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Kenya - North Eastern Transport Improvement Project : Environmental Assessment : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Upgrading to Bitumen Standards of Isiolo - Modogashe Road Section 190 km (A10-B84) (anglais)

The development objectives of the North Eastern Transport Improvement Project for Kenya are to improve the movement of goods and people along the Isiolo-Wajir section of the Isiolo-Garissa- Wajir- Mandera- Mogadishu road corridor and to enhance internet connectivity between Northeastern and the rest of Kenya. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: (1) provide and implement a traffic management plan; (2) employee awareness...
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  • 2019/11/01

  • Évaluation environnementale

  • SFG5908

  • 1

  • 2 (Voir tous les volumes)

  • Kenya,

  • Afrique,

  • 2019/11/28

  • Disclosed

  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Upgrading to Bitumen Standards of Isiolo - Modogashe Road Section 190 km (A10-B84)



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