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Structural and Behavioral Barriers to Improving Development Outcomes : The Case of Maternal Care in Haiti (anglais)

This paper investigates the interplay between structural and behavioral barriers that discourage pregnant women from accessing institutional care in Haiti, where despite some improvements in the past decades, maternal mortality remains a significant challenge. The analysis complements household survey data with data on service provision and qualitative data on beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes toward maternal health care. Using a mixed-methods approach...
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  • 2023/04/24

  • Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques

  • WPS10421

  • 1

  • Haïti,

  • Amérique latine et Caraïbes,

  • 2023/04/24

  • Disclosed

  • Structural and Behavioral Barriers to Improving Development Outcomes : The Case of Maternal Care in Haiti

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