. CLSS-Sahel Iustitute. SW al e: 1990M-000. End da* 1994-OD-00. Country/countnes: Afrixa Burkmea Faso: Mabr Maurtaniia: Nigr Senegat: Chad Cape 184 SPAAR Infornation System Verde: CGambia; Guirea-Bissau: Statement of objectives/abstract The objectives of the proposed programme are to: (a) establisk national phytogenetic resources units-each responsible for collectng. assessing and conserving crop resources; and (b) a regional phytogenetic resources data bank ;n the long-term. The programme consists of five components: (1) national research institutes--provision of equipment for the conservation of collectons under adequate conditions: (2) inventory of existkig collections and exchange of materials with ICRISAT. IITA. ORSTOM and others: (3) evaluabon of the accessions collected on the basis of uniform types of observation. using the descriptors of IBPGR as reference: (4) establishment of a regional data-bank on the basis of the results of the evaluation in (3); and (5) training or improvement courses for national researchers and tec& -ians. in collaboration with institutions specialzed ir phytogenetic resourc- . At counry level, a national unit for phytogenetic resources will be responsible for the management of the genotypes and at regional leveL a Coordination Team wI be responsible for the animation. the coornination and the contrd of the on-field activities.Upon completion. the pogramme would allow the: (i) safeguarding of the Sahelian crop-genotypes: (ii) estab5shmnent of a distribution system which would make 4 possible for researchers to have easy access to the stored crop-matenals: (iu) irmprovement of the effiency of varietal selection prograrnrnes; and (iv) establishment of a phytogenetic resources data-bank. Contact in research organization: National Research Insttuis Record numrber (MFN): 03409 Official project title: CROP PROTECTION PROGRAMME. Implementing agency: CILSS-Sahel Institute. Slant date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1994-00-00. Country.countries: Africa: Burkina Faso: Mali: Maurtania: Niger; Senegat Chad: Cape Verde: Gambia; Guareasua StatemeOt of obfctivesabstract The objectives of fte proposed programnme are to: (1) ucease crop producton through; the red&tion in losses caused by crop pests: (2) consolKlate the achievemets of the Proiect on PRsearch on Integrated Control by pus&wig and stengtenig fte research akeady dken for the deveopment of integrated control systems for pests of food crps; (3) strengthen natioxal crop poteon services, especialy thmugh the srntei of the monitoring neork the phytosanitay control, and ie tamg of famners: and (4) strengthen ir4er-Saheiman colaborain in crop proecton. aeady estabshed by the Sahel knstte. The prograrnnie wO coit of three components: (a) reseadi i integrated crntrot (b) str inlg ot nabtonal cr ci servces; and (c) regiomna WeY"i\l ' coordinatn. Upon con*Om the progrie wod pMovide (i) iegated corBd r methods for the rmin food croo pests that wi not be hamU to the er*onme and ,: j, ,18 SPAAR Wntormation System are applicable by Sahelian farmers: (ii) a functional monitonng network to provide early waming on the behavior of pests and treatments to be used when the reed arises: (iii) phytosanitary control at entry ports. sea-ports and airports. (iv) a better trained and better informed producers who will participate actively in the protection of their crops and of their environment (v) stronger inter-Sahelian cotlaboration for more efficient control of crop-pests: (vil a reduction in the utilizatior, of pesticides: and (vii) a reduction in crop-osses Contact in research organization: Nationai Research !nstitutions Record number (MFN) 03410 Official project itle: INCREASE OF PROOUCTIVrrY AND CONTROL OF DISEASES OF SMALL RUMINANTS. Implementing agency CiLSS-Sahe' Instiftute. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1994-00 Courtry/countres: Africa: Burksra Faso: Mali Mauritania. Niger. Senegal: Chad: Cape Verde: Gamnbia: Guinea-Bissau: Saement of objectives/abstract Under the ResearcMevelopment Program-ne on Small Ruminants (SR) in the CILSS Countries, the objectives of the proposed proect are the: (1j assessmert and effective exploitation of the avaiable knowledge on the mranagement of pastureands in Sahelian countries: (2) evaluation of the impact of a methodical heath coverage (vaccination ano anhheininthtc treatnent) on the productivity of smali nninants: (3) analysis of costbenefit ratio and socio-economic incidence: and (4) determination of the incidence of ircreased srna ruminants poplation on the Sael5an ecology. The major research activities would involve: (a) standardized identification of herds and locaization of sites and itineraries of observations-zones of transhumance. of sedentary lives'tock-breedirg: (b) development of a uniform system for multidisciplinary inrervention on the selected aniral materaods, types of vaccines usem nature of anteikinc used rate of interventions, types of blood-takung and laboratory anaryses: (c) testing of rapKi efficient and cheap screening methods, incuding blood-taking for analysis and diagnosis of diseases in goats and sheep: (d) permanenr control of the quaity of vaccnes and ronitoring of the rate of imwnunrzation of the arnmals treated: (e) data collec ion and evbon of herds. rerodction (fertility. aboMtons. orray of young arwnals) marketing at famdiy and vilage levels and ocal consumpbon: (f) evaion of the wapac of fthe project on the tevelopment of small rumants breeding and ft evoion of the ecobgy in the zones iwoved and (g) u#izatin of the resufts in nironal and re ronal pois for the dev of smnal rumirants brefrg in the Sahe! Upon coraleo #lhe project woutd provide (i) a Researc*;l)evelprrent Network on the breeding otf sma ruminats (aog. produciy and eqibium of the agro-sylvopasral ecosystem): (i) kwe of the risks of ove ing o nals: (i) reliae and ar ome data for strbaegies for the cotrol of diseases of smal rnit at natiorn and regiona 186 _~I, _ __ _.1.11 i i ..1. 1...>4' 1/.i,|.: 1.1.'- SPAAR Information System leveis. and efficient plans for vaccination and antibeirninthic treatrnent carnpaians: (Iv) knowledge on the behaviour of agro-cattle breedars visa-vis the methodical introduction of a system for the improvement of small ruminants thmough health coverage (vaccination and antihelminthic treatment): and (v) increase in the productiv"ty of small livestock, in te income of the pastoral farmnilies, and in the consumpption of anina! products. Contact in research orqanization: National Insitutes. Centres. and Laboratories Record number (MFN): 03411 Official project title: PATHOLOGY OF SMALL RUMINANTS: ETIOLOGY. VACCINES AND PROPHYLAXIS. Implementing agency: CILSS-Sahel Institute. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1992-0000 Country/countries: Africa: Burkina Faso: Mali: Mauritania Niger Senegal: Chad: Cape Verde: Gambia: Guinea-Bissau: Staterner-t of objectives/abstract Under the ResearchODeveloprment Programrnme on SmaH Ruminants (SR) in CILSS Countries. the objectves of the proposed project are to: (a) assert the etioogy of the tpneumonic dseases syndrome (one of the main causes of mcrtality in sheep ad goats) in small ruminants with a view to produce appropriate vaccines; (b) train researchers in active immunization agaist the pseudornderpest of small nrninarnts with a view to produce a heterobgous anti-rnderpest vaccine which is better tolerated by the breeds of sheep and goats in the guinean and sudano-sahelian zones: and (c) proceed to an efolocal dismembering of 'pox' (poxviuses) in sheep and goats for the establishrent of a rabtona prophylaxis. The research actrvities would involve virology--serologicai survey. diagnosis methods and tes of vaccial strains- bactoriology-determnation of precise period of intervention of germs and expenrmental diagnosis: and mycoprlsa studies-dentiffication of the action of nycoplasma. lpon completion the project would permi: (i) the identification of the main pathogenic ageofs of the pneumor disease of smal rumninants; (i) the evalaion of their lvel of pathogeniit (i) the creation of sinpLe ard/or corbried effiient aci innocuous vaccines; and (fv) the recommendations of appropriate prophylaxis measures. Coact in research orgaiation: Central Veterary Laboratory Bamiako; Mallatial Laboratory for Livestock and Veterinary Researck; Fadca: Ndjamena): Chad Record number (MFN): 03412 OfficW proect titb RESEARCH AND STUDY PROGRAME ON THE IROVED MANAGEMNT OF EXTEN NATONAIL RANGELM) IN THE SAIEL (PGEJS). 187 SPAAR information System Implementing agency: CILSS-Sahel Institute Start date: 1990-0000. End date: 1994-00Q-0 Country.iountres: Africa Burkina Faso: Mahi: Maurtania: Niger. Senegat Chad: Cape Verde: Gambia: Guinea-Bissau: Statemrent of objectives/abstract: The objective of the proposed programme is to improve the standard of livina of livestock-breeders by: (i) securing. in the Sahel. practices of extensive livestock-breeding. correlative with a better management of pastoral resources: (ii) increasing the potentialities of prmary prodJction with the help of the Association of Pastoralists--restoration of rangelands. bush-fire control: (iii) increasing the availability of and accessibility to resources by optimizing the utilzation of pastoral water supply infrastructure. and (iv) safeguarding the ecosystem by giving more responsibilities to its use-s and by organizing the systerm. The pqoect would elaborate a rural de for enacting a line of cenduct during transhunrance and train technical staff as . as livestock-breeders in the techniques for better management of natural rangelanc.s Contact in research organization: National Institutes. Centres. ard Laboratones Record numrber (MFN): 03413 Offiial proect title: RESEARCH AND STUDY PRfOGRAMME ON TI-E POSSIBUTY OF INTENSIFICATION OF FODDER AND AMMAL PRODUCTION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF AN ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK BREEDING IN SUB-SAHELIAN, SUDANIAN AND GUINEAN ZONES. Implemening agency: CILSS-Sahel Institute. Start date: 1990-00-0. End date: 1994-000. Country/courites: Africa: Burkia Faso: Mar. Mauntania Niger Senegat Chad: Cape Verde: Gambia. Guinea-Bissau: Statement of objectives/abstract: Deep changes-increased cuhrivation and allows. increased lIvestock population in the cotton zone. systernatic utiization of crop-reskdues. integration of lvestock-breeding into agcultural practices -which occured in the farning systems of the Sudanian. Guinean and SaheJian zones durg e last twenty years have ;ed the traditioal extesve lvestock-breeders to adopt sedery lestock-breeding. The proposed progamne would ofter sedery rew Westock-eeders the possbivy to rationaly orgaize their stye of expbion so as to enstue the feitb of their lands and the irtensic teir ivstock-breedig tiuh the utilization of culvated pastues and aqro-id l by-prodcts. To actieve these objectives. the programme would (a) promote the develpment of fodder crops in Sub-Sahelian (wrigated zones) Sudian and Guidea zones hwough the deveopwnt of approprate and more produtive farmg techriques and (b) orgamze. and sensitize livestock-breeders farmer for wonand tra"ing inthe teclies for the 188 SPAAR Information Systerm conduct of animals corrpatbe with crops grown n. the zones. Tie programme would develop models of exploitation adapted to the vanous ecological situations of the Sub-region to optirnize the animal and agncultral prodiuction of the sector in harmony with the concepts of preservation of the environment and of desertification control, and establis-h a ResearchiDevelopmert Network that would integrate agriculture and livestock-breeding for soil erosion control and improvement of animal feeds. Contact in research organizalion: National Institutes and Centres for Research on Animal Production Systems Recrd number (MFN): 03415 Offca proect itle; ECOLOGICAL MONITORI4G OF THE DYNAMICS OF DESERTIFICATON. Implementing agency CILSS-Sahei Institute. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1994-00-00. Country/countries: Africa: BurKina Faso: Mal: Mauntaria: Niger Senegal: Chad. Cape Verde: Garmbia: GLjnea-Bissau: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the proposed programme are to: (1) develop an effective methodology for montonrng the dy'narics of desertificabon and estabbsh a data-bank to provide information services to the political authorities of Sahehan research and development institutiors as wefl as to the cooperating partners: (2) promote research in Sahelian countries for improving continuously the quaity of the data-bank on desertification: (3) support research institutions for increasing their contribution to the wnplemrentabon of National Plans for desertfitcatin conhd: (4) contribute. through information and traning. to a greater diffusion of efficient deseftification control technrques devebped in 'he various parts of the Sahew and in other parts ot and and semi-arid zones of the world: and (5) elaborate achtons for con-rolling sore aspects of the degradation of the environment. Contact in research organization: National Institubons and Environrment(Ecology CentersRegional Remote Sensing Center Ouagadougou: Burkin FasoUNEP: Mali Record number (MFN): 03416 Oficial project tiDe: ECOLOGY/ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME: REFORESTATlON AND CONSERVATION OF THE FORESTRY RESOURCES. tmplmenting agency: CILSS-Sahel knstiute Start date: 199G-00-00. End date: 1994-00. OO Courtykounties: Africa Burkina Faso: Mafi: Mamfaia: Niger Senegal; Chac; Cape Verde; Gambia Guunea-Bissa; 189 '1'.1.* 'I' ""' ' ' ' ' '' 4 u r i ¢.---> : li .s~~Wu.!li.: ' _ _I! .494$tfl.ILQ: X ' 1'.1'1 .:. '.' t : .. . ... SPAAR Iniormnation System Statement of objectives/abstract: Reforestation in fth Sahel is as,sociated with the rational management of niatiiwal forests. The Saheliani countries have readjusted thir pokiies toward: (1) the silviculture of local species which are of prime importance to the rural populations-oum-trees and she-a-tre-es are a top priority in most of the States: (2) the silviculture of species whiich could increase substantially the exports of products (more specif ically. cashew-tree): and (3) tne dievelopment of natural stands for their restoration through rational exploitation. The miajor focus of the research programme would be on Gum-trees. Shea-trees and C ashew-trees. Tme research acthiviies would involve: (i) inventory of research and assessment of the achievements for each of the three crops, as weil as evaluation and redynamization of research wherever necessary int order to meet the regioa preoccupation of better efficienc in the utilization of resources:- (ii) address 'the problms of desertificafon cootro. stWply of fuedwood. lumber. iruits and medica! products as well as soil and water conservation and crop protection;- and (iii) stimulate sub-regional concerLtato. coordinate the actions un-dertaken or to be undertaken. ard ensure 'the diffusion of research results. Contact in research organization: National Institutions arid Environmient/Ecology Centers Reord nizber (MFN): 03417 Official projec title: RESEARCHIPROC-RAMME ON FOOD SECURITY. STRATEGIES AND POLUCES. Implementinig agency: CILSS-Sahel institute. Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1994-00-fX0. Coitry/countries: Africa: Burkina Faso: Mali: Mauritania: Niger:. Senegal; Chad:- Cape Verde: Gambia: Guinea-Bissau: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objecfives of the proposed programme are to: (1) promnote and develop the capablilty of CILSS couritries to carry out prospective s;tudies and research in the follow-i and evalu&ation of the efforts of their on-gin or planned policies on th produiction (availabiliy), the distrbuion (accessib4ii ) and the consumption (uildizatio) of products essentiali for attaining food security for the population: (2) provide rekable and opportune scwentic information to decision makers of the Saheilian countries wan Donos to guide them in fte formulaton and adjustmets requwred in policy makkgV to imprve the food security situatio of the population: (3) sbtimuate conceflation. cogaborabon and exchang between Sal'elian and non-Sajieliar researches on federating research themes relatng to the harmonization ot macro-econormc policies for bette sub-fegional and regional agro-wncustiia integratio and (4) ensure, throughi the inte-active process ot the corcertafion colabor:ation and exchanges in (3), efficient and operaional vocational training of compelers experienced Sahelian researchers in the fil of agrtulual and food 190 SPAAR Information System five year period would be focuseci on the strengthening of the RESADOC Network and the INSAH Documentation Center for qualitative. quantitative and efficient services: (b) Information Division-the objectives of the Information Division during the five year period would be focused on the strengthening of informaabon support to research workers, extension workers and ,armers through the diffusion of research results. training, audio-visual aids. rnxal radio programmes. video-reporting and fidms, as well as the sensitization of the populations to the problems of drought and desertification: and (c) Training Division--the objectives ol the Training Division during the five year period would be focused on the conducbng of: (a) improvement training of research cadres and technicians (applied research. research management and administration); (b) regular 'raining assistance for member states (short and iong duration scholarships. refresher courses), and action-oriented training through technical workshops. Contact in research organzation: INSAH; Bamako: Mali Record number (MEN): 03420 Official project bite: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT. Implementing agency: World Bank: Nigeria. Start date: 1992-00-00. Country,/ountries: Nigeria Statement of objectivesiabstract: Strengthen the institutional environment and operational activities to adapt imnproved technology packages and their deivery system to meet lccation-specific needs of farmers. Contact in research organization: Mnisty of Agriculture: Federal Departrnent of Agriculture and Rural Developrrent: NigeriaState Ministnres ot Agnculture: Nigeria Record numnber (MFN): 03421 Official project title: LIVESTOCK (FORkMERLY UVESTOCK SERVICES). Implementing aoencv Wodd Bank: Ghana. Start date: 1993-01-00. Country/countrie : Ghana, Statement ot objei ives/abstnct: To strergtIen l! ;tock p. -duc0in throg iprevement of aninal health. provision of arwnal watenng . ;nts. dry season feedg breed krprovemen. and strengting of the insuonal f ork for livestock prouctirin. Proposed actions: (a) the 192 SPAAR Information System establishment of herders' associations to regulate use of water and foraga resources: (b) introduction of pasture !egumes into grazing areas and a range of herbaceous and tree legumes into mixed iivestockhcrop farming systems to increase availabilitv and inprove quality of forage: and (c) the establshment of a range improvement and monitonrg unt in the Department of Animal Health and Production To assist herders' associations in regulating water and forage utilization and to improve range productivity. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Aariculture: Department of Animal Health and Production: Accra: Ghana Record numsber (MFN): 03422 Official project title: UVESTOCK lIl. impienting agency: World Bank. Nigera. S!art date: 1994-00-00. Country/countnes: Nigeria. State :ernt of objec'ives/abstract: The major project compoents are: (i) dairying, (ii) an"n health. (uii) research: (iv) extension: (v) institutional strengthening: (vi) grazing reserves deveopqment: (vii) credit; and (vii) input suppty. Record numiber (MFN): 03429 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION (FORMERLY NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION PROJECT). Implementing agency World Bank. Ghana. Start date: 1992-00-00. End date: 1997-00-00. Country/countries: Ghana; Statement of ovjectives/abstract: The project would nihate and develop a uniied agncuitura1 extension system with strong research Xnkages in order to promote the w;de use of proven agrculal technolgies and farmrin praces that would increase farm output impove the efficicy of labor conserve soil and water resources and contribute to envronmental protection. Emphasis would be giver, to i rstth. and human resource devepment and reachin more wmen farmers. The prodect would icdude three cwponepts: (i) steregthening the extresion serice hi al the ten regons; (ii) strenh g t techncal departs of the Mtiistry of Agna*re to expand sectoral caacity to test te relevmce of techndos generatd by research eirstutes to farrners' conditions and (iii) swporig hwna resource devebpment 193 SPAAR Information System through pre-service and in-service training. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agnculture: Accra: Ghana Record number (MFN). 03434 Official project title: SEEDS II. Implemerting agency: Worid Bank: Zaire. Countryicountries: Zaire: Record nurmber (MFN): 03435 Official project title: NATIONAL EXTENSION PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank: Zaire. Start date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Zaire: Statement of objectives/abstract: The project would dissminate improved technology to the agricultural population at large, especially to poor subsistence smalihokWers. Increased agncultural productivrty and the resulting wide distnbubtn of wcomes wouid broaden the base of, domestic product*o, as well as that of effective demand, thereby strerngthening the base of sustained economic deve.iopent Project componerts would rcIude: (a) management of agricutural extension services: (b) trainig of extension staff: (c) adaptive research to tailor broad-based existing recommrendations to the requirements of specific agro-ecological and social environments: (d) monitoring and evaluation. specially the impact on women and child nutrition. Animal health services and agncultural education would also be rehabilitated in coordination with the extension services. Record number (MFN): 03438 Oficial project titde: FORESTRY Implementing agency World Bank Beni. Start date: 1965-07-31. End date: 1990-630. Countrycountnes: Benrn: 194 SPAAR nformation Svstem Record number (MFN): 03439 Official pro;ect tftle: BORGOU RURAL DEVELOPMENT II. Implementing agency: World Bank: Benin. Start date: 1988-12-13. End date: 1992-12-31. Country/countnes: Benin; Record number 1MFN): 03454 Offic,l project tit;e: HEVECAM RUBBER. Implementinq agency: World Bank: Canmeroon. Staft date: 1985-30. End date: 1990-06-30. Country1countnes: Cameroon: Record .umber tMFN): 03455 (Offcal project title: LIVESTOCK SECTOR DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency: World Bank: Cameroon. Start date: 1989-05-30. End date: 1995-06-30. Country/countries: Cameroon: Record number (MFN): 03456 Officiai project title: COCOA REHABILITATION. Implenttgm agency: World sank; Cameroon. Start date 19B8-1026. Erd date: 1995-12-31. Country/cotmr fies: Camreroon: Record wumber (MFN): 03463 Offial project ttle: FORESTRY Il. 195 SPAAR Informabon System !molementing agency World Bank: Cote dlvorre Stal date: 1985-12-18 Ercddate: 990-06-30. Couityrvcountnes: Cote divoire: Record numtber (MFN' 03464 Offici project tItIe: RUBBER V. Implementing agency Wortd Bark: Cote dlvoire- Startdate: 1-10-18. Enddate: 1992-12-31 Countryicountnes: C6te dlmre: Record number (MFN): 03465 OfFli project title: AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Imp.eenting agency: World Bank: Cote d lvoire. Start date: 1987-12-18. End date: 1992-06-30. Cotu.ounmt0onnes: G&e divoire: Statemer- of objectives/abstract: The prtoect wouid be the first phase of a mult-phased develpment prolect effort which vuould mWoduce the mair principles of the Traig and Visit system in Cote dvore's three major extension agencies - Compagnie lvoweune pour le Deveimiopeent des Textiles (CN)T). Societe dcAsssance Tediu pour la Mdrnisation Agncole de la Cote dwfire (SATUACI) and Socic4e pour le Developpet du Palnm a Huile (SODEPALM) - and then mprove the system operations and efficencv over time through a reorganzation and better utilizaton of available resources. Experence gained in other parts of the worid has demnsrated that 10 to 15 vears are necessay to fully ipement the w6stutionr reoms needed Vor te hfuI success of the Training and ViE system. The prject would therefore be the fist tranchte of a mapr insttin bk effort and would place erraszs on: (a) -creasing the produion of farmnrs recevng assistance from extersion services, from about 25 percent at present to about 56 perent by 1990. (b'i extdig simplie crop husbary iwpvwnerts and better ways of usng modern inputs where avadable: and (c) screai cola r abon between externs; and research to develDp technicl ioaUDn wel adraed to faiers' needs Conta in research ayzoou ComnpaWu lvee pour le Develppent dces Textiles (CIDi ,ociete clAssistanc Techr4ge pour la Modernisabon Agicole (SATMACi)ociete pour le De'eoppemerit du Pabnrer a Hube (SODEPAI.) 196 SPAAR Infonration System Record nurn 'FN): 03474 Official project; OIL PALM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASE 11 Implmenbng 2-.1c y- World Bank* Ghana. Start date: 19F- i'-14. End date: 1991-12-31. Country/cour = .. Ghana: Statement of :, tiveslabstract: The projeca rld provide for consolidation of Phase I development of the nucleus plantaton arn. maliolder/outgrower plantings It would also iLcrease palm o-l production thr ugh an additional 2 500 ha of outgrower pbnbngs. The main components * ,!xde: (1) vehiles. equ:pmnent. and buiding mnaterials for housing for nucleus est .1t-cd o:l mill employees: (2) inputs, extension services. and credit to smarhoklern '.. rowers: (3) consultant servces--eight man months of consultants services woutJ:U provided to help develp a program wnduding 2raining prionties: (4! trainin-i * een man monts of overseas traing wouid be provided for the Drotessional . and technicians; and (5) development of an oi pakn research program- In the tramework of the research program, the project would assist by providing equip -.ant. materials and imported seed for the artifil poliinaton. seed preparation aws s'orage and bunch analysis units. The project would also finance laboratory eqclog- i ent for entomobgy. physioo. patology. sod and foliar analysis and agronom_. Contact in researcni' # nization: Ministry of Agnc; ire: Accra: GhanaCr. J.B. Wonkyi-Appiah: Director 0 Palm Research Cee:r, B.PRC): P.O. Box 74; Kade; West Akim District; Eastem Region: Ghana Record number ({MFN' )3514 Official project title: SC '- OT O STATE AGRICULILTURAL DEVELOPMENT. nmplernenting agency: ') id Bank; Nigeria. Sart date: 1983-04-2E. nd date: 1990-06-30. Country/ouwies Nig ... Recod rnber (MFN): 0I 5 Of alk proie title: UVES '''CK II. Implerert . agexcy WWi 3ai* Ngera SWart dae- 19S7404-IOL tQ d date- 1992-030. C kuntries Nkger; 197 SPAAR Information Svstem Record number (MFN): 03516 Officia! project title: SOUTHERN BORNO AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank: Nigena. Start date: 1987-03-13 End date: 1992-07-31. Country/countnes& Nigeria: Record nuxnber (MFN): 03517 Official project title: MULTI-STATE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT II. Implementing agency- World Bank; Nigeria. Startdate: 1989-11-16. End date: 1993-0630 Counryvicountries: Nigeria. S1atement of objectrieslabstract: To identify localy adapted crop varieties. Record number (MFN): 93549 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Implementig agency: World Bank: Togo. Start date: 19807-25. End date: 1993-12-31. Country,dcountnes: Togo. Record number (MFN): 03550 Offca project tile: COTTON SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Irr,Ieert agency. World Bark Togo. Stdale: 1989-017 Enddate: 1993-06-30. CouryWkountfies Togo: 198 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 03554 Official project title: SMALLHOLDER MAIZE. Implementing agency: World Bank: Zaire. Start date: 1981-05-11. End date: 1990-06-30. CotLntry/countries: Zaire: Record nunber (MFN): 03555 Officia project title: NE R.D/MVJRI l!. Imole,r agency- Word Bank. Zaire. Startdate: 193-10-31. Enddate: 1990-12-31. Country/countiies: Zaire: Recod number (MFN): 03556 OffIc project title: SOUTH SABA AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Imnplementing agency: World Bank: Zaire; NGOs; BUNASEMA; RAV; BCA; VCPD; OR. Start date: 1988-05-02. End date: 1994-12-31 Country/couriies: Zaire Record number (N VN): 03625 Official project tide: MAINAGEMENT OF TriE WEST AFRICAN DWARF GOAT IN THE HiUD TROPICS (PHASE 11 AND lli). lrpleret agency: Agxicuiural University Wagenugen. Stat date: 1985400-0. End date: 1992-00-00. Count;W mtries Neria: Staterent of obdetvsId kact The b"g term goal wid be to mnprove imal production in the hid tropics. The short term goal twukd be to devekp maragemert gidersi for ecccornc use of dwarf goats in famu systems in ie hmni tropics R cacylx actibs woid vole (a) Phase i-ee of on-rseason eearch on feeclig rerkemnt 1eat asects aid ways of keepig dwaf goaE; devielopnp t of gidhes for mwagment and (b) Phase U-o-am tesi and adapbng of 199 SPAAR Information System developed guidelines according to vanous farrning systems. Contact in research organization: Obatemi Awolwo University; Department of Animal Science; Ile-ite: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 02629 Official project title: ASCOCHYTA BUGHT RESEARCH. Implemrenting agency: Centro Intemacional de Agricultura Tropical (ClATYNabonal Agricultural Research Institutes. Startdate: 1989-000. Enddate: 1991-00. Country/countines: Global: Burunji Rwanda: Zaire; Colombia. Statement of objectives/abstract: The long termn goal would be to increase the production of beans (Phaseolus) by controling ascochyta blght complex. The short term goal would be to clanfy the relationship between the taxa of ascochy1a and phoma, and give insight into the extent and nature of variation in the host-parasite relationship to provide guidance in breeding for resistance. Research/capacity buNg activibes would invohe collectin of material in Africa and Latin America, and analysis. Crontact in research organization: Centro intemacional de Agricutura Tropical (CIAT) Record number (MFN): 03642 Officiat proect title: OKRA MOSAIK VIRUS. Implementing agency: Admkrinistration Generale de Ia Cooperation au D4veloppeient. Start date: 19904-00. End date: 1993-03-00. Cou/cxutnes: Nigera; Statemernt of ojectrves/abstract Epidemioogy of okra ,rosaik the virus and fornuiation of control polcy. Contact in research organization: KUL Unversity, Labo Phyto Pathoblgy 330; Leuven; Tet 016/22 09 31 Recod nbe (MFN): 03651 Official pne tide: SUPMENTAL IRGATION IN THE UD TROPICS. kapW entn agency: Adminisation G&ale de la Coopration au D hve eppmet 200 SPAAR Information System Start date: 1990-12-00. End date: 1995-12-00. Country/countries: Nigeria; Statement of obiectives/abstract: Research on adapted irrigation methods. Contact in research organization: KUL University; 3030 Leuven: Tel: 016/22 09 31 Record numnber (MFN): 03659 Officia projec title: RURAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT. lrnpJemeng agency: U.S. Agency for Intermatiokat DeveopmnerntAfricare Start date: 1986-00-00- End date: 1991-0G-00. Country/countries: Central African Republic; Statemenrt of objectives,abstract: USAID has concentrated on improving marketing and distribuin of agricultural prodictbo., especially food crops in order to diversiy and increase rural icomes This prot which wil be imnpierented by Acnare wotld collect and analyse rnarketing data. Record number (MFN): 03660 Official project title: AGRiCULTURE SECTOR RESTRUCTURING. Implment agency: U.S. Agency for intermational Deveopment Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Courtrviourttries: Guirea: Statement of objectives/abstract Provide support to development of agrLtural related markets. Record number (MFN): 03661 Offci project tite: NATURAL FiESOURCES MANAGEMENT. h7plerrerting agency: U.S. Agency for iernra:inal Devopmentr Sct1 date: 1990-0. End dale 1991-00-00. Cm*cous GLnea 201 SPAAR Information Syslem Record number (MFN): 03662 Offcial project title: PRIVATE VOLUNTARY AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION SUPPORT (PVO/NGO). Implementing agency. U.S_ Agency for International Development. Start date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countnes: Liberia: Staternent of objectives/abstract Deliver assistance to local organizaons involved in development or srnaU and medium-sized enterprises thru U S private voluntary crganiza!ions. Contact in research organization: PVONGO Record number (MFN): 03667 Official project title: CENTRAL SHABA AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. Implemefting agency U.S. Agency for Intermational Devebpnt. Startdate: 19864-000. Enddate: 1991400-0. Country/countines: Zaire; Statement of objectives/abstract: ..drry out extersion activities by both men and women agents swith messages addressing specific production constraints, and promote soi fertility entia-cenent and erosion prevention techniques. Record numrber (MFN): 03668 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL POLICY AND PLANNING. Implemeing agency U.S. Agency for Interaional Development Sltm date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. C cu es: Zaire: Record number (MFN): 03669 202 SPAAR Information Systern Offbaai project title: APPUED AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH II. Implementng agency: U.S. Agency for Inteernational Df .elopment. Start date: 19-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Zaire: Record number (MFN): 03678 Official project tile: UNIVERSITIES AND NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH iN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Implementing agercy: International Service for National Agricui-ural Research. Country/couinies: Africa: Cameroon: Kerya: Burundi Nigeria; Senegal; Botswana; Niger Unied Republic of Tanzania. Statement of objectves/abstract: The main objective is to develop pinciples and guidelcies for strengthening the capacity of sub-Saharan Africa universities to contrbute more etiectively to development-responsve research. This will be done by analyzng current situations ard opportunities, and by identitying approaches and mecharisms that wouid help strengthen universities' contributions to national agricutural research. The rationale is that corsiderable resources are available or can be mooilized for univiersity research in sub-Saharan Africa, and that rt is imperatie that these esources be ublized as effecively as possibie as strategic contbLtons to sol problems of agrcultual develpmenL This invohles the need to desW models fornmore effective cooperabon between natio.nal research istitutions and higher agricultral education institutions in Africa. Such models should becoe part of a concrete framework for sustainable NARS in Africa. Recodnunwber (MFN): 03700 Official pro$ec title: PROGRAMME 2B: ON-FARM RESEARCH - AN1ALYSIS OF INTERACTIONS AND IMPACT OF AGROFORESTRY PRACTICES. Implementirg ageny International Coundl for Research in Agrores-v. Start date: 1991-00-00. Cour"couritiie: Africa, KenyE;; Cameroon; Ghana, Unied Repuflic C ianzania; Staterent of objectives/abstract Thtgenral objectve is to develop htd facts on well Mown and estbshed agrooestry pracfices and use of fameFs knowedge for improved and new technology desigL The mrar activities in tis subproedw inedude a syrntesis of W4al avaible riamiro0 mtui vist surveys and tedrical rrwrmo and case-st systems and cmonents on the olbow agrefestry actics: i) scatered Accia 203 SPAAR Infor.ation System a!bida or crop lad in southerm Afica; (ii) home garden and live fencing in Kenya. Cameroon. and Ghana; (iii) banana/tree syster: in three countries of eastem and central Arica AFRENA: (iv) boundary plantino live fencing. woodots. fodder bank combinations in farminc systers in Kenya; ard (v) agoforestry/fodde- mstems in Tanzania. Record number (MFN): 03710 Official project title: PROGRAMME 5: TRAltilNG - TRAINING FOR RESEARCHERS AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNERS. Irnplementg agency: Intemabonal Cotcd for Research in Agroforestry Start date: 1991-00-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Countryicountries: Africa; Ethiopia; Kenya; Cameroon: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract- The obiective is to icrease knowledge and skills of scientists, development pianners and policy makers rin the fomlation an d implemrentation of 3groforestry research leading to tne generation of appropnate agroforestry technolgy The expected outcomes are: (i) approximtaly 225 scientists drectly trained by the sutproject (ii) develprnenf and testing of trainirg materials for iuture wider dissemination and use, and (iii) a rnultiplying effect of (r.) and (ii) in nationai institutions. Record number (MFN): 03728 Official project ttle: PLANTAIN PHYSIOLOGIE: MATURAI1ON AND STOCKAGE. Implemenig agenryy lnteriaboriac Network for he Improvement of Banana and Plantain. Start date: 1989-01 -00. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/courddnes: CWe divoire: Samet of objectives/abstract Maturation and stodage of usua and traditional types. Tests. Contact n research organtzation: Dicke, E_ Univese cfAbidja Faculte des Sciences et Tedciies; Cote d7voie Record ntmbr(MN: 03729 Ofc pwject title: SELF SUFRCIENCY. 204 SPAAR Information System implementing a9ercy- intemationai Network for the improvement of Banana and Plantain. Start date: 1988-09-00. Country/countries: Zaire. Statement of obiectives/abstract: To teach seff sufficiecy with scientologic methodes. Contact in research organization: M;ssogo, Gifuti-A4Nguya; Eglise Internatiorale de Scientologie: Zaire Record number (MFN): 03730 Official project title: PROSPECTING ON ROOT CROPS AND PLANTAWNS. COLLECTiON MAINTENANCE Implemee-ng agency: International Network for the Improvement of Banana and P' antam. Staru date: 198801-00. End date: 1990-01-00. Country/countries: Togo: Stazement of objectives/abstract: Varietal maintenance and mpnrovement Contact n research organization: Tetevi, K; institut des Plantes a Tubercules; Togo Record number (MFNM: 03732 Official project btle: INFLUENCES OF MINERAL AND ORGANIC DRESSING ON PLANTAIN CLTIVATION. IDENTIFICATION OF CULTIVARS AND PRODUCTION IN ARID ZONES. Implementing agency. Intern abonal Network for tle Improvement of Banana and Plantain. Start date: 1984-03-00- End date: 1994-00-00. Coutry/counbies: Gu*ea; Statement of objectives/abstact To help small holder to ricrease their plantain prodbcton. Contact in researh organizabon: Conde, L lt Secetaiat dStat a Ia Pecf rche Scienthque; Proramnine Platain; Guwea Reixd mnuber (N: 03735 205 SPAAR Infomrratfon Svstem Oficial project tiftkec BANANA CLONAL CHARACTERIZAT!ON IN YANGAMBI. Implementing agency- intemnational NetwoeK fc r the Improvement of Banana anid Plantain- Start date: 1990-01 -00. Enid date: 1993-0-00. Country/countries:- Zaire; Statement of objectivesiabstract: To evaluate the geaniplasm pest' susceptibii~ty. Contact in research organization: Beya, M: INERPc Zaire Record number (MFN): 03736 Official projectr Wte: CHARACTERIZATION, EVALUAVON AND ES'tIMATION OF THE DAMAGES DUE TO NWMATODES. PHY'TOPARASITES Oz BANANAS. 1impernenting agency- Initemnatonal Network for the Improvement of Banana and Piantain. Start date: 1984-00-00. C-ountryicountnes: Africa; C~';e crivoire:- Contact m research organization: Queneherve, P.; ORSITOPk FmraceUNiversiiy of California, USA Pecord number (MFN): 03737 Officiaf project titfa: NUTRITON AND CROP DROTECTION. Implementing agency: Intemnatonal Network for the Inproverrent of Baniana and Plantan. Start date: 1989-06-00- End date: 1994-00-00. Counrtry/couintres. Gunea; Statem~ent of objectiveslabstract Answering to smafl farmers needs. Contact in research organization: Carnara, K(4 Centre de Rechkerche Agronornique de Foulaya, Guinea Record numnber (MFN): 03738 OfflcMi poect tite. CAkI90ON BANAN PRODIUCTION AND TIRADE. rinpiementing agency: IriternatonalNetwork for the kiprvexrnet of Banana and P1antairi. Start date: 1990-0-00. End date:.90-0 206 SPAAR Information Systerrm Countrv/countries: Cameroon: Statement of objectves/abstract: Ph.D. Dissertation. Contact in research orcanizaton: Fonsah. E.G,; Del Monte. Carneroon Record number (MFN): 03739 Olficiai prolect tite: CONTROL OF TH' BANANA BORER WEEVIL USING THE LOCAL INSECTICIDE PLANTS. mpemei agency: International Network for t.e Improvement Of Banana anc PLantain. 3tart date: 198741 -00. Erd date. 1991-00-00. .untry/courtrnes: Zaire: ,tatement of objectiveslabstrac.- To increase the plantain productMty and kngevity. ~ontact in research organization: Nku, M.; Facutte des Sciences Agronorniques: Zaire 'ecord number (WN): 03742 fficaia project title: CONTROL OF BLACK CERCOSPORIOSIS ON PLANTAIN BY RESISTANT CULT!VARS. 1plementing agency: International Network for the Improverent of Banana and Plantain. art aate: 1990-06-20. End date: 1993-07-00. xmtrycountrnes: Nigeria: atemernt of objctives/abstract: Tc obtain resistant cultivars. ntact in research organization: Mobabo, KN.; IITA; Nieria :odnid iber (tMN): 03743 cial psed b0e: IMPACT OF MAROVED TECOLOGY ON PLANTAIN PRODUCTX)N IN BENDEL STATE OF NIGERIA mentn agencfy Ine a Netwok for the Improve t of Bav,na and Plantain. 207 __ .. tLfll& __; -.~ - _.,..,.. ..r,.. ...... ...... SPAAR information System Star; date: 1989-09-00. End date: 1990-12-00. Country/countries: Nigeria: Contact in research organization: imoudu, P.B.: Federal University of Technology; School of Agriculture and Technolob Nigeria Record ndomber (MFN): 03746 Offical project title: AGRICULTURAL PRIVATIZATiON AND SMALLHOLDER DEVELOPMENT (FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT) Implementing agency: World Bank: Sao Tome & Principe. Start date: 1992-05-00 End date: 1996-00-00. Country/countnes: Sao T omne and Principe: Statemernt of objectives/abstract: Support of govement policy reforms In agriculture particularty promotion or smaH2 farmers through land tenure. and the promotion of food crops. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agricuiture & Fishenes: Av. 12 de Julho; Sao Tome: Sao Tome & Principe: Tel: 22714: Telex: 9172300irectorate of Agriculture and Fisheries: Sao Tome & Prncipe Record number (MFN): 03772 Offical project Itle: ECONOMICS OF POST HARVEST LOSS REDUCING MEASURES. Implementing agency: University of Hohenheim. Start date: 1986-00-00. Country/countries: Togo: Statement of objectives/abstract To make an economic evaluation of different storage rnethods in households in Togo and to analyse the decision-making in storage and use of the stored produce. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. W. DoDpe: Inst. 490; LUn aet Hoherek; Posffach 700562; 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republ of GermanyGieran Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZyProject Alemand pour la Proteion des Vegetaux; B.P. 1263; Lorne; Togo 208 SPAAR Informan System Record number (MFN): 03779 OfFicial projec title: EVALUATION OF TROPICAL LOWLAND FOPAGE LEGUMES FOR SUB-HUMID WEST AFRICA AT ILCA. Implementing agencv- Uiiiversitaet Giessen. Start date: 1988-04-01. End dale: 1991-03-31. Country/courtries. Africa, Nigeria; Carneroon. CGte dlvoire: Statement of objectiveslabstract: The objectives cf the project are: (1) development of a technique to evaluate the quality and quantit of promising forage legumes resulting from different establshment procedures, (2) to nvestigate the performance of promising legumes 'ie sward: and (3) to use the technique developed in objecive (1) to test the perfomiance of promising forage legumes. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. J. Alkaemper; WZ Tropeninstitut Abt. Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzueceitung; Urwversitaet Giessen; Schottstr. 2; 6300 Giessen; Federal Republic of Germany; Tel: 064117028411 ILCA; Subhumid Zone Prograrnme: PMB 2248: Kaduna Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03785 Official prcoct tite: PRODUCTION OF BACTERIAL VACCINES IN A CONTINOUS BIOREACTOR WITH SUBSEQUENT PURIFICATION OF ANrlGEN THROUGH ULTRAFILTRATION. Implemenfing agency: Institute for Tropical Animal Healt. ljniversity Goettingen. Start date: 1980-00-00. Counby/countres: Africa: Madagascar; Ghana; Statement of objectwvesabstract In a bioreactor unit bacteria are grown continously at their iogarithmic peak of propagation and subsequently seperated from broth and metabolites within a tangential fifation cascade. Contact in research organization Prof. Dr. H. S. H. Seifert Director Insttute for Tropicai Aninal Health; University Goettigen Kellnerweg 6; 3400 Goettingen; Federal Republic of Gerany PRecod nmnber (MFN): 03786 Offic0 prject tite: IDENTIFICATION OF BACTERIA THROUGH ANALYSIS OF METABOUC PRODUCTS AND CELL CO ONENTS BY MEANS OF GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY (GLC) 209 SPA AR Information System Implementing agency Insttute for Tropical Animal Health, University Goettingen. Start date: 1976-00-00. Country/counties: Africa: Madagascar Ghana Statement of objectves/abstract: By r,,eans of Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) metabolic products and celi components of bacteria are analyzed and obtained data statically compared with those from known reference strains in order to identify the organism. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. H. S. H Seifert Director: Institute to# fropicai Aninal Health: UInwversity Goettingen: Keilnerweg 6: 3400 Goettingen: Federal Republic of Germany Record rugmber (MFN): 03790 Official project title: NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRASSCUTTER. Implementing agency: Gernan Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Start date: 198810-01 End date: 1991-08-31. Countrylcounties: Benin: Statement of objectves/abstract Puipose of this project is 'to identify the nutrient rerqurer'nts of the grasscu ter as wefl as to derive optimal feeding systems for rasscutter husbandry. Methodological approach: standard feeding trials under .tmulated trop-cal conditions Cortact in reseach organization: Prof. Dr. C. Gail: irsattA ftier Tferproduion in den Tropen und Subtropen (480t Univers.taet Hohenheirn: Postfach 700562: 7000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: 071 1/4593170C-rasscutter Breeding Station; Cotnou: Benin Record number (MFN): 0I',' Official project bte: ESTIMATION OF MONTHLY RJNOFF DATA ON THE BASiS OF MULTISPECTRAL SATELITE EMAGERY. 'plaieting agaiy.y Uriersitae Brchurm Statarlet 1987-402-2 End dat -1991-02-O2 Cacykouies Aki-C GhC4a StaWW of objestrac± A model wi be de"loped especr for geneaf montly rnoff data n the basis of rmrecl sateIe imageriy $ma The model wi be tested in the 210 SPAAR Information System above defined geographical area. A sensitivity analysis will carify to what extent sate;lite imagery are recessaiy for optimization in regard to temporal and spatial resolution. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. ing- G. A Schultz; Lehrstuh; fuer Hydrologie: Wasserwirtschaft und Umwelttechnik; Rutr-Universitaet Bochum.- Universrtnetsstr. 150: 4630 Bochum: Feder-J Republic of Germany Record number (MFN): 03799 Offical project title: DYNAMICS OF THE ECONOMICALLY IMPORTANT MELIACEAE AFTER EXPLOITATION IN TH E MOIST FOREST OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBiUC OF CONGO. Implementing agency: Unrversitaet Goeatingen. Staft date: 1989-06-00. End date: 1991-12-00. Country/countri-e Congo; Statement of objectives/abstract The regeneration behaviour of important Meiaceae presents problems to the sivictrst since this group is only Itte shade tolerant and snaller diameter dasses are often underrepresented. The project wil find answers for natural regenerabon techiiques of this group by investgating fte siMvicultural status of the gaps created by selctive bgging. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. H. J. WeidelMr_ Herrnann Fckingefr InstiAt fuer Waldbau; Buesgenweg 1: 3400 Goethngen: Federal Republic of Gerrnr3ny- Tel: 0551,393651 Record number (MFN): 03802 Official project btile IMPROVING WATER MNAGEEIf IN THE SEMI-ARPD REGION OF CAMEROON. Implementing agerr-y- BundesniristeriumT fuer Wirbcaftliche Zusammenarbeit/Federal Ministy for Econom Cooperaon (BMZ)_ Staft date: 1987-12-01. End date: 1990-12-31. Councunties. Cameoon: ;aeL Germany: StAet of o d jesas FieW meas_wernents of rfia*on and sod erosin are done on snall plots on diftereit sod types near lMana (Caneroon) by three treatrrets (cartrol, mtdch, gypstn). Additonal analysis are done in e laboratoy in Israel (ram sikatiorn slandrd sod analysis) and Ger (minKrro_cal analss Factor mAmcing soi stabiy agafist erosin and seaikg w* be deernd. 211 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. U. Schwertmann: Lehrstuhl fuer Bodenkunde: TU Muenchen: 8050 Freising-Weihenstephan: Federal Republic of GermanyProf. Dr- i. Shainberg: Volcani Insbitute: Bet Dagan; IsraelNational Center for Soil Scence (CNS): Yaounde: Cameroon Record nunber (MFN): 03806 Official proje tle: INVESTIGATION WN BiOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF ACHATINA ACHATINA. Implementng agency: Uriversitaet Goetringen. Start date: 1989- 10-00. Country/cour0es: Africa. C6te dlvoire: Benin; Statemest of objectives/abstract: Inves!gabon on infuencng the reproduction as well as the ameiioration of the hatching rate. Evaluation of the phenotypic variation of the perfornance in growth and reprodiction of Achatina actatina and Achatina fulica Disponsibity of cuttLwe- and wild-fodder plaits and of agrc-wdusrl by-products and tfer acceptnce by Achaxina adiatia Contact in research organization: Dr. G. Morkramer Insitut fuer Terzucht und Haustiergenetik; Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 1; 3400 Goettngen: Federal Repub6c of Genmany Record number (MR"-: 03811 Official project Wife: SITE EVAfLUATION IN THE RAIN FOREST OF EAST UBERIA lew rng agenty Mnhsvaet Bayreufh. Start date: 1986-10-00. Couitryfcounties: Libeia: Statemert of objectivesiabstract The pject investigates into the intercon on between sites, growth and tree species in tropical rain forests to determbie the growth dynamics of rain forests, it devebops a basic site evauabon sdceme. Reoord nmber (WN: 03813 Oficial poject title fSOILS AND ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE KAZABOUA AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM 212 SPAAR Information System IN THE CENTRAL REGION OF TOGO] ETUDES PEDOLOGIQUES ET ECGLOGIQUES DANS LE SYSTEME AGROFORESTIER DE KAZABOUA, REGION CENTRALE TOGO Implementing agency: Univeritaet Bayreuth. Start date: 1988-6-14. Country/counties: Togo; Statement of objectives/abstract Influence of forest-bands on sof lfertility, soil water, erosion and micro-cimate on associated fields. Rooting pattern of tree and shrub species; root competition between annual and perennial components of the agroforestry systent Influence of perennials on Mulch-ecomposition and N-mineralizawon on the felds. Main perennial species: Cassia siamea. Leucaena. Contact in research organization: Prcf. Dr. W. Zech, Goetz Schiot: Lehrstuhl fuer Bodenkrmde und Bodengeographie; Universitaet Bayreuth; Postfach 101252, &80 Bayreuth; Federal Republic of Germanyy; Tel: 0921/552-2481rstitut National des Sois; B. 1026; Lorme; Togo Record number (MFN): 03&5 Official project title: CONTROL OF ZONOCERUS VARIEGATUS. Implementing agency: Universitaet Freiburg. Start date: 1990-01-00. County/countries Gernany; Benin; Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. Michael Boppre; Forstzoologbches Instit Universitaet Freibuxg: Fohrebtbuehl 27; D-7801 Stegen-Wittentail; Federa! Republic of Germany Record numnber (MFN): 03847 Official project title: 1N1FUENCE OF NEEE4 (AZADIRACHTA iNDICA) PROfPUCTS ON LOCUSTS AND GRASSHOPPERS. Implmentig agency: lustus-Liebig Urverstaet Giessen. Start date- 1989-04-00. End date: 1993-07-0. Coiro e Afica Bi Nier Statement of objeed4stract Envanmentaly sound lcust and grasshoppr control by mears of borais avalale in Afica. Cordact in reseadr orwnizationc Prof. Dr. R Schmjtterer; Institu fuer P lrytopatcogie urid Anewandte Zoologie; 213 SPMAR Information Systern Justus-Uebig Universitaet Giessen; Ludwigstr. 23: D-6300 Giessen; Federal Republic of Gemf anyintemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Cotonou: BeninCrop Protecton Service: Niamey; NigerMax-Plank-Institute of Biochemisfty, MartsriecL Federal Republic of Germanyirstitut National de Agriculture; Paris-Grignon: France Record number (MFN): 03848 Official project tite: LOCUST AND GRASSHOPPER CONTROL BY APPUCATION OF NEEM PRODUCTS. Implementing agency: Justus-Liebig Universitaet Giessen. Start date: 1990-01-01. End date: 199307-30 Country/countries: Germany; Benin; Statement of objectives/abstract The aim of he project is to study the effects of neem (Azadirachta indica) produts on bcusts and grasshoppers as a possible basis for prachcal control of these pests by neem applications. Laboratory expernments in 1989 showed a high sensitivly of nymphs of Schistocerza gregaria and Locusta migraoria migratorioles against neem oil Apart from a high mortafity duming moults (IGR effect) the treated nymphs lost the tarsi of their legs during moults and were unable to clirb. Nuwerous individuals became green or brown Ike solitan locusts, others showed an iermnedate colouration. Compared 'o the very active grega-icus control specmens the treated nymphs we.re rather sggish. Adults deriving from treated rTmnphs showed malforme-d wings and were unable to tty. The phenomena descibed above wiil be studied in detad in the laboratory and fie!d durng coming years. Conbta in research organization: Prof. Dr. H. Schinterer; Institut fuer Phytopathologie und Angewandte Zoologie; Justus-Uebig Universitaet Giessen; Ludwostr. 23: D-63 Giessen; Federal Republic oi Germany ReoDrd nrumber (MJFN): 03858 OffkEal project title: STRUCTURE, GROWTH RESPONSE AND SYSTEM DYNAMICS OF VlRGiN AND SELECTIVELY LOGGED RAINFOREST TO SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS: UBERIA, THE PHILULPINES, AOE AND SOUTH CIINA TIprrentig agency Bundesanstalt fuer F. - o - lzwitschatt IBFH). SItat date: 1986-02-00 End date: 19c2-00--'! Coutitryfontries: GIDb*l Lbera; Ph*#ippes; C' .a Statement of objecfivesfabstact Data and nwredge of sbtucture, physg oi rowth and procty of naftxl and seectivly explote raiworest are iade to manage these stan on a suslained ydeW basis The prcJect is an riedsconary acosyster analyrappch to ?14 SPAAR Infomiation Systerr, develop sihicultural management systems based on the principal of sustained yield. It compares the ecosystems of rainforests ,n Africa AmTerica and Asia. The project contributes to solve gbbai problems and caubous and sustainable utblization of natural and modified humid tropical forest ecosvstems. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. E.F Bruenig: Ordinarius fuer Weltforstwirtschaft; Universitaet Hanburg und Bundesanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft (BFH); Institut fuer Weftforstwirtschaft und Oekologie; Leuscinerstr. 91; D 2000 Hamburg 80; Tel: (0) 40(739 621 Record number (MFN): 03859 Offic prot tite: AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS IN THE TROPICS. Implermentig agency Gesesaft fuer Technische Zusanmenarbeit (GTZ). Start date: 1977-00-00. Country/ountries: Africa; Ghana, Kenya; Senegal Statement of objectives/abstract Agroforestry potential for regional development (ecog, economy, social inpact) is assessed and ctera for evaluation of land use systems are developed in order to minprove sustainable land use in tropical regions, especay on marginal land and for underprMleged rural people. Metuodology: feedback between (basic) - strategic - applied and adptive research and desk work. The project develops agroforestry system models for different ecologica and socioeCo1ric IConditins. Contact in research organization: tnstitut fuer We eorstwialt und Oekologie; Bundeslorschungsanstak fuer Forso - und HoLzirtschaft Leus str. 91: D-2050 Hanburg 80: Federal Republic of Gerrmany; Tel: (0) 40V739 621 ICRAF; P.0. Box 30 677; Naiobi; Kenya Record number (MFN): 03866 Officil project titWe: FINANCING NEEDS OF FARMWHOU!SHOLDS AND FORMAL AND INFORMAL RURAL FINANCIAL MARKETS: A CASE STUDY OF BENIN. nplemenplng agency Unive Hohenher Start date: 1987*00. End date: 1990-0-00. Co mykotriesfe Benir Sltrri of obciesdxa Analysis of financing needs of sina farms and the cost of sgplying credt to smal tames. Feld swwey on the bass of fannousehold ques3owaes- Contact in esearch organiatio 215 SPAAR Inforrmation System Prof. Dr. Heidhues: Institut fuer Agrar- und Sozialoekonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen; Universitaet Hohenheim; Postfach 70 05 62; 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of Gemany: Tel: 0711/459 25 81 Record number (MFN): 03870 Official project title: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICES IN INTEGRATED RURAL DE'JELOPMENT PROJECTS. implementing agency: institu fuer Agrarsozioge, Landwirtschaftliche Bera'ung und Angewandte Psychologie der Unversitaet Hohenhein. Start date: 1987-01-01. Country/countries: Benin; Statement of objectves/abstract The training and visit extension system has been critcized wit regard to its basic contents, i.e., the top-down approach towards lower members of staff and farmers. the r oice of contact farmers and others. The pupose of tee project is to determine constraints that hinder effective extension work in order to find ways to raise perfrmance of rural development projcts by ritwature study and fieid analysis of extension organisaions. It is expected to identify organisatona forms that may mprove cormnwication within ihe extension organizaion and between extension organization and client. The organZaon and management of extension seriices in two Drovinces (Atlartique and Borgou) was anayed and compared. The emphasis was put on the interaction between extension agents and peasants (what are t#eW interests and what are the reasons for contact). Contact in researcr organization: Albrect, H.; Institut fuer Agrarsoziobgie; Landw. Beatung und Angewadte Psychologie; Fachgebiet Landw. Beratng Universtaet Hohenhekn; Postfach 70 05 62; D 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Repubic of Gernany: Tel: 0711/459 26 46 Directon de la Recherche Agronorique: Cotonou; Bern Record number (MFN): 03885 Officil propact title: DEVELOPMENT OF ADAPTED FARMING SYSTEM!S ON THE BASIS OF DRAUGHT ANIMAL UTLIZATION IN THE NORTH-WEST PROVINCE OF CAMEROOk hrplert agency: W nysaet GoetiWgen. Strt date: 198O000. Gxmylcanris: Caeroon; Statement o obcabsacb The taditonal fanng system based on hand bbaut, a low ilxjrato of the males into food prodtcon ard lng falow peros do not meet today's erients. It is areWed to deelop, essentialy with local resozces, eoDbgia stable and 216 SPAAR Infosmat,ion System economically atacive farming systems. It is expected to develop a fanring systerr dcacterized by alviated work load favourable energy balances. high soil fertlity, erosion contrl and atrbactive yield Leves Conta:t in research organization: Dr. D Prinz; F. Rauch; Institut fuer Pflanzenbau und Tierhygiene in den Tropen und Subtropen; Universitaet Goettingen; Griesebctr. 6:3400 Goetingen: Federal Republic of Germany; Tel: 0551/39 37 52lnstitut fuer Agrartechnik Unrvestaet Goettrn; Gutenbergstr. 33; 3400 Goettingen: Federal Republic of Germany Record number (MFN): C3890 Off iial project tide: NUTRIENT AND WATER-USE EFFICIENCY OF CROPS GROWN ON HIGHLY WEJ.THERED SOILS IN T1HE HUMID TROPICS- Implementing agency: Lardw1tscaftiiche Forschungsanstalt Buentehof. Start date: 1987-00. End date: 199009-00. Courtrykourxries: Nigeria; Statement of objectivestabstract Changes of nutrient supply wider dfferent cropping systems are monitored to devebp a fertilizing system wit muimnal losses by leachg. Cont in research organization: Dr. H. Grimme; LandwirtschafUiche Forschnsanstak Bueritehotf Kaii und Salz AG; Buenteweg 8; D 3000 Hannover 71; Federal Repubklc cf Genmany; Tel: 0511152 49-11ITA; Oyo Road; P.O. Box 5320; ibadan; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 03897 Official project tide: WEED PROBLEMS AND WEED MANAGEMENT IN CROPPING SYSTEMS. hmplementing agency: Universitaet Hoenheim. Staft date: 1975-00-00. Countty/cyre Global; Ethiopia; Yernen Benin; Costa Rica; Turkey; Malaysia, Statement of obaectives/abstract Weeds ae often a k"ng fctor in tractonal coppng system mainly as a resut of soo-ecorl changes due to ubwizabo ard poplaion increase. The pupose is the p,"sbon of sciertfic back"id for upovw weed manageent sraegies by weed suwes; crop oss asessments; derriwg crical periods of weed-crop coirrpeln (fei expernerts, supplemented by greenhouse sC#is). The ideticaion of weed speci evalsaion of the inportan of weed specis dftmirn of te perid druig wlich the cop has to be kept fee of weeds are the expected results of the prqect. 217 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. W. Kocx Institut fuer Pflanzenproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen: uversitaet Hohenhetin: Posffach 70 05 62; D 7000 Stuttgart 70. Federal Repubihc of Geffnany Tel: 07111459 23 8511TA Substation Cotonou; Cotonou; BeninMAG: San Jose: Costa RicaCukurova University: Adana: Turkey Record number (MFN): 03907 Official project title: BIOLOGICAL INTEGRATED CONTROL OF THE LARGER GRAIN BORER. PROSTEPHANUS TRUNCATUS HORN. implenrnting agency: Institut ter PhytopatfIogie, Arbeitsgruppe Vorrat. Universitaet Kiot Start date 1983-0-00. End date: 1990-00-00O Country/coutries- Globa Mehxico: United Repub!ic of Tanzan Togo: Statmnent of objectives/abstact Fo.lloig its introrkiction rino Africa. Prostephanus tnuncatus is causrg considerab!e bsses in fam-stored corn and cassava The strategy of the project is to elaborate a biological or bo-integpmed contol of the pest. Investigation of tte original bioogial habitat o the pest in Central Amrenca. Besides Metarhuzium anisopliae several protozoa and the predator Teretriosoma nigrescerts are antagonists of ProsteDharnus truncatus of considerable e . Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. FA. Scuz/Dr. GA Laborius; Institut fuer Phytopathologie; Arbetsgruppe Vorrat- Universitaet Kiet Olhausenstr 4660; 2300 Kel Federal Republic of Gemrnary T el (0431) 880-2996 Record numoer (MFN): 03928 Official projet btle: IMPROVING WATER MANAGMENT IN THE SEMARI REGION OF CAMEROON. Implementing agency Institut fuer Pffanzenbau und Tierrygiene in den Tropen und Subropen, ULniversitaet Goen. Stat dale: 1987-02-00. End date: 1990-00-0. Counti/counbw Caemoon; SWt of obre 3-70 percent of the precipitation does not iritrae ifto the sod, thus krnred crop prducn and soil erosion probem are created To xncree the outp and miwnize he risk of crop prodction by ful utlization of the local raiifa Laat aalysa of relevat sod pararrteers of thee typical sos ot the reWon in siu expboaion of sod compation and of iresieable sod layers; on--saion experments The development of tciqu which can be aplped by the bcal famers 218 SPMR Inforrnation System to incaease water rfiltration rates and water-holding capacity cf the soil Contact in research organization: Prof Dr. U- ScwertmTanml)r. D. Prinz InstiA hfer Pflanzerbau und Tierhygiene in den Tropen uind Subtropen; Universitaet Goettingen: Gnisebachstr. 6; 3400 Goetfingen; Federal Republic of Gefrmany- Tel (0551) 393752 Volcani Research Centes Bet Dagan; Israellnstitut fuer Bodenkunde; Pflanzenemaehrung und Phytopathobgie; TU Muenchen; Hohenbacherstr: 8050 Freising: Federal Republic of Geirmany Record number (MFN): 03932 Official project title: IMMUNITY AGAINST TRYPANOSOMIASIS AND MECHANISMS OF TRYPANOTOLERANCE iN ANIMALS. Implment- agerny: hirstilu fuer Parasitoogie und Tropenveterinaermedizin Freie Universtaet Berfln Start date: 1978-00-00. Country/countries: Af*:a; Togo. Burkina Faso; Liberia; Kenya; Staterent of objectives/abstract Trypanosomiasis cause loss of more ta 5 000 000 000 LUSD n Afrian ivestock annualy. Mechanisms of trypanotloance and pararneters to select resistant animals. Research of hunoral and cell-dependent inmuruty and testing the parainie factors. Breeding of torant animals. Contact in research organiaotK Prof. Dr. F. Hoerchner; loriut fuer Parasitooge und Tropernveterinaecmedzir; FReie Universiaet Bedin; Koeni 65; 1000 Berlin 37; Federal Republic of Gesrany; Tet (030) 310-8310LRAD; Nairobi Kenyalnstittf fuer Vetenaerbiocherie; LRJ Befli; Federal Republic of Germany Bemhard-Nocht-Institut Hamburg: Federal Republic of Germany Record number (MFN: 03938 Official project title: DEVEILOPPWENT OF EOUIPVIENT AND METHODS FOR COMTN US PRODOCTION OF BACTERIAL ANTIGEN Wrln-N A CLOSED BIOREACTOR SYSTEM. Irinernting agency. Ins§&u fuer Pfianebund Trhtene in den Tropen und Subtlrop UniversiatGoetiign Start date: 1979-00. Counymmruies Gbbal Madaxm, Sudan Mexico; Gwan; Paistan; Statement of oectivesiabsbaai Batdc produchm of bactenial aigens in topcal cotmties is prne to be conta*ted and mostly of low atigeneic tiete Co*ous nmss porducton of 219 SPAAR Inforrnmon System bacterial antigens within compact microprocessor controlled equipment (bioreactor) by modem biotechnological means. Cotnuous bacterial growth within a bioreactor uniC and seperation of antigenetically relevant fractions through cascade filation and ultafiltation. Provision of fundonal methods and equipment for production of veter;nary vaccines in developing countnes. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. H.SJH Sedert Insttut fuer Pflanzenbau und Tiertygiene in den Tropen und Subtropen: Universitaet G-attingen; Kelnerweg 6: 3400 Goettingen: Federal Republic of Cermany-, Tel: (0551) 393396Facultad de Medicina Vetennana y Zootecrna de la UANL Monteny; Nuevo Leom, Me=DSoba Vetemnary Research Institute: Khartoum; Sudan Record number (MFN): 03943 Official project title: VETERINARY PROMOTION OF THE `G EASSCUTER PROJECT. ilmplernenting agency. Insiut fuer Twermedizin und Tierhygiene. Un'versitaet Hohenheffn. Start date: 1985-00-00. Country/countries: Benin; Statenent of objectivesiabstract Domnesbcaion of he grasscutter, T-vyonomys swixderia Veternary supennsan. Vaccubtion against Cbstrkhm nelchi infecons; monitoring ranifestory hygiene. Significant reduction of bosses caused by pathgens akeady observed Contact in research organizaton: Prof. Dr. C. GalVDr- W. Mueler Irst fuer Temxdzin und Tierhygiene: Universitaet Hoh ertern; Postfach 700562: 7000 Stuttjart 70; Federal Republc of Gernany; Tet (0711) 4590 Record number (MFN): 03958 Officzi project title EFFECTS OF SOLAR RADIATION ON CYANOBACTEF.At EFFECTS OF INCREASED UV-B SOLAR RADLATION (OZONE DESTRtJCTION) ON CYANOBACTERUa WHICH ARE IMPORTANT FOR NITROGEN FIXATION FOR HTGHER PANTS. Implementing agencyq erstae Erftg StWri dale 1984-0-00. End dat- 1994- -00 Coucourtres GibW Ghana-, Statert of objectiveabsact The effect of increased WN-B rabation on agriculura oartait cyanobacten which are capable of fixng abnosphes rnogen w be shxled These organisns have been fnd to be extremely sesite towad UV- ribon making it necessary to detenne the effects of iraeased solar radion on the suvival of these 220 SPAAR Information System procaryontes. Methodolog the rmotility of microorganims is taken as a measure for the survival; it is determied quarntatively using a fully auaict mage analysis system. The effect of ecnhaced UV radiation under conted conditons and unnder natural irradiation, both in mid Europe and mn Africa wil be studied Contact in research organization: Prof Dr.-P. Haeder Institut fuer Bofanik und Pharmazeubsche Biologie; Universitaet Edrangen; Staudtstr. 5; D-8520 Erlangen; Federal Republic of Gerrnany; Tet 09131-858216; Telex: 629830 unier d; Fa)c 09131-852'13 Dr Adubea Donkor Department of Botany- University of Cape Coast Cape Coast Ghana Record number (MFN): 04143 Ofllcii project tite: UREA INJECTOR TEST. implementing agency: Research Instite for Agrobidogv and Sod Fertity (AB). Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/counties: Global; Banglade; Indonesia: Philippwes: Togo: C6fe dleire; Statement of objectives/abstract The objective of the project is to mprove the efficiency of the use of urea-fertilizer in rice production by injechng the urea in the sod with a pneumac hand injectr. Tests were conduted on a pilt scale and not yet at scale of taim operabons. GeneraNy higher efficiency was indiated. Social acceptane of the urea injector under actual farm condions needs to be tested. adkton, the industrial producton of the iniector to improve its capacities (reduced weight) are studied- Contact in research organization: AB-DLO (Research tnstitute for Agrobiobgy and Soi FertLty) formerdy I1-DLO: P.O. Box 30003, 9750 RA Haren; The Nethefands; Tet (0)533 7777 Record numhber (MFN): 04157 OfFic project title: MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Irmplementing agency: World Bank- Benin SaW date: 1992-07-{& Coun(ictri Benin: Statement of obpdtieibstract Protectirg, ranarg and deveoping naexal resouces with emphasis on forests and _wareds Devebm of bgsialon wih pabca e nhasis on an adeqate lard tenuxe systent Contact in reseamrh orga rd 221 SPAAR Information System Ministere du Deveioppement Rural: Cotonou; Benin Record number (MFN): 04160 Officl project ttle: FOOD SECURITY PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank: Cameroon. Start date: 1992-00-00. End date: 1999-00-00. Country/countries: Cameroon. Statement oT objectiveslabstract The project aims at (a) imwoving food security by creating employment opportunibies (seif-neip initiatives by commurAy groups in micro-projects investunens in retai&g, food processing and ransformation eq*xerA, watering points for livestock. fhsl ponds and rura tacks) to raise the purhasing power of disadvantaged groups in rural areas, especialy wemen, to ewhance their access to food: (b) reducng the impact of bcust attacks on food produichor, l;rough the strengthening of the Aerial Pest Contr Unit (APCU) of fe Crop Protection Sevice (provision of a grant to fiance vehicles, equipment and training to enable APCU to provide anti-lcast treatments through aerial spraying of some 60 percent of the area infested, and assist in grourd treatent actvties): (c) irceasing efficiency in rnavketing and storage of foodstutis through institutional support (early waming combined with a market ioforaon system and construt and renovation of market tacilifies in urban and rural areas): and (d) irproving feeding and ditary practces through a pilot nutrition education program for high risk groups (children under ive and pregnant and ctating women) and formulating a national nutrffion education strategy. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculure (MINAGRI); Yaouoe; CameroonMnstry of Healt (MINSANTE); Yaounde: Carneroon Record number (MFN): 04172 Official projecd titbe: AGROFDRESTRY SYSTEMS (CAMEROON) - PHASE I. Imperentg agey L'femalonai Deveopm-et Research Centre- Stat dAe: 1990-01-03. End date: 199i-10-31. Coimrycountnres Caneroor; Stameramt of objectives/aIstract Souten Caiison, layg w#hin fte hid lowads of the trops, is facing a gen steady ermenvan degradation dacteristic of develpig countries of the remgit Procti of snmal-scae farms both in terms of cash ad food ao, is on the decine. The agrolorestry approach of incorporating woody pere_rsals (trees and shrtAs) into exsng farmg systes consties a sourd 222 SPAAR infomabon System practice, given the potential of trees to irorease soil fertility, build up organic matter, and buffer soil acidity. This project will develop agroforestry technologies. in collaborton with the Aley Farming Network for Tropical Arica (AFNETA) (3-P-88-0025) for adoption by smati fam1ers ained at inproving so-t fertiity and hence crop production, while strengthening Cameroon scientists ability to conduct agrotcrestry researct?. Specifically, researchers will sreen muttipurpose tree species; evaluate improved manageet regimes in tree/crop systems; design. test, and disseminate prototype systems and technologies to enhance the fanners; expected performance of existing land use systerrss; and provide training for national scientists. Contact in research organizator.: Dr. Avuk-Takem: ICRAF; P.O. Box 30677: Nairobi: Kenya Record number (MFN): 04176 Offical project title: SMALL DAMS (COTE ErIVOIRE). Implementing agency- International evelopment Research Centre. Stat date: 1990-03-14. End date: 1993-33-14. Counfrylcounties C6te adwire; Stent of obctes/absuract Many years of research and experirrentation have proven that onventional intensive pond-culture is not yet an ecoromica4 viable way of vicreasig fish producrion in C6te d1voere. In searching for an altenative, it has been fowrd that an obvious soluton exists in the 1 000 sJTa dams and reserois, which are so far used mainly for livestock wateing ad irrnation. These could produce. with appropriateh selected methods, a valuable crop of tabe fish. This protect *wil prepare mm inventory cf small and medium sized water resources in the couttry; formulate proposals for the proper exp;oitation of these resources; creete a documentation centre on dam reservoirs to be lcated at the kstit des savanes (IDESSA); ard strengthe the efficacy of IDESSA by helpir it train rquirec techia and professional personneL Contact in research organizatiw.: Mr. A. Yte Wongbe; Ministere de Ia recherche scientfique et de la cuture; PV 151; Abidjan- CUte d'ivoire Record ntumber (AFN): 04178 Offic0i protect Ie. RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NUTRMON (BB" - PLASE I braemeig agency: ktemnebonal De%-Jopment Research Cerlre. Start dater 1990-03-28 End dater 1991-04-30- Coendo- Benkx 223 SPAAR Information Svstem Statement of objectivesiabstract- In the district of Ouidah of Benin. widespread malnutntion persists along with poor public health condrdons. The Centre Regional pour le Developpement et la Santd (CREDESA) is leading an ongoing community health project in this area. which concentrates on help for needy peoole. A project aimed at improving the csompetence of the Centre in this activity is being granted financia; support by the Health Sciences Divison of IDRC (a-P-88-0205). To bnng about lsting improvements in the healt status and nutrtion of the population, it is necessary that the foc- systern's productvity be increased and job opportunities be created. This proect wilt demonstrate the interrelationships between factors affecting the populations heath, and nutrition. Using the 'Rapid Rural Appraisar methodobogy it will study. with the involvemrent of the local populat.nn 'lie obstacles ercuntered and opportunrtles offered by ircreasing agncuttural oroduction and by an imnprovemerit in the post-harvest activities Researchers will examine local markets, socioeconomic fores the state of nutrion at the household leve!t and existing and potential management resotrces. Contact in research organization: Mrk Eus6be Aionou: Facule des Scences de la sante: Universite nationale du G6nin; BiP- 188; Cotonou: Republique populaire rationale du B6nin Record numnber (MFN): 04182 Official project tle.: SOYBEAN UTILIZATION (JITA) - PHASE IL Implermentinog ageny Interatioral Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990-05-01. End date: 1993-04-30. Country/countries: Africa. Nigeria; C--ara Statement of objectves/abstract: SoytDean is a protein-rich crop that can be grown advantageously in Nigeria and Ghana. Although no tradtionafly used, it can easily be incorporated into local diets. Phase I of tfs proiect caed out by the Inrnat Inrstitue ef Tropical Agrcure (liTA) and the institute for Agrcultural Research and Traiuing ([AR8T) in Nigeria has shoxw that soybean can augmern tradtonal egumes and oilseeds. and fortify high carbhydrate odSoybeanad prducts are acceptabe to raal and urban popuaions. and entrrereneurs are wUing to produce soybean-based foods. Ths second phae wil bid on the results and experences gained in the first phase to promote the producton and use of soybean in three additonal regions of Nigeria and begi inroduto in Ghana kstrons irwoed wiN be the IITA. LAR&T. the Nbonal Cereals Reseach Istue (N . Uiy of Nig Nsdca UNN). Nabonal Agiriculual Etesion Research Liaison Serices (NAEFtS) in Nigeria, and te U nir of Ghan Legon (UJGL) in coborain wilh the Wom Exensionr Divisn of the 1niry of Agirictixe in Ghana Catac in reseach ougzabon Dr Kerton Daslve IITA: Oy Road PIB 532Q: R:adan; Nigeria 224 SPAAR Information System Record nunber (MFN): 04189 Official project title: SILVICULTURE (TOGO)- implementing agency: Irtemational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990-11-28. End date: 1993-11-28. Countriycountries: Togo: Statermen. of objectwes:abstract: In Togo. as in most developing countries of Af nca. wood is the popuLations marn source of fuel and energy. Given the accelerating wuban demographic growt. the c; . -itry's forest resources are ri danger of berg depleted. To reverse this trend. auforthes winiated a pantati program, concentratiN mostly on fast-growng tree species such as eucalyptus and teakc Also. a local variety of Aogess licarpus has been planted under vaious yet coarable expemental coMditions. This project wil develop approprate techniques for the ratiorinl expbitato of eisting plantations and reforestatio by f as-growing species. Conact in research o%ganzation: Mr. Koffi Agogrnn: Office de D6wioppement et dcExplcitation des For.s- B P. 334; Leffe; Togo Record number (MFN): 04192 Official project title: PLANTAIN (GHANA). Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-0314. End date: 1994-03-14. Country/courties: Ghara Statement of otbclives/abstract The produton of piantainr an fi-rtant staple in Ghana, has been declining for more than a decade whie the 14 million popuiaton is increasing at a rate of 3 percent per artnn. This downard trend i production is attrbited to several factors inckidng pests- diseases poor management pracices and above aL lack of inproved prorxtion technolgy for pilantw. The Crops Researcn kIstitute, KuTasi and the mvsir of Ghana Agiic al Research Station, Kade. have intly requested IDIC suppXt to enable the two instutes to exectie the prsent pIrect aimed at fidg sokbons to production const It is anic qed th-at iiWro" i teiogox packages for ureaV producktion wi be devekiped at the end of tfie pqect for taisfer to sni-scale taners. Tio t e project radio broadcasted programs targeig concd acmmutes wi be affed to increase fafners awareness about the xirovement of pWlan pbo6ictio CorAat in research organ2ation: 225 SPAAR Information System Dr. O.B. Heemeng: Crops Research Institute: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research; P.O. Box M. 32: Accra: Ghana Record number (MFN): 04193 Official project title: ACID SOILS (NIGERIA). Impiemeniing agency: irternational Development Research Centre Start date: 1991-04-23. End date: 1994-02-28. Courtry/comutnes: Nigena: Statement of objectivestabstract: A considerable portion of the agricultural soils in Nigeria are highly weatered. Ieachel. and acidic: and have a low raive fertiay. medium to high P-fixing capacity, and bw water holdwi capacity. This proec on the rranagemert ot Nigerian acid soils for optium productivty wri airn to incorporate sod management techniques on the acid soils of the country's humid tropical areas: test the sustainity of farmnng systems which can be adopted by snall farmers with rnited access to extenal inputs and other farming systems that will provide a continuous and higher level of output and monitor the effect of farming systems and solid manaemnt procedures on the chemical and physical properies of soils wider contnuous culbivalo The project wi fonr part of the research network on Management of Acid Soils in Hunid and Sub-hunid Africa of the internaional Board for Soi Research and Maagemnent (IBSRAM). Field experiments wi! be estabished near Ogere in the southwestem part of Nigeia Contact in research organization: Dr. Olu Obi: Obafemi Awolowo University: lle-Ife: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 04206 Official projec t tle: LOCAL PIG HPJSBANDRY (CONGO). tnplementing agency Inrternatinal Develoet Research Centre. Start date: 1991-05-18. End date: 1993-05-18. Coflf 1counthes: Congo; Staement of objeivs/abstract Whie the goverent of Congo has grven high pnior to ts agriculftra sector the ateus contibubion to the natinal economy is cony 10percest The conrbuton of anrnal husbanky is even smaler, narrely 4 percent. To re food se ;ficmircy. specilicaly in aniimi! proteins. and to augent the peasards' income, a sategy has been adopted to ricrease the poduction of anWrs of short reproduction cycle, such as hogs. This project wi iprove local hog rang in a peasaV enwornert by studng higher produciity. Specy. it wig ealuate the cowrys zoogeoraphy frm the pool of view of hg raisg; compile an iwenoiy of 226 SPAAR Inforrnation System agicultural products and by-products in different regions useful in this sector of animial husbandry: and disseminate the results. Contact in research organization: Mr. Victor Douiou: DGRST; B.P 2499; Brazzaille-: Congo Record number (MFN): 04209 Official project tile: PHOSPHORUS AVAILABILITY (SIP/GHANA/BRAZIL) - PHASE Il. implementing agency: International Devekgrnent Research Centre. Start date: 1991-03-8. Ernd date: 1993-12-31. Country/coutntries: Glbbal : Ghana; Brazil: Statement of objectives/abstract Sols contabing lateritic concretions are typical of the 'middle belt' of West Afnca, which represents an ecooiqical zone of serrarid savanna bwh pronouced dry seasons (4-5 months). Phosphorus (P) content of these sods is low and mrost of the ratie soil P is in the form of unavailable iron- or akrnriiium-bound posphate. Using recent development sin P-fractionation procedures to assess the inportance of organc P forms in the supply of P to plants in these soils, phase I results indicated tat P added to sod lines alone. remaks avaibe bet is rapidly exhaustedc leading to a drastic adp in crop yield after the frst year Cooncretionariy sods, on the other harnd sustain lower yields for several aopping cycles that evenhialy outyield the soil fines An importnt pretiiniay conclsion from phase I was that te use of rapidly sokbile norgaiic P fertlizer is unecanomical in soils wih high concretion conitent. PbvAse II wd study to what extent P-sorption is reversible in the long-run to alow fe; i1zation and how to use rocK phosphate in situtions of rapid P-sorption. WorK will be undertaken in Ghana and Brazi[ Contact in researcri organizaton: Mr. Holn Tiessen; Dept. of Soil Science; University of Saskc n: 50 Murray Buddixn Saskatoon; Saskatciewan; Canada S7N OWO Record number (MFN): 04232 Official project title: CHILD NUTRMION AND AGRICULTURE (NERIA) h tleig agency International Devebpment Research Centre- Saat date: 199003- End date. 1991-12-31 Ccykounty es: Niger Sttenrt of obje* es/absract This project wi assess the impact of the Oyo North Agrclhra Deveblpet Project (ONADEP) on the rnutro and heakh status of young chlkren in the 0-10 year age 227 SPAAR irvormation. System group. The stuiy wil ge,' -te nutriticna: data, as yet unavailable in Nigena and wiU provide an indication ., the effe& sf structural adjustment and agicultral change on human wellbeing. Spec&ica"!y the project aims to compare the health ar, nutritional status of the target group in ONADEP and a nonprouect area identify barriers to good healfth and n% o:ion arnGng children and mothers in the study area: arid devise and promote meanis to irnprove nutrRion and health of children in rural areas. The resuhts will be used to guide action and policy to imrprove nutritional status and maintain nutrition security of gr-ups vulnerable to maLnutriton. The project will be an important component of a network of Centre-supported community nutrition projects in West Africa Contact in research organization: Mr. S.O. Olusi: Obafemi Awotowo University lle-ife: Oyo State: Nigeria Record nuriber (MFN): 04246 Olffcia project title: WEST AFRICAN RICE INFORMATION SYSTEM (WARIS). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990--01. End date: 1993-07-31, CountryIcomitries: Africa: CWte dlvoire; SenegaL Sierra Leone: Lberina Statement of objectives/abstract: The West Africa Rice Develpnent Association (WARDA) was recently incuded among the organizaons wvth form the Consultative Group on Internatioral Agricultural Research (CGIAR). This decision was made due to the inportce of nce as a staple crop among courtries of West A;rica and the problems associated with ts production in the region. In its medm-term plan for the penod 1990-1994. WARDA identified as a high Prority the setting up of an integrated information service to support te research and developrnent activies of rice producers in the region. This project will help lay the grouindwork for this furiction by upgrading existng information activties. The project will assist WARDA to establish a soWd base for the library services at the headquarters at Bouak. C&e d1ioe: set up ntial rInks wih nabonal rice research organizatons in member-states; bring together al documnents on rice research performed in the region; decentraize basic informtion resources and services to its three stations in Senegal. Sierra Leone, and Lbena, and improve WARDA's abiity to provide inforration services to its scientists and to the reg;onal rice development communwity. Contact in research organization: Mk. Alassae Dialo: WARDA: 01 BP 2551: Bouakc: C-&e dire Record number (MFN): 04254 Officil project tdie: UBERALZATlON OF AGRICULTURAL MAR(EZT (NIGERIA). 228 SPAAR Information System Implermentrng agency: Internahonal Development Research Centre, Sta.tdate:t989-05-11. Enddate: 1991-05-11. Country/countries: Ntgena: Statement of objectiveslabstract Among recent poricies embarked upon by the government of Nigerna in favour of agriculture and non-oil sectors are the estabbshment of a market -determined regirne of exchange rates, trade l;beration. and the abolition of agricultural commodity coards, which had hitherto exercised rmonopoly control over produce markefing and experts. Nigeria's liberalization policy recognizes the importance of pricing policies as a basis for agniculural development and increased prodction. However. the extent to which the new policy will adequately serve the needs of the srnall-scale arfmer and help achieve national objectives (e.g. increased food sufficiicy and commodity exports) with respect to the agricultiral sector, remains stil lrgely unclear. Consequently. the impact of the liberalization policy on the donestc marketing instituions, and their influence on prodicer prices and incentves deserve careful study. This project wil examine the impact of fiberalization policy on the agicultural nmaketing and pncing system. The research wldl inwolve a detailed study of marketing and pricing arrangems of three main agricultural commrrodities (i.e. cocoa, tobacco and palm oil). Contact in research organization: Mr. Ademola Oyeiide: Faculty of the Soal Siences: University of Ibadan: Ibadan; Nigena Record nunber (MFN): 04259 Officia projet ftie: RURAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PARTICIPATiON (SIERRA LEONE). Implementing agency: intemational Development Research Centre Start date: 1989-11-30. End dae: 1991-11-30. County/countries: Sierra Leore; Statement of objectiveslabstact Recent pooiceenx s of govemerint officials in Siera Leone enphasized the need to ciianne rWal development proganis thiuhi local nual orgazions to ensure populAr recpient parcpa However the lmited research on nrrai organization in the country does not provide usehl informalon for poicrakers. This study wifi anayze the extent to whch rural organizations in the coy involve the nual poor in developmen Since the goal of the projecl is to facitate t invOlment of the Door in devebpment though their participation in nrual orgarizacins, the research wA attempt to wixoi the social, econonxw, and irstiluton factos that concion parciaborL Data, tloughi interviews, paict obsevation, and ?es aie wil be coected fron membes and nonwnbers of 24 cooperatives and 24 fanrer org az s in eight ans . Resulls wiP be presend at a seminar invoing drs and goveffet agncies ierested n promong popular paripaon twough support to local orgizaons. 229 SPAAR Inofrmation System Contact n. research organization: Mr- Alpha Lakch: Universrty of Sierra Leone: Niala University College: Pritate MAail Bag; Freetown: Sierra Leone Record number (MFN): 04261 Official project trte: WOMENS KNOWLEDGE. MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF SEED GENETtC RESOURCES. Implementing agency: Internationel Development Research Centre Sta.tdate: 1990-09-06. Enddate: 1992-01-06. Country/countnes: Ghana: Slaterent of obiectivesIabsract: h has been wel-docneted that women are mapor suhsistcnce farmers in most African societies. It also is known that women usually play a significant role in seed selecon and storage. However, ite research actualv has examrned the nature of women's knowledge about seed genetc resources and agement This project wIN study the nature of Ghanaian women's knowledge of seed genetic resources and how this knowedge has been sustained aaoss generations. The study aiso wil address the extent to which women's knowledge oor.tinues to satisfy their production needs in the oontext of a dcigng envronrent Specifically, the project wi ivestigate women's knowledge of bambara beans, maize, and cowpeas and their ecological requirements; study practices with respect to seed selection, preservation, and multipcaton; and exarnine the impact of patenting of new improved seeds by mutrinational companies on small-scale farmers. The project will be affilated with WEDNET, an African network of researdcers on wornen's role in natural resource managernent, currently beinig supported by the Gender and Devebpment Unit of IDRC. Ccntact in research organization: Ms. Elen Bortei-Doku: Institute of Statistical: Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana: Legon; Ghana Record number (MFN): 04262 Offcal project title: ECONOIMC ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE COCOA INDUSTRY (NIGERIA) tImplementing agency Iernational Deveopnent Rsearch Centre Start dale: 1990-10-20. End date: 1992-10-20. Country/countries: Nigena: Stbmen of objectivesabstract: The status of wonen in Nigeria involves a complex of ecxnic, lgal, and soczal fcors Women are regeded as inferic to men n virtua al fields. Nonetheess, iwrnen in the souahern region of Fte cow are the priipal managers of Fte market econKmy in the vllages. This prqect wE idenfiy the role of women 230 SPAAR Inforonaton System in the production and marketng of cocoa in the regton It further w;l examine how ths role can be enhanced to yield sigrdicant benefits to these women and their households. The researchers will develop a comprehensive labour profile for the production and processing of cocoa: assign ecoxxnic value to the bbour input investgate the marketing operatiors perlormed by worien cocoa traders: determine the impact o womens operations in cocoa production and trade on family income levels and on power distribution within the farmnig household; and suggest ro!c aerxKnets, and new programs and projects to better integrate women into the agricultural planning framnework n the country. Crontact in research organizatio: Bola Akanji Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic rPesearch: P.M.B. 5. U.i. Post Office: lbaaan: Nigena RecDrd nunber (MFN): 04301 Off ici proct tite: F-C5ESTRY Nll. !mplementing agency. World Bank; Nigeria Start date: 1993-00-00 Countrycountes: Nigena: Statement of objectives/abstract: Most of the forest reserves have been logged and even cleared for farming and grazing and are now in poor secondary forest The preservaion of the remaung 3 percent of the origial forest cover ts urgent and imnporta and the rereabon of nahtal forest cover and protection of river banks need urgern attention. The project would provide incentives for indivduals for tree planting on prwate lnds Forest reserves wiil be subject to close and inte management Comrrmities and farmers wiN be assisted to plant trees on envronmentally sensvite areas and on farms. The project components are: (a) promotion of private sector btee plantations and intensive management of forest reserves for mL&4e use; and (b) protection and recreation of forest cover in ernvironinentally sensitive areas. Record number (MFN): 04302 Official project tite: IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT. knplementng agencry Wodld Bar, Ngera Sart dakp 1995-0 . CaWtgoes Njger, Staeme of objocties/abstract No reserc componet is kientied ye? but because of kow lee of irrigation tecmol3gy it is probable that provison wil be made for funw*g nsitutal work 231 SPAAR Information System (adaptive research) which would be undertaken in part by research institutions with capacity for such work Record number (MFN): 04343 Of icial proiect tile: FORESTRY,ENVIRONMENT. Implementing agency: World Bank: Gabon. Start date: 1996-00-00. Country/countnes: Gabon: Statement of objectrves/abstract Project would focus on: (a) better use of forestay resotwe tough mnp4emerntaton of managerent pln in First Zone of forest area: (b) reiforce strategic pLaring. operabonal capability of Govemrment istitutions in the sector (c) resume forestry and environmrent research; (d) make forestry and environent taning more practical and relevant to needs of private sector: (e) prepare an eirmnal acon plan: and (f) support Government in the creaton and maintenance of widle reserves. Contact in research organization: ,instry of Fsneries & Forestry, Libreville: GabonMristry of Enwronment. Tounsm and National Parks; Ltbrevifle; Gabon: Tel: 7614 44/76 61 82 Record number (MFN): 04344 Official project title: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY). Irmpleenting agency: World Bankc Gunea-Bissau. Start date: 1994-000G. CoialOnies: GureaBissau; Statement cf objectes/abstract Project would lay foundation for improved management of natural resources to prmote sustainable agiculture- Corponents would be: (a) policy reform in land tenure; (b) instiuton strengthenog; (c) a piot pogam of comu-based resource management; and (d) estabWishent and managemt of tinmber resources. Contact in research organizabon: Mistry of Rural Development and Agiculture; Bssaw Guinea-Bissau 232 SPMR InfortiDn System Record nuhnber (MFN): 04346 OffWicial project tite: FADAMA DEVELOPMENT (FORMERLY NATIONAL FADAMA DEVELOPMENT). Implmenting agency: World Bank: Nigeria. Start date: 1992-09-00. Country/countries: Nigeria; Statement of objectbves/abstract For developing 45 000 ha of fadama by srmallscale irrigabon. The research reeds. mainly adaptive. are being supported uxnder a oarallei project on technology development (extens'on and adaptive research in crop production). Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture: Federal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Lagos; NigeriaState Maestries ot Aicu and Naturai Resources; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 04351 Offcial project tite: SECOND FORESTRY PROJECT. Implementing agency Worid Bank Nigena- Start date: 1987-09-25. End date: 1995-06-30. Contryicountries. Nigera; Statement of objectives/abstract The project has three objectives: (i) on a natiorn level. to strengthen the structural base of the sector through improved poicies, tranmg, studies and research; (ii) in the northern and central regions of the comtry. to stabilize soil conditions in threatened areas anct to rease the suppty of fue*wood. poles ard fodder through farm forestry and sheiterbelt activiies: and (ii) in the swuthem and central regions. to increase the supply of rndustnal wood by improving the management of existing forest reserves and plantatons and establishang new plntatons. Project actvities would include: (a) an afforestation proam which Awould incude the supply of 41 rmillon seedigs through frmn forestry actvities, covenng an estimated 750 000 ha, and the establishient of 1 700 km of shelterbelts protecting an estinated 34 000 ha; (b) a forest management program which would include improved rmanmert of abort 37 600 ha of existng plataons, and esablishmerit of 3 150 ha of new ptntaons arnd (c) assisance for managere trairing, p icy anaiy§s. research, and stcdesPesearch acaiibes would be onceraled brgely on afforestalti-related issues as sigeiicart work needs to be done to develop a comprehensrve base to support afxreson acvties over the longer tenrL Reseach actdes would ain to: (1) irve fan forestry and she erbesetlse techrnqes, gving better tree 9wvival and grotf (2) examine the accepabiity and effecveness of aleanativ fvm forestry models; and (3) derrnie yields of wood and ote tree produns. 233 SPAAR Information System Conltact in research crganization: Federal Ministry of Agriculture. Water Resources and Rural Development Nigena Record nunber (MFN): 04352 Official project title: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (FORMERLY ENVIRONMENT. FORMERLY ADJUSTMENT LOAN - ENVIRONMENT). Implementng agency- World 1ank- Nigeria. Start date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Nigeria; Stateement of objectives/abstract: Support of gevemnert progrars to preserve natural resource base especally national stocks of bnd, forest and water Project will fFance a 'Care Program' of envirornerntal activilVes that are critical for makng Mgeria's envwronmental program operational. Contact in research organization: Mmistry of Finanoe; Abuja. Nigeria Record number (MFN): 04356 Official poject btle: RAINFED RICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. implementing agency: African Developnent Bank Country/countries: United Repubiic of Tanzania; Statement of oblectives/abstract The obective of the proie Is to ircrease rice production of small farrners in Zanzbar by improved bnd preparaton and iru supply, and so to reduce rice snports. The anciMary objectves are to: (a) improve the standard of iving of parbcipatmng farm famffies through increased yields and farm eamings; (b) create empoyrment opportunities and develop skills in nra areas; (c) extend to 5 800 ha of rice production in stages, and (d) build an appropriate irructure of buidings and services. Achievements: by 1988/89 season the project hiad extended to 2 000 ha. wih fortrightly T&V system visits to groups of 25 farmes A seed urnt has been established to screen and multiply re seed for Me schwme. Record number (MFN): 04362 Ofic proed ibde: ENYIRONIENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (FORM ENVIIXRONMENT). 234 SPAAR Infomabion System Implmenetng agency: World Bank.- Ghana. Start date: 1993-00-00. Countrylcounties: Ghana: Statement of ot-ectives/abstract Project would include: (a) instittional strengthening of the Environmental Pro(ection Council (EPC): (b) promotion of improved land management practices through con.mmunity and fanmer involvement in planning and implementabon of measures to minimnize land degradation: and (c) sustainable management of five coastal wetland sies of international importance as habitat for migratory waterfowl Contact in research organization: Environmental Protection Council (EPC); Ghana Record numTber (MFN): 04363 Ofiir:al project tiMe: SMALL SCALE IRRIGATION Implernenting agency: World Bank Gihana Start date: 994-00-00O Country/countries: Ghana; Record number (MFN): 04364 Ofiial projet tite: FORESTRY. Implemerting agency: Wold Bank; Ghana. Sart date: 1995-00-00. Country/contries: Ghana; Record numnber (MFN): 04367 Officw project ttle: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROJECT. Lknwmentmg agency World Ban* Congo. Stat datw 19960-00. Couny/cotmes Congo; S_oent of >objectives/*stract The owal objective of the prject is to assist the Gowwet of Congo (GOC) to iiilert a rnional natural resource managemrt Fra, in order to assure both an optnal pro n lvel from tHe forest and oanevatin of the enwvonent The 235 SPAAR Inforrnation System specific objectives would be to: (a) ass:st GOC to establish an action plan for ratura! resource management and land use. including dense forest management (b) corplete the inventory of biodiversity and forestry species. (c) strengten the institutions (both pubic and community-oriented/private; in the forestrv sectoa and (d) set up pibt agro-forestry actions. !n support of the objectves. the project would include the fo0lowing components: (1) establishment of a national resource management and rural land use plan; (2) implementabon of the first phase of this plan, with focus on: (i) preparation of required assessmen,s s'tudies: (ii) completon of cartographic base and inventories: and (iii) additiona gazetting of wildiands as conservation areas: (3) strengthening of implementation capabilty (in parbcular of the Ministry of Forest Econorny-ME.9 both centrally and in the field. including organizational improvemert and training; (4) implementation of special prograrrs to promote grassroots actvities by community orgai izations and NGOs- and undertake specdic environmental actions (eg.- creabon of ago-forestby and land titling zones in pnorty areas): and (5) cevelopnient of relevant research. Contact in research organization: Jistry of Forest Economy (MEF); Congo Record number (MFN): 04402 Official project title: FOREST MANAGEMENT PROJECT' Impementing agency: World Bank. Zaire. Start date: 1993-00-00. Countrfcounties: Zaire: Staterment of oeftives/abstract The objectves of the prolect would reflect those formulated at the Abidjan conference in November 1990 (WWF) 'to: (a) protect at least ten percent of tropical forests by te year 2000: (b) ensre that al tropical wood trade results from sstainable forest management byl 995: and (c) aest net deforestation in tropical regions by the year 2000 (mainly by proteeig exstirg forests). The project would ickide evalution and programs to rabonaize key forest istiubo including the Service Permanent dlnve;taie et d'Arenagenent Foresbier (SJlAF). the central forest service responsible for ailoation of forest concessions, field forest services, the Forestry Fund. and forest training and research- The aim would be to: protect forest reserves effectvy control lgging n prouction forests: intoduce sustanbe manageent techds: collect revenue recover costs and finance repliing; operate the forest service at a reasonable cost ersore periodic and eflective reportg train an aproprite number foresters: and ffnplement an agreed forest research program. Record mber ( FN): 04409' 236 SPAAR Ir.formaton System Official project title: ANIMAL HEALTH. impklm ting agericy: W-Ad Bank- Zaire. Start date: 1991-00-00 Country/cGuntr -s: Zaire: Statement of objectiveF;abstract Project would assist Government of Zaire in animal health promotion. proroie improved techcm"gy in anirral husbandry, increase productivity of fairners. integrate liestock and agriculture and oromete private vetenriary services. Record number (MFN': 04411 OficiF project tiJe: FOOD SECURITY. implerenting ageecy- World Bak: Beni.m Start date: 1993-00-00. Courmy/countries: Benin: Statement of objectivaeslabstrz- Inproveetnt in access to food in rural and urban areas through poVffy ahevation productior marketn and small scae processing tervenons Record number (MFN): 04412 Officiai pro,et tte: ENVliRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRf'- Implemerting agency: World Bank. Berin. Start date: 1°94-00- Country/counties: Benin: Statemret of obectivesabstract To prepare an Enviromental Acton Plan (EAP) airrng at fe deveopment of huma resouices capact;y Ie promotion of a sustainable davelopment strategy: a better naagement of fhe bio ecological diversity te ithe irovoMen of ruxal and urban stdards of living. Record nunber (MFN): 04413 Official p bect ie: AGRICILLTURE 237 SPAAR inforrnaion System implementing agency: World Bank: Benin. Start date: 1995-000. Countrv/counties: Benin: Statement of objectiveslabstract: Agricultuial sector adjustment program to effect policy reforms in the sector and finance tranzhes of aarcultural development p!an to be prepared Record number (MFN): 04414 Officral project title: AGRICULTURE. Irnplementing agency World Bank: Cameroon. Start date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Cameroon: Staternent of obiectives/abstract: Assist Govemm. ern of Camie-oon to establsh and mplement a natural resource management and forestry conservation project. Pecord number (MFN): 04415 Official roject title: NATIONAL LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT 11. irtplementbn agency. Vorld Bank: Central African Republic. St date: 1993-00-00. Countrytcountnies: Central African Repblic: Statemnt of objectiveabstbac- Privalizari: of most heslock services: coniaon of tecirical advevements. of the Fvst Phase rnproved managemert of pastal areas. RePcod mnuber (MFN): 04416 Offial poject tie: NATURAL RESOURCE IA1NAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION (FORMERLY LAND RESOURCES MANAGEIENT AND CONSERVATION). krlemetin agency World Bak Equatoia Guiiea St 1995-00-00. Coww~ne~ Equate Gmea 238 SPAAR Infornation System Statement of objectives/abstract To strengthen the contribubon of the forestry sector to the economy and to comrmence measures to protect the Hammid forest. Project would assist Govemmenr in implementing a natural resource management plan to assure both an optimal production ievel from the forest and conservation of the environment. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agnculture and Forestry; Equa.onal Guinea Record number (MFN): 04417 Official project tite: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES (FORMERLY AGRICULTURE). Implementing agency World Bank; Gal-n. Start date: 1995X)0-00. CouritryoDuntries: Gabon- Statement of ok-,ecives/abstract Instbual strengthening of the Ministry of Agrecuture's capacity for sector managemerit strengthening of the research and extension programs for agriculture. Record nunber (MFN): 04418 Official project tile: AGRICULTURAL EXPORT PROMOTION. Implementing agency. World Barnc Cote dl .oire. Start date: 1994-00-00- End date: 1999-00-00- Country/countries: C6te d1voire: Statement of objectrves/abstra The proiect would promote the sustained e Nxanso of non traditiora agricaxal expots, iciuding processed products. by (a) proving tvorw producers with assistance in secunrg accurate and timely infomaon about opporiitumes in toreqi mrwkets; (b) streamlining export procedurs: and (c) fircig the producers/exporters workrng capita and iesment creck needs. Financg would be provKled to pnrvate operators and to parastats in which the State has less than najority owenersh4. The project would achieve tw esseial objecives (a) mobg private domestic (and freign) rev and savngs kr the rdevetopment of the agicuAl sector and (b) not mrakhg any claia on putAc fkding at a time of severely conhtraied budgetary resources.The project would be kiplemerted over a fiwe year period and ixlve k4s main comparts: (a) a kie of cect to firance the workig capital and invesi:- needs br the procion and marke of "-i4a*bon aiczira and acro-qxlusnal export pnxjcts; (b) a progran of refaims in the intrAonal envrnet incklKig (i) the resbucurin of the existing govennt-i Export Promotion Agency into an essendy prvate 239 SPAAR Information Svstem organizattion. Managed and controlled by concemed operators ana: (ni) the streamlining of agricultural export procedures (indcuding quality controls): (c) training programs for agncultural oroducers'exporters and Goverrnment officials to inprove their knowledge of production tecrhnologies. marketing technques and market opportunities: and (d) studies of specific issues linked to the development of new export markets (market research for targeted products. quality standards and norms. etc.) Record nunber (MFN): 04419 Official project tle: RURAL LAND MANAGEMENT PROJECT (FORMERLY LAND TENURE). hTmplmenting agency 'World Bank, Cote dlvoire Start date: 1995-00-00. End date: 2000-00-00. Country/countries: Cote dlvoire: Statement of obJectives/abstract Establishment of a rural land registry system through aeral photography and land surveys. Ful scale project to use the istrurments developed under the pilot Land Tenure Project (previously funded). The project would sole specific problems in agriculture. Iestock. and forestry development Contact in research organization: MINAGPRA Cote d1vo-re Record number (MFN): 04420 Official project title: UVESTOCK Implementrig agency: World Bank. Cote dlvoire- Start date: 1994-00-00 Country/countries: Cote dlvoire: Statement of objectives/abstract Hybrid operation which would finance: (a) speciic irnstents fr devebpment of meat (beef, goeat, pig and poutra) pron and processnig and (b) actons to iTiprove publc srvices to producers (wcudfig research) The policy-based ComWeris wouid support refm in: (a) insAiona refors, (b) puvaization of serieS; and (c) pincg poicies Caoact in research org : Ministry of Agricuitbe and Aninm Resources; AbKiai Cote d1imreSONAPRAI Cote vo2r4e 240 SPAAR Informnation Svstern Record number (MFN): 04421 OfficiaJ project tieJe: NAflONiL ENViRONMENT PROGRAM (FORMERLY AGRICULTURE). Implernenting agency: Worid Bank: Cote d'lvoire. Start date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: C6te d'voire; Staternent of objectiveslabstract: Support a progrdam of action to protect the naturai environment. Actions wouid be determined as part of an environmental action plan to be deveioped. Contact in research orgarization: MinLstry of Agriculture and Anima Resources; Cote d'lvoire Record number (MFN): 04422 Offiial pro;ect titie: AGRICULTURE. Implementng agency: World Bank: Cote d'lvoire. Start date: 1995-0-00. Countryfcounies: Cote divoire; Statemnent of objectives/abstract Second sector adjustrent loan to effect policy changes in agricture sector. Record number (MFN): 04423 Official project title: ENviRGONMENTAL ACTION 1903P.A).t hrrplementklg agency: World Banr; Togo. Start date: 1997-00-0. Countryfootrities: Togo: Statement or objectives/anstract Environmenta action plan wi" be prepared after cornsuation with a broad spectrm of govermet and nogovernrent agences in Togo. This wil serve as spnng board for project identikicom Record nwnber (MFN1 04424 241 SPAAR Information System Official project title: AGRICULTURAL SECTOR ADJUSTMENT (FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL SECAL). Implementing agency: World Bank; Ghana Start date: 1992-00-00- Country/countnes: Ghana. Statement of objectwestabstract: To strengthen pncing and maireting reforms. Improve sector coordination. and strengthen public expenditure management Contact in research organizati: Ministy of Agncuture: Accra: Ghana Record numter (MFN): 04425 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL SECTOR Implementing agency- World Bank; Ghana. Start date: 1995-00-00. Countriy/countries Ghana. Record nuwnber (MFN) 04426 Offical prject ttle: AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Implementng agency: World Bark. Ghana Stat date: 1991-00-00. Cowtry/counbies: Ghana: Statemnert of objctivesabstract: The project wod support the restructurng and insttuora strengfhenig of acultural marketing. In adition. it would suport Ghana's food searMy progranm. Record numzber (MFN): 04441 Official project tide: FERTIuZER SECAL hIementing agenic Worid Bank; Nigeria Stat date: 1992-000. Cotw tykow Nigena StVem~ert Of objectiesabsact' 242 .,, j~~~~~~~~~~ SPAAR Information System Based on the recommendation of a subsector study, this policy based lending would support reforms in fertilizer trade. marketing and pricing policies. Record number (MFN): 04149 Official proiect tite: FACIUTIES OF NIGERIAN INSTITUTE FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE RESEARCH. Implementing agency: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Start date: 1986-00-00. Country/countrnes: Nigena; Record number (MFN): 04461 Offcial project title: AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY. Impementng agency: Food and Agrculture Organization of tne United Nations. Stwt date: 1989-00-0. End date: 19904000. Country/countries: Liberia: Record nunber (MFN): 04482 Official project title: CONGO WLDLANDS PROTECilON AND MAINAGE-MENT Impremnt agency: Global Envrormental FachtWy Congo. Country/contries Congo; Statemer of objectives/abstrat Preservation of six unique ecosystems through rzstituonal supoort, invetories of reserves and rnaaernert plarning, tecncal assistanc-e and studies. Contact in research organzation: Minstry of Pbrng aid Economy: Braz 1e; Congo Record r.nber (W-W 04483 O0fcia project tite: ACUISIT AND DtSTRlITOt OF COMPREENSIVE LANDSAT TM SATELUTE IAAGERY. 243 SPAAR Information System Implemrenti agency- Gbbal Environnent Fancit Central Afrcan Republic Country/countries. Central African Republic; Statement of objectives/abstract Acquisiton of Landsat TM data sets for monitoring land-use changes and evaluating effectiveness of environmental management anf conservation efforts tn the region. Record number (MFN ): 04510 Official project title: STRENGTHENING AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Implementing agency: Food and Agnrcuture Organization of, the United Nations (FAO). Stat date: 1988-00. End date: 1991-00-00 Coentry/countries: Nigeria: Record number (MFN): 04529 Official project title: INSTILTUTE OF WATER RESOURCES. bmplementirn agency. United Nations Educational. Scientic and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)- Start date: 1978-00-00. End date: 1990-OG-00. Couritry/countries- Nigeria Record numbe (MFN): 04530 Official project title: ASSISTANCE TO THE NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES INSTRTUTE - PHASE If. Irmpnpbng agency Un4ed Nations Educational, Scientfic and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1990-0000. Country/couiries: Nigeria; Record nurber (MFN): 04549 Official project tide: ESTABLtSiMENT OF AN AGIIUTURAL LABORATORY. pnbwert1 agency. International Atanwr Energy Agency. 244 SPAAR Informaabon System Start date: 1986-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/countnes: Cameroon; Recoid number (MFN): 04550 Official project title: STUDIES ON CYCUCITY OF INDIGENOUS CATPlE AND SHEEP ON THE RESEARCH STATION. Implementing agency: International Atomic Energy Agency. Start date: 1989000. End date: 1990-00-00. Cowhll*y ntries: C6te divoire: RecDrd nunber (MFN): 04552 Official project title: NUCLEAR AGRICULTURE CENTRE- Implererting agencry Interratonal Atomic Energy Agency. Sta date: 1981-00-0. End date: 19900000. Country/countries: Ghana; Record number (MFN): 04604 OfficiaJ project title DYNAMICS OF INTENSIFICATION ON TRADIT1ONAL FARMS AND EFFICIENCY OF INNOVATIONS CONCERNING FARMING SYSTEMS AT SUB-HUMID SITES. Impientig agency: Unwersiaet Hohenhen. Start date: 1989-000. End date: 193-00-00. Cnountriw. Bern Statemet of otbestabstract Considein the fact Mat farrners in the South were able to cope with hgly changg political and econorrial contiors during more than two hurKed years and tat over te they have been integrated into a market econony, there is l;4e reason to bee that they woLd not have adjusled also during the bst period We. thereore, postulate th te farmisg sysems in Soudh-Benin are in the process of a*ing to the dang envwomt The reseac w stidy the 'dynamnics in the aming sstems in the South of Berin, ard wi identy acustmentl and vi*gerow nratons in cropping and farming systems and asess the econor -a Cortat in research organatiDon: "I Pro. Dr. ML von Opperi Unversataet Hohenheim: Insbi fuer Agrar- und 245 SPAAR Information System Sozialoekonomle in den Tropen und Subtropen (490); Postfach 700562:7000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic of GerrranyilTA: Benin Station: P.O. Box 04-0088: Cotonou; People's Repubfic of Benin Record number (MFN): 04605 Official project tife: MICRO-ECONOMIC POTENTIALS AND LIMITS TO THE INTRODUCTION OF ALLEY CROPPING SYSTEMS IN TRADrriONAL FARMING SYSTEMS IN SOUTH BENiN. ITplementing agency: Universitaet Hohenheim. Start date: 1991-00-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/courtnes: Benin; Coonact in research organization: Prof Dr. Doppler Unrversaet Hohenheirn: Insbtut fuer Agrar- und Sozialoekonomie in den Tropen und Subtopen (490); Posffah 700562: 7000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic of GermanylNTA; Benin Station: P.O. Box 04-0088: Cotonou: People's Republic of Benin Record number (MFN): 04606 Official proiect tile: SOIL GENESIS IN THE HUMID TROPICAL LOWLANDS. Implenert agency: Un4versitaet Kiel. Startdate: 1990-10-00. Enddate: 1991-09-00. Countrycountries: Nigena Statement of objectives/abstract: Chemical and mneralogical analyses of sod catena and correlations of the features to soil genesis. Contact n reseanrh organization: Prof. Dr. HP. Blumne: kIstut fuer Pflanzenernhng und Bodenkunde: Universitaet Kiet 01zhauserstr. 40: 2300 IGet; Federal Republc of Germany- Tel: 043182503 Record number (MFN): 04607 3fficl project tite AGIRICULTURAL CREDIT FOR DEVELOPC Eh IN THE UPPER WEST REGION OF GHANA knpnem genm UrvtGiessei Start dae: 1990-5-00. End date: 1992-00. Coutykowbie. Ghana2 246 SPAAR Inrormation System Statement of objectiveslabstact To determine the appropriateness of agricultural credit as development instrument for small scale farners under regional restrictions Contact in research organization: Gyiele Kwaku Nurah; Zentrum fuer regionale Entwicklungsforschung- Justus Liebig Universitaet Giesse i; Diezstrasse 15; 6300 Giessen; Federal Republic of Germany Record number (MFN): 04608 Official project title: TARGET GROUP ORENTED MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. Implementing agency- Zertrurr fuer Regionale EntwicIdungfrschung der Universitaet Giessen. Stat date: 1991-02-00. End date: 1993-12-31 Countrycountries Benin: Statement of objectives/abstract The objectives of the project are: (a) analysis of national agricultural research system's (NARS) stucture organization and coxurnication flows; (b) analysis of linkages between NARS and producers, exension services and international agricuitural research: and (c) reommend for improvincreating insitunlze linkages between NARS, produces extension services (and hriternaton agricultural research systems). Contact in research organization: Thimm, Hans-Joachirn A. Preuss; Zentrum fuer regionale Entw h uJun slbsung; 'ustus Liebig Universitaet Giessen; Diezstrasse 15; 6300 Giessen; Federal Republic of Germany- Tel: 064117028407 Record nunber (MFN): 04620 Official project title: PHENOUCS INCLUDING TANNINS IN MULTIPURPOSE TREES AND BROWSE AND THEIR EFFECT ON RUMNANT NUTRITION AND HEALTH- kMpienting agency Univetaet Hohenheim. Start date: 198540000. Caxykries: Africa Ben; Niger Ngeria; Staht of objectvsabstraa Tenacity reducing effects of tannin cortaiin plits on pathogenic baceria, esp Cbsridiun perigens, n vitro and m vio. PossWiity of remalg and aWequte porhylais against entertOaenla. in tropical coun by leeVng certmin pants as smpement 247 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Prof Dr. W. Mueller. Dr. M. Youran. M_ Baumann; Abteilng fuer Terhygiene: Institt fuer TerproduktiDn in den Tropen und Subtropen (480): Uniersitaet Hohenheim; Garbenstr. 17; 7000 Stugaurt 70; Federal Republic of Gerrmany: Tel: 0711/45013170; Telex: 722959 uniho-dinstitt fuer Tierermaehrung; Universitaet Hohenheim:n 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of Germany Record nurnber (MFN): 04621 Officiai project title: INNVESTIGATIONS ON THE INTERACTION BETWEEN TRYPANOSOMiASIS CHALLENGE AND NUTRITlONAL STATULS OF DJALLONKE SHEEP IN THE SUBHUMID SAVANNA OF WEST AFRJCA. lmplerenting agency Universitaet Hohenheim. Start date: 1989-01-00. End date: 1991-12-00. Country/cout;ries: C6te d'lvoire; Statement of objectivesVabstract Interaction of genebc trypanosomiasis4oierance wch nutrtional status of sheep. Contact in researci organization: Prof. Dr. Cfr. GaY; institut fuer lTeproduktin den Tropen und Subtropen (480); Universitaet Hohenheimi; Garbenstr. 17; 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of Gemany, Tet 0711/45013170: Telex: 722959 wuo Record nxnber (MFN): 04623 Official project title: STUDY ON REPRODLUCTION CRITERIA OF THE GRASSCUTTER. hlpemen7tig agency Unwversiaet Hohendeim. Startdate: 1991-01-01. Enddate: 1993-07-31. Courtykouries: Benin; Statement of objectves/abstract Anaysis of reproduction chaecers of the grasscutter in order to derhe techniques of reproducion managent for grasscutter husbaxy. Pupose is also to identify selecon criteria for secti beng of garscutters. Contact in researh organizatio Pro. Dr. Chr Gal; hsit fuer Tierpro&on in den Tropen und Subtropen (480) kwvsilaet Hdiwne Garbenstr. 17; 7300 Stuttat 70; Federa Repubic of Germany Tel: 0711/45013170; Telex: 722959 ur*od 248 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04625 Officiaw project btle: GENOTYPIC DIFFERENCES IN MANGANESE TOLERANCE OF COWPEA (VIGNA UNGUICULIATA) Implementing agency: Universitaet Hannover. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country;countries: Nigeria: Staternent of objectivesiabstrat: Mn excess is an important factor limiting crop production on acid and waterlogged soils. The objective of the project is to identfy cowpea genoiypes with high tolerance against Mn excess. Based on te study of the physiological mechanisms of Mn toxicy and Mn tolerance rapid screening tec for Mn toce are being developed. These techniques involve iolated leaf tissues and cell suspension-cutres arid use biodcenical parametars such as caNlose formation as marker for Mn rijury. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. W. J_ Horst Instwu fuer Pflanzenemaehrung Univetaet Hannover; Herrenhaeuser Str. 2: 3000 Hannover 21: Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: 051117622626 Record nunber (MFN). 04626 Offical project tfie: PUBUC WORKS IN AFRICA TO IMPROVE FOOD-SECURITY. Implementing agency Deutsche Geseischaft fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Start date: 199001-01. End date: 1992-12-31. Country/cozitries: Africa; Botswana Burkira Faso: Cameroon: Ethiopia: Kenya; 'Mozambique: Niger leria Rwanda Senegal: Sudan: United Republic of Tazania: Zimbabwe; Statenent of objectives/abstract Documentaton of experiences with public woks-programmes; comprehensive strategy for food secumty and nttional inprvem dentification of needs and potentials for xbou intesrive development programes; identiication of priorities specific types of pubic woks programnmes; krract of public works programmes.Phase I of the project wil provide a detailed review of pubbc wok iniatives in 13 Afncan countries: Botswan, Bukna Faso. Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenwa, ozabique, NWer, Nigeia. Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanana. and Zkibabwe. Ee ice with public works programs such as food4or-work prograns in ower countries and regions (for example, China, Ba desh, lKdia, and Central Ameica) is aiso consided in the review. The review wil syre th experience of ongong or tem programs according to the Wpe of prnm. Programs consdered n the review and inpact analysis idude Waor misie ra infrastue (roads), water works (rigab wate hannesr), agricukural resource conservalJon (teracg), refost and comru development (drinking water s*ply}.kI Phase If, an indepth study of the potental for, and impact d. pubb works progras for impoved househo food 249 SPAAR Information System security is planned n four countries: Niger, Botswana. Tanzania. and Zirmbabwe. This phase will involve data collection and analysis at the household level to assess the net-effects of public works programs (including food-for-wotk) on employment and consunption. The resulting aralysis wilt provide guidance for program priorities in different settings. given bcation-specific development and food security goals The country studies will be followed by a comparative analysis that brings together broader review findings and leads to policy conclusions and suggestions for strategy formulation. Contact in research organization: Dr. Joachim von Braun: Director of Food Consumption and Nutrition Division. lnternationaJ Food Policy Research Institute: 1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW.: 20036-1998; USAMr. Patrick Weeb: Research Fellow: IFPRIMr. Testaye Teklu: Research FeBlow: IFPR Rzeord number (MFN): 04628 Off icial project tle: PRODUCTIVITY OF AUTHOCHTONES CATTLE BREEDS IN TriE HUMID AND SUBHUMlD ZONE OF WEST AFRICA. Implementing agency: Gesellschaft luer technische Zusarnmenarbeit (GTZ). Start date: 1990-01-01. Country/counties: Africa Togo; Ber,in Statement of obrctves/abstract- Statsbcal analyses of existing data from devebpig projects concerning reproduction and growth of cifferents aubchtones cattie breeds in vanous producton systems. Contact i,n research organization: Dr. G. Morkxamer Institut fuer TIerzucht und Haustiergenetik: Universitaet Goettingen. Akbecht-Thaer-Weg 3:3400 Goettgigen: Federal Republc Germany Record nunber (MFN): 04632 Official project title PROMOTION AND FINANCIj OF ICR-INDUSTRIES. ESPECIALLY IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR OF NtGERWWEST AFRICA Inpleenting agenry ur4Uniersitaet Bochm. Start date: 1989-12-00 End date: 1992-09-00. Cioutry/coir*es: Nigeria Statement of objectivabstract: The study wA evaluafe fe efftvenless of Nger econeiuc poic for the pmomoton of mxoro-usties in NsuAia and Poxl Harcoutt and analyse the sell-help of smal entrepreur& 250 SPAAR Informain System Contact in research organizabon: Dr. Chr. Uhlig; Institt fuer Entwiddungsfoxschung und Ewicklur;gspolitik: Ruhr-Universitaet Bochiun; Postfach 102148; 6430 Bochuirr; Federal Repubkc of Geraray, Tel: 0234/7002418 Record nufnber (MFN): 04633 Official project title: TIME-BUDGET-JTILiZATION OF RURAL HOUSEHOULDS IN SOUTH-BENIN_ Implementing agencfy Unrversitaet Kadsruhe- Start date: 1990-08-00. Erd date: 1993-02-00. Country/countries: Benin: Statement of objectives/abstract: In srnatolder fanning systems the utilizaton of tare devoted to farning. domesbc, non4farmng and other activties is of cnucsa riportace in assuring self-sufficiency and well-being of rural households. In corsideration of interactions between rural households and the socioecononic and agro-ecoiogicai settings the p.oject investigates the daily activity programnmes of all household mernbers in order to reveal bottlenecks as weH as leeway for change.. Cornact in research organizabon: Anke r-igbers; Institut fker Regionahwssenschaft Uriversitaet Kariruhe; Postfach 6980: 7500 Karlsruhe; Federal Republic of German; T*el 0721/6082365 Record ninber (MFN): 04635 Official project title: THE EFFECT OF TANNINS ON NUTRIENT DIGESTIBIUlY AND ANIMAL PERFORMANCE IN SMALL RUMINANTS. hnplerrng agency. lkiverstaet Hohernhen- Start &ate: 1991-00-0. Gotritri/countries: A..ica; Benwr; Niger Nigena: Statemere of objectivestabstract The aim of the intended studies is to quaitfy the effect of tarns on the digestibility of the nutrens of the feed. on the feed intge and on the anmial performance. Contact in research organi : Prof. Dr. H.4 MAueler. Pr. DoZ Dr. A Susebeft. Dr. H. Steingass Institut fuer Twerreeting, Urversitaet Hoheemd: Posffach 700562 (450); 7000 Stutgart 70' Federal Republic of Gernany 251 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN;. 04637 Official project title: ECOLOGICAL SIDE-EFFECTS OF TSETSE CONTROL IN CENTRAL AND NORTHERN fVORY COAST. Implementing agency: Universrtaet des Saadandes Start date: 1991-01-.T. End date: 1992-12-31. CountTy'countries: Cote d7voire: Statement of oblectivesiabstract: Ecotox;cotogical risks of tsetse control. mainly side-effects on non-target organisms in relation to the vanous pesticides in use, have been extensivefy studied in recent years. Envronmmentally sound control strategies are now available and - at least locally - in practice. However, the impact of tsetse control on land-use systems remanis a ma-tte of discussion. The pt aectairrs at analyzing the role of tsetse control as a trigger for haianges in lnd-use systems and concomitant negative environmentaf effects (e.g. dearadaton. erosion) as compared to synergistic causes (socioeconomic. cultural and demographical factors) whi indepencartly contriute to a sni4ar developrern. Ultinately. land-use deveopment pans as well as cornservation strategies for sensitie and vulnerable ecosystems wil be ou4tlned in order to develop and strengthen sustainable land-use systems which mitigate regative environrmental co-seque,ces. Contact n research organization: Prof. Dr. Drs,h c P.MWiler. Prnv Doz. Dr. P. Nagel. Dr. W. E-delen. Dr. R. Peveing: histU fuer BKogeographie: Zentrum fier Uniweltforschuiq OeKotedwnlogische Task-Force. Unr&ersitaet des Saarlandes 6600 Saarbruecken.: Federal Republic of Germany.: Tel: 06897798-100(143.144): Fax: 06897T798155: Telex 6817533 unts Record rnber (MFN): 04639 Official project title: CONDITtONS FOR DEVELOPING NON FARM PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES IN RURAL AREAS OF AFRiCA A COMPARISON OF YATENGABURKINA FASO AND EXTREME-NOPOCAMEROUN. Imrpemern agencw Uroversitaet Frnkfwt. Startdate: 1990-02-00 End date: 1992-07-00 Gantry/counIries: Afnca: Burlna Faso: Carerron: Sta"temnt ot obfefabstoct The pro,ed anaysis botI he impact of economic poicy and insttos on the nabofn stae level and of socil organisatio on the bcalfregaorna stte leiie in d deere regonal anrd ec c eriv;i nls (Burkia Faso. Canercinw) Contact in resear&i orrarzaiwon: Prd. Dr. E.W. Schr kIst kuer Wwtscnafts- und Sozeapograie: 252 SPAAR Information System Universitaet Franidurt Dantestr. 9: 6000 FrarkfurtMain 1; Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: 069f7982325 Record number (MFN): 04641 Official project titic: EVALUATION OF PRODUCTIVITY OF LOCAL HAiR SHEEP POPULATIONS AND INTRODUCTlON OF HIGH YIELDING GENETIC MATERIAL THROUGH CROSSBREEDING. ImpLenenting agencry Institute of Animai Research. Cameroon. Startdate: 990-10-00- Enddate: 1994-09-00- Countrylcountnes: Cameroon: Statement of objectvesabsrarft The objectives of dte project are: (1) systematic test of bca hair sheep populations of humid tropical locations for tter productive perfommance: and (2) simnulaneous inprovement in reproduction and growth under the local farm conditons ii West Africa thro4igh crossirg among the high yielding strains. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. P. Horst Institut fuer Terproduktion; Technsche Universitaet Berlin: Lentzeadee 75: 1000 Berlin 33: Federal Repubiic of Germany Tel (030) 314-71 321 Record number (MFN): 04642 Official project tile: DEVELOPMENT OF BREEDING METHODS FOR IMPROVED UTILIZATION OF LOCAL GENE RESOURCES IN POULTRY FOR IMPROVING THE PRODUCTMITY OF LVESTOCK AND PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN IN CAMEROON. Inmpernenting agency: institute of Animal Research: Cameroon. Start date- 1991-04-00. End date: 1993-03-00. Country,tountrvs: Came-oon: Slatement of obrtesi'abstract: The obectives of the project are: (1) efficiency test of the loal chicken uwder statbon and srall hokder conditions: (2) deveioprnt of optimn gene combinaton soaWe for topical codtiom wth a medium sized high yielding ke for imrovng the produtve adaptabilty: (3) sageicance of heterosis cmponents and them modiation ftrgh naked neck gene: and (4) developent of breeig stategies for Wmprovig the genetc potential and effiency of production of fovA in the rual sector. Contact in research organization: Ptof. Dr. P. Horst Insthtut ter Tirwprdukion: Tediscte U r_ v"silaet Berlin: Len$zealee 75: 1000 Berlin 33: Federal eptipic of Germany Tel (030) 253 SPAAR Inlmition System 314-71321 Record number (MFN): 04643 Official pro,ect tiPe: INVESTIGATIONS ON SIGNIFICANCE OF MAJOR GENES FOR BREEDING OF LAYERS AND BROILERS IN TROPICAL LOCATIONS (CAMEROON). implementing agency: Instittit of Animal Research: Cameroon StaW date: 1990-01-00. End date 1994-12-00. Country/countnes: Cameroon: Statemert of cbjectives/abstract Cornmercial fowl show a sharp reduction of performnance due to poor thermoregulation. specfic maor genes car, wrove adaptability by rifhier.cg mophoblical appearance and physiobgcal pattens. The project would: (1) iroduce genes to high yieldikg poulry lines: (2) identily special breedug methods suiable for different tropical conns: and (3) detewmrie the best adaptable breedimg methods for different tropical en'w.ronments under mediwm size and srial farm condits. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. P. Horst Institut tuer Tierproduckon: Technesche Urversitaet BeWlin: Lentzeallee 75: 1 000 Berin 33: Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: (030) 314-71321 Record nunber (MFN): 04644 Official project ttle: SIGNIFICANCE OF ROTATIONAL CROSSBREEDING FOR IMPROViNG PRODUCTIVE ADAPTABILITY OF PiGS AT TROPICAL LOCATIONS (CAMEROON). Implnting agency: Institute of Animal Research: Cameroon. Start date: 1990-10-00 End date: '994-09-00. Countrylcruntnes: Carneroon: Statement o' objectwvesabstract The ob,ectives of the protet are: (1) uthzation of genetic effects of hetercsis through rotational breeding for inprovernent in perfance wh respect to reproductive, fatternig and carcass quaiwty- and (2) evoution of animals for marketbig oriented production techniques- Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. P. Horst Institut fue Tierprodution: Tedhnie Universitael Berlin: Lentzealee 75: 1000 Berlin 33: Federal epip,lic of Germany Tel: (030) 314-71321 _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - 254 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04646 Official project title: THE EFFECT OF STRATEGIC SUPPLEMENTARY FEEDING ON GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION OF NDAMA CATTLE. Implementing agency: Justus von Liebig Urnversitaet Giessen Startdate: 1986-00-00. Enddate: 1992-000. Country/countries: Guinea; Statem nent of objectves/abstract Supplementary feeding of crop residues and pouftry manure during the dry or ra!ny seasons to different classes of stock (cows. calves. heifers and bults) was evaluated on a station in Central Guinea over a penod of two years. The results are currently analysed Contact in research organzatbon. Prof. Dr. J. Sreirbach: Dept. of Livestock Ecooy LudwiKstr. 21: 6300 Giessen; Federal Repubic GermanylUr. Alseny Diaby. Mr. Jacaues Souma: Direction Natiorale de VElevage: Conakry; Gumnea Record numnbfer IMRJ): 04648 Official project title: UNVLtERSITY ENVIRONMENTAL UNKAGE: RANGE DEVELOPMENT AND CAMEL STUDItES. Implemerting agency: Justus von Liebig Urnvers,taet Giessen. Startdate: 1991-10-00. Enddate: 1995-09-00. Courry/coutries: Nigeria. Statement of objectvesiabstract: The project aims at supporting the Sokoto envronmental prograrnm through staff and curriculum development and unpovement of the research facilties at the University cf Sokoto and by development-related apohed and adaptive research in the project ar6a. Contact in research organization: Dr. H.P. Zerfas: Dept. of Livestock EcoIoW, University Giessen: Ludwijstr. 21: 6300 Giessen: Federal Repuiic of GermanyOr. Dogara Bashwu Faculy of Agculture. Sokoto University Sokoto: Nigena Record nunber (MFN): 04653 Officiat proect title: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TREE GROWTI-. TREE NUTRITIN AND SITE IN TECTONA GRANDIS PLANTATION IN WEST ARIC. Iplerrenting agency: Unesae Bayreth-. 255 SPAAR Intoimario System and/or groundwater influence ecological conditons of Uftolsd Contact in research organization: Prof Dr. H.P. Blume: Institut fuer Pflinzenernaehrung und Bodenkunde: Universtaet Kiel: Olshausenstr. 40. 2300 Kiel: Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: 0431i8802503 Record number (MFN): 04656 Official project ttle- LITHO ANf3 PEDOGENESE OF SOIL CATENAS IN THE HUMID TROPICS, Implementing agency: Universtaet Kiel. SWar date: 1990-10-00. End date: 1991 -00- Country4ountres: Nujma: Statement of objectivestabstract: Investigation of the chemical and mineralocia structures of two different soil catenas in a gneiss ladcape in South-West Nigena Soi classification and genests. Contact in research crgan;zahon: Prof. Dr. H.P. Boine: Institut fuer Pflrzenemraehrung und Bodenkundce: Unwersiaet Kiel: 0shauserstr. 40: 2300 Kiei Federal Reptblic of Gennany: Tel: 043188i25030r. T.A. Okosami; Dept. of Soi Science. IFE: NigeriaProl. Dr. F Aiaily: Fachgebiet Bodenkunde: TUJ Berlin: Federal Republic of Germuany Record nuwber (MFN): 04657 Offcial project title: EFFECTS OF DUST DEPOSITES AND MICROVARIABIUTY ON EDAPHiCAL SITE CONDITIONS WiTH REGARD TO SEMI-ARID AND SUB-HUMID LOCATIONS IN WEST AFRICA. implementinm agency: Universitaet Hohenheim. Start date: 1985-)G-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Africa: Beri. N,ger: Statement of objectrves/abstracr The objectives of the project are to: (1) assess the reginai distrtiution of dust deposites in SW-Niger and Benin and their influence on sodi fertly (2) find out the interrelations between sod properties and pead millet growth; and (3) monitor sod cienical changes in soi during a rainy season. Contact in research organization: Tropenzentrum: Universitaet r*ohnhteir; Schwertzstr. 33: 7000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic Germany; Tel: 0711/4593201: Telex: 722959 unilTA; Benin Station: P.O. Box 06-2523: Cotonou: Peoples Repubic of BeninOCRISAT; Centre 257 SPAAR Irformabon System Sahelien: B.P. 12 404; Niarmey, Niger Record number (MFN): 04658 Official proet title: RURAL FINANCING SYSTEMS AND AGRICULTURAL PRICE POLICY IN SUPPORT OF INNOVATIONS. FIL1: THE RURAL HOUSEHOLDS FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAL AND INFORMAL RNANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ANALYSED IN THE PROVINCE OUEME IN THE PEOPLES REPUBUC OF BENIN. F22: AGRICULTURAL PRICE POLICY AND !TS EFFECTS ON PRODUCTION. INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT. Implementing agency: Universitaet Hohenheim. Start dale: '987-00-. End date: 1993-00-00. Countrylcountres: Benin: Statement of objectiveslabstract: F2. 1: The objective of the study is to analyse the requirements of a functioing rural finacial system including the formal and informal financial sector. F2.2: In two regions of Benin with different agro-ecological. socio-ecnomir, and institutional settings the dominating farming systems are investgated and reproduced in LPF-models These models allow to analyse effects of pnce poiojy measures on the different farmr types. Shgle farm reactons. as wel as agregated effects on empboym inoome and income distribution. etc. are estimated. An empvhasis is gren to the relabon between food and cash crops and the comparson o. the regions. Contact in research organization: Tropenzentrunm: Universitaet Hohenheim; Schwertzstr. 33:7000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic of Germany; Tel: 071114593201: Telex: 722959 uniho-dDRA; B.P. 884: Cotonou: Benin Reord number (MFN): 04659 Offici project tite: REDUCTiON OF CLOSTRIDIOSIS RELATING TO PRODUCTIVE UVESTOCK THROUGH SUPPLEMENTARY FEEDING OF FORAGE PLAN1 S CONTAINING TANNUNS. implementing agency: Universtaet Hohenheim- Start date: 1965-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Courtrylcountries: Benin: Staterent of objectives/abstract The effect of plant species containing tanrnins on the tenacity of different bacteria spp- (eg. Salmonella typhirnuriun, S. senfterberg. Escherichia coli. Clostridium per rngens) was eucidated. Trials were made in physiological saline solmtion and n a rurnenr4luid4mediun under anaerobic cordtons. The results obt.ined show that wih miutes the tenacity of Clostndium pedringens can be reduced by some of the tested plant material not only in physiological saline solubon but also mi 258 SPAAR Informafion Systern rumen-fluid-nedium. The tenacity of the germregafive bacteria speces was only sfiEtIy affected The results indicate that the reaction of some vegetable tannins and Clstridiun perfringens germs is a specific one and could be used in controllg dieases caused by Ciostndium perfringers. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. W. Mueller Tropenzentrum; UniSersitaet Hohenheim; Schwertzstr. 33: 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of Germany: Tel: 0711/4593201; Telex- 722959 uniho-dILCA, P.O. Box 5689: Addis Abeba, EthiopiaDRA; B.P. 884; Cotonou; Benin ITTA; Benin Station: P.O. Box 04-0088: Cotonou; Ber,in Record ntznber (MFN): 04660 Official project title: IMPORTANCE OF SPONTANEOUS VEGETATION AND BIOTIC UMrATION FACTORS IN TRADITIONAL CROPPING SYSTEMS AT A SUB-HUMID SITE. Impiementing agency: Urtversitaet Hohenhem. Stat date: 1985-00-00. End date: 1993-00-0. Country/countnes: Benin: Statement of objectives/abstract: Assessme of weed problems as basis for wnproved weed management strategies under special consideration of Impenta cylioica and for beneficial woody (fallow) species. Contact in research organization: Tropenzentrum: Universitaet Hoheriheim; Schwertzstr. 33; 7Q000 Stuttgart 70: Federal Republic Germary: Tel: 0711/4593201; Telex: 722959 undITA: Benin Statbon; P.O. Box 04-08: Cotonou: Benin Record nutmber (MFN): 04661 9fficial proet tite: THE ROLE OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCE IN MAINTAINING SOIL FERTIUTY OF DIFFERENT SITES IN SOUTH BENIN. .mplementing agency Universitaet Honenheim. Start date: 1985-00-00. End dale: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Benimn Statemernt of objecties/abstract The objecive of the project is the swvey of water and nutrient supply. especially the behavur of organc matter content under different cropiMg systems on reoresentative soi types in South Benin. The ain is to develop alterte cropping systems. that alow permanent crop prodicton with irut. Contact in research organizaton: 259 SPAAR Inforrnation System Universilaet Hohenheim; Tropenzentrum: Schwertzstr. 33: 7000 Stuttgart 70: FedeW Republc of Germany; Tel: 071114593201: Telex: 722959 uniho-dIITA: Benin Station: P.0- Box 04-0088: Cotornou: Benin Record number (MFN): 04665 Official project tftle: INVESTIGATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT OF SITE ADAPTiVE AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS. Implementing agency: Unwersiaet Bayreutth. Start date: 1990-04-00. End date- 1992-00-00O Countryqcountres: Togo: Statemernt of objevesIastract Measurermen of root shoot and total competition in aley cropping with Glircidia sepium. Cassia siawea and Caflandra calioffTyrsus. Inflexe of soil tillage and organic matter application on root competition. Contact n research organization: Mr G. Schroth: Lehrstuhl Bodenkunde: Universitaet Bayreuth: Postfach 1012 51: 8580 Bayreuth: Federal Republic of Gerfmany Record number (MFN): 04669 Official project We: IMPACT OF THE MOST IMPOflTANT TREES FOR ALLEY-CROPPING ON SOIL FERTILITY PROPERnES IN THE IVORY COAST/WEST AFRICA_ Irrmplenting agerny: Universtaet Bayreuth- Start date: 1990-05-00. Erd date: 1991-00-00. Country/ccuntnes: C6te dcrvoire: Statement of objectivestabstract The soa urnder 10 species of 5 years old legumnmous trees and shnbs and natural tallow is corpared for fertilty parameters. input of organic matter is assessed and humus stability is measured by soil respiration and N-rnieralisation. Comparison of root mass and drisnbution Contact n research organizahon: Prof. Dr. W. Zech. G. Schroth. D. Kobe, Lehrsthl fuer Bodenriude: twUersitaet Bayreuth: Postfach 101251: 8580 Bayreuth: Federal Repubic of Germany Record nurmber (MFN): 04675 Offcil proecta tre: WEST AFRICA: POST HARVEST LOSSES OF RICE. 260 SPAAR Infornation System Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD) Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: Ur'ted Kingdom: Africa; Nigeria; Statement of objectives/abstract The objective of the project is to reduce losses and inprove the qualfty of locally produced nice in order to promote its acceptance and saie on a competitive basis into the urban markets. Contact in research organization: Mr. P. Ciarke: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue, Chatham Martime; Chathamn Kent ME4 4TB. United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 26390718 Record number (MFN): 04688 Official project ite: INVESTIGATIONS ON STACKBURN IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICKA Implementing agency: Overseas Devebpment Admrinistation (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-12-31. Country/countres: United Kingdom: Global: Portugal; Ghana Zinbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider objective of this project is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of grain stock.To determine the conditions under which stackbum develops and recommend procedures for its controdThe inmediate objectrves are:To identify the causes of stackbum:To determine the relatiorshi beteen sack material and stackbumr:To examine methods for minwitsing stackbumrnTo develop management strategies for bagged maize and.To disseminate the stratecies. Contact in research organization: Mr P.S. Tyler: Natuwal Resources Institute: Central Aveue; Chathan Maritime: Chatharn: Ket ME4 4TB: Unied Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066J77: Telex 263907/8 Record n-umber (MFN): 04696 Official proect btte: THE IMPACT OF WEED MANAGEMENT ON REGULATION OF RICE INSECT PESTS BY NATURAL ENEMES IN WEST AFRICA. Implernenting agency: Overseas DevebpTent Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1994-04-01 End date: 1997-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom: C6te dlvoire: Statement of objectivesabstract: 261 SPAAR Inforrnaton System The project will design weed management strategies for uplad rice cropping systerns in West Africa which reduce weed competin to evels unacceptable to farmers and smnutaneousty oprmise regulabon of insect pests by natural enernies.The wider objectives of the project are:To determinie the effects of weed mawagement strategies on the natural enemyfinsect pest complex in uplad rice cropping systems;To determine management options for weeds which MIso opbmise natural enemy regulation of insect pests in upland nce in West Afnca.The immediate objecives are:To identfy the principle predators of important insect pests and determine factors in te crop/weed which effect their abundance: To quantify the impact of predators on insect pest populations in specified upland nce croppwig systems: To elucidate the relative effects of different weed densities on both yield loss due to competition with the crop and yded grain due to enhanced natural enemny relation of insect pests: To determine the effects of a range of weed management strategies on nsect pest/natural enemy populations and on subsequernt crop loss Contact in research organrzation: Dr. A Russel-Smith: Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatharn Marime: Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom. Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04699 Oficifal pfoiect title: IMPROVEMENTS TO RURAL OILSEED PROCESSING IN AFR1CA_ irmplementing agency: Overseas Develbpment Administration (NRRD). Slat date: 198904-01. End date: 1995-031. Country/countries: United Kingdom:: Africa: Ghana: Staternent of objectives/abstract. The wider objectives of the project are- To develkp suitable procedures and equiprent to allow maxirum utlisation of edible nut and oilseed resources: To inprove the nutrtional status of rural popu'abons: To increase national export earnings andior reduce imnpot requirernents of this comnmodty group. The imnediate objectrves are: To colect information on oilseed processing by women (fosig on grouriuts). to reduce labour inputs. increase oil yields and gwerate higher ircome: To charactense user groups. ;deptifying constrawts and resources: To consider scope for adoption of zechnologies Used elsewhere in Africa which may be attractive to women users: To use infomaeion cofl)eted frcm the above to develop rrmanual extraction procedures to increase ol yields and reduce labour nputs. Contact in research organization: Dr. R. V Hams/ Mr A Swetna/ Mr TW Hammonds; Natural Resources Istitute: Central Avenue; Chatham Marmime; Chatham; Kent ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04701 262 SPAAR Information System Official project tile: EVALUATPON OF PLANTNG SPACED TREES IN CULTIVATED FIELDS ON VERT9SOUC SOiLS UNDER LOW RAINFALL WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOIL CONDMONS AND CROP YIELD. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Adrninistraion (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-04-30. Country/countries: United Kingdom: Nigera Statemerit of objectiveslabstract: The objectives of this project are: 1) To elicit farmer preferences for particular tree species. tree attributes wdhin speces and tree plantingiretention strategies on cultivated 'and in the region. 2) To determine critefia used to value tree products where they are exchanged. in relation to an assessment of their variability and key characteristics. 3) To develop. by combination o. above. guidelines wor adoptable tree planting strategies on cuitNated land in terms of - selection of sites, tree species and individlual trees for plantng - arrangemnt methrod and time of planting - prionties for production from established trees. 4) Evalution of the effects of maintaining high densibes of selected indigenous tree species on cultivated iand on physical and chemical soil properties. including water infiltration and penetration. 5) Quantitative evaluation of the competitive effects of the same trees on water and nutrient use in an inteorated tree-crop system comparing water use efficiency of individual componerts and the svstem as a whole with monocultural altematves. 6) Evaluation of the impact of managing tree leaf area through pruning on water use, nutrient release. tree and crop pductivity and sod charactenstics. 7) Quantitative evaluation of the time course of production and the distribution of above and below ground biomass for spaced trees of different species in relation to: - objectives 4. 5. and 6 - the develpmnent of criteria for evaluating mulipurpose trees for farm use. 8) Develop effirient tree establishment techniques utilising a broader range of provenances and species for areas of vertisolic soils subject to long periods of water-togging 9) Disseninate the results of this research and other relevant information on the conservation and use of indigenous woody species in this region. Contact in research organization: h4r. H.L Wright Programme Manager Forestry Research Programme: Uniersity of Oxford: Halfax House: 6 South Parks Road: Oxford. OX1 3UB: United Kingiomn: Tel 0865 271036: Fax 0865 271035: Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXMr. F.L. Sinctair Universdy of Wales. Bangor: Bangor Gwyredd: Wales LL57 2DG: United Kingdom: Tel 0248 351151: Fax 0248 36 429: Telex 61100 UCNWSL G Record nunber (MFN): 04707 Official project title: SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGIES FOR SMALL FARMERS. hpementing agency: Overseas Devebpment AdmniJistrato (NRRD). Start date: 1991-04-00. End date: 1994-00. Country/countries: Uinited Kngdom: GbbaL Kenya: Nepal: Nieia: 263 SPAAR Information System Statemerit of object/ves/abstract The objectives of the project are: To investigate opportunities for ands constraints on smal farmer orientated biotechnog in collaboration wi inolved supply and demand side instihutions and improve the availabdity of quantitative socio-economic data.o raise rmall farmer income and weffare by improving ther access to agricuttural biotechnology (BT), and promotng the idenflication and delivery of BT products which are appropriate to their needs.To improve availability of socieconomnic data relevant to identification and delivery of sial farmer orientated biotechnologies (BTs) by undewakig CASE Studies n collaborabion with public and pivate sector, developed and developing country institutns. focusing on: NEEDS assessments using participatory approaches to evaluate demand for selected BTs by small faurners and socio-ecornomic factors lkely to inflence eir sustairable adoption: IMPACT assessments of selected BTs to evaluate i) social and economic costs and benefits for small farmers. ii) rates of rettun on projects to deliver BT products to ftm. To ident*y through the case studies institutional. resource and inorrnation constraints on addressing small farmer demand for BT including. i) integration wdh existing research. extension and irput deWvery infrastructure, is) approaches to poblic-private sector coflaboration especially itelectual property management. To estabhsh a flow of informntion on the economics and development irpacts of BTs between case study partiipants. To draw on case study experience to assess and recommnend i) specific TC-funrided initiatives to address small farmer demand for BT. ii) NRUCODA policy optons to promote application of BT to smaNl farmer neeas- Contact in research organization: Mr S Joffe: Natural Resources Instute: Central Avenue: Chathan Maritime: Chatharn: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Khgdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066(77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): C4720 Offici project title: AFRICA REGIONAL A COM1PARATIVE STUDY OF THE PRODUCTIVITY OF TRADITIONAL TREECROPS AND INTROQJCED MULTIPURPOSE TREES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE EFFECTS ON ASSOCIATED CROPS - A CASE STUDY Implementing agency: Overseas Develpment Adnmistration (NRRD)- Start date: 1991-05-01. End date: 1994-04-30. Courtry/countnes: United Kingdom: Cameroon: Statement of obtectivesiabstract The objctives of this project are: To inprove the ecolbgical and agonomic aspects of buffer zone agroforestry. The identibcation of ways of reforopping in partially cleared forests so as to conservudncrease tree cover.The preparation of design and nanaaement gide-liies for buffer zone agr' --stry. citeria relating to choice or understorey species. and the selection of rassg fruit and nut speces of local importance. 264 SPMR Iniormation System Contact in research organization: Mr. H.L Wright Pogramme Manager; Forestry Research Programme; University of Oxford. Halifax House, 6 South Parks Road; Oxforct OXI 3UB; United Kingdom: Tel 0865 2710367; Fax 0865 271035: Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXDr. S.M Newman: Fountain Renewable Resources Limited; The Bel Tower; t2 Hiah Street; Brackley: Northamptonshire; NN13 5DT; United Kingdom; Tel 0280 705700: Fax 0230 706700; Telex 9312102202 G Record number (MFN): 04726 Official project titte: IDENTIFtCATION AND MONITORING OF AFR,'CAN WEATHER REGIMES - PHASE I WEST AFRICA. nImplementing agency: Overseas Deveboprnert Adrninistration (NRRD). Startdate: 1993-10-01. Enddate: 1994-03-31. Country/countnes: United Kingdom; Africa: Ghana; Gambia. Statemrent of objectives/abstract- The wider obiectives of the project are:To develop a methodowy that can be used to !mprove short to long-term forecasng of weater/kmate regies that have a significant effed on aa.c tue in Africa, with the aim of helping famers increase agricuitural productiv'tvy:o develop an efficient and effecte means of ientifying and monitoring weather regimes will be developed using sate:'e-derved data, supplemented by surface data and lge-scale model outtsxTc disseninate results to end-users through national meteorological departments and more mideely through publications in the scientfic titerature.The immediate obtectives are:To devebp methods for identifying and monitoring synoptic and regional scale weather regions over Afica and assess how they can be app ie localy in AfricaTo iwvestigate synoptic-and larger-scale movements of the lTC2 over sub-Saharan West Africa and thew interactions with surface and uper level synoptc disturbances;To identify changes of the ITC2 characterstrc of wet and dry seasons to irnprove understancir of difference between such seasons Contact in research organization: Mr. M.R. Tucker; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maantime: Chatham. Kent: ME4 4TB; United Kxgdom Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04727 Official p.oject title: GHANA: EFFECT OF CUMATE AND SOL ON DISTRIBUTION AND REGENERATIObN OF T1MBER TREES Implementing agency: Overseas Develoi nert Adknnstration (NARD). Start date: 1992-01-01. End date: 1994-12-31. 265 SPAAR Informadon Systerr Coutryticountries: Urnted Kingdom: Ghana: Statement of obectwesabstract The obiective nf the project is to examine the influence of drouLta apd soil fertdit on seedfins of a varetv of timber tree species and to reWe this to thew reiene-ation and distribution in Ghara s fore zo.ne. Contact in researdbd oraanrzatiKn: Mr H L. Wriaht Pr "ramrne Manaaer: Forestri Pesearc& Procramme. University of Oxford. Harifax House. 6 South Parks R -ad: Oxford: OXI 3UB. United K#ncjdom: Tel 9865 271036. Fax 0865 271035. Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXDr M.D. Swairme: University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen: Scotland A89 1 FX: Tel 0224 2'72000. Fax 022A -487Wd: Telex 7i358 Record number rMFNi: 47N37 Officiaf Dreoect title: EFFECTS OF PROCESSING ON DISTRIBUTION AND DESTRUCTION OF MYCOTOXINS. Irirentnrg agencv Overseas Devecornent Ardmnisratiion 'NRRDi. Sart' date. 1992-0dA-0. ErSd date 1995-03-30 CCnt scctrtr~:es: Ulrtred Kirdor: Africa: Ghana Nigena. Staterneft of o 'esabsc The c,ectNes of i4 Drxopect are: To leterine the extent and ditr-butirn of ,cotoxwrs in cereal ard culse based processed fecds: To inveSfrsate the effects of roessr )eth on e destructin ard distrt,utior of rnvctxrws. Contaict r reseasir orwzatNcf: Dr B D Joes: Natural Rescurces tIstitute: Ceptal Aoenue: Cha atnMane: Cat;harm Ketr ME4 dTlR United K(iiorn: Tel %63A 88008: Fax 0634 8800W6677: Telex 263907 8 Record rw ;nr UMFNi: 017,39 Offcai oroject titWe. CAUSES. EFFECTS AND CONTROL OF BIODETERHORATION. hnpierrlent aoenc: Overseas DeveiopTw Amniaon (NRRD). Sat date: 9?2-4-1 End date: 1995-03-31 Contyfcouritnes: Ur*ed Ktuoin. Gbbat kia& Horkmas. Ghana- Statemen of *ceiwsabsact The wide ob1ectlves of this propect are:To reduce usman health risks due to rifo#oxris-To Trrrce the *al of cereals acld pses. reJduce bsses and mprove eernngs.The wreRdate obecfres are-To assess Ue ecmom icrextar of tiodlea noat0 of cereals and pulses to resouce poor famers in West Afica ard 266 SPAAR Information Systemn Incia and defwne properties flor research.To identify causes and effects of biodetesioation oi West Africa nrce.To determine enrironentaL, physical, chemical and biokigca factors associated wit toxin productio by Fusanum and Altemnana in maize and sorghum-To define deterwoation and quality criteria attriutble to ditenical changes in grains-To provide recommendations for the control of biodetenoration in specific cereals- Contact in research organization: U~s. S. Phillips: Nattzal Resources Instue:- C-entral Avenue: Chatham Maritime.- Chaftam: K ent ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 88C08: Fax 0634 880066,77: Telex 26_3907'8 Record number (.MFN): 04743 Olficia proiec title: CONTROL OF SOIL ACIDITY IN AGROFDRESTRY. Impolementing agency. Overseas Development Aaministration iNRRD)+ Start date: 1991-07-01. End date 1-994-06-30. Couritrylcounrtnes: United Kingdom: Africa:- Burundi: Zamnbta: Carrmeroon; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the project is to ameliorate the sodl ac;ddy effect with resxdues of tree-s or manure. It is expected that fte decornposition produicts of the organic mnaterials wil bind ahuminmur-n and decrease Ots phytoloxicity. The- process will bea -no*deIed so as to facilitate Its application to other regions Field experiments set up en Zambia. BawLidi and Cameroon wil be made to lesi th model comprehensively. C)ntac in research oroanizatier: W. H.L_ Wrigjht Programme MAanager. Forestry Research Prograrnhe: Univers,:ty of Oxford: Halifax House: 6 South Parks Road: Oxford: OX I 3IJB: United Kingdom: Tel 0865 2710367:- Fax 0865 27i1035: Te4ex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXDr. M_ Wong andJ Professo R.S. Swift Urvirwsity of Readizg- WhiteknKghts. P.O. Box 217:- PReadiq. Berkshire: United K'nadom: RG6 2AH: Tel 0734 8775123. Fax 0734 314404: etelx 847813 Record number (M4FN): 047i531 Official project Wite: DRAUGHT ANIMALS FOR PRODUCTION~fEEDING AND WORI(ING STRATEGIES FOR DfIAUGHLT ANIMAl_S kementuigN agency: Overseas Deve~ioiemt Admisratio (NRRD). Start dkite I1991-04-01, Enid date: 1993-03-31. Coonw-Akurtries: United Ksigdom: Gkobal. Nepal. Colombi l\ger. Ngeia: Indocnesia Ravce: Morocco: Chile: Stalernr of objectrcstabstract 267 SPAAR Information System The objectbves of the project are to provide inforrnation to assist researchers and extension agents to provide appropnrate advice to fanners The aim is to help people make decisions on the type of anima5s v#hicii are best sudted to their particular needs. and the most appropriate way of feeding and working them. given the local feed resources and implements available, the climatic condrbos prevailing and the tdlaae and transport requirements needed. Contact in research organization: Dr- R. Anne Peatson: Centre for Tropical Veternnary Medicine: University of Edinburgh: Easter Bush: Roslin: Mtdolthtan: EH25 9RG: Unrted Kingdom: Tel 031 445 2001 Fax 031 445 5099: Telex 727442 (UNIVED G) Record number (MFN)- 04761 Official project title: STORAGE OF CEREALS BY PASTORALfSTS. Imnplemerning agency: Overseas Deseopment Admirisration (NRRO), Start date: 1992-401. End date: 1994-11 -00. Counitryicoutrtes: United Kingdom: Africa: Niger. Mali: Kerya: F-thopea: Nigeria: Staterent of objec ives/abstract The wider objective of this project is 'to mprove the quality of seed avadable to small-scale farmers at Planting time. The imneediate objecwes are: To dentify the distrnbution methods. selection conditg and storage practices of seed used by small-scale farmers. To denify three farmer groups wiere seed quality problems ocacr At least two clmnatialy different situations wi be addressed. Tc set up three pdot projects to test improved seed quality from harvest to plnting. To disseminae resuits and prnciples of seed storage to projects working in this i:eld. Contact in research organization: Mr. T. Donaidson. Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chaftam Maritime: Chatham: Kent ME4 4TB: Unmted Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 88006677: Telex 263907/81r- D. Seddon. School of Develbpment Studies: Universiy of East Angha: Norwic: NR4 TTJ: United Kingdomj)r J. Swdt Institute of Development Studies. Urwersitv of Sussex: Brigton: BN1 9RE: UnWted Kknxydom Record number (MFN): 047773 Official project tite: COOKING BANANAS AND PLANTAINS. inpnting agenLy Overseas Development Amirnistration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01 End date: 199-03-31. CoxTtrrcounlries: United Kwngdom: Global. Honduras Ugarda Mgeri: France: Statemert of objectives/abstract$ The wider objectives of this project are:To mciease horticultural crop production 268 SPMR Information System and the availabildy of such crops and their products to blca ard export mrarkets.To support programmes of agricatural expansion into horticultural crops especially cooking baranas and pJantai&The irmmediate objectives are:To reduce post-harvest loss and improve utilisation of cooking bananas and pantains by evaluabon of supeior gernplasm. deveieping non-destructive qualty analysis. idenlicatin of factors influencing disorders and mechanical injuy.Characteri e the key properties of banana fnDt for acceptable prepared and processed products.To develop soc*-economic,qech$ical methods for research needs assessment in cooking banana plantain. Contact in research organization: Dr. S. Woodhead: Natural Resources urstitute: Central Avenue: Chatham Maritirne: Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 88006m77: Telex 263907/8 Record number (MFN): 0477 Official profect htle. BIODETERIORATION OF WEST AFRICAN RICE Implementing agency: Overseas Development Adnintstration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31 Country/countres: Unded Kingdom: Nigeria: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the project are: To assess the sWgnificance arnd magnitude of postharvest bsseos due to nhcroorgarusrms m- West African local produced rice: To reduce losses and improve nce quality. Contact in research organizahon: Mr. W.H. Tunins: Na'ural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chathan Maritime: Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066(77: Telex 26390718 Record number (MFN): 04782 Official project title: AN EXAMNATION OF DIOSCOREA SPP (YAM) FOR NEMATODE RESISTANCE. Irmplementng agency: Overseas Developet Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31 - Countryicountres: United Kingdorn; Africa: C6te dtoire: Nigera: Statement of objectives/abstract The wider ojectrves of fs project are:To improve the diet and ecexnomy of resource poor famners n yan growng regios of the wold (South and Ce-nral Amera W Afrca. India and the Paci)ic.To nx, bieng for pest and disease resistance in tropical crops by an increased tiandig of mechanisms of resistance.The 269 SPAAR Information System immediate objectives of the project are: To identify yam cutivars/somatic hybrids with nernatode resistance:To elucidate the mechanisms of resistance and:To liaise with yam breeders so that the outputs are used in improvement programmes. Contact in research organization: Dr. S. CowenlDr. D.E. Padghamn: Natural Resources Instrb..ie. Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime: Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77 Telex 2639017/8 LDN G Record number (MFN) 04783 Oftrcta! project tite: METHODOLOGIES FOR BETTER TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. Implementig agency: Overseas Developmnen Adcnstration (NRRD). Startdate: 1991-04-01. Enddate: 1994-03-31. Country/countnes: United Kingdom: Africa; Ghana.- Zanbia. Maiai: Statement of objectivesiabstract: The wider objectve of the project is to mcrease opportunities for enhancing natural resource productivity in developing countries through use of improved technologies. The imnmnediate objectve is to test. adapt and evalate approaches to improved tectnology dissemination. Contact in reseach organization: 1k. JP. Coouter: Natural Resources tnsttute: Central Avenue: Chathar. Maritime: Chattam: Kent ME4 4TB; United Kwgdomn: Tel 0634 8sa08&8 Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/18 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04804 Official project trtle: RESISTANCE MECHANISMS TO ANTHRAGNOSE IN YAMS. Implementng agency: Overseas Developnent Admniskration (NRRDJ Start date 1992-04-01 End date: 1995-03-31 Coutryicountries: United Kingdom: C6te cifvoire: Statement, of objectives;abstract: The wider objective of this project is to imprwove breedfig for resitac to yams thtoug the iridentication of resistance medc wss.The invnedate obietrves are:To idefy and quantdy antiwugal coVpouds in yams.To develop protocols for the extraction and electrophoresis of yam leaf proteis. Contact Po research organization: Dr. D.E. Padgam. Natural Resources Institute Central Avenue; Chatham Maritme: Chatham: Kerd: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880068: Fax 0634 88006677: Telex 26390718 LDN GDr S.H_ Mantel: Depar1ent of Agiculture. Horticutre 270 SPAAR Irformation System and the Environment: Wye Coflege; University of London; Ashford: Kent TN25 5AH: United Kingdom: Tel 0233 812401: Fax 0233 813140: Telex 94017832 WYECProf. TT. Bakary: Universite de Cote divoire: Facutte Des Sciences: 04 BP 322: Abrian 04: Cote d`lvoire: West Africa Record number (MFN): 04805 Official project title- STRIGA RESISTANCE IN RICE. tmplementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NPRDV) Start date: 1992-04-01. End date- 1995-03-31. Coutntry!countries: United Kingdom: C6te dlvowre: Staternent of objectives/abstract The wider objective of this project is to discover sources of reststance to Striga in nce-The imrediate obectives are:To determuie iderification of Striga spp on rice on Cote d ivoire.Investihate optimun conditons for Striga suseptibiy of rice cutivar groups species and wi;d relatives. Investigate Striga susceptbiity of nce cuilivar groups species and wild relatives. Examine host ranges of Striga samples from various geographic locations. Contact in research organization: Dr, D.E. Padgham: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatham Mariftie: Cbatham: Kent: ME4 4TB. United Ktingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. J. Terry / Dr. JA Badley AFRC knstitte of Arable Crops Research: Long Ashton Research Station: Bristol: BSI8 9AF: United Kingdom: Tel 0272 392181: Fax 0272 394007 Record number (MFN): 04830 Official project title: LABOUR INVESTMENT IN PERENNIAL CROP PRODUCTION. mplemrnenting agency: Overseas Development Arnministration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-11 -1 Erd date: 19954331. Country/countries: United Kngdom: Globat: Indonesia: Ghana Statement of objectrves/abstract The wider objectives of the project are: To improve the welfare of comnunities involved in smanholder perennial crop prodction: To improve the pokcy framework for smallko1ders inoved in pererwnal crop productJor. The immediate objectives are: To examine and revise a range of explanatory models of iKiWvidua and houseod decisio making in relation to agricltural hwesbnent, To relate existing decision-making models to irformation on smallxder investersnt patterns in perennial crops: To characterise rural abour markets and relate these to investment decsions: To develop policy optios reiatmg to the revised decision-making models. 271 SPAAR Informabcn System Contact in research organization: Mr. M. Blowfiekt Natral Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime: Chatwan: Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdom:; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04831 Official project title: INVESTMENT AND SURVIVAL STRATEGIES OF WOMEN. Irnplerenting agercy: Overseas Developrment Admn7istration (NRRD). Startdate: 1992-11-01. Erddate: 1995-03-31. Countrycountrnes: United Kngdom: Africa. Cameroon; Zarnbia: Statement of obtectivesiabstract: T1 e wider objective of the project is to improve the targeting of interventions to low-wcome women. The immediate objectives are: To provide informations on poor wvonen s prorities and constraints. and the process by which they decide how to invest (in particubar. their tabour): To develop concusios which assist in the targeting of interventios towards such women. Contact in research organization: MAs. A. Gordorn?s. C. OYReiUy : *aturat Resouces Institute: Central Avenue: Chathan Marntime: Chatham: Kent ME4 4TB: Urited Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 8800661T7. Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (WN): 04834 Official project title: POST-HARVEST ASSESSMENT OF ROOT AND TUBER CROP STORAGE. Impem entng agency: Overseas Devebpment Adnministration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995403-31. Country/countries: Un ited Kingdom: GlobaL Uganda: Nigeria; Bangladesh; Peru: Colombia- Ghana: Nepal: Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider objectives of the project are: To reduce qualtative and quantitative post-harvest losses of fresh and processed roots and ubers: To improve the welfare of farmers and the rural poor. incuig root crop procesors and cosmrs, To eance the health status of rta poor twough wireased quantity and quality of root foods: To expand market outlets for rresh and prooessed roots. The imneciate objectives of the project are- To evaluate the post-harvest biochemical and physioical characters of fresh and processed roots: To define quawty attixes aid their economic. nutritio and sociogocal inportn to farmers. processors and consumers: To develop inproved technies to extend the storage lfe of fresh 'roots and tubers: To review the opportunies for the intervention of biotenolica rnethods to reduce qal and quantive post-harvest losses 272 SPAAR Information System of fresh roots. Contact in research oraanization: Dr. N. Poulter: Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime: Chatham; K'nt: ME4 4TB; United Kingdeom; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 80066/7: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04845 Officic project title: LOCAL APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES (LARST) FOR FORESTRY MANAGEMENT. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Adrninistration (NRRD}. Start date: 1992-10-01. Erd date: 1994-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom: Global: C6te d'tvoire: Indonesia; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the protect is to produce a calibrated, easy--ouse forest fre risk. forest fire monitoring and forest stale monftorng system based on local receptioni and processing of NOAA satellite data. Contact in research organization: Mr. H.L Wright Programme Manager: Forestry Research Programme: UniversAy of Oxford: Ha6ifax House: 6 South Parks Road: Oxford: OXI 3UB; United Kinrdomt T el 0865 271036; Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOfOXXDr. J-B. Williarms: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatam Maritime; Chafam: Kent ME4 4TB: United Krngdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04858 Official project title THE FEEDING BEHAVIOUR OF CICADULiNA, VECTOR OF MAIZE STREAK VIRUS DISEASE ON RESISTANT AND SUSCEPTIBLE MAiZE GENOTYPES. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRED). Start date: 1991-04-01. End date: 1994--31. Country/comtries: United Kingdom: Africa: Nigeri: Uganda: Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider obective is to reduce the spread of maize virus disease (ISSVD).The imedate objectives are:To mntain at NRI a cu#ixe of Cicadulina triagula and C.mrnbda or\Wet americn.To develop an electronic system. To monitor probin activites of Cicadulina spp on miget (1991/92).To monitor probing activities o' Cicadula spp. on millet 3-4 grass hosts, resisant and susceptible maize genotypes (1992/93).To develop a rapid method for assessig host plant quality and hopper peformnce (I1993/94> . 273 SPAAR Inormation System Cortact tn research orrjanization: Dr. RJ. Cooter Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue: Chatarm Maritime; Chatham: Kent ME4 4TB; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066(7: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04864 Offical project title: MICROBIAL CONTROL OF ROOT KNOT NEMATODES. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Startdate: 1992-04-1C Enddate: 19903-31 Country/ccuntries: Unted Kingdom: Africa: Malawi: Zimbabwe: Cote dlvoire: Statement of objectves/abstract: The wider objective of this project is to reduce damage to vegetable crops in developing countries caused by root-knot nematodes below economic thresholds by environmertaliy-acceplable. appropnate technoogies based on combination of biological control agents (BCAs) with inproved cultural practices. The inmmediate objectives of this pro;ect are: To assess potential of Pasteuna penetrans (Pp) alone and in combination with Verhcillium chlamydospornum (Vc) applied together as BCAs for root-knot nematodes in laboratory and field. To deteremine correct twnirg for BCAs in typical crop rotation and assess effect of host crop arnd origanic soil amendments on these. To devise management systems for root-knot nematodes in vegetable crops suited to subsistence far-mers. Contact in research organzation: Dr. S_R Gowen: Natural Resources Institute. Central Avenue: Chatharn Maritime: Chatham: Kent ME4 4TB: Uruted Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 88006677: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record nuanber (MFN): 04866 Offical project title: WEED MIANAGEMENT IN UPLAND RICE IN WEST AFRICA. implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-02-28. Country/countries: United Kingdom: Africa Cote dfivoire. Stame of objectives/abstract: The wider obective of the poject is to develop sustainable socic-econoraly acceptable we0d management strategies for rairded upland rice croppqg systems in West Africa. The immediate objectives are: To assess fte distuon and rmportance of weed problnes in representative raided rice produ7on areas of West Africa To determine the level of nce, yield loss due to weeds in upland areas and assess costs of cunrent control meas:res: To irvestigate fanme?s perceptons of weed problms and 274 SPMR Information System identify reasons fcr non-adoption of improved weed management recommendations; To intiate trials on the development if appropriate weed control options. This will include selecion of well adapted competition nce varieties Contact in research organization: Dr. D. Joh aon: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime: Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04868 Official project title: GENOMLC VARIABILITY OF STRIGA AND CYNODON SPECIES Implementing agency: Overseas DevelopWent Adminvstration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01 End date: 199.4-031 Country/countnes- United Kirxgdom: Nigeria: Statement of objectives/abstract The wider objective of the project is to develop tedchiques for the extraction of genomic DNA suitable for RAPD analysis ;n Cynodon dactylon (L) Pers. The irnmediate objectives are: Identfication of appropriate DNA extraction methods. Corr.anson of selected range of dif'erent extracton techniques. Pretlinay demonstration of extraction of RAPD method using Cynodon DNA. Contact in research organization- Dr. K. Shawe: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime; Chatham: Kenit ME4 4TB; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907'8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04881 Official project btle: ASSESSING OPERATOR EXPOSURE. Implementing agencyi Overseas Developnient Adrninistration. Star date: 1991-04-01. End date: 1995-03-01. Country/countnes: United Kingdom: Ghana: Statement of objectivesiabstract The wider objectives of the proect is to promote safer and more effective management of pesticdes for pest. weed and disease control in deeipig cortxies The mwirnediate objctve s a facility at NRI and tedniques for measuring and analysing sprayer operaW contarinationvhanding and applicain. Contact in research organizatior: Mr. W.J. King: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chatham Marirne: Chatham: Kent ME4 4T8: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066[77: 275 SPAAR Information System Telex 26390718 LDN G Record number (MFN). 04887 Official project title: BIOLOGY OF YAM ANTH-RACNOSE (COLLETOTRICHUM). Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administraton (NRRD- Start date: 1992-04-01. End dale: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: Unded Kingdomn: Nigeria: Statement of objectives/abstract. The wider objective of the protect is to identify the major disease of West African crops and to develop control strategies through knowledge of their biology and ecology. The immediate objective is to develop a project on the epidemiology of yans in West Africa. Contact in research organization: Dr. R.W. Gibson: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime. Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066T77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04893 Official prcject ftle: GlW NA: SUSTAINABILITY OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES BASED ON NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS. Implementig agency: Overseas Development Admninistration (NRRD). Start date: 1993-05-01. End date: 1995-09-30. Country/countries: United Kirgdom: Ghana: Statement of objectives/abstract: The oblective of the project is to identify factors that determnine which local economiic activibes based on non-timber forest products have ft pc 'tial for profitable and sustainable growth. and which do not. as an input I' -ve destig of forest management and smalJ enterprise projects and progrzarn-e Contact in research organrzation: Mr. J.E.M. Arnoi;d Forestry Research Programme; Uniersity of Oxford. Halax House: 6 South Parks Road; Oxford: OXI 3UB; United Kingdom: Tel 0865 271C367: Fax 0865 271035: Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROX Record number (MFN): 04896 Offal prolect trtlb NGERIA: ACCESS TO URBAN WASTE MARKETS BY NEAR-URBAN FARMERS 276 SPAAR Information System Implernenting agerky- Overseas Development Administration (NRRDI. Start date: 1993-12-23. End date: 1994-03-31. Country/countries Unted Kingdom, Nigeria: Statemernt of objectivabstract: The objectives of the project are:To descibe the network of physical flows of organic urban waste useed in fertilising soil in agricultural regions neighbouring Kano, To establish the economic viability of urban waste as a source of organic fertiliser in this region. To descnbe the physical and economic cnstraints upon farmers (especially poor farmers) in ganirng access to this waste; To assess any scope for, and possible management strategies to achieve. more efficient disposal of urban waste for use as fertiliser in near-urban areas; To identify suitable methods and measures for monitonng and policy evaluation purposes. Contact in research orgarization: Mr. C.P. Lewcock Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatham Marntirme: Chatham: Kent ME4 4TB: United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04900 Official project title: DEVELOPMENT OF RAPID TESTS FOR IDENTIFICATION AND DIFFERENTlATION OF YAM VIRUSES. implementirg agency: Overseas Developnent Admimrstraficin (NRRD). Start date: 1993-09-01. End date: 1996-03-31. CountrybcouItries: United Kingdom. Africa.Nigeria Girbal: Sri Lankca. Statement of obiectiveslabstract: The wider objective of the project is to improve heaith of yam planting material and reduce losses due to virus infection by siproved diaiosbc tedmiology. The imnmediate objectives of the projeot are:To develop rapid methoc(s) for preparing yam extracts free of comnpounds that inhbt reverse transcription and amplification enzymes in polynerase chain reactions;To clone and sequence PCR prots representing parts of the variable region of yam potyviruses from Africa and AsIa and use this information to deveklp a rapid diagnostic test based on sequence diversityuse cifferential tests to investigate geographic variabiliy to vat potyvinrses;To produce a panel to monoclonal antibodies 'o yam badnavirus and use to develop diagnostic test and to assess the variablity within the coat protein of yam badnavirus:To utlise detection metHds 'for badnavinses and potyviruses to asess occuLrrence and importance of vwuses in yam in Nigena and Sri Lanka and to dermrie if alternatve hosts exist Contact in researdc organization: \ Dr. A. Isaac: Naual Resources Insute: Central Avenue: Chattari Maritime: Chattwam: Kent ME4 4TB: United Kindom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. A. Bkmjl: Horiclture Research Intemational; Worthing Road: Lilehpton: West Sussex: BN17 GlP: Tel 0903 716123: Fax 0903 726780Sr. 277 SPAAR Inifonnation System N. MacNamara DDS; NigeriaDr Dharmawvardene: SRI Sri Lanka Record numbe- (MFN): 04904 Official project title: CASSAVA CYANIDE: IMPROVED TECHNIQUES FOR ESTIMATION AND INFLUENCE CC ENVIRONMENT ON CONCENTRATION- Implementing agency Australian Centre for intemational Agricultural Research. Start date: 1991-00-00. End date: 1993-00. Country/countries: Nigeria: Statement of objecties/abstract: Cassava is the most important food source in tropical Africa. but its food value is marred by the presence of cyanide-containwg cornpcurxds. This project ains to develop a simple method for measunng cyanide content. and to determine what environmental influences affect cyanide levels tn cassava plants. The scientists will use the test to identtfy low-cyartide vaneties to incorporate into breeding programs and high cyanide varietes to elffirnate from country colbetions. Other studies will determine the reiatsonship tbtween bitternessisweetness of oassava and highlow cyanide content. and also try to combine the desirable qualities of high beta-carotene content and low cyanide in new cassava varieties. Record numrber (MFN): 04905 Officiai project title: PERI-URBAN VEGETABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Implementing agency. The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Start date: 1993-01-00. End date: 1994-12-00. Country/coumries: Africa; C6te dIvoire; United Republic of Tanzania: Zambia: Statement of objectives/abstract: The proposed project would have the followm specific objectines: (1) to describe the actual situation regarding vegetables in terms of production consumption. prices (including seasonal and inter-year prrce fluctuations). availabily and marketing. This information will be compiled into a comprehensve set of vegetable statistics for planning and research management purposes, (2) to cormae the total vegetables curreritty ieaching the urban market with the supplies needed to meet present and future nutritional rerpirements: (3) lo identify ard review relevant domestc research and deveiopment initiatives in the area of vegetable growing and marketing. with special erpthapsis on peN-ban and urban househo vegetable production: (4) to identify mWr constraints to increased per-urban vegetable production and suggest ways to develcp vegetable devety and producton systems that dosely i* farm prodtion capacity with market requiremerts: aMd (5) to identify constraints to, urban household ardenug anid ways of promoting t as an efficient soure of food and 278 I SPMR Irformation System income security.The expected outputs for each of the threa countries involved would be: (i) a reference database and reabie information on pen-urban vegetable production. consumption. narketing and prices at the national and regxnal levels: (ii) identification of constraints to increased per-urban and urban household vegetable production and ways to overome them; and (iii) improved knowedge among researchers and policy makers which can be used in the design of follow-up projects aimed at improving smali-scale commercial pen-urban vegetable production and household gardening. Contact in research organization: Dr. Romeo T. OpenaiDr. Nameus Wizava:- HORTI Tengeru; Arusha. Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04921 Official project titl: DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN RURAL ECONOMICS AT CIRES (COTE D'IVOIRE). Implementng agency: International Development Researcn Centre. Start date: 1991-03-08. End date: 1993-03-08. Country/countries: C6te cdlvoire: Statement of objectives/abstract: This pro,ct will continue tie collaborative support Wrnrock Internabonal and IDRC provide to Centre ivosien de recherches economiques et sociales (CIRES). Between 1986 and 1990. IDRC focused on creasing the research capacity in francophone West Africa. One group of projects focused on supporting research for staff and students ir. CIRES while the other group used CIRES as a base for regioral small grants. The need for a stror French ianguage regicna agrcutural economics post graduate training center was demonstrated ir; July 1990 when 280 people applied for the nine fWst year places in CIRES even though he University was closed at the time. The objective of this project is to augment the thesis supervision and research capacity of CIRES. Contact in research organization: David Perthel; WINROCK Intenainal Insitute for Agricuural Develpment; Route 3. Morritton: .AR 72110: USA Record number (MFN): 04929 Officia project title: BY-PRODUCTS (GHANA). rmpleet agency: Irntertioral Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-01-15. End date: 1994-12-31. Country:countries: Ghana Statement of objectves/abstract Small ruminants. which utilze iow quality forages and crop residues can provide the 279 SPAAR Information System hi-ah quar4y protein-s needed by the Dopuation of Ghana T-he country has a high pctential to increase swa ruminant prod-ction which to date has been caaried ord wihin the triional free rouimo: subs-stence prduction systemn This project wil dentify and estimate. in two regios of the country. the quantity and quaithr of the nicst inmortant acp residues ard agrcultural bvy-rnducts aDropriate for livestock fedmn: -valuate the relative inporance of urban sm all ruinant prdcuces: identify the rnaior oroduction constrants, and formulatte and evaluate diets based on avaliable crop residues and bv-products to be used bv vllago and utran producers in raisinc small nrminants. Contat n research oranization: ir, AK. Tua,_. Dept. of A,nriai Scences: Unrsityus of Scince and Technkoo-y: Kunmasi: Ghana Recird n jrber (iFNI 0'1933 Ufc!al Dprc4ect te: CIRCULATION OF SCIENTIFRC INFORMATION lrrflementmo aeny: nternational Deve4oet Research Centre. Start date: 11-01- I 8. End date: 1993-06-30. Courtvircon,f es: Benn': Statereit of sbrecives,absa The deve*pwent of a rwral radio and tevison rtetwork is one of the vneri',es of the Goernet of Bi.i This prred wd 'evoel mural c wlTIict~1 stresn scentific and ec,ni'aI ;nfonrnaf4on. ad its u1zah t by the v'es. Itwil a1so deveop no researcn and clar casacitv ct the OF"ce d radiodiftusir et televiso de Bonin Further the pfrec wN measure the impact of attepts to dissemenate technical and scentic zntormation bv radio and telekvison: defe an acororate disserinaticrt stratey and asvsess the uisefI*iess of such iriormation in the framewrek of Bern's Devefocment Plan: Jesan arnd disseminate audiovisual pilot messages or agriculre. environment, ard healt: ad train radio and television pxnalists speiaized n the coverage of scnc and techrno"ral news. C-itact in resea-ch rcn tzahon: khele Akar-Badarou Mn5.sere de in'fcmatvin et des crnmuatens: .P. 336. Cccori.x: Berm Record nTber I FN): 04938 O01lciA proqect tie: SMALU40iER NFORMATION AND RESOURCES NEEDS FOR MAtZE PFROOUTION hrleferam agency: httematioia DeepmerFt Research Centre SW, date: 1991-t-12 . Ende date m 19-02-12. Cotjr#Ycoies: Psoer,. 280 SPAAR Infomiation Systemn Statement of objectiveslabstract In the development of Nigeria's agnculture. speedy and extensrve introductfio of technoogical change is one of te crucial concers. This proiect wig investgate dissemination and use pattens of agricultural technobgy information to maize farmners in three states in the country The proposal postulates that one of the factors that influence improved production of maize arong small farmers is access to informarion tha! exists on technobgies that have been developed in the country- The proect wil examine the process of information transfer on agricultural technology with special reference to maize. through formal and informal chatnls including the role of town criers. viage chlefs. etc- in information dissernination. K will also investigate the receptiveness of farmers to information disseminated through tnese sources and the extent to which this new mlormnation is integrated with farmers' existing practces Contact m research organization: Francis C Okafor: Faculty of Socia Sciences: Universiy of Benin: Private Mal; Bag 1154: Benin City: Nigera Record number (MFN): 04946 Official project title: WOMEN AND ACCESS TO LAND IN RURAL AREAS (COTE DlVOIRE). Inplemrernting agency: Intermathonal Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-07-30, End date: 1993-0 1-30. Countryicountnes: C6te dIvowre: Steaiererit of obectivesSabstract- Within Cote d'Ivoire. 80%. of the population eams ts liMng in agriculture. and 90%fi of the courtry's exports originate in this sector. Tradibonally. land has been cultivated on lots allotted to famtiles from conmonuna land. yet sorme fonms of property and possession rights have been sklowy developing Whle 80 of te agricultual labour force is supphed by womnen. th caomand over and by property right or in any other form. ts extremely limnited and sobject to bscrrurao Ths project will address the problem of wnen's access to lad bwithi the wntten ad the tradiona legai faraework. Attention ill be given to the degree and te forms by which wnern have so far acquwred access to land. The proect wil further study tle access of womef to fr'anaf boans required to iTprove existing or buy new farm l2nd. as weil as the preexc .ng socioeconoi codions nitig blnd acqtion by vwomen. Contact wi research o r waton: Diaby Nissouti: Cer a wowren de recherche et dr6ludes jues: MInstere de la recirche sr etiiqu et4 d nseqginement prOessionnel et ted-e. AbKa: CIte dt.! _________________ _ 8 SPAAR Infornation System Record nanber (MFN): 04948 Official project title: SUSTAINABLE AGROFORESTRY (BRANDONIGHANA/PHIUPPINES). Implernenting agency- International Developrnent Research Centre. Start date: 1991-06-03. End date: 1994-07-31 CountryJ'countnes: Global. Canada; Ghana. Philippwies: Statement of obectnes'abstract In eastern Ghana. pressure from population growth. indiscriminate burning. reed for fuelWood- and land pressure have resulted in reduced forested area and sod erosion. A possible solution *o soil erosion and deforestation is agroforestry. However. in many areas farmers have not readily adopted it. The Ghana Rural Reconstruction Movement (GhRRM). a nongovernmntal organization. has successuy introduced agroforestry to 150 farners using a farmer scholar approach -The farmers have adopted the techdmogy. and changed it to suit thw needs and conditions. Thmis project wil be undertaken in the Mapong Vagley to determine and document the fanrers constraints. adaptation, perceptions as wel as the training methodology used: it will extend training to other farmers and evaluate their adoption of agroforestry. train extension workers and inforn researchers, and carry out technological verihcation. refinernenL and adaptation of ag of orestry techniaues. The project will also link with other alley cropping projects in Afria and win offer a unique example of South-South transfer. Contact in research organization: Dr. Erasrnus 0. Monu: Dept. of Sociolgy and Anthropology: BRandon University. Brandon: Manitoba- Canada R7A 6A9Mr. Alex K. Baah: International Institute of Rural Reconstnuction: Silang: Cavite: Philippines Record numrber (MFN): 0A952 Offiial protect title: TABERSONINE (CAMEROON) Implemeng agency: international Development Research Centre. Sart te: 19911--30. End date: 1994-05-31 CourTy/countres: Canada: Cameroon: Statement of objectivesiabstract Carneroon has a very rch flora many of its plants being sources of raw materials for industrial cherricals. A very wdespread one is the WVoacanga af*rana. the seeds of wch are very nch in a substace used for the producton of medicinal dckgs. Thts proect wd develop a technology f the extraction of tabersorie from is pat at the sma4-erierpnse lev. instead of exportng the unprocessed seeds. as is presently the case. ft wi thus wncreae the ecorrc value of a lol produce: create emplromt opportunies in smalscale en:erprises provide more income for snall peasant amers and gawerers of this rnortaut crop: and open a new source of foreign cnwicy for the courtry- Further tu th ution. of a bcal raw material. the project will contbne to a higher levl of sel-frehance. 282 SPAAR Informaion System Contact in research organization: Dr. William 4-. Ayer, Dept of Chemisty; Universty of Alberta; Edmonton: Alberta Canada T6G 2G2Dr. RT. Ghogornu. Dbpartement de la chimie organique: Universite de Yaounde; B.P. 812; Yaou.nde Cameroun Record numnber (MFN): 04953 Offiial project tite: AROMATIC EXTRACTS (GUINEA). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-11-05. End riate: 1996-01-31. Countrylcountries: Africa Canada: Morocco: Gunea: Statement of objectives(abstract: Guinea is a coaswal state in West Africa consisting of four natural regions with a diversity of criatic and ecolxgral condtons that has given it a rch and varied flora. The potential for producing essential cis with commerci potential is, therefore. significant and duing preliminary studies. a list of 35 plants that are currently te most interestng from this perspective was compied. This project will study four plants of the Ocwnum genus chosen for their scientfic interest and commerit potential. it will deternmie the optimnal condions for the vegetative development of these plants and the producton of essentl oils from them. An inexpensive still wil be developed locally as part of this project The cultivation of these plants wiN provide the rural population with an addion4 source of income. while the distiliaion of essential cils will create new job opport;ies. )ntact in research organization: Mr. Sylvain Savar: Centre de recherche industrelle du Qu6bec: 333 rue Franquet Case postale 90A38. Sainte-Foy (Qudbec): Canada G1V 4C7Mr. Bachir Benjilak Institut agrornroque ct veterinaire Hassan I!: B.P. 6202: Rabat-nskttuts: MarocMr. Malo Nianga. Unversite de Conakry: BAP. 1147: Conakry Guiree ord number (MFN): 5047 ial protect tite: SUPPORT TO THE INTERNATIONAL INSTI TUTE OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. lt'TA. lmentin agency: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation wih Deveoping Countries. rary/coutries: Nqena: -vnff# of objeabstract . b objectives of IITA are to mpove the quay and quanty of loiiodi ain ue humid and suid tropics vough te imrovement of import,t crops and t volution of appropriate farming systes as aeavf es lo traiia iew-yedirg 283 SPAAR Intormation System systems of cutivation. SARECs support to IrrA is part of the total Swedish contribution to the CGIAR Contact in research organization: Intemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (11i A): Ibadan Record number (MFN): 05050 Offical project title: SUPPORT TO THE WEST AFRICA RICE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION. WARDA. Implementing agency: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries. Country/countries: Liberia. Satement of obectiarct WARDA is an ntergovernmental association of 15 West African cowtries that was set up with the objective ot achieving self-sufficiency in rice producbon within the region as soon as possible. This is to be done by selection and promotion of improved varieties and oractices through progrmmes of development research. training. and dissemination of information. SARECs support to WARDA is part of the total Swedish cottribion to the CGIAR. Contact in research organ¢zation: West Afica Rice Developmfl Association (WARDA): Monrovia Record nunber (MFN): 05103 Official projec' title: LOWER ANAMBRA IRRIGATION PROJECT (LAIP). Implernn agency: Japan Interhational Cooperation Agency. Statdate: 1989-01-01. Enddate: 1993-12-31. County/countries: Nigeria: Statemerfl of objectivesiabstract: The project aims at the devebpnent of appropriate tecniques for irngated rice cultivation. and at the transfer of these tednques to the staff of LAIP. the State Ministry of Aiture and partipatig farmers. thus contrg to the development of iligated nce produtin in the Federal Repubic of Nigena Japanese Tecncal Cooperation actrvities wi be irnp eei mainly at LAIP, ttrough techdncal grne and advice in the followg fields: (1) irigaon and drainage technes: devebpment of water management techus. maitefaE of i'wigation and lawnage iac*t.es and pomoion of water conotrl organizabion: (2)wtgated re cuaton techniques: selection of appropriate varietes. lo f stsd nce calation technues and iiroweent of multip"e cropping systems: (3) extension: planig of extensron sevices. development of extensoon nethocd and 284 SPAAR Infomati System matenals. demonstration of cultivation techiques, and promotion of management formation: (4) training planning of training courses and preparation of cariculum and teaching materials: (5) agricultural macl*iy. adaptability tests of agrcultural machinery and operation and mantenance of agricultural machinery. Contact in research organization: N Mgbemena; Anambra-Imo River Basin Development Authorty: Onttsha; Nicena Record number (MFN). 05115 Official project title: CAGE FEEZJING TO STUDY DIGESTIBILiTY AND CONVERSION RATE OF SOME FORMNULATED FEEDS FOR TILAPIA DISCOLOR IN LAKE BUSUPTliM. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundaion for Science. Start cate: 1981-00-00. Countrycountries: Ghana: Statement of objectsabstract Mr Oduro-oateng wil study cage culture of T. discolor in the Lake Bosomtwi basi. Ghana Using locally-available materials and commercial cages. he vwli culture !hree groups of T. cscolor on differently composed diets. The conversion rate. digestblity. protein efficiency. specific growth rate. and costs will be evaluated and compared with diets developed in a previous research perioda The most suiable diet for commereal use wil be introduced to loal fish farmers: socio-econornic factors and constraints of the lake basin cage culture wail also be studied. Contact in research organizationr Mr Francis Oduro-Boateng: Technolgy Conuttancy Centre: University of Science and Technology: KUMASI Record nurrber (MFN): 05134 Official project title: CATTLE BREEDING IN THE IJRI PROVINCE IN NORTHEAST ZAIRE. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 19830-00. Country/countries: Zaire: Statement of objectSves/atbstract: Cattle breeding is only partally recogized as a natioral asset for Zaire. inasmuch as ownerh of cattle is a mark of afftence for fe owners. As a consequree there has been ittle interest in developg catte baeedng and inprving cale productionA Mr Bamahuga is going to make a som-econonic study of the cattle breeding in e province of thin in Norheastem Zafre. This suvey will pvxide N badkgroud information for plans to improve cattle breeding in Zawe and for poting oud the economc iwnportance and possiities of catte in Zaire. 285 SPAAR Information System Contact in research organization: Mr Loni Buaa Bamuhiga; Institut Superiew Pedagogique: B P 106; BUTA Record number (MFN): 05143 Official project trtle: BIOLOGICAL NITROGEN FIXATiON STUDIES IN FAST-GROWING TREE LEGUMES IN SIERRA LEONE Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: l 983U0W-0( Country/countries: Sierra Leone: Statemrent of objectwveslabstract: Locai and exot- Decies of Leucaena and Gliricidia wi be propagated in representatwie 4..nd soils of Sierra Leone. Their nodulation will be assessed. nIizobia isoated. and effectiveness tested acccr-!- to established rhizobiobgical techniques. Studies wil also be conducted to aeterrrne the effect of ernornmental factors on selected strains under condtons characteristic of Sierra Leone sois Strams which demcnstrate tne best symbiosis and abilty to survive in the soils wiU be used to ;-ocLate tree legumces which wil be introduced into the agroforestry systems of `Ierra Leone. Contact in research orga7iizatior'.: Dr Denis Amara. /until 1991-12-15: Laboratory of Agriculture: Unit of Soil Science: IAEA: P 0 Box 100; A-1400 VIENNA: Austria Record niumber (MFN): 05146 Official project itle: EVALUATION OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF UNDERUTPILZED TREE SPECIES IN COTE D'IVOIRE. Implementing agency. lnternational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1983-00-O. Country/countries: Cote dilvore: Statement of objectives/abstract: The exdooitation of the main forest species in Cote D1voce has res&ited in an extensive decrease m the quantity and quality of these species. Neverteless. there stil exists somne trty so-caled secondary forest species that have a potenti which should be deveopeii A ratonal deveopmert reqires a better krowledge of teir characteristics The projt to be carried out by W Ebi Kouassi wd focus on the mechancal properties of the species. The elasticity modle is one of the funwamtal echaial chawacterisics which wi be determineid It is of importarce for the use of wood for constricon purposes. 286 SPAAR Informatior System Contc.t in research organization: Mr Kouassi Achi Edi; Centre Technique Forestier Tropical; 08 B P 33; ABIDJAN 08 Record number (%IFN): 05157 Official project title: ZOONOSIS OF HUMAN SLEEPING SICKNESS iN CAMEROON: CATTLE. SHEEP. GOATS AND SWINE AS FACTORS. implementing agerncy intemational Foundabon for Science. Start date: 1984-00-00 Countryicountries: Cameroon: Statement of objectives/abstract: Dr Asonganyi wil exam* the domestc arrial populfion in the sleeping skness endemic zones in Carmeroon for possible infection with T gambienselike typanosomes. Sice previous studies failed to etiy such organisms in donestic aiwrals in Cameroon using te thick stained film, he present study wiN idcude the identcation of cxculatng uypanosome antigens in the animal serum using monoclonal antibodies specific for the different trypanosome sub-speices. Btood fromn infected animals wi be injected into laboratoy animals for isolation aid characterisation of the trypanosome species. Contact in research organization: Dr Tazoacha Asowany: Department of lmmu obgy; C U S S; University of Yaounde: YAOUNDE Record numbner (MFN): 05161 Officai project title: BIOECOLOGICAL STUDY OF PHENACOCCUS MANIHOTI. AN IN SECT ATTACKING CASSA"A IN GABON. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1984-00-00. County/coutmies: Gabon: Statement of objedctes'abstract Dr Bousienguet will study the control of tne cassava mealyug (Phenococs manioti) by its parastoid Epiknocarsis lezi. The glbal efficency of fthe parasitoid will be evakkid by experments of excksion. The inence if hyperparasitism by Prochiloneus insolitus wi also be studied. The dynamics of isect populaons n the fie and at the laboratory will be monitred to evalate the host-feeding infiuence and the mode of acton of the parasoid nder vag densiies of the cassava mealybug. Contact in research organ ro: ' Mr Juste-Lie Boussienguet Departernent de Bioogie: Faculte des Saences 287 _. L_:L i . t S... .. ' X I1 > N t .' .t.r .1 :1 ' "21!. ', ' ', ' '_* SPAAR Information Systemn UJniversite 0 Bongo: B P 1886:. LIBREVILLE Record nun.ber (MFN):. 05164 Offical project title: SEASONAL INFLUENCE ON THE REPRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY OF THE WEST AFRICAN DWARF (WAD) GOAT: THE HORMONAL PROFILE DURING THE REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE. Implementing agency. International Foundation for Sc;er-ce. Start date: 1985-000. Country/counitnes: Nigenia: Statement of objectives/abstract: irpnved reproducrve performance n~ NKgerian cattle is corelated with seasons when grazing pasture is abunrdant- Dr Akusu wdil study the effects of three nutritioral levels on the seasonal variations on ovarian activiies ad- reproduictive performance of 'West African dwarf goats in thee hurnid tropical enviofirnent of lbadan- Treatment effects on oestrous cycles. thermorespratoy function. conception rate following natural mating, partuntion. and the post-partum resurnption of ovarian cyclicity will be determined. Birth and weaning weights. growth and survival rates of kids of doe-s in the treatment groups will be determined. Progesterone will be assayed by fth radioimmurnoassay technique while 'therfmoespiratoiy function wifi be determined clinically. Results wifl form the basis of research into further supplemeritation of WAD goats to maxwrze reproductive performance. Contact in research organization: Dr Matthew Akusu:- Veterkinary Surgery and Repro6jiction: University of Ibadan:. IBADAN Record number (MFN): 05173 Official projec title: MiCROPROPAGATION AND IN VITRO REjUVENATION OF TERMtINALIA SUPERBA. Imnplementting agency- International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1986-00-00- Country/coutntries: Congo: Statement of oblectives/abstract: Term.nalia superba is a tree species used in afforestatin progranimmes in the Congo. Methds of propagation by cuttings of selected maeteriW have been developed in order to mass produce plants of high quality for an wndustnial plantabion prolect of 25 000 hectares. As fte leve of repuveatio reached is not satisfactory. Mr Miateo wIl use instead an in vitro culture technique. Me-thods wI be developed to disinfect the vegetative material before i tis used. The compsition of a cutitie medim* wiN be determined. Diffeent in vitro cultue mefthds will be canied out usag buds. nodes, and principally meristemns. Mefthds which entad less risk for gwenei deviation wdil 288 SPAAR Infomiation System be caried out The methods will be compared in terms of the risk for genetic deviation. Root formation and root penetration studies will be performed before the in vitro plants are transferred to the fields. Contact in research organization: Dr Sebastien Miateo: Centre Technique Forester Tropic21 B P 764: POINTE-NOIRE Record number (MFN): 05174 Official project title: DEVELOPMENT AND UTILISATION OF PLANT DERIVED INSECTICIDES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COMPONENTS FROM THE NEEM TREE AND JATROPHA SPECIES. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Scence. Start date: 1986-O0-00. CountryYcountries: Ghana: Statemnent of objectivesabstract: Dr Cobbinah wil study the pesticidal potential of Jatropha curcas as part of a plant-derived insectcide program which airns at developn pesticides frofn irdigenous plants. Effectiveness against a variety of pests and compabiwty with other substances and storage charactenstics wil be determined Active ingredets wil be isolated and characterized. Four test animals wil be used. as weE as tried bioassay tecr ques and standard chemical characterzation technques. The research wil be conducted ir. the laboratory and in the field. and wi complement current research on the potenti of indrgenous plants for pest control. Contact in research organization: Dr J Cobbwnah: Departnent of Entomolog.y Forest Products Research Institute: University of Kumasi; P 0 Box 63; KUMASI Record number (MFN): 05175 Official project title: CONTROL OF CALLOSOBRUCHUS MACULATUS WITh TWO INSECTICIDAL PLANTS AND IDENTIFICATION OF THEIR BIOACTIVE COMPONENTS. Implementing agency: Interrntional Foundati lof Science Start date: 1986-00-00. Country/countries: Nigeria: Staterent of objectiveslabstract ViKna unquiculata (cowpea) is the cheapest source of orotein in Africa Whe producton is increasing. koss due to insect pests in stoage is high. In prelirmnn-- studies two Nigerian plants. Petivena akicea and Pp,er quneense have been showa to exdit toxicity to the larval and adult stages respectvel of the seed beetle Calosobruhus maculatus. The bioactive components wlng be identified and tested for 289 SPAAR Information System toxicity in order to develop an effective formulation for pest control. Contact in research organization: Dr J Ofaifa; Department of Plart Science; Obafemi Awolowo University; ILE-IFE r ecord nunber (MFN): 05185 Official project title: STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERAL OIL PLANTS OF ZAIRE. Implementing agency: Internabonal Foundation for Science Start cate: 1986.00-00 Country/countries: Zaire: Statement of objectves/abstract: Little is known about the plants of forests and savarnas in Zaire and their -^ommeraal potential. Mr Malumba wWi investigate potential od plants in Zaire. study the cornposition of their seeds, and develop smnai scale technologies for oil extraction and use of the waste products. The bongterm objective is to encourage the cultvation of interestng species useful for ford and food -related industries. Con'tact in research organization: Mr M Malumba: Facuite des Sciences: Universite de Kinshasa B P 190. KINSHASA Xi Record number !MFN): 05195 Official project title: STUDIES ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF THE BLACK COWPEA APHID. APHIS CRACCIVORA. BY TWO INDIGENOUS COCCINELLID SPECIES IN NIGERIA. Impeementing agency: International Foundation .'r Science. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countries: Niceria: Statement of objectives/abstract Despite the usual occurrence of the redators. Cheikorenes spp. in cowpea fields in Nigeria, the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora is sometimes problematic. Resistance to aphids seems to offer good potential for aphid control in cowpeas. Dr Ofuya wilt examne the interaction between A. craccivora, .ts major predators, C. lunata and C. vicna and aphid resistant variebes bi the held and screenhouse in Akure. Eigt aphid resistant and two suscepN,le cowpea varieties Yi be used. Effcency of predation in hese varietes will be determined. The resuts may faciltate the combation of biological control using indigenous natural enees and host plart resistancre into a more efficient strategy for controkig A. craccivora Contat ur, research organiz-- ion: Dr Thomas Of uya; Deparbtm of Crop Production; The Federal University of Technoogy: P M B 704: AKURE 290 SPAAR intoffnation Systern Record number (MFN): 05197 Official proiect title: THE DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A NEW PROCESS UNE FOR GARRI PRODUCnON. implemenrting agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1987-00-00 Country/countries: Nigeria. Statement of objectives/abstract: This project is desigred to determine the effects of chip size. steaming pressure and time, bed depth, fermentation time, drying air temperature. air hunidity and drying tine on the quality of garn produced by steam gelatirization fobowed by ar drying of deep bed of fermented cassava chips. Dr Ajibola intends to develop models to relate the quality parareters such as cyanide cotent, swelling characteristics. degree of gelatinwzation and moisture content of gam produced by the steam gelatiniation technique to the prcessing factors. Optimum processing condibons for the production of good qualty garri through this technique wilt be obtained. Contact in research organization: Dr Obatemi Ajbola: Departnent of Agricultural Egineefrig: Obafei AAwolowo University; ILE4FE Record nrinber (MFN): 05206 Official project title: DEVELOPMENT OF SIMPLE METHODS TO IDENTIFY POTYVIRUS INFECTING YAMS (DIOSCOREA ALATA AND D_ ROTUNDATA) FOR THE PRODUCrTON OF VIRUS-FREE PtANTLETS. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1987-0-00. Country/countries: Togo. Statement of ot -'cives/abstract Dr Gumedzoe will devebp different methcds for identifying poty viruses oi yam (Dioscorea spp.). such as EUSA and DOT-ELISA methods. Minoclonal or polyclonia anbWodies from international research centres or from comrrercl origin will be used in the seroogical tests. The objecbve is to identify resisnt varieties of yam for the collection at the National Institute for Root Crops in Togo in order to produce virus-free plantiets. Contact ir research orgarnzation: Dr Mawuena Gumedzoe: Ecole Supeneure dcAgronomie: Unrisite du Benin: B P 1515: LOME 291 SPAAM Informatior System Record number (MFN): 05214 Official project title: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER QUALITY AND AERCMONAS AYDROPHLA INFECTIONS IN POND-REARED SPECIES OF TILAPIA IN NIGERIA. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1988-00-00O Country/countries: Nigeria; Statement of objectives/abstract Dr Okpokwasili will examine the relationship between water quality and Aeoroonas hydrophila infections in pond-reared species of tilapia in Nigera His study wiR elcidate whether there is an association between disease oL'breaks, partilarly 'rown patch' disease, and the dry/wet seasons. Field studies will be caried out to exarne the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents in bacterial disease control and to detenmine the survival of infected Fish from the ponrs after t.eatment with some of the chemnKcals. This would have useful implications for famers in that chemical treatment could be recommended during ha.-esting to prevent or reduce disoase outbreaks in ti4a fish famrs. Contact in research organization: Dr Gideon Chqioke OKPOKWASIU; Department of Microbiology; University of Port Harcourt: P M B 5323; PORT HARCOURT Record nurnber (MFN): 05223 Official project title: THE EFFECT OF SOME UVE MULCHES ON THE GROWTH AND YIELD OF iNTERCROPPED OIL PALM. MAIZE AND CASSAVA AND ON SOIL CONDITIONS lmpleeninng agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: '988-00-00. Country/countries: Nigeria: Statement of objectives,abstract Problems identified in continuous intercropping of oi paln with maize and cassava inciude fast depetion of soil nutrients. severe weed infestation and physical degradatonr of the soils. culminating in depressed growth and yieW of te crops. There s reed to develop a low input system based on oi paWns that is not only sustainable but also meets the farmers' circumstances. Mr OklJose's study has th objective of iinoroving ard sustaining the growth and yield of the od pakn and associated food crops through spatial adjustment of the cassava aroud the palks, and utiization of compatibb live urrches. The sWy involves plantng cassava at vanous distances away from, the palms and qrowng rnaize and casava in ive mulctes established in the oil palm plntation. Contact in research organization: 292 SPAAR Informnation Systemn Mr Anthoy OKPALA-JOSE; Agronomy Division; Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, P M B 10310; BENIN CITY; Bendel State Record number (MFN): 05257 Official project title: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF VIRAL GASTROENTERITIS IN NIGERIAN RUMINANTS AND PIGS. Implementing ag~ency: International Foundation for Science. Start dale: 1990-06-01. Country/countries: Nigeria. Statement of obiectives/abstract: Rofaviwuses continue to be fte most unportant aetioooical agents of gastroenteritis of neonatal aoneals and human infants the world over. In most countries, the differen't serogroops have been def ined: but not in Nigeria The objective of thts project is to carry out an epidemological survey of fte aefiokogy of rotavirus castroententis of young rumrniats and pigs in Nigeria. Dr Ojeh wil seek to define th different rotavin.s eIectropherotypes from dia rrhol faecal samples from fthese species from different geographcaI locations in fth country, using the polyacrytamide -gel electrophoresis (PAGE) method routir-ely. The results obtained from. thies wo-rk will form fth basis for combating the diarrtoea of lvestock in Nigeria caused by these very important viruses, Corntact in research organization: Dr Clem-ent OJEH: Deparftment of Veterinary Microbioiog arnd Parasitology: Universt of lbadan: IBADAN Re-cord number (MFN): 05258 Official project titl: ADOPTION OF ANIMAL TRACTION AS FARM POWER SOURCE IN SOUTHERN NIGERIA: SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND INSTrrUTIONAL ANALYSIS. IrrpDementing aa-encv: International Foundation for Science. Star~ date: 1990-06-0 1. Coun~try/countriies: Nigenia: Statemnent of objectIves/abstract: Dr Dararnola wdil study the factors militaing agawinst the introduction and adoption of animal traction as a farm power source in the rain forest region of Nigeria By exploin socio-ultural. econxomic as well as r~stitufonal facors the study wl quanttatively analye fth primiary data to be geneated from fth fiel survey. A rnuttistage. stratifed randfom samolin 'technique will be employed to select respondents. The analyses; wil involve both descrq*tve statistic and binary-choice mo)del estimation. Expected results wnclude thre identiication of relevant variables/factors miliating against anima traction adoption. Based on thie emoincaf 293 SPAAR Inoioration System results. necessary recommendations can be mnade. Contact in research organization: Dr Adebm Gregory DARAMOLA: Departmt of Farm Management and Agnculturi Extension. Federal University of Technroogy: P MB 7J04: AKURE: Ondo State Record number fMFNI 05265 Offical project trtle INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE PARASITIC INFESTATION AND HEALTH PROBLEMS OF THE AFRICAN GrAN-T SNAIL. ARCHACHATINA MARGINATA. rnplemenhnie aoency lntemnationa Foundatron for Scerce. Start date 1990-1215 Countrylctnfnres Nigeria Staterrenit of objectives.abstract Dr Imevbore intends to identitv, catalogue and study infecte parasites of wid and farmed specmens of the Aiwcan qa snail. Archactma margrnata as wel as snail pathelogical conditions uider different reanring sysems By colecting snaits penodically in dry ard rainy seasons. from different locabons wihin the rain forest zone of Western Nierna. the effects on season. reannq system. duration of -eanrig. ard locatwon differences on parasic infes4ation and health of snais wil be evaluated. The Orc ect is also desgee- 'to provide iformaton ot pubic health sionit;carce. through bactenologi studies on snat tssue culture The resuits ot the study should provide a good basis for tonin tentbave gudeines on ensuvino snad health care partciaty in saa tafrmii ventures. Contact n research ormarazation lU Errmanuel IMEVBORE: Deamern of Fisheres and Wildlife. Federal Universit of Tecdhri. P PM 6 704. AKURE Reccod ni-nber (%WFN): 05269 Officra projed tMtle: INTENS:FYING CULTIVATION OF GROUNDNUT AND PIGEON PEA, LEGUMINOUS CROPS OF POTENTIAL VALUE FOR SMALL HOLDERS IN GUINEA. Implern,enting agency International Foundabhm for Science. StWr date- 1990-06-O. C ouryotnes: Guwea. Stakoe of oblbectivesiaizshac 1k MA4* Scural wni suy the intenskcat,on of 9oun catre in Guinea. near the Kibssi Agronoom Research Staton. Lccat and eporfed varietes wig be conVared bot in pue cutre and rinercropped wrth aie z- sorghumn. The ornectve is to wxcease the yield per hectare which is now at a low level. around 700 kgi,a 294 SPAAR Infotmation System ContaC .i research organization: hr &xlick SOUMAH: MARAJl R A G;( Centre de Recherche Agronomxiue de Kilssi: B P 1. 3 X NDIA Record ri '-.ber (.MFN): 05271 Officia h rct title: CHARACTERIZATION OF SEMW-PERMANENT WATER-BEARING ZONES AND iSSOCIATION WITH CULTURE DURING THE DRY SEASON. Implerm . sc -g agency: nternational Foundation for Sczence- Start dat 990-06-01 Courtry/cc .tnes: Togo. Stalemef *' bjectvestabstrat: Durin -.! course of his study of the soils deveoped on the granitogneiss in Togo. Mr W. r. - .'videnced permanent water tables associated wih certain types of sois. In has beer . ossible to develop a cultivation system of maize during the dry season on such sc ;.;The research programe aims to find crtere to identify and ocate such zones, : -. to map soils with permanert water tables in Togo. in adi4ion to maize, other o-. will also be used Contact in re earch organization: Mr Kocp -oklou WOROU: Departernert des Sols: Mnistere du Developpenent Rural; Insbt r -onal des Sols: B P 1026. Cacavelh LOME Recon nunt- ;MFN). 05272 Official projec. e EVALUATION OF VARIABILITY IN COLLECTIONS OF C. CANEPt-ORA WITH REC' ,DS TO A PROGRAMME FOR CROP IMPROVEMENT. Implemet a:.?Cy: Internatiorial Foundatior for Science. Start date: 1990- 2-15. Countrykount4 Gte dtvoire: Statement of ob;'N --es/abstract: Wiin a larg, - * grawne of selection of Coffea caephora in Cote dIvoire. Mr Yapo will study the ;> c 'ypic vartiaby of the collection using enzymatic electrophoresis. 7 e objep&ie of this research is to facilitate the ciassitication of genotypes b:' 0-r en the two populations used in the breeciJg prograirme. ard to evakute tre varn- ity wtin each group. The research -i be carried out at the IRCC research s- :;.n of Divo. The electTophoretic screering Will ivolve six dfferenf enzyrnme.. systema Contact in research t;-Larnzation: Mr Abe YAPO: Irrtf ut de Re*erche dr Cafe et du Cacao: B P 808: DIVO 295 S'AAR Information System Record nunber (MFN): 05275 Official project title: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF CHOANEPHORA BLIGHTS AND DIEBACK OF AMARANTH (AMARANTHUS SPP.) IN THE NIGERIAN RAIN FOREST AND SAVANNA ZONES. Implementng agency: International Founciation for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15. Countr4countries: Nigeria; Statement of objectives/abstract: Dr "debanpo wil survey for madence and prevalence of dieback and blights of Amaranittus spp. in the ramin forest and savanrna zones of Nigeria Cultivars from Nigeria and elsewhere wi be evaluated against the disease Studies will be conducted on the bioloy and epidemiology of the disease. Sources of prmary inoculurn. disease spread. robe of vector(s) and bio*natic factors responsible for infection. disease develpment and severiy in each zone wil be elucidated. Chemical control studies of disease and or vector(s) will be carried out. The results will be a better knorledge of the pathogen compiex dynamics, its determinism, a methodology for vanetal screening. resistant lines suitable for each ecological zone backed up with chemical control of the disease and/or vector Contact in researcn organizatien: Dr Afolabi ADEBANJO)0 Department oi Biolgical Sciences: Ogun State Univers4ty: P M B 2002; AGOIWOYE Record number (MFN): 05276 Official proet tile: UPID PEROXIDATION AND ACTNITIES OF SOME PHENOL-ME-TABOUSING ENZYMES IN RELATION TO SEED ViGOUR IN STORED PUMPKIN (TELFAIRiA OCCIDENTAUS) SEEDS. lmplementnri agencry International Foundatia for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15 Country/cowuries: Nigerna Statement ot objectives'abstract The inabl*y to stre and germrinate at wi the recalcitrant seeds of fluted prznpkin (Tefaitia occidenais) poses great econom and ho5i pobms n Nigeria Lipid peroxxlabon and the status of certan pherol-retabolising enzymeo may play causal roles in seed deteioration. Dr Irng wil study ipid perxidaion (especialy of the lnger chach falty acid unsatuates) and the amiviies of some phenot-metabolisig enzyrnes (peroxidases and po tPenol oxiases) dun desiccation and storage. at different temratures, o prUn seeds Acvdms of these enzyes will be assayed spectrophotometrically while fatty acid mehyl esters wi be separated by gas liquid drnomatogaphy. Experirental results wi suggest suitabl 296 SPAAR Information Systern storage conditions and may estab;ish whether an association between seed maoisture content, peroxidation and vigour exists. Contact in research organization: Dr Ani Essien NKANG; Department of Biological Sciences; University of Caiabar. P MB 11 t5; CALABAR Record number (MFN): 05280 Officia project te: ASPECTS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF IRVINGIA GAFC - .. IN SOUTHERN NIGERIA. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15. Country/countries: Nigeria; Contact in research organization: Is Gloria Chinwe WOR; Department of Forest Resources Mnagernent University of ibadan; !BADAN =________________ Record rnumber (MFN): 05283 Official project tile: CERCOSPORA ANGOLENSIS. . DISEASE OF CITRUS: STUDIES ON T HE PATHOGEN AND INTERAClIONS OF CUMATEMOST/PARASITE IN YAOUNDE. implementrig agency- Intemational Foundation .or Science Start date: 1990-12-15. Countrycountries: Cameroon; Statenent of objectives/abstract Cerwosponosis sa very serious citrus disease ;n Cameroon as wel as in afl humrid zones of the samne alttude in Africa In the region of Yaounde. Mr Kuate wl codc research on the bolowing aspects: (1) study of the evoution of the disease under naturdl conditions: (2) in vitro culture of the pathogen; (3) selection of less susceptible varieties: and (4) devebpment of techniques of artificial irmocAabon of young plants for early varietal selecon. The Iong-term objectve of his project is to develop an efficient and economic control method (aroclimatological warning system) and the smion of resint varebes. Contact r research orgazaton: Mr Jean KUATE: Departement de Phytopathologie; Centre de Rechehes Agrornnies de Nkolbisson; B P 2067: YAOUNDE - - - - - - - - - - Record number (MFN): 05284 297 SPAAR Irnofnation System Official project title: FOREST REGENERATION; GERMINATION AND GROWTH OF FOREST SPECIES IN SOUTH CAMEROON. Implementing agency: intemational Fourdation for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15. Country/countnes- Cameroon; Staterrent of objectaves/abstract: The exploitation of economically important forestry species is very rapid in South Carneroon. Dr Amougou wil estabiish a data bank about the artificial regeneration of these species. The charactenstics to be recorded will cover the following aspects- phenology, germination, conservation of seeds, production and conservation of plntlets. growth parameters as well as agroforestry and silictural characteristics. The collected nformation will be made available to national institutions dealing with reforestation in order to avoid detrimental ecological incidence and to contribute to the maintenance of the natiral and genetic resources of the forestry milieu. Contact in research organization: Dr Akoa AMOUGOU: Department de Biologie et Physiologie Vegetales; Faculte des Sciences: Universite de Yaounde; B P 812; YAOUNDE Record number (MFN): 05285 Official project title: PROCESSING OF THE TRIFOUATE YAM (DIOSOfREA DUMETORUM) INTO FLOUR WITH LOW SWELLING CAPACITY FOR THE PREPARATION OF WEANING GRUEL Imrplementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-12- 5. Country/countries: Carreroon: Statement of objectivabstract: The trifoliate yam has a high crude protein coritent (10 per cent), baLbnced essential amino acid comr position. easy digestibity and a high yield-ai of which recommend its use in weaning ,ood preparations. Howevor. because of its high hot-paste viscosity in water. this project aims at prccessng it into a nurtive low-viscosity flour by fermenLtaon. heat-moisture treatment andror treatment with amylase-ich flou m fo the germinated yam itseff or germinated local cerea$ Composite rours for weaning wil then be formulated by mLixg with bcal pulses. They wil be presented as gruel to a taste parel to judge their acceptabily and subjed to aninal feediig tests to evaluate their nritional effieny. Contact in research. organization: Dr Israel MBOME; Centre of Nutriton: Insttute of Medical Research and Medical Pbnt Studies, P 0 Box 6163; YAOUNDE 2gS SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 05288 Officia project title: DEGRADATION OF SAWDUST AND TH- POTENTIAL OF THE DEGRADED PRODUCT FOR GROWING VEGETABLES. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-06-01. Country/countries: Ghana; Staternent of objectives/abstract Esi Awuah will studv the potential of chicken droppings for hastening the rate of degradatior. of sawdust This wdil be done by mixing in varyirg propotns in compost boxes and monet ;i,ng the CUN ratio over a 3-month period The P, K and Mg levels of mixtures will also be determined after the 3-month period. TRe compost products wiHl subsequertly be bioassayed with tomato (Lycopersicon esculenturn) plaits or their utility as planting media :n a greenhouse pot study. Ccntact in research organization: Mrs Esi AWUAH; Department of Civil Engineenng, Env irental Quality Section; Universit of Science and Technology; KUMASI Record nunber (MFN): 05288 Official project tide: PROCESSING, NUTRITION IAL AND SENSORY EVALUAllON OF THE AFRICAN YAM BEAN (SPHENOSTYUS STERNOCARPA) IN NIGERIA. Implementng agency: International Foundation for Science. Start da- e: 1990-12-15. Countr,ycounties: Nigeria; Statement of objectives/abstract The Africm yam bean. Sphenostyis sternocarpam is an under-exploitel- seed legume which is very rugi in protein and energ. Constraints on the tiizalon ot this bean as food by Ngerian consumers ikchude labonous tradonal methods of preparation, extended cookirg trnes -id possile presence of anti-nuients- Dr Uzogara wifl study te speckled brown vanety of the bean and determine the optinal method of processing which can be adapted to vilage or sradl-sce producti levels in Nfigerian addiion she *i ainvestigate nutrive values of the fours from raw and heat-treated beans by chemical technidues wie the sensory propertes of the cooked beans wil be stdied using taste oanels. The resuts wil tel if ftis seed legme shoud be recomnended as food for reducing protein energy malrutrition- Contact in research organization: Dr SteNa Gladys UZOGARA, Depatment of Bochemistruy Ursity of Port Harcot P M B 5323; Choba; PORT HARCOURT 299 SPAAR Informafion System Record number (MFN' 05289 Official project tuie: GENETIC STUDIES ON LACTOBACILlUS SPECIES ISOLATED FROM SOME NIGERIAiN FERMENTED FOODS Implementing agency: Intenrational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990- 12-15. Country/countnes: Nigeria, Statemert of obetes/abstract: Dr Olukoya will conduct genetic investigations on lactobacillus species isolated from Nigerian locally fermented foods with the ultimate aim of improving the production of these foods. The fermented foods for initial focus wil be cassav. hifu, cassava lafun and ogi (fermrented maize. millet or sorghum). Lactobacillus isolates wih be screened for piasmids. Particbar attention wnl be paid to plsioded traits useful in ferrentation. e.g., for production of alpha amytase, pecbrnase, linamase and bio-antagonists. This is with the view of maximizing any usaful fijction discovered. Attempts will also be made to iwove the fermeing organisms by transferring useful i.aracte-istics sitc them. There is presentty no data on the genetics of local iactobacilt; this project wil aid gathering such information and putting such infonnation to use. Contact in research organization: Dr Daniel Kolawole OLUKOYA; Department of Gvenetics: National Institute for Medcal Research: P MB 2013; Yaba: LAGOS Record number (MFN): 05290 urfic;al project ;tle: STUDIES ON UNAMARIN BREAKDOWN DURING PROCESSING OF CASSAVA INTl. GARRi lnplermenting agency Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15. Country/countries: Nigeria: Staternrit of obiectives/abstract Present methods of processing cassava rito gami may result in garin with a high content of residual cyanogen. the bng-term ingesin of which may pose health problems. Ms Barber wil conduct a omprehensive survey to determne the levels of residl cyanonen in garn produced by dferent meffods. The effects of pH. tenperature, fementatKon periods and levels of pre4emmnted cassava maash on the rate of namarm breakdown, gain qality arid types of Mi*o-organ1ms which develop, will be investigated. Areas of mnodfiication of present processing methods for safe garri production wil be identified. Contact in research organization- Ms Lucretia BARBER: Department of Food Science and Tedciolxgy Rivers State 300 SPMR Information System University of Science and Technology; P M B 5080 PORT HARCOURT Record number (MFN): 05291 OfficWi project title: DRYING. DRY-PRODUCT PROCESSING AND STUDY OF THE NUiTRIMONAL STATUS OF THE WEANING FEEDS FROM ART'XARPUS COMMUNIS. Implementing agency: International Foundation for S;ience. Start date: 1990 12-15. Country/countries: Sierra Leone: Statement of objectives/abstra Dr Kormoh's esearch is aimed at devising a smnpie and inexpensive technology for producing composite fbour fo bread-makg from the tropical fruit Arlocarpus comrnnuns. A cheap weanein food wiMl be developed frorr a blend of this mainlv carbohydrate food source with easiy available prietnF-rch ones ike berawseed (Sesamum indicum) and jackfruit (Actocarpus heterophyirn). The research will initially involve a survey of the tradtional methods and uses: solar and oven drying; heat processing - roasting; gring; sievng study o the methods and recipe for making bread; adcitves to improve its nutritional qualky and a response test on the proiucts. Proxfnate analysis on the weaning food wigl be done too. Contact n research organization: Dr Morie Kaliu KORMOH; Departmrent of Chemistry; i Fourat Bay College: FREETOWN Record number (MFN): 05295 Official project title: INVESTIGATION, ISOLATION, AND CHARACTERIZA iON OF LECTINS FROM LOCAL PLANTS. implementing agency: International Foundation for Scienze. Start date: 1990-12-15 Country/countries: Zaire: Statement of objectvves/abstract Dr Nsknba-Lubakr wil invesbgate the isolation and chadacterizabon of a few lectins fomn local plants growing in the vimy of KisanganL These le6is puied by classical methods of protein picaon (salt aid and baser-'0iced pretabon) comb wih affinity, gel fltation,- and ion-exchange dwomat h.,aphy wi be diaractenized in relation to the protein conent in te plat mat 1, sugar specificity, MW. both subit. amino acid and sugar composon nd t their responses under differet physico ia cnons. Lirnodiion assays wif serve to determine possible retih between W -ctins f erom lenet species within a famiy. The lectins wil be then examied as wed for their posstbe biobgial and biochemical roles as for appbcations (mitog*iity ceF toxicity. bicod typing). 301 SPAAR Inforration System Contact in research organization: Dr Makuta NSIMBA-LUBAKI; Departme. of Molecular Biology; Biochemistry Unit Faculty of Science; University of Kisangini; P 0 Box 2012; KISANGANI Record number (MFN): 05317 Official project btle: LOCAL-LFVEL MAPPING (NIGERIA) - PHASE II. Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre- Startdate: 1990-01-05. Enddate: 1994-01-31. Courtrykountries: Nigena: Statement of objectiveslabstract. Rural development is viewed as the foundation for nationai development . Nigeria There is a pressing need for an adequate survey of agiculral and reated resources at the local level. This prowect will expand on the results of an earfier phase of work through the devolopment of a Geogrophic information System (GIS)-based method for the construction of band capabiity mappwig at the local scale in the northwest region of the country. It will involve the integration of high resolut;ion remote sensing data with information from local farmers, and data on kistihjtional arrangements for water and land resources management. A Local Government Area located in a semi-and environment (Sokoto) wil serve as the test site for the project. which is aimed at contributing to the Nigeran efforts for integrated rural development. The strengthenirg of the University of Lagos. research and training capacity in remote sensing and GIS is also an inportant aspect of this project. Contact in research organzation: Mr. Ron Bullock; Unversity of Waterloo: Wa terloo: Ontario: Canada N2L 3G1 Dr. Peter Adenryi. University of Lagos; Department sf Geography; Lagos; Nigeria Record number (IFN): 05318 Official project title: ONG INIlTATIVES (COTE D'IVOIRE). Implementig agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-07-16. End date: 1993-03-31. Country/cntr: CWte divoire: Statem7ent of oblectiveabstract This project is the first step being taken by IDRC in support of local rual groups in Cote dtvoire. The objete of the project is to enrate ifrm on about the paripatory development actvities of nongovwment orgarnaons arnd bcal peopie's organizations ained at wuprovig conditions in the rural and perkr areas. The knowlege created is for the benefit of bhese oanations, -Mich win be able to share each otherWs experiences and succeses. The Centre defomation et 302 SPAAR Information System de recherches en anination rurale (CFAR), which has been working wi irependent rural groups since 1981 wiN start develcping a data base of rral groups and feir successes. The work will start in three regions of the country: Abidcran. Bouake, and Korhogo. Idependent local groups are becoming more visible se he national eection in November 1990. This project will help such groups become more aware of each other. The project will rink wi another IDC-supported prorect: 'Local Organizations Suppor; (West Afnca;' (3-P4-0279). Cor,tact in research organization: Kraba Gnako: CFRAR; 27 boul. Carde 01 BP V291; Plateau Aldjaan; Abidjan: Cote cTIvoire Recor t number (MFN): 05320 Official project title: VILLAGE SELF-HELP PROJECTS (GHANA). Implementing agency: lntemational DeveWopment Research Centre. Start date: 1992-024. End date: 1994-624 Country/countries: Ghana; Staternent of ob,ectives/abstract: Current strategies in rural development are being emphasized in Ghana that are based on commumwity parbcipatiom This project wig review the expeience of village self-help proects undertaken under the auspices of the coDtys Programme of Actons to Mitigate the Social Costs of Adjusnert The main objctv of the study is to investigate the factors which determine the relatbve success or failure of different expenences. Experiences in 70 vilages wil be reviewed, usirg feWd colaborators from each project community as partcpant observers. Partcular attention will be paid to the contiution in bcal resources which is required of the community, and the extent to which these resoxrces are affordable by the communiy and efficiently enployed in the realization of project objectives. Contact in research organization: Mr. Lawerece Honn-f Centre for Development Studies; University of Cape Coass P.O. Box 01; Cape Coast: Ghana Record munber (MFN): 05321 Official project tie: WOMEN AND CASSAVA (COTE DIVOIRE). Implementing agency Internaional Developrent Research Centre. Start date: 1992403-30. End date: 1994-03-30. Cowtrymhbouniies: 06te crivoire: Statement of objectves/abstact Though the role of cassava in the food consunption of the CGe ditowe is very 303 SPAAR Infonnation System mportant. the introduction of improved vaFeties has not been the object of serious economic analysis. This project wil undertake an economic evaluation of the introduction of new, improved cassava varieties developed in research stations, in an essentially peasant farming envirotment, It will analyze the effect of the new cassava on kcal women producers; the effects of elascity of land supply on the adoption of new technroogies; and the prce aspects of new local cassava cultivation. Specifically. it will detennine the profitabilit of introducing new technolc.gies into the existing farming environment; and deternine the effects of aoricultural policies regarding credit and the oganizabon of agricultural and marketing cooceraives for women. The tatter wMI1 eneble women to obtain profitable pnces for the new product. Contact in research organizatin Ms. Louse Haly: CIRES: 08 B P 1295. Abicfan 08: C&te Iwvoire Record number (MFN): 05322 Official project tite: RURAL ECONOMICS RESEARCH (COTE D'IVOIRE). Implementing agency: Inte:.ational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-03-30. End date: 1993-03-30. Country/countnes: Cote dtvoire: Statemrent of objectrves abstract This project will buid on the farm household data ciected in anotner IDRC-supported proect 'Econornie Rurale- (87-0123). Two major areas of interest on factors of production were identified by the field researchars for more indepth analysis and updatirg: the utilzation of animal draft power and commercial inputs. Animal draft .ower. besides being a technology appropriate !3 the socioeconomic conditions of Africa. has the advantage of not generating a higl' degree of dependence among those who use it. This proet wi!l determine the effects of animal draft power on: agniultural productivy: fthe uization of manpower and the income of farmers in the Korhogo region. where this forrn of mechanization is more widely deveoped than in order regions of the Cote d'lvoire. Specifically, it wil determine the gains or liss in crop y:eld. manpower requied per hectare. and incone geneiated per hectare, due to the adop,ton of animal draft power. The research results wil be made available to the Ivorian govemrrent The project will also increase the research capacity of the recrient instituton and provide update material for its courses. Contact in research organization: M. Joseph Yao: CIRES: 08 B.P. 1295: Abikn 08; Cote dIvoire Record nunber (MFN): 05326 Officiai project mie: ETHNOVEINARY PRACTICES (NIGERIA). 304 SPAAR Information System Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-07-02. End date: 1997-02-16. County/countries: Nigeria; Statement of objectivestabstract: Pastoral and agro-pastoral societies in Africa have been tne subject of several anthropological and socioeconomic investigations. In general, the ethnoveterinary activities of these societies have been largely overlooked, and a recognition of their valuable contribution to the livestock healfth delivery system ignored. The task of maintairing livestock hea.th is increasingly devolving on traditional health care practices due to dwindling financial govemrnent resources. The need to evaluate this system of anirnal healfth delivery, has recently become obvious. This project to be urKrtaken in Nigeria w-ill colect data on the prevalence and pattern of livestock diseases of economic importance and the traditional methods of controlling them; carry out an indepth literature review as weil as on-farm data collection wih agropastorass in the savannah region; identify commonly used medicina pants and remedies; descibe and catalogue themr; and evaluate the efficacy of the more importan ones. Contact in research organization: Mr. Jerome 0. Gefu; National Animal Production Research Institute; Ahmadu Belkb University; PMB 1096; Zaria: NKgeria Record number (MFN): 05327 Official project title: AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS (CAMEROON) - PHASE 'I. Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-03-20. End date: 1994-01-16. Country/coutries: Cameroon; Staternent of obtectives/abstract.- Productvity in the food and cash crop production of small-scale farmers in southemr Carneroon is in continuing decine as a consequence of worserg environmental factors, particularly land degradation. The first phase o1 this proect estab~ished that te adaptation of exotic mufiturpose trees to locai conditions has a benelicial effect on soil prodtivity. This second phase wil continue to develop w.ys of overcoming dficulties related to the introduction of soil improv-ng shrub specxs. such as Cajanus calan, before these methods are introduced n the practce of smal-scale farming. It will also provide degree and in-service tainig, and establish a strOng research team of local scientsts capable of pursing research in a vl equpped agroforestiy unt It wil hwer contiue the evaluation of improve4 marngement regines in tree-crop systems; screen bcal mLnOpuipose tree species:'ad design. test, and dissenate appropiate systems and technoIoges. Contact in research orgarization: Dr. Ayuk-Takem; ICRAF; ICRAF House; Gigini (Off Limu Road); P.O. Box 30677; 305 SPAAR Information System Nairobi Kleya Record number (MFN): 05335 Official project title: SMALL RURAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (COTE D'IVOIRE). Implementng agency- International Developrment Research Centre- Start date: 1992-05-12 End date. 1994-05-12 Country/countnes: C6te d'tvoire; Statement of obecives/abstract One of the consequences of the economic recovery orogram of C6te divoire, passed in 1989-90, was the return migration of a significant number of people to rurai areas. Their icluson or re-inclusion in the agncultural economy. made it necessary to provide tesm with the know-how and means for a profitable agriculture. This project will enable INADES-Formation to start a training program in farm mnagement for subsistence farmers, based on useful modem theoretical and practcal elements, taking into account nabonal, cultural. social, and environmental corditions, as wei! as the farmers' traditional knowledge. The program wigl incorporate the principles of environmental protection, usefui tradMional agricUtural practices, and appropnate extemal technologies. It wil pbksh a document listing the recorded practices and produce pedagogical material, including the research and evaluation results. Contact in research organization: Gnamnien Konan: Institut africain pour le deve tppement economique et social; Centre afrcain de formation: 01 B.P. 2007; Bouak6 01: Cote dIlvoire Record number (MFN): 05336 Official project title: INSTITUTIONALOZNG THE INDIGENOUS CAPACITY IN WEST AFRICA. Implementing agency. International Developrnent Research Centre. Start date: 1992-05-15. End date: 1992-11-15. Country/countries: Africa. Nigera. Statement of objectivesiabstract There is a growig body of evidence demonstratipg the positive uses of indger us knowledge in develpment projects. Tne Afrcan Resources Centre for Indgeus KnowWedge (ARCIK). within its mandate to develop research tools and methods better adapted to the African context encuages the use of traditonal knowiedge in long-term ceveobpnent. This protect wil provide ARCiK wit the mears required to introduce a core of Nigerian agricultural researchers. pbanrers. educationists. as wel as representatives of ten other ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) natons. to indienous knowledge. Specificaly. it will ideatfy individuals and institubons in ECOWAS nations that wi provide an initial network for trairung 306 SPAAR infomration Systern in the use of indigenous knowledge; conduct a workshop for 42 agncl,tural personnel to train polirymakers and researchers as weU as trainers in the methdobgies for reco;ding indigenous knowledge; and analyze educational policy dcnges required to coporate training on this subject in universtes and agricultural extension training institutions. Contact in research organization: Nlr. Abedotn 0. Philipps; NISER: P.M.B. 5; Ui. Post Office; ibadan; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 05339 Official project tle: SMALL GRANTS (WARDA). Impiementing agency: Interratonal DevelopTent Research Centre. Start date: 1992-05-01. End dat.e: 1995-04-30. Countr-vicountries: Africa C6te dlvoire: Statemrent of objectiveslabstract The longterm needs ar rice resea.dh in West Africa must be met by strong rational programs wo,king ir a coordinated regional effort National rice programs currently work in relative isola on. Althoug an increasing number of national aricuwtural research systems (NARS) have wel trained scientific staff, they lack the equipment afastruture, and operahng funds to carry out even rudimentary collabo-ative actmvNies. For such NARS, wel targeted grants coud have immediate ane very significat imnpact. This project wd fud smal grants to naional rice programs to support the costs of conducting collaborative research. Task Forces wMil plan coordinated regional actvities, and then review and approve projects for integrated rice research systems. The project wil help 'to ensure that research responsibilities are efficiently allocated between researcn institutiors, and improve the transfer of research results between the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA) and NARS as wel as between NARS themselves. The goal is to achieve the most efficient means of generating and transferring impro-ved rice technologies to the small farmers in the region. Contact in research organization: Dr. Eugene Tery; VARD.4: 01 B.P. 2551 Bouake: Cdte cflvoire Record number (MFN): 05347 Officiai project title: FOOD PROCESSING (MCGILUGHANA). lrnplementin3 agency: hnternational evelopment Research Centre. Start date: 1992-03-31. End date: 1995-04-30. Country.'contbes Ghanar Statement of objectivesIabstract 307 SPM R b*m-Ao System Posl-hned ls d Ga(hmim fnik and egtbles i riately aher havest dhSU i t- .ion and makeing are high, as a rsuld (adeiqulr proesm A and o;ag'ng d the odskifs. These which ae esimaled to be bteen 30 aa i0% are i d by g5we aswellas maketwomen A sibstanial ik in nthese kss-s wud bv g beconowic gans a! involed. TiS project. wi be canied oMA n cabation betwee te varsity o Sdence d T d n Ghana and McGi i in Ca - ts ained at d- presvation. aid pad- tolo 'fruits and vegebis to ext-d he' shelf Me. Research adMies wii in"o"4 a .iedk dalin of foodstus di economic inportae. deve4^, ;.-e -tar! t obol . proro&g the results obained. ad taino r' -ese .oers i. * ood sence ad techiology. Tlhresearc: pnec wi be corr.eineo?y to ar instional deveopmet p,ura being supported by the Cmaadn lntmatoxa Develpme Agency, aimed at deveoping a food soiene and tedcholW rogran at me uwrsty of Sdece and Techrology. Contabd n researh orgaization: Ph. Benj K Sinpson; McGiU bnernaton.; McGC Urwersty; 3550 Uniersity Street Mantr6al; Ouibec; Canada H3A 2A71. J.H. Oldwam; University c Scienc and Technology; Department of Biochem Kwuas; GQana Record number (MFN): 05351 Ofcial project tde: GULLY EROSION (NIGERIA). impbementig agency: irnernational Development Research Cente. Couty/ounries: Nigena; Statement of oblectives/abstract The poblem of wKdspread severe gully ewsi in palts of southeastern Nigea s a mjo factr hampering the govenmwnt policy of increased toc -iduction, and imrroved Hving standars and economic earnings of rwral dwe . s. The rapid retreat of gully head scaps (at an average rate of 40 m per year), and extensiv skmipigsidin on fe wals of existng gulies is gradually destroyng th physical exisence and economic base of many rral and wban commnities in ti: region. Efforts to control gully erosion have achieved only tiited success. partl because of the neffectveness of most of the control measures; the r aninwolverrent of dIe rural communities in the planning, implmention, and coordation of rnanrgement strategies; and absence of a national policy on erosion control. This project is designed to identify the acical factos, both physical and human, causing gully erosion, and to formulate effectrve gully erosion contro strategies based upon these causaive factors, with a strong emphasis on active community participation. Physical factors, such as geoogy, stratigraphy, engineeifng properbes of gully materials and hydrogeology will be detenminsd, Huan fadors, including famng practaces, road and path construction, drainage systems, wood gafteg, drforestation, etc. will be considered. Past and present erosion control practices on a local and regional scale wil be evaluated. 308 SPAAR h*mation Syslem Cosad in reseanh offjauzaton: kWr Pelr Hudec LUweri d Winsor, 401 Surise Boat Wndsor Or&im; CanKa PlN9 3P4Dr. Enui Alkqxfo lkveI d Podt Haru Deparmernt af Gedogxy Chba; PMB 5323; Por H aor Ngenar. Msad Ulmnweke; Anwrxa S l taiiwU siw of Tecoogy PM 525: Awka Niea Record number (MFN): 05353 Olial poed tie: INDIGENOUS PIG PROD'JCTION (BENIN. -v agency: Iemabonal Devetpment Rescarch Cente. Sltadale:199344-21. Enddate 1997-10-21. Ca d#*ykutim- Bern; StaWe fr hi P.bjdives/abdSact RWa pqpaton gewh aid low agficultural pouil continue to moe the gap between bod suply mid demad hi suhSaaran Mnca. A po1entia sokuon is to ncrem fe producton of amnals wih a rapid rnpmubt cyde. such as pigs. P=,u PtheIs at developig mor efici pig productio sysem faied. however, becas they were confia d b sie kms and d not W consumer Pu#rismo ro consderabion. This -vp wi exmine and dharmactrz vmigen pig poduction. as wel as processig aid ma*tmg sysms, in South Berin, a;d develp and test inproved production sysems adaped to bcal demogri and maeg cornditibons and the fnacl m ofad the producers. The systms wil be developed with the asssta ot the poducers aid te on 15 qperatwag bans. The resuls wi be disseminated aong tawmers, sienrists, and public officiats. Contat in research organizabn: M. Renr Nonbn; Facufe des sciences agronomiques; Universild natnae du Bdnin; B.P. 256; Cotonou: Pepubuque du B6nin Peord numbet (MFN): 05358 OlFciri prect te: CATTLE RESEARCH NETWORK (CARNET) (FORMERLY CATTLE MILK AND MEAT NETWORK). hi~menting agency: intemational uvestck Center fot Atrc;a. Stat date: 1989-O0-00. Colrfy/countnes: Africa; Cameroon; Cole d*voire; Ghana; Guinea; Mali; Nigeria; Seregal; ' Togo; SW nt od objectives/abstract The owall objectie ol the network is to assist the naional agricural research systm (NARSs) m Sub-Saharan Africa in develping and OmVemer.ing esearch pogrwmmes aimed at inceaw.;g sustainabb mik and meat production, paiculby by rnahlEider catte producers. Spe,nic coectes are to: (i) encourage and 309 SPAAR knrmaiona Syslem 'slmain ratle mnk and mesA (CN4 researd by assis 9N,ASs n developIh te -W .haoS inhaeeinsiue, (i) help NARSs *velo ts rch clpab Ihix4 bnwrg, nawge of expetise, wdshops ad coopen wh r~iri~ aired resewh celt r; (il rcourage coIabcratiesead prain wiwin ad between NAR Ssad reonW (iv) fac information eX ge trough worShp6, visis by scinrish e Coaboratle inStitulions, slelets. jrns poce ang of natonl so es d pbkb*on o lamers' new_ fsl (v) devep .esedn- -Ur h*agss r() assist NAS n da colecion, ana4ysis. u1eqxton and mepox*g () maintai a ru and up4t.da diectoy of NARS scientists and tehr progarmes n catle mik and meat reseadi; and (viii assist NARs obtain r fds for fte ir*Mp m Of cokirdve reseamh oganmies. Conc in eseadch ogazagion: Dr. EA. OWoku; CoordinaWo CARNET, ILCA; P.O Box 5689 Addis Ababa, EhopisSleerig Commitee Chairmen:(i) Easl & Soulhem Africa: Dr. S. Sbanda; Univ. of Ziwbae; P.O. Box MP 167; Mount Peasai Harare; Zibabwe; Tel: (263) 43O1= 1; Fax: (263) 4732828(i)West & Central Mrica: Prd. E.O. Oyedipe; NAPFI; PMB 1096; Shika; Zara; Nigen; Tel: (234) 69-51018; Fax: (234) 62-23052r Record nuber (MFN): 05360 Officsal proec tite: COMAON PROPERTY RESOURCE NETWORK. Implmenn ageny Unversity of Minnesota at MieVoks St. Paul. Sbat dale: 1986-OD00. Countrybcoetries: Global; Statement of obectves/abs: To facilitate exchnge of informaton between scientists of variou disciplures i drent coutntes to help adce bette use of comon property resou-es. Ulimate am is to conserve and improve the use of commn poperty resouw;s thmugut the world and to improve the lives of ftos people who deped on them. Specific obves indude: (a) disseminating news abotA applied, practical work in the field of common property conservation, use, and management (b) infrm members c; ongoing esearch actnrves; conferences, symposia, workshops; signdficant books, joumnal ancies, and reports: (c) report on significant events o trends rebted to common property resources: and (d) develop a vital, self-sustaining, productive network of people who spontaneously share information and collaborate with each oter. Contact n search organzation: Dr. C. Ford Runge: Coordinator; Oepaoent of AgiAcultural and Applied Economics: University of Minnesota; 231 Classio= Offce Build 9n 1994 Buford Avenue; St. Paul: MN 55108: USA 310 SPAAPR k*mnio S Reo mmbe F: 053U O0 - Ut WEF?tATONAL ETWOFK ON THE GE C D*AC ENT OF RICE (INGER). -ilmeln agency btdernaito c Ressaeth lsAukk. Sin ahd* 1975400. Courl ures Gbbat g Cd Sblm t et objeiie Sa9egncegem i :o 9yied and odw_acrm nIGERnrsne ae g unrper u oiW cabgorees: irga!ed yiekdardobserwaionalsens vya. erly, rediur);raiedWii yieid aid obser nwseres (very.waj, easy, mechin); aied kwd yid aind obserwo nurser (vsy, eauy, me); speci s uesss eries (mpae, so dewses -i q and nemtdes mnursenes). Cot in researc orgaization: Dr D.V. Seshu; GlobW Coordnior IWtenktiona Rice PAssach Inshtue (WIRIl); P.O. Box 933; ib;an Ptiippire; Telex: 40890 RICE PM Pecord number (N): 05369 O-icia pmpjd til: INTERNATiOAL NET#OR FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF BANANAS AND PLANTAJNS (INMBAP). : rplemiling agenCy :ntnabonal Network for the IovemPnt of Banans and Pibtins. SWt date: 1964-11-05. Couirptounties: GCo; BunC: Ngeria; Kenwya; Braz; Guaddoups; Honduras, Jamaic Taiwan. PrOmwCe of China, Chi- Phliie; Australm Ost RCa; France; Pannaa, Stlment of obIectiveslabstract: Coordfnae and stimule research on improvemet of baas and pantais for domestic cor,s Aition wimn paducing countries. Spedfic obc are to: (a) ikdae, er ippO.i, conduct, and coordite resach ained at prin the producti( x as and l.antEins; (b) encourage the coletion and exchange of docurnftat -'lomlation relating to bananas and patains: and (c) support traing for res6ae rs and technicians from developng counbies. Contact in rearch organization: Director; Agrure, Food and Nutriio Scinces; Intrnatbonal Development Research Centre (IDRC); P.O. Box 8500; Ottawa; Canada; KIG 3HP; Tel: (613) 23646163; Telex: 053-3753 Rinord nunber (MFN): 06370 311 SPAAR oation System Offci pqed bti: ITERNATKONAL NETWOR ON SOIL FERTUl AND SUSTANABLE RICE FARING (NSURF). hnomodo agy W&eatnal Rice Psearch bAe. Stladate: 1976-0000. Courb*our**s Goba; Carer; Loo .,-w Madagascar Ngea; Salo Banadesh; Manma China; Cooniba Cuba. Doninican epuplic; India; IndoneSk; Malaysia; Nepal; Pakista; Pefu; Philmps; Sri Lanka; Thailari; Viet Nam; STe t of obqc/abstiract l08e3ted nut'ient mmageme and kong4enn fertiy studies n ingated. mrined bwE^d and upiad nce envionents, maintenance/enhanement of sod ferndy for sstancle rice productnn. Cortct in research organuation: Dr. Cezar P. awniarl; Agronomist. Itereatonal Rice Research Instite (IRRI); P.O. Box 933; Manila; Ph.lpines: Tebex: 40890 RICE PM: Cable: RICEFOUND. MANILA Record mber (MFN): 05373 Offical projet te: INTERNATIONAL SOYBEAN PROGRAM (INTSOY). Implmentin agency: Unies of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Start date: 1973-00-00. Cota*y6countries: Global; Cameroon; C6te ciorre; Lbyan Arab Jamahiriya; Nigeria: Senegal; United Republic of Twzania; Uganda; Zaire; Zanbia; Zimbabwe; A,genrna; Australia; Bangadesh; Brazil: Canada; China; Colombia; Cuba; Ecuador France; Guyana; Honduras; India; Indonesia; Republic of Korea; Mexico; Nepal; Panama; Peru; Philvppnes; Puerto Rico; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Thailand; Unded States; USSR; Venezuela; Viet Nam; Statement of objectives/abstract: INTSOY is a multipurpose commodity network. INTSOY ornce served as a cearinghouse for a workWida system for soybean germplasn. The intenational nursery part of INTSOY is called ISVEX (International Soybean Variety Experiment) and was started at the inception of INTSOY in 1973. It was terminated in 1985 with 132 countries having participated in ISVEX. By 1986. INTSOY had completely shfted the focus of its work to finding new ways to process and use soybeans as hwnan and livestock food. INTSOY is now concentrating on a three-phase soybean utilization effort for the period 1965-1991 as follows: Phase 1: Intensifid research to develop new soy products and processes; Phase II: Development of simple 'how to' manuals and equipnment lists fc ess deveoped countries and entmpreneurs interested in production of soy foods on a small or large commsrcial scale; Phase Ill: On-site technic3l assistance in soybean utilzation for govemments and private firms in less devebcped countries. The primary goal is to improve human nutrition through increased use of whole soybeans. Some specific programs/proects inciude: (a) collaboration with the Department of 312 - U SPAAR lromali S Food Science at vsy of Waniols ID deveop new ways ID prcss and use wtiole sey*o or hurra foodt (b) aifted soybewa si,MVwgblf. and somte bods pidwed by ex1rsn axkr (c) a mpb bw-cost pocen to podae a higqully soWTiC i no pab- mscbcn (dc uname gmn oybem as a coweraav1y vie Nprolii grew vegetaWle; (e) sine pocsses Ofm cnver sox residues ito ail feed; aid (f home and village-level pce&m for prerng sotea poducts ko home comon. Caat i tesead organian: W. Hamid E Kauffman'; Drecor INTSOY; Colege d AgiAtwe; Uriversty of !kois al Wkbaa-Champaim ; 113 M&mltord Hat, 1301 W. Gregory Drive; Urbana; linois 61801; Tel: (217) 333 6422; Telex 206957 RPcord number (FN): 05375 Olcfkl pred btie: INTERNATIONAL PEAFL WILET ADAPTATION TRIAL (IPMAT). hiementig ageny: hrteaonal Crops Research Insie for the Semi-Arid Tropics. * Sbt dek 1975-00.00 C= mG ftw Global; Maim; N ; Senegal; Suda; Uganda Zamha; hdia; SWemert of ob jcves/absbact Evalaabon of yield potential and ewgeoyaphical adaptabon divese genotre. C- td in research organizaboi: J.R. Wicme; Cereals Program; hIWatonal Crops Research Institbt for the SemiArid Tropics (ICRISAT); Patancheru; P.O.; Arciwa Pradesh 502 324; India; Tel: 224-016; Telex: 422203 ICRI IN; Cable: CRISAT, Hyderabad; EMail: 157:CGIS05 Record number (MFN): 05376 Ollicial projec fte: INTERNATIONAL PEARL MILLET DISEASE RESISTANCE TESTING PROGRAM (IPMDRTP). hhrbtng agency: Intematonal Crops Research InsbtUe for te SemiArid Tropics. Stt date: 1976-00-00. Coutry/countries: Global; Senegal; Niger; Ngeria; India; SWemerwt of objectives/abstract: The objetives are to: (a) test for resistance; (b) mnitor variatons in pathogen populations: and (c) provide resiswant sources to cooperating scientists. There are four dsease nurseries in IPMDRTP: (i) International Pearl Millet Downy Mildew Nursery (IPMDMN) was established in 1974, in tour countries (Ind a, Senegal, Niger. Nigeria), in up to wenty locations; (ii) International Pead Milet Rust Nursery 313 SPAAR kMRih bsym (P) ws e_khd n 1978, in seen batioris wini hdku (i) Irkmatonal PeuI R Sii Nsery (IPSM) was esishb i n seven loc' m vi nter =xw*ies (haia Senegal Niger); (iv) htiernal Pel Pea t EMgnE NErsey (IEN) wm esblshed in five cations in two coutres (hdida. Senee). Cotactn meseach ojzation: Pesa Mi Pogran; ki bonral Crops Researc hisfbie kbr fl Semi-And rT s (KFAT); Patmheu P.O.; haiiia Pradesh 52 324; nia; Tet 224016; Telex 422203 ICRI IN; Cable: CRISAT, Hyderabd E-Mail: 157-CG1506 FRcord number (MFN): 05381 Official proled be: SMALL RUMNAN AND CALEL GROUP RESEARCH NETWORK. npnentmigag ebncy Ineratonal Livestock Cene for Aica Countoutnes: Arica; Mi* Kenya. Nigerithiop Sudan: BwkEa Faso; MDzmbk; Rw da Zinawe; Stabement o4 ob eives/abstra± Intomi cooperaon already exids betwee ILCA scientsts and natonal programs in tfe aea d smal wnia researc. The objectives of the prposed network are to: (a) cary oat fundamertal and applied researcd (b) coordnaee ILCA's oer rsarch on sinrumnnt and to assi and advtse on analysis and pubcabon; (c) commit *kproddion data aheady aalyzed esisewhere and suggest solubons to producin consari n he ligh of available sul; (d) colle and analyze urptbisd data on reproducn, gowth and d iease n the vwiou ecological zones of Sub,Salaran Afica and relate these to penvkg nutitional and maageme conditions (e) ass and to diagnose speci cuses of mortality, patcarly at the prwam stae; (f) deveiop a manual of suvey tehniques (includig samplng procekues. sample sizes, and diawotic methods) for use n sinax un productivity in Alnu; (g) sudy the sockil and management factors fat contbute to product differences; (h) encourage research on the potenal for inproving produc by selective breeding wi and among indegenous breeds; (i) help organze regiona or nabonal training requirem t: and (j) pubish a newsletter to dissemiate results or develpnent expeence and to maintain contact between researchers and development officials. Contact in research organization: Dr. R.T. Wilson; HeadPrircipa Aninal Scientist Small Ruminant and Camel Group; Intematonal Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689; Addis Ababa; Ethiopia; Tel: 183215-25; Telex: 976-21207 ILCA ET Record number (MFNI: 05389 Ofcial prqect title: HUMAN FOOD VALUE OF AUSTRALIAN ACACIA SEEDS. 314 SPAAR khtmaiin Syster h_n6V agec Aus i Cerde lor lilnal Agrictil RPesmdt Sl a 199301-7. Enddile: 1996-)06. - - A ren -1 A- ; woks*iop reviewed 1e pr' o 1hie seedd Aus*alim y-mn ac as a rew hw lfood somme for semaid ego in iipica aid subipica coue. The msee d some 50 qie are a Ib_' bfood o Ahorial people in emdal and not-hen Astral. Sever gecis gwrapidy and pmueo heavy cmps frm an eay age n semi-ari Saheia Ahica The seeds are a nutiwtous fod surce high m proe. bt and cartie, arp1 h2ay ;o- lveis d bow oxic and a ii bors actom Tase b m Niger suggs lhd acaca seed kwm E pabbbe ard easily rcporaed iio exis diag ui bal bDod p rocrmg eduol and cqes. Chemical tests on priority spcies camed ot* ateuut te the wkdop hawe yielded eo mg ssuls. Feemg buis wilh aakoriy arm and siculua trial l quantty seed piotion di Uad speaes and demme appopre ranagemert prakds are proies br fAe rwidi. Methods deveped for Australim AG species can also be used to evaate oer iidenows and exobc ee and shnb speass wi hunam food -o bk se&m-and envorients. Cart i rsewch orgarization: Dr. Chris Harwood Australian Tree Seed Centre; CSIRO; P.O. Box 4008; Oueen Vioria Terace; ACT 2601; Australia RAcord mne (MFN): 05394 Offcial pdje fite: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES (FORMERLY AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL. RESOURCES MA GEMENT). kpknimentng agency: Worid Bank; Siea Leone. SM da: 1995-00-00. Cioury/ces: Siemra Leone; S_rment of oectives/absract Project would invoole npn dssemnrabon of agrcultural technology oug stengening extension and research, induding its lages with extension and edujcation. Rco number (MFN): 05399 Offcial proiect tite: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES. Mpenhting agency: World Bank; GueBissau. Country/countries: Guinea-Bissau: 315 SPAAR Inomalion Sym Recud number (MFN): 05400 Ofcial piied ide: AGFKCUTURAL SERVICES. knplm*ing agency Wodd Ban-C GCuiea-8a. Sblat die: 1988-0628. End daie: 1993-12-31. CWnlir:otrwes. Guiau-_ssau- Recod m er (MFN): 05401 Ocaal proecd tie: SECOND NATIONAL AGRICULTURE. Ipent" aWncy World &ank Ngera. Courykouries: Nigea; Recoid nunber (MFN): 05402 Offical pwict ite: AGRICULTURE SECTOR. Impemnig agency: World Bank; Sierra Leone. Start dai: 198412-10. End date: 1997-12-31. Courtycoutries: Ser Leone: Record ntsnber (MFN): 05414 Olficial pot t: RUBBER SEED OIL: FINOING USES FOR A WASTE PRODUCT (NIGERIA). Implementing agency: Internationa Develpment Research Centre. CountryIcountnes: Canada; Nigera, Stalerert of obciesabsra: The pant industy plays a maor rolein fe Nigenan economy. However, the con nt do is induotty has siiecantly dwindled, mosty due to a lack of raw maerials. Most of th raw rnalenals, especially ft fihn formng lipid base component, are imorted and not readily avaiable. The source of this bid oase comnt s usually linseed oilwhich is mostly made up of xnoenic and linolec acids. Nemus pantations of nbber tree are, howev, found in Niger and the 316 SPAAR k*nnaon slem nMs seeds are not ihad a me pneno kme. The rthber sead d has a liid ram ip 3W tin-s 3 of hinseed d bt som exhrV ar n _gb l siPe anowss d fiocen and iol1ic acid It couid 11ebe psoaII repboe to iusdr ouis a apidbas iepahtldisty. Thipjedtwanat pom_ nfbw seed di i a drying oi silabl r use mundacfe n Kgejim. The pmod w also eveii ale poshiuihes id producng em.sdIs mli c hyior fr-ion -d 3me oi The Ie oilisies of to prqeedr m be to wmmn's otopales and nxa c om_ire Iha m piice Vi od, and o m a nkg*ies #W I n & the dinug di aid ertdiers. Ccnah t feseadi rr:izn: Dr. Yam J. Owuse-nsahi; P06 Pid Plat Corporaton; 118, Veeuiary Road; Sasbbon, Sa5*he; Canada S7N 2R4Dr. I.C. O non Depatnent of od*s Urwers of Niia. Nsdma Neia Recod nunber (MFN): 05416 Ofial prsjd blld: COMWUNICATIO N AND INFOMATION AMED AT THE RURAL PEOPLE OF CWEROON - PHASE Ill. -w i a In aiona Devebpmet Reseach Cente. SWtse: 1992-01-15. End date: 1993-11-30. -u-rk Cameroon, Stalemert ofojcsvs**c The hisiA akea pour e diveloppement econmique e socabe (INAOES) dssemiWes prac and ecornomcay usehtl inknabon among peasants. Thro him pjed. I l extend its irmaln and eaaoa adiibes in ft south awd east of Cameroon, tough the distbuon of bdwx radio progams, and a ltyo audio-vIual mefhod Specifically. wi pAiht two jwnals, one r Erngh and te ohe m French; produce about 125 rs9onal radio proWams; organze sx exchange bis by goups of peasars, which wE hel 3mm acqwre new caAivon teimques; and conue f3 dsbuion of teadcig material. Contact in research organizabon: Jonas Mva Mva; INADES-Fonmation; Yaounde; B.P. 11; Cameroun Rcord nL mber (MFN): 05422 Olicial prject ttle: NO DUMPING HERE: CONTROL OF PESTICIDES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. IW rmentmng agency: Internabonal Development Research Centre. Stt dat: 1990-02-27. End date: 1991-08-27. Country/countnesa Global. Kenya; Zambia: Ghana; Bangladesh; Sam ent,f obectiesabstract 317 SPAAR k*nvxr SS Gmg pecdde (ms)usews now recogrized wd*sly a mWrmw n problenm. hwbiy W4 O chem dicas hame be bamued in the intdiwd ciunies btA are s b-n m_LIud fOr WPM dewlopIng cubs This project Wi pro*e suWor for a uop of nong_erwe ogakm (NGOs) m Kenya Zambia, Ghaa, and Bwd bD esane, ider te coordiaton d the Ement Ltan CELaCl), nion pesftde makes un pttAr prlaces, beao, a s of inrpota *a* ors su a pesd end users, producrs, and kbdms. The proed cdy bide on and is mode after a prvou Elcoonded NGO netkwo study i tween coutries on aspects o the i rnationa pestide trade and manket specifica1y on pogress in ie inilee oflte FAO deofCondi T c; anoher NGO nework study exwig facrs rebig to the deee of adopon by developig crunines o the prince of Prior Inormned Cosn (38269). Contact n research orgariaton: Sh1iwayi Mwimbna, Enromt Liaison Centre Inlemabonal: P.O. Box 72461; Naimb; Kea w ~~~~---------------_ _ Record number (MFN): 05437 Off6cial proed title: THIN-LAYER DRYING AND REWEMUNG CHARACTERISTICS OF COCOA BEANS. ImpVementn agency: Intemabonal Foundation for Science. Start dale: 19-12-06. Country/countres: Nigera; Statement of objectives/abstract In order to permk fundmenta udestan of tw drying and storage behaviour ol oawa beans,Dr Faborode will study both the thin-layer yng and tw rewettn pomna He will invesgae their effects on the qualty of th resulting raw cocoa and retate tiem to process conditions, viz., tmperature, rebtie hniidiy and air veoitq, after hrst obtaining relevant thermo-physical propeies of fe bears. The pements will be camned ott wuner contoled cxion of temperatrnd relbive humidiy, usig a computer-aided data acquisibon systm to pemitoniuous onoline recoding of necessary motsture transfer data. Approprate models representing the drying and rewettng esponse wil be developed. The workwil thus provide data needed to dentiy optimuim dry"g and storage rgimes for cocoa n fored-air dryers. Contact in research organization: Dr Michael 0 FABORODE; Department of Agricultural Engieenng; Obafemi Awoowo Unniersity; ILE-IFE: Nigeria Record number (MFN): 05440 318 SPAAR khcmation Syssn CUbal pred hiljr THE ROLE OF PARA-NFLLUENiA TYPE 3 (P1-3) VFU IN PEIATION TO OTHER FESPIRATORY PATHOGENS IN THE ETlOLOGY OF CAPfNE PNEUMONIA 4IN NIGER IqiUeIiig agency. herabona Fouaon for Scince. Sbt dak 1991-6-2. muln kies d Neiges/i4riat Dr bu i sudx e role of P wrAnza wus type 3 (P-3) rein bon bo Paseb h ia(PH) an d s- . r-.kete dd. a . . .ogy. -of. capre pnufmm i Niera The unate objeci is to prove the necessity for a conmbed vaccie co apmg sullicienIfy n1pcaled patlogens to ontrol Of _ pemmona crmplex g ots in Ohe rgpon. Grops o suseptJe Red Solol goatS wi be Ioedsd I ilh P1-3 wis alone or wih Ph and MC. The ciriI vlogical, ba er1 ,gicaL hamitgic and bnmunoogical responses of the animals wil be monitor. The work s expected to demonstrate fe iibaing role of PI-3 wus and I sngimf wth Ph and MC h pneumon of goats n Nigeria Conbd in reseamh organization: Dr Olipabi J IBJ; VYus Vaa ne Research Division; Nafional Verhiary Research jlote; VOt Pteu State; Nigerb As=d nurb {MFN): 05442 Off iialpred tile: EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF AZOLLA SPP. SUITABLE FOR UVESTOCK FEED FORMWLATION. tnplemri agency: Intembaonal Foundation for Science. St dae: 1991-028. Cout nes: Nigena; S_umet of objecres/astract: Dr Esiobu wil screen several Azola-Anabaena srains, for sutabdity as a ivstock fed axmnert, under field conditions in the Lagos Lagoon andlor Port-Harcotst fshwater ponds (intense aquacuatr regiors of Ner). In additon to esbishwg a smalt workig clecbton d indigenous and exoic Azola strains in tLagos, the study aims at dent"g Azola-Anabaena with high bwomass yield, elevated N2 fixabion and good quality protein, low celuose and igin levels--all of which could be used in livestock and fish feed. Data on the physico-chemical pa eters and climatic condions would be related to Azola performnw. Methods inchidepei measueet of fresh/dry weis, nitrogn actvity, nitrogen and ptein contents, cellulse and fire evels of the strains over a period of 12 months. Measurements wil be made using special Azola biomass nets, acetylene redn assays, Keldhi analysis. colonmetric determinabons of proteins and acid dete t tibre (ADF) caulabions. Cwact in research organization: 319 Or Naditdo ESIU; AnW 1994"1J La_ioro d Plant Boog Plae Croicdu Sud 4; Lk(esie Cahoque de Lowaia; 1348 LOUVAIN-LE-NENVE; Begitun RePd nume (MFN) 05447 %bialc pmred tle: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CERCOSPORK)SIS CAUSED BY WYCOSPHERELLA SP.GN BANANA IN CAMEROON, AND EVALUAllON OF THE VARIETAL SUSCEPTIBILfIf TO THE DISEASE. Impeing agency Intaional Fourdain for Saience. Star dab: 1991-05-28. Co a* Caerooon; Swme of obces/abstraa In te highncs of Camemoon the yelow cerspor' (Mycos1haera musola) ts rsp b for large-scale aftacks on banana ees. evn on cutvais usualy oonscarecl to be restait In fte lwlds the repnshb pathogen s M. fiensis. 1k Pebio's projed aims at a better uadwstndin on te extt of poebr nieciors on lag indstrial plantarons. Attepts wi be made for a modelizaon of le owth of le two species in reabon to dimat bacts. n order to develop a waing system. The study wi marly be caried out in fte regon of nxrial pranior of MWgo in Cameoon. Contad in research organizabon: 1k Alsa MOULIOM PEFOURA; Programe Banane; Centre des Redies Agrxmiques; IRA, B P 13; NJOMBE; Cameroon Record nunber (MFN): 05448 Offlial proed b0e: BIOCHEMCAL MARKERS ASSOCIATED TO FUSARIOSIS OF OIL PALM TREE: THEIR USE IN THE BREEDING PROGRAMMES. lnpbemer agency: International Foundaion for Scence. Staft date: 1991-05-28. Cob dry/ourtries: C6te dlvoire; Statmet of objectiveslabsatrt: 1k Diiabt wi study the metaboltes synthesized by the od palm tree, Ebeas guneensis,when attacked by the pathogenic fungi Fusaiuxn oxyspo-wun f.sp. Elaeids. These cw ets wi be extraLed frm roots or pseudo-bulbs of both resstant and non-resistant trees, and compared usng the Foin Ciocalten method, thm layer omatgraphy and high pressure liquid chmagrphy. The objeve of the study is to itprove the metods to test resistance of oil palm to fusariosis. Contact in research organzation: r Sekou DIABATE: IDEFOR IRHO Cl; Plantation Exper*nentalb Rotert Michauax B P 320 SPAAR hdonnkin Sysm t; DABOtL Cdl. dIva Pa 0 number (MF): 05449 OUlc~ps ilb:U AN EVALUATIO OF TRADlh,rT .- - -f4JTAT)N McrTHOOS AN. _' EFFECTS ON THE CHEICAL COMPObI '.ON OF CASSAVA-WSED PRCDU_ rS. Imh _nirg agency: kilmabonal Foundation for Scenrs S-ie: 191-05-28. Cour Canr ron; &bMned d d j4wbs An asem d Ie d asac a rossug edwwques wil be made so as to idenbify lvms steps inlved in the prodiJn of aimon de "awe wd vt. Sampls (hesht uf,mecafe and final) for eacd pV.lAx to be studied wi be coected rom ~ie rai degy As reI d pmocessors viih sandar teclwiqus in vibges otuind aro4ji Yacunde and Douaa. Dr Agor Egbe ms to inwesigae te bocnc cliwges occurvig In baciona pocessing of #ie two csm-basd boid; Ihe der3a to be monikr are ashk ude protein pH. babble act. sugarp s- totbal phernos,proariiicyaid and cyanide conts.W Thereibesulseeded m ths study wl be cotnared ID tos obainied hfm process operato usin model -st Caad in resewdi organization: Or Tom AGWOR EGBE; Food Skdies Laboratory: Centre fr Nutibon; kIsttute of bedical Research and the Study of Medicinal Pbats (IMPM); P 0 Box 6163; YAOUNOE; Cawem PAcoi number (MFN): 05455 01ia prc bte: EVALUATION OF FEATHER MEAL AND FISH SILAGE BLENDS AS ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ANIMAL PROTEIN IN THE INTENSIVE CULTURE OF FISH IN NIGERIA. . Wsentm agecy: Intematonal Foundation for Scwice. SW date: 1991-12403. Ca younbis: Ngen; Sment o' oesvab: Dr Bablog wil study tie inprovement the qualiy of feather mea by wco-en i with llsha aicna, an underubized tash-fih spec n Niga Feahr meal win be co-enud wih mincd fish at valous pfopo to produce sabilized bnds using a combit o io ic acids. Pasty products will be neutaized and dred ard Ihen analyzed for nutrent composition.Bioogical evaluation of blends will be caniod out with t African catdish Clamas gaepuius usng sn-pified diet en tn ftsh meal in t basic diet is gradually eplacd by t feVdeaw meal 321 SPAM kionabon Syshb m blends This shuly d prod- h oein, cost- ve suksulues for fish meal in arpJaudhz feedsin Niigeria. Cord inreseadh organizalon: Dr Ad Ms BALOG4JN Depatnernt of Fishrie and WDdIle AMnial Rdci ard Heat; Federal LkWve d Tedinlg P 0 Box 704; AKURE; Ondo Stafe; Record mbe (N): 05459 Olicial mroject title: WATER NEEDS OF PLANTAIN IN COTE DlVOIRE. hnplemeeirng agemy. International FoundatK fr Saience. Starl dais: 1991 -12-02. Counk r C6le dore; Swenwt of objtres/abstrart Dr NrGuessan wi study te reonse of planbaino ftree irigaton doses aplped when water stess s expeded aid the effetd fese ugabons on yields. Waler consumption and efficicy of irigation wil be evaked by measn the water balice n the sod during fe first two producon cyles. The su wA be pefomed at the experinent stabon of Abbe, region of Azage, bcated in one of the more iponalt banan production zones of Cote dlvoire. ConWtt m research organization: Dr Angelo E NGUESSAN; Depatement Fruits et Agrumes: Irst des Forets; 01 8 P 1740; ABIDJAN 01: C6te dNvoire Record number (MFN): 05461 Official project btle: GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF SAFOU (DACRYODES EDULIS). '~v- ing agency: International Foundaion for Scierce. 1991-1203. cc .ibitnes- Cameroon; Sta' of objectives/abstract: r ,isis rui-beanng oeieroeus Burseraceae ot nutritioral and economic - -ance in Cameroon as well as in fe whole sub-region of Central-Africa and in part of V'sl-Africa. Despiteits use since ancien tirmes here have been no scientiic effol to improve this species. The cultivaion practices have therefore remained archaic, and t.ere are a number of problems inherent in the biology of the tree and its propagationonly by seeds. Ncne of the classial propagaion techniques have been successful. Dr Kengue wiH establish the basic knowledge necessary to devebp an improvement programme. He will characterize systematically the plant material ad develop a technique for vegelativ propagation which promotes reproduction of 322 SPAAR Ir*tmatim Sy-o ndivialswish ppeferred atkaes tt ae dbfi aer in Ihe sexual 1a- Cobc in msersi orgriaon: Dr Joseph KENGJE; Progrwne Conservaion des Ressouces Phytgenbies el Fnis sIA de la Redwdie Awmqrnique; B P 2067; YAOUNDE; Cane Recod mber (MFN): 05462 Offlical protpe ie: INTEGRATED CONTROL Of ORYCTES MONOCEROS ON PALMS IN NIGERIA. hmpenenting agwncy: Inlernational Foundabon for Science. SW d: 1991-12-03. Cou koes: Ngeria; S| w t of ob*ecbves/asatad: Previous inestigatbons sowed ftat Orcte mnxxocro and o11w scarabids are map(r pests of paltm n 'NKgena AduJt beetles destry the cabage at ft bases oi central spears of ive paIt, breed m dead sturps, logs ad feed pans Dr Asor* wrhtvesbgate te efficency of dffer contmi metnods and thei combiation in at iegraed system. The tlowutg aspects wi be icuded in the poect pakn sec desiy, dridwce of larvae on dead trus, rappin o adults, used bogical agents saton, effect o cover crops, minal insectcide use, and eFcncy o pbla extracts ContSct in reseamh orgarizaton: Dr Charles I AISAGBONHI; Entomology Division; Nigerm Institute for Oil Pakm Research; P 0 Box 1030; BENIN CITY: Edo State; Nigeria Record number (MFN): 05464 Ofial proect tide: ECOLOGY OF SOME MEDICINAL WOODY PLANTS IN NIGERIA: GENUS ZANTHOXYLUM. boplemriting agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. SWt date: 1991-1202. Country/countnes: Nigena; Sbtement of objectWsabstract: Zantfoxylurn is a pantropical genus, cccumng in Africa, Asia and South Amenrica. Species of the genus Zanthoxylum are widely used m the tropics as medicin l plants. The increasing interest in these specins in West Africa and the current harvesting methods coupled wih destruction of the tropical forests threaten their continued existence. Ecological studies of this group of plants areurgently needed. Mr Udah will study the distribution, morpog and phenology of Z. bprieuri, Z. gletli and Z. zanthoxyloides in Southern Nigeria. He will determine the factors affecting 323 SFAAR hrmaon Sysle In reg _m n naure mad pay parbctiw attcn lo sod seed sorage, germm . seeding diebAlo and miWi dwtis of seed ngs. The |aeifty oa covtin vogetaiw propagoln metods wi also be invesligaled. The amn of is ped s b conbbe to the coervan and domesticalion ot hiese ~is Contatd n research orgarizaton: 1L Cpau AUDAH: Depame of Forest Resouces aeert Uvsdy of !badan; IBADAN; Nigena ----------------- Record mnuber (MN) 05466 Of fiial prosd bftle: ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVIY OF FERMENTED GHANAIAN MAIZE DOUGH. Implemenin agency: ktemabonal Foundain for Science. Start date: 1991 12-03. Coroutes: Ghana: Statement of objecavestabsbact: Previoudies have shown that lemented Ghanaa maze dough mhdft some Gram negatve bacta Dr Mensah wi now evauate fte uvival and polerabon of some Gran postve baderia-Backs sp., SW*ooccus aue and Closidiurin perfrinlgens-i fementd maize dough. Crude extracts of the anir"crobial substance wil be clt-adensed to provide inforaton on how to opbmise the antiomicobial effect dur processirg. Studies on the durabon and outcome of ridced diarhoa in mice, feo Ehis food, i1 also be conducted. This wil prvde baseline data for po5sble human studies. Contact in rsearch organiation: Dr Patience MENSAH; Bactenology Unit; Noguchi Memorial Institute; Universily of Ghana; P 0 Box 25; LEGON; Ghana Record number (MFN): 05470 Official project tdle: A STUDY OF MELLiFEROUS PLANTS IN THE ATACORA DISTRICT. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Stant date: 1992-05-20. Country/countnes: Benin, Statement of objectves/abstract: The Department of Atacora in Norfeast Benin covers an area of 31 200 km' and has a population of 619 950 inhabitants. Apiculture is an agricultural activity with a strong tradition among several ethnic groups in this part of the country. Within the ongoing apiculture development project there is a strong need for a better knowledge of the melliferous flora so that apicufture can become welt integrated into 324 SPAAR Wdnabon Slmwr soc*-~flemxc acJMUes.rdy Oen can M1An ;s be mae to solve tie envronment F iIien; ard fe s*aylion d ft deelopmentamor ailg apculsl_aists. 1k Kdooye WI analyze and undertale an dvwt, of l loa and study to vegeton. Co in researh orgaizalion: lr Senou J KOKOYE; Deparlement de rAcora; Sev Prducton Arnmale; B P 13; MTITINGOU: Benin Pecord nwte (MFN): 05473 Offical projed tie: IOENTIlFICATI AND PURIFICATION OF ID T) AGNOS)11C ANTIGENS OF FASUOA GIGANTICA FOR THE SPECIRC SEROOIAGNOSIS OF FASCIOISIS |IN FRMTS. *epk~nentirg agency kiterational Foudabon tor Scence. Su ldae- 1992-05-20. Coxm*yvs: Nigeri; S lw o objets/absrac: VT Fabemi I idewify f aigens Whch arspectic to di parasie Fascioa Igaica by SOS-PAGE ard mmsunobl " 3 Unihvesty of bua, Ngeria. These anben wi be puied by a cornbinatin of srategi vov size exclusion d ,rom* . af"iny chromaogaphy (anfody and ion exhange) and dcrect sepaabon hom polyacrylande gels. The purfied atigens wi be used for EUSA and dot blotng which are suitable for laboray and fiekdcagnoses of fasooiass n rumvants. Monosecic pdy anlibody wil be devoped to the anbgens and used to detect crculabng serum antgens by ELISA. Cont in research organizabon: Dr Benjwin 0 FAGBEIA; Deparbwent of Veterinary Mcrobiolog and Parasitology; Univrsy of Ibadan; IBADAN; Nigeria Record nurnber (MFN): 05474 Official project btle: IDENTIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT FACTORS UMITING MAIZE YIELDS IN PEASANT FARMS IN THE HUMID PART OF CAMEROON BY QUANTITATIVE LAND EVALUATION. -leWmenbng agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Sbrt date: 1992-05-20. Country/countnes: Cameroon; Staement of objectiveabstract: Farmers' fields in humid West and Central Africa are generally characterized by Nitsols and Feffalsols and fall within the humid forest and Guinea savanna agro-ecokogies. The--' ialds show lower maize yields as a result of factors described 325 SPAAR Idm R.on Sysuu as imgemerr. Sodelabed aspews i be kied by compaing Oiw Land Evaon (OLE) resuil and at yel Lk Sarr-Lang wil sna maize y based an prodIm fadors and usng LE prurion modeh Ce4ing yields of maizediod hfrm fir _ 1e ak ss and ad:l yields hr coied pklts are expected resuits. Co*a in reseach orgaizatl: .k Patc SAMA-LAWG; I R A Staton; Institute od Agranomc Research; B P 44; DSCHANG; Cameroon Record ntniber (MFN): 05477 Official proer tbe: DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING ECONOMIC / 3SESSMENT OF NON-ALCOHOUC BEERAGESFROM SOME TROPIkAL CROPS. tInqWfrig agency: Intermational Foundation for Scienc. Start date: 1992-05-19. Country.kountries: Nigeria; Stairrent of objcives/abstad: Dr llon wi develop nonalcoholic berages Iram iMlerent local carbohydrate sources in the lboratory and study economic nphcabons o prodwig these products it1 thI ottag induby level. He wil process each carboh te souc inb flor. ai.-I analyze, gelatinize and sachary he pducts by ing malted so n enzmes to obtn wort samples. Hewill thew pocess the wort samples futer by heat treaM and add caramel toproduce toe bverages. He wil analyze fe bevrages pysically, chemically. mcroblAogcly and organoleplicaly. Dr tboi wil thereafter carry out a feasbiil* study to estabish the posstity of commerc!alsing the protect in Nigena and other tropl regons where fe raw materials are available. Contact m research organization: Dr Matthew 0 ILORI: Technology Planning a Development; Unit/Food Scienoe and Technology Department: Obafemi Awobwo University; ILE-IFE: Nigerat Record number (MFN): 05478 Official pect btle: SEARCHFOR CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC COMPOUNDS AGAINST TROPICAL DISEASES FROM THE GENUS ENTANDROPHFAGMA (WELIACFAE;. Implemeng agency: Intemational Foundation tor Science. Start date: 1992-05-19. Country/countres: Cameroon: Statement of obectives/abstract: In the search for new actre compounds against malana or Onchoceriasis, Dr 326 SPAR k0ormaion System TdoArim Yudertake sne dwmia uvesbgaioon moiwrd by bioassay ectm Of some EntuwHphragra spp. (i )e_) Sim Meacese me_im dof Caleron ar l Kmow tbs bech in hnonoKis and qswssioIs, f is expacied to fn neww Wpicl dse dx ugs whin to cis of d nmotds. otacta n teseuctr organzaion: D J C TCHOUANKEU; Depamen of Orgc Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences; Uniersity d Yaotnde, P 0 Box 812; YAOUNDE; Cameroon Record nmtr (MFN): 05479 Offical pmjed tie: CEMICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL STlWIES OF THREE MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM THE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. lhnplereift agency- Ienmaonal Foundabon for Sience. Stt dats: 199-05-19. Cowurbountnes: Ceontra Afcan Reppblic; Stalsmer d obfect eslaliraut 3Dr Kou i wd rl dhemic stides of cornds deried from ,ie plar, which ae used n badional medicine m Ih Cerbal AMica Ppepubc Terma aceews. Dichrostacivys omwala and Dlo Peuimsias. Bologcal acAvies wi be monilord dutig extracton and factoaton, ptbcurlh regard to arti-micrbal and arib-rada acvies. The actve pies wil be oled ard fw strxtrs identied through sectroscopy. Contact r research organzabon: Dr JeanKOUDOU; Depareet des Sc:ences Physaques; Faulle des Scences; Urversi de Bangi; B P 908; BANGUI, Central Atrcan Republic Rword number (MFN): 05480 Official project title: BIOASSAY-DIRECTED IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION OF PESTICIDES FROM PLANTS. rpleng agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. StaW date: 1992-05-19. Country/countrues: Nigeria. Statement of objectiveabstract: The overall objece o this pWect is to develop phylochemicals whici. nuld be used to controlsome field pests of vegetale. legume and cereal crops on the Sudan savanna belt of sub-Saheian West Afrca Dr Fatope will study the effects of preparations tamen from five plants on root-knot nematdes aphids cowpea pod-borer and Afican army worms in Kano State using a combination of choice or nochoice bioassays and brne shrinps lethalhy bioassay. The mos prmising plant wl be 327 SPAAR k*imaton Syslew. maftlid and soAmrtiptdoie mo ftactoios Each fractlon wd be screered fox toe 'diind biiom~~. The mod atie fraction wil be dwomoi ihed lsobd rkytocpotoxIs whcb ae veiy imc to brn stMp wi be dwactized and esed an toe tgetd agons pests. Contact i fesearch orgarization: Dr M*kodum 0 FATOPE; C- ;nu*y Departmen Bayem Ur*,w3ty; P0 Box 3011, KANO; Njpu Record number (MFN): 05482 .f 0ffiial projecl btle: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITES OF LAMBS. kilemnWtig agency Intemabonal Foundaon for Sience. Stat dae: 1992-12-09. Con-yturw Ghaim Stbmnt rd ob jdives/abstract Dr Agyei wdi shudy toe type ad level of necbon of gastroirrestinal pwasdies encountered by lmbs wih age in the derived savwnah; and forest ro d Ghana. The study w inckde wee_dy feal sawn of lambs,recovey of worms in the gastoinestmin ta of trace tla at deermiaation of the type and level of herbage contram by wom lavae. The data obtaired wil be used to design parasite cotrol progimmes to enhae effcient management of sheep. partcuarly in ite rural areas of Ghana. Contact i research organiaon: Dr Ampem Dekyi AGYEI;Animal Research Irshttte; P 0 Box 20; ACHIMOTA; Ghana Record number (MFN): 05484 Ofa pmpt title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RESISTANCE OR SUSCEPTlIBLITY OF INDIGENOUS NIGERIAN AND EXOTIC CHICKENS TO INFECTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE. krppemendng agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1992-12-09. Country/ountres: Nigeria; Statement of objectives/abstract: Nigeria presently depends on exotic breeds of chicken for poultry production. These breeds are not well adaptedto local levels of nutrtion, vetemnary attntion, management and cdimatic conditions. Consequently, their perfortmance is frequently limited. Part of the solution to this problem lies in deveoping a locally adapted commercial breeding stock by selectively cross-breeding our indigenous chickens wih the imprved exotics. This pro;act is desiWed to supply information on the comparative disease resistance ability of the two breeds. The breeds will be infected 328 SPAAR frionian S lern uih blc p at g ob of doll buwss Isem s vim V). Dr Okoe i doemw* tIe suep6y doath bed km debild es of r - mo,g^adb~.pc~n~wus sio _ ostcaua deibrI1m aid qraon d ft viws in te bura and by anOody diwarciciwid Acaion by swum ne*aiWgLi aid enzyime ud C s assy. Contact in resawch orguizatao: Dr John O(OYE; Dep ai do Veemruy Paoblg Faculty of Veteay Meicie. Lkesy of gwa NSUWKt Enmugi Stale; Ngeria Rom number (MIN): 0586 Offical propec ie: POPULATION DYNAMICS AND ECOLOGY OF THE GRASSHOPPER ZONOCERUS VAREGATUS IN THE MAYOBE REGION, CONGO. Impler.%entng agancy Intenatonal Foundabon for Science. Slarn da: 1992-12-09. C aou es: Congo; SW.men of objecies/abst: Dr Bam w I shudy t populabon dynaics of f gnashoppe Zoioce veegatus in the orest mgion of Mayomnbe in Congo. Two sies wi be chosui for te st after Ihe fis ,Axvey. andf te Wasshopw populabons wi beestad each during 14 months. The biological cyce of Ie rsec wil be determined, in ean with cknabc factors as wel as odher biogical paraeers. The amn of te study is to deweop a control staegy for this msect pest whidc affects al kbnd of cops. Contact n research orgation: Dr Gregoire MNI; Dirembon Generale de la Recherche Scierfiq et Tedcwique: B P 2499; 8PAZZAVILLE; Congo Pecord rnumber (MFN): 05507 Official project title: TROPENBOS' FOUNDATION. hInpleenting agency: Tropenbos Foundation. Stat date: 198600-00. End date: 19934-00. Country/countries: Global; Colombia; Guyana; Indonesia; CWte dflvoire; Careroon; Stalement of objectives/abstract: The objective is to conserve tropical forests by generating knowledge lor the development of Land-use management systems.Activities of the project are the follwing: (1) making an inventory of soils. hydrology, cimate, flora and fauna and oftr natural resources, (2) charactenzs these resources in order to compare fteir interrelations, and (3) investigating the ecological potential and self regulatory 299 SPAAR h*mroi Sydwn Contact. n ms_a- orgxuton. Tropnta Fowution; P.O. Bco St 6700 AB Wageingm The Ndtherids; Tel: (31)37-262 Fax: (31M370-23024 Recr mer (MFN): 06508 Official pmped te: MANAGEMENT Of THE WEST AFRICAN DWARF GOAT IN THE HUMD TROPICS (PHASES 11 AND 111) Implementig agency. Aglai UIniersiy Wageningen, The N _etds (Dept Anmal Hbdry; Dept Agliial Eccnormcsybalemi Awowo Unhversiy. (Dept d iwnal Sen), Ule. Ngm Stlar de: 1915-00-0. End date: 19934-00. Coob: Nig Stalemw of objectivestabstract The objeie is to bmve animal producton in ft humid topics. The prject lcuses on the develpment of management guideln for economic use of dwasf goats n taming sysems i the humid opcsAdmbes in phase 11 were of execaton of on-staon research on feeg reqiements, healh aspects and housing of dwarf goats. Phase III concentrates on the on-farm tsg of the accepbbdiy of the proposed padcage of managem mWovemnwts. These consit d restictng movenents Of goats. construcg hoi laibes, supply adequie fodder and reguar vaomination.ln June 1992 an ntermatonal workshop was organized to present and dscuss the reul of this pv)e and san dar research actites m Atnca. The workshop proceedins are availabl from WAU (Tit' : 'Goal pro&xbon systems in the humid trpics. Proceedigs of a workshop at the Obafemi Awolowo Univesity, Dept of Arnimal Science, lie-le, Nigena, 6-9 July 1992). Also an extension handbook for management of goats is produced and avaiable at WAU (Trte: 'Innovation in goat keeping i humid West and Central AMica). Contact in rseach organization: Obalemni Awolowo Unwersity; Depatment of Animal Science; lIefe; NigeriaProf D. Zwart: Wageninge Agrcultural Universy: Dept. of Trpcal Animal Production Manijkeweg 40:6709 PG Wageningen; Tel: (31)(0)8370-83581/83120; Fax: (31)(0)8370-83962 Record number (MFN): 05542 Official proect titb: IMPROVEMENT OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PERFOR!MANCE OF' ePANOTOLERANT CATTLE AND SHEEP. Implementing agency: FAO/IAEA. Start date: 1990-00-. End date: 1992-00-00. 330 SPAAR kromhi - This pmod is pwt atII a FAOAEA progaimme llprow Og tioie m ugeo and conlrol of d ph_s_mn am der ow ocbeme deses id Ak Livesto cig b _nmmsa mdor. The obpciw d tie irst phas of to poed was ID cod bsew da ants reprove odupekwirm d Bopw**ral uale and N1a ce aid D o sheep. These T s have beem eu dd ad mdabon on to swukin di daian acawq post-p , seaonal akin in roductir pe_rk ,ra. onset d pubel aid cyiciy di ties breli' is now avible.Over a erudon ere y ti msar m d heaid c'cdy (by mcr cw e pogerne meaunet) d) 15 NOwan and 15 Baot s has been mniore. Durig en yew, th a weem not mated. The rdma do Baouke was dwacezed mOo 4 seans hot ard ky dky and cool: cool ad kMe ran; cool ad rady.The sies hae so orly beon caied oA on fer esearh Ion. hie 1991, fte oouttist a1 wi so embak on a sudy ofseasonal vwionm i ciccty of ca- le kea on snar hod:r fms. Furter shtdes pmaed m 1991/1992 wl fcus on delinmining Ihe optmal age at fsmatg for bus and heiersm seasonal varmbons hi reprodx*ve peeomam d sheep, he 'male efed in sheep' seof :. piey in seep and early pegnny diagnosis aid embryc motaly. Contad in reseadr orgauzato: Dr. Ph. Yeso hstio l des Savannes(IDESSA); Bouake; Cole dlvore Record nwiber (MFN): 05595 Offic prmped bde: DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION SOIL AND FERTILIZER. knpemenl agecy: 18 (Insittle for Sod Fertility Research). Stwt date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1995-00. Counirylcountries: Africa: Nigeia: Mali; Burkia Faso; Sleent of objectvestabstact: Background of the project:One of f1 mapr problms in the develi countries nm th next decades will be to sustai food production for th (cf asing) popuialion. Maintanig adequate lvels of soi nutients is an impoat condition.Goal:This programm focus on nutrient balances of representative famwng systems and on nutrient flows in various regimes in time. Special attention is paid to te increase of th efficient use of nitrogen ertilizers, bioogical nitrogen fixation by microganisms in symbiosis wit lekguninosa and the role of organic material in ddlerent farming systems.The research is aimed at a better urderstd of the low efficiency of nutient use, which has both financiVeconomical and ecological implications. The theoretical knowedge wil be used to idenbty practcal ways to increase the efficirecy.n 1993 the project wil consist d three parts:1. The break-down of vegetation remnants: In cooperation with IITA (Nigra) and the project 'Tropical Soil Biology and Fertliqy (TSBF) research is carried out on the break-down of vegetation remnarts and trimrn mig of trees. This propec started in 1992 and continues untill 1994. (The research is closely related to the project on 331 SPAAR kdoanon System .*g mumonew on acid gluds m 1h himd-kpts in Lam g (s). Ts icatd 1iwIhew B L I_ . L1ang and ised 19). On he p eshii of he prod is d wid Wye Color (E i) and : KIAF Pbib)QO Dv bg ewpmntns ag na d the I" d rluing -" bWas pece m Mi (SOa IMi X.i in au Faso (SWoi Bureu Pna des So (BUNASOL)). Soefc sx&p±-, o so-~ege~ofl ~oriones for pradcal use modes ornirgn dnarrics n sod wga fiobr Ior use-ae d swiwy dg tom and 1izi advises. h to S07URA-pojrd to Kff (Royal hktbb for to Trmpcs) cooordines fte Duch RRIds aid lB gies Tecal swpoet h BUNASOL-proect S coo ies e avss Devepmnt d an uReuIor. This pectd rs aieady sepea hcated in SIS a ijecor lestApproadh and procedure:lield and bboral ory -e ad moddsucies. Contat in mseafh orgmanzaon: :BOLO, PO Box 30003; 9750 RA Haren; Netherlands; tel: +31-50 337777; telx 53990 bhmw nl Record manber 'W): 05600 Offiil poject ie: DEVEOPPEMENT BAS FONDS DE RIZ PRODUCTION BAFATA. inrlemwnw agncy: SNV (Assaciabon Neerandais dAssstance au Developpement). Start dae: 199-0O2-00. End date: 1995-12-00 Cnt*ountries: Guinea-1issau; Saement of objectoes/abstrac: Agiculure is the ost npordt productive sector in Guinea-Bissau. It provides 90 peren of ernploymerot and 50 percent of fe gross nabona poda ft also provides Ih most imporlant sources of oreig exhange. BiophysKa conions such as raw", sod quaity offers prospects for vm tie food avaidbiity in Guinea-8ssau. Howeveri nce is regularfy nported in orde to ensure food secunty. Constraints for creased prodcbon are ao. disadvantageous pnce poDcy, poor infaste and insumient comnunication faclies. Transport of food btween surplus and defciency regions is poor. Women play an inpor role in food producbon and hey are responsil for ensurig food avaability for the household. Since n many proects their role has been undervalued, this project focuses on women prducers.The obeives of the proect are t following: (1) develop a technology to improve nce production in the wetlands by fenale producers: (2) ncrease incomes of the frmale poducer; (3) kiprove 1w educational vel k tote women concened; (4) improve the socio c situation of the women; and (5) imronve Ow regrioal nsfrastructure to stimubae the regional development. The Regional Reprstative of the Winistere du DeveWppewnt Rural' is the respole oganization. A (female) national director coordinates te wellands activities in accordance with the National Pogramme for Land Organization and Deveapment of wetlands.Activities of this pro,ect areO th folowing: During the first year, the mam activity is socao-economic research concentratd on th femae population. In diogue with he target group, prosect activities for the second phase are seWcted. 332 SPAAR h'nabon Sb sier P dOer" aclviies incxde imrovemet of wdrec nom in too weh wds, drbac of seeds, ofpli"ftir'; izsi. - prcedion lapmed vaion bdni^ introduction of agricAsal e_meK k*oduction of new bdcivi and itoducton of modem post-avest Wdcnology. Corntat in esearch orgarizi: SNV; BeImdr _outseeg 161; 2594 AG3 The 14gue; The Nedweds; tel +31-70 3440iislere du Deve0oppenet Ruale el de r AgnLc e (RA); Repesetat Regonl de a Proince Est Guiee-Bissau Becoc nor (MFN): 05601 Offial proje tite: THE CHARACTERIZATION OF RICE GROWING AGRO-ECOSYSTEUS IN WEST AFRICA (IWTIAL FHASE). k heMntg agecy WSC (Wyiad Stg Centre for Intaed LarKd Sod and Water Research). Staitdaie:1992-07-01. Enddale: 1993-10-01. Co u sMrica C6b dvou, Benin; Sierra Leone; Niger Caneroon; Statement o ofigePtave.r absract West Afria tmers have deeloped a variety of distinct nce ppng ystms hat vary across as we as wihin ecosystms. These nee copping systems are referred to as nce agroecosystems. The potential of irnld valeys fo rce producon has not been exnsie utilized. This phase of de proe is an ideniaon phase which wi be bowed by a main projed hr the West Alia Region n wtich WARDA, IITA and a nunber of NARSs wiN partiopate. The Inlid Valey programmr is carried otl by a oiorim ofvrou organizations. WARDA, IrTA ard several NARSs partipate in the project. wher th WSC and fe WAU pby a sbnultabng rle. WARDA concentres on the Cdoe dlvoie and Sira Leone. ITA concens on Nigoria, Benin and Cameroon.The obctives of ths phase ar to: (1) complets an inial characerzaon and dassific d he maor nceyring agro-ecosyems o te uplandrand-swamp cnium environment, and to ideny teir extent and geogahic distibution; and (2) identy for each nce-grwng ago-ecosystem the factors fat dem teir rice prdcton and to assess nice producion potenbials. Duig tis phase, t folwg actvtieswi be caried out (i) Compilabon of an iventory of secondary normation on dinabc parmeters -such as total rainfall rafal distbun and relabihty and evaotranspiation- plus data on landlorm, lihography, soils, topography, and oher physical dewmminants of ecosystems and ncegowing potential. Sources to be consulted inlude: NARSs, WARDA, FAO, IITA, IIRI. CIAT, ORSTOM. CIRAD, CIEH and the WMand Staring Centre: (ii) Review of secondary sources on fe human factors in the rice ecosystems in West Aftrica to delineate key pattems in cropping systems, access to land and bowu, populati density and dynamics and oter elements. Similar data sources as those listed under acbvty 1 wid be investgated. The most currnxt approaches to incorporale cropping systems and socoeconomic vaabes in agro-bgical zoning of rice systems wil be identified in cose cooperabon widh IITA. IRRI and CIAT; (ii,) Initial characterization of broad riceowing agrocosystems in West Africa through 333 SPAAR hlimtn Soswm te silon d ft da ied ni ine fts two ;acis (iv) D(evopmet of ala f and lhe sAlectio d key sie rpus nbn toi major rce-growseg a_ 6w i via (v) durAcm of maor gaps in Ie secoriy d'* awabbb fm acilies ( aid (ii) aid devellopmer d wor4ilns to cmpieb It mwreqied da se aid sW esis &wug le nm po pOwse (vi) F"Aaion d adivilies br coordin dreseachin-o'taon wh NAs sdug tem in phase d e pred in lte selected key sibs. Cotact in rsearch orzation: W. hndriessen; WHhd Srg Centre; PO Box 125; 6700 AC Wageigen; Nehrt; s IN +310 18II91 00; tax +31 4370 P?4812Wes Africa-i Rics Assodon (WA); 01 BP 2551; Bouake; Cole eW Agriturai Univers DePanen of Tropical Crop Science; PO Box 341; 6700 AH Wagenrngen: Ndieuls: 11 +31-8370 83072: ax +31-8370 344491fTA Oyo .i: PMB 5320; R Nig Record number (WFN): 05612 Officl pmned tite: RECHERCHE APPUOUEE EN UIUEU REEL (RAR). ImpiWenuig agency: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Stairt date: 1986403-. End date: 1994-03-31. CoutAcounties: Beni; Statement of o :ectves/abstad: The am of fe poect is to cxtxbute to agricukural developmert by maesi the efficiency of th* national agiculural research system. The projed focuses on integrabon of faring system research and develpen (FSR&D) i th Diction de la Red&erche Agnornique (DRA), Boenn. It sees famer parication in priort setting and carring out on farm adaptive reseach. Lnkages between he agcuual research system and tie extension system are reiored during the projed. The Royal Tropical Instue (KIT), and the Intrnabonal Irn.e of Tropical Agriculture (Iffi) provide technical expertise.The project has a nabonwl and a provncial components. Within DRA the naonal component is coordinated by the Cellule Centrale Recherche-DeveDoppement The actvites at proviial level are carred out in the Mono Province. The first phase of the prject was carried out from 1986-1990 and concentrated on analysis of the situation. The mid-term evaluation assessed fe progress made with methodobgy and linkage widh extension serices. It was recommended to further integrate the research methodology in th6 national system in phase 2 of the proect. The objectives of the present phase ot the proect are as follows: (1) Al national bvel: (i) develop reommendations tor incorporation of OFAR in the national research programmes, (ii) develop methods and procedtires for on-farm adaotive research by local research inl utions, and (iii) enhance the national capacity for planning and execution of adaptive on-farm research: and (2) At provincial level: (i) inventory of constaints and potential for agricultural development (crop and animal production). (ii) identification of farming system, and (iii) enhance the capacity for OFAR at provincial level.The experierces of the project have been discussed in a regional workshop in 1990. It 334 SPAAR hnlmlon Syslem owasiwikxd ha to deuoped metdologN was uccesei and dold see as an e2ruepI bl nowgiarii In rhie aaiculuressai sysem i Benin niorBds. The Wo.ld Bankpat s or's h Conclusions of te o are pbhd by tepro Cantact in reseeh or _o: Dr. L Spey V. Kvdolpon; Projt ReP* di Appu en hiu Reel (RAUR); B.P. 884 Cdobou, Benin; il: (09Y22930264: telex: 5214 _ nerd bcon de la Recidh Agumique (ORA), BewwB. Hfoym; Rooal Tropcal Inute (KIT[, Maur6kae3; 19O2 AD Amste,dn; The Nethrnds Rom number (WN): 05624 Olical pq.ec! ise: NATIONAL SOIL REFEREtCE COLLECTIONS (NASREC 11). Implerinrng agemy ISRIC (hiemacl Sod Reference and klomabo Cenwe). St da: 1990400. Ed dae: 199O3MO. CoLinbw bxn Ahica Egypt Ghia,a Kenya. Mai; lhger Tsk UNrd Reptpiuc of Taraw; Sudc ; Zaitia, S ment d oleLes/Sta i marnydweepigcountries soDis are siuffen classiled egardin i -eaphuca distrh*tion, dcaract cs, potnl end coinstraints or aqhcukural use. wae, managane and ecob*i siyicance regadng eosion and pollon. In vw of te wgen need to mcra agrctural prarhton in many deVing cunries. is iformabon shd b regaded as a necessary pre-rese. ISPC has been working bo reaize a wod colecbon o sods since 1966. Recently ISRIC has been reusted by soi iutes m neary, 20 coies (wide wich the 9 cxmrites in Aica whe his record rfers to) to support the estabishment d Nalicnal Sod Reerenc cocion (NASRECs).The objocbves of fe projec are as klows: (1) training of students in sd soince at urwersiy aed coleg lvels; (2) guKiince d staff d naonal insitns for sod survey, sod dassicaon ard lnd evaluabon in so cssficaon; (3) demorwatng fhe differences in so dcaaensacs and Iheir linitaaions and potentials as an qixut for planninb (4) deoting famwers on Me imporotnoe d sod types cid effects on and use. and (5) prmoton of awareness among fM general public. incuding town populations, on Ih bcal so 's a deints nabonal esoe that merits careful conrvation and managment. The projt officer at ISRIC wil operate in cose coct with staff of oter sod insttes in the Nethands. wih scienbfic staff of UN organizations, especially UNEP, and wth officers d the parcpat institutions in fe de ping countries.The proct adivities can be divided among th foowi phases: (1) Data-collcion phaso-The colledion f information is fmm primary and seconday sourss. The information to be coected is related to te sod, environment and land use. Environmenta data nornally will embrace site inkcmnation on dinate, landform, geology, vegetation, lanl-use, hydrology, etc. The collection of information is done in a standardized way accordin; to internationally accepted guidelines of FAO. Country specffic interests and prwobms should be given due atntion; (2) The preparahon phase-The preparation (analyses) of soil monodith 335 SPAAR WMoRm Sysem -, aM iniormation s normly exes in Mhe NSI (Nation Sod hslitue) or rion wwhich hxon tie aAscion. The nsenAo and pqwaon d sods n le bormo monoiss patd te poejc Rouinte dc al ad physical arses be e=aed by e sod abboy d y. Speanalyses such as mineao aid n,mrmphology. dqenpeg an the type of sod and intrest • tIe pating uisl iks wd be caffied ouA by LSRIC; and (3) Uds uwiabo • mi on-The display of Ihe sods in te form of .nono and a seleed part of te sibimabon is realzed m an easy amessie exibition hal in associabon wilh a sd insiuhls, an univenly departenL or a nahdi hisoy musewn. Hwding of tie coileded inmaon involves soing and retal both aspez beg of equa inicwtwc for fthfue users. iimtmxeqwrements for the users ot the coleed inomion is Ihe avadabdity of: (i) a complete set of sod and sie desmpeos and analytcal data, (i) a simpied set of soil data, and (iii) da sets on li bcabon, dassdicaoi, landofm and bndue conneded to te cispdayec monoliths, in an illustrative way. Coact in research organiation: Irnernabional Soil Rebe-ence and Infomabon Centre (ISRIC); P.O. Box 353; 6700 AJ Wageningen; The Ne ltands; tel: +31-8370-19063; fax: +31-8370-24460; telex: via [AC: 45888 intas nI ---------------___ RePod nnber (MFN): 05626 Official project te: THE ROLE OF PLANT RESIDUIES IN SOIL MANAGEMENT FOR FOOD PRODUCTION IN THE HUDID TROPICS. Impmnting agercy. AB (Research Institue for Agrobiobgy and Soil Ferikty). Start dale: 1991 -000. End dale: 1993-0. Country/countries: Nigena. Statement of bectres/abstract: In many areas in Africa the sustainabilty of traditional agnwiltural systemns is aleded. The fa;;ow-period used wi these systems ensured maintenance of soil fertily. Inraeased utilization of aabe land has sotened or disappeared fallWbexs. To maintain soil ferbty under these more intensive conditions requires stWwlementmng of soi-nutrients. either from artificial ferlizer or organic fedtizer. Plant residues provide nutrients. The soil structure, specified by the amount of organic components, is also imnportant for te water econony and the retentior, capacdy for nutritional components. The more intensive use of the soil is often combined with deforestation. In humid areas, this increases the exposure of soils to erosion and induces leaching of fertble top layers with a relative high organic component. This forms a mayor threat for the sustainabhty of the agriculture. llTA will provide the facilities and scientfic personne!. The Institute for Soil Fertility (16) provides a researher to be based in Nigena. IS is responsible for scientific backstcpping and financial managernent.The objectives of the project are the following: (1) increase sustainability of production systems in West and Central Africa by optizming management of soils and the use of nutntional components: (2) obtain knowbdge on the processes of break-down of plant residues in 336 SPAAR khmiaio Syslmi hW aeas mdh acid sois; aid (3) Mning of aeseadrs fmm developing aories in ml dr*y resead. The research Iohuses ont prcs of d d ~an of Pk" residues u, hb cOMaWer* Spedic compnt ae: (1) I'ogic aspeds aid te ro d sof ah t ism in procet ; (2) drl ge in lie anoi of o COw_O in te sol aid ie red dicl-pIr,ilal sil qudly and (3) avalai*y and use of nu4Nional mnmm especal nrger - Confac in resad organzion: AB-OO (Rearch nsteie for Agrobi and Sod Fotlly) bmeuty 801 P.O. Box 300(.3; 9250 RA Haren (Cir.); The Nelteds, tel: +31-0337777; fax. +31-50-337291; emai @ IBAGRO.NL; lex: 53990 ihbm nI;ITA (Interational hittte of Tropical Agnicre); Oyo Road PMB 5320; Ibada; lhger Wte (234-22)400-300 b 319; tax: 874-1772276. Ielex: 31417 or 31159 tipb ng email: Daicm 157:CG1072 hternet WrTA @CGE-T.COM Record nurber (MN): 0627 Offkl proje : ie APPUI EN RECHERCHES AGROFC'ESTIERES. hopmentn ageny: SNV (Associain Neertndaise dAssistance au Devecppemert). Stat dat: 199000. End dae: 1994-". Countcounnes: Camemon; St-emert of oboedives/abstract: Deorestabon is a majothreat for the susta_nalty of agnouftsal producion of the rural popa n N o . Especialy rosion ofe ttin yer of top-soil may ocur because of deforestatn. The objecwe of tIhe prpiect s to enhance vustainaility of agiulltura production of te rural populabon especially in Mamua region in Oe Extreme-ford by appcation of applied agro-forestry research. The Instnut de Recherche Aonmique (IRA) is part of tie Mntzy of Scti Reach Caeoon. The Fostry Secton of IRA cies ot basic and appied Cr _I-oore esearch. The IRAForestry Section operates in fe Extreme-Nord, the Norhem Province of Adanaoua. Activities concentale on the Northern Provnce and te Exdtme-Nord, especialy te cotton zone. In the 7th Zone of Camemon te IRA has stations in Maroua. Garoua and Ngaoundere. The Drector of te IRA/Forestry Section in Garoua coordinates the proramme, which includes acrtvities in Maroua and Garoua. The SNV focuses rls activities especialy at disseminating research results of IRA. Research activrites: (i) test a arge number of exotic and indigenous tr6e species; (ii) make an inventory of constraints in sylvo-pastoral systems in the tree savanna; and (iii) test anti-erosive measures. Contact in research organization: SWN Cameroun; B.P. 193; Beftoua; B.P. 1239 Yaounde; tel. 222772; B.P. 491 Maroua; tel.: 291117tnstitute de Recherche Agroromique (IRA); B.P. 2123 Yaounde: Cameroon 337 _SPAAR ormation System ... Recod nwi (MFN: 05681 Official Wood Ut.: PROJECTO AGRO-SILVO-PASTORIL DO LESTE BAFATA (I + 11). - agenc SNV (N* ds - Cooperation). Stxt dalb: 199107-01. End dale: 1997-07-01. Couibounies: Guinea-Bissau; Statement of oblecves/abstram The project bocus on two regos of the Easerm pmvice of Gufea-Bissa, Baata and Gabu. In the Region of Bakfa the proe operaes n Conb*te a Cosse; r he Gabu Region in Pada and PAche. The Easem Pr ince fi te cest pat of fte contry wh wnal rainal waryw between 1100 mm n Piada up to 1400mm in Cosse. In the last decenramia l figuges have Own an almig decease. The Mlo de DesenvoWereo Rural e Agrculura (MDRA) cares out ft Integrated Viage Land 1een (IVM)Iogranve. W** this anework he hFoest Depewern conenates on viage koest mnagement The obje of dte prec is to reduce enaonmenta degradabion Fte proiect area tough inegrated and sall managemen of vibge terrio ndudig natural viage bress and rangjebds. At pvcal evel, a nriti-dicpliary Tehical Comnittee (in which -te SNV are repreed wi work out pposals, cay out peknry studes at villag level and orjaize workshops and training semnNars on IVL. At rgonal evel, the proect wiN continue to simuble and oniz multi-discplinary colaboaon in elag extension workSpecific project activites are: (a) Acquire olo edge and expenence about forest man3gement; (b) Transfer knowldge, means and responsibiity for forest managemret to the rural populatio; and (c) Stenge tthe capacity of te forest service in extension methods, especially the GRMAP-nielodoogy. The prect consists of 5 surgrammes: (1) Development of ntegrated village land managet (IVLM); (2) Development of Extension Methodology; (3) The viwae programme: (a) viage forest and rangeland management (tire control) acWtties. (b) Tree planting, agrforestry pantabons and nursery producion (fruit trees), and (c) Support to women group actities especialy orchard production; (4) Instituial develpment (training, managemnt and publicity); and (5) Applied research on frit trLes, cashew nuts. animal husbandry. Conct in research organization: SNY Guinee.Bissau; rua Dr Severino de Pina (Rua 10) nor 33; Apartado 68; 1031 Bissau Coder telx 224 coop hol bi; tel.: 201154inisterio de Deservolvemento Rural e Agricultura (MDRA); Direccao General dos Services Florestais e Caca; apartado 71,11001 Bissau Coder; Guinee-Bissau _________________ Record nurnber (MFN): 05648 : Official project tile: DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF APPROPRIATE TOOLS AND IMPLEMENT FOR THE AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR (INTERIM PHASE) (ILO/89/INTIMO3). 338 * SPAAR k*ain System agency LO (h ft.ioa Laibot Offe). Sh dab: 1992-1001. Enddale- 1919301. Cow*Vkx*ow* Akic 8mr Stink Faso; Unied Plpskic cd Tauza, Stal dm ont aiess/*a The ecies of tIe poed ae: (1) b s b te aim cepal in slected Axicn cowines br Icontig inaplsmmng and evkatbng ad prgrammes and pmpet in tIe ea of poducton and ddattbon od agiacultur ols and ecqumer Iar sind food _rcs cmp (2) to wwme fth bdcnica vicienti fbw for mid-scale metl processing inusties; and (3) bD icra the R&D c2parity bm mrd metal processing 1ndUShrnec.pft protec acbfis are: (a) develop a cncepua bwewkr fte stat d c'W*Y aMegy papers'; (bl seeci of two conies wtee e fmework wi be sed (c) dey rlvart arAvies and sdes in these two couites; (d) assess the clecded ormabion arid develop a wadcpn; (e) assess the edw , soci, and onwi (maketrog) fasb d cashe nus aid d pcenequm in Benin, a waiept in Baikna Faso. apitAtura tools in Mbtu disc rain nia; aid (f) echica assire to the lSMos Common Facity Cente n Tanzia for fe production of - a smacwey and food pooeig equ jet Conta i rasarch organuzation: LO -enw MO* and MInageet Develpment Branch (ENTIMIAN); 4 Route des M ItI Gera ev2a ZSwitzerW; lel: (+22) 7996111t; f (;+22) 71. Pecord nber (MFN): (6649 Offcial proect be: INIEBAI/TAXONOMIC UNGUISTIC STUDY OF PLANTAIN CULTIVARS IN AFRICA. hnWlementing agency: INIE AP. Star dale: 1991-01. 'nd date: 1993-05-01. Coutryounti: Atrica h igeia; Cameron; Gabon; France; Burundi; Zaire; Sblent ot objecves/absract: PwXi is widely grownm n ca by snall farmers. ft serves in rious pat as one of the major foodcro x. One of te diseases hat poses serious threats to the producto of plantain is 3ack Sigatoka (BS). Vanous research elforts to deelop resistant vaneties have fa riled to produce locaky acceptabbe cuilivars. A problem is the cross-ferbizabon. rhe genetic base of plantain can be nreased by col cullivars in Alrn 'a and contribute to soving this problem. LUnuistic met1hodogies are used o trace te introduction and identiy diffrent cultivars. The oboetive of this prcjpct is to identify cuhtivars with the potential to produce bcaly adapted BS-resst 3nt descendants. Specific prop activities are as folows: (i) taxonomic training at hTTA (Nigeria); (i) idenilfying centres of dversity of 10 to 15 known cultivars of plantain by taxonomic ingc study in a few selcted ar in Gabon, Cameroun, Zaire and Buru di; and (iii) collecting plant materal and testn in ;he plantain research programme of IITA, 339 SPAAR kimaton System Cortact in mearch organuabon: iS (hnemwa. Netwoek or the hnpvmme (A Bdse and Paan); Parc SCnc Agmopok Msqe*WE Eat 7; Bd de la lUnde; 34980 Monef-surALe= Frce; tel +33-67-61130 faxc +334710334;NBAP igri do IITA-ONNE; Oyo Raod PMB 532DI tem ig ex (905)31417 W4BAPawd; P.O. Box 170:t Gieg Bxudi; TeIex (9(3)3001 Recod number (MFN): 05654 Official proed tite: CENTRE D¶UJE DE LENVIRONNEMENT ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT AU CAMEROUN. Iplementg agency: State University Leiden, Cent e tor Envrm Sconce. Startdae: 1992-01-01 Enddate: 1994-12-31. Coutryikonries: Camemoon: St at ofjetabstract: The Aentre afEide rEnvvonmer el du Deveopernent (CEDC) n Maroua was es_id in 1989 by mergeg of tie felwork stations of tie rentre Unkversafre de Dsdwg' (CUD), (A fe Agrit Universi of Camerou. The CEDC s the central poin in the ccoperation between fe Cere for Environmental Sciens of the Stale Uwersity Leiden (CML) and te CUD, which is fmalzed in an agrement between te Stae Uer Leiden and tie Camero Mnsry (A Higher Education (MESIRES). The CEDC tak care of a part of the pactcal educabon (A the BSc trainng foesty and Agricultl Socobgy of te CUD and gives ectes on ad-hoc bass to the CUD. The objecbve of the proed are: (1) Stng fe educational and research capacity in the area of envirnment ard deveopment; (2) Improve the enviromntal poicy of Camerfom by wainig of staff wdh (practical) bnwledge in the area of environment and deveopmnt (3) Stimulate poecs with drect practical relevancy for sustainable develop t and managt of the natural richness; and (4) Establsh a network (A envirnmental expetise in Cameroun and of cont with oth networks.Insfitutioral setirng: The Mity ( nseigrnment Superieure de rInformatique et de la Recherche Scicntiflque (MESIRES) s the resposible authority. MESIRES has transferred the coordinaton to the CUD. The State University Leiden cooperates with the CUD. Specfic project actbvies are: (a) education; (b) staff training; (c) curriculum developmrent (test courses on Envwonment and Development); (d) spread the esearch results and establish contacts; and (e) strengthen infrastructure CEDC in Maroua. Contact in research organization: State University Leiden; Centre for Environmental Science; P.O. Box 9518; 2300 RA Leiden; The Nethertands; tel: +31-(0)71-277686; fax: +31*(0)-71-277496 _________________ Record nunber (MFN): 05658 Official protect tite: TRADITIONAL TECHNIOUES OF MICRO CLIMATE IMPROVEMENT (TTMI), PHASE 340 SPAAR hbmation System .blwh agecy: WAU (WapriW Agricutural Uwersity). S.ldae 1991-1001. Enddaie 1995-1001. Cou* "*ws A;c Kwa Sudan; Nigea, Ur;d Reodti of Tazana, 'S been A1 objetvsabsbact An inpoxtt elment ir cap"y buig in NARSs is an efe educatDn-system. PhD1ei cmnb.les to fe education and research efos Often PhOD-emrch is carid oato Da large exent in counries outside of te researdh enronnint of te Ph-student cnened. This proed explores de benrefits of empis of PDewch in te bcal sitio, r mbnaion wth e1chica bksltopping, lcal supervisior and ensuring availabity of basic search equmt The thees of the msearh have mrco-climac research as a common deomiaor bul vary between countries. The projed is coordinaed by Wagenmgen AgUculhral Uivetsity and coborates wiih vrsites n Kenya, Tanana, Sudan and NigeiThe objectes of le projed are lo: (1) sben ihe natonal agrict research capacty in fe area of mcro climatology h selcted Arican cointies; and (2) nsttu al pratcal PhD approach i Acan lUlrsities and finaise de develpment of a model for capacity building. Specific precd activbes are e foibig: Exeang agemes: (a) identily resear bpics wih small scale proucers and sR pow"ng agriual opiazons and srios (b) identily 7 PhD caidies, MSc canddates and lcal projed staff n Nigeria, Sudan, Kenya ad Tanzani, (c) estl*bsh and assess reseach proposals by bcal staf project rensie and support comm;sion (d) spply of basix resarch equipent (e) execute 9 coordina, 3 technica. 4 scientifi and 3 hnstnaly aimed backstoppi missions; and (f) organize a workhop in 1994 in Nairob. PhD-themes: (1) Sudan: (a) wdgou skxage of sorghun; and (b) deseiication / secondary sand source area / shelterbets; (2) Kenya: (a) effects of micrimate, soil conservation and moong pattemn of aley cpping on soi lands, for sustainable land use in MaIchakos; (b) an invesbgation of the ifuence of mulchig and agroforestry systems on the miocdfmate conditions affeNg sol moisture for maiebeans intercrop; (3) Nigeria-in cooperation wih the Savannah Forestry Research Station in Samaru and he Shelerbelt Research Instue (SRI) in Kano executes the university rsearch to methods to stop deserfificaton on Sheiterbelts at Yambawa and on soil protection aspects of interopprg with leguminous crops; and (4) Tanzania-on grain storage. Contact n research organization: WAU Department of Meteorology; Duivendaal 2; 6701 AP Wageningen; The Netherands; tel: +31-8370-83981/83332; fax: +3198370-8281 lUniversity of Nairobi; Kenya, Departments of Crop Science, Soil Scien, Meteorology, Physics, Botany and GeographyUniversity of Gezaa, Sudar., Depatments of Environmental Scence and Natural Science, Agricultura, Engineering and Soil ScienceUniversity of Dar es Salaam; Tanzania: Department of Agricuftural PhysicsAhmadu Bello University; Zaria; Nigena Record number JMFN): 05661 341 SPAAR IrMRation SOe Ofliaal proged tie: PROGRAMME OF SUPPORT TO PROMOTE GRASSROOTS PARTICIPATORY RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN KADJEBi-DISTRICT. Ilmp mno* agency: SNV (Netherlard Deelpment Organization). Stait dae: 1991-OD-00. End daie: 1994-00-00. Co es: Ghax Stment of otwcvesmsa The Volta goris oe of the least developed areas n Ghana. Prevosly ec prdxcon ensred reasoi cm. The substai decease of iemabona cacao prices and ugavourube govemmert poicies reduced the pro iy of the caao prodcion. The Volta re has received Mitle atetion from donors and the government in the past. This projet concerns fe Kaebl disbixt. that bekngs to one o the most uniderdevelope di*icts in Ghana The objeves of the projed are: (a) idy bottlenecks for local develp (b) develop pastipatory prownes of ativities to solve these probiems; (c) iprve mmagme capacty for distict development and (d) pre district ns#ucn . The ACHD (Aftia Centre for Hun Develpm) is he executing agency. The Programe Implmntabton Contee (PIC) consists d members of the larget group and ACHD. A Technical Support Team (TST) is tormed (SNV. ACHD and Ghanean experts wih expers in data colson, planning. credt, financal managemet. etc.Project acbviies are the following (a) soco-econoc research and recordig i in a dtabase for te distnrit (b) trainrg of COpe production oups; (c) functional alfabetisabion; (d) support to credit system; (e) support of community development projects; and (f) strengtheing management capaciy of the d tricts teams and the aeveopment organization in the districts. Contact in research organization: Netherlands Devlopment Organization (SNV) Ghana; P.O. Box 3248; Accra; tel: 77 6198;ACHD (African Centre for Human Development); P.O. Box 0237; OSU-Accra; Ghana: telex: 2340 MNJGH Record number (MFN): 05662 Official pro,ect title: SADAGC (SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE DURABLE EN AFRIOUE DE L'OUEST CENTRALE). Impementing agency: ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy Management). Start date: 1992-00-00. EFd date: 1995-00. Country/countries: Africa; Burkina Faso; Ghana; Cole d'lvoire; Togo; Statement of objectives/abstract: The project consists of 5 research projects in the fied of food security on macro, meso as well as micro levels. The objectives of the proect are: (1) lo enhance interaction between policy, research and users in the area of food security in the parnicipanting Aftrican countries, in order to enable policy makers to formulate a food securny policy based on facts and figures, and (2) to strengthn the (existing) research capacity in the participating African countnies. The activities are 342 SPAAR hMiRhation Syslen iecA*ed by nssai uicirms i Bwlmk Faso, Ghana. CGet dove, Togo and The Nseul_idin orgaized in thee nertals hI each couay. a task bie is essed d resews and poliy makes The maagers o fe thee net are reqbonshb r k ie oveal mawgemet d ie prmm. The ECDPM cae d te secretail s dftio te hee nebirksThe bkwng are speciec bpics od lIe re d pwogmi: (1) dion mang prs w*in pmon system at frmers lewl; (2) gri tade and makeg wih spcial ation l oe int uene d te border beheen Ghana and lskina Faso; (3) ilxence of ne clxent "i"ostructrure on the prockcn as wel as on trade; (4) macroconomic canges and ie iftem an oma_pbon patmns; ad (5) the rebbons between research and policy. Specie preed acivibes are as oos: (a) expand ai stren0hen the cqig networks and orgaize Ihe exchange b*we the neworks; and (b) orgaze poicy dialogues on food secxty at regonal. provircial, nabonal aid at itwebonal lreEs. Coat in research orgwzation: Euopeai Centre fr Developme Policy Management (ECDPM); O.L Vrouweplein 21; 6211 HE Maasridtel: +3143 255121 n ~~~-----------_____- Reoder (MN): 0 Offlc procd tie: GERPA CONSERVATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF PARKIA BILOfBOSA (JACO) BENTH FOR MULIIPURPOSE USE. hi,enetn agency: Univemty of Wales, Bangor; CNSF, OuagadougDu, Bula Faso; FRIN, Nigeria; SAFS, Nancy, Frnce; WAU; The Netherlands. Star dabe: 1993-02-00. End date: 1996-0. Coutry/countries: Africa; ulmuna Faso; Nigena; StaWwt of odctives/abstract: Parlia Bigbiosa is a legutnmous wee that gWs is semi-ard areas in West Africa The poCE are vy nutritous, because they contai proteins and sugars and are used for baby-food. The bast is medically purposes. The objecives ofthe prOn ec are: (1) to coled and preserve gemplasm of Parlia bgoobosa. to obtain futer basic knowlge through study of g-fw; (2) to study wegetive propagabon. nitrogen fixation and myorhiza in Parkia biglobasa, to assess ocao-ecoomic signi6icance. The specitic project actvities are as folows: (a) seed colection in fe region and irnprovement of cold storage, establishment of gne conservation sites in protected areas: (b) evaluation and conservation studies; (c) study of population genetcs of Parkia a.o. electrophoretically; (d) study of vegetative propagation a.o. grafting; (e) population status; and (f) root network studies to investigate nitrogen fixation status and mycorrhizal association. Contact in nesearch orgamization: Prof. dr LJ.G. van der Maesen; Dept. of Plant Taxonomy, Agricultural Uniersity; P.O. Box 8010; 6700 ED Wageningen; The Netherlands; tel: +31-8370-83170; fax: +31-8370-84917Field Strategy and Managmnt (FSMT) headed by Dr Zwege Telkcairnanot; University of Wales; BangorM. Abdou-Salam Ouedraogo; 343 SPAAR lakhmation Syster do FAO.Rome; Ibly (from Februay 1993)CNSF; Ouapdxoug; Burkia FasoFRIN a ; Nair, Fraic Recofd ner (MFN): 056 Offciai propd bte: P90JET POtJRSUJTE DES ETUDES EN IJIJEU REEL (PEMR). Implerer*g agency: SNV (Associaton Neerandatse dAssistwc au Develppement). Stat dale: 199140000. End dae: 199440-00. -oryou*s Beni; Statemert afoletivsasr The prqed Projet poursude des etudes en miaeu reed (PERM) is aied at the inpovmt of :t o-econorc c*os of the rial populaton, m the vlages aid Ihe work ad healt ondaions wtWe stimulating te populaon to take charge of tie developren. This is sfimtld by breasng fanner partOiation n the denveopment process whie optnzing avalable reoc, bcal owledge, ifrastructre and seices. The prqec e m loa organizational cp" to moblize fe avaibe res and carry oti research on the additionaly recured resources. The approach of he project is prcess-oriene and ronsIst iriay of the olowing elements (a) iechnical werventions to improve agriltura produclon; (b) deveopment of hLmlan resources by moblkaton and enhancirg org za nm vinlages, leadership' buiklirg and (c) support fncbonal goups by senisation, alphabetization, traWinng n book-keeping, supporting servioes, research on natural resources. Contact in research organization: Projet PEMR; B.P. 49; Dogbo. Rep. du Benn; tel 463182SNV Benin; B.P. 1048; Cotonou; Benin Record number (MFN): 05671 Official protect title: TRADITIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATION OF MAIZE. Implmentirg agency: WAU (Wageningen Agncultural Universty). Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countines: Benin; Staterent of objectives/abstract: The project objectives are the following: (1) Compare the traditional manufacturing process d mawze (a fermented maize food) with small-scale commercial processes; and (2) Develop starter cultures for maize fermentation. The research programme is part of the inter-univery link of WAU and University of Utrecht with the Agricultural Paculty of the University of Bein. The project activities are as follows: (a) carry out a survey to assess the use of maize and other cerea;s and fe processing tectnologes; (b) carry out a number of chenical, physical and microbiological 344 SPAAR omianbrn Sym aUlyses to caqe comniercial prdexs; and (c) deveiop stage om to control the fmierm process. Ca in ressaich orgariaion: Or r MJ.R. Nout Depa*ere of Food Scienc (WAU); Bomewg 2; 6703 HD Wage ; The NedehrtrxIsDi. Houtih ; Fie des Sciencss Agronoiques; LhUersite Natmalec &u Ben.n; B.P. 526; Coonou; Repttlique de Beni Pecord nmbe (MFN): 05672 Ollicial poect tide: PROJET PUITS ARTiSANAUX. hblnenftm ageny: SNV (Assocaon Nerndaise cAssstance au DeOpMn ). Stait date: 1990-00. End date: 1993-12-31. Counr*ycou Bw; Salernet of objectivesabstrc The pojed Puts Aisanaus ai exted m fe Atacora and Borgou reo in Benin sroe 1990. Skie e fomulaion of the poed (Febuwy 1989) a number of d ges have Wkmed fte isttutonal setling of the projecL The st*agy has been a4sted and arnaton and istbudion have become more ipotn m the projed The objectives od he projed: (1) to contriute to a susWnal and effecive Enprovment of the co ato of lde and of the halth of the poore grups of te rual populabon of the pdrin of Ataora and Borgu; (2) to dent*y and support atvites ained at the nvem t of the sanitary cimumstacs of the rural poplan by a better *irng water supply and ower meures in the field of health care; and (3) to identty and support the ucome gerating actvites that proceed from a better inling water supply. At nabonl lvel the proect colboMes with inistere du Plan et de la ResP ucturabon Economiue'. At the DepafMwtaYPrefec.ure levels te 'Comite de Suivi et de Reference' s e ,ablh, consising of the Misy for Regonal Devebpment, the service or mnisn responsible for dcriMing water suply and the SNV (Ne thlads Devebpment Organization). A the ocalsous-prefecture levels X de gestion et dexecubon are responsible for the maintenwace and hygiene of the wels. The actvites of the proecitare the following: (i) building of wells, (ii hydroieoloical research before the buiking, (iii) water quality tests, and (ivj animation and instruction. Contat in research organization: SNV Benin; B.P. 1048; Cotonou; Benin _________________ Record number (MFN): 05684 Offc project tide: URBAN AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA. hIpmeing agency Institut fuer Sozialoekonornie der Agrarentwiklung der Technischen Universiaet Bedin. 345 SPMR hknmon Syfm Statdab: 1992-011. Enddate: 1993-12-31. Courr n ca Zaie; StabemeV of obes/abact Pr_sientalio ot ica of wban ayiihe n Afm lare twns and meg ms aspe of p nghts in kid and ol the poiIms f urban ad*kW. -bion. exsIeice and ron-xdence of labour coopration; ecogiocal and nurtoa aspects; sconomn aspects; fonms of marketing. Contact n research organization: S belleler, F. Record nuber (MFN): 05688 Official projed Me: INVESTIGATIONS ON THE DIVERSITY OF RAIN AND CLOUD FORESTS IN RWANDA AND ZAIRE. Impleimenting agency: Bcnusches InsiU der UnNeersat Bomn, Ab. Systematk und Startdate:19-01-01. Enddate:1994-12-31. Coun* cou ntes: Afa; Rwand Zae; Contact n research organizabon: Fischer, E. Record number (MFN): 05689 Official projed bt: (A) MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE INTERACTINS) BETWEEN YAM (DIOSCOREA SPEC.) AND THE FUNGUS COLLETOTRCHUIM GLOEOSPORIOIDES; (B) ISOLATION OF FUNGAL DEFENCE GENES FROM YAMS; (C) DNA FINGERPRINTING OF THE YAM GENOME. Impemernting agency: Institut fuer Pflanzliche Molekularbiotogie. Fachbereich Bioogie der Unnversitaet Frankfurt. Start date: 1988-01-01. Country/countnes: Global; Nigeria; Jamaica: Costa Rica; Statement of objectves/abstract: The interaction between the pathogenic fungus and its host plant has been characterized by t;artem analyses and the isolabtion of dcfence genes. The genome of yarns species is dwactenzed by fingerpnnt and RAPO techniques. Contact in research organization: Kahl. G. 346 SPAAR kfomiim Syslm Roe numb ON): 05691 Of0 pped lile: GEME ANALYSIS OF AN AND PLAN (MLSA SPP.) AND THE BA SIGATOK FUNGUS MYCOSPHAERELLA FLIENSLS. krpb_mening agfncy. nsM km Pflmgch LideIAmbolge Fadibeih Bioogie der Lk*bstW FraztM Stai date: 1994-01-1. Counlyontis GloW- NkWkAua Staiemrof dbjetives/absiract The genom d al bua and pirain arws has been dwacied wih DNA bxieipr* and RAPD tehniu. Btdh technqe ae abs abpied b debd s omadona ons and mutio.. The genome of te pathogen My osa wi be saeened for the drtAison of repetv seqences. Contain research organizaon: Kahil G. Pacord r', nbr (MFN): 05703 Offcl ped bWe: DEVELOPMENT OF SIMPLE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR THE DETECTION, QUANTIFICATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF PECTOLYTIC ERWINIA SPECIES ON OR IN (LATENT INFECTION) POTATO TUBERS. biVent agency: Insbtut fuer Pflaazenpat und Pfizenschutz der Unwerstaet Sba dale: 1991-01-01. End date: 199312-31. Coury/countnes: Nigena; Contact i research organuzation: Rudolph, K. Record number (MFN): 05705 Offical projecl tile: SUSTAINABLE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES? CASE STUDY ON THE DYNAMICS OF LAND USE IN NORTHERN GHANA. lmpleting agency: InstA tu er Agramekonomwe der Universitaet Goelt . Startdae: 199-01-01. Enddate: 199512-31. Counry/countnes: Ghana; Stlement of objectives/abstract: Sustainable use has become a central issue in development. So far, thre exists no 347 SPAAR 9mnabor S commonly acceped metxod bf t assessmea d of use sytoms. Therefore a *bbjw.p study wI be r_Wed h northem Ghana in order to indery dcrges in 1he s dol henal rsoume base arn ils rpad on nal poptiabon. Cortat inresad organizati: RecPd mxnber (MFN): 05708 Offcia propac tl0e: INVESTIGATIONS ONl SUCCESSION AND DYNAMICS OF REGEN&RATION OF COMMERCIAL TREES IN THE LAM STATE FOREST/BENIN IN THE NATlJRAL RANGE OF RAINGFEEN FORESTS. ImpleWrning agency: sisb fuer Waldoau der Unwrsia Goettin, AbL II: Wakbau der Trpen und N*rwahdvxxg Stt dae: 1991-01-01. Co ues: Bem; Stallmere od objectives/abstract The succession of abandoed areas fonnery used in agriculture and te dynamis of re regeaon in the btpcal deciduous forestsn Benn wiN be doc ated by tme senes. PTosg s can be used for managent purposes. Contact i esearch organization: Wedel H.-J. Record number (MFN): 06714 Otficial proec title: ASPECTS OF VEGETATION MANAGEMENT IN FALLOW SYSTEMS IN WEST AFRICA. Impemerng agency: Insfitut f uer Pfanzenbau in den Tropen und Sutopen der Uniesitaet Hohenheim, Fachgebiet "'raoeklogoe der Tropen und Subtropen. Start date: 1986-01-01. Country/countnes: Benin; Statemenl ol objectives/abstract The spontaneous vegetation is of great importance in snaltiolder farming systems in Benin, on one hand as competitors with the crop plants and on the other hand as a means to maintain or restore soil fetility dunng lalow periods and to a certain extent also in the arable fieds. A survey and fild experiments have been conducted to evaluate the nature and importance of spontaneous vegetation during the cropping periods. f -tact in research organization: 348 SPAAR hkonao Syster Kod, W. Raw number W4 05723 O0kial prqed Mei: THE ECONOMC WACT OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL IN SMALLHOUER GRAIN STORAGE: EXPLE FROM TOGO. hivlme agency isA fuer Agrar- wud So elionomie i den Tropi urd SArWopen dr lkmsie Hdohen, Fadigebet' d Betitilsiebe i den Tmpen und Subqp$en. Strlle:191-0101. Enddate: 1994-12-31. CofW0=ccW-lis Togo; StAwer d obf ives/tabsract The paper d- aIwthe quantification of yield redutm in itraional sa-holdw sowra with and/or wtot biological pest cotr. Coming fro this, te inpad d bioogica pest contrl on tome, Iqpxy, supply and risk behavw of the bwg system shal be iuvestigaled for he afeded fmis, families and houshols. Fwere asDec f efidiency of fe biological pest cntrd olsall be integraled ito a model still to be developed. Cotad in researEh organizain: Doppler, W. F&. . ber (MFN): 05725 Oflical poed tibde: SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF CASSAVA POSTHARVEST TECHNOLOGIES ON SMALLHOLOINGS IN SOUTH EAST NIGERIA. inrlmentiNg agency: Inst uer Agrar- und Soiablekononie in den Tropen und Subtopen der Uniael Hohe*he, Fachgebiet Landwirtschaftliche Beiiebsue in den Tropen und Subirpen. Strtdate: 199201-01. Enddate: 199$12-31. Ccuntry/countries: Nigeria; Stateme of objectiveslabstract: Anaysis of the irnpacts of new cassava postharvest techroogies on output, income, abour-savng and producti. Furthermore the socal and economc factors which determine adoption and sustained use shall be analysed. Moreover, oter benefits and costs of these technologies are examined. Contad in research organization: Doppler, W. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 349 SPAAR hkomabon Syslem PcRd mTm(MN: 05726 jO tueI CHANGES IN LABOUR ALLOCATION OF FAM HOUSEHOLDS IN WEST AFRICA. kiiplemeniiig agency: hSIih fuer Agrar. tind Sozi~ekekorms in den Tropen und Suaklrpe der UImersiaet Hdoene, Faigebe W N IC 9elridtslere in den Trapen und Sub open. S1arldae: 1991-01401. Endda3e: 1994-12-31. Counoutnes: Sew: Stalemenl of oblecIivabsti: In hs paper te use of lbour in siall-holder farming system in the provmoe AtWquS'en is ana%sed. The impact ot size. coposu, outfit and diefent degress o sell-supply on the use of labour of the diferet househo members shall be vesbgge The natral. soo-economic or stdubial resircions of the use of labojr are considered Contact in research orgn3nzaon: DoppWe. W Record ntnber (MFN): 05729 Offial pmoecttie: PROBLEM-ORIENTED ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTORS- ANALYSIS OF FARMERS SlTUATION IN TWO VILLAGES IN SOUTH BENIN Implewig agency: Insmtoil tuer Agrarsozobgte. Landwirtschaffiuche beratung und Angewandie Psychdoge der Untversaet Hohenheim. Startdate: 1987-01-01. Enddate: 1993-12-31. Country/countnes: Benn:. Slalement of object'vesiabstract: Interactions between soco-cutural factors and technological change/adoption of nnonvaons are presented and discussed. Technological changes are interpreted as parts and results of social changes. Folowing subtects have been selected after discussions with villagers- land tenure. labour management marri arrangements as well as endogenously introduced innovations such as palm wine distillation. cistems. com mills. Contact in research organization Albrecht. H. Record number (MFN\: 05735 Official proect title DECONTAMINATION OF MYCOTOXIN-CONTAINING FOODS AND FEEDS WITH BACTERIA OR WITH BACTERIAL METABOLITES. 350 SPAAR kdormalio Syslem biyhpen--g agency: InA h:er Hygene und Toxkiogoe der B s Sltade: 1992-01-01. End dale: 1995-12-31. Counl* nre:Ghana Cona i reseaid orgNizato: Holzaie, W.H. Record nmber (MFN): 05739 Ofica proea tbie: FACTORS INFLUENCING THE OCCURRENCE OF YAM TUBER ROTS IN WEST AFRICA. h~ilementm agency: Ovseas Devepme nit Ar*imsat'on (NFRD). Slrldale: 1993-10-01. Enddate: 1996-03-31. Cox aykounires: Unded Kingdom; Nigeria SWe of oect"esiabsract: The objecbves o tfte progeck are:Phase fo survey for pr**al courses of yam s>ag rots i Kogi Stale. Nigeri. and to produce a report justiyn fh .nding for Phase II.Phase 1I(dependeert on fidng of Phase l)To identy patogens to species and rank wer mportanceTo evalae and assess relationship bet*een -pg-lo practces and roftng riadence. Contact i research ojanazabon: Dr. L. Keyon; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Crtam Maritime. Chatharn; Kent ME4 4TB; Unied Kingdorm Tel 0634 880068: Fax 0634 80066177; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. S. Morse; The School of Devebpment Sbudies: University of East Angla; Norwich; Norfok; NR4 7TJ: Tel 0603 56161; Fax 0603 505262 Record number (MFN): 05745 Official protect title: LOW-COST FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DRYING FOR SMALL-SCALE RURAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT. Lnplementing agency: Overseas Deveopmrent Admninstration (NRRD). Stat date: 1992-10-01. End date: 1996-03-31. Country/counritnes: United Kingdom: Africa; Ghana; Global: Pakistan; SWtement of objectives/abstract: The becciis of the protect are to promote the increased production and utilisation of hft and wegetables through -prnved consefvation and marketing by tbe smagholder/nural processors. Contact in research organization: Mr. W,H. Timmins: Natural Resouraes Institute; Central Avenu; Chathan Mantirr; 351 SPAAR k t.niio SysWe Challw; Kent ME4 4T1: ULikd Kagom; Tel 0634 800B; Fax 0634 880066/T7; Telex 26390718 LDN G Record nber (MFN): 05748 Offic proed bte: STFNGA RESISTANCE IN RiCE. b Snme agency: Overseas Deveopment Admistabon (NRROD. Slal dae: 19921401. End date: 1995-3-31 CoGtrycountres: U*ted Kingdom; Ce dlvoire; Staement o obectwslabstract The proepd wi provide l e for experimental work on resistance to Stnga in no la be conOcd by Dr. C. Pies. Using hom facilities. te project wlt nvesbga poGenta sources od resanc to Sbi species in culvated nce sp . cUtivar and wid rembs. Coratd in research organiztn: Dr. D.E. dgham; Natual ResouFces Institute; Central Avenue; Chatam Marime; Chaun; Kent ME4 4TB; Unied Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177: Tebex 263907/8 U)N Glk. P.J. Terry AFRC Instiule of Arable Crops Research (IACR); Long Ashton Research Siabon; Brstol; BS18 9AF; Unded K ingdom; Tel 0272 392181; Fax 0272 394007 Record number (MFN): 05749 Official proect tile: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF ANTHRACNOSE DISEASE OF YAM IN NIGERIA. Implementing agency: Overseas Devebpment Administration (NARD). Start date: 1992-10-01. End date: 1995-09-30. Country/counines: United Kingdom: Nigeria; Statme of obiectives/abstract: The wer objecnive of this project is to develop an understanding of the epidemiogy of yam anthracrose in West Afica.The nmmediate objetives are:To survey anthracnose in Nigeria and relate to cropping practices.To examine the survival of anthracnose between seasoins.lnvestigate the host range and vanability of Colletotrichum on yam in Nigena. Contact in research organization: Dr. R. Glbson; Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chatham Martime; Chatharn: Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066(77; Telex 26390718 LDN GDr S. Simoons; Deparfment of Agriculture; University of Reading; Earley Gate: PO Box 236; Reading RG6 2AT- Uniied Kingdom; Tel 0734 875123; Fax 0734 3S2421; Telex 847813Cr O.A. Nwankiti: University of Agriculture: Makurdi: PMB 2373; Makurdi; Benue State; Nigeria: West Afnca; Tel 352 SPAAR kgormation System 044 33204; Teex 85304 Record nbde (F: 05755 Oall prct de: NUTRIENT BIJOGETS IN RELATION TO THE SUSTAINABILITY OF INDIGENOUS FAMING SYSTEMS IN NOTHERN MGERIA. Implentintmg agency: Overseas Develpment Aminison (NRRD). Sbtdale: 1992-10-01. Enddate:1995409-30. Courores.: UnWed Kngdom; Niera; Staemenw of objscrs#ealStraci The wide objepte of hs project is bd management for sustaie cmp prdutn in the semiaid regiDn of Africa The inmediate objecves:a) Select coopere brmesb) Wme In of nutrient wids and outputp ) SaNg and dhmcal analysis of uput and oputsd) Construon od nutrd bdgete) Inveshtgo of anomaies Contct,n research orgauzaton: W. D. Jackson; Naual Resources Instue; Central Avenue; Chaham Maritme; Chahn; Kent ME4 4TB; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 26390718 LDN GOr. B.W. Bache; Deparmen d Geography; ,Uivey of Cabndge; Downing Pbce; Cambndge; C82 3EN; United KingdomDr. E.U. Essietl Deparlmwt of Geography; Bayero University; PMB 301 11 Kano; Nigeria; West Aninca; Tel 064 601280 Rwc,id nunber (MFN): 05757 Offcial projecl itle: THE UTILISATION OF SWEET POTATO AND CASSAVA ROOT MEAL IN POULTRY DIETS. kIpnting agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Starl date: 1992-09-01. End date: 1995-031. Country/countnes: United Kingdom: Cameroon; Statement of objectvesiabstract: The objectives of the projet are to: demonstrate how appropriately processed local varieties of sweet potato and cassava root meal can be used in poultry diets by conducting (i) country-specific adaption trial for sweet potato, in the UK and, (ii) fiesd trials for both commodities in Cameroon; evaluate the acceptabity of root crops based poultry diets among local small scale producers and; publish a paper to promote the concepts in oter countries. Contact in research organiation: Dr. S. Panigrahi; Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chatham Maritme: Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdom; Tel 06fi, 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77: 353 SPAAR kh b0on System Telex 263907M LDN G Record nuriber (MFN): 05767 Otki project bde: LOW COST CASSAVA ROOT STORAGE TECHNOLOGY - ADAPTIVE TRANSFER FROM LATIN AMERICA AND FIELD TESTING IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Inplrnting agency: Overseas Development Admnisran (NRRO). Startcl.:1992-11-04. Enddae: 199603-30. Courtcouitnes: Unted Kingdom. Ghana; Stalement of obectives/abstract: The objevs of Ihe prmoect ame: To ver both tedcnic and soco-economicaly the suitatlity of the low-cost casava storage technology devebped in Latin Ameria for use r. Ghana ad to disemriate t transferred, adopted, field and maff t tested tedoo to extension oficers and oher nterested groups, tereby improving the ovall uisaton of the cassava crop and more fully satisyin the demand for indgenos cassava and cassava based products. Conbtt i nesearch organizaton: Dr. R.D. Barcrot; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue, Chathan Maribme; Chatharn; Kert; ME4 4TB; United King*om; Tel 0634 880: Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record nurnber (MFN): 05778 Offcial proect title: PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS FOR AFRICAN CASSAVA MOSAIC VIRUS (ACMV). ImpImenting agency: Overseas Development Administraton (NRRD). Startdate: 1992-04-01. Enddate: 199503-31. Country/countries: Unied Kingdom; Afrca; Uganda: United Repubbc of Tanzarua; Kenya: Zaire; Statement of obectives/abstract: The wider objective of the project is the substantially increased yields of cassava through control of ACMV. The immediate objecves of the proect are to: evaluate effectiveness of contrasting approaches to control now being mad6 in ddferent parts of Uganda. assess the attitude of farmers to the new varieties and measures being advocated and the constraints on their adoption. recommend approaches for establishing sustainable cassava multiplication and dissemination systems. Contact in research organization: Dr. R. Gbson: Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maanhme; Chatham; Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066(77: 354 Rseni mnber (N): 05782 O0ha prpgt WI: CONTROL OF YAM ITHRACNOSE AND OTHER YAM PESTS. hipiismWrg ageny. Ovseas Develpment Adrninistration (NRRD). Sirat doe: 1992-023. End date: 1995-922. Cou o ie d Kigdom; Nqen Sbtnel of objeves/*sract The wider otpci of the prqed is to deelop a menu of phyosarwy .nb _so-acm appled to mnisett or seed bbers to control mapr yam pests ard dseases. The inmeiate obeptes of the project are to: evakuate te use of . hniade dusts apped to mneses or seed hbtes; exme whOer rge seed hiers are a more apprprate source d m rnselts Om mediu/small ware yans. test uerw hot wae treabnen can be used to elinae nematodes from minietts in a low oblr mamer. idently abemabves to adri for minf prtecbon. Cobd n resarch organtzaton: Dr. R.W. Gbson; Natural Resources Insrie; Cental Avenue; Chatham Mar1irre; Chalh; Kent-, ME4 4TB; Unied Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066(77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G ----------------- Pecrd number (MFN): 05789 OlcWial proed tie: THE PRODUCTION AND MARKETING REQUIREMENTS OF SOLAR DRIED MEAT FOR THE HIMD TROPICS. hIilementing agency: Overseas Developmed Adrinistration (NRRD). S:bt date: 1992-12-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Counr*ountnes: Ukied Kingdom; Nigeria; Sse of obcves/abstract: The objectives of the prect are: To determue and niprove upon the shelf life of meat prepared in the and tropics when stored m humid regwons; To determine the market for dried meat m humid regions of Nigena; To prepare dried meat in the humid zone; To test-market dred mneat in a humid zone of Nigeria. Conact in research organization: Wk. D.E. Silerside; Natural Resources Instute; Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime; Chathan; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unnded Kinfgdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066(77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G _______________3_ 355 SPAAR Iniornatio Sys3em Rec' number {MFN): 05792 Oflla pegad tie: THE ROLE OF THE RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES SECTOR IN THE GENERATION OF SUSTAINABLE UVEUHOOOS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. ImpliSmenting agexy: Ovesea Develpmen Admtislabon (NRPAD)- Start da: 1993-02-01. End date: 1993401. CountrVounbves: Uinted KngdoDn; Africa Uganda; Ghana; Stieni of obedbivesIastract The obledives of fte proje are to: Examne m dta die role of the RNR Sector in Oe process of eoomic development; Obtam informaion and data on the terods in aid a*oabon to the RNR sector by ODA and the reasons for the dedine m suppor which has be witnessed since 1980 Obtain comparative informaon from other bilateral ad mutilateral aid agencies. Contact in rsearch organizabon: th. A. Marlr; Natural Resources Insthue; CentrWal Avenue; Chatham Manime; ChaWhan; Kert; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 808; Fax 0634 8800T7; Telex 263907/8 LDN G RecOrd number (MFN): 05797 Offcia project tile: STRATEGIES FOFi THE CONTROL OF YAM ANTHRACNOSE. Implementin agency: Overseas Deveiopment Administrahon (NRRD). Start date: 1993-04-01. End dale: 1996-03-31. Country/courntes: United Kingdom: Global; Nigeria: Fiji: Trnidad and Tobago. Statement of obpeoiesIabstract: The wider obiective of the project is to improve control of yam anthracnose through an uwderstanding of its epidemioogy and of host plain resistance. The wnimediate obje*tives are To investigate the pathogenicity of Colletotrichum gloeosponoides from yam and non-yam hosts in mixed cropping systems especially in west Africa; To study the indiial stages of infection and determine te mode o inoculum transmission from seed tuber to short tnps; To screen resistant yam varieties in association wth tITA and identiy mechanisms of resistance; To develop control strategies appropriate to Small-hokder farmers, especially in West Africa. Contact in research organization: Dr. F.W. Gibson; Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime; Chatiam; Kent: ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 680088; Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. Sarah A. Simons; Department of Agriculture; University of Reading; Earley Gate; Reading; Berkshire; RG6 2AT; United Kingdom: Tel 0734 xxxxxxx Fax 0734 352421 356 SPMR Sieiraion Syssem Raw d nber (MFN): 057o 8 Oical poed id: IDENTIFYING THE CONSTRAINTS ON UVESTOCK PROOUC11VlTY AND LAND USE IN AFRICA BROUGHT ABOfT BY UVESTOCK It(CLUDING THE TSETSE TRANSMITTED TRYPANOSOMLASIS. bInpementing agency. Overseas Deveop AJniistaban (NRRO). Stt dae: 19934901. End date: 1996-06-31. Counraykxunie Unitd Kingdom; Uaric Ghana; Togo: Nigrai Stalement of objaIabstrai The wider ojectie of the proe i to idenlto y K cnst on livesock poduv, ld use and development tha are nposed by betse-transmitled :w t posom awts and other hWestock disease In the dierent zones of ; Atrica The inmediate objectves are: To desrte pest patns livestock devebpmet and the rebabonshp to aid use, ivestock disease, disease vectors and hun populab changes n West Africa; To explain why thase changes took place n * te way, aid a the rate, they Wd, aid to see how. i at al. the Isetserars mited - tiypaosomas, affected those pocesses in eadc agroecological zone; To predict what miigt happen in the hture n other areas where deveopment is aticpated, or - plpbred, and to advise on how bes to avoid, or dninsh, any adverse effects. Conct in researh organization: Ur. R. Allsopp; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Marime; Chathan; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066177; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. D.J. Rogers/Dr. S.E. Randolph; Department of Zoology; South Parks Road; Oxford; OX1 3PS; United Kingdom; Tei 0865 27124(Y241; Fax 0865 310447 _________________ Record nrber (MFN): 05804 Official project title: NITROGEN AND THE CONTROL OF STRIGA. h,wlmenting agency: Ovrseas Devebpment Administation (NRRD). Startdate: 1993-l10O1. Enddate: 1996403-31. I Country/countries: United Kingdom; Africa; Kenya; Ghana; I Statement of objectves/abstract: The wider ob;ective of the project is the reduction of maize and sorghum yield loss due to Stnga intestation in sub Saharan Atrica.The immediate objectives are:To determine the infuence on root exudate medicated Stnga germination of nitrogen form and concentration;To examine the influence of nitrogen on the early develpment of Striga seedlings;To examine the influence of nitrogen on Striga induced photosynthetic distunction on maize and sorghum;To investigate the role of nitrogen apphcation under field condiions and develop realistic Striga control strategy. Contact in research organ-zation: Dr. C. Riches; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chathaw Maritime; 357 SPAAR klomabo System Chmn; Kenl; IE4 4TH; Unied Kingdom; Tel 063d 880098; Fax 0634 880066177; Tebx 263907/8 LDN GOr. M.V. Prs; Sdhod of Bioc Sciencesd Wilnson Bi*g Universiy of Lbndestw, Oxtoid Road hb.chesWs M13 9PL; Ubted Kingdom; Tel 061 275 38t Fax 061 2T5 3938 Recod m (MFN): 05805 Offcial poject ttle: ROOT ARCHITECTURE OF SORGHUM IN RELATION TO AVOIDANCE OF A STRIGA HARMONTWIA INFEC, K)N Imperrieentig agency: Oeseas Devebpment Adminstrabt (NRRD). Staftdie: 1990-10-01. End date: 1996-03-31. CounWkoutbes: United Kwngdom; Nigena, Stbbemen of oblecwes/abstrad: The wider objscve of te propct 6 e reducton d soghun yield bIss due to SO.ga ifeson in Sub-Sahatan Afhica.The mnmediate objpcb1es are:To construct a model relati sor"ium root archtecture to fe probabity of Sbiga attchntTo evalAe the extent to which host root arcieu can be optimsed by culural pce or choice of cultwar to pevWent on delay Sga attach;mertTo daactense th degree of benefi the host gains from Striga avoidmce in tems of improved gmt and de. Contact n research oWaizatbon: Dr. C. Ries; Nalura Resou,rces Institute; Central AvenuJe; Chathamt Marittn; ; ~~~Chatham; Kent, ME4 4TC; United Kixgdorn: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066r77; t~~~~ee 263907 8 LDN GDr. J.D. Gravetro A.H. Fitter Deatrt of ;" Th i ~ ~~Uniest of 'fork; Hsslgton: York; YOI SDD: Uniteld Kingdomn; Tel 09034 4323C4; Fax 0904 4328 60 Record number (MFN): 05812 Ofkicial prqect title AFRICAN SMALL RUMINANT COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (SRNET). Impbmentng agency: International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Start date: 1988-07-00. End date: 1993-12-00. ICountry/countries: Alrica; Niger: Senegal: Ethiopia; Swaziland; Togo; Woe d'lvoire; Zimbabwe: Burkina Faso; Staternenl of obtectves/abstract: The nework has three broad operatwnl goals; namel to (a} assist NARSs prionlize their small ruminant research and devebprnent pogrammes: (b) cte a crilu mm of NARSs scientists to enhance colaboraton with ILCA and other stakeholders: and (c) strengthen NARSs small ruminants production research capacity. The specific oboedives are: (i) improving general awareness of the importance of small ruminants as a basic resource for large numbers of smallholder famers and agropastoralists 358 SPAAR hnionaion 9 11houghoui Akica.(iien)i idwn~g constrii loimoeased productivity and pouimo csny (i)mmgrsarchpnrsand.esed sreges arisingfromconistriveiictl Aat,n ;(iv)escoura1g nnational,regioanalad n1len and funding forsearch and development (v) sirengihenuig reseaid actwes to aved rnpeto and duplicaton and thus asamg efioen resotmeui kzabMon, (vw) fcaati transfer of techolog to potentia users; and (vi) adwain nabonal aid regional rgadsaboios on Waest mesearch restits and on eir utizabon. Contad in ressamh organization: Pro. S.H.8. Lebbie; Coor,kio Axican Smal Ruiman Colaboratve Pesearh Netwo*k; International Lnvstock Centre for Atrica (ILCA); P.O. Box 46847; Naobi: Kenya Tel: (254-2) 632-066; Telex: 25747 LCA KE; Fax: (254-2) 631-481Semeg Conwitee Chaimm: Proi. Yenrkoye Alhassane; Uniuverse Abdou Mournouni; 8.P. 237/10.896; Niaey; Niger Tel: (227) 73-27-1Y14; Fax: (227) 73%364 Record nimr (WN): 05813 Official prct bi: ANIMAL TRACTION RESEARCH NETWORK hidementg agency: hIter atlonal Livestock Centre for Alnca (ILCA). Sblt date: 196941 -0. Country/courites: Africa; Ethopa: Senegal; Togo; Saement of obctves/abstract: The objecfies of fe Network are to: (a) povde technical support to national nmal traction research pojcts for parning expernts, poviding appropniate mstrurtaon, setting up laboratories and computers, training personnel and heiping prepare reports; (b) pnonot interst in the adopbon and potential of animal tracion; and (c) seek unding f animal tacton researchInplemented work and results: Three research projects have been activated with support from in-trust hfuds provided by fe European Conmission. In Ethopia, scientsts at the Institute of Aqrrultural Research (IAR) are conducting researh to study the ublization of draught oxen for different larn activties in relation to feeding pattern, work caendar and climate. In Senegal, scientists at fe Institut senegalais de recherches agricoles (ISRA) are cornducting research to study the incidence of disease among working and non-working NDama oxen; quantifying the effects of trypanosomiasis and gastro-intestnal worm burden (Strongyloides sp) on work output of draught oxen; and monetoong the health, work output. lactational and reproducie performance of local draught cows on farms. In Togo, research at the ProJet pour la pmmotion de la traction animale (PROPTA) is intended to: provide qualitative and quantitative nfomation on the agricultural and industrial byproducts available for feeding draught animals in the region; iunprove mehods of storng agicultual byproducts; define adequate diets for draught oxen based on locally availabl byprducts.A cheap a robust electronic instrument for measuring the major parameters conneced with work output of draught animals has been designed. The instrument works in four modes and 359 SPAAR Ikionnation Sysin has Wigral recweati balteries which ast for 40 h on one dctgs. The firsl draft of an intuctio and maintenance manual has been wrIen. Contact in reseair orniaon: P. Larence; Network Coordinator Record net (MFN): 05846 OflicRI projec ttle: AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY TRAINWG PROJECT FOR IRRIGATED RICE CULTIVATION. Implementing agency: Japan Intematonal Cooperabon Agency. Start date: 1992-081. End date: 1997-07-31. Courtry/ounes: C6te civoire; Statement o ob,ectres/abstract: The objective of te Project is to iplment technology transfer to Cole ditva counterpart persowri in te lields of operabon, ma inte e and repai of agicral macwhe and cultivabon of ilgated nce to pomole mehn zao of rrgaed nrsce cultiton, thus conrtubtg to inceasd noe prodtion in te Reptlic of Cole divowe. Activibes of Japanese techicl cocoraton Itrough advice and gudance will be inplmented in line wt: 1) training insbuctors in methods of preparng training curriculum and training materals, and meaching methods; 2) effective operation techniques, appmpriate maintenance techniques, and overhaJl and repair techniques for agncuItural machinery; and 3) irrgated rice cutivabotn. Agricultural machnery to be adopted tor the technical cooperation will be tractors, power timers, reapers, threshers and milers. The Project site is the Agricultural Mechanization Training Center, Grand-Laoi. Japanese experts will carry out technology transfer to counterpart personnel at the Agricultural Mechanizatior Training Center through the management of training courses held there. Counterpart personnel may study in Japan n both the Japanese and the Republic of Cote d Ivoire sides determine that training in Japan is more effective for enharcing ther skils. Contact in research organization: Larnbert Kouassi Konan: Compagnie ivoirienne pour le developpe nt des cultures vivneres ICIDV): Cole dIlvoire Record number (MFN): 05848 Official protect title: MANGROVE SWAMP RICE NETWORK (MSRN). Implementing agency: West Aftnca Rice Development Association (WARDA). Start date: 1990-00-00. Country/countines: Africa: Gambia: Guinea; Guinea-Bissau: Nigeria; Sierra Leone: Senegal: Statement ol objectves/abstract: 360 SPAAR h_wk*o Sfmm WA'DAs muc e sp ricere h pgra ma a sigiifca conribuion o the d-elpmert d uproved vandes or wallhro faners in mangv sp enwmnris. To consokie liew gm and enartse l capacity of tie regon's NARes to meo In nGed kw a _bfanf ie m;m i mangmve s p rice production. a network fuidd by USAID was esibblshed n 1990.Nstwoe actviies kicud ewvuunenU dwract abon to facia more effectve taig of immoved nce bchwolg. and the develoment of wsaped hh yiedng ail from segagabrng pro . Seeds of promn vuies and breeder seeds are puifed and muIpied by V'ARDA wr disbio to NARSs, exension agncies, NGOs and tanes, and varietl trials are conducted by fe sA acountis in ie network. Cct in research orgarizabon: Dr Matn Agyen-Sampong; Network Coordinator and Enbonogst West Africa Rice Developmen Assocatian (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; CGoe dlvowr; Tel: (225) 63-23-96163-32423-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl, BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO DOUAKE Cl Record nurber (MFN): 05849 knpmting agency: West Africa Rice Devebpment Associaon (WARDA). Country/countries: Afia; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Nigeria Siera Leone; Senegal; Contact in research organization: Dr. Marin Agyen-Sampong; Network Coordinator and Enrorologist; West Africa Rice Develpmt Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; 3ouake 01; Cote dIvoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-96/63-32-42163-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl, BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE ClDr. Robert Guei; West Africa Rice Develpment Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote dlvoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-96163-3242163-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Ma/l: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl. B%UAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl Record number (MFN): 05850 Implementing agency: Wesl Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). Country/countries: Africa: Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Sissau; Nigena; Sierra Leone; Senegal; Contact in research organization: Dr. Manin Agyen-Sampong; Network Coordinator and Entomologist; West Africa Rice Devebpment Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote dlvoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-96/63-32-42/63-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CGI125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl, BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO B0UAKE ClDr.Robert Guei; West Africa Rice Devebpment Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote dlvwire: 361 SPMR a bdorma Sysm Tet (225) 63-23-963-V42A3-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mai: 157:CG1125; Tebxr 69138 ADRAO CI BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO IOOUAKE Ca Record mtw (MFN) 05851 Impementng agency: West Alnca Rice Deveopm Assocabon (WARDA). Countr)*ountries: Africa; Cuix,s Guwea, Guinea-issau; Nigeia Siera Leone; Seeaai Cornt in research organizao: Dr. Martn Agyen-Sampong; Network Coordinaoto and Entomologis West Africa Rice Developmet Assocatio (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Boalke 01; Cole dlo*re: Tel: (225) 63-23-96r3-32-4263-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; Eal: 157:CG1t25; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl. BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE ClDr. Robeud Guel; West Aha Rice Develipmt Associato (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote cirure; Tel: (225) 63-23-96t63-324263-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Magl: 157:CG1125; Teex: 69138 ADRAO Cl, BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl Record nunber (MFN): 05852 Implntin agency. West Africa Rice Develpment Assoation (WARDA). Co ky/cuntries: Alica; Gambia; Gumea; Guinea-Bissau; Nigenia; Sierra Leone; Senegal; Contact in research organization: Dr. Martin Agyen-Sampong; Netwoxk Coordiator and Entomolot; West Atnca Rice DeveOlopent Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote dcrvire: Tel: (225) 63-23-96M3-324263-45-t4; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail. 157:CG1125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl. BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE CIDr. Rober Guei; West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA); 01 B.P. 2551; Bouake 01; Cote dlvoire; Tel: (225) 63-23-9d63242/63-45-14; Fax: (225) 63-47-14; E-Mail: 157:CG1125; Telex: 69138 ADRAO Cl. BOUAKE; Cable: ADRAO BOUAKE Cl 362