MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2018 .... MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2018 Table of contents i\bbreviations T he Secretary to the Treasury's report 2-3 Statement of project management's responsibilities 4 Independen t auditor's report 5-6 Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments 7 Notes to the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments 8-11 Supplementary information 12-18 • MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECON OMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMEN T PROJECT ("FROI P") IDF GRANT N UMBER: TF 013825 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2018 ABBREVIATIONS CPS/0 Central Payment System/ Office MDTF Multi Donor Trust Fund PDO Project Development Objectives Ivill, \ Ministries, Departments and Agencies FROIP Financial Reporting and Oversight Improvement Project PFEMRP Public Finance and Economic Management Reform Program PFEM Public Finance and Economic Management Unit NLGFC National Local Government Finance Committee WB World Bank CL\U Central Internal ,-\udit Unit IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information Systems GoM Government of Malawi IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System IPC Internal Procurement Committee IPSAS International Public Sector ,-\ccounting Standards OPC Office of the President and Cabinet ORT Other Recurrent Transactions PFivL-\ Public Finance Management ,-\ct of 2003. PP,-\ Public Procurement and Disposal of Public ,-\ssets ,-\ct 201 7 MK Malawi Kwacha ,, MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY'S REPORT For the year ended 30 June 2018 The Secretary to the Treasury has the pleasure in submitting chis report together with the Statement of Cash Receipts and Pa yments of the proiect for the year ended 30•h June 2018. Project overview: The Government of Malawi received a grant under d1e auspices of a MDTF that is administered by d1e World Bank on behalf of a group of donors to finance a Financial Reporting and Oversight Improvement Project (FROIP) over a period of four years. FROIP Trust Fund are managed by a high-level unit in d1e : Ministry of Finance and the project design is derived from the GoM's comprehensive Public Finance and Economic Management Reform Program (PFEMRP). The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the internal controls, accounting, reporting and oversight of government finances at the central and decentralized levels in MD,-\s and districts in Malawi. The objective of the Financial Reporting and Oversight Improvement Project for Malawi is to improve the internal controls, accounting, reporting and oversight of the recipient's finances at the central and decentralized levels in its ministries, departments and agencies (MD,-\s). The project has four components: 1. .-\ccounting and financial management component will improve the systems and controls for accounting and financial management. 2. Internal audit component will focus on supporting the Central Internal ,-\udit Unit (CL-\U) in further development of the Internal ,-\udit Service within the Public Finance and Economic Management Reform Program (PFEMRP) through: (i) Improvement of the governa nce and legal framework to provide a wider range of internal audit services; (ii) Capacity building of the CL-\U including the development of a human resource development plan, support for the recruitment, retention and training of CIAU staff; (iii) Establishment of quality assurance arrangements for high quality audits and reports; (iv) Development and implementation of a system for reporting internal audit performance to the CL-\U and coordination with stakeholders . 3. External audit component will focus on strengthening the operational capacity of the National ,-\udit Office (N,-\0). 4. PFEMRP Management component will manage the agreed development program; provide procurement and financial management support to the implementing departments and to monitor the objectives and performance against the indicators. Development objectives The Project Development Objective (PDO) of the FROIP is to improve internal controls, accounting, reporting and oversight of government finances at the central and decentralized levels in Ministries, Departments and ,-\gencies (MD,-\s) and districts in Malawi. ,-\chievement o f the objective is assessed through impact on relevant PEFA performance indicators. Financial performance: The results and state of affairs of the project are set out in the accompanying Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments, significant accounting policies and explanatory notes. Implementing agency: Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development Registered office and physical location: :tvlinistry of Finance, Capital Hill, P .O . Box 30049, LILONGWE,3 2 MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJE CT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY'S REPORT (CONTINUED) For the year ended 30 June 2018 Designated account: Bank: ational Bank of Malawi pie Branch: Capital City Branch ,\ ddress: Malawi Currency: U.S. D ollar ,\ cc. No.: 0001000696915 Project account: Bank: ational Bank of Malawi pie Branch: Capital City Branch ,\ddress : Malawi Currency: Malawi Kwacha ,\cc. No.: 0001000694351 Independent auditors Grant T hornton ,\namwino House P.O. Box 30453 Capital City LILONGWE3 SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY Date o7- 0 J _. 2019 ,, 3 MINISTRY OF FINANCE , ECONOMIC PLANNIN G AND D EVELOPMEN T PUBLIC FINANCE AND E CONOMIC MANAGE MENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSI GH T IMPROVEMEN T PROJECT ("FROI P") IDF GRANT N UMBE R: TF 013825 ST ATEMENT OF PROJE CT MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES For the year end ed 30 June 2018 It is the responsibility of the Project Management to prepare a Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments for each financial period which presents fairl y, in all material respects, the state of affairs of the Project as at the end of each period and of its operating results of that period. The Project Management is required to ensure the Project keeps proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial operations of the Project and enable them to ensure that the Statement of Cas h Receipts and Payments comply with the Public Finance Management ,\ct and International Public Sector ,-\ccounting Standards ("IPS,-\S"). In preparing this Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments, the Project Management accept responsibility for the following: - • the provisions of the Public Finance l'vlanagement Act are complied with; • advice on financial management is provided to the responsible Minister; • all accounts and records relating to the functions and operations of the Project are properly maintained; • all necessary precautions are taken to safeguard the collection and custody of public money; • all expenditure, including salaries and other personal emoluments, is properly authorized and applied to the specific purposes for which it is appropriated; • there is no over-expenditure or over-commitment of funds and a review is undertaken each month to ensure that there is no such over-expenditure or over-commitment; • all expenditure is incurred with due regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness and the avoidance of waste; • all necessary precautions are taken to safeguard project resources; • an effective system of internal control is developed and maintained, The Project Management accept responsibility for taking suc h steps as are reaso nably open to them to sa feguard the assets of the Project and to maintain adequate systems of internal controls to prevent and detect fraud and irregularities. The Project Management is of the opinion that the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments presents fairly in all material respects, the state of the financia l affairs of the Project and of its operating results. Approval of State m e nt of C ash Receipts and P ayme nts The Statyt of C,i.sf Receipts and Payments of the Project was approved by the PFEM Steering Committee for issue on O ~ - 2019 and is signed on its behalf by: SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY 4 0 Grant Thornton An instinct for growth~ Grant Thornton INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE, Malawi PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT STEERING COMMITTEE Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors R eport on the audit of the Statement of Cash R eceip ts and Payments Nurses Coun cil Building Opinion New Capital Cit!:J Centre We have audited the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments of Fmancial Reporting and P.O. Box 30453 Oversight Improvement Project, which comprise the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments as at 30 June 2018 and notes on pages 8 to 11, compns1ng a summary of s1gn1ficant accounting Lilongwe 3, Malawi policies and other explanatory information. In our opinion, the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments fairly presents, in all material T +265 01 773 855 res pects the f1nancial position of the Financial Reporting and Oversight Improvement Project as T +265 01 773 371 at 30 June 2018 and of its f1nancial operations for the penod then ended 111 accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standard (" IPS,\ S") Financial Reporting under the Cash email : Basis of Accounting. Basis for opinion We conducted our audi t in accordance with the International Standards on , \.udicing (IS,\ s). Our res ponsibilities under those standards are further described 111 the Auditor's respomibilities for the audit of the Statement of Cash Rtceipts and Payments section of our report. We are 1ndependent of the Ministry / project in accordance with the In ternacional Etl:ucs Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESB, \ Code) and we have fulfilled our ethical responsibili ties in accordance with IESBA Code. We believe the audit evidence we have obtai ned is suffi cient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The project management responsibility for the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments T he project management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Statement of Cash Receipts and Paymen ts 111 accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standard (" IP SA S") Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting and for such internal con trol as manageme nt determines is necessary to enable the preparation of Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments that are free from matenal misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments O ur o bjectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Statement of Cas h Receipts and Payments is free fro m material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of ass urance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with IS,\ s will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can anse from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to mflue nce the economic decisions o f users taken on the basis of this Statement of Cas h Receipts and P aym ents. 5 Resident Partners Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors Registered in Malawi. Company number BN 3832 L.M.Gomo G ra nt Thornton Malawi is a member of Grant Thornton International l td (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms ore not o worldwide H.B. Nyirendo partnership. GTIL and each mem ber firm is a separate legal entit!J. Ser vices ore delivered independentl!J b!J the member firms. GTIL B.J. Mwenelupembe does not p rovide services to clients. GT1l and its member firms ore not agents of, and do not obligate. one another and ore not G. Tembo liable for one another's acts or omissions. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE, PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT STEERING COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments ( continued) .-\s part of an audit in accordance with IS,-\s, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. W/e also: Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, bu t not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the project's internal control. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the rea sonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management. Conclude on the appropriateness of the management use of the going concern basis of accounting and based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Project's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our audi tor's report to the related disclosures in the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Project to cease to continue as a going concern. Evaluate the overall prese ntation, structure and content of the Statement of Cas h Receipts and Payments, including che disclosures, and whether the Statement of Cas h Receipts and Payments represent the underlying transac tions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation . \Y/e communicate ,vith the management regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Report on other contractual requirements ,-\s required by the terms of reference for consultancy services for annual audit of the Financial Reporting and Oversight Improvement Project, we report to you based on our audit chat: a) Donor funds have been used in accordance ,vith the conditions of the financing agreement between the Ministry and World Bank, with due attention to economy and efficiency and only for the purposes for which the financing was provided. b) Goods and se1 vices have been procured in accorda nce with the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets ,-\ct 201 7, and in accordance with the financing agreement. c) ecessary supporting documents, records and accounts have been kept in respect of ]'v!inistry's activities and in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act (2003). Clear linkages exist between the books of account and the Statement of Cas h Receipts and Payments presented to the donors. ~ ~n f -11,~ Grant Thornton artered ,-\ccountant (Malawi) Partner Lilongwe, Malawi 6 MINIST RY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL RE PORTING AND OVE RSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 STATEME NT OF CASH RECE IPTS AND PAYM EN T S for the year ended 30 June 2018 In US D ollars RECEIPTS Gra nt/ assistance 4 1,456,151 873,940 Other receip ts 5 2,057 1 382 Total rec eipts 1,458,208 875 322 PAYMENTS .-\ccounting and fin ancial management 6 315,698 179,729 Internal audit 7 221,778 2,394 External audit 8 268,793 158,056 PFEM RP management 9 322,898 285 032 Others 10 274,286 2,154 Direct payments 11 114,057 629 423 T otal payments 1,517,510 1 256 788 D ec rease in c as h (59,302) (381.466) REPRESENTED BY Cash at the beginning o f the year 12 69,518 450,984 D ecrease in c ash (59,302) (38 1 466) 12 10 216 69 518 Cash at the e nd of the ye ar as per cash b ook T his Statement of Cas h Receipts and Payments was approved by the P FEM Steering Committee on and was s· ed on its behalf by: 1iJ 7- Q ) 2019 SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY 7 MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMI C PLANNING AND D EVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMEN T UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMEN T PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT N UMBER: TF 013825 NOTES T O THE STATEMEN T OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2018 In US Dollars 1. REPORTING ENTITY The project is conceptualized to respond to the PFEMRP by focusing on improvement of the integrated Financial Management System (IFMIS) and oversight functions of internal and external audit for better implementation of rules and_ regulations, fuller utilization of the IFMIS functionalities and improved service delive1y. The components of this proiect have been chosen based on joint priorities of the government and the MDTF partners and readiness to implement. Portfolio overview Phase I Signed ,\mount (Grant): USD 8,000,000 ,\pproval: 15 March 2013 Signing: 15 March 2013 Effective: 28 March 2013 Closing: 30 June 2016 Phase II Signed ,\mount (Grant): USD 11,000,000 ,\pproval: 15 March 2013 Signing: 8 March 2014 Effective: 28 March 2013 Closing: 30 June 2016 Extension: 30 J une 2018 Project objective (Overall) The Objective of the project is to improve internal controls, accounting, reporting, and oversight of the recipient finances at central and decentralized levels in ministries, departments and agencies (MD,\s). ,\chievement of the objective will be assessed through impact on relevant PEF,\ performance indicators. Project components and budgeted costs Budgeted USD Component Costs Acco unting and Finance 9,502,000 2 Internal ,\udit 2,470,000 3 External ,\udit 4,733,000 4 PFEM RP Management 1,626,000 5 Contingency 669 000 Total 19.000.000 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION 2.1 Statement of compliance The Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments have been prepared in accordance with International Public Sector ,\ccounting Standards (IPSAS) with particular emphasis on Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of ,\ccounting. The cash basis of accounting recognizes transactions and events only when cash (including cash equivalents) is received or paid by the entity. Cash equivalents are defined as short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 2.2 Basis of measurement The Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments has been prepared on cash basis of accounting which, recognizes transactions and events only when cash (including cash equivalents) is received or paid by the entity. Cash equivalents are defined as short-term, highl y liquid investments that are readil y convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 2.3 Functional and presentational currency The Statement of Cash Receipts and Paymen ts has been presented in United States D ollars (USS). The functional currency is Malawi Kwacha. 8 MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMEN T PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2018 In US Do/la,r 3. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 3.1 Receipts Receipts represen t funds received from MDTF that is administered by the World Bank. The funds are paid to a designated Foreign Currency Bank ,-\ccount which is maintained with National Bank of Malawi which some payments are made directly to suppliers, with the balance being transferred when required, to the Malawi Kwacha project account from which all other payments for various project activities are made. 3.2 Payments Payments are made in Malawi Kwacha through proiect bank account and they represent payments for various activities in line with project approved budget lines 3.3 Foreign currency recognition Cas h receipts and payments arising from transac tions in a foreign currency are recorded in the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments using the average rate of exchange. Cash balances held in foreign currency are reported using the closing rate. ,-\ny gains or losses on foreign currency transactions/balances are dealt with in the Designated ,-\cco unt ,-\ctivity. 3.4 Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment and all other foxed assets purchased by the Project are expensed in the period of purchase. Comparative information Comparative informatio n is restated in respect to changes in accounting policy and significant prior period errors, where applicable. 3.6 Cash Cash comprise cash on hand and cas h equivalents co mprising balances held with National bank of Malawi. 4. GRANTS/ ASSISTANCE 2018 201 7 Direct Paym ents 114,057 629,423 Grant Received on 19 ,-\pril 2017 244,517 Grant Received on 19 July 2017 240,992 Grant Received on 19 September 2017 282,960 Grant Received on 23 November 2017 264,816 Grant Received on 11 February 2018 271,897 . Grant Received on 18 ,-\pril 2018 281,429 1,456,151 5. OTHER RECEIPTS Interest received 1078 503 Sundiy receip ts 979 879 bill ~ 6. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ,-\ccounting and IFMIS 81,907 68,964 Payroll management 100,163 14,325 IFIMS roll out to local assemblies 133,628 96440 ~ ~ 9 MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2018 In US Dollars 7. INTERNAL AUDIT 2018 Improved instinitional set up 125,226 2,394 ,\ vailability of adequate and skilled staff 96,552 8. EXTERNAL AUDUT Delivery of high quality and timely audits 31,403 147,868 , \vailability of competent and motivated staff 228,240 9,120 ,\cquisition of motor vehicles, computers and furninire 9,150 1,068 Promotion of effective communication 9. PFEM RP MANAGEMENT Strengthening capacity for PFEM RP management 96,165 149,970 Improving record keeping, image building and ICT 31,852 83,817 Effective project management 194,881 51 245 ~ ~ 10. OTHER PAYMENTS Other payments 274.286 11. DIRECTPAYMENT Direct payment on 23 farch 2018 35,000 Direct payment on 14 November 2017 40,000 Direct payment on 11 July 2017 39,057 Direct payment on 24 Aug 2017 26,295 Direct payment on 20 ,-\pril 2017 241,207 Direct payment on 21 April 2017 24,260 Direct payment on 03 April 2017 61,006 Direct payment on 25 May 2017 23,286 Direct payment on 25 May 2017 219,369 Direct payment on 1 May 2017 34 000 Total direct payments ~ 12. CASH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR Opening balance Paragraph 1.4.9 and 1.4.11 of Cash Basis IPS,-\S, reqU11:es that significant cash balances not available for use by the reporting entity be disclosed in the notes to the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments. CASH AT THE END OF THE YEAR Designated foreign currency denominated bank accounts 82 58,085 Local currency bank account 10,134 11 433 ~ Paragraph 1.4.9 and 1.4.11 of Cash Basis IPS,\S, requires that significant cash balances not available for use by the reporting entity be disclosed in the notes to the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments. JO MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS For the year ended 30 June 2018 13. EXCHANGE RATES AND INFLATION The average of the period end buying and selling rates of the major foreign currencies affecting the operations of the Project are stated below together with National Consumer Price Index which represents the measure of inflation. Malawi Kwacha Exchange ra tes as at 30 J une 2018 2017 United States D ollar (US$) 731.35 725.45 Euro 860 829 ational Consumer Price Index 9.3% 253% 14. COMMITMENTS The Project had no capital commitments at 30 June 2018 requiring disclos ures in the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments. 15. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS There were no subsequent events that require disclosure in or adj ustment to the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments. 11 MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND D EVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION The following pages do not fonn part of this Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments 12 MIN ISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC PLANNING AND D EVELOPMENT PUBLIC FINANCE AND ECON OMI C MANAGEMENT UNIT FINANCIAL REPORTING AND OVERSIGHT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ("FROIP") IDF GRANT NUMBER: TF 013825 Actual Actual Actua l Actual Suro Total of Acrual Actu2.l Dis bu rsement Expendi ture Ex~nd itu re Expcnditur Expenditure Records/Cumul:>.tivc Budget in Expcndirurc Expenditure Budge1 Rate of Ca tegories a nd fo r Year fo r Yc:u e fo r Yca.r fo r 3 mo nths Expcndi rurc USO for Ye2r E nded fo r Yc:a.r E nded BaJance Co nsumption Expcodit·ure End~ 30 Ended 30 Jun e E n ded 30 E nded 30 (0 1/ M/20 13 to 30 June 2018 JO June 2017 June 2016 20 15 J une 2.014 J une 2013 30/06 / 2016 Accounting and Fimmcial M :1.D~ cm c n t CAT 1- Accou n1111g Jnd 7,307,000.00 247,683 98 111 ,848 93 148,772 2,672,73.J 00 1,3G 1,597 00 3,878.00 4,546,513 9 1 2,760,-1 86 09 62 I F~ US CAT 2-P•yroll 92 1,000.00 44,026.78 I0,708 22 111 ,324 525,3-11.00 125,278 00 -l,32100 92 1,000.00 000 100 to. CAT 3-1F~as mil out ro l..ocJI 1,274,000.00 138,0-13 98 72,092.18 29,7.!6 108,0H 00 593 ,995 37 0 9.Jl ,901 53 33!,098 -17 7, Asscmb\1cs Sub·-Total 9,502,000 429,7.>l.74 19-1,649 289,832 3,306,109 2,180,870 8,200 6,409,415 3,092,585 67 In1c m al Audi t CAT 1-l mpro,·cd 670,00000 125,225 8G 7,5·H 13 43,061 H ,337 00 250,6-12 00 469,809 99 200, 19001 70 lnsnrutaon.11 ~t up CAT 2-Ava1l.1b1liry of adequate ,md 1,545,000.00 96.552.-16 0 13,3-6 466,764.00 3 13,529 00 890, 190.46 654,809.54 58 skilled sr.iff CAT3- Progr.immc 255,000.00 0 1-I0.63000 0 I-I0,630.00 114,37000 S5 1TUn.1.gc1ncnt Su~Total 2,470,000 221,778.32 7,544 56,406 510,101 704,801 1,500,630 969,370 61 Extern al Audit CAT I-Delivery o f nmel)' and high 1,215,(XX).00 31,W2 -11 717,239 59 95,6!0 325,2.J I OU -'5,507 OU 1,2 15.000 00 000 100 qw.hry audits CAT 2-Av.uLtlnltty o f competent .i.nd 2,lli8,000.00 228,2-10 9, 12077 55,063 17-1 ,35 -1.00 80,875 00 5.J7,652.73 1,5 IU,347 27 27 IT\O ( IV'.l{(:d St-.l ff CAT 3-Acqu1s&e1on 2..nd nusnrenacc of motor vcludcs, 728,000.00 9,150 1,067 65 2.875 11 0,lliHJO 206,-185 00 )29,63:?.13 398,367 87 ,s computers, furrururc CAT +-Promotion of effective 732,000 00 0 177 177 00 731,82)00 commu n1C1.lJ on Sub-Total 4,733,000 268,793 727,428 153,548 609,649 333,044 2,092,462 2,640,538 39 PF EM RP Mgt CAT 1- Srrcngthenmg of 880,000 00 %, 165 171,363 28 237, 12 1 131.708 00 167,957 00 75,686 00 880.000 00 000 100 PFEfl.1 RP nlb'1 CAT 2- l mprovmg record keeping. 3 1,852 95,397 23 5-1 ,360 16.39 1 00 0 198.000.00 000 100 198,00000 1m:1gc mgt .i.nd JC J' 13 Actua l Actual Actual Actu.ll Sum Total of Actual Actual Disbursement Expcnditute Expenditure Expcnditur Expenditure Records/Cumulative Budget in Expcodirure Expc.oditure Budget R.ite of Ca tegories and for Year fo r Year e for Year fot 3 months Expmditure US D for Yc:u Ended fo r Year Ended Balance Consumption Expenditu re Ended 30 Ended JO J une Ended 30 Ended JO (0 1/04/2013 10 30 June 2018 30 Juoc 2017 Ju ne 2016 2015 June 2014 June 2013 30/06/2016 CAT l-Effcct1vc 548,000 00 194,881 58,496 90 8 1,173 116,086 00 127,363 00 0 5-18,000.00 000 100 ect mgr pro1 Sub-Total 1,626,000 322,8'!8 325,257 372,654 234,185 295,320 75,686 1,626,000 0 100 CAT >-Other Expcndi1urcs Other so 2, 153 65 2,000 17,621 00 29,380 16 459 5 1,6 13.8 1 -5 1,563 81 103228 Refund o f -5 19,1 -1'.! 3'.! -5 19, 1-1'.?.3'.! 5 19, 1-1'.?.32 Ineligibles Sub-Total 50 -516,988.67 2,000 17,62LOO 29,380.16 459 -467,528.51 -51,563.81 -935057 Co nttg'.ency 669,000 00 27-1,28609 27-1,286.09 394,7 13 91 " Sub-To[:aJ 669,000.00 274,286.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 274,286.09 394,714 41 Total 19,000,050 1,517,SID 737,8'!0 874,438 4,677,665 3,543,416 81,347 IJ,435,265 7,564,785 60 " Exp