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Too Rare to Dare ? Leveraging Household Surveys to Boost Research on Climate Migration (anglais)

Reliable microeconomic data to understand the climate-migration nexus are virtually nonexistent. Nationally representative multitopic household surveys are rarely, if ever, explicitly designed for studying migration issues. Despite this limitation, most countries have no alternatives to the use of household surveys when it comes to analyzing complex multidimensional phenomena such as the interrelationship between climate change and migration. This...
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  • 2023/11/21

  • Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques

  • WPS10613

  • 1

  • Monde, Afrique,

  • Autres, Afrique,

  • 2023/11/21

  • Disclosed

  • Too Rare to Dare ? Leveraging Household Surveys to Boost Research on Climate Migration

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