Consultants for Rural income Generation 6350 Individual Prior 15-Jul-11 1-Aug-11 REF Promotion 6370 Improvement and Association Building Individual Prior 11-Apr-11 31-May-11 REF Consultants for Basic and Advanced 6363 SSS Prior 11-Apr-11 31-May-11 REF Training to REEs Consultants Supervision of Installation of 6380 SHS & Collection of Payment and LCS Prior 31-Mar-11 15-Jun-11 IPA Maintenance International Consultant to suggest policy recommendation and actions to sustain 6302 Individual Post 15-Jul-11 1-Aug-11 REF REF operation beyond RETP project closing date for achieving REF’s objectives International Consultant to prepare the 6302 implementation completion report for REF Individual Post 15-Sep-11 1-Nov-11 REF and EAC IC - Individual Consultant QCBS - Quality and Cost - Based Selection (Firms) LCS - Least Cost Selection SSS - Single Source Selection REF Procurement Plan PAGE 1