ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN N 5189-UZ) THE "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'N RFPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR TIE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2018 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP TABLE OF CONTENT INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT 2 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS 4 STATEMENT USES OF FUND BY COMPONENT EXPENDITURE TYPE 5 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 6 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 9 A. CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS OF THE SOURCE OF IDA 15 B. CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS OF THE SOURCE OF THE UZBEKISTAN 15 3. RECONCILIATION OF IDA FINANCING 15 4. THE WORLD BANK'S DIRECT PAYMENTS 16 5. DIRECT PAYMENTS OF CO-FINANCING OF THE UZBEKISTAN 17 6. REPLENISHMENT AND ADVANCE 18 7. ERROR RECEIPTS (PAYMENTS) AND REFUND OF THEM 18 8. CASH OUTFLOWS BY COMPONENTS AND CATEGORIES 19 9. OTHER RECEIPTS AND OTHER PAYMENTS 19 10. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DIFFERENCE 20 11. DESIGNATED AND OTHER ACCOUNTS 20 12. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN ITSD - PCG 21 13. DESIGNATED ACCOUNt i1N 1-)uKu - rLt 22 14. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - PCG 23 15. CONVERSION ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK 25 16. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK 26 Management of "Kommunkhizmat" Agency's World Bank Projects coordination group (hereinafter - the "PCG") is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements, that fairly present, in all material respects, Financial reporting under the cash basis of accounting for the year ended 31 December, 2018, prepared in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standard under the cash basis of accounting (hereinafter - the "IPSAS") and notes to the financial reporting, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for: - selecting of proper accounting principles and its consistent application; - presenting information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevance, reliability, comparability and understandability of such information; - using of reasonable and appropriate estimates and assumptions; - providing additional disclosures when compliance with the requirements of IPSAS is insufficient for users of the financial statements to understand the impact of particular transactions; and cassessni. of die PCCL ability to continue as a going coiicCrII in the foreseable future. Management is also responsible for: - overall coordination of the projects, imoniitoring, evaluation, reporting and support for engineering, pronirement 'nel financial managemente - use of funds in accordance with financing agreement and Operational Manual; - designing, implementing and maintaining the effective and reliable functionality of the internal control system; - maintaining adequate accounting system, allowing the preparation of information about the PCG's cash flows and non-cash activities at any time with reasonable accuracy, and to ensure compliance of financial statements with IPSAS; - maintaining accounting records in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; - adopting measures within its competence to safeguard assets of the PCG; and - detecting and preventing fraud and other irregularities. The Financial reporting under the cash basis of accounting for the year ended 31 December, 2018 were approved by management of the PCG on June 30, 2019. PCG coordinator a or Sh. Accountant of PCG Khakimova G. GrantThornton An instinct for growth' AO 000 ((Grant Thornton Pecny6nAKa Ye36eKMCTaH, 100128, TaWiKeHT, yn. Ataq. 1A Ten.: +998 (71) 230-45-43 DaKc: +998 (71) 244-47-43 "Grant Thornton" AO LLC 1A, Abay Str., INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Tashkent, 100128, Republic of Uzbekistan Tel.: +998 (71) 230-45-43 Fax: +998 (71) 244-47-43 To management of "Kommunkhizmat" Agency's W: +998a(t1hor44-47-4 World Bank Projects coordination group Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinion We have audited the financial statements of the "Kommunkhizmat" Agency's World Bank Project coordination group (hereinafter - the "PCG") "Alar and Karakul Water Supply Project" (hereinafter - the "Project") which comprise the Statement of cash receipts and payments. the Statement uses of funds by component expenditure type for the year ended December 31, 2018, and notes to the financial statements including summary of significant accounting policies. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the statement of cash receipts and payments, and the statement uses of funds by component expenditure type for the year ended December 31, 2018 in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standard, "Financial reporting under the cash basis of accounting" (hereinafter - the "IPSAS'". Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (hereafter - the "ISAs'". Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's R,sponsib1i,s /or lbeAm/lit o/J`inancrd section of our report. We are independent of the PCC in aord' s n11 d il 4- dIsburlemiuiL 1l ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2018 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) Withdrawal procedure through Statement of Expenditure use (Continued) 'Ie SOE witbdrawal procedure is uised for the follkwing expentliture categories: I gotos procured under contracts with a valuc less thian 100 000 1 -SI) caeh: - works under contracs with a value of kess than 5KOM M liSD cahe: r services uinder contracts with a alue of Iess tbati lit) 10000 U) Ceach for consuln cmipanies and 50 () LSD) cach for individual consuilrants anl e current expenditures on conditots agreecd with te Bank. Taxes and Duties In accordance with Decree uf the Preside ou the Repulic of Uzbekistan No. PD-20t1 of 15 JIty 21M3 "0On measures Cor be irnplementation uf the "Alat and Karakul \aer Supp alti iect with tbh participation of [D:\" and joint Resolution of tbe MEnistry of linance of the Republie of tzbekistan No. 64 olf 16 April 2(i(i4 it' 'fw\ iioniiinili' of hiie RIpubh0 lekttit N. Ve n4-15 f ut (\pril 1uM4 and rie Miuis miintc( (5i 11t lc l ll t bL k m . o- t'3-22 \t l Ä ljil 2luui4 1 >11 atplional olt dli khtRguliuiot kilt thll k ul11011 oi g~6d jutkb, huttucs) tnpnued.id1 acinired i ith irliory ot Ripi u at tbc exptnse f bof)rro\el funds and guatratntecd byI th Republic of 1 zbekistai txitin tic franework of intvestmtil projCeCIs ivolving tirnational inancial institutiis and foreigi gmxrnmimal finanial organizanons' goods, w torks anc services, provided and paid for in the ter'itory of the Republic of 1zbekistan and financed by Il \ 1l ians, are exenpt from taxes and due:. The:c tax andx duty privilege:: are part of the Co itancmgl ut L z kiii i hnil fltim . TIis normn statres that pi'jete partieipants in 1he framework of their activities it tbe expense of loans of Inernational Financial linsmtitions (hereinafter - ite 'IIIs') do n pa: - v'alne added lax:, excise dulties: custons dItLies: Sfc'cs to tce Repulblcau Road [11und( ot te cosit fthe vebieles puirehas'd under tbc project, paid by buyers wbhen registerilng With] tbe bodies of tbe Ministry of Inrernal Mfairs of the Repfblic of zbäekistan; and mandat contr'ibudouns to the extra budgetary Pension hund, the Repullican Road 1tund and te extra budget ary 1und for tbhe developiment t school educition. 'This norrn applies both to imported goods (works, services), and to goods (works, servics) purchased in tIe territorY of the Repubbc of Uzbelistan at the expense of Ilfs' LMans. The project participat in tie tramewti'ork of tbe implernettation of acticiies at the expense of the 1 l ans include: the project executive (project iåplementation group or project nmanagement group, etc.): legal contractors thar pertvtrm projects, including "turnkey" upon dclvery of the volime of work performed by then to the customer - the projet executive body: and legal entices (subcontractors, suppliers) sellinggoods Yorks, services) to the project executive body, as well as contractors who won the tender for project inmplementation in accordance with the concluded agrcements. 12 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2018 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) Reporting currency and methodology of conversion The financial statenents prepared in the LS dollar. A significant portion oC the Project's cash intlows and outflmys made in L"S dollars. Nevertheless, the Project has accounts in Uzbek Soums (hereinafter the - "'ZS"), which are used to receive funds and pPn expenses, including for payment to foreign contractors and suppliers. Cash inTloiws anId outlOws in ZS were converted to US dollars using the following conversion principles: Cash inflows and outflovs in VZS were converted to VS cllar using the following conversion prin ciples: > Ior the source of i)A. cash inflows and Outilows were cot nveried intf S dollars usin list orical exclhalge rate oF he Cieniral Bank of the ReptbliC of L.ibekisran (hereinafter -the "CiRL from 2014 to 2017 and for 2018 commercial exchange rate ls used on the date of conversion oc US dollars int L/S (1(11 ) method): 1 or Ihe sOutre of LIzbekistan, cash in t1os and outflows were converted inro tS dollar using the official exchange rate C3RU oin the date of transaction and the balance 2mni nt of he IDesignated AccounAt - BV mcinverted inti I.S dlar tusing the exchange rate n the date Of IDecember 31, 2018. Correction of errors \h'n n error arises in relation to catl balance reported in the financal talteilmeltc, the iamoutii of [lie error that relates to prior periods, PCG reported by adjusting the cash at the beginning of the period. Also, PCG restates comparative information and disclosed in the notes to the financial statements the following: r The nature of the error; > The amount of the correction; and r The fact that comparative information has been restated or that it is impracticable to do so. In the following table PCG describes amount of adjustments made to the prior years (cumulative) and to 2017. Also, in the notes (Note A and B) to the financial statements, PCG disclosed the nature of the errors arose. 13 ALAT AND KARAKU- WATER SUPPLY PRC-JECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT' 4GENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATICN GROUP NOTES TO FINANC LL,. STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 2. SIGNIFICANT ,CCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) Correctiii of err.:r! 'cantinued) in US dollars Notes 2017 Cumulative 2017 Cumulative 2017 Cumulative (revised) (revised) (adjustments) (adjustments) (initial record) (initial record) OPENING CASH B ANCES Designated accourr in USD - PCG A 142541 - - - 142541 Designated accoinr in EUR - PCG A - - - - Designated accoirr in UZS - PCG A -- - - - Designated accourn in UZ3 - PCG B 1 - - - 1 Conversion account in UZ3 - BVK B 88640 - 88640 - - Designated accoin in UZS3 - BVK B - - - - - Total opening cash 7alance 231 182 - 88640 - 142 542 - RECEIPTS Source of IDA A 16 655 E94 25524925 (105) (107) 16655999 25525032 Source of Co-finani -g B 4 401 075 5 354 634 4 401 075 5 354 634 - - Total receipts 21 056 969 30 879 559 4 400 970 5 354 527 16 655 999 25 525 032 Total cash availab e 21 288151 30879559 4489610 5354527 16798541 25525032 PAYMENTS Source of IDA A (14 161 213: (22 887 703) 58 58 (14161271) (22887761) Source of Co-finanzi-g B (3 624 675: (4 482423) (3624675) (4482423) - Total payments (17 785 888) (27 370 126) (3 624 617) (4482 365) (14 161 271) (22 887 761) Effect of zhanges i e exchange rates or cash, net A,B (858 9711 (866 141) (858 924) (866 094) (47) (47) CLOSING CASH BALANCES Designated account in USD - PCG A 2637210 2637210 - - 2637210 2637210 Designated accourif in EU R - PCG A - - - - - Designated accourn in UZS - PCG A 13 13 - - 13 13 Designated accourn in UZ3 - PCG B 1 1 - 1 1 Conversion accouri ti UZS - BVK B - - - - - Designated account in UZ3 - BVK B 6 070 6070 6070 6070 - Total closing cash rdance 2643294 2643294 6070 6070 2637224 2637224 14 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 A. CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS OF THE SOURCE OF IDA In previous financial statements PCG did not use historical exchange rate in conversion to US dollars, amounts paid in UZS from IDA funds (Designated Account in UZS - PCG). In the previous years there were erroneously payments and receivables from other PCG's Project which was not disclosed separately in the notes to the financial statements (Note 8). Substantially adjustments arose in respect of recognizing payments and refunds made in UZS using historical exchange rates. B. CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS OF THE SOURCE OF THE UZBEKISTAN In previous year there were not recognized by PCG cash balances, cash receipts and payments made by the source of Co-financing of Uzbekistan. PCG made adjustments of financial statements in respect of fairly presentation of financial statements and recognized all cash balances, cash receipts and payments which was reflected in adjustments of the financial statements. 3. RECONCILIATION OF IDA FINANCING The reconciliation of financing between IDA's data on the website at in the Client Connection section and the Project data as of December, 31 2018 is shown in the table bclow: In US dollars Notes Client Connection data Project data Variance, ( Direct paymenta 4 (31 033 005) (31 033 006) Replenishments and advances 7 (5 599 571) (5 599 571) Refunds Application 4 2 655 661 2 655 661 Total (34 877 005) (34 877 005) The following table summarizes the official exchange rates of UZS to one US dollars established by Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Commercial Bank: Exchange rate commercial IExchange rate CBRU Changes(% December 31, 2018 8348,00 833955 3% December 31, 2017 8 120,00 8120,07 151% December 31, 2016 - 3231,48 15% In accordance with Decree of the President No. UP-5177 "On Priority Measures to Liberalize Monetary Policy" dated 2 September 2017, legal entities are free to purchase foreign currency to pay for current operations (import of goods and services, repayment of loans, travel expenses and etc.) in commercial banks from 5 September 2017. 15 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) 'KOMWUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 4. THE WORLD BANK'S DIRECT PAYMENTS The W3rld Bank made payments, at the borrower's request, directly to a third party for eligible expenditures. In the following table described Direct Payments made during the year by the World Bank to the counterparties from the source of IDA. In US dollars Category 2018 Cumulative207 Cmatv (revised) (revised), MESMER EAST LLC 1-Works (2 996 908) (6 795 627) (3 798 718) (3 798 718) SHIMBAR P.J.S.C. 1-Works (2281 849) (3 642 241) (1 360 392) (1 360 392) QURIL SH KOCHMA KOLON NA 017 LLC 1-Works (2 275 197) (3 304 848) (1 029 651) (1 029 651) JV KOGON REMSTROYKOMPLEKT 1-Works (904 192) (4087 760) (1 813 258) (3 183 568) AQUANIUNDO GMBH 3-Services (521 297) (6 286 322) (1 335 806) (5 765 025) 01 HAYOT ENGINEERING LLC 1-Works (189 128) (2911 754) (972 445) (2 722 626) SUNIR LLC 1-Works (92 270) (2 950 626) (2 858 356) (2 858 356) GRAN THORNTON LLC 3-Services (60 835) (60 835) - - GlJDUVON ZAMONA QURILSH 1-Works (30 603) (87 139) (56 536) (56 536) CHINA PETROLEUM PIPELINE BUREAU 1-Works - (1 357 181) (1 357 181) (1 357 181) CRANES AND SPECIAL TRUCKS LTD 2-Goods - (241 162) - (241 162) TONG SUV QURILISH 2-Goods - (207 600) - (207 600) Total (9 352 280) (31 933 095) (14 582 343) (22 580 815) Not6: Additionally, there were Refunds Application for the amount of 2 655 661,00 US dollars in 2017 from the source of International Development Association. 16 ALAT AND KARAKJL WATER. SLPLY O JECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT' AGENC CS VRLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINAT ON GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATE1E3TS FOR THE YEAR ENCED DSEEMER .1. 2018 5. DIRECT PAYMENTIS OF CO-FINANCING OF THE UZBEKISTAN During the year the UzbeiLti- Co-Fanaiced eligible expenses of the Prorect thiough Direct Payments of the Treasury account. In the following table stated the amounts of Direct Payments cf Co-ft-rwng of the _Lzbekistan which were not contnr1led by the PCG: In US dollars Category 2018 Cumulative .07 Cmltv (revised) (revised) MESMER EAST LLC 1-Works (1 658 460) (1 912 046) (253 586) (253 586) OBI HAYOT ENGINEERING L_Z 1-Works (47 968) (1 522143) (798 478) (1 474 175) JV KOGON REMSTP:DYKOIPLE.T 1-Works (1 058 182) (1 422 912) (364 730) (364 730) SHIMBAR P.J.S.C. 1-Works (964 070) (1 249 658) (285 589) (285 589) QURILISH KOCHMA KOLC IA C 17 LLC 1-Works (1 153 707) (1153 707) - - GIJDUVON ZAMONA QUFILIS-I 1-Works - (199600) (160307) (199600) CRANES AND SPEC AL TRUCK LTD 2-Goods (8 861) (158 609) (6990) (149 748) Total (4 891 247) (7 618 676) (1 869 680) (2 727 428) 17 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 6. REPLENISHMENT AND ADVANCE The World Bank may replenish the Designated Account - PCG for expenditures eligible for financing pursuant to the Financing Agreement (eligible expenditures) that the borrower has pre-financed. The World Bank may advance funds from the Financing Account into the Designated Account - PCG to finance eligible expenditures as they are incurred and for which supporting documents will be provided at a later date. The Republic of Uzbekistan may advance payment into the Designated Account - BVK for the purpose of Co- financing the Project's eligible expenditures. In the following table described replenishment of designated account and advance payments by the sources of IDA and Co-financing of the Uzbekistan: 2017 Cumulative' In US dollars 2018 Cumulative (rvsd.rIeie) RECEIPTS Designated account replenishment, source of IDA - 5 599 571 4 729 012 5 599 571 Advances from Co-financing of the Uzbekistan 535 638 3 162 844 2531 395 2627 206 Total 535638 8762415 7260407 8226777 7. ERROR RECEIPTS (PAYMENTS) AND REFUND OFT HEM During the year the PCG had the following refunds of the error receipts and payments made in the previous years by the source of IDA in the following order: In US dollars 2018 Cumulative 21 uuaie (revised) (revised) RECEIPTS BSS project 1400 1400 - - SWS project 24992 25192 200 200 Sub-total 26 392 26 592 200 200 REFUND/PAYMENTS BSS project - - - - SWS project (200) (28 342) (24 992) (28 142) Sub-total (200) (28 342) (24 992) (28 142) Total 26 192 (1 750) (24 792) (27 942) 18 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 8. CASH OUTFLOWS BY COMPONENTS AND CATEGORIES nUS dollars 2018 Cumulative207 Cmltv, (revised) (revised) COMPONENTS Payments by the source of IDA: Part A. Improvement of Water Supply infrastructure (9258791) (31 966 003) (14 125 578) (22707211) Part B. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity - - -- Building Part C. Feasibility Studies for Future Investments (157 679) (157 679) - - Part D. Project Management (124 199) (276 549) (10 643) (152 350) Sub-total (9 540 669) (32 400 230) (14 136 220) (22 859 562) Payments by the source of Co-financing: Part A. Improvement of Water Supply Infrastructure (5446 174) (9911 874) (3607 952) (4465700) Sub-total (5446 174) (9 911 874) (3607 952) (4465700) Total (14 986 843) (42 312 104) (17 744 172) (27 325 262) * Note: Additionally, there were expenditures incurred in 2018 for the amount of 3 279,00 US dollars in the form of bank charges (source of co-financing) and 200,00 US dollars as the funds transferred to other Projects' accounts (source of IDA). '2017 Cumulativei In US dollars 2018 Cumulative (revised) (revised), CATEGORIES Payments by the source of IDA: 1-Works (8 820 618) (25 095 696) (12 775 508) (16 275 079) 2-Goods (74 555) (667 798) (14 263) (593 243) 3-Consulting services (645 496) (6 636 736) (1 346 449) (5 991 240) Sub-total (9 540 669) (32 400 230) (14 136 220) (22 859 562) Payments by the source of Co-financing: 1-Works (5437313) (9 115 033) (3534962) (3677720) 2-Goods (8 861) (796 840) (72 990) (787 980) Sub-total (5 446 174) (9 911 874) (3 607 952) (4465 700) Total (14986843) (42312104) (17744172) (27325262) 9. OTHER RECEIPTS AND OTHER PAYMENTS In the following table described other receipts and other payments made by the source of IDA and Co- financing of Uzbekistan through the Designated Accounts of PCG and BVK. in US dollars 2018 Cumulative 2017 Cumlative (revised) (evised ) Other receipts the source of Co-financing 16 543 16 543 - - Sub-total 16543 16543 - - Other payments - - Sub-total - Total 16543 16543-- ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 10. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DIFFERENCE The foreign exchange difference by the sources of IDA and Co-financing of Uzbekistan described in the following table: . 2017 Cumutve In 'US dollars 2018 Cumulativei (revised) (revised) Foreign exchange difference, the source of IDA - - - - Foreign exchange difference, the source of 1 997 (864144) (858971) (866141) Co-financing Total 1 997 (864 144) (858 971) (866 141) * Note: The value of foreign exchange difference on co-Financing funds relates to exchange rate changes, and especially to liberalization of UZS in September 1, 2017. 11. DESIGNATED AND OTHER ACCOUNTS The balances of the designated accounts of the PCG and BVK were as follows: ar Sorc of Notes - - US dollrnoreo oe Balance as at Balance as at Balance as a financing December 31, DeCeMber 31, December 31 2018 2017 2016-1 Designated account in USD - PCG IDA 12 2475026 2637210 142541 Designated account in EUR - PCG IDA 13 - - - Designated account in UZS - PCG IDA 14 - 13 Designated account in UZS - PCG IDA 14 - 1 1 Conversion Account in UZS - BVK IDA 15 - - 88640 Designated account in UZS - BVK* IDA 16 2 042 6 070 Total 2477068 2643294 231 182 Designated Account in USD - PCG and Designated Accounts in UZS - PCG opened in JSCB "Hamkorbank" Tashkent branch in Uzbekistan. These Designated Accounts are for the purpose of financing the Project's eligible expenditures by the source of IDA. The international rating agency Moody's affirmed the ratings of the JSCB "Hamkorbank", forecast is Stable. The ratings of deposits in national currency B1 and foreign currencies at B2 ( Designated account in UZS - BVK opened in JSCB "Hamkorbank" Bukhara region branch in Uzbekistan, for the purpose of financing the Project, by the source Co-financing of Uzbekistan. These Designated Account is controlled by the BVK. * Note. Designated account - BVK described only Co-financing funds of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Due to the fact that there are other inflows and outflows, which are not Co-financing funds, amount of closing cash balance as at December 31, 2018 may be differ than stated. 20 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 12. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN USD - PCG In the following table shown transactions made during 2018 and 2017 by designated account in USD - PCG. Account No 22626840904262646001 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK" Address Tashkent, Uzbekistan' ,ource of financing IDA loan No.5189-UZ Notes In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 11 142541 RECEIPT: World Bank IDA Replenishment 6 4729 012 Sub-total 4 729 012 Total cash available 4 871 553 PAYMENTS: Transfer to designated 1arni nt in Furn 13 (1 390000) Work3 (794 633) Transfer to designated account of AKWS PCG in UZS 14 (24 486) Erroneous transfer to designated account of SWS PCG in UZS 7 (24 992) Bank charges (233) Total payments (2 234 343) Closing balance as at December 31, 2017 2637210 Openning balance as at January 1, 2018 2637210 RECEIPTS: Refund of erroneously transferred amount from designated 6 24992 account of SWS PCG in UZS Transfer from designated account of AF BSSP in UZS 7 1 400 Sub-total 26392 Total cash available 2 663 602 PAYMENTS: Transfer to designated account of AKWS PCG in UZS 14 (187 961) Incremental operating costs of PCG 7 (415) Refund of erroneously transferred amount to designated account (200) of SWS PCG in UZS Total payments (188 576) Closing balance as at December 31, 2018 11 2475026 21 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 12. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN USD - PCG (CONTINUED) During 2017, the PCG transfers cash to designated account of BVK for the purpose of financing the following counterparties: in US dollars Source of Benificiary For counterparty Category Anmount financing AKWSP/0054 IDA BVK OBI HAYOT ENGINEERING LLC 1-Works (170 009) AKWSP/0053 IDA SVK GIJDUVON ZAMONA QURILISH 1-Works (18 645) AKWSP/0057 IDA BVK GIJDUVON ZAMONA QURILISH 1-Works (57 674) AKWSP/0058 IDA BVK OBI HAYOT ENGINEERING LLC 1-Works (262 701) AKWSP/0064 IDA BVK GIJDUVON ZAMONA QURILISH 1-Works (46 860) AKWSP/0067 IDA BVK GIJDUVON ZAMONA QURILISH 1-Works (45 109) AKWSP/0066 IDA BVK JV KOGON REMSTROYKOMPLEKT 1-Works (66 751) AKWSP/0071 IDA BVK MESMER EAST LLC 1-Works (126 883) Total (794633) 13. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN EURO - PCG Ac-count No 20210978804262646001 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK" Address Tashkent, Uzbekistan Source of financing IDA loan No.5189-UZI Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 11 - - 12 1168948 1390000 Transfer from designated account of AKWS PCG in USD Sub-total 1168948 1 390000 Total cash available 1168948 1 390000 PAYMENTS: Works (1168 948) (1 390 000) Total payments (1 168 948) (1 390 000) Closing balance as at December 31, 2017 1- 22 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 14. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - PCG In the following tables shown transactions made by the Designated Accounts in UZS - PCG. Account No 2262600104262640001 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK" Address Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Source of financing IDA loan No.5189-UZi Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 li - - RECEIPTS: 12 160625 24486 Transfer from designated account of AKWS PCG in USD Erroneous transfer from designated account of SWS PCG 7 1 612 200 in USD Sub-total 162 238 24686 Total cash available 162238 24686 PAYMFNTS- Tiaiisfei to designated account of BVK in UZS (118365) (14931) Incremental operating costs of PCG (32 396) (7 653) Tiaiisrei lu speial pui pose account of euu in uz.b (11 3/3) (2 090) Total payments (162 134) (24 673) Closing balance as at December 31, 2017 103 13 Oeenning balance as at January 1, 2018 103 13 RECEIPTS: 12 1 544649 187961 Transfer from designated account of AKWS PCG in USD Transfer of remaining balance from secondary account of 4 0,45 AKWS PCG in UZS Total cash available 1 544 756 187974 PAYMENTS: Transfer to designated account of BVK in UZS (1 171231) (141 719) Incremental operating costs of PCG (369 316) (45 728) Bank charges (4209) (527) Total payments (1 544756) (187974) Closing balance as at Deces bui 31, 2018 11 23 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 14. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - PCG (CONTINUED) During 2018 and 2017, the PCG paid cash through the Designated Account of BVK for the purpose of financing the following counterparties: Year Source of Benificiary For counterparty Category In US In thousands financing dollars Of UZS 2018 IDA BVK Gijduvon Zamona Qurilish LLC 1-Works (50 482) (419 915) 2018 IDA BVK -lF1 CaKiMHaftHy A0aen 2-Goods (1 429) (11 468) 2018 IDA BVK Li1 Delfin Plus 2-Goods (24 317) (197 105) 2018 IDA BVK 000 ToHr Cyi Kypwnmw 2-Goods (48 808) (406 810) 2018 IDA BVK JSCB Hamkorbank 3-Services (16 580) (135 046) Sub-total (141 615) (1 170 344) 2017 IDA BVK Cranes and Special Trucks LTD 2-Goods (14 263) (115679) 2017 IDA BVK Bank charges 3-Services (667) (2 686) Sub-total (14931) (118365) Total (156 546) (1 288 709) Account*N 226220000904262646002 Depositary Bank JSWB "HAMKRHUANK"' Address Tavhkeiit, UzWuki.%t#6 Source of financing IDA loan No0.5189-UtL Currency Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Balance as at January 1, 2018 11 4 1 Payments: Transfer to designated account of AKWS PCG in UZS 4 1 Total payments 4 1 Balance as at December 31, 2018 11- - 24 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 15. CONVERSION ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK In the following tables shown transactions made during 2017 and 2018 by the Conversion account in UZS - BVK. Account No 29801000000309412001 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK" Address -Bukhara, Uzbekistan Source of financing Government of Uzbekistan (Co-financing) Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 RECEIPTS: Replenishment from the Treasury account 6035190 1 586390 Sub-total 6035 190 1 586 390 Total cash available 6 035 190 1 586 390 PAYMENTS: Transfer to the bank account (3 012 693) (868 517) Nn. 2080 1000 0003 0011 2803 Transfer to the bank account (3 022 497) (373 511) No. 2261 3000 9003 0941 2001 Total payments (6035190) 1 242 027) Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net - (344 362) Closing balance as at December 31, 2017 - Account No 29801000900309412803 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK", Address Bukhara, Uzbekistan! Source of financing Government of Uzbekistan (Co-financing) Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 11 286440 88640 RECEIPTS: Transfer from the bank account 3012693 868517 No. 2980 1000 0003 0941 2001 Total cash available 3299133 957157 PAYMENTS: Transfer to the bank account (3 030 857) (374 544) No. 2261 3000 9003 0941 2002 Goods (268 276) (66 000) Total payments (3 299 133) (440 544) Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net - (516 613) Closing balance as at December 31, 2017 11 - ~25 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 16. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK In the following tables shown transactions made during 2017 and 2018 by designated accounts in UZS - BVK. AcutNo 226130009003094i 100 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK Address Bukhara, Uzbekis,tan Source of financing Government of Uzbekistan (Co-financing Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 -- RECEIPTS: Transfer from the bank account 3 030 857 374 544 No. 2980 1000 9003 0941 2803 Total cash available 3 030 857 374 544 PAYMENTS: Transfer to the bank account (3 030 857) (374 544) No. 2261 3000 9003 0941 2001 Total payments (3 030 857) (374 544) Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net - Closing balance as at December 31, 2017-- 26 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 16. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK (CONTINUED) In the following tables shown transactions made durin 2017 and 2018 by desi ated accounts in UZS - BVK. AcutNo 22613000900309412001 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK"1 Address Bukhara, Uzbekistan Source of financing Government of Uzbekistan (Co-financing) Notes in thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 - - RECEIPTS: Replenishment from the Treasury account 7 635 580 945 005 Transfer from the bank account 3022497 373511 No. 2980 1000 0003 0941 2001 Transfer from the bank account 3 030 857 374 544 No. 2261 3000 9003 0941 2002 Transfer from the bank account 6403502 792664 No. 2262 6000 0003 0941 2009 Total cash available 20 092 437 2 485 724 PAYMENTS: Works (13 504 599) (1 872272) Trannfor to the bank annount (6 492 791) (798742) No VAi. fif 11 I I 31E i 1 N41 VIiN Basik uayws (135040) (10723) Tntni pnymrnt (:- 0fl? A37) 47 737 Fffpc.t of change in forpion xrhange rate9 on cah nPt 2 013 Closing balance as at December 31, 2017 OpennIng balance as at January 1, 2018 RECEIPTS: Replenishment from the Treasury account 4326 167 535638 Transfer from the bank account 591 989 73 760 No. 2262 6000 2003 0941 2005 Transfer to the bank account 184 347 22 582 No. 2262 6000 0003 0941 2009 Transfer to the bank account 18164 2263 No. 2262 6000 7003 0941 2002 Total cash available 5120667 634244 PAYMENTS: Works (4 284 536) (532 569) Transfer to the bank account (591 989) (73 760) No. 2262 6000 2003 0941 2005 Transfer to the bank account (184347) (22582) No. 2262 6000 0003 0941 2009 Transfer to the bank account (28 502) (3 570) No. 2262 6000 7003 0941 2002 Bank charges (24 598) (3 055) Transfer to the bank account (6 695) (834) No. 2262 6000 5003 0941 2001 Total yments (5 120 667) (635 536) Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net -2 127 Closing balance as at December 31, 2018 27 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 16. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK (CONTINUED) In the following tables shown transactions made during 2017 and 2018 by designated accounts in UZS - BVK Account No 22626000000309412009 Depositary Bank JSCB "HAMKORBANK" Address Bukhara, U bekista Source of financing Government of Uzbekistan (Co-financing Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2017 11 -- RECEIPTS: Transfer from the bank account 6452791 798742 No. 2261 3000 9003 0941 2001 Transfer from designated account in UZS - PCG (source 118 365 14 923 of IDA) Total cash available 6571 157 813666 PAYMENTS: Transfer to the bank account (6 403 502) (792 664) No. 2201 3000 9003 0941 2001 Goods (114519) (14120) Bank charges (3 835) (802) Total payments (6 521 856) (807 586) Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net - (8) Closing balance as at December 31, 2017 11 49 289 6 070 (Co-financing) Closing balance as at becember 31, 2017 (1A) 12 1 Openning balance as at January 1, 2018 11 49301 6 071 RECEIPTS: Transfer from designated account in UZS - PCG (source 1 171 231 141 684 of IDA) Transfer from the bank account 184347 22582 No. 2261 3000 9003 0941 2001 Refunds 2 558 308 Total cash available 1 358136 164574 PAYMENTS: Goods (922362) (111484) Transfer to the bank account (184 347) (22 582) No. 2261 3000 9003 0941 2001 Works (182 520) (22 358) Bank charges (6944) (845) Total payments (1 296 173) (157 270) Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net (33) Closing balance as at December 31, 2018 - (Co-financing) Closing balance as at December 31, 2018 (IDA) 11 111 265 13342 * The closing balance on this account includes only the funds from the sources of IDA transferred from designated account of PCG in UZS. 28 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZMAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINATION GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 16. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK (CONTINUED) In the following tables shown transactions made during 2017 and 2018 by designated accounts in UZS - BVK. Depositary Bank JSCB3 "HAMKORBANK Address Bukhara, Uzbekistan Source of financing Government of Uzbekistan (Co-financing Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2018 - - RECEIPTS: Transfer from the bank account 6695 834 No. 2262 6000 5003 0941 2001 Total cash available 6 695 834 PAYMENTS: - - Total payments - Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net - (31) Closing balance as at December 31, 2018 6 695 803 Account No 2262600070030941200 U606wary Ham JSCB "HAMVIU1ANK" Address Bukhara, Uzbekistal, Source of financing Government of Uzbekistan (Co-financing) Notes In thousands of UZS In US dollars Openning balance as at January 1, 2018 - - RECEIPTS: Transfer from the bank account 24 598 3 570 No. 2262 6000 5003 0941 2001 Total cash available 24 598 3 570 PAYMENTS: Transfer to the bank account (18164) (2263) No :?7R1 0nnn nni 041 2001 Total payments (18 164) (2 263) Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash, net - (67) Closing balance as at December 31, 2018 64U4 40 29 ALAT AND KARAKUL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (IDA LOAN 5189-UZ) "KOMMUNKHIZ VAT" AGENCY'S WORLD BANK PROJECTS COORDINAT1C GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMEN7S FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 16. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT IN UZS - BVK (CONTINUED) During 2017 a-l 2018 the BVK transfer cash to the following courxparties through Designated Account in UZS - BVK by the source of Co-financing of Uzbekis Lan: Year Source of financing Benificiary Category In US dollars In tofUsad 2018 Co-finan=ing the Uzbekistan CHINA PETROLIUM PIPELINE EU:;EAU 1-Works (264 435) (2 132666) 2018 CD-finan=ing the Uzbekistan SUNIR CO. & SHAFAB ENGINEERING 1-Works (189339) (1 526828) 2018 Co-finan:ig the Uzbekistan JV KOGON REMSTROYKOMPLE. 1-Works (22 358) (182 520) 2018 Co-finan:ig the Uzbekistan CHINA PETROLIUM PIPELINE EUB:EAU 1-Works (75 194) (596 136) 2018 Co-finan=ing the Uzbekistan JV KOGON REMSTROYKOMPLEr- 1-Works (3602) (28 907) S Lib-totd (554 927) (4467 056) 2017 Co-finan:ig the Uzbekistan SUNIR CO. & SHAFAB ENGINEERING 1-Works (503996) (4 079 848) 2017 Co-finan:ing the Uzbekistan JV KOGON REMSTROYKOMPLEirn 1-Works (400 333) (3 224 283) 2017 CD-finan:ig the Uzbekistan MESMER EAST LLC 1-Works (320 987) (2 585 229) 2017 Co-finan:ig the Uzbekistan CHINA PETROLIUM PIPELINE EJ:EAU 1-Works (264 435) (2 144 301) 2017 Co-finan:ig the Uzbekistan MESMER EAST LLC 1-Works (182 521) (1 470 938) 2017 Co-finan:ing the Uzbekistan TONG SUV QURILISH 2-Goods (66 000) (268 276) Sub-totai (1 738 272) (13 772 875) Total (2293199) 118 239 931) 30