SPAAR Iiforiiiiatioii System SADC REGION ; ;t Special Program for African Agricultural Research I, r Programme Speial pour la Recherche ARricnie en Afrique internationaal agrarisch centrum i SPW,DPC.' fl *NVPf -EE SPAAPt r .2 . ,*.p ,'r. r *.r ,RP&VW,z^_r WagenNien 14 Seplember 1994 Dear reader. Thts E a hardcopy selcton of data from the SPAM hh_n %On iSIS) per Mar 1994 The SIS-database conlas nm-bn reganlmg curn agrcal research proqects fded O executed b organbzatzons in donor coxuntnes. N the last SIS- meetig Rome 1994 the nltemarnaonal Ahrueal Centre (IAC) in the Netewirands was asked to dtstrbute hardcpy-rintuts on dteaid during 1994i1995. This docuiiet oontains a selecton of projets concemning SADC co tries (Angola, Botswana. LesDtho, MaLawi, Mozaribique, Naunba, Swaziland. Tanzania, Zarbia, Zmnbabwe, South Alra) and s presented vi 3 parts an overvew of protects by _eu NecIpI (yelOw pages); an ovewt of prolects by com" (grey pages). * de,mtpdons of project-contenl (whte pages) The Specd Programme for A nIcu Agncultral RPsrch (SPAAR) emgered as an iniative in the mrd-eiles to enhance agricultural producton in Africa by acreasig donor co-ordinabon mi the field of agricultural research The SPMR tnformnation System ISIS) was developed to corne to grps wi the ncreasing number of actities It complements the registration of national tunded proects n FAO's database CARIS. At present over 4000 poects are recorded in SIS which are now avaiabbe on various CD-ROM's (AGRISEARCH-S#fver Ptatter and DAt-INDIXADRC) The SIS operates as a system in which local pnts mi donor countries or -agces are responsible for edecton of donor- pect data Focal ponts are ATSAF (IGemany), NRI (United Kingdom). IDC iCanada and for Japanese data), USAID United Slates of Amerca). CIRAD (France) and IAC (the Netierlands) O1her focal points are located on ad-agencies such as the World Bank. The SPAAR Secretanat at the World Bank a responsible for updatmg and ddlributrg the database to SIS local pocts. users in national research :ystems and other relevanl organizations The software is based on CDS-ISIS in order to facitate tree derton The classifcatin of proects is done on the bass of AGlRIS-CARIS keywords and in adrktion keywords are alotted from FAO's AGROVOC-thesaurus Free cdassrficaton temrs are developed by IAC to agryegate profects under mapr thernes by combining AGRISJCARIS categones. You are welcome to contact te SPAAR-Secretariat. Mr F NeumafV K Verrmiooten at IAC or your nearest SIS-focal point for further vnfornaivDn regarding SIS or for obtanwig the database Yours sncerely Frans Neuman Karin Vermnooten The SPAAR secretarial Ir F NeumanfMrs K. Vemiooten The Wodd Bank IAC Wagenvgen t81 8 H Street. N.W P O Box 88 Washngton. D C 20433 6700 AS Wageningen USA The Netherlands Phone: (202) 473-8964 Phone. (+31-)(0)8370 90234/90676 Fax: (202) 473.8231 Fax: (+31 ((0)8370 18552 eexe 248 423 WORLD BANK Era IN'lfACI'0FNAGRO.NL Thrs pubfrawon is made possib by the fnwcial s(4uport of the ReseachT Programme OSTISO of tie AnistTy of Foreign Affais, the Nefterfanlds Irdex of projects by disciphne Table of contents Agrarian syslems 1 Agricultural economics and policies.. 1 Agricultural engineenng ... .3 Agricultural machinery and equipment.. 3 Agricultural research.. 4 Agricultural structures.. 8 Agriculture - General aspects. 8 Acro-industry 8 Animal diseases 9 Animal ecology t 1 Animal feeding 11 Animal genetics and breeding. . 13 Animal husbandry 15 Animal physiology - Reproduction ..18 Animal physiology and biochemistry ..19 Animal structure 19 Animal taxonomy and geography 19 Aquaculture production and management 20 Aquatic ecology ..21 Consumer economics ... . . .21 Cooperalives I . ...21 Crop husbandry . .22 Cropping panerns and systems 28 Development economics and policies . .. . . .33 Documentation and information 38 Domestic trade 46 Drainage 46 Education . . 46 Energy resources and management 54 Extension . . 55 Feed composition . . 58 Feed processing and preservation 58 Fertilizing . . . 59 Fisheres and aquaculture - General aspects 60 Fishenes production . 60 Food composition 62 Food contaminalion and toxicology. 62 Food processing and preservation 63 Food science and technology. . 65 Forest engineering .65 Forest injuries and protection . 65 Forestry - General aspects 66 Forestry production ... .67 Handling, transport, storage and protection of plant products. . . .. .71 Home economics, industries and crafts ... .73 Human nutrition - General aspects ... .73 International trade. .... .73 Investment, finance and credo . 74 lmhgation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Labour and em ployment . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . ..76 Land economics and policies . . .. .. . ... ..... ... ....... .... .. . .. .. .. ....77 Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Mathematical and statistical methods . .... .......... ... .. ............. ...79 Meteorology and climatology . . ......... 8 Miscellaneous plant disorders . 80 Nature conservation and land resources -81 Organization, administration and management of agricultural ente. . 85 Pests of animals. ...... . ..... ............. . . . . . 85 Pests of plants ..... .... .. ........... . .... .. .............. . 87 Physiology of human nutrition........ .... ....9 Plant diseases. 90 Plant ecology . 93 Plant genetics and breeding.. .. . .... .. .. , .... .... ..... . . . . 93 Plant physiology -Growth and development . . 98 Plant phis,ology - Nutrition . . . ............ ... . 98 Plant physiology and biochemistry . . ......99 Plant propagation ...... . ... .100 Plant structure. ... ........ .. ....... .. .. .. ......... . ... 101 Plant taxonomy and geography.... ... . . . . . 101 Pollution. ........ . .... ... .... ........... . 102 Processing of agncultural wastes . . .. ...102 Processing of forest products . ...... . . .. . .102 Processing of non-food or non-feed agricultural products., 103 Production economics. . .... ..103 Protection of plants - General aspects . ... .104 Public administration .... .. .. . .. .106 Renewable energy resources . 106 Research methods . . . . .. . ...........106 Rural population.. ..108 Rural sociology . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .108 Seed production. . . . . . 110 Soil biology . 112 Soil chemistry and physics . 112 Soil classification and genesis. ...........................113 Soil cultivation. ...........114 Soil erosion, conservation and reclamation . ............... 116 Soil science and management . . - .. 118 Soil surveys and mapping. . I . . .. . .. ..120 Surveyinig m ethods .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .120 Trade, mafketing and distnbution .. .............. .. .... ..- - 121 Veterinary science and hygiene ................... . .... .. ...... ... . 124 Water resources and management .................... .... 126 Weeds and weed control .. .... ..129 Index ol projects by discipline Agrarian systems Agranan Consitution of Zanzibar and ns bearing on agncultural developmenl. (04601) Universitaet Bonn. Communal Development Areas (CDAs) Applied Research Teams (ARTs). (05621) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Enrogenous adaptive strategies with regard to changes in natural resc urce endowment in the Coastal Region of Tanzania. (05707) Instiut fuer Agraroekonomie der Universrtaet Goettingen. Evaluation and promolion of rain-water harvesting in semi-and areas. (01815) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Methodology for agricultural marketing systems policy and practise, and its application to current reforTns. (01721) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Natonal Agrcultural and Lvestock Research Project. (05616) Ministry of Agriculture. Department of Research and Training. Tanzania, Agricultural economics and policies Agro-economic Analysis ot Livestock (Cattle) Keeping through the Livestock Development Protect. (05670) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Agroeconomic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Afrca. (01222) Rockefe'&er Foundation Destocking programme - Lesotho. (04000) Southem Alrcan Development Community (SADC) D:scnmination of the agticuttural sector in developing countries. Dimension structure and impact of the economic policy. (03798) Universitael Kie. Eastem Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collalrative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency lor Intemational Development (USAID)/Semi-And Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Economics and management of nation-wide seed multiplication programmes: the case ol Swaziland. 103773) University of Hohenheim Index of projects by discipline Establishment of national food reserves and self sufficiency programme in staple food grains. (04001) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Food, nutrition security and environment. (04391) University of Osbl/Norwegian Institute of Agncultural Economics. Oslo. Grain storage and milling project. (03542) World Bank; Tanzania. Interim grain reserves. (04002) Southem African Development Community (SADCG. Muhtispecies animal production systems project. (04140) World Wide Fund for Nature. National Agicuttural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRM). (04353) Ministry ot Agriculture, Livestock Development and Cooperatives. National food reserve. (03996) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Peri-urban vegetable production and consurnption in Sub-saharan Afnca. (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Procedures for establishing food secunty reserves in Southem Africa. (05783) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD) Public works in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer fechnische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Regional early warning system (Phases I and 11) (03975) Southern African Development Communny (SADC)/Food and Agricunture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Regional food reserve project. 103980) Southem African Development Community (SADC)lFood Security Technical and Administrative Unil (FSTAU). Regional information system for food security. (03976) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOM/Irstitut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation 2 Index of projects by discipline Strengthening facufties of agnculture, forestiy and veterinary medicine in SADC. (03610) Soutitem Af ncan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Technical assslance prograrnme for coordination and coDoperation (Phase II) (03974) Souttlem African Development Community (SADC)/Food Secunty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Urban agrculture (Tanzania). (04400) International Development Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agrnculture. Agricultural engineering A network on farm power and equipment for snallholder and large-scale farming systems in SADC. 403613) Southern African Centre for Co-operaton in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). Procurement, operation, maintenance and repair of scientific equipment. (04211) International Development Research Centre. Public works in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusarnirnenarbeit (GTZ). Strengthening facuhies of agnculture, forestry and veterinary medicine in SADC. (03610) Southern Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricutural Research (SACCAR)lGerrman Agency for Techn cal Cooperation (GTZ). The influence of road gradient and alignment on road rnaintenance costs. (04379) Sokoine University of Agrculture. U.S./Israel program for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agricultural machinery and equipment A network on farm power and equiprrent for smallholder and large-scale farming systems in SADC. (03613) Southem Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCARflIntemational Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). Agricultural research equipment lo Malawi Universty. (04450) Mntstry of Foreign Affairs. 3 Inrdex of pro,ects by discipline Development and promotion of appropnate tools and implement for the 'agncultural and food processing sector (intemn phase) (IL0/89ANT17M03). (05648) ILO (Intemational Labour Office). Evaluation of sngle-axle tractor as power source for small holder farmers. (04375) Sokore Unrversity of Agriculture Evaluation of the repair and maintenance costs ol farn machinery under Tanzania conditions. (04368) Sokoine University of Agnculture. Farming systerns (Zimbabwe) - Phase 11. (02431) International Development Research Centre. Field testing and implementaton of improved cassava flour production process technologies. (05765) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improvements to the processing of sorghurrm. especially for non-traditional uses: DEHULLING. (04678) Overseas Development Adminisiration INRRD). Improvements to the processing of sorghum, especially for non-traditional uses: MILLING. (04682) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for rangeland management and mondonng. (04684) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD) Network on land development for sustainable agriculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land development). (02109) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Research on mechanization for small scale agricultural production in the tropics. (05597) IMAG (Institute for Agricuhtural Engineering) SADC Regional Sorghum and Millets Improvement Program. (02155) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID/Southem Afrcan Center for Cooperation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Agricultural research Afrcan .search Network on Rural Pouitry Development. 4 Index of projects by discipline (02624) UnOed Nations Food and Agncutture Organization. Agricultural crop research projects (04472) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unrted Nations. Agricultural development research and extension. (01837) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agricultural extension and planning support project. (01166) World Bank; Malawi. Agricultural research and extension. (01863) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agrcultural research and extension project. (01114) Alncan Development Bank. Agricultural research and extension project. (01169) World Bank; Zambia. Agricuftural research equipment to Malawi University. (04450) Ministry ot Foreign Affairs. Agrcultural services. (01 181) World Bank: Zimbabwe. Agricultural services. (01676) World Bank; Malawi. Agricultural services. (01683) World Bank: Angola. Applied research programme: Southern Africa Research Network for Afrca (SA-AFRENA) - The unimodal upland plateau. (02617) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)/Southem Africa Coordination Centre for Agrcultural Research (SACCAR). Bilateral research cooperation Tanzania/Sweden. (01096) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Cashewnut research and development. (04475) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Devebpment Center (AVRDC). 5 Index of proets by discipline Creatng expenrmental and seed production centers [Creation des centres expenmentaux et de production de semences]. (01076) Food and Agricuiture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Development of human resources, administrative and institutional structures and technical capabilites - Devebprnent of national capabililies and hurman resources. (04115) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Establishment of the Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research and Training (SACCAR) - Phase i. (03605) Southem Aftncan Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR). Farmning systems (Zimbabwe) - Phase 11. (02431) Intemational Development Research Centre. Farming Systems Research Project (Phase It). (05604) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Improvement of research station development and management in SADC. (03769) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agncuhtural Research (SACCAR)ilnternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). In-service training in research management - Phase I. (03606) Southern African Centre for Co-ope(ation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)/Intemational Service for National Agnculural Research (ISNAR). Maize and iood legumes improvement programme. (01091) Food and Agricuhure Organ;zation of the United Nations (FAO). Management of vertisols under semi-and conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Master plan of national agricultural and livestock research in Tanzania (02117) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Development. Modemizalion of agncutture. (01 121) World Bank. National agrncultural and livestock extension rehabilitation project. (03579) World Bank; Tanzania. National Agricuhtural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRM). (04353) Miistry of Agricuhture, Livestock Development and Cooperatives. National agricultural and livestock research project. 6 Index of projects by jiLipline (03544) World Bank; Tanzania. National agocultural extenson and research project. (01170) World Bank; Zimbabwe. National agncufturai research project. (01165) World Bank: Malawi. National research and extension. (01677) World Bank; Mozambique. Pen-urban vegetable production and consumption in Sub-saharan Africa. (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Programme lo develop scentdic and technical and professienal nanpower for agnculture and natural resources an SADC (REPSAF) - Part 1. (03768) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuhural Research (SACCAR). Regional cooperation on cotton research and development. (01116) World Bank Regional vegetable research programme. 103612) Southem Afncan Centre for Co-operat:r in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Reintorcemerit of the National Service to, Plant Protection. (03995) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Research and extension 11. (04918) Wodd Bank; Zambia. Research management (Zimbabwe) - Phase 1. (04212) Intemational Development Research Centre. Research masterplan for agriculture and r atur. i resources in Zanzibar - Policies, strategies and objectives for research to the year 2000. (04354) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Reseau Colon (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronornique Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Second coffee prolect. (01168) World Bank; Zambia. Second national agncultural and livestock research project. 7 Index of prolects by discipline (01679) World Bank; Tanzanta. Social Ssence Interface Research Ung (SSIRU). (02779) The Intematonal Ceitre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Traditional Techniques of Micro Climate Improvement (11MI), phase II. (05658) WAU (Wageningen Agncultural Uriversity). Universties and national agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Intemational Service for National Agncuitural Research. Agricuhtural structures Grain storage and milling orolect. (03542) World Bank; Tanzania. Agriculture - General aspecis Postgraduate studies programme or women in agncultLre. forestry and veterinary medicine. (04130) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Coun:nesISokoine University of Agriculture. Public works in Africa to improve 'ood-securty. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschafl fuer technische Zusamrnenarbeit (GTZ). Rural women's access to land Tanzania) (04256) International Development Research Centre Agro-industry Atrican Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) Intemational Developmen' Research Centre (IDRC); Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Fisheries resource management, (01 t54) World Bank: Angola. Methodology for agricultural markeling systems polcy and practise, and its application to current reforms. (01721) Overseas Development Administration (NARD). Rural demand and agricultural supply - Led non-farm enterprise and employment 8 Index of protects by discipline deveblpment in Alnca. (04627) Instiuta for Economic Research (IFO). Animal diseases A serological survey to determine the most comnonly occu ring serovar of Leptospira intenrogans in the bovine population in Zimbabwe. (031611 Intemational Foundation for Science. A study of the epizoolological factors and the irmmunological relationship of lumpy skin dsease. sheep pox, goat pox. and orf of domestic ruminants. (03165) International Foundation for Scence Afncan Regional Pest management Research and Development Network (PESTNET). (02646) Internalional Cenlre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Agricutural services. (01683) World Bank: Angola. Animal disease control programme. (036571 Administration Generale de la Cooperation au Developpement Animal disease control protect (020741 Directorate General for International Cooperation (OGIS) Assistance for the organ;zation and establtshmnent of the national laboratory - Angola (Phases 1. 11 and Ill) (04025) Southem African Development Community (SADCY/Govemment of Angola. Breeding diseases in farmed Ostriches (04613) Universitaet Giessen Epidemiology of bovie parasitic otilis in Tanzania. (03225) International Foundation for Science,Sokoine University of Agriculture. Field onented research on control of the tsetse fly and livestock ticks - Phase UI. (02741) Commission of the European CommunitiesJlnlernational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology IlCIPE). Genetic variation. resistance to acaricides and immunological crossreactivity in licks that infest cattle in Zimbabwe and Australia. (05393) Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Helminth infections of grazing livestock - Phase 1. (041291 Danish International Development Agency. 9 Index of projects by discipline Irnmunochemcal investigations on ticks and their application in tick control. (02849) Commission of the European Communities. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-bome Diseases of African Livestock. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS) Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci from sheep and preparation of type-speclic vaccines against chlamydial ovine abortion in Namibia. (04612) Universetaet Giessen. Kalabo agrcultural project (02072) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation IDGISi. LincdMtwara goat extension project INewala District) (04290) Overseas Development Adminisiration Livestock Development Project West Province (05646) Department of Veterinary and Tsetse Control Services Livestock improvement in SADC. (0361 1) Southem Atrican Centre tor Co-operation in Agricuttural Research (SACCAR)/Internationai Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) Livestock reproduction and health. (042B4) International Atomic Energy Agency Natinal Agricultural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRMI (04353) Ministry of Agrculture. Livestock Development and Cooperatives. Patti Model of Postpartum reproductive disorders of dairy caKte in Morogoro (043711 Sokoine University of Agriculture. Regional foot and mouth disease control - Phase 11. (04026) Southem African Dc-velopment Community (SADC). Regional Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control Project (RTTCP) (04032) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regional Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Training Centre - Zambia. (04030) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Research. coordination. and training for improved livestock production tn Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732) Commission of the European Communities. 10 Index of proteds by disciple Sero-surveillance of nnderpest and other diseases in Afnca. using immunoassay techniqiues. 402628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperatton (SAREC). Social Science Interface Research Unn (SSIRU). (02779) The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Studies on energy metabolisr in Theileria parva bovis. (03264) Intemational Foundation for Scence Study of the causes of morbtdity and morlality in sheep and goats. (03369) Intemational Foundation for Scence. The epidemiology ol gastro-intestinal nematode parasites in goats and their control. (03231) Intemational Foundation for Scence The Livestock Trypanotolerant Networti. (02081) Overseas Development Administration Training of animal healm auxiliary personnel in the diagnosts of animal diseases (04022) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Animal ecology Ecologcal supervision of Tsetse-fly control means in soutthern Africa. (01399) Universitaet Saarbruecken Research on the ecology and biology of Gonometa silkmoths in SADC. (03770) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research. Animal feeding African Research Network tor Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) Inlemational Development Research Centre (lDRC) International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) International Fund tor Agricultural Development. Appropriate technology for improving forage utilization by ruminant livestock in the tropics. (04397) Commission of the European Communities/Sokoine University of Agriculture. 11 Index of projects by discipline Communal cattle management (Zimbabwe). (02439) International Development Research Centre. Dairy beef produclion systems (Botswana) - Phase II. (02472) Intemational Development Research Centre. Dairy beef production systems (Malawi). (02438) international Development Research Centre. Dairy cattle feed evaluaton in Klfrimanjaro and Arusha Regions. (04398) World Food Programme/Sokoine University of Agricufture. Dairy feeding systems (Tanzania( - Phase II (01069) Intemational Development Research Cenire/Sokoine University of Agricuiure Delernination of rumen-degradable and undegradtable nitrogen in widely used protein sources for ruminants in Zimbabwe. (02880) Commission of the European Communites. Determination of rumen-degradable and undegradable nitrogen in widely used protein sources for ruminants in Zimbabwe. (03129t International Foundation for Science Evaluation and supplementation of pig and poullry feeds (01 100) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing CounltiesSokosne University of Agriculture Factors ahecting intake of crop Dy-products in ruminant animals. (03262) International Foundation for Science Farm forestry (Malawi) (025211 International Development Research Centre Fodder resources for ruminants n semi-arid areas of centrat Tanzania. (01101) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Identification of factors controlling intake of low quality diets. (01710) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improved milk production from cahtle and goat in Tanzania. (04392) Sokoine University of Agrculture. Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase II. (0251 1) Intemational Development Research Centre. Pasture Network for Eastern and Southern Atrica (PANESA). 12 Index of projects by dtscime (020831 International Devebpment Research Centre. Performance under different feed regimes ol current layer breedts of chicken impoiled in the country. (03130) Intemational Foundation tor Science Research, coordination, and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Aftrca. (02732) Commission of the European Communities. Sorghum anui millet sub-sector (Tanzania). (04198) Intemational Development Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agriculture. Tethering of small ruminants in Tanzania. (01 809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The effect of supplements of crop residues or agro-industrial by-products on the performance of small-holder goat production. (01794) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Utilisation of sesbania as a protein supplement tor goats. 101 70e) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Animal genetics and breeding Breeding diseases in farrned Ostriches. (04613) Universitaet Giessen. Dairy beef production systems (Botswan&) - Phase 11. (02472) Intemational Development Flesearch Centre. Evaluation and breeding of Blended goats for dairy purposes in Tanzania. (03206( Intemational Foundation for Science. Evaluation of performance of exotic dairy canle in Southeem Highlands of Tanzania. 04384) Sokoine University of Agriculture. Genetic variation, resistance to acaricides and immunological crossreactvity in ticks that nfest catle in Zimbabwe and Australia. 1053931 Australian Centre for International Agrcultural Research. Improved mtilk production from cattle and goat in Tanzania. 104392) Sokoine University of Agricunure Investigation of the traditional pig production in small farming systems of Zimbabwe. 13 Index of projects by discipline (04619) TU Berhn. Kagera Livestock Development Programme KALIDEP. (05618) Regional Livestock Development Offce (Bukoba). Land management and conservation protect. (03580) World Bank. Lesotho. Lind/Mtwara goal extension project (Newala District) (04290) Overseas Development Administration. Livestock improvement in SADC (03611) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/lntemational Livestock Cenler for Afrca (ILCA) Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase 11 (02511) International Development Research Centre. Monoclonal antibodies and DNA-probes for the identification of root knot nematode species and host peoific races. (01777) Overseas Development Adminislration (NRRD) Regional artificial insemination service (04034) Southem Afrcan Development Community fSADC)'Animal Breeders Company Ltd of Harare Small Ruminants and Camel Group 102632) Deutsche Gesellschafl fuer Techn:sche Zusamrnenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Smalthoider livestock prolect, Pemba. (0436 1) Department of Foreign Affairs Strengthening of dairy heifer multiplication unils. 104028) Southem African Development Community ISADCI. Support for cooperative production of small stock. (04035) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Test of major genes for productive adaptability of fowl to tropical environments (01438) Gest,i:chaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Development Administration. U.S.lsrael program for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S Agency for International Development. 14 Irdex of projects by discipline Wooi and mohair improvement in SADC - Phase II. (03615) Southern Aincan Centre for Co-operation wi Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Wmrock Intemational (Wanrock). Animal husbandry Adaptive Research Planning Team-Westem Province. (05615) KIT (Royai Tropical Instiute). Adaptive research planning. Western Province (02093) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGtS) African Research Network on Rural Pounry Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agnculture Organization. African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) International Fund for Agriculural Development Agricuttural marketing (Lesotho) - Phase II. (02553) Intemational Development Research Centre Agricultural production and institutional support (01 879) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development Agricultural services (Ot 181) World Bank, Zimbabwe Agricultural technology improvement. (01880) U S. Agency for International Developrnent. Agro-economic Analysis of Livestock Cattle) Keeping through the Livestock Development Project (05670) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) Appropriate technology for improving torage utilization by ruminant livestock in the tropics. (04397) Commission of the European CommunitiesiSokoine University of Agriculture Assistance lo smatlholder dairy development. (04268) Food and Agrculture Organization of the United Nations. Bee-keeping development. (04070) Southem African Development Community (SADC). 15 Index of projects by discipline Communal cattle management (Zimbabwe). (02439) International Development Research Centre. Dairy beet producbon systems (Botswaria) - Phase tl. (02472) Inlernational Development Research Centre. Dairy beef production systems (Maiawi) (02438) Intemational Deveoprment Research Centre. Dairy cattle leed evalualion in Kilimanjaro and Arusha Regions. (04398) Wodd Food ProgrammelSokoine University of Agriculture Dairy feeding systems (Tanzania) - Phase II (01069) Intemational Development Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agriculture Evaluation and breeding of Blended goats for dairy purposes in Tanzania (03206) Intemational Foundation for Science Evaluation of performance of exotic dairy cattle in Southem Highlands ot Tanzania (04384) Sokoine University ol Agriculture Farming Systems Research Project (Phase 1lJ (05604) KIT (Royal Tropcal Institute) Fodder resources for rumrnants in semi-arid areas of central Tanzania (01101) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Improved milk production from cattle and goat in Tanzania. (04392) Sokoine University of Agriculture Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorale General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS) Integrated fish-cum-duck farming in Lesotho - Phases I and 11 104046) Southem Alncan Developrnent Community (SADC). Investigation of the traditional pig production in small farming systems of Zimbabwe. (04619) TU Berlin. Kagera Livestock Development Programme KALIDEP. (05618) Regional Livestock Development Office (Bukoba). Kalabo agricultural project. 102072) Dtrectorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS) 16 Index of prorecs by discpline LindVMtwara goat extension projet (Newala Dsrict). (04290) Overseas Development Administratlon. Livestock Development Proect West Province. (05646) Department of Vetennary and Tsetse Control Services. Livestock improvement in SADC. (03611) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Intemational Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase 11. (0251 1) International Deve;opment Research Centre Master plan of nalional agrncultural and livestock research in Tanzania. (02117) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Mullispecies animal production systems project. (04140) World Wide Fund for Nature. Naional agricultural and livestock extension rehabilitation project. (03579) World Bank; Tanzania National Agricultural and Livestock Research M;asterplan (NALRM) (04353) Ministry of Agriculture. Livestock Development and Cooperatives National agricutural and livestock research protect. (03544) World Bank. Tanzania. National Agricultural and Livestock Research Project. (05616) Ministry of Agriculture. Departrment of Research and Training. Tanzania. National rural development program (NRDP) Phase IV protect (Dedza Hills and Liongwe Northeast developmnent areas) fO 1167) World Bank. Malawi Pasture Network for Eastern and Southem Africa (PANESA). (02083) International Development Research Centre. Pflot integrated fishpig farming development and research project at Kasinthula. Malawi. 104048) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regional artificial insemination service. (04034) Southeem African Development Comrnunity (SADC),Animal Breeders Company Ltd. of Harare. 17 Index ot pro,eds by discipline Research masterptan lor agrculture and natural resources in Zanzibar - Polices, strategies and obectives for research to the year 2000 (04354) Food and Agncuture Organization of the Undted Nattons. Research, coordination, and training for unproved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Afnca. ,02732) Commisson of the European Commuruties. Second national agncuitural and livestock research project (01679) World Bank: Tanzania. Small ruminant adaptive research in Malawi (04651) Justus von Liebig Universitaet Giessen Small Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) Intemational Livestock Center for Atrca. Smaliholder livestock project. Pemba. (04361) Department of Foreign Affairs Strengthenng faculties of agrculture. forestry and veterinary medicire in SADC (03610) Southemn Alrican Centre for Co-operation in Agricuntural Research (SACCAR))'German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Support for cooperative producton ot small stock (04035) Southern Africdn Development Community (SADC) Test of major genes for productive adaptability of fowl IC, tropical environments. (01438) Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Development Administralon. Uluguru Mountains areas project. (04380) Sokoine University of Agriculture. Urban agrculture (TanZaniaj. (04197) International Development Research Centre Urban agrculture tTanzania). (04400) International Development Research CentreiSokoine University of Agrtculture. Animal physiology - Reproduction A study of the reproductive performance ot the Tanzania Mpwapwa breed of cattle. 18 Inr1ex of projects by discipline (04372) Sokowie University of Agnculture. Evaluation of performrance of exotic dairy cattle in Southern Highlands of Tanzania. (04384) Sokomne University of Agrculture. Identification of factors contro!ling intake of bw qualrty diets. (01710) Overseas Development Administralion (NRRD). Investigation of the traditional pig production in small farming systems of Zimbabwe. (04619) TU Beflin Livestock reproduction and heatth. (042841 International Atomic Energy Agency. Pasture Network for Eastem and Southem Afnca (PANESA). (02083) Internalional Development Research Centre. Path Model of Postpartum reproductive disorders of dairy cattle in Morogoro. (04371) Sokoine University of Agrculture The efect of supplements ot crop residues or agro-industnal by-products on the perlormance of small-holder goat production. (01794) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Utiltsation ot sesbania as a protein supplement for goats. (01708) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Animnal physiology and biochemistry Test of rnator genes for productive adaptability of fowl to tropical environments. (01438) Gesellschatt fuer Technische Zusammenarbeil (GTZ) Tethering of small ruminants in Tanzania. (01809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Animal structure Test of major genes for productive adaptability ot fowl to tropical environments. (01438) Gesellschatt luer Technische Zusammenarbed (GTZ). Animal taxonomy and geography Monoclonal antibodes and DNA-probes for the idenitfication of root knot nernatode 19 Index of pro,ects by discqlme species and host specdic races. (0177) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Muftispecies animal production systems project. (04140) World Wde Fund for Nature. Aquacufture production and mianagement A study of mpasa (Opsaridium microlepisl and (Labeo mesops) as subjects for aquacuhture in Mta*ai. (02967) Intemational Foundation for Science. Aquacuhlure for Local Comrnmunities (ALCOM) - Phases I and ll (04054) Southem African Development Community (SADCI/FAOISIDA. Development of aquacullure in Angola - Phases I and It. (04055) Southem Alncan Development Community (SADCi. Development of aquacutlure in SADC. (04040) Southem Alncan Development Community (SADC). Development of fish farming in cool water areas in the SADC region. (04057) Southem African Development Community ,SADC). Fish polycullure (Malawi). (02424) Intemational Developrment Research Centre Fishenes development protect. (03431) World Bank. Malawi. Integrated fish-cum-duck larming in Lesotho - Phases I and ll (04046) Southem African Development Comm,unfty (SADCO. Optimal management of aquaculture of pond systems in devetoping countries. (01464) Universiltaet Kiel Pilot integrated fish/pig farming development and research pioject at Kasinthula. Malawi. (04048) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Spat settlement of the oyster, Crassostrea culcullata on Zanzibar Island. (03316) Interii tional Foundation for Science. U.S/Israel program for cooperative development research. 101949) U S Agency for International Development1 20 Index of projects by discipne Aqualk ecolog Fish polycufture (Malawi). (02424) Intemaljonal Development Research Centre. Nile perch (Tanzania). (02463) Intemational Development Research Centre. Optimal management of aquaculture of pond systems in developing countries. (01464) Universitael Kiel Research on marine resources. (04139) Swedish Agency tor Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries Consumer ecoxnimes Agroeconomic stucdy of cassava in Sub-Saharan Alrica. (01222) Rocke!ellei Foundation. Collaboratirve Research Support Program I CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). 101344) U.S Agency for International Development (USAID)/The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dairy beef production systems (Malawi) (02438) Intemational Development Research Centre. Peni-urban vegetable production and consumption in Sub-saharan Afirca. (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVADC). Postharvest grain systems (Tanzania) (02508) Intemational Development Research Centre. Sorghum utiiizaton (Tanzania) - Phase 11. (02476) International Development Researcn Centre. Cooperatives Agricultural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for International Development. Dairy beef production systems (Botswana( - Phase II. (02472) tnternational Development Research Centre. 21 Index of projects by discipline Organizational development of the Zimbabwe Farrers Union. (05679) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Crop husbandry Adaptive Research Planning Team-Westem Prov nce. (05615) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute) African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (02620) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Develappmenl Agricultural credit and export promotion prolect. (02762) World Bank: Zimbabwe Agricultural extension and planning support protect (01166) World Bank: Malawi. Agricuhural marketing (Lesotho) - Phase 11 (025531 International Development Research Centre Agricullural production and institutional support. (01879) U S Agency for tnternational Developrment. Agricultural rehabilitation and development uroject (02662) World Bank. Mozambique. Agricultural research and extension. (01863) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agricultural sector assistance program (03684) U.S Agency for International Devekpment. Agricultural services. (01676) World Bank. Malawi Agricullural services rehabilitation and development. 102760) World Bank. Mozambique Agroeconomic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Atrica. 101222) Rockefeller Foundation. Agronomic Network for East and Southem At ica. 10261 11 United Nations Developrnent Program (UNDP): World Bank. 22 Index of projects by discipline Applied research programme: Southem Aftrca Research Network for Africa (SA-AFRENA)- The unimodal upland platrau. (02617) International Council for Research in Agroforestry JICRAF)/Southem Afrnca Coordination Centre for Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Australan hardwoods for fuehwood and agrolorestry - Phase II. (04903) Australian Centre for Inlemational Agncultural Research. Cashew and coconut treecrops prolect. (03545) World Bank: Tanzania. Cashewnut research and development. (04475) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unned Nations. Clove research protect - Phases I and 11. (04360) Overseas Development Administration. Coliaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S Agency Intemational Developnent (USAIDI/Michigan State University. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP). Sorghum and rnillet (INTSCRMII.) (01344) U S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/The Universiny of Nebraska-Lincoln Commt,nal cattle management (Zimbabwve). (02439) International Development Research Centre. Development and promnotion ol appropnate tools and implement for the agnculural and food processing sector (intenrn phase) (ILO89;1NTIM03), tCS4 -tC !LO (Intem3tional Labour Offcel Eastem Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Netwcrk (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)iSemi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD) Edible mushroom farming and development. (04068) Southem If can Development Community (SADC). Effecis of physical factors. seed variety and quality on crop establishment. (05750) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Evaluation of on:on production and storage in low latitudes. 23 index ol projects by discipline (01726) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Evaluation of the Potential tor Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-and Africa. (05603) Wageningen Agncuttural University (WAU). Extension education prograrnme: Pilot demonstration for consolidated gardens as an answer to problems posed by stream bank cultivation (Zimbabwe) - Phases I and 11. (041281 Southem Africa Development Community (SADC). Farm forestry (Malawi). (02521) Intemational Development Research Centre. Farming system research (61916) U.S. Agency for International Development. Farming Systems Research Project (Phase 11). (05604: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Fodder resources for ruminants in semi-and areas of central Tanzania. (01101) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries Food, nutrition security and environment. (04391) University of Oslo Norwegian Institute ot Agricultural Economics. Oslo. Grain legume improvement programme - cowpea research project (SADC countries) (02737) Commission of the European Communities. Increased crop production and farmers income through integrated plant nutrition. sustanable development of soil productrv. y and appropnate input strategy (05634) FAO. Inter-university plant-soil-water project. (056771 Eduardo Mondlane University. Mozambique/Agricultural University. Wageningen. The Netherlands/Larenstein Intemational Agricultural College. Velp The Netherlands Intemational benchmark sites network. 101353) U.S. Agency for International Development. Irrigated rice proiect (04357) Kalabo agnicuttural project. (02072) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Kapunga rice project (04009) Southern African Development Community (SADC). 24 Index of projects by discipline Land development for rce cultrvation, Zanzibar - Phase II. (04288) World Food Programme. Land management and conservation project. (03580) World Bank; Lesotho. LindV'Mtwara rice production prolect. (04289) Overseas Development Administration. Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase 11. (02511) Intemational Development Research Centre. Madibira nce project. (04010) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Management of black cotor, soils (Vertisols) in SADC. (03616) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuhtural Research (SACCAR). National agricultural and livestock extension rehabilitation project. (03579) World Bank: Tanzania. National Agricultural and Livestock Research Project. (05616) Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Researcn and Training, Tanzania National agricultural extension and research project. (01170) World Bank; Zimbabwe. National agricultural researchl project. (01165) World Bank, Malawi. National rural development program (NRDPI Phase IV project (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast dJevelopment areas). (01167) World Bank: Malawi. Occupational health (Tanzania). (04231) Inlernational Development Research Centre. Oilcrops Network for Eastern and Southem Africa and South Asia. (02086) International Development Research Centre. Pasture and fodder production and utilization. (02931) International Foundation for Science. Pasture Network for Eastern and Southem Atrica (PANESA). (02083) International Development Research Centre. 25 Index of propects by discipline Pathology and control of ergot disease of sorghum in Africa. (01757) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD) Pen-urban vegetable production and consumption in Sub-saharan Alnca. (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Postgraduate studies programme for women in agnculture. forestry and vetennary medicine. (04130) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation .v,th Developing Countries/Sokoane University of Agnculture. Production and distribution of pasture seeds and legumes - Study (04023) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Rainmed nce development protect. (04356) African Developmen Bank. Range conservation pilot project - Lesotho. (04125) Southem Afnca Development Community (SADC) Range inventory. monitoring and rehabilitation (Mozambique. Tanzania and Zimbabwe). (04119) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Regional cooperation on cotton research and development. (01116) World Bank. Regional Training Centre in Range and Ranch Management - Tanzania. (04029) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regicnal vegetable research programme (03o12) Southern Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR);Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) Research masterplan for agriculture and natural resources in Zanzibar - Policies. strategies and objectives for research to the year 2000. (04354) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Reseas. Coton (COTON) (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afrcains et Francais (CORAF). SADC rangelaid development orolect. 103979) Southern African Development Community (SADCI. SADC rangeland development. Malawi. 26 Index of projects by dscipline (04004) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). SADC rangeland development, Swaziiand. (04008) Southem African Development Community (SADC). SADC rangeland devebpment, Tanzania. (04011) Southem African Developmenl Community (SADC). SADC rangeland development, Zarnbia. (04018) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). SADC rangeland development. Zimbabwe. (04020) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Second coffee project. (01 168) World Bank; Zambia. Second national agncultural and livestock research project- (01679) World Bank: Tanzania Small Scale Irrigation Programme Dodoma (SSIPDO Maji na Mazingira). (05617) SNV (Netherlands Development Orgarization) Soil fertility (Tanzania). (02499) Intemational Development Research Centre. Sorghum and millet sub-sector (Tanzania). (04198, Intemational Development Research Cenlre/Sokoine University of Agncutture. Special p!ogramming funding for programme implementatisn in the pasture network for Eastem and Southem Africa. (02111) International Fund for Agricultural Development Strengthening taculties of agriculture. forestry and vetennary medicine in SADC. (03610) Southern African Centre (or Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTiI. Tanzania/Canada wheat program - Phase ll. (01035) Canadian International Development Agency. The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/tntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC)/International Institute Df Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Uluguru Mountains areas project. (043801 Sokotne University of Agriculture. 27 Index of prolects by disctplitne Urban agnculture (Tanzania). (04197) Inlernational Development Research Centre. Urban agriculture (Tanzania). (04400) Intemational Development Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agricufture. Yield wcrease through the use of terlilizer and related inputs - Phases I and 11. (04275) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Cropping patterns and systems A Feasibility study on establishing an African Centre for Fertilizer Development. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Geselischaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit). A network on farm power and equipment for smallholder and large-scale farming systems in SADC. (03613) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)/lnternalional Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) Adaptive Research Planning Team-Westem Province. (05615) KIT (Royal Tropical Institule). Adaptive research planning. Western Province (02093) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation jDGIS). African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) International Fund for Agricultural Development Agrcultural credit and exporl promotion prolect (02762) World Bank. Zimbabwe. Agricultural development research and extension (01837) U S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural development, trade, and diversification in SADC countries. (02099) World Bank. Agricultural production and institutional supporl (01879) U S. Agency for Internathonal Development. Agricultural research and extension. (01863) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural services. 28 Index of projects by disctpine (01676) Worid Bank; Malawi Agncuhural technology improvenewit. (01880) U.S. Agency tor Intemational Devebpment. Agro-forestry n arable and pastoral farming Lesotho- (04074) Southem Afncan Developmeent Community (SADC) Agro-forestry research programme for the savannah woodland grassland ecology - Malawi. Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. (03607) Southem Afncan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Agro-silvo-pastoral and soil conservation research. (04146) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian Intemational Development Agency (CIDA)/lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC) Applied research programme: Southem Africa Research Network for Afnica (SA-AFRENA) - The unimodal upland plateau. (02617) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)!Southern Africa Coordination Centre for Agrcultural Research (SACCAR). Applying scence and technology to development. (01947) U.S. Agency for International Deveiopment. Australian hardwoods for fuelwood and agroforestry - Phase 11 (04903) Australian Centre for Intemational Agrcultural Research. Cashew and coconut treecrops project. (03545) World Bank; Tanzania CIMMYT Eastern and Southern Africa Economics Program (CIMMYT/ESA). (05359) Centro Intemacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Internalional Development (USAID)IMichigan State University. Cropping systems research and extension training. (01382\ U.S. Agency for International Development. Dairy beef production systems (Botswana) - Phase II. (02472) International Development Research Centre. 29 Index of projects by discipline Eastem and Southem Afrcan Farming Systems Research Network. (02633) U.S. Agency fo In'ernational Development. Evaluation and promotion of rainwater harvesting in Tanzania. (057'.2) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Evaluation ol nsk and uncertainty on altemative small farm production systems in two agro-ecological zones ot Tanzania. (03781) Un,versitaet Giessen. Factors of production in small scale farming in Gutu District, Zimbabwe. (04609) Universitaet Gessen. Farm forestry (Malawi). (0252 1 Intemational Development Research Centre. Farming system research (01916) U.S. Agency tor International Development. Farming systems (Zimbabwe) - Phase li. (02431) International Development Research Centre. Fisheries development project (03431) World Bank: Malawi Forest resources management. (02763) World Bank; Tanzania. Forestry resources management and development project. (02067) World Bank; Zimbabwe. Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - Bean (Phaseolus vulgarist project (C3604) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agicultural Research (SACCAR)'Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). Grain legume irnprovement programme (GLIP) - Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) project. (03766) Southern Atrican Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research ISACCARVGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)/lntemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - SADC cowpea project - Phase i. (03767) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)lCommission of the European Communities (CEC;Intemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Identification and evaluation of the performance and productivity of indigenous and 30 Index of projects by discipline exotic agroforestry tree species. !03376) Intemational Foundation for Science. Improvement in tree estaifishment for tropical dryland conditions in East Africa. (05390) Australian Centre for International Agricufural Research. Integrated fish-cum-duck farming in Lesotho - Phases I and 11. (04046) Southem Afncan Devebpment Community (SADC). Inter-university plant-soil-water project. (05677) Eduardo Mondlane University. Mozambique/Agrcuftural University, Wageningen. The Netherlands/Larenstein International Agncultural College. Velp, The Nethertands. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)lEuropean Economic Cornmrission (EEC)Japan. Land management and conservation project. (03580) Wornd Bank. Lesotho. Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase 11. (0251 1) International Development Research Centre. Muftispecies animnal production systems project. (04140) World Wide Fund for Nature. National Agncuftural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRM). (04353) Ministry of Agrculture, Livestock Development and Cooperatives National agricuitural and livestock research project. (03544) World Bank. Tanzania. National agricultural extension and research project. (01170) World Bank. Zimbabwe. National agricuftural research project. (01165) World Bank, Malawi. Natiornal rural development program (NROP) Phase IV prolect (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast devebpment areas). (01167) World Bank: Malawi. Network on management of acid soils in humid Africa (AFRICALAND - Management of acd soils). (01021) International Board for Soil Research and Management. 31 Index of projects by discipline Pasture Network for Eastem and Southem Atfnca (PANESA). (02083) Intemational Development Research Centre. Pilot integrated fitshpig farming development and research project at Kasinthula, Malai. (04048) Afncan Development Community (SADC). Regional cooperation on cotion research and development. (01116) Wodd Bank. Research rnasterplan for agrculture and natural resources in Zanzibar - Policies, strategies and objectives for research to the year 2000. (04354) Food and Agnculture Organization o the United Nations. Reseau Coton (COTON) (02082) France; Conference des ResponsabkE s de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Smaliholder liveslock projectr Pemba. (04361) Department of Foreign Affairs Soil and water management (Tanzania). (04394) Intemational Development Recherche Cenlre,Sokoine University of Agriculture. Soil fertility maintenance under alley cropping systems in Malawi. (03334) Intemational Foundation for Science The East and Southem Afnca Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN) (02080) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRCF)lntemational Institute of Tropical Agnculture (IITA) The effect of supplements 9f crop residues or agro-industrial by-products on the perfonrance of small-holder goat production. (01794) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The epidemiology and control of the sorghum foliar pathogens in the semi-arid tropics. (01813) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). U.S./Israel program for cooperative development research. (0 1949) U.S. Agency for International Development. Urban agriculture (Tanzania). (04197) lntemational Development Research Centre. Urban agrculture (Tanzania) (04400) Intemational Development Research CentreiSokoine University of Agriculture. 32 Index of prtects by disciplne Yieid increase through the use of fertilizer and related inputs - Phases I and II. (04275) Food and Agrculture Organization of the United Nations. ZambkalICRAF research on agroforestry technologies. (04136) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation wih Developing Countries Zanzibar cash crops farming systems prolect. (04359) Overseas Development Administration. Development economics and policies A Feasibility study on establishing an Afrcan Centre for Fertilizer Development. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschalt fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit) A network on farm power and equipment for smaliholder and large-scale farming systems in SADC. (03613) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)lntemational Livestock Center for Atnca (ILCA) African Center of Meteorological Applications tor Development (ACMAD) (01109) World Meteorologcal Organization (WMOI. Aftrcan Research Network for Agncultural By-Products (ARNABf (02170) Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC): Inlemational Livestock Centre for Afnica (ILCA). African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) Unied Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Networfk. (02620) International Fund tor Agricultural Development. Agricultural development research and extension. (01837) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agricultural development. trade. and diversification in SADC countries. (02099) World Bank. Agricultural marketing (Lesotho) - Phase II. (02553) International Development Research Centre. Agricultural planning assistance. Zanzibar. (04300) Food and Agrcufltural Organization of ihe Unied Nations. 33 Index ol pro,ects by discipline Agricultural productton and insltutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural rehabilitation and develment project. (02662) World Bank: Mozambtque. Agricultural rehabilitaton and technical assistance 11. (04404) World Bank: Angola Agricultural rehabilitation/foresiry (04403) World Bank. Angola Agricultural research and extension. (01863) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural services. (05395) Wor1d Bank: Tanzania. Agncultural services rehabilitation and development. (02760) World Bank: Mozambique. Agricultural technology improvement. (01880) U.S. Agency for International Development. An assessment ol the role oa rural markets in agricultural and marketing development. (01488) TU Berlin, Applied research programme Southem Africa Research Network (or Atrica (SA-AFRENA) - The unimodal upland plateau. (02617) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry l!CRAF)/Southern Africa Coordination Centre for Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Applving science and lechnology to developmert. (01947) U.S Agency for International Development. Appropriate technology for improving forage utilization by ruminant livestock in the tropics. (04397) Commission of the European CormmunitieslSokoirne University of Agriculture. Bilateral research cooperation Tanzania/Sweden. (01 096) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperalion with Developing Countries. Collaborative Network for Vegetab e Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). 34 Index of protects by discipline Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and miflet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAIDVThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Cropping systems research and extension training. (01882) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment. Dairy beef production systems IBotswana) - Phase II (02472) International Development Research Centre. Dairy beef production systems (Malawi). (02438) International Development Research Centre. Dairy feeding systems (Tanzania) - Phase II. (01069) International Development Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agriculture. Developnent of agrotorestry research networks in Africa. (01 122) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry. East Africa remote sensing 11. (01954) U S Agency for Intemational Development. Emergency assistance for the 1987 anti-locust campaign. (01572) Food and Agricullure Organization of the United Nations. Emergency assistance for he 1987 anti-locust campaign. (01592) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Emergency assistance for the 1987 anti-locust campaign. (01662) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Uniled Nations. Emergency assistance for the 1987 anti-locust campaign. (01669) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Emergency assistance in locust control. (01593) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Emergency assistance in locust control. (01663) Food and Agriculture Orge2hrzation of the United Nations. Emergency assistance in locust control (01668) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Farming system research. 01916) U.S. Agency for International Developnment. 35 Index of projects by discipline Farming systems (Zimbabwe) - Phase II. (02431) Internatonal Development Research Centre. Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - SADC cowpea proect - Phase 1. (03767) Southern African Centre for Co-operalion in Agricultural Research (SACCARyCommission of the European Communiies (CEC/International Institute of Tropical Agrculture (IITA). Impact evaluation of regional inlegrated developmcnt projects in Tanzania: case studies of Kagoma. Tanga, Iringa and Kilimanjaro. (04381) Sokoine L'niversity of Agrculture International benchmark sites net.York. (01353) U.S. Agency for International Development. Intemational Bencnmark Soils Network for Agro-technology Transfer (IBSNAT). (02635) U.S. Agency for International Development. Livestock production systlkmrs (Tarzania) - Phase 11. (02511) Inlernational Development Research Centre. Management of vertisols under semr-arid conditions in Afria (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Master plan of national agriculturat and livestock research in Tanzania. (021171 Iniemational Fund for Agncultural Development. Methodology for agricultural marketing systems policy and practise. and its application to current reforms. (01721) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD) Modernization of agriculture (01121) World Bank National rural development prograrn jNRDP) Phase IV project (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast development areas). (01167) World Bank; Malawi. Network on land development for sustainable agriculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land development). 102109) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Network on management of acid soils in humid Africa (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (01021) International Boaro for Soil Research and Management. 36 Index of propects by discip!rne Oilcrops Network for Eastem aricd Southern Afnca and South Asia (02086) Intenational DevekpTnen! Research Centre. Optrwal management of aquaculture of pond systems rn developtrig countres. (01 464) Un,versitaet Kiel Pan-African Networks for Rura; Social Science Research (02661) Wnrock International. Ford Foundaton Pasture Network for Eastem and Southern Africa (PANESA) 102083) International Development Research Centre Postharvest grain systerns sTanzania) (02508) lnternational Development Research Centre to develop scwenltfc and techniical and professional manpower for agnculturo and natural resources in SADC iREPSAF1 - Part I (03768) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research ISACCAR) Public works in Afrca to improve food-security. (046261 Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technnsche Zusammenarbeit (GTZi Regional cooperation on cotton research and development 101 1161 World Bank Regional vegetable research programme 1036121 Southem Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricuttural Research (SACCARV Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center AVRDCI Research programme on the biological and chemical control of desert locusis (02092) CAB Intemational Instilute of Biological Control Reseau Coton iCOTONI 1020821 France. Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afr.cafns et Francais (CORAFI Reseau Developpement iR Dt !Development Network] i026531 GRET Rural development 034331 World Bank. Mozambique Second natunal agnculIural and livestock research project (016791 World Bank: Tan7ania Smallholder livestock prolect. Pemba 37 Index of projects by discipline (04361) Department ot Foreign Affairs Socral determinants of peasant agriculture in the tropics. 101496) Universitaet Bo'rn. Social Science Interface Research Und (SSIRU) (02779) The Intermational Centre of Insect Physiogy and Ecology Sorghum utilization (Tanzania) - Phase 11 (02476) International Development Research Centre Special programming funding for prog:amme implementation in the pasture network for Eastem and Southem Africa 102111 ) internalional Fund for Agricultural Development The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Networl (ESARRNI 102080) U S Agency for ir'temational Development fUSAID)ilntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC)rlntemational Institute ol Tropica! Agriculture IIITAI. U.S./lsrael program for cooperative development research (01949) U S Agency for International Development Uluguru Mountains dra, c)rolect (043801 Sokoine University o Acm. t Universities and nationJ agrwuliutt e es- ri Su>o-3aharan Africa (03678) Intemational Servtce tor Naluliat Aa zultural Research Wool and mohair improvemrnt in SAD' Ph.!,e i (03615) Southern African Centre ior Cc , ira1ion in Agricultural Research ISACCAR)/Winrock International (Winiwck) Zanzibar smallholder agricultural development (04281) International Fund lor Agricultural Development Documenbtaion and information A network on farm power and equipment for smallholder and large-scale farming systems in SADC 103613) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARt;Inlernalional Livestock Center for Atfica (ILCA) Adaptive research planning. Western Province. 102093) Directorate General for International Cooperation IDGIS) 38 Index of projects by discipline Afncan Center ol Meteorobgical Applications for Devebpment (ACMAD) (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Afncan Regional Pest management Research and Developiment Network (PESTNET) (02646) Intemational Centre of Insect Physiolgy and Ecokbgy (ICIPE). African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) InternatKonal Development Research Centre (IDRC): Inrtemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) Afncan Research Network on Rural Poutiy Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agrculture O(ganization African Small Ruminant Collaboratrve Research Network. (02620) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Develprnent. Agricultural credit and export promotion project. (02762) World Bank: Zimbabwe. Agricutural extension anrd planning support project. (01166) World Bank. Malawi Agricuturai production and instituliociial support. (01879) U.S. Agency for International Development Agricultural technology improvement. (01800) U.S. Agency ior International Development Agro-forestry research programme for the savannah woodland grassland ecology - Malawi. Tanzania. Zambia and Zimbabwe. (03607) Southem Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agriultural Research (SACCARl/tntemational Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Agronomic Network for East drid Southem Afrca (02611) United Nations Development Program (UNOP), World Bank. Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian Intemnational Development Agency (CIDA)Ilntemational Development Research Centre (iDRCI. An assessment of the role of rural markets in agricultural and marketing development (014881 TU Berlin Applied research and knowledge developmenl. (04105) Southern African Development Community ISADC). 39 Index of projects by discipine Appied research programme: Southem Africa Research Network for Afnca (SA-AFRENA) - The unffnodal upland plateau. (02617) Intemational Council for Research in Agrotorestry (ICRAFi/Southem Africa Coordination Centre for Agncultural Research (SACCAR). Association Intemationale pour l'Optimisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) [International Association for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition). (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Devebppernent (CIRAD) Central and West African Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN) 102166) Intemational Inslitute of Tropical Agriculture. Co-ordinaled Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa. 102629) Unied Nations Food and Agricullure Organization. Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) Computenzation of inland fisheries production. (04039) Southern Atrfcan Development Community (SADC). Cooperative Cereals Research Netwotk (CCRNI. (02171) Intemattonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-And Tropics. Cooperalive Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (62174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Cropping systems research and extension training. 101882) L.S Agency for International Development. Development and promotion ot appropriale tools and implement for the 'agncutural and food processing sector (interim phase) (ILO/89/ANT/M03). 105648) ILO (International Labour Office). Development cooperation conceming land and water; institutional support and method-developing. model-research and applications. (05591 ) WSC (Winand Staring Centre, institute for Research in the agricultural areasl. Development of agroforestry research networks in Africa. (01122) International Council tor Research in Agrolorestry. Distrct Rura, Developmert Programme (DRDP): Mbulu, Maswa. Bukoba. Meatu. 40 Index of projects by discipline (05606) East Atnca Cowpea Improveinent Network. (02164) Unded Nations Devebpmeni Program (UNDP)/lntemational Deveobpment Research Centre (IDRC)European Economic Commisson (EEC/ltnternationat lnstoute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) East Afrtca pestiride network. (02559) Intemational Development Research Centre. East Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ensete) (EARCORBEI (02168) International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain East Africa remote sensing It. (01954) U.S. Agency for Intemartional Development East Coast Fever Vaccine Production and Qualty Control in SADC region, (05582) FAO. Eastem Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM) (02076) U S Agency for International Development (USAID)/Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Develpmernt (SAFGRAD). Eastem and Southern Africa Animal Traction Network (ESAATNI. (04141) Institute of Agricultural Engineering. Eastem and Southem Atritan Farming Systems Research Network (02633) U.S. Agency for International Development. Establishment of network quarantine. l04005) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Establishment of regional computer-based marine fisheries catch data system 104042) Southern African Development Community ISADC) Establishment of the Southem African Centre tor Cooperation in Agrcultural Research and Training (SACCAR) - Phase 1. (03605) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR) Felilizer Marketing and Trade Information Program IFMTIP). 102145) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS); U S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID) Field orented research on control of the tsetse fly and liveslock ticks - Phase 11. (02741) Commission of the European Commun ties/Inlemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). 41 Index of projects by discipline Fishenes development project. (03593) World Bank: Zambia. Focd. nutntion security and environment. (04391) University of Oslo/Norwegian Institute of Agncullural Economics, Oslo. Forest protection. (04154) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. GLIP Promotion of Legume Cultivation (Groundnuts) in the SADC Region (02172) U.S. Agency for International Develooment. Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - Bean (Phaseolus vulgarisi project. (03604) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Centro Intemacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) project. (03766) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARVGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation JGTZ)/lntemaltonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Grain storage and milling project (03542) World Rank. Tanzania Groundnut improvement (02163) International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Groundwater Recharge Evaluation Study (GRES) II. (05637) Free University ot Amsterdam IVU) Growth and yield (in softwood and hardwood plantations) (04153) Tanzania Forestry Research instilute Identitication of factors controlling intake of low quality diets. (01710) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDI. Improvements to :he processing of sorghum. especially non-traditional uses BY-PRODUCT UTILIZATION. (04680) Overseas Development Administration INRRD) Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of African Livestock. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Improving the Productivity of Indigenous Afrcan Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and 42 Index ot protects by discipline related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Increased crop production and tarners income through integrated plant nutrtion. sustainable development of soil productivity and appropriate input strategy. (05634) FAO International benchmark sites network. (01353) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Intemational Benchmark Soils Network for Agro-lechnology Transfer (IBSNAT). 102635) U S Agency for Intemational Development. Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/European Economic Commission (EEC)/Japan. Inventory of completed. ongoing and planned projects, environmental evaluation of mayor protects. and inriation of basin-wide exchange ot informaton. (04112) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Land and water management project. 105642) Ministry of Agriculture Zambia Livestock improverment in SADC (0361 1) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SAXCAR)/lnlernalional Livestock Center tor Africa (ILCA) Maize Improvement. (02158) Intemational Center for Maize and Wheat Improvernent (CIMMYT) Management ol vertisols under semi-arid conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC) (01022) International Board for Soil Research and Management Market supply behaviour ot peasants and means to improve their market integration (01487) TU Berlin. National agrcultural research project. 401165) World Bank. Malawi. Network on management of acid soils in humid Africa (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils) (01021) tnternationai Board for Soil Research and Management. Occupational health I Tanzanial. (042311 International Development Research Centre. 43 Index of projects by dscipline Oilcrops Network for Eastem and Southem Afrea and South Asia. (02086) Intemational Development Research Centre. Pan-Afrrcan Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661 ) Winrock Intemational; Ford Foundation. Pasture Network for Eastem and Southem Alnca (PANESA). (02083) Internalional Development Research Centre. Programme to develop scientitic and technical and professional manpower for agricu;ture and natural resources in SADC (REPSAF) - Part 1. (03768) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Regional early warning system (Phases I and 11). (03975) Southern African Development Community (SADC)/Food and Agricullure Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Regional fisheries information and documentation system. (04038) Southern African Development Community (SADC)/FFWSCU. Regional information system for food security (03976) Southern African Development Community ISADC). Regional seed techrology and information centre. (03985) Southem African Development Community (SADC)iFood Secunty Techncal and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Research on mechanization for small scale agricultural production in the tropics. (05597) IMAG (Institute for Agricultural Engineering) Research. coordination. and training for improved livestock produchton in Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732) Commission ot the European Communities Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains el Francais (CORAF). Reseau Developpement (RID [Development Network]. (02653) GRET Reseau Europeen d'Etude des Laterites (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols Sludies). (02639) Minislere de la Recherche et de l Enseignernent Superieur: Universite of Strasbourg. 44 Index of projects by discipline SADC Cowpea Improvement Network. (02165) Unted Nations Development Program (UNDP)/lntemat.ional Development Research Centre (IDRC)FInternatonal Instiute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). SADC Maize and Wheat Improvement Research Network. (03609) Centro Internacional de Mepramento de Maiz y Tngo (CIMMYT). SADC Regional Sorghum and Millets Improvement Program (02155) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)Southem African Center for Cooperation in Agnrcultural Research (SACCAR). Second coffee project. (01168) World Bank: Zambia. Sero-surveiltance of rinderpest and other diseases in Afnrca. using immunoassay techniques (02628) Swedtsh Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Small Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Geselischaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbed (GTZ) Gmb HI Soils and nutrdion (in softwood and hardwood plantations). (041501 Tanzania Forestry Research Irstlitute. Special prograrnming funding for programme implementaton in the pasture network for Eastem and Southern Afrca (021 11) Inte,national Fund for Agricultural Development. Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) (Food Strategies Network]. (02655) ORSTOM/Instiltut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation. Strengthenina tacufies of agriculture. lorestry and veterinary medicine in SADC. (03610) Soumnern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuftural Research (SACCAR)/Gerrnan Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (tO1 08) World Bank The Development of Practices for Area-wide Tsetse Eradicaton with emphasis on the Sterile Insect Technique (02626) Uniled Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. The East and Southern Africa Roct Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (020801 U S Agency for Intemalional Development (USAID>)Inlemational Development 45 Index of projects by discipline Research Centre (IDRC)lntemalonal Instiute of Tropical Agnculture IIITA). The Geological Network for Agrormnerals in East and Southern Africa (02613) Uniled Nations Development Program (UNDP); World Bank. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Development Administration Urban agrculture (Tanzania) (04197) Intemational Development Research Centre. Wool and mohair improvement in SADC - Phase II. (03615) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARAJinrock Intematlional (Winrock). Zanzibar cash crops farming systems project. (04359) Overseas Development Administration. (Network on Sorghum Mitling/Dehulling). (02648) International Development Research Centre Domestic trade Grain legume improvernent programnme - cowpea research project (SADC countries) (02737) Commission of the European Cornmunities. Sorghum utilization (Tanzania) - Phase II. (02476) International Development Research Centre. Drainage Management of black cotton soils (Vertisols) in SADC. (03616) Southem African Centre tor Co-operation in Agricuttural Research (SACCAR). Education A Feasibility study on establishing an Atrican Centre br Fertilizer Development. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Gesetlschatt fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit). A network on farm power and equipmenl for smaltholder and large-scale farming systems in SADC. (03613) Southern Atrican Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCARI'International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). 46 Index of projects by discipline Advanced training courses in plant breeding and seed production. (03988) Southem African Development Community (SADC)/Food Securty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Afrcan Research Network for Agncultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) International Development Research Centre (IORC): International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) Agncultural extension and planning supporl project. (01166) World Bank; Malawi, Agricultural marketing (Lesotho) - Phase II (02553) International Developrnent Research Centre. Agricultural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S Agency for International Development. Agricultural research and extension. (01863) U S. Agency ior International Development. Agricultural research equipmenl to Malawi University. (04450) Ministry of Foreign Afairs Agriculural sector assistance program. (03684) U S. Agency for Iniernational Development Agricutural servces (016831 World Bank; Angola. Agriculural technology improvement (018801 U S. Agency for Inlernational Development. Agro forestry research programme for the savannah woodland grassland ecology - Malawi. Tanzania. Zambia and Zimbabwe (036071 Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Ilntemational Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Agronomic Network for East and Southem Alrica. (02611) Uniled Nations Development Program (UNDP): World Bank. Alley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)/lntemalional Development Research Centre (IDRCI Biotogical control ol introduced pests of maize and cassava. 47 Irdex of projects by discipline (03614) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agnculturat Research (SACCAR)/Intemational Institute of Tropical Agncullure (IITA-ABCP). Cashew and coconut treecrops project (03545) World Bank: Tanzania. Centre of Advanced Practical Forestry Training. Tanzania. (04076) Southem Afrwan Development Comrnunity (SADC)/ Sokoine University of Agricufture Co-ordinaled Research Programme on Ihe Application of Irradialion Technique for Food Processing in Africa. (02629) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S Agency for Inlernational Development (USAIDi/The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Cereals Research Network ICCRN,. (02171) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Cooperative Programme tor the Improvement ol Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Creating experimental and seed production centers [Creation des centres experimentaux et de production de semences] (01076) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations IFAOI. Cropping syslems research and extension Iraining. j01882) U.S. Agency for International Development. Development of national seed production. (04270) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Distrct Rural Development Programme (DRDP): Mbulu, Maswa. Bukoba. Meatu. 105606) Eastern Afrca Regional Sorghurn and Millel Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agenrcy for International Development (USAID)/Semi-And Food Grain Research and Develpraent (SAFGRAD). 48 Index of projects by disciplme Establishment of the Southem Afncan Centre lor Cooperation in Agrcultural Researct and Training (SACCAR) - Phase 1. (03605) Southern African Centre for Co-operaton in Agrxcutural Research (SACCAR). Extension training project. (04273) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Natons. Feld onented research on control of the tsetse fly and livestock ticks - Phase 11. (02741) Commission of the European Communitiesflnlernalional Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecolgy (ICIPE). Fisheries development project. (03593) World Bank: Zambia. Forest Indusines Training Centre (FITC). (04063) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Forestry resources management and development project. (02067) World Bank; Zimbabwe. GLIP Promotion of Legume Cultivation (Groundnuts) in the SADC Region 1021721 U.S. Agency for International Development Grain legume i,mprovement programme (GLIP) - Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) protect. 103604) Southem Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Centro Inlemacional de Agrcullura Tropical (CIAn. Grain legume improvement programme (GLIPI - Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) project. 103766) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)flntemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Grain legume improvement programme IGLIP I- SADC cowpea project - Phase i (03767) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)fCommission of the European Communities (CEC/lnternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Grain legume improvement programme - cowpea research protect (SADC countries). (02737) Comrnmission of the European Communities. Grain storage and milling project. (03542) World Bank; Tanzania Groundwater Recharge Evaluation Study (GRES) 11 (05637) Free University of Amsterdam (VU). 49 Inderx of prolects by discipline Improverment and strengthening of forestry colleges in the SADC region. (04064) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Improvernent of research station development and management in SADC. (03769) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agrncuhfural Research (SACCAR)/International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRiSAT). Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases ot African Livestock, using Immuroassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS) Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techntques. (02621) Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS) In-service training in research management - Phase I. (03606) Southern Atrican Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/lntemational Servce for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR). Institutional support lor land resources inventory and assessment. (05580) DGIS (Directorate General of International Cooperation (The Netherlands) and INIA (Mozambique). Kagera Livestock Development Programme KALIDEP (05618) Regional Livestock Develeprnent OHice (Bukoba) Lana and water management project (05642) Ministry of Agriculture Zambia. Land and water management research prog'amme (L & WMRP) - Phase II 103600) Southern African Centre for Co-operafion in Agricultural Research iSACCAR)/Overseas Development Admtmistration iODA) Land management and conservation prolect. (03580) Norld Bank. Lesotho. Lndi/Mtwara rce production project (04289) Overseas Development Administration. Livestock Development Project West Province. (05646) Department of Veterinary and Tsetse Control Services. Lvestock improvement in SADC (03611) Southem Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/lnternational Livestock Center for Afr,;- (ILCA). 50 Index of pro,eis by discipne lAanpower trainng ard develcpflnt. 04 10 1O Southern Afrcan Development Communrty (SADC) Aaster of science programme in soil and water conservation at the Unrversrty of Nairobr i04135) Swedish Agency for Rural CooPeration with Developng Countries. National agncultural and Irvestock extension rehablitation protect. '03579) World Bank Tanzania National agricultural arnd lfvestock research proiect 035441 World Bank Tanzania National agricultural extension and research orotect 011701 World Bank. Zimbabwe National agncuttural research prorect 01 1651 Worid Bank. Malawi National rural developmn'nt program rNRDPi Phase IV protect (Dedza Hills and LOlongwe Northeast development areasi 01 1671 World Bank. Malaw National Soil Service (NSS I t056331 Winand Staring Centre Dep of Research and Training MIn of Agriculture and Lrvestock Developmrent Orlcrops Network for Eastem and Southeem Alrca and South Asia 4020861 Intemational Develnprnent Research Centre Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research tC266t11 WVnrock International Ford Foundation Plant breeding in relation to the utilisatron of sorghum and millet for food. beverages and animal leeds - Phase I 1036031 Southern African Centre lor Co-operation in Agrcultural Research ISACCAR) International Crops Research Institute fof the Semi-Artd Tropcs IICRISATI Postgraduate studies proorarnme for women in agrculture. forestry and veterinary medicine 1041301 Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries Soko ne University of Aariculture Procurement. operation. maintenance and repair of scie,otilic equipment 04211 t International Development Research Centre 51 Index of projecis by discipline Professonatl Training Centre lor DriulLr in Water Supply and Minerals - Bolswana (04123) Southem Afncan Development Community ISADC). Programme to develop scientriic and techncal and professional manpower for agriculture and natural resources in SADC (REPSAF) - Part I. (03768) Southerm African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research ISACCARI Project development and design (04099) Southem African Development Comm nity ISADCC Rainfed rice development project (04356) Afncan Development Bank Regional fisheres training programme i040371 Southem African Development Community ISADCO Regional Seed Centre 0Zrmbabwe) - Phase tl. (025341 International Developrnent Research Centre Regional training centre for meat inspection and meat technology - Lobatse in Botswana IPhases I and lli 104027) Southern Afrcan Developrment Community iSADCIFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations iFAOG Regional Training Centre in Range and Ranch Managernent - Tanzania 104029) Southeem Alrican Oevelopment Community (SADC) Regional Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Traning Centre - Zambia (04030) Southen African Development Commun.ty ISADCI Regional wildlife training programme (04081) Soulhern Afnrcan Development Community (SADCI Research managernent tZimbabwei - Phase I 104212) International Development Research Centre Research on mechanization for small scale agricultural production in the tropics. (05597) IMAG (Institute for Agricultural Eng.neering). Research. coordination. and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa (02732) Commission ot the European Communities Reseau Colon ICOTONi. 102082) France Conference des cResponsables de Recherches Agronomique Atricains et Francais ICORAFI 52 Index of proects by dtscupne Rural wornen's access to lanrd (Tanzania). (04256) Intemational Development Research Centre SADC annual research seminar on soil and water conservation and land utilization (041181 Southenr African Development Community (SADCVSACCAR/SWCLUiUnrversty of Botswana. SADC crops and forest seeds genebank ISRGB) 03608) Southern African Centre tor Co-operation in Agrtcultural Research iSACCARI?.Nordic Gene Bank ING8p1Swedtsh ,nterna1tonal Developrnent Authorlty ISIDAI SADC Maize and Wheat Improvernent Research Network 103609) Centro Inlemacional de Meloramiento de Maiz y Tngo ICIMMYTj SADC Regional Sorghum and Millets Improvement Prograrn 102155) U S Agency for International Devekopmenl (lJSAID)/Southem Afrcan Center for Cooperalion in Agricultural Research (SACCAR) Second coffee projecl 101168) World Bank. Zambia Sero-surveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in AtrInca. using immunoassay lechniques 102628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperalton iSAREC) Small Scale Irrigation Programme Dodoma (SSIPOO Mali na Mazingirai. 1D5617) SNV (tNetherlands Development Organization j Social Science Interface Research Unit ISSIRUI '02779) The International Centre ol Insect Physiology and Ecologv. Sokoine University of Tanzania. (02028) U S Agency for . ternational Development Sorghum and millet improvement programme IS&MIPI - Phase II (03602) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricutural Research (SACCAR}IInternalional Crops Research Institute fc,r the Semi-Arid Tropics IICRISATI Strengthening DLCO-EA in the managemenl ol migrant pest control 1016271 United Nations Development Program Strengthen;ng faculties of agriculture. forestry and veterinary medicine in SADC. (03610) Southern African Centre for Co-operaton in Agriculural Research ISACCARI)German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). 53 Index of protects by dtscriplne Suppor to Soil and Water Conservation in Southern Lesotho phase 11 (SOWACO 11) (05581) FAO. The East and Southem Ainca Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN) 102080i U S Agency tor International Development (USAIDYIntematoonal Develpnent Research Centre (IDRC)ilnfemational Institute ol Tropical Agnculture (IITA) The Geological Network for Agrominefals in East and Southern Afrca. (02613) United Nations Development Program (UNDP). World Bank Traditional Irrigation Improvement Programme 11 (05636) SNV iNetheriands Development Organization) Traddional Techniques ot Mcro Climate Improvement ITTMI). phase 11 (05658) WAU (Wageningen Agricultural University I Training or animal healtih auxiliary personnel in the diagnosis of animal diseases (04022) Southern African Development Community ISADC) Uluguru Mountains areas project (04380) Sokoine University of Agriculture. Universities and national agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Arnca (03678) Intemational Service for National Agricultural Research Wool and mohair improvement in SADC - Phase 11 (03615) Southern African Centre tor Cc-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR`Winrock Inlemational IWinrock) Zanzibar forestry development prolect - Phases I and 11 (04358) Finnish Department of International Development Co'peration Energy rerources and management A network on farm power and equipment for smallholder and large-scale farming systems in SADC. 103613) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARI Internalional Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA) Afrcan Center ol Meteorological Applicalions tor Develooment (ACMADI (01109) World Meteorological Organizalion (WMO). Co-ordina!ed Research Proqramme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa. 02629l United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizaion. 54 Inrex of projects by discphrne Eastem and Southem Africa Animal Tracton Nelwork (ESAATN). (04141) Instiute of Agricultural Engneerng. Gasgication by partial combustion. (03145) Intemational Foundation lor Scence lrprovement ot research station deveklprient and management in SADC (03769) Southern African Centre lor Co-operation rn Agriculural Research (SACCAR\I/nterrational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISATi tivestock improvement in SADC 4036111 Souttern Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR),Inlemational Livestock Center tor Africa (ILCA). Research. coordination and training for improved lvestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa (027321 Comrnission of the European Communites Extens.on A Feasibility study on establishing an African Centre for Fertilizer Development (016844 GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeitt Adaptive research planning. Western Province (02093) Directorale General fo, International Cooperation ILDGIS) African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Alrcan Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network (02620) International Fund for Agricultural Development Agricultural development research and extension 1018371 U.S Agency for International Development. Agricultura! extension and planning support protect. 101166) World Bank. Malawi Agricultural rehabilitation and developmenl projectl (02662) World Bank: Mozambique Agricultural research and extension 101863, U S Agency for International Development. 55 Index of protects by discipline Agructural research and extenson project. (01114) African Development Bank. Agriculural research and extension project. (01169) World Bank: Zambia. Agricultural services. (01676) World Bank. Malawi Agricultural services. (01683) World Bank. Angola, Agricunural technology improvement (01880) U S Agency tor International Development Cashew and coconut treecrops prolect (03545) World Bank. Tanzania Clove research project - Phases I and 11 (04360) Overseas Development Administration. Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS) (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) Datry beet production systems (Botswana) - Phase 11 (02472) International Development Research Centre Detoxification of Cassava at Household Level in Rural Atrica. (05659) WAU (Wagening Agrcultural University) Extension education programme Pilot demonstration for consolidated gardens as an answer to problems posed by stream bank cultivation (Zimbabwe) - Phases I and 11 (041281 Southern Africa Development Comnmunity ISAD. Extension training project (04273) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO Integrated Technical Assistance and Credit tor Artisanal Fisheries. Lake Tanganyika. Phase 111. (05599) FAO. Farming system research. (01916) U.S. Agency for International Development. Farming systems fZimbabwet - Phase If. 56 Index of projects by discipline (02431) Intematonal Developrnent Research Centre. Fisheres development prolect. (03593) Worfld Bank: Zarnb,a. Improved milk production from cattle and goal in Tanzania. (04392) Sokoine University of Agriculture Kagera Livestock Deveopmnent Programme KALIDEP. (05618) Regional Livestock Development Otlice (Bukoba) Kalabo agricultural prolect (02072) Direclorate General tor Intemational Cooperalion (DGIS) Lindi/Mtwara goat extension project (Newala Districtt (04290) Overseas Developmenl Administration LindiiMtwara rice production project. (04289) Overseas Development Administration. Maize and food legumes improvement programme (01091) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Naltons IFAO) Methodologies lor better technology transfer (047831 Overseas Development Administration (NRRD1 Modernization of agricuture (011211 World Bank National agricultural and livestock extension rehabilitation protect (035791 World Bank. Tanzania National Agnculturai and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRMI (04353) Ministry of Agriculture. Livestock Development and Cooperatives Natonal agricultural extension and research project (01170j World Bank. Ztrnbabwe. National agrcultural research project. 1011651 World Bank. Malawi National research and extenson. (01677) World Bank. Mozambique. National rural development program (NROP1 Phase IV project (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast development areas). 57 Index of projects by discipline (01167) World Bank: Malawi. Posttharvest grain systerns Tanzania). (02506) International Devebornent Research Centre. Provision of extension aids and servces - Phases I and II. (04041) Southern Alrwan Developmnent Community (SADC). Rainted rice development projecl. (04356) African Developrnent Bank Research and extension 11 (04918) World Bank. Zambia fleseau Coton (COTON) (02082) France: Conlerence des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afrocains et Francais (CORAF) Second coffee project (01168) World Bank: Zarnbia Smaljhojder livestock project, Pemba (04361) Department of Foreign Affairs Yeld increase through the use of fertilizer and related inputs Phases I and II (04275) Food and AgrKulture Organization of the United Nations Feed cornposition Evaluation and supplernentalion of pig and poultry leeds (01 100) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries/Sokone University of Agrcullure. Identification of factors controlling intake of low quality diets (01710) Overseas Developrnent Adminisiration iNRRO). Feed processing and preservation Dairy beef production systems (Botswana) - Phase It. (02472) International Develooment Research Centre. Evaluation and supplementation of pig and poultry feeds. 101100) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing CountnesiSokoine University of Agriculture 58 Index of projects by discipline Sorghtrn and millet sub-sector (Tanzania). (04198) inlematonal Develpment Research Centre/Sokoine Uinversity ot Agrculture. Fertilizing A Feasiblity sludy on establishing an African Centre for Fertilizer Development. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeitf African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) International Fund for Agricultural Development, Agrcultural services. (05395) World Bank. Tanzania Agroomic Network tor East and Southem Afria (0261 1) United Naltons Development Program (UNDP). World Bank. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas f01 345) U.S Agency Intemational Development (USAID)/Michigan Stale University Fertilizer Marketing and Trade Iniormation Program (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). U.S. Agency for tntemational Development (USAID). lncreaseoi crop production and farmers income through integrated plant nutrition. sustainable development of soil productivity and appropriate input strategy (05634) FAO Land managemnenl and conservation prolect (03580) World Bank. Lesotho National agrcultural extension and research prolect, (01170) World Bank: Zimbabwe Network on management of acid soils in humid Africa (AFRICALAND - Maragement of acid soils). (01021) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Soil fertility (Tanzania) (02499) International Development Research Centre. The Geological Network for Agrominerals in East and Southern Africa. (02fil 3) United Nations Development Program IUNDP); World Bank. 59 Index of projects by discipline Yield increase through Ihe use of fertilizer and related inputs - Phases I and 11. (04275) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unied Nations. Fisheries and aquacutture - General aspects Biology of salt tolerance in Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera Calliphoridae) and olher speces of blowfles which are pesis of sated-dried fish in tropical developing countries. (05799) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Fishenes development project. (03431) World Bank. Malawi Local Appiwcations of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for local management of lake resources (04683) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDI Ouantification of fish losses (04778) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDI Tanzania: Quantification of post harvest losses of fish. 105740) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDI. Fisheries production Adaptive research planning, Western Province (02093) Directorate General for International Cooperation (OGIS) Catch assessments study in Lake Tanganyika. (04052) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Computerization ot inland fisheries production (04039) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Establishment of a research and resource evaluation programme in the marine waters of the SADC region. (04051) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Establishment of regional computer-based marine fisheries catch data system. (04042) Southern African Development Cornmunity (SADC). FAO Integrated Technical Assistance and Credit for Artisanal Fisheries. Lake Tanganyika. Phase Ill. (055991 FAO. 60 Index of projects by discipline Fishenes development project. (03431) World Bank, Malawi. Fishenes development project. (03593) World Bank; Zambia. Fisheres tnvestigation in Botswana - Phases I and 11. (04045) Southem Afncan Development Comrnmunity (SADC). Fisheries resource management (01154) World Bank, Angola, Inshore slock assessment: an evaluation of the role ot permanently protected areas (03396) Intemational Foundation for Science. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM). (05363) Intemational Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. Joint research of pelagic fisheries resources of Lake MalawiiNyasa. (04047) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Lake Kariba fisheries research and development. (04053) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Nile perch (Tanzania). (02463) International Development Research Centre. Optimal management of aquacullure of pond systems in developing countries. (01464) Universitaet Kliel. Promotion of exporl marketing of marine fish products (04044) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Provision of extension aids and serv:ces - Phases I and 11. (04041) Southern African Development Community ISADC). Quality control and standardization of fishery products. (04050) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Regonal fisheries information and documentation system. (04038) Southern African Development Community (SADC)/FFWSCU. Regonal fisheries training programme. (04037) Southem African Development Community (SADC). 61 Index of projects by discipline Regional trout management project. (04056) Southem Afncan Developmenl Community (SADC). Support to fisheries development planning. (04049) Southem Alican Development Community (SADC). Support to SADC coordination of fisheries, forestry and wildlife. (04036) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADCI. Support to SADC Fisheries Coordination Unit. (04043) Southern Alrican Development Community (SADC\. Tanzania Quantification of post harvest losses of fish. (05740) Overseas Developrnent Administration (NRRD). Women and development in fisheries. (03476) Finnmark Regional College Food composition De!ermination oa pesticide residues in major food crops of Tanzania. (03383) International Foundation (or Science Sorghum ufilization (Tanzania - Phase 11 (02476) Inlernational Development Research Centre Studies in the chemical composition of cassava. '0325 1) internaftonal Foundation for Science Food contamination and toxicology Aflaloxin ard its metabolites in hurnan urine. (03185) International Foundation for Science. Detection methods for fungi and rnycotoxins. (04780) Overseas Development Adrrministration INRRD) Determination ot pesticide residues in malor food crops ot Tanzania. (03383) International Foundation for Science. The aflatoxin problem in Tanzania. Field survey ot rural Tanzania families for ingested aflatoxins. Degree ol exposure and control measures. (032141 Inlematlonal Foundation for Science. 62 Index of protects by discipline Food processing and preservation Agricultural credt and export promoltion project. (02762) World Bank: Zimbabwe. Agricultural rehabilitation and developnent project (02662) World Bank.- Mozambique. Agricuhture sector (lormerty Agnc-Exporl Diversification fformerly Export diversdication). 102066) World Bank. Zambia. Bean research. (04395) International Foundation for ScienceiSokoine University of Agnculture Biology of salt tolerarce in Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphondae) and other species ol blowfties which are pests of salted-dried fish in tropical developing countries 105799) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDI. Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing in Africa. (02629) United Natons Food and Agriculture Organizatpon Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas (01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAID)IMichigan State University Field testing and implementation of improved cassava flour production orocess lechnulogies. (05765) Overseas Development Admiriistration (NRRD) Food, nutrition security and environment (04391) University of Oslo/Norwegian Institute ot Agncultural Economics, Oslo. Grain storage and milling project. (03542) Worid Bank: Tanzania Improvements to the processing of sorghum. especiatly for non-traditional uses: OEHULLING (04678) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improvements to the processing of sorghum, especially for non-traditional uses: MILLING. (04682) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improvements to Ihe processing of sorghum. especially non-traditional uses: BY-PRODUCT 63 Index of prolects by discipline UTILIZATION. (04680) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Investigation of the potential use of mucilaginous matenal from ruredzo in food (03202) Intemational Foundation for Science. Microbiology in relation to agricultural and environmental issues l05678) University of Nijmegen, Department of Microbiology and Evolutionary Biology. Faculty of Scence, Nutritonal and mncrobiological evaluation of fermented cereal foods for child feeding in Tanzania (G33371 International Foundation for Science Plant breeding in relation to Ihe utilisation of sorghum and millet lor food. beverages and animal feeds - Phase i. (036031 Southern African Centre for Co-operalion in Agricultural Research jSACCAR)iInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Post-harvest fish technology in Lake Kariba. Zimbabwe (033011) Intemational Foundation for Science Postharvest grain systems (Tanzania) (02508) International Development Research Centre Quality improvement ol turmeric and vanilia (04807) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD! Quantification of fish losses. (04778) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Regional post production food loss reduction and food processing - Phases I and 11. (03981) Southern African Development Community ISAOCI,Food Security Technical and Adminstratlive Unit (FSTAU) Regional training centre for meat inspection and meat technology - Lobalse in Botswana (Phases I and 11). (04027) Southern African Development Community (SADClIFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Second coffee project. (01 168) World Bank; Zambia. Sorghum and millet sub-sector (Tanzanial. (04198) Intemational Development Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agriculture 64 Index of protects by discipline Sorghurn u,bkzation 173nzan.a) - Phase 11 1024761 International Develpment Research Centre. Studces in the chemrical conposton of cassava 1032511 International Foundation for Science The East and Southern Africa RooD Crops Research Network (ESARRNP. (02060) U S Agency for International Deveobpment (USAIDOlnternaonat Development Research Centre fl0RC1ntetnaton31 Insttute of Tropical Agncislture (IITA1. U S Israel program ftor cooperative development research i019491 U S Agerncy tfr Intemational Development iNetwork on Sorghum Mllirn! 102648t Intemnalional Deveopment Research Centre Food scin and ltechrxoo Co-ord.nated Research Pregramme on the Appecation of Irradiation Technirue for Food Processng in Africa (02629) Unoted Natiors Food and Agnculture Otganization Detection methods tor fungi and mycoloxons '04780M Overseas Development Administralion iNPRD( Deloxhication ot Cassava at Household Level in Rural Africa 1056591 WAU IWagening Agncuttural UnLrrsityt Evaluation of onion oroduction and storage in low tatitudes 01 7261 Overseas Deveopmrent Ackministration INRRDI The use of an NRI develoe.d green leal pigment model to improve tea quality and value (05790) Overseas De% eloprrent Administration iNRRDi Forest -'- Inter-untversity plant.sol'-water project i05677i Ed -'do Mond 3ne University. Mozambque Agricultural Universiy YVageningen The Netheilands Larenstein Internatinal Agrcultural College. Velp. The Nethertands Foreut inries and prtet.on Forest p'oection 65 Index cf projects by discpiine (04154) Tanzania Forestry Research Insht -e Forestry resources management and development pro,ect (02067) World Bank. Zwribrbwe Forestry - General aspects Alnca acacia rhizobial technology and ecology (047381 Overseas Development Admtnistration (NRRD) Agr'cuftura; rehabiltation fofestry (04403) World Bank. Angola Applying scence and technology to developmfent (01947) U S Agency for Intemational Development Central Africa Manaerment of Motnbo woodland as cownmunity woodlots (o47191 Overseas Development Administration INRRD) Centre of Advanced Practial Forestry Training. Tanzania 04073i Southern A"ricar Development Community (SADCI Sokoine University of Agricutture Control of soil acidity in agroforestry (04743) Overseas Development Administration (NRRDI District Rural Development Programme IDRDPI Mbulu. Maswa. Bukoba. Meatu (056061 Establishment of a regional herttarum and conservation of endagered species (04059) Southern African Development Cornmunity ISADCI Formal representation and use of indigenous ecological kn%wfedge about agroforestry 04730) Overseas Deve!opment Administration INRRDI Genetic improvement of non-tndustrial trees with particular reference to Gliricidta seium 604697r Overseas Deveiopment Administration iNARDI Improvement and strengthening of torestry colleges in the SADC region 10406S41 Southern African Development Community ISADCI Project 5 0 23 Project 6 0 23 Irnprovement and strengthening of lorestry and forest products research institutions in the SADC Region i040721 Finnish International Development Agency SADC Forestry S1Xtor Techrical 66 Index of protects by disophne Coordination Unit Regional Seed Centre (Zvnbabwe) - Phase II. (02534) Internatonal Development Research Centre. Scientific research in conservation forests and woodands. (04142) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. SOcmo-econOnric consequence analys"s of choice of technobgy n the forest sector. (04389) Agrcuttufal University oi Norway Southem Afnca: Acacia karrTc - evaluation, acquisition of genetic resources (04721) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Strengthening faculties of agnculture. forestry and veterinary medicine in SADC. (03610) Southern African Centre for Co-operalto in Agncuftural Research (SACCARVGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Support to SADC coordiation of fisheries. forestry and wildlife (04036) Souttiem Afncan Development Community ISADC) Tanzania: Delerminnation of the effects of sivculural treatment (wood spacing) on wood characteristics and pupir.g properties of Pnus patuia and Cupresses lusdanica. (04802) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The reliability of genetic parameters estimated from forest tree progeny tests (04740) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Traditional Irrigation Improvement Programme 11. (05636) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Traditional rKghts of use natural resources in tropical forests and rehabilitation of wasteland. (04663) Ecodevelopment Society for Intemational Development Research and Planning. Berin. Forest production ACIAR Forestry Research and Information Network. (0f5355) Australian Centre for International Agrctultural Research. Agncultural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for Internalional Development. Agro-forestry research programme for the savanrah woodand grassland ecology - Malawi. 67 Index of protects by discpline Tanzanra. Zambma and Zimbabwe. (03607) Southeem Afrtcan Centre for Co-operation in Agrnculural Research (SACCAR)l/ntematonaf Council tor Research in Agrolorestry (ICRAF). Agro-silvo-pastoral and soil conservation research. (04146) Tanzania Forestry Research Instnute. Appied research programme. Southem Afnca Research Networl for Africa (SA-AFRENA) - The unimodal upland piateau (02617) International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAFj/Southeem Africa Coordination Centre for AgricuItural Research (SACCAR) Applyng science and technology to development. (01947) U.S Agency tor Intemational Developrent. Australian hardwoods for luelwood and agroforestry - Phase 11 (04903) Australian Centre for Intemational Agricultural Research. Community forestry developrrent. 104066) Southern African Development Community (SADC) Cooperative Programme lor the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species (02174) Food and Agroculture Organ,zation of the United Nations. Development of agrotoreslry research networks in Africa. (01 122) Inlemaltonal Council for Resea-ch in Agroforestry Development of Montane forest resources. Malawi. (04075) Southerm Alrsan Development Community (SADC) Dry zone and high altitude fuetwood research (04062) Southern African Development Corruniry (SADC, Farm forestry (Malawi) 102521) International Development Research Centre Forest resources management (02763) World Bank. Tanzania Forestry resources management and development project. (02067) World Bank: Zimbabwe Growth and yeld fin softwood and hardwood plantations) (041531 Tanzania Forestry Research Inslitute. 68 Index of proects by discipline Idenidication and evaluation of the performance and productrWty of indigenous and exotbc agrofores(ry tree species. (03376) Intematlonal Foundation for Science. Improvement in tree establishment for tropical dryland conditions in East Afrca. (05390) Australian Cen!re for International Agncultural Research Indigenous management systems as a basis for community forestry in Tanzania A case study of Dodoma Urban and Lusholo Dtstnct. (04382) Sokoine University ol Agrculture Indigenous nitrogen-fixing trees with polential for village afforestation in Tanzania (01097) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperanior with Developing Counties Land management and conservation protect (03580) World Bank. Lesotho. Management of indigenous forests. (04069) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC) Perlormance of indigenous and exotic mycorrhizal tungi in Malawi's pine afforestation programme 103036) Intemalional Foundation for Science Pilot project on the rehabilitation of mining areas (04065) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Protct 5.0 23/Protect 6 0.23 Improvement and strengthening of forestry and forest products research institutions in the SADC Region (04072) Finnish International Development Agency/SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit Public works in Africa to improve food-security (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Reforestation and erotion control at Nacala. (04077) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Regional forest inventory. (04076) Southem African Development Community (SADCIFSTCU. Regional Seed Centre (Zimbabwe) - Phase I' (02534) International Development Research Centre Regional Seed Centre (Zimbabwe) Second Phase. (01282) International Development Research Centre. 69 Inrdex of protects by discilne Regional Tree Seed Centre. (04061) Southern Alncan Development Community (SADC). Research masterplan for agncuhure and natural resources in Zanzibar - Policies. strategies and objectives for research to the year 2000. (04354) Food and Agriculture Organization ot the United Nations. Rural plantations and timber processing in the SADC region (04071 i Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). SADC crops and forest seeds genebank (SRGBI. (03608) Southem African Centre lor Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARWNordic Gene Bank (NGBYSwedish Intemational Development Authority (SIDA) Second wood energy project (03497) World Bank. Malawi. Silvcuture/ecology in planlations (04149) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute Sivilcuture/ecology in non-conservation forests and woodlands. (04145) Tanzanma Forestry Research Institute Socio-economic consequence analysis of choice of technology in the forest sector (04389) Agricultural University of Norway Soil fertility (Tanzania). 102499) International Development Research Centre. Soils and nutrition (in softwood and hardwood plantations) (04150) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Special facility for SADC forestry project development. (04058) Southem African Development Community (SADC) The ecology and management od indigenous forests in Zimbabwe (04137) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries Tree breeding (04147) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. U.S./Israel program for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S. Agency for International Development. Urban fuelwood project. 70 Index of proeeds by descipimne (04060) Southem African Devekopment Communny (SADC). Village luelwood plantations (Lesotho). 404073) Sothem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Zanzbar forestry develpmnent protect- Phases I and 11. (04358) Finnish Depart nent of Intemational Development Cooperation. Handling, transport, storage and protection of pbnt products Agrcultural credit and export promotion protect (02762) Worfd Bank: Zembabwe An acpraisal of maize costs anJ practices in Tanzania (04373) Sokoine University of Agriculture Bean research (0439%) International Foundation for Science/Sokoine University ol Agnculure. Biological integrated control of the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus Horn (03907) Institut luer Phytopatholcgre. Arbeitsgruppe Vorrat. Universiaet Kiel. Bunker grain storage. l04019) Southem Alncan Development Community (SADC) Co-rdinated Research Programrme on the Application of Irradialtion Technique for Food Processng in Africa. (02629) Unned Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAID)/Michigan State University Comprehensive evaluation of srnall scale grain storage (04692) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD . Construction of lood stocage facility (04013) Southern African Development Community (SADC) District Rural Development Prograrnrne (DROP) Mbulu. Maswa. Bukoba. Meatu i056064 Evaluation of onion production and storage in low lattudes (01726) Overseas Development Adrinistration (NRRD). Evaluation of the Potential for Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-arid Africa. 71 Index of pro,ects by discipline (05603) Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU). Food, nutrition security and environment. (04391) University of Oslo/Norwegian Irstitute of Agncultural Economics. Oslo. Grain storage and milling project (03542) Word Bank: Tanzania. Investigations on stackburn in sub-Sat-aran Africa. (04688) Overseas Developmnent Administration (NRRD) Onon germplasm evalualion and storage technology (04774) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Post-harvest fish technology in Lake Kariua. Zimbabwe. (03301) Inlemaltonal Foundation for Scence. Postharvest grain systems (Tanzania). (02508) Intemational Development Research Centre. Regional post production food loss eduction and food processing - Phases I and 11. (03981) Southern African Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Rural storage structures. (042711 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Natins Small scate coconut oil extraction by women (04775) Overseas Development Administration , 'RRD). Storage facilities. (04006) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Support to small-scale grain handling and storage following market liberalization in Southem Afrca. 105784) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The effect of supplements of crop residues or agro-industrial by-products on the pertormance of small-holder goat production. (01794) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The use of lute sacks in the agricuftufal sector in Africa (04899) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Transportation of agncultural products. 103477) SINTEF. 72 Index of projects by discipine Home economics, industres and crafts Agricultural marketing (Lesotho) - Phase tl. (02553) International Developrnenl Research Centre. Commur 3l cattle mnanagement (Zimbabwe). (02439) Internationat Development Research Centre. Public works in Afrnca to improve loor-z-curdty. (046261 Deutsche Gesellschaft luer technische Zusarnmenarbeit (GTZ) Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conterence des Responsables de Recherches Agionomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Human nutribon - General aspects Eastem Afnca Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). i02076) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development fUSAID)/Semi-Arnd Food Grain Research and Develprment (SAFGRAD) Food, nutntion security and environment (04391) University ot Oslo/Norwegian Institute of Agricultural Economics. Oslo Nulritonal and microbiological evaluation of fermented cereal foods for child feeding tn Tanzania. (03337) Intemational Foundation for Science. Procedures for establishing food security reserves in Southern Africa. (05783) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francats (CORAF) International trade Agricultural credit and export promotion project. (02762) World Bank: Zimbabwe. Agriculture sector (formerly Agric-Export Diversification (formerly Export diversii'cation) 73 Index of projects by discipline (02066) World Bank; Zambia. Fertilizer Marketing and Trade Information Programn (FMTIP). (02145) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS); U S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Promotion of export marketing of manne fish products. (04044) Southem Alnrcan Develhpment Community (SADC) Regional Seed Centre (Zimbabwe) Second Phase (01252) Inlemational Development Research Centre. Zanzibar cash crops farming systems project. (04359) Overseas Development Administration. Investment, finance and credit Agricultural credrt and export promotion project (02762) World Bank: Zimbabwe Agricultural development. trade, and diversiticalion in SADC countries. (02099) World Bank. Agricultural extension and planning support project. (01166) World Bank; Malawi. Agricultural rehabtlitation and development project. (02662) World Bank; Mozambique. Agricultural services. (01676) World Bank: Malawi. Cashew and coconut treecrops project. (03545) World Bank; Tanzania. Investment and survival strategies of women. (04831) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD) National agricultural and livestock research project. (03544) World Bank: Tanzania. Irrigation Agricultural production and institulional support. 74 Index of projects by discipline (01879) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural rehabilitation and development project. (02662) World Bank; Mozambique. Cropping systems research and extension trainng. (01882) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Development of smallholder-o6ented irngated nce production - Phase II. (04267) Food and Agricullure Organization of the United Nations. District Rural Development Programme (DRDP): Mbulu. Maswa. Bukoba, Meatu. (05606) Evaluation of irrigation in Zimbabwe. (02058) Rockefeller Foundation. Improved imngation in the SADC region. (03991) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC)lFood Securiy Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Institutional suppori to irrigalion development. (04276) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Intemational Rice Testing Prograrn for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/European Economic Commission (EEC)/Japari Imgated rice project. (04357) Irrigation performance (Zimbabwe) (02496) International Developmenl Research Centre. Irrigation vegetable production. (03997) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Rehabilitation and expansion of tte small holder irngation scheme. (04016) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Rehabilration of irrigation schemes. (04007) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Rehabilitation of tradiltional irrigation project, Kilimanjaro zone. (04277) Food and Agrculture Organization of the United Natiens. 75 Index of projects by discipline Second coffee protecI. (01168) World Rank: Zambia. Small holder irngation coffee schemes. (04017) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Small imgation. (04003) Southem African Development Community ISADC). Small Scale Imgation Programme Dodoma (SSIPDO Maji na Mazingira) (05617) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Strengthening faculties of agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine in SADC. (03610) Southem Atrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARyGerman Agency for Techn!cal Cooperation (GTZ). Traditional Irrigation Improvement Programme 11, (05636) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Labour and employment Biological control of humnan schistosomiasis by Lake Malawi snail-eating lish. (03256) Intemational Foundation for Science. Development of human resources, administrative and institutional structures and technical capabilities - Development of national capabilities and human resources. (04115) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Development of human resources. administrative and institutional structures and technical capabilities - Identificaion of national capabili .es and need for development of national capabilites and human resources. (04114) Southem Alrican Development Community (SADC). Manpower training and development. (04101) Southem African Development Community ISADC). Occupational health (Tanzania). (04231) International Development Research Centre. Programme to develop scientific and technical and prolessional manpower for agriculure and natural resources in SADC (REPSAF) - Part I. t03768) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Public works in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschaft tuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). 76 Index of projects by discipline Recruitment and retention ol professional staff in the Ministries of Agncufture in member States. (03983) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Rural women's access to land iTanzania). (04256) Intenational Development Research Centre. Women and development in fisheres. 103476) Finnmark Regional College. Land economics and policies A land use classification system using satellite imagery - Malawi. (04127) Southern Africa Developmert Community (SADC). Agrarian Consitution of Zanzibar and its bearing on agncultural development. (04601) Universilaet Bonn Agncultural services. t01683) World Bank: Angola Applied research programme: Southem Africa Research Network for Africa (SA-AFRENA) - The unimodal upland plateau. (02617) Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)/Southern Africa Coordination Centre for Agricultural Research (SACCAR) Forest resources management. (02763) World Bank, Tanzania Land and water maiiagement research programme (L & WMRP) - Phase 1. (03599) Southern African Centre for Co-operation :n Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)/Overseas Development Adminiztration (ODA). Land devjlopnrent for rice cultivation. Zanz;bar - Phase 11. (04288) i,o.Id Food Program me. Land management and conservation project. (03580) World Barik: Lesotho. National agricultural exlension and research project- (01 170) World Bank: Zimbabwe. Networkc on land development for sustainable agriculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land development). Index of projects by discipline (02109) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. Public woriks in Africa to improve food-security. (04626) Deulsche Gesellschafh tuer technische Zusammenarbelt (GTZ). Rural women's access to land (Tanzania). (04256j Intemational Development Research Centre SADC annual research seminar on soil and water conservation and land utilization. (04118) Southem Afrcan Development Community (SADC)/SACCAR/SWCLU/Universty ol Bolswana. Strategies for popular participation. 104104) Southem African Development Comrnunity (SADC). Sustainably productive land management systems. (04108) Southern African Development Cournmnity (SADC) Traditional rights of use natural lesources in tropical forests and rehabilitation) of wasteland. (04663) Ecodevelopment. Society fof Intemational Devetopment Research and Planning. Berlin Urban agriculture (Tanzania). (04197) International Development Research Centre Legislation Development of regional legislation for management of the Zambezi River (04113) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Establishment of network quarantine. (04005) Southem African Development CommAnity (SADC) Harmonization of seed laws in the SADC region. 103990) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Law enforcement in wildlife management and utilisation. (04088) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Legal context of conservation. (04107) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Plant quarantine project. (03986) Southern African Development Community (SADC)lFood Security Technical and 78 Irdex of proects by discplne Administrative Unit IFSTAUI Regional Seed Centre (Zfrntabwe) Second Phase 1012821 Ineffetponal Development Research Centre Rural wognen's access to and (Tanzania t042561 International Development Research Centre Mathemaical and satifica me4hods Association tnferaWionaIe pour lOptimisation de la Nutrition des Plarntes tANIOPi International Association for the Optwnizateon of Plant Nutrition; (026411 Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Rechercte AgronomAue pour le Devetoppeneient (CIRADI Evaluation and promotion of rain-water harvesting in semi-arid areas 018151 Overseas Devetopnent Administration iNRRDJt Evaluatin and prornomor of rainwater harvesting in Tanzania 1057521 Overseas Development Administraton r NRPRD) Evaluation ano supplementation of pg and poultry feeds tO1 I00I Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation vvitf' Developing Countres Sokone Unrversity ot Agricunure Evaluation of risk and uncertainty on atemative small farm production systems in two agro-ecobgical zones of Tanzania (037811 Unrversilaet Giessen Farmirng system research 01916t U S Aoency for Inlernational Development Internalional benchmark sites net*ork (013531 U S. Agency for International Development Kagera Livestock Development Programme KALIDEP (056181 Regtonal Livestock Development Office (Bukoba) Modelling the seedbed physical environment in relation to crop emergence f057961 Overseas Development Administration I NRRD) National Soil Service MNSSI ,05633) Winand Stating Centre Dep. of Research and Training. Mon. of Agriculture and Livestock Development. 79 Index of protects by discipie Social deterrnmnants of peasant agicutture in tte tropics. (01496) Un,versdael Bonn. The Livestock Trypanotoleranl Network. (02081) Overseas Development Administraton. Mesorlogy and cliatdology African Center ot Meteoroogical Applications for Devebpment (ACMAD). (01109) Word Meleorologcal Organizaton (WMO). Agro-silvo-pastoral and sod conservation research. (04146) Tanzania Forestry Research Instiute. Evaluation of the Potential ior Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-and Africa. (05603) Wageningen Agncultural University (WAU). Predction or effective rainfall for beans on freely drained soils of tropical semi-and areas in Tanzania. (04370) Sokoine University of Agriculture Rainfall simulator tests and purchase of rainfall simulator - Lesotho (041241 Southem Africa Development Community 4SADC). Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment (01108) Wortd bink. Traddional Techniques of Micro Climate Improvement (TTMI). phase It. (05658) WAU IWageningen Agncullural University) Miscelaneous plant disorders Cashew and coconut treecrops project. i03545; World Bank. Tanzania. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U S. Agency Intemational Development (USAIDY)Michigan Stale University. Collaborative Research Support Program ICRSP). Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U S Agency for International Development (USAID)fThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM) (020761 U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/Semi-Ard Food Grain Research 80 Index of protects by discipline and (-weinent (SAFGRAD). Intemational Rice Testng Program for Ahfca (IRTP). (02160) United Nabons Dewlp t Program (UNDPVEuropean Economic Comnmssion (EECyJapan. LIvestock producton syslems (Tanzania) - Phase II. (02511) International Development Research Centre. Oilcrops Network for Eastem and Soutem Alrica and South Asia. (02086) Intenational Development Research Centre. Rice Scald. Monographella albescens. host-pathogen relattonships. pathogenicrty and resistance- (04781) Overseas Development Administratin (NRRD). Testing and improving drought resistance in some maize vaneties. (D3098) International Foundation for Science Naure conservation and land resources Afncan Center of MAeteorological Applications for Development (ACMADj. (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Alley Famfing Network for Tropical Alnca. (02088) Canadian International Developmeent Agency (ClDAVtntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Appled research and knowledge development. (04105) Southem Afrcan Development Commurity (SADC). Assistance to Coordination Unit - Phase li (04098) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Biomonnoring of insecticide applications in Zimbabwe, Malawi. Zambia. and Mozambique. (01604) Commission of the European Cornmunities. Conservation education in the SADC region. (04083) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Coordination of regional Tsetse Fly eradication with wildlife management programmes. (04090) Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC). Development cooperatin concernig land and water: institutional support and method-developing, model-research and applications. 81 Index of projects by disciprne (05591) WSC (Winand Staring Centre, vrsthre for Research in the agnculural areas). Deveopment of Enwonmental lmpacl Assessment (EIA) - Phase I. (04120) Southem Afican Deve;opment Communrty (SADC). Development of monionrig systems. (04102) Southern African Developnent Community (SADC). Developnent of ostich production system. (04095) Southem Afrcan Develpment Community (SADC)/FFWSCU. East Afrnca remote sensing 11 101954) U.S. Agency for Internatonal Development. Economcs of conservaton. 104103) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Endogenous adaptive strategies wdh regard to changes in natural resource endowment in the Coastal Region of Tanzania. (05707) Institut fuer Agraroekonomie der Universitaet Goettingen Environment impact assessment workshop. (04086) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Farming system research (01916) U.S. Agency for International Development. Forestry resources management and development protect. (02067) World Bank; Zimbabwe. Infrastructure development in conservation areas. (04084) Southem Afncan Development Communty (SADC). Insitutional support for land resources inventory and assessment. (05580) DGIS (Directorate General ol Intemational Cooperation (The Netherlands) and INIA (Mozambique). Integrated UJsambara rainforest project. 101098) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Inter-university plant-soil-water project. (05677) Eduardo Mondlane Universty, Mozambique/Agricultural University. Wageningen. The Nethertands/Larenstein Intemalional Agricultural College. Velp. The Netherlands. Law enforcement in wildlife management and utilisation. (04088) Southem African Development Community (SADC). 82 Index of projects by dscphne Legal conlext of conservation. (04107) Soutern Afncan Development Community (SADC). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) - (NDVI) Vegetation. (05773) Overseas Deveblpment Adcnimstration (NARD). Local Applhcations of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for monitoring of wildlife and natoal parks. (04685) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Man land interrelations in semi-arid Tanzania. (04138) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperaton wih Developing Countres. Methods and techniques for environmental impact assessments of agrochemicals in the tropics. (04809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Microbiology in relation to agrcullural and environmenMal issues. (05678) University of Nimegen, Department of Microbiology and Evolutmonary Biology, Faculty of Scence. Muttispecies animal production systems project. (04140) World Wide Fund for Nalure. Organizational development ol the Zir"abwe Farmers Union (05679) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Plan of action lor the Kalahari-Namtb region - Phase 1. (04121) Southem Afncan Development Community (SAOC). Range conservation pilot project - Lesotho. (04125) Southem Africa Development Community (SADC). Regional development of community-based management and utilization of wildife resources in rural areas. (04091) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regional Inventory of Agricultural Resource Base (RIARB). (03977) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Regional survey of wildlife utilization and the economic potential o1 wildife resources. (04097) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regional wildlife resources inventory. 83 Irdex of projects by discipiine (04094) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regonal wildlife trainmg programme. (04081) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Rehabilitation of Kissama National Park. (04092) Southem African Developmenl Community (SADC). Relef for drought-stncken wildlie areas. (04079) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC) Research and monitonng development. (04085) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Rhino conservation programme. (04096) Southem African Development Community ISADC). SADC environmental monitonrg project. (04122) Southem Alncan Development Communitv (SADC)/SWCDLU. Scientific research in conservation forests and woodlands (04142) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Second coffee project (01 168j World Bank. Zambia Southem Afnc-- Centre for Ivory Marketing. 104093) Southem African Development Community ISADC)iSACIM. Support to SADC coordir'ation of fisheres. forestry and wildlife. (040361 Southem African Devebopment Community ISADC). The Geological Network for Agrominerals in East and Southern Africa. (02613) United Naltons Development Program (UNOP). World Bank. Uluguru Mountain integrated soil conservation project. (04386) Sokoine University of Agncuhure. Uluguru Mountains areas project. (04380) Sokoine University of Agrcufture. Wetlands conservation programme. !04082) Southem African Development Community (SADCI/IUCN. 84 Index of prreeds by discpline OrganLztion, aillnistra and management of agricultua enterprises or fams Agricultural rehabiftation and development projed. (02662) World Bank; Mozambique. Communal catte management (Zimbabwe). (02439) International Development Research Centre. Development cooperation concemng land and waler; institutional support and method-developing. model-research and applications. (05591) WSC (Winand Staring Centre. insttute for Research in the agncultural areas). Establishment of a pfeparation and rnonitonng of propcts in the field of agriculture. (03994) Southern Afrcan Development Community (SADC). Methodo;ogy for agricultural rnarketing systems policy and practise, and its application to current reforms. (01721) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). National rural deveiWment program iNRDP) Phase IV project (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast development areas). (01167) World Bank: Malawi. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Scence Research. (02661) Winrock International; Ford Foundation. Project development and design. (04099) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Small ruminant adaptive research in Malawi. (0465 1) Justus von Liebig Universitaet Giessen. Pests of animals Afncan Regional Pest management Research and Development Network (FESTNET). (02646) Internationai centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Animal disease control project. (02074) Directorate General lor 'nternational Cooperation (DGIS). Communal catle management (Zimbabwe). (02439) International Development Research Centre. Coordinat.on of regional Tsetse Fly eradication with wildlife management programmes. (04090) Southern African Development Community (SADC). 85 Inrdex of proects by discipline East Coast Fever Vaccine Production and Quality Control r SADC region. (05582) FAO. Ecological supervsion of Tsetse-ffy control m,eans .n southern Africa. (01399) Untversitaet Saarbruecken. Field onented research on control of the tsetse fty and lIvestock ticks - Phase 11. (02741) Commission of the European Communities/intermational Centfe of Insect Physiology and Ecolgy (ICIPE). Genetic variation. resistance to acancides and immunobgical crossreactivity in ticks thal infest cattle in Zimbabwe and Australia. (05393) Australian Centre for International Agncultural Research. Immunochemical investigations on ticks and their application in tick control. (02849) Commission of the European Communities. Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomiasis and olher Vector-borne Diseases of African Livestock, using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Conperalion (DGIS). Livestock improvern i't in SADC. (0361 1) Southem Atri nn Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Resear,h (SACCAR)/lnternatonal Livestock Center for Atrce (ILCAI Regional Tsetse and Trypanosomkasis Trainm g Centre - Zambia. (04030) Southem African De 3!opment Community (SADC). Research. coordination, and training for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732) Commission of the European Communities. Social Science Intertace Research Una (SSIRU). (02779) The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Strengthentng DLCO-EA in the management of migrant pest control. (01627) Unied Nations Development Prooram Studies on anithelmintic resislance in small ruminants in Morogoro. (04385) Sokoine University of Agriculture. The Development of Practices for Area-wide Tsetse Eradicatin with emphasis on the Sterile Insect Technque. (02626) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. 86 Index of protects by discipline The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Developnent Administration. Tsetse control to assist migratory pastoralists. (04269) Food and Agncutture Organization of the Unted Nations. Tsetse fly eradication. (04283) Intemational Atomic Energy Agency Pests of plants Ainca-wide biological control programme for cassava pests. (01828) intemational Fund for Agricultural Development. Atnran Regional Pest management Research and Development Network (PESTNET). (02646) Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Assessment of nematode problems r smallholder crop:ing systerns. (04821) Overseas Developrneni Administration (fNJRRlD) Biological control of introduced pests of maize and cassava. (03614) Southem African Centre tor Co-operation in Agricuftural Research (SACCAR)/lnternational Institute of Tropical Agnculture (ilTA-ABCP). Biological integrated control of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus Horn. (03907) Inslitut fuer Phytopathologie, Arbeitsgruppe Vorrat. Universilaet Kiel. Biornonitoring of insecticide applications in Zimbabwe. Malawi, Zambia. and Mozambique. (01604) Commission of the European Communities. Cashew and coconut treecrops project (03545) Wodd Bank; Tanzania. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemational Development (USAID)IMichigan State University. Collaborative Research Supporl Prograr. ~CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL) (01344) U.S. Agency for Internakuonal Development (USAID)[The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Development of in-vitro er'tiiatiion techniques cc .pecial pathogenic forms (Formae speciales) of Fusanumn o:iyspor.,:n. !01780f Overseas 0evelopi en, Administration (NERD). Eastern Africa Regional Sorghurt, a. .. Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). 87 Index of projects by discipline (02076) U.S. Agency for Intemnational Devekpment (USAIDYsemi-And Food Grain Research and Develment (SAFGRAD). Emergency assistanrce for the 19h7 anti-locust campaign. (01572) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unded Natins. Emergency assistance for the 1987 anti-locust campaign. (01592) Food and Agrculture Organization of the Unded Nations. Emergency assistance for the 1987 anti-locust campaign. (01662) Food and Agriculture Organizaton of the United Natonsr Emergency assistance for the 1987 anti-locust campaign. (01669) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Emergency assistance in locust control. (01593) Food and Agrculture Organization of the United Nations. Emergency assistance in locust control. (01663) Fc ld and Agriculture Organizaton of the United Nations. Emergency assistance in locusl control. (01668) Food and Agrculture Organization of the United Nations. Eradication of the Larger Grain Borer. (040121 Southem Alrican Comrnunity (SADC). Grain legume improvement programme IGLIP) - Bean IPhaseolus vulgans) project. (03604) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARICentro Internacional de Agricuttura Tropical (CIAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - Groundnuts (Aracnis hypogaea) project. (03766) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Germar Agency for Techncal Cooperation (GTZ)/lntemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - SADC cowpea project - Phase I. (03767) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuftural Research (SACCAR) jCommission of the European Communities (CEC/International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Integrated management of soil pests in Malawi (Project extension). (01728) Overseas Development Adminisiration (NRRD). Intemational Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)UEuropean Economic Commission 88 Index of projects by discipline (EEC,VJapan. Irngated nce project. (04357) Major pests of maize in Swaziland. (03181) Intenational Foundation for Science. Malawi: Pheromones to ccntrol cotton pests. (04817) Overseas Developmnent Administration (NRR9). Monoclonal antibodies and DNA-probes for the identifriation of root knot nematode species and host specific races. (01 777) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). National agricultural and livestock research project. (03544) World Bank: Tanzania. National agricultural extensicn and research project. (01170) World Bank; Zimbabwe. National rural development program (NRDP) Phase IV project (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast developrnent are ;). (01167) World Bank, Mala, Oilcrops Network for Eastem and Southern Africa and South Asia. (02086) International Develooment Research Centre. Pest management in banana: The development of pest management strategies for the control of the banana weevidnematode complex in Tanzania. (03950) Universitaet Bonn. Pests of cassava in Malawi. their diversity. distribution, bilogy, and control. (03168) Intemational Foundation for Science. Postharvest grain systems (Tanzania). (02508) Intemational Development Research Centre. Regional Seed Centre (Zimbabwe) Second Phase. 101282) International Development Research Centre. Research programme on the biological and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Intemational Institute of Biological Control. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Atncains et 89 Inclex of projects by discipline Francais (CORAF). Root crops (Malawi). (02497) International Developmrent Research Centre. SADC Regional Sorghum and Mitlets Improvement Program. (02155) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment (USAlDVSouthem African Center for Cooperation in Agncultural Research (SACCAR). Social Science Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Strengthening and coordination of migrant pesl control. (03992) Southern African Development Community (SADC)lFood Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Slrengtheming DLCO-EA in the management ot migrant pest control. (01627) Unrteo Nations Development Program. Studies on the biology and ecology of chrysopid predators of Heliothis armigera in Tanzania. (03271) Intemational Foundation for Science. The East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U S Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/lntemational Development Research Centre IIORCI/International Insristute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). U.S,/lsrael program for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S. Agency for International Development. Physiology of human nutrition Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP). Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAID)/Michigan State University. Detoxification of Cassava at Household Level in Rural Africa. (056591 WAU (Wagening Agricultural University). Plant diseases Adaption and development of diagnostic reagents for cassava brown streak disease for use in developing countries. 1058081 Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). 90 Index of projects by discipline Biofogy and management of pathogens of pigeonpea and cotton. (04820) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Biology of sorghum foliar pathogens. (04818) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Cashew and coconut treecrops project. (03545) Woild B3ank; Tanzania. Charactensation of diversity for disease resisfance of Phaseolus bean mixture in East Afrca. (0 1821) Overseas Development Administralion INRRD). Chemical investigation of allelochemricas from fungus (Tnchoderma longibrachitum). (03203) Intemational Foundation for Science. Clove research project - Phases I and 11. (04360) Overseas Development Administrallior- Collaborative Hesearch Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345k U.S. Agency International Development (USAID)/Michigan State Universify. Development of in-vitro identification techniques for special pathogenic forms (Formae speciales) of Fusarium oxysporum. (01780) Overseas Development Adminisfrat on (NRRD). Eastern Africa Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Semi-And Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Functional diversity of Phaseolus bean mixtures in Easl Africa. (04744) Overseas ')evelopment Administration (NRRD). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) project. (03604) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Centro Intemacional de Agrncultura Tropical (CIAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP)- Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) project. (03766) Southern African Centre for Co-operalion in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GT)Jlntemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GL!P) - SADC cowpea project - Phase 1. (03767) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARYCommission of the European Communities (CEC/International Instiltute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). 91 Index of profects by discipline Integrated management of soil pests in Malaw (Project extension). (01728) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Intemational Rice Testing Program for Afnca (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)Eurcpean Economic Commission (EEC)/Japa.i. Irrgated rice protect. (04357) Monoclonal antibodies and DNA-probes for the identification ol root knot nemalode species and host specific races- (017T7) Overseas Development Administration (NARD). National agricultural and livestock research project. (03544) World Bank; Tanzania. National agricultural extension and research protect (01170) World Bank; Zimbabwe. Pathology and control of ergot disease of sorghum in Africa. (01757) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Phytosanitary conlrols for African Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV). (05778) Overseas Developmerir Admioistralion (NRRD) Second coffee protect. (01168) Worad Bank: Zambia. Studies on Halo blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola) of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Tanzania. (03194) Intemational Foundation lor Science. Studies on rust disease of beans and cuwpeas in Tanzania: epidemiology and disease control. (03061) Intemational Foundation for Science The East and Southem Africa Root Crops Research Networlk (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Intemnational Development (USAID)/Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC)/lnternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). The epidemiology and control of the sorghum foliar pathogens in the semi-and tropics. (01 613) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). U.S./Ilsrael program for cooperative development research. 92 Index of projects by discipline (01949) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebpment. Plant ecolgy Analysis of degradation in dry deciduous fcrests of Nambia in dependence on soil salinty. (057P9) Institut fuer Waldbau der Universitaet Goettingen, Abt. II: Waldbau der Tropen und Naturwaldforschung. SilvicuRturelecology in plantations. (04149) Tan-ania Forestry Research Institute. Sivwlcutture/ecoklgy in non-conservation forests and woodlands. (04145) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Zonation of halophytic vegetation. (03920) Fakultaet Bio!ogie, Abl. Oekologe. Universtaet Bielefeld. Plant genetics and breeding A Southem African Root and Tubers Crops Research Network (SARNET). (05383) Intemational Institute of Tropical Agnculture (IITA) for cassava/Intemational Crop Institute for Potatoes (CIP) for Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes. Advanced training courses in plant breeding and seed production. (03988) Southern African Development Corrmunrty (SADC)/Food Secunty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Agricultural development research and extension. (01837) U.S. Agency tor tntemat-ial Development. Agricultural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agricultural ,ehabilitation and development prc;ect. (02662) World Bank: Mozambique. Cashew and coconut treecrops project. (03545) Worid Bark: Tanzania. Central and West African Root Crops Collaboratwe Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. 93 Index of projects by discipline Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemational Development (USAIDO)Michigan State University. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agercy for Intemational Development (USAID)/The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-And Tropics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Woody Species. (02174) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Creating experimental and seed production centers {Creation des centres experimentaux et de production de semences]. (01076) Food and Agrculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Development of national seed production. (04270) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. East Alfrca Cowpea Improvement Network. (02164) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC)/European Economic Commission (EEC)ilntemational Institute of Tropical Agrculture (IITA). East Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). '02168) International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain. Eastem Afnca Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network 1EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/Semi-Arld Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Economics and management of nation-wide seed multiplication programmes. the case of Swaziland. (03773) University of Hohenheirn. Evaluat:on ot the Potential for Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-arid Afrca. (05603) Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU). Farming system research. (01916) U.S. Agency for International Development. Genetic vanabilfty in quality characteristics of common bean (Phaseolus vulgars) seed. (03399) Intemational Foundation for Science. 94 Index of projects by discipline GLIP Promotion of Legume Cultivation (Groundnuts) in the SADC Region. (02172) U.S. Agency for Intemational Deveiopment. Grain legume improvement programnme (GLIP) - Bean (Phaseolus vulgans) project. (03604) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agncultural Research (SACCARVCentro Intenacina! rk Agricullura Tropical (CIAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) project. (03766) Southem Afi.can Centre for Co-operation in Agricuflural Research (SACCAR)/Gerrnan Agency fo; Techncal Cooperation (GTZ)/lntemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropcs (ICRISAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - SADC cowpea project - Phase I. (03767) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuftural Research (SACCARyCommission of the European Communities (CEC/Intemational Insitute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Grain legume improvement programme - cowpea research project (SADC countries). (02737) Commission of the European Communries. Groundnut improvement. (02163) Intemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Intemational Pearl Millet Adaptation Trial (IPMAT). (05375) Intemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-And Tropics. Intemational Rice Testing Program tor Atrica (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/European Economic Commission (EEC)/Japan. Intemational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. trrigated rice project. (04357) Kalabo agriculturai project. (02072) Directorate General for International Cooperation (OGIS). Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase II. (02511) International Development Research Centre. Maize and food legumes improvement programme. (01091) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 95 Index of projects by discipline Maize Improvernent. (02158) Intemalional Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT). Maize research in Malawi. (02059) Rockefeller Foundation. National Agncultural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRM). (04353) Ministry of Agriculture. Livestock Development and Cooperatrves. National agricultural and livestock research project. (03544) Word Bank; Tanzania. National agricultural extension and research project. (01170) World Bank: Zimbabwe. National rural development program (NRDP) Phase IV project (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast development areas). (01167) World Bank: Malawi. Oilcrops Network for Eastem and Southern Africa and South Asia. (02086) International Development Research Centre. Pasture Networ for Eastern and Southem Africa (PANESAj. (02083) Intemational Development Research Centre. Pathology and control of ergot disease of sorghum in Africa. (01757) 0 jerseas Development Administration (NRRD). Pest management in banana: The development of pest management strategies for the control of the banana weeviUnematode complex in Tanzania. (03950) Universitaet Bonn. Plant breeding in relation to the utilisation of sorghum and millet for food, beverages and animal feeds - Phase I. (03603) Southern African Co-:re for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/lnternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Postharvest grain systems (Tanzania). 102508) Intemational Development Research Centre. Production and breeding of vegetable seed. (03987) Southern African Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Project 5.0.23/Project 6.0.23: Improvement and strengthening of forestry and forest products research institutions in the SADC Region. 96 Index of projects by discipline (04072) Finnish Intemational Development Agency/SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Africains et Francais (CORAF). Root crops (Malawi). (02497) Intemational Development Research Centre. SADC Cowpea Improvement Network. (02165) United Nations Development Program (UNDPylnternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)/lntemational Instlute of Tropical Agnculture (IITA). SADC Maize and Wheat Improvemenl Research Network. (03609) Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Tngo (CIMMYT). SADC Regional Sorghum and Millets Improvement Program. (02155) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)lSouthem African Center for Cooperation in Agricuttural Research (SACCAR). Second coffee project. (01 168) World Bank; Zambia. Sorghum and millet improvement programme (S&MIP) - Phase II. (03602) Southem Afrrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)international Crops Research Instdute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Sorghum utilization (Tanzania) - Phase If. (02476) Intema;ional Development Research Centre. Southem Afnca: Acacia karroo - evaluation. acquisdion of genetic resources. (04721) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Special programming funding for programme implementation in the pasture network for Eastem and Southem Africa. (02111) Intemational Fund for Agricultural Development. Tanzania/Canada wheat prograrn - Phase Ill. (01035) Canadian International Development Agency. Testing and improving drought resistance in some maize varieties. (03098) International Foundation for Science. The East and Southem Afnca Root Crops Research Network (ESARAN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/Intemational Development 97 Index of projects by discipline Research Centre (IDRC)/Intemational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). The reliability of genetic parameters estimated from forest tree progeny tests. (04740) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD)- Tree breeding. (04147) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. U.SJlsrael program for cooperative development research. (01949) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Zanzibar cash crops farming systems project. (04359) Overseas Development Adrnin,stration. Plant physiology - Growth and development Australian hardwoods for fuetwood and agroforestry - Phase II. (04903) Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Evalualion of onion production and storage in low latitudes. (01726) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Evaluation of the Potential for Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-arid Africa. (05603) Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU). Improvement in tree establishment for tropical dryland conditons in East Africa. (05390) Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Plant physiology - Nutrition Analysis of degradation in dry deciduous forests of Nambia in dependence on soil salinity. (05709) Institut fuer Waldbau der Universitaet Goettingen, Abt. If: Waldbau der Tropen und Naturwaldforschung. Association Internationale pour i'Optimisation de la Nutrition des Plantes iANIOP) linternational Association (or the Optimization of Plant Nutritionj. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intemationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD). Australian hardwoods for fuel*ood and agroforestry - Phase II. (04903) Australian Centre for Intemational Agncultural Research. Increased crop production and farmers income through integrated plant nutrition. 98 Index of projects by discipline sustainable developnent of soil productMty and appropriate input strategy. (05634) FAO. Second coffee project. (01 168) World Bank; Zambia. Soils and nutrition (in sottwood and hardwood plantations). 104150) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Water use by forest plantations. (01099) Swedish Agency forRural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Plant physiology and biochemistry Detoxitication of Cassava at Household Level in Rural Africa. (05659) 11AU (Wagening Agricuftural University). Development of in-vitro identificalion lechniques for special pathogenic torns (Formae speciales) of Fusariurn oxysporum. (01780) Overseas Develoomenl Administration (NRRD). Evaluation of the effectiveness of plant compounds tradiionally used for the treatment of Schistosoma Hematotbum. (03390) International Four.cation for Scence. Evaluation of the Potential for Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-and Africa. (05603) Wagenirgen Agricultural University (WAU) Isolation and identifiation of active compounds in Zambian plants wiTh reputed medicinal properies. (03021) Intemational Foundation for Science. Propagation ol Warburgia salutarns and production of the acti,i principles by tissue culture. (03280) Intemational Foundation for Scienrce. Research on potential sources of the industrial phycocolloids agar. carrageenan and algin in Tanzania. (02942) International Foundation for Science. Research on the alkaloids and sapogenins from Solanum plants used in traditional medicine. (03205) Intemational Foundation for Science. Reseau Coton (COTON). 99 Index of projects by disctpline (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Utilisation of sesbania as a protein supplement for goats. (01708) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Planl propagation Cashew and crconut treecrops project. (03545) World Bank: Tanzania. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agercy for Intemational Development (USAID)/The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Development of agrotorestry research networks in Africa. (01122) International Council for Research in Agroforestry. East Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain. Eastem Africa Regiona! Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIO)/Sern-Ancd Food Grain Research and Develprnent (SAFGRAD). Land maragemenl and conservation project. (03580) World Bank; Lesotho. Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase 11. (0251 1) International Development Research Centre Oilcrops Network for Eastem and Sou:hem Africa and South Asia. (02086) International Development Research Centre Propagation of Warburgia salutaris and production of the active principles by tissue culture. (03280) International Foundation for Science. Rainfed rice developmenl project. (04356) African 0evelopment Bank. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francais (CORAF). 100 Index ot projects by discipline Root crops (Malaw) (02497) Intemational Development Research Centre. Second coffee project. (01168) WVorld Bank; Zambta. Plant structure Australian hardwoods for fueiwood and agroforestry - Phase 11. (04903) Australian Centre for Intemational Agricultural Research. Identification of factors controlling intake of low quality diets. (01710) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Oilcrops Network for Eastem and Southem Africa and South Asia. (02086) International Development Research Centre. Utilisation research. (04155) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Pbrlt txoromy and geography Estabishment of a regional herbarium and conservation of endagered species. (04059) Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC) Flora of Tropical East Atnca - Anthercaceae, Hyacinthaceae and Hypoxidaceae. (04387) University of Oslo. Indigenous management systems as a basis for community forestry in Tanzania. A case study of Docloma Urban and Lushoto District. (043B2) Sokoine University ol Agriculture- Muftispecies animal productin systems project. (04140) World Wide Fund for Nature. Pathology and control of ergot disease of sorghum in Africa. (01757) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Scentific research in conservaton forests and woodlands. (04142) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. The biosysternatics and ethnobotany of sorghum bicolor. (04134) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. 101 Index of projects by discipline Pollution Bixnonororing of insecticide applications in Zimbabwe. Maiawi. Zambia. and Mozambique. (01604) Commission of the European Communities. East Afnca pesticide network. (02559) Inlemational Development Research Centre. Pesticide residues in Zimbabwe waters. (03189) Intemational Foundation for Science. Research programme on ame biological and chemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Intemational Institute of Biological Control. Processing of agricultural wastes Atrican Research Network for Agrcultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) International Developmnent Research Centre (IORC); Intemational iUvestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Soil fertility (Tanzania) (02499) International Development Research Centre. The effect of supplements of crop residues or agro-industrial by-products on the performance of small-holder goat production. (01794) Overseas Developmenl Administration (NRRD). Processing of forest products Farm forestry (Malawi) (02521) International Development Research Centre Forest Industries Training Centre (FITC). (04063) Southern Atncan Developrnent Community (SADC). Forestry resources management and development project. (02067) World Bank; Zimbabwe. Growth and yeld (in softwood and hardwood plantations). (04153) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Indigenous nitrogen-fixing trees with potential for village afforestation in Tanzania. (01097) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperabon with Developing Countries. 102 Index of projects by dscpline Integrated Usarnbara rainforest project. (01098) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Profect 5.0.23/Project 6.0.23: Improvement and strenghening of forestry and torest products research institutions in the SADC Region. (04072) Finrnsh Intenational Development Agency/SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unt. Rural plantations and timber processing in the SADC region. (04071) Southem African Development Community (SADC) Second wood energy project. (03497) World Bank; Malawi. Socio-economic consequence analysis of choce of technology in the forest sector. 104389) Agricultural University of Norway. Utilisation research. (04155) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Water use by forest plantations. (01099) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Zanzibar forestry development project - Phases I and II. (04358) Finnish Department of Intemational Development Cooperation Processing of non-food or non-feed agricuftural products Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francais (CORAF). Production economics African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Agricutural development, trade, and diversification in SADC countres. (02099) World Bank Agrcultural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agncuftural research and extenson project. 103 Index of projets by discipline (01114) African Development Bank. Agricultural research and extension project. (01169) World Bank; Zambia. Agncultural sector assistance program. (03684) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agriculture sector (formerly Agnc-Exporl Diversification (formerly Export diversdicatlion). (02066) World Bank; Zambia. Agroeconomic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Africa. (01222) Rockefeller Foundaton Case studies on raisirg agncultural productivity of women in Africa for increased food production. (02151) World Bank. Dairy beef production systems (Malawi). (02438) Intemational Development Research Centre. Factors of production in small scale farmting in Gutu District. Zimbabwe. (04609) Universitaet Giessen. Farming system research. (01916) U.S. Agency for Intemationa! Development. Fish polyculture (Malawif. (02424) intemational Development Research Centre. Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). National agricultural and livestock extension rehabiliation project. (03579) World Bank: Tanzania. Network on land development for sustainable agnculture in Afrla (AFRICALAND Land development). (02109) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. Protection of plants General aspects Assessment of nematode problems in smallholder cropping systems. 104 Index of profects by discirline (04821) Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). Development of in-vdro identification technques for special pathogenic fcrms (Formae speciales) of Fusarium oxysporum. (01780) Overseas Deveknpment Administration tNRRD). Establishment of network quarantine. (040C5) Southem African Development Cornmunity (SADC). Evaluation of the Potential for Bambara Groundnut as J Foodcrop in Semi-ard Africa. (05803) Wageningen Agncultural Univers.ty (WAU). Harmonization of seed laws in the SADC region. (03990) Southeem Atncan Development Community (SADC). Matawi: Pheromones to control cotton pests. (04817) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Microbial control of roct-knot nematodes. (01814) Overseas Development Administration i NRRD). Monoclonal antibodies and DNA-probes for the identification of root knot nernatode species and host specific races. (01 77) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). National agricultural extension and research project. (01170) World Bank, Zirnbabwe. Patobgy and control of ergot disease of sorghum in Africa. (01757) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Plant quarantine project. (03986) Southem African Development Commurity (SADC)/Food Secuntv Techical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Reinforcement of the National Service for Plant Protection. (03995) Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC). Reseau Colon (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Atncains et Francats (CORAF). Termites and land management in southeem Ainca. (04824) Overseas Development Admnristration (NRRD). Use of insect growth regulators for armyworn and ret locusts. 105 Index of prolects by discipfine (05758) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Public administration Farming Systems Research Project (Phase 11). (05604) KIT fRoyal Tropical Institute). Renewable energy resources African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Agricutural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for Inelrnationa Development. Farm forestry (Ma lawi) (02521) !ntematbonal Development Research Centre Forest resources managemrent. (02763) World Bank: Tanzania. Forestry resources management and development prolect. (02067) World Bank: Zrnbabv.e Improvement in tree estab ishment tor tropical dryland conditions in East Africa. (05390) Australian Centre -or International Agnrcultural Research. Matenals for energy efficiency and solar energy utilization. (04265) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation wih Developing Countres. Second wood energy prolect (03497) World Bank: Malawi Soil fertility (Tanzania). (02499) International Development Research Ce-ntre. Zanzibar forestry development project - Phases and 41 (04358) Finnish Department of Intemationai Developmenl Cooperatlon. Research methods Biomonitoring of insecticide applications in Zimbabwe, Malawi. Zambia. and Mozambique. (01604) Commission of the European Communilies. 106 Index of propcts by discipline Defection rmethods for fungi and mycoloxins. (047801 Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Development of in-vtro idenftdication techniques for special pathogenic forms (Formae speciales) of Fusanum oxysporum. i01780) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Evaluation and promotion of rainwater harvesting in Tanzania. (05752) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Evalualion and supplementation of pig and poultry feeds. (01100) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation wih Developing CountneslSokoine Universrty of Agnculture. Evaluation of the Potential for Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-arid Africa (05603) Wageningen Agricullural University (WAU). Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Trpanosofmasls and other Vector-bome Diseases of Afncan Livestock. using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Improvirg the Productilvy of Ind,genous African Uvestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for Intemalional Cooperation (DGIS). Microbial control of root-knot nemalodes. (01814) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Network on management of acid soils in humid Atnca (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (01021) Intemartional Board for Soil Research and Management. Oidcrops Network for Eastem and Southem Atrica and South Asia. (02086) intematior al Cevelopment Research Centre, Optinal management of aquaculture of pond systems in developing countres. (01464) Universitaet Kiel. Research on mechanization for small scale agricultural productwn in the tropics. (05597) IMAG (Institute for Agricuftural Engineering). Reseau Colon (COTONI. (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francais (CORAF). 107 Index of projects by discipline Sero-surveillance of rinderpest and other diseases in Afnca. using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Strengthening DLCO-EA in the management of migant pest control. (01627) United Nations Development Program. Sub-Saharan Afnca hydrological assessment. (01 108) World Bank. Tethering of small ruminants in Tanzania. (01809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Use of insect growth regulators for armyworm and red locusts. (057,58) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Rural population Organizational c!evelopment of the Zimbabwe Farmers Union. (05679) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Tethering of small ruminants in Tanzania. (01809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Rural sociology Adaptive Research Planning Team-Westem Province. (05615) KIT (Royal Tropical Institulel. African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNA8). (02170) International Development Research Centre (IDRC): Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agrculture Organization. Agricultural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for International Development. Agricultural research and exiension. (01863) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. An assessment of the role of rural markets in agricultural and marketing development. (01488) TU Berlin. 108 Index of protects by discipline Communal cattle management (Zimbabwe). (02439) International Develpment Research Centre. Dairy feeding systems (Tanzanisa) - Phase II. (01069) International Deveblnment Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agncutture. Detoxilttation of Cassava at Household Level in Rural Atnca. (05659) WAU (Wagening Agricuhural University). Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase II. (02511) International Development Research Centre. Market supply behaviour of peasants and means to improve their market integration. (01487) TU Berlin. Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock Intemational: Ford Foundation. Popular participation fund. (04109) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francas (CORAF). Rural women's access to land (Tanzania) (04256) Intemational Development Research Centre. Small scale coconut oil extraction by women. (04775) Overseas Developrnent Administration (NRRD) Social determinants of peasant agriculture in the Iropcs. (01496) Universnaet Bonn. Social Science Interface Research Unrt (SSIRU). (02779) The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Urban development and urban tood security in the eastern parts of Botswana. (05693) Institut fuer Kulturgeographie der Universitaet Freiburg. Women and development in fisheries. (03476) Finnriark Regional College. 109 Index of profects by discipline Seed production Actvanced traning courses in plant breeding and seed production. (03988) Southem Afncan Deveblpment Communrty (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Agricultural sector assistance program. (03684) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Agricultural services. (01683) World Bank, Angola. Agricultural technology improve, . nt. (01880) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Bean research. (04395) Intemational Foundation for Science/Sokoine University of Agricuture. Cashew and coconut treecrops project (03545) World Bank. Tanzania. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemational Development (USAID)/Michigan State Universiy. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet IINTSORMILI (01344) U S Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)fThe Univers,ty of Nebraska-Lincoln Creating expeirnental and seed production centers [Creation des centres expenmnentaux et de production de semences[. (01076) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Development of agroforestry research networks in Afrca. (01122) Intemational Council for Research in Agrolorestry. Development of national seed production. (04270) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Economics and management of nation-wide seed rrultiplication programmes: the case of Swaziland. (03773) University of Hohenheim. Eftecis of physical factors, seed vanety and quality on crop estabiishment. (05750) Overseas Development Administration (NRAD). Evaluation of onion production and storage in low latitudes. 110 Index of pre,ects by disciplne (01726) Overseas Development Adrninstration (Nf4RD). Evaluation of the Potential for Bambara Groundnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-and Afrca. (05603) Wageninge Agnrcultural University (WAU)- Genetic vanablity in qualiy charactertstics of common bean (Phaseolus vulgans) seed. (03399) International Foundation for Science. Harmfonization of seed laws in the SADC region. (03990) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Livestock production systems (Tanzania) - Phase 11 (02511) International Development Research Centre. National agricultural and livestock research project. (03544) World Bank: Tanzania Orlcrops Network for Eastem and Southern Africa and South Asia. (02086) International Development Research Centre. Plant quarantine project. (03986) Southem Afncan Development Comrrunny (SADC)/Food Securty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Production and breeding ot vegetabie seed. (03987) Southem African Development Community (SADC)/Food Secunty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Production and dcstnbution of pasture seeds and legumes - Study. (04023) Southem Atncan Development Community (SADC). Rainfed nrce deveiopmen; project (04356) African Development Bank Regional qualrty laboratory and national sub-units. (03989) Southem African Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Adminislrative Unit (FSTAU). Regional seed technology and infornnation centre. (03985) Southem African Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). SADC Regional Sorghum and Millets Improvement Program. (02155) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)/Southem African Center for Cooperation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Index of projects by disciplne The East and Southem Alnca Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/lntemational Development Research Centre (IFDRCyIlernaltonal Institute of Tropical Agnculture (IITA). Uilisation of sesbamia as a protein supplement for goats. (01700) Overseas Development Adminisration (NRRD). Soil biology Applying science and technology to development. (01947) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency Intemational Develooment (USAID)/Michigan State Untversity Evaluation of indigenous Rhizobium phaseolb and tactors tnfluencing nitrogen fixation by the common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisi in Malawi (03245) Intemational Foundation for Science Grain legume improverrment programme (GLIP) - SADC cowpea project - Phase I (03767) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)/Commission ot the Europear. Communities (CEC/lntemational Institute of Tropical Agricufture (IITAI Improvement in tree establishment for tropical dryland conditions in East Africa. (05390) Australian Centre for International Agncultural Research. Inrdigenous nitrogen-fixing trees with potential for vilage aftorestation in Tanzania. (01 097) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Mutispecies animal production systems prolect (04140) World Wide Fund for Nature. Ntrogen Fixation by Tropical Agricultural Legumes INifTAL). (05377) University of Hawaii. Soil biology and fertility. (041 32) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Soil chemistry and physics An investigation into cultivation methods for moisture conservation in a tropical semi-arid area in Tanzania. 112 Index of proWects by discipni,e (04376) Sokoine University of Agriculture. Analysis of degradation in dry deciduous forests of Nambia in dependence on soil salinity. (05709) Institut fuer Waldbau der Univers,taet Goettingen, Abt. II: Waldbau der Tropen und Naturwakdforschung. Control of soil acidity in agroforestry. (04743) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Effects of physical factors, seed vanety and quality on crop establishment. (05750) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improvement in tree establishment for tropical dryland condrions in East Africa (05390) Australian Centre for International Agricuttural Research. Modelling the seedbed physica environment tn relation to crop emergence. (05796) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Naional agricultural ex ansion and research promect (01170) World Bank. Zimbabwe, National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC 11) (05624) ISRIC (International Soil Reference and Information Centre). Network on management of acid soils in humid Afnca (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (01021) International Board for Soil Research and Management. SADC soil fertility analysis project. (03978) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Second co fee project (01 168) Wortd Bank. Zambia. Water use by forest plantations. (01099) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation wrth Developing Countries. Soil classHfication and genesis Control of soil acidity in agroforestry. (04743) Overseas Oevelopment Administration (NRRD). Institutional support for land resources inventory and assessment. (05580) DGIS (Directorate General of Intemational Cooperation (The Netherlands) and 113 lnrdex of projects by discipline INIA (Mozambique). Internaticnal Benchmark Soils Network tor Agro-technolgy Transler (IBSNAT). (02635) U.S. Agency for Intemnational Development. Intemnational Rice Testing Program for Alrica (IRTP). (02160) Unrted Nations Development Program (UNDPtEuropean Econornic Commission (EEC)/Japan National agricuitural extension and research project. (01170) World Bank, Zimbatwe. National Soil Relerence Collections (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (Intemational Soil Reference and Information Centre) Reseau Europeen d'Elude des Laterites (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsols Studies]. (02639) Minislere ce la Recherche et de I'Enseignement Supeneur: Universile of Strasbourg Soils and nutrition (in softwood and hardwood plantalions) (04150) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute Soil cultivation Agricultural extension and planning support project. (01 166) World Bank, Malawi. An investigation into cultivation methods for rnoisure conservation in a tropical semi-arid area in Tanzania (04376) Sokoine University ot Agriculure Clove re- irch project - Phases I and II t043C,, Overseas Developrment Administration. East Africa Regional Cooperative for Research on Bananas 'and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain. Eastern Alrica Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S Agency for International Development (USAIIDlSerni-And Food Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD) Edible mushroom farming and development. (04068) Soutrlem Afr,can Development Community (SADC). 114 Index of projects by discipline Effects of physical factors, seed variety and quaity on crop establishment. (05750) Overseas Development Administraton (NRRD). Farning systerns (Zxmbabwe)- Phase 11. (02431) Inlernatonal Development Research Centre. GLIP Promotion ol Legume Cultrvation (Groundnuts) in the SADC Region (02172) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - SADC cowpea project - Phase I. (03767) Southem Atncan Centre for Co-operation i Agrncultural Research (SACCAR)Commission of the European Commundiies (CEC/international Instnute of Tr;pical Agriculture (IITA). Inter-university plant-sol-water project. (05677) Eduardo Mondiane Universimry MozambiquelAgricuhtural Unrversty. Wageningen. The Nethertanrs/Urenstein International Agncuttural Colege. Velp. The Netherlands. Katabo agncuhural project. (02072) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Land development for rice cultrvation, Zanzibar - Phase II. (04288) World Food Programme. Lindi/Mtwara rice production project. (04289) Overseas Development Administration Management of black cotton soils (Vertisols) in SADC. (03616) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). National Agncultural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRM) (04353) Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Cooperatives- National agricultural and livestock research protect (03544) World Bank: Tanzania. Network on land developrnient for sustainable agnculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land development). (02109) International Board for Soil Research and Managernent. Rainfed nce developmnent pro,ect. (04356) African Developrnent Bank. Research on mechanization for small scale agricultural produiction in the tropics. (05597) IMAG (Inslitute for Agricunural Engineering). 115 Ind,ex of projects by discpline Second coffee proect. (01 168) Wodld Cank: Zambia- The East and Southern tfrica Rool Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAIDyIlntematonal Development Research Centre (IDRCy)nlemational Institute oa Tropical Agrculture (IITA) Yekl increase through the use of fertilizer and related inputs - Phases I and 11. (04275) Food and Agnculture Organtzation of the Unied Nations. Zanzibar cash crops farrning systemns project. (043591 Overseas Development Administralion. Soil orosion, conservation and recWamtion Agro-silvo-pastoral and soil conservation research (04146) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Assessng the sustainability and repiicablhty of Dodowna Region soil conservation project (HADO) in Tanzania. A case study of institutonal and organizational innovation. (04383) Sokoine University of Agricufure District Rural Development Programme (DRDP): Mbulu, Maswa. Bukoba. Meatu- (05606) Evaluation and promnotion of rain-wateW harves!ing in semi-and areas. (01815) Oversras Development Adrninistration (NRRD). Farning system research. (01916) U.S. Agency for Intematioial Development. Impact of soil erosion on crop yields. (04106) Southem Afrcan Development Community (SADC). Land mantgemenl and conservation profect. (03580) World Bank: Lesotho. Master of science programme in soil and water conservation at the University of Nairobi. (04135) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. National rural development program (NRDP) Phase IV proect (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast development areas). (01167) World Bank: Malawi 116 Index of proects by discipline National Soil Reference Colecions (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (Intematoal Soil Reference and Information Centre). Reforestation and eronon control at Nacala. (04077) Southem Afrcan Developnent Community (SADC). SADC annua! research seminar on soil and water conservation and land utiitzation. (04118) Soutem Afrcan Development Communrty (SADCYSACCARISWCLU/Universny of Bolswana. Sediment transport in river channels and reservoir sedimentation in Lesotho. (03174) Intematinal Foundation tor Science. Support to Soil and Water Conservation in Southem Lesotho phase 11 (SOWACO iI). (05581 ) FAO. Traddional Irtgat'on Improvement Programme 11. (05636) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Uluguru Mountain integrated soil conservation project. (04386) Sokoine Universiy of Agrculture. Uluguru Mountains areas project. (04380) Sokoine Universiy of Agricuure Soil fertility A Feasibility study on establishing an African Centre for Fertilizer Development. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Geseltschaft tuer Technische Zusammenarbeit). Adaptive Research Planning Team-Westem Province (05615) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute) African Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Network. (02620) International Fund for Agricultural Development. Assessing the sustainability and replicability of Dodoma Region soil conservation project (HADO) in Tanzania. A case sludy of instiutional and organizational innovation. (04383) Sokoine University of Agrculture. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)fThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 117 Incdex of projects by discipline Farm forestry (Malaw). (02521) Intemational Developrent Research Centre. InstIuteal support for land resources inventory and assessment. (05580) DGIS (Directordte General of International Cooperation (The Netherlands) and INIA (Mozambique) Kagera Livestock Development Programme KALIDEP. (05618) Regional Livestock Development Office (Bukoba). Managemenl of vertisols under semi-arid conditions in Africa (MOVUSAC) (01022) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. National Soil Service (NSS). (05633) Winand Stanng Centre / Dep. of Research and Training. Min. of Agriculture and Livestock Development Network on managemenl of acid soils in humid Alrica (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (0t021) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. SADC sail fetility analysis project. 103978) Southem Alncan Development Community (SADC). Soil biolgy and fertility. (04132) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Soil ferlility (Tanzania) (02499) Intemational Development Research Centre Soil fenilty maintenance under alley cropping systems in Malawi. (03334, Intemational Foundation for Science Uluguru Mouniains areas project. (04380) Sokoine University of Agriculture. Zonation ol halophytic vegetation. (03920) Fakultaet Biologie. Abt. Oekologe. Universitaet Bielefeld. Soil scince and management Agronomc Network for East and Southern Afnca. (0261 1) United Nations Developmenl Program (UNDP): World Bank. 118 Index of protects by disciplne Applied research programme Southem Afnca Research Network for Alnca (SA-AFRENA) - The unimodal upland plateau. (02617) International Council for Research in Agrotorestry (ICRAF)Southem Afnca Coordination Centre for Agncultural Research (SACCAR). Control of soil acdtty in agroforestry. (04743) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). International benclhmark stes network. (01353) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development- Land and water management research programme (L l WMRP) - Phase I (03599) Southem Afncan Centre for Cc-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Overseas Development Administration (ODA). Land and water management research programme (L & WMRP) - Phase i (03600) Southem Afrcan Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Overseas Development Administration (ODA). Management of black cotton soils (Vertisols) in SADC. (03616) Southem Afncan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Management of vertisols under semi-and conditions in Alrica (MOVUSAC) (01022) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. National Agricultural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRM). (04353) Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Cooperatives. National soil mapping programme. (04015) Southern African Development Community (SADC). National Soil Reference Collections (NASREC iI). (05624) ISRIC (Intemational Soil Reference and Information Centre) National Soil Service (NSS). 105633) Winand Staring Centre / Dep of Research and Training, Min. of Agriculture and Livestock Development. Network on land development for sustainable agnculture in Africa IAFRICALAND - Land development). (02109) International Board for Soil Research and Management. Networf on management of acid soils in humid Afrca (AFRICALAND - Management of acid soils). (01021) Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. 119 Index of projects by discipline Public works in Afnca lo inprove food-secunty. (04626) Deutsche Geselischaft fuer technische Zusamme'iarbeii {GTZ). Research masterpian for agricuhure and natural resoxrces in Zanzibar - Policies. strategies and obiectives for research to thFe year ?WO0. (04354) Food and Agnculture Organization of the United Nations. Soil and water management tTanzania) (04394) Inlemattonal Development Recherche Centre/Sokoine University of Ag¢cuhture. Soil surveys and rnapping Communal Development Areas (CDAs) Applied Research Teams (ARTs) (05621) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Instttutional support for land resources inventory and assessnment. (05580) DGIS (Directorate General of International Cooperat;2.n (.-he Nethedands) and INIA (Mozambique). Land and water managemen: protect. (05642) Ministry of Agrculture Zambia. Natioral Soil Reference Collections (NASREC, II). (05624) ISRIC (Irtemational Soil Reference ana Information Centre). Support to Soil and Water Conservation in Scuthiem Lesotho phase 11 (SOWACO II) (05581) FAO. Surveying methods A land use classification system using satellite image,y - Malawi. (04127) Southem Africa Development Commun.ty (SADC). Communal Development Areas (CDAs) Applied Research Teams (ARTs) (0562 1) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Detoxiication of Cassava at Household Level in Rural Africa. (05659) WAU (Wagening Agricultural University). East A!rica remote sensing I. (01954) U. S. Agency for ln!,3mational Development. Increased crop production and farmers income through integrated plant nutrition. sustainable development of soil productivity and appropnate input strategy. 120 Index of protects by discipline (05634) FAO. Local Applications ol Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) - (NDVI) Vegetation. (05773) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for local management of lake resources. (046a3) Overseas Development Administrato (NRRD) Local Applications ol Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for monitoring of wildlife and national parks. (04685) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Local Applications of Renmote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for rangeland management and momtonng. (04E84) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). National soil mapping programme. (04015) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Nautonal Soil Service (NSS). (05633) Winand Stanng Centre / Dep. of Research and Training, Min. oi Agriculture and Ltvestock Deveiopment. Regional Seed Centre (Zimbabwe) - Phase 11. (02534) International Developrnent Research Centre. Reseau Colon (COTONI. (02082) France: Conlereisee des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francas (CORAF). Tethenng of small ruminants in Tanzania. (01809) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Urban agrculture (Tanzania). (04197) Intemational Development Research Centre. Trade. marketing and distribution A Feasibility study on establishing an Afrcan Centre for Fertilizer Deveiopment. (01684) GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit). Agncultural credit and export promotion project. (027621 World Bank: Zimbabwe. 121 Index of prects by discipline Agncuhural development, trade, and drversihcahon in SADC countnes. (02099) World Bank. Agicultural marketing (Lesotho) - Phase 11. (02553) Intemational Development Research Gentre. Agncuhtural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S Agency for International Development. Agrcultural rehabil!tation and development project. (02662, World Bank: Mozambique Agrcultural services. (05395) Worid Bank: Tanzania. Agroecor.omic study of cassava n Sub-Saharan Africa. (012221 Rockefeller Foundation. An assessment of the role of rural markets in agnculturat and marketing development. (01488) TU Berlin. Cashew and coconut treecrops projecl. (03545) World Bank; Tanzania Collaborative Research Support Program (ORSP) Beans and cowpeas. (01345) U.S. Agency International Development (USAID)/IMichgan State University Cdiaborative Research Support Program (CRSP). Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)iThe University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dairy beef production systems (Botswana) - Phase 11. (02472) Intemational Development Research Centre Development and promotion of appropriate tools and implement for the 'agricultural and food processing sector (intenm phase) (ILOJ11BiNT'MG3). (05648) ILO (Intemational Labour Office). Evaluation ot the Potential for Bambara Gro- rndnut as a Foodcrop in Semi-and Africa. (05603) Wageningen Agricultural Universit, (WAU). FAD Integrated Techncal Assistance and Credil for Artisanal Fishenes. Lake Tanganyika. Phase 111. (05599) FAO. Fertilizer Marketing and Trade In'ormation Program (FMTIP). 122 Index of proets by discipline (021451 Directorate General for Intemrahona Cooperabon (DGIS); U.S. Agency for tnternational Development (USAID). Fishenes development proect. (03593) Wortd Bank; Zambta. Gratn slorage and milling project. (03542) World Bank: Tanzania. Increased crop production and farmers income through integrated planl nutrition. sustainable development of soil productivity and appropnate input strategy. 105634) FAO. Land management and conservaton prolect. (0358D) World Bank: Lesotho. Market suppty behaviour of peasanms and means to improve their market integration. (01487) TU Berlin. Markettng and pncing in Tanzania. (03775) Institut fuer Landwirtschaftliche Markfforschung der FAL. Methodotogy for agricultural markeling systems policy and practise, and its application 1o current reforms. (01721) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Muhispecies animal production systems prolect. 104140) World Wide Fund for Nature National rural development program (NRDP) Phase IV project (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast development areasi. (01 167) World Bank: Malawi. Peri-utan vegetable production and consumption in Sub-saharan Africa. (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Plant breeding in relat -n to the utilisation of sorghum and millet for !ood, beverages and animal feeds - Phase 1. (03603) Southem African Centrc for Co-operation ;i Agrcuhtural Research iSACCAR)/lntemational Crops Research InsMtule for rhe Serii-Ard Tropics (ICRISAT). Postharvest grain systems (Tanzania!. (02508) International Developmeent Research Centre. Regional food marketing infrastructure (03982) Southeem A!ncar Development Community (SADC). 123 Index of projects by discipline Rural demand and agncuRural supply - Led non-farm enterpnse and employment developmnent in Africa (04627) Institute for Economic Research (IFO). Second coffee prolect. (01 1685 Worid Bank; Zambia. Sorghum and millet sub-sector (Tanzania). (04198) Intemational Development Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agnculture. Sorghum utilization (Tanzania) - Phase II. (02476) Intemational Development Research Centre. Soutlhem Afncan Centre for Ivory Marketing. (04093) Southem African Development Community (SADC)/SACIM. Staple food market control - ahtematives: the case of rice and maize in two regions tn Tanzania. (04374) Sokoine University of Agrcuhture. Transportation of agricultural products. (03477) SINTEF. Wool and mohair improvement in SADC - Phase 11. (03615) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Wintock Intemational (Winrock). Veterinary science and hygiene Agro-economic Analysis of Livestock (Cattle) Keeping through the Livestock Development Project. (05670) SNV (Nelhertands Development Organization). Animal disease conlrol programme. (03657) Administration Generale de la Cooperation au Developpemant. Animal disease control project. (02074) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DG IS). East Coast Fever Vaccine Production and Quality Control in SADC region. (05582) FAO. Helminth infections of grazing livestock - Phase I. (04129) Danish Intemational Development Agency. 124 Index of projects by descipne Immunochernical investigations on ticks and their application in tick control. 102849) Comnmission of the European Communities. Improving the Productinty of Indigenous African Livestock usng Radioinmunoassay and related Tectnques. (02621) Directorate General for Inlernational Cooperation (DGIS). Isolation of Chlamydia psttaci from sheep and preparatbon of type-specifc vaccines against chlamydial ovne abortion in Namibsa (04612) Universitael Giessen. Kagera Livestock Development Programme KALIDEP. (05618) Regional Lives!ock Development Office (Bukoba). Livestod Development Protect West Province. (05646) Department of Vetennary and Tsetse Control Services National rural development program (NRDP) Phase IV project (Dedza Hlls and Lilongwe Northeast development areas). (01167) World Bank: Malawi. Postgraduate studies programme for women in agnculture, forestry and veterinary medicine. (04130) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperaton with Developing Countnes/Sokoine University of Agriculture. Regional East Coast Fever and Heartwater vaccines production and immunization. (04021) Southem Africar Development Community (SADC)/FAO/UNIVFLOR/Zimbabwe Sero-surveillance of nnderpest and other diseases in Alnca. using immunoassay techntques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Smallholder livestock project. Pemba. (04361) Department of Foreign Affairs. Strengthening faculties of agriculture, forestry and vetennary medicine In SADC (03610) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuttural Research (SACCAR)/German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Training of laboratory technicians for the maintenance and repatr of scientific and technmcal equipment in vetennary iaoratories. (04033) Southem African Development Community (SADC). U. S./Ilsrael program for cooperative development research. 125 Index of proiects by discipline (01949) U.S. Agency for International Develpment. Velernary assistance in the south west of Angola. (04024) Southem African Development Community tSADC)/Angota. Water resources and management Adaplive Research Planning Team-Western Province. (05615) KIT (Royal Tropical Instdute). Atrican Center of Meteoroiogical Applicaions for Development (ACMAD) (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Agncultural production and institutional support. (01879) U.S. Agency for International Development. Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID).fThe University of Nebra.ska-Lincoln Development cooperation conceming land and water: institutional support and method-developing, model-research and applications. (05591) WSC (Winand Staring Centre. rnstnute for Research in the agricultural areas). Developmenl of a basin-wide unified monitoring system related to water quality and quantity. (04116) Southem African Development Community (SADCI. Development of an integrated water management plan for the Zambezi bza.n. (04117) Southem African Development Community (SADCI. Development of human resources, administrative and institutional structures and technical capabilitfes - Development of national capabilities and human resources. (04115) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Development of human resources, administrative and institutional structures and technical capabilities - Identification of national capabilities and need for development of national capabilities and human resources (04114) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Development of regional legislation for management of the Zambezi River. (04113) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). District Rural Development Programme (DRDP), Mbulu. Maswa, Bukoba. Meatu. (05606) 126 Index of projects by discipne Ecology of Lake Kariba. (04131) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperabon wth Developing Countries. Evaluahon and promotion of rain-water harvesting in semi-and areas. (01815) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Evaluation and promotion of rainwater harvesting in Tanzania. (05752) Overseas Developnent Administration (NRRD). Groundwater Recharge Evaluation Study (GRES) II. (05637) Free University of Amsterdam (VU) Improvement in tree establishment for tropical dryband conditons in East Afnca. (053901 Australian Centre for International Agncultural Research. Intemational Berchmark Soils Network for Agro-technobgy Transfer (IBSNAT). (02635) U.S. Agency for Intemational Devebopment. Inventory of comple ed. ongoing and planhned projects, environmental evaluaton of major projects, and inliation of basin-wide exchange of information. (04112) Southem Airican Development Community (SADC). lmgation performance (Zimbabwe) (02496) Intemational Development Research Centre. Land and water management research programme (L & WMRP) - Phase I. (03599) Southem African Centre for Co-operatbon in Agricuftural Research (SACCAR)/Overseas Development Administration (ODA). Land and water management research programme (L & WMRP) - Phase II. (03600) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuhural Research (SACCAR)/Overseas Development Administration (ODA). Lindf/Mtwara rice production project. (04289) Overseas Development Administration. Lukhanga water development. (04014) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Master of science programme in soil and water conservation at the University of Nairobi. (04135) Swed sh Agency tor Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. National Agricultural and Livestock Research Masterplan (NALRM). 104353) Ministry of Agrculture. Livestock Development and Cooperatives. 127 Index of projects by discipline National rural development program (NRDP) Phase IV proet (Dedza Hills and Lilongwe Northeast develipment areas). (01167) World Bank; Malawi. Natfioal Soil Service (NSS). (05633) Winand Starng Centre I Dep. of Research and Training. Mm. of Agriculture and Livestock Development Optimal management of watershed areas. Malawi (04067) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Pesticde residues in Zimbabwe waters. 103189) Intemational Foundation for Scierce Professional Training Centre for Dillers in Water Supply and Minerals - f3otswana. (04123) Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC). Public works in Afnca to improve food-secunty. (04626) Deutsche Gesellschart fuer technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Regional hydrological assessment project (04110) Southern African Development Community (SADC).!World Bank. SADC annual research seminar on soil and water conservation and land utilization. (04118) Southem African Developmc^t Community (SADC)/SACCAR/SWCLU/University of Botswana. Second coffee project. (C1 168) World Bank: Zambia Sediment transport in rivcr channels and reservoir sedimentation in Lesotho. (03174) Intemational Foundation for Science SIlvicuture/ecology in plantatons. (04149) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute Soil and water management (Tanzania). 104394) Intemalonal Development Recherche Centre/Sokoine University of Agriculture Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) World Bank. U.S./Israel program for cooperative development research. 101949) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. 128 Index of pro,ects by disciple Water use by forest plantations. (01099) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developng Countries. Wateshed management pilot proect - Lesotho. (04126) Sotem Afnca DevelOpment Community (SAOC). Zambezi River System Action Plan (ZACPLAN). (04111 ) Southem African Development Commurity (SADC). Weeds ard weed control A survey to assess mnethods for inproving herbicde use in developing countres (05800) Overseas Deveoment Administration (NRRD). Coilaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and millet (INTSORMIL). (01344) U S. Agency for Intemational Development (USAID)tThe University of Nebraska*Lncoln. Eastern Afnca Regional Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAIDySemi-Anrid Food Grain Research and Develprnent (SAFGRAD). Farming systems (Zimbabwe) - Phase II. (02431) Intemational Development Research Centre Integrated management of soil pests in Malawi (Project extension). (01728) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). National agricultural extension and research project. (01170) VDrld Bank: Zimbabwe. Oilcrops Network for Eastem and Southern Afrca and South Asia. (02086) Intemational Development Research Centre. Research on mechanization for small scale agricultural production in the tropics. (05597) IMAG (Instiute for Agrcultural Engir!eering). Reb,3au Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Afncains et Francais (CORAF) Weed rnanagenment and conservation tillage. (04822) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). 129 Index of proects by cowy A Feasibty stdy on estbun an Afrian Csntre for Fertier Oevelopmet (01684) GTZ (Deutsde Geselcif tfuer Technishe Zusarmwerbeit). A network on farm powx and equpmt for smailholder and rge-scab farmring systems in SADC. (03613) Soutn Afnican Centre for Co-operation in Agicultural Researh (SACCAR)lnternational Livestock Center for Airica (ILCA). A review of Land and water management research relevant to the intensification of smalliolder croppin systerms in the semi-arid areas of eastem and southen Africa. (04711) Overseas Development Admintration (NRRD). A Southern African Root and Tubers Crops Research Network (SARNET). (05383) Intemational Institute of Tropical Agricullure (IITA} for cassava/Antemational Crop Inshtute for Potatoes (CIP) for Potaloes and Sweet Potatoes. A survey to assess methods for iiproving herbicide use in devebping countries. (05800) Overseas Developrnent Administraton (NRRD). Adaption of novel techniques for te detection and characterisation of the fungi caustwg Fusanum wilt an(d Sigatoka leaf spots of banana and plantain. (056810) Overseas Development Adminstraton (NRRD). Advanced traming courses in plant breeding and seed production. (03988) SoLmern African Develpment Comnmunity (SADCYFood Secunty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Afrca acacia rhuzobial technology and ecology. (04738) Overseas Deveblpmert Adrninstration (NRRD). African Center of Meteorological Applicabons for Development (ACMAAD). (01109) Word Meteorlogical Organization (WMO). African Regional Pest management Research rind Develpment Network (PESTNET). (02646) International Centre of Insect Physiolgy and Ecobgy (ICIPE). African Research Network for Agricultural By-Products (ARNAB). (02170) International Development Research Centre (IDRC): Intemational Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). African Research Network on Rural Poultrv Development. (02624) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Index of pweots by country AtKn Smal Runa CoIawa Resech Nework. (02620) lnteatonal Furid for AicuturW Deve4nent. Arican Smia Rtminatt Covlbor0, Research Network (SRNET). (05812) Inteiaboa Liwstoc Centre for Aftica (ILCA). Agicukural development trade, and cesfaton in SADC countries. (02099) World Bank. AiuLtua Pocy alYs (ICRISATh (05332}) Ineraonal Develob nril Research Centre Agroforestry research progranme for the savannah woodand grassla ecology - Malawi. Tanzwia, Zama and Zribabwe. (03607) Souten Afrian Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Reserch (SACCAR>/lntemabonal Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Agroeononic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Africa. (01222) Rockefeller Foundation. Agronomnic Network for East and Southen Afnca. (02611) United Natoons Devebpment Program (UNDP); World Bank. AJley Farming Network for Tropical Africa. (02088) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)llntemabonal Development Research Centre (IORC). Applicability of Zwnbabwe odour bait lechnoogies for tsetse control in other Afrin countres. (05M) Overseas Development Admnistration (NRRD). Applied research and kowledge devebpment. (04105) Southemn Afncan Development Community (SADC). Appbed research programme: Soutern Africa Research Network for Africa (SA-AFRENA) - Tte unimodal upind plateau. (02617) Internabonal Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAFySoutthen Africa Coordination Centre for Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Aquaculture for Local Communities (ALCOM) - Phases I and 11. (04054) Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC)IFAO/SIDA. Assace lo Coordination Untl - Phase II. (04098) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Bee-keeping devebpment. 2 Index d projects by cwby (04070) Soufte Aricaa Deelopment Commuity (SADC). Bolgca control of ntrodtced pests d maize id cassava (03614) Southern African Centre for Co-operation n Agricultural Reseach (SACCAR)flntemational Irstitute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA-ABCP). Binonoring of nisecbcde applicabtons in Zimbabwe, MWalai, Zambia, and Mozambique (01604) Commission of te European Communifies. Case studies on ratsing agricultural producbvity of women in Africa tor wreased food production. (02151) Worid Bank. Central Africa: MIanagent of Momrbe woodland as community woodlots. (04719) Overseas Devlopm t Administration (NRRD). Cental and West Afncan Root Crops Collboratve Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) Intermaional Insttue of Trrpical Agrulture. Charaterisaten of dversity for i,,sease resistance of Phaseolus bean mixture n East Africa. (01821) Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). CIMMYT Eastern and Soutem Africa Economics Program (CIMMYiTESA). (05359) Centro Interrnal de Meorarnento de Matz y Thgo. Co-ordinated Research Programrnme on the Application of Irradiation Technique for Food Processing n Africa. (02629) Unted Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Coilaboratrve Network for Vegetable Research and Devebpment in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Coallborabve Research Support Program (CRSP): Sorghum and miekI (INTSORMIL). (01344) U.S. Agency tor Intemational Development (USAIDyThe University of Nebraska-incoln. Community forestry develpment. (04066) Soutem African Develpment Community (SADC). Computenzation of inland fisheries prdution. (04039) Souftem African Devebpment Community (SADC). Conservation education in the SADC region. (04063) Southern African Developnt Commurnty (SADC). 3 Index of poects by country Contro of sodl acaty n agroforestry. (04743) Overseas Demt Adinistratn (NROD). Cooperatie Cereals Research Netwok (CCRN). (02171) Internatn Crop Research Instituts for the Sem-Arid Tiopics. Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Geneic Resouroes of Multbpurpose Woody Speee. (02174) Food and Agnculture Organization of the United Natons. Coordnabon of regionai Tselse Fly eradicabon with widlife management programmes. (04090) Soutern African Devebpment Community (SADC). Detection methods for fungi and mycotoxins. (04780) Overeas Developnent Admninistation (NRRD). Detoxdication of Cassava at Househo Level in Rural Afnca. (05659) WAU (Wagening Agricultural University). Develbpment and promotion of appropriate tools and implenent for the 'agrcultural and food processig secto? (intenm phase) (ILO/89MINT1103). (05646) ILO (International Labour Office). Development cooperation conceming Land and water; rnstrtutwonal supporl and method-developing, model-research and applications. (05591) WSC (Winand Staring Centre, institute for Research in the agncultural areas). Develpmnt ol a basin-wide unified monitoring system related to water qualify and quantity (04116) Southem Afncan Develpmnent Community (SADC). Development ol agroforestry research networks in Africa. (01122) International Council for Research in Agroforestry. Devebpment of an integrated water management plan for the Zambezi basin. (04117) Southern African Development Communrty (SADC). Devebpment of aquaculture in SADC. (04040) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Devebpment of Environmental Impact Assessmnet (EIA) - Phase 1. (04120) Southern African Develpnent Community (SADC). Devebprnent of fi5 farmwing i co water areas in the SADC region. (04057) Southern African Development Community (SADC). 4 Index of prot by oumtry Development od human resources, adentstratrve and institubonal strutres and tectnical capabilties - Deveopmnt of nabonal capabites and hunan resoumes. (04115) Soutlhem Atnca Devetopment Community (SADC). Devebpmnt of human resources, amnnistative and institutnal ssructures and tecnical capabis Identifcation of national capabilities and need for deveopment of nabonal capabilte and human resources. (04114) Southern Aftrican Devebpment Community (SADC). Devebpment of in-v*ito dentificaion techniques for special pathogenic forms (Formae speciales) of FusarKim oxysporum. (01780) Overseas Developmen Administration (NRRD). Development oi monitorng systems. (04102) Southern African Devebpment Community (SADC). Developmen of regonal legislation for management of the Zambezi River. (04113) Soutem African Devebpment Community (SADC). Development of sustainable tillage and weed control systems for soil and water conseivation management in rainfed agricuhture (Conservation Tillage t). (04670) Overseas Devekippent Administration (NRRD). Dry zone and high atttude fuetwood research. (04062) Southern African Development Ccmmunity (SADC). East Affica Cowpea Improvement Network. (02164) United Nations Devebpment Program (UNDPylntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC/European Economic Commission (EEC)/tntematioral Insttule of Tropical Agnculture (IITA). East Africa pesticde network. (02559) Intemational Development Research Centre. East Africa Regional Coopeaative for Research on Bananas (and Ensele) (EARCORBE). (02168) Intemaxinal Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain. East Africa remote sensing II. (01954) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. East Coast cever Vaccine Production and Quality Control in SADC regicn. (05582) FAO. Eastem Africa Regional Sorghum and Miet Coltaborative Research Network (EARSAM). (02076) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment (USAIDYSemi-Arid Food Grain Research 5 Index ot pmjscts by couty aid DeveOxen (SAFGRAD). Easem and S aote Afica Awnal Trwacb Network (ESAATN). (04141) hIs* of Agclural En reeg. Easlem and Southen Arin Farinig Systems Research Nework. (02633) U.S. Agency for Internabonal Developmen. Econors of conseation. (04103) Southern Afrcan Dvelopment Cc wi y (SADCQ Edble mushroom fannig and developn. (04068) Souhen Afican Develop Communrty (SADC). Effects of physical factors, seed variety aid qualidy on crop establisment. (05750) Overseas Deveopment AcnImistration (NRRD). Enniromxw ripact asessmn wokshop. (04086) Southern African Develpment Community (SADC). Establihment of a regonal herbanum and conservalion of endagered species. (04059) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Estal*shment of a resewch and resource evaluation pogramm in the marine waters of he SADC region. (04061) Southr Alxcan Development Commurnty (SADC). Estabis n of reginal compufer-based manre hsheries catch data system. (04042) Soulthern African Devebopment Commnity (SADC). Establishmnt of the Southern Afncan Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research and Traig (SACCAR) - Phase I. (03605) Southowr Afncan Centre for Co-operation in Agrcutural Research (SACCAR). Evaluation of anion production and storage in lw latiudes (01726) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Evaluation of the Potential for Blambara Grwtnrut as a Foodcrop in Semiarid Africa. (05603) Wagenngen Agncultural University (WAU). Ferlizer Marketing and Trade Informaion Program (FMT1P). (02145) Directorate General for Intematonal Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for International Develent (USAID). Field onented research on control df the ss fly and kvstok ticks - Phase iL. (02741) Commission of the European Caommunitiesmlnitenational Centre of Insect 6 kdex of proqtsc by courtry Phyiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Field testing and nVplmeni on idproved cassava four pniction prucess (05765) Ovnseas Devlpment Adrstrabon (NRRO). Flora d Tropical East Africa - Anttencaeae, Hyacntacea and Hypoxdaceae. (0438) Unvrsty of Oslo. Food. nutrition sscunty and environment. (04391) Uniwersy of Os 0Norwegan Institula of Agricultural Ecocs. Oslo. Forest Induries Trag Centre (FITC). (04063) Southern African Development Conmunity (SADC). Functional diversity of Phaseolus bean mixtes in East Africa. (04744) Overseas Development AdminmbaIion (NRRD). GLIP Promotion of Legume Culttvabon (Grounkt) in fe SADC Region. (02172) U.S. Agency for Internatinnal Develpnt. Grain bgwe inrvement pi arr amem (GUPI - Bean (Phtseolus vulgans) proed. (03604) Southern African Centre fox r , n Ayicultural Research (SACCAR)Centro Interrciona de Agr- jra Trc, jcil ("DIAT). Grain lgume mprovement programe (GLjPN - Grr xidnuts (Araches hypogaea) proet. (03766) Southem Atrican Centre for Co-openation . ,^pcuural Research (SACCARYGerian Agency for Teirira! Ceo, rf- ( 3TZ%Anterraonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISA-,). Grain legume rnprovement programne (GUP) - SADC cowpea protect - Phase 1. (03767) Southem African Centre for Co-operabion n Agxcultural Research (SACCARYCommission of the European Communi¶es (CECArdtematonal Instiute of Tropical Agncuhture (IITA). Gran legume nroveient programme - cowpea reserch project (SADC cownlris). (02737) Commission of the European Communtes. Groundnut inprovement. (02163) International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Harmonization of seed laws in the SADC region. (03990)) Souhem Atrican Deveopmnent Commundy (SADC). Helminth inections of grazing Festock - Phase 1. (04129) Danish Intemational Develpment Agency. Index of projecs by country Impact of sod erosion on crop yieds. (04106) Stern African Developent Commurn (SA ). Imprved iigabon i the SADC region. (03991) Southern Afica Develo Commiyun (SADC)Food Security Tehnical and Administrate Unrt (FSTAU). Improvement and strengheng of forestry coleges n the SADC regioa. (04064) Southe Atican Development Community (SADC). Imprvent in tree establishtent for topical dryland cordiions in East Africa. (05390) Austrahan Centre for internatonal Agricultural Research. Improvement of research station developmern and maagement in SADC. (03769) Souftern African Centre for Co-operation in Agicuhural Research (SACCAR)lnternational Crops Research Insttie for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Improvernents to the processing of sorghumn especially for non-traditional uses: DEHUWL1NG. (04678) Overeas Development Admnistration (NRRO). Improvements to the processng of sorghum, especwally non-tradiaonal uses: BY-PRODUCT UTlUZATION. (04680) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improwvng the Diageosms and Control of Trypanosomiasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of Aftcan Livestock, using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Improvig te Productvity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioinrnunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for Internatioali Cooper ation (DGIS). In-service training in research management - Phase 1. (03606) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Researct' (SACCAR)lntemational Service for National Agrocutural Research (ISNAR). Infrastnucture devebpment in conservation areas. (04084) Southem Alrican Develpmnent Communrty (SADC). Inlemational benchmark sites network. (01353) U.S. Agency for Inernational Developmenl. Intemaltional Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Develpment Program (UNDPVEuropean Economic Commission 8 Index of pnoeds by oounty (EEC)Japa. lmet of c pleted, onoin and planred p fojet. enwonmen evakatio Of f r projects, and i*abon of basiwide exdwtge of intonnaon. (04112) Soan Afica Develpmnt Communty (SADC). Investment and survival strategies of wnen. (04831) Ovseas Devebpmenl Admintaon (NRRO). Joint research of peagic fisheries resources oi Lake Malaw yasa. (04047) Southem Afticm Development Comrmunity (SADC). Keny"MaIa: Devebpment and on-bamn evaiuation of agmlorestry lvestock feedi systems. (04894)Ofseas Devebpmnt Admiiustration (NRRD). Lake Kalba fisheris research and development. (04053) Southern African Develpment Community (SADC). Lard an watef manageet research progamme (L & WMRP) - Phase 1. (03599) Southern African Centre for Co-operabon in Agricultural Research (SACCAROveseas DevelopFet Admniration (ODA). Land and water management research programme (L & WMRP) - Phase li. (03600) Southern African Centre for Co-Dperaton n Agricultural Research (SACCARYOverseas Development Administrabon (ODA). Law enforcement in -mtdife management and utilisation (04088) Souen African Development Community (SADC). Legal context of conservation. (04107) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Livestock improvement in SADC. (03611) Southern African Centre for Co-ooeration in Agricultural Research (SACCARYfntematonai Livestock Center for Atnca (ILCA). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) - (NDVI) Vegetation. (05773) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Local Applications of Remole Sensing Technques (LARST) for local management of lake resources. (04683) Overseas Development Amninistratlon (NRRD). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for monitoring of Widlife and national parks. 9 kdex of po,et by camiy (04685) Oweas Develpmnt Adnestrafo (NRRD). Lal Applia of Pnmote Sesig Teedn (LARST) for rangsd maagemt and (04684) Oversas Develpret Adn _sat (NRRD). Maze lm prov n. (02158) International Center for Maize and Wheat mprvement (CIMMYT). Manaapment of back coton sods (Vertsols) n SADC. (03616) Southeim Afncan Centre for Co wperabon i A utural Research (SACCAR). Managemet of Cynodon i an"a tilage systems. (05781) Overseas Develpm t Adcnnstration (NRRD). Management of indigenos forests. (04069) Southem Afncan Development Comnunrty (SADC). Manaemt of verbsols wuder semn-and conditions m Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Boawd for Soil Research and Management Manpower training and development. (04101) Southiem Ahican Development Communqiy (SADC). Master of science programme en soil and water conservation at te Uneversity of Narobi. (04135) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation wth Developg Countnes. Methodologies for benter tchnolg transler. (04783) Overseas Development Admriistraticn (NRRD). Methodolgy for agricultural marketing systems policy and pracbse. and its applicaton to current reforms. (01721) Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). Microbial control of root knot nematodes. (04064) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Microbal control of root-knot nenatodes. (01814) Overseas Deveopment Administration (NRRD). Modernization of agriculture. (01121) Would Bank. Multispecies animal production systems project. (04140) World Wide Fund for Nature. 10 Index of proects by cowt National Soil PRrence Colection (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (h7fmational Sod Reference and Infonraton Ctere). Network on land devebpment for susainale agncultue in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land develo et). (02109) Interational Board for Sod Research and Management. Network on mnlag t of acid sils in humid Atrica (AFRICALAND - Management oa acid soils). (01 021) Intematkoa Board for Soil Research and Management. Olleed Processing Network. (05411) International Deveiopment Research Centre. Oilseeds processing - small enterpnse opportunities study. (04888) Overseas Development Adrniistration (NRRD). Pan-African Networks for Rural Social Science Research. (02661) Winrock Internatonal: Ford Foundation. Pasture Networ for Eastern and Southem Africa (PANESA). (02083) Intemnational Devebpment Research Centre. Patholgy and control of ergot dsease ot sorghum in Africa. (01757) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Pei-urban vegetable production and consumption in Sub-saharan Alrica. (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Deveborment Center (AVROC). Pesticide application on tree crops. (04897) Overseas Development Admintstration (NRRD). Phytosanitary controls for African Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV). (05778) Overseas Development Admninstration (NARD). Plan of action for the Kathan-Namib region - Phase 1. (04121) Southem African Developrent Community (SADC). Plant breeding in relation to the utilisation of sorghum and millet for food, beverages and animal feeds - Phase 1. (03603) Soutem Afncan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/lntemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Plant quarantine project. (03986) Southem African Development Communty (SADCYFood Security Technical and 11 Index of protcts by country AcIstrative Unri (FSTAU). POpiW - ric fm fnd. (04109) Southern African Development Comnurity (SADC). Procedues for establshng food security reserves in Southem Afnca. (05783) Cverseas Deveoprent Administration (NARD). Procurement, opsration. maintenance and repair of scientific equipmetl. (04211) Inlemabonal Deveop In Research Centre. Production and breeding of vegetab seed. (03967) Southern Afnican Development Cornmunity (SADC)fFood Securiy Technical and Administrative Undt (FSTAU). Production and distribuon of pasture seeds and legumes - Study. (04023) Soujhern African Deveopment Community (SADC). Programmne 2B: On-farmn research - Analysis of agroforesiry afternatives to address farmers problems. (03701) Interational Council for Researcth in Agroforestry. Programme 2B: On-farmn research - Analysis of interactions and impact of agroforestry (03700) Internabonal Council for Research in Agroforestry. Programme 5: Training - Training for researchers and developmnent planners. (03710) Internatonal Council for Research in Agrodorestry. Programme to develop scientifc and technical and professional manpower for agriculture and natural resources in SADC (REPSAF) - Part I. (03768) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Protect 5.0.23/Projec 6.0.23: Improvemenl and strengthening of forestry and forest products research institutions in the SADC Region. (04072) Finnish International Devebpment Agency/SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit. Proect development and design. (04099) Southem African DeveoprMent Community (SADC). Promotion of export marketing of marine fish products. (04044) Southemn Afican Develpment Community (SADC). Provision of extension aids and services - Phases I and I. (04041) Southemn African Develpment Community (SADC). 12 Index of procts by coutry Piubc wDfks in Airica to iprove tood-secuity. (04626) Deu e Geselscat fuer tednische Zusamnarbet (GTZ). Ouali control and dardizabon of fishery roducts. (O405) Soutn African Devebopmen Comurty (SADC). Range ventory. nonitoing and rehabilitation (Mozambique. Tanzania and Zimbabwe). (04119) Souerm Afican Developn mt Community ISADC). Recruitment and retention of protessonal staff in the Ministries of Agriculture in member States. (03983) Southen African Development Community (SADC). Regnal artifical nsemination service. (04034) Southern African Devebpment Community (SAE)C)Animal Breeders Company Ltd. of Harare. Regional cooperation on cotton research and development. (01116) World Bank Regwnal development of communiy-based management and utilization of wikidife resources in rural areas. (04091) Southern African Devepment Cornmunity (SADC). RegKonal early warning system (Phases I and 11). (03975) Southern Afncan Development Communi1y (SA0C)Food and Agriculture urganization of the Unted Nations (FAO) RegionaJ East Coast Fever and Heartwaler vaccines production and immunization. (04021) Southem African Devebppment Communit (SADCYFAO0JN1VFLOR(Zimbabwe. Regional fisheries information and documentation system. (04038) Southem African Development Communrty (SADC)FFWSCU. Regional fisheries training programme. (04037) Southem Afncan Deve opment Community (SADC). RegiDnal food marketing infrastnrcture. (03982) Southem Afnrcan Development Community (SAXC). Regional food reserve protect. (03980) Southem African Development Communiy (SADC)/Food Securly Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Regional loot and mouth disease control - Phase fI. 13 Index of pntects by country (0426) Sohen Afria D eom en Community (SADC). Regional forest iventory. (04076) Soutn African Detlopment ormmuniy (SADCYIFSTCU. -al -rl assessmef poect. (04110) Soutern Afrian Developrenl Community (SADCANorld Bank. Regional informabon system for food security. (03976) Southe Afican Devebpmnt Community (SADO). Pgional Inventory of Agriculural Resource Base (RIARB). (039T77 Southen Afrcan Devebpnt Community (SADC). Regional post prodution food loss reductoon and food processrig - Phases I and 11. (03961) Souther Afrkian Development Commundy (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Adnmiistrate Unit (FSTAU). Reginal qualify laboratory aid national sub-units. (03969) Souten Atncan Devebpment Comnmunity (SAlC)Food Security Technical and Adeimnstrative Unt (FSTAU). Regional Seed Centre (Zimbabwe) - Phase 11. (02534) Intemational Deveopment Research Centre. Regional seed technology and information centre. (03965) Souen African Development Communiy (SAGC)/Food Security Tchnical and AdnintstrafNe Unt (FSTAU). Pegional survey of wildide utikzation and the economic potential of wildlide resources. (04097) Soutem African Deveopment Community (SADC). Regional training centre for meat inspection and mneat technolgy - Lobatse in Botswana (Phases I and 11). (04027) Southem African Devebpment Community (SADCYFood and Agriculure Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Regional Training Centre in Range and Ranch Managernent - Tanzania. (04029) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regional rree Seed Centre. (04061) Southem African Deveopment CommuNity (SADC). Regional trout management proect. (04056) Southerm African Development ComnmuNity (SADC). 14 lncex of prects by cory Regonl Tsetse and Trypanosomiass Cor Proet (RTTCP). (0 2) Suthn African Develpm Comririity (SADC). Regional Tsetse and Tranosoniasi Tranng Centre - Zambia. (04030) Southn African Development Community (SADC). Regoal vegetable research programme. (03612) Southern African Centre for Coperabon in Agicultural Research (SACCARYAsa Vegetable Research and Devebpment Center (AVRDC). Regionwl wllife resoures inventory. (04094) Soutem African Development Commuruty (SADC). Regional wildlife training progranmme. (0406 1) Southern African Develpmnent Community (SADC) Relief for drought-stricken wIdife areas. (04079) Southern Afncan Develpment Community (SADC). Research and monioring devekpmet. (04065) Southem African Development Comnmunity (SADC). Research on the ecoogy and biology of Gonorneta silkmohs in SADC. (03770) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research. Research, coordination, and trairung for improved livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa. (02732) Commsion of the European Communitrs. Reseau Developpement (R/D) [Develoment Network]. (02653) GRET Reseau Europeen d'Elude des Latertes (EUROLAT) [European Network on Ferralsos SludiesJ. (02639) Ministere de la Recherche et de '_nsetgnement Superieur; Universite of Strasbourg. Rural demano and agricultural supply - Led non-lam enterprise and employment develpmlent in Afrca. (04627) Institute fto Economc Researih (IFO). Rural plantations and timber processing in the SADC region. (04071) Southem African Devebpmeni Community (SADC). SACCAR Data Base for Agricultural Research Resources Assessment - Preliminary Phase. 15 Index of pojects by country (04940) Internabonal Development Research Centre. SADC annual research seminar on soil and water conservaton and land utilization. (04118) Southern African Development Community (SADC)ISACCAR/SWCLlJ)niversrty of Bolswana. SADC Cowpea lmprovement Network. (02165) United Nations Develipmenl Progrdm (UNDP)'1nlernalional Devebpment Research Centre (IDRC)lntefabtonal Inslitue of Tropical Agnculture (IITA). SAOC crops and forest seeds genebank (SRGB). (03608) Soutrn Arican Centre for Co-operation in Agricuhtural Research (SACCAR)Nordic Gene Bank (NGB)/Swedish Intenabtional Devebpment Authority (SIDA). SADC environmental mondonng project. (04122) Souftern Afncan Developent Community (SADCySWCDLU. SADC Maize and Wheat Improvement Research Network. (03609) Centro Intemacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Tngo (CIMMYT). SADC ranrgeland development projct. (03979) Southem African Development Communrty (SADC). SADC Regional Sorghum and Milbs Improvement Program. (02155) U.S. Agency for Internamional Developmenl (USAIDySouthem Alrican Center tor Cooperation in Agncultural Research (SACCAR) SADC soil fertility analysis project. (03978) Southem African Developrnent Community (SADC). Sero-surveillaice of mnderpest and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassay techniques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SARECI. Smnall Ruminant and Camel Group Research Network. (05381) Intemational Livestock Cenler fr Africa. Small Ruminants and Camel Group. (02632) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Small scale coconut oil extraction by women, (04775) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Social Science Interface Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) The Intemaaional Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. 16 Index of projects by country Socio-Economic collaboratie research Sub roet 1: Farming systems appoaches Sub pr,et 2: Needs assessn.v. t and mnarketing sysems (04879) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). So-ore rJseases of tropical subsisence crops and the predisoing effect of root-invading nematodes and othe soil pests (Projed extension). (01811) Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). Sorghum and millet improvement programme (S&MIP) - Phase 11. (03602) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agicultural Research (SACCARyintemational Crops Research Institute for the Semni-Arid Tropcs (ICRISAT). Southem Airca: Acacia karroo - evaluation. acquisdion of genetic resources. (04721) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Southein Alrican Centre for Ivory Marketing. (04093) Southem African Deveopnwnt Community (SADC)ISACIM. Special lacility for SADC forestry project develpment. (04058) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Special programming lunding for programme implementation in the pasture network lor Eastem and Southem Africa. (0211 1) Intemalional Fund for Agricultural Developrnent. Strategies Alimentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Networkl. (02655) ORSTOMWlnstitut Francais de Rechtrche Scientifique pour le Developpemnent en Cooperation Strategies for popular participation. (04104) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Strengthening and coordination of migrant pest control. (03992) Southern Alrican Deveepment Community (SAD)I/Food Securty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Strengthening DLCO-EA in the management of migrant pest control. (01627) United Nations Development Program. Strengthening faculties ol agriculture, forrcstry and veterinary medicine r SADC (03610) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARIGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Strengthening oa dairy heifer multiplication unls. (04028) Southem African Development Community (SADC). 17 Index of proects by country Sub-Saaan Africa hydrobgcal assessment. (01108) World Bank. Support for cooperative production of small stock. (04035) Souten African Deveomet Community (SADC). Support to fishenes development planning. (04049) Southern African Develpment Cormmunity (SADC). Suppor to SADC Fisheries Coordination Unn. (04043) Southerm African Devehopment Community lSADC). Support to smaNl-scale grain handing and storage folbowhng market liberalization in Southern Africa. (05784) Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). Sustainably productive land management systems. (04108) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Technical assistance programrre for coordinabon and cooperation (Phase II). (03974) Southem African Deveblpment Community (SADC)/Food Security Technicai and AdFniistratrve Unit (FSTAU). Terrmtes and land management in southern Afnca. (04824) Overseas Development Adrministration (NRRD). The Development of Practxes for Area-wxde Tsetse Eradication with emphasis on the Sterile Insect Technique. (02626) Unfed Nations Food and Agriculture Organizatior. T'he East and Southern Afrca Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development (UJSAIDYlntemational Develpment Research Centre (IDRC)/lnternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). The epidemiokogy and control of the sorghum foliar pathogens in the semi-and tropcs. (01813) Overseas Develpment Adrninistration (NRRD). The Geological Network for Agromnerals in East and Southern Africa. (02613) United Nations Development Program (UNDP); World Bank. The Livestock Trypanotolerant Network. (02081) Overseas Develpment Administration. The use of an NRI developed green leaf pigment model to improve lea quality and value. (05780) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). 18 Index of pmnects by comtry The use of jute sacks in the agnrcutural sector in Africa. (04899) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Traditional Tecofques d Micro Climate Improvement (TTMI), phase 11. (05658) WAU (Wageningen Agroultural Uniersity). Trairnng of animal health auxiliary personnel n he diagnosis of anirna! diseases. (04022) Southen African Development Community (SADC). Training of laboratory tech6cians for the maintenance and repair of scientific and lechnical equpment in vetennary bboratories. (04033) Southem African Development Community (SADC). U.Sllsrael program for cooperative cJevebpment research. (01949) U.S. Agency for International Deveopment. Unrversities and national agricultural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Intemational Service for National Agncultural Research. Urban fuehwood poject. (04060) Southern Afncan Development Communny (SADC). Use ot insect growth regulators for arrnyworm and red locusts. (05758) Overseas Developmnent Administration (NRRD). Use of microtmal insecticides in drying and dned fish. (05807) Overseas Development Adrninistration (NRRD). Wetlands conservation programme. (04082) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADCYIUCN. Wool and mohair irnprovement in SADC - Phase 11. (03615) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/Winrock Intemational (Winrock) Zambezi River System Action Plan (ZACPLAN). (04111) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). [Network on Sorghum Mili1ng/Dehullingj. (02648) Intemational Development Research Centre. Atrtcan Center of Meteorological Applications for Devel4rient (ACMAD). (011091 World Meteorological Organization (WMO). 19 hde by coary Coonalled Pesearch Prgramm on fe Appkaon d krraiabon Tedwque for Food Prcessng in Aria. (02629) LUied Nato Food and Acttue Orgaion. Resead pogamme on Ve bioogcal ad dcemocal conh of derlo bcusts. (OM09) CAB hinabonal Instilie o Baobgcl Control- Ressau Europeen dEtude des Laklews (EUROLAT) fEuopean Network on Ferralsols (02639) llr.slre de la Rederche el de (Ensegnemnti S .WietE Universile of Sbasbourg. A netwoi n farm power aid eoum for swi Wd larW scale f3rm,ngystems in SADC. 103613) SoAhem Afrcan Centre fr Co-operain in Agtura Reseairch ISACCAR ematioal Lvestod Center for Afrca (LCA). A Southern Aftrica Root and Tubers Crops Research Network (SARNET)- (05303) Ineraticnal hIsbte of Tropical Agriwc e (IITA) for as a ratonal Crop Insiute for Potatoes (CIP) for Polatoes and Sweet Potatoes. Adrarced taming courses in plant breeding and seed productin. (03968) So ten African Oefern t Commurnty (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Arnstratre Urit (FSTAU) Acan Center ot Metoroloical Applications for DNvelo ent (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Orgapnzabon (WMO). Agriculual rehabliaton ard technical assstance 11. (0440) Woad Bank; Angola. Agricultural ehationa orestry. (044031 World Bar*: Angola. Agriculural sMcs. (01683) World Bank; Angola. Applied research and knowledge devepment. (04105) Southern African D seepment Comunty (SADC). Assistce for fte organmtion and estabhriisn d of te natinal laborto -Angola 20 Index of prjets by cot (Phases 1, 11 and 111). (0405) Souten Alncan Devekpnt Commuriy (SADCYGovemniet f Angola. Assistance to Coordiiation Unrt - Phase IL. (04093) Souten Afncan Delpment Conwnuity (SAOC) Baolocal control of introdckjed pests of maize and cassava. (03614) Southern Afican Cenbte hf Co-operaton r Agual Resarch (SACCAFlnternational dstit of Tmpeal Agnculre (IITA-ABCP). Central and West Arincan RoF Crops Colaborative Research NeMwork (CEWARflN). (02166) Internabonal Instifute of Iropical Agriculture. Colaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Develpment in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegeable Research and Deveop l Center (AVRDC). CoTpjenzabon of inlWd lisheres prodution. (04039) Sth Afcan Development Commnity (SADC). Conseraon educaton in he SADC regon. (04083) Southem Ahtcan Developrent Cmmunty (SADC). Coordwiabon oa gonal rsetse Fly era_ci wth wilde management prgammes. (04090) Soumern Afrcan Development Comrmunty (SADC) Creating experiental and seed product*on centers [Cr6abon des centres expenrw taux et de prodction de semencesj. (01076) Food and Agrculture Organization o the Unted Nations (FAO). Deveopment of a basin-wide untiied monttorr g system related to water quality and quntity (04116) Soutrn Afncan Development 2ornmun4ty (SADC). Development of an integrated water management plan for tie Zambezi basin. (04117) Southern Afncan Develpment Community (SADC). Devebpment of aquaculture n Angob - Phases I arnd II. (04055) South Afncan Devebpment Commnwity (SADOC). Deveopmnl of aquaculture in SADC. (04M0) Souftrn African Develme Communty (SADC). Devebpment of Envrownental Impact Assessmt (EIA)- Phase I. (04120) Southem African Develpment Community (SADC). 21 Index of procts by comy D evelpment of fish bamg in cool water areas h the SADC reion. (04057) Souten Afa Deveopmn CommunCty (SADC). Deveopment of human esoums, aftmisbalive and institutional stutr and technical capabdW s - Deveopmen of natonial capabdites and human resowes. (041 15) Southem Afica Deveopmt Community (SADC). Development of human resourms ablinstrabve and nstnal sucue and te cl capabiltes - kIdnticabon d naonal capabs and need for deveopmen d nabonal capabltes and humfan resources. (04114) Southern Afcan Development Commwty (SADC). Develpment of rrondorig systems. (04102) Soutern Afncan Devebpment Conmnunity (SADC). Development of regoual tegslabon for maagement of the Zamnbezi River. (04113) Soutern Afncan Peeopment Community (SADC). Dry zone and high altude fueWood research. (04062) Souftem Afican Development CommunIty (SADC). Economics of conseriation. (04103) Southn Afrcan Develpmen Community (SADC). Ebbie mushroom tanning and deveopment. (04068) Southem Alncan Devebpment Community (SADC). Eronment mpad assessment workshop. (04086) Souftern Afnrcan Develpet Communty (SACC). Establshment of a preparahon ard monitoring of pqecs in the feld of agnculture. (03994) Soutem Atrncan Development Community (SADC). EstablWs1iment of a regional herbanum arid conservation of endagered species. (04059) Southem Ahrcan Development Communm y (SADC). Establishment of a research and resource evaluation programme in the marine waters of the SADC region. (04051) Souftem Afncan Development Community (SADCO. Estaishnent of regional computer-based marine fisheries catch data system. (04042) Souftem African Devepmnt Commundy (SADC). Establishment of the Southem Alrican Centre for Cooperation in Agrcultural Research and Training (SACCAR) - Phase 1. (03605) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agnculturat Research (SACCAR) 22 ixdex of proit by country Fshenes resource maragement (01154) Word Ban*; Arwgoa. Forest Indusbnes Training Centre (FITC). (04M63) S hen Afncan Devepenwt Community (SADC). GLIP Promotonl oLegume Cutbvawni (Grounbits) in the SADC Paion. (02172) U.S. Agency for Internatoal Development. Grain legurne uimprovernt programme (GUP) - Bean (hseoks vuaris) pro,ecl. (03604) Southen Arican Centre for Co-peraion in Agcltura Pesearch (SACCAR)lCentro Interncal de Agricultua Tropical (CIAT). Grain legume nmproveent prWamme (GIUP) - GroundLuts (Aracds hypogaea) PrOject. (03766) Southen Afncan Centre for Co-operaton n Agnculurai Research (SACCAR)lGemran Agency lor Tedchical Cooperation (GTZ)Jlremational Crops Research lnste for he SemiiAnd Tropics tiCRiSAT). Grain legume wnprovement programme (GLIP) - SADC cowpea propect - Phase 1. (03767) Southern Afncan Centre for Co-operaton in Agrculural Research (SACCAR)/Commison ol he European Communmies (CECdlnternational Insbtite of Tropical Agricuuure (IITA). Grain legume improment programrme - cowpea research project (SADC countries) (02737) Cormmission of the European Communibes. Groundnut inprovement. (02163) International Devebpment Research Centre (IDRC) Harmonization of seed laws in the SAiDC region. (03990) Sou#*rm Atrican Develpment Community (SADC). Improved irngaton in the SADC region (03991) Southern African Devepmnwtd Commundy (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Adiin.siralive Unid (FSTAU). improvement of research station development and management in SADC. (03769) Southern African Centre for Co-operation i Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Antematbonal Crops Research Institue for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). In-service training in research managemerd - Phase 1. (03606) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agiculural Research (SACCARYlntemarionat Service for Ntional Agrcultural Research (ISNAR). Infrastucture development in conservation areas. 23 Index of propeds by county (04084) Soutn Afca D ewepwt Communty 4SIC). Invenlory od completed. ongoing and planned proe. envronmenal evakuaton of mapot prects, and niaon of basin-wide exdange of inroiabon. (04112) Southem Alrican Deveopmen Communit ISADC). Lake Kanba fshenes research and deveopmnt. (04053) Soutien Arican Development Commnrity (SADC). Land and water management research programme (L & WMRP) - Pase 11. (03600) Souther African Centre for Co-operation in Agrxulural Research (SACCAR)Overa Developm-rt Admwstation (ODA). Livestock pmpvement in SADC. (03611) Soutern Afxcan Centre for Co-operation Agrultural Research (SACCAR)/ntermatonal Lvestock Center for Africa (ILCA). Maragement of blac conton soils (Vetisol) in SADC. (03616) Scuthern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Manpower training and deveoprnent. (04101) Southern Aftican Development Community (SADC). Pasur etwork for Eastern and Soutern Africa (PANESA). (02083) Intefnational Devebpment Research Centre. Ptan of achon for the Kabhan-Namib regon - Phase I. (04121) Souerm African Develprrent Community (SADC). Ptarnt breeding in relation to the utilisation of sorghum and milet for food, beverages and aninal feeds - Phase . (03603) Soutern African Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)/lntemational Crops Research Instiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Plant quarantine protect. (03986) Southern African Deveopment Community (SADC/Food Secunty Technical and Administrative Und (FSTAU). Popular participation lund. (04109) Soutem African Development Community (SADC). Production and breeding of vegetable seed. (03987) Southem African Development Communty (SADCYFood Security Technical and Administrative Und (FSTAU). Production and distnbutior of pasture seeds and lgumes - Study. 24 indax of proects by onby (0403) Souten Afrc Deveopnent Commuriy (SADC). Pvgramme lo develop scienfc aid technical and prfssnal mbnoww for agncuture and natual resources n SADC (REPSAF) - Part 1. (03768) Southern Afican Centre for Co-petation in Agricult Researdc (SACCAR). Pecd 5.02YProec 6.0.23: tmprovement and strngtheg of forestry ard forest products research stitutims in te SADC Regon. (04072) Finnish Intmabonal Devopment Agency/SADC Foresry Sector Techwical Coordaon Uit. Proect dv el t and de& ign (04099) Souherm Afican Develpment Coinmunty (SADC). Proion of export mafketinw of mamne fish products. (04044) South African De eoment Commuwity (SADC) Proson of extension aids and servimces - Phases I ind 11. (04041) Souther Alican Development Community (SADC). Qualit control and standarrbzabon of fishey prDducts. (04050) Southern Afrcan Devebpment Community (SADC). Recrutment and retenton of professional staff m the Ministries of Agriculture in menter States. (03983) Southem African Development Corrurunily (SADC). Regional earty warnrng system (Phases I and 11). (03975) Southem African Development Community (SADC)/Food and Agricuture Organization of the Unrted Nations (FAO). Regional East Coast Fever and Heartwater vaocines production and immunization. (04021) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADCYFAO/UNI'FLORIZi,mbabwe. Regional fishenes information and documentation system. (04038) Southern African Devebpment Communrty (SADC)FFWSCU. Regional food marketing infrastructure. (03982) Southem African Development Communrty (SAOC). Regional food reserve project. (03980) Souther African Devebpment Communiy (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Admirnistrative Uni (FSTAU). Pegional hydrolgical assessment project. (04110) Souftern African Develpment Community (SADCtlWodd Bank. 25 Index of proects by counWry PegioDrl ifonmabon syslem for tood secrt (03976) Souhrn Afican IDe me Communy (SADC). egional Inventory d Agrcultural Resource Base (RIARB). (039T7) Southern Afncan Deveopment Commuwity (SADC). Regional post production lood loss reducion and food processing - Phases I and II. (03981) Southn African Devebpmend Community (SADC)IFood Security Technca and Adniistraive Urnt (FSTAU). Regional quality labcoralory and natonal sub-unuts. (03969) Southn Afncan Deveoment Community (SADCyFood Security TechnrW and Administrawe Uni (FSTAU). Regional seed tecdiono and infmation centre. (03965) Soutwhen Af,ncan Deveopment Community (SADC Wood Security Technical and Admintstrabve Unit (FSTAU). Regional sivey of widite uthzation and the economic potential of wivkufe resources. (04097) Southern Afrtcan Development Community (SADC). Pegional training centre for meat inspection and meal technoigy - Lobatse in Botswana (Phases I and 11). (04027) Souther African Devebpmenl Community (SADC Food and Agncufture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Regional Training Centre in Range and Ranch Management - Tanzania. (04029) Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC). Regtil Tree Seed Centre. (04061) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Regional trout management project. (04056) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regional Tsetse and Trypanosorniasis Training Centre - Zarr.aia. (04030) Southern Afrcan Development Commundy (SADC). Regioral vegetabe research programme. (03612) Southem Afrcan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Regional wildlife resources inventory. (04094) Southen Afncan Development Community (SADC). 26 Index of prOd by couity PAW ek baNig p ,WMe (04081) Sothn Africa Deepnt Communty (SADC), Rfaboation d Kissama atonal Park. (04092) Soulther can r pment Commty (SADC). Renforment of the Natonal Servce for Plait Protection. (0399K) Sothern Afica Development Com nt (SADC). Rehef for drugit-striken widife areas. (04079) Soten Afcan Development Commu y (SADC. Pesearch and monitonng development. (04085) SouXthn African Develpent Commtunit (SADC). Research on te ecology and biology of Gnmela simiow in SADC. (037701 Soutfern African Cente for Co-operation en Aicultral Research. Reseau Europeen drEhtde des Lalentes (EUROLAT) [Etropean Network on Ferralsols S5-desl. (02639) Minestere de la Recherche et de rEnseinernent Supereur Unirversite of Strasbourg SADC annual research seminar on soil iand wate conseron and land utilation. (04118) Smouhem African Develpment Community (SADf/SACCARVSWCLUUniersy of Botswana. SADC Cowpea Improvement Network. (02165) United Nations Development Program (UNDPylnlematonal Development Research Centre (I DRC)/Anternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (i!TA). SADC crops and forest seeds genebank (SRGB). (03608) Souerm African Centre for Co-operation in Aicultural Research (SACCARfNorMdc Gene Bank (NGBySwedish Internatinal Development Authority (SICA). SADC ew onm ntal monitoring propd. (04122) South African Development Community (SADCySWCDLU. SADC Maize and Wheat Improvement Research Network. (03609) Centro Internacional de Meoramiento de Maiz y Tiigo (CIMMYT). SADC rangeland develpment projKct. (03979) Swuthem African Devel t Communiy (SADC). SADC Regonal Sorghum and Mdiets Improvement Program. 27 Index d proects by country (02155) U.S. Agency for International Devekpne (USAID)YSouten Afncan Cener for Coopeation n Agcural Resach (SACCAR). SADC sod teit anawyse s pWWfc. (03978) Souhrn African Oeveopmed Ccmmunity (SADC). Son and millet mvmet proygam (S&MIP) - Phase 11. (03602) Southem African Centre for Co-opefation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)ltrm imaonal Crops Research Instiute for fe SemnFArid Tropics (ICRISAT). Souhern Alrican Centre for Ioy Marketing. (04093) Southern African Devebpmnt Commundy (SADC)YSACIM. Special laciity for SADC forestry prtect develop t (04058) Southem African Devlopment Cormmunity (SADC). Strategies for popular partnpabon. (04104) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Stengtherig and coordination of mrant pest control (03992) Southen African Development Community (SADC)/Food Secunty Technical and Admiistrative Und (FSTAU). Strengtwing facultes af agncuiture. forestry and vetemnary medicine in SADC. (03610) Southem African Centre for Co-operation n Agrcultural Research (SACCARYGerman Agency tor Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Sub-Sahafan Afnca hydrological assessment. (01108) World Bank. Support to fisheries development planning. (04049) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Support to SADC Fisheries Coordnation Unit. (04043) Soufferm Aincan Development Community (SADC). Sustainably productive Land management systems. (04108) Soutem African Development Community (SADC). Technical assstance programme for coordation and cooperation (Phase 11). (03974) Southem African Devebpment Community (SADC)YFood Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Training of animal health auxiliary personnel in the diagnosis of animal diseases. (04022) Soutem Afncan Development Community (SADC). 28 Index of pmects by cow" Taw of xxoaby hrcs for the maintnance and repair of scenbfic aid Ieticnal equipenTt in veterinary lboratones. (04033) Soutn African Development Commuiq (SADC). Vele y assistance in the sou west d Angola. (04024) Southem Afncan Develpment Comunity (SADCAngdla. Wetlands onservation prograwne. (04082) Soultem Afrcan Development Community (SADC)11UCN Wool and mohair improvemernt in SADC - Phase If. (036t5) Southem Afnrcan Centre for Co } Index of Prcts by comry Reg *dditf esow WNW". (040) Southern Ahc Devpmen Comm ity (SADC). Re-nal Me tn pograrne. (04081) Soutfern Arican Developmt Community (SADC). Rehabitation of tadtonal ngation project. Kilnanapro zone. (04277) Food and AicuItwue Organzation of the Unied Nations. Relief for drought-strcken wikldle areas. (04079) Soutn African Deveopment Comrnunity (SADC). Research and monitorng developrent. (04085) Soutern Atrican Development Community (SADC]. Research masterplan for agrculture and natural resources in Zanzibar Policies, stralegies and objects for research to the year 2000. (04354) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unded Nations. Research on potential sources of the industnal phycocolloids agar, carrageenan and akg in Tanzania. (02942) Intemalional Foundabon for Soence. Pesearch on th ecology and bology of Gonoweta s*moths in SADC. (03770) Souter Aftican Centre for Co-operabion in Agricultural Research. Research programe on the bological and dcemical control of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Internaniona Instute of Biobgical Control. Reseau Developpement (RID) [Devebprnenl Netwodcj. (02653) GRET Rice Scald. MInographella atbescens. host-pathogen relationships, patogenicty and resstance. (04781) Overseas Deveopment Administraion (NRRD). Rural informal sector (Tanzania)- 404941) Intemabonal Development Research Centre. Rural plantations and timber processing in th SADC region. (04071; Southern African Deveopment Community (SADC). Rural storage structures. (04271) Food and Agiculule Organiaton of the Unried Nations. Rural wonen's access to land (Tanzania). 170 Irdex Of pejOcts bY ctt (04256) Wernahnal Develo Research Cente. SADC annual research swmn on sd and water anseraon and land uliabon. (04118) Soutn Afrien Developmt Cornmuimily (SAOC)SACARSWCLU /University of Bdswana. SADC crops and forest seeds genebark (SFIGB). (03608) South African Centre for Co-operation n Agriculural Research (SACCAR)Nordc Gee Bank (NGBYSwedis Internaional Depment Authorty (SIDA). SADC environmental montorng projet. (04122) Southern African Development Community (SADCYSWCDLU. SADC Maize and Wteat Improvement Research Network. (03609) Centro Interaciona de Mepramento de Maiz y Tngo (CIMMYT). SADC rangelad deveopment poecd. (03979) Southern Afncan Devekpet Community (SADC). SADC rangeand devebploent, Tanzania. (04011) Soutern African Develpmnt Comunwity (SADC) SADC Regiona Sorghum and Milets Impovemenl Program. (02155) U.S. Agency for Internabonal Devebpmet (USAIDVSoutmem African Center for Cooperation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). SADC sod lertility analysis protect. (03978) Southem African Devebpment Community (SADC). Scientriic research in conservabon forests and woodlands. (04142) Tanzania Forestry Resea- h Institute. Second rnaial agicultural and Irvestock research proed. (01679) Worlid Bank; Tanzania. Seo-swa lance of nnderpest and oter diseases in Africa, using imrnunoassay techniqlues. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Shicuflture/ecology in plantations. (04149) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. SicuruS eoogy m n mnservati forests and woodanIS. (04145) Tanzania Forestry Research Inshitute. Snal holder fostry (Tanzania). 171 hdex of pd by country (04927) ltwemaonal Development Research Centre. Smai scl coconut oi extacton by wom. (04775) Ovsea Deve0ope t t Admnisfal (NRRD). Smiai Scale Irrigation Progranme Dodoma (SSIPWO Maji na 'Aazug9ra). (06617) SNV (Netherlads Develbnt Oranization). Sinak-scale partial acidulation ol phosphate rcck (East Afica). (05342) Inernaibonal Deveopmen Research Centre. Smallhodr livestock protect, Pemba. (04361) Depatmt of Foreign Aitairs. Socio-ooonwic onsequence analysis of choie of techrxogy m the forest sector. (04389) Agncultural Unvesity of Norway. Soid and water rmang t (Tanzania). (04394) Internabonal Devebpment Recheddie CentreJSokoine Unvesity of Agriculture. Soil fetity (Tanzania). (02499) Iriternational Devebprment Research Centre. Soils and nutbtion (n softwood and hardwood plarnations). (04150) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Sokoine Unrversity of Tanzania. (02028) U.S. Agency for Intemafional Devebpnment. Sorghum and milet improvement programnme (S&MIP) - Phase II. (0W602) Southem Afnican Centre for Co-operabon in Arwkcultural Research (SACCARF)ntermaional Crops Research Institue for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Sorghum and millet sub-sector (Tanzania). (04198) International Devebpment Research CentreaSokoine University of Agriculture. Sorghum utilization (Tanzania) - Phase II. (02476) Intemational Development Research Centre. Southem African Centre for Ivory Marketng. (04093) Southern Aftican Devepment Commnfity (SADC)ISACIM. Spat setent of the oyster, Crassostra -ukulaf a on Zanzibar Island. (03316) International Foundation for Scienc-. Special facility for SADC forestry project develpment 172 Index of projects by country (04058) Swute Afric Develpen Community (SADC). Special progamming fundg for prcgramme i wmnntaton in the pasture network for Easten and Southern Africa. (02111) Intermational Fund for Agricultual Development. Staple food market control - altematives: the case of nce and mauze in two regions in Tanzania. (04374) Sokoine University of Agriculture Strateges for popular particpabon. (04104) Soutem African Development Community (SADC. Strengftening and coordination of migrant pest control. (03992) Southern African Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Techuicaa and Admiistrative Unt (FSTAU). Strengthening DLCO-EA in the managernent of migrant pest control. (01627) Unded Nations Development Programr. Strenghening faculties of agxiuture, forestry and vetennary medicine in SADC. (03610) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricual Research (SACCARYGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Studies on anthelmintic resistance in small rum,nants in Morogoro. (04385) Sokone University of Agriculture. Studies on effect uf time and conditon of storage of oommon beans (Phaseolus vulgars) on viability, seedling vgour and cooking time. (05277) International Foundation for Science. Studies on Hajo birght (Pseudomonas synngae pv. phaseolicola) of beans (Pnaseolus vujaris) in Tanzania. (03194) International Foundation for Science. Studies on rust diease of beans and cowpeas in Tanzania: epidemiology and disease control. (03061) Intemational Foundation for Science. Stuies on the biology and ecology of chrysopid pwedators of Heliothis annigera n Tanzania. (03271) Intermational Foundation for Science. Sui-Sahaan Africa hydrological assessmnent. (01106) World Bank. 173 Index of profects by country Spo blo fisher devopmernt plnng. (04049) Souten African Development Communty (SADC). Sopo to SADC Fsheries Coodiation Unit (04043) Southern Afican Development Community (SADC). Sustawably producve land management systems. (04108) Soubhern African Deveopment Commundy (SADC). Tanzania: Ouant!catbon of post harvest bsses of fish. (05740) Overseas Development Adrninvstration (NRRD). Tanzania'Canada wheat program - Phase IIl. (01035) Canadan Intematonl Development Agency. Tanzania: Determation of he effects of sihcuftural treatnent (wooa spacing) on wood dhactenstie and pulpinq properties of Pinus patula and Cupresses lusitanica. (040) Overseas Devebpment Adrninmsratron (NRRD). Technical assislance programmfre for coortinabon ard cooperaton (Phase 11). (03974) Southem African Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Techncal and Admniistrative Urwt (FSTAU). Technolg transfer pocess: The case of maze in the Souferm lighlInds (Tanzania). (04930) International Development Research Centre. Termites and Land managemnent in southern Africa. (04824) Overseas Devebpment Admrnistration (NRRD). Tesfing and improving drought resistance in some maize vanetles. (03098) International Foundation for Science. Tethcring of small ruminants in Tanzania. (018091 Overseas Development Administratior; (NRRD). The aftatoxin problem in Tanzania. Field survey of rural Tanzania farmilies for ingested aflatoxins. Degree of exposure and control measures. (03214) International Foundation for Science. The East and Southem Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U S. Agency for International Development (USAI0Dlntemational Develpment Researfch Centre (IDRC)VInternational Institute of Tropical Agricufture (IITA). The Geological Network for Agrominerals in East and Southem Atnca. (02613) Ur.ited Nations Development Program (UNDP); World Bank. 174 Index of proech by cowty The uiunce of road gradent and alivnen on road manenance costs. (04379) Sokoie Uni t of Ariwlltue. The Livestock Tryaotrar Nework. (02081) Overseas Devepnt Admnistation. The use of Leucaena leuoephala forage as a high quaMty feed suppmnt on urea treated maize stover for goal weaners. (05485) Intemational Foundation for Scwence. The use of an NRI deveoped green Ilaf pgnent model to iprove tea quality and value. (05780) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). The use of jute sacks i tne agncuftural sector in Atrica. (04899) Overseas Develpment Adrministation (NRRD). Tradiiona Irigaborn Improvement Programme Il. (05636) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Traditinal rghts of use natural resources in trapacai forests and rduihlhltaton of wasteland. (34663) Ecodeveopment. Society for Internabonal Development Research and Planning. Bertin. Tradtional Techniques of Micro Cirmate Improvement fTTMI), phase II. (05650) WAU (Wageningen Agrouhural Uniersity). Trainmng of animal health auxiliary personnel in the diagnosis of animal diseases. (04022) Southern African Develpment Community (SADC). Training of Iaboralory technicians for the maintenance and repair of scientfic and equipment in vetennary laboratores. (04033) Southern Alncan Deve!oprent Community (SADC). Transportation of agricultural products. (03477) SINTEF. Tree breeding. (04147) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Tsetse control to assist mrigratory pastoralists. (04269) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Tsetse fly eradication. (04283) Intemational Atomic Energy Agency. 175 Index of projecs by antry Uugn Monlitam egteed sod cnrvation proped. (04386) Sokine Uniersity of Agricuke. Ugu Mountains areas project (04300) Sokoine Uniry of Agncullure. Universites and national ai ftural research in Sub-Saharan Africa. (03678) Internabonal Senice for National Agncultural Research. Urban agulture (Tanzania). (04197) International Development Research Centre. Urban agroulture (Tazania). (04400) International Development Research Centre/Sokoine Uniersit of Agnculture. Urban fueIwood proqect. (04060) Southem Afrcan Development Cornmunity (SADC). Use of insect growth regulators for army#orm and red bcusts. (05758) Overseas Devewopnent Administration (NRRD1,. Ublisation research. (04155) Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Vegetable research and develpment (Tanzania). (04922) Internahonal Devebpmenl Research Cenite. Water use by forest plantations. (01099) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation wih Developng Couritnes. Wetands conservation programme. (04082) Southem African Devebpment Community (SADCYIUCN. Women ard development in fisheries. (03476) Finnmark Regional College. Women's participation in communication for development (Tanzania). (04945) International Develpment Research Centre. Wood Adhesives (Tanzania) - Phase 11. (05825) Inlernational Develpment Research Centre. Wool and mohair improvement in SADC - Phase II. (03615) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Ninrock International (Winrock). 176 Index of protects by country Yield iease throh e use of ferblizer and rebbted pus - Phases I and II. (04275) Food and A gr ue nizaton of toe Unted Nabors. Zambezi River System Action Ptan (ZACPLAN). (04111) Sothem Ahican Development Community (SADC). Zanzbar cash crops farming systems project. (04359) Ovwseas Development Administaton. Zanzia forestry deveop t project * Phases I and 11. (04358) Finnish Deparmnt of Internamonal Develpment Cooperabon. Zanzibar smaliholder agricultural development. (04281) Internatkinal Fund for Agriculural Devebpment. [Networ* on Sorghum MiltglfDenulling]. (02648) International Development Research Centre. Thand ACIAR Forestry Research and Information Network. (05355) Australian Centre for International Agricuttural Research. Australian hardwoods for fuelwood and agroforestry - Phase 11. (04903) Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. 8ioogy of saft tolerance in Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphondae) and other species of blowflies which are pests of sahed-dried fish in tropical developing countries. (05799) Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). Formal representation and use of indigenous ecologcal knowledoe about agrolorestry. (04730) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Intemational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Charnpaign. Nitrogen Fixation by Tropical Agricultural Legumes (Ni(TAL). (05377) University of Hawaii. Pesticide application on tree crops. (04897) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). 177 Index d proje*s by oiff" TOPo A Feasbay study an esbbishwg an Afian Cetre fr Fertzer Devekopment (01684) GtZ (Detche Gesellsit er teckw ch Zuimearbeit. A*rican Center od M onDlgca Aplations for Dewv omnt (ACUAD). (01 109) Word Meteorgical Org _zabo (WUO). rican Sna Rummarit Collatorative esearch Netw*Dr. (02620) International Fund for Aicutural Dewebpment Afia Small Rumnat ColLaborate Resear Nework (SRNET). (05812) interational Uvestock Cente for Africa (ILCA). Aley Farmwn Network for Tropical Africa (02068) Canadian Internatonal Devebpnent Agency (aDA)Ylntemabonal Devebpent Research Centre (IDRC). Associto Intatioale pour rOptimisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANKOP) Iermabrnal Aoabon for the Opbnizabon of Plant Nutrition]. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Internationrale en Recherdce Agomnoique pour le Devetbem (CIRAD). Biological integ-ated contro of the trger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus Horn. (03907) Insttut fuer PhytopalhokKge, Arbetgruppe Vorrat, Universitaet Kiel. Ceral ard West Afrcan Root Crops Collaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Institute 0d Tropical Agwicuure. Fertlizer Marketing and Trade Infonmation Program (FM1TP) (02145) Drectorate General for Internatial Cooperation (DGIS); U.S. Agency for International Devetopment (USAID). Intemalional Rice Testing Program for Atria (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNDP)'European Ec4norimc Commission (EECYJapan Managent of vertisols under serni-arid condtions in Africa (MOVUSAC). (01022) International Boatd for Soil Researdc and Management. Research, coordination, and training for inproved livestock production in Sutb-Saan Aftnca 102732) Commission of the Eumpean Communities. Reseau Coton (COTON). (02082) France; Conterence des Responsables Rewches Agronomique Africans at 178 Index of protecs by country Fracais (CORAF). Straes Aknnar (STRA) (Food Steges Netwok]. (02655) ORSTO tnst Francai de Redcerche Scentifique pour le Developpment en CooeatDn. Sub-Saharan Afica hydrogical assesment. (01108) World Bank. The Lvestock Tfypanotblat Network. (02061) Overseas Development Administation. Tunisi Ahian Center of Meleorological Apphcations for Develpment (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorobgical Organization (WMO). 1mprvng lt Productit of Inrxgen African Livestock using Radirimmunoassay and rebled Technques. (02621) Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Nationa Sod Retemnce Colections (NASREC 11). (05624) ISRIC (Intermatbonal Sod Reference and Infotrnation Centre). Resach progr i on the biological and chemical contl of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Inernateonal Inshine of Biological Control. Zonation of haophtc vegetation. (t920) Fakufte Bioogie. Abt. Oekologie, Universitaet Bielefeld Adaption of novel techniu for tme etection and characlersabon of te fungi causing Fusanum wilt and Sigatoka leaf spots of banana and plantain. (05810) Overseas Devebopment Adninistralion (NRRD). African Center of Metobgical Applications for Developent (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorologjcal Organization (WMO). African Regional Pest n agement Resarch and Deveoprment Network (PESTNET). (02646) Internabonal Cenre of Insect Physology ard Ecolgy (ICIPE). Agoeconornic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Africa. (01222) Rockefeller Foundation. 179 Irdkx of mom by cout Agonornc NeWork tor East and Soiherm Arica (0261 1) Unded 14 r Develo Pmgra (UNDP); Worid Bark- Alley Fmwig e fo Tropical Ari (0208) Canadian Intemabonal Devepme Agency (CIDA)lntemational Deveopnt ResePch Centre (IDRC). Charadension of dersity for disease estance of Phaseokus bean mxtnure n East Afica. (0181) Overseas Deveopment Administration (NRRD). CIMLYT Eastemn and Souten Afnca Economics Prorm (CIMMYTJESA). (06359) Centro Inttmcon de Mejoramniento de Maiz y Trigo. Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Appcato of Irradiation Tedhique for Food Prcesg in Afica. (02629) Unded Nabons Food and Agrculhte Organization. Cooperatie Cereals Flesearch Netwo* (CCRN). (02171) Intetnabonal Crops Research Insrhtue for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Detoxicatn of Cassava at House Level in Rural Africa. (05659) WAU (Wagenng Agricultural UnNersity). Devebpment o agrofrest research networks n Africa. (01122) Interationao Council for Research in Agroforestry. East Africa Cowpea Improvent Network. (02164) United Nations Develpment Program (UNDPO)ntemational Devebpment Research Centre (IDRC)lEuropean Economic Commisson (EEC)/Ilntemabonal Institute of Tropical Agricuture (IITA). East Africa pesticide network. (02559) International Development Research Centre. East Africa Regional Cooperatve for Research on Barknas (and Ensete) (EARCORBE). (02168) International Network for te Improvement of Banana and Pantain. East Afria remote sensing 11. (01954) U.S. Agency for International Developmrent. East Coast Fever Vaccine Production and Ouality Control in SADC region. (05582) FAO. Eastem Africa Regional Sorghum and Milet Collaborative Research Network (EARSAM). 180 Index of p niecs by co y (02076) U.S. Agey kir htmanl Devebpme (USAIDySei-Arid Food Gran Reseach and Doeemr (SAFGRAD). Fli of Tropical Easl Atnca - ns.aceae. Hycua a and Hypox rae. (04387) U nwsity d Osb. Fun i onal disity of Phaseoks beo mixtures in East Atnca. (04744) Overseas Devi*pment A&Mnistraton (NRRV). im ghe O aw ywr 6 arwd Conrol a Tryanosmiass and otter Vector-borne Diseases of Arixan Lisock. usng Immu _assay Methods (02627) Diretora Generl for Inematbonal Coopeation (DGIS). Imprvin te Pro lt d lnigero African LNestock usg Raoommunoasay and relabd Tedmiques. (OM621) Dirctorat General for Intnabonal Cooperation (DGIS). Infenabonal Pearl Mle Adaptaton Trai (IPMAT). (05375) Intematbonai Crops Research Insttute for [he Semi-And Tropics. Ifteabonal Raoe Tesn 1mro for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nabons Deelopre Prgram (UN0PYEuropean Economnic Comnmissin (EEC)IJapan. Internabonal Soyean Prgram (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illnois at Urban-Champaign. Network on land deeopmnent for sustainable agnculture in Africa (AFRICALAND - Land devebWen) t). (02109) tntenat,onal Board [or Soil Research and Management. Odrops Network for Easten and Southem Afrca and South Asia. (02086) Internationa Devebpment Research Centre. Oseed Proc n Ne .ork (05411) International Deeopment Research Centre. Pasture Netvork for Eastern and Sottem AfTica (PANESA). (02083) International Oevelpnent Research Centre. Phytosaniary controls for Afican Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACUV). (05778) Overseas Deveopment Adniniration (NRRD). Quality iproeent of tmrnenc arid vanilla. (04107) Overseas DevelMent Adninistration (NARD). 181 kIdex d prceds by country Pfiel coopeao on cott research and develpment (011 16) Word Bai*. S5wciur e of 4erpei arid ot disease m A a sing nmnoassay (0 8) Swesh Agency for Rural Cooeato (SAREC). Solo-Ec e cOloab research Si poped 1: Farrnmig systems appoadw Sub Mproe 2 Ned amssesmnt and mariretr systems. (04879) Oeas Deelopm t Ad i rn (NRRD). Speco progranvnng drig for r m VWreffao in the pastie itwwk for Eastem and Souten Africa. (02111) Intenabonal Furd fo Agncwal Devebpmentw S Dterimg OLCO-EA in the managem t of mirt pest control. (01627) Unied Nabtons Dfevpmet Prowam. Sub-Saharan Africa hdrological ssesm nt. (01 108) World Bank. The Develpmt of Practices for Areawde Tsetse Eradcation wth emphass on the Strile Insect Tecwique. (102626) Unded Nabons Food and Agncuture Organuaton The East and Souhern Alica Root Crops Pesearch Networ (ESARRN). (02060) U.S. Agency for Interabonal Devebpment (USAID9tnternabonal Devefop t Research Centre (IDRC)ulnte br Institute of Tropical Agrcutre (IITA). The Geoo Newor r Agromnrwals in East and Southern Afrca. (02613) United Nabons Development Pmgram (UNDP); Wodd Bank The use of pute sacks m the agiculural sector n Afnca. (04899) Oveseas Deveopment Adminestrabon (NRRD). [Netwok on Sorghum MellligyDehulhngJ. (02648) International Developmert Research Centre. UImd ingdom A review of tarn and water manamt research reflvant to the irtwsificaton of smaihkdr cpping systems in the semi-arid areas of eastem ard soutern Africa. (0471 1) Ovesas Devopment Adrninitatioa (NRRD). A species and provenane trial of Casuarina the Tanzana highlands. 182 hod9 dfpt*cWby co y (0481) Ow0eas Dovalpmet Adnr*ww" )RRFD). A suiry t assess metiods for wrowig herbicde use n dsepienlg coimnes. (05M) Owes Deslpme Adn on (NFRD). AdWpin mad devlpen of diagosuk magent for cassava brown streiak diease or use in deveopig couwmes (0580) Overseas Deeipt Awstran (NRRD) Adapb o nofvel tW ques for the deteton and daracensawol o b e hudgt causig Fusarun wil and Sigatola af spots of banana ad pbiant (05810) Ovrseas Developent A*idstratn (NRRD). Africa ahdoNal technoko and ecolgy. (04738) Overseas Devebpyen Mnewstraton (NRRD). An adapt research proed in fam mnwagent and weed cotl fo# im ved agricLs" prodaci (Soci-eWoM wpporl for the tmnbabwe soi and waler coservan -e . (04871) Ovseas Deelpment Admnsarbon (NRRD). Appiclty of ZmTabw odour bait 1d m for tsetse control n oher AfM= (05802) Overseas Develpmn Admustrato (NRRD). Assessmen of nemabod problems in smiholder cropping systems. (04821) Overseas Devepment Annistrabon (NRRD). BehavioWal ecobgy of te side-stnped WaU (Canis adusgus Sndeval): Implcatbons for the epidenmnbgy and cor"ol of rabies. (04876) Overseas Devebpment Adnkinsrabon (NRRD). Biology and management of pathogens of pieonpea ard cotton. (04820) Overseas Development Adennistrabon (NRRD) Biolgy of salt tolrarne in Chrysorna meep ta (DteDo a: CaHihoridae) aid other spees of bbwfies winch ate pests of saltd-dried fish n tropical devopg countries. (05799) Ovrseas Devebpmet Ackninistration (NRRD). Biolo of sorghum fdiar patogens. (04818) Overseas Devebpment Admnistratio (NRRD). Central Afrca: Managent of Miombo woodand as commwndy woodlos. (04719) Overseas Devebpment Admin atio (NRRD). 183 khex d MOMbycountry Ch0areusabon of divemily for isease resince of Ptesooks bean mobcue n East (01821) Ovseas Develpmen Ac*nrslraton (NRRD). Comprhensv .vkjabon of sni scale g' aD trage (0469) Overseas Devlopmd AdnnorOw (NfRD). Codrol of soil acdly in aUofstry. (04743) Oeas Deveobpmen Aiwstration (NRRD). Detcon meftods foa hmgi ard myco$oxms. (04750) Overseas Devebpnt Admnistration (NRRO). Develo:menl of in-vitro idetcat technques for speial pathogenc forms (Formae speces) of Fusarm oxysporum. (01 70) Overseas Deopet Adrinsaoin (NRRO). Developmenf of odour bait techrology for tsetse control. (04855) Ovseas Devepnt Admnniiratn (NRRI)) Devebpmn of sustainable tilage and weed ontrol syslems for sod and water consrvatio managent n raied agcuue (Conseration T Iage l) (04670) Oreas Develooment Admine n (NRRD). Effects of physica factors, sesd variety and quality on crop establshment (05750) Overseas Dev em Adminmit n (NRRD). Evaktion ard prmoon of rai-wale harvesing n serniard areas. (01615) Oveseas Deveopment Adri risb (NRRO). Evauation and promotion of rainwater harvesig in Tanzania. (05752) Ovrseas Development Admninistraion (NRRD). Evalation of onion produchon and storage n low lbtitudes. (01726) Overseas Devebprent Administration (NRRD). Field tesing and implementabn of improved casava flour production procem teds. (05765) Owseas Development Admuinstrabon (NRRO). Format representation and use of indigeno eco4gical knowedge about agroforestry. (04730) Overseas Dev3lopment Adurnirstratin (NRRD). Fwuitional diwsty of Phaseolus bean mixtures n East Africa (04744) Overseas Develpment Adrninistration (NRRD). 184 Index of prqects by ont Geneic eAkti of Adan Acaa spcies. (04892) O eas DevlpTewt Agmislr n (NRRO). Geweic tpovewnt of rwHndti bhes di6h partb reerece to Glicidia (04697) O ses D0e obpM t Admnisrrion (NRRD). Wden*atlDn of factors contoi ingtke of lm qualiy diet (01710) Oveas Develpnt Admistation (NRRD). lmpoveeets to the procsm" of sorgtiun, especially for non-traditiona uses: DEHUwNG. (04678) Oweas Developrnent Administration (NRRD) Impnvemen to the pocess of sorghum, especially for noo-traditional uses LLNG. (0N ) Oversem Devebpment Adminnisaion (NRRD). IrmpovwWts to the pocessg f sorghum. especially non-traditkOx uses: BY-RODUICT UTLUZATION. (04680) Oeseas Oevebpmet Administraton (NRRO). Inmrovig the produLcvity of dauqht aninals in sujb-Sahran Africa. (05738) Oeseas Developrmt Anministrban (NRRD). Integrated management of sol pests m Malaw (Pmgect extensjon). (01728) Ovseas Develpmert Adnmirsaon (NRRD). Investgatio on stackbum r sub-Saharan Africa. (04688) Overseas Development Administraon (NRRD). Inveslmt and survival strateges of wonen. (04831) Overseas Davelopment Admnistraion (NRRD). Kenya'Malaw: Development and on-fatr evauation of agroforestry livestock feeding (04894) Overseas Develpment Administraon (NRRD). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Tectniques (LARST) - (NDVI) Vegetabon. (05M) Overs-. Develpmenl Administation (NRRD). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Techn*qes (LARST) for bcal maagenmen of lake rasourcss. (04683) Overseas Deveopmet A btinistrakn (NRRD). Local Applications of Remote Sensr g Techfques (LARST) xr mortg o wildoife aid 185 Index of preot by cowi nalioaulpark (04868) Overseas DevelMwt Admausbation (NRFtD). LocW APpat onsf Pemoe Sen Techn s (LARST for rglard managmen d (04817) Ovse Developrent Admiinistrabon (NRRD). Mwaamert of Cynodon in aninal fiage systems. (05781) Oveseas Devepnt A inistration (NRRD). Mabemacal modenn of nieveton in goat and sheep pductn systems. (04832) Overseas Dvelopment Administrabon (NMRD). ModDkogie for better tedology traster. (04783) Overseas Devebpmrent Administrabon (NRRD). MethodoogW for agicultural marketng systens polcy and prce, ard is applcation to current rtonrs. (01721) Overseas Development Administafion (NRRD). Metods and techiques for envromtal ipact assessments of agrochemrncals in the (04809) Overseas Devebpment Adminstration (NRRD). Microbial control of root knot nematodes. (04864) Ovesas Develoment Admirisiration (NRRD). Microbial control of root-knot nematodes. (01814) Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). Mk poucton fromn the indigenous MaIaw goat. (05737) Overseas Devebpment Administrabon (NRRD). Modeing thse seeced physicai environment in relabon to ap emergence. (05796) Overseas Devebpmenl Admnistrtion (NRRD). Mmonorlonl antbodies and DNA-probes for the identification of root knot rematode species aid host specfic raoes. (01777) Overseas Devebpment Administraton (NRRD). Oikeeds processng - small enteprise opponities sdy. (04888) Overseas Development Admnisbation (NRRD). 186 Idex d pr ect by cowuy Onion genrn evaba and strage noboky. (04774) O0ss Develom Adrnitrabor (NRRD)- P&ioo and comtrd of ergot d esem of "u m Afnca. (01757) Oerseas Develpmen (NRRD). Pesxde application on te cropse (04897) Oveseas Development AdminstrAto (NRRO). P hywita corols for Afrca Cassava Mosaic Vinrs (ACMV). (06778) Oveseas Deveomnt Arrninastration (NRRD). Pocedre for establishing food security reserves in Southn Afnca. (05783) Overseas Development A iniwtabton (NRRD). Qualty fniprovement of tumenc and vadba. (04807) Ovrseas Development Admistnation (NRRO). Quantification of fish osses. (04778) Overseas Devilet Adminstation (NRRD). Rabies in ie Serengeb region, Tanzania. (04877) Overseas Development Almnstation (NRRD). Rice Scald. Moographella altesceris, host-pathogen relaonships, patogenicty end resstance. (04781) Overseas Development Administation (NRRD). Smnal scale coconut oil extraction by women. (04775) overseas Develpment Administation (NRRD). Socio-Econoic colaborative research Sub pet 1: Farming systems appraches Sub proiect 2: Needs assessment and rnarketbng systems. (04879) Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). Sal-borm diseases o tropical subsitence crops and at predisposing effect of root-nvading nematodes and other soil pests (Project extension). (0181 1) Overseas Developnwl Admintration (NRRD). Souten A1rica: Acacia karroo - evaluation, acquistion of genetic resources. (04721) Overseas Development Administation (NRRD). Storage d fibous rumira feeds. (04849) Ovse Deveopnwt Admintabon (NRRD). SWport to smalt scae grain handing and storage following market liberalization in 187 Index of projcts by c "y Souen Afrc (05784) Ovwseas Development Admirnistration (NRRD). Tanzaia: Ouanfiabon of post harvest lossesf d fish. (05740) Overe Development AdminisAn (NRRD). Tanzania Detemmatbon of the effects of slvicultural treabtent (wood spacing) on wood daratenscs and puW ng poperbes of Pinus patuba and Cupresses lusdiaca. (04802) Overseas Development Admnustabtn (NRRD). Temutes and land maragem t in southen Afnca. (04824) Overseas Develpent Admunistiabon (NRRD). Tethering of small rtninants in Tanzania. (01809) Oveseas Deveopment Adrmnistratjon (NRRO). Thw effed of supplements of crop residues or agro-industrial by-products on the perbomanc ot smal-holder goat producbon. (01794) Overseas Devebppment Adnnistabon (NRRD). The epidemiology and control of the sorghum foliar pathogens in the semi-and tropics. (01813) Overseas Devebpment Adnnistration (NRRD). The reliabilrty of genetic paramelers estimated trom forest tree progeny tests. (04740) Overseas Development AdmAnstration (NRRE). The use of an NRI developed green leaf pignent model to improve tea quality and value. (05780) Overseas Development Admrinstration (NRRD). The use of jute sacks in the agricultural sector in Alnca. (04899) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Use of insect growth regulators for armyworm and red locusts. (05758) Overseas Development Administrabon (NRRD)- Use of microbiail rsectcides in drying and dned fish. (0S807) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Utilisaticn of sesbania as a p.otein suppement for goats. (01708) Ovesbas Development Adrministration (NRRD). Weed management and conservation tillage. (0482) Overseas Dvvelopment Admniistration (NRRD). Zimbabwe: Ergonomics evaluation of manual weeders. (04872) Overseas Dev"lopment Administration (NRRD). 18 Index of project by country UnHad Sts Intmnaonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Universay of Illinois at Urbana{-C paign. USSR Internabonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Universty of llhis at UrbanaCnpaign. Venezul Intemabonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Unesity of Illins at UrbanaCharmpaign. Viet oam intemabonal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) Universiy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Zar Africa-wide tiobgaic contrd4 programme for crsava pests. (01828) Intermationa Fund for Agricutural Devebppment. African Center of Meteorological Applcabons for Devebpment (ACMAD). (01 109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Agroeconomic study of cassava in Sub-Saharan Africa. (0122) Rockefellr Foundation. Alley Farming Network for Tropial Ahica. (0208) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDAointemational Devebpment Research Centre (IDRC). Association Intemationale pour lIOptimisation de la Nutrition des Plantes (ANIOP) [International Associatbon for the Optimization of Plant Nurtionj. (02641) Centre de Cooperation Intermationale en Redcche Agronomnique pour le Developpemient (CIRAD). 189 lxdem of pojcts by cow" Central and West Afrcan Root Crops Coaborative Research Network (CEWARRN). (02166) International Instute of Tnpai Ariculture. Characersato of diesy for disease resistance of Phaseokus bean mixture in East Afnica (01821) Overseas Devebpmwt Adinistratoin (NRRO). Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Appiation of Irradiabon Technique for Food Processig in Africa. (02629) United Nabtions Food and Agculture Organizatio. East Atrica Reginal Cooperative for Research on Bananas (and Ensete) (EARCORCE). (02168) International Nehwork for te Improvemient of Banana and Plantain. International Rice Testing Program for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Developent Program (UNDP)lEuropean Economic Commssion (EEC Japan. Internatbnal Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Charmpaign. Phytosanutary controls tor African Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV). (05778) Overseas Develpment Admmistdraon INRRD). FRseai Colon (COTON) (02082) France: Conference des Responsables de Redierches Agronomuque Africains et Francais (CORAF). Stralegies Alimentaires (STRA) [Food Strategies Networkl. (02655) ORSTOM/lnstidut Francais de Reclerche Scientifique pour le Devebppement en Cooperation. Sub-Saharan Africa hydrological assessment. (01108) World Bank. The East and Southem Africa Root Crops Research Network (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Inlernational Development (USAIVVIYntemational Develpment Research Centre (IDRC)/Inlemational Instittde of Tropical Agriculfture (IITA). The Uvestock Trypanololerant Network. (02081) Overseas Devebptnent Administration. Zambla A Feasibility study on eslablshing an African Centre for Fertilizer Development. 190 Index of projects by country (01684) GTZ (Dece Gese haft fuer Technisdie Zusa>nteit). A network on farm power and equprnent for snalh r and largscale farming systems in SADC. (03613) Southem Afican Centre for Co-operation in AWiculwal Research (SACCARYlnternational Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). A Souten Afncan Root and Tubers Crops Research Network (SARNET). (05383) Interrational Insttute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) for cassavaflntemational Crop Institute for Potaloes (CIP) for Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes. Adaptive Research Planning Team-Westem Provine. (05615) KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Adaptive research paning, Western Province. (02093) Directorate General for Inteffational Cooperation (DOGIS). Advanced training courses in plant breeding and seed produclioa. (03988) Southem Afrcan Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Atrica-wide biogical control programmne for cassava pests. (01828) Intermational Fund for Agricuttural Deveopment. African Center of Meteorological Applications for Developrent (ACMAD). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). African Regional Pest management Research and Development Network (PESTNET). (02646) Ir.ternational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Agricuttural devebpment research and extension. (O1837) U.S. Agency for International Deveblpment. Agriutural deveblpment, trade, and diversficatioo in SADC countries. (02099) Worid Bank. Agricultural research and extension project. (011 t4) Afncan Development Bank. Agricultural research and extension project. (01169) World Bank; Zambia. Agriculture stor (formely Agric-Export Diversification (formrly Export drversification). (02066) World Bank; Zambia. 191 Index of propets by coubry Agro-economnic Anaysi of Uvestock (Ca1ttle) Keepin Ntouo the Lrvestock Developmentl fpd- (05670) SNV (Netherbands Deveopn Organization). Agoorest research pwogrnme for the savwnah woodard grassad eology - Malawi. Tazania, Zambia and Zirbabwe. (03607) Soutn Afan Centre for Co-opei in Agrcutral Resear (SACCA)Antematonal Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). Agonornic Network for East and Southem Africa. (02611) United tions Development Pogram (UNDP); World Bank Aley Farming Nework for Tropicaf Africa. (02088) Canadian International Developmnent Agency (ClDAyintemahonal Development Research Centre (IDRC). An investaion into the effects of the legume Cassia absus on tick populabtions. (05296) Intemational Foundation for Science. Animal disease control programme. (03657) Administration C*4rale de a Cooperation au Dveloppernent. Arinal disease control prOect. (02074) Directoiate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Applicablity of Zimbabwe odour bad technologies for tsetse control in other African counthes. (05802) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Applied research and knowledge development. (04105) Soutem African Development Community (SADC). App ed research programme: Southem Africa Research Network for Afica (SA-AFRENA) The unimodal upand plateau. (02617) International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)/Soutem Africa Coordination Centre for Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Aquaculture for Local Communities (ALCOM) - Phases I and 11. (04054) Southem African Development Community (SADCYFAO/SIDA. Assessment ol traditional bean varietal mixtures for disease resistance and control of disease spread. (05446) International Foundation for Scince. Assistance to Coordination Unt - Phase II. 192 Index d projiects by wouwty (04096) Soutem Arican Deveopmet Comimunity (SADC) BeaAkepg developmenlt (04070) Southern African DeveopTet Commuriiy (SADC). Biological controi of introduced pests of maize and cassava. (03614) Soutem African Centre for Co-operabon n Agricultural Research (SACCARlntemational Institute of Tropcal Agriculture (IITA-ABCP). Bioloy of sorghum foliar pathogens- (04818) Lverseas Development Admrinisation (NRRD). Biononnoring ol msectcd applications in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, and Mozanbique. (01604) Commission of the European Communities. Case studies on raising agricultural productvity of women in Afica for increased food production. (02151) World Bank. Cashewnut research and devetopment. (04475) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unded Nations. Central Africa: Management of Miombo woodland as community woodlols. (04719) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). CIMMYT Eastern and Southern Afnca Econmics Program (CIMMYT/ESA). (05359) Centro Intemacional de Mepramiento de Maiz y Trgo. Coordinated Research Programme on the Application of Irradiation Technque for Food Processing in Afica. (02629) United Nations Food and Agnculture Organiation. Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (03687) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Community forestry development. (04066) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Computerization of inband fishenes production. (04039) Southem Atrican Devebpment Community (SADC). Conservation educabon in the SADC region. (04063) Southem African Develpmtent Community (SADC). Construction of food storage facility. 193 Index of pliects by country (04013) Souten Atican D epment Comniinity (SADC). Conrd d sod a iagiooreoy. (04743; Ovew Development Admnistraton (NRRD). Cooperave Cereals Reseanch Netvort (CCRN). (02171) Intemabonal Crops Researdh InstWite for te SeonArid Tropics. Cooperabves and boal organtzabon in rural development. (05000) Sweish Agency for Pesearch Cooperabon wdh Devebping Countries. Coordinabon of regiona Tsetse Fly eradcaon with wiie management programmes. (04090) Southern African Devebpoment Community (SADC). Development of a basin-wide unified monitong system related lo water quality and quanty (04116) Southem African Detelopment Community (SADC). Deveopent of an integrated water management plai for the 7Zambezi basin. (04117) Southern Ahican Devebopment Community (SADC). Development of dquacutture in SADC. (04040) Southem Atncan Development Community (SADC). Developmert of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Phase I. (04120) Southem African Developnment Community (SADC). Development of fish farming in cool water areas in the SADC region. (04057) Southem African Developmenl Community (SADC). Development of human resources, administrative and insbtutiona' structures and technical capabilites - Development of national capabilities and hurnan resources. (04115) Southem African Dpvelopmne-nt Community (SADC). Development of human resources, administrative and instiutional structures and technical capabilities - Identdfication o national capabilities and need for devebopment of national capabilities and human resources. (04114) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Development of monitorng systems. (04102) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Development of regional legislation for management of the Zambezi River. (04113) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Dry zone an1 high altitude fuelwood research. 194 kIdex of pmoect by couti (04062) Sotrn Afncan Development Comniwu* (SADC). East AMica mmome e1ing 1I. (01954) U.S- Agency for Irntional Developnent. East Coast Fever Vaccne Prodition and Quaity Control in SADC region. (0558) FAO. Easem and Southeem African Fanmng Systems Reseafrh Network. (02633) U.S. Agency for Internatbonal Development. Eoology of Lake Kariba. (04131) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperabon wifth Developing Countnes. Ecoxomics of conservabon. (04103) Soutern Afrcan Development Commundy (SADC). Edible mushroom fanning and development. (04068) Soutern Afincan Development Commundy (SADC). Effect of caium leaching to the subsoil on coNan growth on an acd farrn soil. (03269) International Foundation for Science. Environrment impact assessment workshop. (04086) Souftern African Development Community (SADC). Establishment of a regional herbarium and conservation of endagered species. (04059) Southern African Developnent Community (SADC). Establishment of regional computer-based narrie rheies catch data systen. (04042) Soutme African Development Communily (SADC). Establishnent of the Southem Atrican Centre tor Cooperation n Agricultural Research and Training (SACCAR) - Phase 1. (03605) Soutem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuitural Research ISACCAR). Fied oriented research on control of the tsetse fly and livestock ticks - Phase I. (02741) Corniission of the European Communitiesfnternational Centre ol Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Fisheries devebpmentl proect. (03593) World Bank; Zambia. Forest Industries Training Centre (FITC). (04063) Southern African Development Community (SAfC). 195 Index of pro?ets by cotoy Gen.i povmet of n adustrial ti-esm WM partlar reterence to Glkcida (04697) Oveas Deopnt Adnnistration (MRPD). GUP Prombo of Legm CulWation (Graundnts) in the SADC Region. (02172) U.S. Agency for Intmnaonal Deveopmet Grai legune irn it pogamme (GUP) - Bean (Phaseolus vuans) pbojed. (03604) Southen Afan Centr for Co-operation Agicuflural Research (SACCAR)/Centro Itemacional de Agrcultura Tmpical (CIAT). Grain bgume inprovement pmgnme (GUP) - Groxndnuts (Aradlhs hypoWea) Woot. (03766) Southern A l roan Centre for Co-opeabon in Agiclural Research (SACCARGmw Agency for lechnical Cooperation (GTZ)nternational Crops Research Insitute for the Sems-Arid Trpics (ICRISAT). Grain lgue irnprovwnt programme (GUP) - SADC cowpea project - Phase 1. (03767) Soutn Afncan Centre for C&operahon in Agicuftural Research (SACCARYCommssion of tie European Cornmunibes (CEClnterfabtoal Insttute of TropicW Agricufture (IITA). Grain lgume improveent programe - cowpea research protect (SADC countnes). (02737) Commission of the European Comnmuntbes. Gfoundnut inprovement. (02163) International Deveopment Research Centre (IDFC). Harmonization of seed laws in the SADC region. (03990) Southern Afncan Develcpment Community (SADC). Immrunochenical i gations on ticks and their appication in tick control. (02849) Commission of the European Communites. Improved irrgation in the SADC region. (03991) Southem African Deveoptment Community (SADC)lFood Securty Technical and Admnistrative Unt (FSTAU). Improvement and strenghening of forestry colleges in the SADC region. (04064) Soutem African Development Community (SADC). Improvement of research station develpmert and rnage t in SADC. (03769) Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)lnternatonal Crops Research Institute for he Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). ImProving the Diagnosis and Control of Trypanosomasis and other Vector-borne Diseases of African Lvestock, using immunoassay Methods. 196 Index of proec by witry (0267) Odeca Gene for I dweatiorw Cooperaton (DGIS). I1eric tanhg m rsea m anamet - Phase 1. (03606) Soulem Arian Cente for Co-operabon n AgricultJral Research (SACCAR)Intenational Servioe bi National Agrtur Research (ISNAR). Infastuctu devebpment in corservaon areas. (040) Soumem Afca Deveoipient Community (SADC). Intemational benchmark sites netrk (01353) U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Intermational Bencmrk SodIs NetOrk for Agro-tednoog Transfer (IBSNAT). (02635) U.S. Agency for Internation Development. Intematonal Center for LUvn Aquabc Pesorc Mwagement (ICLARM). (05363) International Center for Living Aquatc Resources Managem t. International Pearl W&et Adaptaton Tnal (IPMAT). (05375) International Crops Research Institute for te SemF-Arid Tropics. Internatoal Rioe Testr Progam for Africa (IRTP). (02160) United Nations Deepmewt Program (UNDP)/European Economic Commission (EEC)Japan. International Soybean Program (INTSOY)_ (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champakn. Inventory of compleed, ongoing and planned procts, enwronrmental evaluaton of major projects, and initiation of basin-wide exdange of informabon. (04112) Southem African Developrnent Comrnunity (SADC). Inveshet and survival strategies of women. (04831) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Isolation and identifcation of active compounds in, Zambian plants wit reputed medicnal properties. (03021) International Foundation for Science. Isotopes in acncuitue: Soil moisture studies. (04559) International Atomic Energy Agency. Kalabo agricultural projed. (02072) Directorate General for Intenational Cooperation (DGIS). Lake Kariba fisheries research and development. 197 Iex o bcouy (04053) Southere Ah Oevelcpm -a y (SAEC). Land ard water maageme p-oBd- (05642) Mnstry of Agicultur Zema Land and water man men Msea" porane (L & WMRP) - Pha II. (03600) Southern African Centre for Co-operat in Agvtural Reearch (SACCAROversas Development Acnfsisat (OOA) Law enocement in wdife mmaamen and uifsabon, (04088) Souten Ahf Devepnt Corwnuuty (SADC). Ivestock Devebpfment Project West Provkce. (05646) Deparlet of Veteriary and Tsetse Control Seve. Uvestock nprovement in SADC. (0361 1) Southem Atncan Centre for Co operation m Agricultural Research (SACCAR Ripeteona Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). Lcal Appaions of Remote Sensig Tecniques (LARST) - (NDVI) Vegetation. (05773) Overseas Development Admnistrahon (NRRD). L ga water development. (04014) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Maize and food legumes inprovement programme. (01091) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Maize Improvement. (02158) Intemational Center for Maize and Wheat Ifnprovement (CIMMYT). Management of black cotton soils (Vertisols) in SADC. (03616) Southeem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricuftural Research (SACCAR). Manpower training and deveopnment. (04101) Southern African Development Commnunity (SADC). Master of scence programme in soil and water conservation at the Unoersity of Natrob,. (04135) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperabon wth Developing Courtnes. Metdolbgies for better technology transef. (04783) Overseas Devebpmet Adrninstation (NRRD). Modernization of agricultue (01 121) World 8ank. 198 Index of pojecs by cogzllry ationa sod mppng progmne. (04015) Southem Afrcan Dveoprn Cornmmuily (SADC). Naf Sod Reference Coledions (MASREC 11). (05624) SRIC (International Sod Reference and Infomnation Centre). Network on management of acid soils ii hunid Arca (AFRICALAND - Management of acid (01021) Intenatbonal Board for Soi Research and Mangment. Nitrgen Fixation by Tropical Agncultural Legumes (NifTAL). (06377) Universy of Hawaii. No dumping here: Control of pestodes in developing countiies. (05422) Intenational Devebpment Research Centre. Oilseed Processn Network. (05411) Internalional Development Research Centre. Pan-Afrcan Networks for Riiaf Soal Science Research. (02661) Winrock Internatoioal; Ford Foundation. Pasture Network for Eastern and Southern Afnca (PANESA) (02083) Intemalional Deveopment Research Centre. Pahology and control of ergot disease of sorghun in Atrica. (01757) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Pen-urban vegetable production and consumplian in Sub-saharan Afnca (04905) The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Plan of action for the Kalahan-Narnib region - Phase 1. (04121) Southern African Developnent Communty (SADC). Plant breeding in relaton to the utilisation of sorghum and milet for food, beverages and animal feeds - Phase 1. (03603) Soulhern African Centre for Co-peration i Agricultural Research (SACCARY)lnernational Crops Research Institute for the SemriAnd Tropics (ICRISAT). Plant quarantine profect. (03966) Southern African Developrent Community (SADC)/Food Security technical and Adnminstrative Unt (FSTAJ). Popular paW¶icipation fund. (04109) Southern African Development Community (SADC). 199 Index of proects by cDtonry Procedums for establishing food secuty reserves in Soutrn Africa. (0M783) Overseas Develpmert Adinitstran (NRRD) Piducbo and beedin of vgte seed. (03987) Soukern Afrin DOeveopn Community (SADCyFood Security Tedchcal and Aid isbative Unit (FSTAU). Producton and distibubo of pasture seeds and legumes - Study (04023) Soutn African Developmet Communwy (SADC) Proganv7l to develop scentdic and techrical and professional manpower lor agrculture and natural resources in SADC (REPSAF) - Part 1. (03768) Southern African Conte for Co-opion in Agnlutural Research (SACCAR). PmIre 5.023/Project 6.0.23: Improvement and siteng otg forestry and forest products arch instiutions in te SADC Region. (04072) Finnish International Development Agency/SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit Proect development and design. (04099) Souftern Atrican Developent Community (SADC) Provision of extension aids and sevce - Phases i and II. (04041) Southen African Develpment Community (SADC). Radioisotopes in agnicutture: Fertilizer studiesr (04558) Internabonal Alomic Energy Agency. Recruitment and retention of prolessonal staff in the Ministries of Agrculture in member States. (03983) Soutem Afrcan Development Community (SADC). Regional development of comr.unity-based management and utilization of wvidile resources mi rural areas. (04091) Southem African Developmt Community (SADC). Regional early warning system (Phases I and 11). (03975) Souftem African Deveopment Commrumty (SADC,VFood and Agrculture Organzation of the United Nations (FAO). Regonal East Coast Fever and Heartwater vaccnes production and immunization. (04021) Southem African Devoment Communty (SADCYFAO1UN1VFLOR1Zimbabwe. Regional fisenes information and documentation system. (04038) Southerr. Arican Develpment Community (SADC)/FFWSCU. 200 Index of projects by country Regiona food maneng iiraucsb. (03982) Souhrn Afric2n Devebpmnt Community (SADC). Regon food rserve poec (03980) Southn Atrican Deveomnt Community (SADC)Food Secunty Technical and Acminisbable Uni* (FSTAU). PRgnal toot and nouth dsease contrd - Phase 11. (046) Southe Afhican Develpment Community (SADC). Reginal forest iventory. (04076) Southem Mfrican Development Community (SADCYFSTCU. Regional hydrobgical assessment projecl. (04110) Southem Alrican Development Communty (SADC)Morid Bank. Regional information systern for food security. (03976) Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional Inventory of Agricu"ural Resource Base (RMARB). (03r77) Southem African Devebprment Community (SADC). Regional quality laboratory and national sub-units. (03989) Southern Afrcan Devebpment Community (SADCyFood Security Technical and Administrah e Unit (FSTAU). Reional seed technology and information centre. (03985) Southern African Devebpment Community (SADCVFoo1 Security Technical and Administrative Unrl (FSTAU). Regional survey of wildlde utiltzation and the economic potential of wildlie resources. (04097) Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Regiona training centre for meat inspection and meat technology - Lot atse in Botswana (Phases I and 11). (04027) Southem African Development Community (SADCYFood and Agriculture Organization of the Unned Nations (FAO). Regional Training Centre in Range and Ranch Management - Tanzania. (04029) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Regional Tree Seed Centre. (04061) Southem African Development Community (SADC). 201 Index of p-olet by aoNlry RegioNa trou menagemen porogc (04056) Soue Atriew Devef-nt Commu (SADC). Regional Tsetse and T,paiosmiass Cxtol Poject (RTrCP). (04032) South Afrc Developref COn"Ty (SADC). wegional Tsetse and rTypaosomiass Traiing Certre - ZaP. (04030) Southern African Deveopment Commu ty (SADC) Reonal vete research prgrare. (03612) Souwrn ArFcan Centre for Co-eperation in AgUltural Research (SACCARYAsian Vegetabe Research and De¢eopment Center (AVROC). Regional wdif resources mentory. (04094) Souten African Dvlomnt Conmunty (SADC). Regional widlife training mgrarnme. (04081) Souhemn Aflican Deweoprent Comun.uty (SADC). Rehabaion and expars of dth small holder img0con shme. (04016) Southern Afncan Diave;opnfwt Commurty (SADC). Reliel for drought-stricken wildlife areas. (04079) Southen African Development Cormmnty (SADC). Research and extension ll. (04918) Would Bank; Zambia. Research and monitonng deveipmnent (04065) Southern African Development Commundty ISADC). Research on mechanization for srnall scale agrncjlktra production he tropics. (05597) IMAG (Irsitute for Agricultural Ergreenng). Reseafch on te ecology and biology of Gworoeta silimohs in SAOC (03770) Souten Afrcan Centre for Co-opeation in Agncultural Research. Research programme on the bilgical and chemical cordol of desert locusts. (02092) CAB Inleensatonal Insttute of 6oWogal Control. Flseau Colon (COTON)l (02082) France; Conference des Responsables de RePherches Agroomque Afncains et Francas (CORAF) Rural plantations and timber processing n the SADC region. (04071) Soutem Afncan Develptnent Community (SADCG. 202 Index of pocts by wuhtry SADC annual research serr on sod and water coservaton and iand ublizabon. (04118) Southern frican Develonent Comurity (SADCXYSACCAR/SWCtUOI* srty of Botswana. SADC Cowpea kprvement Network. (02165 Urted Naions DeO ment Program (UNDPdlntnaboa Develope Research Centre (IDRC)llntemalional Institute of Tropical Agricult (IITA). SADC cops ond forest seeds genebank (SRGB). (03608) Souftem African Centre for Co-operation in Agcufltural Research (SACCARYNord.c Gene Bank (NGBYSwedish International Develpment Athxty (SIDA). SADC enwonmental monorng poed. (04122) Southern African DeveopmentCornmunity (SADCYSWCDLU. SADC Maize and Wheat Improvement Research Network. (03609) Centro Intemacioral de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo (CIMMYT). SADC rangeLan developmeiI protect. (03979) Southem African Dev.'opmerrl Community (SADC,. SADC rangeland devebpmnent, Zam'a. 104018) Southem Afrtcan Developvent'V 'mmurity(FAIn, SADC Regonal Sorghurn and MfIes Improve,-ent F ogram. (02155) U.S. Agency for Intematical Developern. ~L 3ID)/Southem Afrrcan Center for Cooperation in Agncuftural Researcn %2AC5CEr,. SADC soil tertdity analysis project. (03978) Southem Afrcan Development Community (SADC). Second coffee project. (01168) World Bank: Zambia. Sero-surveiflance of rinderpest and other diseases in Africa, using immunoassay technques. (02628) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Small holder imgation coffee sdcemes. (04017) Southem Afiican Development Community (SADC). Social Scence Intertlice Research Unit (SSIRU). (02779) The International Centre of Insect Physog and Ecology. Soil bology and lerility. 203 Index of prects by country (04132) Swedish Ago" for Rural Cooperation with Developing Counrnes. Sorghmi and mislet ivnp el xogramm (S&MIP) - Phase II. (03602) Souhn African Centre for Co-operation in AgIcuffural Research (SACCAR)llntemational Crops Research Instute for lw Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Southeem Afican Centre for Ivory Marketrig (04093) Souhern African Development Community (SADCYSACIM. Speciaf twaay for SADC forestry project dev pment. (04058) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Special programmng hfnding for prgramme impkementation m the pasture network for Eastern and Southern Africa. (02111) international Fund for Agicultural Development. Strategies for popular partcipation. (04104) Southern African Development Cornmunty (SADCO. Strrng ing and coordination of migrant pest cotrol. (03992) Southern African Devebopment Community (SADC)lFood Security Technical and Adninistrative Unit (FSTAU). Strenglhenig faculies ol agnculture, forestry and veterinary medicrine in SADC. (03610) Southem African Centre for Co -operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCARyGemian Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Su-Saharan Africa hydrologcal assessment. (O 108) World Bank. Support for cooperatrve production of small stock. (04035) Southern Afncan Development Commundy (SADC). Support to fishenes development planning (04049) Southern African Development Community (SAUC). Support to SADC Fishenes Coordination Unit. (04043) Southern African Devebpment Commundy (SADC). Support to small-scale grain hand8ing and storage following market liberahzalior n Southem Africa. (05784) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Stastainably productive land management systems. (04108) Southern African Development Community (SADC). 204 Index of proocts by cotiny Technical assi c programme for coonination and cDoperatiw (Phase 1I). (03974) Souhwn Afrca Develpmen Comunity (SADCtFood Secunty Techncal and AdminislrabVe Unit (FSTAU). Termites and land managemt in southern Alnca. (04824) Overseas Developent Adminsbaton (NRRD). Test of mapr genes for productive adaptabihty of fow o btopca envronmets (01438) Geseiuschaft huer Tedcnische Zusamnmenarbeit (GTZ). The East and Souftem Atrica Rool Crops Research Ntoei (ESARRN). (02080) U.S. Agency for Intermabonal Development (USAID)Arntemaltonal Deveopment Research Centre (IDRC)Anternational Inrstute of Tropical Agicittre (IITA). The epidemiloigy of gastro-mntestnal nemaTode parasites in goats and ther antrol. (03231 Intemahonal Foundaton for Scence. The Googical Network for Agrommierals r East and Southern Aftica. (02613) United Nations Devebpment Proram (UNDP); World Bank. Training of animal health auxilary personnel in the diagnoses of animal dieases. (04022) Southem African Devebpment Community (SADC)- Trainng of laboratory techriciars for the mnaintenance and repair of scientific and lecmical equipment in veterinary laboratories. (04033; Southern African Development Community (SADO). University of Zambia: Veternary Education Proect Phase II. (05847) Japan Intemational Cooperation Agency. Wettands conservation programme. (04082) Southem Alrican Development Community (SADC)/IUCN. Wool and mohair improvement in SADC - Phase II. (03615) Southem African Centre lor Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR),Winrock Intemational (Winrock). Zambezi River System Action Plan (ZACPLAN). (04111 ) Southem African Develpmnent Community (SADC). Zamb/IaCRAF research on agroforestry technologies. (04136) Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. 205 Idex of procts by county A Feasbiil stucy on esabW g an Arican Cente for Fedzr Devlopment. (01684) GTZ (Deutsce Geselschaft fuer Tednishe ZuSarInwerbet). A network on farm power and equqxet for sma klor and rge-scale farmng systems n SADC. (03613) Souern African Centre for Co-operabon in AgicuIural Resean:h (SACCAR)Inernatonal Livestodc Center for Africa (ILCA). A revw land and water managemrent research rebvant to the intensiication of smallolder cpping systems in the semi-arid areas of eastem and soutem Africa. (04711) Overseas Devebpment Admnistration (NRRDO) A serolo;W survey to determine f fe most ccnmonly octurrng serovar of Leplospira irterTogans in te bovine population xi Zimbabwe. (03161) Interiaborna Fouidation for Science. A Souten Afncan Root and Tubers Crops Research Network (SARNET). (05383) International Institute of Tropical Agnculture (IITA) for cassava/lnternational Crop Insbtute for Pobtoes (CIP) for Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes. A survey to assess methods for improving herbicde use in developing countries. (05800) Overseas Develpmnent Administration (NRRD). ACIAR Forestry Research and Infombation Network. (05355) Australian Centre for Internabonal Agncultural Research. Advanced training courses in plant breeding and seed production. (03968) Southern Afncan Development Community (SADCYFood Secun,y Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Afbatoxin and ds rnetabolites in human unne, (03185) International Foundation for Sc*nce. Africa acaca ruizobial technology and ecology. (04738) Overseas Develpmnent Administration (NRRD). African Center of Meteorobgical Applications for Devebprnent (ACMAO). (01109) World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Altran Regional Pest managerent Research and Development Network (PESTNET). (02646) International Centre of Insect Physiogy and Eclogy (ICIPE). African Research Network on Rural Poultry Development. 206 Index of proects by mm"y (02624) Unied Nabions Food and Agncuftu Organiation. Afica Smal RtNiaNt Collaboratie Resarch Netwok (SRNET) (05812) Inermational Livestock Centre for Afica (ILCA). Agticulr art and export prootion proect. (02762) World Bank: Zimbabwe. AgrEultural devebpment, tade, and dvrsication rn SADC countnes. (02099) World Bank. Agriculral policy anas (ICRISAT). (05332) Internaional Development Reseach Cent. Agiultural servces. (01181) World Bank: Zimbabwe Agro-forestry research programme fhr tH savannah woodland grassland ecology - Malawi, Tanzaria. Zambia and Zirnbabwe. (03607) Southern Afican Centre for Co-operatio in Agicuftural Research (SACCAR)international Councd for Research in Agr'oorestry (ICRAF). Agronomic Network for East and Southern Africa. (02611) Urnted Nations Development Program (UNDP); World Bank. An adaptive research project in farrn managemrent ard weed control lor improved agcultural production (Socio-economic support for the Zimbabwe soil and water consevalion project). (04871) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Applicablity of Zimbabwe odour bai technobgies for tsetse control in other African countries. (05802) Overseas Developnent Administration (NRRD). Applied research and knowledge development. (04105) Southem Alrcan Development Commundy (SADC). Applied research programme: Southem Afrca Research Network for Africa (SA-AFRENA) - The unimodal upland plateau. (02617) International Council for Research in Agrohorestry (ICRAFYSouthern Africa Coordination Centre for Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Assistance to Coordination Und - Phase 11. (04098) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Australian hardwoods for fuelwood and agroforestry - Phase 11. 207 Index of proects by country (04903) Australian Ceftre for Intemational Agrut Resr. Behviral ecoogy of the side-striped jackal (Canes adustus Suwdekrall): Inplications for te epidemilogy and control of rabrs. (04J76) Ovrseas Develpment Adminmsration (NRRD). Biolical control of introduced pests of rnaize and cassava. (03614) Soutn Afican Centre for Co-peation in Agrcultural Resarch (SACCAR)flnlenatbonal Insttute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA-ABCP). Biomonitomg ol insecticide applications in Zimbabwe. Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique. (01604) Commission of the European Communifies. Bunk&c grain storage. (04019) Southem African Development Communitv (SADC). Chiemical investigation of allelochernicaJs from fungus (Trnhoderma longbrachitum). ~03203) International Foundation for Science. Chemical synthesis of poly-nucleotides. (03142) International Foundation for Science. CIMMYT Eastern and Southem Africa Economics Program (CIMMYT/ESA). (05359) Centro Inlemaionail de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Tngo. Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADC Region (CONVERDS). (036B7) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). Communal cattle management (Zimbabwe). (02439) Intemational Development Research Centre. Computenzation of inland fishenes production. (04039) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Conservation education in the SADC regon. (D4083) Southrem African Develpment Community (SADC). Cooperative Cereals Research Network (CCRN). (02171) Internalional Crops Research Institule for the Semi-And Tropics. Cooperatives and kocal organizations in rural devebpment. (05000) Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries. Coordination of regional Tsetse Fly eradication with wildlife management programmes. (04090) Southern Alncan Develcprent Community (SADC). 208 Index of protects by country Dentralizabon of DCFRN. (05348) Internaiona Devlopment Research Centre. Detecion metds for fungi and myootoxins. (04780) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). DeteuTnination of rumnen-degradable and undegradable nitrogen in widely used protein sources tor ruminants n Zinbabwe. (02880) Commission of te European Communities. Determination of rumen-degradable and undegradable nitrogen in widely used protein sources for ruminants in Zimbabwe. (03129) Intemational Foundation for Science. Develpment o a basin-wide unified monitonng system related to water quality and quantity. (04116) Southern Afincan Development Community (SADC). Devebpment of an integraled water management plan for te Zambezi basin. (04117) Southem Alrican Development Community (SADC) Developmernt of aquaculture in SADC. (04040) Southern African Development Community (SADC) Development of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Phase 1. (04120) Southemr African Development Community (SADC). Development of fish farming in cool water areas in the SADC region. (04057) Southem African Development Community (SADC). Develpment of human resources, administrative and institutional stnuctures and technical capabilties - Development of national capabtiies and huma.i resources (04115) Southem Alrican Developmnent Community (SADC). Development of human resources, administrative and instiutional structures and technical capabilities - Identdication of national capabilities and need for development of national capabilities and hunan resources. (04114) Southerm African Development Community (SADC). Development of monioring systems. (041021 Southem African Deveopment Community (SAIC). Deveopment of odour bait lechnobgy for tsetse control. (04855) Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). 209 Index of procect by cow t Deveopment of ostrich pxducbon system. (04095) Southem Atan Deve4n,t Community m SADCyFFWSCU. Devebpmt of regonalegislaion for m gment fthe Zambezi Rver. (04113) Southern Africai Devlopme Commuity (SADC). Develobpen d sustwnble tilage and weed contol systems for sod and water coneaon management in rainted agcubr (Cnsrvaion rImage 1), (04670) Oveseas Devebpment Admniristration (NRRO). Discrimnnation of the agrcultural setor in devebpng countries. Diension structure and impad of the economic policy. (03798) Universraet Kiet. Dry zone and high altitude ueltwood research. (04062) Southem African Developrent Comnmunity (SADC). Eastern axd Souttern African Farming Systems Research Networkl (02633) U.S. Agency for International Devebpment Ecobgical supervision of Tsetse-fly control neans in southern Afrca. (01399) Universitaet Saarbruecken. Ecology and management of ndKgerous forests in Zimbabwe. (05084) Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation wih Developing Countres. Economics of conservation. (0 11C0) Southem Afncan D)valopment Community (SADC). Edible mushroorn larming and deveopmnenf. (04068) Southem Afrcan Development Comrnunity (SADC). Emergency assislance for the 1987 anti-bcust campaign. (01669) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Emergency assistance in locust control. (01668) Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations. Environment mnpact assessment workshop. (04086) Soutteem Afncan Development Cornmundy (SADC). Environmental and occupational heaflth project. (05095) Swedsh Agency for Research Cooperaton with Developng Countnes. Establishment ot a regional herbarium and conservation of endagered species. (04059) Souttem Atncan Development Community (SADC). 210 Index of pmocts by country EstWhMent of rejonal computer-based marre fishenes catc data systen. (04042) Southern Afncan Dwelopnt Commuwty (SADC). Establishmenm of fe Souatrn African Centre for Cooperabon in Agncultural Research and Training (SACCAR) - Phase 1. (03605) Soun African Centre for Co-operation in Agicultural Researc:h (SACCAR). Evaluation of imgation in Zimbabwe. (02058) Rockefeller Foundation. Evaluabon of onion producton and storage n low latiudes. (01726) Overseas Devebpment Adi?nistrabon (NRRD). Evaluaton of the effectrveness of plant compourds traditionally used tor the treatment of Sdhistosorna Hernatobium. (03390) Intemational Foundation for Science. Extenson education programme: Pilot demonstration for consoldated gardens as an answer to problems posed by stream bank cultivation (Zimbabwe) - Phases I and 11. (04128) Southem Africa Development Community (SADC). Factors affechng intake of crop by-products in runinant animals. (03262) Intemational Foundation for Scence. Factors of production in smnall scale farming in Gutu District, Zimbabwe. (04609) Unwversitaet Giessen. Farming systems (Zimnbabwe) - Phase II. (02431) Intemational Development Research Centre. Field oriented research on control of the tsetse fly and tivestock ticks - Phase 11. (02741) Commission oa the European Communities/international Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Forest !ndustries Training Centre (FITL;. (04063) Southern African Devebpmnent Communnty (SADOC). Forestry resources management and development pro,ect. (02067) Wordd Bank; Zimbabwe. Genetc evaluation of African Acacia species. (04892) Overseas Devebpment Admnistration (NRRD). Genetic irnprovement of non-iidustrial trees wih particutar reference to Gliricdia sepium. 211 Index of projects bycowitry (04697) Ovrse Devielopment Acknfsation (NRRD). Geneti variation, ressance to acanedes and rnmurVcaI crossreactivity in ticks hat infest catie in Z ibb and Australia. (05393) Austaln Centre for Irnatioml Agriculbral Researh. Geophysics, hydrochrnistry and hydrogeoy in ground water resources developrent. (05079) Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation wth Developig Countnes. GLIP Promotion of Legume Culivation (Groundkuts) in te SADC Region. (02172) U.S. Agency for International Development. Grain lgune improvement prgramme (GLIP) - Bean (Plaswots vulgaris) project. (03604) Southem Africa, Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCARYCentro Intermaaonal de Agricuftun Tropical (CIAT). Grain legume improvement programme (GLIP) - Groridnuts (Arachis hypogaea) project. (03766) Southeem African Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCARYGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)flntemational Crops Research Institute ior the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Gran lgume improvement programme (GUP) - SADC cowpea projedt - Phase 1. (03767) Southern Arican Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARICommission of the Euroj,aan Communrbes (CECdAntemational Institute of Tropial Agricuflure (IITA). Grain iegume improvement programme - cowpea research project (SADC countries). (02737) Commission of the European Communities. Groundnut improvement. (02163) Internaionatl Development Research Centre (IDRC). Harmonization of seed laws in the SADO region. 103990) Southern African Development Community (SADC). Identification of factors controlling intake of low quality diets. (01710) Overseas Devebpment Admnistration (NRRD). Improved rngation in the SADC region. (03991) Southem African Development Community (SADC,VFood Securty Technic arnd Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Improvement in tree establishment for tropical dryland conditions in East Africa. (05390) Australian Centre for InerneatiDnal Agricultural Research. Improvement of research station deveoprnent and management in SADC. 212 Irxex ot proets by cowib (03769) Soutn African Centre for Co-operaton m Aniculhtwa Research (SACCAR)ltnternabonal Crop Research Insifutb for te SemniAIid Tropics (ICRISAT). Improvements to the processing of sorghurn, especially for non-traditional uses: DEHUWNG. (04678) Oversas Development Administration (NRRD). Improvements to the pocessing of sorghum. especialfy for non- adion uses: MILLING. (04682) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Improving the Diagnosis and Control of Tryparosomiasis and other Vector-bome Diseases of Afrkican Livestock, using Immunoassay Methods. (02627) Directorate General for IntemalioDal Cooperation (OGIS). Improving the productivty of draught aninals in sub-Saharan Alnca. (05738) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Improving the Productivity of Indigenous African Livestock using Radioimmunoassay and related Techniques. (02621) Directorate General for lnternational Cooperation (DGIS). In-service training in research management - Phase I. (03606) Southern African Gentre for Co-operation in Agncultural Research (SACCAR)/Intemafional Service for National Agrncultural Research (ISNAR). Intrastructure developmenl in conservation areas. (04064) Southeim African Development Commuiity (SADC). Inshore stock assessnent: an evaluation of the role of permanently protected areas. (03396) Intemational Foundation for Science. International Rice Testing Program for Afnca (IfRTP). (02160) United Nations Development Program (UNOP)IEuropean Economic Commnission (EEC)Japan. Intemational Soybean Program (INTSOY). (05373) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Inventory of cornpleted. ongoing and planned projects, environmental evaluation of rnajor projects, and nitiation of basin-wide exchange of informaation. (04112) Southem Atfncan Development Community (SADC). Investigation of the potential use ot mucilaginous material from ruredzo in food. (03202) Intemational Foundation for Science. 213 Index o projects by cmt Invesgon of te taditorkal pig prcton d i swna in ini systems ot Zimbabwe. (04619) TU Beadv. Investgions on st*kbbum in sub-Saharan Ahrica. (04688) Overseas Develpmnt Admwn stran (NRRD). tmgao petoiamnce (Zinbabwe) (02496) Iernational Devebpme Research Centre. Lake Kariba isheries research and developnent. (04053) Soutem African Development Community (SADC). Land and water management research programme (L & WMJRP) - Phase tl. (03600) Southem Afrcan Centre for Cooperawon m Agrcultural Research (SACCARGOverseas Development Administrabon (ODA). Law enforcement in wididte management and utilisalion. (04080) Southem Afncan Development Commurnty (SADC). Legal context of conservation. (04107) Souerm African Development Comnmunity (SADC). Liwestock improvement in SADC. (03611) Soutem Alncan Centre for Co-operabon in Agncultural Research (SACCA RFntemational Livestock Center for Afrca fILCA). Local Apphcafio.s ol Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) - (NOVI) Vegetation. (05773) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Local Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) lor mondoring of wildlife and national parks. (04685) Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). Local Appleations of Remote Sensing Techniques (LARST) for rangeland management and montoring. (04684) Overseas Devebpnent Administration (NRRD). Maize Improvement. (02158) International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT). Management of black cotton soils (Venlisols) in SADC. (03616) Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Management ol Cynodon in animal tillage systems. (05781) Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). 214 Index of proects by country Mdgem et of ndpnous foxests. (04069) Souten Afican Development Conmurity (SADC). Managemt of verfisols under semi-and condtors in Arica (:eOVJSAC). (01022) Inweraional Board for Sod Research and Management. Manporw trainrig and development. (04101) Southern African Devebpment Community (SADC). Methods and techniques for environmental nnpac assessments of agrochemicals in th tropics, (04809) Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Mobial control of root knot nematodes. (04864) Overseas Devebpment Administratior (NRRO). Mirobial control o. root-knot nematodes. (01814) Overseas Devebpment Adinnistration (NRRD). Microwave extractirn of Ba#ours and fragrances (Zimbabwe). (05343) Intemational Devebpment Research Centre. Modernization of agrculture. (0112,) Worl Bank. Monoconal antibodies and DNA-robes for the identification of root knot nematode species and host specifc races. (01M) Overseas Development Admiistration (NRRD). Muftispecies animal production systems protect. (04140) World Wide Fund for Nature. National agricultural extensicn and research pro,ect. (01170) World Bank; Zimbabwe. Oilseed Processing Network. (05411) International Development Research Centre. Oilseeds processing - small enterprise epportuni!ies study. (04888) Overseas Development Administration (NRARD). Onion grmplasm evaluation and storage technobgy. (04774) Overseas Developmnent Administration (NRRD). Organizational development of the Zimbabwe Farmers Union. (05679) SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). 215 hde of protecs by country PabAIian NMdw s ko R ura Soc Scene. Researdh (02661) Wwo hkmerwna: Ford Foundabon. Pase Netwok br Eassem awd Sowde Africa (PANESA). (023) n Pvelopmen Resewch Cent. Paimiop mad control of et disease of sotghn in Arica. (01751) Overseas Development Adnstbton INRRD). Persislne and dipersal dynurc d DDT. Deftmethrin. Endm * oth on _annunby hazardous hemcals in Zmbabwe. (05(L4) Swedish Age for Research Cooeation wih Deeopeg Cowtes. Peshcde resdues m Z 5.babw wates (03189) h-Irbnal Fo udation fr Scence. Phohate rock blends. Develop cag aNf mbaes (Zibabwej. (025352O ) kernational Devewopet Refearch Centre. Plan of acton a the Kalahan-Nm region - ihase I. 104121) Souten Alrican Devebpopent CommLnuty (SADCI Plait breedIn m relabbn to the utisahon of sorghum and mdte4 for food. beverages andnal leeds - Phase 1 (0363) Southern Alncan Cenlte for Co-operation in Ag.ctrai Research (SACCAR)'Interrational Crops Pearch hsttute for the Semi-Ard Trpics (ICRISAT). Plant q w pote (03986) Southern Afrcan DeveopmWet Communiy (SADC)/Food Securty Technical and Administrabve Unil (FSTAU) PoM partciahon hind (04109) Southen Atncan Develpment Comfnunity (SADG). Post-harest fish technol i Lake Kanba. Zirnbabwe. (03301) hIntenational Foundation for Science. Procedures for establshung food securiy reserves in Southern Af rca. (05783) O rseas Development Admweisnration (NRRD). Producion and breeding of vegetable seed. (0398) Souhern Afican Devepmnt Comrunity (SADCV/Food Secunty Technical and AdIrrwistrative Unit (FSTAU) Producton and distrbtion of pasture seeds ard egumes Study 216 hWex Of pogcts by Cmr (04023) Sourn Afri Devepop Cm (SADC). Pr1mie ID deveiDp aenific ad bdnical and prolessoa ffwower for agriacue id nence; plant sciences/biotechnolgy; vetem y and animal science; and aquaculture/hydrolgy. Aoproximately 100 subprojects have been funded to date, averaging approximately 150 000 USD. Alnost all are still active; these in Africa are in: Kenya; Botswana; Ghana; Malawi; Guinea; and Mauritius. Forestry pro,ects incude: Deciduous frui trees in Kenya; rainwater harvesting system in Kenya and bioogical control of plant diseases in Ghana. Contact in research organization: Vanous GranteesForest Products Research Institute; Universdy of Science and Technology; P.O. Box 63; U.S T.; Kumasi; Ghana; Tel: 5873lnternational Centre of Insect Physiolgy and Ecolgy (ICIPE); P.O. Box 30772; Nairobi; Kenya Record number (MFN): 01954 Official project title: EAST AFRICA REMOTE SENSING II. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for International Devebpment. Start date: 1986-03-12. End date: 199-090-0. Country/countries: Africa; Botswana; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Somalia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Statement of objectrveslabstract: The pro,ect will strengthen the viability and technical capability of the Regional Remote Sensing Facilty (RRSF). Ths project will continue activities began under proiect 698-0414. The facility seives member countnes in East and Southem Atrica, non-member countries in the region, donor organizations, and investors. The facility now inclides a photo lab, a library of books and periodicals, a comprehensive irnage library, interpretation equipment, and printing equipment. Contact in research organization: Mr. B.A. Sikilo; Diroctr General; Regional Centre for Services in Surveying. Mapping, and Remote Sensing; P.O. Box; 18118; Nairobi; Kenya; Tel: 556400; Telex: 25285 REGSURVEY 43 SPAAR Infoffnabon System PReaod nurnber (IWFN): 02028 Official proec title: SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency tor International Devebopment. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of obfectrves/abstract: To strengthen Sokoine University of Tanzania. Contact in research organization: Mr. K.J.B. Karegero; Associate Professor and Director, Institute of Contnuing Education; Sakoine University of Agriculture; P.O. Box 3000 Morogoro: Tanzania Record numnber (MFN): 02058 Official proect title: EVALUATION OF IRRIGATION IN ZIMBABWE. Implementing agency: Rockeleller Foundation. Start date: 1989-4-01 - End date: 1991-12-31. Country/countnes: Zimbabwe; Staternent of obpectives/abstract: Project oblective is to improve Zimbabwe's capacity to evaluate the performance of different irgation systems and determine the likely effect on these of moddied management and design. The project will evaluate and compare the economic and physical perlormance o five types of irrigation systems. Other relevant information, such as lamiers' attitudes, management constraints and health effects will also be studied. Findings will form the basis for recommerdations for changes in policy, management and Contact in research organizalion: Mr. Mandi Rukin;; University of Zimbabwe Rerord number (AAFN): 02059 Official pro7ect title: MAIZE RESEARCH IN MALAWI. Implementing agency: Rockeleller Foundation. Start date: 1989-01-01. End date: 1991-12-31. 44 SPAAR Inonmiation System Country/countries: Malawi; Statemenl of objecbvestabstract: Project objective is to strenten the capacity of Malawi to design and conduct a maize research program that addresses the needs of smalfholders. Research wil focus on tfne development of high-yielding Hint varrties preferred by smaf farmers. This grant is for the proect's first phase: the design and intiation of the research profect. Record number (MFN): 02066 Official protect title: AGRICULTURE SECTOR (FORMERLY AGRIC.EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION (FORMERLY EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION). Implementing agency. World Bank; Zanmbia. Start date: 1993-00-00. Country/countres: Zambia; Statement of obiectwvesiabstract: The objective is to increase production of agricultural exports in order to diversify the export base from the heavy dependence on the mining sector. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture; Lusaka; Zambia Record number (MFN): 02067 Official project title: FORESTRY RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank; Zimbabwe. Stan date: 1991-04-17. End date: 1998-06-30. Country/countries: Zinmbabwe; Statement of objectiveslabstract: The objectives of the project are: (1) conserving forests and the environment as wel as increasing the production of wood for fuel and constiuction purposes by promoting tree planting and woodland management in tie communal areas, not only of exotic species, but also of indigenous species; (2) improving forest grazing and wildlife management; and (3) improvng the productivity and quality of the wood-processing industry by upgrading the logging, extraction, sawmifing and manufacturing facildies and operations. The proaect would have three components: 45 SPAA/I Infornation System (i) rural forestry, by tinancing the expansion of the first pilot phMse in rural afforestation to alt provinces, supporting establishment nurseries, agroforestry development and woodiand management (testing of tree species - including indigenous species - with potential for agroborestry and development and on-warm testng of suitable agroforestry models), and strengtiLning Forestry Commissions institutional capacity through staff training, studies. technical assistance and equipment; (ii) wildlife and forest grazing management by financing pailicpatory wildlife management and preparing a forest grazing scheme, and (iii) commercial forestr. Xsvelop!,-'7nt, t finaricing expansion and rehabiltation of Forestry Commission sawn.Tls. Contact in research organizalion: Ministry of Lands. Agriculture and Rural Resettlement; Robert Fletcher Bldg; PMB 7706; Causeway; Harare; Zimbabwe; Tel: 70-60-81; Telex: 2455Ministry of Nalural Resources and Tounsm; Mukwati Bldg; PMB 7753; Causeway; Harare; Zimbawe; Tel: 79-44-55GovemmentJForestry Comnmission Record number (MFN): 02072 Official proect title: KALABO AGRICULTURAL PROJECT. Implementing agency: Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Start date: 1 82-OG-00. End date: 1994-00. Countrylcountries: Zambia: Statement of objectives/abstract: Conduct on-farmn tnals to improve crops (cash-subsistence) and extensio i message. To monior research on animal production and diseases. Contact in research organizalion: Kalabo Agricultural Devebprnent Project; Ministry of Agriculture; P.O. Box 5; Kalabo; Zamnbia Record number (MFN): 02074 Official project tile: ANIMAL DISEASE CONTROL FROJECT. Implementing agency: Directorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Start date: 1984-01-01. End date: 1992-01-01. Country/counritnes: Zambia; Statement of objectives/abstract: To control animal diseases - tooth end mouth, and C.E.PP. Identify ecobgical tsetse 46 SPAAR Information System control and conduct test screens tor fly control. Contact in research organization: Mr. R. De Rooy; Provincial Vetennary Officer; Department of Veterinary Services and Tse Tse Control; P.0 Box 62; Mongu; Zambia Record number (MFN): 02076 Official project title: EASTERN AFRICA REGIONAL SORGHUM AND MILLET COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (EARSAM). Implementing agenrcy: U.S. Agency tar International Developrent (USAID)Semi-And Fooa Grain Research and Develpment (SAFGRAD). Start date: 1983-00-00. End date 1996-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Kenya; Ethiopia; Uganda; Burundi; Rwanda; Sudan; Somalia; United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectivesdabstract: Conduct research on sorghurmnlrillet improvement. EARSANs objectives are to: (1) improve the production ot sorghum and millets, thereby coninbuting to stabilizing food supplies in the region, leading to improved nutrition and income for the tarmers in drier areas; (2) assist and strengthen national sorghum and millet programmes in the semi-and zones. These objectives are achieved by: (a) assisting in the development of improved vanetes and hybrids along with agronomic praclices that wil result in higher and mcre stable economic yields in the semi-arid environments; (b) organiztng and promoting systematic regional testing of available elite breeding mate.-ials and technology in all tmportant ecological zones; (c) assisting in training and manpower development; (d) providtng supplies and facilities needed to upgrade research capabiliies; (e) organizing regional workshops and montoring tours in order to report research findings, to interchange ideas and breeding matenal, and to foster closer national programme cooperation. EARSAM's research priordties are to develop sorghum and millet cuhtivars wih high and stable yelds, with genetic resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Cultiv3rs wih these traits developped at ICRISAT Center in India and other places have been introduced into the regional programme for lurther improverment by incorporating the desired trais into the local land races. in Phase ll. after the network is fully established, ICRISAT headquarters will collaborate with the network activibes by carrying out long-term and basic research. Contact in research organizaton: ICRISAT/SAFGRAD; c/o OAU/STPC, P.O. Box 3C786; Nairobi; Kenya 47 SPMR Information System Record ntwnber (MFN): 02080 Offiaal proect btle: THE EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA ROOT CROPS RESEARCH NETWORK (ESARRN). Implementng agency: U.S. Agency for International Developmeni (USAID)lntemratonal Deveopment P.-search Centre (IDRC)Ilnlemationai Institute of Tropcl Ageculture (IITA). Start date: 19B3-00-00. End dale: 1990-00. Country/contries: Africa; Sudan; Ethioplia; Kenya; Uganda; Rwanda; Burundc; United Republic of Tanzania; Malaw; Zambia; Mozambique; Madagascar Nigeria; Zaire; Statement of objectives/abstract: Evaluate root crop germplasm resources of various agro-ecological zones within the Region. Improve vanety of cassava and sweet potato for h gh stable yields, disease and insec resstance, qjaliy, and improvemenl of other agronomic practces. Develop, evaluate. demonstrate, and where applicable introduce household production and processing technologies for rooi crops. The network's specific objectives are to: (1) encourage ngorous collaborative planning and evaluation of root crops research in the region. Root crops researchers in the region contnbute to planning related to specific research problems and become involved in senting research pnorities; (2) increase the genetic base of the principal root crops and enhance their use in regonal inprovenerit programmes; (3) faciliate improvement of root crops-based cropping systems through surveys and methodology devebpment; (4 Jevelop improved techniques for drying. procssig, and utihzing cassava; (5) foster the establishement of effectve systems to excharge information and to deliver improved technology to farmers: and offer training at Ph.D and M. Sc level. Contact in research organizatlon: Dr. . N. Afverez: Plant Breeder; IITAIESARRN; PMB 5320; Ibadan; Nigeria; Tel: 400300;400313. Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015). Cable: TROPFOUND, IKEJA Record number (MFN): 02081 Official project tile: THE LIVESTOCK TRYPANOTOLERANT NETWORK. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration. Start date: 1983-00-00 Counlry/countries: Africa; C6te dIlvoire; Togo; Benm; Gabon; Zaire; Gambia; Senegal; Ethiooma; Unted PRepublic of Tanzania: Kenya; Statement of objectives/abstract: Conduct research on trypanotolerance in cattle. Improve livestock production in tsetse infested areas of Africa by acheiving a better understanding of genetic resistance, acquired resistance, the enironmnntal factors which affect 48 SPAAR Infoirnation System susceptblity and the efficacy of present conrol measures, and by nsrng opfnal aplication of both exstng knowldge d recent research tndigs. Conact in research oganizaion: W RFidard Stewart Assistant to DOeedor General; Internationa LrUestock Center for Ahrica OILCA); P.O. Box 5689; Addis Ababa; Ethiopia; Tel 183 215; 183 222; 182 455; 613 222; Teiex: 976-21207 ILCA ADDIS; Cable: ILCAF Record number (MFN): 02082 Official ptje Idle: RESEAU COTON (COTON). Implementing agency: France; Conference des Responsables de Recherches Agronomique Aticans el Francats (CORAF). Start date: 1946-00-00. Country/countries: Global; Burkina Faso; Benin; Cote dilvoire; Cameroon; Madagascar, Mali; Senegal; Chad; Zambia; Togo: Zaire; Central Akrican Republic; Burundi; France; Statement of objectiveslabstract: The goals of the Network are: (a) exchanging infomnation on the natonal cotton research programmes; (b) exchanging vegetative materials for expernetntatlon, as well as scientfic tools and documents; (c) organizing of meetings (workshops, conferences, etc.) and training of researchers; (d) planning and implementation of common research protects; and (e) facilitating contacts between scientists and rpsearchers from partcipating countnes. To achieve these goals, the Network would promote research on: (i) improving traditional cotton vaneties wdh technological qualites and high yields, and varieties without gossypol for use in food preparation; (ii) agncultural techniques: adaptating technical m6thods to ecoogical and social-economic sduation; (iii) cotton plant protection: leal diagnosis for evaluating mineral nutrition conddions of the cotton plant, and study of integrated weed control; (iv) phyto-sanitary problems: information on entomofauna including control methods and study of biology of cotton ravagers; (v) fiber, thread. and seed lechnolgy: analytical laboratory services to improve crop vaneties and research, establishment of a bank of fiber samples, and laboratory apparatus and equipment; and (vi) information services and surveying: computer software, data-processing, economic study of cotton professions, remote sensing services to aid cotton growing, and documentation and publication services. Contact in research organization: Mr. Ehou Yieto; Secretary-General of the Inshtute of the Savannas (IDESSA); Coordinator; 01 i.P. 633; Bouake 01; Cole d1voire; Tel: (225) 63.33.26; 63.31.29; Telex: 69100 -MoryMUr. Michel Braud; Directeur CIRAD (IRCT); 2 rue Louis David; 75116 Pans; France; Tel: 45 05 14 07Mr. Jean-Claude Follin; Assistant to IRCT Director; In Chaige of Scientfic and Technical Affairs; B.P. 49 SPAAR nfotrmation Systemn 5035; Montelier Cedex: France; Tel:; Telex: 480762 Record number (MFN): 02083 Offical proed tte: PASTURE NETWORK FOR EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA (PANESA). Inmpementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1986-00-00. Country/countnes: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Burundi: Ethiopia; Kenya; Lesofto; Madagascar Malaw,; Mozambique; Swazivand; United Republic of Tanzania: Zambia; Zimbabwe; Somalia; Uganda; Mauntius. Staterment of objectiveslabstract: PANESA ts founded on a strong desire to enhance research in pastures and forages. The research is on range, browse herbs and trees, and crop residues, all of which contribte to the feed resources of nrminant livestock. The network terefore has specf ic research mandates as opposed to simply facilitating information flow. The research mandates are to: (1) further the evaluabon of promising pasture, forage. anrd browse plant germplasm to be adapted and produced in different representative agro-eodogical zones and/or agncuhtural-twvestock production systems of the member countries; (2) develop appropnate pasture x forage production technologies hat could be integrated into the prevaling crop-ivestock production systems. These tedoogies should contrbute to improved lIestock nutntion (cattle, milk, and meat production) and maintaining or bulidng soil fertlity. Contact in research organization. Mr. Richard A. Stewart. Assistant to Director General; Intermational Livestock Centre lor Africa (ILCA/FLAG); P.O. 9ox 5689; Addis Abeba; Ethiopia; Tel: 61 33 22; Telex: 21207 ET Record number (MFN): 02086 Official project title: OILCROPS NETWORK FOR EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA AND SOUTH ASIA. Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1981 -00-0. Country/countnes: Global; Ethiopia; Malavi; United Republic of Tanzania; Kenya; Uganda; Sudan; Egypt; india. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan; Statement oa objectives/abstract: This network is being implemented in phases. There have been three phases so far and a fourth phase is likely to be implemented as well. The obctiwve of Phase I 50 SPAAR Informatont System (1981-84) was to establish, praccWal liaison between e IDRC Oilseeds projects in India, Pakistan, East Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka, and assist Ue Eh n oIseeds projects. Dwing this first phase, the netwok developed and started up th Ethiopian Highland Oilrops Projec (nigW seed, linseed, rapeseed, wdh related Brassica and suwe). The network also formulated and stared up fe Ethopian Lowland Oicrps Projed (groundnuts, sesame, safflower and castor) and parbcipated in cDNecting Ethiopian oiseed germplasm. An oilorops Ibrary was developed and computer references on odcps disserninaled regularly. The general obecives of Phase 11(1984-87) remained as for Phase 1, but emphasis was paced on establin, servcing and operating the network. In this second phase the network continued work started in the lirsl phase, and among other things, started up genmphsm colldions in Somalia. The objectves ol tle current Phase 111 (1 987-89) are to: (1) continue support so as to icrease the effectiveness of national oilcrons programmes in fe region; (2) establish fte most effective mechanism for exchanging oicrop germnplasm within the network; (3) continue the flow of information to natbonal oilseed programmes; (4) provide midde-level technica training on oiseeds; (5) evaluate new, more effective, forms of networks. The objective of Phase IV is to establish an International Oilcrops Research Unit whose initial efforts wil be to: (a) screen germplasm and generate rnore genetic variability for national projects; (b) incorporate inportant resistances into good national materials; (c) distnbute germplasmn to nurseries for testing, and to non-govemmental organizations (NGOs) where appropnate; (d) develop male-steriles and breeding populations, and, in due course, assess the practicability of hytrids; (e) develop and use tissue-culture technology as needed to facilitate the above; (f) study the possibilty of resistance breeding against Orobanche and Cuscuta weed (dodder); (g) continue training as one of the man activites once the und is well established. Contact in research organizanion: IAR; Ethiopia Record number (MFN): 02088 Offcial project tile: ALLEY FARMING NETWORK FOR TROPICAL AFRICA. implementng agency: Canadian Intemational Development Agency (ClDA)/lntemational Development Research Centre (IDRC). Start date: 1981 -00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Benin; Cameroon; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Cote d'lvoire: Malawi; Nigeria; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Rwanda; Unied Republic of Tanzania; Togo; Uganda: Zaire; Zambia; Burkina Faso; Liberia; Ethiopia; Kenya; Statement of objectives/abstract: Conduct research on alley cropping. Discipline is oriented to develop more productive. stable. low input and environmentally sound farming systems using alley 51 SPAAR Inlmaion Systen fw." Contac in research organzatbon: Dr. LD. StfNe Diecdor Geneal; Intenonal Insttte d Tropical Agcicuitue (IITA); Oyo Road; PMB Box 5320; Ibadai; Nigeria; Tel: 400300: 400313: Telex: TDS IRA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TROPFO4UND, IKEJA Record nu4mber (WEN): 02092 Offical proed te: RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON THE BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CONTROL OF DESERT LOCUSTS. Impl7ting agency: CAB Intentinal Insthute of Biologicai Control Couty/Dntries: G obal, Pakitan. Algeria; Tom; Mo ll Mali, Nger; Mauritania; Zamrbia; Zimbabwe: Botswana Unnted Rep*b,hc of Tanzania; Kenya; Somalia; Statement of ob,ctveslabstract: The project amrns to devebp an integrated locust control research prograrnme using pattogens as subsbtutes for unacceptably toxic chemical pesticides. The obectwes are to: (a) isoate new strains and speces of fungal and bacteral pathogers n the pemne t bkust breeding g-oun&s in North, West, East, Central and Southem Africa, Red Sea Coast and SindMakran areas of Pakistan; (b) develop newy-disccvered pathogens into formulatable prodicts for ground and aernal ULV application; (c) carry out held testfngs of new orfmulations in outbreak areas; (d) conduct ecoogical studies on he impact of chemical pesticdes and new bopesticdes on natural enemies and key non-target species. (e) develop appropriate technoogy for mass production and formulaon of biopesticides for use in Atnca. Contact in research organization: Prof. T.P. Odhiambo; Director- Intemational Cenlre of Insect Physoliogy and Ecology (ICIPE). P O Box 30772: Nairob, Kenya: Telex 22053 ICIPE Record number (MFN): 02093 Official protect title: ADAPTIVE RESEARCH PLANNING, WESTERN PROVINCE. Implementing agency: Directorate General for Internalional Cooperation (DGIS). Start date: 1982-0101. Eriddate: 1992-01-01. Country/countres: Zambia; Statement of obectives/abstract: The pro,ect will: (1) develop linkages between on-farm research and extension staf 52 SPMR Irformation Systemn on cash crops and subsislence crops; (2) coilct avaiable data on farming systems.t and (3) study farmn"g systems. Contact in research eganizaton: IRPT; Research Branch: Mnistry of Agriculture; P.O. Box 10 Mongu; Zambia Record numiber (MFN): 02099 Offxcs' pro,ect tie: AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, TRADE. AND DIVERSIFICATION IN SADC COUNTRIES. Implementing agency: World Bank Start date: 1989435-00. End date: 1992 W00. Country/countries: Africa; Unded Repubiic of Tanzania; Malawi- Zanbia, Zimbabwe. Statement of objetives/abstract: The study would: (i) review existing information pertnent to current agricultural production and possbilites foe diversification m SADC counries, and invesmgate the resource base availanle for divercatn in the region; (ii) determine the constraints on. and opportunties for, agncultural diversdcation and establish the elements needed lor successful implmentatin; (iii) identify oppourtnites for potential investments to support dve(sification. Contact in research organization: Dr. M. Kyomo; Director SACCAR'SADC; Pnvate Bag 00108; Gaborone, Botswana: Tel: 373 847; Telex: 2752 BD Record njmber IMFN): 02109 Official pro,ect tle: NETWORK ON LAND DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAItYABLE AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA (AFRICALAND - LAND DEVELOPMENT). Implementing igency: Intemational Board for Soil Research and Management. Start date 1988-01 00. End date: 1993-12-0. Country/countries: Africa; Cote d lvoire; Ghana; Nigera: Cameroon; United Republic of Tanzania; Uganda: Statement ol objectives/abstract: Pro,ect would: (1l develop appropnate land cleaning and viable improved post-clearing soil management technologies in order to sustain and inprove food productwion in humid ard sub-humid tropical Africa; (2) test and validate appropriate technologies on post-clearing soil management which are economic and acceptable to 53 SPAAR Infonration System faimes; (3) strengten the capablity of the national agricultural istitxions in underakwg soil management esearch (icuding support of some pics wih equpnents and consultances). Contt n research organizabon: Dr. B. Hintze; International Board for Soil Research and llanagement (IBSRAM). P.O. Box 9-109: Bangkhen. Bangkok 10900; Thaiand; Tel: 579-7590.0 579-4012: 579-7753; 580-5958; Telex: 21505 IBSRAM TH; Cable: IBSRAM: Fax: 66-2-5611230; E-Mad: CG0134 Recoad number lMFN): 02111 Official project title: SPECIAL PROGRAMMING FUNDING FOR PROGRAMME IMPLEMUENTATION IN THE PASTURE NETWORK FOR EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA. Implementirng agency: Intematonal Fund for Agricuftural Development. Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1991 -0000. Country/countnes: Africa; Kenya: Sudan: Botswana; Mozambque; United Republic of Tanzania; Swaziand; Uganda: Ethiopia: Madagascar; Zimbabwe: Malawi: Maurntius; Lesotho: Zambia: Statement of obectiveslabstract: To strengthen national pasture research capabilities; to procure, disseminate and exchange pasture plant germplasm; to develop appropriate pasture producton technologies; to collect. disseminate and exchange intormation Contact in research organization: Mr. Richard A. Stewart; Assistant to Director General; Internatonal Lrvestock Centre for Africa (ILCA): P.O. Box 5689: Addis Ababa: Ethiopia; Tel: 613322; Telex: 21207 ET Fecord number (MFN): 02117 Official project Ile: MASTER PLAN OF NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Intemational Fund for Agncultural Development. Start date: 1984-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To review the total agricultural and livestock research programme in Tanzania. 54 SPAAR onbrmabor. System Record number (MFN): 02145 Official prorect tite: FERIlLIZER MARKETING AND TRADE INFORMATION PROGRAM (FWTIP) Implementing agency: Diosetorate Gereral lr International Coopefaton (DGIS); U.S. Agency for Indemational Devebpment (USAID). Startdate: 1988-00-0. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Africa. Benin-, Buikina Faso; Caneroon; C`te dhvoire; Ghana: Lesotho, Madagascar; Niger. Nigenaa Rwanda. Senegal; Unded Republi of Tanzania; Togo; Statement of objedrveslabstract: The Lack of up to date infomration in Africa regardn the woad and regional tertiizer trade and marketing costs hampers the Afncan procurenent nstiutions in their purchase of lertihzer at the best possile price. The obective of this program is to estal,sh an Afncan Fertilizer Trade and Marketig hnformatbon Network (AFTMIN) which will bnng together coroespondants from various countries to exchange marketing and trade intormabon. Studies mll be conducted to anase fertilizer procuremfent and marketing systern in West Atnrcan region ard identty their principal constraints, so as to provide sound advice on how to improve lertilizer marksetng in the region, and to develop a 'Fenilzer Early-Wamrig Systerm for the regi through continuous data iput nto a regional model, In-depth studies on productin, marketing, and distnbution and demand of feriltzers wil also be conducted. Contact in research organization: Dr. Paul L.G. Viek, Director, IFDC-Afrra: B.P. 4483; Lorne; Togo; Tel 21-79-71; Telex: 5416 CIFDC TG: Fax: 21-78-17 Record number (MFN): 02151 Olficial proect title: CASE STUDIES ON RAISING AGRICULTURAL PROODUCTIVITY OF WOMEN IN AFRICA FOR INCREASED FOOD PRODUCTION. Implementing agency: World Bank. Start date: 1987-03-00. End date; 1990-06-00. Country/countnes: Africa; Kenya; Nigeria; Burkina Faso; Zambia; Record number (MFN): 02155 55 SPAAR Inboabtion System Ofcial pt title: SADC REGIONAL SORGHUM AND MULLE1S IMPROVEMENT PPOGRAM. ImVemntku agency: U.S. Agency for Intefrbaonal Deveiopment (USAIDYSouthern Afrian Center for Cooperation in Agricultal Research (SACCARI. Stan date: 1964-00-00. Country/coantre: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesoih; Malaw; kMozambque; Swazband; United Republc of Tanzania, Zambia Zffnbabwe; Statement of objectieslabstract: The pnrnary objectives of the Program is to strtn rntional research capablity through three components: research, educaton and training, and service. The research component is conducted oDabrabvely by te national and regional progaTes to inprove both varieties and hybrds with ressstance to imporwant pests The regional programne wil focus on deitywg useful vanabily and enhaemet of germplasim and develop eite varieties arid hybnds or national programmes. while national programnes component wil focus on explorting variabibty n develpn vaneties and hybnds. The edurcabon and tranmg programme component will be camed ouA by die Collaboralre Research Support Program on Sorghum and Pe ar Miet (INTSORPML). a consortun r f live unwersties in the USA. The service programre component wil focus on staltn deveopnent, off-season nursery opportunity, aNd operational suiplies--farm equipment, housing, seed stores. Contt in research organizaton: Dr. U. Kyomo; Director, SACCAR/SADC; Pnvate Bag 00108; Gaborone; Botswana; Tel: 373 847; Telex: 2752 BDMr Leyland R. Howse; ICRISAT/SACCAR; SADCIICRISAT; P 0. Box 776; Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Record numiber (MFN): 02158 Offal project title: MAIZE IMPROVEMENT. Implementing agency: International Center IoD Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT). Country/coutntries: Alrica; Botswana; Malawi; Zambia: Zimbabwe; Stalement of objectives/abstract: Mid-altiude breedig. Contact in research organizaton: Dr. PA. Kyomno; Director. SACCARISADCC, Private Bag 00108; Gabarone; Bostwana; Tel: 373 847; Telex: 2752 BD 56 SPAAR Informatbon System Record number (MFN): 02160 OffIcial profed btt: INTERNATIONAL RICE TESTlNG PROGRAM FOR AFRICA (IRTP). 1n~lemeng agency: Untted Nations Deveomen Progam (UNDPIEuropean Economic Commission (EEC yJapan. Start date: 1975-00. County/countries: Aftica. Burkina Faso; Burundi; Benin; C6be clvore; Careroon: Congo, Ghana; Kenya; Ganbta; Guinea-1issau: Liberia; Madagascar Mali Malawi; Nigena. Sierra Leone; Rwanda; Senegal: Togo; United Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe: Statement of obpectivesiabstrat: Research on rce improvement. The collaborative research network actriites located and conducted at IITA nckude yields and observations nurseres testigs under irrtgation and rainfed conditions, and nrurseries testings for specdic stresses for temperature, soil, dtseases. insects, and speific environments. Contact in research organization: Dr. K. Allun; Coordinator; IRTP-Africa1IITA/RIR Liason Scientist. Oyo Road-, PMB 5320; Ibadan; N igeria; Tel 400300: 400313; Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015): Cable: TROPFOUND, IKEJA Record number (MFN): 02163 Official proect itle GROUNDNUT IMPROVEMENT. Implementing agency: International Devebpment Research Centre (IDRC). Slart date: 19B2-00-00. Country/countnies: Afnca. Angola. Botswana. Malawi. Mozambique, Unned Repu Lic of Tanzania; Zambixa Zimbabwe; Stalement of obctivesiabstract: Research on groundnut improvement. Contact in research organization: Dr. M. Kyomno: Director: SACCAR; Privage Bag 00108. Gaborone: Botswana; Tel: 373 847: Telex: 2752 BDICRISAT/SACCAR: P.B 1783; Gaborone: Bostwana Record number (MFNJ: 02164 Official project ttle: EAST AFRICA COWPEA IMPROVEMENT NETWORK. 57 SPAAR Infomation Systern I nie.iting agency: Unied Naiions Deveopment Profam (UNDP)llnternational Deveopnt Research Centre (IDRC)European Econac Commis (EEC/tnterrational Insbttue of ropical Agiclture (IITA). Country/counlries: Africa; Sonmali& Ethiopia; Kenya; Sudan; Uganda; Unned Republic of Tanzania; Rwanda; Stateme ol objectives/abstract. Research on cowpea improverentl. Contad in research organizaton: Dr. S.R. Sng; Direclor. Gran Legume Improvement Program; IITA; Oyo Road; PMB 5320; Ibadan; Nigena; Tel 400300. 400313. Telex: TDS IBA NG 20311 (Box (01 5). Cable: TROPFOUND. IKEJA Recod nurnber (MFN): 02165 Official projec tle: SADC COWPEA IMPROVEMENT NETWORK. Implementing agency: United Nations Devebpfment Program (UNDP)/lntemational Developrrent Research Centre (IDRC)/lntemational Institute of rropical Agrculture (IITA). Country/countnes: Africa; Angola; Botswana' Lesotho; MalawiC Mozambque; Madagascar; Swaziland; Zambia; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectivesiabstract: Research on cowpea improvernent. Contact tn research organization: Dr. S.R. Singh; Grain Legume Improvemfient Program: Director: lfTA; Oyo Road; PMB 5320; Ibadan- Nigena; Tel: 400300; 400313; Telex: TOS IBA NG 20311 (Box 015). Cable: TROPFOUND, IKEJADr. M. Kyoro; Director; SACCAR; Pnvate Bag 00108: Gaborone; Tel: 373 847: Telex: 2752 BD Record number (MFN): 02166 Official project ttle. CENTRAL AND WEST AFRICAN ROOT CROPS COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWOIRK (CEWARRN). Inplementing agency: International Institute of Tropical Agnculture. 58 SPAAR Information System Stan date: 198600-00. Country/co'ties: Afnca; Angola; Benin; Burina Faso; Camon ; Central African Republic; C6oe crlvoire; Equatorial Guin; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana: Guinea, Guiea-Bissau; Lberia; Mauritania: Ma; Niger, Nigena; Madagascar Burundi; Chad; Congo; Rwanda; Sao Tome and Pnncie; Togo; Zaire; Statement of obeves/abstraci: Regional trals on cassava and sweet potato mnproveerient. Contact in research organization: Dr. S.K. Hahn; Director; Root, Tuber and Plaintain Improvement Program; IITA; Oyo Road; PMB 5320, Ibadan; Nigeria; Tel: 400300; 400313; Telex: TDS 1BA NG 20311 (Box 015); Cable: TROPFOUND, IKEJA Reoord number (MFN): 02168 Official project tide: EAST AFRICA REGIONAL COOPERATIVE FOR RESEARCH ON BANANAS (AND ENSETE) (EARCORBE). Implementing agency: International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countnes: Afnca; Burundi; Ethiopia; Kenya: Rwarxda; Somalia; Unted Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Zaire; Statement ol objectiveslabstract: Strengthening agronomic research and input of rnproved material for Banana land Ensete). Record number (MFN): 02170 Official pro,sct title: AFRICAN RESEARCH NETWORK FOR AGRICULTURAL BY-PRODUCTS (ARNAB). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Intematonal Livestock Centre tor Atrca (ILCA). Start date: 198100-0. Couni,y/countries: Africa; Kenya; United Republic of Tanzania; Malawi; Botswana; Ethiipea, C6te dIvoire: Gambia: Sierra Leone; Senegal; Statement of objectivesiabstract: ARNAB's objectives are to develop and strengthen an African network to support research on crop resdue and agro-industrial by-product utilization through 59 SPAAR Information System coaborative research. While these objectives were party achieved in Phase I with funding Irom IDRC and ILCA, a Phse 11 of the proecl wil be revewed by IDRC for partial unyding. In the second Phase the proect wil test and evaluate oni-farm animal feeding technologies and strengten naonal research programmes by: (1) developing sub-regional research programmes on agricultral by-produts utilization; (2) introducng and evakiatng by-poducts feeding lechroogies on farm: (3) assessig the economc and social impacts of the technoogies introduced in the Ethiopian Highlands and other target areas; (4) training scentists and technioans frorn national programmes in agreed, standardized, on-station metiods and on-farm testing: (5) providing ora for exchanging information among scientists from national programmes and reviewing the collaborative research programmes; and (6) producing and disseminaling ARNAB newletters and proceedings of ARNAB workshops. Contact in research organization: Dr. Abdullah N. Said: ARNAB Coordinator International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689; 21207: Addis Abeba; F niop.a; Tel: 61 33 22; 18 32 15; Telex. 21207 ET: Cable ILCAF ADOIS ABABA Record number (MFN) 02171 Otffcial project tnile: COOPERATIVE CEREALS RESEARCH NETWORK (CCRN). Implementing agency: Intemational Crops Research Instiute for the Semi-And Tropics. Country/countnes: Africa: Nigeria; Budurna Faso; Mali; Niger; Cameroon; Gamb.a. Sudan; Ethiopia; Kenya; Uganda; Somalia; Rwanva; ZimbaDwe; United Republic of Tanzania; Botswana; Zambia, Malawi; Lesotho, Statement of objectives/abstract: Sorghum and pearl millet improvement. Contact in research organizatton: ICRISAT Record number fMFN): 02172 Official project trie: GLIP PROMOTION OF l.EGUME CULTIVATION (GROUNONUTS) IN THE SADC REGION. Implementing agency: U.S. Agency for Intemational Development. Start date: 1988-12-00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozamnbque: Swaziland: Unded Republic of Tanzania: Zambia: Zmbabwe; 60 SPAAR Information System Statement of objedweslabstract: Groundnut mnprovewmet. Contact in research organization: Dr. M. Kyomo; Oirec.or, SACCAR; Prnvate Bag 00108. Gaborone; Botswana; Tel: 373 847; Telex: 2752 BDICRISAT; Patancheru P.O.: Andhra Pradesh 502 324; India: Telex: 0152-203: Cable: ICRISAT, Hyderabad Record number (MFNj. 02174 Offiial pro,ect title: COOPERATIVE PROGRAMME FOR THE IMPPOVEMENT OF GENETIC RESOURCES OF MULTIPURPOSE WOODY SPECIES. Implementing agency: Food and Agnculture Organization of the Unied Nations. Star1 dale: 1988-02-00. Countrylcountries: Alnca, Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Chad; Ojibouti: Ethiopia: Garnbia. Guinea-Bissau. Kenya; Mali; Mauritania. Niger, Nigena. Senegal, Sornalia; Sudan; Unded Republic of Tanzania. Statement of obectives/abstract: Research on genetic improvement of local woody speces. Contact in research organization: Mr. Gora Beye; FAO; Via delle Terme di Caracalla; 001 00 Rome, Italy; Tel: 5797-3037; Telex: 610181 FAOMr, Mohamed Zehni; Director: Research & Technology Developrnent Dmsion; FAO; Via delle Terme di Caracalla: 00100 Rome; Italy: Tel: 5797 5004: Telex: 610181 FAO Record number (MFN): 02424 Official projfet title: FISH POLYCULTURE (MALAWI). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1986-06-10. End date: 1992-05-31. Country/countries: Malawi; Statemenl of objectiveslabstract: Although pond fish culture as yet contributes little to African fish prr duction, the interest of small-scale culturists is increasing and potential is high. Of the possible melhods for increasing pond productivdy, polyculture (using several species to exploit the vanous kinds of food produced in ponds) is appropriate because of 61 SPAAR Irnfomation System availabilly of a divese fish fauna. This proect will develop poyculture systems to naease yids in sinall-scale ponds, by seeg appropate fish species and combom, and uvestigatin producion and use do natural food in ponds Ninabited by mixed fish species. Results wil be applcable to some 300 snal-scale tish farmers n Maliaw and to oter untes od the region wih sinilar fish fauna. Contact in research or9anizabon: Wr. O.V. Msiska; Domasi Fish Culture Station; P.O. Box 44; Domasi; Malawi Record nunber (MFN): 02431 Offical protect tile: FARMING SYSTEMS (ZIMBABWE) - PHASE 11. Impleierrting agency: Interniabonal Developnt Research Centre. Start date: 1987-02-04. End dale: 1989-07-01. Countryicountries: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: Traditional agncuttural research in Zunbabwe has devebped agncuhtural technology packages suted mainly to large commercial farmers The problems of small farmers who live in communal areas, mostlv n poor or mediocre agricultural zones, have not been addressed unhl very recentty. As a resu ol the first phase nf thts proect, a farming-systems research und was set up to ddress the farmers' problms in the communal areas. Formal surveys assessed available resources, outputs, and farrners vews on technological padages being tested on-farm. Some farmers adopted one or more technologies being tested. notably the npper-hne for reduced tillage, and the use of herbcides to cut down on weeding labour. In the second phase, researchers will continue to test more technologies and dissernmate economically viable ones through the existing extension services. Contact in research organization: Mr. Phlllp Chigaru; Department ol Research and Specialist Services. P.O. Box 8108; Causeway. Fifth Street Extension: Harare; Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 02438 Official project title: DAIRY BEEF PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (MALAWI). Implementing agency: Intewnatonal Development Research Centre. Start date: 1987-04-06. End dale: 1990404-06. Country/couitnes: Malawi: 62 SPAAR Informabion System Statement of obcves/abstract Malawi is a landlocked country wth a population of 6.4 migion people. Agiculture is the backxone cl the courtrys econow. Food crop produtbon of cereals ard pulses meets the nabonal requwrements. However, livestock producton has lagged behind and conmption lvels are bow 2.5 kg beef, 0.7 mutton and 76 kg milk per capita. Major constrants are inadequate feed supplies, poor management pracies, and fnappropriate cattle strains. The government has initiated small-scale beef and milk production development projects. This project shtdies the tradiional livestock sector and the emerging smnal-scale beef and milk production systems. Researchers will identify production constraints and potentials of exising dairy and beef production systems; develop new or inproved technobgies of cattle feeding and management for small-scale farmers; and test the developed technological packages on-farm and evaluate their acceptance by farmers. Contact in research organization: Mr. L.A. Karnwania; Bunda Colge of Agriculture; University of Malawi; P.O. Box 219; Lilongwe; Malawi Record number (MFN): 02439 Official proect titl: COMMUNAL CATTLE MANAGEMENT (ZIMBABWE). Implementing agency: Inlernatonal Development Research Centre. Start date: 1987-03-04. End date: 1990-03-04. Counttr/countries: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: Overgazing is a major problem in East Africa and a particuary difficuh prob!em in communal lands. In an area where tsetse fly is being eradicated, catte population is expected to increase very rapidly. The effect brought about by this change will provide an opportunity to analyze how decisions are made and suggest what new measures might halt overgrazng. This project develops a set of criteria to be used in developing communal pasture programs in Zimbabwe. Researachers will identify and analyze the decision-making process regarding livestock grazing at the household and community level; identify and analyze the relationship between cattle owners and non-owners within a community; and identdy and analyze the institutonal arrangements through which current grazing schemes are managed. Contact in research organization: Mr. M.W. Murphee; Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS); University of Zimbabwe. P.O. Box MP 167; Mount Pleasant; Harare; Zimbabwe 63 SPAAR Infonratbon System Record ninber (MFN): 02463 Offiial projed ttbe: NILE PERCH (TANZANIA). Impenenting agency: Intemabonal Development Research Centre. Statdate: 1968-01-05. End date: 1991-01-05. Country/countnes: Uruted Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectrves/abstract: Total nurbers and cmposio of fish caught in the artisanal fishenes of Southem Lake Victoria have changed dramatically lolbwing spread of the predator Nle perch from the northern parl of the lake. Research is required to achieve maxAmum yislds from he rapidly changing stocks. The Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute will assess catch and abundance trends, and compare the effectiveness of different types of fishing gear, determne the impact of Nie perch predation on fishenes; and advise fishermen and developrment agences on appropriate fishing techniques and management actions. Links with a similar project in Ugandan waters of Lake Victona, and with other fishery scientists in the region, will be strengthened. Contact n research organization Mr. P.O.J. Bwathondi; Tanzania Fisheries Research Instdtute: P.O. Box 9750; Dar-es-Salaan; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 02472 Otficial proect title: DAIRY BEEF PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (BOTSWANA) - PHASE 11. Implembng agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1988-06-15. End date: 1991-03-31. Country/countries: Botswana; Statement of olbectives/abstracl: The govemment of Botswana wants to promote milk producton in pen-urban areas to reduce dependency on imported mik. In Fiiase I oi this proc,t dual purpose Simnmertal x Tswana crossbred cattle, lorage production, field crop residue conservation, and improved leedmg were introduced to traditonal agaropastoralists. The cooperating farmers adopted new technologies, resulting in ircreased milk production. This second phase will continue to introduce and evaluate fodder crops and dual purpose cross-bred cattle on small-scale farmns; evaluate the economic perlormance and social acceptance of the introduced technobgies; identiy marketing altematives; and strengthen linkages with extension staff. Contact n research organization: Ms. Louise Setshwaelo: Animal Production Research Unit; Ministry of Agncufture; 64 SPAAR Information Systen Prnvate Bag 0033; Gabone; Botswana Record number (MFN): 02476 Official project tWte: SORGHUM UTILIZATION (TANZANIA) - PHASE 11. Impementrng agency: Intemational Deveopment Research Centre. Start date: 1988-06-21. End date: 1991-06-30. Country/couwitries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: Sorghums and millets are the stapLe loods of much ot Tanzania's population in the semi-arid areas. Vital to national food self-sufficiency, sorghum, and apphed research into ds improved use, is being ernphasized in national agrcuftural policies. The Departwent of Food Scierce and Technology of the Sokoine Universny of Agriculture m Morogoro will conduct a second phase of research to improve and nicrease te use of sorghum. Phase I had a major impact on the Department ol Food Scence and Technology. Resea,ch capacty increased; one stafl member eamed an MSc degree; and new knowledge evolved. This phase will clarify rural household quantity problems *rth sorghum use; establish the retationship between grain quality and food qua'ity for common Tanzanian vareties; prcide feedback to the sorghum improvernent prograrn, and introduce dehulling lechnoL'y to stimulate urban demand far surplus production of sorghum. Contact in research organization: Mr. N.T.A. Bangu: Sokoine University of Agriculture; P.O. Box 3006; Morogoo, Tanzania Record number (MFN): 02496 Official project title: IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE (ZIMBABWE). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1989-04-30. End date: 1991-12-31. Country/countres: Zimbabwe: Statement of objectivestabstract: The 20-year dedining trend in per capita food production in sub-Saharan Afnca and ts tratcally demonstrated vulnerabAity to vanable weather condbions is deeply alrming. Irrigation development is an often proposed remedy, yet past experience in this regard is not enxuuraging. Atthough a variety of reasons have been advanced to explain past failures. rrurh responsibgity rests with te failure of systems to 65 SPMAR Informaon System perform according to planrnrs' expectations. In this projed, researchers wdl exanine and compare the perfrmn of five different systems of irigated producbon in the Lowveld region of Zimbabwe. Specdficaly, researdcers will examnre and compare te pedomnwce of different types of private, public, and community-managed iffigation sdemes: develp and test a muldscqinaiy methodology for assessing irgatin system perforrnance; examine potential performance of ditferent schemes under varying management practices, policies, and procedures and hydrobgic regimes; and examine levels of nitial investment and recurrent costs. Contact in research organization: Mr. Mandi Rukini: University of Zimbabwe; Harare; Znibabwe Record number (MFN): 02497 Offloal project tile: ROOT CROPS (MALAWI). Implmenting agency: Inlernational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990-01-05. End date: 1993-01-05. Country/countries: Malawi; Statement of ob,ectives/abstract: Cassava and. .o a lesser extent, sweet potatoes are important components of the staple diet of many of the poorest people of Malawi, one of the low-income countrIes of Africa. In recent years much of the cassava has been destroyed by pest damage, and large numbers of people for whom the crop was the main staple food had to rely on food aid for survival. This pro,ect seeks to strengthen the national research program tb enable d to carry out a comprehensive selection, testing, dissemination. agronomy, and integrated pest management program for the major root crops grown in the coentry. It will also enable the Malawi researchers to participate more fully in the Eastem and Southern Atnca Rootcrop Research Network (ESARRN). Contact in research organization Mr. R.F.N. Sauti; Bvumbwe Agricultural Research Station: P.O Box 5748: Limbe; Malawi Record number (A FN): 02499 Official project title: SOIL FERTILITY (TANZANIA). Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1989-04-05. End date: 1992-04-05. Country/countnes: United Reoublic of Tanzania, 66 SPAAR nformtion System Statement od otbjecestaistract: Soil fe yt deterioraton is one of the mao causes od agricutural dedine in Tanzaa. Commercial tetzers are eiter too costy or unavailable to the maaprity of peasant famers. Altematve souions need to be found urgently. Crop residues and woody plant biomass are rich reservois of ntrit, in particular nirogen and ophorus, whtch can be released durig decoinposibon but the expbliation by crops depends on the timrig and mrnaer of residue ncorporation into soils. This protect w t examine the use of agrcultural wastes and nitrogen-ich fr.tlage of the woody lgumne Leucaena leucocephala as possible irexpensive solutions to enhance sod fertility, and improve crop production. Contact in research organization: Mr. G.P. Msumaali; Sokowne University of Agriculture; P.O. Box 3000; Morogoro: Tanzanta Record nurnber (MFN): 02508 Official project tUble: POSTHARVEST GRAIN SYSTEMS (TANZANIA). Implementng agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1989-05-19. End date: 1992-05-19. Countrylcountries: Unned Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The adoption of improved production practices by the smaithoder farmers in Tanzania's southem highlands poses new postharvest problems, main1y because the higher yielding varieties of maize are more prone to insect attack ard earlier sporlaoe. The general obective of this project is to improve small holders grain postharvest practices for home consumption and for dsaling with any surplus. Researchers will evaiuate on-farm storage management techniques, and develop and test modifications to improve farmers practices; assess the efficacy of pesticides; improve maize shelling technologies; and transfer results to agricultural extension workers. Researchers will link with Sokorne University of Agriculture in Morogoro. Tanzania, the recipient of earlier support for work on grain storage (3-P-81-0126). Contact in research organization: Mr. Donald Lulende; Uyole Agricultural Centre; P.O. Box 400; Mbeya; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 0251 1 Official proect title: LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (TANZANIA) - PHASE II. 67 SPAAR lnfomtatin System kmpleent agency: Intemabonal Development Research Centre. Start date: 1989-0 7. End date: 1992-03-31. Country/countries: United Rxepulic ot Tanzania; Statement of objeiesabsract: In Phase I of tims proect, reearchers undertook a dcagostic study n the Mpwapwa Distict Tanzania to dentity constraints and potents ine I vestock produton systems. This was folowed by the on-farm introducbon and evaluation od improved dual puwpose wapwa cattle and pasture producthon technologies. Forty farmers purchased the improved cattle as they were attracted by reatively high milk production. The introduced inproved pastures were accepted by farmers whos9 choice was based on hgh yield and drought tolerance. In Phase II, researchers wil cornsodate ther work in the Mpwapwa Dstrict and extend their activities into two other disrcts ol Dodorna and Magu. Researchers will gain further understanding of the existing fariwing systems; develop appropnate feeding technologies for agropastoral systems; introduce and evaluate improved cattle, pasture. and feedng technologies; produce pasture seeds for dissemination; and evaluate the socioeconomic acceptabdity and impact of the new lechnolbgies. Contact in research organization: Mr. Aichi Ketatyi: Livestock Production Research Instnute: Private Bag. Mpwapwa; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 02521 Official project litle: FARM FORESTRY (MALAWI). Implementing agency: Interrational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990-04-27. End date: 1993-1u-31. Country/countnes: Malawi; Statement of objectivesiabstract: This project will seek to improve the crop, livestock and tree production components of small-scale farming systems through the generation of suitable agroforestry technologies. Researchers will identify muftipurpose tree/shrub species for alley cropping and mixed inlercropping systems for the improvement of soil fertility; species for fodder, polewood, and fuelwood production for boundary plantings; and fui tree species for sources of on-farm nutrition and cash. The project represents the country-specific project of the ICRAF Agroforestry Research Network for Africa (AFRENA). Contact in research organization: Mr. Alex Saka; Dept. of Agrcultural Research; Chitdeze; P.O. Bcx 158; Lilongwe: 68 SPAAR Information Systemr Matawi Record nutnber (MFN): O2i34 Offici proect ttle: REGIONAL SEED CENTRE (ZIMBABWE) - PHASE II. Implenting agency: Internatonal Development Research Centre. Stan date: 1988-11-28. Enddate: 1992-10-31. Country/countries: Afrca; Zinrbabwe; Statement of objectivestabstract: Regional forestry programs in Africa are frequently faced with problems of seed supply, inadequate seed testing and storage facilties, and untrained personnel. Phase I od this project made a start on the establishment of seed production stands to ensure future regona. sel-sufficency in quality seed in the countries of eastemn and southern Afnca. A weli-equied seed Waboratory and cold storage facilities are now available to serve the oountres of the region, and wortshops and training courses have helped to standardize methodologies and train staff of the national seed centres. Phase II will enable the expansion of the reoional centre's activities in areas of indigenous seed collection, testing, and storage; the establishment and evaluation of seed stands of important multpurpose species, and the creation oi a regional seed germplasm bank. Also, training programs for regional researchers will be increased. Contact in research organization: Mr. L. Mullin; Forest Research Centre; P.O. Box HG 595; Harare; Zimbrcwe Record number (MFN): 02553 Official project tile: AGRICULTURAL MARKETING (LESOTHO) - PHASE 11. Inplementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1987-10-20. End date: 1991-0331. Country/countries: Canada, Lesotho: Statement of objeclives/abstract: In Lesotho, agricultural marketing has been singled out as oee of the priorrty areas for improvement. In Phase I of this proWet researchers studied seted problems in agricultural markeling wih a vew to assisting policymakers improve nmalketing strategies and infrastructure and advance agricultural development. In-depth studies were undertaken on a number of commodities such as vegetables, livestock and livestock products. Shorter studies of grains and pulses were also induded. Phase 69 SPAAR Iformtion Syskei 11 wil extend Oe work of Phase I in studycyg the ma g systems for vegetables, dawy, wool and mohair, and livestock. It will also broaden te analys by ndu*g an ex eaton of househ economics and markeng s tions. Researchers trained n Canada in Phase I will return to Lesotho to play an exparded role m Phase II. Furw traing wil be provided lor junior reseaces. As in Phase 1, specific research topcs wil1 be selected n consuliation with bcal policynakers and seminars and meetings to discss research results wit be coninued. Contact in research organization: Mk. Gary Storey; Dept. of Agncuhural Economics: University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon; Saskatchewan; Canada S7N OWO Record number (MFN): 02559 Official pro,ect title: EAST AFRICA PESTICIDE NETWORK. Impementing agency: International Developmnent Research Centre. Stait date: 1989-05-16. End date: 1992-11-16. Country/courtnes: Africa; Kenya; Unied Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Statement of objectnes/abstract: Pesticide exposure arnd resultant adverse health effects have not been adequately studied in East Afnca. The purpose of this proect is to assess the intensity of pesticide absorption and resutant heaRth effects among approximately 2000 agricultural field workers in Kenya. Tanzania, and Uganda; and to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices wth regards to pesticide handling and use among these workers. Data wilt be obtained by field teams in each country by nterviews of agricultural ield workers and their health care providers through blod and ur,ne specimens and by observations of pesticide handling and use, and the use of spraying and personal protective equipment. Results wilt be analyzed as a basis to develop measures to reduce pesticide poisonmg and to develop recommendations for prevention and control of pesticide poisoning. Contact in research organization: Mr. A.W. Choudhry; Kenya Medical Research Institute; P.O. Box 20752; Nairobi; Kenya Record number (MFN): 02611 Official project title: AGRONOMIC NETWORK FOR EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA. Impletnenting agency: United Nations Development Program (UN DP); World Bank. 70 SPAR Inrforinatiorn System Country/oountries: Aftica; Burundi; Ethiopia; Kenya; Unded Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstract: To determine agronomic efifebhveness of fertilizer manufactured ubkzing indigenous agrominerals. Traniing of scientists, monitorng, docuentration, and procurement of equipmnent. Cotilact in research organization: Dr. Paul L.G. VIek; Director, International Fertilizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Afnca); B.P. 4483; Lome; Togo; Tel: 21-79-71; Telex: 5416 CIFDC-TG; Fax: 21 78 17 Record number (MFN): 02613 Official project title: THE GEOLOGICAL NETWORK FOR AGROMINERALS IN EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA. Implementing agency: Unied Nations Development Program (UNDP); World Bank. Country/countries: Afrca; Burundi; Ethiopia; Kenya; Malawi: United Repubic of Tanzania: Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectrves/abstract: Development of indigenous agrominerats. Training, monrtonng, and documentation. Contact in research organization: Dr. Paul L.G. Vlek, Director; Intemation Ferlilizer Development Center, Africa (IFDC-Africa), B.P. 4483; Lorne; Togc; Tel: 21-79-71; Telex: 5416 CIFDC-TG; Fax: 21 78 17 Record number (MFN): 02617 Official prolect ttle: APPLIED RESEARCH PROGRAMME: SOUTHERN AFRICA RESEARCH NETWORK FOR AFRICA (SA-AFRENA) - THE UNIMODAL UPLAND PLATEAU. Implmenting agency: International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)/Southem Africa Coordination Centre for Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Start date: 1986-00-0. End date: 1992-11O00. Country/countries: Africa; Malawi; Unded Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The Southern Africa AFRENA programme was initiated in 1986 with funding Irom 10FRC and 71 SPAAR rfmiatfn System CJDA. The pmgramme locuses on the plateau zone d souten Africa. Initially, there were three counte parbcilpating .n te network Mlai, Tanzania and Zambia. In 1990, Zfmbabwe joined te nelwoik. The Network is pintiy executed by ICRAF and the Southeem Africa Coodnabon Centre for Aghtral Research (SACCAR). Problems n the region ndude food shortages and deforestation. Most food is prduced by smaliholder farmers whose crop yields are decining due to pressure on tand, resultg in shortened fallow periods. At the same tixe, many farm families face critical shortages ot fuetwood and fodder for lrvestock, paitculait durng fe tong dry season. These issues were identfied through the D&D exercices and fomred the basis for desqling the agroforestry lechnologies to solve these problems as weHl as defining the respective expernmental research progranmes in the respective countries. The ongoing research activities are: (a) multipurpose tree species/provenance screening and testing on Sesbania sesban, Sesbania macrantha, Leucaena, Gliicidia sepium, and pigeon pea vanelies; (b) mulbpurpose tree management for soi improvement; (c) multipurpose tree management for fodder; (d) multipurpose tree surveys; (e) technology testing--hedg6row intercropping and imnpoved fallows; (0 animal feeding trials of proven multipurpose trees; (g) multpurpose tree litter decomposition; (h) nursery studies; and (i) on-farm research--improved fallow, hedgerow intercropping, ard live fences. Contact in research organization: Prof. David N. Ngugi. Regional Coordinator; Makoka Research Stabon; Malawi Record number (MFN): 02620 Official proiect Mle: AFRICAN SMALL RUMINANT COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NE1WORK. Implementing agency: Intemational Fund for Agnrcultural Oevebpmen[. Start date: 1981-00-00. End date: 1991400-00, Country/countries: Africa, Rwanda; Mozambique, Togo; Sudan; Nigeria; Ethiopia; Unied Republic of Tanzania: Kenya; Bolswana. Cole dIlvoire: Statement of objectveslabstract: The network would complenent research by ILCA on small rumnmants in West Africa. It would aim to refine some of the basc findings already obtained from on-going research by carTying out both on-station and on-farm research and trials to improve feeding systems for small ruminants through inproved forage and browse production. The overall aim of the network is to develop more benelidal crop-livestock nteractions (through the integrabon of food crop, browse lgume and small ruminant producbon). as welt as the use of sheep manure for the maintenance of sol fertility n smnal farmers production systems. The network would develop a sustainable promduction system which can contribute to the improvement of small nurnuant production in the humid and sub-humid zones of West Africa and through the manure studies it would demonstrate and improve the role of smnag ruminants in increasing 72 SPAAR Information System aop production. The network woiid promotelenhance infornabon exchange, traing and research and development of small nrmrwan te ogies for lsmalidem and agopastoiraists imclaboraton wih NARS. The technologes developed and valdatd ou anners' F.elde would be ncorporated in future IFAD investment projects in the reg. Trainng courses would be cnducted annually i areas idenrtiied by the Annual General Meetng od NARS scientists. Contact in research oroaniation: Dr. R.T. Wilson; Coordinator of Afncan Srnall Ruminant Colaborative Research Network; International Livestock Centre for Afnca (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689; Tel: 18-32-15; Telex: IICA ADDIS 21207; Cable: ILCAF/Addis Abeba Record number (MFN): 02621 Official project titl: IMPROVING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF INDIGENOUS AFRICAN LIVESTOCK USING RADIOIMMUNOASSAY AND RELATED TECHNIGUES. Implementing agency: Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Country/countres: Afnca; Burkina Faso; Egypt; Ethiopia; Ghana; Malawi; Morocco; Niger Nigeria; Senegal; Sudan; United Republic of Tanzania; Tumisia; Uganda; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: Improving rumiant Ivestock productity. Training, documentation and information system. Contact in research organization: FAO/AAEA Division; Rome; Italy Record number (MFN): 02624 Official proect htle: AFRICAN RESEARCH NETWORK ON RURAL POULTRY DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizalbon. Country/countries: Afrca; Benin, Cameroon; Niger; Nigeria; Somalia: Sudan; Zimbabwe; Statement of oblectives/abstract: The network obiectives are to: (1) review, assess and publish current knowledge on rural poulby development in Africa for further planning and research activties; (2) appraise tt4 current approaches and strategies of rural poultry development in Africa; and (3) identify areas where further research is required and coordinate subsequent research activities. Leading African instiutes in poultry production wll participate in: (i) developing new strategies and technologies for rural 73 SPAAR Infornatiorn System poultry keeping; (ii) teting inproved techniques in research stations and later at the farm kwel: and (iii) ansuring disswination of nrew echnoiogy through contacts with exnsion services. Contact in research organization: Prof. B.C. Sonaiya; Departnent of Animal Science; Universrty of lie, Ile-lfe; Nigera; Tel: 2291; 2419 Record number 'MFN): 02626 Official project title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRACTICES FOR AREA-WIDE TSETSE ERADICATION WITH EMPHASIS ON THE STERILE INSECT TECHNIOUE. Imprmrentir.o agency: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizaton. Start date: 1988-11-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Ghana; Nigena; Kenya; Uganda; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: Tsetse control. Contact in research organization: Joint FAO/IAEA Division: Rome; Italy Record number (MFN): 02627 Official project title: IMPROVING THE DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL OF TRYPANOSOMIASIS AND OTHER VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES OF AFRICAN LIVESTOCK, USING IMMUNOASSAY METHODS Implementing agency. Oirectorate General for Intemational Cooperation (DGIS). Country/countines: Africa; Egypt; Gambia; Ghana; Kenya; Mali; Morocco; Senegal, Somalia; Sudan; United Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectves/abstract: Standardising diagnostic methods. Conduct training workshops for scientists and provide expert services, including documentation. Contact in resaarch organization: FAOIIAEA Division; Rome; Italy 74 SPAAR Information System Record nuinber (MAFN): 02628 Official project title: SERO-SURVEILLANCE OF RINDERPEST AND OTHER DISEASES IN AFRICA, USING IMMUNOASSAY TECHNIQUES. Impementing agency: Swedish Agercy for Rural Cooperation (SAREC). Country/countries: Africa; Burkina Faso; Egypt; Ethiopia; Ghana; Cote d'lvoire; Kenya; Mali; Niger; Nigeria; Senegal; Somalia; Sudan; United Republic of Tanzania; Uganda, Zambia, Statement of obectives/abstract: Montonng PARC vaccination. Training workshops for scientists and expert services. including documentation. Contact in researrch organization: FAOIIAEA Division; Romne; Italy Record number (MFN): 02629 Official project itle: CO-ORDINATED RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON THE APPLICATION OF IRRADIATION TECHNIQUE FOR FOOD PROCESSING IN AFRICA. Implementing agency Unded Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Country/countries: Africa; Algeria; Egypt, Ghana; Ugar.c i; Zambia; Unted Republic of I anzania; Zaire; Senegal; C6te d Ivoire; Kenya; Libyan Arab Jamahinya; Nioena; Statement of objectiveslabstract: Research programme to reduce postharvesl losses ol stampe tood crops. Training of scientists in food science and technology, and documentation. Record number (MFN): 02632 Offiial poject title: SMALL RUMINANTS AND CAMEL GROUP. Implementing agency: Deutsche Gesellschaft tuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmb H. Country/courtfries: Africa; Mali; Kenya; Nigena; Ethiopia; Sudan; Burkina Faso; Mozambique: Rwanda; Zimbabwe; Slatement of o6jectives/abstract: 75 SPAAR Irnfornaon System Reserch on nprovement of small runiants and camels Contact in research organzation: Mr. Richard A. Stewart, Assistant to Director General; International Livestock Cente for Afica (ILCA). P.O Box 5689. Addis Ababa; Eiopa: Tel: 61 33 22: Telex: 21207 ET Record nunbef (MFIN): 02633 Officlm protect title EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICAN FARMING SYSTEMS RESEARCH NETWORK Impenxin agency: U.S Agency for International Devebppment Startdate: t976-00-0 Country/countnes: Afnca, Bunxu. Botswana. Kenya. Lesotho: Malawi. Rwarda; Sud3n. Somalia: 3wazland: United Revublic of Tanzania. Zambia. Zmrnbabwe. Statewent of objecives/abstract: Research on (arming systems Coniact in research organization Centro IntemacKwal de Meio'amento de Ma:z y Tngo ICIMMYTI. Londres 40. Apartado Postal 6-641.05600 Mexico. D F. MexicoMr. M. Collinson. Coordinator. CIMMYT. Nairobi. Kenya Record nunber (MFN) 02635 Official protect titte. INTERNATIONAL BENCHMARK SOILS NETWORK FOR AGRO-TECHNOLOGY TRANS- FER 1i6SNATI Irmplementing agency U.S Agency for Intemational Deveopment Slart date: 1982-00-00. CountryJcountres Global. Cameroon. Burunci. Zambia. Statement of objectives/absiract: Research on so, . water, and climate characterization for agricultural technolgy transfer Contaci r ?search organization Dr. Reiffroth. University of Puerto Rico: Rio Pidras. Puerlo Rico: C.'931. USA 76 SPAAR Infornation System Record number (MFN): 02639 Official proect tble: RESEAU EUROPEEN DETUDE DES LATERITES (EUROLAT) [EUROPEAN NETWORK ON FERRALSOLS STULIES]. Implementing agency: Ministere de la Recherche el de l'Enseignernent Supeneur: UnrversOe of Strasbourg. Start dals: 1984-00-00. Counhy/countfies: Afnca. Angola; Burkina Faso: Burundi: Benin: Central African Republic: C6te cfivoire: Carneroon:. Congo. Algena: Statement of objectrvesiabstract Info.nation on lalerne sods. Contact in research organization: Mr. Tardy: Coordinator of EUROLAT. 1. rue Blissg. 67084 Strasbourg Cedex. France Record number (MFNI. 02641 Ofcial pro,ect tile: ASSOCIATI( UINTERNA ;D -ALE POUR L'OPTIMISATION DE LA NUTRITION DES PLANTES (ANIOPi [tNt 'T!C.tAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF PLANT NUTRITIONJ. Inpementitng agency: Centre de Cr-m, rpl'.n Irt, natlknale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Deveoppement (CIRAD) Stat date: 1983-00-00. Country/countries: Global. Central African Repubic: Congo: Cameroon: Egypt. Ethiopia: Kenya: Morocco; Madagascar. Niger: Nigena. Sudan: Togo. Unted Republic of Tanzania: Saudi Arabia: Zaire: Statement of objectives/abstract: Information on optirmizing nutntion in production of plants. Contact in research organization: Centre de Cooperation Inlernationale en Recherche Agronornique pour le Developpement (CIRAD): B.P. 5035: 34032 Montpellier Cedex. France Record number (MFN): 02646 Official prolect tile: AFRICAN REGIONAL PEST MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 77 SPAAR nocmaticn System NETWORK (PESTNET). Inplbeenting agency: International Centre d Insect Physology and Ecobgy (ICIPE). Start date: 198s60-00. Country/counitnes: Africa, Burundi; Kenya. Rwanda. Somalia: Sudan: Unmed Republic of Tanzania; Uganda. Zambia: Zirnbabwe; Malawi: Statemernt of ob ectives/abstractr Research on management oa crop pests and dtsease vectors of livestock (licks and iselse) Contact n research organization ICIPE Record nunber (MFN): 02648 Offcal proect btle: [NETWORK ON SORGHUM MILLING/DEHULLINGi. Impementing agency International Development Research Centre. Start da:e: 1982-00-00. Country/counlnes: Africa. Senegal: Gambia. Ethiopia: Uganda: United Repuiblc of Tanzania: Zimbabwe. Bo!swana, Statement of obfectNeslabstract: Research on sorghum mil!tidehulling. Contact n reseatch organization Mr Ozzwe Schrnmil. Program Off cer: Post Prcducton Systems: IRDC: PO. Box 62084. Nairobi. Kenya. Tel 330850. Telex 23062; Cable. RECENTRE Nairobi Record number (MFN)- 02653 (C%Pcial protect tole. RESEAU DEVELOPPEMENT (RID) [DEVELOPMENT NETWORK). Implementing agency: GRET. Starl date: 1398200-00. Country/countries Africa: Burkina Faso: Cameroon: Comoros: Ethiopia. Madagascar: Niger: Rwanda: Senegal. Somalia: United Republic of Tanzania. Stalement of obiect'ves/abstract: Inlormaicrn on appropriate lechnobgy 78 SPAR Infonnation System Contact m research organization Mr Leloutl Coordinator of Reseau Developpemerit; GRET: 30. rue de Charonne: 75011 Pans: France Record number (MFN) 02655 Offiial project title STRATEGIES ALIMENTAIRES iSTRA) [FOOD STRATEGIES NETWORK] Implementing agency: ORSTOM(Institut Francais de Recherche Scenttique pour le Developpernent en Cooperation Start date: 1982-000. Country/countries: Atrca: Burundi; Benin: Burkina Faso: Central Afrcan Republic; Congo; CUte drvoire; Ethiopia: Gabon. Kenya. Mali ritania; Malabwu Niger: Rwanda. Senegal: Somalia; Togo; Zaire. Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract Intormalion on food policies. Contact m research organization Mr. M. 14nrer: Coordinator of GEMDEV. 12. Avenue do la Soeur Rosalie; 75013 Paris; France Record number (MFN) 02661 Oficial project itle: PAN-AFRICAN NETWORKS FOR RURAL SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Implementing agency Winrock Intemational: Ford Foundation. Start date: 1986-02-00 End date. 1990-02-00 Country/countries: Africa. Benin Ethiopia; Ghana: Libera: Malawi; Mali. Nigena: Sierra Leone. Sudan: Unied Repubhc of Tanzania: Zambia: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract Develprent of Afrcan counines has been hampered by the inadequate contribution of the rural social scences to rural development. Several intematiunal agericies have tned to improve this sduation but have made only modest accomplishments. The Pan-Afnrian Networks for Rural Social Science Research is a four year program set up to stimulate sub-Saharan Africans to conduct research on rural development issues. The objectives of the networks are to: (1) encourage Atrican scholars lo conduct research contributing to better understanding of the social and econormic problems laced by African counlriei; (2) develop networks of socual scientists to stimulate discussion of development issues and to provide peer review ol research and teaching 79 SPAAR Information System activities; and (3J use the findigs of the research studies in preparnng relevant teaching mnatenals and as a resoumce in making agricultural poicy decisions. Contact in research organization: Dr. Paul T. Perrault: Field Office Coordinator; Winrock International; 08 B.P. 1603; Abidjan 08; Cote d'lvoire; Tel: (225) 41-34-32; Telex: 26-138 RECTU-CI; Fax: 1225) 41-34-32: E-mag: DIALCOM, CIRES Record number (MFN): 02662 Official project ttle: AGRICULTURAL REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT PIROJECT. Implenenting agency: World Bank. Mozambique. Start date: 1991-04-30. End date: 1999-06-30. Counlrylcountries: Mozambque: Statement of objecFveslabstrad: The rnam obterves of the project are to support Govemrnment ot Mozambique (GOM) effos to assist the lamily subsector to reverse the declne in cashewnut production and exportation through select've rehabildation of physical infrastructure and serces, the provision of technical assistance, and the implementation of policy reforms in prcing and marketing. The project also wvill contnibute to the GOM's stated policy of restructuring stale and commercial agncultural enterpnses, and support basic studies and surveys which will strengthen and guide development of the agricultural sector once the secunty srtuaion Is improved. The project components would incude: (a) rehabiltation and development of the cashew subsector: (b) bulding up the institutional capacity for assising in the rehabiliation and restructunng of agricultural enterpnses. and (c) carrying out subsectoral studies and surveys. Under the first component. financing would be provided for: (ij equipment, incremental costs and technical assistance to agncultural extension applied research, and cashewnut nursenes; (i) investment credit (equipment and materials) to commercial farmers and traders and for the rehabildation of three cashew processing factories, and (w) technical assistance, equipment and icremental costs to the State Secretariat for Cashew and the State Enterpnse for Cashewnut. Under the second component, financing for technical assistance. incremental costs, and equipmenet would be provided in order to develop a capacity whithn the Ministry of Agriculture to address the rehabilitation needs of state and prvate agncultural enterprises and provide them with managerial and planning assistance and traming. Under the third component, complementary studies and surveys -- an Irrgation Developrment Master Plan, a Cashew Tree Population Survey and a Cashew Development Master Plan for new areas -- would be financed. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture: Avda Atcordos de Lusaka: Maputo; Mozambique; Tel: 80 SPAAR Inlonmation System 21071; Telex: 6209 Record nurmber (MFN). 02730 Official pro,ect btle. IFAD - SECOND AGRICULTURAL REHABILITATION PROJECT. Implmentwig agercy: World Bankllnternabonal Fund for Agncultural Developmient. Mozambique. Staur date: 1989-000. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countries. Mozambique. Statement of objecives/abstract: The pro,ect would provde small-scale farmers with polyvalent extension services which would cover food crops. lrvestock, agroforestry. apiculture. applied research. and agncultural credi. The project components are: (1) rural extension--training of Field Extension Workers (FEWs). Block Supervisors (BSsf. and intermediate and higher level officers in Mozambique and abroad. wncluding the provision of transportation means, integration of extension and applied research activites 3t the field level, animal husbandry and vetennary services. agrolorestry, and apiculture: (2) apphed research development--instilutional buiking. upgrading of INIA capaciy and facihites: trainng of key personnel, and development of applied research aMIlbes in the stations in the areas of: (i) ranfed crop production, with a strong emphasis on food crops. (ii) evaluation of existng producion systems, (iii) use of Simple Inputs and its effect on production. The Simnple Inputs approach stands for the combination of healthy seeds (or propagation matenal), correct plant population per square meter. weed control. plant protection and correct timing of 2ctivilies; (iv) production of basic disease free seed and plant propagaton matenal or recommended vaneties of maize. cassava. and sweet potatoes; (v) investigation of methods of land preparation, with the aim to produce a good seedbed and to reduce erosion hazards; (vi) soil conservation practices: and (vii) demonstration of new tech iologies which are ready for adoptoon by farmers. (3) livestock development--improvement of canitary conditions of herds and setting Up of supplementary feeding capacity during the dry season in order to produce more meat. milk, and animal traction, including irtroduct*on of genetic improvement and up-graded management practices. extension i livestock management and health. iehabildation of field immersion tanks, and treatment cc"rats for cattle: (4) agroforestry development--establishment ol an allemnative wood supply source close to farmer households and/or within the holding of the srnall famner through the planting, in rotation. of small private w>od lots on agricultural lands. as well as communal plantations on marginal or uncultivable lands. At maturity. these wood lots are expected to provide all the wood requirements of he farming lamily (energy. construction, fences. etc.) at the rate of 1m3Ycapita per annum; and (5) apiculture development--conduct apiculture activties (extension. production of beehives, implements for honey producers, and credi to new beekeepers) in the provinces of 81 SPAAR Infornateon System Maputo, Gaza, Inhatrbane, Manca, Nampula, and Cabo Delado. The prOect would devebp ss aggressr geetic lne with higer pducv the highly producte. but vry aggressive Mozambican bee species Aprs meilfera Scutellata. Conrct n research organization: MNistry of Agnculture. Avda AIcorrdeS de Lusaka; Maputo; Mozarrbique; Tel: 21071: Telex: 6209Mr. Manuel Pinto; Director; Inshrtuto Nacrone! de Investigacao Agronoxnica (INIA)J CP 3658; Maputo 4; Mozambique: Tel: 30091; Telex: 6209 Record numnber (MFN4: 02732 Official proned ttle: RESEARCH. COCRDINATION. AND TRAINING FOR IMPROVED LIVESTOCK PROOUCTION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Implementing agency: Commission of the European Commundes. Start date: 1989-0000. End date 1992-00-00. Country/countries: Afrca; Botswana. Ethiopia; Cote dilvoire; Niger; Togo; Senegal; Zirmbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstracl: The International Livestock Cenlre for Ainca (ILCA) will work wdh the regional agricuttural research organizatons of Botswana, Ethiopa. Cote dlvoire, Niger, Togo, Senegal, and Zimbabwe on research into: (1) draft animals; and 42) small ruminants (milk and meat). The aim of the draft anwnal research is to: (i) develop a research and data exchange network between ILCA and four countnes (Botswana, Ethiopa. Togo. and Senegal), (ii) intensity the use and improve the feedg of draft animals in the semi-arid and high-attitude regions: and (miif identify constraints and develop sudable techniques for the use of draft animals in regions where the practice is not common The smafl ruminant scheme would investigate the dftferent production systems which would include a sizeable small ruminant component and would improve stock management and feeding methods lo reduce the nsk of diseases in the six counries. The research activities would be backed up by intensive tra:ning schemes. The training component would improve the numbers and standard of Afncan researchers and ensure proper dissemination of information on draft animals and small ruminants. Contact in research organization: Intemational Ltvestock Center for Afrca (ILCA): P.O. Box 5689, Addis Abeba; Ethiopia: Tel: (251-1) 613 215: Telex: 980-21207 ILCA ET: Fax: (251-1) 611 892: E-mail: t57CG1070: Cable: ILCAF Record number (MFN). 02737 82 SPAAR Information System Ofkial projetl title: GRAIN LEGUME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME - COWPEA RESEARCH PROJECT (SADC COUNiTIES). Implementing agency Commission ot the European Communities. Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countres: Africa: Angola. Botswana; Lesottho; Malawi. Mozambique; Swaziland, Unted Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The programme would expand cowpea production in the SADC countnes to meet domestic consumption demand. The research activities would invotve: (a) development of high-yielding vareties (collection of germ plasma, selection, and multi-ste tesong). (b) wnprovement of growing methods: and (c) training. SACCAR will implement the proect wth the assistance of IITA. Contact in research organization Dr. M. Kyomo: Director: SACCAR: Private Rag 00108. Gaborone. Botswana: Tel 373 847; Telex: 2752 BD Record number (MFN) 02741 Official project title: FIELD ORIENTED RESEAPCH ON CONTROL OF THE TSETSE FLY AND LIVESTOCK TICKS - PHASE II. Implementing agency: Cornmission ot the European Commurities/Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology IICIPE) Start date: 1989-00-00. End date 1992-01100. Country/countrnes Africa: Kenya: Sudan. Zambia: Malawi, Mozambtque: Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The proposed project is the second phase of a programme of research on two important animal diseases in Eastern Africa. i.e.. trypanosomiasis and diseases transmitted by ticks, which received support under LOME lt Regional funds. It would continue the work started in Phase I with particular emphasis on coUaboration and cooperation with other scientists working in the same fields to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and ensure earty application of the findings. Regular exchange of information would be carried out wnh the national authorities in Kenya. Zambia, anrd the Sudan. as well as the Regional Programme for the control of Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis in Malawi, Mozambque. Zambia, Zimbabwe and its supporting Laboratories in Europe. The proect would include support for research and technical slaff, materials and services, equipment. vehcles. training, workshops and monitornng. The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) wilt receive an annual subsidy tor a 83 SPAAF/ Inlofmnaton System perod of three years. Contact mi resra^. organtzaton: Prof. T.P Odhambo; Diector: Intemahonal Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecotogy (ICIPE); P.O. Box 30772; Nairobi; Kenya. Tel: 43049; 43081; 43719. Telex: 22053; Cable: ICIPE, Nairobi Record number (MFN): 02760 Otcial protect title AGRICULTURAL SERVICES REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT Implmenling agency World Sank; Mozambique. Start date: 1992-07-21. Country/countries: Mozambique; Statement ot objedivesiabstract: To support the Govemment oa Mozambique's efforts to rehabiltate and develop agricuftural services. reverse the decline in production of cotton and toodcrops. thus reducing poverty and improving food securty: and strengthen local capacity to lorrnulale and implement agrcuttural development activities. Contact in research organization Ministry of Agriculture, Mozambique Record number (MFN): 02762 Official prolect title: AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AND EXPORT PROMOTION PROJECT. ImpLesmenting agency World Bank: Zimbabwe. Start date: 1990-08-01 End date: 1995-12-31. Countrylcounitnes Zimbabwe; Statement of objectivesJabstracl: The protect wouki enable smallholders increase production of lood. cash and export crops (mainly maize. coton. scyabeans, groundnuts. sunfbwers. and virginia tobacco) suited to peasant fanning, and commercial farrners lo diversify into export and inport-substgution commodities for which they have comparative advantage. It would aim at aleviating some of the major constraints on wide( adoption of the available technological packages by smaltholders: on farmn mvestments. inported inputs, and technical backng needed by coinmercial farmers: dnd on processing facdities for the man export crops. It would strengthen the insMutional capability and financial conditions of Agricultural Finance Coporation (AFC) (technical assistance for the 84 SPAAR Information System post Computer Systern Manager, installation of a new computer system. and training in data processing), and encourage the adoption of a b: Ster price policy for cotton. The prott would finance incremental agriculural credit for smalholders and commercial farmers; a pilot scheme to promote the use of farmer groups, many of which wouid consist of women, as chanrels for credt, storage and input supply; cotton processing and storage facildies; horticu.iural research (civil works to expand research buildings, provision of cold storage faciities, and equipment including laboratory apparatus in order to strengtthen post-harvest research at Marondera Research Station): and horticuftural m3rketing and cotton subsector studies. Contact in research organization: Agncutural Finance Corporation; ZimbabweMinistry ol Lands. Agriculture and Rural Resettlement (MLARR); Zimbabwelnslitute of Horticultural Research; Marondera; Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 02763 Othcial project tile: FOREST RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Implementing agency: World Bank: Tanzania. Start date: 1992-07-16. Country/countries United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: The project would include sectoral policy and instnutional reforms, land tenure, land demnonstration. and pilot woodland management, and agroforestry The major project components are: (i) forestry sector development; (ii) land tenure and landuse planning issues; and (iii) institution building. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Land. Tounsm and Natural Resources; P O. Box 9372; Dar-es-Salaam; Tanzania: Tel: 27271 Record number (MFN) 02779 Official protect title: SOCIAL SCIENCE INTERFACE RESEARCH UNIT (SSIRU) Implementing agency: The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecolgy. Slar date: 1989-00-0. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Kenya: Zambia; Somalia; C6te d'lvoire; Senegal: Rwanda: Statement of objectives/abstract: 85 SPAAR Information System In order for ICIPE's work to be successtul, there is an obvious need for an effective understanding of the sociocultural and economic en nronment within which IPM packages and methodologies are to be implemented. The proper appreciation of the social context of the resource-poox farmer is crucial in gaining scientific knowledge of the sococultural milieu of target communities. larmers resource base. prioritles and socoeconomic constraints. The SSIRU has idenidied key areas of emphasis which will help achieve the objectives: (a) development of an terative research approach and a muidscpLinary methodobgy which will enable the Centre to gain the necessary understanding and a comprehensive view of the problem of pest and veclor management constraints and their interactions as a means for achieving a clearer understanding of farmers actions and capacity to adopt improved pest and vector management strateges, and how natural science can contribute to innovations in this area; (b) identification and analyss of farmers' indgenous technmcal knowledge in agnculure. animal and human health and indication of technological gaps: (c) analysis of forces ol change (historical and conlemporary, e.g., drought) which shape farmers opportunities for technology adoption. innovation and receptivity to new or improved pest and vector management strategies; (d) incorporating socioeconomic insights in the Centre biologrcal research agenda which will contnbuite to an enhancement of the Centre's responsiveness to its constituency--the resource-poor farmers: (e) achieving synergism between farrners production pnotitwes and scientdic research agenda: and (i) training Contact in research organizatcfl: Prolessor Thomas R. Odhiambo: Director. The Intemational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE); P.0 Box 30772; Nairobi; Kenya, Tel. 80250113/9; Telex: 22053 ICIPE 25066 DUDU; Fax 803360; Cable ICIPE NAIROBI Record number (MFN) 02849 Official project titb. IMMUNOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS ON TICKS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN TICK CONTROL. Implementing agency Commission of the European Communities. Country/countnes: Zambia: Statement of cbjectives/abstract: Two of the major tick ectoparasites of domestic livestock in Africa are Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Amblyomma vanegatum which transmit East Coast Fever and Heartwater respectively among cattele in Afnca. Both are present Zambia and affect productivity of livestock in the traditional sector and hamper the economic development of rural communities. A visit by Professor Varma to Zambia early in 1986 under the auspices of Ihe Overseas Developrnrenl Administration (ODA) of the United Kingdom highlighted the constraints to chemical co.itrol of ticks. the relevance of vaccines in control strategies and the suitability of that country as an appropriate 86 SPAAR Information System venue for field investigatis including tnals of candidate vaocines. The rr.a;o: and uftinate objectives are development of a tick vaccine for protecdion of domestic livestock in Africa and the establishment of a nort-south link for training of African personnel and implkrrentation o fied programmes. Thee specifc objectives of the protect were therefore biochemical and immunochemical characterization of crude homogenates of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus lo identify and isolate the protective antigens. This has been accomplished. Contact in research organization: Prof. Raja Varma (Mr. P. Tnnder); Universiy of London; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: Keppel Street; London WC IE 7HT; United Kingdom; Tel: (01) 636.86.36; Telex: 895.34.74 Record number (MFN): 02880 Otticial project title: DETERMINATION OF RUMEN-DEGRADABLE AND UNDEGRADABLE NITROGEN IN WIDELY USED PROTEIN SOURCES FOR RUMINANTS IN ZIMBABWE Implementing agency Commission of the European Communites Counlry/countries: Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract. The obtectives of the protect are to (1) determine rumen degradable (RDP) and undegradable protein (UDP) in the main protein sources for ruminants fed with different basal diets and at different levels of intake; (2) compare the old and new systems in practical feeding situations in grazing and pen-feeding: and (3) suggest possible changes in the forrnulation of rations by feed manufacturers to satisty RDP and UDP requirements for different classes ol stock. Contact in research organization Mr. S. Sibanda: Ministry oft Lands, Agnculture and Rural Settlemert! Department of Researca and Specialist Services; P.O.B. 8108; Causeway: Fifth Street Extension: Harare: Zimbabwe; Tel: 70.45.31 Record number (MFN): 02931 Official prqect title: PASTURE AND FODDER PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION. Implementing agency: Intenational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1982-00-00. Country/countres: Malawi; 87 SPAAR Informatior System Stalement of objecties/abstra'i: Wrth decreasing aird areas available for pasture and fodder production in Malavi, it is irnportant to maxiriize output. Mr. Kanyarna-Phin mill study various cropping systems for animal feed. Undersowmng of pastures with maize, mixed cultivation of grasses and legumnes, as well as ways to utilize crop residues will be investigated The capacrty of these systems to provide adequate feed for livestock will also be studied. Contact Pn research organization: Mr. George Kanyama-Phiri; Crop Production Department; Bunda College of Agncuture; University ol Malaw, P 0 Box 219, LILONGWE. Malawi Record number (MFNV) 02942 Official project tnile: RESEARCH ON POTENTIAL SOURCES OF THE INDUSTRIAL PHYCOCOLLOIDS AGAR, CARRAGEENAN AND ALGIN IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Inlemational Foundation tor Science Start date: 1976-00-00. Country/countries United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract Piot. Mshigeni will initiate studies to estimate the contents of colloid substance in selecled Tanzanian seaweeds to find out hr-w much gel can be obtained from them and which speces are suitable tor commercial phycocoloid extraction. Ecologcal studies will be undertaken to determtne changes in yield and quality due to seasonal vanations. as well as a study ot the occurrence ot phycocolloid- producing speces. Dr. Mshigeni will also collect environmental and biological data which will serve as a hasis lor possible seaweed farming in Tanzania's coastal villages. Conlacl in research organization Prol Kelo Mshigeni. Directorate of Postgraduate Studies; Universtiy of Dar es Salaam: P0 Box 35091. Dar es Salaam. Tanzania Record number (MFN) 02967 Ofiictal project trile: A STUDY OF MPASA (OPSARIDIUM MICROLEPIS) AND (LABEO MESOPS) AS SUBJECTS FOR AQUACULTURE IN MALAWI. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1981-00-00. Country/countries. Malawi; 88 SPAAR Informabron System Slatement of ojectives/abstract: Mr. Msiska will study the cuilural prospects of the mentioned species as subjects for intensive aquacutture in Malawi. He wli initialty study induced spawning and survival and growth of fry. Later, growth rates of lingerlings tn ponds wifl be determined using different feeds, and oplimum stocking densities will De investigaled. Different cultivation techniques will be compared. Contact in research organization: Mr Orton Msiska; Fisheries Department; P.O. Box 44; DOMASI; Malawi Record number (MFN): 03021 Official project ttle: ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVE COMPOUNDS IN ZAMBIAN PLANTS WITH REPUTED MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. Implementing agency: International Foundation tor Science. Stan date: 1976-00-00. Country/countries: Zambia: Statement of objectiveslabstract Four Zambian plants will be systematically studied. (1) Phellminu3 rimosus, used to treat cardiac conditions: (2) ntulula (botanical name not yet known), used as an abortitacient. (3) Rhyncosia sp.. which has caused deaths when mistakenly used in the popular munkoyo drink; and (4) a plant with antibiotic characteristics. Dr. Sianwiza will isolate, purify, and characterize the chemical constituents of these plants, and finally test their pharmacological and toxicological properties as well as Iheir phyrsiological effects. Contact in research organization: Dr. Mwindaace Siamwiza: School of Natural Sciences: University ol Zambia: P.O. Box 32379: LUSAKA. Zambia Record number (MFN): 03036 Official prolect title: PERFORMANCE OF INDIGENOUS AND EXOTIC MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN MALAWI'S PINE AFFORESTATION PROGRAMME. Implementing aqency: Intemational Foundation for .Science. Startdate: 1981 -00. Country/countries: Malawi: 89 SPAAR folDon System Stateret of obectves/abstract This poc auns at eslegat the feaswkty of usng pure cultures and more defined uua o mOf inrte ung under varous ecologa conbhtons Emphases wil be placed on determnnwg the inkuee of mycorezal infecon of pre roots by indigeruk" and selcted exotic furg on the mowth od the pines. as well as the cost of the nioculaions. The initial stages of the prted wWl be unde controlled laboratwy condits from whch successful woculaton technques wil be identgied and tested in me field. Contact in researh cwganizaton Mr Solomon ChDporpha. Forestry Research Instiute ol Malawy: P 0 Box 270: ZOMBA: FAalaw. Record number IMFNI. 03061 Offical prect ttle. STUDIES ON RUST DISEASE OF BEANS AND COWPEAS IN TANZANIA EPIDEMIOLOGY AND DISEASE CONTROL Implementing agency Internratinal Foundation for Science Start date 1974-O0-00 Courtry'countrnes Urnted Repubic of Tanzania. Slatemen of oblectdvesiabstract Dr Mrbaga wll conduct a field survey on bean rust In the mapr bean growing areas of the country In tths survey. preva:ence and seventy of rust disease well be assessed in the dfleerent areas and isolates of the rust fungus wll be collected and tested for physiol9cal vanabel4t on differenial cultevais selected from the comrn grown ones. The effect of bean rust on seed and vegetable yeld wll be assessed in feld plots at the Faculty of Agoculture To study economic control of bean rust. attempts wil be made to balance chemical and blogical metflods This wil include the use oa host resistance. cultural methods and fungicides Contact in research organezation Dr Margaret Mmbaga. Department of Botany. University of Dar es Salarn: P.0 Box 35060. Dar es Salaamn. Tanzania Record number IMFNt 03098 Offical project title TESTING AND IMPROVING DROUGHT RESISTANCE IN SOME MAiZE VARIETIES Imple ing agency Internaltonal Foundation for Science Start date 163-00D-00 90 SPMR Irformation Syslem Coutrylcounries Urdted RepuMic of Tanzania; Stalemerd of obectives/*strad: Maize S te mnain subitence crop in Tanzania. Water by iritaon is not possible ad is resm s en ow producton because of requent droughts. The selection and imprement of drought-resistant vareties is theefore desirable. Dr Tesha wll carry oul a survey to colect and identify the mapr rmaize varnetes grown in Tanzania. He widl also record infomatin on the .ordteons under whtch the Dtants are norIMally grown. Several screening methods w* then be used Seeds w,l be gerrmnated under s4mulated drought cidlhons. using polyeene grol soltens at low osmoxtc levels and sodium chlorde: seedlegs welt be exposed to low osmotic levels and high lemperatures; the anount of carbohydrates wel also be measured after subtectng the seedig to waler and oYmotiC stress Conlact in research organization Dr Andrew Tesha. Department of Botany. Llnversity of Dar es Salaam. P 0 Box 35060. Dar es Salaarn. Tanzanma Record number fMFN): 03129 Official proect tdle DETERMINATION OF RUMEN-DEGRADABLE AND UNDEGRADABLE NITROGEN IN WIDELY USED PFiOTEIN SOURCES FOR RUMINANTS IN ZIMBABWE Implementing agency. Intemational Foundation for Scence Start date: 1984-00-00 Country/countnes Zwnbabwe. Statefnent of obnctrves/abstract In order to facilitate adoption of the new protein feeding systems for ruminanl lrvestock. it is necessary that data roe local feed be collcted Protein sources m Zimrbabwe miclude the soybean. cotonseed. groundnut. and meaUbone and blood meals with roughage sources such as hay. cottonseed hulls. setage. stover. etc. Mr Sebanda will study these products and their digestibily by ruminants with the nylon bag technique. Contact i research organization: Mr Simbarashe Sibanda; Department of Animal Science. University of Zimbabwe. O. Box MP 167. Mount Pleasant. HARARE; Zimbabwe Record number (MFNI: 31130 Official proect ttle: PERFORMANCE UNDER DIFFERENT FEED REGIMES OF CURRENT LAYER BREEDS 91 SPAAR Informabton System OF CHICKEN IMPORTED IN THE COUNTRY. Irplementing agency Internatinal Foundaton for Scerce. Start date: 1984-00. Couritry/counites: United Republic of Tanzania: Statenment of objectves/abstrad: Presently. vranous breeds of chicken are xnported into Ote country without much background information as to ther adaptabilty to the clmabc conditions and availabte feed. Malnutrition in the flcks Weads to low productn levels Ms. Kabatange wi perform a test on the four most iportbed breeds of chicken and use different bet; of common feed mgederts avalfable n he country- The parameters to be studied are Irveweight gains. days to by. average daily egg production. egg weighlt feed consumption. feed conversion efficency. and mortality By evakuating the perlormance both under deal and sub-optimurn feed conditions. she hopes to find crteria for rnporting a particular breed best suled to local conditions Contact in research organization Ms. Mary Kabatange. Liveslock Production Research Institute: Private Bag. Mpwapwa, Tanzania Record number (MFN). 03142 Official project Itle. CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF POLY-NUCLEOTIDES Imnplementig agency International Foundation lor Science. Stan date: 1984400-0 Country/countries Zinbabwe: Statement of objectveslabstracl High hlood pressure is an nKcreasneg problem n Zinbabwe Blood pressure is regulated by the hormone vasopressin Dr Sibanda will Iry to synthesize the DNA sequence coding for vasopressin. This wil then be useo in recombinant DNA studies di.reced at tho mechanismns responsible for the regulation of blood pressure. Contact n research organization Dr. Samson Sibanda: Department of Chemistry. University of Zimbabwe, P 0 Box MP 167: Mt Pleasant: HARARE. Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 03145 Official prolect tile: GASIFICATION BY PARTIAL COMEUSTION. 92 SPAAFi Inforonation System Impiment agency Intennational Foudabon for Scierce. Start date 1984-00 Country/coutntres: United RepFlq of Tanzania, Statement of obectwves/abstrad: Producef gas technology is one way to reduce dependency on fossi fuels m rural areas. In order to intoduce thws technology properly, knowledge on avaiable local feed stocks is needed. Mr Lurbe wiN explore vanous locally-available feed stocks for use rn producer gas technology in order to modify the gasfier. Contact in research organizaton Mr Lawrence Limbe. Small Industries Development Organization: P 0 Box 2476. Dar es Salaam. Tanzania Record nutmber (MFN) 03161 Oftial project itle. A SEROLOGICAL SURVEY TO DETERMINE THE MOST COMMONLY OCCURRINGI SEROVAR OF LFPTOSPIRA INTERROGANS IN THE BOVINE POPULATION IN ZIMBABWE Implementing agency Inntemational Foundation for Scence Slal date 1985-00-00. Country/countries Zimbabwe. Statement of objectives1abstract: Leplospirosis causes sporadic abortions and loss of milk production in canle m Zimbabwe The status of this disease in domestic animals in the country is largely urnnown. Dr. Feresu will determine the prevalence of leptospross n the country as a whole and also compare the prevalence under two different farming systems--corrmmercial and communal Based on the findngs. recommendato)ns for a vaccination programme * ;: be macJe For the screenng. the M1croscoping Agglutination Test wll be used !o detect antibodies for Leptospira in the serum. Contact in research organization: Dr. Sara Feresu. Department of Biological Sciences; University of Zimbabwe. P 0 Box MP 167. Mount Pleasant: HARARE: Zimbabwe Record nunber (MFN: 03165 Official profect tble: A STUDY OF THE EPIZOOTOLOGICAL FACTORS AND THE IMMUNOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP OF LUMPY SKIN DISEASE. SHEEP POX, GOAT POX, AND ORF 93 SPAAR Information System OF DOESTIC RUMINANTS. Implembentng agency: Intematonal Foundation for Science. Start date: 19&5.00. Country/countries: Untded Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectivesrabstract Dr. Maeda's proect is auiied at identiytg the various pox diseases and their causative strains Pox dtseases are prevalent in domeslic rumwnants in Tanzania. Dr. Maeda wil establish the immunological retIaonship between the poxes to estabirsh techniques useful ofor fled diagnosis and preventive measuree such as vaccanati Contac xi research organization. Ur. Amy Maeda' Departnent ot Veterinary Microlioogy and Parasitology: Sokoine University of Agnculture. P O Box 3000. Mororo. Tanzania Record number tMFNI: 03168 Otficia' proecd trtle PESTS OF CASSAVA IN MALAWI THEIR DIVERSITY. DISTRIBUTION. BIOLOGY. AN) CONTPOL Implementing agency Inlemational Foundation tor Science Start date: 1985-00-00. Counlry/counlnes Malawi: Stalement of obtectrves/abstract. The ncxidence and status of cassava pests in Malawi will be determined, and the most important pests will be dentilied The role of indigenous or exotic natural enemies against each key pest will be slulied under laboratory conditions. Different control methods will be screened and the mosl suitable wtill be recommended for use by cassava growers in Malawi Contact in research organization Dr. David Munthal: Department of Biology. Chancellor College: University of Malawi: P.O Box 280: ZOMBA. Malawi Record number (MFNI: 03174 Officil pro,wt idle. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT IN RIVER CHANNELS AND RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION IN LESOTHO. 94 SPAAR Information Systern Implementing agency: Inlernational Foundation for Science Start date: 1985-00-00. Country/countnes Lesoto; Statenent of objectnves/abstract. Erosion is a mapr problem in Lesotho. where the rivers carry huge amounts of eroded soils nto the ocean and reservoirs are continuously lled with sediment. There is an urgent need to colc information on sediment transports. Dr. Makhoalibe wil attempt to study the arnount of sedwmenl transported by Lesetho nvers indving delerminations of washload and bedload transports as well as sediment distnbution. The information wil be used to calculate erosion rates and reservoir lIde. Contact in research organization: Dr Sechocha Makhoalibe: Departrent of Water Affairs: PO Box 772: MASERU. Lesotho Record number (MFN): 03181 Ofhc,al project ttle MAJOR PESTS OF MAIZE IN SWAZILAND Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date 1985-00-00 Country/countries Swaztland. Statement of objectiveslabstract The mapr pesis of maize in Swaziland are stem borers and leaf hoppers jCicadulina spp. ). both of whch transmn streak and mottle virus diseases. Stem borers wvil be collected throughout the country at diferent times of the year. Leaf hoppers will also be widely collected in the country in order to determine the dominant species and their population densites during growing and the biological dy 'imics of the Cicadulina spp. Contact in research organization. Mr. Greenman Masma; Faculty of Agriculture; Unrversity of Swaziland, P.O. LUYENGO. Swaziland Record number (MFN): 03185 Official project title: AFLATOXIN AND ITS METABOLITES IN HUMAN URINE. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start dale: 1985-00-0. 95 SPAAR Irtonnation System Couty/counes: Zimbabwe; Statement of obectwes/abstract: Due to kiadequate storage facilites of load products, aftatoxns are Ihought to be a maior healh problem in Zimbabwe. They are also suspected to cause hepatorna. which is the most prevalent cancer among Zimbabwean men Dr. Nyathi wil determine the levels of aftatoxws and thei metaboldes in urne samnples colcted from 24 health care centers located in areas of varyng population densdies. akttudes, clfnates. and food and agricultural practices. The samples wdil a so be taken at diflerenl tnnes d the year lo account for seasonal vanations. Finally, the data on aflatoxin levels wSi be correlated to the information on wcdences of hepatoma. The project wil provide results whch can be the basis for a natxinal programme to reduce the health risks caused by aftatoxins. Contact in research organiaton: Dr. Clever Nyathi. Department of Biochemistry: Unrversrt1 of Zwmbabwe. P.O Box MP 167; Mount Pleasant: HARARE, Zimbabwe Record number (MFN). 03189 Official proect tite: PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN ZIMBABWE VJATERS. Irmplementmg agency. International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1985-00-00. Countrylcountries Zimbabwe. Statement of objectiveslabstract. Because ol the recent drought. the government of Zimbaiwe has been very active in borehole dnilling in rural areas. Small farmers in these areas depend heavily on pesticides for pest controi. There are almost no studies o the pesticide levels n waters in Zirnbabwe Ms Mhlanga will investigate the pesticide residues in surface waters in a limited area of Zimbabwe. The study will take account of factors such as water depth, climatic conditions, soil types. etc. Initially she will concentrate on organochlorine pesticides which are commonly used as agro-chemicals. At a later stage the project is expected to expand to other areas and to include additional types of pesticides. Contact in research organizatio: Ms. Alice Mhlanga: Chemislry and Soil Research Insitute; Department of Research Specialist Serv,ces; P.O Box 8100: Causeway: HARARE: Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 03194 96 SPAAR Infornnaton System Offial pre tie: SrtJDES ON HALO BLIGHT (PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE PV. PHASEOLICOLA) OF BEANS (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) IN TANZANA. Implementing agency Internabonal Foundation for Science. Start date 1986-06-00 Countrylcount *s: United Republic o Tanzania; Statement od objectves/abstract: The field bean (Phaseokus vulgans) is the mamn edble legume grown and consumed in Tanzania. Despte its iportance, esitnaled actual yeld s very bw compared to the potential yield, as the crop is attacked bjr a large number of plant pathogens. The use of chemicals as a control measure has proved to be unsuflicweet and costly. Ms. Gondwe w*l study the physolgical races and sources of resistance to the pathogen in repJicated trials in the fwed and shaded nuryew under Tanzanian conditions This protect is pail of a laroer prograrnme towards the developrent of disease resistant field beans in Tanzania. Contact in research organization Ms. Betty Gondwe; Tanzania Agncultural Research Institute: Lyamungu; P.O. Box 3004: Moshi. Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03202 Official proect ttle: INVESTIGATION OF THE POTENTIAL USE OF MUCILAGINOUS MATERIAL FROM RUREDZO IN FOOD Implementing agency Intemational Foundation for Scence. Start dale: 1986-00O00 Country/countrtes Zimbabwe: Statement of oblectveslabstract: Dr. Benhura will attempt to idenifly the minor constituents of ruredzo mucilage by glc. The m-hydroxydiphenyl method will be used to determine the content of uronic acids in the mucilage. Smith degradation studies, including analysis of degradation products by gel chromatography will be used to establish the structure of the polymer. Enzymes will be used lo hydrolyse the polymer and the hydrolysis products analysed by TLC and gel chromatography. At the end of this work it is hoped that the pattem of glycosidic linkages between monomers ard the type and extents of chain branching wit be established. The functional properties of the ucilage w*il continue to be investigated. Contact in research organization: Dr. M Benhura; Department of Biochemistry; University of Zimbabwe; P0 Box MP 97 SPAAR Information System 167: Mount Pleasant; HARARE. Zimbabwe Record nurnber (MFN): 03203 Offal project tnle: CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF ALLELOCHEMICALS FROM FUNGUS (TRICHODERMA LONGIBRACHITUM). Implmenting agency: Intemational Foundation for Scenoe. Start dale: 1986-00-00. Country/countries. Zimbabwe. Statement of oblectives/abstract: The leaf spot fungus Mycena cdricolor causes damage in coffee pbntations in Zimbabwe and a number ol cther tropical countries Another fungus, Tnchoderma kongebrachitum. has been found to inhibit growth M. citicotar- Dr Mebe belteves that metaboltes fromr r longibrachiturn are responsible for this alleopathic interaction. He will try to extract, isolate, and identify the adive substances and nvestigate their potential use as natural control agents. Contact in research organization: Dr P Mebe: Department of Chemistry; University of Zimbabwe: P 0 Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant. HARARE, Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 03205 Official project title: RESEARCH ON THE ALKALOIDS AND SAPOGENINS FROM SOLANUM PLANTS USED IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE. Implementing agency Intemational Foundation for Science. Start dcte: 1986-00-00 Country/countries: Mozambique: Statement of objectiveslabstract: Dr. Malos will perform phytochemical screening of five Solanurn spp. that are widely used in traditional medicine in Mozambique. Pharmacological tests will be carned out on isolated alkaloids and sapogenins. The aim is to encourage positive aspects of traditional medicine and to prepare a scientitic basis for a pharmaceutical industry. Contact in research organizalionr Dr Narciso Matos. Department of Chemistry: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane: C P 257. MAPUTO. Mozambique 98 SPAAR Information System Record nurtber (MFN): 03206 Otfidial project title: EVALUATION AND BREEDING OF BLENOED GOATS FOR DAIRY PURPOSES IN TANZANIA. Implmenting agency: Inlernational Foundaton for Science. Start date: 1986-0. Country/countnes: Unted Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectiveslabstract: The demand for milk tn Tanzania camnot be satisfied by local production of cantle milk. Milk goats could be ideal animals in some parts of the country. Dr Das will compare the dairy characteristics of Blended goats and their crosses with Anglonubian goats. The projecl will start with a survey of feed costs and milk production traits of Blended goats under different managements. Work wil continue with breeding and comparing three genelic groups of goats. growth and reproductive traits wilt be related to milk production Contact in research organization: Dr Shoshinder Das; Livestock Produclion Research In3litute; Private Bag; Mpwapwa; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03214 Official project tdle: THE AFLATOXIN PROBLEM iN TANZANIA. FIELD SURVEY OF RURAL TANZANIA FAMILIES FOR INGESTED AFLATOXINS. DEGREE OF EXPOSURE AND CONTROL MEASURES. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Scence Start date: 1986-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of obiectwives/abstract: Inadequate storage practices are known to resuh in the production of of aflaloxins in food products. Since aflatoxins are known to have a role in the causatiGi of human liver cancer, Mr. Telalilwa wll use existing cancer records to identify villages with high incidences of cancer. Levels of aflatoxins and aflatoxin metabolies will be analyzed in urne samples from the population groups consuming different types of food. Afbatoxns in food will also be determined. The informnation obtained will be used to design an intervention programme to improve storage practices, crop handling, and food preparation. 99 SPAAR Information System Contact n research organization: Mr. C. R. Temalifwa; Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre, P.O. Box 977; Dar es Sa"aam, Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03225 Official proect litle. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF BOVINE PARASITIC OTITIS IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Inlernational Foundation br Scence/Sokoine Universiy ol Agricufture. Start date: 1989-0000. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Unded flepubic of Tanzania: Statement of objectiveslabstract Bovine parasitc otitis causes senous economic loss in breeding cattle in Tanzania and other African countries. The causative organism has been described as Rhabditis bovis nsp. Very little is knovn on the epidemiology, biology and control of the causal nemnatodes. Mr. Kassuku will do a study of these factors with the aim to establish control measures against the disease. Rhabddis nematodes will be isolated from bovine ears, their life cycle and environmental requirements will be studied. Transmission of the nematodes Irom infected to healthy cattle will also be studied as well as the effects of available anthelmintcs. Contact in research organization: Prof. Ayub Ahmad Kassuku, Department of Veternary Microbi0'ogy & Parasdology; Sokoine University of Agrculture. P.O. Box 3000; Morogoro. Tanzania Record number (MFN) 03231 Official project title: THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF GASTRO-INTESTINAL NEMATODE PARASITES IN GOATS AND THEIR CONTROL Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1987-00400. Country/countries: Zambia; Statement of objectives/abstract: Epidemiological studies on gastro-intestinal parasites in livestock are needed to plan control measures. In Zambia vefy litfle data exists regarding nematode species infecting smafl ruminants and comprehensive epidemiological surveys are needed. Mr. Muimo will invesligate the seasonal distribution and impodance ot different nernatode 100 SPAAR Inforrmation Systemn species in goats under normal feld conditions. The role of the ewe in manianance and transmission of infection and the etfciefcy of anthelrnintics in the control of infection wnil also be studied. Contac1 in researchi organization: Mr. Richmond Muirno; Paraclincais Department; School of Veternary Medicine; Universitv of Zambia: P 0. Box 32379; LUSAKA; Zambia Record number (MFN): 03245 Official project tnie: EVALUATION OF INDIGENOUS RHIZOBIUM PHASEOLI AND FACTORS INFLUENCING NITROGEN FIXATION BY THE COMMON BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) IN MALAWI Implementing agency Intemational Foundation for Scence Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countries: Malawi: Statement of objectives/abstract: Beans are very importanl in the diet ol Malawians. However, yields are very low and could be improved by nitrogWn fertilization. As an ahtematrve to very expensive nitrogen fertilizers, biological nitrogen fixation could also improve yields. Mr. Khonle will charactenze the predominant bean rhizobia and identify the varietal and sdaphic constraints to increasing yields through nitrogen fixation. Bean varieties will be screened after inoculatiorl wth rhizotbum strains in four ecologically different sites of Malawi. Contact in research organization: Mr. Douglas Khonte. Chitedze Agricultural Research Station; P.O. 158; LILONGWE; Malawi Record number (MFN): 03251 Official project title: STUDIES IN THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CASSAVA. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: t987-00-00. Country/countries: Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstract: Cassava is a major food for 15 per cent of the population in Malawi. The presonce of cyanide in cassava appears to hamper its extensive use. Dr. Saka will evaluale the 101 SPAAR Information Systern effectiveness of te mator processing techniques that are used m the country on nutrion value as weN as in rernoving r reducing the amount ol toxic substances in cassava. Csntact in research organizalion: Dr. John Saka; Department of Chemistry; Chancellor College; Unrversity of alawi,. P.O. Cox 280; ZOMBA, Malawi Record number (MFN): 03256 Offical protect title. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF HUMAN SCHISTOSOMIASIS BY LAKE MALAWI SNAIL-EATING FISH. Implrnenting agency: International Foundation for Science Starl date: 1987-00-00. Country/countnes: Malawi: Statement of obpctives/abstract: Schistosorniasis is a disease caused by blood-dwelling flukes. Infection is through the skin in aquatic environments containing snails. Malawi has one of the highest prevalence rates of schistosomiasis in the world. Chemical molluscides have been used to kill the vector snails. but toxicity to fish prevents their use in fish ponds. Mr Chootha will evaluate the potential of Lake Malawi snail-eating fish in controlling schistosomiasis The investigalon will shiow how the consumption of snails by fish is affected by size and strength ot the shell and by species of both snails and fisht Contact in research organizalion Mr. Soslen Staphiet Chiotha; Department of Biology: Chancellor College. University o' Malawi; Box 280, ZOMIBA Malawi Record number (MFN): 03262 Official project title: FACTORS AFFECTING INTAKE OF CROP BY-PRODUCTS IN RUMINANT ANIMALS. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Scence. Start date: 1987-00-CO. Country/countries: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectivesiabstract: Maize stalks constitute the main forage avadable to cattle in communal areas of Zimbabwe dunng winter months. Intakes are generally very low and methods of 102 SPAAR Information System upgrading crop residues which are used in other countries are inappropnate fox this sector of agriculture. Dr Ndlovu will study the effect of soaking the maize stalks on the voluntary intake and the rumen parameters. In vivo digestibility will also be measured using rumen cannulated steers. Contact in research organization: Dr. Lindela Ndlovu; Department of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe. P.0 Box MP :67; Mount Pleasant. HARARE; Zimbabwe Record number (MFN) 03264 Official protect title: STUDIES ON ENERGY METABOLISM IN THEILERIA PARVA BOVIS Implementing agency. International Foundation fof Science. Start date: 1 987-00-00. Country/countries: Zimbabwe, Statement of objectives/abstract: Theileriosis is a disease that kills approximately hal a million cattle per year in Atnca. Studies on this disease are therefore of obvious economic importance. Verv little is known about the energy metabolism of the disease-causing speces Theilena parva bovis. and Or Masola will undertake such a study. The parasites will be grown in culture and harvested, and their respiratory chain investigated. The studies will hopefully lead to a more rational anti-Theileria drug development programme. Contact in research organization: Dr. Bubuya Masola; Department of Biochemistry; University of Zimbabwe. P 0. Box MP 167; Mount Pleasant: HARARE: Zimbabwe Record number (MFNI. 03269 Official project title: EFFECT OF CALCIUM LEACHING TO THE SUBSOIL ON COTTON GROwTH ON AN ACID FARM SOIL. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date: 1987-00-00. Country/countries: Zambia; Statement of objectivesla!Xstract: The objective of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of calcium as a way of alleviating subsoil acidity and calcium deficiency. Dr Chinene will study a factorial combination of four levels ot lime and tour levels of gypsum applied in randomized 103 SPAAR Ioormatior Sysm comp,ete bocks. The study wSI be coinduced at the UO vr Fam in Lusaka. Zaiboa. using clon as fe test cp. Soil sapbles wil be calected beore pntmg Nd al harVeSt fOr dwI aM ySe CWAnt Slal s sthi anlses wil be app6ed to evakale bne and gypsm effects on codton yelds ts eqpeced nhat cw "w ke and gypsum w be mce effective n moving caloun into fte subsoil. aliat akwuwng trniy and teasing coton yelds Cona in research organzaton: Dr. Vermon Chnene: Departent of Sod Scence. Sdiool of A alctat Sciences. of Zanbsia. P 0 Box 32379: LUSAKA. Z-"a Record number (MAFN) 03271 COfical prroect title STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF CHRVSOPID PREDATORS OF HELIOTHIS ARPAGERA IN TANZANIA I pleretg agency Inlernaltonal Foundalten for Science Stal date. 1967-00 Country countries United Repubcc of Tanzania. Statee of obectwvesabstract Hebolhs armgera s the mapor pest of many annual croos in Tanzania Control is achieved narnhy by chemical nsecticdes Howeven, wcreased dependence on pestcies alone is unacceptable due to hKjh prces and oth methods. such as culatral. host resistance. and bo logical. are bewn consdered. Wt regards to beol control. litle is known about the predators as a cause cl natural mortaity for H armnWra Mr Kabissa wti study the biology of green lace wwgs (Newoptera. Chrysopdael. the maor predators of H armnKgera and assess the factors that afect wr efficincy and abvidarce in ordee to deterrine their potential for boogical contrc4 Contact sn research organizatKon Ur Joe KaOissa. Depauirnent of Entomology. Ag-uflural Research Insttute. P 0 Kiosa. Ibonga. Tanzania Reccrd nL-. bcrW.fN; 03280 Official protec title PROPAGATION OF WARBURGIA SALUTARIS AND PRODUCTION OF THE ACTIVE PRINCIPL_S BY TISSUE CULTURE Impenting agency International Foundation for Scence Start date 1987-00-00 104 SPAAR Inwrao Systm Countrymuntrites: Z7mibabwe: S1atement of oe es/abstrad: Waibii salulans ts used for medcal treamerd of a vanely of diseaes aid kxesses. The plant s so mudc in demand Vat i has been decared an endangered species in ZuTWbawe. Dr Chagwedera w devebp lec riques fo lissue culture of tis species as raw matenal for medcine preparabon PhamiacoogA and toxicological screening o crude extacs as well as isbled active comouns w11I be perormd. The actrve costuents wi be dented and charactenzed. Contact m research organizaton. Dr. Tangar Ernest Chagwedera. Faculty of Medie: Depairneni of Pharnacy. Unery of Zimbabwe. P 0 Box MP 167; Mount Pblesant: HARARE, Zinbabwe Record number (MFN): 03301 Offical prolect tile: POST-HARVEST FISH TECHNOlOGY IN LAKE KARIBA. ZIMBABWE. Impleen ting agency Intemational Foundation for Science Star date 1988-OG-00 Couny/countnes: Zxibabwe. Stalemeil oGf objectivesiabstrad. The quahty of processed sh on Zimbabwe Is generally poor Mr. Nyaruwa vll evaluate the effects of tradional pocessing methods bke smoking. satng and sun-dryng on the q"alt. nutrytional value anid shell-he o fiish. WeKght losses during processing, storage and transportation will be measured, as well as losses due to rorg and mnsec mlestation Proximate and micobogogcal analyses wiN be camed out and improvements ol Ithe mefthods will be suggested Contact in research organizaton Mr Hwapera NYARUWA. Lake Kanba Fishenes Research Institute. P 0 Box 75. KARIBA: Zimbabwe Record number (MFNI 03316 Official prolect tleb SPAT SETTLEMENT OF THE OYSTER, CRASSOSTREA CULCULLATA ON ZANZIBAR ISLAND. Implerenting agency. Intefational FoKndation for Science. Staft date, 1988-00-00. Countrytcountrnes Untied Republic od Tanzania. 105 SPAAR Infoiration Systen Stlatet of obpesabs/a: The oyster Cassostre actitata is at presen1 havsted wid for bcal corn tion in Tanzania. Pild sludes have shown good growth rates bul the specues is wnderuthzed. WU. J i study a oneyear spatfall (sement of NeAles) at fotx different stes to know the avadabdity and determine the condhons necessary for culturing. Conbd in research orgaization: Ms. Nairnan Saleh JiddawA; Institute of Martne Science; Box 668; Zanzbar; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03334 Offical prject tdle. SOIL FERTILITY MAINTENANCE UNDER ALLEY CROPPING SYSTEMS IN MALAWI Irplemenrtig agency: Intenational Foundatton for Scbence. Startdate: 1988-00-00. Countr/countes: Malawi: Statemrnt of obtectresIabstract The oonet ol alley cropping developed at IITA swice 1976 is a promisng agrolorestry approach to land use mn most develpngg countres. ideal for smalhoder fanmners Maiani who cannol afford expensive norganc fert2zers Dr. Chtyenrda wi study sutable woody shrubs and tree ^ec)es for use m aley cropping systems in different agro-ecokK9cal zones of Malawi to assess growth rate and biomass production of the tree speces Pruning wit be wnco rated into the soil and soil characteristics will be monitored. The roject also aims to determine the extent to hiuh alley cropping modifies the yeled of maize grown with different tree species and reduces soil erosion Contact n research organizatio. Dr Swrneon Sandaramu CHIYENDA. Department of Crop Production: Bunda Colge of Agriculture. Unversiyv of Malawi. P 0 Box 219. LILONGWE. Malawn Record number (MFN). 03337 Ofical propet tite NUTRITIONAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF FERMENTED CEREAL FOODS FOR CHILD FEEDING IN TANZANIA. Implreriting agency: Intemational Foundation for Science. Start date 19&t6800O0 106 SPAAR Infornmaton System Country/counries: Unied Republic d Tanan; Stalement of oblectives/abstract Protn-Energy bhiuiion (PEM) affects aboti sixty per cent f young chden n Tanzana and many devefping counts. Several studies depict low energy and nulnent density d the foods, a low frequecy of feeding and the presence of factors rhd g protein and mineral absorpton as the man triggeng lactors in deveopg PEM. The objecs of the present precd are to study the potential ol fernented cereal prodcts to enhance the energy and nutrtiona iltake as well as to dinish kihbtng factors present in cereal four. Possible ihiition of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms through fermentation of the cereals miN be studied in order to reduce the frequency od severe dwrhoea aniog childen. Finally sensory evaluation by adults and feeding tnals of chikiwen wil be performed m order to establsh acceptabihty of a selected product Contact in research organizaton. Mr Wilbald Slaa Matte Lom; Department of Food Science; Tanzania Food and Nutriton Centre (TFNCI. P O Box 977. Oar es Salaam. Tanzania Record number (MFN) 03369 Offcal projed tifle: STUDY OF THE CAUSES OF MORBIDITY ANO MORTALITY tN SHEEP AND GOATS. implneenting agency Intemational Foundabon for Science Startdate 1989-12-01 Country/countries: Mozambique: Statement of objectives/abstract Dr. Costa wdil study the causes of morbidity and mortality in sheep and goats n a few larms in Mozambique where they are reared intensively. together with a colection of specimen in a few slaughter houses. The mnortalty rates when sheep and goats are reared intensively are very high (32 per cent in sheep and 24 per cent in goats at the central research station at Chobela). The objecives of the study are. (1) to identify and quantify the major causes of mortalty and morbidity: (2) to obtain diagnostic findings to complement a paralbl epidemobgical survey of small ruminant diseases to be carried out at the Veterinary Faculty: and (3) on the basis of I and 2 propose measures to cope with current disease problems. Contact in research organization: Ms. Rosa Fekzarda COSTA. Diagnostic and Research Department; National Vetemnary Ins'itute; P 0 Box 1922. MAPUTO: Mozarnbique 107 SPAAR Informaionr Sysen Record nurber (MFN): o3376 Offcall projct tWe: IDENilFICATICN AND EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE AND PRODQTIVrTY OF INDIGENOUS AND EXOTIC AGROFORESTRY TREE SPECIES. Implemnting agency: Intmational Foundabon for Scence. Stad datp: 1969-06t. Co4unry/coutries: tLnded Republic of Tanzania: Star of oblectvesabsiract: The otjecte of ts projed is to povide support data for he seection of agroorestry tree species and less known exotc species wih outstanding benefits in the producton of tood. huelwood and fodde.. and in conservation. Ak Mwih e wit ronduct held surweys m the densely populated West Usanbara mountains of Tanzania to enify the most promising tree species. Thien species tnals wil be establshed with a few representatrve tree speces to evaluate their producrvty and influence on sod lertdiy Contact n research organuation Ur Sleven Teraka MwUhorneke: Department of Plantation Managerrent and Agroforesry,; Slhvculture Research Station: P.0 Box 95: Lushoto; Tanzania Record number (MFNI 03383 Offical pro,ect tdite: DETERMINATION OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN MAJOR FOOD CROPS OF TANZANIA. Implemenibng agenc: Intemational Foundation for Scence. Start date: 189"-01O Country/countnes Unwted Flepublic of Tanzanma: Statement of objectivestabstract: Mr. Akhabuhaya wlt study the residue levels or chNorinated pesticides in the mapr cereal food crops ot Tanzania. Maize, bears. nce and wheat wilt be sampled from tne big cooperatnre umon and national Mdhng Corporation godowns and shops in Arusha region. Northm Tanzania. The samples will be analyzed for water content. fal content and organochiome pesticde residues The water and tat conterts will be determnied gravimetrically: the pror after drying the sample at 103 Centigrade to constant weight anrd the latter aher hot extraction of the sample by ether. Chlorinated pesticides wil be determined by TLC and GLC techniques after sohent hol extraction of the sample. and Fbnsd column clean up. Data wil be analyzed by computer. Contact xi research organization: 108 SPAAR lrfomanon System Id. Jonatham Alihabuhaya; Chemisty Deparment; Tropical Pesticides Research Insbtute: P.O. Box 3024: Arusha; Tanzania Pacoed number (MFNI: 03390 Official proect Idbe: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PLANT COMPOUNDS TRADITKONALLY USED FOR THE TREATMENT OF SCHISTOSOMA HEMATOBIUM. Implementing agency: Intemational Foundafion fbr Science. Start date: 1989-06-01. Country/countnes: Zimbabwe. Statement of objectves/abstract: r. Ndamba wi coellct relevant parts from 20 ndigenous plants with reported antschistosoma actlties. The plants wiN be idenifid wth the assistance of a botanist. Plant material wiN be processed and extrated as described by the traditional healers. Laboratory bred Buttnus gbbosus wNl be infected with Schistosoma haernalobium mracdia and rnantawred in the bboralory aquana until these start to shed cercanae that wit be used to infect hamste(s. The hamsters mgt be left for 14 weeks to allow the parasde to develop belore these are used to determirne the LD50 and ED50 hence the tfnerapeutic ndex of each of the 20 plant extracts. The mode of action of those plan! extracts showing signs of antisctrstosomal actrvrties will be assessed by determining the liver and spleen sizes in relation to body weght in treated ard untreated anmnals. Further studies will be initated to determine the chemical conposition of the plant extracts showing antischstosomal activities. Contact in research organization: Mr. Jernias NDAMBA; Blair Research Laboratory, PO Box 8705; Causeway, HARARE; Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 03396 Official prqect title: INSHORE STOCK ASSESSMENT: AN EVALUATION OF THE ROLE OF PERMANENTLY PROTECTED AREAS. Implementng agency: Inlemational Foundation for Science. Slart date: 1989-06-01. Country/countnes: Zimbabwe, Statement of objectives/abstract: The Kariba artisanalt fishery supports about 600 lishermen with roughly 5 000 direct 109 SPAAR Inorabon System dependents. These fiermen opeate along 310 kilomee of shoreidine. Some 290 kiomelers d this sline has been dosed from hri. with the mtention tai ths pat wuld seroe as a fih recnuit area for those parts of the shorelie wh fishg is alkwd. Mr Maciena wi test the vahdty of ti fis1ery raneo hypothesis by sfig the distriubon of fish bomass and species between the proted and Wed areas in Lake Karba The results hom this sxtuy wit imiuence tPe design of the future mnshore fi polcy. Contact in rmsearch organizaion: W. Cecd MACHENA: Lake Kanba Fishenes Research Institnte: P 0 Box 75: KARIBA. Zinbabwe Record number kMFN): 03399 Offical prone title: GENETIC VARIABILITY IN QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) SEED, Implerenting agency: Internatlonal Foundation for Sciece. Stan date: 19s-W06-01. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania, Statement of obpectrveslabstract: Mr. Elia will study genetic vanabulty in quaity charactenstics of the bean seed (Phaseo4us vulgans) wth respect to cookabitiy and slorabelty. Research is be"ng done at Dar es Salaam and Sokoine. First, inbred Ines wmil be prodtwed from crosses of selected parents. through SSD technique. Seeds wit be raised through F -F4 lines and evaluated for genetic vanabrlity and heritabdity eslunates ot the broadnarrow sense. Field expenments design will be a rando-nized complete bock design. Objectives are to deterinne genetic vanation in: (I) cookabildy and water absorption of bean seeds by Maftsen Bar-Drop Cooker; (2) sugar/oligsacchande content; (3) storage stability by acceleraled aging techniques; and (4) cortelation coeHficiert among selcted characters. The work wil lead lo establishnent of heritability values for cookability and storabidity and new lines more acceptable to the consumers. Contact n research organization: Mr. Frank Elia; Botany Department; University of Dar es Salaam; P.O. Box 35060; Dar es Salaam; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03431 Official projWect ite. FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. 110 SPAAR Inlomration System Inpleinenting agncy Wod Bank, Maawi. Staff date: 199104. End date: 1999--30. Countylcountries: Maa; Statement of objectivesabstract: The mnain objedive of the project is to assist Mafawi to realize more fuly the potential c riAtion of the fshenes sub-sector to the economy, whie ensurng that ofttake does not exceed sustainable yields, trough: (a) wncreasinq fish production to irnprove nutntion and protein supply for the population: (b) generatiag additional ofl-farmr employment and ncome to reduce poverty among the rural population partcular women; (c) conserving the natural resource base of Malawi's water bodies and preventing environmental degradation; and (d) ioproving institutional capacity for fisheries suh-sector poicy formulation research, planning. monitonng and oDntrol. The prect would consist of the folowing comnponents: (i) nstituion building for strengrening the Fisheries Department (FD) to enable i to concentrate on regulalory functions, staff training. and technical assistance; (i) research lor strengthening FD's research capacity and focusing researc actirties on assessment of fish stocks (exporatory surveys of the demersal fish stock assessment. formnulation of plans to monitor and marage commercial lishenes in Malawi water bodies, assessmenl of the effect ol bottorr trawling and beach seining on the ltakes ecosystem, develoVpent of techniquet for managng costal fishenes, and coordination of research actvties financed by other donors), plot take resource conservation and management programs, and doe elopment of pilot fish farming models desg ed to ntegrate aquaculture in:o farming systems in drfferent ecological zones with appropnate agncufturaf technobgies; (ii.) production for rehabilitating and developing existing capture fishenes by suppotiing tMe tradfional/art,sanal fishermen, semi-commercial and commercial fishing activities, and processing and markeling; and (rv) infras.. ucture for rehabilitating, upgrading and building access roads, jetties for fish landing, and shore-based facilities. Contact in research organization: Department of Fishenes; PrO. Box 593; Lilongwe; Malawi; Tel: 721766; Telex: 44709 Record number (MFN) 03433 Official project title: RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Irnplementing agency: World Bank, Mozambique. Counry/countries: Mozambique; SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 03476 Official prWeod tite WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT IN FISHERIES. Implementing agency: Frirmmark Regional College. Start date: 196600. End date: 1990-07-00. Country/countnes: Uniled Republic of Tanzania. Statement of objec*ves/abstrad: The project studies women working in lisheries, with emphasis on Tanzania. Fisheries are of interast because they ornginally represent activies with a strong gender didference whie development assistance in this sedor usualy is directed only towards men, tus feadng to difterences in opportunites between the sexes. Particular interest is paid to women s work as fishers, saleswomen, fishmongers and household members of fishemen's households in areas of varying poldical, cultural, economic and social conditions. The project examnes the cultural and social organzaton of these communities, and the power relations developed between the sexes and among women themselves. Is power related lo work in the fisheries, to ownership, or to other kinds of resources 7 Fiwdings Irorn somne develping districts have lead to the hypothesis that technobgical and organizational development nay weaken the posdicon of women in the fisheries. The theoretical inlerest of the projed is in turtherng an aclor and sex role perspective on development theories and theoroes on the social organization of fisheries. Partcular attention wil be given to the possibilies and altematives of invohnng women in develpment prqoects in the fishing sector. Contact in research organization: Finnmark Regional College (Finnmark distnktshogskoke); Follumsvei; N-9500 Alta, Norway Record number (MFN): 03477 Official project title: TRANSPORTATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Implementing agency: SINTEF. Start date: 1988-01 00. End date: 1990-12-00. Country/countres: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The marketing system is a bottelneck for the agricultural sector in Tanzania. For certain inportant crops - both food crops and cash crops - ck of sufficient collection, transporation and storage capacity impies a waste of valuable food and potential export income for the nation, and also strong disincentives to the 112 SPAAR Information System pduers. This proect concentrales on the most transport demanding crops. The objectives are to determine the transport requnements necssary to move the crops frm the villages to the markets, the necossary minimum transport and storage capacity, and study how a marketing system, given the different market agens, should or will be operated under different scenarios. Contact in research organization: SINTEF; Division cf Applied Economics (SINTEF. avdeling for anvendt okonoomi): N-7034 Trordheim - NIH; Norway Record numnber (MFN): 03497 Official protect htle: SECOND WOOD ENERGY PROJECT. Implmenting agency: World Bank. Malawi. Start dale: 1986-12-23. End date: 1993-06-30. Country/countries: Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the project is to reduce gap betweem sustainable fuetwood supply and demand by: (i) developing policy instruments and incentives to encourage tree planting on a national basis by increasir., the stumpage rates, strengthening reve.iue cotection faciliies, and applyng temporary incenmrves for fuelwood tree plant;'.g: (ii) increasing fuelwood production through tree planting by small farmers and through establishing a limded number of Goverment plantatons in ecologically fragile areas: and (in) reducing fuetwood consumption by introducing more efficent charcoal kilns and household stoves. The project would include components to support institutional development, wood production. wood conservation, and research and traning. Under the research component the project would provide for: (a) employment of two additional Professional Officers (PO); (b) two Technical Officers ITOs) and three Technical Assistants (TAs); (c) 24 person-months for short-term consultanls to back-up various research programs, (d) a study for developing altemative lueNvood supply strategies; and (e) the purchase of vehicles and field or laboratory equipment. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources: MalawiForestry Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM); Malawi Record number (MFN): 03542 Official protect title: GRAIN STORAGE AND MILLING PROJECT. 113 SPAAR Information System Imp bmnting agry: World Bank; Tanzania. Staft date: 1981-07-15. End date: 1991-12-31. Country/countries: United Repubic of Tanzania Statement of obpectmres/abstract: The project would be the lirst phase of a long-term development program, and would establish the fourdation for expansion of Natonal Milling Company's 4NMC) cperations. The obNecties of this first phase would be to mcrease NMC's efliciency and eliminate bsses through government subsidies and changes in pices and purchase policy, and strengthen the governiment agnr ulture policy-making mechanism. The project investment would iinprove rmanagement practices and strengthen the instiutional capacity of NMC to procure, transport, store and mill loodcrops. The project would provide for: (a) rehabitlitation of existing NMC godowns and silos; (b) construction of storage capacity in Dar-es-Sabaamr Mtwara and Dojorna Regions; (c) tarpaulins ard polyethylene sheets for existing open storage; (d) implementation of pilot programs for controlled open storage to evaluate an improved technology for controlled open storage under different climatic condiions and on different crops (sorghum, millet, maize and wheat) and dryers lo lest the effect of mechanical drying on storage losses; (e) expansion of maize milling capacity, construction of new a mill and rehabilitation of existing mills, (f) central laboratory and branches for grain and flour analysis including civil works and equipment; (h) vehicles for transport and radio communication network; (i) training for NMC staff at all levels; () technical assistance and staffing. and consultants services to NMC to improve management, inforrnation systems and planning. and (k) financing for the Marketing Devepmentt Bureau (MOB) and the Project Preparation and Monttonng Bureau (PPMB) for staff, vehcles, equipment. surveys and analyitc work. Conlact in research organization: National Marketing Company (NMC): l anzanma Record number (MFN). 03544 Official project Idle: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH PROJECT. Implementing agency: Wortd Bank: Tanzania. Start date: t989-08-02. End date 1997-03-31. Country/countries United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The project would be the first phase of a long-term program to strengfen Tanzanian research. Five research agencies: Tanzania Agrcutural Research Organization (TARO). Tanzanian Livestock Research Organization (TALIRO). Uyole Agricultural Center (UAC). Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) and Ministry of Agricufture and 114 SPAAR Informatbon System Livestock Develpet (MALD) would be consolidated, and planning, managerent, finacal col and monitorng acivbes ipoved. Concureitty a Master Plan would be drawn up iden"t priorits for a sustaiabe esearch program. Colton (breeding programs to evolve rew varieties and inprove yield and qualty, integrated pest control and stregthend seed producbon). root and tuber (identfication of cassava mosaic and brown streak virus resistant cultiwars and biogical control of spider mitas and mealy ougs; identification of high yieng cutivars, agronomy practices and pest and disease control for sweet potato indcud;g construction ot a laboratory) and farming systems research would be inproved in the early stages, whbe a research fund would finance other priority programs identified by the Master Plan. There would also be funds for eardy purchase of urgently needed vehicles, equiment and materials to sustain the ongoing research program. Civil works, technical assistance, training, and foreign recurrent costs would also be financed. The participation of the Special Program for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR) should ensure close donor coordination by agreement to tie the research program to the Master Plan. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development; Tanzania Record number (MFN). 03545 Official project title: CASHEW AND COCONUT TREECROPS PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank; Tanzania. Start date: 1990-01-22. End date. 1996-06-30 Country/countries United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of ob;ectiveslabstract: The project which would be implemented by two separate cashew and coconut management units under the responsibility of Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MALID), would provide financing and technical assistance for: (i) cashew and coconut Ireecroos research to cevelop better control measures for pests--Coreid bug (Pseudotherapthus wayi), Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rnonoceros). coconut mie (Erophyes guerreronis) and diseases--Oidium, Lethal Disease (LD), blast, dry bud rot, leaf spot (through breeding and selection), particularly for disease tolerance and increased yield potential in cashew and for drought-tolerance in coconut hybrids: (ii) the propagation of new inproved planting materials through the development and operation of seven Cashewnut Development Centers (CDC), and a combined East Africa Tall (EAT) disease testing and multiplication coconut center and the operation of 2 existing coconut hybrd seedfarms in Mafia and Zanzibar; Iiii) production development through th6 dissemination of cashew and coconta specific production packages (armning systems research and on-farm trials) including planting materials by specific subject matter speciahsts who would train MALD's existing extension and research staff and 115 SPAAR infomiation Syem dte suppoft o on-farm demstrations of cashe" and coconut production packages; (iv) de managemt ard coordination of the Ca*hwnut Improvement Prgram (CIP) and tde National Coconut Development Program (NCDP), (v) the cashew input supply and marketing support through a line od credi to Cooperative and Rural Develpment Bank (CRDC) and technical assistance for local marketing support; and (vi) a pibl credit scheme to strengthen CRDB s credit facillies in the southem cashewnut production areas of Mtwara and Lindi. Contact in research ofganization: Mnistry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MALD); TanzaniaCooperative Rural Deveopment Bank (CRDB); Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03579 Official protect tbUe: NATICNAL AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK EXTENSION REHABILITATION PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank; Tanzania. Startdate: 1989-06-07. Enddate: 1997-03-31. Country/countries: Unded Repubihc of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: The projet would enable the Government of Tanzania (GOT) to provide the farming community with adequate extension messages to enhance agricultural production, productivity, and rural incornes It is the first phase of a long-term process to establish an efficient. cost-effective, and sustainable agricultural (crop and livestock) extension service on te eTanzanian mainland. The project would focus on: (a) gradual but steady and well planned merging of crop and liveslock extension services into a multidisciplinary system; (b) strengthening of extension management, organization, coordination. Vnroduction of Training and Visit extension methodoblgy and supervision of aclivities; and (c) upgrading and/or provision of necessary human resources, physical infrastructure and logistic support. In concurrence with the National Agnculture Policy, the protect would locus on food production lor sefl sufficiency and export crops growr by smallholders (food crops, livestock, cotton. coffee, and cashewnuts). The project would initiate extension and research linkages which would be based on: (a) a common decision by the research and extension services on the types of farmer problems to be sohved by research; (b) researchers communicating solutions to extension workers; (c) extension workiArs teeding back to research any addttional field problems of farmers; and (d) research scientists trying lo solve those problems. The extension messages would be based on research conducted in the agro-climatic zone lor which they are intended anc research trials would be carried out on farmers' fields, simulating more closely actual farming conditions. Contact in research organization 116 SPAAR Information System Ministry of Agricufture and Lieslock Developmnent (MALD); Thnzania Record number (MFN): 03580 Official prolect title: LAND MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATON PROJECT. Implementing agency: World Bank: Lesotho. Stan date: 1988-07401. Enddate. 1997-12-31. Country/countnes: Lesotho; Statement of objectives/abstract: The project would be part of a long-term prograrn for land management and erosion control, to enhance agricutural productMly, to be carried cut through newly-elected village, ward and district councils. To thts end, the proiect will strengthen: (a) Ministry of Interior, Chieftainship Affairs and Rural Developmer,t (MICARD) through technical assistance. 'rainng and logistical support to enable them to assisl the councils, and (b) Ministry of Agriculture. Coope-atives and Marketing (MOA)Ys Inslitute of Land Use Planning to enable it to put together working groups in the districts to help local commundies to prepare and implement land management plans. The project would firiance land management subprojects (such as pasture improvement. conservation works, tree planting) approved by the distnct councils. The project would also provide assistance in the iurther development of a land policy for the Kingdom. The land rr;source management component would provide funding to implement those activities directly related to land resource management and improved land productivity, and considered beyoiid the financial capacity of rural residents. Such activites would involve: (a) ladder supply/rangeland--closure of rangeland with limited fencing, provision of ox carts; rangeland improvement through seeding and vegetative propagation of todder species; (b) cropland--4mired fencing to exclude livestock and waler supply for communal aardens; certain agncultural inputs, such as seeds and simple equipmenl to improve production practices, (c) agroforestry--establishment of tree nursenes to serve a group of villages and the olanting of trees including fruit trees: (d) conservation--off-farm soil conservation inputs and tree planting activities of multi-purpose species, and nursenes; le) mf, 0structure--rmproved water supplies, access roads, meeting halls, local marketing infrastructure and demarcation of village and natural boundaries: and (!) livestock breed improvemernt, traminrg, and lirning of arable and grazing lands to increase productivity. Contact in research .rganization: Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperatives and Marketing (MOA); LesothoMinisiry of Inteinor, Chieftainship Affairs and Rural Development (MICARD): Lesotho 117 SPAAR kilomam System Record ner (MFN) 03593 Ofcal proqecl t SFISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT kmpl_nier agency World Bank. .arrta Stafndale t9S5-0816. End date 199006-30 Counqou*s ZaMnTa. Stalei of obctvesalstract The pxcell would represent the fwst stage o a n-tenrn pr orain to develop the fthenos sAb-sector in Zambia 11 would suipor Governient of the Repubidc of Zamt%a (GRZs) etHorts on the expansion of tish pro&ducu. marketing and dribKo systens t extensn of credd to pivate I sn pro&iars and marketing entities by Zamba Agrwcultural Deveopnt Banr (ZADO) Further sWor lo these obectves would be prvded 11ou4l provson of oreyi exchange for wmporting raw Iatenals and rnadwery Wpares requmed to maufacture fILg nets, lchtcal assistance to ZAOER and Deparnent of Fishenes (DOF), and montorong and evaluaston The pro,ect ccponenits are (I IInstrtulmonahzed credi services- -to arlisanal 1siemwn and for commercial tsheres on Lake Kara. collectron and manetq facees and re-malkig plant al Kafue. (2) lofein exdhange assistance fIr net manuhcthnnc 13 rpoved managemnt ot tfsh resources- -rehabililation of eKnstui waler trarspor" equpmient, and provision of land transport and research and communrcation equrpme Under ths corpent. the protect would sireqtren Ithe role of DOF in providw trainq and eresuon services lo aritsanal hshoerrne, m carryiq otA researh and s9udes to detemwne Ish stocks and rmaxtnum sustankAt yields of fhing areas covered by Ife proect, aid ri experirentin with and adminq on new fishwg gear ard metiods An expeienced lisherman would be employed to work with the research and extensmon staft of DOF to develop, demonstrate and then train cal lisherme m ift net tishinq technique lotr Kapenta Tech-ncal assistance would also be provided to he DOF in isheres research and extension, an 141 coordnton ari mondiorong and evaluatlon Contact mi research organutmixon Permanent Secretary Mnistry ef Aqrnrt?ure anca Waler Development (MAWDT. ZamralZarnbia Aqr,cutlral Develrpment Bank (ZAO6). Zambia Record nnmber MFN) 0354 Official protecti rtle LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT RESEARCH PROGRAMME (L & WMHRP) PHASE I bilenentirg agency Southern African Cenlre for Co-operatow in Agricultal Research ISACCAR)Oereas Developnenl Adrwistratlon (ODA) Start date 1987-01400 End date. 1993-00-0 Country/countries Africa, 118 SPAAR homato Sysem Sbladeen(i of olis/abstract: The progne's otctwe is to mrase avadakty of ranwaler fr ran4ed land use a&Abes. and teeby, st we agociural poddon. Phwe I which deas with dericabon d componenb of reseach on water havest %chniques. monm_ watr in t'e sod prole. apprqnate tage methods. and quticato d avada,e watw in the sod proNe has now moved rto the hFd aoppig season. Conact in researh orgaizaton Gaborone: Botswara Record nwbm (MFN. 036OM Offic proc ttile: LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT RESEAPCH PROGRAME (L & WMfP) - RHASE 11. Imlermentig agency: Southern Afncan Centre fbt Co-operabon in Agricultural Research (SACCARVO Rseas Deueopment Admnstatton (ODA)_ Stan date 1989-01-00. End dale: 1993-00-00. Counylcoturnes: Afica. Angola: Botswana; Lesofo; Malawi. Mozambique, Nalmxa. SwazJai. Unled Reptbk of Tanzana; Zarnbia; Zmbabwe; Statement of o1I3twves/abstrad: The prograsmes obctie is to caease the avmaiabty of rainwater for rain4ed laid use act es. and thereby. stabilse agncultural production. Phase 11 of te prograime. which waS run paralel win the frst phase, got waderway n January 1989. Phase 11 wAl draw up plans related to m2kmg the programme truly regional by proposing componenl research proecis whoch wll address issues dentied jointly wih nabonal scentists n SADCC member states. It will propose panodic meetngs and wkshops of nabonal scientists to plan. mipemi and montour pinty research prjcts on Ome sulect. Tranng componern--EEC wAd fud a training offioer. traing actvdy and construction of trap"ing laboratores and docers for staff of tie Land and Water Management Research Programme. The architect is fanalisisg the drawings 'or the in-service trainig centre for the programme. Contact i research organization: Gaborone: Botswana Record number iMFN): 03602 119 SPAAR Kanabon System Oftlc1a pmopct bte: SORGHUM ANO MILLET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME (S&MI1P) - PHASE II. krWroe agency- Souern Afrx:an Centre for Co-opertion n Agriutua Researh (SACCARYIlntelat Crops Research Insrule for tee Sen-Anid Tropcs (llSAT). Start date: 198&09-40. Ernd date: 201340-00. Coniy/coutnes: Afnca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Mai; Mozambiqu; Narnbia; Swazdand: Unted Repu*lc of Tanzana Zambia; Zebabwe; Staterent of obiectvesabstraw: The objectives of the projec are to: (a) provde a basis f1r the production of high yieldng sorghum and milets adapted to the SADCC regon; and (b) strengthen national reseach systems and regon capacit to conduct research or sorghum and milets through colaborative research and training. Phase 11 of the pgramme is progessing wel and has already reeased hybnds and open poliated vanebes wih tie cooperaton of National Prografnmes; the Tedcical Advsy Panel adWsed that a pro r lo produo low tannin sorghums for amwl feed be lnated. As of Decenrber 1990, 217 technaians. 7 B.Sc, 22 M.Sc and 15 Ph.D. agrctuuralists have conpleted or are about to complete tmer traintng unKd this programme. Contact n research organizabon: Zinbabwe Record number (MFN): 03603 Offiial proect Idle PLANT BREEDING IN RELATION TO THE UTILISATION OF SORGHUM AND MILLET FOR FOOD, BEVERAGES AND ANIMAL FEEDS - PHASE 1. Impiementng agency: Southem Alncan Centre for Co-operatiro in AgIcultural Research (SACCAR)Alntemaltional Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Attd Tropics (ICRISAT). Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 2013-00-00. Country/countnies: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesoht; Maai; Mozambque; Natnia; Swazilad; Unted Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zinbabwe; Statement of objectivestab.lract: The objectives of the pro,ect are to: (a) develop sorghum and millet vareties suitable for use as inputs for processed foods, beverages and animal feeds; (b) develop procedures and techniques for processing the grain into feed and beverage products for marketing in the region; and (c) strengten research capability in associated plant breeding and food technology subject areas through training and other col4aborative measures. The construction of the Food Science an Technology Laboratory for studies on baking quaities of composite tbows. chemical composition 120 SPAAR Idonabon System d toe ga and forages in r n to hwnan and animal nAion was completed in 1990. Contact in research orga.abon: tinbabwe Record nunber (MFN): 03604 Official project te: GRAIN LEGUME IMPROVEMENT PfROGRAMME (GUP) - BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) PROJECT Irplenernting agency: Soutemn AIrcan Cerle kr Co-operation in Agiculural Research (SACCARVCertro Intemacional de Agncultua rropical (CIAT). Staft date: 1966-0-00. Country,countnes: Aftica; Angola: Botswana Lesotho; Malaw: Mo2ambique: Namne; Swaziland; Undted Repblic of Tanzania; Zambia: Zimbabwe; Statemenl of bectes/abslract: The objectives of the thts prolect are to: (a) make availble to national agrcuftural research systems wmproved germplsmn of PhaseoDus bean adapted in particulr to smalflolder farming systerns in SADCC countines; (b) develop viabe strateges to control pests and diseases affecting beans; (c) exchange information on research and production problems in the region: and (d) strengwen national research on these three crops through advice and training. A Steenng Commdtee for beans has been formed and reseamh networks in the region are operational The project is being implemented m Tanzania. Contact in research organization: Arusha; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03605 Official prolect title: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN CENTRE FOR COOPERATION IN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (SACCAR) - PHASE I. Implementing agency. Southern Afncan Centre for Co-operation in Agricuhtural Research (SACCAR). Start date: 1985400-0. End date: 1992-00. Countryicountnes: Africa; Angola: Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; MozamTbique; Namiba; Swaziland; United Repubbc of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obectives/abstract: 121 SPMR Information System The goal of te egonal proect is to set up and sbtt a regionr sbitbon, SACCAR whos responsilbities are to coorditale acvtis of repon cooperat in agculw reserdh and poesal baing. Specifically. SACCAIrs nwdate is tob (a) prmole agiltral research fo the soltbon of regional p nducion problems; (b) coriae acdion to sengthen natonal agwuirl research systems. research faclites and research rm wr and baig r urces in te region; and (c) promote t interchange and avaiabily of infonnation and documentation rerlatig to agricutural research in te region. Contact in research organization: Dr M.L. Kyomo; Director Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR); Private Rag 00108: Gaborone; Bostwana: Tel: 373-847/8: Telex: 2752 SACAR BO: Fax: 373-847 Record number (MFN): 03606 Official project tle: IN-SERVICE TRAINING IN RESEARCH MANAGEMENT - PHASE 1. Implementrg agency: Southern African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARlWntemational Service fr( National Agricuftural Research (ISNAR). Start dale: 1987-00-0. End date: 1991-12-00. Country/countries: Aftica; Angola; Botswana, Lesofto, Malawi; Mozambique, Namnibia; Swaziland; Undted Repubtic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The obiective of this project is to ancrease the efficiency of naltonal agricultural research systems by training research workers and research managers in the organisation and management of research programmes. The programme, now in Phase il, consists mostly of short-term (1-2 week) incountry courses. The emphasis is on training young scientists--to introduce them to the principles and practice of agricuttural research management and the skills needed to run research stations, and departments, research projects, and programmes, budgeting, policy formulation and planning, research monitoring and evaluation, personnel management, etc. The syllabus is specifically aimed at agricultural research and not to provide standard 0 & M or administrative instruction. Contact in research organization: Botswana Record number (MFN): 03607 122 SPAAR Inomation System Official pjed tide: AGROfORESTRY RESEARCH PROGRAMME FOR THE SAVANNAH WOO NI)D GRASSLAND ECOLOGY - MALAWI, TANZANIA. ZAMBIA AND ZIMBABWE. Implementig agency: Swern African Centre for Co-operat in Agriral Research (SACCAR)lkntematlonal Coutdi for Research in Agroresty (R6AF). Start dale: 1987-00 . End date: 2007-040.0. Country/countnes: Africa, Malawi; United Repubic of Tanzania; Zamba; Z ;babw Statement of obctvesabstract: The obdctives of the project are to: (a) generate terhnologes to manage the idgenDus Savana vegetation while derivng maxinum benefil from it as a soerce of firewood, recreation, protedor of sources of rnvers, provider of grag an deal environments for wildlie; (b) tran scienbtis, consultants and techncian m te field of Agro-foresty, and organse workshops, conferences and seminars; (c) publish and dsseminate research results potly with SADCC scientists; (d) assist SACCAR and countries od the region in improving programmes to introduce muti-purpose trees for use in farming systems; ard (e) provide genetic resources to SACCAR and the countries of the region. The propct is being inpbemenled in Malawi, Tanzania ad Zambia. ICRAF held taks with the Zimbabwean officals on the commencemet of the project in that state and agreement was reached on startrng the project during 1989-90. The Steering Committee for the project recommended Ihal the pnoject be broadened to cover all SADCC member states. SACCAR will develop the proect during 1989-90. Contact in research organization: MalawiTanzaniaZambibaZmbabwe Record number (MFN): 03608 Official project tale: SADC CROPS AND FOREST SEEDS GENEBANK (SRGB). Implementing agency: Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)Norrdc Gene Bank (NGBySwedish Intemational Development Authorty (SIDA). Start date: 1989-01 -00. End date: 2009-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Unded Republic of Tanzania: Zambia: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectirves/abstract: The objectives of this project are to: (a) establish over a 20-year period a SADC Regiona Genebank and network of local germplasm storage centres for germplasm of crop and forest species to support plant research in the region; (b) conserve crop and indigenous Want resources; and (c) train plant genetic resources personnel for the region. A comprehensive 'Plan of Operation 1 989-92' for the SfGB, has been prepared, which desonbes the obectives, justdication for it, its activities at 123 SPAAR omatio System reion and nabonal lvels. ard the broad categoes of planl genetc resources whch need lo be colcted dwacterised and preseved or present generatis and for postery. Record number (MFN): 03609 Official projecl title: SADC MAIZE AND WHEAT IMPROVEMENT RESEARCH NETWORK. Implementing agency: Centro Intemacional de Mekoramento de Maiz y Thgo (CIMMYT). Stant date: 1992-00-00. Country/counrdies: Africa; Angosa; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Nambia; Swazian,d; United Repubic of Tanzania, Zamtba; Zmnbabwe; Staterent of obectives/abstract: The objectives of the network are to. (a) ensure that the benefits of technology generated through research are shared as widely as possble in the SADC region; (b) develop maize and wheat vanelies and hybrids thal are high WieIding and adapted to blal conditions; (c) encourage and facilitate the exchange of germplasm; (d) promote the tramiing of maLze and wheat research professionals n the region; (e) provide a fon-un for communicaton and excharge of Pnlormation among research workers through workshops, study tours and publications in newsleners; (f) strengte the research capabildies of the Natlonal Research Systems (NARS) by carrying out the above actvties. Record number (MFN): 03610 Official projc title: STRENGTHENING FACULTIES OF AGRICULTURE. FORESTRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE iN SADC Implementing agency: Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agncultural Research (SACCARyGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Slart date: 1988-00-00. End date: 2008-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Nambia; Swaziland. Unned Republic of Tanzania: Zambia; Zimbabwe; Slatement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the profect are to strengthen the university faculties of agriculture, forestry and veternary medicine in SADC merber countries to enable them to achieve quality and quantity of training and facditate exchange of shidents. The strengthening would involve staffng, training, supply ol equipment, vehicles. 124 SPMR Irtormabon System pumals, sdolarships and rehabilitation of laborabries. Master of Soem pograwe would be made available to student from the whole SADC region i the hed of- wna producion, crop prohcbon, ar ral econonics and - e egin on management. Contact n research oganzabon: Bunda CoNege d Agriculture: P.O. Box 219; lbongwe; MlaJwaitkwersiy of Zambta- P.O. Box; 32379; Lusaa; Zambia. Tel: (01) 213-221. Telex: 44370 Unnersity of Zimbabwe: P.O. Box MP167; Mount Pleasant Harare; t,mbabwe; Tel: 303-21 1; Telex: 4-152Sokomne University of Agncuiture: P.O. Box 3000; Chuo Kikuu; Morogioro. Tanzania; Tel: 3511; Telex: 55308 Record nunber (MFN): 03611 Official project tite: LIVESTOCK IMPROVEMENT IN SADC. limplemenlimg agency: Southem Afncan Centre ?or Co-operation Agricultural Research (SACCAROlnternational bvestock Center for Africa (ILCA). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana: Lesoho: Maiawi; Mozamnbique. Namibia: Swaziland: Unned Republic of Tanzania: Zanbta: Zimbabwe: Statement of obipct-iesdabstract The objectives sf this prorect are to: (a) identify and charactense attle. sheep and goats from existing local populations ta can . rm a basis for improved milk production rorm cable and goats throk qh selction and cross-breeding; (b) improve the quality and ofl-takL o livestock for meat production ttrough breedng, control of diseases and pests and by improved management of sheep and goats; (c) provide a rnedium for the exchange of livestock genmplasm; (d) assist in training researchers in livestock improvement in the region; (e) develop Ivestock improve-nent networks as a means of fostenng prolessional interaction and communication afrong livestock researchers in the region (f) increase mohair from Angora goasts: (g) deveop draught animal power and increase forage production Record number (MFN): 03612 Official project tdle: REGIONAL VEGETABLE RESEARCH PROGRAMME. Implementing agency: Southem African Centre for Co-ope;ation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR31Asian Vegetable Research and Develkpment Center (AVRDC). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia: Swaziland; United Republc of Tanzania; Zambia: Zimbabwe; 125 SPMAR Information System Stateenwt of otjectives/abstract: The objeptve of hs pject is lo pomote the devebpment d new vegetbl productin 4dmlobge in fe SADCC mgon esbablshing two reo" centres one for telPerae and te oer for tropical vegetable research. SACCAR has consulted with de Internatonal Seww for National AWiuuural Pesearch (ISNAR), the Asian Vegetble Research and Deelbpent Certer (AVRDCJ and oter intemabonal agrcltu research centers lo detemine the possibility for estas a getable research network in the SAOCC region. Record number (MFN): 03613 Official proec tte: A NETWORK ON FARM POWER AND EQUIPMENT FOR SMALLHOLDER AND LARGE-SCALE FARMING SYSTEMS IN SADC. Implementrg agency: Souther Afr,;4e Centre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research (SACCAR)ilnterrational Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA). Country/counties: Africa; Angola; Botswana, Lesofho; Malw-; Mozambique; Nambia; SwaziLand; Unted Repubic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obtectives/abstract: The obectives of th.s project are to: (a) promote the development of appropnate low-cost agricultural machinery and equpment for use by small and large-scale farniers for rop and animal produdtin in the SADC region; (b) promnote the exchange of know-how on agncultural machinery, equipment and farm power: (c) promote the trainig of research professionals and tachniaans in agnecutural engineenring and farm power develpment; and (d) provide a forum and clearing house for the exchange of inforrabon in the SAfC region, and (e) organise workshops. UNDP has agreed to fund a study aimed at dentifying areas requinng research with resoect to efficient use of draught animal power, farm implements and machiery for lillage, transport, and other farmn actidies. Record number (MFN1. OC14 Official rro)dt title. BIOLOGICAL "ONTf-OL OF INTRODUCED PESTS OF MAIZE AND CASSAVA. Implementin dgency: Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agicultural Research (S. XCARYInlernational Inslitute of Tropical Agriculture (I]TA-ABCP). Countryicounir-s ',ica; Angola; Botswana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Nam0ia; 126 SPAAR Intormation System Swald; United Republc of Tanza; Zambia; Zmbabwe; Statemert of objectiveslabstract: The objecfives of this proed are to: (1) reduce the losses of maize due to the larger Grain Borer (Prostephanus tncatus) infestation; (2) reduce the bsses of cassava due to the Cass3va2 Malieabug (Phenacocus manhot) and the Cassava Green MWte (Monorychle1us taoa); (3) establisih effetive bioogical control programmes in the SADCC member states against the above pests; and (4) tram naionals in the SADCC member states in research and developmnen of new tedinologies and methodobgies of controlhrig these and relaled pests. The Africa-wide Biological Conlrol lntt of the Intemattonal Irntitute of Tropcal Agiculture ('ITA) based ui Ibadan, Nigeria has succeully reared 'wasps' which attack the above pests. Piot relea of these natural enemies have been undertaken in Malawi and Tanzania. The project wil invole: (i) construction and fumishing of laboratories and offices. purchase of vehicies, motorycles, laboratory and Seld equipment; (0i) recurrent operational expenditure; and (iii) training of persorwel at technical and degree levels. Record number (MFN): 03615 Offlaal projec title: WOOL AND MOHAIR IMPROVEMENT IN SADC - PHASE II. Implementio agency: Southern African Centre for Co-operation mn Agrcullural Research (SACCARYWinrock Intemational (Worrock). Country/countnes: Ahica: Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malaw; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Uneied Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obWectives/abstract: There is a great potential for the improvement of wool and mohair in Lesotho. There i. also scope for the production of these fibres in other SADC member states. Zambia and Zimbabwe have started lo rear Angora goats for the mohair production. The objectives of this proect art In: (a) ncrease income eaming potential dI wool and mohair producers through Improvement of quality and quantity of these products in Lesotho; (o) double production per animal through use ot better bred animals, better rmanagement, and by providing the necessary inputs; (c) disseminate germplasm and production technologies to other SADC member states through a network of wool and mohair producers: (d) train Basotho. and later other SADC nationals on better technologies related to the productWio of these commodities. With the collaboration of Winrock Intemational, SACCAR has finalised plans to phase the project. Record number (MFN): 03616 127 SPAAR Infonmatin System Official project btle: MANAGEMENT OF 1LACK COTTON SOILS (VERTlSOLS) IN SADC. Impenientg agency: Southen African Centre for Co-operation in Agnculural Researdh (SACCAR). Conylcountnes: Africa; Angoda; Botswana; Lesotho; Mlawi; Mozarnbqe; Namnbia; Swaziand; Unted Repbhc of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Staletent of obebstract: The projecrs obrective is to develop technoloes on fe managenent of the back conton soils (Verisols) by empoying diferent rmetods of draing and ilslage. The economic and social condtons which affec the adoption of generated technologies for their (soils) managernent viN also be studied. More specficaly. the obectbves wilt be to: (a) study local agricultural systems in blck cotton soil areas wnth Me ain of dentifying lactvs falt hmdi crop production; (b) test the hypothesis that vertisols do not require deep tillage for efficient crop producion; and (c) identity and denonstrate economic forms of field preparation systems. Contact ni research organization: Botswana Record ntw; er (MFN): 03657 Offical projeA title: ANIMAL DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAMME. Implementing agency Administration Generate de la Cooperation au Developpement. Star date: i982-12-00. End date: 1992-12-00. Country/countries: Zambia; Statement of objectrveslabstract: Anirnal heahth - cattle - East Coast Fever vaccination - Trypanosomiase. Contact in research organization: ABOS Record number (MFN). 03678 Official proect title UNIVERSITIES AND NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Implementing agency: International Service for Nalional Agricultural Research. Country/countries: Africa; Cameroon; Kenya; Burundi; Nigeria; Senegal; Botswana; Niger; 128 SPMR Infoffnaion System Unied Repblic of Tanzania; Statement of objectvestrac: The main objcive is to develop prnciples and gudeines for strengthening the capacty of sub-Salwan African uniwrsities o ontribute more effive to developmenrresponsive research. This wil be dore by analyzing current situations and opporhts, and by identfyi approaches and medmanisms that would hel strenghen universities' contrbuins to aional arsicultral research. The rationale is that considerable resources are available or can be rnobized for unniesity research in sub-Saharan Afrca, and that i is imperatnie tiat these resources be utilized as effectively as possible as strategic contributions to solv"ng problems of agricultura! levetopment. This involves the need to desigi models for more effective cooperaion between national research institutions and hgher agncuftura education inshtuions in Afnca. Such models should become part of a concrete framework for sustainable NARS in Africa. Record number (MFN): 036B4 Official project title AGRICULTURAL SECTO ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Implementing agency U.S. Agency for Inlemational Development. Start dale: 1991 -00-00. End date: 1996-0000. Country/countries: Malawi; Statemriet of objectives/abstract. The purpose of ths program is lo support the implementation of policy and nstitutional changes necessary to promote more broad-based agncultural growth in terms of productivity and total production of both food and export commodities This five year program will be undertaken in conjunction with th e Wo.1d Bank's Agricultural Sector Adjustment CreditlASAC) program. The program will consist of a combinalion of program and project activtes, all focused on the key constrainl of low agricul!ural productivity and insufficient arable land to support Malawis rapidly expanding population. Long-term technical assistance and training will be provided to strengthen the Govemment of Malawi's (GOM s) research efforts to develop a new flint maize seed which will increase productiviy and improve food securnty of small farmers. Record number (MFN): 03687 Official project title: COLLABORATIVE NETWORK FOR VEGETABLE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN 129 SPAAR Infonmabon System THE SADC REGION (CONVERDS). Implmenting agency: Aslan Vegetable Research and Deveopment Center (AVRDC). Stardate: 1991-00-00. Enddate: 1995-OD-00. Countrylcountres: Africa Angola; Botswana Lesofo; Mlawi,; Mozambique; Narnia; Swaziland; United Repptic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectiveslabstract: The general goal of CONVERDS is to povide a regional framewok for colaborative vegable research and development to sove the pressing problems of vegetable poduction and ublzation in the SADCC regon. The specitic obiectves are to: (a) facilitate the generation and adoption of irnproved technologies for seected vegetable crops, through collaborative resear&h. information exchange and scientdic onsultations; (b) develop ador upgrade, the technical proficiency of ti e vegetable reseatchers and technic in the NARS, the ultmate goal being to build the crtical mass of scientists capable of responding to the national and regoflat needs for sustained vegetable production; (c) establish a collaborative research partnership among the SADC country members to attain better and more efflicent use af expertise, technologies and the scarrce resources available for vegetable research and development in the ragion; (d) establish and strengthen he linkages for exchage and aicq.isition of relevant technologies developed by regional and international centers, or any other external sources ol lechnology. and (e) develop an information and dOifusion network in the SADC region *tich will facilitate the assembly and dissewmination of technical information to and from the region's vegetable researchers and, eventually, to and from their clienteles, the extension workers and the vegetable growers.As a first step the SADC NARS agreed to conhie the network research on a few strategically inportant vegetable species based on popularity, consumption and extent of loca production. The species that NARS delegates agreed unanimnously to consider for network research are: tomato, onion, cabbage, and indigenous vegetables (amaraths, Corchorus, African eggplant, Ceome, etc.). The countrLes mandated to lead commodity research are: Malawi for cabbage; Tanzanra for indigenous vegetables; Zambia for onion; and Zimbabwe for tomato. Contact in research organizalion. Or. Martin L. Kyorno; Director; SACC/SACCAR: Private Bag 00108; Gaborone; Botswana; Tel: (267) 31 40 05; Telex: (991) 2752; Fax: (267) 37 3a 47 Record number (MFN): 03700 Official proiect title: PROGRAMME 2B: ON-FARM RESEARCH - ANALYSIS OF INTERACTIONS AND IMPACT OF AGROFORESTRY PRACTICES. Implementing agency: International Council for Research in Agroforestry. Start date: 1991-00-00. 130 SPAAR Infornation System Countrycountnes: Africa; Kenya; Camneroon; Ghana; United Republic of Tanzania; Statemerd of objectves/abstract: The general objectivs is to devebp hard facts on well known and established agroforestry practes and use of farmers knowl ge for improved and new technology design. The mapr acivities in this subpro ect wil ncduoe a synthesis of local avaibble information, muli visit surveys and technical mondonng and case-study systems and components on the tolowing agroforestry practoes: (i) scattered Acacta albida on crop land in southern Africa; (ii) home garden and live fencng in Kenya, Cameroon, and Ghana; (in) i.- %analtree system in three countries of eastem and central Africa AFRENA; (iv) boundary planting, Irvo fencing, woodlots, foddzer bank combinations in farming systems in Kenya. and (v) agroforestry/fodder systems in Tanzania. Record number (MFN): 03701 Official project title PROGRAMME 28: ON-FARM RESEARCH - ANALYSIS OF AGROFORESTRY ALTERNATIVES TO ADDRESS FARMERS PROBLEMS. Implemenling agency: Intemational Council for Research in Agroforestry. Start date: 19914-00. Country/countnes: Afnca, Kenya; Malaw Statement of oblectives/abstract: The main objectives of this subproject are to: (Q) undertake a comparative analysis of technology altematives across ddferent ecozones: (ii) define homogenous *response/recommendation domains; (iii) analyse technology inputs and outputs and opportunity costs in targeted farming systemns: and (iv) identify agroforestry adoption potentia's and constrainsts. Record number (MFN): 03710 Official project title: PROGRAMME 5. TRAINING - TRAINING FOR RESEARCHERS AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNERS. Implementing agency: Intemational Council for Research in Agrolorestry. Start date: 1991-00-00. End date: 1993-00. Country/countries: Africa; Ethiopia; Kenya: Cameroow: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract; 131 SPAAR Information System The objective is to inraease knowlege and skills of scientists, development planners and pdicy makers in the formulabtion and impliementation of agroforestry research leading to the generation of appropriate agroltrestry technology. The expected outcomes are: (i) approximately 225 scientists directy trained by the subproject; (6i) development and testing of training matefials for future wider dissernination and use; and (iii) a multiplying effect of (ii) and (ii) in national institutions. Record number (MFN): 03734 Official project title: IDENTIFICATION OF BANANA CULTIVARS AND DISTRIBUTION IN MOROGO REGION. TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Intemational Network for the lmprovemer l of Banana and Plantain. End date: 1990-12-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectiveslabstract: Starting point before further research. Contact in research organization: Evers, G.; Sokotne University of Agriculture; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 03766 Official project tile: GRAIN LEGUME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME (GLIP) - GROUNDNUTS (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA) PROJECT. Implementing agency: Southem Aincan Certre for Co-operation in Agncultural Research (SACCAR)German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)Ilntemnational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Start date: 1986400-00. Country'countries: Africa; Angola- Botswana Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia. Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement ol objectives/abstract: The objectives of the this project are to: (a) make available to national agricultural research systems improved germplasm of groundnuts adapted in particular to smallholder farming systems in SADOCC countries; (b) develop viable strategies to control pests and diseases affecting groundnuts; (c) exchange information on research and prodLuction problems in the region; and (d) strengthen national research on these three crops through advice and training. The laboratories and offices for the 132 SPAAR Information System project are nearing completion. Contact in research organization: Chtedze: Malawi Record number (MFN): 03767 Official project title: GRAIN LEGUME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME (GLIP) - SADC COWPEA PROJECT - PHASE I. Implementing agency: Southern Afncan Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCARYCommission of the European Commundies (CEC/International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Start date: 1990-03-00. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Repubfie of Tanzania; Zambia; Z'mbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The overall objective of the SADC Cowpea Project is to generate technologies which will facilitate increased prodution of cowpea, commensurate with national demands and thereby contnbute to the goal of achieving food secunty in the SADC region. This objective will be achieved through: (a) the development of high-yielding cowpea cultivars adapted to the agroecological zones of the region and the constraints of prevailing cropping systems; (b) the development of managernent practices suitable for the srnallholder or family farmer, that optimize the productivty of inputs and increase output vhile sustaining the resource base; (c) assisting national cowpea programmes in adaptive on-fann evaluation of production technology and in seed multiplication; and (d) strengthen national cowpea research capabilities in SADC countnes through the devebpment of human and physical resources to ensure continuity in the research effort. Research activities would involve germplasm evaluation;agronomy--cropping systems. screening for Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) screening for tolerance lo environmental stress and crop management and on-farm testing; plant pathology--delineation of important cowpea diseases in the region and identif.cation of 'hot spots' to faciliate field screening of cowpea germplasm in order to identfy resistant materals as well as etiology of the more important diseases and development of field screening procedures; and entomology--crop and pest management. The training component would involve long-term and short-term programmes. Contact in research organization: Maputo; Mozambique 133 SPAAR Information Sys:em Record number (MFN): 03768 Official project tite: PROGRAMME TO DEVELOP SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL MANPOWER FOR AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES IN SADC (REPSAF) - PART 1. Implementing agency Southem African Centre for Co-operation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). Start date: 1991 -00-00. End date: 2000D-0-00. Country/countries: Alnca; Angola: Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi: Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The obetive of the programme is to increase the stock of human capital in scientifc fields in order to shift to a science based agriculture. SADC realised in 1986 that one of the reasons for lack of increased productions in the agricultural fields was tbe lack of a critical mass of scientific and technological manpower. It directed SACCAR to develop a long term blue print to train more scientists in the region. This blue print has been produced and approved. It involves staff development, scholarships support, research networking, university facility support, curricular development, the start of new training prograrnmes and the establishment of a small secretariate to run the programrnme. The proposed programme is a 20-year progr.--e broken into two 10-year parts: (a) Part : 1991-2000 would aim at e.tablishino the programme, a B.Sc Agnrcufture programme in every SADC country and a good numtber of specialised B.Sc. and M.Sc programmes in the region. The activities of Part I would be implemented in three phases: Phase l: 1991-1992, Phase Il: 1993-1996 and Phase II: 1997-2000; (b) Part Il: 2001-2010 will be planned in the f.nal phase of Part I and will be the take-off stage in establishing SADC Faculties of agncutture into fully Kedged scientific, teaching and research institutions. Record number (MFN): 03769 Official oroject title: IMPROVEMENT OF RESEARCH STATION DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT IN SADC. Implemer.ming agency: Southem Anrican Centre for Co-peration in Agricultural Research (SACCAR)/lntemational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Unned Republic of Tanzania: Zambia: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The obetives of the this project are to: (a) assist NARS in SADC in the 134 SPAAR Information System developnent of human resources, management systems, infrastructure, natural resource assessmenl, feasbility studies and projec proposals for agricultural research station development, operations and management; and (b) establish a regional eentre for developing, testing and evaluating animai draft technologies and equipment and train farm managers in the use of animal drawn equipment for field research support operations. The proect would provide a tearn of experts to assist the NARS in the region to increase their ability to support high quality agricultural research including use of animal traction mechanisabton by: (i) upgrading facilities at existing or new research locations in each of the SADC member states; (ii) providing training and education of key station dlevelopment and operations personnel from farm managers through to operators: (iii) introducing or enchancing the use of intermediate technologies based on animal traction: (iv) improving resource use efficiency through appropriate linkages between resource assessment, research objectives and resource allocation for station development, maintenance and operations; and (v) development of station upgrading master plans on the basis of which NARS could solicit aid. Record number (MFN): 03770 Official project tite: RESEARCH ON THE ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY OF GONOMETA SILKMOTHS IN SADC. Implementir.g agency: Southem African C3nlre for Co-operation in Agrcultural Research. Country/countries: AVrca: Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: In 1985 cocoons of Gonometa silkmoths were discovered in the wild in Botswana and it was established that the cocoons could give high yields and high quality silk. Since then, Gonomneta silkmolths have been discovered in Zimbabwe and Malawi. It is believed that Gonometa exisit in other SADC member states. In the meantime the Botswana Govemment had encouraged the exploitation of this resource through a Botswana registered public company BGI Ltd. and is subsidiary the Shashe Silk (Pty) Ltd. Their efforts have shown that Gonometa silk production can be comnmercially viable. An investment of more than 2 000 000 USD has already been made and high quality fabncs afe being produced. About 160 tonnes of cocoons are collected per season The aim of the proposed project is to establish a research unit in close proxmity to a silk rnanufactunng unit near Francistown, Botswana. The initial objectives are to: (a) develop and improve seeding techniques in order to be able to establish new populations of the Gonometa silkmolh; (b) assess the distnbution and abundance of Gonometa nufobrunnea and its loodplant Colophospermum mopane in the SADC region; (c) elucidate the mechanism of diapause induction and termination, in order to render the species amenable to human manipulation. 135 SPAAR Informabon System Record number (MFN): 03773 Official project tite: ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF NATION-WIDE SEED MULTIPLICATION PROGRAMMES: THE CASE OF SWAZILAND. Implementing agenq: University of Hohenheim. Stan date: 19854-0-00. Country/countries: Swaziland; Staternent of objectives/abstract: To compare the incomes, liquidit and self-sufficiency conditions for farmners growng hybrid maize with those of farmers growing unimproved varielies of maize and evaluate the microeconomic impact of the introduction of new varieties. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. W. Doppler; Inst. 490; Universitaet Hohenheim; Postfach 700562; 7000 Stuttgart 70; Federal Republic of GermanyUniversity of Swaziland; P.O. Luyengo, Swaziland Record number (MFN): 03775 Official project title: MARKETING AND PRICING IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: institul fuer Landwirlschaftliche Markftorschung der FAL. Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1990400. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: Guestions to be deaft with relate to the impacts, agricultural marketing regulators and pricing policies have had on production and supplies, consumption and demand, rnarketing efficiencies and effectiveness of policies. The interventions are assessed by measunng their effects on selected markets. Contacl in research organization: Dr. Lutz Kersten; Institul fuer Landwirtschaftliche Marktforschung, FAL; Bundesallee 50; 3300 Braunschweia; Federal Republic of Germany Record number (MFN): 03781 136 SPMR Information System Official project titb: EVALUATION OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY ON ALTERNATIVE SMALL FARM PRODUCTION SYSTEMS IN TWO AGRO-ECOLOGICAL ZONES OF TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Universitael Giessen. Start date: 1987-10-00. End date: 1991-06-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement oa objectives/abstract: Planning and non-linear optimization of subsistence farming under risk and uncertainly. Simulation of development paths for small farm production systems. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. h.c. F. Kuhlmann; Insthtut fuer Landwirtschaftliche Betriebsbehre: Universitael Giessen; Senckenbergstr. 3; 6300 Giessen; Federal Republic of Germany; Tel: 0641/7028340 Record number (MFN): 03798 Otficial projecf title. DISCRIMINATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. DIMENSION STRUCTURE AND IMPACT OF THE ECONOMIC POLICY. implebnenting agency: Universdael Kiel. Start dale: 1989-03-00. End date: 1991-03-31. Country/countries: Global; Zimbabwe; Peru; Malaysia; Statement of objectives/abstract: It is the objective of the project whether the agricultural sector in developing countries is discnminaled and to what extent. Causes of a differential degree of discrimination across counines will be elaborated for wheat, rice and coffee. In three country studies, for Peru Zimbabwe and Malaysia. it will be investigated how agricultural and economic policies contribute to a discrimination or subsidization of agriculture. Contact in research organization: Mr. M. Wiebelt; Institut fluer Wettwirtschaft; Universitaet Kiel; Duestemtrooker Weg 120; 2300 Kiel; Federal Republic of riermany; Tel: 0431/884lUniversity of Pernanian; Serdang; MalaysiaFoundation for Economic Research m Southern Africa; Harare: Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 03907 Official project title: BIOLOGICAL INTEGRATED CONTROL OF THE LARGER GRAIN BORER. 137 SPAAR Information System PROSTEPHANUS TRUNCATUS HORN. Implementing agercy: Institut fuer Phytorathokxgie, Arbeitsgruppe Vorrat. Universitaet Kiel. Start date: 1983400-. End date: 1990-00-00 Country/counties: Gbbal; Mexico; United Republic of Tanzania; Togo; Statement of objectives/abstract: Following its introduction into Africa, Prostephanus truncatus is causing considerable losses in farm-stored corn and cassava. The strategy of the project is to elaborate a biological or bio-inlegrated control of the pest. Investigation of the onginal biological habitat of the pest in Central Amerca. Besides Metarrhizium ansopliae several protozoa and the predator Teretriosoma nigrescens are antagonists of Prostephanus truncalus of considerable efficiency. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. F.A. Schulz/Dr. G.A. Laborius; Instnut fuer Phytopathologie; Arbertsgruppe Vorrat; Universitaet Kiel; Olhausenstr. 40-60; 2300 Kiel; Federal Republic of Germany; Tel: (0431) 880-2996 Record number (MFN): 03920 Official project titl: ZONATION OF HALOPHYTIC VEGETATION. Implementing agency: Fakultael Biologie. Abt. Oekologie. Universdaet Bielefeld. Start date: 198100-0. End date: 1990-00-30. Country/countries: Global; Tunisia; Australia; Namibia; Slatement of objectives/abstract: Zonation of natural or seminatural vegetation along salt gradients or around salt pans. Basic and applied ecology. Ion pattem, productivity and soil parameters. General rules ot behaviour of halophytes under competition. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. S.-W. Breckle; Fakurtaet Biologie, Abt. Oekologie; Universitaet Bielefeld; Postlach 8640; 4800 Bielefeld; Federal RepuNlic of Germany; Tel: (0521) 106-5524 Record number (MFN): 03950 Official project tist: PEST MANAGEMENT IN BANANA: THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEST MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR THE CONTROL OF THE BANANA WEEVIVNEMATODE COMPLEX 138 SrAAR Information System IN TANZANIA. Inrplementing agency: Universitaet Bonn. Start date: 1989-00-0. End date: 199100-0. Coutriy/counries: Unted Republic of Tanzania; Statement of ob?ectives/abstract: Attemps will be made to And practical control measures, both cultural and bolgical, adapted to subsistence banana production. In addition, resistant or tolerant cuttivars will be analysed. Banana decline is caused by a complex involving banana weevil and parasitc nematodes. Survey work dernonstrated severe losses to subsistence crop and possble existence of some resistance. Methodology rnicrobucogy; mycoKogy; isolation, testing for efficiency and production of biolgical control agents is planned. Tissue culture techniques for resistance testing and germpbsrn conservation will be attempted. Contact in research organization: Dr. R.A. Sikora; Institut luer Pflanzenkrankheiten; Universitaet Bonn; Nussaliee 9; D-5300 Bonn 1; Federal Republic of Gemiany; Tel: 0228-732-444; 0228-732-439; Telex: 886657 unibo dICIPE; P.O. Box 30772: Nairobi; Kenya Record nurnber (MFN): 03974 Official project title: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME FOR COORDINATION AND COOPERATION (PHASE II). Ilevbmenting agency: Southern Afncan Development Community (SADCVFood Security Technical and Adrninistrative Unn (FSTAU) Start date: 1982-07-00. End date: 1995-00- Countrylcoantries: Ahnca; Angola; Botswana: Lesotho, Malawi: Mozambxue: Namibia; Swaziland: United Repilic of Tanzania: Zamtxa. Zimbabwe: Statement of obfectives/abstract: The obectives of th prqect are to provide financal and technical spport for the process of cooperation wttimn SAOC to ersure the development and irnplementation of coherent regional food security polies and programmes; and to enable regional food security policies and programmes; and to enable de Govemment of Zimbabwe to fuHfil its responsibility for (a) coordinating and planning SADC's regionatl ood security programmes: (b) devebpment and implementation of SADC's regional food securnty projects: and (c' for urdertaking overall coordination of SADC's programmes covering. food agnculture and naltural resources. Cantact in research orgarization: Food Securty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU) 139 SPAAR Infornation Systern Reord number (MFN): 03975 Official project title: REGIONAL EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (PHASES I AND II). Irnplmentnmg agency: Soutnemn African Development Communrty (SADC)/Food and Agnculture Organization of the United Nations (FAC). Start date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola, Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozarnbique; Namibia; Swaziland: Unded Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectrves/abstract: The objectimes of the projecl are to: (a) establish a SADC Regional Early Warning Unit (REWU) ;o coordinale he early warning actities of the nine National Early Waming Units (NEWUs) in the SADC member States; (b) provide various technical and organizational help to the NEWUs in the region; (c) improve the meModolojes for assessing the food security sduation in the SADC countries; (d) organize and conduct the training of the professional staff of the Natonal Early Wamng Units; and (e) issue regular food security bulletins for the SADC region so as !o wam SADC authoribes and govemments of impending food shortages or surpluses. The REWU has so far produced eight quarterly food secunty bulletins since 1986'87 drought. The remote sensing component of the REWU is being established. Contact n resoearch organization: RegKinal Earty Warning UnltFAO Rwcord nurber (MFN) 03976 Official prott ttle: REGIONAL INFOFIMATION SYSTEM FOR FOOD SECURITY Im.tlenting agency: Southern Afnecan Development Ccmmunrty (SADC1. Start date: 1987-03-00. End date: 1991-DG-00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zaambia; Zirbabwe; Statement of objectrvesabstradt: The lng-term obwectives of the proect are to attan enhanced regonal food securrty infomration system in the SADOC region to facilitate e fectwve policy fornulation arl de mn t, planning and deosion-making, on the basis of adequate, reliable and tiely data and appropnate analytcal methods. To aciee these objerves, the project would: (a) devebp regionat and national data bases on foo prodctio, distributon and ronsumpton. inputs to food producbon. trade in food commodities 140 SPAAR Information Systemn Oficiaf proect it0e: SADC SOIL FERTIUTY ANALYSIS PROJECT. lmpmntig agency: Soutem Ahican Deveopment Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Africka Angoba: 8otswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namnibia; Swazilard; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectisesabstract: The aim of the project is to improve the capaciy and efficiency of Soil Fertility Anatcal Serices so as to maxinize crop yields by prudent use ot fertilizer. The prqect consists of two man components: (a) a small regional coordinaling component for short-lern consultancies to assess the capacity of soil taboratories; and (b) establishrmnt of contact points or technical liaison offices in each member State, to assist the developmnent ard implementation of national projects and programmes, and to improve the capacity of soil laboratories. Record number (MFN): 03979 Oficial project title: SADC RANGELAND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implenenling agency: Southern Afncan Develpment Coxnmunity (SADC). Countrylcountries: Afrca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Unted Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obectives/abstract: The aim of the project is to increase livestock production through better management of rangeland. The project consists of: (a) a coordinating componenl to assist in the implementation of national projects in Malawt, Swaziland, Tanzania. Zambia and Zimbabwe and i the development of other projects where necessary; and (b) a national component 4i each member State. The project would study range ecology/rangeland management and agro-rural sociology in SADC member States. Record number (MFN): 03980 Official project title: REGIONAL FOOD RESERVE PROJECT. Implementing age; icy: Southern African Devebpment Community (SADC/Food Security Technical and Administrative Uni (FSTAU). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zirmbabwe; 142 SPAAR Informnation Systern and relevant sooo-econorric indicators; (b) install comptng resources at he regional and raional levels, in order to enable ready access to available data ana the production of adequate food security information; and (c) train persomnel d the SADC comnites in te fields of data prcessg ard quantitative methods for food securirty The proled would support repo .l food security proects in the area of data storage, retrevWa and analyss. Record numnber (MFN): 03977 Official project title: REGIONAL INVENTORY OF AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE BASE (RiARB). Impemrenting agency: Soutern African Development Community (SADC). Start date: 1985-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Counlry/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozanbique; Nafnibia; Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The overall objectives of the project are to oompile and correlate agricultural resources data in the SADC countries and to esfinrate the potenbal agriculural production capacity of the region. The inventory would provide guidelines for agricultural laand use planning. The inventory of the agricultural resource base is a catalogue of the physical conditons which togetwer constitute one of the basic factors of agricultural production. It includes, among other things, those elements which influence natural conditions such as water fir irrigation and fertilizers to improve the fertlity of the soil. Two databases have been established: Computerized Agricultural Resource Inventory for Southem Africa (CARISA) for the RIARB Central Unit, and National Agricultural Resource Inventory for Southern Africa (NARISA) for member States. Microcomputers together wih a range of appropnate softare for use in compiling data for the inventory have been distnbuted to all rmembfer States. Introductory training courses have been conducled tn situ, and the transfer of data via modem has proved feasible, and is established in five SADC member States: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Zwaziland and Zimbabwe. A comprehensive colecoton of maps. publications, reports and references have been made. All soil mappig unns in the SADC region have been correlated with the libest FAO soil Legend and the USDA Soil Taxonomy. The results are stored on compputer spreadsheet programme for easy access. Record number (MFN): 03978 141 SPAAFR Information System Statement of objectves/abstract: Food Security Tecdnical and Administrative Und (FSTAU) has initiated proposals for the restructured Food Resefve Prodect for discsion initially with the SADC Secretarial, before they are submrned to Ministers for consideration. The pre-implementation of the training component of the project is underway. The project is funded by the EEC and coordinated jointty by the Food Securfty Sector and the HRD development Sector. Record number (MFN): 03981 Official projecl title: REGIONAL POST PRODUCTION FOOD LOSS REDUCTION AND FOOD PROCESSING - PHASES I AND 11 Implententing agency: Southern African Developrnent Community (SADCyFood Secunty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Start date: 1984-00-00. End date: 2000-00.00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; United Republic of Tanzania; Zimbabwe; Statement ol objectives/abstract: The objectives of the project are to: (a) reduce post production food losses through efficient post production systems; and (b) establish rural industines and facilities for preserving, processing, distnbution and marketng of food. Nabonal projects developed under this regional project are being implemented in Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Contact in research organization: Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU): SADC, Botswana Reco:qa number (MFN): 03982 Official project title: REGIONAL FOOD MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE. Implementing agency Southem African Development Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Atrtca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia, Zinbabwe, Statement of objectives/abstract: The revised project document provides proposals lo improve the capacity of the existing food marketing and distribution infrastructure at both regional and national levels. The document is divided into two parts: (a) Part I comprises of the 143 SPAAR o.formatbon System regiona overview, and contains an assessmenl of regional commcddty flows and their nfrastictural, management, pricing, training and commnications requremerts; (b) Part It compnses eight separate reports on the existing food marketing infrastructure of all the member States (except Angola), inckuding an analysis of the maor ssues facing the marketing of selected 'ornmodities and a series of recommencdations for initatives to be taken by respective Governnents. Studies for the Angola component were camed out in May 1990 by SADC experts in conjunction wrth Austraian experts with funding frorn Australian Govemment. Food See nty Te .niical and Administratve Unit (FSTAU) would develop and implement the regunal p. -posals and actimties recommended in Part I while the member States would be responsible for the implementabon of the national proposals contained in Part It. Contact in research organization Food Secunty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU) Record numnber (MFN): 03983 Official project title: RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION OF PROFESSIONA' STAFF IN THE MINISTRIES OF AGRICULTURE IN MEMBER STATES. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Countrylcountres: Africa; Angola; Botswana, Lesotho; Malawi: Mozambique; Narnibia Swazlarnd; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe: Record number (MFN): 03985 Official project ttle: REGIONAL SEED TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION CENTRE. Implementing agency: Southerrn African Development Community (SADC)/Food Securty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozarnbique; Namibia; Swaziland, Unned Republic of Tanzania; Zambia. Zimbabwe; Staternent of objectives/abstraLt: The objective of the project is to establish a Regional Information and Training Centre for seed technology. The protect would be concemed with the establishment of a Centre, preferably attached to a suitable existing institution in the region to: (a) provide training for personnel n seed production, processing and marketing; and (b) serve as a source of information on regional seed production and availability and on seed production and processing technology. 144 SPAAR Information System Contact in research ozantailon: Food Secuniy Technical and Admiinistratwe Unit (FSTAU) Record nurnber (MFN): 03986 Official project title: PLANT QUARANTINE PROJECT. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC)lFood Secunty Technical and Administrative Und (FSTAU). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obiectiveslabstract: The project aims to support the establishment or upgrading of quarantine facilities in member States, as part of a regional networK, to facilitate movement of seed across national boundaries, while at the same time avoiding the spread of crop disease. Contact in research organization: Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU) Record number (MFN): 03987 Offical project title: iPRODUCTION AND BREEDING OF VEGET ABLE SEED. Implernenting agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC)/Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit IFSTAU). Countrylcountnes: Afnca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia. Zimbabwe; Statement of obiectives/abstract: The pro,ect ains to establish two vegetable seed production and breeding centres; one for ternperate vegetables. and the other for tropical vegetables; both to be linked trc existing national prcduction/breeding programmes to meet the requ,rements for improved vegetable seed in the region. The FSTAU will work very closely with SACCAR in the development of this protect. Contact in research organization: Food Securty Technical and Admmistrabvc Unit (FSTAU) 145 SP.AAR Information System ReoDrd number (MFN): 03988 Offxial poect litle ADVANCED TRAINING COURSES IN PLANJT 3REEPING AND SEED PROOUCTION. tmplenentmg agency: Southern Afriran Development Communtly (SADC/Food Secunty Technical and Adminstrative Unit (FSTAU). Country/countries: Africa, Angola; Botswana; Lesotho: Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Unned Republic of Tanzansa; Zambra, Zimbabwe: Stateem.nt of objectvesfabstract: The aim of the protect is to provde support fDr advanced theoretical and practical training in plant breeding and seed production fof senior personnel in the seed industry in the region, at suiable existing institutions in the region, to reinforce their practical expenence wih modem technogy in the industry. Contacl in rescarch organization: Food Securrty Technical and Adrministrative Unit (FSTAU) Record number (MFN): 03989 Official project title. REGIONAL OUALITY LABORATORY AND NATIONAL SUB-UNITS. Implemnting agency: Southem African Development Comrnunity SADCYFoood Secunty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Eotswana. Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia: Swaziland: Unied Republic of Tanzania: Zambia. Zimbabwe. Statement of objectives/abstract: The aim of the project is to provide support, initially for the up-grading or establishment of nalional seed quality laboratories and subsequently, for the establishment of a regional seed laboratory to meet the requirements of member States for analyses requiring more sophisticated technology. Contact n research organization: Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU) _________________ Record numtber (MFN): 03990 Offical project title: HARMONIZATION OF SEED LAWS IN THlE SADC REGION. Implementing agency: Southem African Developilent Community (SADCf Country/countries: Africa: Angola: Botswana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozarnbiue: Nam rga, 146 SPAAR Information Systerm Swaziand; United Republc of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obectves/abstract: The aim od the proect is to hamionize the ditferences which exist in the seed lws amongst member States so as to achieve simdar regulabtions and standards which will facilitate wstra-regsonal trade in seed. The projec would invove survey and colection of information from each country. Available documents, legal and non legal, will be colected and consultatons held with mnistny o1fiials, seed quabty control agencies, seedi companies or national seed projeds as well as pant breeding instrtutions. After the ifomiation has been collected. wrtlen proposais on harmonization of the seed laws in the region will be produced for discussion wrth rnember States with a view to hafmonizing them. A working group would also be appointed to carTy out the continuation of the protect. Contat in research organization: Food Securnty Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU) Record number (MFN): 03991 Offcial prolect ttle: IMPROVED IRRIGATION IN THE SADC REGION. Implementing agency: Southem African Deveblpment Community (SADC)/Food Secunty Technical and AdministratNie Uni (FSTAU). Country/countries: Afnca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; S*aziland; United Republc of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectwesiabstract. The objective ol the project is to study and identify appropriate ways by which SADC can improve regional food secunty through a more etfective exploitation of the region's extensive zmgation potential. The study is expected to establish a strategy and programme of activwtes in the rTgation sector which can be implemented through the SADC Programme of Action. Contact n research organization: Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAU) Record number (MFN): 03992 Official project title: STRENGTHENING AND COORDINATION OF MIGRANT PEST CONTROL. Implemenling agency: Southem African Development Community (SADCI/Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit (FSTAUI 147 SPAAR Information System Country/countnes: Afnca; Angola; Botswaa Lesotho; Malaw'; Mozamnbique- Namdba; Swaziland; Unded Repubic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zinbabwe; Statement of obectvesabstrad: The main obctve of the proect is to strengtwn te coordination of migrant pest control in he SADC region by reducig the crop losses caused by migrant pests. By devebping a coorinated approach to the prmblem, te project would enhance the capability of fte National Plant Protection Unds in menber States lo plan proects and prtect crops against Iccusts. the African armywormn. weaver birds a-.d rodents. A detailed project proposal containing speckic activies to be undertaken at both national and regional levels has been developed and approved. The project components are technical assistance. short-term consultanctes to assist member States prepare develogment plans. equipment and training the staff of the national plant protection unds. Contact in research organization. Food Securnty Technmcal and Administratie Unit (FSTAU) Record number (MFN). 03994 Offwal project title ESTABI-ISHMENT OF A PREPARATION AND MONITORING OF PROJECTS IN THE FIELD OF AGRICULTURE Implementing agency: Southern Afrtcan Develcpment Community (SADCO. Country/countnes: Angola, Record number (MFN): 03995 Oticial project title: REINFORCEMENT OF THE NATIONAL SERVICE FOR PLANT PROTECTION. Implementing agency: Southem Afncan Development Community kSADC). Country/countnes: Angola; Record nurnber (MFN): 03996 Offic'al project title: NATIONAL FOOD RESERVE. 148 SPAAR Intormation System Impementirg agency: Southem Afrcan Devebpment Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Lesotho; Record number (MFN): 03997 Official projec ttle: IRRIGATION VEGETABLE PRODUCTION. Implementing agency: Southem Alncan Devebprnent Communty (SADC). Country/countries. Lesotho. _________________ Record number (MFN): 04000 Official project lidle DESTOCKING PROGRAMME - LESOTHO. Implementing agency: Southem Aincan Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Lesotho, Record nurmber (MFN): 04001 Official p.olect tile: ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL FOOD RESERVES AND SELF SUFFICIENCY PROGRAMME IN STAPLE FOOD GRAINS. Implmenting agency Southem African Development Community (SADC) Country/countries: Lesotho; Record number (MFN) 04002 Oficial project tile: INTERIM GRAIN RESERVES. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADO) Country/countines: Malawi; 149 SPAAR Irforrnatioe System Pocord numbler (MFN): 04003 Official pioct tItle: SMALL IRRIGATION. laIlem,entng agency: Southem Afncan evetopmnent Conmunity (SADC). Counry/courtrxs Malaw; Recoid number (MFN): 04004 Official pit,ect ttl: SADC RANGELAND DEVELOPMENT, MALAWI. Impleenting agency. Southem Afnran Devepnli Community (SADC). Country/countries Malawi, Recwrd number (MFNj 04005 Official pro,ec ttle ESTABLISHMENT OF NETWORK OUARANTINE Impmenting agency. Southem Afrcan Developtent Community (SADC). Country/countres. Mozambique, Record number (MFN): 04006 Olficial proect tIle: STORAGE FACILITIES. Implemening agency: Southem Afr can Development Communty (SADC). Country/countries Mozamtbique, Record number (MFN): 04007 Official project title: REHABILITATION OF IRRIGATION SCHEMES Implementing agency: Southe.n African Development Cornmunity (SADC). 150 SPAAR Informabon Systen Country/cotuttnes: Swanlandd; Flecord number (MFN): 04008 Official proect lite: SADC RANGELAND DEVELOPMENT, SWAZILAND. Impleneting agency: Souerm Afncan Developmenl Community (SADC). Country/countries: Swaziland: Record numrber (MFN): 04009 Official pro,ec title: KAPUNGA RICE PROJECT. lmpmenting agency: Southem Afrrcan Development Community (SADC). Counlry/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania; Record nuriber (MFN): 04010 Official project title: MADIBIRA RICE PROJECT. Implermenlng agency: Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania: Record number (MFN): 04011 Official proed idle: SADC RANGELAND DEVELOPMENT, TANZANIA. Implmenting agency: Southem Afncan Developmenl Commumlty (SADCI. Country/countries: United Reoubic of Tanzania; Record number fMFN): 04012 151 SPAAR Infonration System Official protc title: ERADICATION OF THE LARGER GRAIN BORER, Inmpleteng agency: Southern Afrian Devebpment Conmunity (SADC). Country/countrnes: Urited Repubic of Tanzania Record nunber (MFN): 04013 Official profect title CONSTRUCTION OF FOOD STORAGE FACILITY Implenting agency' Sotithem A1ncain Devebppment Community (SAOC). Country/countnes: Zambia; Record nuniber (MFN): 04014 Official project title: LUKHANGA WATER DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency Southem A'ncan Devetopment Community (SADC) Country/countries: Zambia. Record number (MFN): 04015 Official pro,ect ttle: NAT!ONAL SOIL MAPPING PROGRAMME, Implementing agency. Soutl'em Afncan Development Community (SADC). Country/countnes. Zambia, _________________ Record number (MFN): 04016 Official projec title: REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION OF THE SMALL HOLDER IRRIGATION SCHEME. Implementing agency: Southem African Devebpment Community (SADCI. Country/countries: Zambia; 152 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04017 Official proect Itle: SMALL HOLDER IRRIGATION COFFEE SCHEMES. Implerenting agency: Southemn African Development Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Zambia: Record rumber (MFN): 04018 Official project title: SADC RANGELAND DEVELOPMENT, ZAMBIA. Implementing agency: Southem African Developmenl Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Zambia; Record number (MFN): 04019 Offcal project tile: BUNKER GRAIN STORAGE. Implementing agency: Southem Alncan Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Zinbabwe: Record number (MFN): 04020 Official project title: SADC RANGELAND DEVELOPMENT, ZIMBABWE. Implerenting agency: Southem Afican Developnent Community (SADC). Country/countries: Zimbabwe; Record number (MFN): 04021 153 SPAAR Information Systemn OffiWal project tte: REGIONAL EAST COAST FEVER AND HEARTWATER VACCINES PRODUCTION AND IMMJNIZA'TION. I rrlu agency: Suten Atrican Development Community (SADCy1FAO/UNtVROR/Zleibabwe. Stan date: 19&9000. End date: 1994-000. Courry/counrnes: Afica; Angola, Bo;twana Lesotho; Malawi; Mozamboque; Nwnia; SwazWand: United Repuli of Tanzania; Zambia: Zimbabwe: Statermt of ob1ctves/abstract: The long-lerm objeaives are to: (i) create a self-suppon ng Regnal Centre for East Coast Fever (ECF) vaccin (theiena parva) production. to eiwmnaate a majr disease obstacle or the improvement of dairy and beef produclion, and an increase in livng standard of small hoair in the region, and (ii) creale a capacity wtfin the Regonal Centre, to coordinate the control of ticks and txk-bwne bseases, and related applied research and traming on Southern Afnca. The sort-term obectrves are: (a) application and evalkation of the ECF immunization lechnique under tield cnditions on an expanding scale in Mataw, Mozambique. Tarnzania and Zanbia; (b) inmprovement of the immuntzation technique wth regard to oommy, safety and appbcabikty; (c) iolation of breakthrough strains for cross-matchJig sjdies in vitro and in vivo. for possible inclusons in the cocktail where necessary: Id) to conduct wider feld inmunization programmes against ECF in the tour countries, and (e) to field-test the heartwater vaccine in a wider context mi other SADC countries. and (f) to train veternanans. other scientists and technologists in heartwater research and control. As of December 1989. 47 900 doses of Theiena parva (Lawrencei-Serengenti Transformed) were made available, 1418 improved cattle were immunized against te disease in Matawi. wvhile 2100 doses of the vaccine were supplied to the Southern Provwce of Zambea Proect would also undertake training of SADC nationals at post-graduate levels within or outside the region. Contact n research organization: FAOUNIVFLORZimbabwe Record number (MFN): 04022 Ofical proed title: TRAINING OF ANIMAL HEALTH AUXILIARY PERSONNEL IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF ANIMAL DISEASES. Implementing agency: Southem Afncan Development Communrty (SADC). Country/countries: Afnca; Angola: Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi, Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Unied Republic of Tanzania: Zambia; Zimbibwe; Statement of objctivesiabstract: The objective of the proqe is to strengthen SADC vetennary manpower capacity by upgrading fe knowledge of auxiliary personnel who are m the forelront n the fight 154 SPAAR Inromiation System against anwnal diseaes, by hokling shol coursss of 6-7 weeks in SADOC member States on, a rotabng basis. Record number (MFN): 04023 Offical project tile: PRQOUCTION AND DISTRIBUIJON OF PASTURE SEEDS AND LEGUMES - STUDY. Implementing agency: Souern Afncan Development Commruniy (SADC). End date: 1991 -00-00. Country/xuntres Afnca Angola; Botswana' Lesotho; MaLai; Mozambque: Namia: Swaziland; Undeid Republic of Tanzania. Zambia; Zinbabwe; Statemet of obectives/abstract: The objectves of the proect are to: (i) identify important pasture and legumes e the mar agro-ecoa l zoes of the SAOC member counines; (ii) examine the currewn demand for hKfi quality certied pasture and legurne seeds in the region. (iii) examine th current seed production and supply capacity of the SADC member countnes; (iv) identify the maor factors constraining the production and supply of high qualty pasture seeds and legumes; and (v) recomnd short. and/or long-term measures whtich will aDeviate the present dificuhtees. Record number (MFN): 04024 Offical projec tile: VETERINARY ASSISTANCE IN THE SOUTH WEST OF ANGOLA. Impementing agency: Southem Alrican Development Comrnunity (SADCyAngota Startrdate: 1986-00-00. End dale: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Angola; Statement of obectivesabstract: The project amns at Nnprovng and exlending sanitary coverage of livestock in the Provirces of Huila. Cunene, Namibe and Bengwela so as to increase the eamngs of small holders livestock farmers. The project also ains at minimizing the spread of somne disease to neighbourng countries. In 1989/90 six cattle dips and 26 cate crshes were rehabdtated and over 940 000 head of cattle vaccriated against infectious diseases. 155 SPAAR Inlrabon System Record number (MFN): 04025 Offi ped te ASSISTANCE FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NATiONAL LABORATORY - ANGOLA (PHASES 1, I AND 111). Irnrlmp ntig agency Southern Afncan Devebpment Conmundy (SADCYGovemmnet of Angola. Country/couwes: Angola; Statnt d objectvabstract: The Wlngterm obecbvfes of the profeit are to: (i) increase tel capacity of the Governent o accurate* diagrose, treat and apply apopriate control measures aganst contagious ard parasitic aninal dises: (i) faciltat the development of comercial faming in Angola; (iii) check/stop possible inter-tebrtorial dssemiation ol dseases to neghbouring countries; and (rf) attain seff-sufficency in animal proem. The sho~t-term objectives are to: (a) expand the National Veterinary Laboralory in Luanda; (b) equip the laboratory wth functional equipment; (c) reorganize the xa tory into dWferent fun bonal sedions; (d) train suiable staff for the ddferent laboratoMy sections; arid (a) reinforce research and surveilance progranmme on field animal diseases. The protect would be inplemented in three phases: Phase I would involve preliminary and detaiWd planning and construction of budngs, Phase 11 would nvolve procurement of equipnent and appoinbng of labowatory Uirector and Technicians, and Phase Ill would involve setting up scienidic deparnments, standardization of technical works and staff training. Record number (MFN): 04026 Official proect title: REGIONAL FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE CONTROL - PHASE 11. Impmenting agency: Southern Afncan Devebpmnent Community (SADC). Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 19940 -00. Countryicounritnes: Afnca. Botswana; Malaw; Mozambique; Swaziland; Unted Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe: Statement of obectives/abstrat: The programme is aimed. in the short-term, at eirminating Foot and Mouth Disease Irom the cattle-producing areas of Bostwana, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe and conduc studies into te epidermiology of the disease in the region. It would enhancefacilitate intra-SADC trade in livestock and livestock products as wet as exhaiag of livestock genetic matenal of fe region for the inorovement of lvestock. The objectiv are to: (i) vacainate over 2.9 million head of cattle every year in border areas in order to stop the spread of the disease; (4) rehabditate and erect new cordon fences in Bostwana, Swaziland and Zimbabwe, 156 SPAAR Informaton Systern (ii) rehabiitate suLch infrastructures as dip hnks, ushes and water supply to fac*tate nspeci and vaccinabon; (iv) equip fMD diagnosic und at the Central Vetenna.y Laboratowy in Tanzanma (v) expand Botwana Vaccine Insbtute in order to help manage is exanded mandate; (vi) conduct studies into the epidemiogy of the disease both n the wiWfe and livesbck populabtions and (vii) train lechnicians and professionals in the diagnosis and handling of Foot and Mouth Disease cases. Record nurnbet (MFN): 04027 Otficsal project title: REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRE FOR MEAT INSPECTION AND MEAT TECHNOLOGY - LOBATSE IN BOTSWANA (PHASES I AND 11). Implementng agency- Southemn Afncan Developrent Community (SADC)Food and Agrnulture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). End date: 19964000. Country/countries: Afnca; Angola; Botswana, Lesotho; Malawi, Mozambique; Namiba. Swaziland; Unied Republic of Tanzania; Zambta; Zimbabwe; Statement of obectiveslabstract: The obective of the project is to train middle level lechncans in meat inspection and meat technology so as to allviate the shortages of this cadre in the SADC countnes. Two-six montt training courses in meat inspection and meat technology were conducted successfully n 1990. including shod courses specdic to individual countries or to a group of countries. Phase I supportec by DANIDA ended on December 31. 1990. Phase 11 would continue to offer courses m meat inspection and technobgy, short courses specdic to individual member States and conduct the following new activities: (a) training in hides and skins improvement. (b) training in microbiology and vetennary public health; (c) assisting in the seting-up1strengtheriing of national instidutins; and Id) facilitating post-graduate fellowship in vetermary pubic health in preparalion for take-over of the management of the Centre by SADC. Conlact in research organization: FAO Record numnber (MFN): 04028 Oqcial proect title: STRENGTHENING OF DAIRY HEIFER MULTIPLICATION UNITS. Inplementing agency: Southern Atfncan Development Comnunrity (SADC). Country/countres: Africa. Botswana: Mozambique: Zimbabwe: 157 SPAAR Inomiation System Statement ol objecwesdabstract: The ongterm objectwes of the project are to: (i) improve self-sufficency in milk and mik produds; and (i6) improve the lMng standards ot smalholder tamwers, especially of chidren and *omen, by making anmal proteim readiy avaiable to them. The prooct wouid involve the strenrKhning of nabonal Dairy Heifer multiplicalhon units, trainirg of tamners in range managenent d dain; cattle and the esashement of maketing dhanrels. The short-term obectives are to: (a) ncrease 'he supply of dairy cross-bred -efers available to smaliolders; (b) enable smallholder farmers acquire dairy heders at affordable prces; and (ui) carry out demonstration of appropnate methods of dary farm rnanagement at the multiplicaltn unis In Botswana. the project would expand the existing unit to a capaciy of about t 0C swnmenr heifers, breec heders to Tswana bulls to produce off sp(ing of 3/4 sinimenlad heders using arldicial insemination when necessary, establish a breedng ranch of about 20 ha for rainfed fodder production; and carry out training and extension in dairy management practices. In Mozambiq_, the project would seect two farms to serve as breeding units (each und would contain about 200 indigenous cows wth 10 Fnesan bulls for production of F1 cross-breds using arificial insemination when necessary). Males would be reared and sold to smnalholders as draught animals, and training in nutrition, milking, and milk conservaton and processng would be carried out. In Zirnbabwe, the project would breed heders to Fresian bulls to generate F I crosses and develop 200 ha to .nprove grazing using Katambora Rhodes grass and the pasture-legumes Siratro and Stylo. Demonstration and training in conservation of forage for dry season feeding and in milking techniques would also be carried out. Record number (MFN): 04029 Official proect tle: REGIONAL TRh.NING CENTRE IN RANGE AND RANCH MANAGEMENT - TANZANIA. Inplementing agency: Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Afnca. Angola; Woswana: esotho; Malawi; Mozarnbique; Namibta; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The obledve of the project is to alleviate the shortage of expenenced technicians in range and ranch management. The long-term obdectives are to: (i) alleviate the shortage of technicians currently expenenced in the region; (n) attain the required levels of skills for range resource management and utilization; and (iii) disseminae te knowledge acquired to rural population. The shot-termn objectives are to: (a) extend the existing Institute at Morogoro in terms of buildings, manpower and other logistics in order to accommodate its expanded mandate; and (b) train more middle-level technicians from SADC countries. The centre would conduct traiming 158 SPAAR Infofrnabon System courses for in-serice personnel in the discipline from both the pubic and private setor. The courses would inlve bot they and field practices to acquaint stdnts with real life situation. Field tnps to a number of SADC countnes would also be undertaken. RePrd number (MFN): 04030 Ofiial project tdle: REGIONAL TSETSE ANO TRYPANOSOMIASIS TRAINING CENTRE - ZAMBIA. Implenenting agency: Southern Afrtcan Development Community (SADC). End dJate: 1992-00-00. Counlry/countries: Africa; Angoba; Botswana, Lesotho; Malawi, Mozaribkue, Namibia: Swaziband; Unted Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectrves/abstract: The objecive of the project is to train personnel from SADC countres in the skills of tsetse fHy anrJ trypanosormtasis control, so as to increase the number of personnel who are capable of managing and implementing control activities. Member States have agreed to extend the project tor a lurther penod of two years. Dunng this period. SADC is expepcted to take over the running costs of the Centre. Seventy nine students, 42 of whom are rorm the SADC region have graduated trom the Centre in 1989/90. Three students are pursuing a post graduate course in applied entomology in the Undred Kingdom. 2 are studying for a Masters degree, and one for a Ph D degree. Record number (MFN): 04032 Official project title: REGIONAL TSETSE AND TRYPANOSOMIASIS CONTROL PROJECT (RTTCP) Implementng agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Start date: 1986-00-00. End diale: 1994-00-00. Country/countnes: Africa; Malawi; Mozambique: Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives o the project are to: (i) eradcate tsetsefly n Zimbabwe ar.d Zambia by aeral spraying ana by the use of traps, baits and targets; (ii) Conduct t etse and trypanosomiasis surveys in Malawi. Mozambique and Zambia; (iii) tra n na:tonals from ft four countries in tsetse survey, contrd and management technic ies: and (iv) conduc research on adaption of high aerial spraying to rough mountainous country. on larger scale applcation of tsetse trapping methods, on adaption of baited traps and targets to other glossina species and on environmental impact of chemical eradcation 159 SPAAR Informnabon System retfiods. Record number (MFN): 04033 Official prqoect tite: TRAINING OF LABORATORY TECHNICIANS FOR THE MA:NTENANCE AND REPAIR OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT IN VETERINARY LABORATORIES. Implementing agency: Southem Afncan Devebprment Communiy (SADC)- Start date: 1990-00-00. Country/countries: Afnca: Anxola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi- Mozambique; Namibia; Swazitand: United Republic of Tanzanta; Zambia; ::.-nbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectves of the project are to: (i) train techncians in the field ot mechanics and electronics to be assigner lo national laboratories; (ii) organize and develop a maintenance and repair wodisshop for training at the SADC Animal Disease Reference Laboratory in Harare, Zimbabwe; (lii) estabtish and organize store for maintenance material, tools and spare parts for the equipment utilized by the Veterinary Laboratornes in the SADC member States; and (iv) assist in the procurement of new equipment. The project is expected to train 145 SADC natonals dunng a penod of five years Record number (MFN): 04034 Official project title: REGIONAL ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE. Implenenting agency: Southrem Atrrcan Development Community (SADCVAuiimal Breeders Company Ltd. of Harare. Start date: 1989-00-00. End date 1994-00-00. Country/countnes: Africa; Botswana; Mozambique. Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectiveslabstradc: The ob,jectives of the project are to: I) establish a Ragional Artificial Insemination Centre for the production and d.stnbution of semen to SADC member States; (ii) rehabilitate/consolidate SADC member States national A.l. Schemes; (mi) improve the productivity of extsting dairy and beef cate through rapid genetic improvement, thereby: (a) improving the nutrtional standards among the samllholder farming community through increased supply of milk; (b) increase the income and thus the standard of living of the smag scale farmer mn particu!ar. and (c) reduce 160 SPAAR Infornation System foreign exchange expenditure on import of livestock products, and consequently coritbute substantially to the overal economy of the SADC countries; and (iv) combat/control reproducve diseases. The Regional Artiticial Insemination Centre would be based in Harare, Zfinbabwe, and would be run jopny by SADC and the Animal Breeders Company Ltd. of Harare. Trainng of middle-evel technicians would be undertaken and trauning facilitie upgraded using training aids, such as vdeo and TV mondoi s. Contact n research organization: Ani"al Breeders Company Ltd. of Harare; Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 04035 Official project title: SUPPORT FOR COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION OF SMALL STOCK. Implefenting agenrcy: Southem African Development Community (SADCO. Countryicountnes: Africa: Botswana, Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of ob,ectives/abstract: The objective of the proect is to improve the standard of IMvng of smaliholders farmers. The long-temm objectives are to: (i) increase the size and meat potential of local sheep, goals and pigs by sutable cross-breeding to a degree which can be sustainable in the local ecological conddions; (ii) improve the standard of traditional animal husbandry management practices; and (iii) improve the standard of liring of the rural population. The short-term objectives are to: (a) establish small stock (sheep), goats and pigs) cross-breeding unis for smallhoider farmers, (b) assist in the setting up of smallslock raising units on a conperative or individual basis. and (iii) establish marketing systems for livestock and their products from the farmers. The project which would be coordinated by Zimbabwe would involve Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In Botswana, pig production units would be establish in two districts (Kgatleng and BamaleteTlokweng including a pig processing complex for the manufacture of various pig products. In Zambia, seven sheep and goat multiplication centres would be established: 2 in Southmer Province, 2 in Eastem Province, 1 in Lusaka Province, and 2 in Luapula Province. The centres would produce cross-breed sheep and goats for distnbution to individuals and cooperatives in the rural areas. In Zimbabwe. both pig production unis and goat breeding centres would be established on cooperative basis. Training of individual farmers and cooperative members on modem small stock husbandry would be camed out in all the countries involved. Record number (MFN): 04036 161 SPMAR Informrabon System Ofci ppoject tile: SUPPORT TO SADC COORDINATION OF FISHERIES, FORESTRY AND WILDUFE. lmpnmenting agency: Southem African Development Communiy (SADC). Courtry/counres: Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstracl: The pro,ect aims at providng lechnical assistance lo the Ministry of Forestry and NaturaJ Resources in Malawi, in order to enable h to discharge its regional coordination responsity effectively. The project would cover costs of technical assistance experts, consultancies, workshops and procurement of equipment. Record number (MFN): 04037 Official project title: REGIONAL FISHERIES TRAINING PROGRAMME. Implemeneirg agency: Southem Afncan Devebpment Community (SADC). Start date. 1990-02-00. End date: 1997-00-0. Country/countres: Afria; Malawi: Mozambique; United Republic of Tanzania; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The Lack of adequate training opportunites is a mapr constraint on fishenes development. The proect aims at ensuring that training faclites, in the region. are adequate to meet his need. To achieve this obectwive, the project would strengthen seJected national institutions to provide for both national and regional needs. The speciic obectives of the project are to: (a) strengthen the national instiutions to be included in the programme; (b) utilize, in consultaton wth the Regional Training Council (RTC), the SADC fellowship programme to enable SADC students to attend courses for which they been selcted; and (c) establish links with institutions outside the region for the exchange of information on fisheries training. The instRutions identified are: Eduardo Mondtane Universty, Maputo, Mozambique for research training in manne fisheries; Universiy of Zimbabwe for research training in tresh water and aquaculture; Bunda College, Maaw for diploma level training for development. techncal and extension officers: Fisheries Training Centre. Mbegani, Tanzania for training in specialist subjects, such as capture electronics and refngeration; and Natural Resource Training Centre, Mpwepwe for training of fishenes assistants, extension workers and scouts. Record number (MFNI: 04038 162 SPAAR information System Official project title: REGIONAL FISHERIES INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM. Impemeting agency: Southern Afncan Develpment Cornmunity (SADC)IFFWSCU Country/countries: Atrica; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Mabawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swa7tand; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimibabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: Information is a key factor to deveopment as i could accelerate research, transfer of technology and thus, the overafl development process. The proect would facilitate easy access to intematonal infornation sources and servies as well as exdcange of informnation among SADC member States. The objectives of the proecl are to create and put into operation a SADC Fisheries Information ard Documentation System through the: (a) establishment of a regional fisheries documentation and informabon centre; (b) strengthening of national ftsheries documentation and information services; (c) slandardization of the regional system in order to attain full compabbility and unification of the nalional and regional centres: and (d) training of documentalists and information specialists for the system. The information systern would be composed of a Regional Centre and a National Centre in each of the SADC memtber States. The Regional Centre woutd gather, store, retneve and dissermnate information generated in the region on fisheries management and development, developrne.t projects. research resutts and state of shared or national fish stocks in both marne and inland waters. The national centres would act a regional focal points and would input to a global database. Record n"onber (MFN): 04039 Official project ttle: COMPUTERIZATION OF INLAND FISHERIES PRODUCTION. Implementing agency: Southnem Afncan Development Communty (SADC). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozarnbique; Namibia; Swazitand; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the project are to: (a) computerize inand national fisheries production statistics in SADC member States; (b) create a regional database whidc would summarize national statistics from SADC member States; and ic) finance an expert on fisheries statistics to estab6sh a fisheries database for incorporation into the Regional Documentation Centre and train staff in the rnanagement of the database system. 163 SPAAR Inlormation System Record number (MFN): 04040 Official potect tite: DEVELOPMENT OF AGUACULTURE IN SADC. Implementing agency: Soutenm African Devebpment Community (SADC). Star date: 1989-0. Country/counties: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique, Namitia. Swazland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zirnbabwe; Staterent of objechves/abstract: The objective of the project is to assist member States to increase farmed fish produttion in areas whtch are currently unable to engage in fish farming. in order to iacrease the income and prolein n the diet ol rural communities and gererate and increase employment in the region. The project would consist of fout subproects: (1) aquaculture for bcal communties; (2) deveblpment of aquaculture in Angola; (3) regional trout management; and deveoprment of fish larming in cool water areas in the SADC region. Record number (MFN): 04041 Official project tide PROVISIO1J OF EXTENSION AIDS AND SERVICES - PHASES I AND 11. Impleenting agency: Southern African Development Community (SAOC). Country/countries: Afnca: Angola; Botswana, Lesotho; Malawi, Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland: Unned Republic of Tanzania: Zamlbia; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The project would assist SADC member States individually and collecively in increasing their fish production and accelerale fishenes development process. The objectives of the project are to: (a) raise awareness among top level decision makers regarding both the fish production potential and the requirements for its realization; (b) improve the functioning of national extension services which constitute an integral part of the programme for fish production growth; and (c) provide the national extension services in the region wih necessary tools to improve their operations in order to stimulate development in small-scale fish farming and in both marine and inland water capture fishenes. The extension activities would focus on how to stock crop smalHfish, how to make ponds, how to ng, use and repair nets, care of catch, simple sail propulton. the need for and methods of resource management, and the use of posters and visual aids. The extension messages would be translated into major vemacular languages and made available to extension services. 164 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04042 Official projed fte: ESTABUISHMENT OF REGIONIAL COMPUTER-BASED MARINE FISHERIES CATCH DATA SYSTEM. Implementing agency: Soutern Alincan Development Community (SADC). Country/counres: Afica; Angola: Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziand; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statemenr ot objedives/abstract: The objectie of te project is to establish a 'uniform' computer-based catch data system on catch and landigs by species, areas, vessels type, and transhipments of marne fish catch. m order to facditate the utilzation of information within the SADC member States for sustairable fisheries planning, develpment and management. The establishment of a UNIFORM computer-based catch-data system in collaboration with a well managed manne i;sheries research programme would be an effective tool for the plannrng and development of manne fishenes. Total allowable catches (TACOs) for export could also be established taking into account the food requirements of the member States. Record number (MFN): 04043 Offhcial project title: SUPPORT TO SADC FISHERIES COORDINATION UNIT. Implementing agency: Southem Afncan Development Community (SA0C). Country/countries: Africa; Angola. Botswana; Lesotho; MJalawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe, Statement of objectives/abstract: The project would support the planning and administrative work of the SADC Fisheries Coordination Unit. Record number (MFN): 04044 Off cial project title: PROMOTION OF EXPORT MARKETING OF MARINE FISH PRODUCTS. Impementing agency: Southern African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Mozambique; Namibia; Unied Republic of Tanzania; 165 SPAAR Information SysteT StaWTwit of objeccbves/abstract: The objpce of the pect is to ncrease foreign revenue from export markeong of high quaity manne fish products from the SADC states of Angola, Mozamb.que, Tanzmia ard Nambiia. More specificaily, the proect would: (a) support common markefng strategies for the counties concerned in ore to meet specific needs of the export markets. (b) estabish a regonal expor marketing expertise for marnne fsh poducts with emphasis on frozen and canned fish products; and (c) establish on-te-job and institutonal training for nationals of the SADC coastal states. Record number (MFN): 04045 Offiial pro,ect ttle: FISHERIES INVESTIGATION IN BOTSWANA - PHASES I AND II Implementing agency: Southern Atncan Development Community (SADC). Startdate: 1985-00-00. Country/countries: Botswana; Statement of obectrves/abstract: The first phase of the prolecd which aimed at an assessment oa the fishenes potential of Botswana with a view to tu.nuIating a national fisheries development plan for the countrys untapped fisheries rez;ources was implemented between 1985 and 1987. The project is now in is second phase. The objectives of the second phase are the devebpment of boat-building, fish processing/marketing, fishing gear technology and Iraining of staff. Record number (MFN): 04046 Official project title: INTEGRATED FISH-CUM-DUCK FARMING IN LESOTHO - PHASES I AND II. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Lesotho; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the project is to increase fish production through fish farming with duck husbandry. The first phase has been ccmpleted. A Fish Production Unit has been established. Phase tWo of the project which has a wider scope would integrate aquaculure and livestock farning systems. 166 SPAAR Informbaon Systern Record numnber (MFN): 04047 Offiaa prqect title: JOINT FPESEARCH OF PELAGIC FISHERIES RESOCJRCES OF LAKE MALAWUNYASA. Implementnig agency: Soutern Aftcan Deveklpment Commurity (SADC) Country/countnes: Africa; Malawi; Statenent of objectives/abstract: The project aims al carrying out researcn on offshore fish stocks of Lake Malawi/Nyasa as a basis for their improved sustaiable exploitation. A leasibility study has been caried out and letters of agreement for me wmplementalion of the project have been signed by the three member Stales involved. The research work would start in August/September, 1990 when the research vessel is expected to arrive. Record number (MFN): 04048 Official pro,ect ttle: PILOT NTEGRATED FISH/PIG FARMING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH PROJECT AT KASINTHULA, MALAWI. Implementing agency: Soutt.em Atrncan Development Community (SAIC) Counlry/countnes: Malawi; Staternert of objectivestabstract: The project aims at increasing fish production by integrating fish farming wih pig and duck husbandry. Record number (MFN): 04049 Official proj,ect ttle SUPPOfRT TO FISHERIES DEVELDPMENT PLANNING. Implementing agency: Southem Afrian Devebpment Cornmunity (SADC). Country/countries: Africa: Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambkiue; Namibia; Swaziland; United Repub'ic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of ob,ectives/abstract: The long-term objective of the project is to inprove fisheries development planning 167 SPAAR Information Systemn in merrbier States. To achieve his objective, the prect uld attach fisheries economists and lasn to fishefies departrents of te member States. The short-btm objectve are to: (i) assist n the assessment of fieres development potYtial at the natioal level, and in the regwin as a whole; (it) assist individual counbits m drawing up thei g tewm fisheries deveopw nt plans; and (ui) defne for each chntry, and for SAIDC the requireffient for realzabon ol fiheries deveopment potential wth a viw to facilitatg specific investrrments and taking lecisions un an orderty manr induding but not necessanty limited to: (a) inirastudure requiretnents. (b) nstitutional requirement, (c) development of human resources. (d) capital nvestrnat requirements, (e) needs for technical assistance, and (f) research and attendant suppon requirerrerts. The prqect would provxde technical assistance, through a snall group of qualified fisrienes economiststplanners, to national fisheres adrinistrators and planners in long-term planning rmethodology and trainrig. Record nunber (MFN): 04050 OfHicial project tite: OUALITY CONTROL AND STANDARDIZATION OF FISHERY PRODUCTS. implementing agency: Southem Afrcan Development Community (SADC). Country/countres: Africa; Angola: Mozambique, Naamibia; Unied Republic of Tanzania; Statemnent of ooectvWes/abstract: The objective of the project is to assist the SADC coastal Slates of Angola, Mozambique, Namnibia and Tanzania in the proper utilization of the fishery resources available ni their fishing zones. fore specfially, the project wouid: (a) set-up a Ouality Control (QC) and inspection of fishery products unh in each State; (b) train national project staff on 00 and inspection procedures: and (c) increase the quantity of fisheries products reaching the consumer through the reduction of post-harvest losses. thus ensure high nutritive and rnarket values of the products. Record number (MFN): 04051 Official proect title: ESTABLISHMENT OF A RESEARCH AND RESOUiRCE EVALUATION PROGRAMME IN THE MARINE WATERS OF THE SADC REGION. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Mozambque; Narnibia: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: 168 SPMAR Information Systen The ma object of the proect s to establish an effectve research instiuon capable of lormulating and ipnnting a marine fish reswrces evaluat pgramme for te SADC coastal Stales. More specifica. the proje would: (a) acquire necessay search vesse and equpwmet in order to effeively impWment naotnal and regional manuie rsah pogrammes; (b) provode adequate tirng to SADC naionals in approptate disciplines to enable thm conduct blngterm resource evaluation of the oommwrcay important fish stocks; and (c) formulate and mpleent appropriate surveiance ard control measures in order to protect the marine resouroes and the mnanne environment as a whole in the fishing zones of the SADC coastal Stales- Record number (MFN) 04052 Oflical project ttle: CATCH ASSESSMENTS STUDY IN LAKE TANGANYIKA. Implenenting agency: Southern African Development Community (SADC). Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the projec is to establish a long-term integrated research programme under whiri fish catch and available stocks can be ascertained and maintained permanently Pro,ect would carry out surveys to obtain reliable estimates of: (a) the quantiy of fitsh harvested by fisherman by weight and for each fishery; (b) catch composition by species and effect used; and tc) size of stocks and levels of their exploitations as to establish a rational system of resources utilization and management. Record number (MFN): 04053 Offiual project tidle: LAKE KARIBA FISHERIES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Implemenling agency: Southern Afrcan Develpment Community (SADC). Start date: 1988-04-00. End date: 1994-0-00. Country/countres: Africa; Angola: Botswana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozamnbique; Namibia: Swazilad; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/absiract: The project aims at carrying out mutti-discpinary research on various aspects of fishienes on Lake Kariba. with a view to recommending fe most appropnate management of the fishery resource for suslainable utifization. Research work is in progress 169 SPMR Information System and a new research vessel is under constrwction. Record number (MFN): 04054 Official pmoect title: AQUACULTURE FOR LOCAL COMMUNITIES (ALCOM) - PHASES I AND 11. Implementing agency: Southern Afrcan Development Comnmunity (SADC)/FAO/SIDA. Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 19944000. Country/countries: Africa; Botswana; Lesotho; Mozambique; Zambia; Statement d objechves/abstract: The objective of the project is to increase cash income and(or animal protein omnponent in the diet of rural communties through increased production of fish from small-scahe aquaculture integra;ed with mixed systems or as a complement or an atemative to traditonai small-scale fishing. The target com unities are those which depend, for a living, on small scale mixed farming systems, mostly females who often run the rural household in Southem Africa. The intermnediate ob,ective is the adoption of appropriate fish cutture practices, introduced, promoted and supponed through other nationally and intemationally funded projects concerned with rural development and integrated into the local farming systems. The project would promote the fish culture methods and systems which have successfully been tested in a plot project in Mozambique under Phase I in 1989/90. The tests demonstrated that aquaoutture for local communities is economically viable and socially acceptable. The project would be implemented in two phases. The activities involved in Phase I are: (a) extension/training in Mozambique; lb) utilization of small water bodies in Botswana, Lesotho and Zambia; (c) extension methodolgy development in Zambia; and (d) aquaculture and larming systems in Zambta. Actvites under Phase two would involve: (a) development of aquaculture rnethods and practices n integrated farming systems; (b) the design of extension methods for small water bodies; (c) the design of models for small-scale fishing techniques; (d) generation of data for planning purposes; (e) training of women and the youth in aquacufture fish production; (I) disserrination of extension methods to the local communities; and (g) apphcation of fish culture techniques designed to minimize risk of spreading waterbomne human diseases -i.d methods for integration of fish production with soil conservation. The project would also establish a system for the dissemnation of research findings and resuts. Record ntmber (MFN): 04055 Offical project title: DEVELOPMENT OF AOUACULtURE IN ANGOLA - PHASES I AND 11. 170 SPAAR Infoination System Implementing age : So en African Devebpment Comnnnty (SADC). Counrycountnes: Angob; Statement d objectivsabstract: The protect would seek to create employment oppodtunites and produce arniral protein n rural areas of Angola through fte promotion of aquaculture. Pro,ect would provde: ;1) assistance in planning of aquaculture development; and (2) establish an Aquaculture Devebpment System. it wouid be impemented in two phases. Under Phase I the probsd would: (a) investigate the economics, i.e., the expected nabonal costs and benefits of different forms of aquaculture developrent; (b) identify research training and extension needs in breeckng technques; (c) investigate the socio-economic and isttutional framework for aquaculture development; and (d) plan the establishment of an aquaculture centre to serve as the focal point for 3iuaculture development. Under Phase 11 the proect would establish and operate a Natio il Aquaculture Centre using the results of Phase 1. Record number (MFN): 04056 Otffcaal project ttle: REGIONAL TROUT MANAGEMEN PROJECT Implfmenttng agency: Southern African Developmern Community (SADC) Country/countries: Africa; Angota; Botswana; Lesotho; M1aawi; Mozambique; Namibia: Swaziland; Unied Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zinbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The obective of the project is to establish and develop a SADC Regional Trout Managernent Programme in order to promote the development of a viable trout .ndustry in the region. More specifically, the project would: (a) develop and promote high volure commercial trout production to meet local, regional and ntemational dernands and thus reduce the importation of fish; (b) establish, in each country, trout hatchenes with the capacity to produce enough seeds to meet local, regional and probably ntemational demands; (c) bring about regional collaboration ard cooperation in all aspects of trout management, and strengthert national trout management programmes; (d) provide intrascture need by the Trout Management Centres; (e) formulation and testig of trout diets based on locally available feedstuffs in the participating countries; and (f) extension support and training of local staff in trout management. Record nurnber (MFN): 04057 171 SPAAR Information System Official project title: DEVELOPMENT OF FISH FARMING IN COOL WATER AREAS IN THE SADC REGION. Impeimentig agency: Southern African Development Community (SAOC). Countrylcwntries: Afnca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique: Namibia; Swaziland; United Republc of Tanzania; Zambia; Z.mbabwe; Statement of obectrveslabstract: The oblectrve of the project is to assist SADC member countries individually and collectively to increase farmed fish production from areas which are currently unfavorable to fish larmng through: (a) provision of new improved technologies and opportundies to nationral fish farming staff in order to broaden their skills and experience; (b) estabihshmnent of fish faming system to extend existing species technologies into cooler areas; (c) seection of sulable vaneties of marketable fish with good growth rates in cool areas: and (dc demonstration of suitable technologes for their propagation culture in srnall rural ponds. The pioject would investigate t : possibilities oi extending existing hot area fish farming technologies into cooler areas and conduct research on low temperature tolerance of fish species suitable for cultivation through: (i) field trials to investigate the effects of different pond designs on water temperature, with the aim of minimizing heat lss during hot weather periods; and (ii) laboratory based research to establish the temperature related growth coeticients of tilapia and other fish species. Record number (MFN) 04058 Official project title: SPECIAL FACILITY FOR SADC FORESTRY PROJECT OEVELOPMENT. Implementmg agency: Southern African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries. Africa, Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia, Zimbabwe, Record number (MFN): 04059 Official project tile: ESTABLISHMENT OF A REGIONAL HERBARIUM AND CONSERVATION OF ENDAGERED SPECIES. Implementing agency: Southern African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Afnca; Angola: Botswana Lesotho; Malawi, Mozambique; NaamibLa, Swazdand; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe: 172 SPAAR Information System Statement of objecivesabstract: The project armns at collecting information on herbaria and botancal collections species, with a view to establishing a regional herbarium, as well as strengthening and improvement of national herbaria and networxing in information exchange between existing herbaria in the SADC region. Record number (MFN): 04060 Official proect tite: URBAN FUELWOOD PROJECT. Implementing agency: Southem rfncan Development Community (SADC). Start dale: 1986-10-00. Country/countries: Afnca; Lesotho. Malawi; Mozambique; Unned Republc of Tanzania; Statement of objertives/abstract: The project would supply fuelwood to urban centres: Blantyre and Zomba in Malawi, Beira and Na npula in Mozambique, Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania and Leribe in Lesotho. The Malawi component became operationai with funding from NORAD in October 1986 To-date most of the prolect activities have been intiated. 1 690 ha of fueiwood and pole plantations have been established, 10 000 ha of woodland nave been identidied for intensive lorest management and species and provenance trials have been carried out. Funding is be!ng sought for the L esotho, Mozambique and Tanzania components. Contact in research organization: Forest and Forest Indusines Development and Consuling Company (FORINDECO) Record number (MFN): 04061 Official proect title: REGIONAL TREE SEED CENTRE. Implementing agency: Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Afnca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obectives/abstract: The objectives of the project are lo: (a) iJentify problems in the gathering of information and the collcting and storing ot seed for specific regions, and suggest 173 SPAAR Information System soluions: ard (b) detine the purpose. needs and role of a regional seed centre, and dne terms of reference and prepare a progame of work. The projec would also incoporate the eslablishmert of satelite seed centres in the SADC membef States. A feasiity study on fe estab losnert of satelite tree seed ceres in the member States has been compled. The study recommended te creation of a SADC Regional Tree Seed Centre Netwouk encompassng al member States. Sites for regional coorrination have been identiied n Zambia. Zimbabwe and Lesotho to cater for the ten member States. Record number (MFNI 04062 Offcial project Itle: DfRY ZONE AND HIGH ALTITUDE FUELWOOD RESEARCH Implerenting agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Alnca. Angola. Boswana. Lesotho: Malawi: Mozambique. Namibia. Swaziland. Unted Repubhic of Tanzania: Zarnbia. Zvnbabwe: Statement of obectrves/atslract The objectve of the project is lo help sohve the problem of luewood availability. especially in the member States with arid, semi-and, and high altiude ecological zones Record number (MFNf 04063 Official profed Idle: FOREST INDUSTRIES TRAINING CENTRE IFITC) Implementing agency Southem Afrcan Devebpment Community ISADCI Starl dale: 1989-12-00. Country/countries: Africa: Angola, Botswana: Lesotho. Malawi: Mozamb;que. Namibia: Swaziland. Unied Republc of Tanzania; Zambia: Zinbabwe: Statement of objectrveslabstract: The obective of the project is to Irain mkddle level forest industnes personnel (lechnicians and technical assistants). A project Advisory Board. composed of one representative from each member Stale. has been appointed to guide and direct the implementalion of the project. A Mernorandum of Understanding to govem cooperalion among member States in the management and finaning of the Centre has been drafted and circulated to all the member States for comments. Construction of a sawmill and student lacilties is in progress. and the first intake of students is planned for January 1991 174 SPAAR Irformation System Record number (MFN): 04064 Official proect tite: IMPROVEMENT AND STRENGTHENING OF FOFRESTRY COL EGES IN THF SADC REGION. Impemfenting agency: Solthern Alrian Devebpment Cornmunity (SADC). Start date 1989-00-00. End date: 2001-O0-00. Country/countnes: Afica. Lesotho. Malawi. Mozambique. Unded Republic of Tanzania; Zambia: Finland. Statement of obiectives/abstract The objective of the project is to improve and strengthen some of the existing forestry training coleges in the SADC region. The project components are (a) hurnan resources devebpment based in Helsanki. Fr' .i;. (b) forestry teachers training based in Zambia.; c) forestry further trainr and forestry curnculum developnent based n ".MaI.:. and (d) torestrv -rnsion training based in anzanta The Helsenki-based L.,onenl identifi- ar trstitutions in Fniand and generally looks after the werarc- : - s. The national cornponents involve strer.thening of forestry cdleger e ths ir eq- itvlent. in each member State through bilateral agreements betweEn F-i. i'd ind Ki member States, implemented under the overall SADC project agreerient oiiaiatat; ireements have been signed with Lesotho. Malawi, Mozambique. Ta:izania ano ZamL a. Record number fMFN) 04065 Offical project title: PILOT PROJECT ON THE REHABILITATION OF MINING AREAS. Implemenrting agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC) Country/countnes: Malawi: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the project is to establish fuelwood and pole planations to provide wood for coal mining and domestic use in Karonga. Malawi It is proposed that the project scope be broadened to include other degrade areas. such as along newly constructed roads, in order lo more effectively address the role of forestry in the rehabilitation of degraded lands in the member States. 175 SPAAR Information Systemn Record number (MFN): 04066 Official proqec title: COMMUNITY FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT. lmplntening agency: Southem African Devebpment Communrty (SADCO. Country/countries: Africa: Lesotho. Malawi. Mozambique; United Republc ol Tanzania; Zambia; Statefment of objectivesiabstract: The objectives of the project are lo develop communiy forestry for fuetwood production, protect and conserve indigenous forests and woodlarnds, and recaim 20 000 ha of deloresled and ecologically degraded lands in SADC member States. The project would (a) carry out a needs assessment to identdy pnonty areas inmcornmunrty forestry devekopment for each mnember state; (b) on the basis of (a), draw up relevant community forestry development proects; and (cl organize study tours for community forestry planners and implementers in the SADC region to observe, study and team from the expenences of on-going commundy forestry actiwties. Project components nclude Lesotho. Malawi. Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. IDRC is conducting some socio-economic study in Lesotho. Record number (MFN): 04067 Offcsal proect Idtle: OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT OF WATERSHED AREAS. MALAWI. Implementing agency: Southem At ncan Developrent Community (SAXC). Country/counines Malawi: Statement of objectives/abstract The objectives of the project are to (a) develop appropriate management techniques for the optinization of outputs from forested walersheds. (b) selecl and construct expenrnental watersheds for collectin of data on va.ous lorest management ana land use practk;es: and (c) studty and evaluate physical conditions of expenrmenal walersheds. The project would ini-ate research projects in three smnal. catchrment areas using vanous management fr,hniques. Record number (MFN): 0400 Official project title: EDIBLE MUSHROOM FARMING AND DEVELOPMENT. 176 SPAAR lnformiaton System Ilplmenetq agency- Southern Afrcan Develpment Commurut (SADC). Countrytcouwtries: Africa; Angola; Botwana; Lesoft: Mlawi; Mozanbique; Namibla; Swazilad; Ukiked Repuiic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimabwe; Stalement of oboctves/abstract: The obpectes of the projed are to: (e) assess te feasbiity of general cvbwation and producbon of edible mushrooms in order to suppleient the dietary intake and Ncme of the rural people; and (i) nrease fe species diversty by intrducig exotc species. The proecd wouid be reformulated to inckide: (a) involvement of women in mushroom production: (b) investigations into mushroom preservtabon: (c) promotional actives in mushroom productioi through the establshment of demonstration pfqects mn selected areas; (d) training of trainers and forestry extension workers in mushroom production; and (e) organization of study tours and tronrnation exchange on mushroom production. The protect would establish a network for inforrnalion exchange. Record number (MFN): 04069 Official project tite: MANAGEMENT OF INDIGENOUS FORESTS Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Country;countnes: Afrca, United Republic of Tanzanma. Zinbabwe. Statement of obpedives/abstract: The obtiew of the project is to develop effective forest managernent practices for the ndigenous lorests m Tanzania and Zimbabwe. includng forest resource inventories, sustainable supply of wood products, regeneration inals and research. multple land use. controlled grazmg and wildife management. and conservation of natural resources and the environment. Proect activities would involve: (al information gathenring and updating of previous inventory reports and enumneration surveys; (b) reviewing and/or re-establishing the project organization; (c) regeneration and tending of young saplings; Id) protection and management of idigenous forest and wildkfe resources; (e) purchases and operation of motor vehicles and eruipmneit: and (f) provision of buildings, water supplies and related basic services. Record number (MFNI: 04070 Official project tile: BEE-KEEPING DEVELOPMEN. 177 SPAAR Irfofifation System Implemerwing agency: Southern Afrca Devebpment Commurty (SADC) Country/countres: Africa; Lesotho. Zambia; Stateernt of obectveslabstrad: The obective of the proect s to assist the region n the development of the bee-keeping ndustry through aqttural research. training and beeswax prodWucton The progect wouid be reformulated to include: ta) promotioral actrvties on beekeeping n1 indigenous and exotc plantation lorests through the establishment of demonstration proects in selected areas. (b) tranig of trainers and forestry extension workers in beekeeping practices; (c) Frovision of capital equipment and technical assistance for demonstration proects: (d) local field research on beekeeping and beeswax production: and (e) crganzation of study lours and information exchange on beekepng in the forestry sector The project would estabish a netvork for information exchanrge. Record number (MFN): 04071 Official prolect tile: RURAL PLANTATIONS AND TIMBER PROCESSING IN THE SADC REGION Implemerting agency: Southern African Devebpment Community (SADCI. Counlry/countnes: Afnra. Lesotho. Undtd Republic of Tanzania, Zambia. Statement of objectiveslabstraci The objectives of the project are to: ,a) estabirsh and/or expand the existing planted forest resource in order lo provide raw matenal for saw-mills. and pole and post treatment plants: (b) provide r,olable saw-mills. ogng and back-up service lacilities: (c) provide sudable low oiressure mobile CCA plants sudable for the treatment of poles and posts in rjral areas. and (d) provide a lumiture factory in order to utilize timber products urocessed by sawmills for ocal marke*s Record number (MFN): 04072 Official protect tole: PROJECT 5.0.23/PROJECT 6.0.23 IMPROVEMENT AND STRENGTHENING OF FORESTRY AND FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS IN THE SADC REGION. Implementing agency: Finnish Internalional Development Agency/SADC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit. Slar dale: 1990-00-00. End date: t992-00-0. Countrylcountries: Africa. Angola. Bolsvwana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambque; Namibia: 178 SPMAR Inlonnation System Swaziand; Unded Republic of 1 anzania: Zambia. Zwnbabwe; ¶)tatemnenl of obtectivelabstrad: The general development obecirve of the proecd is to provide a sjrigficant contriton through nareased knowledge to: (a) sustainable soco-economnc develpment of the ten Southem Afncan Development Communty (SADC) counines particularty ui rural areas: and (b) consefvation d forest resources, natural ecosystems and genetc resources with padicular reference to ways and means to arrest inappropriate detorestation The ommedale objedives are: (1) review of the national and regional foresrry research sub-sector: (2) national (10) and regional I 1) forestry research action plans Including short-term action proposals and a lng-term development strategy: (3) projec profibs tor both the national and regional level tc address the action propcqass of the plans; (4) prolect document for a regional follow-up protect: (5) better rmplementation arrangenents of the plan through preparation of project documnents for s'.engthenmg forestry research on national levels in each SADC member country as appropriate: and (6) strengthened forestry research mana}amernt that will be reached through on-the-pb training in research management and panning durng the protect penod. Contact in research organization Dr. Markku Simula. Polect Supervisor. INOUFOR Ky. PO Box 121. SF-00141 Helstnkc Finland: Tel: (358)--26-223. Tslex 125196 ndup sf; Fax: (358).-53-909Mr. Kenneth M. Nyasuiu: Head: SAOC Forestry Sector Technical Coordination L'nd: P 0. tBox 30048. Lilongwe 3; Malawi: Tel: (265) 734-938J731-322734-144; Telex 43678 tstcu mi; Fax: (265) 733-245 Record number (MFN). 04073 Official project title: VILLAGE FUELWOOD PLANTATIONS (LESOTHO). irnmtems-ting agency Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC). Countryicountnes: Lesotho. Statement of obpcivesJabstract. The objective of the project is to assist in Ine harvesting and regeneration of the plantation already established under the Lesotho Woodlot Pro1, %t and estabitsh enotner plantation of 9 700 ha. Record number (MFN). 04074 Official project title- AGRO-FORESTRY IN ARABLE AND PASTORAL FARMING LESOTHO. 179 SPAAR Information System Impemntwing agency: Southem African Devebpment Community (SADX). Country/countnes: Lesotho; Statement of ob,ectivesabsiract: The objectve of the proect is to promote the use of appropriate dreeprooted and nitrogen-lixing trees in arable and pastoral farming systems. The project wouid: (a) produce nutritious stock-teed. (b) protect arable land from desiccating winds and thus reduce evapo-transpwration: and (c) reduce erosion of organic content of agricultural sols and thus improve their water-holding capabiliies. The Technical Sub-Corrmttee on Forestry is considering incorporating this proecd into the Lesotho Tropical Forestry Action Plan. Record number (MFN): 04075 Official project tdle: DEVELOPMENT OF MONTANE FOREST RESOURCES. MALAWI Implerenting agency: Southem Afncan Develprment Community (SADC). Country/countnes Malawi. Statement ot obectiveslabstract. Mulanle Mountain covers n area of about 300 sq km nsing to an ahitude ot 1 800 - 2 000 metres above sea level. The highest peak is about 3 000 metres above sea level. There are some 490 ha of pine and 140 ha of cedar (Widdnngtonia nodfora). Presently. the pine logs are brought down hill and trucked for 90 km to a sawmill wth 60 percent log waste. The mountain, d accessible, woud be a rernarkable recreation area. The objectives ot the project are to: (a) construct approximalely 15 km of access road from tMe tool of Mulanle Mountain to the Chambe Basin for economic harvesting of forest products; lb) install and operate a small sawmill. with an annual log input capacity ot f1 300 cubic metres. to process soft wood logs f om the Chambe timber plantatlon and the natural forest (Mulanje Mountaim Forest Reserve); (c) protect. manage and conserve Mulanje Mountan Forest reserve; td) conduct research and scientfic studies of the vegetation (particulary MlUanie Cecar species W'ddnngtonia nodiflora) and fauna ot the lighest mountain in Central and Southein Afrca: and ie) prov de employment to the bcal population. The Techn,cal Sub-Committee on Forestry is proposing to change the emphasis of this projec- frorn road construction and industrial pfanation management to management of Mt. Mulanje forest resources for muftiple use, conservation and pubic environmental education. Record number IMFN): 04076 180 SPMR Infofynation System Offial proqec tte: REGIONAL FOREST INVENTORY. Implementing agency: Southern African Devebpment Community (SADCVFSTCU. Country/countnes: Africa; Mozambique; Unded Republic of Tanrzania; Zambia; Staternent of obpectives/abstract: The objectives of the proec are to: (a) identity and coordinate effective indigenous forest management inventory systems for the region, (b) provide technical assislance, training and equipment to enable member States to meet their forest inventory needs: and (c) provide adequate information and maps that wil enable SADC countries to evaluate the forest resource and monitor the rate of deforestation in the region on a continuking basis. The project which would be based in Mozambique with subprojects in Tanzania and Zambia is proposing to emphasize the need for standardization of methodology and sett-sufficiency in foresl inventory operations n the region, including satellte imagery-based forest inventory in order to obtain a clearer picture ot the present state of forest resources in SADC member States. Record number(MFN): 04077 Official proect t4ile. REFORESTATION AND ERORION CONTROL AT NACALA Implementing agency Southem Alncan Developrnent Communrty (SADC). Country/countries. Mozambique. Record number (MFN): 04078 OffIcial project title: CENTRE OF ADVANCED PRACTICAL FORESTRY TRAINING. TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC)/ Sokoine Universiy of Agriculture. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of obgectrves/abstract: The objechves of the project are to: (a) attract foresters and scientists in related fields in the SADC region to meet regulaady and exchange expenences through conferences, seminars and workshops: (b) conduct refresher courses for practising foresters as well as non-foresters: (c) assemble and disseminate forestry related informnation: and (d) promote the practice of forestry by tarners and other land users. Proiec! -tivities would include: (i) erection of a conference building to 181 SPAAR Information System accommnodate up to 70 conference partcants; (0i) installation of conmunication faciltdes-tirect telphone lines and telex laciity; (Hi) purchase and mstaNation of ofice equpment. sscretaral, audio-visual ard computing facilities; (iv) construction of 200 sq.nm. store and purchase of forestry equipment; (v) shrt-term technical support; (vi) constnuction of staff housing. hostel and catetena faclites; and (vi) purchase of veh;cles (2 inim buses and 2 cars). Contad in research organization: Sokotne Universty of Agncutture. Tanzania Record number (MFN) 04079 Official pro,ect title: RELIEF FOR DROUGHT-STRICKEN WILDLIFE AREAS. Implementing agency: Southern Afncan Devebprnent Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Afnca: Angola: Botswana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia. Zimbabwe, Record number (MFN) 04081 Offictal project tdte: REGIONAL WILDLIFE TRAINING PROGRAMME. hnplementing agency Southem African DevebDpment Community ISADC)- Country/countnes: Africa; Angola; Botswana: Lesotho. Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia- Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania: Zambia: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstrz t: The prinary objective of the prolect is to strengthen and improve the performance ot reginal trainng facilites for medium and upper-level wildife personnel. Record number (MFN): 04082 Otficial project title: WETLANDS CONSERVATION PROGRAMME. Implementing agency' Southem African Development C-mmunity (SADCVWICN. Country/counlries: Africa: Angola: Botswana: Lesotio: Malawi: Mozambque: Namibia: Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zarnbia; Zimbabwe; 182 SPAAR Infoanation System StatemeNr of objectivesiabstract: The proect aims at creating greater awareness of the need to conserve wetlands in the SADC region in terms of the inemational convention on Wetlnds (RAMSAR). Record number (MFN): 04083 Offial project title: CONSERVATION EDUCATION IN THE SADC REGION. Inplementing agency: Southem African Developmenl Community (SADC) Country/countries: Africa; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi, Mozambique: Nambia, Swaziand; Unded FRepublic of Tanzania. Zambia. Zimbabwe; Statemenl of oblectives/abstract: The ob)ectives of the proecft are to: (a) to increase public acceptance of the protection and wise use of natural resources, particularly wildlife: and (b) establish a regional conservation education unit. Record nunber (MFN): 04084 Official project btle: INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN CONSERVATION AREAS. Irnplementing agency: Southem Alncan Development Community (SADCI. Countryicountres: Afnca; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho: Malawi; Mozambique: Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia, Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The project aims at developing infrastiructure in national paks in the framework of regional tourism development. _________________ Record number (MFN): 04085 Otticial project title: RESEARCH AND MONITORING DEVELOPMENT. Implementrng agency: Southem African Development Commundy (SADC). Country/countries: Africa; Angola: Botswana: Lesotho; Malawi: Mozambique; Namibia: Swaziland: Unied Republic of Tanzania; Zambia: Zimbabwe; 183 SPAAR Information System Saternent of ob,ect abstract The objective of the project is to address the broad needs of the National Parks and Wildlife Departnents in member States in order to equip them with the capac"ty to develop their own research and management capabdities. Record number (MFN) 04086 O"icial project tile: ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT WORKSHOP Implementing agency: Southern African Developmenl Community (SADC). Country/countries: Africa, Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique: Namibia; Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia, Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The oblective of the project is to introduce concepts and mettods which will facilitate assessment of the environmental impact of national and regional development projects. particulary with regard to widife resources. Record number (MFN): 04068 Official project tife: LAW ENFORCEMENT IN WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AND UTILISATION. Implementing agency: Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC). Country/countines: Atrica: Botswana; Malawi; Zambia. Zimbabwe: Statement of objectlives/abstract The objecives of the project are lo: (a) assist in law enforcement for protection of wildlie in strategic border areas in Bolswana, Matawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. and (b) assist wildlife administralors with the control and monmonng of ntra-regional trade in wildlife products. The protect would include consultancy services. training and logistical support. Record number (AFN): 04090 Official project tdile: COORDINATION OF REGIONAL TSETSE FLY ERADICATION WITH WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES. 184 SPAAR Information System Implemrenting agency: Souftem Afncan Developrent Community (SADC). Country/countnes: Alica; Angola; Botswana; Lesoth;o Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Unied Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zinbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The obWecive of the project is to assist n the coordcnation of regional Tsetse Fly control wih wildlife management. The project would: (a) investigate the wildlife potential in areas scheduled for tsetse fly eradication in terms of the SADC Regional Tsetse Fly Control Programme; (b) determine the impact of tsetse lty control on wildlife as one of the most rnportant environmental elements; and (c) assess the practical, controlled and sustainable utilizatIon of the wildlide resource in the concermed areas. Record number (MFN): 04091 Official project title: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY-BASED MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATION OF WILDLIFE RESOURCES IN RURAL AREAS. Implerrenting agency: Southern Afrcan Development Community (SADC) Country/countries: Afrca; Botswana; Malawi. Zambia; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objetive of the projecl is to find long-term solutions to the problems of wlidide management and ulilization in rural a. cas. by transferring to target communal areas the necessary skills designed and implemented under different management models. The project which covers Botswana. Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe would include infrastructure development in communal areas and procurement of equipment, vehicles and the design of management models, Record number (MFN): 04092 Off cial prcject title: REHABILITATION OF KISSAMA NATIONAL PARK Implementing agency: Southem African Develpment Community (SADC). Country/countries: Angola, Statement of objectives/abstract: The project aims at assisling Angola in developing the Kissama National Park for conservation of flkra and fauna for tourism. Project activities woul include rehabilitation of the Park's infrastructure and reorganization of the protected area 185 SPAAR Information System management, and trainng and education programmes. Record number (MFN): 04093 Offial proLect ttle: SOUTHERN AFRICAN CENTRE FOR IVORY MARKETING Implmenting agency: Southern African Development Community (SADCI/SACIM. Country/countries: Afnca: Angola: Botswana; Lesotho: Malawi; Mozambique: Namibia, Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia. Zimbabwe. Statement of objectiveslabstract: The objective of the project Is to establish. monitor and control a single system for the marketing of ivory and other elephant p.oducts from Southem Africa. The project would advise member States on culling of elephants. marketing procedures and distribution of proceeds from sales of elephant producis, and constrict auction flors. Contact in research organization: SACIM Record number (MFN): 04094 Official project title: REGIONAL WILDLIFE RESOURCES INVENTORY Implementing agency: Southem Afncan Development Community (SADC) Country/.rauntries: Afnca; Angola; Bolswana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; Unned Republic of Tanzania. Zambia. Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract. The objective of the project is to ensure the conservation and sustainable use ol the wildlife resources. To achieve this objective, the project would: (a) improve the capabilties of Wildlife Departments to delermine the distnbution and status of wildlife species populations and commundies in the national and regional contexts, (b) carry out wildlide resource inventories in specifc areas; (c) evaluate survey data for appJication in land use planning and wildlife conservatlon and management; and (d) nstitute standardized monitoring methods in a regional framework. The projeti would consist of two components: (1) development of a special wildide Inventory and monitonng service in one of the SAOC member States through training and instilution building: and (2) planning and execution of wildlfe resource surveys and the introduction of subsequent monitoring in specific areas in the region by the service developed in (1). 186 SPAAR Information Systemn Record number (MFN): 04095 Official prolect title: DEVELOPUENT OF OSTRICH PRODUCTION SYSTEM Implementing agency: Southern Afncan Development Community (SADC)/FFWSCU. Country/countries: Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: Wild ostriches are abundant in South Alrica and Zimbabwe where the production of birds, feathers and meat from semi-domesticated ostriches is a well established industry. The techncal know-how and markets developed in these two countries could service as a basis for the developrnent of ostnch production systems ni the SADC region The objective of the prolect is lo foster the developpment of ostrich production in the SADC region as a supplementary wildlife based industry, capable of eaming foreign exchange. To achieve this objective. Ihe profect would establish an Ostrich Breeding and Extension Centre in Zimbabwe as a focal point for the promotion of ostrich production syslem in the region Project activities would include: (1) survey and monitoring of wtild ostriches to collect eggs with a view to breeding and establishing semi-domesticated populations. (2) hatching of ostrich eggs and production of four-week old chicks as breeding stock for farmers. (3) provision of specialized extension services for indivfduals and techrical departments of member countres, and research on intemational markets for otrich products, (4) storage and dissemination ol knowledge and informaton on ostrich tarming, wild ostrich resources and . arkets for ostrich productc Record number (MFN): 34096 Offtcial project title: RHINO CONSERVATION PROGRAMME. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Zimbabwe: Statement of objectivesiabstract: The Black Rhino is an endangered species in the SADC region and Ihe population has declined from an estimated 65 000 in 1970 to less than 4 000 at present (with 50 percent or more of the populaion occurring in Tanzania. Zambia and Zimbabwe). In the other SADC member States the species is on the verge of extinction making it necessary to concenlrate the remaining stocks into absolutely safe areas for controlled breeding and restocking The project woulk establish a Regional Rhino 187 SPAAM Informatior System Conservaion Programme in order to: (a) identiy ameas in whch sumval of rhino is patua threatened and plan their socai to saker rmens b) KIent areas in *wch. aid methods by which survl of viable herds of rhino cald be ensred: (cl assst in transoating r0io frm nsecure to secure aeas; (dl monor conservation acttmes and tranisocalion operations; and (e) advise on the development and dmple m of natKnal conservaion strategles aiw at the preservaton of exrstng genetic stocks o rtmo. The proect would assist SADC member States in the formulatin ard of actdve foivard pohcies- and carry out pb' conservatmn actvties in Zmrbabwe the only coun with a vale wvld rhio poputaton m the SADC region Record number iMFN) 04097 Official prqecl title PEGIONAL SURVEY OF WILDLIFE UTILIZATION AND THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF WtLDLIFE RESOURCES Implmeting agency Southern Atncan Devet:pmepf Commuriy 'SADCi Countrycountnes Afnca. Angola. Eotswana. Lesotho Malawi. Namsba. Swaziandt United FRepubic of Tanzania Zambia. Z¢rbabwe Statement ot oblectwves abstTact The objectve of the profect s to assess economic potential of wildlie resources in the SADC region Record nunber (MFNI 04098 Official proect tite ASSISTANCE TO COORDINATION UNIT - PHASE 11 Implementing agency Southern Afrcan Development Community ISADCI. Slart date: 1988-00-00 End date 1991-06-00 Country'countnes: Africa: Angola. Botswana: Lesotho: Malawi. Mozambique. Namibia: S*aziland. United Republic of Tanzania. Zambia: Zinbabwe Statement of oblectuves abstract The main of this Phase 11 popect is lo provide assistance to the Coordinating Unlt to enable i dscharge its regional coordination of the secar(al programme by: I I inking conservation measures to farming systems which favour sustained and treased production. preferably developed fkom existing farming practices: (2) implementing conservalton actrvites wdh cbvious. inmediate and sustained benefits to land users. 31 considerirg the need to complement the programme with admintstrativelegal 188 SPAAR inrorniation System aqects On cnsrtion. monoWg adtiies ad apped research; and (4) assistng SADC mem*er auxites in prect preparation and deveoret. Phase 'I would coporate the recommendahons from Phase 1. Record nunber (MFN): 04099 Offcial proed tile: PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN. Impleing agency. Soun African Develpnent Cmmunty (SAOC). Country/cour*nes: Afnca. Ango . 9ofswana; Lesotho; Malawi. Mozamboque: Namnbia. Swaziand: Unted Republic ot Tanzania. Zambia. Zimbabwe. Statement of obtecteslabstrad: A regional training course on conservation protect design was held n Masvwgo. Zimabwe. The report o the proceedngs ol the trainig course is in producdion A tralng package outline for replication of the course at natonal level has been prepared and distributed to member Slates Record number (MFN) 04101 Official proecd tntle: MANPOWER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Imperw itung agency: Souther. Alnrcan Development Cornmunity (SADC) Conutiy/countres Afnca: Angola. Botswana. Lesotho. Matawi: Mozambiq'ue. Namibta: Swazland. Unrded Repubbc of Tanzania. Zamb.a. Zimbabwe: Statemenet of objeciiVabstract. Guidelines for training sponsorship under thts subpropect have been approved. and are being appited. Eight students Irom the SADC ragion have attended a two-month training course on nver basin management at the International Insttute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). in Laxerburg. Austia. Record nunber (MFN): 04102 Otical protect tile: DEVELOPMENT OF MONITORING SYSTEMS. Implementing agerny: Southem Alfcan Devebpment Commuwity (SADC). 189 SPAAR Information Systemn Sta,t date: 1987-00-00. Cotintrycounitnes: Africa; Angola; Botana; Lesoft; Maawi; Mozabeque: Namrba; Swaziland: Unded Republic of Tanzania; Zambia: Ziriabwe; Stalement of objectives/abstract: Consulations with member Stales were held from September 1989 to February 199010 delermnre pnorties reaarding pmt environnwtal monitorng programme. and to ;enty avadable resources in the SADC region. On te basis of the consuxatls. a Pilb Pro7amme on Envwronmental Monitorng (ptoect 7.0.81 was develped. A workshop on Remote Sensing and Field Mehods for Environmental Mondoring was held n Maputo. ozamboque in 1990. The wor&1shop was intended lor technictans from Angola and Mozamnbeque Similar workstsps were help n other merrber States in 1987/88 and 1988/89 Record numrber (MFN). 04103 Official proect Idle: ECONOMICS OF CONSERVATION Implementing agency Southem African Devebprnenl Community (SADC) Country/countries Afnca: Agola. Botswana. Lesotho. Malawu Mozambique. Namibia. Swazibnda Unded Rept:l1c of Tanzania. Zarnbta. Zimbabwe. Statement of obpectrves/abstract. A third workshop on the Economncs of Con- rvtliori was held in Francislown. Botswana in 1989, as part of a workshop senes on cosl-benefit analysis of projects in wthch conservation is an esserinal component. Record nurnberfMFN) 04104 Official project title: STRATEGIES FOR POPULAR PAfRTICIPATION. Implementing agency: Southem Afrncan Deveopmenl Cornmunity tSADC Country/countries. Afnca. Anoola. 1otswana. Lesotho; Malawi: Mozambique: Namiba. Swaziland. United Repubikc of Tanzania: Zambia: Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abslract. A seminar on fte Promobon of People's Participation in Land Utilizatton was held 1969 n Mohale's Hoek (Lesotho. as a follow-up to a previous seminar on the theme held in March 1987. in Mapulo. Mozambique. One of the most important conclusions of the seminar was that further consideration of the concept of peopla's participation 190 SPAAR lnoonmatbon System was uincessary. Instead, a more ftiitul appach would be to cooperate with member Stales at field wel trough concrele acbvities. This could be achwvbed #wou the actwie urKder subpmct 7.0.1(12) on Popular Parbcation Fund and/or subpro - '7.0.1(11) on Sustaiml Produc"e Land Management Systems. Record nunber (MFN): 04105 Offcial profect Idle. APPUED RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT Imlemp entig agency. Southern African Develpent Communrty ISADC. Country/countries. Ainca. Angola; Botswana. Lesotho. Maaw. Mozambique. Namba. SwaziandK. Unded Republic of Tanzania. Zambta: Zimbabwe. Statemeni of obtectives/abstracd: The actvities of this subproect would involve: (a) assessment of erosion hazards (climatology. sol scence. geornrphology and agronomy): lb) expenrients on soil erosion and ris effect on yoeAds: (c) environmental mondoring: (d) Economics of conservaton; (e) conservation farming systems; and (f) sccio-eccnomic aspects. Record number (MFN): 04106 Official project tile IMPACT OF SOIL EROSION ON CROP YIELDS. Implementing agency: Southem Afncan Development Cofmmunity (SADC; Country/countries Africa: Bolswana. Lesotho: Mozambique: Uriited Republic of Tarizan;a. Statement of obiectives/absiract: This subproject is implemented in collaboration with the SACCAR/Land and Water Management Research Programme (LWMRP). Data have been collected for two years from the ste in Botswana Sdes in Lesotho. Mozambique and Tanzania are operational. Record number (MFN): 04107 Oficial project tdle. LEGAL CONTEXT OF CONSERVATION. Implmening agency: Southem African Development Community (SA)C). Counltry/countries: Africa: Lesotho: Zimbabwe; 191 SPAAR Inrormation System Statement of obectives/abstract: A consutwa on LesohtKo has been completed and a report produced. The report is now being reviewed by the Sector Coordnator. Anolher consulancy on Zinbabw has been compWled ard fe report ts under preparation. Record number MFN) 04106 Official proec title SUSTAINABLY PRODUCTIVE LAND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Implemening aoency Southeem Afncan Development Community (SADC) Countrylcounrines Africa: Angoia. Botswana. Lesotho. Malawi. Mozarrbque. Nam*b.a. Swaziland, Unfed Republic of Tanzania. Zambia. Zrmntkibe. Statement of objectrves/abstract The obectives of the subproject are to I a) cJevelop managemenl systems fa application of production-onented conservation. (b) invenrory and evaluate the vanous conservation farrng management syslems in the region; (c) hold a workshop/seninar to discuss and evaluale the fidings of the inventory. and (d) intiate field tnals, research. complation of manuals. and training programmes for extension staf Record number IMFNI 04109 Ofical project t:le POPULAR PARTICIPATION FUND Imp'emienting agency Southem African Developmenl Community ISADC) (ountry countries Africa. Angola. Botswana. Lesotho; Malawi. Mozambique; Namibia. Swa7iland: Un.:ed Republic of Tanzania; Zambia. Zimbabwe. Statelment of obochives/bstract The objectives if this subproject are to (il stimulate village communities to perfcmr pepular participation activties: (ii) fund capdal costs incurred in popular calicpatlon Ktlvities. and fill) develop monito ing and evaluation instruments for popular panc,palion activites. The subproject would create a small fund to suppo1 loca imitiatives Ihat can be based at 'ne viliage level General guidelines *vi Jie usr : the 'unrl were ado;Aed by the Technical Commtdtee of the seclor. 192 SPAAR Infomation System Reco d nurnber (MFN): 04110 OffiNa project ttle: REGIONAL HYDROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency: Southern African Developmenl Communrty (SADC)A\orld Bank. Stad date: 1988-11 -00. End date: 1990-00- Country/courtnres: Africa, Angola: Botswana. Lesotho. Malawi: Mozarnbique: Namibia: Swaziland: Uniled Repubic of Tanzania; Zambta: Zimbabwe: Statement of otbiectives/abstracd. The main obectwive of the projecl is to evaluate the status oa extsting hydrological data networks and collection systems. and to make recommendations for the tilling ol impcitant gaps. up-grading of the quality of data collection and the general enhancement of the ability to measure. retneve. process and publicize hydrological data and information in the SADC region. The project is being implemented by the World Bank wlh fundign from IJNDP Contact in research organization: The World Bank; Washington. D.C.. USA Record number (MFN) 041 ' 1 Offhical project itle ZAMBEZI RIVER SYSTEM ACTION PLAN (ZACPLAN) Implementing agency: Southern African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Alrica; Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi. Mozambique: Namibia. Swaziland: UnRed Republc of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe. Statement ol objectives/abstract The Zambezi River is located between latitude 8S and 20S and longitude 16.30 E and 36,4'E. The river together with its tributaries forms the fourth largest river basin of Alrica. It flows eastwards for about 3 000 km and drains an area of about 1 300 000 sq krn o1 the south central region of the continent. The objectives of the programme are to: (i) encourage .ntegrated river basin planning and management: ii) define speciftc environmental problems and their impacts and help the countries of the Zambezi river basin and other states that don't tall within the basin to provide ongoing programme lor the incorporation of environmental concems into the management ot water resources, including drinking water supply and sanitation; and (ii) strengthen the awareness of the various govemmental institutions mvotved in socio-economic development a"'ivities as to the potential impact of these activities on the water environment with -ri the river basin. and the importance of their active participation in the adoption and implementation of the Zambezi River Action Plan. The programme would collection data and informalion relating to: (a) water resources 193 SPAAR Infoemation System assessniert; (b) socio-economc develment thal may adversely affect the envwonent: (c) institutions, experts and facilities available in the reyOn for the impletation of the Acton Plan; and (d) the identification of human activities and eco-systrMns ftat could be affected by environmental degracdaton._ Record number (MFN): 04112 Official project title: INVENTORY OF COPI ETED, ONGOING AND PLANNED PROJECTS. ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF MAJOR PROJECTS, AND INITIATION OF BASIN-WIDE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. knplementing agwcy Southern Afncan Devebpment Community (SADC). Country/countnes. Africa; Angola; fotswana; Lesotho: Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia. Swaziland; Unted Repubic of Tanzania: Zambia; Zinmbabwe; Statement of objecteveslabstract: The objective of this subprojecl is to provide an up-to-date compMtation of infornmation regarding all comple!ed. on-going and future developrment projects which can be related to ZACPLAN. and which wiN help any country. international organization and donor agencies to (i) avoid duiplication with other development projects and programmes; (N) avoid mistakes for future project implementation. (ii) gain experience frorn the evaluation of past projects, and (iv) start a basin-wide exchange of inforrnaion. The subprorct activities would include: (a) collecting of available data and infonrtaton from each country: (b) evaluation of present data retrieval systems in the riparian countries; (c) compilation of inornmation in a guide handbook for publication; (d) development of a computerized data base syslem: and (e) procurement of relevant hardware and software for data relieval. Record nurmber (MFN): 04113 Offictal project title: DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL L EGISLATION FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE ZAMBEZI RIVER Implementing agency: Southern African Development Community (SADCI. Country/countries: Africa; Angola. Botswana; Lesolho, Malawi; Mozambique. Narmiba. Swaziland; Unded Republic of Tanzania: Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of obtiecives/abstract: A river which flws through the terrilory of several states is their common property. It is a great natural highway confernng, besides the facilites of navigation, 194 SPAAR InloMtion System certain incidental advantag such as fisheWy ad hr nght to use the water for power and irgaton. These gifts of nature are for te benet d manki and no aggregation of man can asset and exercice such rights ar.J ownership d tem as wnil depve others of having equal nights ard meas of enpyment. This cownon rghi must be protected thrugh envonmental legislation and national Laws and reguations. The o0t of thr. s*Aped is to aid he nmpementabon of ZACPLN by: (i) te expansion. updatng and slrengthng of nabonal legislation and regulations pertaurng to the protection and devebpment of the river basin and its coastal and narine envwonets; and (ii) proposing regional conventions and er protocols for the protedion, management and develpment of nver basin resoures and te relevant coastal ano marine environment. The subproject activies would involve. (a) an up-todate compdathon of naltonal and regional lgislation related to the protection and utilizalion of water resources and the environment; (b) reviwng of the present legislation and makng a hsl of priorities for further action at both natioral and regional levels; (c) recommendations for the strengthening and where possble. enforcement of national legislaton related to the protection and utitzation ol water resources and developrent; and (d) reviewmg of national capabildies and capacites on the drafting of natonal legistaton for the effective implementation of regional conventions and their prolocols. Record number (MFN): 04114 Official project titie: DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES. AOMINISTRATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES AND TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES - IDENTIFICATION OF NATIONAL CAPABILITIES AND NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL CAPABILITIES AND HUMAN RESOURCES. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Africa: Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia: Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe. Stalement of obtectiveslabstract: The objectives of this subproject are to: (a) carry out nationwide surveys oa national capabilities and means available for the implementation of ZACPLAN in each country through analysis of: (i) manpower situations in the sectors related to ZACPLAN: (o) research faciliies available, including equipment and furture requirements; and (iii) national institutions involved in ZACPLAN including scientiic and administrative institutions; (b) make recommendations for national human resources development strategies and planning based on national capabilities; (c) review all relevant institutions, including educational institutions. in teris of their capabilities and their needs for improvement and development: and (d) assess the demand for training outside the region. 195 SPAAR Information System Record nunber (MFN): 04115 Olkicial project tite: DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOCRCES. AIDMINISTRATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES AND TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES - DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL CAPABILITIES AND HUMAN RESOURCES Implementing agency: Southern Arncan Devebppment Comnuniy iSADC) Country/countries Afnca: Angola: Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic o Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe. Statement of objectrves/abstract The objectirves of this subproject are to develop oa strengthen the relevant national research institutes. Iaboratories and other insitutions in order to enable them to develop water-related environmental research and Irainrng policies and prionbies m collaboration with INFOTERRA and to carry out analysis and research. In order to achieve these objectives, the subproject would: (a) review the experience and capabilities of the relevant insttutions, as well as their needs tor imnrovements and strengthening; tbl list equipment requirements: (c) determine prionties as lo whtich equipment is most Lrgently needed to improve the capabilities ot the insttutions: (d) review the development ot regional institutions to cover speciftc sectors regionaly until national institutions are developed: i ) assess the demand for training outside the region as a short term solution. and 1ll organize two workshops on training and research activites in the region to strengthen the capabililtes of research institutions for present and future development programrnes, Record nurnberlMFN) 04116 Otficial project title: DEVELOPMENT OF A BASIN-WIDE UNIFIED MONITORING SYSIEM RELATED TO WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Comrnunity (SADC). Country/countries: Africa: Angola; Bolswana; Lesotho; Malawi: Mozambique: Narribia: Swaziland: United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe: Statement of oblectives/abstract: The lack of hydrological data in some SADC countries is due the lifnited number of hydrometeorological stations and the low density ol their distributiDn. The lack of a comprehensive inventory of water resources creates problems in the management of water resources Therefore. it is necessary to establish an invenlor of what is presently available in each country ot the Zambezi River basin inr relation to 196 SPAAR Information System ZACPLAN. The subproject would: (i) review the exisbng and planned data colction, transmission and storage systems; (ii) assess the need for physiographical, land-use and land-cover and their updating; and (iii) present specific proposals for acquiring additional data such as sateHne data or aerial surveys and their subsequent processing and storage. Record number fMFN): 04117 Official project ttle: DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE ZAMBEZI BASIN. Implementing agency: Southern African Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Africa; Angola: Botswana. Lesotho. Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia: Swaziland. Uniled Republic of Tanzania: Zambia: Zimbabwe; Stalement of objectives/abstract: The overall objective of this subproject is to develop an integrated water resource managemenl plan to provide the nver countnes wilt recommendations for the immediate and long-term development of water resources of the Zambezi River basin The subproject activiies would involve: II) collection and examination of the existing maps, pholographs, hydrologcal. geomorphological and geological data, information and records: (ii) survey of the present distnbution of both human and livestock populations, assessment of growth rates. the location of villages and ranching associations including proposed plans for their development; (iii) assessment in collaboration with govemments, of the domestic and livestock waler requirements. both immediate and long-term, including the present water needs for agriculture, industnes, fisheres and investigations into how these are likely to develop in the future with optimum benefits, (iv) examination of all on-going and scheduled hydro-power development programmes undertaken by the relevant authordies. and lv) assessmont of the present sanitation methods. general health conditions and incidence of water-bome diseases. Record number (MFNI. 04118 Official project title: SADC ANNUAL RESEARCH SEMINAR ON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION AND LAND UTILIZATION. Implementing agency: Southem African Development Community (SADC)/SACCAR/SWCLU/University of Botswana. Country/countries: Africa; Angola: Botswana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; 197 SPAAR Information System Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectivesdabstract: The obetive of the prqect is to establish a forum for research workers at different lves. mi both basic and applied research, and to !acilitate and strengten channels of intra-SADC exchange od knowledge about on-going research and research results in the field of sowl and water conservation and land utilization. The project also would seek to establish adequate links wvth regional and overseas universities and research institutions Record number(MFN): 04119 Official project title: RANGE INVENTORY. MONITORING AND REHABILITATION (MOZAMBIOUE, TANZANIA AND ZIMBABWE). Implernenting agency: Southern African Development Community (SADC) Staut date: 1989-00-00. End date 1994-00-00 Country/countries: Africa: Mozambique: United Republic of Tanzania; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the project Is to develop an effective system for mondoring changes in rangeland condition, and establish trials for the evalualtn of improved practices in rehabiliaton of degraded range and appropriate utiization of teed resources. The project would: (a) study the livestock production systems and identify major constraints to production: (b) determine the current status of forage availability. quality and quantity, and environmental factors affecting supply; (c) determine the most promising grasses and legumes suitable for rangeland rehabilitation; and (d) establish trials. both on and off research stations to attempt rehabildation of degraded rangelands. The project would test several monitoring techniques, current and new, both at the research stalions and the communal area sttes. Methods which are simple :o apply. low cost and suited to the socio-cultural practices would be preferred. The results of the tnals would enable the establishment of procedures that would faciliate lull participation of smaltholders in the planning and implementation of pasture management systems for communal grazing lands, in order to rehabilitate degraded rangelands. and to preserve environmental conditions in the SADC region. The project would also increase the year-round forage supply by increasing botanical composition and soil and water conservation through range inventory and rehabilitation. Record number (MFNI: 04120 198 SPAAR Information System Official project title: DEVELOPMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) - PHASE I. Implementing agency: Southern African Develprment Community (SADC). Stad date: 19904)-00. End date: 1994-00- Country/countries: Aftica: Angota; Botswana: Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Nambia; Swaziland; Undted Republic of Tanzania; Zamrbia Zimbabwe; Staltement of objedives/abstract: The objective of this Phase I project is to develop appropriate regional and national institutional frameworks and to strengthen the capacity of specialized SADC and national bodies to apply Environmental Impact AsEessment (EIA), including the training of personnel at the required levels and in the appropriate skills. The project actritbes would involve: (a) regional workshop on EIA; (b) formulabon oa prnciples, guidelines and techniques for EIA application in te SADC region; (c) regional consutation on application of EIA, (d) review and development of proposed methodologies; (e) regional training rourse on EIA: and (f) seminar on incorporation of EIA in project and programmne design and development planning in SADC mernber States. Record number (MFN) 04121 Oficial project ttle: PLAN OF ACTION FOR THE KALAHARI-NAMIB REGION - PHASE 1. Implementing agency Southem African Development Cormrmunity (SADC). Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Angola: Botswana; Namibia; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The Kalahani-Namib regon comprises areas of Angola, Botswana. Namibia. Zambia and Zimbabwe and is composed of semi-ard areas wdh patches of sub-humid areas. It is charactenzed by a single rainy season, and cold or hot dry seasons. The rural populations living in this region depend mostly on livestock, canfe in particular. as their main source of income. They also use cattle for draft power, manure, food and in some cases dung for fuel. lThe main objectives of the Plan of Action are to: (a) achieve sustainable exploitalion of natural resources in Ihe Kalahan-Namib region; (b) haft man-made land degradation and desertihcation processes; and (c) improve the welfare of people in the area and thus contribute lo the breaking of the vicious circle of poverty, land degradation and over grazing. Under this Phase I the project would: (1) develop improved land use planning systems with emphasis an rangefands; (2) promote and develop ecologically sound resource management practices; (3) improve the living standards of the populations involved by setting marketing outlets for their liveslock: and (4) sel up and develop a monitoring system for the 199 SPAAR Information System plot areas to be coordinated with Project 7.0.8 (Environmental Monitoring in the SADC Region). Record number (MFN): 04122 Official project ttle SADC ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROJECT Implementing agency: Southern African Development Community (SADCi/SWCDLU. Start date: 1991-00-00 End dale: 1995-00-00- Country/countries. Africa: Angola; Botswana Lesotho. Malawi; Mozambique. Namibia; Swaziland; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the protect are to: (a) monitor tong-term changes and trends of environmental condnitons, making use of reliable, robust and cost-effective methods: (b) make quantitative assessments of the present degree of degradation in selected geographical areas and link the results lo the pressures on land, water and natural resources; (c) develop monitoring and assessment capabilities in the member countres; and (d) provde basis for the development of a fong-term SADC environmental monitoring programme in geographical areas of common interest to member counritnes and conLerning issues of high prionty Record number IMFN): 04123 Official project title: PROFESSIONAL TRAINING CENTRE FOR DRILILERS IN WATER SUPPLY AND MINE RALS - BOTSWANA. Implementing agency Southem Afrcan Development Community (SADC) Slan date: 1990-00-00. Enddale 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Bolswar a: Stalement of oblectlveslabstracl: A large percentage of the water supply lo the rural and urban populations, and the water used for domestic, agricultural and industnal purposes in the SADC region comes from ground water. The availabiity of this vital resource in most and pans of the region is the only way to ensure development and better living standards for the people. Constructioi activities in the regon are developing fast and the demand for use of dnlling techniques to build dams. bridges, piles and better civil engineering works is increasing and calling for professional drillers. The Professional Centre for drillers project would play a role in satisfying these needs. 200 SPAAR Information System The objectives of the project are to: (i) train SADC technicians employed or to be employed by the water supply sectors of mernber States; (ii) train drilling personnel employed or to be emplyed in exploration for water, primarily. but also for minerals; (hi) learn different drilling skills and technologies applcable to diferent geological conditions present in the area, and (iv) attain self sufficiency for every SADC member State in professional drillers so that drilling protects can be implemented locally. The project activilies would involve: (a) erection of bui:dings to accommodate forty to sixty students from SADC rmember States and to satisfy their requirements; lb) leaching of theory to participants in differe-it disciplines connected to drillir and (c) practical on-the-job training on water and mineral exploration, investigation projects, stability and drliability of the rocks. Record number (MFN): 04t24 Official project title: RAINFALL SIMULATOR TESTS AND PURCHASE OF RAINFALL SIMULATOR - LESOTHO Implementing agency: Southem Alrica Development Community iSADC). Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countnes: Lesolho; Slatement ol objectives/abstract: The objective of the project is to encourage sustainable cropping practices and soil nanagement to reduce soil loss and increass food production on arable land. The project would seek to obtain estimates of soil erodibility (K-factor) for various soils, and set up a data base of K-factors for various benchmark sails. Record number (MFN): 04125 Official proect title: RANGE CONSERVATION PILOT PROJECT - LESOTHU Implementing agency Southem Africa Development Community (SADC). Country/countries: Lesotho; Statement of objectives/abstract: The ranges in Lesotho are seriously overstocked - significantly contributing to land degradation and eventualla desertilication. This is more prevalent in the southern districts of Maieteng, Mohale's Hoek and Outhing. The main objective of the project is to reduce overstocking on deteriorated ranges (primary contributor to land degradalion. particularly in Rolswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Tanzania). The project 201 SPAAR formation System 6 designed to wpli by w*oducng pcy adFistret. i4msnse bdder producio aid wel-fafed sf a both locl and rabonal les. The rinor obtafamed lIfou fthpi d po d wud be shae Wwou te SAdC mete Ste and woLd d assessment of the possibies for repliaon ebewhere in te SADC m9On. Record numer MFNI 04126 OffW prtec tbte WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PILOT PROJECT - LESOTHO Inwlemeritg agency Southene A -ca DevOelpment Communwty ISADCCI Stl date 199100 00 End dat-. 1996-0 Cotunfry/countes: Lesoho S ent d ofecbVeabstract The mafin obpctve of the poecd is to rnroduce consefvation based land use practcs h the popular co'seri and partx paton of te people by jai desay agnctural actiities. paxcuarty through agroforestry and fodder producton leading to more ntensive Kvestock mnanagement: Ibl rducing degradaton of te land though bettr rm gent of the arable WAnd and rangeland. I(c widernin bcal people s knowledge abotA what can be criie mtough a tranng programme. vwss. demonstratos. and sharing of knowledge. and (d ancreasig the cash fncome from tamin to reduce depenence on ncome from off fafm actmtles Record nunber (MFNI 04127 Offical peo title. A LANO USE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM USING SATELLITE IMAGERY- MALAWI Ineet agency Southem Afnca Oevebopnent Communty (SADC I Country'couritnes Malawi. Recordnunbe-r 6FNp 04128 Ofhca pWct tSite CXTENSION EDUCATION PROGRAMME. PILOT DEMONSTRATION FOR CONSOLIDATED GARDENS AS AN ANSWER TO FROBLEMS POSED BY STREAM BANK CTJLIVATION iZIMBABWEI - PASES i AND I 202 SPAAR kkom n System h _ismrnain agency- Souihen Africa Developme Commt (SADC). Start dde: 198 040. CourFyk : Zuim : SWeimoW of obpedves/asirad: MNy smaihoidef famers in Zirr6 e have eslabldhe: gardens abng ro banks for te sake of proxinyt to wal for ter gawdens. The obpedzwe ot the pred rs to relocate the gardens so as to avoid plughng in the banks of rivers. The proved actibes would nvolve: (a) tramg cmmtndy leaders at various levels and famws n managN develpmen and in appropnae crop prdudion bchnogies fthough a taiig Donstato Certre to be estabbshed at "le proged bcabon: (b) promotion of ladder producon and agrdorestry by procuring and buddng up slocks of suiable material hr MdNwuals and comnuna gioups: (c) repar aid mainenance of existig conservatm srucures. such as cotour bunds. graded teraces, grassed waterwas or sion channels, and (d) haison wih fe SADO merber States. and orgarwzation of semwnars. worshops ard meetwigs to promote Ute actvties of the provd twougiout te region. Conlact in esearch organization: Ministry of Natural Resources and Tounsm. Zinbbwe Record nunbe (MFN) 04129 Oficial progect tile HELMINTH INFECTIONS OF GRAZING LIVESTOCK - PHASE I Implemnfting agency: Danish Intematinal Development Agency. Start date: 1991-01-00. Enddale: 1993-12-00. Country/countrne. Afnca: Kenya: United Republic o Tanzania: Statemet of obediesabstract The overal aim of the proedt is lo gn te research capacty d the Depatnwet o Velernary Microbology and ParasitologW, Soknone Uni t of Agrculture. and the Deparmwet of Veerny Pathogy ad Microbioogy. Unirsy of Nawrobi Wtm this overval aim the pecd would provide basic nformabon on the transmission and epidemology of helmmths in various regions axd husbanry systerns as a basis for control progranmnes. The project would focus on mfeans to avoid overgrazmg and subsequent erosion. Contact n research organization: Prolessor Peter N&nsen; Department of Veerinary Mkcmbolokg Royal Vtennary and Agncultural Unersty: Copenhagen: Denark 203 SPAAR Infamatin System Record numr (WFN): 04130 Offloal proqed tite: POSTGRADUATE STUDIES PROGRAMME FOR WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE. FORESTRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE. ImpleWmtng agenucy Swedish Ageny or Rural Cooperaton wth Devebping Couritrie&Sokowine Jniv t Agricultre. Star date: 1986-07-01. Country/cotrtes: Unted Republc of Tanzania. Statemert of oblectivesJabstract: Few womnen are traried n agriculture in Tanzania due to traditional and ecoormnic causes. Fifteen (15) students per year are now geftt a 2-yea M. Sc. educabon at the Sokoine Unversiy o Agrcultue in Morogoro. Educatin female researchers in agrcure could serve two purposes: as t is mostly womn that are responsible for farming At is to be expected tat hey wouid gaui a better derstan of te farmers' stuation. It is also likely that female academics rnay be less inclired to eave Tanzania fbr work abroad. ProjeLt cludes research trainrig Contact in research organization: Prof. J.M. Ten; Sokne Urnversty of Agrculture. Research and Postgraduate Studras. P-0. Box 3151; Morogoro: Tanzania Record nurnber (MFN): 04131 Offtca proecl tite. ECOLOGY OF LAKE KARIBA. Impementing agency: Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developng Countres. Star date: 1982-07-01. Couritr/Icountnes Zambia: Statement of objecirves/abstract The obectves of the projed are to: Ia) provide basic data for the proper utAization and management of the drierse lake resources; (b) start to arnalyze the possbAbes to icrease the useful production from the take: Ic) train prstgraduale students from the Universt of Zimbabwe for a Ph.D. in bology and (d) start the limnoobgcal laboratory of Lake Karba Research $tabon. The proet has now roiduced one Doctorate Graduate with hree moxe close to completion. Their destination after completion are: Natoal Parks & Widdlie (1). Natonal Museums (t). Unrversity of Zinbabwe - Lake Kanba Research Station (1). Private sector (1). The facites deve:oped at the Station have enabled I to run a regin training course in r'inoogy. 204 SPAAR I rmation Sysnem Contact in research organization: Gerlrud Croberg; Universty of Lund; Deparment of Liminoloy P.O. Box 3060; S-220 03 Lund; SwedenChns Magadza; Proted Coordinator Un ty of inbabwe: Lake Kariba Resesrch Station. P.O. Box MP 167; larare; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04132 Offial prqect tdie: SOIL BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY. Implementing agec: Swedish Agency tor Rural Cooperation wth Develpig Countries. Start date: 19867-01. Country/countnes: Zambia; Statemen of ob,ecfives/abstract: The general objectrve of the ped is to investigate the boogical processes that regulate sod fer wth the an of deveoping management recommendabons for wriprovement of the sustairay of Communal Area Farmwig Systems (CAFS). The speckic objective durng the seand phase is to consolidate aroud three areas. wtich have been identiied as key features of nutrIenl cyding in Communal farming Syslems: (1) efficiency of manure as a feutihzer n CAFS. (2 rootunover as a regulalor o nutrent availbWt: and (3) dynamics of nutnent availabiity in relabton to intermttent ranifall. Contact in research organization: Prof. M.J. Swidft/r. John Hatlon, Univesity of Zmbabwe. Departmwet ol Biologicail Sc:arices; P.O. Box MP 167. Harare: ZimnbabweDr. Halger Kirchmann. Project Coordinator: Swedish Uniersity of Agincuftural Scieces (SLU); Department of Sod Scienoes; P.O. Box 7014: S-750 07 Uppsala. SwedenProf. El Steen: Swedish Universiy of Agncultural Sciences (SLU); Department Of Ecology and Environmental Research. P 0. Box 7072; S-750 07 Uppsala: Sweden Record number (MFNf: 04134 Otfcial prolect tle THE BIOSYSTEMATICS AND ETHNOBOTANY OF SORGHUM BCOEOR. Implnenting agency: Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperaton wdh Devebprg Countrnes. Start date: 1989-07-01 Country/counwnes: Zimbabwe: Statement of obdiectves/abstract: The overal aim of the proect is to achieve an understanding ol the processes involved in the selWction and maintenance of vanal-an sorghum 205 SPAAR lmfation System Contact i reseafch organizabon: Saskba van Oos*etA; Unawrsity of Zieibatwe; Department of Boogral Sciences; P.O. Box MP 167; Harare; ZinbabSaskia van Oosferhout Ministry of Agiciulte; Deparbne of Research and Specialist Services; P.O. Box 8108; Catseway; Haare; ZnibtweProf. von Bofrier Swedih University of Agnrctral Saences (SLU); Department of Cropbreeding; Hemian Ehies vaeg 24; S-268 00 Svaiowv Sweden Record number (MFN): 04135 Officil proect tie: MASTER OF SCIENCE PROGRAMME IN SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI. Impentin agency: Swedsh Agency for Rural Cooperation wth Devebpng Countnes. Stant dale: IOg6-07-01. Country/counies: Africa: Kenya; Urnted Republic of Tanzania; Ethopia; Zambia; Statment of objectrvesiabstr3d: The purpose consists of a M.Sc programme n soil conservation at fe Departrmen of Agncultural Erxeer at Nawobi Unrversaty. The hirsl M.Sc course was irnibated in 1987 and consisted of 16 shtdents from East Afrcan countnes. The aim o the programme is to develop a bettef conservation system of land and water resources wth the telp d higher educated personel. The devebpment of such a system should ead to nproved wefare for the rural population in hese countnes. Contact in research organization Prof. D. Thomas. Universty of Nairobt; Departnent of Agrcultural Engneering; Kabele Campus, P 0. Box 30 197. Nairobi; Kenya Record number (MFN): 04136 Offical proect title: ZAMBIACRAF RESEARCH ON AGROFORESTRY TECHNOLOGIES. Impementing agency: Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation w ih Developing Countries. Sart date: 1987.07-01. Country/countries. Zambia; Statement of objecties/abstract: This propect is part of the ICRAF network for agroforestry research and istitulon butdbng. It represents the conditons of souhem Alrica. which has a wwnodal agncultural ecology system The purpose of the programme ns to develop agrolorestry 206 SPAAR Inlornation Sysiem techn gies for the ncrease in ra ultral prodxcivi twu an improved lad managemt and access lo dry penod feed for cattle. This wll be achved through use of Mrultpurpose trees in an tegrated sysrem for land use. The prograrnme Is also aminig at increasing the capacity of nabonal researdc institutions. Contact in research organization: Df. F. Kwesiga; International Councl lor Research in Agrodorestry ICRAF.; P 0. Box 30 67. Nairobi. KenyaMsekera Regional Research Station; Eastem Province. Kenya Record number (MFN). 04137 Olticral project title THE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF INDIGENOUS FORESTS IN ZIMBABWE. Impementing agercy: Swedtsh Agency for Rural Cooperation with Develpng Countries Start date. 19904)7-01. Country/countries. Zimbabwe: Statement of bjectives/abstract: To research on the ecology and managernent of the indgenous dry forests in Zimbabwe. The ind0_4enous forests of Zimbabwe have been extensively logged to the effect that some important timber tree species are rapidly dsappearing. Fires, intensive grazng, and cleanng ol vegetation for iuelwood, agriculture and settlments have converted forest lands to savanna. In order to develop methods for management of indigenous forests under sustaried yield. research is needed on regeneralon techniques of indigenous tree speces. dynamics of natural forests, gene conservation. etc. Contact in research organization Dr. G.D. Piearce, Project CoordinatorODr. James Wanyancha; Forestry Ccmmisson, Research and Development Division: P 0. Box 81 l 1 Causeway: Harare; ZimnbabweDr. Urban Emantuelssonr: University of Lund: Department of Ecology: Oesira Vallgatan 14; S-223 61 Lund: SwedenProf. Anders Persson; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Department of Forest Yield Research; S-770 73 Garpenberg; Sweden Record number (MFNf: 04138 Official proect tdle: MAN LAND INTERRELATIONS IN SEMI-ARID TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Swedcsh Agency for Rural Cooperation with Developing Countries. Start dale: 1990.07-01. 207 SPAAR Information Systern Courlftycounies: United Republ. ot Tanzania; Statement of objectiveslabstract: Many tragile and insufficently studied ecosystems tn semFarid Tanzania face sernus threats. Excessive pressure on the sod-water-vegetaton resoures has led to oss of proiJctlve sodl and raised sediment load m streams and consequent rapid siltation of water reservoirs and nahral lakes. The overall effect is wered production potential and successive desication. To understand the present trend there is an immediate need of research on ecoogy and landscape development as well as on land use and soc-econmc pocesses. To be realistic the research should take fe lorm of a mutievel programme conssg of five projects addressing both ecologial, geographical and botanical research problems as welt as socilogical research problems. The overall objective is to produce research results of relevance to the development rlf sustainabb land use in Dodorna. Research trainingVeducation is also a maor padt of the programme. Contact in research organization: Dr. . Kikula; Proect Coordinator: University of Dar es Salaam: Institule of Resource Assessment; P.O. Box 35051. Dar es Salaam; TanzanmaProf. C. Christiarisson; Proect Coordinator: University of Stockhoim; Department of Physical Geography; S-106 91 Stockholm; SwedenDr. F.F Banyikwa; Projec Coordinator: Universty of Dar es Salaam; Department of Botany: P0.0 Box 35060; Dar es Salamn; Tanzania0r. I Backeus. Pro,ec Coordinator: University of Uppsalab Departmenl of Ecological Botany; P.O Box 559; 22 Uppsala; Sweden Record number (MFN): 04139 Oficial projec title: RESEARCH ON MARINE RESOURCES Implementing agency: Swedish Agency for Rural Cooperation wdh Developing Counines. Start date: 1982-07-01. Country/countries: Mozarnbique. Statement of objecirves/abstract: The research is manly located to the manne biology research station on the Inhaca Island, sduated in the intermediate zone between sub-tropic and tropic climate The Flora of Inhaca proecd aims at collecting a herbanum of the herbs on land and in the water. study them and make a comparative analysis with the flora on the mainland. The work in the project on the Ecology o Inhaca Island is focussing on studies of plankton and mangrove. Training of M.Sc's students is also included. Contact m research organization: Dr. Celeste Mondego. Project Coordmnalor/Angehina Maite; Universidade Eduardo Mondlane: Inhaca Marne Biological Research Station; P.O. Box 257. Maputo; 20 SPAAR Informaton System Mozambque Record ntmbefr MFN) 04140 Officeal proect tile. MULTISPECIES ANIMAL PRODUCTION SYSTEMS PROJECT. Irplementing agency: World Wide Fund for Nature Start date 198800400. End date 1993-00-00 Country/countries. Africa. Zimbabwe; Botswana. Namnbia; Stalement of obiectives/abstract The WWF MuItispecies Animal Production Systems Protect is a collaborative research ard developnent programme which began in 1988. It cofntrbutes to WWF's mission to preserve species diversity and ecological processes and pronotes sustainable utikzation oDf natural resources. The maior goal of the proed is to develop ard cnticalty exarnine rnultispeces animal production systems as an ecologically and economically sustainable option for land use fn souhern Africa. The proect is working cbsey with a range of pilot projects in Zimbabwe and hopes to extend this expenence through collaboratve networks to neighbounng countries. The pilot projecis involve a vdnety of wildlife, and wildtife with livestock, models and cover both comnmunal and commercial farming areas. The major objectives of the proect are to: (1 } critcally examine. lest and develop mufispecies systems of animal producton, includng mixes of domestic Ivestock and large wild herbivores, as ecologicaRy and economically sustainable options for land use in Alrica: (21 examine the influerce of wildlife. and wildlfe wih livestock, production systems as opposed to single systems. on species diversity and ecc wslem processes such as nutnent cycling. stablity and resilience. (3) develop appropnale pibt schemes and bcal and regional coilaborative programmes to realize these objectives while strengthening existing irvolvement by Govemment and NGO's in multispecies programmes; and (4) use ecological and economic monnoring and partcipatory research programmes to improve he management and production of pilol schemes and develop monioring and management techniques which can be executed and sustained by the land holder/manager Present priority research felds and topics for the project are: (i) the influence of differenl animal production systems on species diversity, ecosystem processes and stability and resilience of savanna ecosystems, (ii) decision support systems and land use planning in cornmunal lands; (oii) comparative economics of wildle. wildife with cattle and cattle producton systems on commercial farming tand: (iv) economics of wildlde ultization and muhispecies systems in communal farming systems. (v) agro-economics of a communal land farming system and the potential rol of nmutispecies systems, (vi) management models for mulispecies systems: (vii) cogical rnonitorng and census techniques: (viii) appropriate economic and financial monitoring systems. and (ix) marketing support services and the influence of sectoral economic policies on the viability and sustainability of aninal production syslerns. This live year project is structured into four phases. The 209 SPAAR Informnabon System Irsl phase of ect iniation has now been conpleted. The second phase which enviaged a two year penod ol intensrve mondonmg ard researdc is prsnly undefway. The third phase would alow for intensive and focused fchr. up ol key issues which are irentified durng Phase II. The final phase, Phase IV, woukl analyse and wrte up the projed findings. Record nurnber (MFN). 04141 Official project tile: EASTERN AND SOUTIHERN AFRICA ANIMAL TRACTION NETWORK (ESAATN). hIpbmenting agency: Inslitute of Agncultural Engmeerng. Country/countries Afnca, Statement of obecdrves/abstract: The obedives of the network are to: (a) unine researchers, manufacturers, development workers. instiutons and the users of animal traction in the region; (b) rncrease information exchange and regiona! cooperation relating to animal traction; (c) irnprove the capabiklties ot those carrying out research, development and exlension relating to animal traction: and (d) organize and/or initiate animal traction liaison activiies in the region. includir'g workshops. Membership of the netwock is open to all individuals and organizations interested fn the obtecives of the network. Interested organizations from outside the region wilt be welcomed as associate members. Record number (MFN): 04142 Official project title: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN CONSERVATION FORESTS AND WOODLANDS. Implementing agency: Tanzania Forestry Research Institule. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/absiract: The aim of this programme is to undertake a study of the composition of the flora and fauna n conservation forests and woodlands in Tanzania. The specific objectives are: to investigate and document the importance of using the flora and fauna in the production of certain comnpounds such as medicines, dyes, fruts. etc.; lo explore ways ol using these compounds commercially; and to establish indigenous research capacity for this type of research. The following proect activities have been compieted: (a) Botanical surveys in little explored areas in Tanzania: (b) Botanical surveys of medicinal, edible. dye and parasitic forest plants in Tanzania; and (c) In 210 SPAAR Information System siu conservation of endangered irdigenous tree species in Tanzania. These included: Juniperus procera. Oxysfigrna msoo, Brachytaena hutchinst. Maricara suklata, Mllletia exceisa, Hagenia abyssinica. Bei1schmedia kweo. Cephalosphaera usambarensis, Atlanbiackia stuhtrnani, Pterocarpus angoLbnsis. Osyris compressa. Miletia stuhimank. Comnbrelurm schutmanii. and the mangroves. Record nurnber (MFNI: 04145 Oflicial project itle: SIVILCULTURE/ECOLOGY IN NON-CONSERVATION FORESTS AND WOODOANDS. Implementing agency: Tanzania Forestry Research Insttute. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To increase understanding of natural processes in exploited and un-exploited forests and woodtands as wel as improving the management of such forests and woodlands with the aim of creating or maintaining a stable envrwonment and guaranteeing sustainable producton. The following project activdies have been completed: (a) Phenological studies on important indigenous trees species in Tanzania; (b) Germination studies on seed of imnportant indigenous frees in Tanzania; (c) Assessment of seed crops and timtng of seed collecion. (dl Storabitily studies on penshable seeds of important indigenous tree species: and (e) Ecology and silvicuhure of important indigenous tree species. i.e.- Ocolea usambarensis, Cephalosphaera usambarensis, Dalbergia metanoxylon, Pterocarpus angolensis. Trichilia roka, Beilsctimedia kweo, Allanblackia stuhlmanii, Juniperus procera. Chlorophora excetsa. Brachylaena hulchins,i, Khaya spp.. Olea welwttschit. and Podocarpus usambarensis. The followinrg activities are underway: (a) Autecology/synecology of endemic tree species, and lb) Natural regeneration studies in semi-arid woodlands. Record number (MFN): 04146 Official project title: AGRO-SILVO-PASTORAL AND SOIL CONSERVATION RESEARCH. Implementing agency: Tanzania Forestry Research Inslitute. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectiveslabstract: To investigate the need for improving micro-climatic. site and other conditions for agricultural and livestock activites so that rural incomes in Tanzania can be improved. The following project activities have been completed: (a) Agrolorestry 211 SPAAR Information System field trials n Lpand eDos)wjern-EasVIWest Usamnbaras, Tanzania, (b) Agroforestry field trials n tihe semi-arid parts of Tanzania, (c) Studies on improvement of mcrno-dieiate through settrbelt in semi-arid Tanzania. and (d) Agrotforestry studies in sub-humid bwlands abng Coastal Tanzania. The foflowng are underway: (a) Suiabihty of selected indge s treelspecies/shnibs for the reclamabon of wastelands; (b) Influence of controlled grazing on the regeneration of some indigenous lree species; (c) Effect of fire on the regeneration of selected tree and grass species, and (d) Agro-silvo-pastoral and soil conservalion inclinations in selcted pastoral communrhes and age classes. Record number (MFN): 04147 Official proect title: TREE BREEDING. Implementing agency: Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objetves/abstract: To prepare the groundwork for the expected exlens;on of the National Tree Seed Project. The follownng project activiies have been compleled (a) Assessment of seed aops and timing of seed collection from rmportant tree species. (b) Investigations on suitable tree species and provenances for the production of fuelwood in semi-arid Tanzania: (C) Invesigations on sunable trees for the establishment of industrial plantalts, and (d, Re-establishment of Pinus radiata plantations by use of trees resistant to Dothistroma pinii. Record number (MFN): 04149 Official project title: SILVICULTURE/ECOLOGY IN PLANTATIONS. Implerenting agency Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: The follouing project activities have been completed: (a) Studies on srte preparation and weeding techniques lor establishing tree crops in Tanzania, (t) Studies on the effect of pruning and thinning on growth and quality of timber, (c) Studies on planting spacing for establishing plantations. (d) Water use by forest plantations at Sao-Hill (and other industrial plantations in Tanzania), and le) Effect of harvesting activities on water flow In catchment areas. 212 SPAAR Infofmation System Record number (MFN): 04150 Official protecl tdle: SOILS AND WTRlTION (IN SOFTWOOD AND HARDWOOD PLANTATIONS). Implemenfing aoency: Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of obectives/abstracl: To provide basic information for sound management decisions on the selection of species, to reduce nutrient deficiencies in trees, and to build adequate research capacity in Tanzania for this type of research. The folbwing projed activities have been completed: (a) Nutrition studies in forest plantations in Tanzania, and (b) Estimation of criical nutnerin levels of wndustrial plantation tree species in Tanzania. The following activities are under preparation: (a) Effect of trace-elements on the nursery and fiekl performance of Eucalypus saligna and Pinus patuta at Sao-Hill. Tanzania with a special reference lo Zinc and Boron, and (b) Nutnent cycling invest0gations in industial plantations in Tanzania. Record number (MFN): 04153 Official project title: GROWTH AND YIELD (IN SOFTWOOD AND HARDWOOD PLANTATIONS). Implementing agency Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectrves/abstract: To provide basic information on the growth and yields of softwood and hardwood plantations for sound management decision making. The following prolect actMlies are under preparation: (a) Evaluation of site classes in industrial plantations. (b) Evaluahon of biomass estimnation equalion in the management of foresis for fuetwood production, and (c) Evaluation of volume production equation in the management of forests for sawn timber/pulpwood production. Record numnber (MhFN): 04154 Official project title: FOREST PROTECTION. 213 SPAAR Information System Implementing agen: Tanzania Forestry Research Insttute. Country/countnes: Unded Repubhc of Tanzania; Staement of objectives/abstract To acquire a thorough knowledge of the occurrence of insect pests, fungi. and other injurious organisms in Tan2anian forests. woodlands, plantations and forest products in order to be able to spot at an early stage potential causes of pests and d.seases and to expbre potentials for bioogical control. Other projet activities are to egtablish reference collections of insects and fungi. and to establish an adequate research capacity n Tanzania for this type of research. The tollwing project actiWties have been completed: (a) fonitoring of pests anc predators in forest plantations, (b) Biological control of p:ne wholly aphid in Tanzania, c Control of insects Euluchnus rileyi attacking pwies and Ctenarytain eucalypti attacking Eucalyptus maidenii at Sao-Hill Forest Profect, and (d) Evaluation of Marshall-Suscon termiticides for use in ahforestation projects in semi-arid Tanzania. The following project activity is under preparation: Biological control of Cmara cupressi in Tanzania. Record numnber (MFN): 04155 Official proect title: UTILISATION RESEARCH. Implementing agency: Tanzania Forestry Research Institute. Country/countres: United Republic Df Tanzania; Statement of obJectives/abs ract: To inrestigate the rational utilisahion of fo(ests resources so as to relieve the pressure to exploi the indigenous foresis. and ways of reducing the dependency of the country on the import of certain wood products. The fotlowing project activities have been completed: (a) Sludies on the stnrctural and anatomical properties of lesser marketable indigenous timber spieces, and (b) Physical and mechanical properties of lesser marketable indigenous timber species. Record number (MFN): 04197 Official proect tIle: URBAN AGRICULTURE (TANZANIA). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990-12-12. Enu date: 1991-09-15. 214 SPAAR Infommation System Country/countries: Uniled Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/ab,tract: Urban agnculture (UA) - crop growing and lives'ock keeping in urban open spaces - is a socioeconomic and livelihood enhancng strategy. Is practice exists throughotA the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, and is expanding among 311 socioeconomic groups. There is little understanding of the processes of UA and its contnbution to urban development, urban lard use change, urban policy, and livelihood improvement especially among bw-income urban dwellers. This project will explore, descrbe. and expl-n the dynamics of UA in Kinondonm District. Dar es Salaam. To help planners and decision-makers to design supportive policies to ensure securty of land. land tenure, ar.d access to other resources, the project wgl providc information by using a 'Progressive Contextualiza; on- method that i,rporates aerial photography and map interpretation; secondary data analysis: and a field survey. The results wil. appear as a doctoral dissertation including seminars and several publications. Contact in research organization: M.r. Camilus J. Sawic; University of Dar es Salaam. P.O. Box 35091: Dar es Salaam; Tanzania Record number (MFN). OA198 Official prole,ti trie: SORGHUM AND MILLET SUB-SECTOR (TANZAN'IA). Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre/Sokoine Universiy of Agnculture. Start bate: 1991-03-25. End date. 1992-10-31. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania, Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives ot the , ire to: (a) develop a national sorghum and millet sub--e .or strategy. airr r )moling efficient produchon, marketing and ulilization and anz!yze trn. --' ture and conduct of sorghum and millet production and mai kel systems in order to identity constraints limiing their contribution to the improvement of food security; (b) define the technical and economic parameters underlying the potential subctitution of sorghum and millet for maize, barley and wheat in the brewing. baking and stockleed industnes; and (c) draft a national sorghum and millet sub-sector strategy. Contact ir. research orgpnization: Dr. Isaac F. Ilinde: Sokoine University of Agriculture: P.O. Box 3007: Morogoro: Tanzania 215 SPAAR hnormbn Sysm RPcrwd ruto (lMFN): 04207 Of -d Me: GRAUN DEHUING (MALAWI) - PHASE 11. h - 9 agen: k0emaoa Devow Research Cer. Str dale: 1991-09-17- End die: 1994-04-30 couiytouites.- Mami. SlalemA of obects/absirad The riZabton of *nechancal dehulmg equiprne in mh rural as Malaw, is expecled 1o c'ntr e to the aloraton ol home Lbour bolnecks for women. and to nain food securfy Famer adphon of hgher en g. unproved maze and sorghLxn has been sbw. mainl because Ihese w vaneties haw less favo delbig poperis when processed fe traditonal. manual ay Phase I d ths popd me and moniored tow p"d dry abrasie dehing wm_lhons. One lare and one nmeaMn size dehuler were bcated m a maze grmw"g area. Customr ponse has been poswe. and mn resul an econoric ffabMy of the ndaimns sho pmise. Phase dImd apove te rial prcessig of maize and sorghtun The vpa of the h pdof istalations of th fist ph;se wi1 be more cosely examried: fe expermena mftoduction d dehudes s be exlended to the norten regin. the wtneques of ntroduction wl be reined Nd umroved. and a plan kox a sustaied wder Musson d the dehuli tecnolw wSI be developed Corad in research organation 1r. Weis Kurn.wrda. Deument of Agnclural Research. Mry of Agrculture. PO. Box 30134 Cap"i City. Ldongwe 3. Maki= Recod nwbe (MFNI 04211 Offcia protect toto PROCUREMENT. OPERATION. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF SCIENTIFIC EOUIPMENT Inplemntg agency- Interrtional Development Res Centre. Sb.u date: 19906-10. End date: 1992-W60. Cou.trylcouitnes Afrca, Unided RePxblc o Tanzania, Malaw, Statmenr of oblecthvesabstract. T,he re and maintenance of scienif equ pment s a sLoect of great concern to m os veg counhy research istdutions and tOh researchers. but more so m sub-Saharan Afnca. This proect wmil enable the ntematonal Foundation for Scienc IFS) to conduct two workshops m Tazana and Maw. respectively. I is complementary to other a&tlnsles supported by IFS n fe SADC (Southm Alncan Development Community region locusmg on development of dta bases for sentiic 216 SPAARdoim System ecpme.d and resoces The objetves Zude fe bmai of a nework of tecmscai and researdhers u*owitlcolaboratemineqmu i seletin,purdhase. and ma _nace uid npar, d .1 iwolve hands-on tranin. Contad in reseadh crgnazaton: Mr. Leinart Prage; hbtmatna Founbon for Scence; Grev-Tuegan 19; 5-114-38; _Schoim; Sweden- - Record nue (MFN): 04212 Offcia proed btle: RESEARCH MANAGEMENT (ZIMAW E) - PHASE i - agncy wmbona Devhopmerd Rmech Ce . Stan dale: 1991-831. End dale- 1993-631. Courykourtes: Zmn1k*we; Stalement of obpecties/abstract: This proted wi offer two tranig courses for middlelevel research managrs and pecd leaders frm h eastem and south Afrca region. Efective research management and leadershp have been areas of concerm fo some tine w1inm nabonal agroural research systems (NARS), and these courses wiN atternipt to address these ssues. Each course wi1 be for up to two weels taking 20 people at a time. The obectives w. Aude a more concrete assessment of the tanng needs of the ddferent marngment skits of mKiddle-vel research managers and polecUresearch team laders. The c,ntt w duckide basic management corcepts and procedures; proecd design feaures for effecbve management: strucual components and operations of NARS; computes n research management: and, proect anals. montonng and inpact evauabon. The ocation wil be the Agricultural Economics Oeparrnent of the Uniws of Zmbalwe. Contact in research organization lr. G.D. Mudimu: University of Zimbabwe: P.O Box 167, Mount Pleasant: Harare; Zimbabwe Record nrinber (MFN): 04230 Officia pro,ect tile: MATERNAL NUTRlTION IN SUBSISTENCE FARMERS (MALAWI). Implementing agency: Intemational Devebpment Research Centre. Stad date: 1989-06-07. End date: 1991-06-07. Countryicouritnes: Maim: 217 SPAAR FIrmation Sysm Statement of oblecties/abstract: Wdin te 9bsister ecromy of nral Mlawi, wen are brgey responsible for most domesic and agKi:uWral lbour. Heavy bxour, een i advanced slages od preger. iS cwrom. The efed of such physical exetion. aong wit eome food distibution practices. on the nutrtion aid healti saus d prgaiant women is uniown. This projecd wE exwnme fe nulnb stats of prgait women engaged m aiAtra actvbes n cena Malawi relabon to thw work paens. level od hwial exertion, food inake, and use of prenatal cwe senvis Cultural, social, and emnomlc ladors at the comnnweyt aid household levels wE be exaned. Thrs rkomabon wE lead to the identica of vulnerable goups and fe reasons r tr vuweabty. Pesearch results wE asE st in Ie deveopmwnt of polices and progan awmed at reducig matenal mainutron and death. aid nmr pregancy outooe. Contact n research orqaaon: Ms. Chrishne S. Lanba: Universty of Malawi: P.O. Box 280; Malawm Record nunber C MFN): 04231 Official projed tite: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH (TANZANIA). Implmenting agency: Intefmatonal Development Research Centre. Sbt date: 1989-05-25. End dale: 1991-10-00. Country/countries: United Repubhc ol Tanzania Stateent of obectves/abstract Occupational healh, especiary in the Ilge agrclural sector of develping countres. often recerves a snall degree of aention trom heafth policymakers. This proect wilt support a prelfer nry stdy of occupational heath polcy and practice m Tanzarua usng fe sugar cane plantaion industry as a model. A review wiN be made of the occupationa, health care delivery system using a case study aWroach. DoCUmentary research and interview rethods wal1 be employed. Incividuals in govefnt, union, ard parastatal institutron as welt as sample of workers w1l be nterviewed. Avaibbh data on occupatinal dilesses and accidents will be analyzed. The outcome wilt be the renment of survey instrnents and research approach to this issue, and the elaboration of a comprehensive phase 11 protect aiming al health systems analyss of broad-based occupational health policy in fe country. Contact in research organization Wr. Peter Kamuzora: Instidute of Development Studies; University of Oar es Sabaam; P.O. Box 35169; Dar es Salaam; Tanzania 218 SPAAR Information Syskem Record mxu (MFN): 04256 OFlcml proec tle: RURAL WOMENS ACCESS TO LAD (TANZANA). hIplemeing agency. IWrabonal Develpmet ReSearch Centre. Stat dale: 19610G2. End date: 199204-02. Cowrykcotries: ~bitd Repuqbb od Tanzania; Stalemerd of obectvesdabs*e: In Tanzan8 as i ohr African cout , women rarely hae direct acess to lard. This projetd exawi we's acss to lbnd end contol over prduc anong the Pare people in four nrral villages. Customary laws, wich deny women acoess to lad, operate side by side wih avil wlws accorxdig to whih land is the properly of the viage and al viagers. regardess of sex. Researches wN seek to udersta the dynamics of the unwilin behaviour and at4ntde toward wmen in a society where pransm exists in land tenure sys . They also will exane the nahre of modern and tradion hw r ice systems: wmen's access to technology, wW and aedbt facdiies: and the sexual dm son of l r n agricuRura! production. The fndings wi be shwed with polcyrakers n an efflot to revise the ega syslem with respec to inertan and band ownershi ngrts. Workshops. seminars, ard politcal meetigs will be arranged for the dissemnation of the tidigs aiiongst researchers. lgal advisors, policymakers. and women's groups. Contact in research organization: C.K. Oman; University ot Dar es Salaam: P.O. Box 35091. Dar es Salaam; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04265 Official project tiHe MATERIALS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SOLAR ENERGY UTILIZATIOI Implementing agency: Swedish Agency tor Rural Cooperation with Developrng Countnes. Start date: 1982-0000. Coutrylcountries: Unded Republic of Tarnzania; Statement of obpectives/abstract: This project enrcompasses several sub-projects: (1) exploation of vacuum evaporation techniques in the devepent of surface coatings for selective absorption of solar energy; (2) development of materials for passive radialive cooling to low temperature - particulary by utilization of selecively infrared-emitti"g gases; (3) fundamental studies of the growth of thin films produced by oblique angle deposition. and (4) other projects related to thin filis. Very inleressing results have already been obtained. One is te possibility to develop windows which combine visual transmitlanoe wih minimum heating by solar radiation. Another is a source for cooling based on selective radiation. It is planred to make 219 SPMR Ihonnation System the iishiton a regnl centre or solar energy research. Contc in research orgWLaza,o.n: Prof. Cbes-Goeran Granqvst: Chanmbrers Unrwrsity of Tertolgy (CTH): Depabnwt of Physics; S-412 96; Gotfen*urg; SwedenOr. R.V. Kivaisi ad Dr. E.M. Lushku; University of Dar es Salan; Departrme of Physics; P.O. Box 35 063; Dar es Salarn: Tanzaira Record nunber (MFN): 04267 Official proled lde: DEVELOPMENT OF SMALLHOLDER-ORIENTED IRRIGATED RICE PRODUCTION - PHASE It. Imprntn agency Food and Agnculture Organizawton of fe Undted Nations. Start dal9: 1987-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/countnes UnJted Republic of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04268 Offcal project tIile: ASSISTANCE TO SMALLHOLDER DAIRY DEVELOPMENT. Implemp entn agency: Food and Agncuhure Organtalion of the United Nations. Start date: 1987-00 End dJate: 1990-00-0 Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04269 Off cral proct title: TSETSE CONTROL TO ASSIST MIGRATORY PASTORALISTS. Irrplementing agency: Food and Agnculture Organizat;n of the Undied Nations. Start date: 19870-00. End date: 199100-00. Counlryicountries: United Republic of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04270 220 SPAAR Inbormaon System Official projed tie: DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL SEED PROOUCTKON Imnpetn agey: Food and Agril Organizato of the Unrted Natons. Stanrdale: 198-01-00. Enddate: 1991-00-00. Courbyckouwres: United Repubic of Tanzania; Sa e of oblectiveslabstract: The piary objecW e ol the proet is lo assist te Govenments development effort in the fhed of quaity seed pduc n of nproved cereals. vegeables and ower crops, wth.i Ministr of Agrcltue, Lvestock and Natural Resources (MALNR). Oter o cves include: (a) develpment of a systemlic seed production programme to be tily operational by 1990; (b) vanetal evaluation of bcal and imported cultivars and selectn of suitable genotypes, (c) maintenance of iproved and selcted culbivars, to build up breeder seed; (d) production of foundation seed; and (e) devebpment of technical skil of nahonal staff in seed producbon by in-service and oveas traning. On completion, the proect s expected to supply enough breeders, foundation and certitied seed of all the main crops lo meet the Governments objectives of seHf-sufficiency in seed supplies and umproving the nutrtonal status of the population as well as improving net uiome. Record number (MFN): 04271 Official proymt title: RURAL STORAGE STRUCTURES. Implmenting agency: Food and Agriculture Organizalion of the Unted Nations. Start date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Cour.try/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04272 Otficial project itle: ANIMAL DISEASE CONTROL, ZANZIBAR. Implemenling agency: Food and Agncuture Organization of the Unded Nations. Stan date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1991 -00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzanri: Statement of obectives/abstract: The objetives of tie project are: (a) ECF immunisation; (b) eradication of trypanosomiasis and Glossina austeni: (c) establishment of quarantne; (d) investigation of economically important livestock diseases; (e) irmprmvemert of 221 SPAAR Irnormation System Vetermay InMestigation Unit and (f) trainn of mwnpower. Record number (MFN): 04273 Olficial profect tie: EXTENSION TRAINING PFROJECT. ImnVing agency: Food and Agrcture Organization of the Unied Nabons. Start date: 1967-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. CounryDcounines: Unried Repubbc of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04275 Official project bte: YIELD INCREASE THROUGH THE USE OF FERTIUZER AND RELATED INPVTS - PHASES I AND II. Implmenrting agency: Food and Agnculture Organization of te Unded Natins. Statdale: 198610-00. Enddate: 19954000. County/countnes: Unded Republic of Tanzania; Statement of obpecivesfabstract: The medium and long termn oblectves were to assist the Govermment of Tanzania development strategy of achievng sell-sufficiency in food production by: (a) enhancing te performrance of the snall farmers sector to incease real ncome and the growth of national product; (b) strenghenig the extension service; (c) improving fte distWuon of input services; and (d) imnprovwing credn facildies. Expected outputs: (i) adoption of recomnmended lvels of fertlikzer use and other rnproved crop husbandry practices by 3 000 small farmers growing major food crops under rainfed conditions; (it) establishment and functionig of an inputs und in the DepartMent of Agnculture to serve as a focal point for coordinating and mondoring th, supply and disibution ol ferihzer and related inputs; (iii) establishment of a model Farrn Service Centre and the completion of plans for a Farm Service Centre retwork; and (iv) establishment of a pilot credi scheme to provide small farmers growing rainfed rice access to funds for fertilizer and other farm inputs. Record number (MFN): 04276 Offifal project title: INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT TO IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT. n22 SPAAR Inomaabo System Ipenwting agerncy: Food arid Agrcultre Organization of e United Nations. Stan dale: 198700-00. End date: 199000-00. CotntrykWounnes: United Repuic of Tanzania: Record nmber (MFN): 04277 Offical projecl btle: REHABILITATION OF TRADITIONAL IRRIGATION PROJECT, KILIMAJIJARO ZONE. Implmentng agency Food and Agncultue Organization ot the Unded Nalins. Stail date: 198740-00. End date: 1990-00.00 Country/countnes: Unded Repubioc of Tanzania. Record number (MFN): 04281 Offical prect tite: 1ANZ'BAR SMALLHOL0ER AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. Irnpbrmenting agency: International Fund for Agncullur' .evelopmen. Country/countries: Uniled Republc of Tanzi.nia. Record numnber (MFN): 04283 Official pro,ect title: TSETSE FLY ERADICATION. Irnplemenhng agency: Internatonal Atornic Energy Agency. Start dale: 1984-00-00. End date: 1990-00. Country/countries: Unied Republic of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04284 Ofical prolect title: LIVESTOCK REPRODUCTION AND HEALTH. 223 SPAAR Inlormation Systen Imp in agency: Inerrtion Atomic Energy Agency. Staf date: 19866 -00. End date: 1990-00-00. Cotty/countries: Unied Repubic d Tazania; _________________ Record number (MFN): 04288 Official project t: LAND DEVELOPMENT FOR RICE CULTIVATION, ZANZIBA - PHASE II. Implerinenting agency: Worid Food Prograrmmle. Staul date: 1986-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Conlcountries: United Republic of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04289 Official proect tntle: UNDVMTWARA RiCE PRODUCTION PROJECT. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Admninistration. Start date: 1985-00 -00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of oblectivesJabstrac- To train extension staff to disseminate rice research results, to ntroduce rice trainnig to schools; to introduce improved agrononic and water conservation techniques; to carry out applied research into constraints on rice production within the context of the agncuftural system. _________________ Record ni-nber (MFN): 04290 Official project tle: LINDI/MrW.AR4 GOAT EXTENSION PROJECT (NEWALA DISTRICT). Impeer.,.nv, agency: Ovbrseas Oa velopmennt Administration. Start dlate. 1985-00-00. End da.j: 1990-00-00 Counkly/,ountrNa: United RepL bl, ol Tanzania; Statement of obec'ivws/abstracl: Initiahy this was km extension projet seeking to improve general goat husbandry, 224 SPAAR Infonnabon System upgrade knowedge and skils. provde spervis of and support of field staff and inprove commiicabon betwen famws and tie Vetery lnvestgation Centre. Alto essentialy an exsion project here is an elemn of pactbces, Movg parasite control, selcbon of breed& animals, etc. Record number (MFN): 04300 Official proweI' lte AGRICULTURAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE, ZANZIBAR. Impleenbng agency Food and Agicultural OrganzaLan of the United Nations. Countrylontrnes: United RepqAlc of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04353 Offical proec tite: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH MASTERPLAN (NALRM). Implmentng agency: Ministry of Agnculture, Livestock Devebpment and Cooperatives. Start date: 1992-00-0. End date: 1996-00-00. Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania; Statemnt of objectives;abstract: A number ol donors have assisted or are still supporting the Govemment of Tanzania in the feld of agricultural research. However, this support has been largely uncoordnated due to a Lack of clear Goveimenl research priorities ar.d the absence ol an efficient research organization. Consequently. th Government of Tanzania a number of SPAAR donors agreed on the need for developing a policy framework--setting out research aims, priorities and organizational frameworks conducive to the development of a clear national agricultural research system. It is the aim of the National Agricuttural and Liveslock Research Masterplan (NALRM) project to provide such an instrument. The objective of the NALRM is to determine the role of research in providing long-termn agricultural technology requirements for the developrnent of the agricultural sub-sector over the coming ten to lifteen years. NALRM would provide policy guidelines and criteria for he bltermnination of research priorities and programs that are compatible with available resources and research capacity. NALRM would place emphasis on: (a) resusctaling the capability for adaptation and utilization of available technologies: (b) the development of relevant. cost-effective. improved technologies: (c) the strengfening of a rationalized instiutional framework for the a4eneration of relevant technologies; and (d) the 225 SPAAR Infmation System aeon of a sustaiable research systm to serve the ramiiing needs of Ihe aghculal setor. The Mnstry of Agcul. L ock Devepm n and Cooperates (MALDC) wdl use the NALRM as a basic docnwt in its cDntact with Government deparbmets as well as toe dnor community. NALRM will provide ciar indications of human, matenal and f1acal noeds or a phased and prioritzed progrin, and also help n the cooribat,on and targeting of outside assistanre to agricultual research.The research progran poities ide d are: (1) Category one: coftee, cotton, tea and nce, aniral healh and liestock dwseases, meat and milk prducto. soil and water mnagemt agrofostry, agricultural economics, and lanring systems research and linkages to research and (2) Category two: maize, roots and tubers (cassava, sweet and round potatoes), Phaseolus beans, grain legumes, vegetables and oilseeds. Contact in research organization: Dr. George Sempeho; head, Planing and Evaluation Und; Department of Research and Trainirg; Minisy of Agriculture, Livestock Developtent and Cooperatives; Pamba House: P-O. Box 9071; Dar es Salaam; Tanzania; Tel: (255-51) 27231; Telex: KIUMO, Dar es Salaam Record number (MFN): 04354 Official pro*e tle: RESEARCH MASTERPLAN FOR AGRtCULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES IN ZAN 'IBAR - POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND OBJECTIVES FOR RESEARCH TO THE YEA ; 2000. Implementing agency: Food and Agncuiture Organization of the United Nations. Start date: 1992-00-00. End date: 1997-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of Dbpectives/abstract: The objectves of the agricultural research masterplan are to provide the Govemment of Zarzibar, particularly the Ministry of Agncuiture, Livestock and Natural Resources, wih an accurate analysis of the status of the agricultural research system and proposals for ils strengtheing and long term development. Based on these recommendations, the Government will make decisions on the best strategy for the evolution of the agncultural research system in accordance with the national agricultural development pnorities. The masterplan will define for the long-term (10-15 years) a reasonable size for the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in terms of research programmes, natioral and foreign resources required for the;r execution (human resources: research scientists and support personnel, physical investment and recurrent costs, etc.) and an efficient organization and management system. induding the necessary measures lo be taken for te smooth implementation of the agncultural research system, particulay regarding the institutional and managerial changes required. Crops/commoddties/factors/disciplines considered. 226 SPAAR Information System incdude: banana, black paper, cassava, chillies, cirus, coves, cooonut. corpeas, ginger, rice, sugarcane, turmeric, vanilla, sois, forestry, farming systerms, anrd livestomck. Contact n research or'ganization: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources; Zanzibar Agrcultural Research Council; Tanzania Record numnber (MFN): 04356 Official pro,ect itle: RAINFED RICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implemienting agency: African Development Bank. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectrve of the project is to increase rice production of small farmers in Zanztbar by improved land preparation and input supply, and so to reduce rice imports. The ancillary objectives are to: (a) improve the standard of living of participating farm families through increased yields and farm eamings; (b) create employment opportunities and develop skills in rural areas; (c) extend to 5 800 ha of nce produLlion in stages; and (d) build an appropnate infrastructure of buildings and services. Achievements: by 1988/89 season the proiet had exterded to 2 000 ha, with fortnightty T&V systern visits to groups of 25 farmers. A seed uni has been established to screen and multiply nce seed for the scheme. Record number (MFN): 04357 Official project title: IRRIGATED RICE PROJECT. Start date: 1981-004)0. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania, Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the project is to develop, for growing irigated rice, 980 ha of adequately watered land, and distribute to 4 000 small farmers in 0.2 and 0.4 ha plots. It was also intended to introduce new vanelies of rice and screen their suitability for growing in Zanzibar conditions, their yield ability. palatability, pest and diseases resistance and adaptabiliiy. 227 SPAAR Infornatiorn Systemn Record nuniber (MFN): 04358 Official protect title: ZANZIBAR FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - PHASES I ANC II. Implementin agency: Finnish Department of Internalional Development Cooperation Stav date: 19800. End date: 1992-00. Country/countries: United Reptbihc of Taniania, Statement of obtitives/abstract: The long lrrn objective. of the project is to deve;op a sustainable and envmronmenla9y acceptable renewable natural resources, forest management and wood production systems .n Zanzibar in o;der to achieve self-sufticiency and seHf supportieness in wood supply. Achievements: 1886 ha of plantatoens have been establishei: woriters of drfr-rer! levels have been and are still being trained: villagers have teen deeply fnvoldved in tree planting programmes and wood prodvtion, and erosion contfol in Chaan, and Masingini have been .armed out as part of the projecrs activities. Record number (MN) 04359 Official proect title ZANZIBAR CASH CROPS FARMING SYSTEMS PROJECT Implementing agency Overseas Develapment Administration. Starl dale: 1991 -00-0. End date: t995-0-00. Country/countries: Uniled Republic of Tanzania: Statement of ob)ectivestabstract: The objective of the project ;s lo increase export eamings through developrient of altemative export crops ana hence diversifying Zanzibaes agricultural exports away from the ri esent clove monocrop econorny. More specifically, the project would: identify new marketable export crops; introduce and carry out Inals of new varieties of candidate crops; develop cuttural techniques; and prepare extension packages. The project would also engage in participative research and extension work in clove areas to sustain results of eartier clove research project. Record number (MFN): 04360 OCficial project tIle: CLOVE RESEARCH PROJECT - PHASES I AND II. 228 SPMR Information System Impln ting agency: Overseas Devepmnl Administrabion. Start date: 1986.0 0. End date: 19430-00. Country/countries: Undted Republic ol Tanzania; Statement of objctvs/abstract: The obOctives of the proecd are to: (a) identity the cause and develop meftods to control Sudden Death and other dseases of doves; and (b) increase yeld and qualty of haarvesled doves by improving mettos of clovo cultivabon. Achievements: An extension *nanual has been prepared demonst'ratng improved methods of growng cloves based on the research of the projed. A .aumber of scientific papers have been puished in the intemational scientific press descnbng elements of the project's research. Record number (MFN): 04361 Official proet title: SMALLHOLDER LIVESTOCK PROJECT, PEMBA. Implemerning agency: Department of Foreign Affairs. Start date: 1984-00-00. End date: 1992-00. Country/countries: United Republc of Tanzania; Stalement of objectrves/abstract: The objecives of the project are: (1) dissemination of improved technologcal package to sm-illhc!ders on crop/livestock integration through extention: (2) supply of inputs towards improvement of animal health activties in Pemba; and (3) production and supply of incatf heifers to smnaliholdors in Pemba. Achievements: Very promising; many smnaliholders a s now adopting the technological package. Record numlnZr (MFN): 04368 Official project ile: EVALUATION OF THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE COSTS OF FARM MACHINERY UNDER TANZANIA CONDITIONS. Implementing agency: Sokone University of Agnculture. Start date: 1987-07-20. End date: 199100-00. Country/countries: Ucited Republic of Tanzania; 229 SPAAR Infornation System Record number (MFN): 04370 Officiai projt ttle: PREDICTION OF EFFECTIVE RAINFALL FOR BEANS ON FREELY DRAINED SOILS OF TROPICAL SEMI-ARID AREAS IN TANZANIA. Implementing agerncy: Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start date: 1990.07-20. End date: 1992-0000. Country/countries: Unite,' Republic of Tanzania; Slatement of objectives/abst. zct: To dsvelop a theoreticall and physically based model of predicting effective rainfall for beans on frec.ry drained soils, and to validate the model during times of short and long rains ai Morogoro University Farm. Record number (MFN): 04371 Official project title: PATH MODEL OF POSTPARTUM REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS OF DAIRY CATTLE IN MOROGORO. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agncu'ture. Start date: 1989-10-11. End dale: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: United Flepublc of Tanzania, Statement of objectives/abstract: To monitor postpartum changes in order to determine time of utenne involution, incidence of utenne and ovarian disorders and to establish time of first oestrus. Record number (MFN): 04372 Official proiect tdle: A STUDY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF THE TANZANIA MPWAPWA BREED OF CATTLE. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agrculture. Start date: 1990-04-21. End date: 1993-00. Country/counties: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To document the important reproductive parameters of the Mpwapwa and to identify problems encountered by farmers in keeping the Mpwapwa. 230 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04373 Official project title: AN APPRAISAL OF MAIZE COSTS AND PRACTICES IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Sokoine Universrty of Agnculture. Start date: 1990-04-21. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To study maize storage pattems in the surveyed villages, assess crop losses associated with such type of storage and provide recommendations on how to improve diem. Record number (MFNI: 04374 Official protect tnte: STAPLE FOOD MARKET CONTPOL - ALTERNATIVES: THE CASE OF RICE AND MAIZE IN TWO REGIONS IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agnculture. Start date: 1989-01-24. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/counties: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectiveslabstr3ct: To analyze the impact of agricultural marketing and liberalization wih a particular attention to impact on smal farm household production systems and marketmg decisions as well as pnvate trading. Record number (MFN): 04375 Official project tile. EVALUATION OF SINGLE-AXLE TRACTOR AS POWER SOURCE FOR SMALL HOLDER FARMERS. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start date: 1989.01-24. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; 231 SPAAR Information System Statement of objectves/abstract: To test the single-axbe tractor under various 1ield and operational conditions and to investigate the possibility and cost of manufacturing tbe single-axle tractor and its imnplnents to suite local conditions. Record number (MFN): 04376 Official project ttle: AN INVESTIGATION INTO CULTIVATION METHODS FOR MOISTURE CONSERVATION IN A TROPICAL SEMI-ARID AREA IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Sokoine University ot Agricutture. Start date: 1988-Ot-21. End dale: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To identify suitable cultivation methods for: (a) moisture conservation in the semi and tropics with reference to Tanzanta; and (b) to formulate a field procedure involving a minimum numbr- of soil tests, weather and crop varietes for identifying suitable cultivation methods. Record number (MFN): 04379 Official project tWte: THE INFLUENCE OF ROAD GRADIENT AND ALIGNMENT ON ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS. Implementing agency: Sokoine Unversity of Agricufture Start date: 1990(1202. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Stalement of obectivestabstract: To determine thIe optimal road gradients which minimizes total maintanance costs, as well as to compare the rate of road deterioration on curves and on tangent section of the road. Record number (MFN): 04380 Offical project title: ULUGURU MOUNTAINS AREAS PROJECT. 232 SPAAR Infoemateon System Imnpleenting agency: Sokomne University of Agriculture. Start date: 1990-10-10. End date: 1995-00. Country/cwuntries: United Reputic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The Uluguru Mountains Areas Pro,ect (UMAP) is an interdisciplinary research project which aims at studying crop prodrucbon and livestock development constraints facing the Waluguru peasants in a holisc manner. The project will also investigate soil and environmental degradation and its effects and impacts on eonaomic activities, and soil and environmental conservation withn a definitive socio-economic mdieu. The objectives of the UMAP are to: (1) faclitate rural devebpment on a sustainable basis for villagers; (2) develop a methodology for participatory rural development planning and to produce training materials (teaching manuals); and (3) up-grade the research and training capacity of the Development Studies Insthute. Record number (MFN): 04381 Official project tale: IMPACT EVAWATION OF REGIONAL INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN TANZANIA: CASE STUDIES OF KIGOMA, TANGA, IRINGA AND KILIMANJARO. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start date: 1990-1 1 0. End date: 1992-0400. Country/countries: Uniled Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To study the extent of the implementation of Regional Integrated Development Projects (RIDEP) plan proposals, and to determine achievements and failures. Record number (MFN): 04382 Official project title: !NDIGENOUS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AS A BASIS FOR COMMUNITY FORESTRY IN TANZANIA. A CASE STUDY OF DODOMA URBAN AND LUSHOTO ')ISTRICT. Implementng agency: Sokoine University of Agnculture. Start date: 1990-10-00. End date: 1991-00-0. Cou.Ziry/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of obdctives/abstract: To identify and describe local trees and forest management practices, and to assess 233 SPAAR Information System the type and degree of local partcipation in community forestry, as wel as to compare conventonal and social oniented forestry management systems. Record number lMFN): 04383 Official project title: ASSESSING THE SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICABILITY OF DODOMA REGION SOIL CONSERVATION PROJECT (HADO) IN' TANZANIA. A CASE STUDY OF INSTITUTIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agrinuture Start date: 1990-12-02. End date: 199300. Country/countries: Unned Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To explore local peopes' perception of soil degradation, and their perspective of the magnitude of the problem of soil degradation as well as to identidy the insttutional oonstraints and organizational structures that have obstructed farmer adoption of soil conservation techniques by HAADO. Record number (MFN): 04384 Official project title; EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE OF EXOTIC DAIRY CATTLE IN SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS OF TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start date: 1989-10-11. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/counines: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: To exarnine problems related to the survival rate among cattle replacement stock, and to rank their importance; to study genelic and non-genetic sources of vanation affecting herd-life and denve a method of predicting productive herd-lrle Irom early lie-performance-records, as wel as to reveal important environmental factors influencing fertility of heiters and cows; to examine the association between fertility, milk production and life-time-production; and to develop a practical breeding programme for large-scale dairy farms in the Southem Highlands in order to optimize genetic progress for milk production. 234 SPAAR Infofmation System Record nurnber (MFN): 04385 Official project tile: STUDIES ON ANTHELMINTIC RESISTANCE IN SMALL RUMINANTS IN MOROGORO. Implementing avency: Sok3ine University of Agncukture. Start date: 1989-OG-00. End date: 1991-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To screen for strains of gastrointestinal worms tesistant to anthelmintics, and carry out surveillance for resistant worms. Record number (MFN): 04386 Official projet title: ULUGURU MOUNTAIN INTEGRATED SOIL CONSERVATION PROJECT. Implementing agency: Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start date: 1991-05-00. End date: 1996-00-0C. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: To carry out soil conservation and overall environmental rehabilitation on the rapidly degrading slopes of the Uluguru Mountain above the main campus of the Sokoine University of Agriculture. Contact in research organization: Dr. L.L.L. Lulandala; Department ot Forest Biology; Sokoine University of Agnculture; P.O. Box 31 51; Tel: (056) 4388; Telex: 55306 UNIMOG TZ; Fax: (056) 3821; Cable: UNIAGRIC Record number (MFN): 04387 Official project tble: FLORA OF TROPICAL EAST AFRICA - ANTHERICACEAE, HYACINTHACEAE AND HYPOXIDACEAE. Implmenting agency: University of Oslo. Startdate: 1983-0100. End date: 1992.01-00. Country/countries: Africa: United Republic of Tanzania; Kenya: Uganda; Statement of objectives/abstract: 235 SPAAR Irformaton System Work on the 'Fbra of Tropical East Afnica' is bOr, afied out under the auscs of te Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, m dose cooperation with te East African Herbarium, Nairobt. The three flra families whch abound in Kenya, Tanzana and Uganda will be taxonomically reised. The work will repLace the completely ouwdated presentalion in Fbra of Tropical Africa from 1988. This work is necessary to assst in the identification and naming of material belOnging to the three famiies; h will thus contribute to the necessary base lor researrh and education in biogy, ecology and agiculture. Contact in researhd organization: Univesity of Oslo; Department of Biology; DMnsI of Botany (Biologsxk institult. avd. for botanikk); P.O. Box 1045, Blndem; N-0316 Oslo 3; Norway Record number (MFN): 04389 Official project title: SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF CHOICE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE FOREST SECTOR. Impementing agency: Agricuttural University of Norway. Start date: 1986-01-00. End dale: 1990-12-00. Country/countries: United Repubbic of Tanzana; Statement of objectives/abstract: An number of existing works dealing wih choice of technology in less industnalized countres (LICs), with speaal emphasis on forestry and forest industry projects were reviewed to provide some important theoretical concepts on the role of technoloy in econornic development in LICs. Different methods lor analyzing socio-economnic consequences of technological choioe at the projct level in LiCs were discussed, and a muli-citera sirmulation model was proposed. This model was used in an actual proiect in Tanzania to evaluate the apopriateness of the technological choice in the project, and to increase the empirical evience on the consequences ol using altematnve technogies in LICs in general and in the forest sector in particular. Three operations in the project were analyzed: skiding of logs from softwood (Pinus oatula), thinnings and clearfellings. and sawni&ng of softwood (Pinus patutal). It was found that in all three cases the labour-intensive technologies are highly compatible wittl the more modem, capitalnlensive altemaltves considered, both regarding cost efficiency as well as other important development crrtena like employment, working conditions, distributional effects, integration, independency, ecological effects, and risks. Contact in research organization: Agricultural University of Norway; Department of Forestry (Instituft for skogfag); P.O. Box 44; N-1432 As-NLH: Norway 236 SPAAR Inormation System Record number (MFN): 04391 Official progect title: FOOD, NUTRrTION SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT. Implmnerting agency: Universdy of OslNorwegian Institute of Agncuitural Economics. Oslo. Start date: 1990-01-00. End date: 1992-12-00. Country/counlies: Aftrca; United Republic of Tanzania; Botswana; Statement of ob,eOes/abstract: This mutidisciplinary and cross cultural project aims to study strategies whAich vilagers have developed to secure a proper food and nutrtion situation for househoids and how these stratteges are taken awoout of by officiai poicy workers and in devebpmen pro,ects. Data will be colected on raditional and modem kno*lege of women and men iftat is relevant for food production, preparation and storage as weN as distributon of food witdhn the household. Possible conflicts which this knowb*dge may create, and consequences of the strategies used will be examnred. The project will also look into: (1) the effciency of difefeent strategies taking into account the food and nuition siuation in the short- and kng-term; (2) the effectiveness of the strategies in securing food under difficuflt dimatic periods; and (3) how well Mese strategies adjust to the environment. Field studies are planned in the Rukwa Region in Tanzania and in Botswana. Contact in research organization: Universiy of Oslo; Instiute for Nutrition Research (Institutt for emaeringsforskmning), P.O_ Box 1046; Blindem; N-0316 Oslo 3; NorwayNo.egian Institute of Agricultural Economics (Norsk institutt for Iandbruksokonnmisk forskning, Oslo), P.O. Box 8024 Dep: N.0030 Oslo 1; Norway Record nunber (MFN): 04392 Official pro,ect tile: IMPROVED MILK PRUDUCTION FROM CATTLE AND GOAT IN TANZANIA. Imnplementing agency: Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start dale: 1987-01 -00. Fnd dale: 1991-12-00. Country/oountrtes: UlnitesFRepubhic of Tanzania; Statement of objecrves/abstract: 'he objectivss of the project are to: (1) e-sablist facilities for research on dairy productic' at Sokone University of Agnculture, Tanzania; and (2) initiate researih on various aspects of dairy production, e.g. pasture management, forage conservation, teeding and breeding. An expenmental herd of dairy cattle was established by 237 SPAAR lnfomnation System tanser of cows from other units at he Unier ard puwes from outside. Nowegw goat kids were acqured for crossbreeding wi the local tye in oder to produce a new breed suitbl for mik ard meat producon under Tanzania condion. Reseamh propcts compamg forage speces at varou stages of developent have been undeaken, and diferent meods of ensil ng forage have been coared. A study on natural rag (sucking) and bucket feeding of goat kids is n progress. An extenson programme on dairy producton tm goats has been set up in a nearby viage. Acievements: crossbred goats are now produced and distibuted to areas where extension packages have been developed. i.e.. Ugeta- Contact in research organization: Dr. NA. Urio; Dairy Catte Leader/Prof. L.A. Mtenga; Dairy Goat Leader; Sokoine Unversy of Agriculture; P.O. Box 3151; Tel: (056) 4388; Telex: 55308 UNIMOG TZ; Fax: (056) 3821; Cable: UNIAGRIC Record numnber (MFN): 04394 Official prodect title: SOIL AND WATER MANAGEMENT (TANZANIA). 4mplemnting agency: Internatioral Development Recherche Centre/Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start date: 1991-07-21. End date: 1994-07-21. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Staltenent of objectves/abstract: To develop, test and introduce appropnate and socially acceptable management nterventios for wnproving soil-water availability and use, and thus improve rainfed crop production and hence incomes, Contact in research organization Dr. N. Hatibu; Team Leader, Sokoine Unriersrty of Agncuiture; P.O. Box 3003; Mbrogoro: Tanzania, Tel (056) 4388: Telex: 55308 UNIMOG TZ; Fax: (056) 3821 Cable: UNIAGRIC Record nutmber (MFN) 04395 Officia proect ttle: BEAN RESEARCH. Implrimentirg agency: International Foundation for SciernSokoine University of Agriculure. Startdate: 1991-00-00. Endrdate: 1992-00-0. Country/counries: United Republic of Tanzaniak 238 SPAAR Irfonmabon System Statement of obciv.abshact: To underae sudies on the effect of time and condiaon of starage of cxnron beans (Phaseolus vutaris) and on vability, seed vigour and cooking btme. Contacl in research organization: Dr. S. Nchimbi; Deparment of Crop Science; Sokoine University of Agriculture; P.O. 3003; Mogogor; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04397 Offical project title: APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPROVING FORAGE UTILIZATION BY RUMINANT LIVESTOCK IN THE TROPICS. Implemfenting agency: Commission of the Europear Communtes/Sokoine University of Agriculture. Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 19920000. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objecdivesiabstract To establish appropnate lechnobgy to rnprove intake, digestion and nutnent metaboltsm ior the low quality forages. Contact n research organization: Dr. A.E. Kimambo; Sokone Unriersity c' Agnculture. P.O. Box 3003; Morogoro: Tanzania Record nurnber (MFN): 04398 Official proqect ttle: DAIRY CATTLE FEED EVALUATION IN KILIMANJARO AND ARUSHA REGIONS. Ipneming agency: World Food Programme/Sokoine University of Agriculture. StaWt date: 1989-00400. End date: 1992-00. Countrykountnes: United Republic Df Tanzania, Statement of objectiveslabstract: To irease the mik yield of the cate m ArushaKihnTaro area trough impved nutrition and to make a collcton of Oe commonly used rougage feeds and test tor their feeding vales. Acevent: results showed that feeds used were very poor in Nirogen and that improvmet of te fitrogen Content wiN alleviate the problem. Contact in research orgaization: 239 SPAAR Information System Dr. A.E. Kmwnabo; Sokoine Univerty of Agriculture; P.O. Box 3003; MDrogoro; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04400 Official poec tile: URBAN AGRICULTURE (TANZANIA)- Implementng agency: Internationai Develprent Research Centre/Sokoine University of Agncuture. Start date: 1987-02-14. End date: t989-02-14 Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: In res,onse to ircreasing unemployrnent and food shortages in cities, govemrnent officials in Tanzania are beginning to encourage urban farming activity. While recognizing the potentials of some urban areas to contribute to the food requirements of city residents. the govermment knows very little about existing agricultural actMties and the changes necessary to actively pronmote urban farming This proet examines existing food-producing activities in six cities (Dodoma, Dar-es-Salaam, kirogoro, Mbeya, Kilosa and Makambako) and seeks to enhance their contnbution to employment and urban food supply. Researchers will identiy the socioeconomic charactenstics of people engaged in urban agncultural activities; calculate the contrbution of urban agncuture to employment and irnoes, particularly as they concem the urban poor: and identify the opportunities and limitabots facing this activiy and suggest appropnate policies. Achievements: Urban agricuture has many problems. Nonetheless, it is essential given the current economc conditions which aftdct the households. Policy implications are that town planning must integrate urban farming activities. Livestock production is recommended, but must be done in the penurban zone. Contacl in research organization: Dr. Zebedayo S.K. Mvena; Sokoine University of Agnculture. Department of Agricuitutal Educabon and Extension; P.0 Box 3002; Morogoro: Tanzania Record number (MFN). 04403 Official proect ttle: AGRICULTURAL REHABILITATION/FORESTRY. Impementing agency: World Bank; Angola. Start date: 1994-00-00 Country/countries: Angola; 240 SPAAR Information System Staterent of objectives/abstact: To povide foei exchange to help finance technical assistance; to rehabilitate investment to the short-term strategy of the Govemment; to invest in human capital for the bng-term develpment of the sector. Record number (MFN): 04404 Official proect title: AGRICULTURAL REHABILITATION AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE II. Implenenting agercy: World Bank; Angola. Start date: 1991 0040. Country/countnes: Angola; Statement of objectives(abstract: To provde foreign exchange to help finance technical assistance; to rehabiliate investment to the short-term strategy of the Govemment; and to invest in human capdtal for the long-term development of the sector. Record rnmber (MFN): 04450 Official proJeCt tite: AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH EQUIPMENT TO MALAWI UNIVERSITY. Impementing agency: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Stan date: 198500. Country/countnes: Malawr Record number (MFN): 04472 Official poject title: AGRICULTURAL CROP RESEARCH PROJECTS. Implmenting agency: Food and Agiculture Organization of the United Nations. Start date: 1986-00 End date: 1990-00-00. CountIcounties: United Repubhic of Tanzania; 241 SPAAR In:o4.mation System RPcord number (MFN): 04475 Official project tite: CASHEWNUT RESEARFCR AND DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency: Food and Agriculture Organiz tion of the Unded Nations. Starl date: 1984-00-00. End date: 199000-00. Counlry/countries: Zambia; Record number(MFN): 04503 Offical project title: WOOL AND MOHAIR TESTING LABORATORY. Implementing agency: Food aia Agricufltural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Start date: 1986-00-00. End date: 1992-00-00. Country/countries: Lesotho; Record number(MFN): 04504 Offical project tIle: CHAMBO FISHERIES RESEARCH. Implementing agency: Food and Agrculture Organization of the Jnited Nations ('AO). Star date: 1988-00-. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countnes Malawi; Record number (MFN): 04505 Official project tile. STRENGTHENING CASSAVA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Implernenting agency: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Start date: 1988-00. End date: 1991-00-0. Country/countries: Malawi; Record number (MFN): 04506 242 SPAAR Information System Otfihal project tite: ESTABLISHMENT OF TOBACCO RESEARCH ORGANIZATION. Implementing agency: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Start date: 198800-0 End date: 1993-00-00. Country/cotntries: Malawi; Record number (MFN): 04507 Offical project litle: SMALL HOLOER COFFEE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAtAME. Implementing agency: Food and Agnrculture Organization of the Unded Nations (FAO). Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1990-0040 Country/countries: Malawi; Record number I MFN): 04508 Offcal project ltle: PIGEON PEA RESEARCH. Implementing agency Food and Agrc ilture Organization of !he Unded Nations (FAO). Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00 Country/countnes: Malawi; Record nurnber (MFN): 04517 Official project ttle: SUPPORT TO THE DEVELCPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN MOZAMU31OUE. Implementing agency: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Start date: 1987-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countnes: Mozarnbique: Record number (MFN): 04528 Official project title: COTTON PRODUCTION EXTENSION SERVICES. 243 SPAAR Information System Implementng agency: Govemment/Food and Agriculture Organization of te United NatDns (FAO). Stanl date: 1989-00-. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Mozambique, Record number (MFN): 04556 Official pro,ect tnle: EFFICIENT USE OF PHOSPHATE AND WATER IN TREE SPECIES. Implementing agency: International Atomic Energy Agency. Stan date: t989.0-00. End date: 1990-00-. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Record number (MFN): 04558 Official project title: RADIOISOTOPES IN AGRICULTURE: FERTILIZER STUDIES. Implementing agency: Intemational Atomic Energy Agency. Start date: 1979-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/countnes: Zambia; _________________ Record number (MFN): 04559 Otficial proet titl ISOTOPES IN AGRICULTURE. SOIL MOISTURE STUDIES. Implementing agency: Intemational Atomic Energy Agency. Start date: 1984-00-00. End date: 1990-00-00. Country/countnes: Zambia; Record number (MFN): 04601 Official project title: AGRARIAN CONSITUTION OF ZANZIBAR AND ITS BEARING ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. 244 SPMR Intormahon Syslern ImpleientWng agency: Universitet Bnn. Stan date: :990-11 00. Country/couritnes: United Repubhc of Tanzania; Statement of obectvesiabstact: The study analyses the develpmnent and actual status of agranan conshtiuin and its consequences for rural developrment. Contact in research organization: Proi. Dr. E. E. Lipinsky; Instnut fuer Agrarpolik, Markfforschung und Wirtschattssoziologie; Un'versitaet Bonn; Nussalee 21; 5300 Bo;n 1; Federal Republic of Gefmany: Tel: 0228/732333 Record nLmber (MFN): 04609 Official proect ttle: FACTORS OF PRODUCTION IN SMALL SCALE FARMING IN GUTU DISTRiCT, ZIMBABWE. Implementng agency Unrversitaet Giessen. Start date: 1990- 10-00. End date: 1992-09-00- Country/countries: Zimbabwe. Statement of objectives/abstract: To analyse the relationship between agricultural production lactors and ability to innovate nn small scale farmers in Zimbabwe. Contact in research organizaton: Mr. Enson S. Moyo; Zentrum fuer regionale Entwicklungstorschung. Justus Liebig Universlael Giessen; Diezstrasse 15: 6300 Giessen; Federal RepLblic of Germany Record number (MFN): 04612 Official project tile: ISOLATION OF CHLAMYDIA PSITTACI FROM SHEEP AND PREPARATION OF TYPE-SPECIFIC VACCINES AGAINST CHLAMYDIAL OVINE ABORTION IN NAM!BIA. Implementing agency: Universitaet Giessen. Start date: 1990-10-00. End date: 1991-09-00. Country/ Namibia; Statement of objectWes/abstract: Enzoolic ovine abortion is a disease causing economic losses in Namibia. despne of 245 SPAAR Informabon Systern vaccnation with a oreign vaccme. By means of isobon of bocal stim and preparaton of local vaccwes an mnprovement of tte sdwatuon is attempted. Conlact in research organizaion: Dr. J.O.B. Huebscile: Central Veterinary Laboratory: Pcstsack 12022; 9000 Wfidhoek; Nam. b Record nunber (MFN): 04613 Officral proect tie: BREEDING DISEASES IN FARMED OSTRICHES. Implmenting agency: Unit arstael Giessen. Start date: 1990-0400. Ccuntry/countnes: Nanibia, Statement of obiectivesiabtract: Ostrnces are fainned in Southern Afnca, however, there are heavy losses due to breedng diseases. The objetrve of the pro;ect is to study improvement in reanng ostnches. Contact in research organization. Dr. J.OB. Huebschle: Central Vetennary Laboratory: Postsacl 12022: 9000 Windhoek, Namnibra Record number 4MFN)i 04619 Officil projet title: INVESTIGATION OF THE TRADITIONAL PIG PRODUCTION IN SMALL FARMING SYSTEMS OF ZIMBABWE. Implementing agency: TU Berlin. Start date: 1986-00. End date. 1991-00-00, Country/countries: Zimbabwe: Statement of oblectives/abstract: Analysis of existing production systems and mapor constraints to ,nroductrvity, perlormance testing of local and crossbfed pigs under different management levels on fahm. testing of effects of improved feeding and hygene on performance. Contact in research organizabion: Prof. Dr. K. J. Peters; Institut fuer Tierproduktion; Technische Universitaet Berlin; Leutzalle 75; 1000 Berlin 33: Federal Republic of Germany 246 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04626 Offical proect title: PUBLIC WORKS IN AFRICA TO IMPROVE FOOD-SECURITY. Impementing agency: Deutsche Gesellschalt fuer techntsche Zusammenarbed (GTZ)- Start date: 199(L01-01. End date: 1992-12-31. Country/countries: Africa; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Ethiopia; Kenya; Mozambique: Niger; Nigeria; Rwanda; Senegal; Sudan; United Republic of Tanzania; Zinbabwe; Statement of objectwes/abstract: Documentation ol expenences wth public worksprogrammes; comprehensive strategy for food security a-.d nutnrtional inprovrmenl; identdication of needs and potentials for labour inlensive development prograrnmes; indentification of pnoriites specilic types of public works progiammes; impact of public works programmes.Pthase I of the project will provde a detailed review of public works initiatives in 13 African countries: Botswana. Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda. Senegal. Sudan. Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Experience with public works programs such as food-for-work programs in other countries and regions (for example, China, Bangladesh, India, and Central America) is also consiciered in the review. The review wll synthesize the experience of ongoing or terminated programs accordcng to the type of program. Programs constdered in the review and impact 3nalysis include labor intensive mrul infrastructure (roads), water works (imgation, water harvesting), agrcultural resource conservation (terracing), reforestation, and comnmunity developmenl (dnnking water supply).in Phase li, an indepth study ol the potential for. and impact of, public works programs for improved household food security is planned in four countnes: Niger, Botswana, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. This phase wil involve data collection and analysis at the household level to assess the net-effects of public works programs (including food-for-work) on employment and consumption. The resulting analysis will provide guidance for program priorities in ddiferent settings. given location-specific development and food security goals. The country studies wilt be followed by a comparative analysis that bnngs together broader review findings and leads to policy conclusions and suggestions for strategy formulation. Contact in research organization: Dr. Joachim von Braun; Diector of Food Consumption and Nutntion Division: Inlemational Food Policy Research Institute; 1776 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.; 20036-1998; USAMr. Patrck Weeb; Research Fellow; IFPRIMr. Tesfaye Teklu; Research Fellow; IFPRI Record number (MFN): 04627 247 SPAAR Intormabwtn Systern Official protect tide: RURAL DEMAND AND AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY - LED NON-FARMA ENTERPRISE AND EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA. Implementp g agency: Instnute for Economic Research (IFO). Starl date: 1990-04-00. End date: 1992-04-00. Country/countries: Afnca; Zimbabwe; Statement of cbectes/abstract: Test of agncuttural demand led industnalisation - approach in Sub-Saharan Aftrca by case stucdy. Recommendations for is sucoessful implementation. Investatiaon of framework conddions. Contact in research organization: Dr. W. Schneider-Barthold, Instdut luer Wirtschaftsforschung IFO; Poschingerstr. 5; 8000 Muenchen 86; Federal Repubbc of Germany Record number (MFN): 04651 Official project litle: SMALL RUMINANT ADAPTIVE RESEARCH IN MALAWI, Implementing agency: Juslus von Liebig Universitaet Giessen. Start date: 1990-01 -00. End date: 992-12-0. Country/countnes: Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the project are to: (1) analyse goat farming systems using dairy-local crossbreeds for milk production in order to explore the scope for technical innovations; (2) carry out management studies and socio-econornic investigations; and (3) work out husbandry recommendations which are adapted to the specific enveronmental conddions and coincide wth famrrers priorites. Contact in research organization: Prof. Dr. J. Steinbach: Dept. of Livestock Ecology; Ludwigstr. 21; 6300 Giessen: Federal Republic of Germnany Record number (MFN): 04663 Official project tile: TRADITIONAL RIGHTS OF USE NATURAL RESOURCES IN TROPICAL FORESTS AND REHABILITATION OF WASTELAND. Implementing agency: Ecodeveloprnent. Society for International Developrent Research and Planning, Berin. 248 SPAAR Information System Start date: 1990-12-15. End date: 1991-12-14. Country/countnes: Global; Ecuador India; Unded Republic of Tanzania; Contact in research organization: Ms. Bngitte Fahrentorst; Institut luer Landschaftsoekonomie; FB 14 - Landschaftsentwickkung; TU Berin ; Franklinstr 28/29; 1000 Berlin 10; Federal Republic Germany; Tel: 030/31473331 Record number (MFN): 04670 Offcial proct ttle: DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE TILLAGE AND WEED CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT IN RAINFED AGRICULTURE (CONSERVATION TILLAGE 1). Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start dale: 1990-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom-; Africa; Kenya; Ztrnbabwe: Statement of obectves/abslract: The wider objectives are: To improve the relabiliy of rainled cropping and food securiy in semi-arid regions. particularly for resource poor farmers. To conserve umned resources of energy (labour and power), soil and water. The immediate obectrves are: Developmenl of improved lillage/soil managernenl systems and weed control techniques that conserve soil and water resources and energy inputs. Identification and specifcation of conservation tillage practices, weed control and water harvesting, measures that can be adopted by ASAI farners in the Zimbabwe and Kenya protects. R&D mulidisciplinary collaboration between Instgutions in Kenya. UK and Zimbabwe. Contact n research organization: Dr. T.J. Willcocks; Silsoe Research Instiute: Wrest Park. Silsoe: Bedford; MK45 5HS; Unded Kingdom: Tel 0525 860000/860341; Fax 0525 860156; Telex 825808 SILSOE G Record number (MFN): 04678 Official project tnle: IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PROCESSING OF SORGHUM, ESPECIALLY FOR NON-TRADITIONAL USES: DEHULLING. Inplmentmng agency: Overseas Development Adrnintstration (NRRO). Stan date: 1992-04-01 End date: 1995-03-31. CountryJcountres: Unned Kingdom: Africa; Zinbabwe- Global; 249 SPAAR Information Systetn Statement of obecbves/alsact: The objedives of the proect are: To npre food security in the semi-and tropocs by encouraging mnpovements and prcessig of sorghum. (i) Small cale dehulig equ et Coiaboratie work has contnued on the dreelonpnent ot the NRI experimental dehur for sorghum, ard fts is beig tested at ICRISAT in Zirbabwe during the lst quarter of 1 991/92.The Nfil maclie is a test rig which will provide nfmation for the design of a superor machme to the PRL model: the tnals at ICRISAT are intended to compare the two machines. Gramn deamng pnor to processig is an essenta requirement in order to provide an uncontaminated product for consumption, free from, n partcular, stones the same size ard cobur as the grain. Commecal destoners are tar too large to be used wt, the PflL and NRI dehulers. A sutripe grain cleaner based on the vacuum eaer prrople has therefore been desiWed and buit by NRI and wDi also be tested in ZiTbabwe. (ii) Laboratory Scale DehulingThe sunal dehuler which NRI built several years ago has not been bettered as a lboratory tool for producing smal quantties of dehufled matenial for furthr processing. It has a very useful capacty when the grain sample size is limied. It does however, have limtations which could be overcome with desgn modifications. In essence, the dehulling chanber nreeds to be redesigned to improve the exposure of the grain to the dehuling actiLn to make d more efficient. As well as improving the dehuller for NRI laboratory operations, the modified uni would be described in a technical paper and included in the ICC study of Laboratory equipment for sorghum processing. Contact in research orgarization: Mr. S. Turner Natural Resources Instiute, Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime; Cham;r Kent; ME4 4TB, United Kingdom:, Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 Record number rMFN): 04680 Otficial propect tile: IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PROCESSING OF SORGHUM. ESPECIALLY NON-TRADITIONAL USES: BY-PRODUCT UTILIZATION. Implementng agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRO). Stan date: 1992-0401. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom. Africa; Kenya; Namibia; Global; Statement of obectives/abstract: The obective of the project is to improve lood secunty in the semi-and tropics by encouraging improvemnents and the processing of sorghun. There was an eartier project of by-produicts utilisation (1984-1986), but before any experienWtal work could be carried ou t was found that the demand for bran for animal feed was such that no furher demonstration of value was, at thal time, let necessary. Infottnal observations in Kenya and Nambia suggest that bran of sorghun and pearl millet has a 250 SPAAR Inlorriation Systen rady market already, for brewng. It is proposed, now, hat a modest study be made of te current uses for bran poduced m the hone and by the snall hullers already established. This will, iniialy, be a desk study. Contact i research organization: Dr. D.A.V. Dendy; Natural Resources Institule; Central Avenue; Chatham Manrmoe; Chahn; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingrom; Tel 0f34 880068; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 Record number (MFN): 04682 Official projet tle: IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PROCESSING OF SORGHUM, ESPECIALLY FOR NON-TRADITIONAL USES: MILLING. Implemwnting agency: Overseas Devemnt Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-0401. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/counns: Unted Kingdom; Zimnbabwe; Statement oa objctives/abstract: The objectve of the protect is to mnprove food security in the serni-arid tropics by encouraging improvements and the processing of sorghum. (i) Semi-wet Millng It was shown in eartier work tat the semi-wet milling (SWM) of sorghum in Zimbabwe was technically feasible, both lor sorghL and for mixtures of sorghum with wheat. However, the mifling company were concemed with the quantity of extra moisture put through the mill as a resull of the process. The maiin reasons are understood to have related to te additional process supervision necessary, to the Ikely clogging up of machinery, to the potential deterioration of equ;pment, and to increased maintenance needed. These views were held by other managers. If SWM has maeri for sorghum and other grains, these fears need to be acknowledged and comprehens;ve technical assessments made, both by NRI and by equpment manufacturers. NRI should be in a posdKon to be able to make recommendations and to be able to rationalise processing benelns wih any engneenng cost penalties. This should be coupled with an appraisal undertaken by ESSD on the market opportunnies and identification of potential 'clients' for application of this lechnology. (ii) Roller miNing at village level using semi-wet milling The concept has been proposed of a simpliied roller milling process for use in an African village environment to produce better quality flours and meals from red sorghums, free from, or with reduced tannin contents, based on semi-wvet milling techniques. Previous experience on the laboratory Buhler mill has indicated thal i is possible to produce a meal wth a s5gnficantly reduced tannin level with two passes on the mill. A good quality maize meal has also been produced in this way. It is anticipated that this technique can be taken from a laboratory scale and applied at a process level, but me processing and engireeg feasibility needs to be properly evaluated and assessed for practical application, using the simple maize roller mil which Is ubiqudous in Southern Africa. A mill 251 SPAAR lormabton Systen wil be purchased as a first step, and used for expermental sw". Conact in research organization: Dr. D.A.V. Dendy; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chathua Mantm; Chathem; Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 Record nunber (MFN): 04683 Official proect tole: LOCAL APPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIOUES (LARST) FOR LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF LAKE RESOURCES. Implementing agency Overseas Devebpment Adninustrat'on (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-1. End date: 1994-031. Country/countnes: Unded Kingdom; Afnca; Malaw; United Republic of Tanzania; Namibia; Statement oa obletrieslabstract The wider objectives of the project are: To irnprove bcal facities for montomg tacustrie environffents, To increase relvance and speed od production of satellde-based remotely sensed data products to environmental monitomg and resource managernent; To provide application-specilic lools for the management of lake fish resources in Africa and elsewhere. The immediate objectives are To support ocal rmanagement of lacustnne resources by integrating locaUy received satellie data with other irputs; To provide tools to resource managers and specialists to help them obtain and process relevant satellie data in near real-tirne. so as to generate outputs that are immediately useful; To devebp alogonCtlns for estnating physical and boa-physical pararneters as id"ltors of the stale of the lacustrine envronment and fisheries. Contact in research organization: Dr. C. Sear: Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime; Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom. Tel 0634 380088; Fax 0634 88006&i77 Telex 263907/8 Record number (MFN): 04684 Official proect btie: LOCAL APPLICATiONS OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES (LANST) FOR RANGELAND MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING. Implementing agency: Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-0401. End date: 199503-31. Country/countries: Unied Kngdom; Africa: Zimbabwe; Namibia: Botswarna: South Africa; 252 SPAAR Intofnabmt System Staemn of objctes/abtt: The wider objectves of the project are: To ifprove the local management and monitomg of savannah and rngelands (to enable more effecie monitomg of dange n savannra areas, bomss and dryland fres): To inpove udrstandig of savannah biomassfire relationship and implications for rangera management. The imnnmediate objectives are: To participate in the Souf.em Africa Fires Atmosphere Research Inibatrve (SAFARI) and DECAFE in west Africa, in coLaboration wih European. US and Afnca grotups; To develop applicatiorns sotware for LARST systems relevant to savannah maragement and partculry to fire monitonng and managemnent; To develop prototype applications modules at NRI; To deliver. instal and test prototype lally; To explore requirements of rangeands managers world-wide; To promulgale research and application findings as technical reports and refereed papers. Contact in research organization: Dr. J.B. Wihiams; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Manirie; Chattan; Kent; ME4 4Th: Unied Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066&77; Telex 263907/8 Record number (MFN) 04685 Official project tite: LOCAL APPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES (LARST) FOR MONITORING OF WILDLIFE AND NATIONAL PARKS. Iplementng agency. Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04401. End dale: 1995-03-01. Country/countries: Unted Kingdom; Afnca; Botswana; Namibia; Zinmbabwe; Statement of objectves/abstract: The wider objectrve of the pro,ect is to improve local management of wildlife, in and outside wildifre and other parks and to develop strategies for more elfectrve management of natonal parks. The immediate objectives are: To develop applcation software (modules) to be used locally; To develop and prototype applications modules relevant to wildife and park management; To develop with collaborators a system capable of tracking wildide, using the ARGOS service available on NOM satellite; To report on remote sensing opportunities in wildide management. Contact in research organization: Dr. Anne Woodline; Natural Resources Instiute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritirme; Chatharn; Kent; ME4 4T3: Unied Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 253 SPAAR Inomation Systen Record number (MFN): 04608 Official poect tie: INVEStlGATlONS ON STACK(8URN IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Ilenwin agency: Overseas Develpment Adminstration (NRRD). Staft date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-12-31. Country/countries: United Kixgdom: Global; Portugal; Ghana. Zirmabwe; Statement of obfectrves/abstract: The wder objecive of thts proect ts to inrease the eHiciency and effectiveness of gran stock.To determine the conditions under whEh stackbum devebps and recommend procedures for ds control.The immediate objedives are:To identity the causes o stackbum,To determine the relabtionship between sacd material and stackbum:To examine methods for mm.mising stackbum;To develop management strategies for bagged maize and,To disseminate the strategies. Contact in researfh organization: Mr P.S. Tyer; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Manrtime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unded Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/r Record number (MFN): 04692 Official project title: COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF SMALL SCALE GRAIN STORAGE. Implementing agency: Overseas Develpmnent Administration (NRRD). Slart date: 1992-07-O1. End dale: 1996-0630. Country/counines: Unded Kingdom: Global: Netherlands; United Republic of Tanzania: Sudan; Statement of obectWrvesdabstrad: The wider objectives of thts projecl are:To introduce new methodology to montor quality changes n grain storage in sub-Saharan Africa.Identify an improved storage system Impement tte new system widely through extension organisations.The immediate objectives are:To evaluate traditional stores.Evakiate modified traditional stores whieh performed well in the first trial.Ensure that the extension organisations are in a position to disseminated the findings effectively. Contact in research organization: Dr. M.C. Gough; Natural Resources Instiute; Central Avenue; Chatham Martine; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 254 SPAAR Iornmation System Record numnber (MFN): 0497 Official proe titl: GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF MON-INDUSTRIAL TREES WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO GURICIDIA SEPIUM. Implementing agency: Overseas Devebprnent Administration (NRRD). Start dale: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-09-30. Countryicountnes: United Kingdom; Global; Honduras; Zambta; Kenya; Malawc. Zimbabwe: Statement of oblectives/abstract: The obWectives of tthe pqoect are: To assist in the production of locally available seed of superior provenances of Glincidia sepium; To increase production and the stability of production of G.sepKim in tropical countnies wl:thout comnpronisng the genetic diversity of planting stock, To determine the variability and genetic control of traits of interest in G.sepium thereby allowng recommendations to be made on approprate genetic oDmposition of breeding populations and seed prodction areas; To test and use molecular markers for determining the genetic diversity at the family. provenance and areas/populaions of high bodiversity for further exploration; To deveop appropriate strategies for the irnprovement for further exploration; To develop appropriate strategies for the improvemnent of non-industria tree species. Contact in research organizaton: Dr A J. Simons, Forestry Research Programme; Universty of Oxford; Haldax House, 6 South Parks Road. Oxford: OXl 3UBB; Unded Kingdom; Tel 0865 271036; Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROX Record number (MFN): 04711 Oficial proect htle: A REVIEW OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT RESEARCH RELEVANT TO THE INTENSIFICATION OF SMALLHOLDER CROPPING SYSTEMS IN THE SEMI-ARID AREAS OF EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA. Implementing agency. Overseas Development Administration (NRrD). Start date: 1993-12-01. Ernd dale: 1994-06-30. Country/countries Unied Kingdom, Africa: Kenya; Unded Repubic of Tanzania; Zimbabwe: Lesotho; South Afnca; Statement ol objectives/abstract: The objectives of the propect are:To revw research an land and water management whtich is relevant to the intensification of semi-arid smallholde cropping systems in eastem and southem Afnca through a study of published and grey literature';To make available a collection of the relevant material as a permanent record in the NRI library;To analyse the review to produce a Land and water management research 255 SPMR Infomiabon System strategy docwnent for use by NRI-managed research progsamnes. Contact in researd, organization: Mr. D. Jackson; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham laiitnme; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 88006; Fax 0634 880066f7; Telex 26390718 LON G Record nurber (MFN): 04719 Officl project tale: CENTRAL AFRICA MANAGEMENT OF MIOMBO WOODLANO AS COMMUNITY WOODLOTS. Implementng agency: Overseas Development Administration (Ni3RD). Star1 date: 1992-04-01 End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countnes: United Kingdom; Africa, Maawa; Zambia; Unted Republic of Tanzania: Staternent of obpectives/abstract The objective of the project is assessment of local needs and interest in Miombo management, design of simple slvwcuhtural systems aiid production of extension material Contac in research organization: Mr. H.L. Wright; Programme Manager; Forestry Research Programme, University of Oxford; Halifax House; 6 South Parks Road. Oxford; OXt 3I8; Unted Kingdom; Tel 0865 271036; Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXMr. M. Werren; Uniersity of Aberdeen, Aberdeen; Scotland; AB9 1 FX; Tel 0224 272000: Fax 0224 487048; Telex 73458 Record number (MFN): 04721 Official project title SOUTHERN AFRICA: ACACIA KARROO - EVALUATION, ACOUISITION OF GENETIC RESOURCES. Implementing agency: Overseas Developrnenl Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1990-01-01. End date: 1994-02-28. Country/countries: Unied K-igdom; Africa; Zimbabwe; Botswana; Malawi: Namibia: South Africa: Stalement of obectives/abst, act: The objectives of the proect are. To describe and map the natural distribution of 256 SPAAR Information System Acaca karroo. To gain inlormation on wthin- and between-population phenotypic varation in phenology. morpholg and gum chemistry across the species range. To assemble representatve matenal for getic evaluation. doniestication. ocnservatoon and te development of cultural and manageet systems. To devise appropriate exper*neu desgns suitabl for testng A.kanroo To develop a methodology to interpret the natuwal disnbution of the species in relation to meteorologc3l parameters. A key ebment in this project is the development ol the BRAHMS (Botancial Research and Herbanrum Management System) database. Contact in research organization: Mr. D.L. Filer: Forestry Research Programme: Universiy of Oxford; Halidax House; 6 South Parks Road, Oxford; OXI 3UB; Unied Kingdom: Tel 0865 2710367; Fax 0865 271035. Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROX Record nunber (MFN): 04730 Official pro,ect ttle: FORMAL REPRESENTATION AND USE OF INDIGENOUS ECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT AGROFORESTRY. Implernenting agency. Overseas Development Administration (NRHD). Start date: 1991-10-01. End date: 1394-09-30. Country/countnes: United Kingdom; Global. Kerya; Sn Lanka: Nepal. Thailand. Unned Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of this project are: To obtain, from contrasting communities, local knowledge about interactions occurring in agroforestry practices. To develop means of representing this knowledge in a form :n which I can be tested and stored, and subsequentty accessed and used. To investigate local knowledge in order to.a) establish the extent to which the recorded local knowledge contains information about ecological processes that could be iselul in the improvement of production systems.b) reveal the stru-ture and function of the local knowledge allowAng elements to be (i) extracted and used elsewhere and (n) extemal knowledge to be introduced to the system more effectively. To undertake comparative analysis across gradients of environment and management intensity to identify the existence of general understanding of interactions gained through operating agroforestry practices and to dwvelop generalised. cost-effective approaches to the elucidation, recording and use of indigenous ecological knowledge. To identify complementanty and gaps in the local and scientific knowledge about interactions occumng in the specifc agrolorestry practices studied. To integrate local and scientific knowledge in a common formnat as a single, encyclopaedic. resource. To develop systems for reasoning with combined local and scientific knowledge to solve problems. Contact ui research organization: 257 SPAAR Inforrmation System W. H.L. WriSght Programme Manager, Forestry Research Programnnme; University of Oxford; R alifax House; 6 South Parks Road; Oxford; OX1 3UB; United Kinjdom; Tel 0865 2710367; Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attin FOROXMr. F.L. Sinclair; Univesty of Wales. Bangor Bangor: Gwrodd; Wales LL57 2DG; United Kitgdm; Tel 0248 351151; Fax 0248 361429; Telex 61 100 UCNWSL G Record numtber (MFN): 04738 Official project ttle: AFRICA ACACIA RHIZOBIAL TECHNOLOGY AND ECOLOGY. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NARD). Startdate: 1991044^1. Enddate: 199443-31. Country/countres: United Kingdom; Afnca; Zimbabwe: Kenya; Statement of objectives/abstract: The oblective of this proet is to isolate, identdy, test effectiveness and compebtiveness of rhizobium strains and produce inocula for six Zimbabwe Acacia species. Contact in research organization: Mr. H.L. Wright. Programme Manager Forestry Research Programme; University of Oxford; Haifax House; 6 South Parks Road; Oxford; OXI 3UB; Unded Kingdom; Tel 0865 2710367; Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXDr Joan Sutherland; Department of Biological Sciences; University of Dundee; Dundee; Scotland; 0D1 4HN, Tel 0382 23181; Fax 0382 201604; Telex 76293 Record number (MFN): 04740 Offital project Irtle: THE RELIABILITY OF GENETIC PARAMETERS ESTIMATED FROM FOREST TREE PROGENY TESTS. Implemnentg agency: Overseas Deveblprent Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1991-04-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Country/countres: United Kingdom; Zimbabwe; Statement of obectives/abstract: The objecives ol the prolect are: To descnbe the role of genetic parameters in tree breeding and to determine how accurate this information needs tc be and how cost effective progeny testing is in providing t. To investigate the limitations of progeny tests of trees for the estimation of genetic parameters; To assess the practcal value of information that can be gaimed from open-pollinated, factorial and dialhle tests that have already been analysed at OFI and; To determine the extent to 258 SPAAR Information System whian d may be possible to fuffil the necessary coKditions n the sarnpling of popultions to provide famiiies for progeny tests that will yied estimates of genetic paramneters of practical use. Contact in rsearch organization: Mrs. J.S. Birks and Dr. R.B. Barnes; Mr. H L. Wright; Programme Manager, Forestry Research Programme:; University of Oxford; lalifax House; 6 South Parks Road; Oxford; OXI 3UB; Unned Kingdom; Tel 0865 2710367: Fax 0865 271035: Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROX Record number (MFN): 04743 Cffician project t;tle: CONTROL OF SOiL ACIDITY IN AGROFORESTRY. Implementing agerncy: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1991-07-01. End date: 1994-630. Country/countries: United Kingdom; A rica; Burundi; Zamba; Cameroon; Statement of objectieslabstract: The objective of the prolect is to ameliorate the soil acidity effect with residues of trees or manure. It is expected that the decomposition products of the organic matenats will bind aluminium and decrease Rs phytotoicity. The process will be modelled so as to faciliate its application to other regions. Field expernments set up in Zambia, Burundi and Cameroon will be made to test the model comprehensively. Contact in research organization: Mr. H.L. Wright, Programme Manager; Forestry Research Programme; University of Oxford; Halifax House: 6 South Parks Road; Oxford: OXI 3UB: U.-ned Kingdom; Tel 0865 2710367: Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROXDr. M. Wong and Professor R S. Swift: University of Reading; Whiteknights: P.O. Box 217; Reading: Berkshire: United Kingdom: RG6 2AH, Tel 0734 875123: Fax 0734 314404; telex 847813 Record number (MFN): 04744 Official project title: FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY OF PHASEOLUS BEAN MIXTURES IN EAST AFRICA. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRROD. Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-0331. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Africa: Unied Republic of Tanzania, Uganda: Statement of objectives/abstract: 259 SPAAR Informabon System The wider obive of this poect is to ase bean podton of resour-poor farmnes in tadtwo Phaseokus bean mixtwe farming system n East Af"ca through develpfent of fnppmved strategies for managem t of diseases while manLtaiug warietW diversity.The imediate objeclbes areJTo generate basic knowdge of nhereut levels of disease reacbon to inportant pathogens at the component and subcmponen level m Phaseolus bean mixtures in traditonal productm systems n East Aftnca.To quantity the effect of seasonal reconstitution of selected bean mixtures by 1-3 farmers on the frequency of resistance genes.To quantify the inherent coontbution of mixtures to disease control under field conditons in East Afnca.To supplment mixtures with missmn resistances and quantily the contribution to disease control and increased yield. Contact in research organization: Dr. J. Lenne; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritme; Chathamn; Kent; ME4 4TEt Unned Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8Dr. J. Taylor; Horticultural Research International; Wellesboume; Warwick; CV35 9EF: United Kingdom; Tel 0789 470382; Fax 0789 470552 Record nunber (MFN): 04774 Offiha project title: ONION GERMPLASM EVA UATION AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGY. Implementing agency: Overseas Developmsent Administration (NRRO). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995A03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Gk,oal; Honduras; Zimbabwe; Statement of obiectives/abstract: The wider objectives of this projt areTo increase htonicutural crop production and the availatblity of such crops and their products to bcal and export markets.To support programmes of agncuhural expansion into horticuftural crops especially cooking onions.The immediate objectives are:To reduce post-harvest loss and improve utilisation of superior germplasm and developing improved storage methods.Estabilsh and maintain a technical database and world wide network of post-harvest onion researchers.To develop programme of arms length onion assessment tnals world-wide. Contact in research organization: Or. S. Woodhead: Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue: Chatham Maritime; Chatham; Kent: ME4 41T;t United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177; Telex 263907/8 Record number (MFN): 04775 260 SPMR Information System Offic;al proet tdie: SMALL SCALE COCONUT OIL EXTRACTION BY WOMEN. Impementig agency: Overseas Develmnt Administration (NRRD). Startdate: 1992-05-07. Enddate: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Africa; United Republic of Tanzania; Global; Statement of objecfives/abstract: The wider obectives of this project are:To icrease wonens iKcme and reduce labour inptts by improving traditonal coconut processing rnethods.To inmprove institutional awareness and responses to women's needs.The im.ediate objectives are:To inprove grater suided to women's needs devebped and tested (March 1 993)To rmprove extraction process suitable for women developed (March 1 993)Recommendations on storage of coconut oil outlined (December 1992).Adaption of ram press for use with coconut gralings (December 1992).Particpatory approach developed to Technology adaption. ODssemmination and monitonng (May 1994). Contact in research organization: Dr. R.V. Hams; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mantbne; Chathain; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom, Tel 0634 880088, Fax 0634 880066/77, Telex 263907/8 Record number (MFN) 04778 Official pro!ect tile: QUANTIFICATION OF FISH LOSSES. Implement:ng agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countnes: United Kingdom; United Republic oa Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract. The wider objectives of this prolect are: to enhance the income of families involved in the production, processing and marketing of fisheries products.To develop a package of loss assessment methodologies applicable elsewhere.The immediate objectives are:To develop an appropriate and efficient package of loss assessment methodologies applicable in Tanzania.To develop a project research structure responsive to the process development approach.To quantify fish losses in terms of value. To quantify other fish losses, i.e volume.To identify where losses occur and who they affect. Contact in research organization: Dr. N.W. Willoughby; Natural Resources Instaute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritimn; Chatham. Kent; ME4 4TB: Unnred Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 26390718 261 SPAAR Infotmatbon System Record nmnber (MFN): 04780 OfciaS project btile: DETECTION METHODS FOR FUNGI AND UYCOTOXINS. Impimentng agency: Overseas Deveiopirl Administrabon (NRRD). Start dato: 1992-04411. End date: 1995-a30. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Afica; Zimbabwe' Global. Bangladesh; Statement of obectives/abstract: The wider objectmes of this pfoct are:To reduce human heafth riks due to mycotoxins and oher qualiy factors in cereals and pulses.To reduce losses due to mycotoxmns and oter quality factors and improve earnigs from cereats and pulses.The immediate obectives are:To establish and apply improved methodologies for: a) detection of fungi and mycotoxins in cereals and pulses; b) assessment of losses due to fungi and mycoloxmns.Sub-pect objectives: a) To evaluate existing methods for assessment of losses due to fungi and develop simple, field based methodologies.b) To evaluate existing applcation of deloped methods for fungal detection (Ek4CX0046) using monoclonal antibodies and define furMer areas for research focussing on field test kits.c) To develop sampling protocols tor maize to improve analytcal accwxacy in detecting Fusanurn/Altemana toxins.d) To participate in EC study on fumonisin analysis.e) To develop analytical methods, including rapid methods, for a wider range of Pencillium, Fusanum and Altemana mycotoxins. Contact .n researci organization: Dr. B.D. Jones; Natural Resources Instiute; Central Avenue, Chatham MarTtime; Chatham; Kent, ME4 4TB; United Kingdom-; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/T7: Telex 263907/8 Record number (MFN): 04751 Official project title: RICE SCALD, MONOGRAPHELLA ALBESCENS, HOST-PATHOGEN RELATIONSHIPS, PATHOGENICITY AND RESISTANCE. Implemenling agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995.03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Global; Sn Lanka: Unded Republic of Tanzania; Statement of obectives/abstract: The wider obective is to gain better understanding of mechanisms of resistance of rice to fungal pathogens and the factors The immediate objectives are:To deteffine presence of anti-fungal compounds (phytoalexins, pre-formed inhbitors, superoxides) active against H. albescens n a selection of nce varieties and wild grasses.To 262 SPAAR Information System establish that host specfic toxins are produced by H albescens and other fungi and examire the relationship to pathogenicity and host resistanceTo examine the effect of cultural and enwonmrntal factors on host response and toxin producton by pathogens. Contact in research organization: Dn. D.E. Padgham; Natlural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mari6me; Chathamn; Kent; ME4 4T8; Unted Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFNI: 04783 Official pro,ect title: METHODOLOGIES FOR BETTER TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. Implementing agenrcy: Overseas Developrnent Administration (NRRD). Start dale: 1991.0401. End dale: 1994-4331. Counlry/countries: United Kingdom; Africa; Ghana; Zambia; Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider objective of the project is to increase opportuniies for enhancing natural resource productivity in cdeveloping countries through use of improved technologies. The immediate objective is to test, adapt and evaluate approaches to improved technology dissemination. Contact in research organization: Mr. J.P. Coutter, Natural Resources Instiute; Central Avenue; Chatham Martime; Chatham: Kent; ME4 4TB; Unnted Kingdom, Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066177; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04802 Official project title: TANZANIA: DETERMINATION OF THE EFFECTS OF SILVICULTURAL TREATMENT (WOOD SPACING) ON WOOD CHARACTERISTICS AND PULPING PROPERTIES OF PINUS PATULA AND CUPRESSES LUSITANICA. Implementing agency Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992.06-01. End date: 1993-0331. Country/countries: United Kingdom; United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectivestabstract: The objecives of this project in the current year to colect matenal and to determine wood density. The project will be transferred to the Wood Science 263 SPAAR Information System Deprt et of he Jniersisy of Wales, Bangor, who *il determnre mrpnoogica1 and chemical dwactensbics of the wood and its pulpiog propeties. Conact in researcd organizabon: Wr. RA. P awpfre; Foresty Reseaidc Progranne; Unversity of Oxford; Halifax House; 6 South Parks Road; Oxford; OXI 3UB; Unned Kigdomn. Tel 0865 271036; Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROX Record nunber (MFN): 04007 Offihial project tdle: QUAUTY IMPROVEMENT OF TURMERIC AND VANILLA. lmplementing agency: Overseas Developrent Admnistration (NRRD). Slaft date: 1992-0441. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countnes: Unied KiCngdmr; Global: Indonesia; Madagascar; Uganda; Unitad Republic of Tanzania. Statement of obpctives/abstract: The wider obtsctive of this proect is to assist turmeric and vanilla producers to improve product quality market acoeptability and, hence, relums.The immediate obectives are:To define improved critenra and methods for the chemrcal quality appraisal of turrnec and vanillaTo determnine the extent of quality variation in turmeric and vanilla according to geographical source and product forn.To idenlify the pnrncal causes of product losses and quality impairment in post-harvest operabons with vaitlla.To investigate factors influencng product outturn and quaitty/yer acceptance during non-traditional processing of vanilla and turmrenc. Contact in research organization: Dr. C.L. Green; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mantime; Chathamn; Kent: ME4 4TB; Unded Kingdonr. Tel 0634 880088. Fax 0634 880066/77, Telex 263907/8 LDN G …________________ Record number (MFN): 04809 Official project title: METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTS OF AGROCHEMICALS 'N THE TROPICS. Implementing agency: Overseas Deve:opment Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1988-04-01. End date: 1994-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Global; Zimbabwe; Senegal: Philippnes; Statement of objectives/abstract: 264 SPMAR rftormtabon Systern The wider objective of tis Precs to deveiop methods and procedures for ecobgical moiAtonng whch expedile the assesm t of wiwnwl imact rom agricukural deveopment The imedi objectris are:To develop and test quate and qUanttati metods to monat population stuctwe of terrestrial and aquatic sOgans.Oevelop techirques Arid equipment for the determnation of ecobgical funcion, degradation of agrochemicals and b iodcal transformatons of compoids aftecting soil leutililty.Research suitable bo-indicator speces/associatbons for rapied assessment of ecological stresses from natural and anthropogenic perturbatons. Contact in research organizaton: Dr. I.F. Grant; Natural Resources Insttute; Central Avenue: Chatham Maritme: Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04817 Official project title. MALAWI: PHEROMONES TO CONTROL COTTON PESTS. Imptementmg agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-12-01. End date: 1995-11-30, Countrylcountnes: United Kingdom; Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of this proiect are to test the potential of a combination of pheromones en slow release formulation for the control of the cotton boltworTn complex and to demonstrate the possibility of control of cotton pests using pheromones. Contact in research organization: Dr. L. McVeigh; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatharn Maritime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 830008; Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): D4818 Official project tdle: BIOLOGY OF SORGHUM FOLIAR PATHOGENS. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Admrnistration (NRRD). Stan date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-04-01. Counlry/countries: United Kingdom; Zambia; Statement of objectivesiabstract: The wider objectives of this prolect are To reduce crop losses due to foliar 265 SPAAR Infomation System pathogens.Charactensation of pathogen popultians in Africa.The immedate oejctves are:To determine the effects of culturwal pratioes; sorghun genotype and d rnalic vanabls on disease development.To assess yield bsses due to foliar palhogens.To delemrne specafict and vakaoibhy within pathoyn populations. Contact i research organization: Dr. A. Julaian Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatdam Manirrie; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unded Kngdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04820 Oticai project title: BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF PATHOGENS OF PIGEONPEA AND COTTON. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1993-01-30. End date: 1995-11-30. Country/countries: Unied Kingdom-; kMalawi; Statement oi objectveslabstract: The wider objective of this protect s to reduce losses to pgeonpea and cotton in developing countnes caused by vascular wit diseases.The immediate objectives are:To detear.. mechanisms of resistarceJTo evaluate effect of nematodes on expression of it resistance.To tesl the effect of rotation/inter-cropping wnt uLereal crops on disease incidence. Contact in research organization: Dr. R. Hillocks; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mantnie; Chatharri Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04821 Official project tile: A.SSESSMENT OF NEMATODE PROBLEMS IN SMALLHOLDER CROPPING SYSTEMS. Implementing agrency: Overseas Development Adrninistration (NRRD). Start date: 1993-01-01. End date: 1995-1 1-01. Country/countries: Unied Kingdom; Malawi; Statement of objectives/abstrac: The wider objective of this project is reduce damage to toed crops mi Malawi caused by root-invading nematodes and through the socio-economics input, to improve farmers awareness of nematodes The immediate objectives are:Collection/identilication of 266 SPMAR Information System nematodes assocated wti roots of sbsternce crops i Malaw and elsewheeTesing the abky od nwmatodes to reproduce on sbsistence crops. Tesbng Ihe effect of nematd on pant growt.Fied trials to test the effect of croppg systems on nematode populabons.Detefmine the host ranges of nematodes from root and tuber crops and hand bananas.Trainng i reogition and manipulabton of pl parasitc nematodes for Ugandan personnelDraw up proposal for protect on root and tuber/banana crop rotations that do not support build-up parasitic nematodes.Assess ability of farmers to integrates proposed new rotations into exisng cropping pattems. Contact n research organizatbon: Dr. R. Hilocks; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mantirne; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB: Unted Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 88006677; Telex 263907/8 LDN G fecord number(MFN): 04822 Official proect ttle: WEED MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION TILLAGE. Implementing agency: Overseas Developrent Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1991-04-01. End date 1994-04-01. Country/countries: Un,4ed Kingdom; Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider oblective of this project is to improve water availability to crops in semi-ard areas-The immediate objectives are:ODescnbe existing weed control practices in semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe and evaluate farmer resources available for lillage/weed control. Evaluate appropnate weed control practices in combination with conservaton tillage practices.Quantify moisture use by weeds. Contact n research organization: Dr. C. Riches; Natural Resources Insttute; Central Avenue, Chathn Manbme; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telx 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04824 Othual propj tite: TERMITES AND LAND MANAGEMENT IN SOUTHERN AFRICA. Implementing agency: Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). Slait date: 1992.04-01. End date: 1995-04-01. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Africa: Zimbabwe; Zambia; United Republic of Tanzania; Botswana: 267 SPAAR Infomrration System Staltemen of ob,ectives/abstract: The wider obe of this prote is to develop practical mranagement options tor invemtcbtate modiied soils in low input. rain-fed agricuture icr the Southern Africat region.The immediate ob*ectve Es to defie the relationsh p between itnvertebrate species, scil propertes and crop growth for areas of micro-topographoc variation ir Southern Africa Contact Wi research organization: Ms. H. Black; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue: Chathamn Maritime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 263907/8 LDfN G Record number (MFN): 04831 Ofticial project tite: INVESTMENT AND SURVIVAL STRATEGIES OF WOMEN. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-11-01. End date: 1995-03-31- Country/countries: Unted Kingdorn; Africa; Cameroon: Zambia: Statement of objectives/abstract The wider objective of the project is to improve the targeting of interventions to low-wncome women. The immediate objectives are: To provide informations on poor womenrs pnorties and constraints, and the process by whch they decide how to invest (in particular, their labour); To develop conclusions which assist in the targeting ol interventions towards such women. Contact in research organization: Ms. A. Gordon/Ms. C. O Reilly. Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime; Chitam, Kent; ME4 4TB: United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066f77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04832 Official project title: MATHEMATICAL MODEUING OF INTERVENTIONS IN GOAT AND SHEEP PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. Implementing agency; Overseas Development Admnistration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. Enddate: 1994-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom: United Republic of Tanzania; 468 SPMR Informabon System Statement of objctvesbabstract: The wider objecte o the project is to iprnove understandig of seasonal containts in snall ruminant production systems and to detiy and test intervento using simulabon modelling methods. The immediate objectives are: To calil te and validate the Texas A & M UInrersity Sheep and Goal Model lo observe productvity, seasonaluty and responses to helminth diease control of small ruminants n soutem Tanzania; To idenify and simulate approrpnate feeding and helminth disease control; To analyse the cost benefit of interventions on tlock productivty and the impact of helminth disease. Contact in research organization: Dr. C.R.C. Hendy; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Marrtirne; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088 Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record numnber (MFN): 04849 Official project btle: STORAGE OF FIBROUS RUMINANT FEEDS. Implementing agency: Overseas Developent Administration (NRRDI. Start date: 1992-0401. End date: 1994-03-G1. Country/countries: United Kingdom; Global; Bangladesh; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectiveslabstract: The wider objective of the project is to irnDrove the living standards of resource-poor livestock owners by provding recommendations on the availabilfty and utilisation of feeds which will assist in the introduction of more productive, environmentally sound livestock and fodder production systems. The immediate obetives of the project are- To survey the incidence ot fungal and mycotoxin contamination of ruminant feeds ;n selected developing countries; To assess the signficance of the effects of fungal contaminated librous feeds on livestock production: To draw up a project p.oposa! to .nvestigate the factors affecting the nutritrve value of ruminant feeds during storage n prelim:nary results indicate a serious problem. Contact in research organization. Dr. S. Panigrahli; Natural Resources Instuute; Central Avenue; Chatham Martime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04855 269 SPAAR Intormation Systemn Official proect title: DEVELOPMENT OF O0OUR BAIT TECHNOLOGY FOR TSETSE CONTROL. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NARD). Start date: 1986-031. End date: 1995-03-01. Countrylcou*ne United Kigdom; Zimbabwe; Statement of objeclteslabstract: The wider objectwrve is to develop cost-eflective. envAronmentally sound and appropriate methods for the control of tsetse flies using odour bat technologies.The immediate objectives are-To optimise the composition. formuLation dispensing of odours in the field of insectcides to impregnate traps and targets.To advise upon and assist with the use of traps, targets and odours lor tsetse control.To provide bboratory support for the 1C funded IPM proect and EC regional programme. Contact in research organizatson Dr. D.R. Hall, Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatharn Mantirne; Chathim; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom, Tel 0634 8900MR; Fax 0634 880066(77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04864 Official project tile: MICROBIAL CONTROL OF ROOT KNOT NEMATODES. Implementing agency. Overseas Development Administration (NARD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End dale. 1995-0331. Country/countries: Uried Kingdom: Atnca; Malawi: Zimbabwe: C6te divoire. Statement of objecttvesiabstract: The wider objective of this project is to reduce damage to vegetable crops in developing countnes caused by root-knot nematodes below economic thresholds by environmentally-acceptable. appropnate technologies based on combination of biological control agents (rCAs) with improved cultural practices. The immediate objectives ot this project are: To assess potentia, of Pasteuria penetrans (Pp) alone and in combination witl Verticillium chiamydosporium (Vc) applied together as 8CAs for root-knot nematodes in laboratory and field. To detemine correct timing for BCAs in typical crop rotation and assess effect of host crop and organic soil amendments on these. To devise management systems for rool-knot nematodes in vegetable crops su,ted to subsistence farmers. Contact in research organization: Dr. S.R. Gowen; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4T8: United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177: Telex 26390718 LDN G 270 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04871 Official project tile: AN ADAPTIVE RESEARCH PROJECT IN FARM MANAGEMENT AND WEED CONTROL FOR IMPROVED AGRICJLTURAl PRODUCTION (SOCIO-ECONOMIC SUPPORT FOR THE ZIMBABWE SOIL .ND WATER CONSERVATION PROJECT). Implementing agency: Overseas Deveprment Administralion (NRRD). Start date: 1992-10-01 End date: 1994-03-31. Country/countries: Unided Kingdoxn; Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider objectrves of the pro,ect are: To improve the reliability of rainfed cropping and food securty in semi-and regions partcularly for resource poor farmers; To improve soil and water management and weed control for smaliholder farmers. The immediate objectives of the project are: To provtde detail on socio-economic corcditions and existing agricultural practices in the Sanyati. Sebungwe and Gokwe areas: To identity farmer recommendation domains and monitor typical participant farmers over a one year period in all project areas (Sanyati, Sebungwe, Gokwe, Gutu and Bikita); To undertake a socao-economic assessment of innovative hand weeders. Contact in research organization: Mr. J. Ellis-Jones, Dr T.J. Willcocks and Dr. S J. Twomlow; Silsoe Research Instiute; Wrest Park. Si,oe; Bedford; MK45 5HS; United King om; Tel 0525 860000/860341; Fax 0525 8601560r. L. Ritches: Natural Resources Instiute: Central Avenue; Cnatham Maritime; Chatharn1. Kent: ME4 4TB; Uoiled Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066177; Telex 26390718 LDN G Record number (MFN): 04972 Official project title: ZIMBABWE: ERGONOMICS EVALUATION OF MANUAL WEEDERS. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-10-01. End date: 1995-03-31. ^ountry/countries: Un!ted Kingdom: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the project is to conlribute an ergonomics comnponent to extend the range of field trials in the forthcoming weeding implement testing programme at the Agritex lnsfitu e of Agricultural Engineering (IAE) and, to discuss aid advise on the future direction of the IAE Implement Testing and Development Programme. 271 SPAAR Information System Contact in research orgarization: Wt. D H. 0Ned; Sisoe Research Institute: Wrest Park; Sdsoe: Bedlord; MK45 5HS: ULlned Kingdom: Tel 0525 860000/860341: Fax 0525 860156 Pecord nunber (MFN) 04876 Offcial prect title. BEHAVIOURAL ECOLOGY OF THE SIDE-STRIPED JACKAL (CANIS ADUSTUS SUNDEVALL) IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EPIDEMKOLOGY AND CONTROL OF RABIES Impeetng agency Overseas Devebpmenl Admnistration (NRRD). Star date, 1992-04-01. End date: 1994-03-31 Country/countnes Unded Kingdom: Zimbabwe: Slaternent of objectives;abstract The overaH ains of the proect are to quantty the parameters in jackal ecobgy and behaviour thal are relevant to controlng rabies and therefore reducing nsks. expense and rmotality currenily endured by local people and, f possible to intbate practical plans utilsing this inlormation in tnal control operations. Because. this project currentiy compnses only one year and because the work is both technically dyfficuN and tIme-consuming. the first generation of airns must be restncled lo providing quanttEfti cato of jackal behaviour to provide at least order ot magnitude estinates of tactors relevant to raboes spread and conlrol. Idealiy. in the longer run. such measures should be repeated in Dopulations in different habnats. and Jdlerent epidernlo!ogicat sduatons. In this context d is noteworthy that several dozen biogWsts worked for two decades to provide the knowledge of red fox biology that underpins rabies control in the northern hemisphere Contact in research organizalion Mr C.G.D Brown. Programme Manager. Centre frr Tropical Veterinary Medicine: University oi Edinbuigjh. Easter Bush. Roslin. Midlothian: EH25 9RG. United Kingdom: Tel 031 445 2001. Fax 031 445 5099: Telex 727442 (UNIVED G D.W MacDonald: Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. Deparment of Zoology: Oxford Unrversity. South Parks Road: Oxford: OX1 3PS. United Kingdom Record numnber MFIUFl 04877 Offictal proec title RABIES IN THE SERENGETI REGION. TANZANIA. Implmenting agency Overseas Devebprment Administranon (NRRO). Start date 1992-10-01 End date 1994-03-01 Countryicountnes. United Kingdom. United Repubic of Tanzania. 272 SPAAR Irnfrmation System Statement of obeceatstact: The prect wd invesh late the epidemniology of rables m the region by carrYng out a serolgical survey of donesti dog populaions and by investigatng rncident cases n domestc and wlde pec,es Regional surveilance d rabies wil be improved by the esta n t of a rapid and reliable inmunoftuorescence diagnostc test at the Veternary Invesbgation Centre (VIC) in Arusha ard by setting up a system for reportig and submission of samples amongst local veterinary otticers, tesearch scientists and Nabona Park personel To impWlment effecbve rabies control in domestic oogs., data needs to be obtained on the dog population size. its turnover rate, access"bdiy. movements, and interactions with other species. This information wil be colected by carring out questionnaire surveys in households arouwc the National Park and by behavioural observations. Contact in research organization Mr. C.G.D. Brown;: Programre Manager; Centre for Tropical Veternary fAedic!ne. Universdy of Edknburgh. Easter Bush Rosin. Midlothian: EH25 9RG; United Kingdom: Tel 031 445 2001; Fax 031 445 5099; Telex 727402 (UNIVED G)S. Gascoyne. Institute of Zooogy; Regents Park: London; NWI 4RY Record numnber (MFN) 04879 Offtical projec title: SOCIO-ECONOM.C (W.. A3t !R TIVC PRESEARCH SUB PROJECT 1. FARMING SYSTEMS APPROACHES SUB PhDJECt 2: NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND MARKETING SYSTEMS. Implementng agency: Overseas Devebpment rU n m;lration (NRRD). Start dale 1993-09-01. End date. 1995-03-31. Country/countnes: Unded Kingdom: Africa: Malawi- Botswana; Zimbabwe: Uganda: Staletnent of objectives/abstract: The oblectives ol this projecl are: To provide seetive. discrele. soc*o-economic collaborative inputs iNto other programmes of research which produce specidic socto-economic related outputs. To assist in the provision of scic-economic writrnbutrons to inter-programme activity for NRRD funded research. Sub-projc 1 Farming systerns approaches. The main objective of this sub-projec is to assess the requrements ior the desgtn of appropnate FSR in countries where there is little or no expenrence of this approach. Sub-project 2: Needs assessment and marketing syslems. The principal afm ol this sub-project is to charactense bdnana (and banana product) marketing systems in Uganda and dentify (post-harvest) research priontes. A minor parallel study is concerned with banana waste and proposals for improved utilisation. Contact in research organization 273 SPAAR Inrormation Systern Mr. A D Maler/s. L ShaxsoVP. Digges; Natuali Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chathan Marrln; Chaham; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unted Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 IDN G Record number (MFN): 04888 Off al project te: OILSEEDS PROCESSING - SMALL ENTERPRISE OPPOHTUNITIES STUDY Implementing agency Overseas Devepmnt Administration (NRROD Start dale: 1994-01-17. End date: 1994.03-31. Country/countnes: United Kwngdom Alrica. United Republic of Tanzania; Zinbabwe. Stalement of objectrves/abstract The wder obective of tiie proect is to dentriy the condiions that determine technology success and the opportun1tes thal anse for lechnolgy deveopment/dsserrmnation in two contrasting countnes in Africa. with the amn it future initiatie withn the OENS programmne The nmmeciate objectves are To diaractense and contrast oitseed sectors; To identify successful rural lecdnologiesTo identify oworlunoties for specdic types of oilseeds techncfbgy Contact mi research organization. Ms Ann Gordon. Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatham Mantime. Chatham. Kent. ME4 4T8. United Kingdom.n Tel 0634 880068: Fax 0634 88006677. Telex 263907/8 LDfJ G Record number (MFN[ 04891 Official project tdte A SPECIES AND PROVENANCE TRIAL OF CASUARINA IN THE TANZANIAN HIGHLANDS Implementing agency Overseas Development Admmnistration (NRRD) Slart date: 1993-03-01. End date 1996-02-29 CounWry/countries: United Kingdorn. United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract. The objectives of the prolect are To compare provenances of the most promising Casuarina species for selected ecozones of the Tanzanian highlards: To evaluate these Casuarna species according lo their survval, producti. contnbutiton to soil fertility and moisture conservation; To analyse the species rooting structure to deteTmine their potential for use in agroforestry. and grazing land rehablitation. Con:act in research organization 274 SPAAR Irtnormatoio Systemn Miss 0. Webley; Forestry Research Programme; University of Oxiord; Haldax House; 6 South Parks Road; Oxford; OXI 3U1: United Kixgdom; red 0665 2710367; Fax 0865 271035; Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROX Record number (MFN): 04892 Oticial prect title: GENETIC EVALUATION OF AFRICAN ACACIA SPECIES. Implenenting agency: Overseas Devebopment Administration (NRRD). Startdate: 1994-0101. Enddale: 1996-12-31 Country/countries: United Kingdom. Zinbabwe. Stalrnemnt ot oblectweslabstract: The oblectives of the proect -II be to establtsh in Zimbabwe comprehensive populaborVprogeny tests of Faidherbia abda, Acacia enoloba, A.karoo, A.nilotica. A.senegal and A.tortlhs using matenal assernbled under ODA-funded Research Schemes R4348, R4526 and R4583 using expenmental designs that will permd bot genetic and adaptive evaluation. Contact in research organizaton: Dr. R.D. Baames. Forestry Research Programme; University of Oxford. Halifax House, 6 South Parks Road: Oxford: OX1 3UB; United Kingdom. Tel 0865 2710367. Fax 0865 271035, Telex 83147 VIA OR G attn FOROX Record number (MFN): 04894 Official proect title KENYAIMALAWI DEVELOPMENT AND ON-FARM EVALUATION OF AGROFORESTRY LIVESTOCK FEEDING SYSTEMS Impernenting agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRF1D) Start date: 1993-10-01. End date: 1996.03-31. Country/countnes: United Kngdom: Atnca; Kenya: Malawi. Statement of objectives/abstract. The objectives of the pro,ect are: Through examination of secondary data. to become farniliar with and descnbe existing agroforestry/livestock feeding systems in two contrasting agro-ecological zones: Through focused farmer-participatory surveys. deterrmie constraints to hvestock production in agroforestry systems as perceived by bdoh fammers and lechncians: To manage a programme of chemical evaluation of qualiy of tree lodders found in the selected zones; To monitor performance of ruminants in existing systems in the selected zones: With larmer participabon, to conduct a senes of experments to test feeding mlerventions which will range for on-farm. 275 SPAAR Irnfonation Systern farmer managed. to on-station, researcher controled rocedes. The experments wll ridude mea-suement of amrnal performance; To maint the exdmange of nformatiorn on the workng m the region, To ensure the dsseminabon of resead resulfts through publbcaton in reevant scientific punmals; To provide advice on forage, agronomy and anmal nutntion to oher core ICRAF protcts as requested. Contact in research organization: Mr. H.L. Wrngt. Programme Manager. Forestry Research Prograr,me; Unfversiy of Oxford. HaMrax House: 6 South Parks Road. Oxford: OXI 3UB. United Kngdom. Tel 0865 271036. Fax 0865 271035; Telex 85147 VIA OR G attn FOROXProt. M. GilVDr. R. Paterson. Natural Resources Instdule. Central Avenue: ChauMarni anrrie: Chatham: Kent. ME4 4TB: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN) 04897 Offical protect title: PESTICIDE APPLICATION ON TREE CROPS. Implementing agency: Overseas Develpment Adirnistration (NRRD). Startdate 1993-04-01 Enddate' 1996-03-31. Country/countries: Undted Kingdom: Alnca; Unnted Republic of Tanzania: Global; Thailand: Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider objective oa the project is to assist si rasing exporl and farmer earnings from tree crop production through improved IPM practices. The immediate objectves are:To dentify the applicaton problems ot tree crop spraying and dusting systems wrthin current integraled pest management programmes underway on cashew in Tanzania. and mango. tangenne and durian in Thailand,To improve the accuracy. efficiency and environmental safety of pesticide use on the above tree crops through the develpment of application methods based on reduced volume apphcatton rates and closer linking of application factors such as drop or particle size with the nature and location of the bioogical target.To rmnimit,.e the impact of pesticdies on the environment by providing tree crop producer with improved methods of spray application and personal protecton and the establishment of safer pesticide handling and disposal methods:To minimise pesticidal run-off to sod and water systems:To devebp low cost duster for use in cashew mildew control. Contact in research organization: Mr. W.J. King. Natural Resources Institule: Central Avenue; Chatham Mantime, Chatham. Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom. Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77. Telex 263907/8 LDN G 276 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04899 Official protct Itle: THE USE OF JUTE SACKS IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN AFRICA. Implementing agency: Overseas Developrnent Adrministration (NRRD). Start date: 1993-12-01. End date: 1996-4331. Country1countnes: United Kingdom: Atfnca: Zimbabwe; Unided Repub"ic of Tanzania; Uganda. Slatement of objectrves/abstract: The objectives of tii pro,ect are:Phase ITo collect data on import. manufacture and use of lute and woven plastic sacks used lor agncuitural purposes in Afnca.Phase 2To determine users experierce of jute and woven plastic sacks ri relation to commodity quality and pest control operalions;To analyse the data to provide a companson of the tree relative costs of using ltAe and woven plastic sacks for agncultural comrnmodties;To rntify Irture trends n qualitathe requirements for sacks,To prepare updated sack specifications for selected applications;To explore possible roles for innovative packaging products made from lute. Contact in research organization: Dr L. Kennedy, Natural Resources Insthute. Central Avenue. Chatham Maritinme Chatham; Kent: ME4 4TB. United Kingdom. Tel 0634 880088 Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record nurnber (MFN): 04903 Official prolect ltle AUSTRALIAN HARDWOODS FOR FUELWOOD AND AGROFORESTRY - PHASE II Implementing agency: Australian Centre for Intemational Agrcultural Research Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1991-00-00. Country/countries: Global; Australia; Kenya. Zimbabwe. Thailand. Statement of obtectlves/abslract: Thts project is designed to analyse specific attributes of dfferenl Australian speces presently undergoing growth trials in Australia. Researchers will evaluate nursery methods. and also select and screen species tor possible use in semi-arid and arid environments, They will determine how nutntion affects stem form and growth. and test the timber for usefulness. Growth plots that have been established for more than three years will be used to gauge the responses of different species to pruning. coppicing. pollarding or logging practices. Also, a selection of ,iee species will be planted at different spacings to determine their effects on adjacent pasture species. Researchers will then extend these resufts to growth trials underway in Kenya. Zimbabwe. and Thailand. 277 SPAAR Informalion System Record nurbner (MFN): 04905 Official proecd tite: PERI-URBAN VEGETABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Implementing agency: The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRC). Stait date: 1993-01-00. End date: 1994-12-00. Countrylcountries: Afnca; Cole d'I oire; Unted Republic of Tanzania; Zambia: Statement of obpcrveslabstract: The proposed proect would have the followng specrfic obiectives: (1) to desribe the actual situation regarding vege'ables in terms of produtcton. consunption. pnces (including seasonal and inter-year pnce fluctuations), availablity and marketing. Thts infornation will be compiled into a comprehensive set of vegetable stattstics for planning and research managetment purposes; (2) to compare the total vegetables currently reaching the urban market with the supplies needed to meet present and future nutritional requiremfents; (3) to identify and review relevant domestr, research and development intiatives in the area at vegetable growing and marketng. with swpcial emphapsis on pen-urban and urban household vegelable p,oduction, (4) to identify major constraints to increased pen urban vegetable production and suggest ways to develop vegetable delivery and production systems that closely Ink farm production capacity with market requirements, and (5) lo identiy constraints to urban household gardening and ways of promnoting I as an eff icient source of food and income security.The expected outputs for each of the three countries involved would be: (i) a reference database and reliable informalton on pen-urban vegetable production. consumption, marketing and prices at the nalional and regional levels. (ii) idenlilication ot constraints to increased pen-urban and urban household vegetable production and ways to overcome them; and (hii) improved knowledge among researchers and policy makers which can be used in the design of follow-up projects aimed at improving small-scale commercial pen-urban vegetable producton and household gardening. Contact in research organization: Dr. Romee T. OpenalDr. Nameus Mnzava; HORTI Tengeru; Arusha; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04918 Official project title: RESEARCH AND EXTENSION II. Implementing agency: World Bank; Zambia. Start date: 1996-00-00. Country/countnes: Zambia; 278 SPAAR Inlormatmon System Statement of obectiwes/abstract: To strengthen national research and extension services and to reonent these serices towards the needs of smalihokders. Record number (MFN): 04922 Offcial project Itle: VEGETABLE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (TANZANIA) Implementing agency: Inteaational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-11-20. End date: 1993-11-20 Country/countnes: United Republc of Tanzania: Statement ot objectrves/abstract: Agnculture, the backbone of the Tanzanian economy, is the source of livelihood for 900. of the country's population. However, food crops are raised mainly by small farmers, whose output falls short of the nation's needs. This pio'ect will irnprove the production and utilization of vegetable crops in the country; d will also promote coordination of vegetable research and Irain staff for a network of research in this tield covenng ten African countnes: Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the SADCC Region (CONVERDS) In particular. it will carry out field surveys to build up baseline data and idenlify constraints to the production, marketing. and consumption of vegetables. It will fuither conduct research in different ecological zones aiming at the development of appropriately-adapted technologies. Contact in research organization: R.E.A. Swai; Ministry of Agnculture: Livestock Development and Cooperatives; P.O. Box 2066: Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04927 Official project title: SMALL HOLDER FORESTRY (TANZANIA). Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Star date: 1991-1 1-11. End date: 1993-05-1 1. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectwes/abstract: Unlike many other Sub-Saharan countries in Africa, much ol Tanzania enjoys good climatic conditions conducive to raising and establishing trees. Most forest 279 SPAAFR Informanon System development activities n the country are however, onduced by gomrnent or quasi-government ntuto s, while private udoidualscompanies are only involved n wood processng in such as sawnilling, ctiaioal produdion, and carpentry enterprises. Increasing pressure on state forests and the financial constraints to their expansion have placed a premium on wood products. resuting n a rapid escalabtion d manket pices and dedcining availability. Encouraging pnvate ndrvdals and companies to grow trees is seen as a possible and promisig solution to the problem. This project will identify the factors inhbrtng pnvate lorest development and, having examined Ihese, make reconmendations which could assist policy makers, forestry adninistrators, and pnvale individuals/companies in the prornotion of pivate forest develDpment. Contact in research organizaton: Mr. August Temu; Faculty of Forestry; Sokoine Unrversrty of Agrculture: P. O. Box 3013; Morogoro; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04930 Offiual proect title: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROCESS: THE CASE OF MAIZE IN THE SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS (TANZANIA). Implementing agency Internatonal Developfncnt Research Centre. Stal date: 1991-07-21 End date. 1993-07-21. Country/countries United Republic oa Tanzania: Stater ent of objectives/abstract: Within IDRC as a whole and the Corr munications Dimsion in partcular, there is keen interest in ensunng that the poor the benefis of IDRC-lunded research innovations. The Communications Division is particularly interested in identifying the processes and interactions that lacildate appropriate research inmovations reaching their ntended audiences. Many agriculturalists have exarnined single ccmponents of the transler process. No research conducted in Tanzania has analyzed the interrelatonship of factors which aid or abet agricultural technobgy Iransler Usng a case study approach. this project wiN trace the development and analyze the transfer of a specific agricultural mnova:ion la hybrid maize crop) to peasant farmers n the southem highlands ot the country. Researchers wlt liace the evaluation ot the technology, its testing, and is introduction to the extension and farming communites to dentify those factors which encouraged or discouraged farmner adoption ot the lechnology. Conlac in research organizalon: Dr A.Z. Mante.; Dept. ol Agricultural Education: Sokorne University ot Agriculture: P.O Box 3002: Morogoro: Tanzania 280 SPAAR Infromatiow System Record numnber (FN): 04935 Offical project tite: SCHISTOSOMIASIS INTERVENTION TRIAL WITH A BOTANICAL MOLLUSCICIDE - ENDOD (ZIMBABWE) Implermnting agency: Internatinal Developnent Research Centre. Start date: 1991-04-29. End date: 1995-04-29. Counlry/countries Zimbabwe; Statement of objectrvesabstract: Mass chemotherapy is known to reduce the prevalenoe and rnorbidity of schistosomiasis. However, reinfection occurs wthin a year due lo uninterrupted schistosomiasis transmisson. It is not known whether mass chemotherapy followed by community-based mollusciciding mght prevent reinfeclion. Synthetic molluscicides are loo costly lkf most developng countnes. Plant molluscicides offer an alternatrve. Of these, the best known is the soapberry Phytolacca dodecandra (Endod), a plant indigenous to Zimbabwe. During the past five years the most molluscicidal Zimbabwe varieties have been identified and pilot field trials have shown that the plant is effective in reducing snail intermediate hosts. This project will evaluate the efficacy, acceptabitity, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness ot drferent approaches to maintain low prevalence, morbidity, and transmission of schistosomiasis following mass chernotherapy. Approaches compared in a community intervention Inal include: application of the plant molluscicide Phytolacca dodecandra through community effort; through health services eflort; and conventional chemotherapy through health services. Contact in research organizalion: Dr. Jerry Ndamba; Blair Research Laboratory; Mnistry of Health: North Avenue: P 0. Box 8105; Causeway; Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 04939 Official project title. PILOT COOPERATIVES INFORMATION SYSTEM (TANZANIA) - PHASE 11. Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-01-15. End date: 1994-01-15. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of :bjectiveslabstfract: This project will allow the Cooperatves College of Tanzania to implement the data base designed in the previous phase I project. Ph&e I inproved the efficiency of 281 SPAAR Inlormation System existng manual systems of collectng, organzing, storing. retrieving, and transmittmg infrmation in the agrcutural cooperatives movement, through the development of a computer-based data processing and information management system. In this phase. the Colege wiil instal an operational system at two cooperative unions where inormtation on crop procurement and farrn inputs distribuion wil be colected, processed, and disseminated wmth downward and upward linkages to primary societies and national apex organizations respectively. The data base will be tested at these two sites to determine ns applicabihty for effective conrtol, planning. and decision-making wihin agrcutural cooperatives using actual data collected from primary sociebes and unions. Training will include operation and maintenance of the system for sSa". and orientation seminars for leaders ot cooperatives. Contact in research organization Dr. S.A. Chambo; Cooperative College; Moshi: Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04940 OfCicial project litle SACCAR DATA BASE FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH RESODlCES ASSESSMENT - PRELIMINARY PHASE. Implementing agency International Development Research Centre Start date: t991-05-06 End date 1992-05-06. Country/counlries: Africa; Botswana. Statement of objectrves/abstract: This project will investigate the modalties for the development of a computetized management information data base to support effective agricultural research planning and resource allocation. in the Southem African region. This preliminary phase will assess the management information needs of the agriculture sector within countries of the Southern Alrian Development Coordinatin Conference (SADCC): determine inforrnation resources available to agricultural research managers for planning. priority seting. and decision-making at local, national, and regional levels. examine intemational initiatives in national agncultural research management; and, taking into account existing agricultural research data bases, make recommendations for the devebpment of a computerzed management information system to meet the needs of the agriculture sector of the region, Training of staff at the Southem African Centre for Cooperation in Agricutural Research (SACCAP). to laclitate their effectiveness in operating and maintaining the system in the future will be an important part of the project. Contacl in research organization: Dr. M.L. Kyomo; SACCAR: Pnvate Bag 00108: Gaborone: Botswana 282 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 04941 Official projet title: RURAL INFORMAL SECTOR (TAMZANIA). Implemenhng agency: International Developmenl Research Centre. Start dale: 1991-04-30 End date: 1993-10-30. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: The informal sector appears to have grown substantially over the last ten years in Tanzania. but very little solid data is available. Some research has now been conducted on the urban informdl sector but in Tanzania, as throughout Afnca, its rural counterpart is largely unknown. This project wiN conduct a plot census in tour representative regions to determine the size of the sector and the relative importance of ditferent activdties. This will be followed by a more detailed survey of a sample of activiies in two markel centres and two villages in each of the four distncts. Various measures for the ethiciency of different activities will be estimaled. Finally, the impact of policies associated with structural adjustment witl oe analyzed with a view io possible changes needed to take advantage of the strengths of the rurat inlormal sector. Contact in research organization: Dr M.S.D; Bagachwa: Economic Research Bureau; University of Dares Salaam: P.O Box 35091; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04945 Official project title: WOMEN'S PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT (TANZANIA) Implementing agency: Inlernational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1991-02-26. End date: 1992-02-26. Countrytcountries: United Republic of Tanzania. Statement of objectives/abstract: Serious consideration is currently being given within IDRC as a whole, and the Communications Division in particular, to the transfer of research findings to the ultimate beneficiaries. This project will complement activities thal have improved popularizaton of science (e.g. 3-P-86-0301 - Ethiopia) and improved communication between research irstitutions and extension personnel (e.g. 3-P-89-0063 - pan Africa) by focusing on the communications stralegies which empower people at the village level to participate n decsion-making about their needs and development activities related to those needs. Specifically this project will explore the comparative potential of two communications media (smal format video and popular theatre) to 283 SPAAR Inlormalion System improve 0te ability of Tanzanian wornen to particpate effectively at the village level in decision-making about rural development projects from which they are expected lo benelft. Contact in research organization Dr. Penina Mlama: Faculty of Arts and Socal Scence, Urnversity of Dar es Salaam; P.O. Box 35091: Dares Salaam: Tanzania Record number (MFN): 04992 Official prolect title: SUPPORT TO THE CENTRE FOR AFRICAN STUDIES Implementing agency: Swedish Agency tor Research Cooperation with Developing Counifes. Country/countries: Mozambique; Stalement of objectives/abstract: The project is focused on three different areas of research and documentation: 1) The dynamics of social. economic and political developments in Mozambique'. The project is a study of the socio-eccnomic transformations in Mozambique, the main themes of the project being a) various aspects of gender related researct: b) the interaction between destabilisation. extemal aid and deve!opment policy; c) migrant labour and class struclure differentiatson 2 'The dynamics of iernational relrtions in Southern Africa and in the world'. This is a study of vanous aspects of inernattonal relations, the main themes being a) the impact of the East-West detente, political changes in Eastem Europe. and the European integration process on Mozambique and the region; b) the peace process in the region and the perspectives for SADCC regional cooperation. cj Soulh-South relations and the means ol enhancing catlaboraltion in the region: d) pre and post-independence loreign pc'icy of Frelimo 3 'tnformation and documentation' The project is support to the CEA documentatior centre and includes the acquisition of documents, the production of bulletins and training of staff. Contact in research organization: Yussuf Adam; University Eduardo Mondlane: Centre for African Studies (CEA): Maputo Record number (MFN): 05000 Official project title: COOPERATIVES AND LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Implementing agency. Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries, Slart date: 1 9a7-06-22. 284 SPAAR InforTnation System Country/countrnes Global; Sweden; Kenya; India; Egypt: Sudan: Zimbabwe- Zambia- Somalia. Statement of objectives/abstract: The programme aims at contriouling to improved understanding of how enviro.lmental forces are conditioning the behaviour and performance of cooperabve organizations and their members. The approach comnbines the development of information systems, facilitating analyses and monitoring of organizational behaviour in drfferent environmental contexts, with detailed studies of aspects perceived as being ot particular importance. Currently oigorig projects deal w ith agricultural cooperatives in Kenya. India. Egypt and the Sudan. A mator addiional project is being pianned on rural cooperatives in Zimbabwe, together with studies in Zambia and Somalia Contact in research organization: Dr. Franz-Michael Rundquist; Lund University; Department of Social and Economic Geography: S-223 62 Lund RAcord number (MFN) 05022 Official project title: ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND FOOD SECURITY IN TANZANIA. Implementing agency: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: Studies on food security in differenl regions in Tanzania 'n relation to climatic changes, environmental degradation, pollution and urbanization Severe land degradation has been identfied in specific areas of the semi-and and humid environmentis in Iringa. Dodoma, Morogoro, Tabora, Shinyanga and Moshi districts and insignificant degradation was observed in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Arusha. The relative contribution of land degradation to food insecurity, however, could not be discemed due to a mi ltipliciy of contributing factors. Contact in research organization: Dr. W. Rugumamu: University of Dar es Salaam; Department of Geography; Dar es Salaam Record number (MFN) 05024 Official project title PERSISTENCE AND DISPERSAL DYNAMICS OF DDT, DELTAMETHR!N, ENDOSULPHAN OTHER ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS IN ZIMBABWE. Implementing agency: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries. 285 SPAAR hafonn System Staft dale: 19e,-07t Cou ycw es ZNnbabwe. Statement of obrectves/ab stract: There ale cear indc s tfat pestides have begn to accumulate in lhe enwomet in many areas of Zimbabwe. This is pamicutarty true of DOT. deftanrelm and endosurha The aim of the presenl reseadrh proect is to uiveStigte te rate at Which Ihese pesticdes get broken dowr by organic processes and the rate at whc they accunate m sois and water bodes. Am"ng the techtiques that wi be used mi the research are liqud and gas chromolography. electron capture and flarne Potonetry The pecd inporates rcsearch tramng for four Zrmbabwean scientsis for M Phil degrees Contact i organization Or M F Zaranyika. University of Zimbab*e. Department of Chemistry Harare Record nurnber IMFN- 05034 Official proec tIle PRODUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING FOR MULTIPURPOSE BATCH CHEMICAL PLANTS Implenentwig agency Swedtsh Agency fo Research Cooperation wth Devebwg Countries Country/countries Mozam"bque. Satemwent of ob,etves abstract: The Prtt wI deal wth the beverage and dafry ndustries Its affn is to arnve at otal production sequees and opefation schedules, given certan corfigurahons of equqprent. stockholdng costs and losses incurred by unpanned stoppages. Ths involves research nto the functional dependence of produchon vanarits on the capacities. charactenstics and interdependencies of the chemical equipnent and pfocesses trvofved on the production sequrnces Contac! in research organization Dr Antonio Sararva de Sousa. Universty Eduardo Mondlane. Facutly of Engnuienng. Department of Chemcal Ergmeenng; Maputo Record number MFN. 05057 Offcial procte tItle SACCAR S SMALL RESEARCH GRANTS PROC-RAMME. Implementing agency Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developng Countries. Start date 1990-07-01 286 SPMR Irnornation System Countyicones: Botswana; Sblement of obcives/absract: The seal research grants programwe provxdes research grants to dinba pWir or mrd-leve agiculural scientists in te pursuit of a career in agncultural research deicaed to seeking soktons to te agultural problems of e country and the SADCC. 1 is open to aN citizens of the SADCC countres who are actively pursug a caer n agicultural research Applats must hold at bast a Sc in agnitre or its equivalent. The awards are khnled to USD 100 of hich not more tia. 50 per cent can be used for equpment. No salary to the recpent wi be aowed All appicants wil be revewed and Inal selecbon made by a grants committee. The awards are given for a 2-year penod Recipierts are supposed to submrd a progress repoet 12 months after recevng the award and a final report after 2 years. The research results are publshed in the Zfmbabwe Journal of Agricutural Research. Contact in research organization: Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricuhural Research ISACCAR), Gaborore Record number IMFN) 05079 Official proect tdle. GEOPHYSICS. HYDROCHEMISTRY AND HYDROGEOLOGY IN GROUND WATER RESOURCES OEVELOPMENT Implementing agency Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation wnth Developing Countries Start date. 1989-07-01 Country/countries: Zimbabwe: Sweden: Statement of objectives/abstract The proect consists of three parts 1 ! a water resource analysrs of shallow ground water aquder types in Zinbabwe: 2) digdal wnrage processng of satellte data to distnguish and charactenze the aqu4ers. 3) water use and water use efficiency of hoticultural crops at aquder sies Research education is integrated in the proW. Conlact n research organization: Richard Owen. University of Zimncbwe; Department of Geology; HarareTorled Dahin; Lund University: Department of Geolechnoloqy; Section for Engneenng Geoloqy: S-221 00 Lund Record number IMFNI: 05084 287 SPAAR Irnomaibon System Officsal popect tib: ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF INDIGENOUS FORESTS IN Z13ABWE. Impleenn agncy: Swedish Agency lo Research Cooperation with Devebping Countres. Staut date: 1990-07-01. Countil/cour*nes: Zibabwe Sweden. Statement of objctvs/abstract The dgenous loresis of Zibabwe have been extensively logged to the etect hat sorne mnportant biber tree species are rapdy disppearig. Fres. intensive grdzing. and ciearing of vegeo for fuetwood. agricultre and settlements have converted forest lands to savanna. In order to develop methods for management of indigenous forests under sustaxied yeld. research is needed on regeneration techniques of indgus Iree species. dynamics of natural forests. gene conservation elc. Contacl in research organization Di. G.D. Piearce. Forestry Cornmisporn. Research and Development Dmsion. Harare Prof. Anders Persson; Swedish Unversty of Agncultural Scie s ISUAS): Department of Forest Yield Researclh: S-770 73 Garpenberg Record number (MFNI 05086 Offtcial project btie MARINE SCIENCE COOPERATION PfIOGRAMME. Implmentng agency Swedish Agency lor Researcn Cooperaton wtth Developng Countries. Start date: 1989-07-01 Country/oountnes Unded Repubitc of Tanzania. Mozambique: Kenya. Seycheles. Sweden. Slalteent of objectiveslabstrad The East African regional mranne science programme was launched 1989. The aim of the programme is to support the countnes in Ihe East Afncan region with training courses in various fields of manne sciences. The programme is correlated to the ongong blateral manne activties SAREC supports in the region (i.e. in Mozambique. Tanzania and Somalia). The funding is spt into two parts: 1) one SAREC-conducted activiy, coordinated from the zoological depanment of Stockholm universty; and 2) one part conducted by Intergovemrnental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). coordinated by the IOC-regional office in Mombasa. The framing and research components are devtded in wokshops. naltonai and regional seminars as well as intercalibration meetings From the fiscal year 1990191. the marine regional component wth IOC is expanded to include the Carrbean region. The Carnbean coordinator is the IOC regional office in Cartagena. Colorrbta. Contact in research organization. Dr Magnus Ngore. University ol Dar es Salaam: Institute of Manne Sciences: 288 SPAAR Infrmation Sstlem ZanzabOr. Adelaide Seins; Uniersy ol Dar es Salaam. Deparbment f Bofay; Dar es SalaanDr. Celesle Mondego: Unvesty Eduardo Mondlane; Facut of Bioy hnhacMawe Biobogical Stabon; MapuoDr. Mdiael Ntba; UnwestY of Nairobi; Depauirnt of Zoology: NafobiOr. Ezekiel Okemwa; Kenya Marine and Fishenes Research lnsWte; MarbasaDr. David Adill; Soutes Indian Ocean Proed on the Development and Managen of Fishes (SWIOP); Vckru. Mahe Prof. Oof Lixn: Stckholm Uniersy: Department of Zoology: S-106 91 StockholmProf. Lars Hemroth: Knstnneberg Marine Biolgy Stabon: S-450 34 Fiskebaeclkskil Record number (MFN): 05088 Oflcial projecl tile: STUDIES ON SOME REPROODJCTIVE TRAITS OF INDIGENOUS GOATS IN MOZAMBOE. Implementing agency: Swedish Agency lor Research Cooperation with Deveolopng Countries. Starl date: 1990-07-01. Courtry/countnes: Mozambique. Sweden. Statement of objectres/abstract: Goals are important animals for the family sector in many developng countnes and vefy Idtte research has been done on any aspect of goats. This proqec will defone ,te reproductive performance of ndgenous goals m MozambKe and investigate possible interactions between reproductive performance and nutritonal status. One goup of animals Wml be kept at optimal conddions at a research station and one group in the famitly sector The proect wil lead la a MSc for the Mozambican researcher. The protect is done in collaboration with the proJeCt Causes of diseases in Mozambcan goats within the family sector Contact in research organization: Pedro Halar; University Eduardo Mondtane: Faculty of Vetennary MUedcine. Maputo Prof. Slig Einarsson. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SUAS); Department of Obsteltcs and Gynaecology. S-750 07 UppsalaProf. Lars-Enk Edqvisl: Swedish University of Agricutural Sciences (SUAS); Department of Cliical Chemistry; S-750 07 Uppsaa Record number (MFN): 05089 Official propect Itle: CAUSES OF JISEASES IN MOZAMBICAN GOATS WITHIN THE FAMILY SECTOR. Impementing agency Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation wth Deve"ping Countries. Start date 1990-07-01 289 SPMR Infomation Syslem Country/countties: Mozambqe; Sweden; Statemen of obfectws/abstract: Goats are ipodarit arnials for the family sector m many Afrcan countnes. Very te research has been done on goats so far. This proect wifl study the reasons for diseases and death among goats withn the family sector, startng wdh a survey. Once the maapr diseases are identifed. fey wil be studed in detail regarding pathology. etiogy. wrology etc. ncklding the nluence of management. nutriion and soiecnmic condions. The proec is planned for four years and concentrated on research education. This project is done in collborathon with the proect 'Studies on some reproducirve tratts of idigenous goats n Mozambique'. Contact in research organizaton Rosa Costa; National Vetennary Research Insttute (INIVE); MaputoProl. Hans-Joergen Hansen, Swedish University of Agricultural Scices (SUAS). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Departmwent of Pathology. S-750 07 UIppsala Record nLinber (MPN) 05090 Offcial projed tle. NEONATAL VIRAL DIARRHOEA IN CALVES IN MOZAMBIOUE ImpWementing agency Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Develpng Countres Start date: 1990-07-01. Country/countnes: Mozambique. Sweden. Statement of oblectrves/abstract. Diarrhoea caused by wiruses is one ol the reasons for a high mortality among newborn calves in many develping countnes. No research has been done in Mozambique so far decoding the nature of these viruses Similar research has been done in the region and contact has been eslablished The objectives of the project are to study the prevalence of three mapr viruses and evaluate their role m disease occurrence and economic loss One ol these viruses will be selected for in depth studies as regards epKieiology and diagnostic methods sulable for Mozambique. The indial %wo year period will ead to a MSc for the Mozambscan researcher to be contiued with a PhD. Contact in research organization: Claudia Baule: National Vetennary Research Insttute (INIVE); MaputoProd. Bror Morein; Swedist University of Agncultural Sciences (SUAS); Faculty of Vetennary Medcime; Department of Microbiology, S-750 07 UppsalaKristona Klmntevalt; Swedsh University of Agricultural Sciences (SUAS); Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Department of Virobgy: S-750 07 Uppsala 290 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 05091 Offical pro*ed title: CHEMICAL AND NUTRIllONAL ASPECTS OF CASSAVA PROCESSING. tmplEenlw g agency Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Devetoping Countnes. Country/coutrites: Mozambique: Sweden, Statement of objecties/abstract: Cassava root is one of the most wrrnpolant staple foods of Mozambque. It has a very high cabrioc value. Its eaves. which also form part of the daily diet of Mozambicans, are rich in proteins. vitamins and minerals. The awn of the project is to devise technques for industnal production ot cassava flour, as weN as to increase the nutrtioral correntration (carbohydrates, proteins and l,ds) and shelf-lae of industrially Produced cassava flour. Methods wiN also be developed for partial substitution of wheal by cassava in bread and pasta RFesearh training for the Mozambican coordinalor leading lo a PhD at Lund University is ntegrated into the project: this research training wil be conducted according to the 'sandwch model'. Contact in research organization: Joswh da Cruz Francisco. University Eduardo Mondlane: Faculty of Engneering; Department of Chemical Engineenring MaputoProt. Kaare Larsson: Lund Unwversity: Department of Food Technoloy.: S-221 00 Lund Record number (MFN) 05092 Official project tle: MARINE RESEARCH Ar ZANZIBAR. Implementing agency: Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation wrth Developing Countries. Start date: 1990-07-01 Country/countries Unied Republic of Tanzania, Sweden; Statement of objectives/abstract: This bilateral manne science programme focuses on marine coastal processes. The pressure on the coastal areas are immense. e.g. urbansation. lounsm. coral reef exploitation have draslically increased. Both research and l aimnng components locus on these problems. The geographical area is Zanzibar. where both aquaculture and ecological effects are studred. The department of bology and the Institute of Marine Sciences. both at the university of Dar es Salaam, are Tanzanian crunterparts. Several fields of manne science have been scheduled as research areas: 1) coastal taxonomy; 2) coral metabolism and produclivity: 3) coral fish ecology; 4) field studies on the nalive manne flora 5) algar culure in laboratory; 6) application ol biotechnology to seaweeds: 7) mangrove ecology. Contact in research organization 291 SPAAR Informabon System (Dr. 4ageus iJgoil: Lnnwsdy of Dar es Salaan: Institute of arine Scinc; ZanziaOrD. Ade!aide Semesi; University of Dar es Salaam; Department of Botany; Dar es SalaamDr. Klaus Koop; Stockhoxm University; Deparftenl of Zooogy; S 106 91 StodhiknOr. MIariane Pedersdn: tUppsala Univrersiy: Department of Physological Botany; S-75' 21 Uppsala Record n~ ber (FN) 05093 Official projecd lile. EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS OF ESSENTIAL OILS FROM AROMATIC PLANTS OF MOZAMBIOUE Implemntng agency Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countines. CounlryIcouintnes: Mozamb.que. Sweden. Statemenl of objectves/abstract: Mozanmbque has a wide range of aromatic plants wihich are rich in essential oils. These Dils have potentially substantial commercial and ecornmic value, The project wil focus on buiding research capacity in the chemical analss and extraction of nalural products Contact in research organization. P Felisberto Pagula. University Eduardo Mondlane. Faculty of Science: Departrment of Chemistiry. MaputoProf Torbpoem Nonn. Royal Instnute of Techlobgy. Department of Organc Chemistry. S-100 44 Stockholm Record numnber (MFN): 05095 Official proect title ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROJECT. Implementing agency. Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries. Start dale: 1991-06-06. Countryfcountries: Zimbabwe. Sweden; Statement of objectives/abstract: This is a continuation of the project Agrochemical health hazards mapping the areas. types. and methods of pesticide use. work practices. and relative exposure in different occupational groups. studying also the spiNlover exposure and food contamination affectmg nrn spraying labouers, women and children. This project will have a broader focus on the envionmental and occupational health impact of production in Zimbabwe. ZCTU's programme for training of workers in the identification and prevention ot health hazards, includes these sludies: a) testing of feld exposure and praclices in backpack spraying in horticultural production; by 292 SPAAR Informnation System field exposure survey in the smal scalo areas; c) occupational exposure to DDT andlor cistin in sprayers 4orkgq m the malarial and tse-tse fly eradication programmes; d) retrospective assessment of district hospital recoras in areas of field exposure surveys; e) aeveloprent of simple biological rmonitonng techniques for pestiade exposure; f) the epidemiology of lead exposure in tfe chemical industry; g) solvent exposure; h) a factory based study of pesticides; i) risK lactors and biochemical indices or nxic exposure to Parathion, DDT and cislin. Contact in research organization Dr. C.F.B. Nhachi; University of Zimbabwe; School of Medicine, Depatrnent of Clinical Pharmacology; HarareDr. R. Matchaba. Universty of Zimbabwe; School of Medicine; Department of Community Medicine. HarareDr. R Loewnesr.on. Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions; Health and Safety Departmnt. HararePro P. Moldeus; Karolinska Institutet; Department of Toxicolgy and Environmental Medicine. S-1 04 01 StockholmProf Christer Hogstedt: Karoltnska Institutet; Department of Occupational Medicine: Huddrnge Hospttal. S- 41 86 Huddinge Record number (MFN): 05114 Otficial project title A STUDY OF MPASA (OPSARIDIUM MICROLEPISf AND NTCHILA (LABEO MESOPSI AS SUBJECTS FOR AQUACULTURE IN MALAWI. Implementing agency International Foundation for Science Stafr date: 1981-00-00. Country/countnes Malawi, Statement of objectives/abstract. Ntchila. Labeo mesops, is an endangered cyprimid fish of Lake Malawi Recent studies have elaborated its breeding characteristics and hatchery management has proved feasible. Mr Msiska will study the feasibility of ts compatibility with tilapia and mirror carp in manured ponds which are also supplied with low grade feeds at Domasi Experimental Fish Farm (Zomba. Malawi). Two stocking densities of Labeo mesops will be used while mirror carp will be the control. The aim is to investigate whether or not Labeo mesops can be utiised in integrated fish/livestock systems. Contact in research organization Mr Orlon Msiska: Fisheries Department: P 0 Box 44; DOMASI Record number (MFNI. 05199 Official project title: BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF HUMAN SCHISTOSOMIASIS BY LAKE MALAWI SNAIL-EATING FISH. 293 SPAAR Information Systen Implemrnting agency: International Foundation for Science. Start dale: 1987-00-00. Counhry/counirnes: Malawi; Statemerd of obpectes1abstracd: Dr Chiotha wll study the potenbal of snad-eatin fish (modluscrvores) for biological control ol schistosorniasis in fish ponds. The study wril be conducted in Malaw. Laboratory studies wtil test prey (snail) selection by the molluscivores based on snail species and size. Freld studies will test the extent to whch the molluscivores reduce snagl populations in fish ponds. particulrly vector snails. Survival and growth of the moiscivores in ponds and their coexistence with other cultured lish wiJl be studied Also of interest is the breeding biobgy of the rnollusclvores. Contact in research organization Mr Sosten Staphiel Chiotha, Department of Bology, Chancellor College9 University of Malawi, Box 280, ZOMBA Record number (MFN) 05248 Official protct ttle: THE EFFECTS OF DOMESTIC FIRE ASH AS A PHOSPHORUS SOURCE AND INFLUENCE ON N.P RATIOS. PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY COMPOSITION AND FlSH PRODUCTION IN PONDS Implerrenting agency Intematsonal Foundation for Science Stad date: 1990-12-15. Country/counlries Malawi. Statement of objectives/abstract: The culture of tilapia in Malawi is hampered by inadequate feed and low tertilty ot fishponds. Phosphorus is generally considered to be one of tt nutnents most limiting lo fishpond fertility. Mr Jamu will undertake a study on the polential of increasing phosphorus availability in fishponds through application of wood ash from cooking Sres. The eHecis of ash applicalions on nirogen fixation by cyanophytes; nirogen phosphorus ratios affecting production of cyanophyles. and fish production in ponds will also be studied. Contact in research organization: Mr Oaniel Matthews JAMU: Domasi Experimental Fish Farm: PO Box 44. DOMASI Record number (MFN) 05249 294 SPAAR Information System Official projet title: THE USE OF FRESH NAPIER GRASS (PENNISETUM PURPUREUMp AS A LOW COST INPUT IN FISHPONDS. Implmenfiwng agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15. Country/countnes: Malawi: Stalement of oblectfves/abstract: Fresh napier grass added to fishponds containing herbivorous and planktivorous tilapia is a possible tow-cost aquaculture input. The study plans lo examine optimum densrty of 50:50 herbivorous Tilapia rendalli and planktivorous bilapia (Oreochrornis shiranus or 0. karongae) led wnh 50 kg dry manter/haday napier grass for optimal utilization. 11 also sels out to examine the best form of presentation of napier grass and to investigate the effectiveress of napier grass in limed fishponds. Effects of supplementing wih maize bran will be investigated, and waler quality will be examined. Contact in research organization: Mr Fredson CHIKAFUMBWA; Department of Fistenes; Domasi Experimental Fish Farm. P O Box 44: DOMASI Record number (MFN): 05256 Official protect title: INVESTIGATIONS OF SOME EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF BOVINE BABESIOSIS (B BOVIS AND B BIGEMINA) IN DAIRY FARMS IN MOZAMBIQUE. Implementing agency International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-06-01. Country/countres: Mozambique, Statement of objectivestabstract: Investigations will be made of some epidemiological parameters of bovine babesiosis (B. bovis and B. bigeminal in dairy farmns in Mozambique. Mr Neves will study seroconversion and inocuiation rates against bovine babesiosis (B. bigemina and 8. bovis) in age resistant dairy calves in six provinces of Mozambique. To test seroconversion the indirect immunolluorescenl test (IFAT) will be established at the Velerinary Faculty in Maputo. The inoculation rates wil be calculated on the base of posiive percentage of calves and their age at sampling. Mortality of the group in the sludy wil be evaluated one year later in relation to seroconversion and inoculation rates. Contact n research organization: 295 SPMR Information Syslern Mr Luis Carbs NEVES; Department of Anirnal HeaHth; Veteninary Faculy Maputo: P 0 Box 257; MAPUTO Record number (MFN): 05260 Otlicial project title: EVALUATION OF LOCALLY-PRODUCED FEED RESOURCES FOR SMALL-SCALE DAIRY PRODUCTION IN NORTHERN TANZANIA. ImplOeenting agency. International Foundation for Scence. Start date: 1990-06-01 Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of obectives/abstract: The otlective of the pfotecl to be carried out by Mr Shem is the evaluation of locally-available leed resources as sources of nutrients for dairy cattle production. The research wdf be carried out in Northem Tanzania. Samaples from locally-produced feeds will be identified and their chiemical contents and rumen degradability determmied. Maize stover (the most abundant roughage) will be treated with urea to increase is digestibility and provision of microbial nitrogen. Other aspects lo be covered are intake of urea treated and untreated maize stover and milk production of cows fed on the above-mentioned maleral together with supplements of local ongin Finally, an economic appraisal of the results will be carried oul. Contact in research organization: Mr Martin Ndabikunze SHEM: Department of Animal Science: Sokoine University of Agricuhure P 0 Box 3004: Chuo Kikuu; MOROGORO Record number (MFN) 05274 Official project title: A SURVEY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION MAPPING OF DISEASES OCCURRING ON THE FOOD CROPS OF LESOTHO. Implementing agency: Infemational Foundation for Scence. Start date: 1990-12-15. Country/countnes. Lesotho; Contact .n research organizatton: Dr Molapo OHOBELA; Agricultural Research Division Ministry of Agriculture and Marketing; P 0 Box 829: MASERU 100 296 SPAAR Infornation System Record number (MFN): 05277 Official proet itle: STUDIES ON EFFECT OF TIME AND CONDITION OF STORAGE OF COMMON BEANS (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) ON VIABILITY, SEEDLING VIGOUR AND COOKING TIME Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Start date: 1990-12-15. Country/countn6s: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objectives/abstract: Dr Nchimbt will study the effect of time and condition of storage of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) on viability. seedling vigour and cooking time. The objective of this study is to: (1) evaluate bear germplasm on how storage conditions and time of storage affect seed characisnstics; (2) study the inheritance of storability in beans. The procedures to be used are the accelerating agency test developed by Byrd and Delouche (1 978) and a method of storing bean seeds at ambient temperature in cloth bags and evaluating them for viability, seedling vigour and cooking time at three-month intervals. It is expectated that bean lines which store well, i.e., which do not detenorate fast in storage, wil be identified. The most important will be lines which do not develop 'hard seed.- i.e.. their time to cook will not be affected very mucrh by storage conditons. These lines can be very useful to consumers if they combine with other good characteristics Contact in research organization: Dr Susan NCHIMBI; Department of Crop Scence and Production, Sokoine Unive,sity of Agrnucturel P0 Box 3005: MOROGORO Record number (MFN) 05296 Official project title: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTS OF THE LEGUME CASSIA ABSSJS ON TICK POPULATIONS. Implementing agency: International Foundation for Science. Slart date: 1990-06-01. Country/countries: Zambia: Statement of oblectiveslabstract. In this investigation Dr Mwase wil study the effects of Cassia absus (leguminosae\ on tick populations in Zambia. The foremost obfective is aimed at investigatmn the survival rates of ticks exposed to the living plants of C. absus. The second objective is the extraction and isolation of the major compounds in this plant. Ether 297 SPAAR Information System and methanol are the prirne extraction solvents. The intial separation and punrication of the plant extract will involve GLC equipment and TLC. Finally, bioassays of the active plant compounds will bE carried out on ticks of economnic importance in Zamba, such as Ambtyomma variegalurn, Boophilus decoloralus and Rhpicephalus appendiculatus. Charactenzation of plant compounds will be undertaken by institutions with mass spectra analytical instruments outside Zambia. Conlact in research organization: Ms Enala Tembo MWASE: Departnent of Paraclnical Studies: Samora Machel School of Velenmary Medicine. P 0 Box 32379. LUSAKA Record number (MFN): 05315 Oficial prolect title IILIMANJARO VILLAGE FORESTRY PROJECT. Implemenling agency Japan International Cooperation Agency. Start date. :991-01-15. End date: 1993-01-14. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania, Stalement of objectives/abstract The objectives of the Protect are to develop and improve techniques for the production of tree seedlings and to train persornel concerned in order lo contnbute to the introduction of village forestry in ranzania. The Project will be carried oul through the following activities Development of nursery techniques for village forestry: Training of Tanzarnan counterpart personnel. Formulation ol the village forestry program (luetwood production. agrolorestry system. silvopastral system. etc.): Collection of data ard survey for implementing a village forestry prograr . and Construction of a nursery Contact in research organization N.K. Msimbia. Ministry of Lands. Natural Resources and Tourism. Division of Forestry and Beekeeping. Dar es Salaam. Tanzania Record number (MFNI: 05332 Official project litle: AGRICULTURAL POLICY ANALYSIS (ICRISAT) Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-02-24. End date: 1994-02-24. Country/countries. Africa: Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract: 298 SPAAR Information System This project will telp build the agricuRtural research and policy analysis capabdity ol national agricultural research systems (NARS) in the Southeem Africa Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) region by reinforcing the policy analysis initiative (PAll. Specifically the project will assess the impact of on-going market liberalization on vu!nerable groups and on private sector participation levels: backstop research economists conducting market-related policy analysis; train a regional economist in providing technical support and advisory assistance on gran marketing issues and to sustain the leadership of the PAII and support a review of economic research capabilities in the regton with a view to idenlifying opportunities for building NARS economic and policy research capabilities. Contact in research organization: Mr. David Rohrbach: SADCC/ICRISAT: P.O. Box 776: Bulawayo. Zimbabwe Record number (MFN) 05334 Official protect Itle: AGROCHEMICALS AND FARMWORKERS (SOUTH AFRICA) Implementing agency: International Development Reseprzlj Centre. Start dale: 1992*05-01 End date: 1995-04-30. Country/countries: South Africa, Statement of objectives/abstr3ct. A large proporflor of South Alrican workers is employed in agriculture and is exposed to large quantities of agricultural chemicals. especially pesticides. The effects of these chemicals on the health ot workers and their families, including chronic effects, are largely unknowr as only severe or fatal poisonings are reported. Control measures are poorly and unevenly applied. This project will measure the impact on the peripheral nervous system of these substances A research team compnsing industrial hygiene. medical. psychological, and epidemrioogical specialists wilt examine lhe health and satety issues related to the exposure of African farm workers and lheir tarnilies in the Western Cape region, to toxic agrochomicals. The researchers will employ state-of-the-art technology appropnate for Third World conditions and workers with low levels of literacy. The protecl will al3o exarnine the effectiveness of conlrol methods, simultaneously slrengthening the research capacity of African staff. students. and farm workers' trade unions. Contact in research organization' J.E. Myers: University of Cape Town: Research Administration: Private Bag, Rondebosch 7700; South Africa Record number (MFN): 05338 299 SPAR Ionnabon System Offic pret tple: PULSES AND GROIJNDffS (TANZAIAI - PHASE Off. bwlemNw agecy Wemkxn Devekpmge P Rseach Centre. Stat date: 19925-06. End date: 1995-02-06. Couwtry#onuritres: United Repubkc of Tanzania. StaeMen of obtectves abstract. Tanzaia is develpig a new masterplan for agncultural research. wih assstace trom he Spaci Program lor Afnca AgicuLtral Research (SPAAR) Sokoine iversity of Agrxulr ISSUA) ts pairtcpatwm in the mnastplan by c aowig colaboratve research on those subcts in Wch ' has on-going programs. Through pevow phases IDRC has sup ted crop ipreent research on groundouts. green grams. and soybeans at SUA A rriber d nproved selions have been entered in naional yield trials Several staff and studens have been tained in pWa breedng and agromy technques within the protect Recommendations on roved agronomic prachces have also been developed. This phase of support wil continue and extend the ppect Specifically. researdtews will conduct on-farm trials m villages and coed back-up data required for vanety release, test agronomic packages. chaactenze the lines ntended for release. and conduct prehmwra yield evaluation on the ,iew genn plasm Contact in research organization M* K P Sbua: Faculty of Agncuuie. So&cne Unrversrty of Agricultufe. P 0 Box 3005. Morogoro: Tanzania Record numberwIUFNI 05342 Official preect tftle SMALL-SCALE PARTIAL ACIDUI ATiGN OF PHOSPHATE ROCK (EAST AFRICA) tnplementing agency International Deveopment Research Centre Startdate 1992-01-02 Enddate 1994-12-31 Country countries Untied Repubic of Tanzania. Stateren el oblectrwes.abstract Eastern Africa suffers from a chronc shortage of phosphate fertilizers Ironically. fe region rs well endowed with phosphate rock deposis wich could be of great local mportancte. even though many would not be explortable on a large scale. Practically all the phosphates are d igneous onw and contain only smnal proporton of the more soluble mineral francohie. dwreed by weathewnn fronm prnmary apatte. The nost promisng technoy for making these phosphates usefhl in agriculture is partal acdlafion. whch consumes far less acid than the suger phosphate manufacturing process. and stil makes tte phosohorus eleent available to plants tor growth This protecl will develop te technolgy to rnake carbonatie-associated SPAAR h*rmation Systn apattie concnt aid adapt ex1stwg aodulabon M ioo for use isonlaed. remote areas wih Wie inrastructue and for giai-scale pnduction. The prodiction of fevihzers fw ie.ocal market in Mleya reon in Tanzara wil be riaed. The acddu ledinlg can evenualy be used n al coiines of Easten Abica whde te benehaf process *1 have to be 'aksomed for each nes d. Contact research organization Mr. John Paterson: Oueen's University: Kingston; Ontario: Canada K7L 3N6Dr. Wilred Lonbe: Eastem and Southern Afnica Mineral Resources Devebopment Centre: P.O. Box 1250: Dodoma: Tanzarna Record number (MFN) 05343 Offial projed trUe: ICROWAVE EXTRACTION OF FLAVOURS AND FRAGRANCES ZIMBA6WE) Im )lemeting agency: Internatonal Devebpmerd Research Centre. CountrylcDuntnes Zimbabwe: Statement of objectives/abstract. Ziobabwe has an excellent agncutxural potential due to ts favourable chnate aid good intrastructure. Thts proed mtl lok al three ndgenous plants (heteropyxis natalensis. heleromorpha tndoliala. and nKdorella restdaefoha) that could be used to produce fragrances for the local and inlematonal markets. Researchers wilt also " at t technology requfred to prduce known extracts from four seleced horticultural plants (aritse. lvender. lenongrass. and jasmine) using the newty develped mcrowave extraction techrolo. This technology has been found to be much less "tensrie in capital and in energy use as cwmpared to steam extraction technology. It often produces extracts of distinct. usualy better quality than the conventonal steam distilation processes. But this is nrt ncessarly an advantage as the users of extracts would not kelfy change their fragrance formulations to acconmolale a small producer This proect wilN there4ore develop te necessary parameters for microwave technolog to meet existing extract standards, in the case of known extracts. and set new standards in the case ol new extracts Contact in research organization J.R J. Pare: Environment Canada: Ottawa: Ontario: Canada KIA 0H30r. L S Chagonda. University of Zimbabwe: P 0 Box MP 167: Mounl Pleasant; Harare: Zinbabwe Record nember (MFN) 05344 301 SPAAR Information Sysem OfficlS propel te: VALUE OF TREES (ALBERTArZWABWE). hprl r agrncy: Intemabonal Devebpmei Resea: h Centre. Start dale: 1992-07-15. End date: 1997-07-31. Coury/countres: Zmbabwe; Statement of obectives/abstrad: IDRC has supported research to identiy agrolorestr species and tehnolges for sinaI-scale farmwng, and to sudy the role of krest eoosyem and thear contribuicn to suslainable lanmig pracbces. There is an urgent need to udrstand tFe economi costs and benehts associated wvth trees. In this proed, researchers at the Universiy of Zimbabwe who have alJady corx eted a prelninary Value of Trees study (90-4058). wh the colaboran and s.ppolt of a multKKscoary group at the U of Atesta. wIt deveop methoologoes to quantiy the benehfts and costs of trees in snai farmig systems in southern ard eastern Africa. Resea wers wil develop and test varous methodologies to evaluate the goods and services prvded by tree-based systems; examine the vakue of trees from the rural fames perspective n relation to resource scarcity. gender. and lenure; investigate the use of predictve models to estimate the enronmental service fuion of Iree-based systems, tram students in resource economics, social forestry. and rebated fields. and communicate proXec1 fings to policyMaakers affecting the use ot renewable natural resources mi the region Contact n research organization Prof. Wfliam Phihps: Universty of Alterta; Research Grant Office. 1-3 University Hall: Edmnonton. Alnerta. Canada T6G 2J9Dr. Bruce Campbell: Unnversiy of Zirbabwe, P.0 Box 167. Mount Pleasant. Harare. Zpibabwe Record number (MFN) 05348 Otfcial prolect ttle. DECENTRALIZATION OF DCFRN. Implementing agency: Intemational Devebpment Research Centre. Start date: 1992-03-26. End date: 1995-03-26. Cownry/countres Zimbabwe: Slatement of obectwes/abstract: The Developng Countries DCFRN (DCFRN) is a Canadian-based NGO which disinbutes agncultural information lo over 700 instiutions m tthe developing world on a quartety basis. At DCFRN's request. IDRC has supported the idenidication of a suitable African NGO lo which i can decentralize ds oprations (3-A-90-4690. 91-4901-1t. 91-4901-14). IDRC also lunded the Executbe Director of DCFRN to visi tthe dentided NGOs lo make a final selection of a patner for the decenlrahzation in Eastem and So jthem A'Urca I DAP 914901 - 16). Ths project wdl be an experinent 302 SPAAR inmabon Syslem in ie proces o d IeonAzabon DCFRN operatios tV e oping world. The prolec wi alDw DCFRN to budd th caWacy of a Znmbmu NGO. Wnseydale Farwes Trwig Certre, tob y oul DCFRN activiies pa,rlcux to t regin. Contact in rsearch orgarzatw: Ms. Eizabeth Wbson; DCFRN; 40 Dundas St. West Box 12: Suite 221;: Tonto: Ontarioa Canada M5G 2G29k. Shadiek Tsiba: Weseydale Farmers Trarnrg Cenlr! clo AFRrfARE; PO. Box 306; Harare' Zinbabwe Record nunber (MFN): 05349 Offical projecLi bt: RURAL COTTAGE TANNERIES (ZIMBABWE). Impbmentng agency: International Devebpmen Research Centre. Start date: 1992-11-13- End date: 1995-01-15. Cory/ounhes: Zirrbabwe: Stawtement -A obdWivestabstract: In Zmnbabwe, many sinal mid aid domestic animal skis are wasted becaose of the lack of bkdge aboul tanning prcesses or because of he ng distane from the ndtal tanneries. The processng ot these skins woo fws could offer an oppowtunty for rural dwellers lo generate valuable products for bcal consumption. for sale m the aties. or even, ridiectly tor hard currency generation through sale to the tounsts. This project wll develop a techogy for the tanning of the skins using vegetal tanmnns. The effluents will not be more polluig ta normal househod wastewater The products and equprient necessary for this operation *1l be inexpensive and avadable locally. The proect wilN also estabish the facilites to conduct research on small cottage tanrig techniques. Of special interest as benefcanes are the numerous women who have started rabbit farming as a means of mcreasng ther famdy's protein mtake. Contact in research organization: Mr. Antoine Cano; Techno-Tan Incorporated: 347 Donald Street: Ottawa: Ontano; Canada K 1K 1 M4Mr. W.J. Ascough: Deveopment Technology Centre; Faculty of Agnculture: University of Ztrnbabwe; P.O. Box MP 167: Mount Pleasant: Harare: Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 05352 Offiial project title: PHOSPHATE ROCK BLENDS: DEVELOPING LOCAL ALTERNATIVES (ZiMBABWE). Implementing agency: International Devebpment Research Centre. 303 SPAAR Information System Statd3te: 1992-11-04. Erddate: 1995-031. Counry/cones: Z ;ebabwe Siatement d obecbdes/abstract: Zimbabwe is a country wiere agniuii ts well developed, ard whic produces commercia phosphate lerblizers hfn migeno resouwes. Phosphorus is well known to be an mrnortant agncultural rW n fte tropcal zone where Zimbabwe is bcated. Approxwnaely 85% ol all tamnes, ndudng the resurce-poor, are said to be applng at last some ferilizer but not necessarily in recommended doses and tpes. In Zinbabwe, Ike elsewhere in East Africa. most posphate deposts are of qeous ogn. which means highly insduble unmss treated, usally by dchmical methods. Recent research has shown ftat t is possible to reproduc the achutnon reaction rn-siu by blnding ard compacting fte untreated phosphate rock concentrate with acidulating commal ferttilzers. thus dultng the high pnce d that matenal witho.r sigridcantly comprom.swg on the agronomic efhcacy. This prqea wdll develop phosphale rock blends and lest fri agronicms effectiveness witl a view to designng a lwr cost lertilizer. Contact in research organaon: Mr. Ward Chesworh: Unwersity of Guelph: Guelph. Ontano. Canada NIG 2WIMr Rem Fernancies: Instite of Mining Research, University of Zimbabwe: P.O. Box MP 167: Mofot Pleasant: Harare: Zwrnbabwe Record number (MFN) 05355 Official profect title: ACIAR FORESTRY RESEARCH AND INFORMATION NETWORK. Impmenting agency: Ausiralian Centre for Intemational Agrcultural Research Start date 1985-00-00. Country/countries: Global; China; Kenya: Thailana. Zimbabwe; Slatement ol objectvesiabstracl. Develop guidelines for rational and eflective use at Australian tree speces. particularly for fuelwood. in developing courntries. Airns include: (a) collct respresentatbve seed samples of potentially useful tree species from Australia's extensive and unque genetic resources. Better known, and already widely dispersed trees native to Australia include species of Eucalyptus. Casuarma, and Acacia. Program wdl also assess potential of lesser known species: (b) evaluate and charactenze these species under a range of ccnditions n developing counines, assess in delail the potential adaptabilty of selected species specifically for high stress environments such as semi-and, saline. and calcareous conditons: (c) document the characteristics of seted species wih special reflerence to propagation and to treatment and management under cultivation; (d) encourage adoption ol this technology by collaborating in forestry research projects with developing 304 SPAAR Infonration System couwtnes. Contact m research organization: Dr. John Tumbul; Coordinator; Austraian Centre for International Agncultural Research (ACIAR); GPO Box 1571; Canberra; ACt 2601; Ausiralia; Tel: (062) 48 8588: Tdlex: 62419 Record nunber (MFN) 05359 Otficial proect Itile CIMMYT EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA ECONOMICS PROGPAM (CIMMYT/ESA) Iniplerntmnc agency Centro Inlemaconal de Mejoramiento dce Maiz y Trgo Start date 147640-0. Country/eor'rntnes: Atnca: Sudan: Zambia. Malaw; Botswana; Ethiopia; Kenya; Unded Reputlic of Tanzaniaw Zimbabwe; Lesofo; Swaziland: Rwanda; Burund, Sornalwa. Mozambique; Uganda: Slatemenl of objectiveslabstrac: Farming systems. Main purpose is to promote and build capaciy in systems-based on-farm research techniques among national research and teaching wistiutions m eastem and southem Alnca. Sudan. Zambia, Malawi, and Bostwana have the strongest agroeconomic research programs: 1976-80 CIMMYT economics were preoccupied wth demonstrating on-farm research techniques--especia?ly dagnrosJs and expenmeental planning. As interest in the methods burgeoned fromn 1979 onwards, training began to be important and. by 1983. was dominating program activities, From 1981 networkng began to develop n earnest. both as a training dev-ce and as a means of sharwng expenences. Contact in research organization. Centro Intemacional de Mepramiento de maiz y Trigo (CIMMYT): P.0 Box 25171; Nairobi: Kenya: Tel 592 054/206. Telex 22040 ILRAD. Cabte: CENCIMMYT. Nairobi Record number (MFN) 05363 Official projc title: INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR LIVING AQUATIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (ICIARM). Implementing agency: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Managentent. Start date: 1977-00-00. Country/countries' Global: Zambia: Malawi: Bangladesh: Indonesia: Peru: Philippinds: Solomon Istands: 305 SPAAR Inrormation System Statement of objedvesabstdat: lmpnvmg productty of coastal and lad hshewes as wel as aquaculure. ICLAR conducts aid sbntlates research on tW problms relatd to the expkoafan manaen.erit and ublizabon of ig aquatic resowces. Drscplnary approach is broad. rangrng from basic bolgy to socoecorics. ICLARM program areas are Resource Assessn and M1anaent, Aquaculre. Educabon and Training. and lnkornmaon. Some speclic ICLARM actvies incude: (a) fisheries stock assess and nanagemt modules un Indcnesia. Peru, the Philqpvies, and Zambia; lb) develpment and wde disseminabon of cakulator and meropuer progrs and manuals bor fisheries stock assessmet and managrnt; (c) evaluation o smalF-scale fises management optons in Asia and the Pack; (d) research and planning for integrated coastal resoujces managemel in ASEAN member states of Southeast Asia. (e) genetics of mraor cultured freshwater speces. especially tbbaas. to develop improved strains and better broodslock and seed management practices; (1) the integration of aquaaculture systerns into existing agnculture syslems in a manner which encourages broad particpaton by smal-scale farmers; and (g) analysis of ecornoic and polc issues to identity mneans to accelerating lechnology transfer and its application. Contact in research organization: Director General: ICLARM; PO. Box 1501; Makati: Manila; Philippines; Tel 818-0466/9283; 817-5163Y5255: Telex ITT 45658 ICLARM PM Record number (MFN). 05373 Official project tteb INTERNATIONAL SOYBEAN PBOGRAM (INTSOY) Implneenting agency: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Start date: 1973-00-00. Country/counries: Global; Carneroon: C6te dtIvoire; Libyan Arab Jamahirrya. Nigena: Senegal: Unted Republic of Tanzania; Uganda Zaire, Zambia; Zrmbabwe: Argentina. Australia, Bangladesh. Brazil. Canada; China; Colombia: Cuba; Ecuador. France; Guyana, Honruras; India. Indonesia Repubic of Korea. Mexco: Nepal; Panama; Peru. Philippines, Puerto Rico; Spain, Sri Lanka; Sweden; Thailand; United Statep; USSR; Venezuela; Viel Nam; Statement of obectrveslabstract INTSOY is a multipurpose commodrty network. INTSOY once served as a clearnghouse for a worldwide system for soybean germplasn. The international nursery part of INTSOY is called ISVEX (International Soybean Varety Experiment) and was started at the inception of INTSOY in 1973. ft was terminated in t985 wdh 132 countries having participated in ISVEX. By 1986. INTSOY had compley shmfted the focus of its work to finding new ways to process and use soybeans as human and livestock food INTSOY is now concentrating on a three-phase soybean utAlzation effort for the period 306 SPAAR Information System 1985-1991 as follws: Phase l: Intensified research to develop new soy products and procsses; Phase IL1 Developmnt of sple 'how to manuals and equpment lists for ess develped counries and entrepreneurs interested in pducto of soy foods on a smial or large commercial scale; Phase Ill: On-site technical assistance in soybean ublizaton for governents and plvate fims in lss developed cointwies. The imry goal is t improve hwman nutiio trogh r ncreased use of hole soybeans. Some specic programs/dproects include: (a) colaboration wih the Department of Food Science al the Universty of liinois to develop new ways to process and use whoe soybeans for human food; (b) combined soybean/grain soybean/vegetable, and soybeardnuo faods produced try extrusion cooking: (c) a slmple bwcost process to produce a high-quality soymilk with no patent restrictions: (d) immature green soybeans as a commercially viable high-protein green vegetable; (e) simple processes for converting soybean residues into animal feed; and It) home- ard village-level procedures for prepanring soybean products for home cowsumption. Contact m research organization. Mr. Harold E. Kauffman; Director; INTSOY, College of Agriculture; University of illnois at Urbana-Champaign; 113 Mumford Hall: 1301 W. Gregory Drive. Urbana: llitnois 61801 Tel: (217) 333-6422: Telex: 206957 Record number (MFNf: 05375 Official prolect tile: INTERNATIONAL PEARL MILLET ADAPTATION TRIAL IIPMAT). Implenlting agency: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Start date: 1975-00-00. Country/countries: Global. Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal. Sudan; Uganda; Zambia: India: Pakistan; Statement of objectirveslabstract Evaluation of yield potential and ecogeographical adaptation of diverse genotypes Contact in research organization: J.R. Witoorne; Cereals Program: Intemational Crops Research Institute lor the Sermi-And Tropics (ICRISAT); Palancheru: P.O.; Andhra Pradesh 502 324: India; Tel: 224-016; Telex: 422203 ICRI IN Cable: CRISAT, Hyderabad; E-Mail: 157 CGI505 Record number (MFN): 05377 Official proect tile: NITROGEN FIXATION BY TROPICAL AGRICULTURAL LEGUMES (NIFTAL). 307 SPAAR Information Systemn Inpementing agency: Universty of Hawaii. Stait date: 1975-00-00. Coutry/couries. Gobal, Senegal, Kenya. Zambia, Egypl; Myanmiar; So Lanka; Thaiwad; Costa Rica; Honduras; Statemert of objectiveslabstract: Goal is to reduce dependence of small larmers on costly nitrogen fertiizers. NifTAL seeks to reinforce biological rntrogen fixaltio research in devebpng nations by fidlng gaps not covered by intemational and regional agricultural research centers. NifTAL has a service. research, and training functon. NIfTAL operates fte Intemational Network of Legume Inoculation Tnals (INLIT). Research arctities will include seeking biotechnological soiulions to problems that have blocked full utilization of biological ndrogen fixation by small tarmers in developing nations. In Q87, NfTAL also spawnred a subrnetwork, WREN (World-wide Rhizobial Ecoogy Network), whtich has been set up to better understand the ecological dynamics ol Rhizobium when it is a free-living soil microoganism and when in symbiotic association with legumes. WREN is planning to aid smnall businesses and private entrepreneurs in developing nations to establish inoculum production and marketing capabilites for biological nitrogen fixation technologies. A major project at NifTAL is microbial ecology in tropical soils which seeks to leam more about tue effect of tropical soil conddions on the fate ol introduced organisms (NSF grant). The major project proposal for 1987-1992 is Agricutural Biolechnologies for Sustained Food and Fuelwood Production in Ihe Tropics. Contact in .esearch organization: Or. Ben Bohlool; Director; NifTAL Project: College of Tropical Agnculture and Human Resources; Department ot Agronomy and Soil Science; University ol Hawaii; 1000 Holomua Avenue; Paia; Hawaii 96779: Tel: (808) 579-9568: Telex: NifTAL 7430315; BITNET Record number (MFN). 05381 Official project title: SMALL RUMINANT AND CAMEL GROUP RESEARCH NETWORK. Implementing agency: Intemational Livestock Center for Afrca. Country/countries: Africa; Mali; Kenya; Nigeria; Ethiopia; Sudan; Burkina Faso; Mozambique: Rwanda- Zimbabwe; Statement of objectiveslabstract; Informal cooperation already exists between ILCA scientsts and national programs in the area of small ruminant research. The objWtives of the proposed network are to: (a) carry out fundamental and applied research; (b) coordinale ILCA's other resea!ch on smal ruminants and to assist and advise on analysis and publication; (c) collect production data already analyzed eslsewhere and suggest solutions to production 308 SPAAR Information System constraints inhe hght of available results; (d) collct and analyze urpibshed data on reproduction, growth and disease in the various ecobgical zones of Stb-Saharan Africa and relate these to prevaikng nutriional and management conditons; (e) assess and to dagnose specific causes of mortality. particulrly at the preweaning stage; (I) develop a manual of survey lechniques (induding sampling procedures, sample sizes, and diagnoic methods) br use in small ruminant productivity in Africa; (g) study the social and management factors that contribule to productiy differences; (h) encourage research on the potential for improving producti by seectie breeding within and among irdegenous breeds; (i) help organize regional or national training requirements; and (j) publish a newsleter to disseminate results or development experience and to maintain contact betvreen researchers and development officials. Contact in research organization. Dr. R.T. Wilson: Head/Pnncipal Animal Scientist. Small Ruminant and Camel Group, Intemational Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA); P.O. Box 5689. Addis Ababa; Ethiopia. Tel 183215-25; Telex: 976-21207 ILCA ET Record number (MFN) 05383 Offictal project title: A SOUTHERN AFRICAN ROOT AND TUBERS CROPS RESEARCH NETWORK (SARNET). Implermenting agency: Intemational Institute ot Tropical Agnculture (IITA) for cassava/Intemational Crop Institute for Potatoes (CIP) for Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes Start date. 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Afnca. Angola: Botswana, Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambq-je; Namibia: Swaziland; Unried Republic of Tanzania; Zambia, Zimbabwe Staternent of objectives/abstract: The goal is to increase productivity of cassava, sweet potatoes and round potatoes through improvement of gerrnplasm that is adapted to various ecologies of SADC The objectives are to: (a) originate and introduce improved root crop populations wdh high frequency of desirable genes and evaluate for resistance to diseases and pesis and adaptability to the agro-ecologies of the region; (b) conduct surveys in the other cassava/sweet polato producing member countries in order to establish base-line data on root crop production. processing, marketing and consumption trends in the region: (c) develop the post-harvest technology sector through the establishment of pilot plants to evaluate and demonstrate interventions to post-harvest constraints and other root crop products. in order to encourage the diversification of their use in the region: id) establish effective national biological cor.ol activities within existing plant protection units ol root crop systems; (e) establish multiplication. distnbution. survey and monitorng systems in all collaborating countries in order 309 SPAAR Information System to hasten the dlstrbution and adopion ol Inproved technlobgy by farmers. Record numnber (MFN): 05390 Official poect title: IMPROVEMENT IN TREE ESTABLISHMENT FOR TROPICAL DRYLAND CONDITIONS IN EAST AFRICA. Implementing agency: Australian Centre for International Agrcultural Research. Slarldate: 1993-01-01. Endcdale. 1996-30-06. Country/countries: Africa; Kenya; Zimbabwe; Statement of obpctives/abstract: This proeci will provide a better understanding. for selected species, of plant responses to stress conditions, the degree o which responses in physiological and morphok,gical processes are successful in tree survival and growth as the level of sirees increases, and the exlent of vanation between and within species adapted to dryland enyironments. Comparison of responses in seedlings under glasshouse conditions and in more mature trees growing in the field wiN be used to develop prediction indicies to enable more efficient screening of potential taxon sudability for establishment in defined environments. Microb;ological symbionts will be isolated and screened for their effectiveness in :mproving seedling establishment through improved nutrition and through their role in plant-water relalionships. Nursery studies will generate information enabling the developneni of approrpnate nursery technologies for producing seedlings condtioned for rapid acclimation to difficult sites to maximise rates of survival and sucuessful establishment. Contacl in research organization: Mr. Paul Ryan; Queensland Forest Research Inslitute; MS 483: Gympe; Queensland: 4570: Australia Record number (MFN): 05393 Official project title GENETIC VARIATION. RESISTANCE TO ACARICIDES AND IMMUNOLOGICAL CROSSREACTIVITY IN TICKS THAT INFEST CATTLE IN ZIMBABWE AND AUSTRALIA. Implementing agency: Australan Centre for Iniemational Agrcultural Research. Start date: 1993-00-00. End date: 1996-00-00. Country/countries: Zirnbabwe: Australia; Statement of objectives/abstract 310 SPAAR Information S5-stem A mapr problem in the current management of resistarnce to acaricide is the length of fine required to establish the presence of resistance in a population ot ticks when biobgical tests are used to establish fat resistance. A genetc marker(s) for resistance to acancide(s) wil be identifed in this project. The marker(s) identified wil be used in a dot-blotDNA probe/PCR kit to alow for rapid identfication of resistance to acaricides in a field population of ticks. Studies on the distrbution and extent of resistance in Boophilus spp, Amblyomma spp. and Rhipecephalus spp in Zimbabwe will be caffied out in Zimbabwe using biological methods to identify resislance. In a subsidiary study, genetic markers will be identified for differentialing strains of ticks for epidemiological work; the immunobgical crossreaclMtny of antigens between strains and species ot licks will also be evaluated for establishing the feasibility of a genetic tick vaccne.The aims will be achieved by studying B. microplus colleted in Australia and ticks colleCed in Zimbabwe. The majonty of testing lor acanrcire resistance wmll be carned out at the Veterinary Research Laboratory (VRL) in Zimbabwe. The VRL team of research scientists and technical slaft will be supervised by Dr. U. Ushewokunze-Obatolu. Samples for genetic work and sore immunological work wil be prepared at VRL and wil iniially be sent to Australia for analysis.The research objectives are to: (1) identify genetic markers for resistance in ticks to acaricides. In Phase I of the project we will focus on the resistance mechanism associated with a reduction in sensitivity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase to inhibition by organophosphate acaricKles; (2) determine precisely the type and level of resistance to select acarcides, in ticks in Zimbabwe, and to determine the distribution of species and strains (defined according to the type and level of resistance to acancedes) of ticks in Zimbabwe; (3) complete a preliminary sludy on the immunological crossreactivity of icks in Zimbabwe and Australia; (4) develop a sinple system for the identdication of strains and speces of ticks of Easterr and Southem Africa (Zimbabwe) based on the DNA code using restriction fragment polyrnorphism analysis and DNA sequencing; and (5) provide information to the other two ACIAR projects on ticks and tick-bome diseases as required. Contact in research organization Dr. Joan Opdebeeck and Dr. Steve Davis: Department of Parasitology; University of Queensland; St. Lucia: Queensland, 4072 Record number (MFN): 05395 Official project title: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES. Implementing agency: World Bank: Tanzania. Start date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statemnent of objectives/abstract: 311 SPAAR Inloination System Agnculture with liberalization of agriculture support markels (fertilizer. other agrochernicals, tools, technology, etc.). Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture. Permba House, P.O. Box 9192; Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania; Tel: ( 27231-3; Fax:, Telx: 41246 Record number (MFN): 05404 Official project title: AGRICULTURE SECTOR. Implementing agency. World Bank; Mozambique. Country/countries: Mozambique; Record number (MFN): 05405 Official project title: RURAL RESTRUCTURE. Implementing agency: World Bank; South Africa Country/counlries: South Africa; Record number (MFN): 05409 Official project title: PROCESSING OF CASHEW NUT SHELL LIOUID (MOZAMBIQUE). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1990-06-12. End date: 1993-03-01 Country/countres: Canada; Mozambique; Slatemen. of objectives/abstract: Cashew nuts are the main export of Mozambique. The cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) is a processing by-product. and is presently exported to Westem counines at a fairiy low and unstable price. This project wtl develop a method to process CNSL locally to obtain tar, phenol, and hydrocarbons. The method involves the breakdown at high temperature (or pyrolysis) ot the CNSL in a specially designed reaclor. The decomposition products are then separated by conventional chemicakneans. The hydrocarbons will be used mainly as domestic fuel for urban and rural populations. for cooking and lighting, and also for the fabrication of paints4together with 312 SPAAR Information System phenol). The tar wil be mixed with petrodeum tar for road maintenance. Contact in research organization: Hugo de Lasa; Chemical Reactor Engineering Centre; University of Westem Ontario; Stevenson-Lawson Building; Room 328, London; Onlario; Canada N6A 5f8Dr Rui Cartos da Maia; Universidade Eduardo Mondlane: C.P. 257: Maputo; Mozambique Record number (MFN)t 05411 Official project title: OILSEED PROCESSING NETWORK. Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Country/countnes: Afrca: United Republic of Tanzania. Zimbabwe: Uganda; Zambra; Ethiopia. Kenya, Statement of objectivesdabstract. Of the world's twenty countnes with the lowest per capita visible oil or fat intake. ten are in the eastem and southem Afnca region. The nutntionally most vulnerable portion of thepopulation in the countnes is in the rural areas. National agences are engaged in some work to improve the performance of the national vegetable oiVproteinsystem (VOPS). and have indicated the desire for networking of research. results, and technical know-how. One significant entry point to improve the national VOPS is with small-scale oilseed processing technology closely linked to oilseedproduction technology, aimed at the rural areas. Appropriate Technology International (ATI), in conjunction with other donors and national agencies has stimulated signficant work in small-scate production, processing. and utilization of oilseeds in Tanzania. Over 700 village-scale oil presses are operating in the country. Several other countries of the eastem and southern Africa region are interested in accessing and adapting Ihis experience. In this project, IDRC will collaborate with ATI in initiation of networking on small-scale processing of cilseeds among agencies in Tanzarea. Zimbabwe. Uganda. Zambia, Ethiopia and Kenya The general objective of the project is to assist entrepreneurs. communities, public agencies and NGOs to design. implement. and assess their activilies in rural oilseed processing Contact in research organizalion Jeanne Downing: Appropriate Technology International; 1331 H. St., NW: Washington: 0 C 20005: U.S.A Record number (MFN): 05419 Official project title: SOUTHERN AFRICAN AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION NETWORK(SAAINET). 313 SPAAR nlrmation, System mpvn agw nmeona Devebpm Rese Cenbe CounyicouWnes Bolswana. 3*ademen! ol oblctesJa lad The Southern African Centre for Cooperalion in Agnculural Research ISACCAR) es an mns*tut.on ot the Soutrn Afca Development Community! SADCI estabished to piovide the organizational basis for regonal cooperal in agicuture and natural resource management SACCAR provdes tectwa suppori tor national research systees to npote "reqiois abliy to deal wth commo problems relaed to food uoducton and nalural resouce conservation, and to develop apopriale responses Ithrougih mrutal sharvnq of tionma ion and resources This projed wiN assist in eslat*9inq a reqional informatin network that vn Wmnk the natlnal information cpntres. and prorroe informatin shang. eucha'ne. and dissemiation lo effectiy meet all o the agncultural information needs of the SADC region St ecdically. te protect ml strernKhen hie SACCAR Sectetarial to enable it to establish a resource base n bbp iiphc factual and planninq itormation. provide baclkslopping and suWport or national aqncultural irnornmatuon units and corfdinate a Ithe aqricuturNal inlormation wctlvities of the SADC reqin. assisl the identified natirnal agricultural inforrration undts in developin the resoutces necessary lo paicgpate n Ithe reqwional syslem arid provide informatwon services lo t-e aqlcultural tesearch seclor at the nAlmal level sensitize nation?l' agrcutural research rnargtrers to the *rle of inforralton in research plariin. prorty sellng. andt monitorin arid train extension aqents ind communiratorc wi the region to repac1age researcth results to the famwers for Mplacahto in agrrctittutal production Contacl on research ofganiraton Marlin L Kyorno. Soithem Alrican Centre tor rooperatcin in Agicuttural Research4SACCARl Private RBq 00108. G iborone. Eotswana Reco-d numb-r IMFNM 0540 Officsal protect title RURAL FOOO SECURITY (ZIMEV8WE) Implpnntiq aqency Intemrnatrnal [evelopmenl Research Centre Slart date 1I89 11 07 End dale 1(9? 01 31 Country countries Zwnbhb*e St;itement ol oblectrve'-abstract This prolecf is an exlension to the Rural Household Food Securitv Project (RHF SP) in Zrmbabwe s communal lands which began mn t987 an funded by other donors The project alows additonal fieldwort on households and rural food markets in two communal areas in Mashonaland. and new comparative field work in one communal area in Matabeletand The protect wilt investiqate the apparent contradction betweenrisinq 314 SPAAR Iroiabon System marketed food supklses i e coacow". ad Ihe dontkibi of food nsecry and makiAr*on i communal areas. Researdws wi exai se d aspeds of lie food securty probler incluling Ihe tbes of exdwrge b a households and traders aecng food sewity levels; the issue of gender r- houehold food dstr&ion: arid VIe dW enial act dof l stae a3toed Gra Mrkering Board (GMB) on food security in fte comunal areas Jso proeect parbcpts will asset in devising effective policies for rasmg imddual aid household lvels of food security Contxt ti researh orgarnzation: Nelso Moyo. Unhver-ay of Zxnbabwe. P.O. Box MP 167; Mount Pleasant. Harare; Ztrnbabwe Record number (MFN): 05422 Offial project tile: NO DUMIPING HERE: CONTROL OF PESTICIDES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Implefetntng agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 199002-27. End date: 1991 -4B27. Country/countres: Global. Kenya: Zamtba. Ghanra: Bangladesh: Statement of ob ectivesdabstract: Growing pesttcde (mis)useis now recognized widely as a rajpr environmental problem. Many highlty toxic hemicals have been banned n the industrial countries but are sti beng manufactuxed ifr expot to de.ebping countrnes. This project wil provide support for a group of nongovernmental org2nizations (NGOs) mi Kenya, Zambia, Ghana, and Bangadesh to examnre, under the coodinaltion of the Ernwnmental Liaison Centre(ELCI). natonal pestcde madkets, in particiiar the practices, behaviour, ardattitudes of important actors' such as pest;cide ernd users, producers, and lunders. The proect directty builds on and is modelled after a previous ELCI-coordinated NGO network study mi thirteen countnes on aspects of fte witematoonal pesticde trade and marketing, specrically on progress sn the iwplmentatKn ofthe FAQ Code of Conduct The work is complementary o another Centre-supportedmtemational NGO network study examining lactors relating to the degree of adoption by developig countnes of the pnncie of Prior Informed Consent (3-Aa884269). Conact mi research organization: Shimwaayi Muntemba: Environmental Liaison Centre Intemnational; P.O. 8ox 72461; Nairobi: Kenya Record number (MFN): 05446 315 SPAAR Iriomation Sysern Officda proect te: ASSESSNT OF TRADnTONAL BEAN VARIETAL MIXTURES FOR DISEASE RESISTANCE AND CONTROL OF DISEASE SPREAD. krplementing agency: Intemaional Foundation fcr Science. Staft date: 1991-05-28. Courotynmos: Zwnbta; Statwement objctves/abstract: The obectives of the proecd are: (1)J lo dentiy bocal Landracs fat are resistant to bean anthracrose and to angular WaI spot (ALS); and (2) to investgate the possbdiy of disease control in susceptble vanetal mixtures thro: gh the a&iton of resistant components. Landras will be colec(ted from northem Zamba wthere beans are gor as mixtures; then Dr Haciwa wil assess their react0 to anthracnose and ALS under controlled environmental conditons Field trials will be conduded in the norftern provwice of Zambta to Investigate resistant cornponents necessary to protect vanetal mixtures from signdicant yreld oss due to the two diseases. Contad in research organization: Dr Coy H HACIWA: Depatfment of Crop Science; School of Agnculural Scences: Universiy of Zambia: P 0 Box 32379: LUSAKA: Zambia Record number (MFN). 05454 Officia pro1ect tnile A SEARCH FOR A BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVF AND OTHER NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM TANZANIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS AN) MARINE SOFT CORALS. Implementing agency: Inlernational Foundation for Sctence. Start date: 1991-05-28. Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectivestabstract: The study to be carned out by Dr Nkunya will involve the isolation. identfication and bioassay of natural proJucts from Tanzanian medicnal plants and sott corals. The compounds, which wiil beisolated chromatographically and identiied spectroscopically and by chemical correlations. wil be assayed for their activities against Plasmodiurm falciparum malana parasites--bacteria at the Swiss Tropical Instiule, Basel, and lungi at the Applied Microbioogy Und al the Universny of Dar-es-Salaam. Some of the compounds will also be assayed for their anti-tumour and anti-HIV activdies at the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. Amsterdam, and the NIH, U S. respectively. Inactive but chemcaly interesting compounds willalsc be studied for their chemistry. Contact in rseamch organization: 316 SPAAR Irlosmabon System Dr Mayug H H NKULNYA; Department o CWfimiy Unesty of Dar es Salaam; P 0 Box 35061; DAR ES SALAAM; Tanzania Reood rurbe (MFN): 06465 Offcial projed bie: INDIGENOUS ECTOMYCORRHIZAE IN TROPICAL AFFORESTATION PROGRAMMES. Impementn agency: Intemational Fourdation f o Science. Stat date: 1991-12-03. Country/counties: United Repubc of Tanzania: Statemert of obj0cvesiabstract: Mr Muyanzza is studying te role of idigenous ectomycorrhzal lung n afforestabon progranmes wih indgeous trees in the Mono Woodlands: Brachystegia. Julbemaxdia and Afzelia species, An nventory of tree and fungal partnes will be made in their natural habtat. This wiN consist in root sampig ard sporophore coAeori. Laboratory, nursery and fied grown seedings of the above species will be inoculated wth different ectomrycorrtizal fung found dunng the inventory. The ain is to sele the lungal species which best enhances the growth of Ats host. Further it wi be checked experimentally whefer exotic pine ectomycorrhuzal fungi can benefcily inect indigenous trees and whethr indigenous ectomycorrhizal fungi can benefiially infect exotic Fnes. Conlact in research organization: Mr Esron MUNYANZIZA; Facuiy of Forestry, Sokoine Universiy of Agnculture; P 0 Box 3009: Chuo Kikuu; MOROGORO; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 05485 Offcial project itle: THE USE OF LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA FORAGE AS A HIGH QUALITY FEED SUPPLEMENT ON UREA TREATED MAIZE STOVER FOR GOAT WEANERS. Implementing agency: Inlemational Foundation br Science. Start date: 1992-12-09. Country/countries: Unitled Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectivestabstract: Ms Ndemanisho will study dry Leucaena leucocephala versus cotton seed cake at different levefs as proteinfeed supplements to weaned goats led three per cent urea treated maize slover sprinkled with five per cent molasses. The aim is to determine optimum intake. rumen metabolism study and pertormance of 40 weaned goals fed these diets for 90 days. Treatments one to four will comprise Og 100g. 2009 and 300g dry 317 SPAAR Informaition System U Gcaen ar,d cotton seed cake al 150g. 1 0g 50, and am . orespectvl. Adfimol each goat wi be bof d urea treated maze soDwr ad wb and 200250g maze bran daiy. The (ifireiW dot conatc wd giwe vanabon of te dady dy mabemtt3 and avage day body wemM gain. Conad m reseai nzation: lb Edith E NDEMANISHO; Departm ofAhal Scice and Prodijction; Soloine University of Agrcultue; P0 Box 3004; Chuo Kiku; MOROGORO; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 05580 Oftical proct title: INSTITlTIONAL SUPPORT FOR LAND RESOURCES INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT. Ilmpemnig agency: DGIS (Directorate Genera ol Intermational Coopermtlon (The Netherlands) and INIA (Mozambique). Start date: 1992-05-6. End date: 1997,10-30. Country/countnes: Mozamnbique, Statement of obectvestabstract: INIA is te national organizabon in Mozambique responsie for soil research, soil and land surveys and interpretation of collcted data for and-se pLanning. The obiective of the project is to sbenthe the national land survey capacity in order to mantaiiilmprove the suistainablity of agrcultural production. Project activNies incude data cotlection wth a focus on dissemination of the informatin to vanous users, induding the farmers. Contact in research organization: INIA (Instituo Nacional InvestKgacao Agronomica); CP 3658 Mawalane; Maputo; MozambiqueDGlS/DAF/ZF; P.O. Box 2006t; 2500 EB The Hague; The Netherlands; tel: +31-70-3485166; fax: +31-703484848 Record number (MFN): 05581 Offlcial proet tlne: SUPPORT TO SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION IN SOUTHERN LESOTHO PHASE 11 (SOWACO II). Implementing agency: FAQ. Start date: 1991.10.01. End date: 1994-10-01. Country/countries: Lesotho; Statement of objectives/abstract: Obiective: FAO is lighting erosion and intends to rehabilitate eroded land as well as 318 SPAAR Inomabon Syster mcreasiig food producionApproach and procedure:FAO is fitg erson and rehablim erdd lad by parabng d te locaW farmers. Ensin food prductim in Lesotho by inrouing ecologically responsib agriculal methods (which can lbad to higher producois) to the lcal ?airnes. Contact reseaeh organization: Ministry of Agriculture. Cooperabves and Markeng: Lesot Record nunber (MFN): 05582 Offhcial proect itle: EAST COAST FEVER VACCINE PRODUCTION AND QUAUTY CONTROL IN SADC REGION. Implmeing agency: FAO. Start date: 1988-00-00. Country/countries: Aloca; Mozambique: Malawi; United Republic of Tanzania; Uganda; Zamba; Statement of objecirves/abstract: East C03st Fever is a tick-transmited protozal disease which causes mapr losses of productity in cattle. Countres that are particularly affected in Southem Atnca are Mozambique. Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The disease can be controlled by a.o. vaccination of cattle. In the past vaccnes were delivered by extemal agencies. In this project FAO aims at developing the capacty to produce East Coast Fever vaccine on a commercial basis in the SADC region. Contact in research organization: FAO; Via delle Terme di Caracalla; 00100 Rome; Italy; Telex: 61018115793152: Tel: 57971 Record number (MFN): 05591 Official project title: DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION CONCERNING LAND AND WATER; INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND METHOD-DEVELOPING, MODEL-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS. Inpbementing agency: WSC (Winand Stanng Centre, institute for Research in the agricultural areas). Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 199340000. Country/countries: Africa; Kenya; United Republic of Tanzania; Mozarnbque; Statement of oboecives/abstract: The project aimes at building research capacity locussing on land inventory and land 319 SPMR Irdonatbon System evakiabo for durable form land use.Approach and procedure:Drec tedncal and administratve support is provided by Dutcn expets. An nsbtutior developntd frwl work wI be set up, and a method of approah is developed in cooperation wih loca staff. On fe job trainmig and possbity for courses abroad are part at die proarn.When adequate research capaciy is established. fte sWppo wi be gradualy decased. BaPstopping wi take place ofe spwport. Contact in research organization: Ir W. Andriessen; SC-DLO; po box 125: 6700 AC Wagennigen; The Netherlands; tel: +31-8370-74200; fax: +31-8370-24812 Record number (MFN): 05597 Offiaal proect title: RESEARCH ON MECHANIZATION FOR SMALL SCALE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN THE TROPICS. Implementing agency: IMAG (Institute for Agrcutural Engiveering). Start date: 1993-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: Zambia: Statement of obectives/abstract: Mechanization is an integral component of many programmfies to increase agncultural production. Experience has proved thal the type and scale ol technology determines the suitability of apphcation by particular producton systems. The research projt focuses on the use of anwmal traction and small-scale mrotlised appliances fof soil cuttivation as well as on harvesting and post-harvesting techniques.The profeci consists of the following components: (A) Component t: Applied agricutural technial research. IMAG provides technical assistance to the 'Animal Draught Power Research and Development ProjecCt executed at the research station of the Ministry of Agriculture in Magoye. Zambia. Wrthin the Irarnework of this projet IMAG carries out applied research on soil cultivation and test programs for equipment for soil cultivation and weeding. Training of the Zambian staff and an extension program are pan ol this project. The proect is funded by DGIS (Directorate General intemational Cooperation, The Nehetriands): and (B) Component 2: Rural devetooment. information and training. IMAG participates in the following animal draught power training projects in Zambia: (i) 'National Animal Draught Power Training Coordination Programme'. The Ministry of Agriculture carries out a national programme conceming animal traction (research, information, production of tools, donor coordination), and (ii) *Pababana Animal Draught Power Training Programme'. This programme provides shot practical courses for information officers and staff members of credt organizations. Altention is given to technical, animal production, and socio-economical aspects. The project collaborates with Euro-African Association of Agricultural Engineenng Centres (ACEMA) and the Animal Traction Network for Eastem and Southern Africa (ATNESA). 320 SPAAR Informralin System Contact in research organzatbm: Ir. P.J.M. Hdlegers; IMAG-DLO; PO Box 43; 6700 AA Wagenuigen; tel: +314370 76300; fax: +3148370 25670 Record nunber (MFN): 05599 Official projedt bitle: FAO INTEGRATED TECHNIGAL ASSISTANCE AND CREDIT FOR ARTISANAL FISHERIES. LAKE TANGANYIKA. PHASE 1I1. Implementing agency: FAO. Start date: 1991-00. End date: 1993-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives'abstract: Fish catches in Kigoma Distrct in Tanzania are decreasing, which has led to reduced ncomes (or the local fishing communities. The objective of the project is to ncrease fish production and to erhance the socio-economic situation of the fishing commundes at Lake Tanganila. Special emphasis is paid to full participation of women in all fishing e^d related activities. The shor leem targets of the proted are: (1) increased availability of fishing equipnent through establishmeJr of a Revolving Fund; (2) iicreased particpation of women in fishing and related activities; (3) establishnent of an adequate nutritior extension system; ai d (41 increased capacity of the local population in tift, handing., narketing. management. food and health and fishery technolgy Spectic activities of the project are the following: (1) provision of ca. 030-2000 fishing nets and gear, to be financed from a Revohving Fund of USD 250 000 (30% is reserved for wonen); (2) technical assistance for thie management of the Revohviny i-und; (3) strengthning of a Revolving credi Fund for women; (4) training of women (groups) who are active in the fiekis of fishery, fish handling, distnbution, elementafy accounting and business mnnagement; (5) montonng effects to the project on the food sduation and conditions ot Ide in the area, (6) purchasing a boat and training of a crew in rnaintenance and navigation for increasing the scope of the present information system; and (7) on-the-job training of extension staff and organizing wokshops aimed at the fishing community. Contact in research organization: FAO; Via delle Terme di Caracalba; Rome; Italy; Telex: 61018115793152, Tel: 57971Ministery of Agriculture; Department of Fisheries; Kigorna; Tanzanr.iTanzania Cooperative Rural Development Bank Record number (MFN): 05603 321 SPAAR Information System Official projec tite: EVALUATION OF THE POTEN" AL FOR BAMBARA GROUNDNUT AS A FOODCROP IN SEMI-ARID AFRICA. Implementing agecy: Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU). Stantdate:1993-01-4t. Enddate: 1995-12-31. CoontryIcouwtries: Africa; United Rep:bkc of Tanzania; Malawi; Botswana; Statement of obje0ves/abstract: The Bambara groundntA is an indigpnous n Africa. It is grown on poor sois in semi-and conditions and is reasonabty drought tolerant. It is beleved that with these capacities, the potential of B.-bara groundnut as a subsisence foodcrop n the region is still underutiized. The otrctives of the propect are the folowing: (1) develop a validated model ot Banbara groundnut production and identify ways to apply simnlar models for rapid assessment of the potential of other species in vanous conditions. (2) identify suitabb agro-ecological regicns, climatic conditions (seasons) and agronomic practices for the cultivation of Bambara groundnut genotypes in Tanzania. Malawvi and Botswana, (3) predid yields of Bambara groundnut in these zones especially the sensitivity to geretic and environmental factors (daylenqlh and water), (4) recomirnend sudable rnanagemnent practices to stabiize the yields of Bambara groundnut in ran-fed envmronrii.nts, (5) assess the nutritional, biochemical and food-processng characeristics so that suitable post-harvest technologies can be identdied to maximize the use of Bambara groundnut as a loodcrop and evaluate its potentiaf as a snack for export, and (6) identify selecon criteria for breeding programmes on Bambara groundnut and other species growing in marginal tropical environments.The project is ccordinated by the University of Nottngham who is responsible for integratlig the results of field work in Africa with controlled-environment studoes, analysis and modelling at Nottingham and Wageringen. At each university involved, a post-graduaite research assistant coordinates the experiments at the unwersity.The project carries out a number of activities: Three diferent local genotypes of Bambara groundnut will be used for field expefments and the controlled-environment studies, analysis and modelling; Each genotype will be used in all countries and will be sown on different dates to invesbgate Ihe effects of early, intermediate and late sowing on reproductive development and yield at each ste; The experiments will produce (at last) the followng data: development, growth and yield, use of light and water, econonic potential, and nutritional biochemistry; The University of Nottingham will evaluate the nutritional and food processng potential of different Bambara groundnut genotypes, the University of Wageninger; coordinates physiological studies; The University of Tanzania is responsibe for aspWcts rr lated to measurements of environmental physiolgy and modelling; The Unrversity of I 'Wawi is responsible for aspects related to genotypic ciaracteristIv. of differeni land, ices; The University of Botswana is responsible for identifying ag.r nnmic practices to m,: -Inize the productiv"ty of Bambara groundnut in different rairif Lll e6 vironments. Contact in researv- org3nization: Wageningen AgrmUIc I Unvers.ty; Department d Tropical ;rop Science: Ritzema 322 SPAAR lnlonmation Systern Bosweg 32; 6703 AZ Waginigen; Netherlands; tel +31-8370.83072; fax +31-8370.84761 Record numnber (MFN): 05604 Official proect title: FARMING SYSTEMS RESEARCH PROJECT (PHASE II). Implementing agency: KIT (Royal Tropcal Institute). Starit date: 1992406-30. End date: 1997-12-31. Countrylcountries: United Republic of Tanzania: Statement of objetives/abstract: Farming Systems Reaearch (FSR) is airmed all improving efficiency of agriculturual research by identf corstraints of farming systems and facilitating application of technoblogeas Fromn 1987-1992 a first phase of the proiect was carried out. Constaints for drvebpnWnt of farming systems were identified. Applied research was carned out wfit extension services and farmers. The evaluation mission recognized the postive effects of the tarmer-onentation, the focus on natural resources management and on gender issues. An extension of the proect was recommended. The ain of the present phase of the proect is to identify technologies for the various farming systems in order to maintain and incleasee productlkrn and to preserve the soil fertility. The activities in phase two have a special focus on developing animal tracton. improving soil fertility and enhancing the postion of the fenale population. In Bukoba District activibes will focus on soil fertility issues. In Maswa/Maetu protect activities will be phased out. In Kwxmba District, integration between FSR and commodity research will receive most attention. Increasing attention will be paid to animal husbandry.Specihc objectives of the programme are: (1) insttutiornalization of the FSR approach, (2) devekopment of practial recommendations on subjects that are prorites of the rural population, (3) mnprovement of the position of female headed households by research, training, and (4) develpment of animal traction (oxenisation). A National Coordinating Unit is established at the Ministry ot Agriculture, Livestock Devebpment and Cooperatives (MALTC) that coordinates the FSR programmes. The Royal Tropica Insttute (KIT) provides technical expertise. Activities will be harmonized with the Rural Development Programmes (SIS-MFN 1153). with the Commodity Research Teams in Ukiginguru and Maraku, that carry out on-station research on soils and crops and with the National Soil Service activities in Bukota District. Linkages with the Extension services will be maintained by Researhi-Extension Liaison Officers (RELOs). Linkages are maintained with the Agricultural Mechanization and Appropriate Rural Technology (CAMARTEC), the Intemational Course for Development--oriented Research in Agrculture (ICRA) ana Intemational Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT). Contact in research organization: KIT: Mauritskade 63: 1092 AD Amsterdam: NetherlandsMinistery of Agriculture, 323 SPAAR Information Systcrn Liwesteock Devebpment and Cooperatives (MALTC), Nabonal Coordnating Unit (NCU), Tanzania Record numnber (MFN): 05606 Official pro,te title: DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (DRDP): MBLILU, MASWA, BUKOBA, MEATU. Stad date: 1991-04-02. End date: 1995-12-31. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement oa objectiveslabstract: This programme consists of a number of rural development programmcs in specfic districts (Mbulu, Maswa, Bukoba and Meatu) in Tanzania. The programmes are broadly oriented and carmed Dut in a programrmatic approach. They address various aspects of agrcultural development. Degradation of natural resource baze is a major threat to agrutural production in Tanzaria. The objective of the project is to support and improve the planning. executing and monitoring capacity of the local govemment especially for reducing degradation of natural resources. At the national level the Tanzanian Ministry of Agnculture is responsible for coordination and implementation of the different types ot actMties. Each disrinct has its own Programme Coordinator resi 'nsib;e for the execution of the project in the distnct.The programmes aut ess a number of development ields: (1) re-atforestation programme: establishment of Illage and school nurseries, training programmes for tree planting and controfling erosion; (2) agricultural programme: land-use tianning, supportive studies, soil consrvation, activiies for dairy development, strengthening of extension services, establishing revoMng funds tar agricultural inputs, demonstration plots; (3) constnrction/rehabilitation actvilies: agricultural extension centres, renovation of storage places, improving irngation facilities, roads rehabiltation, education and health facilities, vetennary services centres; and (4) capacity bui dng in the field of tand-use planning, management oa agricultural prograrr mes, soil and waler conservation, vocational education, and rural water supply. Contact in research or3anization: I, temational Agriciltural Coolege Larenstein; Laarweg 6: 6882 AA Velp: The Nethertands; tel: C85-695922; fax: 085 635788Royal Netherlands Embassy; P.O. Box 9534; Dar Es Salaam; Tanzania; (el: 09-255-51-27424/30428/46391 Um 94; fax: 09-255-51-46189; telex: 41050 hollandiaMinistry of Agrnculture; P.O. Box 2066; Dar es Salaam; Tainzania Record number (MFN 05615 324 SPAAR Information System Official pfroect titde: ADAPTIVE RESEARCH PLANNING TEAM-WESTERN PROVINCE. Implementing agency: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Startdate: 1982-11-00. End date: 1994.07-00 Country/countuies: Zambia; Statement of objectives/abstract: The general objective is to develop recornmendations which cornrbute to enhance food security in Westem Province through interdiscAplinary farming systems research, research extension linkages and farmer participation. The project will: (1) develop linkages between on-farm research and extension staff on cash crops and subsistence crops, (2) collect available data on farming systems, and (3) study farming systems. Contat in research organization: C.M. Ndiyai (Provincial Coordinator); Mongu Regional Research Station; Research Branch; Mnistry of Afncufture; PC0 Box 910064; Mongy; Zambia; Tel.: 260-7-221446; Telex holadmza 23014 Record number (MFN): 05616 Offcial project tnle. NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH PROJECT. Implementing agency Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Research and Training, Tanzania. Start date: 1989-00-00. End date: 1996-00-00. Country/countnes: United Repubic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: Reorganization of agricultural research in Tanzania has been under discussion swice a number of years. The need to enhance effectiness of the Naional Agricultural Research Systems (NARSs) resulted from susbtantial dispersion of activities executed by a great number of national or international organizations, without systematic coordination. The linkage between actual farmers problers and topics of research programmes also needed attention. The World Bank has initiated the discussion which linked with the Initiative of other donors in the Special Programme for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR) to support the restrncturing of the NARSs by the Tanzanian govemment. The Netherlands has adopted the Farming Systoms component of the proposal. This matches with the on-going FSR-research activities financed by the Netherlands in the Lake Zone in NW-Tanzania.The obiectives of the projct are to incorporale adequate attention for Farming Systems Research in the nati inal research programme. This is facilRated by establishing a small national Farming Systems Research Ung in the Ministry of Agnculture and supporting FSR-activities in the 7 agro-ecological zones. The Directorate for Research and Training (DRT) of the 325 SPAAR Inforrnation System Ministry of Agricuiture. DRT is responsible for the coordination of the research policy on agriculture and animal husbandry. The national FSR-Undt wil coordnate Farming Systenms Research activites in the various regions and districts. Training programnes are developed for the loca staff in the FSR methodology. Specific proecit activities are as follows: (1) training of staff (PhD, MSc external and internai courses). (2) supply of equipment and technical assistance (bng and short term), (3) support on-gong research in zonal stations of Kilosa, Dodoma, Moshi, Tumbi, Malienboli and Mlingano with special emphasis on the research fields: cotton, farming systems research and tuberous plants; and (4) support the preparation of a National Masterplan for Agncuftural Research. Contact in research organization: Department of Research and Training; Ministry of Agriculture; PO Box 2066; Dar-es-Salaam; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 05617 Official project title: SMALL SCALE IRRIGATION PROGRAMME DOOOMA (SSIPDO MAJI NA MAZINGIRA). Implementing agency: SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Start date: 1991-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: This protect is a broad development-onented project wrth a research component. carTied out in the Dodomia region in Tanzania. It is aimed at increasing the production of food and cash crops by developing methods to increase output per acre and increase the area under irngation. Increased production will enhance the cash-income of larmers and increase employment opportuniies in fth area.The specfic objectives of the protect are Ihe following: (i) rehabilitate current imgation systems and expand the area under irrigation, (n) improve the management and maintenance of the irrigation systems, and (iii) improve the position of female farmers. The project wil carry out the followrng activities: (a) organize and train irngaion commitees at village level in management and maintenance of the systems, (b) train irrigation staff in the construction of irigation system, (c) coordinate with the extension service to adapt messages specifically to irrigated agricu!ture, (d) stimulate the cultivation of traditional female crops' and grant landcitles for women. and (e) carry out socioeconomic and technical feasibility studies ior the planned irngation systems in the two districts in Dodoma region. Contact in research organization: SNV (Shirika la Maendeleo la Uholanzi): Regional Office; PO Box 2407; Dodoma: Tanzania; tel: 061-21265 326 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 05618 Official project title: KAGERA LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME KALIDEP. Implementing agency: Regional Livestock Development Office (Bukoba). Start date: 1990-01-01. End date: 1994-12-31. Country1countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement ot objectives/abstract: Cattle are a signdicant eleernl of the farming system in Bukoba region. Dairy cattle provide milk which is an important source of income for households and an improvement of the diet. The obective of the proect is to contribute to a well balanced dairy development in this region through the introduction of zero grazing'. Short-term project targets are: (1) extend the velennary services via Livestock Development Centres; (2) strengthening and training of the recently established local farners organizations for dairy industry; (3) increase the number of households wih a milkcow from 828 to 2000 in 1994; (4) annual training of 200-300 new famiers (male and fenmale) wth sub-objective of 50 percent female tarmers; (5) increase annual production of heifers in gestation (6) genetic improvement of the local livestock; and (7) expansion ol the 'Heder in trust scheme' (a kind of credd for poor house holds).Activties: (a) strengthening and supporting the veterinary information service through the building ol several new Livestock Development Centres; (b) rehabilitation of existing dips: (c) analysis and processing of existing data collection about the 'performance' of improved daiy-cattle; (d) supply of medication; (e) training of several target groups like farrners and female farmers. information officers and dip commitlees: (f) 'Pilot activities on the field of milk processing and biogas; and (g) management support of a Heifer Breeding Und. The proect consists of 4 subprojects: (1) Kikula Heder Breeding Unil, (2) Kukulula Farmers Training Centre. (3) Kagera Small holder Dairy Extenstion Project, and (4) Kagera Indigenous Livestock Improvement Programme Contact in rosearch organization: Research Station for Cattle. Sheep and Horse Husbandry (PR); Runderweg 6; 8219 PK Lelystad; Netherlands; lel +31-3200 93211; fax +31-3200 41584Department of Animal Husbandry in the Tropics; Marijkeweg 40; 6709 PG Wageningen; Netherlands; tel +31-8370 84626/84589 Record number (MFN): 05621 Official project ttle: COMMUNAL DEVELOPMENT AREAS (CDAS) APPLIED RESEARCH TEAMS (ARTS). 327 SPAAR Information System Impfementing agency: SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Start date: 1991-00-00. End date: 1994-00-00. Country/countries: Botswana; Statement of objectives/abstract: Since independence the Govemrnment of Botswana (GOB) has paid considerable attention to the devebpment of its rural areas. Several programmes have been initiated and carried out focussing largely on sectoral developments in the field of arable agriculture, small scale rural industries and the like. These indiatives are particubrly area spocific. In 1980 the Govemment of Botswana recognized the need for more integrated rural developrment endorsed the Communal First Development Area (CFDA) stratey for selected geographical areas. The CDA programme aims to reach the poorer akJ socially and economnically disadvantaged sections of the rural population. The cbjective of this oroject is to provide support to research and land-use planning in order to facilitate the impiementation of the CDA strategy in Botswana. The ultimate aim is the production of CDA Integrated Land Use and Deveoprment Plans and the formulation of specific implementation proposals.The project is executed by two different groups: (1) Applied Research Teams (ARTs); and (2) CDA - Applied Research Reference Groups (CDA-ARRGs). The ARTs work is coordinated through the services of a Project Coordinator. The coordinator is based in the Ministry of Local Govemment and Lands' Applied Research Uni and collaborates closely with resonsible officers in the Lands Division and other relevant Ministerial divisions. The CDA-ARRGs are established at national level and are composed of representatives of departments of a number of ministries (Ministry of Local Govemment and Lands; Ministry cl Finance and Development Planning. The CDA-ARRGs provide technical guidance, supervison and monCoring skills regarding the functioning and carrying out of the work of the ARTs. The project carries out the following activities: (i) airphoto interpretatin and land assessment and mapping, (ii) village consultations, and (iii) Iterature surveys. Contact in research organization: SNV Botswana; Phala Crescent 2713; PO Box 611; Gaborone; Botswana, tel 352413; fax 314123Ministry of Local Gov, iment and Lands; Private Bag 006; Gaborone; Botswana Record number (MFN): 05624 Official project ttle: NATIONAL SOIL REFERENCE COLLECTIONS (NASREC II). Implementing agency: ISRIC (Intemational Soil Reference and Information Centre). Start date: 1990-00-00. End date: 1993-00-00. Country/countries: Africa; Egypt; Ghana: Kenya; Mali: Nigeria; Tunisia: United Republic of Tanzania; Sudan; Zambia: 328 SPAAR Incrmaibon Systern Statement of objectives/abstract: In many devebping countries soils are insufficientr classified regarding thei geographical distribution, charactenstis, potential and constrat for agricultural use, water management and ecolgical sigificanc regading erosion and pollution. In view of the urgent need to increase agriuural production in many developing oountnes, this information should be regarded as a necessary pre-requiite. ISRIC has been working to realize a world colection of soils since 1966. Recently ISRIC has been requested by soil insttutes in nearly 20 countries (under which the 9 countries in Africa where this record refers to) to supporn Fe establishment of National Soil Referenoe collctions (NASRECs).The objectves of the project are as follows: (1) training of students in soil science at university and college levels; (2) guidance of staff of national inshttioiis for soil survey. soil classification and land evaluation in soil classdication; (3) demonstrating the ditferences in soil characteristics and their limitations and potenbals as an input for plannirng. (4) demonstrating farmers on the importance of soil types and effects on La.nd use; and (5) promotion of awareness among the general public, including town populations, on the local soits as a definns national resource that merns careful conservation and management. The prolect officer at ISRIC will operate in close conect with staff of other soil institutes in the Netherlands, with scientific staff of UN organiations, especially UNEP, and wih officers of the participating insttutions in the deveoping countries.The project activnies can be divided among the following phases: (1) Data-collection phase-The collect n of information is from primary ard secondary sources. The information to be collected is related to the soil, environment and land use. Environmental data normally will embrace site information on climate, landform, geology, vegetation, land-use. hydrology, etc. The collection of information is done in a standardized way according to intemationally accepted guidelines of FAO. Country specific interests and problems should be given due attention: (2) The preparatinn phase--The preparaton (analyses) of soil monolith samples and information is normally executed in te NSI (National Soil Instiute) or insttution which houses the collection. The conservation and preparation ol soils in the formn of monoliths is part of the project. Routine chemical and physical analyses will be executed by the soil Laboratory of the country. Special analses such as mineralogy and micrornorphology, depending on the type of soil and interest of the participating instiutes, will be carned out by ISRIC, and (3) Dissemination of information--The display of the soils in the form of monoldhs and a selected part of the information is realized in an easy accessible exhibiion hall in association with a soil institute, an univerty department, or a natural history museum. Handling of the collected information involves storing and retneval; both aspects being of equal importance for the future users. Minimum requirements for the users of the colected information is the availability of: (i) a complete set of soil and sne descriptions and analytical data. (ii) a simplified set of soil data, and (iii) data sets on the location, classificadon, landforn and land-use connected to the displayed monoliths, in an illustrative way. Contact in research organization: Intemational Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC); P.O. Box 353; 6700 329 SPAAR Information System AJ Wageningen; The Netherlands; tel: +31-8370-19063; fax: +31-8370-24460; telex: via IAC: 45888 intas ni Record number (MFN): 05633 Official project trle: NATIONAL SOIL SERVICE (NSS). Implementing agei;n, Winand Starng Centre / Dep. of Research and Training, Min. of Agriculture and Livestock Development. Start date: 1990-01 -01. End date: 1994-12-31. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of obiectives/abstract: The long-term project objective of the cooperation is to strengthen the research and extension capacity in Tanzania in the iield of applied soil science. The National Soil Service (NSS) was estabiUshed to carry out sod and land surveys, land evaluations, soil and water management research and supportive lboratory analysis The National Soil Service is part of the Ministry of Agricutture and comprises of three sections (Soil and Land Resource Survey Section; Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research Station: Soil, Plant and Water Anaysis Laboratory. The NSS headquarters is part of the Agncultural Research and Tranina Instiute Mlingano. NSS has four NSS sub-centres attached to the Agncultural Research Institutes in Naliendele. Ukiriguru. Tumbi and flonga.Specific project activities are. (1) Strengthening of the Nalional Soil Service headquarters through further oevelopment of the survey, research and service facildies; (2) Slrengthening of the national coordination function of the NSS in soil survey and fertility research and soil and plant analysis services; (3) Development and updating of national guidelines for soil survey and land evaluation, sodl fertilty and soil management research and soil, plant and water laboratory procedures; (4) Upgrading, in a phased approach, of the research and service capacdies of selected NSS sub-centres, in particular in the felds of soil fertility and soil management research and laboratory services; (5) Development, within the Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research Section. of more pecific expertise on madters related to soil and water management and soil and water conservation: and (6) Training of national staff, both on-the-job as weU as in formal courses, in Tanzania or abroad. Contact in research organization: ARI (Agricultural Research Centre): P.0- Box 5088 Tanga; Tanzania; telex 45030; fax (053) 46168Dep. of Research and Training (DRT), Ministry of Agnculture and Livestock Developments- Dar es Salaam; TanzaniaWinand Stanng Centre: P.O. Box 125; 6700 AC Wageningen; The Nethertands; tel: +31-8370-74200;' x: +31-8370-24812 330 SPAAR Information System Record number (MFN): 05634 Official project title: INCREASED CROP PRODiUCION AND FARMERS INCOME THROUGH INTEGRATED PLANT NUTRITION. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SOIL PRODUCTIVITY AND APPROPRIATE INPUT STRATEGY. Implemerting agency: FAO. Start date: 1992-081. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania, Statement of objectives/abstract: Expenence with the use of fertilizers in Tanzania shows that in a number of cases, the wrong type of fertilizers are being used or wrong doses are applied. These nefficient applications were due to the fact that no proper information was available regarding fertilizer applicabon. To remedy this situation, this project was started in order to prepare information for the extension services and to collect data of future demands of fertilzer for trade and distnbution purposes.The long-term obfectives of the propect are to: (1) strengthen the Extension Service and the Input Supply Unit wrthin the Ministry of Agncuiture, Uvestock Developnent and Cooperation (MALDC) to ensure formulate coherent policies related to fertilizer use and plant nutrition; (2) enhance the ,roduction of specific food crops (maize, sorghum, paddy, wheat, beans, cowpeas, groundnuts, potatoes. barley and bananas) by the farming communiy in various agro-ecological zones by optimuing the use of organic and mineral fertilizer and related production factors; (3) increase and diversity crop production ard Improve soil product,vity, in particular for small-scale farmers, through better extension messages; (4) suppor the development of appropnate fertilizer and related inputs policies and dislnbution systems, (5) establish an information system on input-use and distribution: and (6) increase involvement of wcmen in agricultural development.The project implemented through FAO, is integrated in the organizational structure of the Ministry of Agricuhure, bvestock Development and Cooperatives (MALDC). The Ass. Commissioner for Extension is responsible for fertilizer tnals. demonstrations and training ar,d procurement and distnbution of agricutural inputs fall under the responsibilrty of the Ass. Commissioner for Crop Development. Policy issues related to inputs fall under the Commissioner for Planning and Marketing.Project activities are the fokowing: (1) colection of data on agro-climatological zones, cropping systems, crop husbandry, etc.; (2) planning and implementation of 65 relevant crop trials, 100 (farm) field demonstration on issues of local importance and 10 regional block demonstrations regarding Integrated Plant Nutrition System (IPNS); (3) strengthening the Inputs Unit wihin MALDC with improving input-demand forecasting, planning and monionng of input distribution by Ji) establishing appropriate computer facilities, ensunng regular updating of data and assisting with data processing; and (ii) assisting in the preparation and distnbution of annual input statistics to all relevant instiutions and projects; (4) preparation of training material and organize training for private retailers; and (5) Involve women farmers and extension staff in all 331 SPAAR Information System project activities, through block demonstratOn, field days and traming. Contact in research o.-ganization: FAO; Via delle Terme di Caracalba; 00100 home; Italy; Telex 6 i0181/5793152; Tel: 57971 MALDC; P.O. Box 9071, Dar es Salaa; Tanzania; tel: 051-27231; telex; 41246 kilio TZ Record number (MFN): 05636 Official project title: TRADITIONAL IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME II. Implementing agency: SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Start date: 1992-07-00. End date: 1997-06-00. Country/countnes: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: Imgation offers substantial potential to increase agricultural production The efficiency of existing irrigation schemes can be increased and the area under irrigation may be increased in order to raise production. The project concentrates its activites on increasing irrigation perlorrnance in Mwanga, Same, Lusotho, Kilosa and innga districts in Tanzania. The project objectives are as follows: (1) incorporating construction and organizational aspects in the design process of irrqation schemes; (2) establishment of an in-service and on-the-job traininq unit (3) er1ncmg the organizational capacity of imgaliorvfurrow groups; and (4) improving the postion of women in the programme areas. The project is coordinated by the Pnrme Ministers Office, SNV Tanzania and the Imgation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. Within the framework of the project each district has its own responsibility and sets its own prionties. Cooperation with villages and local extension officers.Specflic activities are: (A) in Mwanga Distnct (Ndurumo River Basin, Mfinga River, lowland schemes in Kileo. Kiuri, Kivulini): (a) training and contracting local terrace workers, (b) help water groups with soil conservation efforts, (c) research to identify suiable interventions, and (d) promote and support river basin boards for Ndurumo and Kisanga conceming water nghts, quality of irrigabon and by-laws of the organization; (B) in same district (Hingilill river Basin, Chorne, Siyi and MambaNanta): (a) repair and construction of canals. (b) raising production of nurseries, and (c) training of farmers on soil and water conservation measures including training, rehabilitating ndiva's (nighl storage reservoirs) and plant nurseres; (C) in Lusotho District (Umba, River Basin, Soni River Basin, Baga River Basin): activities conceming soil and water conservation. gender issues, afforestation, and organ,zational strengthening: (D) in Kilosa District (Kilangali and Malolo Valley): (a) rehabilitate the rrigation infrastrucre, (b) soil conservation measures, and (c) legalize the use of land and water by beneficiaries: (E) in Iringa District (Msoza, Mtandika. Mbuyuni): (a) extend the area under irrgation. (b) distnbute the irrigated areas to landless 332 SPMR Inlormation Systemn villagers, and (c) protect imgation infrasbtucture against erosion. Contact in research organization: Netherlands Developrnentr Organization (SNV -Tanzania); P-0. Box 3941; Dar es Salaam; Tanzania; lei: 051 -23421rrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture; Dar es Salaam; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 05637 Official project title: GROUNDWATER RECHARGE EVALUATION STUDY (GRES) 11. Implementing agency: Free University of Amsterdam (VU). Start date: 1992-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Countryfcountries: Botswana; Statement of objeclivesdabstract: The objectives of the project are the following: (1) obtain insight in the transport mechanisms of the groundwater reserves in the Kalahari semi-desert; (2) assess the ecological effects of withdrawal of groundwater on the Kalahan and the adjoining Okavango Delta; (31 strengthen the research capacrty of the Geological Department and the Hydrological Section of the University ol Bolswana; (4) support tte formnulation of a management plan lor a responsible and sustanable use of the groundwater reserves; (5) strengthen the regional cooperation on research level; (6) execute studies to assess the supplementiori mechanisms of water retaining systems in the Kalahari (a semi-arid area, an area with a thick sand layer and savarna vegetation and the so called salt pans).Specdic activties of the project are: (a) mnonitonng of major groundwater basins to collct data on the groundwater movements in short and long term, (b) execute studies to obtain insight in the supplementation mechanisms of the aroundwater in the vanous geological zones of the Kalahari. and (c) interpret the - tbtained data for management plans in the area of water use. Train and support Botswanan students and technicians in the area of geohydrology. Contact in research organization: Centre for Development Cooperation Services (CDCS); De Boelebaan 115: 1081 HV Amsterdarn: The Netherlands; lel: +31-20-5485030; fax:+31-206462320; telex:l0399intvu nlDepartrnent of Geological Survey. Ministry of Mines and Water; Lobatse Botswana; tel; 330412/330327/330328; telex 2293 BPOepaitrnent of Geohydrology of the University of Botswana; Gaborone; iBotswana Record number (MFN): 05642 333 SPAAR Information System Otficial project htle: LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency: Minstry of Agriculture Zamrbia- Start date: 1992-01 -00. End date: 1994-12-00. Countrytcountrees: Zambia; Statement of objectrves/abstract: The objectives of the project are: (1) Support of the Land-use Planning Und and the Rice Promotion Programme in the wetland evaluations; (2) Inrcreasing Iknowledge on the hydrolgy of the Western Province; (3) Study the suitability of wettand areas for the production of rice as outlined in studies on the Lui river; and (4) Create awareness by agricultural extension officers, land-use planning oHicers in the field of land and water in wettand. Specific activities are: (a) collecting of hydrological. topographical and soil data; (b) processing these data (or improving general understanding ol the issue as well as for planning and execution of agricultural developpment programs with special attention for the cultivation of rice, arnd (c) developing a training programmme to ensure a gradual transfer of activties to Zambian experts. The proect is a bilateral project with technical assistance which is linked to the lmgation 1nd Land Husbandiy Branch (ILHB) of the Ministry of Agnculture. For activties at distnct level, the propct coordinator and ILHB cooperates with DAOs (Distrct Agricultural Officers) and their SMSs (Subject Matter Specialists) and extension officers. At provincial level, coordnation with other institutions is ensured by a special subcormitee of the Provincial Crops and Lrvestock Development Committee. Conlact in research organization: Ministry of Agriculture; Irngation and Land Husbandry Branche: Land and Water Managernent Project: P 0 Box 910067; Mongu; Zambia Record numrber (MFN): 05646 Official project title: LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WEST PROVINCE. Implementing agency: Department of Veterinary and Tsetse Control Services. Start date: 1988-00-00. End date: 1993-OD-00 Country/countries: Zambia, Statement of oblecties/abstract: In the Western province of Zambia animal hbsbandry is an important element of the farming sgystems. Botleiecks for increased productvity of animal husbandry are especialfy mapor diseases such as pleuropneumonia, loot and mouth disease and the tsetse-trypanosomiasis complex. This project is ained at the development potential of animal husbandry in the Western Province. The objective of the project is to 334 SPAAR Informaton System rnprove Ihe cale productvity ard enhnoe the capacty of the governmental sistius for anhnal husbandry development in the Western Province. The Departmt of Vetennawy Senrcs and Tsetse Contrd Services execuAes the project n cooperation wih DuLdc vetemaiies.Specific pmrec activibes are as folows: (1) trainr'g of professional staff and tedcical personnel; (2) fonulate a provincal cattle devebpmt strategy; (3) execute a basic animWa disease control programrnme (4) support a cost recovery system for the veterinary services; (5) execute anmal disease control campaigs; (6) carry out research on herd monioning, carryng capacity of soils, socio-econcmic studies to cattle management, development of alternative methods for tsetse control. cattle productvty: (7) establsh a revolving fund for catte drugs: and (8) development of extension messages. The location of the activities are as follows: (i) tsetse control in Senanga-West region, (ii) cattle development in Kalabo, Sesheke and Senanga, (iii) aninal draught power progranme in Mongu district, (iv) rehabilitation of aninal slaughter-house Mongu, and (v) locations of the Adaptive Research Planning Team and Animal Disease Control Pro,ect to be defined. Contact in research organization: Ministry of Agnculture ard Water Development; Department of Vetennary and Tsetse Control Sermices; Mulungushi house; P.O. Box 500 600; Lusaka; Zambia; tel: 22570ff ices of the Provircial Vetennary Officer and Livestock Development Advser; P.O. Box 910034; Mongu, Zambia Record number (MFN): 05648 Ofcial project trite: DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF APPROPRIATE TOOLS AND IMPLEMENT FOR THE 'AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR' (INTERIM PHASE) (11.0/89AlNT/Wo). Implementing agency: ILO (Internatonal Labour Office). Start date: 1992-10-01. End date: 1993-0301. Country/countries: Afrca; Benin; Burkina Faso; Unied Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the project are: (1) to strengthen the national capacity in seleted Afncan countnes for formnulatng. implementing and evaluating of programmes and projects n the area of production and dbstnbution of agricultural tools and equipmenl for small food processing coropanies; (2) to improve the technical information flow for small-scale metal processing industies; and (3) to increase the R&D capacity for small metal processing industries.Specific proect activities are: (a) develop a conceptual framework or the starl of 'country strategy papers'; (b) sectbon of two counties where the framework wil be tested; (c) identiy relevant activities and studies in these two countries; (d) assess the collected information and develop a workplan: (e) assess the technical, social. and economic (mnarketing) 335 SPAAR Information System feasibtlity of cashew nuts and oil processing equpwent in Berin, a waterpump in Burkina Faso. agricutural tods in Mbulu district in Tanzania; and (f) lectnicat assistance to the Moshi Common Facility Centre in Tanzania for the prkction ot agrcultural machinery and food processing equipment. Contact in research organization: ILO; Enterpreneurship and Management Development Branch (ENT/MAN); 4 Route des Morilbns; GH-1211 Geneva; 22 Switzerland; tel: (+22) 7996111; fax: (+22) 7986685 Record number (MFN): 05658 Official protect ttle: TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES OF MICRO CUMATE IMPROVEMENT (TTMI), PHASE lV. Implementing agency: WAU (Wageningen Agncultural University). Startdate: 1991-10-01. End date: 1995- 10-0 1. Country/countries. Africa: Kenya; Sudan; Nigeria; United Repubic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: An important element for capacity building in NARSs is an effective education-system. PhD-research cortnbutes to the education and research efforts. Often PhD-research is carned out to a large extent in countnes outside of the research environment of the PhD-student concerned. This project explores the benefits of emphasis of PhD-research in the local situation, in combination with technical backstopping, local supervision and ensuring availability of basic research equipment. The themes of the research have micro-clirnatic research as a common denominator but vary between countries. The project is coordinated by Wageningen Agricultural University and collaborates with Universites in Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and Nigeria.The objectives ol the project are to (1) strengthen the national agncultural research capacity in the area of micro climatology in selected Atncan countries; and (2) institutionalize practical PhD approach in AIncan Universties and finalise the development of a model lr capacity buiding. Specific project activities are the following: Executing agencies: (a) identify research topics with small scale producers and supporting agncuhural organizations and services; (b) dentity 7 PhD candidates, MSc candidates and local project staff in Nigerna, Sudan, Kenya and Tanzania; (c) establih and assess research proposals by local staff project responsible and suppor commission: (d) supply of basic research equipment; (e) execute 9 coordinating, 3 technical, 4 scientific and 3 institutionally aimed backstopping missolls: and (I) organize a workshop n 1994 in Nairotbi. PhD-themes: (1) Sudan: (a) underground storage of sorghum; and (b) desertdicaiori I secondary sand source area I sh-elterbelts: (2) Kenya: (a) effects of mcroclimate, soil conservation and rooting pattem of alley cropping on sloping lands, for sustanable land use in Machakos; (b) an investigation of the rnfluence of multching and agroborestry systems 336 SPAAR Inofomation System on the mlcrocirnate conin s affectng soil montue for maize/beans intercrop; (3) Nigea-i cooperation wi the Savamnah Forestry Research Stabon in Saamau and the Shelterbelt Research Instiute (SRi) in Kano execules the univesity research to methods lo stop desetiication on Shehlerbelts at Yambawa and on sod protecion aspects ot intercroppng with leguminous crps; and (4) Tanzania-on grain storage. Contact in research organization: WAU Department of Meteorology; Duve 2; 6701 AP Wageningen; The Netherands; tel: +31-8370-83981/83332; tax: +31 -8370-8281 lUniversity of Nairoti; Kenya. Deparnents of Crop Scence, Soil Science. Meteorology, Physics, Botany and GeographyUniversity of Gezira, Sudan, Departments of Environmental Scence and Natural Science, Agrcultural Engrneenng and Soil ScienceUniversity of Dar es Salaam; Tanzania- Department ot Agricultural PhysicsAhmadu Bello Unrversity: Zaria; Nigena Record nuirnber (MFN): 05659 Official proiect tatle: DETOXIFICATION OF CASSAVA AT HOUSEHOLD LEVEL IN RURAL AFRICA. Impleenting agency: WAU (Wagening Agricutural University). Start date: 1990-01-01. End date: 1993-07-01. Country/counlnes: Afnca, Uganda; Malawi; Statement of obectives/abstract: Cassava is a major foodcrop in many parts of Africa. Many Cassava varieties contain cyanide-components. whih need to be removed for consumption. This is a labonous task mostly peufomied by wornen. This project tries to identity aRemative methods to remove cyanide of cassava at household level. The oboectives of the project are as follows: (1) to determine if cyanide uptake irom cassava constitutes a health hazard in Matavwi and in Uganda; (2) to dentify and describe local processing methods and their social and physical determinants in Malawi; (3) to adapt analytical methods for cyanide and cyanogenic corrpounds in cassava products to our purposes; (4) to evaluate some local cassava processing methods on Itheir effectiveness in the reduction of cyanide evels, and on other nutritional qual.ty parameters of the end products, and identify possibities for improvement; (5) to obtain understanding of the dynamics of the reduction of cyande levels in cassava during processing; and (6) to develop a fast and efficient method for reducing cyanide levels in cassava, applicable at household level, tor emergency situations-The proect is coordinated by Wageningen Agriculural University (WAU) and collaborated with the University of Maawi and in Uganda wh the Ministry of Agnculture and Makerere Univensty. The propct has an nterdisciplinary orientation and comprises of 2 phases: the first one is a strategic research with the above objectives (in execution now). the second will deal wth the implementation ot the results in a pilot extension project. The ftems under study: (a) improvement of the analytial method for cyanogenic compounds 337 SPAAR Informabon System in cassava products; (b) separaton of cyanogein compounds from cassava flour by HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography); (c) heap fermentation--micro flora, mutagenity and aftatoxins in heap-fermented cassava; Mchanisms of detoxification in heap-fementd cassava; (d) optinizng the breakdown and removal of imamarin from cassava by cmushing, addtion of exogenous linamarase, stirring and pressing; and (e) sociological aspects of cassava processing technology. Contact in research organization: Wagenwngen Agricultural University; Ir S. Essers; Department of Food Science; P.O. Box 8129; 6700 EV Wageningen; The Netherlands; tel: +31-8370-82888: lax: +31 -8370-848930r G. Mpango; Makere Unviversity. Dept. of Food Science; P O. Box 7062: Kanpala; UgandaDr S.S. Chiotha; University of Malawi; P.O. Box 278; Zomba; Malaw Record number (MFN): 05670 Offiatl project titl: AGRO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LIVESTOCK (CATTLE) KEEPING THROUGH THE LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Implementing agency: SNV (Netherlands Development Organization). Start date: 1992-00-00. End date: 1995-00-00. Country/counties: Zambia Statement of objectivesdabsiract: Soco-ecoinomic research dunng the past 20 years has shown that before making recommendations, the ralionals of existing farming systems must be understood. This requires identfying farmers' values and goals. This 'grassrools' aporoach to devetopment requires participatory research with farmers to investigate their views of problems and assess the utility ol proposed interventions frorn the larners' perspective. The project objectrves are. (a) to improve the skills of departmental and project staff; (b) to develo integrated animal husbandry systems and animal health extension, relevant to tradnional farmers; (c) to strengthen intrastructure and services rebated to animal disease control; (d) to formulate a provincial cattle develpment strategy, with particular emphap.3 on aspects oa ecology, tarners' perspectves, equity marketing, the Barotse breeds productnviy potential; and (e) to execute of a basic disease control programme.The Livestock Development Project (LDP), is implementated through the institutional structures ot both the Animal Husbandry Sector of the Department of Agnculture and the Department Vetennary and Tsetse Control Services (OVTCS), in Westem Province. The DVTCS (Provincial Veterinary Officer) ts administratively responsible lr proect impbnentation with delegation of part of the responsibilities to the Provincial Animal Husbandry Officer. Overall monitorng of project activities within the Province is assityied by the permanent Secretary. Close collaboration has been achieved between the Socio-Economic Applied Research Team (SEAT) and the relevant specialists in the ARPT. 338 SPMAR Infornation System The agricultural econorist (resides in Mongu) performs hisier adivibes closely liaise wit ARPT, Provincial Plwbnng Unit, and other reevant tuins whin and outside Western Provi.Activities: (1) Contribute to the ARPT ago-pastoral zoning of Westem Provinc; (2) Carry out a stdy, on livestock for the Depafment of Veterinary and Tselse Control Senvices; Element of the study are: mobile courses, seminars/symposia, crushpen visis; differences in produc between herds; fe rational behind cattle keepng; (3) Assess the econorncs of cattle keeping at macro and mircro levels; (4) Undertake a study of catte keepers decion making with respect to marketing of cattle. through a household budget study; (5) Undertake a study of cattle rnarketng in relation to provincial economic indicators to dentily dynaknic forces in catte sales trends; (6) Contribute to a task force, study the development of sustanable aninal health services, including: cost recovery procedures/cost-beneld analysis for diseases contro/financing of service provson, the organisabonal lomis; (7) Undertake a study of the current grazing management practices; (8) Assess the dstrbution of benefns from cattle and the invovement of women in cattle keeping; and (9) Train and sensitize departmental staff on the sociological and economic aspects of farmers' percephon; Implenention of the derived recommendations through the Training Section in liaison with the SEAT (Socio-Economic Applied Research Tearn). Contact in research organization: SNV Zambia; 59 Chachacha road: P.O. Box 31771 1010 Lusaka; Zambia; tel: 01-221219/221661; telex: 40447 SNVNDO Record number (MFN): 0677 Official project title: INTER-UNIVERSITY PLANT-SOIL-WATER PROJECT. Impleentng agency: Eduardo Mondlane University, MozambtqueAgncultural University, Wageningen, The Nethertandsrarenstein International Agricultural Collge, Vefp, The Nethe1ands. Start date: 199-01-01. End date: 1996-01-01. Country/counritnes: Mozambique; Statement of objecdes/abstract: This project is a collaboration between vanous universiies in Mozamnbique and the Netherlands. Involved are Universkcide Eduardo Mondlane, Wageningen Agncuftural University. and Larensten Intemational College. The protect is financed by DGIS through the collaborative body of Dutch Uniersits NUFFIC. It is airned at developing a research capacity in Mozambique for adequate research on sustainable crop production. Specfic goals are: (i) institutial development of the Facully of Agronorny & Forest Engineenng; (ii) contributbon to upgrading of fe currculum of the crop production and 'rural engineering specializations; (ii) research in land & water management. land use planning, and farming under rainfed and irigaled 339 SPAAR Information System conditions; and (iv) preparation and dissemination of reoommendations in the fieki of lM and water management and crop production. Project actvities are: (i) Develping teaching & training materials: etunring; student research supeimson; (ii) supervision and organization of excursions and field work; upgrading of lecture notes and teaching materials: curriculum education: on the job training of Mozamnbique staff; (6ii) Organization and managemen1 of farming systems research; establishrmant of pilot areas and expermental station for erosion research; and (iv) Organizatior and managerent of bnd ard water use research in selted plot areas. Contact in research organization: WAU (Wageningen Agncuftural University); Project Administrator/Steenng Committee, Dept. of Irrigation and Soil and Water Conservation; Neuwe Kanaal 11, 6709 PA Wageningen. The Netherlands; tel: +31-8370-83016, tax: +31 -370-84759Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Facultade de Agronomia, Caixa Postal 257. Maputo. Mozambique: tel: 258-1-49000; fax: 258-1492176 Record number (MFN): 05678 Official projoct title: MICROBIOLOGY IN RELATION TO AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENAL ISSUES. Implementing agency: University of Nilmegen, Department of Microbiology and cvolutionary Biology, Faculty of Science. Star! date: 1993-01-01. End date: 1997-06-01 Country/countries: United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of oblectves/abstract: The objective of the proqect is to establishi an applied microbiology unit at the university of Dar es Sataam well equiped to perform research and carry out consuhancies at microbiological problems related to agncultural and environmental issues. Projeti activities are the following: ( 1) io set up an education prog. Imme in applied microboogy at the university of Dar es Salaam at the BSc, MSc and PhD levels: (2) training of staff members of the University of Dar es Sabaam in a sandwich structure up to the PhD level. The experimental work dumg this phase is done at the university of Nijmegen; and (3) carry out microbiological research by the unt of applied mcrobiology at the University of Oar es Salaam. Part of this research is Jone in cooperation with the Dep. of Microbiology and Evolutionary Bioogy Faculty of Science. University of Nijmegex , the Netherands. The project activities were lunded up to the end of 1992 by DGIS (Directorate General Intemational Cooperation) and will be funded for 1993-1997 via Nuffic within the MHO programme. On the Dutch side the Dep. of Mcrobiooy and Evolutonary Bioogy Faculty of Science. Universty of Nifmegenis involved. The unit of Applied Microbiology is located within the Dep. of Botany at tlv Jnversity of Dar es Salaaim. Contact in research organization: 340 SPAAR Infoffnation Systern Department of Microbiology and Evolutionary Biobgy; Faculty of Science; University of Niimegen; Toemooiveld 1; NL 6525 ED Nijmegen; The Netherlands: tel: 080-652940; fax: 080-553450 Record number (MFN): 05679 Offical projec title: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ZIMBABWE FARMERS UNION. Implementing agency: SNV (Netherliands Development Organization). Start dale: 1991-07-0. End date: 1994-00-00. Country/countries: Zimbabwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The Zimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU; is the voice of the farmers in ccmmunal areas, resettlement areas and small-scale commercial areas through which they voice their needs. The objectives of ZFU are to protect and advance the interests of all African farmers in Zimbabweb and to promote and develop a viable agricutural industry. The ZFU operates at 5 separate levels: village, ward, district, provnce and national level. The project of SNV and ZFU aims at the village and ward level. The objectives of the project are the following: (1) develop methodologies in some pilot ZFU distncts for organisational development; and (2) improve linkages between grassroot and national level of the union The project activities are the following: (a) provde advise and support the managerrent of ZFU, (b) design and execute an appropriate training programme; (c) mondor, analyze and evaluate developments: and (d) carry out research on sustainable use of natural resources. Contact in research organization SNV Zimbabwe; 14 Elsworh Avenue; Belgravia, P.O. Box 8377. Causeway; Harare; Zrmbabwe: tel: 792153: tax: 722250 Record number (MFN): 05693 Offictal project ttle: URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND URBAN FOOD SECURITY IN THE EASTERN PARTS OF BOTSWANA. Impementing agency: Institut fuer Kulturgeographie der Universitaet Freiburg. Start date: 1991-01-01. End date: 1994-12-31. Country/countries: Botswana: Statement of objectiveslabstract: Analysis of urbanisalion processes and urban food securtty ir Botswana. 341 SPAAR Informaton System Contact m research organization: Krjeger F. Record number (MFN): 05707 OficJ protct tmie: ENDOGENOUS ADAPTIVE STRATEGIES WITH REGARD TO CHANGES IN NATURAL RESOURCE ENDOWMENT IN THE COASTAL REGION OF TANZANIA. ImpLementing agency. Instiut luer Agraroekononie der Universitaet Goettingen. Start dale 1992-01-01 End date. 1994-12-31. Country/counlries. United Republic of Tan2ania: Statemnent of objectwesdabstract As in othw African countnes. populaton pressure in the Coastal Region of Tanzania lead to increased scarciy of natural resources dumng the past So far, n is not known, how the rural population responds to changes in the natural resource base and whether the adjustments ol Ihe production system are sustainable. Contact in research organization: Waibel H. Record number (MFN): 05709 Official project title. ANALYSIS OF DEGRADATION IN DRY DECIDUOUS FORESTS OF NAMBIA IN DEPENDENCE ON SOIL SALINITY. Implementing agency: Instaut luer Waldbau der Universilaet Goettingen. Abt. 11 Waldbau der Tropen und Naturwaldtorscnung. Start date. 1991-01-01. End date: 1994-12-31. Country/countnes: Namibta. Statement of oblectivesJabstract: The investigation of physiological characteristics (water potential, osmotic potential) on trees with high ecological importance should render informations on ecological behaviour. Contact in research organization: Miloehner. R. Record number (MFN): 05737 342 SPAAR Infromiabon Systen Official project ile: MIL( PRODUCTlON FROM THE INDIGENOUS MALAW GOAT. Impleentng agency: Overseas Development Administrabon (NRRD). Start date: 1993-091. End date: 1995-331. Country/countries: United Kingdom: Malawi: Statement of objecives/abstract: This research prolect aims to investigate the pot ential for milk production trom indigenous Malawi goats and effects of mikng on kid growth and doe reproductive perforrnanceThe wider objective of the project is to provide approprnate recommendations to assist in improving the effcency of resource use prodivt of Irvestock production systems in developg countnes.The immediate objectwves are:To test thw milk production potential of the indigenous Malawi goat and compare with Saanen cross milking goats;To evaluate effects of mitking and supplementary feeding on weight changes and subsequent reproductive performance of does, and growth and survval of kids;To develop improved feeding regirnes for actating goats usng locally available feeds. Contact in research organization: Mr. C. Powell-; Natural Resources Instiute: Central Avenue: Chatham Mantime: Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 06.34 880068; Fax 0634 880066(77; Te4ex 263907.8 LDN GOr. R.A. Cooper; Unersity of Plymouth; Seale Hayne Department of Agacuture ard Food Studies; Newton Abbot; Devon; TO12 6NQ; Tel 0626 325627; Fax 0626 3256050r. L. Kamwanja; 13unda Collge of Agricuture, PO Box 219; Lilongwe: Malawi: Tel 265 277 222; Fax 265 277 364 Record number (MFN): 05738 OtftcWal proect title: IMPROVING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF DRAUGHT ANIMALS IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Implmenting agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1993-12-01. End date: 1996-03-31. Country/countries: Unied Kingdom. Zimbdbwe; Statement of objectives/abstract: The obiectives of the project are:To provide basic inforrnation and practical techniques on the use of donkeys and lihtweight cattle in crop production in semi-arid areas:To provide information on the design and implmentation of research and extension programmes relating to drought animals. 343 SPAAR Inlormation Syslem Contact n research organization: Mr. D.E. Siterside; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; rhatham Marntne: Chatham: Kent; ME4 4TS: Unifeo Kingdom; Tel 0634 880098: Fax 0624 880066/77; Telex 2639')7/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 05740 Offic3al proect title: TANZANIA: QUANTIFICATION OF POST HARVEST LOSSES OF FISH. Implerientig agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1993-01 -01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countnes: Unmted Kingdcom; United Republic of Tanzanma. Statement ot objec:reslabstract: The objectives of the project are To develop a package of loss assessment methodologies applicable in Tanzania and elsewhere. To quantdy fish losses in terms of value. To identity where losses occur and who they affect. Contact in research organization. Dr. N.W Willoughby: Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue: Chatham Manrinie; Chatham: Kent. ME4 4TB: Unned Kingdom., Tel 0634 880088. Fax 0634 880066/77. Telex 263907/8 LON G Record number (MFN): 05750 Official project tile: EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL FACTORS. SEED VAR!ETY AND QUALITY ON CROP ESTABLISHMENT Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-07-01. End date: 1995-09-30. Country/oountnes: United Kingdom. Africa: Unied Repubic of Tanzania; Botswana; Statement of objectives/absiract: The wider obective of the project is to enable greater agncultural productieon in the semi-arid tropics (SAT) especially in the SADCC region. The imnediate objectives of the project are identification and quantfication of biological constraints to crop establishment: identification and quantification of climatic and edaphic constraints to crop establishmnent:identify extent of interaction of seed quality wih soil physical condttions. Contact in research organizaton: Mr. D. Jackson; Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue. Chatham Mardime; 344 SPAAR Information Syster Chatiam; Kent; ME4 4T8; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr C E. Mullins; Department of Plant and Sod Scence; Unversity of Aberdeen; Meston Buiktng; Aberdeen; AB9 2UE; Scotland; Tel 0224 272257; Fax 0224 272268; felex 73458 UNIABN G Record numnber (MFN): 05752 Official project btle: EVALUATION AND PROMOTION OF RAINWATER HARVESTING IN TANZANIA. Implefenting agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-08-01. End date: 1995-07-30 Country/countnes: United Kingom: Unfler Republic of Tanzania; Statement o. obrectives/abstract: The wider objectives of this project are: To improve weffare of iarm families in semi-and areas: To increase sustainable productrvity and population carrying capacity of semi-and areas; To promote shft of familes from overpopulated areas. The specific objectives are: To appraise and descnbe farming systems and indigenous soil-water management and conservation i the semi-and areas of Tanzania To review past research wodm in rain-water harvesting with particular attention to Tanzania: To assess the technical, economic and social polential for rain-water harvesting, in semi-and areas of Kilimanjaro region ir Tanzania, To develop and validate a structured model of ratn-water harvesting (in collaboration with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne). Contact in research organizati: Mr. D. Jackson; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mantime; Chatham, Kent: ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088. Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. N. Hatibu: Department of Agncu!tural Engineenng; Sokomne University of Agriculture. PRO Box 3003: Morogoro: Tanzania; Tel 3511, Telex 55308 UNIVMO TZDr. J.W. Gowing. Department of Agncultural and Environmental Science. University of Newcastle upon Tyne; The University. Newcastle upon Tyne; NE1 7RU; United Kingdom: Tel 091 222 6001; Fax 091 222 6720: Telex 53654 (UNINEW G) Record number (MFN): 05758 Official project tile: USE OF INSECT GROWTH REGULATORS FOR ARMYWORM AND RED LOCUSTS. Imnplementing ag,ency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 199!-09-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: United Kngdom: Afnca; United Republic of Tanzama; Zimbabwe: Malawi, 345 SPAAR Intormation Systern Statefient of obect'stastac: The wider obectves are to dehfe a method of arnyworm control based on envionmenta*y acooptabbe insecicides.The mmedate objetves are: 19 293 1) To seect effectiv IGRs by compamg field perfomane.19931942a) To determine dose rate and persistence of IGRs seletd in Year 1.2b) To fine best method of aopicabon and funidmg.2c) To look at effeds on non-target insects. 1 994U953) Larger scale appicaton carned out and mondtored. Contact n research organization: Mr. J.F. Cooper Natural Resources Institute: Central Avenue. Chathan Maritime, Chatharn: Kent, hlE4 4Tf3; Unied Kingdom; Tel 0634 88008E; Fax 0634 B80066177: Telex 263907'8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 05765 Offcial project tdle: FIELD TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF IMPROVED CASSAVA FLOUR PRODUCTION PFROCESS TECHNOLOGIES. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD) Start date: 1992-09-01. Erd date. 1995-03-31. Country/countres: United Kingdom: Africa: United Republic of Tanzania: Global. Colombia: Stalement of obiectves/abstract: The objectives of the projects are to: transfer and field test procedures and designs for the improved production of hgh quality cassava flours in Colombia: implement irmproved lechnology for dissemination in Colombia and olher Latin American/AsianAfrican countres. Contact n research organization: Mr. W. H. Timmins; Natural Resources Instidute. Central Avenue; Chatham Mantime; Chatham, Kent: ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 88068: Fax 0634 880066177. Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr R. Best/Dr. C. Wheatley; Centro Intemacional cle Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Apdo. aereo: Cali; Colonbia: Tel 57 23 675050: Fax 57 23 647243: Telex 05769 CIAT CO Record number (MFN): 05773 Official projt tole: LOCAL APPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES (LARST) - (NDVI) VEGETATION. Implementing agency. Overseas Developmenl Administration (NRRD). 346 SPMR Information System Start date: 1992-09-01. End date: 19944-3-31. Country/countnes: United Kingdom; Afnca; Namniia; Zimbabwe; Zambia; Statement of obectves/abstract: The wder objective ol this project is to improve monwtonng and the local management of natural resources in and and semi-and regions. The wimedate objectives are: To overcone dificulties in applying existing remotely sensed data and rerote sensing technmques to vegetation-related monitonng locally; To overcome drfficulties in developng routine operations; To colaborate wth local staff and UK TC Project staff to achre I and 2 above for pest monioring and management. rangeland management for wildlife and domestic animals and to improve lire management; Tc modify application software for LARST systems relevant to savannah management and particularty to fire monnoring and management. Contact in research organization: Dr. J.B. Wilhams: Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chathan UantiNne; Chatham. Kent; ME4 4TB; Unied Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77. Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record nurnber (MFN): 05778 OfticLal project tile: PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS FOR AFRICAN CASSAVA MOSAIC VIRUS (ACMV) Implementing agency. Overseas Developrner- Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-04-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countnes: United Kingdom, Africa, Uganda: Unied Republic of Tanzania. Kenya; Zaire: Statement of objectives/abstract The wider oblective of the protect is the substantially increased yields of cassava through control of ACMV. The imrnediate obecbves of the project are to: evaluate effectiveness of contrasting approaches to control now being made in different parts of Uganda. assess the attiude of farmers to the new vaneties and measures being advocated and the constraints on their adoption. recommend approaches for establishing sustainable cassava multiplication and dissernnalion systems. Contact m research organization. Dr R. Gibson: Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue: Chatham Martime: Chatham; Kent: ME4 4T8; United Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN) 05780 347 SPAAR Intomiabon System Official project WUe: THE USE OF AN NRI DEVELOPED GREEN LEAF PIGMENT MODEL TO IMPROVE TEA OUAU1Y AND VALUE. tmp rgnienw agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Stan date: 1992-10-31. End date: 1994-031. Counriyounlrues: Unded Kingdom; Africa; United Republic of Tanzania; Malwi; Statement oa ob,ectres/abstract: The wider objecives of the proped are to: Increase qualty and hence farn gate value of tea by Irnproved cfonal selection and agronomic pradices. Reduce the cost of smalkier production of tea by ncreasng efficency. The immediate ojectives of the protec are to: Establish the vkblity of using the green leaf pigment model as a tool to increase tea quality and; Transfer the green leaf pigment model and estabiish its use by pant breeders and agronomists in order to select qualty ciones and develop agronomic practices to improve qualdy. Contact in research organization: Mr. T. Connor; Natural Pesources Research Department; Overseas Developnent Administraton. 94 Victona Street; London; SWIE 5JL: United Kingdom. Tel 071 917 0667: Fax 917 0679: Telex 263907i8 LDN G Record number(MFN) 05781 Official project title: MANAGEMENT OF CYNODON IN ANIMAL TILLAGE SYSTEMS. Impementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-10-01. End date: 1996-03-31. Country/countres: United Kingdom, Afrtca; Botswana; Zinbabwe; Statement of obhectives/abstract: The wider objective of this projct is to improve crop yields on small farms through the control of Cynodon.The immediate objectives of the project are to: demnonstrate thal by the use of tilage treatment and for herbicde control methods Cynodon control can be achieved under a range of smaiholder fanning conditions in Botswana and Zimbabwe, evaluate the abiMly of snaliholder farmers to adopt the recommended cynodon control procedures over both the short and long terTn. Contact in research organization: ~ir. C. Rches: Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritme; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 8B0088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LON G 348 SPAAR nfrdmataon Systern Record number (MFN): 05783 Otfical pnoect title: PROCEDURES FOR ESTABUSHING FOOD SECURITY RESERVESIN SOUTHERN AFRICA. Implementmg agency: Overseas Devebpment Administration (NRRD). Star dale: 1992.1-t1. End date: 199503-31. Countrycountrines: Unied Kingdom. Afrnca; Botswana; Namibia; Zambia, Zinbabwe: Mozambique; Malawi- Statement of objectives/abstract: The wider obective of this proect is to define procedures for estabishing food securty reserves in drought prone regons (wdh speaal reference to cereals.) The irnmediate obectives of the project are to: evaluate experence wth fte operation of the Ethiopian food security reserve from 1987 to date; investigate current grain stock poicy in Botswana. Malawi, ozambique, Narnma, Zambia and Zimbabwe; wortk with the govemment of one country to determine the optimum size, location, infrastructure and management requirements for a food security reserve. Contact in research organmzation: Mr. P S. Hindmarsh: Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue: Chatham Maritine; Chatham: Kent; ME4 4TB: Unned Kingdomn; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77, Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN) 05784 Oficial proect tIle SUPPORT TO SMALL-SCALE GRAIN HANDLING AND STORAGE FOLLOWING MARKET LI8ERALIZATION IN SOUTHERN AFRICA. Implmentmg agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date: 1992-11-01. End date: 1995-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom: Alrca; Zimbabwe: Zambia: Namibia. Botswana. Swaziland: Malawi: Statement of objectrves/abstract: The wider objetives of this project areTo increase the efficiercy and effectiveness of grain stock management.In the SADCC region, to support the privatized grain sector through identdication of appropriate technology and strengthened R&D institutions.The immediate objectives are:To establish contacts and collect data on the impact of privatisation on: - producer level handling and storage procedures; - the marketmg system: - comrnercial grain trade: - cooperatives.Assess the current support provided to the sector by research and extension insitutions and the potential for increasing effectiveness.Facihtate work on appropriate post-harvest 349 SPAAR rtnonnatxon System R&D programmes by local nsitutons. Contact n research organization: 1r. P.S. Hidmarsh; Natural Resources Institute; Central Avenue; Chatfnam Mantime; Chatham: Kent. ME4 4Tf; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066(77; Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 05796 Otfic al project title: MODELLING THE SEEDBED PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT IN RELATION TO CROP EMERGENCE. Implmntwig agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date. 1993-07-01. End date: 1996-03-31. Country/countries: United Kingdom: United Republc of Tanzania: Stalement of obectrves/abstract: The speafic objectives ot te project are: To develop and validate (in (ie'd experuments) a model to stimulate the vanation in the water, temperature and stren regimes of the seed/seedlng zone lollowing planting. VaKlation of the model will rnvolve studying intervention strategies (such as stnp mulching) that are expected to influence the water and temperature status of the seed;ped. To develop methods for generating synthetic hourty values for meteorological data fron3 daily or weekly means, in order to wKden the applicabilrty of the model to locations where daily meteorologcal data are available: To measure the strength and hydraulic charactenstic required as model mnptAs at sdes representative of at least two of the mapor soil types ot the SAT With the protects' collaboralors, to monitor seedbed physical properties and seedling emergence in order to provide the basis for the subsequent develpment of a process-based model of seedling emergence. Contact in research o(ganization. Mr. 0. Jackson; Natural Resources Instiute; Central Avenue; Chatham Marnime; Chatham; Kent: ME4 4TB: United Kingdom. Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066(77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. C.E. Mullns: Department of Plant and Soil Science; Meston Buitding; Unversdy of Aberdeen; Scotland; A89 2UE; Tel 0224 272257; Fax 0224 272268, Telex 73458 UNIABN GDr. L.P. Simmonds; Department of Soil Science. Unversity of Reaing; London Road; Reading; RGI 5AQ; Unied Kingdom; Tel 0734 875123; Fax 0734 3t44040r. P.W. MtaKwa; Department of Soil Science; Sokoine Univety of Agnculture: P.O. Box 3006; Morogoro; Tanzanma; East Africa; Tel Morogoro 3511 4; Telex 55308 UNIVMO TZ Record number (MFN): 05799 350 SPMR tnrmatbon System Offiaal proqect tle: BIOLOGY OF SALT TOLERANCE IN CHRYSOMYA MEGACEPHALA (DIPTERA: CALPHORIDAE) AND OTHER SPECIES OF BLOWFLIES WHICH ARE PESTS OF SALTED-DRIED FISH IN TROPICAL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Implementw agency: Overseas Development Admsration (NRRO). Start date: 1993-09-01. End date: 1996-0831. Country/countnes: Undted Kingdom; Global; Malaw; Gambia; India; Bangadesh-; Thailand; Malaysia; Indonesia: St. Pierre and Miquelon; Statement of objectivs/abstract: The objectives of the prolect are:Determination of geographical dlstnbubon of salt-tolerant chrysomya megacephalaIdentficalion of other sat-torant blowfly species:Understanding of physiology of salt tolrance in eggs and larvae of C. megacephala:Understanding ol the genetics of salt tolerance. Contact in research organization: Dr. J. Ryder; Natural Resources Institute; Cental Avenue; Chathm Mantriie; Chatharn; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unded Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066/77 Telex 263 90718 LDN GDr J. Esser School of Food. Fisheries and Environmental Studies; University of Humberside; Humber Lodge, 61 Burgate; Gnmsby; DN34 SAA; Unied Kingdom,; Record number (MFN): 05800 Offiial project ttle: A SURVEY TO ASSESS METHODS FOR IMPROVING HERBICIDE USE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Administration (NRRD). Start date 1993-08-01 End dale 1994-331. Country/countries Unded Kingdom; Africa: Zimbabwe; Unded Republic of Tanzania: Gbbal; Pakistan. Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectrves of the project are: To identiy the needs for and constraints to herbicide use in Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Pakistan The current weed control practices will be studied using questionnaires, personal obsevatbons and discussions with govemnrent scientists, extension workers. university researchers and agrochemical industry representatives. Weed control studies wi not be confif ed to herbicides. but will include a study of the curnent agronomic and non-herbicide weed control methods, and an estimation of their degree of success. The study of posstibe constraints will include studies of the costs and availability of herbicides arid application equipment, the level of training and education of farmers, and the quality of advice available to thern. The aim will be to assess what is needed and how 351 SPAAR Information System this need can be most effechvel provided. Contact n research organization: Dr. I.F. Grant: Natural Resources Institue: Central Avenue, Chatham Marntime: Chafarm; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unided Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066(77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. C.E. Pnce; Imperial College at Silwood Park; Buckhurst Road; Sunngigh'i. Berkshire; SL5 7PY; Unned Kingdom Record number (MFN): 05802 Official proLect Itle: APPLICABILITY OF ZIMBABWE ODOUR BAIT TECHNOLOGIES FOR TSETSE CONTROL IN OTHER AFRICAN COUNTRIES. Implementing agency: Overseas Development Acmrnistration (NRRD). Stan date: 1993-07-01. End date: 1996-030. Country/countries: Unied Kingdom; Afnca: Zimbabwe: Zarnbia; United Republic of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the prolect are: To apply standardised field and laboratory bioassay techniques. developed with NRED support. to Glossia morsitans populations outside Zimbabwe to: a) dentfy behavioural differences in their responses to visual and olfactory attractants and, b) determine the basis of this variafion. To orovide a scentific basis for moddcations to the Zimbabwe odour bait technique for isetse control before it becomes operatKonal in other countines Contact in research organization: Mr R Allsopp; Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue: Chatham Maritie; Chatham: Kent: ME4 4TB; Unded Kingdom: Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77, Telex 263907/8 LDN GDr. J. Brady, Record number (MFN) 05807 Official projecl tifle USE OF MICROBIAL INSECTICIDES IN DRYING AND DRIED FISH. Implementmg agency: Overseas Development Administration (NARD). Start dale 1993-11-01 End date: 1996-03-31. Country/countries: Unied Kingdom: Afrca. Malawi, Mozambique: Statement of objectiveslabstract: The objectves of the project are:To develop microbial agenis to redutce losses in dried fish from insect infestations:To field test and dissenmate the research results as an ahtemative to curreriny used hazardous chemicals. 352 SPAAR Information Systern Contact m research organization: Ms. K. Turner; Natural Resources Instnute; Central Avenue; Chatham Mantime. Chatwian; Kent; ME4 4TB; Unded Kingdom; Tel 0634 880068; Fax 0634 880066/77: Telex 263907/8 LDN G Record number (MFN): 05808 Otficial project title: ADAPTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC REAGENTS FOR CASSAVA 8ROWN STREAK DISEASE FOR USE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Implementing agency. Overseas Development Adrmintstration (NRRD). Start date: 1993-09-01. End date: 19944-3-31 Country/countnes: United Kingdom. Malawi; Statement of objectrvetvabstract: The wider objective of the proect s to improve heaKth of cassava planting matenal istnbuted to farmers in Malawi. The imnmediate objectives are: To test previously deveoped EUSA techniques for cassava brown streak chsease (CBSD) under field conddions in Malawi: To train loal staff in use of technology; To use technology and/ro usual symptoms, and information from local scientists and farmers to make a preliminary assessment of distribution and frequency of CBSO in Malawi. Contact in research organization: Dr. A. Isaac; Natural Resources Instiute; Central Avenue; Chatham Maritime: Chatham. Kent. ME4 4TB: United Kingdom. Tel 0634 880088: Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 263907/8 LDN GMr. R.F. Narnbozanga Sauti; Ministry of Agnculture: Bvumbwe Research Station, PO Box 5748: Lumbe, Malawi Record number (MFN): 05810 Offtiial project btle: ADAPTION OF NOVEL TECHNIQUES FOR THE DETECTION AND CHARACTERISATION OF THE FUNGI CAUSING FUSARIUM WILT AND SIGATOKA LEAF SPOTS CF BANANA AND PLANTAIN. Implementing agency: Overseas Develpment Administration (NRRD). Starl dale: 1994-01-01. End date: 1996-03-31. CountryJcountnes: United Kingdom:n Alrica; Kenya; Uganda; United Republc of Tanzania; Statement of objectives/abstract: The objectives of the project are:To assess and evaluate under local conditions, techniques developed under EMC X0092 and A0215 for the diagnosis and charactensation 353 SPAAR Information System ol species and strains of the key banana pathogens in the Lake Vctoria Besan.To moddy and adapt expenrmental protocols where necessary to enhance their usehhess to east Aftican scientists;To transfer the lechnologies to countepart s fentists through traing programmes in the UK and in east Afnca;To supervise and support the use of these technologies in research programmes in east Africa for which the characterisaton of these pathogens is requiredWln collaboration with local mstisutuons, to devop an appropnate framework tor future in-country research, makig use of mese techniques to address these disease constrants to banana production. Contact n research organization Dr Andrea Johanson. Natural Resources Institute, Central Avenue. Chatham Martime; Chatham; Kent; ME4 4TB; United Kingdom; Tel 0634 880088; Fax 0634 880066/77; Telex 26390718 LDN GDr M. Rutherford; CAB Internatonal Mycological Insitute: Bakeham Lane: Egham; Surrey, TW20 9TY; Unied Kingdom; T°' n784 4701t1 Record number (MFN): 05812 Official project title: AFHICAN SMALL RUMINANT COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK (SRNET). Implementing agency International Livestock Centre tor Africa (ILCA). Start date: 1988-07-00 End date: 1993-12-00. Countrylcountnes: Africa; Niger; Senegal. Ethiopia; Swaziland. Togo. Cdte dIlvoire: Zimbabwe; Burkina Faso; Statement oa objectives/abstract: The network has three broad operational goals: namely .o (a) assist NARSs poontize their small ruminant resc-arch and development progr7 mmes; lb) create a critical mass of NARSs scentists to enhance collaboration with IL 2A and other stakeholders; and (c) strengthen NARSs small ruminants production :esearch capacity. The specfic obtectives are. (i) improving general awarenebs ot the importance of small ruminants as a basic resource for large numbers of smallhokler farmers and agropastoralists throughout Africa; (ii) identfying constraints lo increased productivity and production efficiency: (iii) defining research pnornies and research strategies ansing from constratnt identiication; (iv) encouraging national, regional and intLnationalsupport and funding for research and development; (v) strengthening national capabilities through training and research support: (vi) coordinating research activities to avoid repetnion and duplication and thus assuring etticient resource utilization, (vii) facildating transfer of technolgy to potential users: and (yI") advising national and regional organisations on latest research results and on their utilization. Contact in research organization: 354 SPAAR Information System Prof. S.H.B. Lebbie; Coornknator, African Small Rumnnant Colaboratrve Research Network, International Lrsestodk Centre for Afrca (ILCA). P.O. Box 46847; Nairob; Kenya; Tel: (254-2) 632-066: Telex: 25747 ILCA KE: Fax: (254-2) 631-481 )Steenng Commitee Chairman: Prof. Yenikoye Alhassane; Unrvers*e Abdou Moumouni; R.P. 237110.896; Niamey; Niger; Tel: (227) 73-27-3Y14; Fax: (227) 73-36-62 Record number (MFN): 05819 Official proect title: LAND TENURE TRANSFORMATION N LESOTHO. Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1992-11-04. End date: 1994-11-04. Country/countres. Lesotho: Statement of objectives/abstract: Lesoto is a small country suffenng from senous problems of land shortage and degradation. Various attempts at land retorm have been made by the govermment. without mnuch, if any, success. This project will examine fte social and legal dirensions of these problems by focusing on land rights as part of a larger set of nghts giving pecple access to natural resources. It will involve intedisciplinary inquiry (law, ecor'om:cs, and environmental reasoning) into the importanice of irnsecunty as a factor in loca! decisions resulting in land degradation. Anthropological fieldwork wili focus on stes in the Lesotho foothills GrouDslinstiutions to be involved (and to be intoiried/empowered in the process) include landless people, different categones of small famrers/land users, local land conmittees, and the govemment itseH. Contact 1 research organizatlon: Prof l J Gordon: National University oi Lesotho: Institute of Southem African Studies (ISAS): P.O. Roma 180: Lesotho Record number (MFN): 05820 Official project title: GROWTH POTENTIAL OF RURAL NON-AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN SWAZILAND. Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre. Star date: 1992-10-13. End date: 1995-10-13. Country/countries: Swaziland; Statement of objectives/abstract: 355 SPAAR Information System The rual nonagncultural sector in Swaziland has deveoe with mmuna govewnment intervenbon and suppor. Its develent is said to be linked to the actvities in the agrutral sector. The nature of this link is, however, unrkown. This protect wil idenbtf and analyze the growth factors responoble for the development of micro-enterprises in Swazland. The focus wi be on thse factors that propel tese enstses into medium enterprises. Actvibes to be covered include tose in rmanuacturing, construcbon. mining, commerce, trarsportation, handcraft, and services. An attempt wil be made to make a crhcal link between agnculture. nonagricultral activities. and the export sector. Contact m research organtzation: Dr. P.M. Diammnt: Universty of Swazilnd: Department of Agricultral Eronomics and Management; P.O. Luyengo Campus; Luyengo; Swaziland Record number (MFN): 05823 Official proect title: TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS (ZIMBABWE). mnplementng agency: International Development Research Centre. Start date: 1993-02-26. End date: 1996-02-26. Country/cotntries. Zimbabwe; Statement of oblectiveslabstract: Zirnbabwe is one of the few African countres that has a steady record of being food self-sufficient at the natonal level. However, despte this sufficiency at the national level, the govemment spends millions of dollars annually on drought relief. largely to families livng in the semi-and zones. This project will improve the food secunty of sem.-and area dwellers through an integrated research approach awned at removing constraints in the produdion to consumption system of stapbe foods. It wil denify ways to improve technology Iransfer processes in three food systems of relevance to the semi-arid areas (cassava; sorghum and mlleets; odseeds). and prornote integrated research on agro-processing in Zimbabwe. and the Eastem dnd Southem Africa region. The project wil also link clsety with several important networks active n the region, and will improve communation among researchers. Contact in research organization: Mr. Tungamirai Rukuni: Universiy of Zimbabwe. P.O. Box MP 167; Mount Pleasant: Harare. Zimbabwe Record nunber (MFN): 05824 Official proect tdle: STARCH ADHESIVES (MALAWI). 356 SPAAR Information System Implementing agency Intemational Delopment Research Centre. Counby/couetnes: Malawi; Statement of obqectiveslabstract: Malawn is a poor and smai landlocked country of Souteastern Africa with good transportation mfrastructure. The country has an agnculture-based economy, and most of nts industries serve the needs of the food and agrcultural commodities sectos (processwrg, packaging, itdusial spares, etc.) Adheswves are used in are quantities for cardboard manulacturing, label sticking, battery making, book benduig. etc The country has abundant cassava crops containing starch chemicals useful in the formulation of adhesives. This protect will develop adhesive formulations, to be used by local industry. The project results will be both in the lurm of formulations usable by companies who make their own adhesives on-srte and n the torm d a process for ready-made adhesves, which will be sotd to vanous industrial enterpnses. Contact in research organization: ftk. Jack Shiekis. FORINTEK Canada Corporation; Eastem Division; 800 Montreal Road: Ottawa. Ontario K1G 3Z7; CanadaDr. E Fabrano; Unirversity of Malawi, P.O. Bo; 278; Zormba; Malawi Record number (MFN): 05825 Official project title: WOOD ADHESIVES (TANZANIA) - PHACE 11. Implementing agency: Intemational Development Research Centre. Country/countries: United Republc of Tanzania: Staternent of objectives/abstract: The search for an effective, focally available, and safe preservatrve against insects and fungal decay for wood products is an important task for Tanzania and neighbonng countries, where very targe quantities of wood and wood products are used. Tanzania and the countries in the region imporn lge quanities of insecticides and fungicKdes for the preservation of wood products. However, these preservatives are extremety expensive and usually very toxic. For this reason, in phase one of this projec the Tanzania Industrial Research and Devebopment Organization opted to look at the possibidity of utilizing the locally and naturally available insecticides from the pyrethfum flowers, whch are very potent. iound in great abundarce, and nontoxic to man, mammals, and plants. Results trom the project were well received. This second phase project will complete industrial trials and develop technolgy transfer activities, notably to other countries in the region. Contact in research organization: 357 SPAAR Information System Mr. Jack Shields, FORINTEK Canada Corporaion; E~stem DMsion; 800 Montreal Road; Ottawa KIG 3Z7; CanadaMr. B.A. wigra; Tanzania Industial Research and Development Organization MTFRDO); P.O. Box 23235; Dar es SaLaam; Tanzania Record number (MFN): 05832 Official protect title INTEGRATEO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (MOZAMBIQUE) Impementing agency: Intermational Development Research Centre. Start date: 1993-02-05. End date: 1996-02-05. Country/countnes: Mozambique. Statement of objectives/abstract: Resource degradation is frequently caused by socital, politcal, and economic forces, which require identidication and understanding before remedies may be proposed. However, the utilization of a particular resource is not isolatud but has repercussions on other resources, and therefore an integrated approach is necessary. One problem in attempting analyses of entire resource management systems is that boundanes are often Ill-def ined. This projeci wilt be carried out in an island setting (Inhaca Island, Mozambique) where systems inputs and outputs can be readily identified. The study site will also offer the lull spectrum of resource access types, from pnvate to open access. This will allow for the development of a model approach to integrated resource management, which can be modified and used elsewhere Resource-use policies, if they exist, are often based on faulty assumptions of impelect information, particularty the value of the resource to local communites. Such policies may encourage or disregard over exploitation, leading lo reduction in species drversity, loss of germplasm. and adverse effects on local and regional environments and societies This protect will involve continued use of PRA (participatory rural appraisal) methodologies to enable the local commundy to identrfy constraints and opportunties for improved resource rr,anagement. The protect is also an important building block of the 'Value of Trees (AIbert21Zimbabwe) IDRC-supported prolect (91-1027). Contact :n research organization: Ms Veronica Jose; University of Eduardo Mondiane: Department of Biology: Maputo; Mozambique Record number (MFN): 05835 Official prolect ttle: SOCIAL FORESTRY RESEARCH (ZIMBABWE). Implementing agency: International Development Research Centre, 358 SPAAR Inlonnation System Sqtar date: 1993-820. End date: 1996-20. Country/countries: Zbmtbabwe; Statement of obfectives/abstract: The rural poor depend on tree-based resources for a vareety of benefis, indudmig support for agrculture and small-scale wood-based enterpuises, and sources of fibre, food, lodder, and other nontimber products. However, pressures of increasing populabon on a uinie resource continue to cause woodland and envwronnental degradation in many areas. particuLaiy erosion and species loss. Research in Trnbabwe has shown thaot cal commun.bes value their woodland resources, and in mnany areas attempt to manage them sustanably. However, a tack of appropriately trained and responsive extension agents linked to research is a major constraint to local-level management. This project will support the establishment of a socsal forestry research und (SFRU) within the Zimbabwe Forestry Commission The und wilt undettake a national program involving research and extension personnel working together ir live subprograms: policy analysis; extension methods; woodland management; resource-sharing; and farm forestry. The program win support and build loal initiatves in social forestry. Effective use of PRA (participatory rural appraisal) methodology will be made. Contact in research organization: Ms. Jeanette Clarke: Forestry Commission: P.O. Box HG 59S: Harare; Zimbabwe Record number (MFN): 05841 Official project title NAMAQUALAND: LAND CLAIMS AND THE FUTURE OF THE RESERVE. Impkemenring agency: International Developrnent Research Centre. Slart date: 1992-12-11 End date: 1994-12-11 Country/countnes: South Arnca; Statement ot objectives/abstract: Namaqualand is a spatsely populated and semidesert area of 47 700 square km located in the northwestern comer of South Africa. It has a population of 60 000 and is charactenzed by large white-owned farms, a powerful diamond and copper mining sector. and nine so-called coloured reserves' i is an underdeveloped region that has experienced intense larnd struggles in the 1980s. These struggles have tended to focus on retaining communal land in the reserves, in the lace of the govemment's land utilization policy. which threatens to leave the majrty of residents landless. Communities have made various claims arguing that they have been historically dispossessed, and that lani is being stolen from them by encoaching farmers and mine companies. New land lgislation. passed by the govemment in 1991, also threatens the future of the reserves. This research wilt provide a coherent picture of the nature ol land claims in Namaqualand and contribute towards the formulation cf land 3_9 SPAAR Information System policy underpinning sustainable land use. The projed has been proposed on the basis of requests frot various communities and is a mechanism for empowerng communties in their land struggles. Results are expected to be of wider benefit vi informing sustainable land use and appropriate land policy n South Africa. Contact m research organization: Ms. Lala Steyn; Surplus People Proect (SPP); P.O. Box 7764; Old Klipfontein Road; Athlone 7764; Cape Town; South Africa Record number (MFN): 05847 Official project Itle: UNIVERSITY OF ZAMBIA: VETERINARY EDUCATION PROJECT PHASE 11. Implementing agercy: Japan Intemalwol Cooperation Agerncy. Start date: 1992-07-22. End date: 1997-07-21. Country/countries: Zambia: Statement of objectives/abstract: The objective of the Proect is to develop livestock industry with an increased number of trained ZamnbLan vetennarians, thus leading to an improvement in overall standards of human health and weil-being. The project will aim through technical cooperation at establishing a postgraduate educatKin program in order to produce Zambian academc staH while strengthening vetennary research and extension activities. At the same time, the Project will also aim at maintaining and strengthening the undergraduate education program which has already been estabibshed. To attain the above-mentioned objectives. Japanese technical cooperation Ailtl be rendered in the form of the dispatch of Japanese experts and volunteers, Zambian counterpart training in Japan and equipment supply necessary for pursuing the activities in the areas listed below: 1) Establishment of postgraduate education program: 2) Strengthening of research activities. 3) Maintenance and strer. ,hening of undergraduale education program; 4) Strengthening of extenson services. Contact in research organization: Prof. Andrew A. Swela: University of Zambia: Lusaka: ZM 360