43 ESP Discussion Paper Series 17G76 Scientific Information and Literature Bojana Boh September 1994 Education and Social Policy Department Human Resources Development and Operations Policy The World Bank ESP Discussion Papers reflect work in progress. They are intended to make lessons emerging from th current work program available to operational staff quickly and easily, as well as to stimulate discuss and comment. They also serve as the building blocks for subsequent policy and best practice papers. - views expressed here are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank or its Bo of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Lauritz Holm Nielsen for giving me the opportunity to work on scientific information and literature in the Science & Technology Program of the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP). I am also thankful to the staff of the World Bank libraries, especially the Sectoral Library, for their cooperativeness and professional services. Finally, I am grateful to Erik Thulstrup and Kin Bing Wu all colleagues from the ESP for their support and help in preparing in publishing this paper. ABSTRACT The paper discusses an intensive growth of scientific and technological publications and computerized databases, and the resulting challenges, problems and opportunities for individual scientists, researchers, scientific communities and countries. Trends and characteristics of traditional literature sources, especially scientific journals, books, and patents, and of computer- supported databases accessible on-line, on CD-ROM or on personal computers, are reviewed. The main strategies for achieving an efficient acquisition of scientific and technological information and the methodologies for its transfer into research and education are presented. The information and communication differences between industrial and developing countries are identified, and the main obstacles hindering the exchange, transfer and use of scientific and technological information are discussed. In the light of identified problems, the paper provides recommendations for priority actions and programs to develop/improve the acquisition and use of scientific literature, databases, information services, and to promote the transfer of knowledge into research, education and development. FOREWORD The last three decades have been characterized by an intensive growth of scientific and technological knowledge and information. The increased production of traditional publications, combined with the development of telecommunication and computer technologies, has resulted in the development of scientific and technological informatics as a scientific discipline, and in the emergence of an information industry. The wealth of scientific and technological information presents both new opportunities and risks for the developing countries. The availability of information from all over the world is important for the quality and advancement of scientific research and education, and contribute for example to develpment of industrial and enhancement of agricultural production. However active participation in scientific and technological communication and exchange of knowledge is not automatic. Too many developing countries are virtually isolated from the flow of knowledge and will have to depend on others for technology transfer etc. This paper presents the information and communication differences between the industrial and developing countries, and discusses the main obstacles hindering the exchange of scientific and technological information between low-income and high-income countries. The core of the paper gives an overview on traditional literature sources, especially scientific journals, books, and patents, as well as on computer-supported databases accessible on-line, on CD-ROM or on personal computers. Possible acquisition methods of scientific and technological information and the information-supported methodologies are discussed in relation to the specific problems in developing countries. In the light of identified problems, the paper offers recommendations for actions and programs to support the development, improvement, promotion and use of scientific and technological information in developing countries. Reducing the information and communication gap between the industrialized and the developing countries, and strengthening the transfer of knowledge, is one of the most urgent priorities in development programs. The intention has been to provide an overview of current trends in scientific and technological literature, databases and information-supported methodologies. The paper may serve as an valuable source not only for the Bank staff working on science and technology, and higher education projects, but also for those who are involved in broader fields of education, research, communications, planning and development. Lauritz Holm-Nielsen Education and Social Policy Department The World Bank Table of contents EXECUTIE SUMMARY VI The age of information Infornation as a resource 1 Scientific and technological information 1 The rapid growth of infornation in science and technology 2 Information-supported approaches in research and education 3 The importance of scientific and technological information for the developing countries 7 The widening gap between industrial and developing countries 9 Why is the international communication in science and technology so difficult? The cultural, scientific and technological differences 14 H'igh adult illiteracy rates 15 The foreign language barrier 18 Absence of an enabling technological enviromnent 19 Insufficient training in S&T informatics 19 Lack of information 20 High cost of S&T information, lack of funds 20 Scientific literature: a basic source of S&T information Scientific journals 21 Books 26 Proceedings from S&T events 26 Patents 29 Standards 35 Technical and research reports 35 Dissertations 35 Commercial publications (trade literature) 34 Maps 35 Secondary literature sources 36 Other traditional sources in S&T communications 36 I1 Computer-supported databases The database industry 37 On-line databases 43 Databases on CD-ROM 45 Specialized databases on personal computers 47 Acquisition of S&T information Users of S&T information 50 Acquisition methods 50 Problems in acquisition of S&T information in developing countries 52 Improving the access to and use of S&T information in developing countries Recommended actions 53 Bibliography 56 List of tables Table 1: An example of information-supported research strategy: introductory studies, main methodological steps and the phase results Table 2: Communication profile: differences between industrial and developing countries List of Figures Figure 1: The growth of on-line accessible databases Figure 2: Growth of the Chemical Abstracts database Figure 3: Dynamics of information growth on the specialized scientific field: number of records on microencapsulation technology in the Chemical Abstracts Database Figure 4: GNP per capita in low-, middle- and high-income economies Figure 5: Share of population between low-, middle- and high-income economies Figure 6: Adult illiteracy rates in low-, middle- and high-income economies Figure 7: Expenditure for research and development in industrial and developing countries Figure 8: Total number of scientists and engineers working on research and development in industrial and developing countries Figure 9: Number of R&D scientists and engineers per million of population in industrial and developing countries Figure 10: The geographical differences in science and technology manpower density Figure 11: Percentage distribution of population and book production between developed and developing countries Figure 12: Number of book titles per million inhabitants Figure 13: Number of radio receivers per 1,000 inhabitants Figure 14: Examples of countries with high illiteracy rates Figure 15: The relationship between adult illiteracy and GNP per capita: examples of countries with high illiteracy rates Figure 16: Illustration of a language barrier. a large proportion of Japanese patents on microencapsulation technology Figure 17: Distribution of main contributors to scientific papers in selected American and European scientific journals m Figure 18: Average annual growth rates of scientific papers output for USA, selected European and Asian countries Figure 19: A comparison of research paper productivity and citations per paper for selected English speaking and other industrialized countries Figure 20: Production of national professional journals in selected countries Figure 21: The number of scientific book titles published in selected countries Figure 22: The number of textbook titles published in selected countries Figure 23: Cumulative growth of patent and non-patent literature for an industrially important technology: interfacial polymerization mnicroencapsulation Figure 24: Dynamics of patent and non-patent literature during the research and development cycle of monoclonal antibodies Figure 25: Examples of countries with less than 100 patent applications per year Figure 26: Examples of countries with 100 to 1,000 patent applications per year Figure 27: Examples of countries with 1,000 to 10,000 patent applications per year Figure 28: Examples of countries with 10,000 to 100,000 patent applications per year Figure 29: The patent mega-powers with more than 100,000 patent applications per year Figure 30: Growth of computer and communication equipment industry in the USA Figure 31: Growth of records in computer-supported databases Figure 32: Growth of database industry: databases, producers and hosts Figure 33: The geographical distribution of databases Figure 34: The growth of database entries in the USA and other countries Figure 35: A percentage distribution of databases by producer Figure 36: Main classes of databases by form of data Figure 37: The subtypes of textual databases Figure 38: Distribution of databases according to the main subject areas Figure 39: Distribution of databases by different media Figure 40: Distribution of new and newly implemented science, technology and medicine database products by medium Figure 41: The growth of on-line database searches in the USA in comparison with the increases in database records IV Figure 42: Some examples of the largest on-line databases in science and technology Figure 43: The growth of CD-ROM products Database records Record 1: Example of a record for a patent description from a specialized bibliographic database on microencapsulation Record 2: Example of a record from a highly specialized factual database containing qualitative and quantitative data on interfacial polymerization microencapsulation procedures in water-in-oil emulsions Abbreviations CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only Memory CDS/ISIS Computerized Documentation System/lntegrated Set of Information Systems GIS Geographical Information Systems GNP Gross National Product PC Personal Computer R&D Research and Development RS Retrospective Search S&T Science and Technology UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNDP United Nations Development Program UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization V EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The results of scientific research are being applied much faster today than before in the development of new products and technologies. The life-time of information is becoming shorter. Information and knowledge are being treated as a scientific concept and resource or commodity with value and price. Accessibility, exchange and use of scientific and technological information have strong effects on the quality and advancement of scientific research, education, industrial and agricultural developments: they stimulate new research and prevent its duplication, provide knowledge on new materials, products and technologies, support better decision-making and planning for a sustainable development. All these are the characteristics of the post-industrial information age, where information and knowledge became the key components for development. The intensive growth of scientific and technological information during the last three decades, combined with the growth of computer industry, has resulted in the development of scientific and technological informatics as a scientific discipline which has contributed to the prosperity of infonnation industry. New information services and technologies have been offered to gather and process increasingly higher amounts of data from traditional and specialized scientific literature. However, the large amount of information alone does not necessary ensure a better quality of education and research. Scientists and researchers are faced with new information challenges, such as (1) the time-pressure in acquiring new information, (2) competition for priority publishing of new discoveries and inventions, (3) acquisition, selection and processing of highly specialized but dispersed, fragmented and sometimes unreliable data, and (4) effective transfer of processed information into scientific research, teaching, industrial and agricultural developments. The main strategies for achieving an efficient acquisition of scientific and technological information and its transfer into practice utilize (1) information-based methodologies, such as data structuring, design of knowledge maps, pattern recognition and problem solving, and (2) computer-supported technologies for communication, information retrieval and data processing. Traditional sources of S&T information include (1) scientific journals, which are still the major source of new findings in fundamental research. The strongest and most prestigious and influential S&T journals are published in English and come primarily from American and European publishing houses. Scientists from developing countries contribute less thn 5% of their articles. (2) Patents bring the information on scientific discoveries, inventions and improvements in strategic fundamental research, applied science and technology. They are an indispensable source of information for applied research and industrial development. (3) Scientific books, although not as timely as journals, provide a few years older but more comprehensive and better structured knowledge. (4) Proceedings from S&T conferences, seminars and workshops, (5) standards, (6) technical and research reports, (7) dissertations, (8) trade literature and (9) special maps are important sources of data in any S&T information study. Access to traditional sources of scientific and technological information is the basic prerequisite for any research project or educational process. For an in-depth infonnation coverage of a specific scientific field, all available types of scientific publications have to be acquired and analyzed. Limitations to only a few information VI sources may lead to gaps in acquired information, serious losses of the whole information sets, costly duplication/repetition of research, or unnecessary authorship/intellectual property conflicts. Secondary literature sources provide bibliographic data on primary literature and often include an abstract or at least key words describing the main theme of a document. The large- volume indexes and abstract books are being rapidly replaced by computer-supported databases. The last twenty years have been characterized by a rapid growth of computers, communication and database industries. Database records have grown from 1975 to 1991 by a factor of 87, number of databases by 26, database producers by 15 and vendors by a factor 14. Geographically, the largest producer of computerized databases remains the USA, followed by Westem Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, Eastern Europe and Africa. Science, technology and engineering databases hold 19% of all commercial databases. Together with health/life sciences (9%) and multidisciplinary academic databases (4%) they are the main competitor to the strongest database group - business databases (33%). The largest on-line bibliographic databases on S&T already contain several millions of records. They are either multidisciplinary or they cover specialized scientific disciplines, such as chemistry, biological sciences, medical research, physics, electronics and computer science, pharmaceutical research, agriculture, food production and processing, technology and engineering, environment and pollution, and biotechology. Other types of textual on-line S&T databases include data on patents, business and trade, different regulations, or contain directory-type information on academic and research institutions, manufacturers, suppliers, information services, natural resources and microbial culture collections. Specialized factual databases in natural sciences are designed for a direct support to research, and contain highly specific information, such as physical and chemical properties of materials, molecular structures, sequences of proteins and nucleic acids, or genetic maps. An alternative to on-line databases are CD-ROM products. They seem to be of particular interest to monodisciplinary research groups (who only depend on one or a few databases), to academic research and educational institutions (repetitive processing of a CD-ROM database by students and research trainees does not result in additional costs), and institutions from developing countries (CD-ROM can operate in harsh environmental conditions, does not require telecommunications links, can be portable and can serve multiple workstations). Another possibility are specialized bibliographic and factual databases on mini or micro computers, built by the researchers, S&T information specialists or students, who analyze primary literature in their field of work. Building and/or processing of databases on specialized scientific topics can improve the research efficiency and contribute to higher quality of S&T education in schools and universities. The increasing amount of scientific and technological information presents both new opportunities and risks for the developing countries. The possibilities to access and use the scientific and technological information from all over the world can speed-up the country development, shorten the transition period and contribute to better industrial and agricultural planning and performance. However, remaining outside the scientific and technological communication and exchange of knowledge may lead to an infornation isolation, a deeper underdevelopment and dependency on foreign resources. vn There are severe information and communication differences between industrial and developing countries. The gap is visible not only in higher illiteracy rates, lower spending on science and research, fewer scientists and engineers and insufficient telecommunication infrastructure, but also in lower production of literature, especially scientific books and journals, and very low participation of scientists from developing countries in the intemational exchange of knowledge. The exchange of scientific and technological information between developing and developed countries is hindered by several obstacles, such as (1) cultural differences, (2) educational problems in developing countries, including high illiteracy, lack of scientists, technologists and information specialists, (3) the language barrier, (4) technological problems, e.g. insufficient infrastructure, lack of compatibility of equipment and software, maintenance problems, (5) inappropriate selection of priorities in foreign information aid programs, (6) organizational problems and complicated bureaucratic procedures in developing countries, (7) lack of infornation on different possibilities for cooperation and information exchange, (8) high cost of S&T infonration services and lack of funds. Reducing or bridging the infonnation and communication gap between the industrialized and developing countries should be one of the urgent priorities in the programs for more balanced world development. The recommended actions and programs to support the development, improvement, promotion and use of S&T literature and information services in developing countries include: (1) Definition of the information needs for all target groups, (2) Introduction of S&T informatics to regional and national information policies and development plans, (3) Improvement of technical environments for S&T information acquisition, processing and distribution, (4) Provision of reliable funding sources, (5) Coordination of activities between local, national and intemational organizations, (6) Cooperation between foreign consultants and local scientists and information specialists in all S&T information projects and programs for developing countries, (7) Stronger participation of scientists from developing countries in intemational scientific communication and publishing (by providing training in scientific writing, advise/help in achieving high quality standards, and promotion of scientific articles from developing countries in internationally recognized S&T journals), (8) User-oriented training and assistance in design, building and updating of information systems for the local needs, (9) Increased sustainability of information systems in developing countries, (10) Establishment/strengthening of S&T information networks among individuals and/or institutions in industrialized and developing countries, (11) Organization of specialized pre-service and continuous in-service education in S&T informatics for different groups of information professionals and end-users, (12) Introduction of S&T information services and methodologies in all areas of scientific research, industrial development, transfer of technological know-how, planning, decision- making and education, (13) Advise and help in the transfer of knowledge (know-how) in all imports of technologies, processes and materials, vm (14) Replacement of school teaching practices, which emphasize memorizing of data, with more information-based teaching for the development of skills for searching, processing and using S&T information, (15) Support for efficient literacy programs in countries with high illiteracy rates, (16) Development and promotion of S&T terminology, information processing and scientific publishing in indigenous languages, (17) Introduction of training courses in S&T English and/or other main languages used in S&T communication to the university studies, (18) Establishment/improvement of local production of basic consumables, such as paper, toners, inks, cables, diskettes, (19) Simplification of rigid bureaucratic procedures which hinder a more efficient acquisition of S&T infornation and technologies, (20) Improvement of the social status of S&T information specialists. ix The age of information Information as a resource While the poorest regions of the world are still struggling to fulfill their basic human needs, several societies in the developed world have already transcended the classical industrial phase and entered the post-industrial information age, where information and knowledge have become essential resources and commodities. Information is now being treated as a scientific concept. Scientists interpret nature as matter, energy and information. Economnists regard information as a resource equal of land, capital and labor. Information can be collected, stored, maintained, retrieved, processed, applied, bought and sold - all for a price. Today, scientific progress is transformed much faster than before into new products and technologies - which increases the value and price of information, and at the same time shortens its life-time. What students learn in school at present, may become obsolete in five to ten years. With the rapidly changing processes and technologies, the necessary working skills may have to be upgraded or replaced several times in someone's professional life. In an information-based economy, acquiring skills for collecting, processing and using infornation are becoming just as important as gaining the specific knowledge in a specialized professional field. Policies for education, training, science and technology became the vital information age policies. Information has an equally important role for economic, scientific, technological, industrial, as well as for rural, social and cultural development. Scientific and technological information Scientific research relies heavily on the ability to communicate - gather reliable data, have access to information, collaborate on research projects, participate in meetings, conferences, seminars and scientific discussions, and to disseminate the results. The accessibility, exchange and use of scientific and technological information (S&T information) have a direct influence on the quality and prosperty of education, fundamental and applied research, industral developments and technological innovations. In the past, science was characterized by objective observation, powerful methods and techniques, and the ability for prediction. Today, these characteristics are upgraded by the transfer of results into production and decision making processes. The traditional information sources - scientific papers, books, conference proceedings and dissertations - are tlUS supplemented with patents, standards, research reports, technical papers and know-how offers. Access to and proper use of the information about new achievements in S&T has several positive effects in both industrialized and developing countries. S&T information can: (1) stimulate new research and development and bring fresh approaches to the existing projects, (2) help prevent duplication of research, (3) provide knowledge on new promising technologies, materials and products, (4) enable the recognition of developmental trends, 1 (5) support better decision making in the selection and in adoption of foreign technologies and products, and (6) help in better planning for local industrial development, utilization of raw materials, expansion of trade and selection of economic partners. The rapid growth of information in science and technology The last three decades have been characterized by an intensive growth of publications in most S&T disciplines, primarily as a result of more intensive fundamental research, highly competitive applied and industrial research, and a substantial increase in the number of research institutions and researchers, both in industrial and developing countries. The rate of diversification and specialization in scientific and technological fields has increased. In addition to traditional scientific disciplines, new fields with an exponential growth of information are emerging. Specialization in science and technology leads into the production of large amounts of highly specialized publications, resulting in high dispersion and fragmentation of information. In order to cope with large sets of data, several information firms were established, offering different information services and products: traditional and specialized publications, yearbooks, reference directories, abstracting and data structuring services, computerized bibliographic databases, full text and factual databases, or complete information systems. It is estimated that over 40 million technical books are already in circulation and that their number is being increased at a rate of 400 new titles each day. Another indicator illustrating the prosperity of information industry is the overall growth of the on-line accessible databases (Figure 1). In 1992, more than 5000 on-line databases have been offered by approximately 730 hosts. Figure 1: The growth of on-line accessible databases (From Kornhauser and Boh, 1992a) 6000 5000 4000- Numiber of300, databause 200 - 0 O 0%0 1000' 0 x% 0e 0° 0 0% X% e% 0% 0%%0 0 fi Years In science, chemistry is often quoted as an example of a field with exponential growth of information. The number of records in the Chemical Abstracts database increased from barely half-a million in 1980 to over 10 million at the beginning of 1990s (Figure 2). 2 Figure 2: Growth of Chemical Abstracts database (From Komhauser and Boh, 1992a) 12 10 8 Number of abstracts 6 (million) 4 2 0 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Years Very often the same increasing pattern of new publications can be observed in specialized scientific and technological disciplines, - both in non-patent and patent literature - as seen from an example of the nicroencapsulation technology (Figure 3). Figure3: Dymamnics of information growth in a specialized scientific field. number of records on microencapsulation technology in the Chemical Abstracts Database (From Boh, 1993). 7000 ^ 6000 St 400W I Patent& t 3000 / E_ > * ^ | 2Scientific papers and other 8 2000 non-patent literature o _ _ _ -__ __ ___ . . _ 1970-75 1976-80 1981-85 1986-90 Information-supported research and education approaches The large amount of information alone does not necessary ensure a better quality of teaching and research. On the contrary, scientists, researchers, teachers and students are faced with new information challenges, such as: (1) how to participate actively in the scientific communication and transfer of information - as an user of information and as a producer of a new knowledge, (2) how to improve the access to all sources of information and gather sufficient amount of adequate information for a chosen research theme, 3 (3) how to process scientific and technological information from large amounts of similar publications, when the data seem to be disorganized, fragmented and dispersed over different scientific disciplines and over different types of publications, (4) how to recognize and link the main parameters, establish their hierarchy, structure them and recognize the pattems of knowledge, (5) how to design information-based research hypotheses to bridge the information gaps (the most important information may not be published in scientific papers or even in patents), (6) how to use the structured information in teaching, learning, research, recognition of developmental trends, and for solving scientific and technological problems and every day research dilemmas. With a rapid growth of scientific and technological data, several methodologies were developed to approach the above information challenges, such as structuring scientific information into systems, design of knowledge maps, recognition of patterns, and problem solving in research and education. These methods became even more powerful with the availability of large computer- supported databases and with the introduction of microcomputers in research and education. The combination of information-based methodology and computer-supported information systems can contribute to a more effective acquisition and use of information, and to a more efficient transfer of fundamental knowledge into education, applied research and production practice. To achieve this, the following strategies can be used: (1) To acquire more complete and adequate information, and to avoid delays in transfer: - Design target-oriented search profiles for processing international bibliographic databases - Select the most relevant databases for retrospective searches - Build a permanent updating mechanism in selected domains (SDI - Selective Dissemination of Information) - Establish a reliable mechanism for the acquisition of primary literature (2) To store, process and retrieve large amounts of acquired data: - Build small specialized bibliographic and factual databases on personal computers for the needs of specific long-term research projects or educational programs (3) To link fragmented infornation and recognize structures of knowledge: - Perform in-depth information analyses of scientific literature to recognize the main parameters, their relations and hierarchy - Structure the information to recognize patterns of knowledge (4) To process large, incomplete or vague sets of data: - Apply the concept of information density (5) To design information-based research hypotheses (or to develop well structured educational materials): 4 - Combine results of the above phases (6) To evaluate and optimize a research hypothesis (or an educational product): - Test a research hypothesis with experimental research work - Acquire and analyze additional infornation on missing/questionable fragments - Solve the remaining problems by following the same steps (7) To upgrade the research hypothesis (generation of new scientific and technological knowledge): - Creatively interlink the known (structured) information with fundamental scientific knowledge, research intuition and experimental research work. The following example of an information-supported research strategy (Table 1) combines computer-supported information methods with experimental laboratory work for the development of a new product or technological process. The flowchart is designed in phases, which successively end up in higher levels of information processing, enabling a continual following and evaluation of phase results in solving a given research problem. Each level consists of three blocks: (a) preparatory work and/or introductory studies, (b) selection, study and application of appropriate methodology, and (c) phase results as a target of one level and at the same time a start to a progressively higher level. Table 1: An example of an infornation-supported research strategy introductory studies, main methodological steps and the phase results (Adapted fiom Boh, 1991; Boh and Kornhauser, 1992). Phases PREPARATORY METHODOLOGICAL PHASE RESULTS WORK and/or STEPS! INTRODUCTORY STEPS STUDIES Discussing a research/developmental I problem: scientists, PROBLEM DEFINMTION Defined problem - draft researchers, potential research plan with tasks, industrial producers, users timelines and expected of final products outcomes Optimized profiles for the 2 Consulting an S&T DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATON retrospective searches (RS) and information specialist OF A SEARCH PROFILE FOR for the constant updating with BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASE new publications - Selective PROCESSING Dissemination of Infonnation (SDI) 5 ~ ~ _ Cont. Table 1 Ph_ PREPARATORY METHODOLOGICAL PHASE RESULTS WORK and/or STEPS INTRODUCTORY STUDIES . Searches on on-line and/or CD- 3 Consulting an S&T SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE ROM databases: bibliographic information specialist DATABASES data, abstracts, definition of developmental trends ANALYSIS OF PRIMlARY Collecting primary LITERATURE WITH documents (articles from SIMULTANEOUS DEFINMTION Specialized database on PC 4 scientific papers, books, OF KEY WORDS; containing bibliographic data on patents, technical reports, ENTERING DATA INTO A all collected primary documents, dissertations, conference SPECIALIZED BIBLIOGRAPHIC and precise, well structured key proceedings, gray DATABASE ON A words or abstracts literature); MICROCOMPUTER STRUCTURTNG DATA INTO A A tree (or modular) structure of Methodology of TREE- OR MODULAR the research field: from general 5 structuring infornation for STRUCTURE: DEFINITION OF towards detailed branches, recognition of parameters, MAIN PARAMETERS, THEIR leading to specific products, their hierarchy, relations HIERARCHICAL ORDER, AND processes or properties. (Can and pattems of knowledge RELATIONS BETWEEN THEM be used as a basis for a factual database.) 6 In-depth analysis of SELECTING A PRIORITY A factual database (or a system publications: gathering BRANCHR of databases) on the chosen and analyzing selected BUILDINGAHIGHLY-SPECIFIC narrow field , such as a specific factual data AND TARGET-ORENTED technology, group of materials, FACTUAL DATABASE ON PC family of products. Definition of main PROCESSING OF A FACTUAL Sorted printouts, such as lists of 7 parameters, their relations, DATABASE: SORTING, raw materials, their physical and sorting keys for ANALYSIS, STRUCTURING, and/or chemical characteristics, computer-supported COMPARISONS, OVERLAPPING, technological processes, processing CALCULATING DENSITY OF process variables, market INFORMATION products, producers and suppliers, etc. DESIGNING A RESEARCH A basic skeleton of a research Concept of information HYPOTHESIS (e.g. for laboratory hypothesis (e.g. process 8 density: applications for work): LINKING FRAGMENTS backbone, synthesis flowchart, segments with large, WITH IGH INFORMATION research procedure, incomplete and vague DENSITY INTO A composition of a product information HYPOTTICAL SKELETON formulation, structure of a complex compound) 6 Cont. Table I - . . . Phases PREPARATORY METHODOLOGICAL PHASE RESULTS WORK and/or INTRODUCTORY STEPS STUDIES Technical knowledge and TESTING AN INFORMATION- 9 experiences for setting-up BASED RESEARCH Verified and optimized research the laboratory procedure HYPOTHESIS WITH hypothesis (or another form of LABORATORY (or FIELD) experimental work) WORK; EXPERIMENTAL OPTIMIZATION OF PARAMETERS Target-onented database UJPGRADING INFORMATION Upgraded/new material, searches: obtaining STRUCTURES WTH NEW product, process or technology. additional information on KNOWLEDGE: WTERLiKING 10 missing fragments. OF INFORMATION METHODS, Publication of results in a form Additional in-depth TARGET-ORIENTED of a scientific paper, patent or studies of fumdamental FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE, technical report concepts needed for RESEARCH INTUITION AND upgrading the research EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH hypothesis WORK The importance of scientific and technological information for the developing countries The vast amount of information available presents both new opportunities and risks for developing countries. The international competition in the development of new technologies (e.g. information technologies, biotechnology, environmental technologies), and new products (e.g. computers, chemicals, pesticides, phanmaccuticals, food products, ceramics, synthetic fibers), strongly depend on the availability of scientific and technological information. In order to compete in the international market and improve their quality of life, developing countries need to have access to scientific and technological information, the abilities to process information and use the results and knowledge for their development. The successful implementation of S&T information systems and services is based on the convergence of a range of disciplines, including fundamental science, computer science, informatics, library science, communications, publishing and management. Low- and Middle-income countries have to participate actively in the international exchange of S&T information - not only as observers and users, but also as active contributors of new knowledge. At present, developing countries contribute only about 5 percent of the new S&T publications worldwide, which does not only illustrate the deepening information gap between the two parts of the world, but also shows the extent to which low-income economies depend on industrialized countries for information and technology transfer. The dependency is being maintained by technology transfer firms in order to keep their leading position and increase the 7 profits, and by the developing countries themselves. A study on S&T information and technology transfer (Lundu et al., 1989) demonstrates how the transfer of finished products, which appeal more to third world consumers, usually overshadows the technological information and know-how. Many third world decision makers see no direct use of S&T information, research and development, and believe that there is no moral, economic or technical justification for developing countries to "reinvent the wheel". The same authors see a serious danger in this phenomenon, realizing that ignorance or lack of information are the major causes of underdevelopment. Import of technology without a proper information source results in dependency and, consequently, in underdevelopment and alienation. The only way out from dependency and underdevelopment seem to be in attaching a greater value to S&T information as a strategic resource. However, the acquisition of S&T information from industrialized.countries has to be carefully planned, relevant to local needs and cost-effective in relation to the limited financial resources available in low-income economies. 8 The widening gap between industrial and developing countries It has been a long-standing tradition to divide the world into two parts: industrialized countries and developing countries. The differences between low-, middle- and high-income economies are visible in their basic indicators, such as GNP (Figure 4), population (Figure 5), and adult illiteracy (Figure 6), as well as in the characteristics of research and development (R&D). Typically, developing countries allocate a much lower percentage of their nominally smaller GNP to R&D - an average of 0.64% (1990) in comparison with 2.92% for developed countries (Figure 7), - and have almost 6 times less scientists and engineers working in research and development in total, or close to 20 times less per million of population (Figures 8 and 9). Geographically, North America has by far the highest concentration of science and technology manpower, followed by Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa (Figure 10). Similarly, there are distinct differences in the communication profile (Table 2). In 1960, 85.8% of all books were published in the industrialized countries, which at that time represented 41.6% of total world population. With the increase in population growth, the developing countries reached a population share of 76.9% in 1990, and only 28.7% in the book production (Figures 11 and 12). In regions with high adult illiteracy, dissemination of information and informal education by radio broadcasting play an important role. However, in the developing countries there is only one radio receiver per 5-6 persons, compared to over 1 radio set per person in the industrialized world (Figure 13). Table 2: Communication profile: differences between industrial and developing countries (UNDP, 1993). Daily Average newspaper Book titles Radios per Televisions Telephones number of circulation published 1,000 per 1,000 per 1,000 people per 1,000 per people, people, peoplc. served by people, 100,000 1990 1990 1986-88 onc post 1988-90 people, office, 1988-90 . _ 1986-88 Industrial 348 61 1130 545 590 4,200 countries Developing 50 6 180 55 28 16,330 countries 9 Figure 4: GNP per capita in US$, 1991 (Data source: The World Bank, 1993) 25000 - 20000 / GNP per capita 15000 (U), 1991 10000 / 5000 V e- Low- Middle- High- income income income economies economies economies Figure 5: Share of population between low-, middle- and high-income economies, 1991 (Data source: The World Bank, 1993) High-income economies 15% Middle-income Low-income economies economies 26%. , _ _ 59% Figure 6: Adult illiteraey rates in low-, middle- and high-income economies (Data source: The World Bank, 1993) _D1 Female illiteracy (%) High-income economices _ Total illiteracy (%) Middle-income economies Lowincome economies _-i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Adhlt illiteracy rates (ff.) 10 Figure 7: Expenditure for research and development (Data source: Unesco, 1992) 3 Expenditre for I.5 Developing countries 19S0 Yesos 1990 Figure 8: Total number of scientists and engineers working on research and development (Data source: Unesco, 1992) Developed countries *Developing countries 6000000. 5000000 , EX Number of R&D 4000000 scientists and 3000000- engineers 2000000 1980 1985 1990 Figure 9: Number of R&D scientists and engineers per million of population (Data source: Unesco, 1992) ReD s==ntt t M d X )~ ~~~~~~~ Devetoping countriEs R&D scientists and 2500 engineers per million 2000 -UDeveloped couritries populaion 199 11 Figure 10: The geographical differences in science and technology manpower density (From Thulstrup, 1992) 140000 / S&T manpower 80000-/ per million population 60000 , a._ ____- 40000 ,0 / 11 20000- / ww 1 Africa Asia Latin Europe Northern America America Figure 11: Percentage distribution of population and book production between developed and developing countries (Data source: Unesco, 1992) 90 --_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ s0 %flHookProdw,tion- Dewlloped Coumri. 760 S %BookPmduion- 1960 1965 1970 1975 l9S0 l990lopm N b Couobok3 40 -U-- PopukLiDn- inhabitants30 1lllllll Xl gll | Dcvelopod Countrics Da-- -- %opk.iw 10 Courirev u 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~19 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1935 1990 Years Figure 12: Number of book titles per million inhabitants (Data source: Unesco, 1992) soa Nwanber of book 300 titles per million2 inha~bitants Developing Countries UDeveloped Countries 1990 12 Figure 13: Number of radio receivers per 1,000 inhabitants (Data source: Unesco, 1992) Number of radio receivers per 1000 600UDvlpnCutrs inhabitants 400 200 ~~~~~~~~~~~WDeveloped Countries 1990 13 Why is the international communication in science and technology so difficult? The exchange of information, especially in the field of science and technology, is hindered by several obstacles. The following issues have been identified by different authors, trying to analyze and understand the main problems related to S&T information exchange, and to search for possible constructive solutions: The cultural, scientific and technological differences There is a deep cultural, scientific and technological gap between industrialized and developing countries, which results in several misconceptions and problems. The following problems and complaints are most often discussed in literature: From the viewpoint of industrialized countries: (1) High illiteracy rates, poor education of indigenous people in developing countries, and persuasiveness of traditional cultures and traditional values seem to make the introduction of modem science and technology and the exchange of information very difficult. (2) Lack or incompatibility of basic equipment and technologies (computers, teleconmunications, software), together with undertrained staff organizational problems and long bureaucratic procedures, cause long delays and many difficulties in the implementation of information projects. (3) Many developing nations lack the scientific and technological terminology to express the scientific concepts and ideas in their mother tongue. In such cases, science and technology represent an alien culture to indigenous people. Insufficient knowledge of English and/or other languages used in the scientific literature sets another serious barrier in the transfer of S&T information. From the viewpoint of developing countries: (1) The scientific and technological information provided by donor countries is not adapted enough to the needs and priorities of developing countries. Science and technology publications sent to developing countries may sometimes be inappropriate (e.g. space research has little relevance to a rural community; nuclear power issues are not the first priority to village dwellers using cow dung as a fuel). (2) Scientists in industrial countries sometimes try to assist their colleagues from the developing countries by contributing back issues of scientific journals and other publications. Some publishers and scientific associations donate overrun copies of their journals and reports. Such donation programs may result in relatively large quantities of inappropriate and obsolete publications, which take up the library space and lead visitors and potential donors 14 to think that the library is well-stocked, while there is still a lack of current, high-value target-oriented S&T publications. (3) Information aid programs are often carried out solely by consultants from industrialized countries, without the involvement of local researchers, information specialists and administrators. Because of such strategies, much of the local knowledge is disregarded or lost. (4) Some of the bilateral programs are directing resources towards the individual goals of a few researchers and their organizations in developing countries rather than towards the support of national and regional research and development needs. To reduce the existing information gap, scientists from developing countries propose the following actions: (1) identification of the priorities and needs in developing countries, (2) recognition of the interdependence of the developed and developing worlds, especially in the production, utilization and transfer of technology and knowledge, (3) increasing the use of local experts in information processing and use of all indigenous groups as a source of informnation and knowledge, (4) education and training in S&T informatics - both for information providers and users, (5) searching for most suitable media, such as radio, publications and video to disseminate S&T inforrnation on most critical needs of developing countries (e.g. farming methods, health, sanitation, environmental protection) to all recipients, including rural or distant communities, (6) establishing effective information networks to capture and distribute the information and knowledge produced locally by scientists, technologists, government officials and primary producers, especially farmers, (7) supporting indigenous publishing programs and infornation systems serving local communities, (8) supporting pilot projects that demonstrate the use and costs of different information technologies and techniques (e.g. on-line and CD-ROM databases, desktop publishing, electronic mail, computer conferencing), (9) supporting software development and adaptation, designing, building and using specialized (local) databases. High adult illiteracy rates Illiteracy rates in several countries exceed 50 percent of adult population, and may in some cases run as high as 90 percent, especially for the female population (Figure 14). Illiteracy does not strictly correlate to the GNP of the country. However, the highest percentages of illiterates are found in the lowest income economies, and the proportion of illiterate adults decreases with an increase of GNP (Figure 15). Some authors, addressing the problem of information isolation in rural areas of developing countries, have suggested as a solution the establishment of a strong network of rural libraries. The other group of information specialists, paying more attention to illiteracy issues, is skeptic about the introduction of written materials. In cases where the majority of rural dwellers are illiterate, they cannot directly benefit from publications in a foreign language. To overcome this problem, radio broadcasting in the indigenous language has been proposed as a ftst and effective S&T dissemination tool in high-illiteracy communities. Nowadays, most of the households or at least villages in low-and middle-income economies own a radio set. 15 Figure 14: Examples of coumtries with high illiteracy rates (Data source: The World Bank, 1993) Burkcina F1so n m i D Sudan_ Guine a _ m g _______ NqI = Benin _ ____;m Nigerj III: 1 = r = Chad Yi , Z;li:l'E.-R n Mozambique _ -=y= D Mvuwanim m. Pakistan_ -. Mali 1 I____ Oi -Bnis * mm mm u m mI _ Egympm m m mm .mm Indiai i i - i : i : i ii1i1: i : . Umnd. . mmm i m u m i M biqiP1puaN1w':1 Mauritania m m:AiiiiiiiiiiS.0iiiiSiiiiii:!i:P!it ! m m mii m m m i -: i i i ri!!:'ii iii-iii i t!i n_ T Y4aNmimgmuemrm umam Auiiie-i~a 7mmm mm mm m m 1 1.I~~1 ; oiiEi........ !! m m m m!iiEi-"'Ei!ii'giiii.i'S'ii: ...................Fi!.t!i!-i.iSiiiiii!.ii:i-if! m mF 'i i'i m m''ipi i i m'i! F Ei:i' ii i :.ii ]hi' E S~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1, i:iii! i. i.i i - jgiii !i ig. i iiiwiii!iA. iii f :ii .ii.-!iii ,rili :.I i xi.iii ! iSi, BJi'iUiSH:E. E . if h f: r 'i ! !:-Li '!Siiii i i! i i:' i :! : !ii N .. i E: !iih::i::t.3 .E;i!'i!!sl\ m m:i: mi : ! m'w. m '. m :ii ! :! ! m m m : m U g l d l i!!ii:Riiii! iii i :i ii iiiiii:iiSSi:, .iSiLf!iii :i'ii!:'i.-t'ii1 ' 1 1 7 iI:iiiii Fi'iiii::ii! i'S.iii i E Rwna_i: iHi S0emi:i! E:Hi - ! 0g '" Sim im mm.:! m u m mm m. !: i i' iE:iiiEi,i ii;ii i: fEii iE:ii.i':iii i-!. M orocco1 _ fi!i.!i.i'i.iii:i'i ,i: .i! ii Si!!iR..'!ii' !S..iiiii!iS ti}iiiiiiii:i :i'i 'ii!iii'fSi!!:!!i m PapuNewOm me m"ci.i, mz m mii m msi-i"-!isiE.!zi m-