The paper presents a methodology to generate experimental small area estimates of poverty in four West African countries: Chad, Guinea, Mali, and Niger. Due to the absence of recent census data in these...
The Global Compact on Refugees recognizes the importance of responsibility sharing for hosting, protecting, and assisting refugees, while emphasizing the potential of economic participation to reduce the...
The government of Niger has proven exemplary in its approach to refugees: offering essential protection, guaranteeing refugee rights, and supporting the inclusion of refugees into national systems. Yet...
The Global Compact on Refugees recognizes the importance of responsibility sharing for hosting, protecting, and assisting refugees, while emphasizing the potential of economic participation to reduce the...
Chad remains among the least developed countries in the world; its GDP per capita has contracted since 2015, preventing the country from reducing poverty and from improving development outcomes. Progress...
Chad remains among the least developed countries in the world; its GDP per capita has contracted since 2015, preventing the country from reducing poverty and from improving development outcomes. Progress...
Le produit intérieur brut (PIB) du Tchad s’est contracté de 1,2 % en 2021 - la deuxième année consécutive de récession - en raison d’une suspension de deux mois de la production pétrolière dans ses usines...
Après un ralentissement de la croissance lié au coronavirus (COVID-19) en 2020, la reprise économique du Niger a été affectée par une série de chocs climatiques et sécuritaires en 2021 qui ont détérioré...
After a Coronavirus (COVID-19) related growth slowdown in 2020, Niger’s economic recovery was hit by a series of climate and security shocks in 2021 that deteriorated many economic and social indicators...
Le produit intérieur brut (PIB) du Tchad s’est contracté de 1,2 % en 2021 - la deuxième année consécutive de récession – en raison d’une suspension de deux mois de la production pétrolière dans ses usines...