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The resettlement action plan (RAP) for the Madagascar Integrated Growth Poles Project includes the country ' s regulatory and legal frameworks, and the Bank ' s safeguard policies, and principles for resettlement, stipulating the criteria for ensuring compensation to project affected people (PAP) as required, due to subprojects implementation. The RAP addresses the following mitigating measures: cultural heritage sites are to be protected...
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  • APC
    Land Ressources
    Techsult International Limitee
  • 2011/12/01

  • Plan de réinstallation

  • RP307

  • 13

  • 14 (Voir tous les volumes)

  • Madagascar,

  • Afrique,

  • 2012/05/16

  • Disclosed

  • Plan d'action de réinstallation involontaire

  • displaced people, adults, air, civil society, resettlement, voluntary resettlement, vulnerable groups, climate, communities, buses, districts, economic development, families, habitat, health care, health care workers, households, housing, human rights, hygiene, income, inhabitants, intervention, land use, laws, legal framework, local populations, migration, natural heritage, natural resources, non-governmental organizations, partnership, personality... Voir la suite



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