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Toward high-quality education in Peru : standards, accountability, and capacity building : Por una educacion de calidad para el Peru : estandares, rendicion de cuentas y fortalecimiento de capacidades (espagnol)

One of the principal challenges in reducing poverty and accelerating development in Peru is improving the quality of education. This book is a contribution from the World Bank to the debate over how to improve the quality of education. The book has three main recommendations that, to be successful, should be implemented sequentially. First, it is necessary to generate basic standards, quality goals, and quality measurement systems. Second, once quality...
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Document also available in : anglais


  • 2006/12/01

  • Publication

  • 40557

  • 1

  • 1

  • Pérou,

  • Amérique latine et Caraïbes,

  • 2010/07/01

  • Disclosed

  • Por una educacion de calidad para el Peru : estandares, rendicion de cuentas y fortalecimiento de capacidades

  • access to education

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