76194 Vietnam: First Economic Management and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION ∗ Meeting of Executive Directors March 19, 2013 The Executive Directors approved a First Economic Management and Competitiveness Credit Development Policy Operation for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the amount of SDR 162.7 million (US$250.0 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2013-0029). Directors expressed support for the operation’s objectives to boost growth and poverty reduction by enhancing competitiveness. Directors welcomed the support this operation provides for deepening dialogue with the Government on such critical reform areas as State Owned Enterprises, the financial sector, and fiscal policy. They also stressed the need for strong government ownership and continued Bank support to sustain and accelerate the momentum of this new wave of reforms. Regarding future operations, they highlighted the importance of incorporating the recommendations of the Financial Sector Assessment Program and the need to consider poverty and social aspects including gender inequality issues. Directors furthermore urged attention to capacity building to support reforms. Lastly, Directors welcomed collaboration with the IFC and appreciated the close dialogue with the IMF and other donors. ∗ This Summary is not an approved record.