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Western and Central Africa - Digital Transformation for Africa (DTfA)/ Western Africa Regional Digital Integration Program SOP1 : Annex 3 - Technical Note : Support for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (anglais)

The SOP program development objectives (PrDO) are to increase broadband access and usage in participating countries and to promote the establishment of a single digital market in Western Africa. There are six components to the project, the first component being Enabling environment for the establishment of an African SDM. This component will support AU´s strategic vision of creating an SDM in Africa by 2030 through the development of appropriate policies...
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Document also available in : anglais


  • 2024/04/03

  • Document d’évaluation du projet

  • PAD4756

  • 1

  • Afrique centrale, Western Africa, Western and Central Africa,

  • Western and Central Africa,

  • 2024/04/03

  • Disclosed

  • Western and Central Africa - Digital Transformation for Africa (DTfA)/ Western Africa Regional Digital Integration Program SOP1 : Annex 3 - Technical Note : Support for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

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