73775 Liberia Country Program Evaluation (CPE) 2004-2011 Report to the Board of Executive Directors from the ∗ Committee on Development Effectiveness Sub-Committee Report Meeting of September 7, 2012 The Sub-Committee (SC) of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) considered an Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report entitled the Liberia Country Program Evaluation, 2004- 2011 (CODE2012-0033). Members welcomed the timeliness of the report and commended IEG and Management for exemplary collaboration efforts, while maintaining IEG’s due independence. They noted that the report will help sharpen the WBG’s focus and relevance in Liberia; and that its findings and recommendations will be reflected by Management in the upcoming Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for 2013-2015. Concurring with IEG’s overall evaluation, the Committee recalled the severely distressed state Liberia was in ten years ago and noted the remarkable progress that has been achieved. Members supported IEG’s findings and recommendations, namely, fighting corruption by strengthening governance practices across the value chain of extractive industries; refocusing the growth agenda to make it more broad-based and inclusive; and strengthening implementation support through capacity development, especially in procurement. Despite progress in the country, members agreed that many challenges remain. Nevertheless, they were encouraged by the Bank’s recent support and actions in several areas: (i) shifting from emergency assistance to a long-term development mode; (ii) addressing security risks and fiscal challenges resulting from the planned UN mission draw-down; (iii) enhancing project implementation and procurement capacity without undermining efforts to strengthen institutional capacity; and, (iv) addressing staffing constraints. Members noted that the IEG report was not adequately linked to the 2011 World Development Report (WDR) on Conflict, Security and Development. Members proposed that in their recommendations IEG provide specific suggestions to help country teams set priorities when preparing Country Assistance Strategies, while taking into consideration limited IDA resources. They also encouraged IEG not only to present lessons learned, but also to identify successes that could possibly be replicated. Some members noted that gender issues did not receive adequate attention. Recognizing the need for further analysis on an appropriate methodology to assess the WB’s work in Fragile and Conflict States (FCS), IEG informed Committee members that this topic would be covered in its Thematic Evaluation of WB support to FCS, on which an approach paper will be presented to members in October. ∗ This report is not an approved record.