MINUTES RP1246v3 of the Roundtable on the discussion of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for MIDP Additional Financing in Farkhor Dated February 20, 2013 Farhor AGENDA: Discussion of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for MIDP Additional Financing in Farkhor SPEAKERS: Faizulloev Ð?. Introduced all attendees, familiarized everybody with agenda of the “Environmental Management Planâ€? (EMP) and “Resettlement Action Planâ€? (RAP) for additional financing of MIDP. He noted that the currently realizing project is financing from the funds of International Development Association of the World Bank. The project on Additional Financing foresees reconstruction and rehabilitation the system of water supply and sewerage, as well financing of the works related to improvement of solid waste management in Farhor. Follow to the policy and procedures of the World Bank there have been prepared the updated Environmental Management Plan (EMP), as well Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Additional Financing of MIDP, which will be considered in details during today’s meeting. EMP and RAP also have been published for public in the official web-sites of the State Committee on Investment and World Bank. The EMP was considered and agreed with all stakeholders and public organization. After detailed consideration and amendments the EMP was approved by the World Bank. There should be the strict observance of all EMP clauses during implementation of the contract on additional financing which are obligatory for contractors, the EMP itself will be enclosed to the contracts and will be its integral part. Further the reporter presents the main regulations of the EMP sections, updated for the second MIDP Project, methods of its realization and control. There was suggested to express the opinions and ask questions concerning this document. Then the word was given to the PMU specialist Olimov Kh. for clarifications of the main regulations of the RAP. Olimov Kh. - –presented the brief review of the main regulations of RAP document, touched the aims and tasks of the document, the principles on which the document based on, legislative basis, as well the measures which are provided by developed document. Besides the issues on possible project’s impacts have been considered in details and the management on providing of compensations in the case of such impacts (Table indicating competence matrix: PAP and properties corresponding criteria and payment of compensations). Also it was noted that RAP is a framework document, and on the basis of this document will be developed the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for each separate subproject, the preparation phases of the RAP were considered in detail. (the scheme of the RAP process), the process of PAP consultations, the process of complying and their considerations, as well the issue of the financing source of possible compensations. There was suggested to express the opinions and ask questions concerning this document. Rajabov Z. The issue of the source of financing for the compensations is very important, because it can influence to project realization. Faizulloev Ð?. As I have told earlier in accordance with the RAP compensatory means (in the case of appearing such necessity) will be included to the cost of each separate subproject, the size of compensation will be identified during preoperational phase of RAP. These means will be financed at the expenses of Project. The responsibility for timely payment of meant will give to PMU MIDP. In the case of construction of new tank, it can be affect some parts of the land which were allocated to the population for construction of private houses. These lands were given recently, but on the one part of the land there is fundament already, which reimburses the costs for the construction of a new foundation. Kamolov R. Thank you very much for comprehensive clarifications of submitted documents. This is the first large-scaled project in Farhor for the last years. The submitted documents are completely covered the environmental protection and impacts to the persons affected by project. Decision: The participants of the roundtable after comprehensive discussion approved the Environment Management Plan and Resettlement Action Plan and noted the importance and need of the implementation of all its sections during the implementation of the Second Municipal Infrastructure Development Project under additional financing, defining precise requirements on supervision and issues on Environment protection and resettlement of the population, particularly during conduction of civil works and operation of reconstructed facilities. Corresponding attention to the implementation of Plans should be paid by the local authorized persons, Contractors/Suppliers being in charge for construction and rehabilitation works. Minute recorded by: ___________ Usmonov F. Presided by: ___________ Faizulloev Ð?.