OFFICIAL qE8U The Woild Bank * Central Asia 0eg ion,l Offce 41 Kzybek Bi Str. Bldg. A, 4h floor Tel. +7 (727) 2980580 INTERNATIC AL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION A ND DE )PMENT Almaty, 050010 Fax +7 (727) 2980581 INTERNATIC AL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Republic of Kazakhstan December 19, 2012 Mir. Rustam Azimov Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance Mustakilik Square 5 lahkent 100008 F.public of Uzbekistan Re: UZBEKISTAI": Credi. No. 4598-UZ (Basic Education Project-Second Phase of the Adaptable P ogram -ending in Support of the Education Reform Program) F rst Am endment to the Financing Agreement Excellency: We refer to the Finj!Lnc ng igreement for the above-captioned Project between the L.public of Uzbek.stan (tIie Recipient) and International Development Association (the Association), dated Octoer 15, 2009, (the Financing Agreement). Please note that capitalized terms used in t1his letter (the Amendment Letter) and not defined herein have the meaning ascribed to thtm n th - Financing Agreement. Further to your 1: tter ND. PA/13-02/2-454, dated October 9, 2012 to the Yissociation, we are pleas,d to i iform you that the Association agrees to amend the I nancing Agreement as follows: 1,.tet E. 2 of Schedule 1 to tIe F nancing Agreement is hereby amended to read in its eirirety as follows: "2. Provision of technical assistance and goods to carry out standardized national assessments of student leaining in grade 4." Please confirm yolr tgre(ment with the foregoing amendment by signing and cating this Amendment I,ett,r it the spaces provided below. Thenceforward, all the rii-ovisions of the Financ]ng Ag eement shall remain in full force and effect. This Amendment Letter shall he -xecuted in two counterparts, each of which shall be an original. The provisions set l'orth in this Amendment Letter shall become effective as of the cate of the countersignatule. upon receipt by the Bank of: (i) one fully executed original of this Amendment Lett r; (ii) confirmation that the Operational Manual has been Lodated. Mr. Rustam Azimov 2 December 19, 2012 Please also :iote thit the approved restructuring paper dated November 30, 2012 wil be disclosed on the As loc atio i's external website. Very truly yours, INTERNA iONA L DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Saroj Kumar Jha Regional Director Central Asia AGREED: REPUBLIC OF UZBEK TAN Authorized R ese t ive Name: kusiam Z/r2 V Ttle: 7' S ___e,4/, $f/qn;m~k *Ill / 1151awep- Date: cW Ae&-uqJ--et o6 /3 Mr. Rustam Azimov 3 December 19, 2012 Ce: Mrs. G. Saidova, Minister (f Economy and Governor to the World Bank Mr. T. Shirinov, Minister of'Public Education Nir. A. Kuchkarov, Deputy Minist(r of Finance Nit. U. Abruev, Deputy Miiist.r o:'Public Education & Curator of BEP 2 NIt. R. Gulyamov, Executive Director, Fund for the Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzekistan and Al ernate Governor to the World Bank Mr. F. Bakiev, Head of GIAD on F ER & FI, Cabinet of Ministers Nir. B. Yusupaliev, Depatmnmt )n Health, Education and Social Issues, Cabinet of Ninisters Nir. D. Boltabaev, Local Coinsiltar t on Project Coordination Nir. J. Frieden, Executive 1irector. the World Bank Nis. F. Guex, AdvisDr to E),ecutive Director, the World Bank Nr. S. Sagdullayev, Advisor to Ex scutive Director, the World Bank