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Bhutan Country Economic Memorandum : Maximizing Bhutan’s Potential for Economic Diversification and Structural Transformation (anglais)

Bhutan expects to double its hydropower capacity over the next decade, which is expected to have significant effects on the economy. Estimates using a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model (the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario) indicate that the anticipated doubling of the hydropower generation capacity is expected to result in higher growth. However, in keeping with past experience, this growth will not be accompanied by a diversification of...
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  • 2024/09/01

  • Mémorandum économique sur un pays

  • 193361

  • 1

  • Bhoutan,

  • Asie du Sud,

  • 2024/09/06

  • Disclosed

  • Bhutan Country Economic Memorandum : Maximizing Bhutan’s Potential for Economic Diversification and Structural Transformation

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