This paper uses a multi-methodological approach to measure the fiscal costs of monetary and exchange rate policy distortions in Zimbabwe. It identifies three channels through which these policy distortions...
Improving domestic revenue mobilization extremely important for Zimbabwe to create the fiscal space to absorb quasi-fiscal expenditures and support macroeconomic stability. In November 2023, Zimbabwe announced...
2023 年对 SBFN 衡量框架的更新充分考虑了成员的优先事项和可持续金融的全球趋势。它涵盖了整个金融部门生态系统(包括银行、资本市场、保险和养老基金)的发展,反映了 SBFN 成员的多样性。它引入了新的优先事项,例如自然相关风险、包容性金融以及对应国际良好实践和标准制定的气候风险新指标。更新后的框架也力求通过量化指标衡量可持续金融的实施情况。
La actualización de 2023 del Marco de Medición SBFN se diseñó de acuerdo con las prioridades de losmiembros y las tendencias mundiales en materia de finanzas sostenibles. Refleja la diversificación de...
La version 2023 du cadre de mesure du SBFN tient compte des priorités des membres et des tendances mondiales en matière de finance durable. Elle reflète la diversité croissante des membres du SBFN en tenant...
A atualização de 2023 da Estrutura de Medição da SBFN foi orientada pelas prioridades dos membros e pelas tendências globais em finanças sustentáveis. Ela reflete a diversificação dos membros da SBFN...
The World Bank’s Gender Strategy (2024-2030) aims to tackle both formal and informal barriers to gender inequality, including power imbalances that often affect women and girls disproportionally. To achieve...
移住は文明の最も初期から人間が経験することの 1 つになってきている.ホモ・サピエンスは約 20 万年 前にアフリカのオモ渓谷を離れた.それ以降,人類は移動を決して止めることはなく,はっきりと相異なる 文化,言語,そして民族性を生み出してきている 1.移住は開発にとって強力な推進力であることが判明し ており,世界全体にわたって何億という移住者とその家族,およびそれらが暮らしている社会を改善してき ている.しかし,移住者(移民)本人,本国(出身国),移住先国(行き先国)にとって挑戦課題もある....
Gender significantly impacts health outcomes, influencing lifestyle, well-being, and healthcare access throughout a person’s life. Bridging gender gaps in health can enhance human capital and ensure equitable...
The rapid evolution of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) is propelling us into the era of data economy, highlighting the urgent need for governments to establish robust national-level data...
Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) significantly impact women and girls, exacerbating gender-based violence and limiting access to rights and services due to weakened institutions. Positive changes...
Geographical factors have largely been ignored by those trying to explain the record of persistently low economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The study described in this report has...
Starting in the late 1990s, digitally advanced countries began developing comprehensive strategies and implementing vital regulations to safeguard national infrastructure against the perpetual escalation...
Starting in the late 1990s, digitally advanced countries began developing comprehensive strategies and implementing vital regulations to safeguard national infrastructure against the perpetual escalation...
The World Bank is the largest external financier of education worldwide. This note examines trends in girls’ education and spotlights interventions that support girls’ education. Key takeaways include...
Transport services and infrastructure can be enablers or deterrents for women’s empowerment. Transport-related barriers, such as availability, affordability, acceptability, physical access, safety, and...
Gender-based Violence (GBV) is the most egregious manifestation of gender inequality and an alarming global public health, human rights and development challenge. It is most often perpetrated against women...
La Violencia de Género (VG) es la manifestación más grave de la desigualdad de género y constituye un reto alarmante en materia de salud pública, derechos humanos y desarrollo a nivel mundial. La mayoría...
This note provides an overview of the situation of LGBTI people globally and why addressing discrimination against them and promoting their inclusion make economic sense as well as being the right thing...
غالباً ما تكون النساء والفئات المحرومة أشد تأثراً بتغ ي المناخ ع ب أبعاد مختلفة، منها الصحة وسبل كسب الرزق والولاية على النفس. ويزداد النظر إلى الفجوات بي ن الجنسي ن بوصفها حواجز أمام فعالية ا إ لس ت اتيجيات...