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Providing basic services to isolated villages in Yemen : Fournir des services de base aux villages isolés du Yémen (français)

Remote mountain villages in Yemen, one of the world's poorest countries, often lack the most basic services such as schools and clean water. The social fund for development (SFD) was established in 1997, with support from the World Bank, to help reduce poverty, provide basic health and social services to remote and poor communities, and provide economic opportunities. In remote mountaintop villages, the SFD has worked with communities to restore traditional...
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Document also available in : anglais


  • 2002/07/01

  • Fiche

  • 91749

  • 1

  • 1

  • Yémen, République du,

  • Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord,

  • 2015/01/19

  • Disclosed

  • Fournir des services de base aux villages isolés du Yémen

  • school enrollment

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