Procurement Schedule for Works under the Belarus Road Upgrading and Modernization Project 72944 o c o "E c c z .9 O>z (]) ~ a =~ "E g~ c = E ,g~ U a ~ = :.c 0 ~ :~ ·E ~ :J o ;;;: tl e:.. 1l...,E QJ C. o (/) Qi ~ "E c ~ ~ = :J g~ >- UJ .,. - E o o Oco15 o c a 1n§ ~ ~-5 0>'" C .- ~ "C c: § 0> E oQ)ti (]) i:i5 "E ~ () Category t) iii (]) £ a ~ Il...CO:;:::; _ (]) U "CO):;:; _;;;:U UU uU iD&lu 1:) 8 ~ E '0 C Q) Il...= c. .91., 0 _ (]) iD:E o~~ - :g 0;;;: 8 ~ .~ .9 ~ c-.o l::oE 1:) "E ~ Q; tii (]) c. (]) 0 15-;;0 .~ ~ 0 o () u $ to E ~ :J U e Il... .0 Z E :J :J c::r ~ Il... '" .- c E .0 :J (/) (]) E :J U o £<1: '0 (]) :J .2.9 0 ~t .- E .0 ~c:: 0 c. (]) '" ·E .0 :J (]) E :J U - £- o (]) :J .~ ~ .- E c. .0 0 (]) o () j ~ (/) 0 :J ~ UJ o o '" !E (/) Works 32.777 ICB Yes 10/2010 1012012 . Works 30.971 ICB Yes 10/2010 0912012. : 01/2010 02/2010 04/2010 04/2010 04/2010 06/2010 02/2010 03/2010 05/2010 3 Works 29.141 ICB I 1 I Yes 10/2010 1012012 5 ,Installation of the weight-in- Supply and ICB I 1 'yes I 01/2013 02/2013 04/2013 03/2013 03/2013 05/2013 05/2013 1012014 motion system installation Procurement Schedule for Services under the Belarus Road Upgrading and Modernization Project o - Ul = <:: ~ 0 ~ 'O~ c co 0 m ._ "Ocoz 0 <:: .E~ ~ Ul ~ Q) ~ - E "0 o Ul "0 §.E (;)0 :8 co 8. c: "C -L.. <:: o o .c Q)->< Q) .... 0 "~.o .~ :.a-g.E C) Q) a. z- (/) ::J 1il E ~ C o I- ~ • ~cog :l->< C'" c: : Q) co <:: - 0..0 co_ > co 0 Eco->< 8 1:: ~ =<:: <:: ·c ! c u o::co,g ~.~ ~ '08. cc g C) ·iii E "0 iii ..... - .cO Q):.;::. o .c ~ 8 g & ~.~ Category Q) -Q)O "0 ~ 8 '0 ~:5 ~ O_Q) C E <::0:0- g~.E ~ "0 "0 !!! Qj 0-0 .Q .9 0 ·iii I- "2 ·iii <:: 0.0 o O C ~ u Q) .0 ·iii 8 ffl UlO- 1ii .~ o e" E :l .~ c .- Ul E 0 co Ul ·E <:: 0 co co ·E ~"O o u C o 0.. Z E_ !!! :l .0 a. .o1::Q) .0 " co :::lCU~ u iii .0 Q) :l 0 :l0.c (/) a._ (/»<:: w (/)& (/)0: Q) 0::- 0 w8 3 Support to SELGIPRODOR for updating its Ieconomic evaluation tools for road projects, including training on HDM-4 and procurement of I Services I I I2 I SSS I 07/2012 I 09/2012, 10/2012 10/2012 software licenses Support to improve the capacity of local 4 Iinstitutions involved in supervision of road works I Services I 0.596 locss! 1 I 12/2010 I 12/2010 I 02/2011 I 03/2011 I 07/2011 I 07/2014 to carry out supervision under FIDIC rules 5 Annual financial audits Services 0.006 LCS 1 10/2011 01/2012 04/2012 05/2012 07/2013 6 1-c accounting system adaptation Services 0.001 SSS 1 01/2012 01/2012 04/2012 06/2012 7 Participation in WS training event in Moscow Services 0.001 06/2012