Armenia is currently preparing for a pilot wind power project. The site for the project will be selected and prepared by R2E2, developers will be determined through a PPA auction, and the project will...
The objective of this assignment is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the legal and regulatory framework governing the energy sector in Armenia, with a specific focus on in particular the large scale...
The Georgian transmission network operator - Georgian State Electrosystem has a robust ten-year network development plan for 2020-2030 (TYNDP 2020-2030) aimed at further improvement of electricity supply...
As Armenia works toward the Government’s ambitious renewable energy targets and the share of variable renewable generation increases, the country needs to install battery storage systems to ensure the...
High Voltage Electricity Networks (HVEN) has a relatively strong financial position, but its leverage ratio is high, and the company depends on sovereign debt resources to finance its capital expenditures...
The Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE) is responsible for collecting and monitoring data related to hydropower scheduling, load balancing and system performance. With the expected market opening GSE expects...
This paper includes sections on the rational for residential energy efficiency and clean energy investments; World Bank experience in residential energy efficiency and clean energy; conclusions and annexes...