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Democratic Republic of Congo - High Priority Reopening and Maintenance of Roads Project : second additional financing : resettlement plan (Vol. 5 of 5) : Annexe sur la consultation du plan succint de reinstallation de la Route National 2 Bukavu Goma Projet proroutes (français)

The objective of the High Priority Reopening and Maintenance Project of the Democratic Republic of Congo is to re-establish lasting access between provincial capitals and districts and territories in three provinces in a way that is sustainable for people and the natural environment in the area of influence of the operation. The roads concerned by the second additional financing traverse some villages and cities and will induce some involuntary resettlement...
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Document also available in : français, français, français, français


  • 2018/05/29

  • Plan de réinstallation

  • SFG1382

  • 5

  • 5 (Voir tous les volumes)

  • Congo, République démocratique du,

  • Eastern and Southern Africa,

  • 2018/05/29

  • Disclosed

  • Annexe sur la consultation du plan succint de reinstallation de la Route National 2 Bukavu Goma Projet proroutes

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