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Summary of Analyses on HVEN’s Financial Performance and Strategy to Mobilize Commercial Financing - Summary Presentation (anglais)

High Voltage Electricity Networks (HVEN) has a relatively strong financial position, but its leverage ratio is high, and the company depends on sovereign debt resources to finance its capital expenditures. This constrains Armenia’s fiscal space and worsen the country’s debt levels. To mobilize commercial financing, HVEN is recommended to first address existing issues related to corporate governance, tariff methodology and debt burdens while continuing...
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  • 2024/02/29

  • Rapport

  • 192155

  • 1

  • Caucasus,

  • Europe et Asie centrale,

  • 2024/06/28

  • Disclosed

  • Summary of Analyses on HVEN’s Financial Performance and Strategy to Mobilize Commercial Financing - Summary Presentation

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