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Livrabilul 2(a) - Raport Privind Instruirea Avansată PROST și Consiliere cu Privire la Elaborarea de Sabloane (Roumain)

The goal of the training and support provided by the World Bank team is to assure the medium-term continuity and sustainability of the pension modelling function within the Ministry of Finance. More concretely, the training aimed to: Update/develop the Pension Reform Options Simulation Toolkit (PROST) according to the characteristics of the Romanian pension system; Customize PROST to generate results compatible with the Aging Report; Measure the ex-ante...
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  • 2024/06/10

  • Rapport

  • 191054

  • 1

  • Roumanie,

  • Europe et Asie centrale,

  • 2024/06/10

  • Disclosed

  • Livrabilul 2(a) - Raport Privind Instruirea Avansată PROST și Consiliere cu Privire la Elaborarea de Sabloane

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