3 JULY, 2003 INFORMATION BULLETIN OF THE WORLD BANK INSTITUTE/NORWEGIAN TRUST FUND "COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT" PROJECT IN THIS ISSUE: KYRGYZSTAN COOMUNITIES GOT THE AID........................................2 IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH! INITIATIVES IN NARYN........................2 IN KARA-BALTA IT IS MAKING THE SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP................3 INTRAC..................................................4 SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP "WHO IS GOT A BENEFIT FROM?"....5 2nd page LOCAL SELF GOVERMENT Mr. John O'Keefe, the US Ambassador Extraordinary and BODIES ROLE Plenipotentiary, and Mr. Medet Tulegenov, Executive Director of the IN SOCIAL MOBILIZATION..................6 Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan, handed the grants allocated for implementation of innovative projects. ANALITIC IMAGE WITH ORGANIZATIONS AND PROJECTS Our guiding line: the full social life CEN CONFERENCE DATA...................7 Bishkek informational centre COLLECTING INFORMATION! INVITE TO COOPERATION! Dear NGO/CBO NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS, representatives and IMTERNATIONAL AGENCIES, all interested persons! COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS We are continuing to collect For conducting a presentations, press the information for conferences, oficial ceremonies, workshops THE DATABASE and round tables, We provide with conference hall Therefore we ask You to fill out the questionnaire form We can place yours informational that you can secure in the office of Counterpart-Sheriktesh resources in Internet 204, Abdrakhmanov str.,4th floor. www.e-bishkek.kg 720040 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek, 145 Bokonbaeva street You may conduct inquiries via email: tel: 21 94 22, 21 82 74, 61 02 52, 21 92 15 cddnews@counterpart.org.kg e-mail: cddnews@counterpart.org.kg phone: (312) 664 636 662 104 662 188 Local news COMMUNITIES HAVE GOT THE SUPPORT! On June 6 Mr. John O'Keefe, the US Ambassador Participatory Grant Evaluation Committee received 332 Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and Mr. Medet Tulegenov, proposals from all oblasts of the Kyrgyz Republic. The the Executive Director of the Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan, Committee, comprised of local health care experts and NGO conducted a ceremony of handing 31 grants to finance the representatives,selected31communityprojects. innovative projects in the frame of the "Healthy Communities" The grants allocated are of two types: grants to support GrantProgram. community activities, provide for financial support to The "Healthy Communities" Grant Program is financed by community initiatives aimed at solving health problems at the the US Government through the United States Agency for local level; and health care grants to provide for financial International Development (USAID) and the Open Society support to joint projects implemented by communities in co- Institute / Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan. The Program is operationwiththeemployeesofthefirstmedicalaidagencies. jointly administered by Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan, The projects are aimed at supporting such community CounterpartConsortium,andthe"Health+"Program. initiatives as Primary Healthcare Post (PHP) reconstruction, The "Healthy Communities" Grant Program was launched provision of small villages with pure water, and improvement of in January 2003 with an objective to encourage Kyrgyzstan sanitaryconditionsforvillagers. citizens' participation in solving health problems in their respectivecommunities. THE FORCE IS IN THE UNITY! "The most important is to stick to each other and work together, this way we could achieve a lot." Every village comes across with a bulk of problems; social partnership to jointly solve communities' social and however, one separate village by itself cannot cope with them. economicproblems; The fact that there was no system providing for study and Define possibilities for co-operation in solving problems disseminationofexperienceoftheNarynoblast'sCBOs,being relatedtomobilizationofcommunitiesintheNarynoblast; mobilizedtosolvesocialandeconomicproblems,didnotallow Develop a concept and mechanisms for co-operation and for implementation of villagers' community initiatives. mutualsupportamongcommunitiesoftheNarynoblast; Community marginalization results in decreased rural life Discuss strengths and weaknesses of establishing co- standards, progressed community residents' passiveness, operation within the rural communities network, and andincreasedlevelofpessimismamongvillagers. establishing communities' network, which would represent a Ugut IGO members ofAk-Talinskiy rayon initiated an oblast powerful force able to jointly solve community problems, if "The force is in the unity" Conference conducted on May 23, necessary lobby the laws at both local and republican levels, 2003 and participated by 110 representatives from CBOs and andreachstabilityincommunitydevelopment. NGOs of Naryn oblast under support of the USAID Support to The first step in establishing community co-operation communities' activities Grant Program for the amount of network was formation of the Committee on Naryn Oblast USD1,491,400.00. Rural Community Network Development represented by 12 Working together in groups the Conference participants representatives from Naryn oblast communities, which would managedto: define the forms of network relationships (formal and informal Discuss and exchange experience on increasing activity forms), and comprise a core for the future Community Network level of initiative groups in community mobilization, developing intheNarynoblast. THE BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF "COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT NETWORK" PROJECT WITH THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF WORLD BANK INSTITUTE/ NORWEGIAN TRUST FUND . Copyright [2003], International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. This material may be copied for research, education, or scholarly purposes only in memember countries of the World Bank. All materials are subject to revision. The views and interpretations in this document are those of the individual author(s) and/or trainers and should not be attributed to WBI or the World Bank. Address:Counterpart Sheriktesh, 204 floor, Adrahmanov Str. , Bishkek, Kyrgyz Repiblic Editorial Group: Vasilkov Dmitry, Niyazalieva Ainura Published in the Kyrgyz, Russian, English. 900 copies. Distribution is free. Local news CHUI PROVINCE: THE PARTNERSHIP IS BEING BUILT IN KARA-BALTA The "Consulting" Initiative Support funds. The Community Mobilization The Round Table objective was Center (ISC) was created by the initiative Program is coordinated by Counterpart r a i s i n g a w a r e n e s s a m o n g of the International Counterpart Consortium, as well as by our Center at representatives of local self-governance Consortium Foundation and UNHCR the local level. Local Grant Committee administrations on CBO and NCO under financial support from the US disbursed total USD 8, 710.00 to support activities in the field of social mobilization Agency for International Development community activities. To implement the in the frame of the Poverty Reduction (USAID) in order to support non- projects the community representatives Strategy and defining strategies for commercial sector and refugees from the attracted supplementary funds from the furtherjointcollaboration. Republic of Tajikistan, leaving in the Chui Aiyl Okmotu, community members, and During the Round Table the oblast. Starting from April 1999 the otherstakeholders. participants discussed the Decree of the Center was registered as local public The main component of the work in President of the Kyrgyz Republic On organization on civil society the field of community-based Measures for Further Development of development, and since that time it organizations' development is CBO Social Mobilization to Reduce Poverty, as renders over 10 various types of services representatives training and assistance well as oblast and rayon decrees on to the civil society's subjects: non- in establishing partner relationships with enforcementofthisDecree. commercial public organizations, state and business structures to jointly CBO representatives described their community-based organizations, solve community problems and provide activities and shared their experience. Mr. initiative groups, and refugee groups.The for further sustainability of the projects J. Atabekov, CBO Manager of the Kara- "Consulting" ISC is a member of the Civil implemented. Tube Village, mentioned in his Society Support Centers' Network of the Social partnership development is a presentation: "local administration KyrgyzRepublic. priority direction in the Center's activities. representatives need to provide for Since 2002 the Center started The permanent partners are Counterpart appropriate assistance and co-operation working on the "Community Mobilization" Consortium and INTRAK British in establishing CBO and self-help groups Program dealing with four target Organization. by villagers." Mr. A.S. Baimonkoev, Head communities in western zone of the Chui Non-governmental organizations and of theAt-BashatAiyl Okmotu, proposed to oblast. Those are the following villages: local self-governance authorities of the allocate one employee in each Aiyl the Kara-Tube and Alekseevka Villages Jaiyl Rayon unite their efforts to provide Okmotu to be responsible for the work of the Jaiyl Rayon, low zone of the town of for social mobilization of the population to withnon-governmentalorganizations. Kara-Balta and the Besh-Terek Village of overcome poverty. On June 19, 2003 the The Round Table resulted in the Moskovskiy Rayon. The work with Round Table on Non-governmental and establishing the Working Group on Social target communities is undertaken with the Community-based Organizations' Role in Mobilization comprised of 7 people help of following tools: participatory Social Mobilization was conducted in represented by 1 CBO representative, 2 community assessment (), Kara-Balta City by the initiative of the NGO representatives, 1 rayon participatory action plan (), and "Consulting" Initiative Center and the administration representative, 2 heads of community action grants (CAG).All target JaiylRayonStateAdministration. Aiyl Okmotu, and 1 representative of an communities have undergone The Round Table was participated by international project. The main purpose participatory community assessments, 12 CBO representatives, 18 NGO for Working Group establishment was and appropriate action plans were representatives, 10 heads and strengthening sector co-operation and designed. To utilize the grant support the representative of Aiyl Okmotu of the Jaiyl developing joint plan on social communities established a Local Grant Rayon, as well as Mr. R.A. Abdyraimov, mobilization. Committee (LGC) represented by experts the akim on social issues of the Jaiyl screening all community projects and Rayon. The information is submitted by the making decision on allocating grant "Consulting" ISC, Kara-Balta e-mail: cddnews@counterpart.org.kg phone: (312) 664 636 662 104 662 188 3 THE ORGANIZATION FORMED A PART OF THE CEN PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL GROUP: INTRAC ROUND TABLE MATERIALS SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND STRENGTHENING IN JAIYL RAYON KARA-BALTA, FEBRUARY 2003 (SEQUENTIAL, BEGINNING IN «CDDNEWS» 1) How the Social Partnership is defined in international practice? Janis Giffen, INTRAC Consultant, Oxford, England There are several definitions of social .. Asatullaev solutionstosocialproblems. partnership, and I would like to present Krasnovostochnyi Aiyl Okmotu, The range of the joint work twoofthem: Chui Oblast, Kara-Balta approaches (NGO and local P e o p l e a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n s There are so many problems that are much administrations) can be represented by more difficult to solve without participation of representing certain totality of state, contract relationship, inclusion of user other organizations and NGOs. We need to business and civil structures interrelated groups into particular projects, joint establish the relationship between state with each other by virtue of voluntary, structures and NGOs and share the work over particular projects, mutually beneficial and innovation experience. framework agreements (social pacts) relationships to achieve unified public Alma Bekturganova wider than agreements, and political goals through uniting their resources and Taraz Initiative Center Public Organization, programsinfluencingtherelationships. capabilities (definition by the Kazakhstan Social pacts are the framework We conduct information-dissemination and CopenhagenCenter); agreements (Memorandum of organizational work among the population. Social Partnership is a co-operation We acknowledge that the Kazakhstan NGO Understanding) or jointly prepared and between NGO, private sector and state sector is lagging behind the Kyrgyz NGOs, agreed declarations of mutual values structures for long-term and sustainable therefore we need to exchange our that can regulate future development of community problem solving (definition by experience. We would like to organize the relationships between state, voluntary CounterpartConsortium). trip to Balykchi to exchange experience on and community sectors. The pacts field. The factors determining social provide a basis for and describe the key S. Izakeev partnership development in the West are principles and obligations laying behind "Bilim" Public Foundation, Talas oblast, state or general well-being collapse, Chech-Dobo Village the inter-sector relationships. The pacts decentralization, and strive to develop We represent the Talas oblast community are not the legally binding documents, new ideas and integrated approach to and work with the Project on Mountain however, they provide for the basis for solvetheproblemofsocialisolation. Village Development. We work on "Bereke" various sectors' attitude towards each The factors determining social Small Business Program and have other. "A pact is an expression of the established an association women partnership development in the East are obligations by state, voluntary and manufacturing national goods of high need to change the rural infrastructure, demand. Exchange of experience would community sectors to work as partners availability of donor funds for village provide us with the knowledge on efficient over improving the society and projects, decentralization, new project implementation. strengthening and supporting voluntary organizational forms of assistance, and K. Abraliev and community activities." The pact's civilsocietyinvolvement. "Consulting" ISC Manager structure consists of: financing (to I would like to thank all Round Table Assumed social partnership ensure certain stability in financing participants IGO representatives, Aiyl advantages: practice), clear definition of the role and Okmoty representatives, guests and partners Innovative solutions to specific for their active participation. I would also likeresponsibilities of local administration localproblems; to thank INTRAC for the support in a n d v o l u n t a r y ( c o m m u n i t y ) Mutualtrainingandlearning; conducting the Round Table, and Janis Giffen organizations, order of consulting, D e v e l o p i n g s p e c i f i c and S. N. Bashtovenko for very informative consulting schedules, financing cycles, understandingofthematter; and interesting presentation, as well as our development of monitoring process to partner Counterpart Consortium, which Economical and efficient ensureaccountability. always provides assistance to us. 4 To use the Social Pacts to establish the partnership the Pacts shall specifically define clear and consecutive followingaspectsshouldbeconsidered: policy on providing resources to non-commercial sector. For All parties shall admit responsibility for developing the Pact to be successful the process of its preparation has a partnershipandparticipatorydecision-making; decisive meaning. If the process is poorly designed and The information shall be submitted to each other in implemented the NGOs, community groups, and public comprehensible format; officials would not feel obliged to observe the Pact's principles, Dissemination of knowledge on partners' approaches and it would be considered as being one more document toworkshallbeencouraged; amongplentyofothers. Acknowledging independence, responsibilities, and limitationsofeachsector; PARTICIPATORY MONITORING OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY STRENGTHENING PROGRAM There was conducted the annual INTRAC conference in Bishkek 28 29 April 2003 on the subject of «Hwo is got a benefit from? Monitoring and Assessment of development programme in Central Asia». Conference aim: approaches compare in Monitoring and Assessment of intarnational, state and local programmes in Central Asia This regional Conference was participated by policy?" Sometimes the number of links in the chain of "cause organizations from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and consequences relationship" is great that make it difficult to Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Byelorussia. The problem was correlateanactionwithitssuggestedgoal.Suchargumentsas discussed by representatives of state structures, NCOs, "free elections result in more democratic representation of business structures and international agencies. The INTRAC public groups that leads to an opportunity for minority voices to Program on Civil Society Institutional Development in Central be heard by authorities that, in its turn, entails establishment of Asia (ICAP) attempted to solve the task of developing the new services and political programs meeting demands of monitoring and evaluation system in the field of civil society minorities, and, consequently, higher standards of development. The result they expect to get would not only be incomes/education, health care, etc. for those groups", can be to measure the work progress, but also to provide all difficult to control and protect. Such chains of cause and stakeholders with relevant information to have an opportunity consequences relationships can easily be destroyed as far as to participate in the process of programs' evolutionary improvement of democracy practices and growth of number of development. The monitoring and evaluation systems civil society organizations can ultimately result in exclusion of measuring complex goals developed in the very beginning of important social layers, be blind to gender equality and even theprogramdonotprovideforallanswers. strengthen the power of elite. As far as the major volume of Dr. Brian Pratt: "We need to strive to the goals of works with civil society is currently being financed through the development program, we are participating in, ultimately to be "development" sources, the need to provide for clear for the best interest of the target groups of the population development goals and M&E capacity to identify and monitor rather than for the short-term interests of sponsor agencies. themseemstobemoreimportant. Need in thorough development and implementation of the civil The approach applied to development of the participatory society programs can appear to be outside the M&E monitoring and evaluation system for the ICAP Program was frameworks, however, if their goals are unclear, sophisticated development of a system harmonized in its approach and andnon-transparentthatcouldcomplicatetheM&E." methodology with program goal and objectives. The main The main Conference's question having remained not goals was for the M&E system development and answered should certainly be this one: "Does stronger civil administration process to be a model and support for training society indeed result in greater democracy?" And, INTRACpartnersintheregion. consequently, does the democracy result in improved services, enhanced equity, and less oppression of major social Prepared (abridged) based on the information by Jerry Adams, INTRAC Senior Consultant groups? Good monitoring and evaluation should help us to Ann Garbutt, INTRAC Regional Manager (for the former Soviet answerthosequestions. Union region) The next issue we are interested in is "Whether the civil Dr. Brian Pratt, INTRAC, Oxford society strengthening result in implementing the pro-poor e-mail: cddnews@counterpart.org.kg phone: (312) 664 636 662 104 662 188 5 MOBILIZATION IN FACT Role of local administration bodies in social mobilization and supporting local communities' initiatives The seminar-consultation with the Council of Association of Local Administrations of villages and settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic took place in June in Bishkek with the financial support EN Project of the World Bank Institution. Theseminar'sgoalistoraisetheprofessionalismlevelof administration authorities in their activities often keep away the employees of local self-administration bodies, enhance fromthem,donotinformthemabouton-goingprocesses. the capabilities and readiness of local self-administration Also it was proposed to switch to more democratic and bodies to work with public organizations, and increase civil giving greater possibilities for competition principles of local societyparticipationindecisionmaking. communities' resource allocation to provide for all Seminar'sobjectives: stakeholders representing different positions, who would be To illustrate the CEN Program activities on capacity able to influence the normal, honest order of local resources' buildingtodevelopcommunities; allocation and disbursement, to be the members of the To provide information on expected projects of Commissionontheaboveissues. international organizations in the field of local communities However, the local administration authorities had different development; opinion in regards to this issue: according to them, the civil To build up a free exchange of opinions between sector representatives are not active enough in participating in participants; administration processes. The natural conclusion here is to Toformanunderstandingoflocalself-governance'srolein buildlong-termpartnerrelationshiponfields. social mobilization and supporting initiatives of local Regarding the issues of non-harmonized legislation in the communitiesamongtheseminar'sparticipants; field of dividing functions the participants emphasized that To define further steps of implementing the seminar's existing standard-legal basis regulating division of functional goals. powers is interpreted differently on fields. In its turn, in legal acts being renewed the cancellation or applicability of previous legal acts is not clearly defined. All these legal slips The seminar was participated by the members of the resultinlackofco-ordinationofthefieldactivities. Council ofAssociation of LocalAdministrations of Villages and One of the main conclusions made during the seminar Settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic those are the was that even a law is perfect it still leaves some space for representatives of oblast kenesh' and heads of Aiyl Okmotu being non-correctly interpreted, and authorities responsible from all rayons of the Republic, the Minister of local for legal drafting should provide for legal interpretation of laws. administration and regional development, representatives Also the purposefulness of delegating some powers to local from non-commercial organizations and international donor administration authorities and drawing clearer line between organizations. responsible parties at all levels was mentioned. All these are The participants proposed to discuss the existing needed to anticipate and prevent possible differences in problems. The following main topics were in the center of interpretationandpossibledisagreements. discussions: co-operation between powerful structures and Seminar'soutcomes: civil sector, non-harmonized legislation in the field of function separation, clear definition of responsibilities and authorities Wide participants' contingency and coverage between the state administration bodies and local (representatives from all oblasts), around 60 people, came to administration bodies in regards to service delivery, exclusive the conclusions on formation of unified approach to problem authorities and competency of those responsible for particular solving and understanding of necessity to work together. Such functionsandpowers. workisjustbeingstarted. Regarding the issues of co-operation at local level the civil Based on the information presented by Mr. K.S. Dyikanbaev, Chairman of the Association of Local Administrations of Villages structures' representatives emphasized that local and Settlements of the Kyrgyz republic. 6 ANALYTICAL REVIEW by organizations and projects working in the field of capacity building for developing independence among communities (published abridged) prepared particularly for the CEN Conference took place in Bishkek on June 13-14, 2003 under financial support of the World Bank Institute. Starting from recently a special attention is being paid to the solving with community participation delegate the powers to control CommunityDrivenDevelopment(CDD)concept. and make decisions to the poorest immediately and directly. Clear Historicalformsofcommunities rules of game, accountability and transparency are important factors There were traditional forms of communities such as Council of to prevent corruption or capture of community funds by unprincipled Elderly People, tribal clans, mahalya in the Kyrgyz Republic since communitymanagement. time immemorial. It needs to be mentioned that historically traditions Control over decisions and material resources can also provide of existing communities in the form of mahalya are more common for communities with a possibility to acquire valuable experience in the South of the country where significant share of Uzbek people public activity that also increases social level of their members. prevail. Increasing social level of community members enlarges community's Content,mainprinciplesandtoolsoftheCDDconcept capabilities and contribute to building social capital that provides for CDD concept content encompasses several blocks allowing for some kind of warranties for the poor and decreases vulnerability risk. clearerunderstandingofitsmainprinciples: Strengthening local communities would allow for attraction of more MaindefinitionsoftheCDDconcept. precise attention of the poor to local political processes and Expectedoutcomesofconceptimplementation. communitymanagementprocesses. Alternative organizational forms and search of organizational Goalsandobjectives structuressuitableforcountry'sconditions. Common to all organizations researched is the fact that support Importanceoffinancialtools. is provided only for those ideas expressing the needs of the whole Financingstrategydevelopment. community rather than its separate members. All community Sustainabilityandefficiencyprinciples. members are welcome to identify priority directions for community Communities work in close co-operation with organizations development.As a rule, the initiative group prepares and conduct the established to implement works associated with reducing poverty village meeting during which the development strategies and priority level, including state administration authorities, elected local tasks are defined. It is worth to notice that in many cases this process administration authorities, non-governmental organizations, is participated by local experts living in the given region and knowing international organizations, and business structures. The CDD region'sproblemsfrominside. conceptprovidesfor: In all projects of international organizations researched the work Strengthening and financing community-based organizations ondefiningcommunitygoalsisconductedupward. andassociations. The organizations researched implement social mobilization Supporting a community in accessing the information through using the whole range of methods and organize their work in a way themassmediaandinformationaltechnologies. the governmental and non-governmental sectors work together. The Establishing functional connections and partner relations with methods used by researched organizations are in many respects official institutions, allied communities, non-commercial and private similar, however, the mechanisms of social mobilization differ from sectors. project to project. Mechanisms diversity is primarily stipulated by the Creating legal environment through policy reform in regards to specificgoalsandtasksofparticularprojects. communities including decentralization, and promoting effective Communitiesparticipationindecisionmaking standard-legalcommunitymodel. Communities'activeparticipationindecisionmakingisoneofthe Efficiency criterion of implementing CDD concept mechanism is most important factors for communities' full-fledged operation. a capability of simultaneous dissemination of positive experience Majority of organizations and projects strive from the very beginning over greater number of communities, thus, achieving the poverty of their operations to develop such a scheme of community operation reductiongoalsonbigscale. that would allow for maximum participation of the community itself in The CDD concept provides for transfer of attracted resources to decision making. Community members' participation usually occurs the local level without interventions from the state bureaucracy through making decisions during general meetings, delegating apparatus. When poor communities are entrusted with mandate to powerstoactivists,etc. manage investments and provided with relevant information, support Participation of national state administration authorities, local and clear rules of conducting the business, the system, which would administrations, and non-commercial organizations in solving work for the benefit of both community and poverty reduction could be communityproblems restored. Project strategy is built upon the principles of establishing The concept goal is not just to increase incomes or improve partnership and mutual assistance among all participants. poverty indicators but rather enlarge peoples' freedoms. The primary Representatives of state authorities and local administrations usually human rights to have enough food, be educated, and participate in act as guarantors for community sustainability and target use of funds public discussions are being exercised. The methods of problem provided by project. They rarely implement project co-financing in e-mail: cddnews@counterpart.org.kg phone: (312) 664 636 662 104 662 188 7 money terms, however, provide for the assistance through important role in achieving success in establishing sustainable allocating premises, specialists, and conducting organizational community-basedorganizations. events(gatheringresidentsfortrainingorsocialmobilization). Despite their short history, the community-based Generally all donor organizations try to use the potential of organizations achieved significant progress the main aspects of existing non-commercial organizations by allocating them some whichcouldbedescribedasfollows: part of work related to consultations, discussions, planning The population comprehended that during the transition project activities and direct co-operation with communities. NGO period the state is not able to ensure sufficient level of material potential is particularly valuable due to the fact that possessing an andsocialwell-being.Thedependantspiritsarebeingeradicated. experience of working with international organizations many Practical orientation. Within the short period together with NGO are advanced enough in their technical equipment (they international organizations communities, especially those in rural have computers, fax machines, Internet), and human resources areas, implemented the work allowed for significant improvement (they have trained facilitators, trainers, and auditors). Counterpart ofsettlements'infrastructure. ConsortiumisparticularlyactiveinusingNGOcapabilities. Increased self-consciousness of citizens. Confidence in own The business structures are the most active in working with strength increases social status of community members and projects and programs concerned with business interests. They allow them participating in political life and influencing decision can provide for small financial participation in the project, making. however, business structures' participation in programs aimed at During the community development process the problems enlargingcommunitypossibilitiesremainsinsufficient. that could be classified by the following main features were Waystoprovidesupporttocommunities distinguished: Development of community-based organizations in the Human factor.At the beginning stage it is associated with low Kyrgyz Republic is in it's primary stage. The history of their public activity, and distrust in possibility to change own lives development by international organizations started just 5-6 years independently. At the next stage the problem of leader, around ago, and by many projects the communities have just being whom an active part of the community gathers, appears. There started their formation. Therefore, communities in their majority are also problems with relationships within the community, in are at the initial stage of their development. In this connection particular, in the environment of loan-savings groups and mutual many projects provide assistance to communities through help groups. Finding solutions to these problems is related to training, seminars, permanent consultations, and formation of establishment of communities' sustainability mechanisms, good groups of activists.An example of permanently operating training leadership,andpositiveexamples. courses and consultation centers is the WB project on developing Financial problems. The CDD concept provides for donors' the water-users association and drinking water consumers co-financing in case if a community in some area covers communities. expenses on project implementation providing financial, material The most important element of the CDD concept is receiving or labor resources. In the regions unprepared the residents are outside financial assistance by communities in the form of grants not ready to invest own resources to improve the public and loans. At that, financial funds should be allocated directly to infrastructure. Active methods of social mobilization, efforts of the communities bypassing intermediary bureaucracy international donors, and positive project implementation institutions. examplescanchangethepeople'smentality. Measures to provide for sustainability of project Organizational problems. The most important issues on outcomesand"exit"strategy community ownership, legal protection, and legitimacy require One of the most complex component of any project is attentionfromauthorities. ensuring sustainability of its outcomes after the project In general the community-based organizations' development completion. intheKyrgyzRepublicrequires: As research evidenced all organizations researched strive to Elaboration of national concept on local communities' maintain sustainability of project outcomes and provide for a development; number of measures conductive to it. The start point for providing Theoretical justification of definitional pool (definition of sustainability is considered by all international organizations to be "community-based organizations", "community sustainability the maximum public involvement into the process starting from criteria",etc.),andconceptprinciplesandtools; the very first steps of the project. One more important aspect is Development of more efficient techniques for social formulation of the feeling of ownership towards the project mobilization; outcomesachievedamongthecommunitymembers. Development of efficient and sustainable mechanisms As a main measure to provide for sustainability all providing for communities' partnerships with public authorities, organizations researched use the community participation in the local administrations, non-commercial organizations and project (share, partial, significant). Some organizations provide businessstructures; for subsidiary responsibility of the community members. Development of standard-legal basis of community-based Availability of initiative community members capable of protecting organizations; communityinterestsisalsoanimportantsustainabilityaspect. Popularization of the CDD ideas. Problemsandachievements Understanding by country's leadership and local It would be possible to access materials of this administrations of the fact that the state is not capable of solving Conference and full version of this review at the poverty problems independently, and striving of citizens united in web-site of the CEN project being currently under development. communities to solve their problems independently plaid an 8