I I I I I I I MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, SCIENCE, I TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION (MESTI) I I I SUSTAINABLE LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT I PROJECT (SLWMP) I I I 2018 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS I I I I • I AUDIT SERVICE I In case of reply the number and date of the I letter should be quoted My Refi~~~/q~.~(~{:!D/2018/01 I Your Ref. No.: ................................ . Tel: 233 (0) 302 664920/28/29 Good Governance and Accountability P. 0. Box ...................... ~~.. ACCRA ?~. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax: 233 (0) 302 6751495 ................z"it'hJ(ff.J°E. ·2t>' ..................... i9 ... . I Website: www.ghaudit.org .......................................................... .20 ............. . I SUSTAINABLE LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT (SLWMP) I Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation I GEFGRANT Auditor's Report on the Financial Statement I 1. We have audited the accompanying financial statements on pages 1 to 30 of the I Sustainable Land and Water Management Project (SLWMP) under Grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for the year ended December 31, 2018. The [ statements comprise the statement of financial position as at 31st December 2018, the statement of sources and uses of funds, statement of expenditures (SOEs) and [ statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. [ Management's responsibility for the financial statements I 2. Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, which is the implementing [ agency for SL WMP is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting L Standards, and for such internal control as Management determines is [ necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. I I I' I I I Auditor's responsibility 3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based I on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International I Standards of Supreme Auditing Institutions (ISSA). 4. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements, and plan I and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. I 5. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the I amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected I depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. I In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial I statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the I circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity 1s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating I the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by Management, as well as evaluating the overall I presentation of the financial statements. I 6. We believe that the audit evidence that we have obtained is sufficient and I appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. I I I I I I Opinion 7. In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, I the financial position of SWLMP as at 31st December 2018 and in accordance I with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Project Agreement Guidelines I I I SAMUELA OFA I ASST. AUDITOR-GENERAL FOR: AUDITOR GENERAL I I I I I I I I I I E I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I I Consolidated Balance Sheet I I Consolidated Operating Statement 2 I I 3 - 30 Notes to Accounts I I I I I I I CONSOLIDATED (CURRENT AND ADDITIONAL FINANCING) BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31sr DECEMBER, 2018 I (ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN USD UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED) Notes 2018 2017 I Accumulated Project Expenditure 2 20,877,518.89 16,812,022.49 I CURRENT ASSETS I Cash and Cash Equivalents 3 2,191,703.30 873,320.91 I 23,069,222.19 17,685,343.40 I I REPRESENTED BY: GEF/IDA FUND-GRANT 4 23,065,571.08 17,682,246.43 I OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS 5 3,651.11 3,096.97 I 23,069,222.19 17,685,343.40 11 I I I I I I pg . .1 CONSOLIDATED OPERATING STATEMENT ON SUSTAINABLE LAND WATER MANAGEMENT I PROJECT (CURRENT GRANT AND ADDITIONAL FINANCING) FOR THE YEAR ENDED, 31 5r DECEMBDER, 2018 I (All amounts are stated in US Dollars) RECEIPTS NOTES 2018 2017 GRANT RECEIVED 5,543,282.60 4,109,120.12 I OTHER INCOME 6 554.14 5,543,836.56 1,689.16 4,110,809.28 I PAYMENTS I Category 1 7 0.00 0.00 Category 2 8 2,093,728.60 2,792,803.59 I Category 3 Category 4 9 10 1,756,737.96 215,029.85 1,256,194.93 157A30.51 I 4,065,496.40 4,206,429.03 I NET RECEIPTS 1,478,340.16 (95,619.75) I I I I ALEXN~ DIRECTOR FIN. & ADMIN. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT I I I '1 I pg., NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS I NOTE 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES The following are the significant accounting policies adopted by the Project Management in the I preparation of the financial statements. a. Basis of Accounting 11 The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost convention and no procedures have been adopted to reflect either the impact of specific price changes or I changes in the general level of inflation. b. Foreign currency Transactions I Transactions in foreign currencies (other than United States Dollars) are converted at an I average exchange rate for all expenditure items during the year. Current assets denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate ruling at the balance sheet date and fixed assets are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the time of acquisition. Gains or losses arising on I foreign currency transactions are credited to or charged against project cost summary in the period in which they arise. I I Expenditures on Goods, Consultants Services, Training and Operating Costs incurred locally are denominated mainly in local currency (Ghana Cedis) and have been translated using an average rate of GHC4.51 to USDl.00 for Current Grant, Additional Financing 1 and Additional Financing I 2 for 2018 transactions and the closing rate of GHC4. 71 to USDl.00. I c. Income I Income comprises i. Grants which represents cash remittances from Donors I ii. Exchange Gains. I I iii. d. Expenditure Interest 11 Expenditure is recognized on cash basis. '·I e. Capital Expenditure Capital expenditure is expensed on acquisition. No depreciation is charged. I i.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J NOTE 2. ACCUMULATED PROJECT EXPENDITURE I This represents total expenditure incurred from both Current Grant and Additional financing by the various Categories for the year under review. I Category Cumulative to 31st Dec. 2018 Cumulative to 31st Dec. 2017 1 875,250.72 875,250.72 I 2 11,598,627.72 9,504,899.12 I 3 4 6,715,672.84 1,687,967.62 4,958,934.88 1,472,937.77 I 20,877,518.89 16,812,022.49 I NOTE 3. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS I These represent project funds held by Project Coordinating Unit (PCU} and other Implementing Agencies (both Current Grant and Additional Financing). The details are as follows: .1 2018 USD 2017 USD I I. GEF ACCOUNT: Dollar 1,642,058.04 618,945.91 I II. II I. Operating account EPA 2,557.73 225,233.28 (25,434.30) 114,331.07 I IV. DCS, MOFA 89,050.42 49,404.37 V. Wildlife 6,992.39 11,196.81 VI. FSD 225,811.44 104,877.05 2,191,703.30 873,320.91 I I 1• 11 11 NOTE 4. GEF/IDA FUND I 2018 USO 2017 USO Balance as at pt January 17,682,246.43 13,573,126.31 I Disbursement during the year 5,543,282.42 4,109,120.12 I Amount Refunded GEF (159,957.77) 0.00 Balance as at 31st December, 2017 23,065,571.08 17,682,246.43 I NOTES. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS I 2018 USO 2017 USO I Balance b/d Addition during the year 3,096.97 554.14 1,407.81 1,689.16 I 3,651.11 3,096.97 I NOTE 6. RECEIPTS I The amount of USO 2,701,021.99 represent funds received into the Sustainable Land and Water Management Project Accounts for both Current Grant and Additional Financing at the National Investment bank. I Grant NO.TF 97579 Account Number 4001122055801 USO 62,389.31 I Grant No. TF 17090 Grant No. TF A2276 Account Number 4112052121101 Account Number 5112052121101 USO 1,630,529.91 USO 3,850,363.20 I USO 5,543,282.42 I NOTE 7. CATEGORY 1- SADA 2018 2017 I Training & conference USO 0.00 USO 0.00 I Travelling Cost Operating cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 ,1 I ~I NOTE 8. CATEGORY 2 - EPA, MOFA & WILDLIFE I 2018 USD 2017 USD Training & Conference 324,073.27 381,154.64 II International Conference Consultancy 2,524.08 138,367.93 56,898.15 109,431.23 I Soil Carbon Field Trips 0.00 274,734.19 10,216.98 284,509.26 Office Expenses 80,101.26 112,709.61 :I Awareness on CREMA Bank Charges 0.00 987.73 0.00 1,731.56 1, Field Equipment Running cost of Vehicles 56,036.64 62,935.42 318,794.32 65,906.69 Advertisement 0.00 1,371.07 I Construction of Waterholes Office Equipment 102,237.36 0.00 10,185.21 63,155.80 Sensitization of Env. Safeguards 0.00 12,164.78 11 Preparation of Mgt Plans Enrichment Planting 0.00 0.00 0.00 62,037.74 I Seedling Study Tour 358,063.19 29,932.02 93,928.26 19,953.60 Motor Bikes/Tricycles 0.00 101,182.00 11 I Develop CREMA Mgt. Plans Fire Control & prevention 0.00 8,370.29 10,625.00 84,350.36 II Motor Vehicles Impact Evaluation 0.00 0.00 267,735.05 0.00 Watershed planning Exercise 60,047.01 8,594.20 I Safeguard permit Construction of Bungalows 0.00 94,986.08 5,868.54 25,926.90 ,• Negotiate and agree on CREMA boundaries Inaugurate and agree on CREMA boundaries Rehabilitation of bungalows 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,394.18 0.00 34,692.46 11 Sign Boards Awareness on Biodiversity conservation 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,764.15 Printing of Mgt. Plans 0.00 8,147.41 I Community Range lands Demonstration and Extension support 0.00 50,064.52 64,332.61 28,773.58 I Demarcate and map out CREMA boundaries PES Auction beneficiaries 0.00 7,781.95 21,226.42 24,331.49 She abutter Mill 0.00 5,627.19 I Support Mission 8,238.14 15,333.56 I I Awareness creation in wildlife mgt. 0.00 0.00 I Implement mgt. plans Documentary 39,911.31 20,331.43 54,259.43 24,393.62 Wildlife Regional office, Bolga 0.00 39,443.16 I Wildlife Gbele office Technical Coordinating office 29,933.48 160,532.15 62,645.01 146,171.69 I MOFA Regional offices MOFA Districts offices 0.00 47,671.84 3,870.07 70,221.81 Forest Services Division Regional offices 0.00 903.71 Forest Services Division District offices 0.00 43,841.07 1• Stickers Green Firebreak 3,129.13 87,876.94 0.00 0.00 1• Committee/Review Meeting Bee Keeping 22,235.03 221563.20 0.00 0.00 I 2,093,728.60 2,792,803.59 I NOTE 9. CATEGORY 3 - SUB PROJECTS ,I 2018 2017 USO USO I Sub-Projects 1,756,737.96 1,256,194.93 I I NOTE 10. CATEGORY 4- PROJECT COORDINATING UNIT I 2018 2017 USO USO 1• Training& Conference Contract Staff 53,242.07 24,586.21 22,726.40 16,974.44 I Steering Committee meetings 2,076.39 2,866.34 Tender Committee 0.00 2,275.86 I Office Expenses 72,972.43 19,277.84 Bank Charges 2,098.57 788.78 I lI Pi'. / L:_________ . I- I Accounting Manual 0.00 26,390.41 I Exchange Difference (Gain) Running of vehicles (22,292.70) 14,983.10 31,659.67 10,442.75 I Office Equipment Field Trips 0.00 56,507.34 0.00 24,028.02 I International Study Toure Advertisement 3,290.34 1,432.31 0.00 0.00 Audit Expenses I 6,133.79 215,029.85 0.00 157,430.51 I• 11 II 11 I I I I I ' II I I I I I I I I I r,g. :< ili------------ 1 'I SPECIAL ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 I Balance as at 1st January: I NIB Dollar Account NIB Cedi Account 618,945.91 (25,434.30) I Ecobank - EPA Account Ecobank- MOFA Account 114,331.07 49,404.37 Ghana Commercial Bank- Wildlife 11,196.81 I GCB-FSD Interest Income 104,877.05 554.14 I Reimbursement through Special Account 5,543,282.42 6,417,157.47 I Balance as at 31st December: I NIB Special Account 1,642,058.04 NIB Cedi -Account 2,557.73 I ECOBANK - EPA ECOBANK- MOFA Account 225,233.28 89,050.42 11 I GCB - Wildlife GCB- FSD 6,992.39 225,811.44 Amount of eligible expenditure 4,065,496.40 11 Amount Refunded to GEF 159,957.77 6,417,157.47 11 I I II I II I I I ___ ________________________ J , I II CURRENT GRANT I BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 5T DECEMBER, 2018 (ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN USD UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED) I Notes 2018 2017 Accumulated Project Expenditure 2 7,989,966.50 7,818,619.11 11 CURRENT ASSETS I Cash and Cash Equivalent 3 0.00 7,989,966.50 268,915.85 8,087,534.96 11 I REPRESENTED BY: I GEF/IDA FUND-GRANT 4 7,989,907.50 8,087,475.96 I OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS 5 59.00 59.00 7,989,966.50 8,087,534.96 I I I 1• I I I I I OPERATING STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED, 31 5r DECEMBDER, 2018 I (All amounts are stated in US Dollars) NOTES 2018 2017 I RECEIPTS Grant Received 6 62,389.31 98,047.39 I Interest Earned 00.00 62,389.31 00.00 98,047.39 I PAYMENTS 11 Category 1 7 0.00 0.00 Category 2 8 170,759.48 24,377.70 I Category 3 Category 4 9 10 0.00 587.91 49,678.40 7,542.21 171,347.39 81,598.31 I NET RECEIPTS 11 (108,958.08) 16,449.08 1• II I• I II I I I 11 ii I• pg. ] i I NOTES I 2. ACCUMULATED PROJECT EXPENDITURE ·1 Category Cumulative to 31st Dec. 2018 Cumulative to 31st Dec. 2017 1 875,250.72 875,250.72 ii 2 4,121,902.94 3,951,143.46 3 1,686,842.70 1,686,842.70 I 4 1,305,970.14 7,989,966.50 1,305,382.23 7,818,619.11 \I 11 3. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ! I These represent project funds held by PCU and other implementing agencies. The details are as follows: I 2018 USD 2017 USD VII. GEF special Account 0.00 90,866.86 VIII. Operating account 0.00 303.08 IX. EPA 0.00 15,043.86 X. DCS, MOFA 0.00 (23,065.26) XI. Wildlife 0.00 (14,232.69) XII. AF 1 ACCOUNT 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 268,915.85 I 4. GEF/IDA FUND 2018 2017 I Balance as at 1st January USD 8,087,475.96 USD 7,989,428.57 I Disbursement during the year Remittance to GEF/IDA 62,389.31 (159,957.77} 98,047.39 0.00 Balance as at 31st December, 2013 719891907.50 8 1 087A75.96 5. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS 2017 2018 USD USD Balance as at pt January 59.00 59.00 Bank Interest 0.00 0.00 ii Addition during the year 0.00 0.00 59.00 59.00 I 6. RECEIPTS I These represent amounts received into the Sustainable Land and Water Management Project I Grant No. 95451-GH Account Number 4001122055801 at the National Investment Bank as follows: • iII Date Receipts Amount 16/1/18 Replenishment No. 16 62,389.31 11 7. CATEGORY 1-SADA 2018 2017 USD USD I Training & Conference 0.00 0.00 I Office Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I I I I II I I 11 8. CATEGORY 2- EPA, MOFA & WILDLIFE 2018 2017 I USO USO :1 PES Incentives 0.00 8,323.94 Safeguard Permit 0.00 5,868.54 I Running of Vehicles 0.00 0.00 Construction of Waterholes 102,237.36 10,185.21 I Consultancy 68,522.12 0.00 I 170,759.48 24,377.70 I 11 9. CATEGORY 3 I 2018 USO 2017 USO I Sub-Projects 0.00 49,678.40 I 10. CATEGORY 4 2018 2017 I Contract Staff USO 0.00 USO 1,954.23 II ' I Office Expenses 2,439.02 5,258.22 Bank Charges 82.91 234.48 11 Field Trips 0.00 3,676.23 Exchange Difference (1,934.02) (3,580.95) I 587.91 7,542.21 1• ii I ,. . . _:- - - - - - - - - - - - · - 1 SPECIAL ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 ST I DECEMBER, 2018 I Balance as at pt January: I NIB Dollar Account NIB Cedi Account 90,866.86 303.08 Ecobank - EPA Account 15,043.86 II Ecobank- MOFA Account {23,065.26) 1, Ghana Commercial Bank-Wildlife AF 1 Account Reimbursement through special Account {14, 232. 69) 200,000.00 62,389.31 331,305.36 II Balance as at 31st December: NIB Special Account 0.00 I NIB Cedi Account Ecobank - EPA Account 0.00 0.00 I Ecobank- MOFA Account GCB - Wildlife 0.00 0.00 AF 1 Account 0.00 I Amount of eligible expenditure Amount Refunded to GEF 171,347.39 159,957.77 11 331,305.36 I I I I 1• II I I rl--,-------------, I ADDITIONAL FINANCING 1 I BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 5T DECEMBER 2018 (All AMOUNTS ARE IN USO UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED} I Notes 2018 2017 I Accumulated Project Expenditure 2 7,596,089.88 7,001,002.83 I CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents 3 1,119,809.57 83,812.57 I 8,715,899.44 7,084,815.40 I I REPRESENTED BY: GEF/IDA FUND-GRANT 4 8,712,307.43 7,081,777.43 I OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS 5 3,592.01 3,037.97 I 8,715,899.44 7,084,815.40 I II I I I I I I I I OPERATING STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 1 31 5T DECEMBDER 1 2018 (All amounts are stated in US Dollars 1• I RECEIPTS NOTES 2018 2017 I Grant Received Interest Earned 6 1,630,529.91 554.14 1,498,079.69 1,689.16 116311084.05 1A99 1768.85 I I PAYMENTS Category 2 7 449,425.30 1,098,076.78 I II I Category 3 8 0.00 898,728.12 I Category 4 9 145,661.75 60,069.72 I I 5951087.05 21056,874.62 I NET RECEIPTS 11035,997.00 (557,105.77) 11 l I 11 I I I I '' I'll I NOTES I 2. ACCUMULATED PROJECT EXPENDITURE I Category 2 Cumulative to 31st December, 2018 4,332,831.85 Cumulative to 31st Dec. 2017 3,883,406.55 I 3 2,964,303.77 2,964,303.77 I 4 298,954.26 7,596,089.88 153,292.51 7,001,002.83 I I 3. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS I These represent project funds held by PCU and other implementing agencies. The details are as follows: I 2018 USD .1 GEF special Account: XIII. Dollar 880,959.50 12,109.32 !1 XIV. Operating account 2,557.73 {25,737.38} I xv. EPA 113,028.37 76,115.92 XVI. DCS, MOFA 132,261.72 172,866.35 I XVII. Wildlife (16,209.68) (6,954.49) I )(VIII. FSD 7,211.96 55,412.85 Current Grant 0.00 (200,000.00} 1,119,809.57 83,812.57 ,,, ' l 4. GEF/IDA FUND 2018 2017 USO USO Balance as at 1st January 7,081,777.43 5,583,697.74 Disbursement during the year 1,630,529.91 1,498,079.69 Balance as at 3i5t December, 2018 8,712,307.34 7,081,777.43 5. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS 2018 2017 USO USO 1• Balance as at ist January Bank Interest 3,037.97 554.14 1,348.81 0.00 II I Addition during the year 0.00 I 3,592.11 1,689.16 3,037.97 ,I I 6. GRANT RECEIVED I• These represent amounts received into the Sustainable Land and Water Management Project Grant No. 95451-GH Account Number 4001122055801 at the National Investment Bank. I• 11 Date 16/01/18 05/06/18 Receipts Replenishment Replenishment 9 10 Amount 992,811.44 410,245.15 14/11/18 Replenishment 11 227,473.32 ii 1,630,529.91 1• \I I \1 11 I 0 I 7. CATEGORY 2 - EPA, MOFA, WILDLIFE & FSD I 2018 USO 2017 USO I• Training & Conference Running of Vehicles 28,166.08 28,289.44 58,184.91 38,486.46 II Watershed Planning Exercise 0.00 0.00 Negotiate and agree on CREMA boundaries 0.00 11,394.18 I Inaugurate & Devolve power of Authority to CREMA 0.00 0.00 I Fire Prevention & Control Rehabilitation of Bungalows 8,370.29 0.00 84,350.36 34,692.46 I Sign Boards Awareness on Biodiversity conservation 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,764.15 I Printing of Mgt. plans 0.00 8,147.41 Consultancy 0.00 109,431.23 Community Range Lands 0.00 19,163.21 Field Trips 89,983.69 45,926.18 Office Expenses 75,188.32 105,379.34 Bank charges 954.92 1,731.56 Office Equipment 0.00 0.00 I Awareness on CREMA Demonstration and Extension support 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,773.58 I Demarcate and map out CREMA boundaries Preparation of Mgt Plans 0.00 0.00 21,226.42 0.00 I Enrichment Planting 0.00 62,037.79 Seedlings 37,167.16 93,928.26 I Sensitization 0.00 12,164.78 Field Equipment 1,293.48 200,297.94 PES Auction Beneficiaries 7,781.95 16,007.55 Motor Bike 0.00 0.00 Develop CREMA Magt. Plans 0.00 10,625.00 Running of creation in Wildlife Mgt 0.00 0.00 Impact Evaluation 0.00 0.00 Implement Mgt Plans 39,911.31 54,259.43 Construction of Bungalows. 94,986.08 25,926.90 Sheabutter Processing Machine and Structure 0.00 5,627.19 Support Mission 1,973.39 15,333.56 Carbon Stock & Water Quality Monitoring 0.00 10,216.98 Review Meeting 12,796.01 0.00 Bee Keeping 22,563.20 0.00 I 449A2S.30 110981076. 78 I I 8. CATEGORY 3 I I Sub-Projects 0.0 8981728.12 I I I ll I ii ; L____- _____________________________ J r- 1 9. CATEGORY 4 I 2018 2017 USO USO I Training& conference 6,458.26 3,233.49 Contract Staff ii Tender Committee Meetings 17,002.54 15,020.21 {Snacks& Lunch) 0.00 0.00 I Office Equipment Office Expenses 0.00 64,290.02 0.00 11,792.45 Bank Charges 86.71 321.75 I Running cost of vehicles Field Trips 14,983.10 16,601.00 10,442.75 14,839.03 I Exchange Difference Audit Expenses 20,106.32 6,133.79 4,420.04 0.00 I 145,661.75 60,069.72 I I I I• I I I II I I I• 11 I P!~i· "' '. 1 I SPECIAL ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31ST I DECEMBER, 2018 Balance as at 1st January: 11 I I NIB Dollar Account 12,109.32 11 NIB Cedi Account Ecobank - EPA Account (25,737.38) 76,115.92 1. Ecobank- MOFA Account Current Grant 172,866.35 (200,000.00) Ghana Commercial Bank- Wildlife (6,954.49) Ghana commercial bank- FSD 55,412.85 11 Interest Income 554.14 1,630,529.91 Reimbursement through Special Account I l, 714,896.62 I Balance as at 3pt December: NIB- Dollar Account 880,959.47 11 NIB- Cedi Account Ecobank - EPA Account 2,557.73 113,028.37 II Ecobank- MOFA Account Current Grant 132,261.72 0.00 GCB - Wildlife (16,209.68) 1. FSD Amount of eligible expenditure 7,211.96 595,087.05 11 l, 714,896.62 I I I I I I I I ADDITIONAL FINANCING II I BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 sr DECEMBER 2018 (ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN USD UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED) I Notes 2018 2017 Accumulated Project Expenditure 2 5,291,462.51 1,992,400.55 !I I CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents 3 1,071,893.74 520,592.49 11 6,363,356.24 2,512,993.04 :I I I REPRESENTED BY: I GEF/IDA FUND-GRANT 4 6,363,356.24 2,512,993.04 I OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS 5 0.00 6,363,356.24 0.00 2,512,993.04 I I I I I I I I 11 OPERATING STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED, 31 5T DECEMBDER, 2018 I (All amounts are stated in US Dollars 11 RECEIPTS NOTES 6 2018 3,850,363.20 2017 2,512,993.04 II PAYMENTS 11 Category 2 7 1,473,543.82 1,670,349.11 I II I Category 3 8 1,756,737.95 307,788.41 II Category 4 9 68,780.19 14,263. 03 I 3,299,061.96 1,992,400.55 I NET RECEIPTS 551,301.24 520,592.49 I I ii I 11 I I I I NOTES I 2. ACCUMULATED PROJECT EXPENDITURE I Category 2 Cumulative to 3pt December, 2018 3,143,892.93 Cumulative to 31st December, 2018 1,670,349.11 I 3 2,064,526.36 307,788.41 4 83,043.22 14, 263.03 I 5,291,462.51 1,992,400.55 I 3. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS !I These represent project funds held by PCU and other implementing agencies. The details are as follows: I 2018 2017 USO USO I GEF Special Account: I xx. Dollar 761,098.57 515,969.73 I XXI. EPA 112,204.92 23,171.29 XXII. (43,211.30} (100,396.72} I XXIII. DCS, MOFA Wildlife 23,202.07 32,383.99 I XXIV. FSD 218,599.48 49,464.20 1,071,893.74 520,592.49 I I I I I I 4. GEF/IDA FUND 2018 2017 I 1 Balance as at l5 January USO 2,512,993.04 USO 0.00 II Disbursement during the year Balance as at 31 51 December, 2017 3,850,363.20 6,363,356.24 2, 512,993.04 2,512,993.04 I 5. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS 2018 2017 USO USO I 1 Balance as at l5 January 0.00 0.00 I Addition during the year 11 I '11• I 6. RECEIPTS I These represent amounts received into the sustainable Land and Water Management 11 Project Grant No. TF A2276-GH Account Number 5112052121101 at the National Investment bank as follows: I• I 16/01/18 Receipts Replenishment 3 Amount 1,318,006.96 I 05/06/18 15/11/18 Replenishment 4 Replenishment 5 543,927.59 1,988,428.65 3,850,363.20 I JI I• L' r I 7. CATEGORY 2- EPA, MOFA, WILDLIFE & FSD 2018 2017 11 I USO USO I Training & Conference International Conference 295,907.20 2,524.08 322,969.73 56,898.15 I Field Trips Office Expenses 184,750.51 4,912.94 238,583.08 7,330.27 Office Equipment 0.00 63,155.80 I Study Tour Field Equipment 29,932.02 54,743.16 19,953.60 118,496.38 I Advertisement Motor Bikes/TRICYCLES 0.00 0.00 1,371.07 101,182.00 Running of Vehicles 34,645.98 27,420.23 I Motor Vehicles Watershed planning Exercise 0.00 60,047.01 267,735.05 8,594.20 Wildlife Regional Office, Bolga 0.00 39,443.16 I Wildlife, Gbele Office TCO office 29,933.48 160,532.15 62,645.01 146,171.69 I Documentary Rangeland 20,331.43 0.00 24,393.62 45,169.40 MOFA Regional offices 0.00 3,870.07 11 l MOFA District offices Forest Services Division Regional offices 47,671.84 0.00 70,221.81 903.71 43,841.08 11 I Forest Services Division District offices Bank Charges 0.00 32.82 0.00 Demonstration and Extension Support 50,064.52 0.00 Green firebreaks 87,876.94 0.00 11 Tree Seedlings 320,896.03 0.00 II Support Mission Consultancy Stickers 6,264.75 69,845.81 3,192.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 Committee meeting 9,439.02 0.00 l 1A73 1543.82 1,670,349.11 ii i I II 11 I iI ~ L_-,----------------------,---------- 1l----'"'""- !1 8. CATEGORY 3 I USD I Sub-Projects 1,756,737.95 307,788.41 I I 9 . CATEGORY 4 .I 2018 USD 2017 USD I Training& conference Tender committee meetings 46,783.81 0.00 19,492.91 2,275.86 11 Steering Committee Meetings Accounting Manual 2,076.39 0.00 2,866.34 26,390.41 Office Expenses 6,243.38 2,227.17 !1 Bank Charges 1,928.95 232.55 Field Trips 39,906.34 5,512.76 11 Exchange Difference (40,465.00} (44,734.97) Advertisement 1,432.31 0.00 11 Contract Staff International Study Tour 7,583.67 3,290.34 0.00 0.00 I 68,780.19 14,263.03 I I II I I I I ,• SPECIAL ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 ST 11 DECEMBER, 2018 I Balance as at 1st January: 515,969.73 11 NIB Dollar Account Ecobank- EPA Account 23,171.29 Ecobank- MOFA Account {100,396.72) I Ghana Commercial Bank-Wildlife Ghana commercial bank - FSD 32,383.99 49,464.20 Reimbursement through special Account 3,850,363.20 11 4,370,955.69 I Balance as at 31st December: NIB Special Account 761,098.57 Ecobank - EPA Account 112,204.92 I• Ecobank- MOFA Account GCB - Wildlife {43,211.30} 23,202.07 II FSD Amount of eligible expenditure 218,599.48 3,299,061.96 4,370,955.69 I I I I I I I I I