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Procuring Low Growth : The Impact of Political Favoritism on Public Procurement and Firm Performance in Bulgaria (anglais)

This paper assesses the impact of favoritism in public procurement on private sector productivity growth. To this end, it combines three novel microeconomic data sets: administrative data on firms, including more than 4 million firm-year observations and rich financial and ownership information; public procurement transaction data for 150,000 published contracts and their tenders; and a newly assembled data set on firms’ political connections, drawing...
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  • 2025/03/13

  • Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques

  • WPS11085

  • 1

  • Bulgarie,

  • Europe et Asie centrale,

  • 2025/03/13

  • Disclosed

  • Procuring Low Growth : The Impact of Political Favoritism on Public Procurement and Firm Performance in Bulgaria

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