86415 Livestock Data: What Do Stakeholders’ major sources of livestock-related data are the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Tanzania Stakeholders Development (54%) and Local Government Authorities (47%). Over 24 percent of Say? respondents directly collect their own livestock data, while about 18 percent make use of data The Livestock Data Innovation Project generated by the National Bureau of Statistics. conducted an online ‘data survey’ among But about 40 percent of staff in the various Tanzania livestock stakeholders. The objective Ministries makes use of data produced by NBS, of the survey was to understand their uses of which is a notable share. and concerns about livestock-related data and Overall, these results suggest that livestock indicators available for public use. data collection and dissemination in Tanzania – A multiple choice questionnaire was submitted similar to most developing countries – is largely to about 150 stakeholders, to which 57, or a public sector activity. about 38 percent, responded. Overall 70 percent of the respondents come from the Type of Livestock Data public sector, including local governments (24%), National Ministries (39%), the National Stakeholders make use of variety of livestock Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Dairy / Meat related data, as shown in the graph below. Board. 20 percent of the responses came from Types of livestock data / indicators most research institutes / universities while about 6 used by livestock stakeholders percent were submitted from the private 100% sector, such as Juva Holdings (production and % of data users 75% marketing of livestock and livestock products), Vet Care (veterinary services) and Tan Dairies 50% (milk processing). About 3 percent of the 25% responses originated from NGOs. 0% Livestock trade Poverty data production inventory consumption Livestock breeds Livestock Animal feed Animal diseases Meat / milk Livestock Demand and supply of livestock data The largest majority of respondents, i.e. 79 percent, are both users and suppliers of livestock data. Another 16 percent, which Data on livestock inventories and livestock include researchers from a variety of consumption are accessed by about 68 percent institutions – such as Sokoine University of of the respondents, followed by data on Agriculture, the Open University of Tanzania livestock production (58%) and animal health / and the Institute of Rural Development Planning diseases (54%). On the other hand, less than Livestock Data Innovation in Africa BRIEF – only use livestock-related data. Around 5 half of the respondents use trade statistics, and percent of respondents, from local governments data on breeds, feed and poverty. This finding and from one cooperative, consider themselves highlights data gaps for livestock-data as pure suppliers of livestock-related data, i.e. stakeholders, in particular in accessing the they only collect and disseminate livestock necessary poverty data required for formulating data. pro-poor public and private sector investments in the livestock sector, a pre-requisite for the Numbers for Livelihood Enhancement www.africalivestockdata.org implementation of the 2011 National Strategy MLFD in collaboration with the Livestock Data for Growth and Poverty Reduction II. Innovation Project, four panelists noted that: ‘livestock data quality is poor’; ‘livestock data Over 60 percent of respondents use national is not adequate’; ‘livestock data is very level data, which are mainly disseminated by inadequate’ and ‘livestock data is inadequate’. the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Only one panelist stated that ‘livestock data is Development (MLFD) and by NBS. About 50 adequate’. percent make use of Regional and District level data, which are collected by Local Government Overall quality of livestock data as Authorities. About 32 percent of the perceived by stakeholders respondents use household level data, mainly Percent of respondents 60 made accessible by NBS, for example through the administration of the National Panel Survey. 45 Most livestock data used are annual, but 30 quarterly and monthly data are also available. 15 Very few respondents make use of weekly or daily livestock-related data. 0 Uses of Livestock Data Stakeholders make use of livestock data for a variety of purposes, including defining their The way forward work programme and budget; writing annual and quarterly reports; research and analysis; While there could be different views about the policy formulation; project formulation; and for quality of available livestock data, there is little advocacy purposes. doubt that current data are hardly sufficient to formulate efficient and equitable investments in Surprisingly, while nearly 80 percent of the the livestock sector. There is, in fact, limited respondents were public sector employees, only available information on the role of livestock in about 17 percent of the stakeholders use the household economy, a pre-condition to livestock data to develop their work programme identify interventions that provide incentives and budget, and less than 7 percent for policy for livestock producers to enhance production formulation. Livestock data are mainly used for and productivity and escape poverty. report writing (41%) — e.g. the Investment Opportunity Report produced by the Ministry of MLFD, the Livestock Data Innovation in Africa Livestock — and for research and analysis (32%). Project and the Living Standards Measurement About 25 percent of stakeholders use livestock Project of the World Bank (LSMS-ISA) are thus data for monitoring and evaluation. collaborating to promote improvements in the agricultural (and livestock) statistics system of Quality of Livestock Data Tanzania, under the umbrella of the Tanzania Statistical Master Plan and the UN Global The largest share of livestock-data stakeholders, Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural i.e. about 51 percent of respondents, rate as Statistics. adequate the quality of available livestock data; 25 percent of the respondents contend that available livestock data are good and only a For further information please visit: minority of stakeholders, i.e. 7 percent, www.africalivestock.data.org consider them as poor or very poor. Or contact: These results are at odds with a number of Longin N.P. Nsiima, Principal Livestock Officer, official government documents and other Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development evidence. For example, a Report on Livestock nsiimalongin@yahoo.co.uk Livestock Data Innovation in Africa BRIEF Data and Information in Tanzania released in 2010 by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Ugo Pica-Ciamarra, Livestock Economist, FAO Development reads: ‘Livestock data are ugo.picaciamarra@fao.org currently inadequate in Tanzania ... as they lack consistency through time and between sources; and are not complete as they possess a lot of gaps’. At a roundtable on livestock data gaps and issues, organized in August 2011 by Numbers for Livelihood Enhancement www.africalivestockdata.org