49804 STATUS OF PROJECTS IN EXECUTION ­ FY07 SOPE BANGLADESH Operations Policy and Country Services OCTOBER 10, 2007 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Introduction The Status of Projects in Execution (SOPE) Report for FY07 provides information on all IBRD/IDA projects that were active as of June 30, 2007. The World Bank has issued a SOPE Report every year as an internal communication to the Board of Executive Directors. In accordance with the Bank's revised disclosure policy, since FY02, the SOPE Report is available to the public. The report is intended to bridge the gap in information available to the public between the Project Appraisal Document or Program Document, disclosed after the Bank approves a project, and the Implementation Completion Report, disclosed after the project closes. In addition to the project progress description, the FY07 SOPE report1 contains project level comparisons of disbursement estimates and actual disbursements, and a table showing the loan/credit/grant amount and disbursements to date. 1 Notes: · Amounts and Graphs for loans/credits/grants in currencies other than U.S. dollars may not match exactly due to exchange rate fluctuations over the life of the project. · Disbursement graphs are not included for Development Policy Operations, which provide quick-disbursing financing to support policy and institutional reforms. For these operations, funds are disbursed in one or more stages (tranches), released when the borrower complies with agreed prior actions. · Projects which are not yet effective may not have a planned disbursement schedule and thus will not include a graph. Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Country: Bangladesh Project Name (ID): Municipal Services ( P041887 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 03/16/1999 Midterm Review Date : 03/03/2002 Closing Date : 06/30/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-31770 Sector(s): Sub-national government administration(58%), General water, sanitation and flood protection sector(20%), Other social services(17%), General transportation sector(5%) Theme(s): Municipal governance and institution building(P), Access to urban services and housing(P), Municipal finance(P), Pollution management and environmental health(P), Participation and civic engagement(S) Project Development Objectives: To improve urban environment, infrastructure and services, and, to that end, to: (a) strengthen the institutional capacity of selected municipalities and city corporations; (b) improve resource allocation and fiscal discipline; and (c) support governmental efforts to reduce urban poverty and improve the environmental conditions of urban communities. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project continued to make good progress in achieving its objectives. After an initial start-up delay, the Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) has financed sub- projects in over 80 municipalities and the demand for BMDF funding remains strong, as indicated by a pipeline of applications from 70 municipalities exceeding the remaining Credit. The Government and the BMDF Board recently appointed a new Managing Director, indicating the Government's interest in scaling up the project. For institutional development, the Municipal Support Unit at the Local Government Engineering Department has provided hardware, software and training in 70 municipalities all over the country. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-31770 Effective 151.56 115.97 25.51 0.68 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Legal and Judicial Capacity Building ( P044810 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 03/29/2001 Midterm Review Date : 09/26/2005 Closing Date : 12/31/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : WBTF-27508, IDA-34850 Sector(s): Law and justice(100%) Theme(s): Access to law and justice(P), Judicial and other dispute resolution mechanisms(P), Law reform(P), Legal services(P), Gender(S) Project Development Objectives: The project development objectives are (a) to improve the legal and judicial environment by improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the civil justice delivery system, and (b) increase access to justice, particularly for women and the poor. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): There has been substantial progress in achieving the core objective, given that these are institutional reforms which would take a longer time to get implemented and sustained. Some of the results that have been achieved which have brought about more transparency and efficiency in the system include: (a) substantial amendments of the civil procedure code that has allowed the use of alternate dispute resolution within the system; (b) simplification of many of the processes of delay; thus, reducing case back-log; (c) passing of a reform enabling law that has allowed for a fundamental change in the court administration and case management process; and (d) creation of the position of Judicial Administrative Officer in the pilot districts which has led to a fundamental change in the way the case is filed from what it was before. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant WBTF-27508 Closed 0.31 0.28 0.00 0.04 IDA-34850 Effective 35.77 19.87 14.73 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Female Secondary School Assistance II ( P044876 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 03/12/2002 Midterm Review Date : 10/21/2004 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-36140 Sector(s): Secondary education(59%), Other social services(22%), Tertiary education(10%), Central government administration(9%) Theme(s): Gender(P), Education for all(P), Social safety nets(P), Rural services and infrastructure(P) Project Development Objectives: The project's development objectives are: (1) improving the quality of female secondary education; (2) increasing access and retention of girls; and (3) strengthening management, accountability and monitoring. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Despite political disruptions, project implementation is progressing well, as project activities have substantially contributed towards the achievement of the project development objective. Key results are as follows: (a) the pass rates of the Secondary School Certificate Examinations for 2006 have shown a marked improvement over those of 2001 (58% for 2006 versus 39% for 2001); (b) access has increased for the most disadvantaged girls through the outreach programs; and (c) institutional capacity to operate stipend programs has been strengthened at school, upazila and Ministry of Education and Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education levels. The project is nearing completion, and thus far has substantially achieved its targets under all three components. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-36140 Effective 146.10 84.27 23.46 31.06 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Post-Literacy and Continuing Education ( P050752 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 02/27/2001 Midterm Review Date : 02/14/2004 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : SWTZ-28337, IDA-34670 Sector(s): Adult literacy/non-formal education(89%), Central government administration(11%) Theme(s): Education for all(P), Rural services and infrastructure(P), Improving labor markets(P), Participation and civic engagement(P), Social analysis and monitoring(S) Project Development Objectives: The development objective is to increase the functional application of literacy skills by providing post-literacy and continuing education to neo-literates through a more comprehensive and enhanced system of non-formal education (NFE). Use of the newly acquired literacy skills is expected to increase neo-literates incomes, improve their welfare, and have them participate fully as citizens. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress toward meeting the development objectives has been moderate. The development objectives are expected to be partially met insofar as the functional application of literacy skills will have increased among the nearly one million learners who will have completed the learning program at the time of project closure. Achievement of the project at scheduled closure on December 31, 2007 will be 973,000 learners, or 71.4 percent of the project's target of 1.3 million. Approximately 71 percent of the total number of learners to be covered under the project will have completed the learning program at the end of the on-going fifth cycle. The first tracer study indicated positive impact of the learning program on livelihoods and, in particular, women's participation in households and communities. Since then, improvements have been made to both the learning program content and materials, thus a second tracer study is expected to show a stronger positive impact on learners acquisition of both literacy and continuing education skills. The learning program has been reasonably good in terms of the quality of instruction, materials and overall performance of Non-Government Organizations hired to deliver it. However, processes for getting the learning program underway have encountered difficulties. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant SWTZ-28337 Closed 7.00 2.98 0.00 4.02 IDA-34670 Effective 63.35 33.31 28.08 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Social Investment Program Project ( P053578 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 03/18/2003 Midterm Review Date : 05/23/2006 Closing Date : 09/30/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-37401, IDA-37400 Sector(s): Other social services(50%), General transportation sector(40%), Media(5%), General education sector(5%) Theme(s): Rural services and infrastructure(P), Other rural development(P), Gender(S), Poverty strategy, analysis and monitoring(S), Rural policies and institutions(S) Project Development Objectives: The objective of the project is to develop effective and efficient financing and institutional arrangements for improving the access to local infrastructure and basic services through the implementation of community-driven small-scale infrastructure works and social assistance programs. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The observations from the field indicate that the Project Development Objective continues to be relevant and achievable. Thus far, the project has demonstrated the benefits of community level planning and has generated positive community responses as a result of their increased participation in planning and implementation of village level activities; enhanced information and empowerment base at the village level; and quality and cost of community implemented infrastructure activities. As of June 30, 2007, the project has reached 950 villages, (roughly 2.0 million people) through community infrastructure subprojects. The results on the ground are visible in terms of: (a) potential that exists within the communities to develop into participatory and self-sustaining institutions; (b) increased women's participation where 90% of community organizations have greater than 50% female membership; and (c) enhanced availability of local socio- economic infrastructure, with nearly 1300 subprojects underway or completed, at high quality, low cost and with community commitment to their maintenance. Given the results so far, the Government of Bangladesh requested an Additional Financing in the amount of SDR 5.4 million (US$8 million equivalent). The Additional Financing was approved by the Bank on May 24, 2007, to consolidate gains and meet already identified community demands in the first three batches of villages, and test and scale up the new approach with focus on institutional building and livelihoods in a batch of villages in four additional districts. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-37401 Not Effective 8.18 0.00 8.18 0.00 IDA-37400 Effective 20.46 15.24 4.74 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Air Quality Management Project ( P057833 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 07/25/2000 Midterm Review Date : 04/20/2003 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : JPN-29553, IDA-34040 Sector(s): Health(55%), Central government administration(45%) Theme(s): Pollution management and environmental health(P), Environmental policies and institutions(P), Other urban development(P), Vulnerability assessment and monitoring(P), Municipal governance and institution building(S) Project Development Objectives: The primary objective of this LIL is to learn about options and develop components of urban air quality management by means of pilot activities and institutional support, with the ultimate goal of reducing human exposure to vehicular air pollution in a cost-effective manner. The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 07 Based on disbursement estimates till project closing, an amount of SDR 600,000 was cancelled based on a request from the client. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress towards achieving the development objective has been substantial, even though all funds allocated to the project would not be used. Air quality monitoring component has been progressing well, with the new Continuous Air Monitoring Station in Chittagong also generating useful data. The project has benefited enormously through a learning-by-doing approach. The Department of Environment (DOE) is working towards ensuring the sustainability of the Air Quality monitoring network by pursuing integration of project staff under revenue budget, and training of existing DOE personnel to operate the monitors. The vehicle emissions testing program has established the extent of non-compliance with standards in the case of diesel commercial vehicles, and prepared the ground for policy action on this issue. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant JPN-29553 Closed 0.23 0.01 0.00 0.22 IDA-34040 Effective 5.46 2.77 1.55 0.91 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Microfinance II ( P059143 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 01/18/2001 Midterm Review Date : 08/19/2004 Closing Date : 06/30/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-34571, IDA-34570 Sector(s): Micro- and SME finance(96%), Central government administration(4%) Theme(s): Other financial and private sector development(P), Access to urban services and housing(S), Regulation and competition policy(S), Other public sector governance(S), Rural markets(S) Project Development Objectives: The project will continue IDA's support for poverty alleviation through microcredit by: (a) expanding outreach to reach a greater number of the poor; (b) diversifying microcredit operations to reach the urban poor; the hard-core poor, and microentrepreneurs; (c) providing technical assistance (TA) for building sustainable institutional capacity in Bangladesh's apex microcredit 'wholesaler', the Palli Karma-Shahayak Foundation (PKSF) and its partner organizations (POs); and (d) establishing a legal, regulatory and supervisory framework for non-government organizations (NGOs) and microfinance institutions (MFIs) to improve their creditworthiness as well as accelerate their integration with the formal financial market. The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 07 IDA approved in May 2007 Additional Financing of SDR 10 million or USD 15 million to finance a revolving fund at Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) to extend microcredit to rickshaws pullers that are affected by the ban on rickshaws in some Dhaka roads. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Significant progress has been made towards achievement of key project development objectives as reflected by the outcome indicators: (i) maintain Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation's (PKSF) recovery rate at 98 percent and that of its Partner Organizations (POs) at 95 percent (PKSF's recovery rate has gone up to 99.51 percent, while its POs have maintained a recovery rate of 95 percent);(ii) extension of credit to 1.2 million new borrowers (microcredit has been extended to 5.7 million borrowers of which more than 3 million are new borrowers and 90 percent are women); and (iii) provision of microcredit to about 270,000 urban poor (microcredit has been extended to 415,600 urban poor). Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-34571 Not Effective 15.16 0.00 15.16 0.00 IDA-34570 Closed 179.29 160.48 0.00 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Central Bank Strengthening Project ( P062916 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/19/2003 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-37920 Sector(s): Banking(100%) Theme(s): Standards and financial reporting(P), State enterprise/bank restructuring and privatization(P), Regulation and competition policy(P), Legal institutions for a market economy(P), International financial architecture(S) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to achieve a strong and effective regulatory and supervisory system for Bangladesh's banking sector. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Some progress has been made in meeting key project development objectives with the procurement of LAN/WAN package and recent actions taken by Bangladesh Bank to implement agreed measures to mitigate procurement and contract management risks. This is reflected by achievement of five out of six major intermediate outcome indicators, namely automation of its work process, provision of regular and continuous computer training program, modernization of Human Resource policies, adoption of modern performance management system, and adoption of Risk-Based Inspection Manual. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-37920 Effective 41.22 4.00 37.09 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): HIV/AIDS Prevention ( P069933 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 12/12/2000 Midterm Review Date : 06/01/2003 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : DF28932, UK-28932, IDA-34410 Sector(s): Health(98%), Central government administration(2%) Theme(s): HIV/AIDS(P), Population and reproductive health(P), Participation and civic engagement(P), Gender(S) Project Development Objectives: The objectives are to control the spread of HIV infection within high risk groups and to limit its spread to the general population, without stigmatizing high risk groups. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The program has been targeting the right populations, and with the exception of injecting drug users (IDUs), is on track to meet the Development Objective. HIV prevalence in Bangladesh continues to be low, at less than 0.1% of the reproductive age population. However, risk factors for the spread of HIV are clearly present in Bangladesh: a significant but somewhat hidden sex industry, low levels of condom use, increasing injecting drug use, and rising prevalence levels among injecting drug users (IDUs). The latest (seventh round) of serological surveillance (2005 to 2006) shows continued relatively low levels of HIV prevalence in most at-risk population groups except for IDUs. HIV prevalence among IDUs in Central Dhaka rose from 1.4% to 7% since 1999, and up as high as 10.5% in one neighborhood. There remains a need, therefore, to improve the targeting, quality and coverage of interventions with high risk groups. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant DF28932 Effective 12.03 7.30 0.79 0.00 UK-28932 Effective 11.39 3.83 4.09 2.95 IDA-34410 Effective 46.68 21.70 0.71 21.98 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Rural Transport Improvement Project ( P071435 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/19/2003 Midterm Review Date : 12/15/2005 Closing Date : 06/30/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-37910 Sector(s): Roads and highways(80%), Agricultural marketing and trade(20%) Theme(s): Rural services and infrastructure(P), Rural policies and institutions(P), Rural markets(S) Project Development Objectives: The project's objectives are to provide rural communities with improved access to social services and economic opportunity, and to enhance the capacity of relevant government institutions to manage rural transport infrastructure. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Good progress has been made towards achievement of the project development objectives. Average travel times and transport costs have already been reduced by more than 50%, well ahead of the targeted reduction of 25% at the end of the project. 5,745 km of rural roads are in good condition compared to a target of 6,200 km at the end of the project. Civil works contracts already executed have resulted in the creation of 15,655 person-years of employment in the project area compared to a target of 24,000 person- years. Implementation of Institutional Strengthening Action Plan (ISAP) and Local Government Institutions Improvement Plan (LGIP) in the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) is progressing well with overall progress of 80% and 75% respectively. LGED's annual operating costs as percentage of total annual budget have been reduced from 13.70% to 10.53% since the project started with an objective of 11.65% at the end of project. The resources for maintenance for the LGED managed road network have increased from Tk. 2 billion in 2003 at the start of the project to Tk.3.1 billion in the 2006-2007 budget. Recent progress in project implementation with regard to revenue mobilization in the Local Government Institutions has been slow, and therefore, will be closely monitored to ensure that this will be successfully completed by the closing date. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-37910 Effective 209.15 94.31 112.61 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Development. ( P071794 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/25/2002 Midterm Review Date : 07/09/2006 Closing Date : 06/30/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-36790 Sector(s): Power(91%), Renewable energy(9%) Theme(s): Climate change(P), Participation and civic engagement(P), Rural services and infrastructure(P), Infrastructure services for private sector development(S) Project Development Objectives: The Project Development Objective is to increase access to electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is continuing successfully to increase access to electricity. The work on construction of new electricity distribution networks and the renovation of dilapidated networks is progressing well and this has improved both access and the quality of service. About 17,500 km of lines have been constructed and renovated, which is about 81% of the project target. About 490,000 new consumers have been connected through grid extension. The project has installed more than 115,000 Solar Home Systems (SHS). The rate of SHS installation has far exceeded project targets. This project is financing the first ever biomass power plant in the private sector. The plant is expected to start operation from July 2007 and will be used as a demonstration plant to raise awareness on these types of technology to be used in a sustainable manner to generate power in rural Bangladesh. The project is supporting activities to evaluate the socio-economic impact of rural electrification and train the rural electric cooperatives in carrying out Environmental Impact Assessments. Achievement of the project objective is likely. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-36790 Effective 231.88 152.06 75.84 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Financial Services for the Poorest ( P074731 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/19/2002 Closing Date : 12/31/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-36810 Sector(s): General finance sector(60%), Micro- and SME finance(40%) Theme(s): Other financial and private sector development(P), Small and medium enterprise support(P) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to find models of sustainable financial interventions for reducing the number of the poorest population in Bangladesh. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The key project development objective has been largely met as evidenced by the achievement of key outcome indicators including: (i) income of at least 50 percent of those that are earning less than 50 cents-a-day raised to more than 50 cents-a-day (with incomes of around 55 percent of the poorest borrowers raised to more than 50c a day), (ii) innovative delivery mechanisms designed by Partner Organizations (POs) to meet the financial needs of the poorest (with all 19 POs design and successfully implement innovative delivery mechanisms to meet the financial needs of the poorest), and (iii) POs incentivized to extend micro-financial services to the poorest (with around 85 POs are now offering the micro-financial services to the poorest). In recognition of this achievement, IDA has agreed to extend the closing date of the project for a further period of 6 months to 31 December 2007 to enable the government to disburse the remaining unutilized credit balance. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-36810 Effective 5.91 4.06 1.67 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): HNP Sector Program ( P074841 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 04/28/2005 Closing Date : 12/31/2010 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-40520, JPN-50805, MULT-56510 Sector(s): Health(40%), Central government administration(36%), Other social services(11%), General public administration sector(9%), General education sector(4%) Theme(s): Health system performance(P), Nutrition and food security(P), Population and reproductive health(P), Other communicable diseases(S), Child health(S) Project Development Objectives: The project objective is to assist the Government of Bangladesh in the implementation of its Strategic Investment Plan (2003-2010), for the Health Nutrition and Population Sector Program. It will do so in cooperation with a large group of Development Partners through a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp). The main purpose of this SIP will be to increase availability as well as access and utilization of user-centered, effective, efficient, equitable, and affordable quality services. The program will focus on three major reform areas: (i) Strengthening Public Health Sector Management and Stewardship Capacity; (ii) Health Sector Diversification and; (iii) Stimulating Demand for essential services by poor households through health advocacy and demand-side financing options. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress of the program had been slow during the first part of the year due to problems associated with financial management, procurement and the frequent transfers of key staff had affected program implementation. However, since April 2007 measurable progress towards the following critical actions was achieved: (1) Expansion of effective and efficient services for nutrition, maternal, neonatal and child health to reach the poorest districts and the poorest populations within these districts; (2) Development of a time-bound plan to address weaknesses in financial management; (3) a Program Support Office was put in place with a work-plan; (4) a firm has been contracted for the Management Support Agency; (5) key senior staff was identified and made responsible and accountable for program implementation; and (6) a Procurement tracking systems in place in Director General Health Services and Director General Family Planning in 3 months. Further, the pooled Development Partners financing to the project has been used to address emergencies such as the threat of Avian Influenza and the health related risks caused by the floods. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-40520 Effective 297.20 127.24 166.72 0.00 JPN-50805 Closed 1.50 0.17 0.00 1.33 MULT-56510 Effective 200.00 43.23 156.77 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Primary Education Development Program II ( P074966 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 02/24/2004 Closing Date : 06/30/2010 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-38570 Sector(s): Primary education(65%), Central government administration(27%), Sub- national government administration(8%) Theme(s): Education for all(P), Administrative and civil service reform(S), Gender(S) Project Development Objectives: The overall program objective is to improve quality, equitable access, and efficiency in primary education through a sub-sector program approach. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): This 11-development partner supported program has made progress in several areas which include: greater Government ownership and leadership of the program; continuing efforts to further harmonize and standardize reporting mechanisms; implementation of a large-scale infrastructure program with matching teacher recruitment; and development of action plans to encourage more equitable student access to schooling. However, it is difficult to know actual progress of the program against original targets/expected outcomes. This is because a system to regularly provide the necessary data is still not yet in place. Some important steps have been taken to try to improve this situation including undertaking a baseline survey for some of the key performance indicators in 2005, and a national assessment of Grades 3 and 5 learning in 2006. A joint working group with the Ministry and development partners is also preparing a revised Program Framework of performance indicators and targets. Other areas that need further strengthening to ensure full achievement of the project/program objectives include the filling of substantial vacancies, and developing capacity at the field levels (e.g. Upazila Education Offices and Primary Teacher Institutes). Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-38570 Effective 157.92 58.73 97.68 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Public Procurement Reform Project ( P075016 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 05/02/2002 Midterm Review Date : 05/08/2004 Closing Date : 09/30/2007 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-36390 Sector(s): General public administration sector(100%) Theme(s): Public expenditure, financial management and procurement(P) Project Development Objectives: The objective of the Project is to improve governance in public procurement, thereby increasing efficiency, transparency, and accountability, and increasing the perception of probity in the procurement of goods, works and services by the Borrower's ministries, departments, statutory corporations and other public bodies. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress towards achieving the development objective is moderate considering the highly challenging country procurement environment. Most policy reform actions including a new procurement law are complete, however, implementation is slow. The system has been showing some improvements: reduced time-lags for award of small value contracts (delay in large value contracts still exists); increased competitiveness in specific projects; improved accountability through functioning of independent review panels for bidders' grievances; improved transparency by publishing all large bid invitations and contract awards in website; improved procurement performance monitoring by piloting MIS; developed a critical mass of 25 national trainers and trained over 1800 staff. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-36390 Effective 5.46 4.97 0.22 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Power Sector Development TA ( P078707 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/03/2004 Closing Date : 12/31/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-H0920, IDA-39130 Sector(s): Power(64%), Central government administration(27%), Oil and gas(9%) Theme(s): Infrastructure services for private sector development(P), Regulation and competition policy(P), Corporate governance(P), Access to urban services and housing(S) Project Development Objectives: The project aims to create a sound institutional foundation in the power sector - at the policy making, operational and regulatory levels - on which to ramp up the investments and services needed for the sector to contribute more effectively to economic growth and poverty alleviation. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Substantial progress is being made in multiple areas of the project. Key project outputs like Gas Strategy and Master Plan, Mid Term Power Strategy, Power Sector Financial Restructuring and Recovery Plan and Captive Power Policy are approved and under implementation. A Generation Financing Strategy is under preparation. Preparation of Siddhirganj and South Zone Investment projects is at advanced stage. These supports built some institutional capacity at policy and service provision levels to ensure increased energy access and improved service quality. A Mid Term review recognized the project remained robust to advance government's energy sector development program. Power Cell is enhancing its capacity and better coordination noted between power and energy sectors to optimize and accelerate power generation investment to meet power deficit. Approval of government's planning document in the Planning Commission on gas sector component and Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission is to be expedited to enable these components access project assistance. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-H0920 Effective 8.79 1.31 7.45 0.00 IDA-39130 Effective 7.43 0.79 6.63 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Telecommunications Technical Assistance ( P081849 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/19/2003 Midterm Review Date : 12/16/2005 Closing Date : 06/30/2008 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-37900 Sector(s): Telecommunications(100%) Theme(s): Regulation and competition policy(P), State enterprise/bank restructuring and privatization(P) Project Development Objectives: The objective is to improve the performance of the telecommunications sector through establishment of an institutional and regulatory framework favorable to the competitive provision of telecommunications infrastructure and services. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Since the caretaker government took over, progress towards achievement of the development objectives of the project is moving forward. A new project implementation team is on board. The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has submitted all legal documents for restructuring the Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) into a public limited company to Cabinet for approval, with the intention of completing the restructuring by end 2007. The Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission has undertaken some important initiatives to improve the regulatory environment, including completing a spectrum audit, licensing new operators to provide services in the greater Dhaka region. The Government has also approved a policy to liberalize international long distance services in Bangladesh. The contract for the procurement of a spectrum management and monitoring system has been signed and this is the largest subcomponent under the project. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-37900 Effective 10.15 2.61 7.51 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Enterprise Growth and Bank Modernization ( P081969 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/08/2004 Closing Date : 11/30/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : DF54660, IDA-39170, IDA-Q3920 Sector(s): Central government administration(41%), Compulsory pension and unemployment insurance(36%), Banking(14%), Other industry(5%), Housing finance and real estate markets(4%) Theme(s): State enterprise/bank restructuring and privatization(P), Other financial and private sector development(S), Export development and competitiveness(S), Small and medium enterprise support(S), Public expenditure, financial management and procurement(S) Project Development Objectives: The objectives of the Project are: (a) to trigger employment generation through private sector enterprise growth and modernization of the banking system; and (b) to promote urgently needed reforms within State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and the nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs). Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The growth related components under the project have progressed well, directly adding new employment and exports by private industries now being set up in the export processing zones created out of refurbishment of two closed state owned enterprises (SOEs). The privatization of SOEs have also started. The Voluntary Retirement Scheme component for workers of SOEs is also moving with closing down of 40 more jute mills and 50% downsizing of the national airlines. The retraining and counseling component, being implemented by the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, has been found effective. The nationalized commercial bank (NCB) reform component has also been moving ahead with corporatization of all the NCBs. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant DF54660 Effective 99.44 13.80 83.87 0.00 IDA-39170 Effective 261.13 114.58 142.90 0.00 IDA-Q3920 Closed 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Economic Management TA Program (EMTAP) ( P083890 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/22/2004 Midterm Review Date : 08/01/2006 Closing Date : 12/31/2009 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-H1070 Sector(s): Central government administration(100%) Theme(s): Public expenditure, financial management and procurement(P), Administrative and civil service reform(P), Tax policy and administration(P), Standards and financial reporting(S) Project Development Objectives: Strengthen capacities in core areas of economic and public sector management and contribute to better policy formulation and implementation, and functioning of the public administration and the corporate sector. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress has accelerated over the last year, although progress towards achieving the overall objective remains limited due to a late start of activities. Following a more pro- active management by the Economic Relations Division, several activities are now being accelerated. Progress has been made in the Tax Modernization and Automation as well as on the Legal and Regulatory Framework for corporate Financial Reporting through the endorsement of the Finance Reporting Act. Progress has been made on the institutional strengthening of the two accountancy bodies with their twinning arrangements moving forward. A feasibility study for the container depot of the Chittagong port has been completed and progress is being made in the introduction of e-Government procurement. Overall project management has been strengthened, although more remains to be done to complete staffing. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-H1070 Effective 20.91 1.56 19.37 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Water Supply Program Project ( P086661 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/17/2004 Closing Date : 04/30/2010 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-H1010 Sector(s): Water supply(85%), Micro- and SME finance(10%), Sub-national government administration(5%) Theme(s): Water resource management(P), Pollution management and environmental health(P), Rural services and infrastructure(S), Infrastructure services for private sector development(S) Project Development Objectives: The development objective of the project is to contribute to Bangladesh's efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in water supply and sanitation by 2015. Specifically, the project will pilot innovative measures to scale up the provision of safe water supply free from arsenic and pathogens in rural areas and small towns. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress toward achieving the development objective has been slower than expected due to delays in project implementation, including lengthy procurement and contracts management processes. Nevertheless, for the rural piped water schemes, enthusiasm towards private-public partnership is strong. Seventy Memorandums of Understanding have been signed with private sponsors to jointly fund schemes in various villages. These are now at various detailed proposal stages. For the urban water schemes, five targeted Pourashavas have resolved to form Pourashava Water Supply Entities, the creation of which will pave the way for infrastructure investments and the contracting of service delivery operators. With the completion of the predecessor Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project, activities for scaling up rural non-piped water schemes have started. Supporting organizations are being procured for schemes implementation in three upazillas. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-H1010 Effective 41.83 1.74 40.04 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Reaching Out of School Children Project ( P086791 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/17/2004 Closing Date : 06/30/2010 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : SWTZ-53677, IDA-H1020 Sector(s): Other social services(55%), Primary education(45%) Theme(s): Education for all(P), Participation and civic engagement(S), Gender(S) Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to reduce the number of out-of-school children through improved access, quality and efficiency in primary education, especially for the disadvantaged children, in support of Government of Bangladesh's education for all goals. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is on track to meet its key project development objective indicators (enrollment rate, and student performance). About 350,000 students are in school, 11,000 learning centers have been established, grade completion rate is over 90% and over 90% of students have achieved the expected learning competency. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant SWTZ-53677 Effective 6.00 1.43 4.57 0.00 IDA-H1020 Effective 53.35 14.79 38.39 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Investment Promotion Financing Facility ( P089382 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 05/02/2006 Closing Date : 12/31/2011 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-41690 Sector(s): Banking(55%), Power(15%), General transportation sector(15%), General water, sanitation and flood protection sector(8%), Other industry(7%) Theme(s): Infrastructure services for private sector development(P), Other financial and private sector development(P), Regulation and competition policy(S), Environmental policies and institutions(S) Project Development Objectives: The project objective is to accelerate private sector-led growth by providing term finance for infrastructure development and promoting domestic infrastructure finance capacity. The project will make available partial debt financing through private sector financial intermediaries for eligible, government-endorsed infrastructure projects to be developed by the private sector and will strengthen capacity for ensuring the sustainable provision of private infrastructure. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The circumstances surrounding the changes of Government in Bangladesh in recent months have contributed to limited progress in the utilization of the facility for the financing of infrastructure projects. But strong commitment of the current Government to maintain an improved level of governance in Bangladesh will generate favorable conditions for future concessioning of private infrastructure projects. Project team has encountered a great deal of interest from prospective infrastructure developers and financial institutions, especially from power sector investors. Bangladesh Bank and Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Center to continue and extend their program for promoting awareness of the support available for private provision of infrastructure through regular workshops and dissemination events. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-41690 Effective 52.89 5.00 47.84 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Local Governance Support Project ( P098273 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/15/2006 Closing Date : 06/30/2011 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-41930 Sector(s): Sub-national government administration(96%), Central government administration(4%) Theme(s): Decentralization(P), Public expenditure, financial management and procurement(P), Participation and civic engagement(S), Other accountability/anti- corruption(S), Rural services and infrastructure(S) Project Development Objectives: The project's objective is to help develop accountable local governments providing services that meet community priorities, supported by a predictable and transparent fiscal transfer system. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Good progress on critical steps required to meet project objectives has been made in the first six months since project effectiveness. 1088 Union Parishads have been audited and arrangements have been finalized for the first fiscal transfers in August FY08. However, slippage in the implementation schedule has occurred, due to recent political instability and a lack of results focused management in some areas. The high level of commitment by government to the project objectives and its strong ownership and leadership of project implementation have resulted in early actions being taken to reverse these slippages. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-41930 Effective 115.64 3.00 112.63 0.00 Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Status of Projects in Execution - FY07 SOUTH ASIA REGION Project Name (ID): Avian Flu Preparedness ( P102305 ) Country: Bangladesh Board Approval Date : 06/28/2007 Closing Date : 12/31/2012 Loan/Credit/Grant Number : IDA-43400 Sector(s): General public administration sector(48%), Health(31%), General agriculture, fishing and forestry sector(17%), Other social services(3%), Solid waste management(1%) Theme(s): Other communicable diseases(P), Natural disaster management(P), Rural services and infrastructure(P), Health system performance(S), Pollution management and environmental health(S) Project Development Objectives: The overall objective of the Project is to minimize the threat posed by HPAI to humans in Bangladesh by controlling such infections in domestic poultry, and preparing for, controlling, and responding to possible human infections, especially an influenza epidemic and related emergencies. Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project was not effective before the close of the reporting period. Lending Information/Disbursement Summary ( USD millions, as of June 30 2007 ) Loan/Credit/ Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation Grant IDA-43400 Not Effective 15.91 0.00 15.91 0.00